#theon iii
istumpysk · 1 year
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ADWD: Reek III (Theon III) [Chapter 32]
The dogs were fond of Reek; he slept with them oft as not, and sometimes Ben Bones let him share their supper. 
Red Jeyne slammed into his chest and knocked him off his feet. She was lean, hard muscle, where Reek was loose, grey skin and brittle bones, a white-haired starveling.
The dogs enjoyed the run of the hall, however, and provided the night's best entertainment, when Maude and Grey Jeyne tore into one of Lord Stout's hounds over an especially meaty bone that Will Short had tossed them.
I'm starting to think that's an important name!
Ramsay Bolton was attired as befit the lord of the Hornwood and heir to the Dreadfort. His mantle was stitched together from wolfskins and clasped against the autumn chill by the yellowed teeth of the wolf's head on his right shoulder. On one hip he wore a falchion, its blade as thick and heavy as a cleaver; on the other a long dagger and a small curved flaying knife with a hooked point and a razor-sharp edge. 
I think I'm going to pay attention to that dagger.
I am completely unfazed by Ramsay wearing wolfskins. Doesn't trouble me in the slightest.
The queen regarded him coolly. "I had not thought you so niggardly. The king I'd thought to wed would have laid a wolfskin across my bed before the sun went down." - Eddard III, AGOT
"Dogs," the big bald man said contemptuously. "Yet I'm told there's nothing like a wolfskin cloak to warm a man by night." He made a sharp gesture. "Take them." - Bran V, AGOT
"He'll set his wolf on you, cousin," warned Big Walder.
"Let him. I always wanted a wolfskin cloak." - Bran II, ACOK
"Come first light, I mean to bring them back." He hooked his thumbs through his swordbelt. "I need huntsmen. Who wants a nice warm wolfskin to see them through the winter? Gage?" - Theon IV, ACOK
Little Walder swung down from the saddle. "You can see to my horse too, Reek. And to my little cousin's."
"I can see to my own horse," said Big Walder. Little Walder had become Lord Ramsay's best boy and grew more like him every day, but the smaller Frey was made of different stuff and seldom took part in his cousin's games and cruelties.
I think I figured it out.
Little Walder is like Ramsay.
Big Walder is like Roose.
Big Walder pulled the saddle off his grey. "An old man we met on the road, is all. He was driving an old nanny goat and four kids."
"His lordship slew him for his goats?"
"His lordship slew him for calling him Lord Snow. The goats were good, though. We milked the mother and roasted up the kids."
Lord Snow. Reek nodded, his chains clinking as he wrestled with Blood's saddle straps. By any name, Ramsay's no man to be around when he is in a rage. 
We already know he rages at this, but it's an important reminder for later on.
"Did you find your cousins, my lord?"
"No. I never thought we would. They're dead. Lord Wyman had them killed. That's what I would have done if I was him."
Under what other circumstances would you kill a Frey?
Wyman's three Frey guests have gone missing. My heart breaks.
The dogs enjoyed the run of the hall, however, and provided the night's best entertainment, when Maude and Grey Jeyne tore into one of Lord Stout's hounds over an especially meaty bone that Will Short had tossed them.
The fight did not end until their host's dog was dead. Stout's old hound never stood a mummer's chance. He had been one against two, and Ramsay's bitches were young, strong, and savage. 
Shaggydog can take two hounds.
I'm not worried. I'm not concerned.
Ben Bones, who liked the dogs better than their master, had told Reek they were all named after peasant girls Ramsay had hunted, raped, and killed back when he'd still been a bastard, running with the first Reek. "The ones who give him good sport, anywise. The ones who weep and beg and won't run don't get to come back as bitches." 
Sometimes the dead come back to haunt you, Ramsay.
"He's trained 'em to kill wolves as well," Ben Bones had confided. Reek said nothing. He knew which wolves the girls were meant to kill, but he had no wish to watch the girls fighting over his severed toe.
I am unbothered. I am indifferent.
Most people are aware of the note that George included in The Lion and The Rose script.
[N.B. A note for future reference. A season or two down the line Ramsay’s pack of wolfhounds are going to be sent against the Stark direwolves, so we should build up the dogs as much as possible in this and subsequent episodes.]
I can't see Nymeria or Summer participating in these events, so it has to be Shaggydog and Ghost.
The Lord of the Dreadfort glanced idly at the remnants of the feast, at the dead dog, at the hangings on the walls, at Reek in his chains and fetters. "Out," he told the feasters, in a voice as soft as a murmur. "Now. The lot of you."
Somehow Roose is more terrifying than Ramsay.
Roose Bolton shrugged. "Lord Wyman's litter moves at a snail's pace … and of course his lordship's health and girth do not permit him to travel more than a few hours a day, with frequent stops for meals. The Freys were anxious to reach Barrowton and be reunited with their kin. Can you blame them for riding on ahead?"
"If that's what they did. Do you believe Manderly?"
His father's pale eyes glittered. "Did I give you that impression? Still. His lordship is most distraught."
Mr. Manderly, you are on thin ice.
"What I noticed was that he brought no hostages."
"I noticed that as well."
"What do you mean to do about it?"
"It is a quandary."
Bolton has sent forth ravens, summoning all the lords of the north to Barrowton. He demands homage and hostages … and witnesses to the wedding of Arya Stark and his bastard Ramsay Snow, by which match the Boltons mean to lay claim to Winterfell. - Davos IV, ADWD
Very very thin ice.
"Barrow Hall and its kitchens are not mine to dispose of," his father said mildly. "I am only a guest there. The castle and the town belong to Lady Dustin, and she cannot abide you."
Ramsay's face darkened. "If I cut off her teats and feed them to my girls, will she abide me then? Will she abide me if I strip off her skin to make myself a pair of boots?"
"Unlikely. And those boots would come dear. They would cost us Barrowton, House Dustin, and the Ryswells." Roose Bolton seated himself across the table from his son. "Barbrey Dustin is my second wife's younger sister, Rodrik Ryswell's daughter, sister to Roger, Rickard, and mine own namesake, Roose, cousin to the other Ryswells. She was fond of my late son and suspects you of having some part in his demise. Lady Barbrey is a woman who knows how to nurse a grievance. Be grateful for that. Barrowton is staunch for Bolton largely because she still holds Ned Stark to blame for her husband's death."
This Barbrey woman sounds important.
I couldn't be happier that Ramsay wants to kill her.
"Stark's little wolflings are dead," said Ramsay, sloshing some more ale into his cup, "and they'll stay dead. Let them show their ugly faces, and my girls will rip those wolves of theirs to pieces. The sooner they turn up, the sooner I kill them again."
The elder Bolton sighed. "Again? Surely you misspeak. You never slew Lord Eddard's sons, those two sweet boys we loved so well. That was Theon Turncloak's work, remember?
He keeps making this mistake.
How many of our grudging friends do you imagine we'd retain if the truth were known? Only Lady Barbrey, whom you would turn into a pair of boots … inferior boots. Human skin is not as tough as cowhide and will not wear as well. By the king's decree you are now a Bolton. Try and act like one. Tales are told of you, Ramsay. I hear them everywhere. People fear you."
Yeah Roose, that's the problem with boots made of human skin. They're inferior to cowhide.
"You are mistaken. It is not good. No tales were ever told of me. Do you think I would be sitting here if it were otherwise? Your amusements are your own, I will not chide you on that count, but you must be more discreet. A peaceful land, a quiet people. That has always been my rule. Make it yours."
"Is this why you left Lady Dustin and your fat pig wife? So you could come down here and tell me to be quiet?"
Normal relationship these two have.
Your amusements are your own, I will not chide you on that count
What the fuck dude.
"Now is the time to smash him [Stannis Baratheon]. Let me march on Deepwood."
"After you are wed."
Ramsay slammed down his cup, and the dregs of his ale erupted across the tablecloth. "I'm sick of waiting. We have a girl, we have a tree, and we have lords enough to witness. I'll wed her on the morrow, plant a son between her legs, and march before her maiden's blood has dried."
