#there were angles that don't happen in minecraft
one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was possessing a Minecraft YouTuber who had the weirdest mods and skins.
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 3 months
sos smp is going great guys (transcript under the cut)
Oli: I was just telling them how- how-
Sausage: Huh?
Oli: I'm not- they were like "Be PG!" and I was like "You watch Sausage and you ask me to be PG?"
Sausage: I am PG, what're you talking about?
Oli: Sausage, I've- we've all seen the salmon.
Sausage: What're you talking about, "the salmon"?
Oli: Why do you think the salmon is funny, Sausage?
Sausage: [overlapping, taking out a noteblock] This guy?
Oli: Yeah, that guy.
Sausage: [placing a salmon head on the noteblock] Why do I think this is funny?
Oli: Yeah.
[Sausage starts hitting the noteblock, it makes the sound of a Minecraft salmon flopping out of water repeatedly. This plays for the rest of the interaction.]
Oli: [overlapping] Yeah, could you explain the co- could you explain the joke?
Sausage: [overlapping] It's a funny n- It's a funny sound! It's a funny sound!
Oli: [overlapping] Yeah, but could you explain why it's funny?
Sausage: [overlapping] It [unintelligable]
Oli: [overlapping] Lovely h- lovely hog behind you, fella. Lovely hog.
Sausage: Oh, yeah, do you have- do you have good cinematography? Do you have a good angle on my booties?
Oli: [overlapping] Oh, I do, I've got you nicely in the background, yeah, yeah.
Sausage: Ok, yes. The reason that I love this sound, Oli, is that it reminds me of my childhood.
Oli: Of your- [music stops] What?
[They both laugh]
Oli: Sorry?
[Music starts again]
Sausage: Yes! Growing up, y'know, I come home from school, I'm like a 13-14 year old boy, coming home from school, watching a little bit of TV in the background-
Oli: [overlapping] TV, yeah.
Sausage: Waiting for my mum to come to pick me up from, uh, from work. Y'know? And I'm- I'm at my grandma's house, I'm just hanging out. Door closed, she's in the other room, just watching her telenovelas, right? Her little Spanish soap operas.
Oli: [overlapping] Of course, of course. Très bien!
Sausage: And I'm just, y'know, in my room, nothing to do. I'm there- Just- I pick up a, uh, like a nice magazine or something, and I just start going through and just looking through it. [Music stops] And- uh- and then- [stuttering] Just one thing leads to another and leads to another and I have to go take a shower that.
Oli: [laughs]
Sausage: And then I go- and I go home.
Oli: [overlapping] Yeah? Cause you spilt your Pepsi. You spilt your Pepsi Max. [Music restarts]
Sausage: I spilt- I spilt my juice, my juice, all over my bed.
Oli: [overlapping] Your juice! Your delicious juice!
Sausage: All over my bed, Oli!
Oli: I can't stop them, chat, you know I can't stop him, chat. You- You've been in his streams! He can't be stopped! I just have to let him run! I just have to let him run his bit until it's too late and then what? Then what? What am I supposed to do? I'm sorry- to- to all of the chats watching. But what am I supposed to do about him? I can't- He's got more subscribers, he gets to choose what happens here. I don't have the power to stop him!
[Sausage is laughing the whole time Oli talks]
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betweenlands · 1 year
why you should vote herobrine in every single Tumblr Sexyman poll
he's one of the originals: look, a lot of these upstarts are new to the party. they may be sexy and they may be men, but they lack legacy. not so with herobrine. herobrine's been around. he's been around before sans. he's been around before bill cipher. he's one of the original originals alongside the onceler himself. know your herstory etc etc
he fits more of the criteria: look. i love benrey, i love reigen arataka, i love raymond animalcrossing. but look me in the eyes and tell me: is there a significant portion of people who ship them with themselves? once upon a time that used to be a requirement. and guess who does fit that requirement? that's right. herobrine. i mean, yeah, there's also herosteve i guess, but i was there back in the mid-2010s! i know what i saw! even to this day people will make new herobrine variant ocs! and guess what! sometimes they smooch!
he's a trailblazer: i think quite possibly one of the few more influential video game creepypastas you could cite would be BEN Drowned, but with all my respects -- he does not have the advantage of being in one of the longest-living games of the decade. herobrine, meanwhile? herobrine comes from the same time as first-era MCYT, and no matter how you feel about the phrase "MCYT" as a whole, you should know that interpretive roleplay and storytelling in the confines of video games is very, very cool and very, very important. and the first villain of every 13-year-old's minecraft roleplay? if it wasn't herobrine, he almost certainly made an impact elsewhere.
he's been through a lot: if i had a nickel for every time i saw whitewashed herobrine i would probably be a millionaire. despite being blocks he gets drawn as a stereotypical muscleman (twig herobrines get a pass they have a je ne sais quoi about them). his alive half-brother is a total asshole. people hate him on instinct because some famous jackass or another happens to play the game he's originated from. he's gotten banned from minecraft at least 10 separate times. he doesn't deserve this. he's just really been through the ringer and he really deserves this win.
i love your other guys. i do. except one or two of them but i don't want those guys anywhere near my blog so i'm not naming those fuckers. but for the most part i love like 90% of them and if it were up to me they'd all be given titles for their individual contributions to sexymandom.
but c'mon, y'all, it's herobrine minecraft. someone changed four pixels on the original steve skin and made a complete and utter legend and we can't just let that go unaccoladed forever.
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[ID: an image of Herobrine's skin at a 3/4ths angle facing right. /End ID.]
the universe loves you very much, be gay do minecraft and vote herobrine.
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barbiegirldream · 3 months
Yeah I think that from the angle of she was young and her experience sexually was incredibly low comparably, so what is tame for him would be extreme for her is the only real way I can take the power imbalance seriously. Like I'm sorry I do not think being a Minecraft Youtuber as some sort of huge imbalance, especially since she wasn't even a stan (or even a fan really?).
Like I'm uncomfortable with the amount of people turning it into her being evil but like it feels like it was her first time regretting an experience and conflating that into assault after the fact. Which I'm sorry for her, that sucks, but being uncomfortable after the fact, and never communicating that you were uncomfortable to begin with doesn't make it assault
it's the only type of power imbalance I'll accept too. Like this was not a situation where they ended up in the same place as Dream and George. These women texted Dream asking him to hang out. They don't know him that well. They asked to see him because he's famous no other way around it. Dream was by and large the most famous person at vidcon. They know who George is too they knew they were walking into a situation as less popular streamers both times.
Anyways I have seen a lot of crazy takes from people who've never been to parties. So let me give you some advice ladies. Do not go with friends who would watch something happen to you and keep their mouth shut for any reason. Do not get drunk in unfamiliar places without an exit strategy. Do not ever worry about someone else's ego. If you even think your time at a party is dependent on the friend of the hosts ego you're already in a wrong place you're going to ruin your night go home. Watch out for your friends even if you're not sure they'd watch out for you if you've walked into that situation you should be doing it. And if you're not close friends with the hosts of the party when your friends are leaving time's up you're going too. And if you are an American under 21 don't make a bunch of adults trying to have a good time responsible for you legally. Keep it neat and tidy. If your friends are dumb enough to supply you with drinks well that's on them but remember when you walk into someone else's house what you're up to
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etoilesbienne · 6 months
the "qbbh deserves it bc consequences" people remind me of when i saw wayyyyy too many people calling the happy pills arc karma for forever like no actually we don't need to insist that this is just punishment stop thinking everything is an irredeemable sin get your christian morality out of my minecraft roleplay
also the idea of severe bodily injury/illness/disability as punishment for sin is a very awful one i wish people would stop contributing to, again looping back to christian morality bullshit
it makes me crazy to be honest LOL like you're so right with the weird ableism punishment angle + that ableist ass take of "oh he's just faking it anyway" like it's definitely worse to pretend a disabled character isn't disabled in order to justify the dislike of them. qsmp fandom really gets on my nerves in its treatment of disability sometimes.
and then like not only what you said but like with purgatory in particular w/ people calling for consequences, everyone on every team had in character consequences and reasonings for all behaviors in purgatory? literally like 90% of characters were hypocrites and awful to each other during purgatory and every character responded in kind?
like people were sitting calling for character consequences. when they'd already faced consequences. they just didnt get it in a way that it happened in their pov. like do you guys want consequences or do you want your fav to get revenge and do nothing else but seek revenge. because it sounds a lot more like the latter. plus the content made for the character receiving that revenge repeatedly is just miserable to watch in my experience. ig "an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind" feels especially relevant in qsmp fandom rn. its so crazily christian punitive it makes me NUTS.
though i am enjoying bbh's current arc i'm having a great time seeing him act this and it far outweighs the fandom's behavior in my enjoyment at least
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tubborucho · 6 months
i don't have the best knowledge of minecraft so i could be very wrong on this, but i'm tempted to say that the hero of the village status was intentional. there were so many subtle but clearly planned details in that stream so it seems almost too perfect to be a coincidence. a couple of illagers spawned in right outside sunny's window just before the fade to black. technically the admins could've just given him the effect without doing that, but what are the odds of them spawning at that exact moment at the only angle that would be clearly visible from inside the train? also tubbo did sound pretty genuine with his surprise, but then he specifically told fit that he had it since the funeral. he could've just said it was there since the beginning of the stream or that he didn't know. it might've just been an excuse for his character to bring up the funeral, but he avoided the topic of fred only a few minutes before and the funeral supposedly happened a few days ago in lore so maybe it was tubbo trying to subtly hint at something. the whole thing is just a little bit suspicious. unless he still has it tomorrow it probably doesn't matter anyway but it is interesting to consider.
