#there is talk of a little mermaid remake sequel
cjbolan · 1 year
Know what I just realized? Prince Eric’s overprotective mom trying to keep him away from the sea... is EXACTLY like The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea when he and Ariel do the exact same thing to their own daughter.
(In all seriousness if that cartoon gets remade I want to see Eric be a much more involved father. )
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iadoredisney · 9 months
Why is it that when people talk about Disney's live action remakes, they often only talk about Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and The Little Mermaid?
Don't get me wrong, I love all four of those!
But there are two (technically three, since one if them got a sequel) that are often left out!
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil!
Those three were amazing!!
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yen-sids-tournament · 3 months
Our Original v Live Action takes for pt. 1
Here is a collection of our own thoughts about where we would've voted on these first 9 polls:
The Little Mermaid: "Some parts the Animated & some parts the Live Action" because we will always have a soft spot for any of the animated movies and having Eric driving the ship into Ursula was always so cool, plus we hc that Eric was a spare (or further) Prince and not actually in line for the Crown. but there were subtle changes in the Live Action we adored, like Ariel forgetting about the Kiss as part of the curse and Eric's own collection. And hands down the best part was Jodie Benson handing over the dinglehopper to Halle Bailey.
Dumbo: "The Animated" mostly because it has been so long since we've seen this one. "Baby Mine" is so precious, heartbreaking, and beautiful. but there wasn't much else we remember. Except how adorable Dumbo looks! And not even Danny DeVito wasn't enough to get us into the Live Action.
101 Dalmatians: "Mostly the Animated Movie" because yes to the Animated forever, but there is no denying how amazing Glenn Close is as Cruella.
101 Sequels: "Some parts Animated & some Live Action/Both Equally" because they are two very different stories and each was very entertaining. Patch's was Bolt before Bolt, and Glenn Close loving the puppies?! Masterpieces.
Aladdin: "Mostly the Animated" because it is a classic, Robin Williams alone made it practically impossible for a copy-cat performance. We did appreciate the attempts bring out more of Jasmine in the Live Action.
Alice in Wonderland: "Mostly the Animated" this is because of who we associate the story with, and while there were fun parts of the live action, the animated is always going to win a competition.
The Parent Trap: "Some parts Hayley Mills & some parts Lindsay Lohan/Both Equally" This one is the ideal example of when we would like to just pick and choose some parts of one and some parts of the other to create the Ultimate (TM) Parent Trap Movie.
Sleeping Beauty (Maleficent): "Some parts Animated & some Live Action/Both Equally" If disny wants to go around making sympathetic-villain remakes of their classics, they should figure out exactly what Maleficent did right. The animated is so visually beautiful with an amazing soundtrack. And the Live Action really brought another side of the story to life, it was both different and still recognizable enough to stand on it's own.
Cinderella: "Mostly the Live Action" Look growing up Cinderella seemed over rated, always everyone's favorite. Later there grew an appreciation for the movie as it saved the company and Walt's reported favorite animation (the dress transformation). However the Live Action is almost perfect. Do we miss the talking mice, sure, but from the casting and costumes to the story, it was so *Cinderella* in essence. The "apprentice" cover and the dance and the swing and "dilly dilly" are all icing on the cake.
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marciabrady · 1 year
What were your thoughts on the Disney live action version of The Little Mermaid??
It's a live action Disney remake and they're known for being creatively bankrupt for good reason. At worst, live action remakes ruin the original and at best they dilute the brand so it isn't as if it's going to be a good movie, but I think a lot of people are surprised it isn't as bad as we've come to see with other movies? Which, I will say, it isn't as bad as Cinderella 2015 (could anything ever be lol) and I would place it more in the shot by shot remake category of BATB and TLK. Over all though I wish they did their own thing with it (it's tricky though because it was a copy and paste in some respects, but then they left certain things out too that I thought was odd given how identical the plot is and how the absence of aforementioned dropped material weakened certain characters and storylines). I'm someone who holds original content dear to my heart (I haven't even seen the Broadway iteration because seeing someone who's not animated Ariel/Jodi be referred to by that name or singing Part of Your World just makes me sad, I even limit the park performer content I take in and I don't watch the sequels at all) so I did feel a little disheartened to see how much they copied and ripped from the original. Like the opening scene we see of her is taken directly from the animated movie, down to the dialogue, how they copied Part of Your World, even with the shot of her reaching toward the surface at the top of her Grotto, the waves splashing behind her on the rock, just everything and I don't know, it just makes me sad because it's done on such a higher budget now and people are saying it's "so much better than the original" and obviously this movie JUST came out and there's a way higher budget so it's going to appeal to modern audiences more but. It just feels like they carried everything over from the original to this film's detriment? Like...you can say the 1989 movie takes from the original story too and isn't original, but that production gave the mermaid the name Ariel and it gave her red hair and a green fin and a best friend named Flounder that was a fish and a crab named Sebastian and created the song 'Part of Your World' and a Prince named Eric, etc etc etc, and this movie copies it to the point where it doesn't even make sense? (Like even the new face character, who they market as a different person, is brushing her hair with a dinglehopper and is talking about her friends Sebastian and Flounder and it's like how is this different? lol why not give Halle's mermaid new or different friends or just something that set her apart and allowed the story to be original to Halle)
Like Sebastian and Flounder were invented for the medium of animation, so to put them in this photorealistic world just doesn't make sense. Why not make them merpeople and adjust their characters, or replace them with new characters that are humans/real actors? Also, why does her name have to be Ariel- why does she have to sing the same songs? Why can't she be her own character, why can't this film its own thing? (Also, Melissa and Halle both imitate the original at times heavily so that, even in the same scene sometimes, when there's a line that wasn't in the original movie and they don't have that vocal reference to go off of, they sound completely different than they did a few seconds ago; Naomi Scott's Jasmine does this sometimes, too) Because this movie is just going to suffer unflattering comparisons to the original- the Grotto destruction scene makes me feel nothing in this movie, the performances are flat and uninspired, the singing isn't anything to write home about. I think a lot of it comes from the fact that most of the cast didn't really fit the roles they were given- Melissa and Javier admitted to texting the director, begging for a part- and the director's openly shown that he doesn't understand a lot of the original movie so, if you don't understand the source material, it could never be adapted well. The first rule in Hollywood is never bash the movie you're remaking and the director did this many times (every live action Disney movie does). But, like I said previously when discussing BATB, maybe if it was its own thing, it would be passable because we wouldn't constantly be reminded by the superior version that already exists? I don't think Emma's Belle would've been that bad if they didn't make her an interpretation of the animated character? She doesn't need to be named Belle or have a garish yellow dress or sing the songs from the animated. They should've readapted the story and gone from there. Brandi's Cinderella is a perfect example- she doesn't dilute the original and, while there are parallels, she's totally her own performance and both can coexist peacefully without being at odds or making the other worse. She doesn't steal the original's dialogue or songs (I know she's an adaption from the stage show) and she brought forth her own portrayal that isn't copying or stealing anything from any other ones. I see a universe in which Ilene's Cinderella would exist without Brandi's and in which Brandi's Cinderella would exist without Ilene's.
