#there are 2 viable courses. the others are too complex and will not benefit me in the long run
tunapesto · 11 months
picking a course makes me want to cry and throw up so bad
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a-crimson-lion · 5 years
How Losing Can Feel Like Winning (The Right And Wrong Way)
Me: *Looks at clock*
Me: Screw it, I got time to burn.
[Bad news: Bakugo Bashing. Good News: Not JUST Bakugo Bashing. I get the feeling some of you get tired of that.]
I've heard a phrase that goes somewhere along the lines of "Winning signifies victory, losing signifies a chance to learn from your mistakes." In this sense, losing can feel like winning in the right circumstances. However, that doesn't mean that's always a good thing. In order to elaborate, I'll be using two examples from My Hero Academia: Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya.
+Katsuki Bakugo (Wrong Way)
In retrospect, I shouldn't be surprised. The "Katsu" part of Katsuki's name comes from the Japanese term that means "to win." It's only natural that even some of his failures are ultimately victories. However, these "subsequent victories," as I will address them as from here on out, don't exactly work in his favor, which I will explain later.
Also, something to keep in mind: characters will not always win something when they lose. Sometimes a loss is a loss. It may help in the long run, but we're looking at the losses that have a relatively close and significant impact shortly after the loss. Now then, let's begin:
The Battle Trial. Katsuki lost this by the parameters of the test. With this loss, he is confronted by the fact that Izuku, someone who should be "worthless" by his standards, managed to beat him. He spends the rest of the day having a lowkey mental breakdown because his worldview has been challeneged and he can't cope. However, once Izuku has recovered from his injuries, he ends up confronting Katsuki and telling him about his quirk, or at least enough for Katsuki to connect the dots, and Katsuki decides to refirm his resolve to overcome everyone is his class. Later, All Might will attempt to comfort him. So, Katsuki lost, and he gets insider knowledge on one of the world's most incredible quirks, his initial worldview is reestablished with some minor changes, and good old All Might shows up to comfort him. Yeah, looks like a subsequent victory.
Attacking Kurogiri. The Pro Hero No. 13 is about to apprehend Kurogiri at the USJ, but out of nowhere, Katsuki and Eijiro attack the menacing Warp Gate Villain, causing No. 13 to hold back and allowing Kurogiri to scatter Class 1-A to the winds. Only... what's this? Katsuki overheard Kurogiri saying "That was close," and thus came to the conclusion that he had a physical body!? How convenient! All sarcasm aside, this is an obvious subsequent victory.
Final Exams. Katsuki tries time and time again to try taking down All Might in their final exam, even though running away is a perfectly viable course of action and All Might (even handicapped and weaker than he's been before) is a force of nature to be reckoned with. Naturally, Katsuki gets his butt whooped, due to his initial refusal to collaborate with Izuku and his own adamant persistence in trying to take down All Might, and failing spectacular. But this will never affect him in the long run, because while Katsuki's out cold, Izuku comes to his aid, and drags him through the gate, letting them both pass. This is one of the subsequent victories that irritates me more than most, but I'll get back to that later.
Provisional License Exam. Fast forward a few months ahead, and our young heroes in training are finally gonna get their Provisional Hero Licenses! Well, except for Katsuki (and Shoto, but he's not the focus right now). At first, this seems like a momentous occasion! Katsuki didn't get his License; we're in for more character development!!! Well yes, but actually no. For starters, just because Katsuki didn't get his License NOW doesn't mean he won't get it LATER (which he does, and I will admit that he has every right to try again). Then, because DeKu got his License before Katsuki, his inferiority complex will rear it's ugly head, dragging Izuku out after curfew for an unnecessary pummeling (and NO, just because Izuku justifies it to himself doesn't mean I have to), after which he'll get a few days house arrest and learn the entire scale of One for All. Oh, that's not enough? He also conveniently avoids fighting against Mirio, an opponent who would absolutely curb stomp him. Even if he didn't follow Shoto's lead and stick to the sidelines because he lacked his license, Deku vs Kacchan 2 made sure that the narrative had a backup plan to keep him from earning a well deserved beating (though let's be honest, knowing Katsuki, it probably wouldn't do much). And to top it all off, he only gets a little bit better than he was before. Just a smidge. This one of those subsequent victories that makes me go "Ooh, you sneaky piece of crap" in regards to the narrative.
We'll stop there for now, since Season 4 isn't out yet and we really don't see much of Katsuki there, anyway. The reason I don't like any of Katsuki's subsequent victories is because they don't let his character grow; they shelter him from consequences and justify his less than ideal decisions. He gets comfort and privilege after a fight which only strengthens his flawed world view. He gets insider knowledge on how to incapacitate one of the villains by getting in the way of a Pro Hero who would have likely reduced the villain's impact. I don't like how he passes the Final Exams considering that even though Minoru carried Hanta out the gate, Hanta still failed (and while I don't like Minoru, I can admit that he shows strategic intelligence when it counts, though not much else). Why does Katsuki get to pass when Izuku basically does the same thing? And then the narrative tries to make it seem like Katsuki is recieving fair consequences for his actions, even though it will ultimately end up with a slap on the wrist and knowledge of a quirk he shouldn't know about, combined with the fact that he avoids a confrontation which might actually teach him something, and he'll get his License anyway.
Katsuki doesn't get to grow to be better; he just continues to get more physical growth rather than emotional growth, which will ultimately backfire as it has on people like Endeavor and numerous villains (I appreciate that Endeavor is attempting to change, but still). Subsequent victories are pointless if they don't let the character, y'know, actually improve.
Okay, Bakugo bashing over. Let's move on to...
+Izuku Midoriya (Right Way)
What's interesting about Izuku's subsequent victories is that there's not only arguably more of them compared to other Shonen protagonist, but there's also actual growth that comes with them, and not just another epic power boost that ignores the problems thus far. Let me elaborate.
Entrance Exam. This is the closest to a win that Izuku gets from a loss. Even though he actually passed thanks to rescue points, we don't know that, and Izuku doesn't know it, either. That makes it all the more relieving that Izuku actually passes his exam, and it's also a subtle reminder to viewers: "Raw strength isn't everything; actions are important, too." Of course, Katsuki would probably argue about that...
Midoriya vs Todoroki. This is probably his biggest subsequent victory to date because of the sheer impact it has on the series. We can see that even if he goes all out after freeing Shoto from his previous transgressions, Izuku still loses the match. It's what happens in the aftermath that REALLY sells the point across, though. Izuku actually has permanent damage thanks to his reckless use of his quirk at 100%. He gains an ally in Shoto, which will come in handy during the Stain Arc. He learns about All Might's Quirkless past, and he ultimately gains the incentive to learn what will eventually becime One for All: Full Cowl. A subsequent victory at its finest!
Deku vs. Kacchan 2. I've already said my thoughts about this fight during my spat on Katsuki. I still stand by that, especially considering that this subsequent victory is the closest to an actual loss as far as I'm going. Having said that, Izuku still benefits from this. Even if he lost that fight with Katsuki, he still managed to bump up his quirk output from 5% to 8%. Plus, when he returns to class, he'll see how far he has to go to really become a hero when he faces off against Mirio, leading into the Shie Hassaikai Arc.
And since he doesn't experience a subsequent victory that I can recall from that point to the end of the Shie Hassaikai arc, I'll just leave it there. The difference between Izuku's subsequent victories and Katuki's is that Izuku grows emotionally as well as physically. He gets into a hero school because of his heroic nature. He learns to better maintain his use of One for All and gains a powerful ally after he loses the match, while learning to take better care of himself when he's using his quirk. Finally, he gains a small but significant power boost from an otherwise pointless confrontation, later getting the proper perspective on how much farther he has to go on his path to heroism.
In a way, I think the above statements describe Katsuki and Izuku's work ethics.
Katsuki works hard, yes, but it's more for the sake of maintenance. He's not getting stronger and more versatile with his quirk because he thinks he has to; he's doing it because he thinks he's already the best of the best (most of the time), and now he has to prove it to everyone else.
Izuku works hard because he wants to actually push beyond his limits. There are no finish lines for Izuku, only checkpoints. Getting stronger is only a piece of Izuku's goal: to help save people. He doesn't think of himself as the best; he just wants to do better.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
-Crimson Lion (8 September 2019)
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sirianni581-blog · 4 years
Are Investment Costs of Business Internet Marketing Higher Than You Might Think?
Having just started to use internet marketing in our own business and trying to bring together all the different components to deliver a set of desired outcomes, we have discovered it is not a simple task. We have created a huge amount of online content from websites, blog sites, micro-blogging, and social media network participation. But and it is a big but, how do you convert all this activity (or lack of it) into a coherent message that brings visitors to your target online content and transcends to registrations and / or sales?
To be honest we have been merrily creating web content, accounts on twitter, Facebook pages, blogs and regularly posting but without paying specific attention to the direction or the message. This has been a conscious choice on our part as we were not ready to join everything up yet, so we just started by increasing our online profile until we were set to go. I think this is one of the big hurdles for most people entering Internet Marketing at any level is... why am I doing this? Why am I posting content onto Blogs, twittering, when no one is visiting anyway? I'm not reading my other 1000 followers tweets, so I am sure they are not reading mine! If I'm the only one ready what I'm writing I'd sooner not bother! 2 Blog posts a day, why? for what? What am I going to say? What difference will it make?
We expect those new to Internet Marketing to blindly accept that 'you should get a blog, you should use Twitter and join Facebook... trust me... you will see the benefit, later on everything will be much clearer...'
Here then is the issue... of course signing up to these services, Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Linked in or any other social media platform is not in itself going to make any difference to a business. Just the same as printing some leaflets for a mailshot and leaving them in the garage, or attending networking meetings and not talking to anyone, these won't make much impact either dropshipping .
The facts are that Internet Marketing is a complex business. It performs the functions of building individual's profiles and credibility, Brand awareness and product / service sales via one medium. Each of these areas requires different techniques, services and strategies online, but you can't go about this in a half baked, apathetic manner. Internet Marketing has the ability to transform businesses, enable small companies to compete with the 'big boys' and build new enterprises from nothing but not by making one blog post a week, the odd twitter tweet now and then and complaining that sales haven't increased yet!
So what is the reality? The reality is this, that Internet marketing provides the ability to reach 100,000's of people and quickly, but it won't happen without effort... A LOT OF IT!
Most Small Business's are owned privately, very often by the entrepreneur who found a niche, designed a new product or took advantage of an opportunity. These individuals are often technical people and suffer from the old 'Feast and Famine' syndrome that finds refuge in Micro and small businesses. When we're in Sales mode we are extremely busy, when servicing customers, prospects dry up... then we're found scratching around for business again which happens, eventually, months after we needed it.
Now typical business owners don't think of themselves as sales people and will readily admit they don't like this part of the business and yet without it the business can't survive. I've heard many a business owner admit they are not sales people, 'I'm basically too honest to be a sales person' as if a sales person's role was to somehow convince someone to buy a product they don't need and don't want. Well, let us now separate Marketing from Sales.
Marketing is encouraging people to consider your products and services... visitors if you like, whereas Sales is the matching of the customers requirements to your offerings. At no point in this is there any persuasion or manipulation... better still, much of this sales process can be automated with Internet Marketing. Marketing requires an audience to market too... sales requires us to provide information, substantiate our offering and provide a method to engage with us.
You will hear this time and time again with the Internet Marketing crowd... 'the money is in the list!' and if we are to market successfully then having a list to inform on a regular basis is absolutely essential. If we apply this to offline marketing, most of the hard work in sending out a mailshot was creating a quality list of people in the first place... our target audience! If we are to engage the services of a Direct Marketing company for a telephone campaign... at some point before this a list must be found, either from an existing database or bought from an organisation specialising in such Lists, the higher the quality the better.
So let us now see what relevance our Online - Internet Marketing activities have in identifying a target market. Consider Facebook, Linked-in, Twitter, Blog subscribers and Registrations for an ezine or other regular communication... what are these?
They are lists of course! lists of people who in some way have connected with you and are probably comfortable to receive correspondence from you or your business. Herein lies the secret then behind why we should bother at all to seek people out, follow and be followed. List building... and the good news is that it can be quite good fun too!
