#then i learn that apparently its wrong and you should communicate if youre unhappy about something
weirdlizard26 · 3 months
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irrelevantwriter · 5 years
By The Light Of The Moon
Pairing: Negan x Witch!Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW
Warnings: Language, mutual masturbation, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, Negan getting seriously mind fucked, spooky tings (bc its Halloween and I’m in the spirit)
Word Count: 6.5K
Summary: Negan takes notice of a beautiful stranger at The Sanctuary. You’re willing to offer a lot more than he signed up for.
A/N: So, because I can’t possibly help myself, I’ve decided to do a take on the Hopper x Witch fic I did and do one for my OG Daddy Negan. This one is A LOT more in depth and long AF, but so worth it. This idea was perfect for Negan and I can’t wait to see what you guys think! Enjoy and share with your friends!
Requests are still coming! This def got me in the headspace for Negan again. Be on the lookout. And if you’d liked to be tagged in any of my stories, holla at your girl.
*Masterlist in bio.
Negan swung Lucille at his side, deciding to bring her along on his trek through The Sanctuary’s marketplace. The air was crisp and smelled of pumpkin and apple spices. According to his timekeepers, it was the night before Halloween. And The Sanctuary was in full spirit.
Baked goods permeated the air while children rushed to put a costume together. Negan couldn’t help the smile that fell on his lips at the sights and smells. It felt good to be festive and he’d decided to stroll through his kingdom to take in all it had to offer.
Of course he did have an ulterior motive for such a visit. He was Negan after all. He never did anything without a reason. And his stroll had a purpose.
As if seemingly overnight, the whole place had become enchanted with a woman selling homemade goods in the market. She apparently made soaps, candles, and oil remedies, among other things. And they seemed to work, at least by the accounts of his people. It sounded like hippie shit to him. But even Simon had brought her up, talking nonstop about the fucking lotion she made him for his sore shoulder. The man seemed hypnotized...everyone did. And Negan came to find out just exactly what all the fuss was about.
People dropped to their knees as he moved through the crowd, but he waved them off. He was here on pleasure, not business. His dark eyes found a booth in the corner with a crowd surrounding it, the person in charge not visible through the shoppers. Negan made his way over, sure this was where he was headed.
A hushed silence filled the air as he strode up, effectively making his way to the front of the line. He smiled when his eyes caught the beauty behind the table. He understood why so many people were taken with you. You were stunning.
He bit his lip, his toothy grin on full display as he took you in. Beyond your obvious attractiveness, there was a magnetic pull, something he couldn’t quite explain. It was mystic and not solid, like a fog. And he could feel it calling to him.
“Well, what do we have here?” He bellowed, making the people nearby pause. He found he didn’t care to have an audience so he dismissed them, insinuating the booth was closed to everyone except him.
He observed you, trying to read your expressions. You didn’t seem at all perturbed by his actions. In fact, you seemed somewhat amused. A smile turned one corner of your lips and he found himself mirroring the gesture.
“So you’re the one who everyone’s been going on about?” He gestured with his free hand to your surroundings, appearing as if he was unimpressed by your reputation.
Truth was...he was intrigued. And mildly suspicious. Not much got by him at The Sanctuary, if anything. The fact that you’d gone under the radar and passed his keen eye peaked his interest.
“Guess so.” You replied simply, face still unmoving.
He grunted, a little disappointed at your lack of response.
He’d be the first to say what an arrogant, self-righteous asshole he was. Leading a community had made him a hardened man. People respected him. They feared him. And women were enamored with him. They practically threw themselves at his feet. Your blasé attitude made him falter. Yet he found himself inexplicably drawn to you...to your energy. Whatever the fuck that meant.
He picked up a bottle filled with thick ivory cream. The handwritten label said it was body lotion with hints of lavender and vanilla. He wasn’t usually into the fresh scents of body washes and lotions, but he had to admit that the shit smelled amazing.
“Your products are all the rage around here, doll.” He perused your table, picking up a random item here and there to scent. His fingers stopped on a drawstring bag with herbs, the label identifying it as a sleep aide.
“A lot of people feel that they work. Helps them get through the days a little easier.” You explained, following him down the table.
Negan nodded, lifting a lavender candle to his nose. The fucking thing smelled heavenly. “So I’ve heard.”
“You should take some.” You offered, gesturing to the bag of herbs he’d been eyeing moments before.
“For sleep? Why would I need that?” He questioned, almost offended you assumed he didn’t get quality rest.
“It’s the most popular. Not many of us get a good night’s rest these days. I imagine leading this place makes it difficult to fully relax.” You picked up the bag and held it out to him, a pleasant smile still present on your lips.
Negan studied you long and hard, uncaring if he made you uncomfortable. He didn’t appear to though. You stood facing him head on, eyes catching his in a captivating stare off.
“How long have you been here? At The Sanctuary.” He watched as you finally let your hand fall, giving up on passing the herbs to him.
“A couple of months.”
“Who brought you in?” He pressed, eyebrow arched and jaw clenched in an intimidating fashion.
“I don’t remember.”
Negan shook his head and pursed his lips, unhappy with your answer. “Sounds a little suspicious to me.”
He waited a beat to see if you’d react. You didn’t.
“What’s your name, doll?”
“Doll is fine.”
He chuckled, amused by your answer. “You’d be the first to say so.”
He sighed and straightened his back, standing to his full height. He could tell that there was something different about you, something enigmatic. He hadn’t figured out if it was good or bad. He felt the need to push you for answers, to learn every detail of your life, both past and present. But he could also feel a nagging in the back of his head, a nagging that was urging him to let it go.
He decided he would. For now. At least until he could fuck you. Which he planned to do soon.
“I’ll take the herbs and a candle, doll.”
Negan awoke with a start. His body was prickled with sweat, his limbs feeling like lead weights. He reached on his nightstand for his watch, taking note of the still black night outside his windows.