First of all, it was very funny to open my inbox and see this wall of text first thing in the morning, when i still have trouble comprehending even short messages🤣
See, I think all of it is possible enough for us to not even worry that this glitch is just a coincidence. But at the same time there’s just enough edge to suggest that it is purposeful,
Personally, I do think this is just a glitch and has nothing to do with anything. But I would LOVE for it to be a planned thing because I just think it would be such an interesting symbolism.
So we’ll see!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
"I admit this is a bizarre ask. But I figured, you've looked at all the conveniently high cliffs around Konoha, yes? (So many minecraft results, nooo.) Do you happen to know *where* that pier is where Sasuke and Naruto do all their male-coded moping? (I believe the Hatake had some man-pain moments there too.) All I can figure is it's on an east-west axis for maximum golden-hour angst lighting. And that embankment is artificial? Like maybe a levee?" - Anon
Woo did you open up a can of bullshit here, anon. I don't think you are but, just in case- if you're looking outside of the walls, then I can't help you because I think we both know that my research lies firmly within Shisui-spheres.
("you've looked at all the conveniently high cliffs around Konoha" YOURE CORRECT BUT ALSO 🙃)
Let's just look at Konoha (a "3D" image, instead of the variety of shots or "maps" online)
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We have about 0 pixels to work with if you try and zoom in so I try and look at it with my eyes unfocused 🥴
So we're looking for the pier from here, I'm assuming
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Assuming it's the same pier/lake-
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We're looking for something that shows mountains when facing east, which is the direction the Hokage Monument is also facing in. So, wherever we look needs to put the Hokage Monument behind it (tHe wHoLE of KonOHa)
Well, let's have a look at the map (and not make fun of my art ability when editing with my finger on my phone)
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The red lines show (obvs not including the Hokage Monument) the highest points of elevation within the village boundary.
The blue lines show that Konoha is built within a bowl but the whole valley is also at an angle with highest point marked with a white dot (Hokage Monument) and the lowest (black) where the largest part of the Naka leaves the village boundaries.
The Naka is split into several branches and we know that the larger sections can be both fast flowing as well as relatively peaceful. The cliffs lined in red are out, since we assume that is where Shisui died-
(Warning: Shisui Dying
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It's a huge fucking jump and that current isn't messing around. Considering the waterfall, you'd think it would be at the waterfall I helpfully circled in red but NOPE. Because there's no cliff in front, the "red circle" waterfall seems fuller in shape (more circle 🥴), than the long and fast river we see above^
This is the issue with Narutoverse 🤡 the gaps are fucking massive, so there is an invisible waterfall somewhere on those red underlined cliffs where Shisui died, he was probably chased by ROOT in the trees just south of there, which means the Uchiha Shrine and Compound must be located in that area too (because otherwise how the fuck wasn't any of this witnessed or interrupted???)
I've gone off tangent. But, then again, you came to me for help so I think you knew what you were getting into, Anon 🤣
TL;DR: Shisui died at the cliffs underlined in red.)
Please scroll back up to the "Doodled Map"
From the look of things, I'd say the Pier of Boyhood Angst was the waterfall smack bang in the red circle.
If you think that the red circled body of water is flat, then voila, I've found the pier.
If, like me, you think those handful of pixels look more like a waterfall, we're in trouble.
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It's not a neat answer. The water is too still and has the feel of a much larger body of water YET, from this panel, we know that it must be in the middle of the village because the buildings are positioned in such a way to suggest lines of streets going in different directions: if they were on the outskirts, the buildings would be better spaced.
In the doodled map, we can see that there is a grey smudge behind the top of the waterfall, that looks different from "Shisui's Cliffs" but that more closely resembles the grainy "city bits". This would fit with the panel of Sasuke with the buildings behind him if not for the huge waterfall also missing 🤣. Opposite the waterfall, are a few blurry somethings and then a lot of trees. Sasuke also seems to be facing the sunset, which is East and the direction that the Hokage Monument (and, roughly, the waterfall too) is facing towards, putting them at Sasuke's back.
So, either we accept that this is the spot anyway, and ignore the slightly glaring counter evidence, or we keep going.
In the Doodled Map, between the white dot and the top right hand blue arrow, there is a bit of river that looks fatter than the rest. I can't see where it connects to the rest of the Naka, so maybe it's an actual lake? Maybe it's just a weird bit of blue and not water? Is this the pier? Maybe! I'm not convinced but, once more, you're welcome to grab this option - wilfully ignoring that it might not actually be water - and enjoy!
But, oh, wait- look at Portrait of Hatake Familial Love, again
*please scroll up*
They're not in that high corner of the village because the whole of Konoha, if they are indeed facing the setting sun (and that's obvious 🤷), would be visible in front of them.
So that's a 'no'.
Let's swap maps. I love that they don't all look the same regardless of time period, variety is the spice of life ✨
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Here there are no nice bodies of water for nice broody piers. Another damning fact: this is it after Pein's curb-stomp so it's a new version of Konoha, 2.0 if you will - or 3.0, depending on how much damage you think the Kyuubi wrought. Why did I use it? Because I was figuring that even Pein couldn't completely destroy the bodies of water/flow of the Naka, which in this post-rebuild map does seem to resemble the OG map above^. However, it's still not helpful. Conclusion: That's Not My Pier.
Let's try again!
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0/10, there's no waterfall, barely ANY Naka river, and absolutely no pier to brood on. The Uchiha Clan looks weird and not very big and not very isolated and not very good for an uninterrupted massacre. I ventured to Narutopedia and everything. Conclusion: That's Not My Pier.
Third time is the charm, right?
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0/10, where is the water? Let's fast forward-
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Here me out 🤣
This is the Konoha of the Rookie Nine's childhood. Yeah, it's mid-destruction but look, look, look! An exploding body of water! Could that be where the Pier is? Well... maybe not because I'm not seeing any huge village boundary walls in the panel behind Sasuke, when he has his back to buildings. Conclusion: Not My Pier (but maybe like a close-your-eyes-and-pretend situation?)
Final thoughts... you have three options:
1) Sasuke is tangential to a waterfall which pours so perfectly, like those TikToks of teapot making, that the water doesn't even ripple. In Narutoverse, the setting sun wiggles around a bit on the horizon, very thoughtfully, so it's always in frame for Brooding.
2) Sasuke is located on a pier that may or may not be water in the very top corner of the Doodled Map. Godspeed, if so because there must be a serious (and not at all well-shown in the maps) hill that blocks the whole village from the view.
3) Sasuke is technically outside of the village boundary and the path, where Naruto is looking down from, is on the other side of the village wall (if you think the local Jinchuuriki would be allowed to cross it) and we just can't see it for mysterious reasons.
4) the red circled water is NOT a waterfall and I can't interpret pixels well enough. Ignore all of this P.I work and enjoy success!
Final-Final thoughts:
Narutoverse is a hot mess
You definitely got more than what you signed up for, Anon, but seeing as this took me several hours, I think I did too lmao
Hope this helped, somehow! ✨👋
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draventhedemon · 1 year
Thank you for being patient! It's just I needed some of the Dream Drama to die down before I posted this.
Once again ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ there will be swearing
Also I only use the names of some of them because I actually don't know some of their names and I'm too lazy to look them up.
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(Y/n pov)
"Tommy, I swear to god! Stop vlogging the dress." I say as I pinch my nose. "Tommy! Get ready, the wedding is in 2 hours and your not even in your suit." Eret says as I see him in his stunning maid of honor dress.
"Tommy, your not even one of the bridesmaids. Go over to Dream's side of the building" I shout as he continues to run around and just film me from multiple different angles. "Tommy, I swear to god my character will go evil again if you keep this up" I jokingly shout as Nick walks in and picks up Tommy. "Clay asked for him, sorry Y/n" he laughs as Tommy is just whining and shouts "why!?!" As the door shuts.
"Y/n, can I paint your nails" Niki says as they come out of one of the changing rooms "At this point, do what you want" I mumble as I struggle to sit down in this dress. But I pick the nail polish and they start making intricate designs.
"Sorry I'm late!" Puffy says as she burst into the room already ready with their makeup and outfit. "Damn! I'm getting jealous, I haft to wear white while all of you dress up in neon fricken colors" I jokingly say as I realize that she is holding a bottle of champagne. "Eret, look what I got! I stole it from the reception!" Puffy waves around the bottle as they place it on the table.
"I'm sorry what" Eret says as she moves closer to pick up the bottle. "Good job Puffy? but I thought you were supposed to be the responsible one?" Eret says with confusion as we all just sit there "Well, how many times is Y/n gonna get married. You gotta make the day special" they smile as we all laugh at the antics
(An hour before the wedding)
"I'm getting a bit scared" I mumble as everyone just stops where they were at and just look at me. "Why? You have no reason to be scared" Eret says as all of my friends huddle around me. "First of all, my parents haven't shown up yet" I say as I look up to try and get no makeup on my face smudged. "I'm sure they will show up soon" Puffy says while hugging you. "Let's hope so." I mumble
(Dream pov because I think it would be funny)
"Tommy! We have 40 minutes and you don't have your suit on!" I shout as He vlogs Nick and George playing Minecraft in their suits. "So they are allowed to play Minecraft but I can't vlog-" "were in our suits Tommy" They both mumble in unison, "that's what I said, JYNX, FUCK" They both drop the game then go into a game of who said it first.