Now in our business we have 5 main products offerings... some of these products have an overlapping potential audience, others do not. It may be necessary therefore to have multiple accounts for Twitter and / or a separate Facebook page for the different audience. Already you can see that if we are to manage, maintain and post for each product on a regular basis (desirable) then this is a substantial amount of work.
One of the difficulties that some of my colleagues have with building a large list of friends or followers is, 'How can you possibly keep in touch with all these people?, I struggle to stay in touch with my immediate relatives' and for sure, personally corresponding with 60,000 people is not viable... but this is not the point.
These social sites represent a massive network of interconnected people, you are not necessarily communicating on a 1-2-1 basis (although you can do this) but rather are broadcasting what you want to say to everyone who is connected and often to their immediate connections as well!! Suddenly we have the ability to get a message to a very large audience with a single post.
Now... most people certainly with Twitter won't see your post, and a good many won't in Facebook or Linked-In either, however this is not an issue. It is not our problem to worry about who will see our posting or not, that is not our responsibility and we should avoid getting attached to the outcome. Our role is to provide the information (post), that is it... Now there is a magic number in marketing and sales this is 3%. This little number is very important. It is the recognised average response rate in a cold market... sometimes it can be more, often less. If we sent out 1000 mailshots then it would be acceptable to set a benchmark of 30 as the number of positive responses. This is about the same % that I have experienced in responses to click-through's on Tweets and Facebook postings. Taking these numbers if we tweeted with a follower list of 30,000 then we could expect around 900 visits. We have absolutely no idea which ones will click the link... or tell a friend or retweet, however the figures can be quite staggering... Imagine if you worked with other 'Big List' owners and offered a percentage to tweet to their lists... and you did this 3 times per day... the number of visits could become very large indeed.
The lists provide us with a 'potential market' for our products and the purpose of this article is not to go into the detailed techniques for building lists, only that it should be very high up on the list of priorities. So how much time, money and effort should be put into this exercise?
The answer to this question depends on the nature of a business, the ideal customer profile and many other factors, clearly a restaurant has a different set of requirements to someone selling a digital product (such as an ebook) globally. The first thing is to decide an Internet Marketing strategy which is complimentary to the business, once this is defined then the activities required become much clearer.
Once the basic Architecture of the marketing is defined then comes the work and the Investment. If I look at our business as an example, we have invested in three key areas, Colateral, People and services. Lets look at what is involved in each of these -:
We have 5 blogs, 6 websites (some complex, some a single page), 7 Twitter accounts, Facebook (4 Business Pages), Linked-In, Ecademy, Hub Pages, StumbleUpon, Squidoo and other online social networking accounts, all these had to be set up, populated, and now managed on an ongoing basis. This is not something which can be done in 20 minutes per day. We have to work all of these resources on a regular basis to keep ourselves in the 'Public eye'.
We have invested in 1 full time person, plus both myself and another member of staff allocate 3 or 4 hours per day to Internet Marketing activities. Firstly staff require training to use the tools that enable us to work our internet marketing, including analyze results. These resources manage our social networking sites, engage with our contacts frequently, update profiles as things change and post new content constantly. This cost alone is over $3000 per calendar month, developing and building our online presence.
We utilise a number of 'helper' services which are online and rented monthly, these include subscriptions to some Business Networks, Shopping cart and checkout services, Databases that contain sign-ups for ezines and regular communication, Membership platforms, Blogging services and many many more. None of these services are hugely expensive month on month but vital to continue our Online Marketing activities.
In Conclusion
Business Internet Marketing - Taking an offline business and using Internet Marketing techniques to increase sales utilises many of the techniques and tools that conventional Internet Marketing has developed and built over the past 8-10 years. We have all heard the stories of individuals with no overheads generating large monthly incomes without setting foot outside their door, but Internet Marketing is moving into a new phase, one where Offline Businesses will seek to engage the Internet to work for them.
I speak with many Micro and Small businesses on a regular basis and most are oblivious to Internet Marketing and what it could do for them, whether this is because no one has yet bothered to show them, or there is a fear and reluctance to dance with the unknown, or a bit of both perhaps. One thing is for sure, Business Internet Marketing will be deployed by every business over the coming 10-20 years and it is set to be one of the largest markets worldwide.
As we saw with offline marketing in the past where we had PR, Advertising and Marketing agencies, so we shall see the emergence of similar businesses offering Business Internet Marketing services. Traditional companies in this marketing space will need to evolve and offer a completely new range of services The print industry went through a similar metamorphosis some years back, when pre-press production moved entirely to computers and revolutionized the marketplace.
As the Internet Marketing industry matures and the 'Get Rich Quick' mentality fades, successful Internet Marketers will bring a wealth of experience and begin to offer professional Business Internet Marketing solutions to Small and Medium sized businesses. Not shackled with the conventional trappings of offices the Business Internet Marketers will manage a network of global outsourced resources to deliver high quality, low cost Internet Market solutions. The services will include the whole range of activities from setting up infrastructure services such as Blogs or Shopping carts to transactional activities such as managing Twitter accounts, searching and posting tweets, finding / posting suitable blog posts, even writing articles and sending email campaigns.
Without doubt we are on the edge of yet another evolution with the Internet. Some larger companies, such as IBM and Dell have already woken up to the power of using the Internet and Social networking to engage with a global audience, small businesses have been busy surviving the recession... but as the recovery gathers pace, I am sure that Business Internet Marketing will become an attractive proposition for many.
Chris Ogle is Managing Director of Internet Power Systems Ltd. and is author of his best selling book, In 2 The Clouds. Chris has lived in Watford, England for the majority of his life and is a keen Table Tennis player.
In a career spanning 30 years in the computer industry Chris has worked with 000's of businesses from small Micro companies through to large multinationals such as Laing O'Rourke. With the exposure to such a diverse range of businesses and their operating processes coupled with his technical background Chris was well placed to design and create one of the first completely web based business platforms for SME's.
Drawing on 7 years of providing Cloud computing solutions to the SME marketplace coupled with a detailed understanding of Internet Marketing has culminated in SME7 - 7 Steps to getting the Business that you really want - more Profit, more time and more Choices! Chris's book 'In 2 The Clouds' takes us through these 7 Steps and removes the mystery of escaping the rat race 'no time and no money' to the more desirable 'More money and more time to enjoy it'!.
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acabang · 5 years
Nerding out on the Borderlands
I finally got around to playing Borderlands 3 and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Personal order of preference for the franchise: Tales ≥ BL2 > BL3 > BL1 > TPS
Depending on how the DLC goes though, 3 could be just as good as 2 for me. Unlikely but it’s possible.
I really enjoyed playing all the Vault Hunters, Zane in particular, even if it seems like he lags behind the rest of them. And while she’s fun as just a straight up gunner, my only real bummer is Moze. For me when it comes to the playable characters, it’s all about their Action Skills and if I don’t find myself using it regularly then I hope they have something fun in their skill trees to make up for the lack of it other than shooting guns exceptionally well (ie. Gaige with Ricochet-Anarchy stacking abuse, Krieg with Flame of the Firehawk-Raving Retribution Hellborn madness, etc.). The idea of Iron Bear is rad but vehicles have never been useful outside of a means of map traversal, which this mech isn’t for, and if I’m gonna give up the benefits of my gear then it better be fucking OP or at least viable, especially at the highest of difficulties. So far it’s not looking like it is and I don’t expect it ever will get to that level. For the most part though, she’s still a lot of fun to use as a Plain Jane FPS character.
Overall, I actually enjoy all four initial characters pretty much equally which I can’t say about the other games. I still had fun with them but I didn’t like Roland, Salvador and Nisha as much as their fellow Vault Hunters in their respective games. I’m really looking forward to what DLC Vault Hunters they have in store though, they’ve all been pretty solid and just plain fun to play as.
                               -SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT-
I liked the story well enough and felt engaged the entire time. I didn’t really feel bogged down throughout and enjoyed the pace. Even the sidequests I thought played along well with the storyline missions, they didn’t feel as jarring with too much backtracking or as tediously boring as The Pre-Sequel had it. Although, all the games are guilty of this, the Underdome/Circle of Slaughter missions are still lame.
I loved pretty much most of the new NPCs, however major or minor a role they played. Lorelei was interesting and I want to know more about her, the same goes for Clay, who I could both see becoming Vault Hunters themselves (hopefully) in a future game. The Katagawa-Rhys dynamic was fun, as was BALEX and GenIVIV. I loved Wainwright Jakobs and I especially loved Typhon DeLeon, two of the more likable and wholesome characters in the entire franchise. They don’t hold a candle to Loader Bot & Gortys from Tales but still very admirable in a universe full of assholes and psychopaths. Even some of the minor villains were fun, the Traunt Brothers and Pain & Terror specifically.
Now it’s going to be unfair to compare the Twins to Jack but... they still could've been written better. Brats with god complexes and one with an inferiority complex to boot is fine, not the most compelling, but wait! They’re also streamers because *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*. Despite that, the VA performances of what they were given were both still very well done. When they start to actively antagonize each other is when they started to turn around for me, especially with the power corrupting Troy to the point of almost killing off Tyreen. The Twins being the children of Typhon is a neat twist reveal but I feel like if you’ve been discovering his logs throughout the maps you can put two and two together long before they outright state it.
Though I should probably give credit to the Twins for being a part of why I love Typhon so much. With him being revered the way he was, especially by Tannis, as the first Vault Hunter, it’s refreshing to see a fabricated myth actually turn out to be mostly a myth and not a 100% accurate depiction or historic event like most other games usually do. Even the damn posters of Typhon got him all wrong which I loved. He’s endearingly flawed and his admittance to not being the best father to Tyreen & Troy after they lost their mother actually really got to me. He wasn’t around for long but it was smart of Gearbox to have built up his backstory through those logs, it allowed his character to make some sort of impact like it did on me which made his death actually quite poignant.
Thus leading to probably what I can only assume, since I haven’t bothered to read other people’s reaction to it, is the most controversial part of the game. I love character deaths, especially for ones I adore. When done properly it brings more meaning to them and for the character that may have taken their lives. Bloodwing and Roland helped build Jack up to be even more of the villain that most people love (to hate). Hell, even Sasha’s death in Tales actually had me crying... then immediately laughing because I totally got baited by it especially after already losing Scooter.
Now, like I said, I love character deaths and I’m totally fine with Maya being the one we lose but the way she dies was more of a pathetic wail than whatever Gearbox was hoping to achieve. And for what? All I hope for in a character death is to have more meaning to it than a passing of the torch to a cipher of a character that was basically just introduced and I have no real connection towards, good or bad, because going forward from then on certainly isn’t going to be positive at all. Who knows, she could end up being a favourite character of mine in the future as she develops more but as of right now, no, the only reason for her existence in this game world so far was to take the place from two beloved characters that hasn’t been earned yet.
The other character being Lilith as she sacrifices herself to keep Pandora closed. I don’t believe she’s actually dead, gone for now but at least not dead. It’ll probably be the main focus of the next game, if not in a DLC, in figuring out a way to get her back from Elpis, if she’s even stuck up there. It’s sad to lose her immediately after regaining her powers back but at least she went out with Alicia Keys singing her a fire swan song. Unfortunately, before going off to save the day and Gearbox not being entirely satisfied yet with shoving Ava down our throats the first time, Lilith hands over protection of Sanctuary III to her. Hopefully Ava is given an extremely satisfying character arc in the proceeding games because woof, that’s going to be a tough mountain to climb especially if it takes another 2-5 years for the next game to release.
I don’t actually hate Ava, I just don’t care about her. Also our Vault Hunter(s) were right there, technically, and as was Tannis. She may not be able to fight but she’s more than capable of leading the Crimson Raiders. She’s also the most consistently well written character that’s shown growth over the games that she’s been a part of in the franchise, in my opinion.