12:00 am.
It was Halloween.
And he’d only been asleep for a few hours.
He searched his memory, trying to piece together his evening. His mind felt oddly foggy and he had to concentrate hard on remembering.
He’d made it to his room after fucking Tanya’s red-headed brains out and then ate his dinner. Then, he’d gone over some notes with Simon for the meeting the next day and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He’d remembered the bag of herbs he’d bought from you and decided to give them a try. He’d followed your instructions and mixed them into a warm mug of water, making sure the liquid went from clear to a light yellow. He found that detail odd, but you’d assured him it was normal.
He drank it. The mixture had a surprisingly pleasant taste. And then he’d apparently passed out because his memory stopped there.
His mouth felt dry and he fumbled for a bottle of water he kept nearby. He drained its contents, wayward drops of water landing on his bare chest instead.
He wiped his mouth and the sweat from his brow, scanning his bedroom for the thing that woke him. Everything appeared to be in order. He stopped and listened, waiting to hear a noise or two. Nothing. All was quiet.
He was overcome with the sudden compulsion to seek you out. It startled him how much he wanted to do so. And while he knew the hour was late and he had no real reason for doing so, he did it anyway.
Negan walked the silent halls of The Sanctuary, somehow knowing exactly where to find you. He moved quickly, the urge to see your face now a desperate craving. Everyone was asleep. Not a soul was up or moving about. That fact was odd. The factory always stayed alive with some sort of activity, even in the dead of night.
That wasn’t the case tonight.
He made it to your closed door in minutes, the light coming from beneath signaling that you were still awake. His heart was hammering in his chest, his body suddenly having a strong reaction to your proximity. He felt off. He’d felt off since he woke up, but he couldn’t figure out what exactly was wrong. All he knew was that he had to see you.
He knocked softly, listening for movement beyond the wooden barrier. He heard a shuffle of feet and then the knob turned. Your figure was illuminated by the light at your back as you opened the door. A wave of lavender and rose scent hit him, instantly putting him in a state of relaxation. He hungrily took in your appearance. A white nightgown that stopped just above your knees adorned your frame. It was a thin cotton material, the fabric nearly see through. It was a mesmerizing sight.
“Hi, I uh…” He found himself at a loss for words. A true first. “I’m sorry to bother you so late, doll.” He scratched at the back of his neck, attempting to focus on your face and not your seemingly impeccable pair of tits.
“It’s okay.” You said softly, smiling up at him as you spoke.
You suddenly stepped away from the doorway and out of Negan’s line of vision. He stood there dumbfounded for a moment before you returned, only this time you had a long black knit cardigan on and flats on your feet. You made a move to step into the hallway with him and he backed up quickly to allow you to do so.
“What’re you doing?” He asked as you turned back to face him.
“Taking you somewhere.” You reached for his hand, pulling him with you down the hallway. Negan followed, though he was unaware of why he was doing so.
“Where? It’s the middle of the goddamn night.” He questioned, taking notice of how you moved with such ease through the maze of halls.
“Somewhere special.” You threw over your shoulder as you led him outside into the chilly October evening.
The sky was black, probably the blackest Negan had ever seen it. But the moon was full and it was illuminating everything. It cast a ghostly glow on the factory and the surrounding woods. A breeze swept through the trees, the remaining leaves falling off their limbs almost instantly. The night was soundless, just like The Sanctuary. It was unusual. Not even the low, decaying groans of the dead could be heard.
“Where’s my fucking guards?” He asked you, somehow knowing you would know the answer. He gestured to the lookout posts atop the fences, the empty spaces making him pause. You pulled against his hand, your flesh suddenly heating him from the inside out.
“Don’t worry. It’ll all be fine.” You soothed.
It worked. And he was back to following you beyond the fences.
The woods were dense and difficult to navigate, but you maneuvered through them like you’d been doing it for years. He let you lead him. His body and mind followed you, trusted you. He realized how bizarre and extremely out of character his behavior was, but he couldn’t put a stop to it. Nor did he want to.
The cabin was nestled deep into the woods, but close enough to The Sanctuary that Negan wondered how he’d missed it. It had clearly been here for some time, but appeared to still be kept up by someone. There was a soft glow of light from a window, a billow of smoke rising into the night from the chimney. It was both a welcoming and ominous sight.
They hadn’t encountered any of the dead throughout their journey. He hadn’t even heard an animal rustle in the trees. It was if they were they only two people alive. He found he didn’t mind that fact. It was obvious he was willing to follow you anywhere.
You opened the door of the cabin and ushered him inside. The intoxicating scents of lavender filled his nostrils, the sensation making his eyes roll into the back of his head. He suddenly felt buzzed, as if he’d downed several shots of whiskey. His senses felt dulled and heightened all at the same time. He was entranced by you, by this place.
Orange flames burned in the fireplace, illuminating the space. An old table with two chairs sat near a makeshift kitchen, herbs and flowers hanging from the window to dry out. A small sofa and a chair made up the living room next to the fire. A bookcase held rows and rows of thick, leather-bound books. The titles were too small for Negan to see from his spot near the door, but he could tell the spines were worn with time.
His attention was diverted to the back corner where a large bed sat. It was adorned in black sheets and a dark purple blanket. Black lace hung from the four-poster railings, surrounding the bed in a veil of darkness. Candles littered the surfaces of two nightstands, the wax falling downward onto the wood top to escape the heat of the flame.
“Here.” You appeared in front of him with a steaming cup of liquid. You’d removed your cardigan and flats, your shoulders bare and calling to him.
“What is it?” He asked, accepting the drink. He inspected it, but it looked unremarkable. He took an exploratory sip, the smell wafting up to him .
“Tea.” You answered, moving behind him to remove his leather jacket. He let you, as had become the pattern for the evening.