Ramsay is a lot more reckless and impulsive than his show version. What a disaster it would be if Roose were to die.
"You will plant a son in her," Roose Bolton said, "but not here. I've decided you shall wed the girl at Winterfell."
That prospect did not appear to please Lord Ramsay. "I laid waste to Winterfell, or had you forgotten?"
"No, but it appears you have … the ironmen laid waste to Winterfell, and butchered all its people. Theon Turncloak."
I wonder if Ramsay will make this mistake in front of the wrong person.
"Even ruined and broken, Winterfell remains Lady Arya's home. What better place to wed her, bed her, and stake your claim? That is only half of it, however. We would be fools to march on Stannis. Let Stannis march on us. He is too cautious to come to Barrowton … but he must come to Winterfell. His clansmen will not abandon the daughter of their precious Ned to such as you. Stannis must march or lose them … and being the careful commander that he is, he will summon all his friends and allies when he marches. He will summon Arnolf Karstark."
Arnolf Karstark is no friend of Stannis Baratheon's.
Stannis is too cautious to go to Barrowton, but he'll have to go to Winterfell. . . the more formidable castle. Okay George, sure.
The Lord of the Dreadfort glanced at Reek. "Oh, and unchain your pet. I am taking him."
"Taking him? Where? He's mine. You cannot have him."
Roose seemed amused by that. "All you have I gave you. You would do well to remember that, bastard. As for this … Reek … if you have not ruined him beyond redemption, he may yet be of some use to us. Get the keys and remove those chains from him, before you make me rue the day I raped your mother."
Reek saw the way Ramsay's mouth twisted, the spittle glistening between his lips. He feared he might leap the table with his dagger in his hand. Instead he flushed red, turned his pale eyes from his father's paler ones, and went to find the keys. 
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But as he knelt to unlock the fetters around Reek's wrists and ankles, he leaned close and whispered, "Tell him nothing and remember every word he says. I'll have you back, no matter what that Dustin bitch may tell you. Who are you?"
I don't remember Theon sharing anything with Ramsay. Do we assume it happened?
Ramsay slapped his face. "Take him," he told his father. "He's not even a man. The way he smells disgusts me."
. . .
He did not understand. "My lord? I said—"
"—my lord, when you should have said m'lord. Your tongue betrays your birth with every word you say. If you want to sound a proper peasant, say it as if you had mud in your mouth, or were too stupid to realize it was two words, not just one."
Roose is bringing Theon to Barbrey Dustin. He will be introduced to Barbrey Dustin as Theon Greyjoy. Everyone knows he's Theon Greyjoy.
I don't understand why he has to use m'lord.
"I knew the first Reek. He stank, though not for want of washing. I have never known a cleaner creature, truth be told. He bathed thrice a day and wore flowers in his hair as if he were a maiden. Once, when my second wife was still alive, he was caught stealing scent from her bedchamber. I had him whipped for that, a dozen lashes. Even his blood smelled wrong. The next year he tried it again. This time he drank the perfume and almost died of it. It made no matter. The smell was something he was born with. A curse, the smallfolk said. The gods had made him stink so that men would know his soul was rotting. My old maester insisted it was a sign of sickness, yet the boy was otherwise as strong as a young bull. No one could stand to be near him, so he slept with the pigs … until the day that Ramsay's mother appeared at my gates to demand that I provide a servant for my bastard, who was growing up wild and unruly. I gave her Reek. It was meant to be amusing, but he and Ramsay became inseparable. I do wonder, though … was it Ramsay who corrupted Reek, or Reek Ramsay?"
That moment you realize Ramsay keeps Theon smelly because he's being sentimental.
His lordship glanced at the new Reek with eyes as pale and strange as two white moons. "What was he whispering whilst he unchained you?"
"He … he said …" He said to tell you nothing. The words caught in his throat, and he began to cough and choke.
"Breathe deep. I know what he said. You're to spy on me and keep his secrets." Bolton chuckled. "As if he had secrets. Sour Alyn, Luton, Skinner, and the rest, where does he think they came from? Can he truly believe they are his men?"
I'm not sure why you would volunteer that information to someone you know is spying on you, but okay.
"Smitten?" Bolton laughed. "Did he use that word? Why, the boy has a singer's soul … though if you believe that song, you may well be dimmer than the first Reek. Even the riding part is wrong. I was hunting a fox along the Weeping Water when I chanced upon a mill and saw a young woman washing clothes in the stream. The old miller had gotten himself a new young wife, a girl not half his age. She was a tall, willowy creature, very healthy-looking. Long legs and small firm breasts, like two ripe plums. Pretty, in a common sort of way. The moment that I set eyes on her I wanted her. Such was my due. The maesters will tell you that King Jaehaerys abolished the lord's right to the first night to appease his shrewish queen, but where the old gods rule, old customs linger. The Umbers keep the first night too, deny it as they may. Certain of the mountain clans as well, and on Skagos … well, only heart trees ever see half of what they do on Skagos.
"This miller's marriage had been performed without my leave or knowledge. The man had cheated me. So I had him hanged, and claimed my rights beneath the tree where he was swaying. If truth be told, the wench was hardly worth the rope. The fox escaped as well, and on our way back to the Dreadfort my favorite courser came up lame, so all in all it was a dismal day.
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where the old gods rule, old customs linger.
Like what? Blood sacrifice?
"The woman disobeyed me, though. You see what Ramsay is. She made him, her and Reek, always whispering in his ear about his rights. He should have been content to grind corn. Does he truly think that he can ever rule the north?"
He slipped! Get it together, Roose.
"He's not afraid of anyone, m'lord."
"He should be. Fear is what keeps a man alive in this world of treachery and deceit. Even here in Barrowton the crows are circling, waiting to feast upon our flesh. The Cerwyns and the Tallharts are not to be relied on, my fat friend Lord Wyman plots betrayal, and Whoresbane … the Umbers may seem simple, but they are not without a certain low cunning. Ramsay should fear them all, as I do. The next time you see him, tell him that."
All of these names go to Team Stark.
"He is your only son."
"For the moment. I had another, once. Domeric. A quiet boy, but most accomplished. He served four years as Lady Dustin's page, and three in the Vale as a squire to Lord Redfort. He played the high harp, read histories, and rode like the wind. Horses … the boy was mad for horses, Lady Dustin will tell you. Not even Lord Rickard's daughter could outrace him, and that one was half a horse herself. Redfort said he showed great promise in the lists. A great jouster must be a great horseman first."
I was not expecting to find more Knight of the Laughing Tree evidence in a Theon ADWD chapter.
"Ramsay killed him. A sickness of the bowels, Maester Uthor says, but I say poison. In the Vale, Domeric had enjoyed the company of Redfort's sons. He wanted a brother by his side, so he rode up the Weeping Water to seek my bastard out. I forbade it, but Domeric was a man grown and thought that he knew better than his father. Now his bones lie beneath the Dreadfort with the bones of his brothers, who died still in the cradle, and I am left with Ramsay. Tell me, my lord … if the kinslayer is accursed, what is a father to do when one son slays another?"
Anything other than whatever it is you're doing.
He could be wrong. Brothers die sometimes, it does not mean that they were killed. My brothers died, and I never killed them. 
Which brothers?
The old gods, he thought. They know me. They know my name. I was Theon of House Greyjoy. I was a ward of Eddard Stark, a friend and brother to his children. - A Ghost in Winterfell, ADWD
"My lord has a new wife to give him sons."
"And won't my bastard love that? Lady Walda is a Frey, and she has a fertile feel to her. I have become oddly fond of my fat little wife. The two before her never made a sound in bed, but this one squeals and shudders. I find that quite endearing. If she pops out sons the way she pops in tarts, the Dreadfort will soon be overrun with Boltons. Ramsay will kill them all, of course. That's for the best. I will not live long enough to see new sons to manhood, and boy lords are the bane of any House. Walda will grieve to see them die, though."
He's lying to the spy. What's the point of marrying a fertile woman if you don't care if your sons survive?
Too bad he already goofed.
Does he truly think that he can ever rule the north?