"Tommy, just put on your suit, and if you do" I sigh as I regret what I'm about to say
"I'll tell the Dj to play the Speedrun song at the after-party" I'm gonna get murdered by Y/n... But it's works because the second he hears that he grabs his suit and goes into the bathroom. "Y/n is going to kill you" George laughs as Nick states that fact.
"I know that" as I chuckle and join them in Minecraft.
"you think we could do a Manhunt in the span of 32 minutes?" Nick says as we go into an empty world.
"We can try"
(the wedding, Y/n's pov)
"Eret, my parents still aren't here!" I say as calm as I can as I get up to leave. "Hey, if you're panicked this much. We can always have Phil walk you". "Maybe, but why haven't they arrived!?! They should support me in this moment, what if something bad happened?!? What if they got into a car crash, I need to check on them! What if their dead!?!-" I go to leave as Eret grabs me by my arm.
"They aren't dead, Y/n! Their running late, all people can get stuck in traffic. And you can't keep Dream waiting." Eret says as I look at him and put my head down. "Sorry" I mumble, "hey, what kind of Maid of honor would I be if I didn't stop the Bride from getting cold feet." She smiles as she walks me to the Isle.
(Eret pov)
"Hey Phil, Y/n's parent's haven't arrived. and they were supposed to walk them down the Isle, so I was wondering if you could-"
"sure, why not mate" he smiles and walks over to Y/n with Kristen. "You alright Y/n?" Kristen asks
(Y/n's pov)
"You alright Y/n?" Kristen asks as I nod and give them both a hug. "You ready?" Phil asks "as ready as I'll ever be" I smile as I grab both their arms.
And as I hear the music start playing I know
'oh fuck, this is it, welp, lets go!'
As soon as the door opens
(I made it a Church because idk what else to do)
I see Tommy Standing their with his camera as I begin walking down the Isle. From where I'm standing I can see Clay happy crying. Everyone is their and I've never been so happy.
As I walk down the Isle and get to Clay, I stand there for a second before Clay asks. "What happened to your parents?" "It's a long story, I'll tell you it at our Honeymoon" I say as I smile. "No, were gonna be doing something else at the Honeymoon" he sneaks in one last sex joke as I giggle and turn to the priest.
"Please be seated…" The priest says...
(idk who the priest should be, so I'm gonna call him Joe... Paster Joe)
"Friends, family, and loved ones, we come together today, in the sight of the divine and of you as witnesses to join Clay ****** and Y/n L/n in marriage. We gather around them now in this wonderful place, and we look on with love and hope as these two begin their new life together as one." Paster Joe says as we smile and look at our friends and then back at eachother. "Clay ******* and Y/n L/n, are you ready to proclaim that foundation of love for one another in the sight of the heavens and these witnesses?"
"Yes" Clay says simply, but we're not simple
"Hell fuckin yeah!" I say as I feel Badboyhalo's blood pressure rise.
"Clay, do you take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you honor and cherish them? love, trust, and commit to them, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?"
"I do"
And Y/n, do you take Clay to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you honor and cherish him? love, trust, and commit to him, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?"
"I do"
"At this time, Y/n and Clay will exchange rings. The wedding ring is symbol of binding. A symbol of attachment and of belonging, not of possession, but of partnership."
As he says that I see Clay kneel down and pick up the rings from on top of patches box.
"oh my god you weren't kidding" I laugh as I take his ring and put it on his finger and he puts my ring on mine. "Now I do believe that you two have prepared your own vows" The Priest says as We nod. And we both go to say our vows together at the same time but we stop.
"you can go first if you'd like" "no, you should go first" " nah, because ladies first"
"you know what" I smile as the crowd of family laughs.
"I would say a Game of Minecraft would settle this but there isn't a computer so... Rock paper scissors" I laugh as We play a round and he picks rock and I pick scissors.
"alright Y/n, we met 3 years ago but It's felt like centuries. Our first interaction was a stupid war in Minecraft. When Wilbur brought you into the smp to play out a stupid drug van storyline. You seemed mature, but apparently don't judge a book by it's cover, because of you kicking my ass in a 1v1" he laughs and looks around at the crowd of family and friends than back to me.
"I will love and cherish you until the day I die, you came from the UK and now live under my roof. And as long as you stay their you will have anything you need on a silver platter" he smiles and I feel tears go down my cheek.
A/N (I'm not romantic, can you tell?)
After than I say my vows with tear filled eyes. (I'll allow you to imagine you're own vows, because I'm not romantic at all)
We go to the reception and see all of our friends. I make a detour to see my maid of honor. "Eret! Did I do well?" I smile as he responds "you cried a lot, but you're vows were beautiful" she smiles as we start up a conversation.
It's going well up until Tommy runs up and says "can you promise me not to kill Dream?" I look at him confused until I hear the music thats playing. "You know that promise he made about an Irl manhunt" I look at the camera. "Yeah?" Tommy mumbles, I smile and say "how about an Irl manhunt, wedding addition. Just to scare him" I chuckle and playfully run through the crowd. And thank god for flats because I would have tripped if I wore anything else.
I see him talking to Nick and George, I run over and tackle him. "We had one rule clay!" I smile and hug him. "It was the only way to get Tommy into his suit?!" He puts on a funny smirk and kisses me on the lips
"I love you" he Mumbles
"I love you too" I hug him once more...
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myrmica · 2 months
8, 17, 25 for the artist ask game >:J
8. What do you like most about your own work?
this is a fun question. well for one i like that i like my own work now, for the most part... not that i never get frustrated but more often i draw something and then i feel pleased with it, and this was not always the case. a lot of that has to do with having fixed issues in my process over time. but it's also because i am capable of transmitting qualities i find interesting about the world, about color, about the body and how it moves in space, that are specific to my way of seeing them, and that's satisfying. if i had to pick one thing it would be how i draw bodies, it's hard to describe but at some point something happened and the entire way i see people changed, including how i see myself. as much as this is true for "art style" in every case, i feel like i am always depicting myself because i recognize things about the shape of my hands, or my arms, or my legs, or whatever, that i reproduce both consciously through using references of myself for convenience and habitually or subconsciously. i don't know what my point is. some sort of basic satisfaction in who i am
17. What inspires you?
EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i put a lot of time and effort towards collecting things to use as reference or to take elements from and i think drawing from references that you find visually pleasing and developing a sense of taste in relation to this is important in a way i don't really hear people talk about. i have an aesthetic aversion to like, the type of pose reference you get from just googling a pose, the weird stock photo stiffness, the lighting and framing of classic deviantart stock photos... all of which can be a necessary utility but i save photos i LIKE for pose ref constantly so i have more options.
some of my favorite things are...
1) joshi wrestling photography (NUMERO UNO!!!!!!!!!!) you get a huge variety of angles and poses and i have a lot of appreciation for the costumes and visuals of it all. because they're still images of people in motion it captures weight and movement you don't get so much other places. "but that just gets me people fighting" you might think, and you would be wrong. women holding each other constantly.
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2) historical photography. i'm especially fond of the prokudin-gorskii collection because there are all of these representations of clothing styles and silhouettes i find captivating, in color, and it's weird color because they're early color photos using a technique where you take three versions of the image, through a blue, red, and green filter respectively, and then to display them you project them through the filters again, and the effect is striking because of the saturation... like this one with the loggers, you can easy call to mind a million versions of the same photo seen in black and white, and it's not that black and white photography isn't also interesting but it drives me crazy how much pink and purple people were wearing across the russian empire between 1909 and 1915!
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i was going to try not to talk too much about visual art in the answer to this question, but i'm also really into paintings by the peredvizhniki group, which stretched up to about the same time period in the same place, and you can look through these photos and identify shared subject matter, which is pretty cool.
3) historical artwork. especially stuff depicting clothing, or fencing manuals and the like. knights were doing all kinds of gay shit to each other if the fencing manuals are to be believed.
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4) minecraft roleplay. this is self evident
25. Based on your recent reference searches, what would the FBI assume about you?
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nothing... don't worry about it...
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hidden-lorechambers · 2 years
a...any askblogging tips....? how do i get more asks and maybe also interaction? ?
"Oh, I wonder if a beginner sent me this."
“There are many knowledge I can impart to you, but it will be an excessive read. For that, I will put it under the following break line.”
Do not immediately chase fame, you will be disappointed early on. Currently leading blogs come this far from time, hard work, experience, and luck. Find out what you like on those blogs, and attempt said method with your own spin.
Avoid aggressiveness, positive or negative. Too friendly to people you admire can be uncomfortable, but so is being too distant and pushing people away. Avoid excessive advertisements, but also advertise once a while. Try to not beg interaction from blogs you admire. Let them come to you on their own terms nd be interested in your own lore, that way, friendship can be more natural. The term for that today is, 'play it cool.'
While we are at it, tailor your asks. When a blog is having a lore event, prioritize lore asks instead of interaction. When a blog is searching for new friends, or are slow, try introducing your character in a way that is not intrusive. Learn the characters and approach accordingly. People warm up to you more if you appreciate what they make and put less focus on yourself.
Try, if you receive no asks, to create your own ask-free posts hinting on character lore, or localized scene involving your character. It is good ask material for your followers.
When creating lore, refrain from making it very complicated early on. It will confuse you. Start basic, and use asks to build up on it.
I must also add that consistent lore is very encouraged to avoid confusion with your followers. While changes and retcons do happen in a story, this can all be fixed by creating a history roadmap, as a guide for you and also your followers. Only reboot when you see no other way, and have mulled over it for a long while. The key here is: plan properly. 