Your hands danced along his arms, inspecting his tattoos with curiosity. He remained still, taking small sips from the mug as you did so. He felt your touch run up his bicep and over his shoulders, caressing the chords in his neck as you explored. Your palm made contact with his bearded cheek and he nuzzled into the warmth.
“You’re very important, Negan.” You mused, moving a strand of out of place hair from his forehead.
“Of course I fucking am. I’m a leader.” He agreed, his smug attitude finally making a comeback.
You smiled at his response and took the mug from his hand. You placed it on the table behind you and moved back into his personal space. Your hands gripped at his white t-shirt, your body pressing into his.
“That’s not what I meant.” You whispered into his neck, lips grazing his flesh.
His body broke out into shivers at the touch of your lips. He could feel your body heat radiating from you, the thrum of your heartbeat echoing in his ears. He wondered if you could hear his too with the way it was pumping.
“You have a purpose. I want to show you what that purpose is.” You pressed your lips against his suddenly, your tongue demanding permission to explore him.
Negan gripped your hips in return, matching your ferocity with his own. You tasted as good as you looked and he couldn’t get enough. He affixed himself to you, pressing closer as you threaded your fingers through his hair. Your breasts pushed into him and he responded with a thrust of his hips into yours. You pulled your mouth from his, peppering his neck with sensual kisses and determined bites.
“My purpose to fuck you? Because that’s about to fucking happen, doll.” He gritted through clenched teeth as one of your hands brushed his fast-hardening cock. He hissed as you bit down particularly hard on his neck and then lapped at it with your tongue seconds later.
You reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling the fabric up and off in record speed. Negan threw his head back as you assaulted his chest with your mouth, your hands playing with the clasps of his pants. The roaring of extreme arousal was making itself known inside of him and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold off.
His hands ventured beneath your nightgown and up your bare thighs, colliding with the white scrap of lace that hugged you. Your skin felt smooth, unblemished; as if you hadn’t spent all these years fighting for your life like everyone else. Your aroma was calling to him, making his mouth water and his control wane. He palmed your ass, gripping your flesh with a needy hunger. You moaned into his ear at the action, seemingly pleased with his touch. The air was thick with sexual electricity and Negan knew he wasn’t going to be able to leave this cabin until he had you.
“The bed.” You ordered, your voice coming out low and raspy. It was sexy. Your desire for him so strong that it literally poured from your lips.
Negan steered you both towards the satin and lace fortress, the bed a beacon in a midnight thunderstorm. You stopped him once the back of your knees made contact with the mattress, your lips finally pulling away from his chest and neck. He was sure he had at least a dozen fucking hickeys littering his skin by now.
He waited as you stared up at him, his hands still clutching the globes of your ass. You surprised him by cradling his face in your hands, the moment suddenly becoming intimate. Your eyes held a distinct spark, your lips a knowing smile. It was if you knew something he didn’t…a secret.
“You’ve been through so much pain.” You stated softly, fingers caressing the crow’s feet near his eyes.
He looked down at you with a mixture of confusion and disbelief, unsure of where this was headed. He could see the conviction behind your eyes, as if you really could see the voyage he’d taken and the trauma he’d been through. It made his hair stand on end.
“I can fix that for you.” You stated calmly and confidently, as if you had all the answers to his questions.
He noticed for the first time that your nails were painted a deep red as you ran them across his kiss-swollen lips.
He smirked at your antics, feeling a break in the haze. “Fix me? Hate to break it to you, doll, but I’m a lost fucking cause. Have been for a while.” He teased with a wink. 
He felt like himself again as he ran a calloused and scarred hand around to your lower stomach, grazing the waistband of your panties. You sucked in a breath when he traced your lips through the delicate fabric, feeling the moisture that had already begun to collect. His lust ratcheted up again at the touch of you and he rubbed himself against you in response. Your nipples were distinct peaks against the flimsy fabric of your nightgown and he yearned to wrap his lips around them and suckle like a newborn to its mother’s. He’d fucking live between your perfect breasts if you’d let him.
“I’m going to give you what you need, Negan. I’ll make you better.” You whispered as he took his turn to devour the flesh of your neck.
He smiled against you, entertained by your idea of pillow talk but not fully comprehending it. He didn’t give a shit what you said at this point. His dick was so fucking hard that he had to bury it inside you soon before he combusted.
“Well, since you’re offering…” He pulled back, eyes locked with yours as he pushed down the straps of your gown. “Let me see that glorious fucking body.”
You allowed him to move the fabric down your figure and over your hips, revealing yourself to him. He immediately attached himself to your tits, both mouth and hands working in tandem. Your hands pulled at his hair, keeping him mounted against you but shuddering away in sensitivity. Negan chased you with his lips, intent on marking you like you had him.
He reached a hand between your bodies, impatient with the pace. His gaze followed every curve and soft line of your body, still in awe of the perfection of your skin. It was flawless. You were flawless. A literal fantasy come to life.
Your hands were soon at his button, releasing the fabric from its hold and working it down his legs. He shed his boots quickly and stepped out of the garment, thankful he’d chosen to go commando. He watched you lick your lips at the sight of him and fuck if that didn’t make his balls tighten.
You sat down on the bed, positioning yourself so that he had a completely unobstructed view of the juncture between your thighs. He instinctually began to tug at himself while you touched yourself beneath your panties, your chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. He made it to you in two steps, a hand hooking your ankle and jerking you closer. He ripped the fabric away from your body, catching how soaked the material had gotten. You were fully nude now and practically glistening. He could almost see your pussy throb as he got onto his knees. He hovered there for a moment, taking in the scene. Your scent, your touch, hell, even the sound of your soaked channel. He savored it all.
“Negan, please…” You pleaded and damn did it feel fucking amazing to hear you call his name like that.
“You need me, doll?” He let a finger lazily play with your clit, enjoying the way you jumped at the contact.
“Yes, please…” You begged again, unashamed of your neediness. He liked that. He liked seeing you lose your composure. That shit was fueling him.