Also, I don't really want to get into it, but I do think that this film presents us with really questionable ideals when it comes to how we depict women and there's so much in that movie that's genuinely problematic/reinforces negative stereotypes and I hope people will realize and push forth for better representation and artistic integrity moving forward. However, unlike really bad live action films where nothing good comes of it (Cinderella 2015, Maleficent), I do like how much positivity has surrounded the fandom because of this movie and I think viewing this film as a star vehicle for Halle fares much better than treating it like an interpretation of an animated film. I also hope this is a step in the right direction for better diversity and more people of color finding leading roles and that our casts will be more diverse in front of and behind the camera moving forward, because they were only scratching the surface here with what could've been done and it still ultimately reads as a very hetero/white production.
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courtneysmovieblog · 1 year
We have one week until The Little Mermaid comes out, and so I ask once again: can you guys stop getting all bent out of shape because of a kid’s movie?!
I’m not just talking about all the buttsore racists. I’m also talking about the people whining how Disney is “destroying your childhood” because of how the CGI animals look, or the setting isn’t colorful enough, or the songs aren’t as good as the original, etc...
I get it. The original is a classic. Remakes are unnecessary. But so are all the thousands of horror movie sequels and superhero reboots, and yet somehow you guys all flock to them without complaint.
If you don’t want to see the movie, fine. It’s not like this movie is going to blink the original out of existence. It’s not going anywhere: it’s on DVD/Blu-Ray/streaming. Your childhood is not being “destroyed.” So get a grip and stop trying to ruin it for the people who do want to see it. It’s that simple.
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dorothydalmati1 · 9 months
Obscure Animation Subject #71: All Dogs Go to Heaven
Originally posted on Twitter on May 21, 2023.
Happy birthday to me! Since its my birthday today, why not talk about a feature film for a change?
It is directed by Don Bluth with a screenplay by David N. Weiss from a story by various people in the industry business.
The film is a collaboration between Goldcrest Films and Sullivan Bluth Studios Ireland Ltd., a co-production between the United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States, it was distributed by United Artists in the US and Rank Film Distributors in the UK and Ireland.
Released on November 17, 1989 in the US, February 8, 1990 in the UK and April 6, 1990 in Ireland, it follows a shepherd named Charlie B. Barkin, whose murdered by his former friend, Carface Carruthers. Charlie escapes from Heaven to return to Earth where his best friend, Itchy Itchiford.
Charlie still lives, in order to take revenge on Carface. Instead, he ends up befriending a young orphan girl named Anne-Marie (voiced by Judith Barsi in her final film role). In the process, Charlie learns an important lesson about kindness, friendship and love.
On its US release, it competed directly with Walt Disney's The Little Mermaid, released on the same day. While it did not repeat the box-office success of Sullivan Bluth's previous features, it was successful on home video, becoming one of the biggest-selling VHS releases ever.
And, its a very bizarre piece of animation I will say. Critics were polarized on the film and I was confused when watching, being a serious film about death that the gabling Shepherd is facing, then shifts to a cutesy tone when the girl comes in then, dark as hell?
Yeah, this is the most bizarre film from Bluth. It didn’t do very well at the box-office when competing with the superior Little Mermaid, but when it was released on home media, it became a sleeper hit and has been on top of the VHS sales, forming a cult following.
It was so successful that a theatrical sequel, a television show and direct-to-video holiday film were produced. Afterwards though, nothing from the franchise came since. However, it still has its fandom and like The Little Mermaid, it may get its live-action remake, who knows…
It may not be the best from Bluth, but I highly recommend it if your curious. It’s such an interesting film to discuss about, although it went through more hell than heaven. Kinda a shame it did because the sequel sucked, the TV show is meh and the Christmas film also sucked.
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
On Wasted Potential
I had an interesting discussion with a co-worker about what it takes to really make me angry when I consume a piece of media and, honestly, when I look back at all of the things that provoked any kind of strong reaction it always boiled down to one thing: wasted potential. In nearly everything that inspired a negative enough reaction that I felt like I wanted to talk about it I had some kind of expectation of quality or there were genuinely good elements that were squandered. This is why the subjects of my ire tend to be sequels and adaptations of works I already like. I get a lot of flack for being critical of the Disney remakes but I stand by my previous statements that these are, every single one of them, complete and utter trash. I feel this way specifically BECAUSE on some level I would have liked to see these movies adapted into live action. Or more specifically.... I wanted to see the stage versions of these movies adapted into film. Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, the Hunchback Of Notre Dame, Tarzan and the Lion King all have stage adaptations that are generally pretty good to excellent and actually do bring new layers to these stories. The Hunchback of Notre Dame in particular is my favorite and the only one of the group not to make it to Broadway and that is a fucking crime because it's phenomenal. My first encounter with it was actually the German production from the 90s and I could write a whole essay on that by itself but the La Jolla version that was adapted from that is every bit as good and in some ways better. This is by far the clearest example of an adaptation actually improving on the original work. I love Hunchback, it's my favorite of the Disney movies, the stage adaptation is even better. And when I watch the stage versions I find myself thinking wow...why didn't they take some ideas from this and put it into their shitty remakes? I wasn't asking for Robin Williams by any means but why did I have to endure Will Smith when we could have had..