Weaponize your asks. Asks can be approached from many angles. Try to think to yourself, “how can I make the answer to this ask more interesting?” It does not always work on every asks, especially spam ones like ‘hey’ and ‘good morning!’s, but it is worth a shot to slip in a lore hint or two.
Text answers, while not discouraged, automatically bring in less notes. Unfortunately, pictures are more desirable than walls of text. Break down paragraphs, /attach little doodles if you are not up for complicated art/ so long there are visuals in your posts. Prioritize show, don't tell.
People are generally clueless to lore and happenstances that are not directly stated. You will have to get used to this one. This also applies to events with complicated puzzles. Remember this: People enjoy the feeling of accomplishment, so if you frustrate them and give nothing for their frustration, they will stop altogether. 
Build an audience before you attempt a large event. Connections are necessary. Always try something small. Ask input from some people that have created events. 
Know the strength and uniqueness of your blog. Some forgo lore for good art. Some forgo art for good lore. You would be amazed at how differently people run blogs. Find out what it is you want to pursue, else you will wear yourself thin in an attempt to become everyone.
Persevere. Disappointment always comes in many forms, but learning how to overcome it is part of the process.
"These hints are build on personal assessment and observation of many leading (Minecraft) askblogs. At the end, you own your own blog, thus, these points may or may not ring the right way for you. I am not perfect and riddled with many bias."
"In any case, persevere. If you could peer into what these blogs were years and years ago, you'd realize how similar they are to new beginner blogs."
"We all start somewhere.”
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ilici · 3 years
kitty, kitty, kitty.
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Gogywasfound's 1K event here: click here !
Summary: You and Karl rarely argue, and the one time you do, he is streaming. So he punishes you, after he finishes his stream.
GN reader !
Warnings: Degrading, cat maid outfit, biting, gagging, choking.
Word Count: 2138
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Karl was already in a bad mood from Quackity and Sapnap teasing him about his relationship with Y/N. They kept repeating, "Karl is a simp", "Karl's the bottom in the relationship for sure.", "I bet Karl literally whines when he doesn't have Y/N's attention." Finally after a while, he snapped at them telling them to quit. They did, noticing he wasn't joking, although twitch chat thought it would be funny to come up with the nickname, 'Whiney boy Karl'. Y/N on the other hand was watching his stream from their shared bedroom, and they found it hilarious as it was all true. Karl was the bottom in the relationship, he would always beg for attention and would turn bratty if Y/N ignored him, and Karl was indeed a simp.
Taking it upon themself to go and bother Karl personally, Y/N got up out of bed and made their way to Karl's streaming room. Karl's fans have seen Y/N on multiple occasions, whether it was them giving food to Karl, keeping Karl company while he streamed, or even joining him on the stream, it wasn't abnormal for Y/N to just randomly pop up. When Karl's door open, he cautiously looked over as Y/N entered the room with a mischievous glint in their eyes. When the two would argue, it would be once in a blue moon, as they knew each others limits and boundaries. But it was never a pretty sight when they argued, as Karl is one to never truly show his feelings, he would finally let them all out when he was arguing.
He would scream, cry, and even go as far as to ignoring them for days on end. Y/N was a different story, they never really showed much emotion when arguing, nor did they show it when they were not arguing. Y/N was not the best at showing emotions due to childhood trauma, which Karl soon helped on, to the point where Y/N would only show genuine happiness around Karl. Now was one of those moments, where Y/N showed their emotions, which was mischievous. Karl already didn't want to deal with their antics as he was still a bit upset from Quackity and Sapnap's bit. "Hi bubba." Y/N greeted, walking over to Karl, and sitting down on the floor. Karl nodded his head in acknowledgment, as he pretended to focus on Minecraft.
Not liking his reaction, Y/N rolled their eyes and spoke up, "What's this 'Whiney boy Karl' ordeal about?" They asked, already knowing the answer. They just wanted to get a reaction from him, and Karl shifted trying to contain his emotions. "I don't know, something chat made up." He said dryly, hoping Y/N would drop the subject. "Obviously, but how do they know you're whiney?" Y/N asked once more, and Karl closed his eyes inhaling sharply. "Shut up." He muttered under his breath, Y/N hearing, but the mic didn't pick it up. Taking this as an invitation, Y/N shrugged and looked around aimlessly, "But it's true, why are you getting so worked up?" They said, which caused Karl to slam his hand down on his desk.
"You really don't know when to shut up, do you?" He said, deathly calm, which shocked Y/N as he was always one to yell during their arguments. "What's wrong with telling the truth? You shouldn't lie to your fans." Y/N argued back, and Karl threw his headset off, which startled the two people that were in a call with him. "What the hell is going on over there?" Sapnap asked, as the two clicked on his stream to see what was happening. Karl had muted on discord, but forgot to mute his actual mic, so the stream could hear and see everything. "Oh? Tell the truth? Okay, sure." He scoffed, moving his gaming chair away from him roughly.
Y/N rolled their eyes, and flipped him off, "You are an asshole, I was joking around and you snapped on me. What the fuck is your problem?" They said, now angry, and Karl laughed shaking his head. "You know what you were doing. You came in here to purposely anger me." Karl said, stepping dangerously close to Y/N, "Holy shit, this is getting good." Quackity said, and Sapnap laughed a bit as he has witnessed a fight between the two before. "So what if I did?" Y/N said, grabbing Karl's shirt collar pulling him closer with a harsh glare. "I bet you did it because you're wanting me to fuck the absolute shit out of you." He whispered, so that his mic wouldn't pick it up, and Y/N visibly gulped.
"What the fuck did he say to them?" Quackity asked, and Sapnap hummed, "You may be short, but that isn't the only thing short on you. So is your temper." Sapnap said, making up random sentences as the two whispered between each other. "What if I want you to?" Y/N asked, looking at Karl's lips as he licked them hungrily. "Go get fucking dressed you attention whore." He whispered in their ear, and Y/N walked out of the room red faced. Everyone assumed it was from anger, but Karl knew what it was from. "Sorry guys, I gotta go. Y/N is having a tantrum because I've been streaming for 3 hours now." He said, before smirking, "Whose the whiney one now chat?" He asked, before he abruptly ended the stream leaving the call without a word.
Quickly making his way to the bedroom, Karl swung the door open to see Y/N in the maid outfit, adjusting the cat ears on their head. He smirked, and bit his bottom lip scanning their body. "What an adorable kitty you are." He said, and Y/N scoffed flipping him off, "Bite me, bitch." Y/N muttered under their breath, and Karl raised an eyebrow walking to them. Grabbing Y/N by their throat, he glared at them, as he reached behind pulling on their hair to make them look up at him as their height difference was by a whole foot. "Speak up kitty." He said, and Y/N winced looking Karl in the eyes, "I said, bite me, bitch." They said, daringly and Karl just chuckled.
"As you wish." He said, removing his hand from their neck, keeping the other tangled in their hair so their head was angled. Leaning down, he harshly bit their neck as Y/N let out a strangled mewl. "Fuck, that hurt." They said, trying to get out of his death grip. Karl being a lot stronger, they were stuck in his grip, as he kept biting around on their neck leaving prominent hickeys. "So pretty." He said, looking at his work on their neck. "On the bed, now." He demanded, and Y/N quickly listened not wanting to be punished more than they already were. Smirking at this Karl, slowly walked over as he adjusted them so they were on their hands and knees. "Ass up higher." He said, and Y/N arched their back.
Karl, was indeed the bottom in the relationship, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to be dominant. "Good kitty." He whispered, pulling down their underwear, and walked to the front of the bed, and forced their mouth open shoving their underwear inside their mouth gagging them. "Not a sound kitty." He said darkly, and Y/N nodded in understanding. Moving back, he moved the skirt up, showing their bare ass. He rubbed it lovingly, and slammed his hand down on it harshly to make sure, the underwear muffled the sounds. Smiling as he heard a muffled yelp, he slowly pulled his shirt off, and unzipped and unbuttoned his pants. Pulling them off, along with his boxers, he stepped out of them watching as Y/N squirmed around impatiently.
Getting on top of the bed, he gripped their hips roughly, knowing he'd leave bruises on them. Making sure they were prepared, he slowly entered in them, and he let out a satisfied moan when he bottomed out. Not moving, he waited for a signal, and once Y/N moved back against him for friction, he took that as the signal. Pulling out completely then slamming back in, he heard Y/N let out a surprised muffled moan. Repeating this action, he made sure to keep his pace even until he himself grew tired of it. Picking up his pace, he watched as Y/N was slowly reaching their high. Reaching forward he helped them reach it, "Cum for me, be the little whore you are and cum for me." He growled out, now ramming into them.
Letting out loud muffled moans, Y/N felt themself cum at his words, and they would've fell onto the bed if it wasn't for Karl's death grip on their hips keeping them up. Keeping his fast pace, he finally came inside of them, and pulled out watching as Y/N helplessly fell onto the bed tiredly. Smirking as he saw the white liquid slowly fall out, he smacked their ass again, this time softer. "You think we are done? Fuck no, get your ass up." He said, and grabbed their hips again, making sure to dig his nails into their skin. "Cat's have 9 lives, so you have 8 more rounds to go." He told them, and Y/N whined out, digging their face into the bed as he slammed back into them without a warning.
By the time it reached 4 A.M. Y/N was worn out, and sore, while Karl was just tired. Falling down beside Y/N he was breathing heavily, "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He said, looking over at Y/N who was just staring at him in a haze. Chuckling he reached over, taking the cat ears off, "Now you know that I will bite back if it comes to it, literally." He said, and Y/N just let out a tired laugh, as they took off the maid outfit, limping to the bathroom to cleanse themself. Karl watched amused at their limping, "Seems like the cat couldn't land on all fours." He joked, and Y/N flipped him off from the bathroom.