He relented and sucked harshly at your pulsing bud, his touch unforgiving. His lips kissed you while his tongue tasted you. He explored you, using his fingers to pry you open to his attack. Your thighs clenched around his head as your body arched off the bed. The candles reflected off your skin and he became awestruck by the image.
He fed on you, his appetite for you far from satiated. He welcomed your flavor on his tongue as he probed your opening, teeth nipping at your swollen lips. You yelped and jolted away, but he held you to him. He felt that drunk feeling again as he quite literally immersed himself in you.
“Don’t stop. I’m gonna cum.” You breathed out, head thrown back and hands struggling for purchase against the smooth sheets.
Negan had no intention of stopping. Instead, he doubled his efforts and ravaged you, seeing the prickle of pain flash across your features from his ruthlessness. You continued to hold his head to you as he attempted to drink every drop that poured from your lips.
“Oh, yes, yes, yes…” You chanted as your body rippled and convulsed with tremors. Negan caught every single one with his mouth, his eyes taking in the way you moaned and writhed. Your skin was slick with perspiration, your lungs rapidly taking in air as you slowly came down from your journey to space.
He stood, his whole body tense in untamable lust. He could feel the dribble of precum on his cock, the appendage begging for attention. He wedged himself between your thighs and submerged his cock in your overflowing dampness. He rutted against you, feeling you reach up to catch him in your folds. He dug his fingertips into your thighs as he let his cock nudge your abused clit. You winced at the oversensitivity.
“Fuck, I need to be inside this fucking pussy.” He growled, recognizing the tingle in his spine starting to form.
Negan didn’t wait for a response as he plunged inside of you, groaning at the instant surge of pleasure at finally being able to do so. He felt your heartbeat within your walls as it thrummed against his cock, squeezing him just right. It was as if you were made just for him. The way you hit every one of his nerves in the most delectable way possible made it seem as if you’d been sculpted for him, a genuine counterpart.
“Shit, that is one tight cunt.”
He moved slow and deep, treasuring the sensation of your body so effortlessly enveloping his. His hands were everywhere as your body became his playground. He held your tits, relishing the way they bounced to the rhythm of his hips. He grasped you throat and squeezed as you moaned for more. He took in the way your body so readily accepted his own, your pussy slickening him for his passage. It all felt fucking perfect. Perfect in a way he’d never experienced before.
“More…I need more.” You demanded, trying to reach for him.
Negan was happy to oblige and bent down to hover over your awaiting mouth. Small gasps escaped your throat as he continued to fuck you, the sound like music to his ears and pulsing dick.
“This what you wanted? This enough for you?” He grunted, angling his hips so that he could feel the natural barrier within you. He heard you whine and drag your nails down his back, the depth of his cock making you want to retreat.
“No, no…take it all, doll.” Negan tutted, forcing your body up the bed as he moved. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your teeth digging into his shoulder. The move sent a jolt through his system and he increased his speed. His hips slapped against your roughly, the loud smack of skin echoing throughout the room. He could feel his balls tightening and his limbs tingle. He wasn’t ready for it to end. He wasn’t ready to separate from your warmth just yet.
He straightened up, bringing you with him. Your body was pliable with his movements, letting him maneuver you how he saw fit. He lifted you into his arms, still impaled on him. He captured your mouth, walking to the head of the bed. He situated himself on the mattress, you still cradled in his arms. Without him having the leverage to thrust, you took it upon yourself to slide up and down on his engorged cock. He faltered at the motion, but recovered in time to position you in his lap.
“Ride me. Let that pussy take what she needs.” He nipped at your bottom lip as he encouraged you to move, slapping your ass in the process.
You didn’t hesitate. You wrapped your arms around his neck and bounced, chasing that ethereal high. Negan buried himself in your breasts, feeling that inebriated sensation start to strengthen. He gripped your hips, anchoring himself to something solid. He felt as if he might float away if he didn’t. He felt entirely too warm and the need to cum was more powerful than any other experience he’d had. His vision felt blurry, yet he could make you out perfectly. He could smell you and only you. Not the fire or the lavender anymore. His ears were attuned to your moans and whimpers, but silence lingered outside of that. He felt like he was in a vacuum of your essence, trapped but not wanting to escape.
“Yes, Negan…please cum.” Your words made him thrust up into you, eager to comply with your breathy request. The tell-tale signs were there. He was ready to let go.
Through the fog he belatedly realized he needed to pull out, not wanting to chance it. He readied himself to remove you from his lap when he felt you clamp down and hold him, your intent obvious.
“It’s okay. Do it. Fill me up.” You nibbled on his ear, tongue tracing his lobe as you massaged his cock with your walls. He went to protest, but stopped. The words died on his lips, his body now running the show. He only thought about you and how fucking magnificent you felt. He thought about how good it would feel to smear you in him. To see you leaking and dripping. The thoughts alone were enough to convince him that he should listen to you.
Your finger teased your clit as you rode him, urging him on. Negan gritted his teeth at the feel of your pussy spasming, your entire body ricocheting with the aftershocks. He surrendered to you and released, your pussy greedily taking from him as he tensed in orgasmic bliss. A hum of approval left your lips at the feel of him driving his seed into you, the warmth and stickiness coating you both.
“Fuck,” He cursed as he screwed his eyes shut. He felt like he’d been pumping for hours, the high lasting a lot longer than he’d anticipated. He felt overcome with exhaustion as he collapsed on the bed, your body still a place holder for his now flaccid cock. He looked up at you as you straddled him, a halo of candlelight encompassing you. He panted as he struggled to catch his breath while your nails dragged through his chest hair. You laid your head on his chest near his heart, your body rising in sync with his.
He was drained. Utterly and completely. He adjusted himself beneath you, feeling his cock slip out of you and land heavily between you. You rubbed yourself against him, his cum aiding the movements. His mind said no more, but his body was responding.