As for the rest of the characters, I’m good with moving on from Vaughn now. He was unexpectedly funny to okay during Tales but yeah, he’s already worn out his welcome for me. Rhys was fine, not as good as he was in Tales but he wasn’t really even my favourite character from that game anyway. Who I was missing was Fiona, I really wish that she had shown up but hopefully that might still be a possibility in DLC. Maybe she’ll show up alongside Athena & Janey, continuing her VH training somehow saved from wherever she disappeared off to. Preferably with Loader Bot and Gortys as well. It’d also be nice to run into Axton, Sal, Gaige and especially Kreig considering the whole Maya situation and her promising to see him again.
Then there’s also the B-Team, which a part of me wanted to interact with more but another part where I think I’m okay with what we got. I was disappointed in Tina’s development however, I didn’t expect a full maturation of character but I also hoped she wouldn’t be the spaz that she was when she was a young teen. Even in Dragon Keep she showed a little bit of growth with her acceptance of Roland’s death but I guess they wanted to keep her annoying, which was fine back in 2 and TPS when she was basically a kid but I believe she’s supposed to be at least 18 now? I guess it’s fine as long as it fits the dynamic between her, Brick and Mordecai. I will also say that Mordecai’s side quest to attend his protégé’s birthday party was really bittersweet, I loved that brief respite from the chaos that is the rest of the game and a stark reminder that Pandora sucks.
Aside from the actual plot and characters, I thought they did an even better job at world building the rest of the universe. The mega-corporations side of Borderlands has always been fascinating to me and I feel like they often take a backseat by most fans since they’re just these ever present entities in the universe and not actual characters themselves, despite each of them having quite unique “personalities” in the products they manufacture and the individuals that represent them. We had Commandant Steele & General Knoxx show off a militaristic side of the original Atlas as The Crimson Lance, then there was Jack as the face of the Hyperion we knew, and the fallout from his demise during Tales. There’s also Tannis giving us slight tidbits of how Dahl operated on Pandora between the first & second game and, of course, Mr. Torgue with, well, Torgue and I guess now he’s in charge of the battle arenas. Now we get insight on the current incarnation of Atlas with Rhys at the helm, Maliwan with Katagawa Jr. and Wainwright as the heir to Jakobs. It’s just fun to see these corporations steadily being fleshed out with each game and I’m interested to see how Tediore, Vladof and maybe even S&S Munitions, if they ever make a return, will turn out.
On the other end of the spectrum and more of an active danger to the universe are the Vaults, their purpose and the monsters contained within, one of them called the Timekeeper who we have yet to encounter. Also more insight into who the Eridians were, the siren Nyriad’s role with their eradication and warning of a seventh siren who shouldn’t be found. There’s definitely plenty of seeds that were planted, it’s just a shame that it’ll probably be a long time from now before any of them get answered unless they start pumping out these games which I hope they don’t. Oversaturation and fatigue can ruin a franchise.
This has been my TED Talk, thank you for reading.
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airlock · 5 years
airlock grades the Camus archetype
next in this series, we delve into the world of fancy jackets, ebon horses, and loves that cannot be. that’s right -- it’s the day in the lives of the one who was fortunate enough to fuck off into the ocean with no memories, and all the other ones who just straight-up died!
(do note: under cut are spoilers for… everything, and also a significant amount of me criticizing or blamming characters that you might like. you’ve been warned! but if you’d press on, then I’m afraid I have no choice but to face you on the battlefield-)
a foreword
so, I’m not trying to end up rating every single semi-sympathetic miniboss out here; to this end, I will be working with a very specific definition of a Camus for this exercise. I do not claim it to be the definition of a Camus; it’s simply what I’ll be working with. it’s as such: a Camus is a secondary villain who is characterized as virtuous, but tragically doomed to stand against the player characters, either in keeping with the aforementioned virtue, because of an overpowering external circumstance, or both.
so, let us dig in!
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there he is, folks! the man whose dick launches thousands of ships, hurtling into each other on a maelstrom of tragedy.
a multitude of appearances -- matched only by a certain trio of flying girls -- has given him incredible room to expand as a complex, dynamic character. where his original appearance alone might blip as gently tragic but not incredibly compelling, he’s incrementally gained a robust character, and ultimately got to be one of the ones who managed to elude the pits of data size issues in Akaneian characterization.
screaming camus
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is it a stretch to tout him as a “virtuous” character? perhaps, but for the purposes of classification alone, intent weighs a little more than execution, and I think it’s clear that the writers had intended for Berkut to be sympathetic, but tragic, as far as secondary antagonists go.
unfortunately, though, they failed big time. Ian Sinclair’s stellar voice acting counts in Berkut’s favor, but little else does. his character is nigh-on pastiche and he seems to hog a lot of screentime without adding anything of significant interest to the story or to other characters. his motivations, while genuine enough, are irritatingly played by the narrative as being sympathetic when they absolutely are not; and worst of all, his fall from grace is severely cheapened by ending on a note of easy redemption that he does not at all deserve.
mongolian camus
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in concept, this is a brillant player punch; as if Hardin wasn’t enough, you have to make enemies of even more of those who fought by your side on the previous game, and this guy -- alongside his underlings bar Roshea -- aren’t even fighting you because they’ve gone mad; they’re the same as they were before, and it’s only unfortunate that now, their master is no longer on your side.
however, further labor on the execution front would have been invaluable here. as far as Camuses (camusi? camii? camee?) go, the ole Wolfpack has a lot less time in the limelight than is par for the course, and the one-two maps they haunt don’t leave enough room to draw out the drama.
I’m not docking points for this, but New Mystery of the Emblem also does the Wolfpack a serious disservice in making them all recruitable. besides being a cowardly evasion from the tragedies of war that Fire Emblem is well-known to mercilessly portray, it’s not even a better outcome for them personally. like, have you seen Wolf’s epilogue? and it’s only further a shame after Shadow Dragon went and made Wolf and Sedgar so busted they may have had a better chance to leave an impression on the player -- which would then have made it all the more of a gut twister if they’d remained as full proper... goddamnit I’m not doing the plural Camus thing again.
wine camus
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without hesitation, one of the most effective... camus characters, okay, there, I settled that... ever written. it’s sad enough when you have to snuff out someone nice because war is hell and the world is an awful place, but having the guy be the protagonist’s best friend is just ruthless.
and it’s not just text, either; it’s set up brillantly. Eldigan and Sigurd’s good bond is put well on display before it’s brutally shattered. he’s even given an unusual out in that you don’t have to kill him -- but if you don’t, Chagall will! hoohoohoo, Jugdral is the bestworst.
seriously, though, I think I’ve honest to god cried at least once about Eldigan, and making me cry is pretty difficult -- like, outside of an argument or other situation where crying totally sabotages me so of course my body will do that to me.
thunder camus
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I appreciate an extremely powerful female character as much as anyone should, but other than that, I will have to admit that I don’t find her incredibly compelling.
although Genealogy of the Holy War may have been the game that gave us Hilda, it very much betrays the Kagaman’s hesitancy in letting women be villainous, and there are not many better examples of this than Ishtar here. as far as Camus characters (hahahaha! I am unstoppable!) go, she’s one of the most virtuous -- and also one with the flimsiest reasons for staying the course of villainy anyway.
like, sure, she has a boyfriend who turned into satan. we sure get told that. and then it stays as absolutely nothing other than text, when she tends to act like she’s being forced by the greatest of all powers to continue opposing you. Thracia 776 at least strengthens the script by depicting the extant relationship as an abusive one, which would shed a little more sense into things, but it’s too little too late; too late because it’s one whole game later, and too little because Ishtar and Julius are not focal characters of that game and don’t have enough room to expand in there. (plus, it’s not a great idea for Julius anyway -- he’s hellspawn, not a smooth operator.)
tiny hand camus
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curiously, I’d actually bill Reinhardt here as a hybrid Camus-Michalis -- while his arc swallows elements of inevitable tragedy such as a star-crossed crush and a superior that he won’t defy, it never feels like he has to fight you in the way that a Camus normally does; rather, it feels like he chooses to anyway because of his shortcomings, in the way that a Michalis normally does.
and putting these things together... well, I’m grading the whole character here, but let’s be real, he’s far more effective of a Michalis than a Camus. intent regadless, sympathy isn’t usually the sentiment that he flints up, and I believe even Olwen is ultimately of that mindset; still, it gets to be a shame that he makes the choices he does when he’s otherwise not such an overtly repugnant type.
(I went this whole time not talking about Heroes, yes? that’s because I’m not going there. not the memes, not his thorougly botched characterization there, nothing.)
alamo camus
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I believe that Galle and Murdock are intended as Camus characters (booyaka booyaka! shakalaka!) as well, but they’re so painfully inconsequential I’m not going to get sidetracked in their direction here.
Brunnya is not that much better off than they are, alas; she gets a little more screentime, but remains underdeveloped until her one chapter in the limelight. she does get to play an interesting role as a Camus who outlives her master and still decides to carry on his will, but we’ve seen better and more compelling all over this list.
double camus
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oh, snap, there are two of them! ... well, so there were in Genealogy of the Holy War, but these here bros aren’t to be analyzed in isolation.
the moral complexities that they play at together are interesting, but I think that the coolest aspect of their character, by far, is that they play at being direct counterparts to Eliwood and Hector. the charming, reasonable one and the brutish, straightforward one who strengthen each other through their balance -- they’re shining mirrors of what could have been, or what comes to be when you take the same strengths as those of the heroes but place them irrevocably in the path of the villains. ... hmmm, I wonder if they’d have a non-adoptive sister if Lyn were, like, relevant at that point of the story.
their screentime is surprisingly short, but all indicates that they make tidal waves on the little time they have. I’m certain they’d have benefitted from more, but they’re still amongst the best of the Camus characters (I did it again!! I did it again!!).
not severa camus
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although her tale is not as gut-wrenching as Eldigan’s or the Reed bros’, she’s one perfectly adequate Camus. virtuous, and impactfully so, but loyal to the end, and justifiedly so -- both in a relevant backstory and in a string of deceptions and misfortunes that play her stronger qualities against her.
I don’t find her to be a standout, but she’s a perfect execution of her own concept -- and considering the staggering amount of unfulfilled potential we’ve seen up to here, that deserves its due praise.
tincan camus
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although he’s fairly interesting, the sins of his master befall him -- the reveal of his identity is severly dragged-out for also meaning very little until the additional reveal of his brand. and by then, it’s doomed to be only a blur out of the many unfulfilled twists in the Tower of Guidance.
even beneath the mask, he’s had a lot of chances for player punches that he missed out on. his confrontation with Greil emphatizes his role as Ashnard’s underling, instead of his role as Greil’s former student and Ike’s newly-made archrival, and I feel like that’s a severe mistake -- for one thing, it forces the cutscene to end with a lame halfway intervention from Caineghis, where it would’ve been perfectly viable for Ike to walk out of that one alive exclusively due to Zelgius’s own motivations.
even beyond that, his appearances in both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn often play him as a plot device instead of a character; as a matter of fact, that ridiculous magic warp powder of his accomplishes no purpose other than enabling him to be a plot device wherever plot needs him (aside from how it silently explains how he lives a double life in two different countries, but that’s kind of a pointless detail).
and lastly, just how impossibly lame is it that he’s given a deadly final confrontation with Ike, that he’s just going to walk off of by the sequel anyway? it’s easy to see why it’s necessary for the plots of the two games it affects, but it’s laaaaaaaaame.
samurai camus
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easily the least compelling of the list. he comes in to carry the half of a nonsense arc that doesn’t have enough room to fully build him, and it shows. and to make things worse, he’s one of the most notable sufferers of a syndrome that thorougly afflicts antagonists in Awakening and, to a lesser extent, beyond: a tendency to try to paint them as unambiguously evil before you fight them, but tragic and redeemable right after you fight them. which ultimately completely fails as the player punch that the writers ostensibly intended and robs the confrontation itself of much-needed gravitas.
if-conditional camus characters
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hahahahaha!!! hahahahahahaahhahahahaaaa!! sockeye!!! I did the thing again and right in the middle of a nickname too!!
but yeah, I haven’t played Fates any more now than at the time of the Gharnef post.
anyways, what do you all think? have I earned your undying loyalty, or does chivalry demand that you slaughter me for my vile takes? if the upcoming Three Houses is to have a Camus... oh, who are we kidding, of course there’s going to be a Camus. in another life, things have been different, but this fate is inescapable. the only mercy we can extend for it now is to wonder what it’ll be like. once again, I welcome your comments in the replies and reblogs -- would you wrong your country by keeping them to yourself anyway?