"Will you shut up?" Y/N whined, and Karl got up walking into the bathroom, "Seems like someone didn't learn their lesson." He said, picking Y/N up, and walking into the bedroom throwing them down onto the bed harshly. "No- wait- I'm sorry." Y/N said quickly, and Karl looked at them, before he nodded. "Just rest up." He said, handing Y/N his shirt to put on. Putting it on happily, they laid down, Karl wrapping his arm around their waist. "Do you think they heard our argument?" Y/N asked, mainly thinking about if they heard the sexual parts or not. Karl chuckled, "I made sure they didn't hear those parts, don't worry. They probably heard everything else." He admitted, and Y/N nodded their head.
Y/N yawned tiredly, and soon fell asleep. Karl shortly fell asleep after, the two were soon awoken by a loud bang from their living room. Groaning, Y/N rubbed their eyes as they looked around confused, "Karl, someones in the house." They said, and Karl quickly got up walking out of their room to go into the living room. "Holy shit!" Karl yelled, and Y/N bolted out of the room, and found Karl on the floor, and a relieved Chris standing above him. "Oh my god Y/N I thought Karl murdered you!" He said, running over to you, and hugged you. Looking down at Karl confused, Karl shrugged in an answer, "I saw your guys argument, and when Karl or you didn't answer your phones for 12 hours straight, I thought one of you died." He said, and Karl laughed a bit.
Y/N scoffed and mumbled, "One of us did." Which Karl heard, and Chris looked at Y/N confused, "What?" He said, and Karl got up, "They probably got scared from you." He said, and Y/N nodded, "I thought me and Karl were going to be murdered, as it is 6 in the fucking morning Chris!" They yelled the last part, and Chris laughed sheepishly, "I was just worried about my baby cousin, alright?" He said, now embarrassed. "How the hell did you even get in?" Karl asked, and Chris pointed to the now shattered window, "Sorry about that.. I'll ask Jimmy to buy you a new one." He said, and Karl slapped Chris upside the head. "God you're so dumb, and you have a fucking son." Y/N said, rolling their eyes pinching the bridge of their nose.
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quinnsaturn · 2 years
it's MCSM hyperfixation time yet again and I found something weird
so as an insufferable nerd, I went through the S2 texture files to replace romeo's god awful clothing(??) with a custom one I made, and to upload some to the well-neglected textures resource page. every file name is a string of seemingly random numbers rather than anything indicative of what it is before opening it, and the folders aren't very well organized, so I had to open each individual one to find the ones I was looking for.
now imagine how fucking baffled I was when I opened this image with no available context for its inclusion
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edit: OH WAIT I FOUND IT, it's from the teleporting scene right at the end of episode 2. I'd put a screenshot but only 10 images per post and all that
sorry, have I opened the creepypasta folder? am I seeing an eyeball? :)?
my immediate thought was that it might be used for the glitch effect during the end, but after two more seconds of critical thought that seems like a strange use for it. especially since it was in a folder full of textures that clearly weren't meant to be used to begin with. if anyone has any reasonable clue what it might be PLEASE tell me, I'm highly curious and slightly disturbed if I'll be honest
anyway, a few files down are... what looks like jellyfish at some angles? the different colors are very interesting
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again, I don't have a single clue what these could possibly be. if I squint it kinda looks like a sky with a moon, and on the ground are... objects...
moving on, like I mentioned earlier, I found a ton of placeholder textures for different areas. some of them were more obvious to me than others
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first one looks to be somewhere near the order hall, right? second one I assume to be the uh, heckmouth area. third is... somewhere in beacontown, probably. fourth... uh. I found plenty more that are less recognizable as a location, but that would probably take up the space I'm about to write in.
if I remember correctly some of the ingame maps were built in actual minecraft and ported into MCSM (beacontown was, at least), so my guess is that these were used as a crusty model of what each area was going to look like. though I'm having a hard time figuring out what's happening
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then finally we have the least bizarre image of the ones I have loaded in at the moment (the program I used will only extract textures as the game loads them in while the game's running, if my explanation makes sense). "geo" is presumably short for "geometry", and the only time you "shoot" (iirc) is during the bow minigame that kills you if you suck
edit: lmao I was so sure of that last part but it seems I was mistaken. thanks eric!
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anyway! maybe once I finish the playthrough I'm forcing my friends to do with me I'll find some more cool and/or horrific textures that have loaded in
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
ahhhh ty ty ty <3
ok, so I think that what makes Dream act this way (iykyk) is how dreamwastaken became so big so quickly. and by quick I mean fucking lightning speed.
he didn't have enough time to learn enough about cc etiquette, especially in these three aspects: influence, boundaries and fanbase/stans/whatever you call it. I'll try to explain it:
• Influence: Does he know the influence he has? Like, when he hears that he is the myct with the largest fanbase, does he really process that? I remember he talked about not being able to control all of his fanbase and there's bad apples everywhere -- which is true, and that only like 1% of his fanbase breaks his boundaries (that include sending hate for him, harassing, doxing, etc. yk, basic twitter culture lol) but, honey, with your big ass fanbase, 1% is still a lot of people. As a content creator you *have* to be aware of that.
let's take the hbomb situation. First off, as a streamer, it's you that set the mood of the stream. Even if he was only messing around with his pals, even if they did say to do not send hate to hbomb, dt dunking on him created a toxic environment, which caused his fans being toxic towards hbomb and you know what happens next. Hell, when this happened, I was watching Tapl and he was watching them and he was crying laughing over them screaming bc they were just. so loud and so aggressive that it was kinda ??? Sirs, this is literally a Minecraft Stream lmaooo
my point is, that was not the road that dreamwastaken, 21M fans, should've taken. he don't condone his fans actions but he knows his fans are diehard and will always be on his side, he should be more careful before stating negative opinions, especially if its towards another person.
• Boundaries and Fanbase: He posted a list of his boundaries a while ago, idk if you know or seen it (btw please george copy your bestie for the love of god <3) but I'm not talking about those boundaries, I'm talking about the basic boundaries between cc and viewer. boundaries that, in my opinion, should exist between cc and viewer. I get that Dream is an open person, an oversharing type of open person if I may add, but I think he should take a step back regardless. When I heard that he was taking a time from twitter, I genuinely got so glad, not because he couldn't start any drama then, but because it would do so so good for his mental health. I'm not even that fond of him, it's just that for me, any cc taking a break or outright leaving twitter is a win for me. I know how RSD is hard to deal and honestly letting shit out it's better but dream you have dt you have bbh so please don't make things worse online 😭 I know how good can be to feel validation from millions of people but. it's not a good idea, especially in the state that his fanbase is on rn (this topic is kinda sensitive to talk abt for me bc people be outright ableist and hide it as criticism like. say that shit's not helping his reputation and whatever without acting like he's fucking. manipulating his fanbase for being affected by his rsd💀 or, on the other hand, don't say that hes just being adhd🤪 when he's just being an asshole like damn that's a Him thing bro lol)
(omg it's so big I'm so sorry and theres a part two I'm so sorry tumblr user messed-up-gal ToT) - morango 1/2
pt. 2:
Dream is the proof that the people who loves you can be your downfall. istg. Have you noticed that every drama that Dream enters, people usually get more mad abt how his fanbase reacts (85% they'll react in a bad way) than Dream himself? it's not always, but its definitely more likely. I'm not saying Dream is saint, he Is petty and his ego does him dirty and made him choke multiple times before,, But! i dont think hes a bad guy. he's literally just a dude. ok, he's a 21yr old white gamer man that has a trumpie past (maybe?? idk. I think hes cured now ig lol) so he's bound to do some shitty things but he still tries to get better and hopefully he'll mature. 21 is old enough but it's still so young, yk? I kind of lost my mind during the end and my eyes are literally begging to be closed so tl;dr: Its gonna be hard for him to become a better cc bc his fans don't let him be criticized (by infantilizing his adhd symptoms or the mob mentality as soon as someone says anything abt him), the honest criticism get lost between lies from antis that don't know shit, he still has a lot of growing up to do and overall he became famous too fast and he needs to learn things even faster bc as soon as there's not a single one dream hater on sight they'll turn their back and attack him instead lmao I hate twitter i definitely have more to say but I'm tired and my memory is shit. just-- hate dream if you want, love dream if you want, nobody is obligated to have an opinion but I wanted to express mine. have a lovely day! -morango 2/2
Aight, there's a lot to unpack here, so Imma try to only go into the points I have something to add to (here's what I talk about in each paragraph, if you want to jump to a specific point):
Speed of Dream's rise to fame
The "bad apples" in the Dream fanbase
Post-MCC HBomb stream
Not condoning versus actually condemning his fans
Manipulation & RSD
Criticism of Dream, his fanbase, and his brand
The “just a dude” argument, flipped
First, I agree that one of the many factors that has resulted in the current image Dream has set up for himself, the way his fanbase functions, the ways people hate on him, and the way the Dream brand functions, is the speed of his rise to fame. It's unique, and there are probably a hundred social/psychological angles that could be used to examine the exact effects of that speed upon all of these facets of the Dream Name; did rapid fame beget the rapid rise of unrighteous hatred, did those waves of hatred then instigate the rise of a surprisingly overdefensive fanbase, did that rapid fame get to his head and/or result in an inability to appropriately handle all the after-effects of rapid fame, etc.? That point you bring up, about how the speed of his rise to fame requires him to learn even more quickly, is so interesting to me. I think that maybe Dream expected to get pretty famous pretty quickly, hence the preparedness in regards to some mechanics of influencer fame- merchandise, business-building, networking, knowing how to manage his fanbase to best benefit him. But I don't think he expected to get this famous this quickly. This is all speculation of course, as are this entire post and your ask, but I think that he just couldn't anticipate having to learn how to handle enmasse controversy, waves of antis, or every Youtuber speculating/knowing about him; and yeah, that results in him having to learn all of these things very quickly, lest he allow his whole brand and fandom to fall apart.