“Doll, this old man needs to rest. I think you broke my dick.” He groaned, feeling aches start to settle into his limbs.
You laughed, your body vibrating against his. “Doesn’t feel broken to me.” You quipped as you traced a finger over the twitching member.
He laughed, despite his fatigue and trailed a hand down your naked back. “You’re something else.”
“Good or bad?”
“Can’t decide yet. But my dick points to good.” He joked, liking the throaty laugh you released at his words. He could feel his eyes getting heavy and that distinct lethargy that came with sleep. He didn’t bother to move you from atop him. He liked your weight nuzzled against him, feeling the beat of your heart with his.
“Sleep.” You said into his chest as you placed a soft kiss near his ribs.
Negan nodded, though he was already halfway into his dreams by the time you spoke.
A loud knock jolted him from his slumber.
Negan sat straight up in his bed, eyes dancing around wildly in search of the intruder. He took in his bedroom skeptically, wondering how he’d gotten back.
Another knock sounded, followed by a call from the beyond the door.
“Boss? You in there?”
It was Simon. And he sounded strangely concerned.
Negan stood from his bed, groaning at the protests his sore limbs were giving him. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair and thanked whoever the fuck that he at least had clothes on.
He pulled open the door and came to face-to-face with a worried looking Simon. The man’s own remaining hair was somewhat tousled and his mustache looked uncharacteristically unkempt. He looked like he’d been running his hands through it all day, an action Negan knew he didn’t partake in unless he was nervous about something.
“What is it? What happened?” He demanded, knowing there was something he was missing by the look in his friend’s eye.
He waited as Simon seemed to take him in, appearing to be relieved by his presence. The whole thing was making Negan feel weird.
“You okay? We were worried about you.” The man finally admitted, hand back in his thick moustache.
Negan arched a brow in question. “Worried? Why?”
“Its past noon. You never sleep this late. We didn’t hear from you and got nervous something happened.” He explained, gaze still inspecting Negan closely.
Negan widened his eyes at Simon’s words, not believing what he was saying was true. He raced to his nightstand and grabbed his watch, feeling a sense of déjà vu. The timepiece read back 12:15. It was still working and didn’t appear to have stopped at any point during the night.
He looked back at Simon, perplexed by his unexplained tardiness. He was just about to question his friend more about it when he remembered the previous night. The memories came flooding in like a busted dam. He saw you in that damn nightgown. The cabin in the woods. You riding his dick like a fucking prized pony. It all soared to the surface and through the fog that still littered his mind and body.
“What the fuck happened?” He mumbled to himself as he rubbed at a particularly sore spot on his shoulder. Had to be where you fucking bit him.
“You good, Boss? Need anything?” Simon interrupted from his spot in the doorway.
Negan went to dismiss him, but thought better of it and nodded. “Yeah, find me that girl from the marketplace. The one with all the lotions and shit.”
He waited for a yes sir from his right hand man, but never got one. He met Simon’s confused gaze and went to describe you further when the Savior spoke up.
“What girl? I don’t know anyone like that.”
Negan sighed, trying hard not to take his mounting frustration out on his friend. “Yeah you do, shithead. You bought some lotion from her for your bum shoulder.”
At his blank stare, he continued.
“I spoke to her yesterday. You were fucking there. Struggling to flirt with Meredith at the table with all the shitty DVDs.” Negan explained, attempting to jog Simon’s memory. It didn’t seem to be working.
“We didn’t go to the market yesterday.”
“Yeah, we fucking did.”
“No. I was at The Kingdom yesterday while you went to the northeast outpost.”
Negan shook his head, unable to comprehend what Simon was saying. There was no way that was true. He remembered it as clear as day. He remembered you. Simon had to be wrong. And Negan was going to prove it to him.
“You sure you’re feeling okay?” Simon asked, that worry gaze back and aimed squarely on him.
Negan waved him away, searching his room for his boots, jacket, and Lucille. “Yeah, fine. I’ll be down in a minute.”
Simon hesitated, but he could see that Negan wanted to be alone so he complied.
Negan checked the calendar on his desk, his diligence when crossing off the days a daily ritual. He found the last day that was crossed out.
He wasn’t tripping fucking balls. He had his days right. Now he just had to find you.
One month later…
Negan rubbed tiredly at his eyes, wishing he’d worn his reading glasses. He sat at his desk, studying the maps of each community who fell under his territory. It was late and he’d been staring at the goddamn things for hours, though the action was pointless. He wasn’t focused. Hadn’t been since that day a month ago.
He’d never found you.
Thirty days later and there still wasn’t any sign of you, your booth at the market, or your cabin in the woods. He’d had men out looking. Chasing a fucking ghost.
No one knew of you. No one had any recollection of you. Except for him. And it was fucking torture.
You were his elusive seductress, his enchantress. You were all he could think about. You dominated his thoughts, his dreams. Sometimes he felt as if he could still feel you beneath his fingertips. Hear the melodic tune of your pulse against his. A random breeze of lavender would sweep over him, carried by the wind. But you never materialized.
He knew he hadn’t made you up. He knew you weren’t some sort of fever dream. He’d had the marks on his skin to prove it. Scratches down his back, bites along his neck and chest, and the sore limbs from hours of fucking to prove it.
But the more days that passed, the more his memory failed him. His mental image of you faded over time, along with the bruises and scratches that littered his flesh. You were becoming lost in the everyday bustle and he didn’t know how to stop it. He had to give up searching for you, fearing his followers would start to think he was losing his fucking mind. His men already thought so. Simon practically had a straitjacket picked out for him.
All he could do was keep an eye out for you when he went beyond the fences. He searched everywhere, under the guise he was looking for supplies. It was pathetic really. He didn’t even know your fucking name.
His watch beeped from beside him, alerting him to the new hour.
12:00 am.