"M'lord. If I might ask … why did you want me? I'm no use to anyone, I'm not even a man, I'm broken, and … the smell …"
. . .
"A bath and change of clothes will make you smell sweeter."
"A bath?" Reek felt a clenching in his guts. "I … I would sooner not, m'lord. Please. I have … wounds, I … and these clothes, Lord Ramsay gave them to me, he … he said that I was never to take them off, save at his command …"
"You are wearing rags," Lord Bolton said, quite patiently. "Filthy things, torn and stained and stinking of blood and urine. And thin. You must be cold. We'll put you in lambswool, soft and warm. Perhaps a fur-lined cloak. Would you like that?"
"No." He could not let them take the clothes Lord Ramsay gave him. He could not let them see him.
Why don't you want to be naked?
Some part of him was screaming, This is a trap, he is playing with you, the son is just the shadow of the father. Lord Ramsay played with his hopes all the time. "What … what do you owe me, m'lord?"
"The north. The Starks were done and doomed the night that you took Winterfell." He waved a pale hand, dismissive. "All this is only squabbling over spoils."
Thanks for that, Theon.
As he climbed a wide flight of wooden steps to the hall, Reek's legs began to shake. He had to stop to steady them, staring up at the grassy slopes of the Great Barrow. Some claimed it was the grave of the First King, who had led the First Men to Westeros. Others argued that it must be some King of the Giants who was buried there, to account for its size. A few had even been known to say it was no barrow, just a hill, but if so it was a lonely hill, for most of the barrowlands were flat and windswept.
Is this worldbuilding or important?
"He has been with Ramsay. Lady Barbrey, allow me to present the rightful Lord of the Iron Islands, Theon of House Greyjoy."
"What did your bastard do to him?"
"Removed some skin, I would imagine. A few small parts. Nothing too essential."
I wouldn't be too sure of that.
"Is he mad?"
"He may be. Does it matter?"
Reek could hear no more. "Please, m'lord, m'lady, there's been some mistake." He fell to his knees, trembling like a leaf in a winter storm, tears streaming down his ravaged cheeks. "I'm not him, I'm not the turncloak, he died at Winterfell. My name is Reek." He had to remember his name. "It rhymes with freak."
Seems like it.
Final thoughts:
House Cerwyn & House Tallhart
The Cerwyns and the Tallharts are not to be relied on - Reek III, ADWD
House Glover
Lord Stannis has taken Deepwood Motte from the ironmen and restored it to House Glover. - Reek III, ADWD
First Flints, Wull, Norrey, Liddle, Burleys, Harclays, Knotts
"How many clans are you speaking of?"
"Two score, small and large. Flint, Wull, Norrey, Liddle … win Old Flint and Big Bucket, the rest will follow." - Jon IV, ADWD
House Locke
"The maid tells it true," declared a stocky man in white and purple, whose cloak was fastened with a pair of crossed bronze keys. "Roose Bolton's cold and cunning, aye, but a man can deal with Roose. We've all known worse. But this bastard son of his … they say he's mad and cruel, a monster." - Davos III, ADWD
Farther down the table Wyman Manderly sat wolfing down sausages and boiled eggs, whilst old Lord Locke beside him spooned gruel into his toothless mouth. - Theon I, ADWD
House Manderly
The north remembers, Lord Davos. The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done.  - Davos IV, ADWD
House Mormont
Stannis read from the letter. "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK. A girl of ten, you say, and she presumes to scold her lawful king." - Jon I, ADWD
House Reed
We don't need evidence.
House Umber
"A fine plan if what you want is every hand in the north raised against you. Half is more than none. The Umbers have no love for the Boltons. If Whoresbane has joined the Bastard, it can only be because the Lannisters hold the Greatjon captive." - Jon IV, ADWD
The Cerwyns and the Tallharts are not to be relied on, my fat friend Lord Wyman plots betrayal, and Whoresbane … the Umbers may seem simple, but they are not without a certain low cunning. - Reek III, ADWD
Alys Karstark & House Thenn
House Karstark
Because Arnolf Karstark awaits only a sign from Lord Bolton before he turns his cloak, thought Theon, as other lords began to shout out counsel. - The Prince of Winterfell, ADWD
House Ryswell
"The Ryswells and Dustins are tied to House Bolton by marriage," Jon informed him. - Jon IV, ADWD
House Hornwood
House Lannister
House Frey
Queen in the North Barbrey Dustin of House Dustin
"Unlikely. And those boots would come dear. They would cost us Barrowton, House Dustin, and the Ryswells." Roose Bolton seated himself across the table from his son. "Barbrey Dustin is my second wife's younger sister, Rodrik Ryswell's daughter, sister to Roger, Rickard, and mine own namesake, Roose, cousin to the other Ryswells. She was fond of my late son and suspects you of having some part in his demise. Lady Barbrey is a woman who knows how to nurse a grievance. Be grateful for that. Barrowton is staunch for Bolton largely because she still holds Ned Stark to blame for her husband's death." - Reek III, ADWD
I will continue to update as we go.
Expect me to change my mind on Queen in the North Barbrey Dustin half a dozen times.
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grennseyelashes · 1 month
Really fascinating "attempted seduction" type flavour to the conversation between Roose and Theon as they travel to Barrowton. Obviously Roose wants Theon cleaned up a bit because he's bringing him to Barbrey Dustin as part of their plan to solidify Ramsay's claim via fake Arya, but his offer of a bath and some fine clothes ("Would you like that?", "Would you prefer to dress in silk and velvet? There was a time when you were fond of such, I do recall") coming on the heels of his story of raping Ramsay's mother under the lords right to the first night creates a fascinating parallel. As if Ramsay is the miller, Theon is his wife, and Roose is here to claim what he's owed. Especially as he chooses to flatter Theon, by placing him highest in the Theon-Roose-Ramsay hierarchy. Everything Ramsay has, Roose gave him. But according to Roose here, everything he has, Theon gave him. And from Theon's suspicious and frightened reaction it seems he reacts to this parallel on some level too.
It's a really interesting insight into Rooses character. He is attempting to manipulate Theon's (forced) loyalty here, but he does it in a way that perhaps belies his coldness, and implies he is somewhat more ruled by petty jealousy towards his horrifying son that it appears at first glance. He's not unaffected.
It's a crack in his armour, potentially, and it highlights another weakness. By fetching Theon, bringing him to Barrowton, naming him and handing him over to Barbrey Dustin's care he essentially "gives away" Theon, in the same way that Theon later does for Jeyne Poole (as Arya) when she marries Ramsay. But this parallel is unnoticed by Roose and Theon, and only available to the reader. Yet Barbrey seemingly upholds it, bringing Theon into her confidence, albeit in a limited manner, from here on out, and under her protection against Roose by ruling him out as "the killer" in Winterfell later too. Again unnoticed by Roose, who never doubts her.
But perhaps he should. Maybe he's overestimated the importance of nursing grudges, because he's blinded by his own against his son.
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elanorar · 1 year
The lack of common sense with a certain group of people in this fandom is truly astonishing. 
Apparently they’re saying Daemon’s racist now? Because he allowed Rhaena to become a cupbearer, but didn’t want Aegon the Younger to take the same position when it was offered by Otto fucking Hightower AKA the enemy.
Let’s get something clear here. The position of cupbearer is one of integrity and privilege as described in the asoiaf wiki, “In Westeros, noble children often serve as cupbearers, and it is considered to be a great honor to be chosen to serve, especially at court.” Being a cupbearer was far from a low or insignificant position. It was given to noble children like Rhaenyra and Rhaena so they could learn how to rule. Rhaena was in a position of “great honor.”
The reason for why Daemon refused to allow his son to be a cupbearer in Kings Landing was because he knew his boy wouldn’t be safe. Otto did not make the offer so Aegon the Younger could learn how to rule. If Daemon and Rhaenyra had allowed their boys to leave for Kings Landing, they would’ve been prisoners in all but name. Both Aegon the Younger and Viserys would've been in a similar position as Theon was with the Starks. And I don’t doubt that if the greens thought Rhaenyra and Daemon were stepping out of line, they would’ve killed those boys. Aegon II threatened Aegon the Younger’s life more than once in F&B, even threatening to castrate him at one point.