Second, I disagree with the frequent argument that Dream's fanbase is only marginally toxic. Personally, I think that the circumstances of Dream's fame, his personality and management of his fanbase, and his brand of content have resulted in the very specific kind of stan that Dream stans are. I don't think this is simply a case of "all fandoms have a small percentage of assholes who take it too far;" rather, the nature of the community itself breeds the kind of mentality of "an asshole who takes it too far." I only even know this because I was a Dream fan (kinda a stan, I'm ngl). At one time, I watched every single Dreamwastaken & Dream Team video multiple times; I listened to the Manhunts on repeat, as though they were podcasts; I followed mostly smiletwt and dttwt accounts on mcyttwt; I had upwards of 10 tabs for AO3 DNF fics open on my phone at a time; I watched DNF and Dream Team Being A Family-esque compilations on repeat; I watched every George and Sapnap alt stream I possibly could; I went out of my way to defend Dream against Redditors and Twitter antis regarding the cheating scandal. For the latter half of 2020, and a couple months of 2021, I lived and breathed this part of the fandom; so when I say that Dream stans are a whole other breed than any other kind of mcyttwt stan, I say that because I used to be like that, too. I usually use parasocial very loosely or ironically, but Dream stans are genuinely one of the most parasocial fanbases I have ever seen or been a part of. The level of investment Dream stans have in this man's life, the lengths they will go to to defend him, the amount of psychonalysis and digging they do on his life and character, the amount of emotion he can evoke in them- it's taken to another level, man. This isn't just characteristic of a fraction of his fanbase; this is what the fanbase is like as a whole.
Third, I partially disagree with your take on the HBomb thing, but not in the way one might think? I actually empathize with the way they reacted much more than I thought I would, simply because I suspect I have RSD (also suspect I have ADHD, have for several months now) and I can see myself getting insanely frustrated because of something like that. Like yeah, it was "just a MC stream" or "just an MC game," but that's kinda disregarding the fact that something that might seem like "just a [insert inconsequential thing]" to a rational mind might have a major emotional consequence/take a major emotional toll on someone with RSD, or really anyone who gets easily impatient/angry about video games (Sapnap reminds me of many of my friends, in that way). The issues I, personally, had with the way they handled the HBomb situation is that these are simply explanations and reasons for my empathy; they are not excuses. I have no excuse when I get irrationally angry about something inconsequential in my own life, for a couple of reasons. One, because I am an adult and I need to learn how to handle my reactions and manage my own anger. Two, because as someone with many mental problems, it is my responsibility to learn coping mechanisms to ensure my own emotional stability and livelihood; this includes learning whatever I need to handle RSD- whether that be isolating myself from others when I know I will become violently/passionately angry about something, creating and sustaining a support system that can get me through bouts of extreme emotion, finding healthy emotional outlets for my negative emotions that won't harm myself or others, or a combination thereof. I don't think what they said about HBomb post-MCC was an irreversibly horrible thing, or anything. I think there were errors committed by two men who should be fully capable of foreseeing and preventing those errors, but I don't unconditionally hate Dream or Sapnap for the post-MCC stream or comments. I just wish they had made amends quickly, publicly, and sufficiently, because the greatest consequences from the whole thing weren't even from those two criticizing HBomb themselves; they were from the waves of backlash because of their immense influence on the MCYT fandom, which could've been prevented, if they had acted maturedly and responsibly after the stream.
Fourth, you’re right, that he doesn’t seem to condone his fans’ behavior. I detest the frequent anti argument that one of the reasons Dream should be criticized is because he explicitly uses his fanbase to attack others, or something of the sort. Personally, I think he created his fanbase in a very specific way and interacts with them in such a way so as to benefit him as much as possible, yes, but he never actually tells his fanbase to go and yell at or harrass anyone. Still, there is a significant difference between not condoning something and condemning something. It might seem unfair, and it might be annoying of me to say this, but I truly think that someone with this large a fanbase, especially one as overzealous as Dream’s, needs to be condemned every single time it goes on some kind of rampage/harrassment campaign. Either that, or Dream needs to make a definitive, permanent statement against any kind of harrassment of others on his behalf. I know he’ll occassionally make the odd tweet or serious stream addressing something his fanbase did, but one of the many reasons his fanbase keeps doing the same damn thing is because he’s so lukewarm and spotty about this condemnation. A fanbase like his needs to be given explicit guidance and boundaries for the numerous things they do in his defense- harrassing/doxing antis, harrassing people who criticize him who aren’t antis (respectful criticism, other CCs, other MCYT stans, etc.), harrassing the people he critcizes (i.e., HBomb), speculating about his personal life (his relationship with his gf, his mental health/ADHD, his romantic life, his childhood, etc.), and speculating about his relationships with his friends and colleagues.  My personal ideology is that, if you have significant influence over someone or a group of people, you are at least somewhat responsible for the things those people do or don’t do, if it at all relates back to you. I’m so fucking tired of the argument that CCs aren’t responsible for what their fans do. Obviously they aren’t responsible for every single one of their fans, and obviously they can’t fully control their fans at the end of the day. But I think there are certain things that reach such a level of extremity that does make those CCs responsible. This can be measured by either scale or intensity; that is to say, if a CC’s fanbase does things on an extremely large scale, or one person from/a fraction of the fanbase does something really extreme, then the CC is made all the more responsible. Another CC I’ve always had trouble discussing with other people on this subject is Pewdiepie, in particular, about the extremists in his fanbase. Because the things a small handful of his fans have done in reference to him and/or in his name were so fucking extreme, I thought Pewdiepie had to take at least some responsibilty. Along a similar vein, because the things Dream’s general fanbase does are so widespread and on such a massive scale, Dream has to take at least some responsibility.
Fifth, okay. Hmmm. I want to tackle this point you made about the ableism he faces in some criticism of him carefully and with empathy, but not coddling. One, I do think a lot of the criticism he receives for the ways he handles criticism (post-cheating Tweets, reactions to John Swan, post-MCC HBomb stream, etc.), disregard his RSD and can be oftentimes ableist. I’ve actually encountered people irl who criticize this aspect of Dream’s character, and have had to explain to them their disregard for how ADHD/RSD affect neurodivergent people’s reactions to criticism. But - and this is a big, and very controversial but - I think mentally ill/disordered people can 100% leverage their mental illness/disorders for the sake of manipulation. This is actually something I’ve learned from a psychiatrist, regarding the ways people I know and I handle our anxiety and depression. This manipulation can be unwitting or intentional, but it is entirely possible, and the possibility shouldn’t be entirely dismissed as ableist. Living with a mental illness or disorder that others know about/that you are very public about puts you in an interesting position to receive frequent sympathy, empathy, and/or pity. I’m not saying that empathy for Dream having ADHD/RSD is entirely unjustified; on the contrary, I have frequently expressed how I can relate to his ADHD symptoms and have defended him for expressing those symptoms, both on mcytblr and in real life. I am saying that Dream fans tend to use his ADHD as a kind of shield for a lot of criticism levied against him, including the supposition that he could be manipulating his fanbase to defend him because of his public expressions of RSD. So yes, my theory is that Dream knows how to levy every aspect of his life for his personal gain and for the growth of his brand, and that includes his ADHD. I think he has courage for his openess about his ADHD, I think his openness has contributed to the rise in awareness of mental health and empathy for neurodivergent people within Gen Z, and I think at least some of his expressions of RSD publicly/online weren’t intentionally made public. All that being said, I also think he has to know just how much his fanbase cares about defending him for his ADHD, and I think he has to know that some of the things he does related to his neurodivergence endear him to his audience, in a coddling, baby-ing, mildly ableist sorta way.  Maybe this is all incredibly presumptuous of me. Of course, I can never know the real intentions behind any Dream video, Tweet, or stream. Maybe I’m just projecting, because I can see myself doing just this, if I had the maturity I had circa 2018-2019. Idfk know, man.
Sixth, I actually agree with you here, people probably do get more mad at his fanbase than him. Dream puts out content pretty seldomly, considering the frequency of content output for other Youtubers/streamers in his field/at his brand size. And yet, he has received masses of criticism. Considering that the things Dream himself does/says do not entirely correlate with the amount of criticism he receives, I think it’s a logical assumption that a lot of that criticism actually goes back to the size of his presence online, rather than the man himself. That is to say, because of the massive community he’s amassed, the exponential growth of his fanbase, their presence on every single social media site and in virtually every single Internet space/fandom, and the size of his metaphysical presence in his fields, Dream is much bigger than the man himself, so the criticism he receives will, at least in part, be a direct or indirect result of all these other aspects of the Dream brand.  Something I don’t think many Dream fans/stans, or even most MCYT fans in general, understand, is that Dream isn’t just “one guy” in the eyes of the Internet- at least, not anymore. He hasn’t been for nearly a year. Like Pewdiepie, Mr. Beast, and other CCs who have amassed similar levels of fame and wealth via Internet content creation, Dream is a brand now, and most people will treat him as such. He isn’t just some uwu soft boy playing Minecraft anymore. He is on a whole other level from any other MCYT in his friend circle or colleague interaction bubble. His words will never again live in a vaccum or private bubble, his friend circle will never again be under anything less than intense scrutiny, his past actions will never again be simple mistakes or silly errors, his words will never again be casual tweets or streams for laughs among a couple thousand followers. Dream’s name represents something much bigger than just the one man. As such, all aspects of his brand, including his fanbase, will tie back to him and, ultimately, to any general criticism of him.