He decided to turn in for the night, done with tormenting himself. He stood up and stretched, hearing the satisfying pop of several joints as he did. He made his way to the window to take one last cursory glance to ensure everything was as it should be. He noticed something odd immediately. He felt like he did that night…wired but sluggish. It was a combination he could never forget.
Looking out into the night he realized how dark and empty the sky was, save for the new full moon that spotlighted the earth. Negan’s whole body went stiff as he searched for his guards. He couldn’t see anyone. It was dead silent.
A sudden warmth filled his body and a tingle started at the base of his toes. It was pleasant and started to move up each limb. He found himself succumbing to it, eyes rolling back the stronger it got. Suddenly and without warning, a crippling pain overtook his entire body. His bones felt like they were breaking and extending to unbearable lengths. His skin felt stretched and pulled tight, fighting to cover his expanding body. He yelled out in pain as his spine broke through his shirt and his legs jutted out of his pants. Long black fur soon covered every surface of him while his hands turned to oversized paws with jagged talons. His face felt like it was being seared off as it contorted into new features.
He collapsed to the floor on his knees, unable to take the agony. Simultaneously, his mind began to piece together the forgotten fragments. He saw you clearly once again as he relived your moments together. He saw your first conversation and the time at the cabin. He saw him worshipping your body over and over again throughout the night, your sweat-laced bodies slicking against each other. He saw your mind and the plans you had for him.
He saw everything.
“I can fix that for you.”
“I can give you what you need, Negan.”
“I’ll make you better.”
Your voice echoed in his ears, your true meaning now apparent. He felt a swell of testosterone rush through his veins, the appetite for blood suddenly all-consuming. He sniffed the air, smelling nothing but lavender. He growled, his hair standing on end as he felt you get nearer. 
You were here and you’d come to collect.
He hunched on all fours, the pose feeling natural to him in this state. Unbridled lust mixed with frenzied rage, making his mouth salivate. His teeth were larger in size and sharper, his tongue running over them hungrily. The moon shone itself in his room and he instinctually howled. He felt a pull towards the window, outside the walls of the factory. He didn’t stop to think. He only acted. He rushed the window and burst through, scaling the wall as he made his way down to the ground. He landed on his hind legs, standing up straight to scent the air. Beyond the trees he could see a plume of smoke.
The cabin.
You were calling for him…waiting. And as he ran towards you, human nature now erased by animalistic instincts, he heard your final words to him from that night ring in his head.
“I’m going to give you what you’ve always wanted. You’ll be your true form. And I’ll be your true mate. By the light of the moon, you’ll fulfill your true fate.”
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villlainarc · 4 years
To Fall in Love
Like Mercy
Summary: In which Logan discovers that maybe, he does have feelings after all.
Pairing: Logince
Warnings: minimal angst begins here, unhappy ending (so it doesn’t sneak up on you later)
Word Count: 2980
A/N: the song in this chapter is i see the light from tangled
More A/N: this is a secret santa gift for @ari-the-anxious-ace and as such, is already completed (and can be found at this very moment on ao3). but so as not to spam you, chapters will be posted every three days.
special thanks to @cringeless for beta reading :)
masterlist || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6
read on ao3 or below the cut
find other stuff i’ve written under #writingxofink
Logan has never fallen in love before, nor does he think he ever will. And this… thing that he feels? Surely it can’t be love. What he feels is clearly closer to infatuation, and calling it love would only be doing such a powerful, beautiful emotion a disservice.
No, Logan most certainly isn’t in love with the man who had sailed for what had undoubtedly been countless hours just to hear his song, the man who had looked at him with such admiration in his eyes that Logan had felt his voice waver, just barely. There’s no way that Logan could have fallen in love with a man who he’d seen all of one time, no matter how captivating his warm, brown eyes had seemed. The fact that Logan finds himself haunted by the need to run his fingers through the other man’s hair is irrelevant, as is the fact that his eyes had been drawn to the other’s lips far too often because of course, Logan is not in love.
That would be ludicrous.
Besides, as far as he knows, sirens can’t fall in love. From an evolutionary standpoint alone, it makes no sense for them to be able to. What cruel deity would grant a monster enough feeling to fall in love with its victim? That would only hinder its survival so logically, it would follow that the emotion would ultimately be eradicated from the species. Logan is of the belief that if there’s no use for it, it shouldn’t be kept around.
So Logan isn’t in love. Logically, he can’t be.
He assures himself of this again and again as he waits for night to arrive once more, lying at the bottom of the pool in the center of the grotto. Really, if what he’d been taught when he was younger is true, he shouldn’t be able to feel anything at all. Just as with love, other emotions hold really no evolutionary advantages.
According to his educators, sirens don’t feel any emotion on the wide spectrum that humans live with day to day. Logan had not only believed them, he’d actually been relieved upon learning that. Humans’ emotions are the very things that lead to their demise by a siren’s hand. Their wants, their dreams, ambitions, and secret desires make them painfully easy to manipulate. And they don’t even make an effort to mask these things; their hopes are worn on their sleeve for anyone to see. It makes them so easy to lure in. All Logan has to do is sing a haunting chorus promising them whatever they please, and they’re his. After that’s done, it doesn’t take him long to drain that intense longing from them.
It’s all just so easy, and the ease of it is all due to the sirens’ lack of emotions.
If—and only if—Logan were in love, his entire worldview would be turned on its head. Everything he’d ever believed would be wrong, and he’s certain that he would not be able to handle that.
So it’s better this way. It’s better that he isn’t in love with the man who dreams so intensely of adventure, whose smile tells stories millions of times better than anything Logan could hope to sing of.
Yes. It’s definitely better.
But what if, even though Logan is as far from in love as it’s possible to be, he drains someone else? The man who’d heard him, he… he doesn’t deserve to lose his dream. He’s come too far, Logan doesn’t want to take that from him. Logan’s dying, sure, but someone else will hear him before too long. Statistically, it’s nearly impossible for someone else not to hear him.