Daemon was not being racist to Rhaena, nor was he being neglectful or any other bs people are spewing. The source material never claimed that Daemon was a neglectful father. In fact he cared for his daughters and gave them the freedom to do whatever they liked, as evidenced by how he refused to punish Baela for kissing boys. And later on, when Aegon the Younger became Rhaenyra’s cupbearer, Daemon had no problem with it because he knew his son was safe. 
He was only trying to protect his sons, his babies. And if someone wants to explain how the hell this means Daemon is racist then come up with better reasoning because it doesn’t makes any damn sense.
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asoiafreadthru · 3 months
A Game of Thrones, Catelyn III
Catelyn said to Ser Rodrik, “I see my son is wearing steel now.”
The old master-at-arms said, “I thought it was time.”
Robb was looking at her anxiously.
“Past time,” she said. “Winterfell may have need of all its swords soon, and they had best not be made of wood.”
Theon Greyjoy put a hand on the hilt of his blade and said, “My lady, if it comes to that, my House owes yours a great debt.”
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daenystheedreamer · 29 days
if u think more than one, or someone else, add in the tags!
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Anyone who thinks that Rhaenyra calling Helaena "my sweet sister" means anything positive about their relationship or about Rhaenyra's feelings for Heleana needs to go back and re-read the main series (or read it period, because trust me you will understand F&B a lot better with ASOIAF as context).
In ASOIAF "sweet sister" is that phrase is used disparagingly the vast majority of the time. A quick search reveals it is used 82 times, and the character who uses this phrase by far the most is Tyrion when speaking about Cersei (an example from ASOS Tyrion I):
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There are also multiple examples of Jaime using it about Cersei too, especially when he's unhappy with her (a random example from AFFC Jaime V):
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Other people also use it referring to Cersei, again sarcastically. "Your sweet sister did X." Which makes sense! Cersei is pretty notorious and people gripe about her to her brothers pretty often.
Beyond various people talking about Cersei, the top offender is Viserys, who uses it quite a bit when addressing Dany, usually with a bite of malice (AGOT Daenerys I):
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Interestingly, Viserys later calls out to his "sweet sister" when he is begging for his life. I can't imagine that reminding her of all the times he threatened her with those same words helped his case very much.
There's one instance of Arya using it about Sansa when she is giving an insincere apology (AGOT Sansa III):
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Here is Theon using it about Asha (ACOK Theon V):
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Lysa also uses it about Cat, and her feelings about her "sweet sister" at this point are pretty negative (ASOS Sansa VII):
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You get the picture. At the very best, it's used with a fond sort of sarcasm, at worst it's actively spiteful. You can count on one hand the number of times it is used sincerely in the whole entire series, and really there's only one instance, from Edmure to Cat, that I would read as 100% sincere without even a tiny hint of sarcasm. F&B doesn't have anyone's POV to indicate the tone with which Rhaenyra said those words, and although it's possible this might have been the second time in the whole of ASOIAF that we were meant to treat those words as unquestioningly sincere and loving, I think this is a bit like the discourse around "sharply questioned." Those words, in-world, tend to carry a connotation beyond their surface meaning. It would not be something reassuring to hear terms for surrender given using the phrase "sweet sister," and in fact, given that we have no other indication that Rhaenyra has any sort of relationship with her siblings whatsoever, Helaena would be entirely justified in interpreting her words as spiteful or sarcastic. After all, if you're using a quote from the book to speak to Rhaenyra's intentions, the character you're referring to is book!Rhaenyra, who is not shown to be an overly nice person. Even by the most charitable reading, we can safely assume that those words were included by Gyldayn in his history knowing that in-world readers would read them as insincere. They are not intended to portray Rhaenyra and Helaena's relationship in a positive light.
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missglaskin · 5 months
Yandere concepts for Fire & blood/Game of thrones
Fire and Blood
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Aegon I Targaryen
With Twin!reader 
Maegor Targaryen
Obsessed with aunt!reader
Reader dies in childbirth  
Wives becoming platonic yandere for reader 
Baelon Targaryen
Being his young second wife
Living long after him to Hotd timeline 
His not so innocent sister (thirst) 
Manipulating you, his brother's widow to marrying him 
Saera Targaryen
In love with her twin sister 
Baelor I
Him with Daeron's darling 
Game Of Thrones
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Lannister Family 
Reader being told she's not Lannister  
Does reader have her own chambers? 
Jaime offered to marry adopted!reader 
Tywin Lannister 
Darling!wife being as manipulative as Cersei 
Theon Greyjoy
Pre-Reek!Theon as Yandere 
Theon being yandere for Robb's Sister 
Rhaegar Targaryen
Darling dies in childbirth 
Viserys III Targaryen 
AU where he's king and how he's with darling!wife 
Ramsay Bolton
Obsessing over Domeric's darling 
Arthur Dayne
In love with Targaryen!Darling 
Young Griff
His twin!sister actually being the rightful heir 
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amber-laughs · 5 months
Jon and Catelyn: The Accidental Progeny
Catelyn saw the shadow slip through the open door behind him. There was a low rumble, less than a snarl, the merest whisper of a threat, but he must have heard something, because he started to turn just as the wolf made its leap. They went down together, half sprawled over Catelyn where she'd fallen. The wolf had him under the jaw. The man's shriek lasted less than a second before the beast wrenched back its head, taking out half his throat. A Game of Thrones - Catelyn III
And suddenly the corpse's weight was gone, its fingers ripped from his throat. It was all Jon could do to roll over, retching and shaking. Ghost had it again. He watched as the direwolf buried his teeth in the wight's gut and began to rip and tear.  A Game of Thrones - Jon VII
Her hand groped beneath her cloak, her fingers stiff and fumbling. The dagger was still at her side. She found she had to touch it now and then, to reassure herself. A Game of Thrones - Catelyn IV
He flexed the burned fingers of his sword hand. Longclaw was slung to his saddle, the carved stone wolf's-head pommel and soft leather grip of the great bastard sword within easy reach. A Storm of Swords - Jon II
His mouth tightened. "And you see fit to loose the Kingslayer. You had no right." "I had a mother's right."