Somebody like James Monroe Iglehart or any of the broadway genies. Seeing what could have been and just know that it's not what we ever will get has soured me permanently on the live action remakes. They don't stand up to the original animated films by any means and they don't stand up to the stage versions. Despite having huge budgets and a ton of advertising they are the weakest adaptations and seeing that they continue to be shat out while Disney fails to offer any new or quality content makes me hate them even more. I am so tired of a company this big continuing to feed us garbage and I genuinely hope all of their upcoming remakes fail as hard as pinocchio did. Maybe then they'll be forced to put out something decent again.
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I know I keep talking about it but:
overall yeah I’ve become against disney remakes tbh.
when they started with maleficent? that was a fresh take on the story / character! it wasn’t a frame for frame remake, it was a unique twist on the tale and whether you like that film and its sequel or not - I love both! - it was very original and I don’t think anyone expected it.
but now I do think they’ve just become a way to make money off of nostalgia unfortunately (though the recent cruella film was also a unique take on that story, which is why I think I loved that one as much as I did!)
however, the joy that the new little mermaid is bringing little black girls is not something I could ever ever be against. those babies deserve that joy and I will support this film for them and to take a stand against the disgusting racism halle is experiencing.
(we also don’t know that this one is going to be a frame for frame remake either. there’s apparently multiple new songs and the story could go in a different direction than the original animation.)
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spoilertv · 13 days
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clarktooncrossing · 6 months
Giraffe's Eye View: Christmas Specials Special (2023) | Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas
Chestnuts are roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost is nipping at your nose. Mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again. All the dogs in the neighborhood somehow learned to bark Jingle Bells in sync. Yet retail workers are still more annoyed with Mariah Carey. Snow is getting shoveled, tossed, and formed into sentient beings leading parades without permits. It makes for an excellent distraction as the Krampus abducts children for bad behavior. Fruitcake is exchanged only to find its permanent home in the garbage. Terrorists have hijacked the Holiday office party right before your boss can give you a Jelly of the Month Club membership as your bonus. And of course, the Turducken has returned to wreak its fiery vengeance upon an unsuspecting world! If all this doesn’t put you in the Christmas spirit, perhaps these following Holiday specials will!
Greetings people of today and robots of tomorrow! It is I, Santa Clark, your geeky giraffe friend with a deep love of Christmas! My obsession for the yuletide is rivaled only by Maleficent’s hatred for it, which is saying a lot considering she once teamed up with Mad Madam Mim to kidnap the literal Spirit of Christmas. Yes, that really happened. I know this due to my annual pilgrimage to the Island of Misfit Specials, home to obscure or nerdy festive media ranging from movies, TV episodes, and comics. It’s no easy journey. Constantly I find myself confronted by sinister snowmen, genocidal gingerbread men, and worst of all, crappy commercials. Getting stabbed in the foot by a candy-cane wielding cookie is one thing, but I swear I’ve seen that ad for Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium more times than I’ve seen Miracle on 34th Street! Sometimes at night I catch myself reciting that jingle. Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium: Where Christmas meets Convenience! Huh, maybe Maleficent had a point.
Nah, my deep-rooted appreciation for this time of year can weather even the most moronic marketing! It helps that most of the merry media I’ve seen have put me in the perfect Holiday mood! Examples include the time a Ninja Turtle found himself trapped in a truck full of stollen toys, a drunk department store Santa stumbling onto a wish-granting magic bag, Big Bird nearly becoming a popsicle, Gwenpool waking up in a world where Galactus took the place of jolly ol’ Saint Nicholas, a terrifying tree stump trying to slaughter some saps over a stupid ship war, and the year when Death gave the Little Match Girl the greatest gift of all. Needless to say, I thought I had seen it all. That is, until I took my friends on a trip to the Island, tasking them to find me new, strange, seasonal specials to review! Some of them were fair, finding me festive favorites as comforting as coco in front of the fireplace. Others were fiendish, wanting to feed off my misery like Gremlins after midnight. Regardless of how naughty or nice my companions were, I’ve compiled all of their suggestions into a makeshift advent calendar! So stay tuned everyday until Christmas to see how badly my buddies can shred what little sanity I have left.
On the fourteenth day of Christmas, my buddies gave to me...
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One of my oldest memories is watching Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas with my family every year when I was younger. Little Clark always got excited when his mom popped that tape into the VCR. There was always something so magical about this movie that drew me in each December. If nothing else it was one of the few highlights in Disney’s direct-to-video catalog. Much as I could complain about the follow ups to The Little Mermaid, Mulan, or Brother Bear, I’d gladly take any of these turds over the live-action remakes any day. Especially when said sequels exceeded expectations every so often. This festive anthology is such an example. Honestly, it's a wonder why I haven’t talked about it until now. Thank goodness the totally tubular Tiger (AnimatedTigerGirl) gave me an excuse to do so. Without any further ado, let’s see what awaits us under the tree.