Though statistically, by now, he also should have drained three people since his last victim. He averages one draining a month and has never gone more than two and a half months without draining anyone, so this is a statistical anomaly. And that means Logan has no idea what he should expect.
If he doesn’t choose to drain this man, there’s a very real possibility that he won’t be able to drain anyone before it’s too late.
Logan doesn’t want to die.
Logan doesn’t want to drain the man with gold already laced into the single word he’d spoken.
So Logan is trapped in a decision he doesn’t want to make. But he has to. There’s no other choice.
And if he’s being honest, his decision was already made for him. He was never going to risk his own life for the dream of one human, no matter how captivating. No matter how much he may regret his decision one day, he can’t change the ending of this story. He’s going to drain the human, as it is in his nature to do, and the human is going to lose his dream. All will be as it should.
Yet for some reason, Logan still can’t get the man he’s going to drain out of his head.
When the stars begin to light his grotto a few hours later, Logan’s eyes flutter open and he pulls himself out of the water, sitting on the edge of the pool and letting his tail sit in it. He knows the man who’d visited last night hasn’t left the island yet—Logan can still feel the fragment of the dream he’d stolen calling to the part nearby that remains within its owner—though he doesn’t know if he’ll visit now on his own. So while Logan wouldn’t normally waste his voice when his victim is this close, he doesn’t want to take any chances.
Using the same melody he’d been singing for weeks, he calls, “Ah-ah, ah-ah.”
Almost immediately, the man responds with his own beautiful, “Ah-ah, ah-ah-ah.”
Logan takes that to mean that he’ll be arriving soon, so he leans back on his forearms, looking through the hole in his ceiling at the sky while he deliberates what he should sing for his victim tonight. Perhaps he’ll sing a song that won’t take more of his power than he should waste to create, something that the man may already know. If Logan’s lucky, his victim will have a positive memory attached to it and will stay for longer, long enough for Logan to drain even more of his dream from him. He can’t afford to take his time with this man, not when he was so close to choosing to let him go earlier in the day.
He’s still musing over his options when the man alerts Logan to his presence by stumbling over a stalagmite. His eyes meet Logan’s, and he grins. “Hi!”
Logan blinks. This is highly unusual, why is his victim trying to communicate with him? Oh, he definitely should have started singing earlier. Now this man will be waiting for him to respond, and Logan doesn’t want to do that. Taking to his victim could mean becoming attached, and he’s already struggling with that as it is. He will not answer.
It doesn’t seem to matter what he’s chosen to do though, because the man continues talking without waiting for a response as soon as he’s caught his balance again. “I’m Roman.”
Upon hearing that, Logan all but recoils. No, he can’t know this man’s name. Knowing someone’s name is even worse than talking to them when it comes to forming attachment. Again, Logan refuses to respond.
And again, it doesn’t seem to matter. Roman—no, Logan’s victim—walks the rest of the way over to him, sitting down in the same spot he had the night before. He speaks once more, apparently not caring whether or not Logan is going to reply. “So, I don’t know what your whole deal is with the singing and whatnot, but I thought it was only fair that I return the favor. Would you mind terribly if I sang to you tonight instead?”
And oh, Logan knows this is a horrible thing to agree to. The few words that this man had sung yesterday had already been enough to get Logan to fall in love with his voice of spun gold. He can’t imagine how strong his feelings could grow to be if he hears a whole song. No, he should definitely refuse the offer. He should ignore Roman’s—no, his victim’s—request. Really, the best thing for him to do would be to sing. Any song would do, any song would distract him from this offer that is far too tempting.
But no. For the first time in his life, Logan has no intention to listen to logic, to do what he undoubtedly should. Those brown eyes twinkle once, and Logan nods. He can’t tell if it’s an unconscious action or not, and he doesn’t particularly care to find out.
He especially doesn’t care to find out when he hears the first strains of that voice, the voice that he hadn’t even realized had been haunting him just as much as Roman’s eyes or hair or lips or smile. Logan may be the siren of the two, but his voice is too otherworldly. Beautiful, of course, but Roman’s voice has a quality to it that’s just so human that Logan could never hope to replicate it.
He never would have thought that he’d be referring to something as human with such awe, and he doesn’t think he likes this new development. He doesn’t think he likes how enchanted he is by just the barest hints of Roman’s voice, either. Logan has to force himself out of the trance-like state he’d fallen into upon hearing Roman truly sing for the first time, somehow managing to drag himself back to reality.
“…All that time, never even knowing
Just how blind I’ve been.
Now I’m here, blinking in the starlight
Now I’m here, suddenly I see.
Standing here, it’s all so clear
I’m where I’m meant to be.”
Logan recognizes the song. He’s definitely heard it before, and there’s something about it that prods at his mind. He can’t quite place it for whatever reason, but he finds he doesn’t mind all that much. For now, at least, he can go against his better judgment and just listen to Roman sing.
“And at last, I see the light
And it’s like the fog has lifted
And at last, I see the light
And it’s like the sky is new
And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything looks different
Now that I see you.”
With a sudden intake of breath, Logan realizes what he’d been trying to remember. This song is a duet. A romantic duet, at that. What the hell is Roman trying to do? He can’t possibly expect Logan to sing with him, can he?
Yet again, Logan is shocked by this man’s audacity and stubborn silence. He says nothing, just watches Logan expectantly. Without a second thought and not knowing what kind of insanity is washing over him, Logan takes a breath and starts to sing the second verse.
“All those years, chasing down a daydream
All those years, living in a blur
All that time, never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now you’re here, shining in the starlight
Now you’re here, suddenly I see.
If you’re here, it’s crystal clear
I’m where I’m meant to go.”