“You wanted a way to save your little sister and still hold fast to the honor that means so much to you, to the vows you swore before your wooden god." She pointed with a pale finger. "There he stands, Lord Snow. Arya's deliverance.” A Dance with Dragons - Melisandre I
"Give me Cersei Lannister, Lord Karstark, and you would see how gentle a woman can be," Catelyn replied. A Game of Thrones - Catelyn XI
"It's death and destruction I want to bring down upon House Lannister, not scorn." A Dance with Dragons - Jon II
When Loras Tyrell unhorsed him, many of us became a trifle poorer. Ser Jaime lost a hundred golden dragons, the queen lost an emerald pendant, and I lost my knife. Her Grace got the emerald back, but the winner kept the rest." "Who?" Catelyn demanded, her mouth dry with fear. Her fingers ached with remembered pain. A Clash of Kings - Catelyn IV
Ser Barristan had been the Old Bear's best hope, Jon remembered; if he had fallen, what chance was there that Mormont's letter would be heeded? He curled his hand into a fist. Pain shot through his burned fingers. "What of my sisters?" A Game of Thrones - Jon VIII
"Robb." She stopped and held his arm. "I told you once to keep Theon Greyjoy close, and you did not listen. Listen now. Send this man away. I am not saying you must banish him. Find some task that requires a man of courage, some honorable duty, what it is matters not… but do not keep him near you."  A Storm of Swords - Catelyn II
All of a man's crimes were wiped away when he took the black, and all of his allegiances as well, yet he found it hard to think of Janos Slynt as a brother. There is blood between us. This man helped slay my father and did his best to have me killed as well. "Lord Janos." Jon sheathed his sword. "I am giving you command of Greyguard." A Dance with Dragons - Jon II
"That is as cruel as it is unfair. Jon is no Theon." "So you pray. Have you considered your sisters? What of their rights? I agree that the north must not be permitted to pass to the Imp, but what of Arya? By law, she comes after Sansa... your own sister, trueborn… " A Storm of Swords - Catelyn V
I had hoped to bestow Winterfell on a northman, you may recall. A son of Eddard Stark. He threw my offer in my face." Stannis Baratheon with a grievance was like a mastiff with a bone; he gnawed it down to splinters. "By right Winterfell should go to my sister Sansa." A Dance with Dragons - Jon I
"Wars need not be fought until the last drop of blood." Even she could hear the desperation in her voice. "You would not be the first king to bend the knee, nor even the first Stark." […] Robb's face was cold. "Is that why you freed the Kingslayer? To make a peace with the Lannisters?" "I freed Jaime for Sansa's sake . . . and Arya's, if she still lives. You know that. But if I nurtured some hope of buying peace as well, was that so ill?" A Storm of Swords - Catelyn IV
"If it please m'lord, the lads were wondering. Will it be peace, m'lord? Or blood and iron?" "Peace," Jon Snow replied. "Three days hence, Tormund Giantsbane will lead his people through the Wall. As friends, not foes. Some may even swell our ranks, as brothers. Now back to your duties." A Dance with Dragons - Jon XI
In the midst of slaughter, the Lord of the Crossing sat on his carved oaken throne, watching greedily. There was a dagger on the floor a few feet away. Perhaps it had skittered there when the Smalljon knocked the table off its trestles, or perhaps it had fallen from the hand of some dying man. Catelyn crawled toward it. Her limbs were leaden, and the taste of blood was in her mouth. A Storm of Swords - Catelyn VII
Men were screaming. Jon reached for Longclaw, but his fingers had grown stiff and clumsy. Somehow he could not seem to get the sword free of its scabbard. A Dance with Dragons - Jon XIII
"Make an end," and a hand grabbed her scalp just as she'd done with Jinglebell, and she thought, No, don't, don't cut my hair, Ned loves my hair. Then the steel was at her throat, and its bite was red and cold. A Storm of Swords - Catelyn VII
Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold… A Dance with Dragons - Jon XIII
“Sometimes she felt as though her heart had turned to stone.” A Game of Thrones - Catelyn VI
“Instead, he blamed Jon Snow and wondered when Jon's heart had turned to stone.” A Feast for Crows - Samwell III
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Last Update: 2023-12-16
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Robb Stark stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✠ Betrayal│Prt. II│Prt. III by fearlessmercenaryimagines-blog • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "Before the war everything was so different, Robb and [you] were deeply in love… Robb was an great husband and an incredible father... [You] were the perfect family unit and nothing would ever separate them or so [you] thought."
✠ Queen in the North│Prt. II│Prt. III │Prt. IV│Prt. V│Prt. VI by thebestandworstdayofjune • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "[Your parents] sent [you] to live with the Stark family at a young age, and ever since then, [you] seemed to fit perfectly, maybe even more than [you] had ever noticed."
✠ United in Fear│Prt. II│Prt. III│Prt. IV │Prt. V│by justfandomwritings • 18+ • 〔F᜶A〕 • 🚫 •
Summary: "The names were the greatest mystery in Westeros... [No kingdom] could agree on where they were from or how they came to be... [However,] all seemed to agree on one thing: they were a gift."
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✠ A Lord Needs A Lady by ardentmuse • 16+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: Exhausted and overwhelmed, you sneak away from the king's feast into the god's word to take a dip in Hot Springs. However, things get more heated than you bargained for when the heir of Winterfell interrupts your bath.
✠ A Queens Desire by talesof-old • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Robb finds the idea of you having children a little too much to handle."
✠ Be My Queen by mylittlefandomfanfictions • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "[Robb and you have been in love for many years]. Now that he is King in the North, he has chosen you as the woman he wants to... make his Queen. There's just [the issue of] asking for your hand..."
✠ Best Friend by axelsagewrites • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: "After a decade of friendship Robb is finally able to recognise his love but only after his best friend starts looking for a husband that isn't him."
✠ Cloak by axelsagewrites • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: When the reader returns to winterfell after being attacked she finds herself having night terrors again and only one person is able to make them stop.
✠ Danger that Befalls You by justauthoring • 16+ • 〔A〕 • ♥︎ • 🚫 •
Summary: When Rob left for war, he requested you, his wife, remain in Winterfell and look after his brothers. He thought it would be safer; little did he'd believing you vulnerable to Theon, following the Iron princes betrayal.
✠ Feasts and Possessiveness by letsasoiaftogether • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: When Joffrey takes a worried some interest in you, Robb's betrothed, the young wolf struggles to keep his jealousy in check; you assure him that he's the only man that will ever hold your heart.
✠ First and Last by ijustwant2write •
Summary: {…}
✠ Flowers by fearlessmercenaryimagines-blog •
Summary: The daughter of a simple yet well-respected flower merchant in Winterfell …
✠ I Miss You by axelsagewrites • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "[You] misses spending quality time with [your] husband when the war is raging and draws him back into bed."
✠ Jealousy by hearmeroarasoiaf • 16+ • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Imagine being a Lannister and Robb makes you jealous by flirting with someone else."
✠ Lady Lannister by darkdevasofdestruction • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "The first time [you] met, it was love at first sight. He favoured his Tully side, with gorgeous icy-blue eyes and shiny auburn hair, charming every lady in the North with a simple smile and wink."
✠ Lady Stark by evieurusrex • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: the day Rob met, you was the day, his world turned upside down, and neither of you could be happier about it.
✠ Longing│Prt. II by mylittlefandomfanfictions • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "Robb Stark is your best friend, but he's also the man you're in love with. Now he's away at war and you want nothing more than for him to come home."
✠ Lord and Lady of House Stark by hiatuswhore • 〔A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Oh to be young and in love. Foolish really, in the Game of Thrones there's no room for love. Only life and death."
✠ Marriage Night by axelsagewrites • 〔F〕 • ♡ •
Summary: "After your arranged marriage ceremony you and your new husband finally have alone time for the first time."
✠ May I Have this Dance by mylittlefandomfanfictions • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "When Robb happens upon you and his siblings teaching Rickon how to dance, the young boy insists Robb join them."
✠ Provoked by Jealousy by bluesfortheredj • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: {…}
✠ Red Revenge by julessworldd • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: {…}
✠ Sometimes by luna-writes-stuff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You have been betrothed to Robb for a while now, but a his royal duties after Bran fell lay heavy on his health, you force him to take a break, in which he rants to you about his doubts over Theon's questioning words."
✠ Wolf's Territory, the by mylittlefandomfanfictions • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "[Catching] the eye of Jamie Lannister, the Kingslayer [quickly recognizes] Robb's feelings for you, antagonizing the young wolf with his relentless flirting. You, [however,] can't understand why Robb is so angry."