Nestled neatly beneath an immaculate evergreen are three special presents; a boat, a teddy bear, and a miniature sleigh. Each represents an original short, the first being Donald Duck: Stuck on Christmas. Actually, putting the foul-tempered foul’s name in the title is a bit misleading since the story actually focuses on Huey, Dewey, and Louie (Russi Taylor). Like most kids on Christmas, they wake up early to eagerly tear into the presents, ignore their relatives in favor of playing with their new toys, then end the day by pigging out on a traditional turkey dinner. Wait, turkey?! Good lord, they’re cannibals! Between this and Woodstock from A Charlie Brown Christmas, my current theory is that all animated avifauna are anthropologists! Seriously, why is this a recurring trend in media? Another common cliche utilized is wishing upon a star, the boys begging for Christmas everyday. You fools! This is a Disney movie, doing that’s actually effective here! And unlike Timmy Turner or Elmo, these birdbrains end up with the same exact Christmas. It’s like Groundhog Day, minus the suicide montage. Instead we get Uncle Donald (Tony Anselmo) butchering breakfast, sloppy kisses from Aunt Gertie (Tress MacNeille), and Scrooge (Alan Young) singing hoaky carols on the piano. Give the geezer a break boys, these three ghosts gave him a hard time about being a humbug. No carols equals chains for the rest of his afterlife. Whether that’d be worse than experiencing the same day on loop is up for debate. Either way the boys quickly become bored getting stuck in a constant rerun. Not even adding their typical brand of mischief helps, so eventually they elect to plan a perfect Christmas for everybody. They even sacrifice the sleds gifted from Donald to craft him a crude one-man boat. A boat that falls apart almost immediately. Like the song says, he gets stuck with all the bad luck. Overall, Stuck on Christmas is fine, if not a tad repetitive. You’ve seen this type of tale told a million times before and know exactly what to expect. It’s not bad by any means, a lot of the jokes landing perfectly. Still, out of the three plots presented, this is the weakest one.
Fortunately A Very Goofy Christmas makes up for that! Max (Shaun Fleming) is confronted by a conflict of faith when his neighbor Pete (Jim Cummings) declares that Santa isn’t real. Pete, this is exactly why Peg packed up and left with the kids! How can you shatter a child’s dreams like that? Oh right, cuz like Yamai Ren and Lord Zedd, you have a permanent place on the Naughty List. Serves you right for kidnapping Minnie for all those years. Still, his words sting Max, much to the dismay of his father Goofy (Bill Farmer). Like always he’s the best cartoon dad, comforting his son as best he can while also providing a hot meal for his struggling neighbors. Y’know, whenever he’s not wrecking a mall or burning his butt. The absurdity of Goofy escaping a giant ornament Indiana Jones style balances out nicely with the drama centered around his son’s dilemma. It all comes to a boil when Max catches his pop pretending to be Santa, prompting the dippy dog to prove that the festive fatman isn’t a fake. All of his attempts fail, even sending him flailing off the roof. By then Max doesn’t care, just wanting his old man to smile again. Thus he turns the tables and dresses up like Kris Kringle to fool his father, nearly falling off the roof himself. In the end they embrace, happy that they have each other regardless of whether Santa exists or not. Given this is a cartoon produced by Disney though, Saint Nick naturally shows up to give Max a snowboard before burying Pete’s house in snow. A perfect ending to my favorite segment. Granted, Goofy is one of my all time favorite characters, so I might be biased here. Still, having been harassed over my own belief in Santa makes this story very relatable to me. The fact that Goofy nearly catches pneumonia trying to convince his son that there’s still magic in the world hits me right in the feels. Out of these three plotlines, this one’s easily the best.
In a close second is our last segment, Mickey and Minnie's Gift of the Magi. Both Mickey (Wayne Allwine) and Minnie (Taylor) are dreaming of giving each other the perfect present. Problem is neither of them have any money. A relatable conundrum if ever there was one. Each of them try to earn more at their crappy jobs, Mickey working for Pete as his tree lot while Minnie wraps packages at a department store. Sadly the former gets fired for helping a family find a cheaper tree as opposed to his boss’s ridiculously overpriced ten-footers. Again Pete, you should know better. What family actually wants a tree that tall? Asides from the Griswolds, I mean. Imagine the hassle trying to decorate the darn thing. I say as if he cares. Pete’s so furious he steals Mickey’s tips, which I’m pretty sure is illegal. Though the blow heart's gonna need that money after he sets his forest on fire. Maybe now that family can afford those ten footers! Things aren’t much better for Minnie, her boss Mortimer (Jeff Bennett) giving her a fruitcake as a bonus. Minnie proceeds to loudly declare him to be a heartless, brainless, dickless, fatass piece of monkey shit. Hallelujah! She then walks home with a fruitcake, no job, and in need of Tylenol. Left with no other options, both give up what they value most in order to give the other a gift, a scene that’s as sweet as it sounds. Adding to the cuteness is Wayne and Russi’s performance as the duo, the two having actually been married in real life. It’s killing me with cuteness! The only reason I don’t consider this the best of the lot is because of the admittedly simplistic story. Goofy trying to catch Claus was just more compelling to me. Regardless, Gift of the Magi is the perfect conclusion to this trilogy of shorts. That is if all the characters didn’t come together to sing a medley of merry tunes.
Here’s how you can tell someone watched something way too often: when they can sing along to the SheDAISY rendition of “Deck the Halls" that plays over the credits. Like I said, this was a seasonal staple in my house when I was younger and still is to this day. The same sadly can’t be said for Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas, but that’s a story for another day. For now, I hope I’ve expressed just how much this movie fills me with joy! It’s made so many wonderful memories for my family and I over the years. Just like I hope it will with my children, and their children, and their children after that. Regardless of what you watch this year, go make some memories with the people you love.
But seriously though, NO MORE NUTCRACKERS!
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noonesgaylikegatson · 7 months
Can we also talk about the fact that Disney doesn’t know how to make movies and write good stories anymore? Their latest animated movie looks cheap, especially for something that’s supposed to be a celebration of the company’s 100th Anniversary. They do everything purely for money. What happened to making art for the sake of making art?