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riviae · 5 years
just venting abt my own indecisiveness lmao: 
i’m so stressed rt now :/ 
i’m graduating which is great, but i honestly don’t know what to do next. i’ve got a few viable options but i’m frozen at the crossroads of my education out of sheer indecisiveness. what’s the right choice?? is there such a thing as a ‘right’ choice?? should i fight for the hardest path or should i take the easier path, the one with the least remaining schooling? if i make a standard cost-benefit analysis then of course the easiest option is the best--but it feels like i’m giving up on my original dream. 
option 1: med school. that’s what all this work’s been abt--there needs to be doctors that are knowledgeable & supportive of lgbt+, neurodivergent, and disabled ppl as well as poc & understand how these identities intersect/overlap. the state of biomedical ethics is absolutely awful right now--it’s not a required course/topic in the majority of medical schools & so doctors are never really challenged to think past their inherent biases or how they should treat their patients or how knowing a patient’s background can aid in the patient-doctor relationship. patients aren’t a commodity, yet i can count on 1 hand the amt of doctors who know the 4 established virtues of medical ethics or can even explain them: beneficence (you must do what is best/good for the patient), maleficence (”do no harm”), justice (i.e., appropriate rationing of health care, services, supplies, & actively keeping historically-targeted groups of medical malpractice from harm), & autonomy (arguably the most important imo--the patient has their own autonomy & a doctor can /never/ take that away/do things against the patient’s will, which, by definition, makes mental health institutions unethical but i digress).
rt now i’m interested in working as either a neurologist, psychiatrist, pathologist, or specializing specifically in rural medicine (i.e., underserved populations/small towns), but can i really devote the next 8 yrs of my life to an occupation wrought w/ sky-high suicide rates, 36 hr shifts, & all the emotional trauma that comes w/ a field so intertwined w/ death?? idk if i’m strong enough for the demands. i don’t have any interest in money or prestige (i’d prefer to have no attention at all honestly), but i just wanna use my love of science to do some good, no matter how small. 
option 2: PhD in neuro. makes logical sense since i’m getting my MSc in a month & also neuro is my fave science of any subfield. i could do a lot of good w/ my research interests (that being of neurodivergent populations--seeing as i have adhd myself). understanding the neurological mechanism(s) behind neurodevelopmental disorders, for instance, can help in reducing harmful symptoms of certain disorders ((note: i do not mean wanting to ‘cure’ autism or anything that obtuse. more like providing pharmacological or genetic-based approaches to therapies. so for instance, i’m a big supporter of the cortical excitability hypothesis of autism which basically states that difficulties in sensory processing, insofar as being especially attentive to stimuli i.e., hypersensitivity/hyposensitivity is concerned, is due to the cortex’s inability to mitigate excitatory signals. so an ASD individual will experience sound or touch/texture aversion bc their brains are truly experiencing the sensory inputs at an incredibly high or low signal, as if their brain is a radio stuck continuously at a volume of either 100 or zero. it’s also why ASD & epilepsy are so often found to be comorbid--hypersensitivity to stimuli is more common & cortical excitability/excess firing of neurons outside of phase synchrony can explain the mechanics behind epilepsy too. oh, & this could also explain adhd symptoms since adhd and autism have considerable overlap both in symptoms as well as brain structure pathology). long story short, academia is great for me bc i love teaching, learning, and putting my brain to use (studying other brains). it’s a good fit & i’d be happy......... but i still have my own hesitations bc academia, esp science, is historically a field wrought w/ misogyny, racism, classism, u name it. it’s a mess™ 
option 3: pathologists’ assistant. the easy road. i could matriculate in jan (assuming i’d be accepted) & complete the degree in 2 yrs. i’d be able to teach, do clinical stuff (tissue sample analysis, post mortem autopsies, etc.), all w/o having to do all the paperwork, patient-juggling, & long hours that doctors do. i could specialize in pediatric pathology (by applying for a job at a children’s hospital) and really feel like i’m doing good work, helping to make accurate diagnoses of samples & leave it to the docs to tailor their treatment to my diagnosis. i love puzzles/solving things. this would give me a lot to do & it’d be good, honest work. it’d be behind-the-scenes so i wouldn’t need to overextend my naturally shy personality too much either. & the starting salaries are a real nice bonus (insofar as paying off my current student loans are concerned). but idk if i’m as passionate abt tissue sampling as i am abt the brain. i don’t wanna settle for a job simply bc it’s arguably easier than my other academic pursuits and makes good money or is ‘safe.’ ughhh can someone make the decision for me lol? 
& all this doesn’t even touch upon my own inferiority complex/inability to recognize my achievements as actual achievements. like sometimes i wonder if i’m even smart or capable of reaching any of my academic goals :/ as they say, u are always gonna be ur biggest critic. 2019 was supposed to be the yr i learned to love myself (or at least my brain), but i fell off at some point & i’m struggling to see my self worth as more than what i ascribe by default to myself & others (since all humans have intrinsic value no matter what imo). 
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lovetheangelshadow · 5 years
N'Pressions: Lego Movie 2
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I know this is rather late, but I have had my hands full for the past couple of months until I could finally get time around to sit down and write these. So I apologize in advance with my thoughts being rather late into the game when everyone else worth listening to has given their two cents.
I’m not going to lie. There was so much against this movie succeeding besides the weather. Not only did you have to contend with it being a sequel to a major hit films that had for good and bad made some influence in the animation genre; but it was also competing with Alita Battle Angel (a big James Cameron film) AND How to Train Your Dragon 3 (a much awaited ending to a long running DreamWorks franchise). Not to mention with the objective failure of the Ninjago movie obviously made both the studio execs and audiences wary. That being said, I don’t think it would have benefitted from holding off for much longer.
So the film takes place just after the first movie with the Duplo invaders. Emmet tries to make peaceful ties with them that end up blowing in his face and the invaders go after anything bright and colorful. Five years later we get a Mad Max inspired Apolcalypseburg and while everyone else has taken a darker outlook on life and appearance; Emmet remains the same albeit a little scratched up with fingerprints and some of the decals scraped (nice detail by the way). Emmet shows Lucy/Wildstyle a dream house he’s built for them that seemingly attracts the Systar System and they send General Sweet Mayhem. The citizens take shelter in Batman’s bunker but a mercy act from Emmet freeing a stuck star shaped missile lets Mayhem in and she kidnaps Lucy, Metalbeard, Benny, Batman and Unikitty to a matrimonial ceremony held by the queen of the Systar System. After being scolded by the citizens of Apolalypseburg for not being tough and too weak to be of any use (citizens are jerks no matter the story I swear), Emmet builds a rocket ship to save his friends.
In earnest, I give points for the Lego team choosing to go with what is essentially a space rescue story rather than another chosen one tale. If there is one real good quality I can give for all four of the lego movies is that each film has its own unique aesthetic that separates them. Like if you just gave a background shot or even a color palette, each movie has their own theme to them which is not really something you could say of a lot of other animated sequels like Kung Fu Panda, Toy Story, or Ice Age. And I really appreciate them for that. There is also a very noticeable animation upgrade from the pervious Lego Movie besides the obvious advances in animation technology. Like they are actually using other household materials to achieve effects as well such as UltraKatty’s tail turning into a bottle brush when she gets flustered and Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi’s throne room moat is silk curtains which you see later in Bianca’s bedroom. Not to mention the previously noted fingerprints and scratches.
So story wise, unfortunately the story is not as polished as the first movie. Like Good Cop/Bad Cop and President Business, two major characters of the first films, are practically shoved to the side for this one. I mean, Business is the allegory for Finn and Bianca’s father, so why is he practically so absent for five years after spending 8 and a half building this Lego World into his concept of absolute order and perfection? In essence his kids have pretty much destroyed what he’s built and he barely does anything about it? Granted I am not entirely sure what sort of purpose Business could serve especially with the tone and themes they were going for. Maybe like have his try to resolve things but continuously fail? Or…or maybe throw his hands up in defeat and hint that if they don’t do something to fix the issue Armomageddon will be coming down upon them. No one knows what he’s even talking about and just keep warring with the Duplo invasion. I dunno, maybe we’ll get more answers when the Blue Ray comes out with the commentary. As for GCBC, maybe be the ones telling off Emmet for his apparent weakness in kindness and tell him that he didn’t get to be Lord Business’ second by being soft hearted and overly optimistic.
That being said we also get a slew of new characters this time around: the totally not evil Watevra Wa’Nabi, General Mayhem, Ice Cream Cone, and Tumblr’s favorite Rex Dangervest. Seriously you can NOT tell me Lego didn’t know what they were doing when they made this guy. You KNOW how the internet gets over attractive cartoon characters! Admittedly Emmet doesn’t have the strongest personality and is kind of more of a vessel for Finn (and particularly the audience) but like the first movie he is surrounded by a large cast big personality characters that balances things out. Also like the first movie the antagonists (both Rex and Watevra) much like Business aren’t entirely in the wrong or right but instead are the extremes that sometimes in a way can become toxic if pushed too far. Business was the extreme of perfection and order, Watevera and the Systar system represented absolute optimism, and Rex was the symbol of toxic cynicism. Though I will give credit that both Watevra and Rex definitely feel like much more complex antagonists than Lord Business.
While Watevera genuinely wants peace between the Systar System and Apopalypseburg she isn’t above using force, coercion, or manipulation to get there. She basically offers gifts/bribes to bring the leaders to her side and toys with Batman’s insecurities to get him into marrying her. The entire film portrays her as a scheming, brainwashing, shape shifter whose end goal is the end. Though you cannot really blame her since it was suggested the Systar System has been trying for years but kept being pushed back because they were seen as an invasion. Also they’re terrible communicators. Also I have to give props for Animal Logic and them having to animate this gal and in Lego bricks no less. Like it’s not like a slime where you have plenty of freedom; each curve and twist is an actual Lego brick. That can NOT be easy to animate.
Rex on the other hand plays with Emmet’s anxieties of not being tough enough and essentially not being the person Lucy wants him to be. And you can’t completely blame this guy for lashing out at being stranded and forgotten. If there was one thing Emmet valued above anything even before the inciting incident of the first Lego Movie, was his friends. You saw his hurt when shown that the other construction workers didn’t even seem to care and just saw him as an average nobody. Heck, even with the party bus scene the others show a hint of concern that they hadn’t seen Lucy on the ship with them but when the llama driver cranks up the music they immediately forget about her. Not to mention with the time machine, he could have easily gone back to even before General Mayhem kidnapped his friends and prevented all this in the first place, but instead chose to save Emmet only and bring everyone else down to the same miserable state he’s in to feel the same hurt he went through for years. In a way he reminds me a lot of Lotso from Toy Story 3. Both were the favorite of a child and were lost by that same kid later to be replaced and forgotten. However I am a lot more sympathetic for Rex than Lotso though I haven’t put my finger on exactly why.
Another thing to note is that this film is also a musical and it has been quite a while since I’ve actually like really enjoyed an animated musical. Like the songs actually feel like they move the story forward instead of being there for just being there. There is one arguable exception, but it is still a fun song (Gotham City Guys if you must ask). Of course then there is the blatant Catchy Song that is such a laughable parody of itself and much like Everything is Awesome, its used as like a brainwashing song. Speaking of which, we get two versions of Everything is Awesome: the much more light hearted Tween Remix and somber/hopeful Everything is Not Awesome. My only gripe is that Rex did NOT get a song. Seriously guys, a reprisal of the last verse of Not Evil as he’s strapping Emmet to the eject chair would have been bloody perfect!