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✠ Awkward Arrangement by hearmeroarasoiaf • 16+ • 〔F〕 •
✠ Always There by blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms • 〔A᜶C〕 • 🚫 •
✠ Catelyn's Ward by megsironthrone • 〔C〕 •
✠ Cozy in Your Arms by the-dendrophile-bookdragon • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Direwolf Pups by megsironthrone • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Distraction by multi-fandom-imagines8 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Good Night Dear Husband
✠ Grief by multifandomhaven • 〔C〕 •
✠ Hidden Feelings by bonniebird • 〔F〕 •
✠ I Can't Wait by you-plus-them • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✠ I Hate that I Don't Hate You by bluesfortheredj • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ King's Envy, the by bonniebird • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ My Wife by justauthoring • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ No Words by fallatyourfeet • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✠ Outside the Norm by megsironthrone • 〔F〕 •
✠ Over the Moon by delicrieux • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✠ Passion by blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Pondwater Eyes by delicrieux • 〔F〕 •
✠ Proud by letsasoiaftogether • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Return to Winterfell by fallatyourfeet • 〔F〕 •
✠ Since the Age of Four by breanime • 〔F〕 •
✠ Worry by megsironthrone • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ You Must Really Love Me by justauthoring • 〔A〕 • ♥︎ •
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✠ Arguing w/ Robb Stark... by imagines-all-day-everyday • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Being Robb's Queen… by valeskafics • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Being Robb's Wife... by tessimagines • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Carrying Robb's Baby... by fallatyourfeet • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✠ Courting Robb... by itsgameofthronesimagines • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ His Favourite Trait of Yours is... by persuasivus • 〔F〕 •
✠ Life w/ Robb After War… by imagines-all-day-everyday • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✠ Robb Being Protective... by imagines-all-day-everyday • 〔F〕 •
✠ S.F.W. Alphabet by ladywinterwitch • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Robb Stark Master Index
Authors: @axelsagewrites || @ardentmuse || @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms || @bluesfortheredj || @bonniebird || @breanime || @darkdevasofdestruction || @delicrieux || @eviesaurusrex || @fallatyourfeet || @fearlessmercenaryimagines-blog || @hearmeroarasoiaf || @hiatuswhore || @ijustwant2write || @imagines-all-day-everyday || @itsgameofthronesimagines || @julessworldd || @justauthoring || @justfandomwritings || @ladywinterwitch | @letsasoiaftogether || @megsironthrone || @multifandomhaven || @multi-fandom-imagines8 || @mylittlefandomfanfictions || @persuasivus || @talesof-old | @tessimagines || @thebestandworstdayofjune || @the-dendrophile-bookdragon || @valeskafics || @writingfortoomanyfandoms || @you-plus-them ||
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angelwingtrap · 9 days
Theon / Robb: first beheading
“Theon had to take the axe himself or look a weakling. His hands were sweating, so the shaft twisted in his grip as he swung and the first blow landed between Farlen's shoulders. It took three more cuts to hack through all that bone and muscle and sever the head from the body, and afterward he was sick, remembering all the times they'd sat over a cup of mead talking of hounds and hunting. I had no choice, he wanted to scream at the corpse. The ironborn can't keep secrets, they had to die, and someone had to take the blame for it. He only wished he had killed him cleaner. Ned Stark had never needed more than a single blow to take a man's head.” -Theon V ACOK.
“The axe crashed down. Heavy and well-honed, it killed at a single blow, but it took three to sever the man's head from his body, and by the time it was done both living and dead were drenched in blood. Robb flung the poleaxe down in disgust, and turned wordless to the heart tree. He stood shaking with his hands half-clenched and the rain running down his cheeks. Gods forgive him, Catelyn prayed in silence. He is only a boy, and he had no other choice.” -Catelyn III, ASOS.
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vivacissimx · 2 months
Theon's choice not to visit Alannys was not a choice
Cannot believe it took this long for me to get around to this meta—also, feel free to read my whole spiel about Theon's father figures in Ned, Balon, and Roose here, because it does inform my view.
OK, Alannys Harlaw hours.
The conception of Theon's motivations in the situation where he does not go to see his mother when he returns to the Islands is a bit harsh on Theon. It ignores that Theon has not been avoiding Alannys all these years: he has been kept from her. Theon's access to her has always been controlled by the NedBalons in his life.
I want to get into the idea that this is not happenstance. That Theon's father figures control his access to his mother, which is not even a novel concept in ASOIAF. Jon Snow, who is Theon's foil, also has access to his mother restricted by—woah! Ned Stark as well!! (And both Jon and Theon are expected to be grateful for this too.)
Theon's homecoming to Pyke does not result in him rushing triumphant as the prodigal son into his loving mother's arms because in fact Alannys is not even on Pyke (though Theon thought she would be). Nope, it's Theon's suspicious, resentful, and yes "homophobic" uncle as well as father who Theon meets. From here it is just assumed that Theon has perfect access to Alannys, and that him not hopskipping over to Harlaw is purely his preference. (Are you catching on to the idea that I disagree with this, yet?)
Getting into Theon as a character & how he acts under suspicious/mistrustful eyes:
As a boy, he had lived in fear of Stark's stern face and great dark sword. His wife was, if anything, even more distant and suspicious. [ACOK, Theon I]
“What I am about to tell you must not leave this room,” she told them. “I want your oaths on that. If even part of what I suspect is true, Ned and my girls have ridden into deadly danger, and a word in the wrong ears could mean their lives.” “Lord Eddard is a second father to me,” said Theon Greyjoy. “I do so swear.” [AGOT, Catelyn III]
Ned turned back to his wife. “Once you are home, send word to Helman Tallhart and Galbart Glover under my seal. They are to raise a hundred bowmen each and fortify Moat Cailin. Two hundred determined archers can hold the Neck against an army. Instruct Lord Manderly that he is to strengthen and repair all his defenses at WhiteHarbor, and see that they are well manned. And from this day on, I want a careful watch kept over Theon Greyjoy. If there is war, we shall have sore need of his father’s fleet.” [AGOT, Eddard IV]
Theon knows he is not trusted in Winterfell. Catelyn including Theon in this circle of ooh secrets is mostly due to the fact that Robb physically brought him & also because she knows that Theon does not really even have the ability to betray her on this front. He definitely knows that. Ned does not have a paternal relationship with Theon & does not perceive himself as Theon's father any more than Theon believes he is Ned's son (in the manner that Robb or Bran or even Jon is), so why does Theon lie here?
Theon predicates his vow to Catelyn with an affirmation of his willingness to do service to Ned, and in fact that's what his access to her relies on. That's probably why he makes such a production of incessantly flirting with her too; because of how it implies he is in Ned and later Robb's good graces! Of course AGOT Theon is also just a flirt for the purposes of producing his masculinity in general. But does anyone really disagree? Moving on.
The door was grey wood studded with iron, and Theon found it barred from the inside. He hammered on it with a fist, and cursed when a splinter snagged the fabric of his glove. The wood was damp and moldy, the iron studs rusted. After a moment the door was opened from within by a guard in a black iron breastplate and pothelm. "You are the son?" "Out of my way, or you'll learn who I am." [ACOK, Theon I]
(Even the damn door is in on it LOL)
Theon knelt. He had a purpose here, and might need Aeron's help to achieve it. A crown was worth a little mud and horseshit on his breeches, he supposed.
He was playing the part of a dutiful young prince for the moment, while he waited for Lord Balon to reveal the fullness of his plans. [ACOK, Theon II]
"My father gave me the command here, Uncle." "And sent me to counsel you." And to watch me. Theon dare not push matters too far with his uncle. The command was his, yes, but his men had a faith in the Drowned God that they did not have in him, and they were terrified of Aeron Damphair. [ACOK, Theon III]
THEON IS PERFORMING FOR BALON. His father doesn't approve of him and Theon is playing the part. He is making every overture and concession to obedience, or piety, that is asked of him. Balon, Aeron, Asha, even Victarion make sure he knows when he's failing—whether it's with an express disapproval or just a knowing laugh. Theon notes all of this because due to how he was raised he's extremely perceptive of how those with power over him regard him.
And Balon does not criticize Theon for not visiting Alannys.
"Will I find my sister and my lady mother at Pyke?" "You will not. [ACOK, Theon I]
Harlaw is only a day’s sail, and surely Lady Greyjoy yearns for a last sight of her son.” “Would that I could. I am kept too busy here. My father relies on me, now that I am returned. Come peace, perhaps...” [ACOK, Theon II]
Theon visiting his mother is not reliant on his own self-motivation, but on whether or not Balon grants him access to her. This is not to say Balon expressly forbade it or that there would have been any direct consequences if Theon had gone over... but it's about goodwill, not permission! What else changes between Theon asking about Alannys when he returns to Pyke and when he explicitly tells Asha that he can't go see her because Balon, because war? Simple: he needs to prove himself to his father as loyal and strong first. To make it explicit, Ned & Robb allowed Theon access to Catelyn in the same manner that Balon refuses (or, at the least, disapproves of) Theon's access to Alannys. Theon is sensitive to this disapproval and does not push the matter.