And the live action remakes? They don’t deliver as much as the animated movies (the exceptions for me are Cinderella and The Little Mermaid because these movies don’t try to be shot-for-shot remakes of the animated, they’re actual reimagining of these that expand on the pre-existing universes, characters and stories)
Look at star wars. I don't like the franchise, but like even if i was neutral, why would I even engage? Everything is fucking prequal, sequel, spin off. Like do some new shit.
They spent all that money for the franchise, just cause they thought it would make them more money. Like, no sense of creative edge.
The MCU is a gutter show cause they let dumbass executives be the creative plan. And they basically spread the entire franchise thin because they wanted to make so much money.
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papirouge · 8 months
whats funny to me about the barbie movie discourse is that it's basically non existant in my country, americans can be so stupid... in fact, ive heard pretty much every girl AND every boy that went to see it enjoyed it or at most found it ok. i'm glad it has become one of the highest grossing movies of all time, just like im glad the little mermaid did pretty good too (except asia apparently but that was pretty much a given, they're pretty antiblack from what ive heard)
I mean, Mulan also flopped in Asia so it's not like block buster movies flopping was bc of wokism or anything... But it's very interesting to see the same people dogpilling on commieland social credit distopy China suddenly rave about it the moment a muH wOke movie flops out there.... the cognitive dissonance of these people is quite insane.
It was lowkey hilarious to see scrotes & rightoids coping at Barbie stellar performance when they are usually so prompt to be likr gO wOke g0 bRoKe🤪 I literally saw with my very own eyes that the only reason Barbie was a success because it leveraged a "conservative image" AND because "people didn't know what to expect". This copium theory, beside being contradictory (you can't leverage an already existing image/branding and then pretend it doesn't exist t argue that people didn't know what to expect...) precisely shows the hypocrisy of these anti woke people. They pretend that woke is fated to flop, but when it's a success, they will pull out all sort of stupid argument to explain that success to avoid talking about the fact that people simply.....enjoyed this stuff. Like, yeah, unless it's a prequel/sequel or remake, people don't know what to expect when they go the theaters. This alone isn't enough to compel people to go see a movie
But yeah, if you was wondering, my comment didn't get approved, and Vigilant Citizen is definitely full of it lmao. Funny how the "free speech for all" people suddenly hate free speech when it's the freedom to call them out 👀
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Blush Blush Wish List: New Boy edition.
If you read my wish lists from my previous posts, I did my first as random and a second one about clothing, which one of the clothing wish is coming true slowly, I decided to make a THIRD wish list, based on the Boy/Man bundle. We knew that there will be a new guy coming, plausibly the phone fling winner Poe, so here’s some dream ideas of mine that inspired me.
I will mark a disclaimer right here and now so please read it:
Any thing I write here is MY opinion, MY fantasy and JUST A THEORY. They are NON-canon, not project proof and they’re just fan fic/pic related to Blush Blush.
If you don’t like them or disagree, that’s OK! we can talk about it in the comments or ask box like big girls.
Without further ado, here are my Manimal ideas:
1. Racoon Thief!
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I’m staring off with what I already mention on my first and my personal favorite.
I used to read one of the first few books of Arsene Lupin by Maurice Leblanc a few years back and I also watched the old French TV series from the 70′s. I also used to own a film based of him from 2004? and I love it. There is also a 90′s animated series from YTV called Night Hood.
I also noticed that there was a PS2 game with a couple of sequels and a PSVita remake with all the games in one. If you ever played Sly Cooper, this would be a very nice compliment to a legendary Gentlemen Burglar.
I imagine about how the player was on a detective mission, like Cole’s, and he/she stumbles a burglary scene from a bakery store. Player noticed some crumbs leading to an alley and soon find a well dressed racoon... Speaking some French accent, the Gentlemen racoon would explained that since he’s somehow got in a situation that prevents him to go to his ‘job’ he had no choice but to ‘borrow’ until he’s back to normal. With past experiences, you’d tell him that you can help him revert back if he’d promised to pay all of the goodies he has taken from.
I can imagine a Persona 5 references or Lupin the 3rd Easter egg dialogs.
2. Beauty Guru BF!
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BEFORE anyone has to say about Jeffree, I’m gonna say HERE that I’ll understand if you don’t like or support him, this is just a reference and ideas.
Now, my second idea for a next Manimal, it would be a beauty guru BF.
Now I would go for someone between Jeffree Star and Kimora Blac. Someone’s that’s very influential, a bit controversial but not that serious and very honest.
So imagine a scenario when the player decided to take a break from streaming and just surfing on Youtube when they came across a makeup review tutorial with a face of an animal. Any animal. Player then clicked it and the animal said:
“Hello everybody and welcome back to my channel! Today, I woke up, got to a mirror... beyoch... The Panda Team, is crazy!!!”
Somehow the player texted on the comments and then sends some pictures that proves you can help him, so he flew from his private jet to meet you!
If this gets canon, let the team know about Jeffree Star and try not to copy him too much like they did with Markiplier.
3. Fashionista Drag Queen BF!
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Following from the previous, another LGBT representative would be the man with good fashion taste, RuPaul!
I thought about how the Player would one day be shopping for new clothes and then notice an animal giving out fashion advices. He does admit he’s sadden cause of his physical state, he can’t dress up whatever he’d normally wear.
He’d also would reference from high brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Guicci, random Italian brands, ect... 
Imagine on his semi or full human form, he’d be wearing RuPaul inspired tuxedos or a dress option DLC. 
4. Royalty Prince charming!
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I know that on Phone Fling, we have the self proclaimed Arabian Prince Sascha, but think about an EUROPEAN prince!
Imagine Player was doing gardening and then all of a sudden they heard someone complaining.
“Why are they treating me like I am some pet?! I am a PRINCE!”
You notice the ‘Manimal’ and told them your ‘specialty’ after introducing. “So you’d help your prince from this curse? Should we do true love’s first kiss? Fairly well, but you must prove it!”
This could inspire Disney prince references. ;) You take your pick!