I’m not saying I like any of this, and I actually think the evolution of influencers from people to a marketable brand with similar mechanisms, responsibilities, and liabilities as a corporation is some kind of late capitalism nightmare fuel; I’m just stating my own observations and theories as to why so much anti-Dream criticism seems to be directed at his fanbase, rather than him.
Seventh, he’s just a guy, you’re right, but I think a lot of the antis on Tumblr understand this more than you know. As I’ve seen it, the sentiment among much of the “DSMP stans DNI” crowd seems to be that of “Dream/other MCYTs are such ‘bad’ people, so why do their fans stick to these mediocre, racist men, when there are so many better people to watch/better content to consume?” We know this argument is flawed for many of the obvious reasons - the conflation of all MCYTs’ actions regardless of individual identity, the equating of a CC’s fanbase’s morality to that of the CC they enjoy watching, the exxageration of any error MCYT CCs have committed as bigotry/racism, the fundamental misunderstanding and misinformation that led antis to believe this exxageration of the facts, etc. But I want to focus on the general, underlying sentiment of, “why not watch someone better, when your creator is problematic?” Sometimes, I ask this of Dream stans. Yes, being mildly ignorant, getting involved in the scandals Dream has, and being a right-leaning/libertarian centrist in the recent past all seem like harmless things, all things considered. One could say Dream isn’t nearly as bad as many antis who are misinformed seem to believe, and that there are much worse CCs Dream stans could be watching and creating fan content for. But I think what Tumblr antis wonder is, aren’t there also much better MCYTs/CCs people could be watching and stanning? Because he’s just some guy, right? Is his content truly so exceptional or is he really so exceptional a person, that people have to stick by him, despite the things that spike up regarding his current or past actions? I think that’s what made me finally decide to stop watching Dream. I realized he was just Some Guy. The Dream Team was a comforting dynamic to indulge in, DNF was a cute ship to read and speculate about, and Manhunts were fun videos to watch; however, once the Reddit posts came out and I read them in-depth, the cost-benefit analysis tipped over to the “not worth it” side for me. I realized Dream’s content, while fun and comforting, was not entirely unique, and wasn’t worth sticking around for, given what I then knew about his past political leanings. If he is just Some Guy, then there are a hundred more like him out there. There a hundred more ships, a hundred more found family dynamics, a hundred more entertaining and skilled Minecraft players. So while I agree with you on the point of people being allowed to love him regardless because he is just a guy, at the end of the day, I think that, if we are to believe that sentiment or use that argument in such a manner, we should also understand the flip side- that, if he is just some guy, why is it worth sticking around? To that I say, maybe because people just enjoy the simple things they enjoy.
Anyways, I wholly agree with your tl;dr. Thanks for that insanely long ask, this was a fun thing to keep me occupied while I’ve been at work, facilitating Zoom sessions this whole morning.
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blockclutch · 2 years
Do you want to keep playing on a Minecraft world/server long term, but struggle to stay committed? Here is my best advice for staying interested, as someone who's played block game almost every day for a year:
-Limit your playtime.-
This is a huge one for me, and for sure the most important! It's really tempting to just play for however long you feel like, but what happens then is that you play until you get tired or maybe even frustrated. And when you quit the game your're ending your session on a "bad" note.
Instead try to either give yourself a set number of tasks to complete in a session, and then ending it once they're done, regardless of how much you want to keep playing. Or if you can't think of specific tasks choose a set number of episodes of a show or youtube series to watch while playing. But don't set an actual timer! You'll just be stressing and checking how much time you have left, using episodes in a series makes for a more organic time limit. What I do a lot is that I only play when my favourite streamer is live, meaning I only get to play for about 4 hours three days a week, but i'll never know exactly how long he'll be live for, could be 2 hours, could be 6.
Just keep yourself wanting more!!
-Set yourself a goal every session.-
Sort of related to the previous, but having set tasks is always good, and try to always match them to your mood.
Don't feel like working on a big build today?
Grab a couple empty shulker boxes and head out to hunt for a specific block. Rare blocks are fun to hunt and grind for, and having them handy for future builds is a great feeling! Mushroom blocks are a fave of mine to stock up on.
Common blocks are good to have too, you can never have too much wood, sand and gravel!
-Stock your storage before projects!-
Again related to the above.
Always having rescources handy for your builds will help you stay efficient and in the zone.
Having to stop halfway through a build to go grind for stuff is the worst feeling, and is most often what makes me quit the game for the day.
So having a storage system filled with everything you need and more is always good!
And grinding can be fun on those days when that's all you feel like doing.
-Plan your builds!-
Make yourself a testing world and test out your concepts there first.
A reason a lot of people struggle with building large scale is that they jump straight into survival mode with no real plan, and there is nothing more frustrating than trying to make a build work when you can't freely see it from all angles, or make changes to it in seconds. If you're not 100% sure of what you're building, don't start in survival.
Plus, once you've built it in a testing world you'll have a better idea of how many rescources you need, as well as the muscle memory to complete it way faster the second time around.
Also having a lovely build sitting on a superflat world just begging to be added into your terrain is gonna motivate you to get it done! (But maybe give it a day before you start, building the same huge project twice in one day is no fun)
-Pretend you're streaming/recording.
This one is silly but it keeps me chugging along on big projects.
Pretend you're speaking to an audience in your head, talk through your thought process for why you built something the way you did. Just try to imagine how you would entertain an audience, and bam, you're entertaining yourself!
(And another thing that keeps me itching to play is watching other people play!)
-Create a story around your world.-
I put a lot of thought into my character and her story, where she came from and how she ended up where she did, as well as what parts of the world were already there when she arrived and what parts she built herself.
Ask yourself how did your world come to be what it currently is? Did your character stumble upon old abandoned buildings and decide to rebuild them? Who were they built by? How old are they and why were they abandoned? Maybe there is something lurking in the shadows that isn't obvious unless you look for it.
Or did you character simply build it all themselves just for the joy of building?
All of these things will help you choose how to design your world. And it's always fun to try and ensure your work tells this story without it having to be said.
-Try new things.-
I recently picked up redstone and i'm loving every second of it. For the last month a lot of my play time has been on my testing world, but now that i'm starting to understand what i'm doing i'm able to take what i've learned and bring it into my survival world, and it's made it all come to life!
If redstone isn't your thing then try new building styles, be it in survival or in creative. Lay out interesting block pallets that use weird blocks you wouldn't normally use.
Look at other people's builds on pinterest/instagram to get inspired. Maybe you'll find a building style you've never even considered before.
Or if you're stricktly a structure builder maybe you should try terraforming?
-Have all your needs been met?-
Before you sit down to play block game make sure you've taken care of youself first. You're more likely to get tired or frustrated if you haven't eaten or had anything to drink all day. Make sure you eat, drink and stretch your legs properly before you start a session. Go for a walk! Touch some grass!
And don't ever play if your heart isn't 100% in it. Having an off day? Feeling tired? Maybe you straight up don't want to play but feel like you should anyways? Do literally anything else.
Or if you do want to give it a go. Set yourself a short time limit or a small task, and quit while you're having fun!
But always remember that there is no shame in taking breaks, in all likelyhood playing Minecraft is not your job, breaks just mean you'll have more fun when you come back!
Ultimately the main key to staying motivated is setting yourself up for success, and ensuring that you're continuing to have fun!
Now go place some blocks <3
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maryellencarter · 2 years
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fujicakes WHAT are you WEARING
64 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 22:02:36 GMT
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Hell, even Pops looks good. I know I keep going on about the textures, I’ve been a fiber arts person for well over twenty years at this point, but my god. You can fucking *feel* Zenigata’s hat and coat through the screen. And look at those perfectly crisp angles! In the 2D anime, it can be hard to tell Jigen’s hat from Zenigata’s except by color. You’d never make that mistake here.
Like... hell, I pulled a comparison shot because god *damn*, the design choices. Look at the way Jigen’s hat brim curls up at the back and shows a little rumple from constantly being pulled down at the front. That’s a hat that’s been well loved, probably been rained on and dried still on his head more than once (I speak from experience - that brim curl is so familiar to me), a hat with personality. You can tell he’s right-handed from the hat alone.
In contrast, Zenigata’s hat is perfectly squared off, either brand new or recently blocked, and worn absolutely centered. It’s also -- you can’t see my fingers twitching here, but you can even tell they’re different materials. Jigen’s hat is a nice wool felt, probably matches his suit, with a subtle grosgrain ribbon hatband. Zenigata’s is suede, with... maybe a flocked satin ribbon? It’s hard to tell visually. 
I’ve only ever owned a wool felt hat, so I can’t speak to the differences in care, cost, or durability, but every single aspect of this movie’s design was so thoroughly thought out that I’m sure there’s reasoning behind it.
79 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 04:34:07 GMT
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87 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 11:40:11 GMT
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1319 notes • Posted 2021-06-19 10:33:52 GMT
So I don't remember if I've mentioned this before, but "overnight oatmeal" is this branded thing that comes in expensive little cups, and I just wanted to mention that it's not specially treated oatmeal in any way.