The only person who pushes Theon to go to Alannys is Asha. Asha obviously has Balon's trust, though, and it could be said she takes it for granted. Asha's level of understanding of Theon is complex; she recognizes him but she doesn't know him. When she says this:
You are blood of my blood, Theon, whatever else you may be. For the sake of the mother who bore us both, return to Deepwood Motte with me. [ACOK, Theon V]
it's actually wild how much is packed in here. For the sake of the mother who bore us both: Theon doesn't yet have the right to Alannys or even know how she'd receive him, given his other receptions on Pyke. Return to Deepwood Motte: the castle Theon believes he should have been tasked with taking above Asha, a concrete proof of his father's mistrust in him, which amongst other reasons spurs on his taking on Winterfell to begin with.
Personally I think Theon as a symbol of Balon's failed rebellion does make him, in Balon's eyes, also a symbol of his failed marriage. Theon does not confirm Baelon's masculinity as a son should, as Asha does. He is a reminder of the ways in which Balon lacks.
I also believe that Theon ~misses his mother, FWIW. He thinks back to his childhood sleeping in the Sea Tower while on his way to Pyke which is a mommy-coded memory; he expects to sleep in his old chambers again when he returns to Pyke—both that and his expectation of seeing Alannys are swiftly disabused. He will not be slipping into his old roles, Theon learns through the reunion with Balon which is violent in more ways than one. It's interesting because Theon actually expects to have to prove himself to his father (which is why he comes armed with a plan for taking Casterly Rock) but he doesn't expect to be punished for having been held hostage all these years.
If we are indulging in symbolism, though:
Above the Sea Tower snapped his father's banner. The Myraham was too far off for Theon to see more than the cloth itself, but he knew the device it bore: the golden kraken of House Greyjoy, arms writhing and reaching against a black field. The banner streamed from an iron mast, shivering and twisting as the wind gusted, like a bird struggling to take flight. And here at least the direwolf of Stark did not fly above, casting its shadow down upon the Greyjoy kraken. [ACOK, Theon I]
The Sea Tower where Theon's childhood memories & hopes for return to his family lie is dominated by his father's banner. At least it's Balon Greyjoy and not Ned Stark, Theon tells himself. Yet the result is the paralleled, mirrored, as Balon and Ned often are with Theon: under Ned's control Theon can't see Alannys because he is Balon Greyjoy's son, while under Balon's control Theon is discouraged from seeing Alannys because he isn't son enough. Perhaps Theon does prioritize the goodwill of his patriarch because he views it as an essential ingredient to his survival and success... but he's also absolutely aware of the role the wife/mother/lady/queen plays in the whole arena too. As power, as leverage. It's pretty plain when you consider that he tells Barbrey she could claim leadership over the North if she so desired. He took such pleasure in being relatively intimate with Catelyn as well.
So, he knows. Yet they're still all held above his head like a little treat. Delicious.
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amuelia · 1 year
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“No,” Cersei said from between white lips. “No, no, no.”
Tyrion could not quite suppress the grin that came to his lips at the thought of packing his sister off to Pyke. Just when I was about to give up praying, some sweet god gives me this.
Lord Tywin went on. “Oberyn Martell might suit, but the Tyrells would take that very ill. So we must look to the sons. I assume you do not object to wedding a man younger than yourself?”
“I object to wedding any -”
“I have considered the Redwyne twins, Theon Greyjoy, Quentyn Martell, and a number of others.”
- Tyrion III, aSoS
AU drawing of if Tywin really went through with marrying Cersei to Theon :) With some creative liberties in terms of timelines
A Valentine’s ship gift for @damphair ! ❤❤❤
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asoiafreadthru · 3 months
A Game of Thrones, Catelyn III
“Robb, close the door.”
He looked at her strangely, but did as she told him.
“What I am about to tell you must not leave this room,” she told them. “I want your oaths on that.
“If even part of what I suspect is true, Ned and my girls have ridden into deadly danger, and a word in the wrong ears could mean their lives.”
“Lord Eddard is a second father to me,” said Theon Greyjoy. “I do so swear.”
“You have my oath,” Maester Luwin said.
“And mine, my lady,” echoed Ser Rodrik.
She looked at her son. “And you, Robb?”
He nodded his consent.
“My sister Lysa believes the Lannisters murdered her husband, Lord Arryn, the Hand of the King,” Catelyn told them.
“It comes to me that Jaime Lannister did not join the hunt the day Bran fell. He remained here in the castle.”
The room was deathly quiet.
“I do not think Bran fell from that tower,” she said into the stillness. “I think he was thrown.”
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ladystoneboobs · 3 months
[Bran, to Theon:]“But you’re Father’s ward.” [Theon, to Bran:]“And now you and your brother are my wards. [...] You’ll tell them how you’ve yielded Winterfell to me, and command them to serve and obey their new lord as they did the old.” -Bran VI, aCoK “He[Ramsay] is a great hunter,” said Wyman Manderly, “and women are his favorite prey. He strips them naked and sets them loose in the woods. They have a half day’s start before he sets out after them with hounds and horns. From time to time some wench escapes and lives to tell the tale. Most are less fortunate. When Ramsay catches them he rapes them, flays them, feeds their corpses to his dogs, and brings their skins back to the Dreadfort as trophies. If they have given him good sport, he slits their throats before he skins them. Elsewise, t’other way around.” -Davos IV, aDwD [Roose, to Theon, about Ramsay's mother:]"[...]I was hunting a fox along the Weeping Water when I chanced upon a mill and saw a young woman washing clothes in the stream. The old miller had gotten himself a new young wife, a girl not half his age. She was a tall, willowy creature, very healthy-looking. Long legs and small firm breasts, like two ripe plums. Pretty, in a common sort of way. The moment that I set eyes on her I wanted her. Such was my due. [...] This miller’s marriage had been performed without my leave or knowledge. The man had cheated me. So I had him hanged, and claimed my rights beneath the tree where he was swaying. If truth be told, the wench was hardly worth the rope. The fox escaped as well, and on our way back to the Dreadfort my favorite courser came up lame, so all in all it was a dismal day." -Reek(/Theon) III, aDwD
something something the way theon tries to rectify his childhood trauma by taking his captor's place as lord of wf and taking ned's younger sons as his "wards"/hostages, while ramsay repeatedly reenacts different versions of his own conception by hunting and raping peasant women. except theon fails in his role reversal when (unlike him in his own captivity at wf) bran and rickon escape custody. and ramsay enhances roose's "dismal day" by killing all the women he catches to prevent any more bolton bastards and further punishing those of them who fail to give him "good sport" (which his mother apparently did not give roose) while those who do satisfy him are "honored" with a quick death (and a canine namesake). and then the consequences of theon's failure to replace his captor/cold noerthern father figure include losing wf to house bolton and becoming the new "reek"/another of ramsay's dogs. (meaning he made himself ramsay's prey but gave him "good sport" in the experience)
ramsay starts out as deceptive dark trickster figure/evil adviser/devil on theon's shoulder in clash but he's also a dark mirror of theon, and a more successful one at that, not just better suited to villainy but more able to get away with his crimes. neither will ever be truly accepted by their fathers but ramsay is made heir once he's the only son while theon is rejected as such despite his better birth. ramsay profits from the alleged kinslaying of his actual brother by blood, while theon is more openly condemned (and seen as still not punished enough) for (falsely) killing stark boys who were never his actual kin. it's almost as if ramsay is an evil force who came into being to find theon and was drawn to him upon his return to the north. we first learn of the bastard of bolton's existence after theon returns to pyke and learns of his father's invasion plans, then his last hunt with the original reek just shortly precedes the ironborn attacks, all so that he's captured and waiting in wf right in time for theon's real plan to go into action, and we don't actually meet (disguised) ramsay in-person through dialogue with rodrik cassell or any other northerner but only when theon arrives as the new lord to free him from the dungeon. as the first reek may have corrupted ramsay, ramsay-as-reek corrupts theon. reek belongs to ramsay and ramsay belongs to reek.
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thenorthsource · 4 months
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The Wildling and the Lost Boy (for anon)
AGOT – Catelyn III
"Rickon needs you […] He's only three, he doesn't understand what's happening. He thinks everyone has deserted him”
AGOT – Bran VI
"What are you doing here?" [...]