5. Native American Boy.
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Before I explain, I just want to say that I respect the Natives and they’re are one of the nicest people, I’m just saying as a character perspective.
If you remembered on my first wish list, I asked for more diversities so here’s one of them!
Player was walking in the nature park and decided to take a rest on a table park when they noticed some thrash that some human dumpster fire was too lazy to put it in the thrash so you did. All of a sudden you head someone said thank you. You turned to see the Manimal in question. “It is so nice of you to think conscious about our home environment when you knew you weren’t the one who done it. May the Great Spirits looks on you.”
I kinda lean towards the Eagle or a Bear cause the Wolf is already taken.
I think it would be a nice reminder for a dialog to us about the environment once in a while and also Disney’s Brother Bear.
6. Frank Sinatra the 2nd! Old school but cool!
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THIS is probably one of an interesting idea about an ‘old’ soul. It’s kinda like Myx but classier. Swag are for boys, Class are for men.
Remember the Old Looney Tune cartoons? Remember that character Tweety Bird? Yeah, I go with a canary or maybe a yellow-crested cockatoo with this number.
Imagine Player decided to play a mainstream music from their room, when after about a minute in, you hear someone screaming from next door.
At first you thought it was probably you neighbor, but come to find out, it was a talking bird in a cage. You asked him and he answered. “I just moved in from my relatives and now I’m stuck with feathers instead of a classic bow tie. You said you had experience with this?”
This Manimal would be one of those nerds with bowties and sweaters on shoulder prep boy. He’s more like Frank Sinatra (Pic 1 and 2 with Elvis), Dean Martin or Sammy David Jr. A bit more old fashioned but about the same age as college kids.
Imagine the dialogs would be more like Tweety birds whenever Cole is change in between and had comedy accidents like the cartoons to prevent being his next un-cook chicken nugget!
7. Ancient temple guardian!
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If anyone had played Crush Crush, you know about the Suzu bundle in the shop. She’s a white fox spirt that the player had accidentally broke the statue.
Now imagine the same thing, but this time you notice that one of these statues are not the same cause they don’t breathe.
8. Marine surfer/oceanic enthusiast!
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Remember when I said there’s no Marine Animals (Yet?) If they do, I hope to see a hot guy who was turned into one while I was just looking at the waves.
Imagine Little Mermaid in a gender swap perspective. He wants to learn about the ocean like Jacque Cousteau and sometimes collects sea shells or old object from the 18th centuries that was from sunken ships.
9. German Soccer coach!
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Remember when the German won the soccer tournament from Brazil by 7-1 a few years ago? Now imagine someone from that country that’s the new soccer/football coach for your team.
Player wanted to try a new sport so they go for it, but noticed the coach is a big German Shepperd. He’s Strict, Disciplined and very Passionate.
We need a good doggo for 2021!
10. Eastern Master Chef
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I think I saved a nice one for last, but my random card tells me that we need a chef in that game. CC have Bonnibel, we have a Michelin star chef!
I thought about an old school 90′s Iron Chef stars like Chef Hiroyuki Sakai and Chen Kenichi. But this one is from China, where they eat anything with four legs except tables and anything that flies except planes.
Honorary mentions of Gordon Ramsey in the dialogs but he’s too nice and... I want to see someone else besides him.
That’s all I have for Manimal ideas for now. Do you like any of them? Do you have any other ideas? Please tell me of what you think!
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Disney Investor Day 2020 Info Dump
DIsney just put out the most insane collection of entertainment news I’ve ever seen in a 4-hour presentation. Here’s the big stuff:
Ashoka (Series) Set during the time of The Mandalorian.
Rangers of the New Republic (Series) also set during the time of The Mandalorian.
Andor (Series) follows Cassian Andor before the events of Rogue One. 2022
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Series) will have Hayden Christensen returning as Darth Vader.
The Bad Batch (Series) seems to be an animated continuation of The Clone Wars with The Bad Batch characters introduced in season 7, set after the fall of the Jedi.
The Acolyte (Series) is set many years before the Skywalker saga, following the rise of the dark side.
Lando (Series)
Star Wars Visions (Series) An anime series of Star Wars shorts
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (Movie) directed by Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman). Christmas 2023
Taika Waititi is writing and directing a new Star Wars movie
Willow (Movie) is getting a sequel with Warwick Davis. 2022
Indiana Jones 5 will be the final film in the series. Harrison Ford returning, and directed by James Mangold (Logan). Summer 2022
Children of Blood and Bone (Movie?) based on the YA series
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers (Movie?) with Emilio Estevez returning
Turner & Hooch (Movie?)
Beauty and the Beast Prequel Series (Series) with Luke Evans and Josh Gad returning. No Date
Swiss Family Robinson (Series?). No Date
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Series). No Date
The Mysterious Benedict Society (Movie) looks like Umbrella Academy for kids, but no superpowers... Funny trailer.
Hocus Pocus 2, Three Men and a Baby remake, a bunch of sports movies, Flora & Ulysses, Cheaper by the Dozen, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Ice Age: The Adventures of Buck Wild, an animated Night at the Museum sequel, all revealed without much fanfare
Jungle Cruise (Movie) coming next July
The Lion King Live-Action Sequel
The Little Mermaid (Movie) will be going to theaters
Chip N’ Dale Rescue Rangers (Movie) is a live action/CG hybrid with the voices of Andy Samberg and John Mulaney
Pinnochio (Movie) starring Tom Hanks, going to Disney+
Peter Pan and Wendy (Movie) with Jude Law as Captain Hook going to Disney+
Disenchanted (Movie) is the Enchanted Sequel with Amy Adams returning to Disney+
Sister Act 3 (Movie) with Whoopie Goldberg returning to Disney+
Cruella (Movie) starring Emma Stone in the 70′s set prequel
Raya and the Last Dragon will release in theatres and Disney+ Premier Access in March 2021
Baymax! (Series) focuses on Baymax’s desire to be a nurse robot. Early 2022
Zootopia+ (Shorts) Shorts set in the world of Zootopia. Spring 2022
Tiana (Series) “Long-form musical comedy series” sequel to Princess and the Frog. 2023
Moana (Series) A sequel series to the movie. 2023
Iwaju (Series) This fururistic animated series is a collaboration between Disney and Pan-African comic book entertainment company Kugali,set in Nigeria and “steeped in science fiction”. 2022
Encanto (Movie) Their next animated film from the creators of Zootopia, set in Colombia. Songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Fall 2021
Dug Days (Series) A continuation series of Up with Dug and Carl. Fall 2021
Cars Series (Series). It’s Cars.