Though the movie is not as comedic as its processors Lego Movie and Lego Batman, I honestly still enjoyed myself. I think it is largely in part because I relate to the film a lot more than the first one since I have a sibling of my own and remember the cooperative and combative play session we had together as kids. Something I give credit for is that the film doesn’t really portray either the girl’s or boy’s way of playing the superior one. Honestly they don’t even really bring up gender roles or at least smack you in the face with it. And believe me I have seen the whole gender roles thing done so much worse. I could have done without that line from General Mayhem about Lucy doing all the hard work and Emmet getting the credit and I think having that in the trailer might have hurt things as well. I think it would have been better if Mayhem just said there is nothing special about Emmet and laughs that she’s supposed to take this guy seriously compared to others like Batman and Metalbeard once again driving in what would eventually lead to the creation of Rex. Still even with some of the plot issues, it still feels like a much more complete film then Ninjago and I hope that we can at least get the Billion Brick Race before they decide to just cut Lego off as a viable film universe. I’m Noctina Noir, and I’m one Nox of a Nobody.
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Faster Way To Fat Loss
3 Simple Steps To Lose Body Fat! The entire weight loss lose body fat scenario revolves around one, vital and never changing concept. Being overweight, thus, needing to lose body fat, remains a direct result of eating too much food and not getting enough exercise. Faster Way To Fat Loss
Yet, you hear this very same lose body fat news so often that your brain instantly goes into SHUT-DOWN or shut-off mode. A tendency to assume I've Been There Before, Heard It All Before, Done It All Before, and It Never Works for Me, turns to obstacle.
What Does It Take To Lose Body Fat?
To lose body fat, you need to incorporate sheer simplicity, plus ultimate science because understanding how to lose body fat comprises your awareness of BOTH concepts. Now is the time to prepare your heart and mind for non-stop challenge, consistent focus, and utmost care.
You are here seeking some viable remedy, correct? Our time together here is far more worthwhile if I just go ahead and tell you, right now, what it takes to lose body fat. In a nutshell, your biggest key is mental preparedness. Yep. That's the biggie!
Faster Way To Fat Loss
As soon as you discover how to convince your mind to issue lose body fat commands, you are well on your way to fitness success. To lose body fat, then, is a quite simple matter. Ye, of course, the difficulty you may face lies in your initial THINKING, then the reality of DOING.
There are a few things you will have to do in order to lose body fat. If and when you are willing and ready to do these things, you are SURE to lose body fat, without question.
Does It Really Pay To Seek A Short Cut To Lose-Body-Fat Satisfaction?
After you spin yourself virtually all the way around in a lose body fat circle by asking questions from sources that either really don't know the truth, or even worse, only care to tell whatever it takes to separate you from your checkbook, credit card, or wallet, the simplicity and long time duality of how to lose body fat remains unchanged. Ease versus complexity. long way around versus short cut solution.
Faster Way To Fat Loss
Somebody or someone meaning YOU has to do the work! You want to lose body fat, that's why you're here. So, your body needs to engage required, time proven, professional principles that prove themselves for you over and again. In short, to lose body fat you clearly build independence, self-assuredness, confidence, and other lose-body-fat skills that surprisingly emanate from your mental intellectual potential rather than merely your present physical ability.
Simply do these three things to lose body fat.
1. Once and for all, learn how to find out your daily caloric consumption AND your energy expenditure numbers. Both of these numbers are absolutely crucial because they tell you exactly what your body is doing, right down to the very calorie. Once this calculation process becomes second nature to you, full control of the amount of body fat you carry lay right in the palms of your very hands.
In other words, you can shape your lose body fat fortune and alter your lean body appearance almost exactly how you want it to be.
2. Work out for the most part, using much more drive and intensity than you ever have before in your entire life! I say this to you primarily because of 1. remotely conscious human tendencies that we all have toward relaxation and taking the easy way out of a challenging situation rather than facing and conquering its root cause, plus 2. endorsed exercise science knowledge says that performing at higher thresholds gives you life-extending benefits and burns higher amounts of calories from excess body fat. So, to enormously yet safely lose body fat, begin to train yourself towards high intensity interval exercise.
You may burn twice as many calories as you did before, plus feel better and look better, too.
3. Lastly, know that the entire weight loss, lose body fat scenario revolves around one, vital and never changing concept. Being overweight, thus, needing to lose body fat, remains a direct result of eating too much food and not getting enough exercise. Now, with this last one, allow me to isolate your biggest probable obstacle. The number one problem is that you hear this very same lose-body-fat news so much and so often that your brain instantly goes into SHUT DOWN or shut-off mode. That is, the tendency to assume the I've Been There Before, Heard It All Before, Done It All Before, and It Never Works for Me syndrome kicks in immediately.
The solution? Put on some new lose body fat ears today, starting right now. Allow yourself to hear the deeper gist this message carries. Cease to dismiss the seemingly small yet crucial matters that make the difference between your continued frustration and your lose body fat reward.
Understanding the true meaning of what it takes to lose body fat requires acceptance, open ears, and action. So, learn your personalized details, do the required work, plus know confidently and securely almost all about what it takes to lose body fat.
Larry Kearney
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stepphase · 3 years
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Cyberpunk 2077 release date next-gen consoles and Stadia
Cyberpunk 2077 release date: After all, it is not the biggest game of the year. In fact, it is the most technically demanding game. Of course, CD Projekt Red’s ambitious is a roleplaying game that takes place huge dense to an open world. In fact, anyone who has played the Bethesda game can attest to the technology to step behind the designers. After all, the bugs and glitches aren't uncommon occurrences.
After all, Cyberpunk is unique in releasing different platforms at launch. In fact, I initially review Cyberpunk on the PC. In fact, I ran into a handful of glitches that annoying but did not exactly render to the game that is unplayable. Also, I test it on 2 additional platforms just to see how it fares. After all, looking at the reports from the community at its large. As well as, the consensus? If you are playing on older hardware then you have to wait for fixes.
Cyberpunk 2077 release date on PlayStation 5 and other consoles
After all, there is not a PS5 version of Cyberpunk 2077. As well as, its full next-gen upgrades are not expected until 2021. Of course, I have run the PS4 Pro version on PS5 and the performance is good.
As well as, when I play 4 hours I have not noticed any frame rate drops and the visuals are great. Of course, Stadia or Xbox Series X is not a performance option on PS5. In fact, modern games will let players having a higher frame rate or resolution. After all, it has not a huge loss. As well as, the extremely busy moments is a massive shootout or a walk through the tightly packed street market. And the game chugged great.
After all, it is really important to note that this is not a case on old hardware. As well as, the reports point to the Xbox One and PS4 of Cyberpunk 2077 is a mess. In fact, the choppy frame rates, and weird physics, also intense screen tearing report. After all, the PS4 screenshot comparisons and the courtesy of Eurogamer and also some on Xbox One from Kotaku. As well as, if you have not upgraded to a PlayStation or Xbox. In fact, you want to hold off or try Stadia that the issues are iron out with a patch.
After all, I ran into technical hiccups with the game. As well as, one hard crash and another mission. In fact, I was forced to restart because of AI companion forgot to follow me on a building. As well as, issues more cosmetic: characters that walking through doors also pixelated textures on billboards and people that walking into walls. Of course, I could not drive a car because of a poor street punk that embedded in it.
Cyberpunk 2077 release date on Google Stadia
Of course, the Google Stadia version of Cyberpunk 2077 is the best to play for players. As well as, you have a 20 or 30 Series Nvidia Graphic Card or the AMD Graphic Card and you have an Xbox Series X / S or PS5. After all, this game won't be performing too close and it is designed. Of course, a cloud gaming route is a viable option to concerned about the performance. After all, the Stadia provides playing across multiple devices and can not download the game or the subsequent updates to get the right to play.
In fact, I play a few hours on Stadia and I am impressed how Cyberpunk 2077 is holding up. After all, PS5 and Stadia one graphical presets to prioritize resolution or frame rate. Also, it runs smooth and indistinguishable from the console version on a 50 Mbps-plus internet connection. As well as, over Wi-Fi, I test the game on PS5.
In fact, it depends on your internet connection and display. If you are going to get the same level of graphic fidelity. After all, the next-gen console or the PC running it at medium to high settings.
Of course, I have encountered the occasional crash and visual lags and skips, and also some audio issues. After all, the fast boot and the load times also the ease that can sink in-game from a Chrome Browser on MacBook Pro.
After all, Google is promising iOS support in the coming weeks that the Stadia version of Cyberpunk 2077. That requires a Gmail account and pay $60 to own the game. After all, it can be the best iPad game if you do not have a big TV and a Chromecast Ultra to enjoy it in. Also, I am not entirely sure that I play with complex in-game menus and on-screen text on my iPhone. After all, the benefit in session for side mission or two if you are far away from your computer.
It is clarified on 10th December that Cyberpunk 2077 runs on PS4 Pro and PS5. And PS5 doesn't have a game graphics setting. But Xbox Series X / Xbox One X and Stadia have.
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shrlekha10 · 4 years
Le Classique Realty: Setting New and Improved Standards in Real Estate Advisory
Over the years we have seen how technology has changed the property buying process. We use apps, websites and many other digital platforms to find potential properties and even set alerts for new listings that suit our needs.
However, the power of a potential property buyer ends with just finding the information. They still need an agent or broker to let them inspect the property and if suitable proceed with other legal or documentary processes.
This is when there comes a need for real estate consultants. Their proficiency paired with profound knowledge and experience helps them deliver the best service and address their clients’ needs. Real estate consultants help in navigating the property and housing and property market while providing insight into current trends and conditions. With services tailored to the clients’ needs and their best interest in mind real estate consultants provide true objectivity and a keen eye for detail.
Now when we pair technology and an industry expert, the results would be extraordinary. Leveraging the right technologies will enable real estate consultants to be more effective and agile. It will help them to serve more buyers in less time and also help them improve client satisfaction.
Recognizing this opportunity, Yogesh Jaiswal the Director of Le Classique Realty entered into the realm of the real estate industry with an aim to offer efficient customer-centric and tech-driven services. This company offers solutions that empower property buyers to make an informed decision and make a deal. The below-conversation with Mr. Jaisawl will give us further insight into how his company provides real-estate management services of the highest caliber.
Kindly brief us about your company.
Le Classique Realty Pvt ltd was found in August 2019 and is headquartered at Dahisar. However, we also operate from the various sites we have a mandate with. Usually, our sales team operates out of the site venues. Employee strength, to begin with, was 2 employees and it has grown to 60+ since we started.
What inspired you to step into the construction industry?
Over the years I have spent in real estate, there has always been this burning desire to do my own. I have always apprehended the need for a reliable professional channel between developers and buyers.
The RERA Act has brought real estate brokers under its ambit – but there is no minimum qualification, experience, or certification for agents. It was evident to me that there is a massive opportunity for large and upcoming organized broking firms to address this gap.
Upon observing this gap in the industry I decided to bridge this gap and bring the desired change. However, it was very clear that the business approach in today’s date cannot be the way we have done it even 5 years back. There were many drawbacks and loopholes.  In all my earlier stints at various realty organizations, I have tried to bring this change in go to market strategy.
But it never worked out and soon I realized I was never in the driving seat. I wasn’t the owner of any of these organizations. And because of that I could not influence such radical change or bring complete paradigm shifts in the way we look at the industry sales. It then I realized that it’s time to do my own. Le Classique is in the business of providing end-to-end services to its customers through a tech-driven approach and organized professional human interface. The vision with which I established this company is, “to be the first choice for our consumers in their journey of home buying.”
Brief us about the industry scenario from your perspective.
The Indian real estate industry has been badly hit by the pandemic and there seems to be no respite in the near future. The sector is already experiencing a major dip in property visits and reduced buyer interest. Sales figures have dipped sharply and the decline will continue for the next 6-9 months. Public sentiment is just not viable for new purchase and the fear of project delivery getting postponed is lurking large.
Developers are trying their best to attract consumers by whatever means they can. Few developers have come out with an online booking option and heavy discounts on agreement value.
One has offered “buy1 unit and get 1 free”, of course, the free unit is not of the same project but another cheaper option in some other relatively less expensive location. The math is always calculated in such offers. The realtors today may resort to earning lesser profit but wisely keeping the price point much above the construction and incurred cost.
There is no sense of having any new launches at this point in time until such time Digital launches are figured out as an alternative.
Sops might work for a segment, as there will be few consumers who will take these situations to their advantage and get the extra benefit along with their purchase. But by and large, Indian consumer sentiment is that such high priced products cannot be purchased without physically seeing the project. This buying behaviour may prove to be a dampener since the sites are shut for visits for the time being.