"They are my gods too," Osha said. "Beyond the Wall, they are the only gods."
[…] “The cold winds are rising, and men go out from their fires and never come back … or if they do, they're not men no more, but only wights, with blue eyes and cold black hands. Why do you think I run south with Stiv and Hali and the rest of them fools? Mance thinks he'll fight, […] but what does he know? […] He's never tasted winter. I was born up there, child, like my mother and her mother before her and her mother before her, born of the Free Folk. We remember." Osha stood, her chains rattling together. "I tried to tell your lordling brother. […] But he looked through me […]. So be it. I'll wear my irons and hold my tongue. A man who won't listen can't hear."
"I lived my life beyond the Wall, a hole in the ground won't fret me none, m'lords," she said.
[…] Ser Rodrik had ordered Osha's chain struck off, since she had served faithfully and well since she had been at Winterfell. She still wore the heavy iron shackles around her ankles—a sign that she was not yet wholly trusted—but they did not hinder her sure strides down the steps.
Rickon patted Shaggydog's muzzle, damp with blood. "I let him loose. He doesn't like chains." He licked at his fingers.
ACOK – Bran V
"Osha," Bran asked as they crossed the yard. "Do you know the way north? To the Wall and . . . and even past?"
ACOK – Theon IV
Osha would need to carry Rickon; his little legs wouldn't take him far on their own.
Theon Greyjoy knew he was beaten […] Osha had deceived them with some wildling trick.
Bran heard fingers fumbling at leather, followed by the sound of steel on flint. Then again. A spark flew, caught. Osha blew softly. A long pale flame awoke, […] Osha's face floated above it. She touched the flame with the head of a torch. Bran had to squint as the pitch began to burn, filling the world with orange glare. The light woke Rickon, who sat up yawning. […]
There stood Osha holding the torch, […] and the double row of tall granite pillars and long dead lords behind them stretching away into darkness . . . but there was Winterfell as well, grey with drifting smoke, the massive oak-and-iron gates charred and askew, the drawbridge down in a tangle of broken chains and missing planks.
[...] "Are we going home?" Rickon asked excitedly.
[…] Osha carried her long oaken spear in one hand and the torch in the other. A naked sword hung down her back, one of the last to bear Mikken's mark.
"Take me home!" Rickon demanded. "I want to be home!" […] They stood huddled together with ruin and death all around them.
"We made noise enough to wake a dragon," Osha said, "but there's no one come. The castle's dead and burned, just as Bran dreamed,” […]
"Hodor must stay with Bran, to be his legs," the wildling woman said briskly. "I will take Rickon with me."
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thelustybraavosimaid · 4 months
Jon of House Snark™️
"It's no freak," Jon said calmly. "That's a direwolf. They grow larger than the other kind." Theon Greyjoy said, "There's not been a direwolf sighted south of the Wall in two hundred years."
"I see one now," Jon replied. (Bran I, AGoT)
"This is no toy," he told her. "Be careful you don't cut yourself. The edges are sharp enough to shave with." "Girls don't shave," Arya said. "Maybe they should. Have you ever seen the septa's legs?" (Jon II, AGoT)
Tyrion sagged back to the ground with a grunt. "Don't help me, then. I'll sit right here until you leave." Jon Snow stroked Ghost's thick white fur, smiling now. "Ask me nicely."
"Why did he attack me?" Tyrion asked with a sidelong glance at the direwolf. He wiped blood and dirt from his mouth with the back of his hand. "Maybe he thought you were a grumkin." (Tyrion II, AGoT)
"You broke my wrist, bastard boy." Jon lifted his eyes at the sullen voice. Grenn loomed over him, thick of neck and red of face, with three of his friends behind him. He knew Todder, a short ugly boy with an unpleasant voice. The recruits all called him Toad. The other two were the ones Yoren had brought north with them, Jon remembered, rapers taken down in the Fingers. He'd forgotten their names. He hardly ever spoke to them, if he could help it. They were brutes and bullies, without a thimble of honor between them. Jon stood up. "I'll break the other one for you if you ask nicely."
"You make us look bad," complained Toad.
"You looked bad before I ever met you," Jon told him.
Alliser Thorne overheard him. "Lord Snow wants to take my place now." He sneered. "I'd have an easier time teaching a wolf to juggle than you will training this aurochs." "I'll take that wager, Ser Alliser," Jon said. "I'd love to see Ghost juggle." (Jon III, AGoT)
Slynt slammed a fist on the table. "I heard you! Ser Alliser had your measure true enough, it seems. You lie through your bastard's teeth. Well, I will not suffer it. I will not! You might have fooled this crippled blacksmith, but not Janos Slynt! Oh, no. Janos Slynt does not swallow lies so easily. Did you think my skull was stuffed with cabbage?" "I don't know what your skull is stuffed with. My lord." (Jon IX, ASoS)
Thorne was much the more clever of the two, Jon realized; this had his stink all over it. He was trapped. "I'll go," he said in a clipped, curt voice. "M'lord," Janos Slynt reminded him. "You'll address me—" "I'll go, my lord. But you are making a mistake, my lord. You are sending the wrong man, my lord. Just the sight of me is going to anger Mance. My lord would have a better chance of reaching terms if he sent—" (Jon X, ASoS)
"Words. Words are wind. Why do you think I abandoned Dragonstone and sailed to the Wall, Lord Snow?" "I am no lord, sire. You came because we sent for you, I hope. Though I could not say why you took so long about it."
Surprisingly, Stannis smiled at that. (Jon XI, ASoS)
"What are you doing here, bastard?" Thorne asked. "Bathing. But don't let me spoil your plotting." Jon climbed from the water, dried, dressed, and left them to conspire. (Jon XII, ASoS)
"Close the door, Sam." Faint scars still marked Jon's cheek, where an eagle had once tried to rip his eye out. "Did that wretch break the skin?" Sam eased the books down and peeled off his glove. "He did." He felt faint. "I'm bleeding." "We all shed our blood for the Watch. Wear thicker gloves." Jon shoved a chair toward him with a foot. (Samwell I, AFfC)
The red woman walked beside Jon down the steps. "His Grace is growing fond of you."
"I can tell. He only threatened to behead me twice." (Jon I, ADwD)
This is wrong, Jon thought. "Stop."
Emmett turned back, frowning. "My lord?"
"I will not hang him," said Jon. "Bring him here."
"Oh, Seven save us," he heard Bowen Marsh cry out.
The smile that Lord Janos Slynt smiled then had all the sweetness of rancid butter. Until Jon said, "Edd, fetch me a block," and unsheathed Longclaw. (Jon II, ADwD)
Alys Karstark leaned close to Jon. "Snow during a wedding means a cold marriage. My lady mother always said so." He glanced at Queen Selyse. There must have been a blizzard the day she and Stannis wed.
"I have slain a giant, boy. Why should I fear some flea-ridden northman who paints one on his shield?"
"The giant was running away. Mors won't be." (Jon IV, ADwD)
"I see what you are, Snow. Half a wolf and half a wildling, baseborn get of a traitor and a whore. You would deliver a highborn maid to the bed of some stinking savage. Did you sample her yourself first?" He laughed. "If you mean to kill me, do it and be damned for a kinslayer. Stark and Karstark are one blood."
"My name is Snow."
"Guilty. Of that, at least." (Jon X, ADwD)
"You say these boys will serve as squires. Surely the lord commander does not mean they will be trained at arms?" Jon's anger flared. "No, my lord, I mean to set them to sewing lacy smallclothes." (Jon XI, ADwD)
All your questions shall be answered. Look to the skies, Lord Snow. And when you have your answers, send to me. Winter is almost upon us now. I am your only hope." "A fool's hope." Jon turned and left her.
"Dark wings, dark words," muttered Tormund. "Isn't that what you kneelers say?" "We say, Bleed a cold but feast a fever too," Jon told him. "We say, Never drink with Dornishmen when the moon is full. We say a lot of things." (Jon XIII, ADwD)
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