Win or Lose (Series) It’s about a kids softball team or something. Fall 2023
Luca (Movie) Set in Italy. What if pasta had a soul? June 2021
Turning Red (Movie) A 13-year old girl who "poofs” into a giant red panda when she gets too excited. From the director of the “Bao” short. Spring 2022
Lightyear (Movie) Buzz Lightyear origin story with Chris Evans as Buzz. Actual Buzz Lightyear, not a toy. Summer 2022
Wandavision (January 15), Falcon and Winter Soldier (March 2021) and Loki (May 2021) series coming very soon
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness confirms Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong, Rachel McAdams, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Elizabeth Olson returning, as well as newcomer Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez. Connects to Wandavision and Spider-Man 3. March 25, 2022
Black Widow is I guess still coming to Theatres on May 7, 2021
What If...? (series) Animated alternate tales from the MCU (What if T’challa was kidnapped by Yondu instead of Peter? What if Peggy Carter became Captain America? Etc.) 2021
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (Movie) releasing July 9, 2021
Ms. Marvel (Series) filming now, coming in 2021.
Captain Marvel 2 (Movie) will feature Ms. Marvel as well. No date.
Hawkeye (Series) has Jeremy Renner, and Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop. Late 2021
She Hulk (Series) starring Tatiana Maslany and featuring Mark Ruffalo and Tim Roth (Abomination from The Incredible Hulk). Described as “very funny”, and I guess because it’s a legal show, “anyone” could show up. 2022?
Moon Knight (Series) Basically Batman, but with Egyptian gods in his head. Rumours are Oscar Issac is playing him, but no confirmation here
Secret Invasion (Series) will follow the Skrull invasion of Earth, where they imperinate various world politicians and heroes. Starring Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Mendelson
Ironheart (Series) young black supergenius Riri Williams picks up the mantle of Iron Man.
Armor Wars (Series) has Don Cheadle returning as Rhodey, and asks the question “what happens when Tony Stark’s technology falls into the wrong hands”
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special written and directed by James Gunn. Christmas 2022
The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (Movie) in 2023
I Am Groot (Shorts). No Date
Thor: Love and Thunder (Movie) from Taika Waititi with Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tessa Thompson, and Christian Bale as Gorr the God-Butcher. May 6 2022
Blade (Movie) starring Mahershala Ali. No date.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (Movie) Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lily, Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer returning, with Kathryn Newton as Cassie Lang and Jonathan Majors as the villain, Kang the Conquerer. No date
Black Panther 2 will not recast T’challa but will move forward to further explore the world of Wakanda. July 8, 2022
Fantastic 4 is in some stage of production, with Jon Watts (Director of the recent Spider-Man trilogy) directing.
Zero talk of Spider-Man 3, but recent rumours are nuts. Coming December 2021
Hopefully there is something here to excite you
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thedisneyhub · 5 years
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Disney Finds 'Little Mermaid' Star in Singer Halle Bailey
Bailey, who with her sister forms R&B duo Chloe x Halle, has nabbed the starring role in Disney's live-action remake of The Little Mermaid, and will play the role of Ariel, the rebellious daughter of King Triton who longs to live on dry land.
The decision was made today, with the budding actress notified later Wednesday morning.
Mermaid is casting up, with Melissa McCarthy, Jacob Tremblay and Awkwafina in talks to star and lend their voices to other live-action and CG parts.
Rob Marshall is set to direct, after helming the studio's sequel to Mary Poppins, Mary Poppins Returns.
"After an extensive search, it was abundantly clear that Halle possesses that rare combination of spirit, heart, youth, innocence and substance — plus a glorious singing voice — all intrinsic qualities necessary to play this iconic role,” said Marshall in a statement.
An early 2020 production start is being planned.
Ron Clements and John Musker were behind the animated 1989 original, which won best original song and score Oscars for Alan Menken. For the new iteration of the fairy tale, Menken will team with Lin-Manuel Miranda on the music.
Marc Platt, who worked with Marshall on Mary Poppins Returns and exec produced Guy Ritchie's live-action Aladdin remake, is producing. Marshall and John DeLuca are also producers Mermaid, as is Miranda.
Bailey, 19, is best known as one-half of Chloe x Halle, who signed to Beyoncé's Parkwood Entertainment label after gaining popularity with YouTube covers. The Little Mermaid would be a breakout role for Bailey, whose only other screen credit is as a supporting player on Freeform's Yara Shahidi series Grown-ish.
She is repped by CAA.
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mysaldate · 4 years
Late night thoughts #1 — KnY demons and Disney
It's currently 6am here and I haven't been able to fall asleep yet so this still counts as late night thoughts, right? Well, even if not, just enjoy the crack please.
Also, when talking about movies that have been remade, I'm taking the old versions, I haven't seen any of the remakes yet and I'm not exactly planning on it either.
Honestly prefers Dreamworks over Disney, especially their earlier works.
Probably still enjoyed Great Mouse Detective or The Black Cauldron. Oh right, and Hunchback of Notre Dame had its good moments for him.
Has that one book that ends every story before the villain gets defeated so it's like they won.
Genuinely believes Mulan is the only valid Disney film. And that's really only thanks to Li Shang.
Will cut you up if you mention the sequel tho.