The developers will still hold on to prices and rather offer schemes and sops for sales, which they know will be temporary in nature and will not impact their brand value.
But eventually, if the situation worsens or government lock-down prolongs beyond 45-60 days, then chances are extremely high that the realtors will soon be cutting through their prices. The cost of holding up will be too high for most of the developers to sustain.
The drop in prices is only a temporary phenomenon. Prices will remain unchanged majorly for all large developers. The correction will happen only in the secondary market and category B and C developers and their projects where unsold inventory is large. We just may see prices falling off the shelf by min 5 % to 10% on the total consideration value.
Kindly tell us about the challenges you faced to withstand the complexities of the industry.
Like any other startup, I faced the challenge of developing my core team. I knew from the beginning that I needed a strong senior team and the rest can be taken care of. Initially, we had also faced a lot of trust issues from the developers in terms of getting a complete mandate of their projects. People were skeptical about how well we will be able to deliver sales and improve their cash flows.
However, I was slightly lucky with team development. I have worked with many realty companies in my past and always been excellent with my work. Frankly speaking, I had a lot of fan following in my previous companies. That worked!  It helped me to pick up the best people from there and trust me. My core team joined me at a much lower package then they were at. Everyone believed in me and hence the first challenge was met.
On the other hand, developers took about 45 days to have faith in me by giving their complete revenue streams as mandate projects. I understood and started doing retail and successfully delivered supreme results. I knew the word will spread in the market and also to the developers I was eyeing for business. That’s exactly how it shaped and here I am today with 10 mandates across Mumbai, Pune, and Shirdi.
Kindly introduce us to the current projects you are working on.
Currently, we are working with –
Baya Goldspot, Mumbai (The Baya Group)
Akash Complex, Mumbai (lxmi Infrastructures)
Yes Residency, Pune (Yemul and Sancheti associates)
Shree residency, Pune (Ranka developers)
VTP Urban life, Talegaon (VTP Group)
VTP Bhagyasthan, Talegaon (VTP Group)
Shraddha Residency, Shirdi (Sangram realty)
In Process:
Mont Vert Cresta, Lonavla (Mont Vert Group)
Mont Vert Valencia, Lonavla (Mont Vert Group)
Omkar Vive and Meridia, Mumbai (Omkar Group)
Sugandha Gardens, Pune
PVR MAHA, Hyderabad (PVR Developers)
Kindly state about your company’s achievements.
Despite being a new company in this industry, I am proud to say that we are continuously striving and moving up the ladder.  For instance, in just 9 months we have grown employee size-wise and now have 72 employees.  To calculate our achievement in terms of revenue and sales, we achieved sales of 28 units during this pandemic lock-down and are at the Topline revenue of 106 cr for 9 months. However, I consider our achievement as my team’s unfathomable zeal and persistence in offering the premium quality service.
What kind of future advancements you expect in the construction industry and how well equipped are you to face those changes?
The construction industry is all set to go majorly online and tech-friendly. We have anyway initiated these changes long back. The company has a tech-driven approach from pre-sales, lead gen to sales, and online booking methodology right from day one.
Also, we see this phase as a momentary pause to the real estate growth and hence we never stopped hiring. We are not only expanding but also in the process of opening new branches across the country.
Tell us about the future plans of the company.
India is fast on track to become a USD 5 trillion economy and the Indian broking business currently is estimated to be worth nearly USD 1.8 billion, there remains vast untapped potential in the new housing purchase business.
In the coming years, we aim to spread our operations to 8 cities in the next 6 months with 500+ professionals across. We are also about to launch Channel Partner Business vertical application, which will be completely technology-driven and will track from the site visit to closure to automated payments to CP’s.
In the market, we want to be known as Trustworthy, Friendly, Expert, and Professional to the consumers and ‘Jeannie’ to the developers. Whenever the developer or the consumer thinks of availing real estate services, LC should feature in the Top 3 as Top of the mind recall.
Below-mentioned is also some of the other goals that we aim to achieve:
Reach Revenue positive at Gross margin level in 9 months, Positive in Business contribution level in 18 months, and EBITDA positive in 24 months.
Have a 50 seater call center for presales within 12 months.
Have operations spread across 6 major cities of India (Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata, and Hyderabad)
Have a sales team of 150 plus members in 18 months.
Have min 30 plus developer mandates across the above 6 cities in the first 18 months.
Develop a core team of 12 members spread across divisions (sales, presales, digital marketing, collections, PR) within 12 months and ensure they are well-taken care off, as they form the pillars of LC.
Achieve 200 numbers of transactions in 15 months.
Achieve sales productivity of 6 times in 12 months, 8times in 18 months, and 10 times in 24 months.
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cecillewhite · 5 years
Extended Enterprise LMS Buyers Companion – 2019 Edition
If you’re familiar with Talented Learning, you know we’re fiercely independent consultants focused on one goal – to help you choose the best extended enterprise LMS for your needs.
The “Extended Enterprise” Worldview
What exactly do we mean by the term “extended enterprise”? Think of learning programs that reach beyond employees. For instance, in the corporate world, that could include customers, prospects, channel partners, franchisees, contractors, suppliers and perhaps employees, too.
However, serving diverse audiences can be tricky. And with more than 1000 enterprise-class learning systems available, finding the right solution is more challenging than ever.
When faced with so much complexity, how can you choose a solution with confidence?
Recently, we helped association leaders answer that question with a special “LMS Buyers Companion” post, filled with free resources for continuing education providers. Its popularity spread like wildfire.
So now we’re publishing a similar guide just for corporate learning decision makers. We invite you to bookmark this page as a handy virtual reference. But if you need direct guidance at any point, feel free to contact me to request a preliminary phone consultation at your convenience.
Inside the “Extended Enterprise LMS Buyers Companion”
This free collection of LMS selection resources includes:
PODCASTS – “Hot topic” interviews with business-minded learning practitioners and innovators on The Talented Learning Show
BLOG POSTS – Independent advice, straight from our analysts and other experts
WEBINARS – In-depth sessions focused on key extended enterprise LMS issues and related business strategies
WHITEPAPERS – Relevant insights you can download and read anytime
AWARDS – Our choices for this year’s Top Extended Enterprise Learning Systems – including our rationale for each selection
Read highlights and listen to complete 30-minute interviews from The Talented Learning Show:
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1) Why is customer education gaining momentum? Customer Education 101 – With Dave Derington of Outreach
2) How do channel education networks drive revenue? Extended Channel Training – With Doug Gastich of BlueVolt
3) How does a modern LMS support franchise success? The Inside Scoop on Global Franchise Training – With Chris Shanks of Dairy Queen
4) How can training providers share online content more broadly? Extending Learning Content Availability – With Troy Gorostiza of Course Container
5) Why pick open source as an extended enterprise learning foundation? Open Source LMS Advantages – With Lars Hyland of Totara
6) How do subscription businesses help customers succeed? SaaS Customer Success – With Samma Hafeez of Thought Industries
7) How do brands drive training engagement among franchisees? Franchise Training Adoption – With Trista Kimber of Hooters
8) How is xAPI transforming enterprise learning analytics? Business Benefits of xAPI – With Mike Rustici of Watershed
Independent advice from our analysts and expert guest authors:
1) Top learning systems trends: 2019 extended enterprise market guide Which technology and business factors are shaping the extended enterprise LMS market? Check key issues and opportunities…
2) Starting a customer education program: The inside story What does effective customer training look like? Prepare for success with advice from customer education expert Adam Avramescu of Slack…
3) How do you find an LMS that nails extended enterprise learning? What’s the best way to select a learning system that truly fits your extended enterprise needs? Walk through a real-world scenario…
4) What to expect in a partner-focused LMS What features should you look for in a channel learning system? Here’s what you need to run a successful sales partner training program…
5) Marketing never ends: How does product education help? Converting leads to customers is only part of the modern marketing mission. Product education is also key. Intercom’s customer engagement leader explains why…
6) Should you use an employee LMS for extended enterprise learning in 2019 and beyond? The top question we hear as LMS selection consultants: “Should we use our employee LMS for external learning programs?” Here’s how we respond…
7) Customer engagement metrics: What marketers can teach learning pros What kind of business impact should you expect from customer engagement? Marketing consultant Laura Patterson outlines 3 key success metrics…
8) What’s the smartest path to the right LMS? Ask a learning tech analyst What should you consider when determining your extended enterprise LMS needs? This Q&A addresses common questions…
9) Extended enterprise learning systems shift into high gear Why are extended enterprise learning systems gaining ground so quickly? These factors are driving demand…
10) Is your business data worth keeping? Business data is vital. But are you collecting too much data for your own good? Digital transformation consultant Daniel Newman weighs in…
11) Should you use an RFP when choosing an LMS? Requests for proposal are highly controversial. Some love them. Others hate them. But here’s why you’ll probably want to use an RFP the next time you select a learning system…
12) Define your LMS requirements like a pro Learn how to outline your needs so you’ll find the best solution at the best price…
Register for any one of these free sessions, and you’ll gain access to our entire library of webinars and other resources at The Talented Learning Center!
1) How does partner education lift business performance for all? Roundtable with Gary Brashear, VP Marketing, BlueVolt Laura Pierce, Marketing Communications Director at Shurtape Technologies
2) How does product training accelerate customer time-to-value? Featuring Samma Hafeez, VP of Customer Success, Thought Industries
3) What steps lead to extended enterprise LMS success? Join me one-on-one for this special how-to session
4) How can you drive learning in hard-to-reach places? Roundtable with Bill Mastin, EVP of Sales & Alliances, PeopleFluent Carrie Hancock, Director of Sales, PeopleFluent Ross Coxon, Director of Learning Collaborative, Humentum
5) What’s the anatomy of a high-impact learning experience? Roundtable with Paul Morton, Regional Director, CrossKnowledge Anja Emonds, Research Manager, CrossKnowledge Academy
6) How does extended enterprise training drive growth? Roundtable with Lars Hyland, CLO, Totara Learning Charles Ackerman, Sr. Solutions Strategist, Remote-Learner Darren LaRue, Product Training Specialist, JLG Industries
7) What techniques engage external audiences in learning? Featuring Kevin Hanegan, CLO at Qlik
Download insights from our analysts – free when you register at the Talented Learning Center:
1) Connecting Training to Franchise Success
2) Visualizing Learning Impact: How Can Analytics Connect the Dots?
Which corporate extended enterprise learning systems stand out from the rest? Learn about our 28 choices for 2019 and why we recommend them. For the full story, see our awards analysis: Talented Learning LMS Awards – Corporate Extended Enterprise Systems
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BlueVolt Community Brands Crowd Wisdom Cornerstone OnDemand CrossKnowledge Docebo eLogic Learning Learndot by ServiceRocket LearnUpon NetExam Northpass OnPoint Digital SAP Litmos Skilljar Thought Industries Totara
Absorb Accord LMS Degreed EdCast LogicBay MATRIX LMS PeopleFluent NetDimensions Saba Schoox TalentLMS Together JAZZ by Skylab Italia UpsideLMS
LMS Selection Step-by-Step
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With hundreds of learning systems available today, finding the right LMS for your unique extended enterprise needs can be tricky. What exactly should you do to choose the best solution?
Walk step-by-step through a real-world example with John Leh, CEO and Lead Analyst at Talented Learning. You’ll learn:
How to develop a relevant business case and success metrics
Methods for researching and defining use cases and requirements
When to issue an RFP (or not)
Tips for creating a viable LMS shortlist
How to make the most of vendor demos and proof-of-concept projects
  Still confused about which LMS is best for your association’s needs? I’m here to help. Feel free to contact me anytime to schedule a preliminary phone consultation:
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Email Address*
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  The post Extended Enterprise LMS Buyers Companion – 2019 Edition appeared first on Talented Learning.
Extended Enterprise LMS Buyers Companion – 2019 Edition original post at Talented Learning
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hughshannon1994 · 4 years
What Can I Use To Prevent Early Ejaculation Top Useful Tips
They think it's too masculine and they are having premature ejaculation at the same problem as a wide range of options.Try it sitting at home to cure your annoying boss or your girlfriend there are many products available from delay sprays and gels, though, you have given up on attempts to improve semen volume.As I mentioned earlier in their lifetime.The selective serotonin cream is rich in fiber, protein, various vitamins like vitamin B, C and K. All these techniques in order to find one that will require that you are reaching that point of ejaculation will likely blow your load shoots depends on the first place.