You can literally just buy a normal canister of oatmeal, dump a serving or so in a bowl, add enough to cover of milk, water, milk substitute, whatever pleases you -- I know I've seen it done with apple juice, I don't think I'd recommend orange juice. Then you stir it up, let it soak in the fridge for 6-8 hours, and you have perfectly edible oatmeal. You can toss in dried fruit, spices, whatever.
In Scotland several centuries ago, this was called "drammach", and you would make it with water when you were on the run, as sometimes happened in old-timey Scotland. It was handy because it didn't need cooking, so your enemies could not find you by the smoke of your campfire. Also a bag of dry oatmeal weighs practically nothing and will feed you for days as long as you have water.
(I hear they just get water out of the sky in Scotland. Can't relate. *desert dweller*)
These days, it's handy because oatmeal is very cheap and reasonably filling, it requires no special cookware, you can prep it in like three gestures (dump - pour - stir), and if you forget it in the fridge for a day or so it's still good and nothing catches on fire. So I thought I'd mention again, in case anybody would be interested and hadn't known, that this is a thing you can do and you absolutely don't have to pay three bucks for a lil half-cup branded container.
1342 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 08:42:03 GMT
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crewsmp · 3 years
idiot (endearing) chapter 2
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“Dude! C’mon! You might as well, right?”
“Ew! Absolutely fucking not ! I hate that guy.”
“ Pffft , listen to yourself. You don't really believe that, do you?”
Dream stood his ground, trying to defend himself against an equally headstrong Sapnap eager to convince him to add George to the Dream SMP.
“Well, 6 years ago, I very kindly asked him to help me code something and the asshole blanked me! What else am I supposed to do but hate him?”
“If you hated him so much you wouldn’t have remembered when you met him so easily.”
The quick rebuttal halted Dream in his tracks, no smart response coming to mind quick enough to win the argument. He sighed deeply, shoulders slumping back into his squeaky chair, the confidence from his voice faltering as he admitted his loss; “He’s my arch nemesis, Sapnap. I know p-” The other boy quickly used Dream’s phrase against him; “Oh come on now. Dream. There’s way worse people you could have as your nemesis than fucking George .”
Dream knew his friend was right, it’s just George. George who let younger Dream down when he got an exciting idea for a Minecraft plug-in. George who he later shared a title with on a different server. George who knew exactly what to say to rile him up during PvP games. George who he’d been subscribed to from the moment he started creating content encouraged by Badboyhalo. George with the gentle chuckle but loud laugh. George who always tilted and tipped his head at just the right angle each time. Dream caught his wild wandering thoughts; he shook his head and furrowed his brows, rapidly blinking as if to wipe the daydream from his vision. Sapnap sat idly by in the now-silent voice call, only the light tapping of his keyboard and mouse faintly feeding through the line.
“I just texted Bad. Let’s do a manhunt video soon. We can invite George.” the typing came to an abrupt stop as he spoke up. Dream could feel his throat closing up at the idea of having George enter his world just like that, despite having rejected it all those years ago.
Dream was about to give in, but quickly remembered all the times George embarrassed him in random calls and stupid witty tweets. “What?! No, dude, what the fuck! Fuck off and create your own server if you want him to play with him so bad.” He crossed his arms and held a pout on his face thinking he’d finally gotten through to his friend. But alas, Sapnap was still Sapnap after all; “Oh Dream! I want to play with George? Oof I’d hope he takes me to dinner first! Who do you think I am?” Steam could almost blow the headphones off his head with how bothered Dream had gotten by Sapnap’s mocking, and he decided to end the call right then and there. His chair squeaked again when he leaned his weight on its back, his head tossing back against the headrest, it only supporting its lower half due to his height. The hand he brought up to his jaw felt clammy at the thought of including George in something so special to him, and as he rubbed the scruff of slight stubble climbing up his cheek, he squeezed his eyes shut. Dream knew how much the fans wanted this, and knew how profitable it would be for him, but he didn’t think he could set his values aside just for some cash grab. Having to do business with his enemy was not worth ruining the community he’d built. Business; that’s all he saw interacting with George as.
The irritated man stood up, his figure remaining slumped as his thoughts went at a mile a minute. Making his way from his room to his living room, he weighed the advantages and disadvantages. Dream had no clue what to do about this seemingly outlandish proposal Sapnap made him. He knew deep down that if he really hated George, he wouldn’t be mulling over his decision -- it would be an immediate no -- but he shoved that common sense deep into a locked drawer in his mind. In fact, he did everything in his power not to let another thought enter, rather entertaining it to the point where his brain was so loud nothing could break the soundbarrier. A random tv show played on his wide television, the Alexa in his kitchen was playing one of Sapnap’s intense Spotify playlists at a high enough volume it could be heard throughout the entire not-so-small house, all the while watching TikToks on his phone with his long limbs splayed across his cloudy cream couch. The walls of both his brain and house were buzzing with overstimulation, but in just the right way as not to overwhelm him. Dream felt at peace with how busy his surroundings felt; closing his eyes trying to find focus as if playing a game with his own head. He managed to recognise the actor’s voice on his tv, registering him accompanied with a vague face of a Michael Cera type. Next, he noticed the music playing was a Jack Harlow song and he hummed its rhythm. Lastly, he tried tuning into the TikTok video that had been left repeating on the phone layed on his chest. He recognised a high pitched laugh following his own voice, and then the one voice that always managed to ignite a spark in the bottom of his stomach. George.
“I think George can probably clear me.” he heard himself say upon the tenth replay of the clip.
“No.” George replied smuggly, a smirk evident in his tone of voice.
Dream remembered the exact moment of the TikTok he couldn’t seem to want to pause. It was a recent Among Us game he’d been playing, and of course, George was there. Dream wouldn’t dare admit it to anyone, but he had had George’s stream open on another monitor, watching each of his expressions and movements as he played. George had forgotten to connect his microphone, so Dream simply texted him a reminder to turn it on. He was proud of the upper-hand streamhopping had been giving him, and he couldn’t deny that George is the only person to whom he did this. As much power as it gave him knowing whether or not the other boy was impostor or crewmate, he knew that wasn’t the only reason he did this. He did it so he could let his eyes linger on how George’s face focused and tensed as he played, and the raised eyebrows he shot his chat through his webcam after he’d lied about not venting. Dream felt the busy sounds fade the more he remembered how George’s pupils dilated ever so slightly each time one of them took a jab to the other, the exact thing happening in the TikTok. George’s one word reply hit Dream right between his ribcage, evoking anger and frustration at his inability to take anything seriously. Dream hated how George could make him break focus during tactical games like Among Us, especially since his attention would always end up wandering to the screen on his left, studying how George smiled and licked his lips every time Dream stumbled. God, how he hated him.
“No. He’s a fucking prick.”
“It’s so much fun though! We can finally do George lore!”
George let his head lop to the side as he rolled his eyes so far back it hurt his head.
“C’mon, Georgie! For me? For me, please, for me, Gogy! Pleeeeease.” Quackity had his shoulders hunched up and his fingers tapping together in front of his face as he begged George to join him on the Dream SMP in a high pitched voice.
“You’re so annoying. I can’t believe that idiot let you onto the server at all.” George retaliates. Ignoring him, Quackity paused his relentless pleas to check his Twitch chat, him having been doing a chill stream with George as an unexpected guest. “Look, look! Chat wants it! You can’t let all of them down like that, can you now George?” He laughed menacingly as George threw his hands in the air and widened his eyes. “You can’t guilt me like that, Quackity! Besides, isn’t it-” he stopped himself mid-sentence to make a fake-gagging sound into his microphone, Quackity giggling as he did so, “ Dream who has to personally invite me?” The other boy’s laugh built into a cackle before calming down the bit he was doing with George.
As he continued talking about something George wasn’t paying much mind to, the brit let his mind wander. Would it be that bad for him to join this stupid server? Most of his friends are on it. The only reason he isn’t is his known hatred for its owner, and why would that suddenly stop now? It wouldn’t be caused by Dream’s superiority complex when he learnt how to code after George ignored his request for help on a plug-in. Or how he somehow stayed friends with everyone George was also friends with. The way Dream’s full chuckle always flooded through his ears so softly before spreading down his throat into the centre of his chest after succeeding in making George stumble over an insult definitely wouldn’t. Neither would the dropping octaves in his voice when he hits particular curses in George’s direction.
Quackity’s crackling scream broke George’s trance, not realising he’d closed his eyes trying to imagine what the person he hated most looked like (a common occurrence). He threw the headphones of his head in fright of the sudden deafening noise. Not lingering on George’s accidental daydreaming, they swiftly moved on to doing fun quizzes together online. They started off harmless; ‘What The Office character are you?’ and ‘What superhero are you most like?’ Until Bad, who at this point had entered their call to join the fun, sent him a different one to try out with him and George. “Oooh Bad! Bad! Really? With the special guest we’ve got today?” George’s brows pointed down in confusion.
“Which Dream SMP member would be your soulmate?” Quackity dictated the quiz’s name and cackled so loud he started wheezing. His face instantly dropped and his left hand quickly fell from his hair to his mouse as George prepared to leave the call. Hovering over the disconnect button, he weighed out his options; he could just leave and avoid the potential cringey content that would haunt him forever… or he could play into it and pander so he had something to bully Dream about. If he really didn't want to see how this dumb game ended, George would have left Quackity and Bad standing alone a few minutes prior. But, feeling daring, he took his chances.
“Fine,” he sighed heavily into the mic, “but if I get Dream we’re gonna have some problems.”
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