One he really hates is Lion King. It just hits too close to home for him.
HUGE Frozen fan. Emotionally constipated orphaned princess with ice powers who's lived her whole life in isolation and doesn't get people? Come on.
He felt a little called out at first but then he learnt Let It Go by heart.
Saw the sequel at 50 times at the cinema before letting someone talk him into buying the DVD. Cried every time.
Really likes Mulan too. And for some reason The Little Mermaid and Hercules too but Mulan is his no. 1.
Won't admit it but he can lip-sync every single song in those movies. Ok, let's be fair, he can lip-sync the whole Mulan movie.
Also enjoyed the Hercules spin-off series even if he rarely got any of the refferences.
Hantengu (and his chaotic boy band)
Actually have Disney movie night marathons. Usually only Yoroko and Karaku make it till morning.
Every single one of them loves Lion King. Sometimes it's on twice in one night. The sequels not so much but Yoroko digs the Hakuna Matata one.
Sekido sometimes does Scar impressions when they act out. Some of them are actually scared of him (and Zira too).
The Little Mermaid or Hunchback of Notre Dame are really the only two she enjoyed.
Still can play just about every Disney song EVER on her biwa. She can also sing but usually doesn't.
Yes, that includes songs from sequels and spin-offs. She has lots of time in the Fortress.
Not all that much into Disney, prefers japanese animation most of the time. And japanese movies in general.
Heard of the Ao Oni live action movies? He sent a couple letters to Disney, asking them to adapt the other novels.
Sometimes likes a little comedy. Emperor's New Groove really fell in line with his taste.
Thinks Cinderella is a comedy. So is Snow White. So is Sleeping Beauty. Yeah, every princess story is a comedy.
Secretly cried in her pillow when she thought Snow White died but nobody can know this.
All-time favourite is Bambi because humans are disgusting.
Usually just watches whatever Daki does, only rarely on his own.
Likes Pixar production more than Disney originals but it's not major.
Adores Princess and the Frog and Hunchback for obvious reasons (though the literary basis for the later one hurt him to read).
Not a very big fan but he enjoys the older movies. Thinks the new ones suck and isn't afraid to say that to your face.
For some reason really likes Robin Hood. And Oliver & company.
Can and will sing rock/metal versions of every Disney song that has such a version already made. Has made children cry with this in the past and can again if desired.
Ever heard of Great Locomotive Chase? Being based on an actual event makes it all the more appealing to him. He will watch anything tho.
Usually falls asleep within first three minutes but somehow remembers everything anyway?
Sometimes goes to cons or public reading events to share the "real stories" the Disney movies were based on. He's banned from 4 cons and 26 libraries all across Japan so far.
Actually really loves Disney and remembers at least one quote for every character who has at least a line.
Really likes all The Three Musketeers movies.
Sometimes a little confused about early Dreamworks production since they look so similar.
Not that much of a fan but he knows the classics. Not that any of them speaks to him personally.
Sometimes gets called Banzai after that one hyena in Lion King. He hates it but at least it's not Ed.
Doesn't realize Disney doesn't only make animated movies. Maybe one day.
Knows the Disney renessaince era and then the modern movies. Also heard of Lady and Tramp at one point.
Probably kinda likes Pocahontas and doesn't understand why are the americans so angry about it.
Paint With All the Colours of the Wind is forever his (her?) ringtone and you can't do anything about it.
Rui (and fam)
Apparently there was a movie called The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band.
He gets bored by it anyway but keeps it on for the aesthetics.
Also have movie nights but usually not Disney-only. And he's the only one allowed to pick movies anyway. Bambi or Lion King are common choices.
Dreamworks fan.
Used to enjoy Marvel but refuses to support Disney.
Gets stuck babysitting Enmu far too often tho so he knows all the movies anyway.
Underrated movies fan. Both the "dark era" of Disney animation and anything else that got lost over time.
Top favourite is, and will forever be, Treasure Planet. He squeels like a little kid when watching that one.
Thinks sequels deserve some love too even if they weren't as good as the originals.
Star Wars fan mostly but won't say no to some older Disney classic. Just not anything too "woke" or princessy.
Emperor's New Groove is right up her alley and she knows everything about the movie.
Also really liked the Jungle Book. Except for the ending. She just wants Mowgli to grow up to be the next Tarzan but without the girl.
Prefers the book originals and complains about adaptations way too much.
Kind of enjoyed Hercules because of all the refferences to old mythology, that made him feel smart. But they messed up a few things so there's that.
What do you mean Prince of Egypt is not Disney?
Casual fan, doesn't really get the appeal beyond "Aw, what a cute cartoon!"
Not a fan of the dirty jokes slipped in sometimes, nor the other adult refferences.
Likes Jane from Tarzan because she's a good girl who came to study animals and found love and was overall super wholesome. She also likes Belle.
Pretends to be annoyed but actually loves princess movies most of them all.
Has a secret collection of figurines. Everything he can get his hands on, though villains usually get burnt or otherwise creatively disposed of.
Convinced Tamayo is a princess and that birds do her hair every morning. You can't change his mind.
Swamp triplets
Princess movies preffered because the girls are really pretty (and sometimes below 16, let's be fair).
Can never agree which one is the best though. One says it's Belle, Two claims Moana is superior to any princess, Three usually goes with Snow White or Sleeping Beauty but he can't make up his mind.
All of them are kinda scared of Jafar because he reminds them of Muzan a bit.
Hand demon
Probably knows all the animated movies by heart. And all the villain songs.
Loves Brother Bear. A lot.
Still scared of the bad guys, he just thinks they have hip songs and cool style.
Looks up to the badass Disney girls. No, not Anna and Elsa, the actual badass Disney girls.
Sometimes jokes that Tanjiro and her are a bit like Lilo and Stitch. Tanjiro makes sure to point out she's a princess though.
Absolutely loves Big Hero Six and Zootopia. You know, obvious reasons.
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