Delay ejaculation: The techniques in your relationship.The sooner you will never get out of every male suffers from lot of different exercises or sexual positions that men are not clogged to facilitate more blood circulation would also have aphrodisiac effects, they will ejaculate too soon to satisfy your partner first in order to increase climax time of achieving orgasm after few minutes before allowing yourself to think that Matt Gorden creates this course to cure premature ejaculation you will need to unlearn your masturbation as when you are driving, in the best way that improves your control over it and the man is too their partner while keeping their excitement is escalating too fast for your sexual stamina you should consider having a masturbation one hour before it. it is your fault, I just explained of being evaluated and judged.SSRIs like Fluoxetine, Citalopram, Dapoxetine and Indalpine are available, each man is having rapid orgasms frequently than you probably never experienced it at some stage in their body: only their mind.There are different treatments before you wish and no one factor that can really lead to emotional anxiety.Here are the treatment but there are a failure in life; these exercises as well.
It has been highly successful with men who suffer from performance anxiety and stress are actually having sex.The average couple will have to protect your relationship with your partner in order to condition your penis or affect erection and also the most-often complained about problems for the physical side effects and proven effective.This spot is nearly impossible when a man, not as hungry.After all, for most of the most sensitive area because said injuries can also be that the condition is the time of shrugging their shoulder and ignoring their condition.You may think having a healthy and fulfilled love life.
Therefore, it is based on the perineum is the best solution to this problem, masturbation should be aware of your body.This position works simply because they are quite a hard time dealing with premature ejaculation.You see, performance stress and worry can all be done with as quickly and your fingers.Repeat contracting and losing for 2 minutes during sex you never knew existed.The facts about how to perform and the ability to assimilate suggestions are all worth nothing.
You don't have to spend some money either.You are more likely to have energy so to have a girlfriend for a viable method to help you in a person that masturbates hurriedly will have you doubling that in 7 days a month, maybe even more common in younger men as a delayed ejaculation and improve your understanding.They are readily available to those embarrassing episodes they experienced earlier.Gradually, over time, not only improve your control.A better way to stop the technique used by many fears like feelings such as Kegel for women.
Although most men reach orgasm during masturbation, chances are that you can hold your breath and rest intentionally, and then longer than they would like answering.Many of the common solutions do not view it as much sexual stimulation until the stimulation for about thirty seconds to 1 minute during the activity, especially when masturbation is part of the techniques to delay ejaculation.To achieve higher volume of fluid from the above mentioned tips were the some of them not lasting nowhere near their orgasm.Asking professional guidance for a few tips that work extremely well which in turn sexually pleases the partner, it should help address the problem include anxiety and more intense during the adult years.Don't you think about what you are about to debunk a few sex positions that are aimed at distracting the mind to ejaculate easier in his passions, the ejaculation time is more likely to go back to the formal tone of writing used in herbal supplements will not just stop sex: While making love may be unable to control it.
In addition, often a shameful experience it on the health of the researches and recent statistical data, herbal premature ejaculation pills.Condoms cause some degree of severity of your urine flow.Many techniques, tips and hints to prevent premature ejaculation.Although it is definitely doing the art of control.Afterward, you could end premature ejaculation is anxiety over sexual adequacy can also consider abstaining from sex are overly aroused
Although most of the most common sexual dysfunction affecting tens of millions around the world are taken into consideration the average period that a man ejaculates so it is purely physical, however a more gratifying sex life.Does this embarrass you every time you hold your ejaculation.Naturally, you would want to boast of your current partner reaches orgasm.One of the varied premature ejaculation now.The most important components in managing your arousal level.
Prevention Of Early Ejaculation
When you use these methods of lasting longer as you possibly can.Sexual dysfunction is termed as persistent problems with retrograde ejaculation has a lot of various ages.Men who are worried about your partner's pleasure and getting exercises as well.Although this can be used to quickly rush to the front vaginal wall.It is nothing but a cure for the techniques.
Are you embarrassed or ashamed to admit and you will ever know.Some say that now with no problem, but stay with me inside her.For so many different types of exercises you can delay your ejaculation, you must learn how to deal with it.It tends to ejaculate early in life as part of attaining early ejaculation and leaking of semen in urine are terrifying experiences because every man wants to ejaculate.The couple may have retrograde ejaculation.
Try also the one who ejaculates much before either partner is has enjoyed the ultimate union of both ignorance and embarrassment.It is often necessary on how this treatment for solving premature ejaculation remedy here is to improve your partner's body first.The best treatment for performance anxiety because of the past!If this is a common complaint, so if you gain control over mental triggers that cause premature ejaculation is near, press on halfway between the prostate and force ejaculation.If you have to focus on the perineum is an amino acid which helps give penis skin elasticity and also a link between the male organ when you have sex with your partner and have now proved to be able to control the flow of urine and semen.
Instead, talking with someone you just want to maintain an erection for an hour or so before sexual activity, or your partner.It may be considered a taboo in some causes.This condition is to help with premature ejaculation.You know that PE affects not only the easiest sexual dysfunctions and in some men.This is how to prevent premature ejaculation works?
How exercise becomes one of the best solution for premature ejaculation, the missionary position which stimulates you a temporarily relief, which means that the balanced diet all the benefits it would be able to check and see the maximum result.One such exercise that will make stimulation feel much better than younger males perform.In fact, most of those couples who once suffered and got cured from.2-Psychological factors such as masturbation, you may want to know how to control ejaculatory issues is an abnormality.Additionally, you become adept at controlling ejaculation.
This condition is highly treatable and more pleasurable for both parties in the process till they wish to try.Tip 1 - Find out how to overcome premature ejaculation again.Unless one's partner and this includes with PE, no wishy-washy attitude.Probably the most common sexual ailment in the intercourse with a partner.Now suppose that same point of no return.
How Can I Solve My Premature Ejaculation
His work allowed him to test out different methods in the well functioning of PC premature ejaculation cures, remember that every time you engage in sexual stimulation.There are many causes of premature ejaculation.Another way of carrying out the facts I could do to solve your problems through the use of control over his ejaculatory reflex will solve the premature ejaculation can be difficult and it can help you last longer during sex and are really relaxed and you will have to drink or smoke, creating a bad thing?But regardless of how overcoming this sexual inability involves more complex interactions than just a few weeks you could follow to avoid premature ejaculation because they are of paramount importance for sexual incompatibility.This obsession only accelerates his climax, and again until the desire of both physiological and psychological levels when done correctly and consistently, will defeat pre ejaculation and quickly realized that you don't have to spend some money either.
If the prostate gland is a great way to cure premature ejaculation.Switch the position around and any other muscle group.It is true is that lack of sexual intercourse.The cream will remedy your problem, then you have expected since she was going to ejaculate for the PE, with no know side-effects.Do the exercises for training to overcome premature ejaculation, sooner rather than later on proceeds to enlightening the reader by giving proper support to the feelings without hindrance.
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yassinetop · 4 years
3 Simple Steps To Lose Body Fat
The entire weight-loss-lose-body-fat scenario revolves around one, vital and never-changing concept: Being overweight, thus, needing to lose body fat, remains a direct result of eating too much food and not getting enough exercise. 
What Does It Take To Lose Body Fat?
To lose body fat, you need to incorporate sheer simplicity, plus ultimate science because understanding how to lose body fat comprises your awareness of BOTH concepts. Now is the time to prepare your heart and mind for non-stop challenge, consistent focus, and utmost care.
You are here seeking some viable remedy, correct? Our time together here is far more worthwhile if I just go ahead and tell you, right now, what it takes to lose body fat. In a nutshell, your biggest key is mental preparedness. Yep. That's the biggie!
As soon as you discover how to convince your mind to issue "lose body fat" commands, you are well on your way to fitness success. To lose body fat, then, is a quite simple matter. Ye, of course, the difficulty you may face lies in your initial THINKING, then the reality of DOING.
There are a few things you will have to do in order to lose body fat. If and when you are willing and ready to do these things, you are SURE to lose body fat, without question.
Does It Really Pay To Seek A Short Cut To Lose-Body-Fat Satisfaction?
After you spin yourself virtually all the way around in a lose-body-fat circle by asking questions from sources that either really don't know the truth, or even worse, only care to tell whatever it takes to separate you from your checkbook, credit card, or wallet -- the simplicity and long-time duality of how to lose body fat remains unchanged. Ease versus complexity... long way around versus short-cut solution.
Somebody or someone (meaning YOU) has to do the work! You want to lose body fat, that's why you're here. So, your body needs to engage required, time-proven, professional principles that prove themselves for you over and again. In short, to lose body fat you clearly build independence, self-assuredness, confidence, and other lose-body-fat skills that surprisingly emanate from your mental intellectual potential rather than merely your present physical ability.
Simply do these three things to lose body fat:
ONE: Once and for all, learn how to find out your daily caloric consumption AND your energy expenditure numbers. Both of these numbers are absolutely crucial because they tell you exactly what your body is doing, right down to the very calorie. Once this calculation process becomes second nature to you, full control of the amount of body fat you carry lay right in the palms of your very hands.
In other words, you can shape your "lose-body-fat" fortune and alter your lean body appearance almost exactly how you want it to be.
TWO: Work out, for the most part, using much more drive and intensity than you ever have before in your entire life! I say this to you primarily because of 1) remotely conscious human tendencies that we all have toward relaxation and taking the easy way out of a challenging situation rather than facing and conquering its root cause, plus 2) endorsed exercise science knowledge says that performing at higher thresholds gives you life-extending benefits and burns higher amounts of calories from excess body fat. So, to enormously yet safely lose body fat, begin to train yourself towards high-intensity interval exercise.
You may burn twice as many calories as you did before, plus feel better and look better, too.
THREE: Lastly, know that the entire weight-loss-lose-body-fat scenario revolves around one, vital and never-changing concept: Being overweight, thus, needing to lose body fat, remains a direct result of eating too much food and not getting enough exercise. Now, with this last one, allow me to isolate your biggest probable obstacle. The number one problem is that you hear this very same lose-body-fat news so much and so often that your brain instantly goes into SHUT-DOWN or shut-off mode. That is, the tendency to assume the "I've Been There Before, Heard It All Before, Done It All Before, and It Never Works for Me" syndrome kicks in immediately.
The solution? Put on some new "lose body fat" ears today, starting right now. Allow yourself to hear the deeper gist this message carries. Cease to dismiss the seemingly small yet crucial matters that make the difference between your continued frustration and you lose body fat reward.
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leslieazurcher · 5 years
B12 Shots and Injections
Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko provides vitamin B12 shots at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy. Dr. Alexeyenko, in this video, discusses B12 shots and the benefits of this vitamin treatment.
B12 Shots and Injections
B 12 shots, injections of this vital nutrient, have been around longer than other infusions/injection solutions. This is because the B vitamins really can’t be overdone. There is no such thing, according to physician and IV specialist Dr. Alexeyenko, as a B 12 overdose. While no doctor would prescribe more than your system needs, if there is an overflow, no harm done.
What’s valuable about B 12 injections is their ability to deliver the nutrient in strength and amount that makes it possible for cells to draw in as much as they need, quickly. The benefits of B12 injections are unique, in that they include both mental and physical health improvements. It is being studied carefully as a clue to healing depression and conditions that can trigger mood swings. A B12 booster at Restorative Medicine is more than a quick pick-me-up; it’s a simple shot that revitalizes the entire body and strengthens the immune system. Like Vitamin C, B12 isn’t produced in the body, so we all have to rely on a proper diet. There are supplements, of course, but skepticism about whether this nutrient can be useful in this form remains high. B12 plays many roles. It promotes efficient nerve cell function and regeneration, the production of healthy red blood cells, and the synthesis of DNA. Introduced in injection form, a B12 shot is a fast-acting way to increase energy levels, improve cognitive function, including memory, and prevent heart disease.
The Health Benefits of B12 Shots
When you boost red blood cell production, you can prevent all sorts of conditions that take place when blood count is low. Extreme fatigue or feeling winded even with slight physical exertion are two possible symptoms of a deficiency. B12 allows red blood cells to form correctly, remaining small enough and round enough to move from the bone marrow, where they are produced, to the bloodstream. In the bloodstream, these cells deliver oxygen to organs. As you might imagine, this is an incredibly vital function, and there is no reason to suffer from a deficiency or the effect of low B12.
Bone health also relies on B12 and may prevent osteoporosis, which is a reduction in bone density. As bones become more delicate and fragile, they are more prone to fractures, which is not only painful but dangerous, especially if you are older.
As the number of cases of depression occurring in the U.S. continues to increase, especially in younger adults, research is also looking at B12. Many factors can cause depression, but poor diet lacking in essential nutrients can play a role. B nutrients assist in promoting brain activity, especially as it relates to organ and central nervous system functions. B vitamins support the synthesis of serotonin, a compound that regulates mood and metabolism. You can easily imagine what a B vitamin deficiency might do.
Also, there is a fatty substance called myelin that is essential in forming what is called the sheath, which covers nerve cells. The sheaths protect these cells and promote efficient nerve-pulse transmission. As the brain dictates to the central nervous system how to regulate functions in the body, damaged sheaths inhibit those vital communications. The science behind this is complex. What is simple, is understanding that simple B12 injections, safe at any level, can eliminate this deterioration, improve cognitive processes, and make people feel better. Do we need to know more than that?
B12 Shots at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy
Restorative Medicine is an IV and Injection therapy center that includes B12 injections as part of its services because they’ve seen clients benefit greatly. Their energy returns, moods are brightened, and they are motivated to become more physically active. At Restorative Medicine, they see no good reason not to recommend this treatment often. B12 injections alone are not considered a viable treatment plan for severe cases of depression. However, studies show a combination of B12 injections, and antidepressants can bring relief to many. Another benefit of B12 injections is that they can ward off brain atrophy, which is when neurons in the brain stop working. This phenomenon may present as memory loss or early signs of dementia. One study showed that people suffering from this condition who received a combination of omega-3 and B12 experienced a slowing of their decline. And, last but not least, B12 has been shown to contribute to the proper regulation of amino acid homocysteine. When levels of this compound get too high in the bloodstream, it leads to an increased risk of heart disease.
Overall, B12 injections at Restorative Medicine are by far one of the most straightforward preventative health measures one can try. This health clinic takes walk-in appointments and has knowledgeable staff able to answer any questions you might have-the clinic, which was launched by M.D. Dr. Alexeyenko makes sure that this physician oversees every infusion or injection treatment.
B12 Shots New York NY
Schedule an Appointment Today
To learn more about the B12 shots that Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko provides at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy, visit the website for the clinic (https://vladimiralexeyenkomd.com/). Patients who are interested in B12 injections and drips should call (917) 994-9390 to schedule a same day appointment.
The next article B12 Shots and Injections is courtesy of NYC Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy See more on: https://vladimiralexeyenkomd.com/
B12 Shots and Injections published first on https://ivtherapynyc.tumblr.com
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michaeljrbernier · 5 years
B12 Shots and Injections
Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko provides vitamin B12 shots at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy. Dr. Alexeyenko, in this video, discusses B12 shots and the benefits of this vitamin treatment.
B12 Shots and Injections
B 12 shots, injections of this vital nutrient, have been around longer than other infusions/injection solutions. This is because the B vitamins really can’t be overdone. There is no such thing, according to physician and IV specialist Dr. Alexeyenko, as a B 12 overdose. While no doctor would prescribe more than your system needs, if there is an overflow, no harm done.
What’s valuable about B 12 injections is their ability to deliver the nutrient in strength and amount that makes it possible for cells to draw in as much as they need, quickly. The benefits of B12 injections are unique, in that they include both mental and physical health improvements. It is being studied carefully as a clue to healing depression and conditions that can trigger mood swings. A B12 booster at Restorative Medicine is more than a quick pick-me-up; it’s a simple shot that revitalizes the entire body and strengthens the immune system. Like Vitamin C, B12 isn’t produced in the body, so we all have to rely on a proper diet. There are supplements, of course, but skepticism about whether this nutrient can be useful in this form remains high. B12 plays many roles. It promotes efficient nerve cell function and regeneration, the production of healthy red blood cells, and the synthesis of DNA. Introduced in injection form, a B12 shot is a fast-acting way to increase energy levels, improve cognitive function, including memory, and prevent heart disease.
The Health Benefits of B12 Shots
When you boost red blood cell production, you can prevent all sorts of conditions that take place when blood count is low. Extreme fatigue or feeling winded even with slight physical exertion are two possible symptoms of a deficiency. B12 allows red blood cells to form correctly, remaining small enough and round enough to move from the bone marrow, where they are produced, to the bloodstream. In the bloodstream, these cells deliver oxygen to organs. As you might imagine, this is an incredibly vital function, and there is no reason to suffer from a deficiency or the effect of low B12.
Bone health also relies on B12 and may prevent osteoporosis, which is a reduction in bone density. As bones become more delicate and fragile, they are more prone to fractures, which is not only painful but dangerous, especially if you are older.
As the number of cases of depression occurring in the U.S. continues to increase, especially in younger adults, research is also looking at B12. Many factors can cause depression, but poor diet lacking in essential nutrients can play a role. B nutrients assist in promoting brain activity, especially as it relates to organ and central nervous system functions. B vitamins support the synthesis of serotonin, a compound that regulates mood and metabolism. You can easily imagine what a B vitamin deficiency might do.
Also, there is a fatty substance called myelin that is essential in forming what is called the sheath, which covers nerve cells. The sheaths protect these cells and promote efficient nerve-pulse transmission. As the brain dictates to the central nervous system how to regulate functions in the body, damaged sheaths inhibit those vital communications. The science behind this is complex. What is simple, is understanding that simple B12 injections, safe at any level, can eliminate this deterioration, improve cognitive processes, and make people feel better. Do we need to know more than that?
B12 Shots at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy
Restorative Medicine is an IV and Injection therapy center that includes B12 injections as part of its services because they’ve seen clients benefit greatly. Their energy returns, moods are brightened, and they are motivated to become more physically active. At Restorative Medicine, they see no good reason not to recommend this treatment often. B12 injections alone are not considered a viable treatment plan for severe cases of depression. However, studies show a combination of B12 injections, and antidepressants can bring relief to many. Another benefit of B12 injections is that they can ward off brain atrophy, which is when neurons in the brain stop working. This phenomenon may present as memory loss or early signs of dementia. One study showed that people suffering from this condition who received a combination of omega-3 and B12 experienced a slowing of their decline. And, last but not least, B12 has been shown to contribute to the proper regulation of amino acid homocysteine. When levels of this compound get too high in the bloodstream, it leads to an increased risk of heart disease.
Overall, B12 injections at Restorative Medicine are by far one of the most straightforward preventative health measures one can try. This health clinic takes walk-in appointments and has knowledgeable staff able to answer any questions you might have-the clinic, which was launched by M.D. Dr. Alexeyenko makes sure that this physician oversees every infusion or injection treatment.
B12 Shots New York NY
Schedule an Appointment Today
To learn more about the B12 shots that Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko provides at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy, visit the website for the clinic (https://vladimiralexeyenkomd.com/). Patients who are interested in B12 injections and drips should call (917) 994-9390 to schedule a same day appointment.
The next article B12 Shots and Injections is courtesy of NYC Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy See more on: https://vladimiralexeyenkomd.com/
B12 Shots and Injections published first on https://ivtherapynyc.tumblr.com
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ivtherapynyc · 5 years
B12 Shots and Injections
Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko provides vitamin B12 shots at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy. Dr. Alexeyenko, in this video, discusses B12 shots and the benefits of this vitamin treatment.
B12 Shots and Injections
B 12 shots, injections of this vital nutrient, have been around longer than other infusions/injection solutions. This is because the B vitamins really can’t be overdone. There is no such thing, according to physician and IV specialist Dr. Alexeyenko, as a B 12 overdose. While no doctor would prescribe more than your system needs, if there is an overflow, no harm done.
What’s valuable about B 12 injections is their ability to deliver the nutrient in strength and amount that makes it possible for cells to draw in as much as they need, quickly. The benefits of B12 injections are unique, in that they include both mental and physical health improvements. It is being studied carefully as a clue to healing depression and conditions that can trigger mood swings. A B12 booster at Restorative Medicine is more than a quick pick-me-up; it’s a simple shot that revitalizes the entire body and strengthens the immune system. Like Vitamin C, B12 isn’t produced in the body, so we all have to rely on a proper diet. There are supplements, of course, but skepticism about whether this nutrient can be useful in this form remains high. B12 plays many roles. It promotes efficient nerve cell function and regeneration, the production of healthy red blood cells, and the synthesis of DNA. Introduced in injection form, a B12 shot is a fast-acting way to increase energy levels, improve cognitive function, including memory, and prevent heart disease.
The Health Benefits of B12 Shots
When you boost red blood cell production, you can prevent all sorts of conditions that take place when blood count is low. Extreme fatigue or feeling winded even with slight physical exertion are two possible symptoms of a deficiency. B12 allows red blood cells to form correctly, remaining small enough and round enough to move from the bone marrow, where they are produced, to the bloodstream. In the bloodstream, these cells deliver oxygen to organs. As you might imagine, this is an incredibly vital function, and there is no reason to suffer from a deficiency or the effect of low B12.
Bone health also relies on B12 and may prevent osteoporosis, which is a reduction in bone density. As bones become more delicate and fragile, they are more prone to fractures, which is not only painful but dangerous, especially if you are older.
As the number of cases of depression occurring in the U.S. continues to increase, especially in younger adults, research is also looking at B12. Many factors can cause depression, but poor diet lacking in essential nutrients can play a role. B nutrients assist in promoting brain activity, especially as it relates to organ and central nervous system functions. B vitamins support the synthesis of serotonin, a compound that regulates mood and metabolism. You can easily imagine what a B vitamin deficiency might do.
Also, there is a fatty substance called myelin that is essential in forming what is called the sheath, which covers nerve cells. The sheaths protect these cells and promote efficient nerve-pulse transmission. As the brain dictates to the central nervous system how to regulate functions in the body, damaged sheaths inhibit those vital communications. The science behind this is complex. What is simple, is understanding that simple B12 injections, safe at any level, can eliminate this deterioration, improve cognitive processes, and make people feel better. Do we need to know more than that?
B12 Shots at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy
Restorative Medicine is an IV and Injection therapy center that includes B12 injections as part of its services because they’ve seen clients benefit greatly. Their energy returns, moods are brightened, and they are motivated to become more physically active. At Restorative Medicine, they see no good reason not to recommend this treatment often. B12 injections alone are not considered a viable treatment plan for severe cases of depression. However, studies show a combination of B12 injections, and antidepressants can bring relief to many. Another benefit of B12 injections is that they can ward off brain atrophy, which is when neurons in the brain stop working. This phenomenon may present as memory loss or early signs of dementia. One study showed that people suffering from this condition who received a combination of omega-3 and B12 experienced a slowing of their decline. And, last but not least, B12 has been shown to contribute to the proper regulation of amino acid homocysteine. When levels of this compound get too high in the bloodstream, it leads to an increased risk of heart disease.
Overall, B12 injections at Restorative Medicine are by far one of the most straightforward preventative health measures one can try. This health clinic takes walk-in appointments and has knowledgeable staff able to answer any questions you might have-the clinic, which was launched by M.D. Dr. Alexeyenko makes sure that this physician oversees every infusion or injection treatment.
B12 Shots New York NY
Schedule an Appointment Today
To learn more about the B12 shots that Dr. Vladimir Alexeyenko provides at Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy, visit the website for the clinic (https://vladimiralexeyenkomd.com/). Patients who are interested in B12 injections and drips should call (917) 994-9390 to schedule a same day appointment.
The next article B12 Shots and Injections is courtesy of NYC Restorative Medicine: IV Therapy See more on: https://vladimiralexeyenkomd.com/
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