The lyrics Logan had sung don’t fit him nearly as well as Roman’s had, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is the smile on Roman’s face, the smile reserved for Logan and Logan alone right now. He opens his mouth to continue the song, and Logan follows suit, remembering that there’s a final chorus in the song.
“And at last I see the light,” they sing in unison, Logan letting Roman’s voice overpower his. He does this for purely chivalrous reasons, not because he wants an excuse to listen to Roman’s voice for even longer.
It’s Logan’s line next, “And it’s like the fog has lifted.”
Then together again, “And at last I see the light.”
“And it’s like the sky is new.” Logan almost can’t breathe as Roman holds that last note, and he definitely misses the beginning of the next line by a beat or two as he reminds himself to take a breath before singing with Roman once more.
“And it’s warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted.”
Both Logan and Roman pause briefly, and Logan notices abruptly how close they’ve gotten to each other over the course of the song. It’s very close. He takes a breath and watches probably too intently as Roman does the same. They finish the song almost unbearably softly.
“All at once, everything is different
Now that I see you.
Now that I see you.”
The final note is held over the span of a few seconds before both singers let it fade to silence. Roman smiles, and Logan does too.
But without the song to distract him, Logan realizes what he’s done. He’s sung a duet with the man he’s supposed to be draining. This is the opposite of right, and Logan’s eyes go wide as he turns to escape back into the water. He desperately doesn’t want to discover what the consequences of his choices are.
Logan has nearly slipped away when he feels a pressure on his wrist. “Wait!” He turns, the grip on his wrist the only thing keeping him from falling and is met with Roman’s distressed expression. “I don’t even know your name,” he says quietly.
Logan’s mouth opens, and he debates for the briefest moment of weakness what would happen if he did tell Roman his name. But then, of course, he comes to his senses and shakes his head, snapping his mouth shut and making a weak attempt to pull his wrist free.
“Can you not talk? Is that it?”
Logan shakes his head again, a frown growing on his face as he becomes more desperate to escape Roman’s grip.
“Do you not want to talk, then?”
This time, Logan responds with a half shrug. It’s partially true, at least, and he might as well give Roman some sort of answer.
Speaking of Roman, how is he holding on so easily? He must be quite strong, with his arms and chest perfectly toned beneath his shirt and Logan wonders what would happen if he reached out and— no. That wasn’t where Logan had planned to go with that thought at all. He mentally shakes himself and tries again.
Roman doesn’t seem to be straining the slightest bit to keep his hold on to Logan’s wrist despite the siren’s best attempts to break away (that’s better). No, Roman’s demeanor is still perfectly calm as he asks his next question, “Is it that you don’t want to tell me your name?”
At this, Logan nods vigorously, pausing in his attempts to escape to gaze at Roman with wide eyes, trying to agree with him and convey his request to be given his wrist back at the same time.
Apparently, Roman is too dense to figure out what he’s asking. Or maybe he’s willfully ignoring Logan. That could be it. Either way though, his hold on Logan’s wrist remains as firm as ever as he says, “Well, I can’t just keep referring to you in my head as ‘the mermaid,’ can I?”
The mermaid? Why would he call Logan the— oh. Roman believes that Logan is a mermaid, not a siren. Suddenly, he understands why Roman isn’t the least bit afraid of him. Mermaids are described as benevolent creatures in mythology as far as Logan knows, so he can see why Roman would want to befriend him instead of being immediately frightened off.
“So?” Roman snaps Logan out of his musings, tapping his wrist with a finger to get his attention. “What should I call you?”
Much like with the duet, Logan knows very well what he should do. He should shake his head, get back into the water one way or another—dragging Roman down with him if need be—and drain his victim before he becomes even more attached than he already is.
But, much like with the duet, Logan ignores his better judgment. “Logan,” he rasps, his speaking voice gravelly and hoarse, contrasting sharply with the voice he sings in.
“Logan,” Roman repeats, rolling the word over in his mouth in a way that has no right to make Logan blush as hard as he does.
Instead of addressing the current shade of red coloring his face, Logan tugs his arm pointedly. He looks up at Roman with a raised eyebrow, hoping that blush isn’t as noticeable as he feels it is.
“Ah, right.” Now it’s Roman’s turn to flush, and Logan definitely notices. Odd. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asks as he lets go.
Logan is so shocked by his question that he’s frozen in place for a solid second and a half. When he comes to his senses again, he gives a short nod and dives back into the water, not waiting around for Roman to say anything else that will end with Logan making an even bigger fool of himself.
Sirens don’t need sleep to survive, but Logan finds himself wanting to fall into it anyway. The action is far preferable to analyzing what had just happened, after all. There isn’t a single more efficient way of avoiding one’s thoughts than going to sleep.
So that’s what Logan finds himself doing. He sinks to the bottom of the pool in the middle of the grotto, shutting his eyes and completely ignoring any thoughts of Roman that happen to cross his mind.
It’s better this way.
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dnjenkins · 4 years
Marginless Living
From  “Margin”  by Richard A, Swenson,M.D.- marginless living 
    “That our age might be described as painful comes as a discomforting surprise when we consider the many advantages we have over previous generations. Progress has given us  unprecedented affluence, education, technology, and entertainment. We have comforts and conveniences other eras could only dream about. Yet somehow, we are not flourishing, under the  gifts of modernity as one would expect. 
   Why do so many of us feel like air-traffic controllers out of control? How can the salesman feel so stressed when the car is loaded with extras, the paycheck is bigger than ever, and vacation lasts four weeks a year? How is it possible that the homemaker is still tired despite the help of the washing machine, clothes dryer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, and vacuum cleaner? If we are so prosperous, why are  the therapists offices so full? If we have ten   times more material abundance than our ancestors, why are we not ten  times more content and fulfilled? 
    Something has gone wrong. Our society has been attacked by pain. If you know what pain wounds look  like, you will see them on all your friends. To be sure, there are as many different kinds of pain as there are reasons for pain. Most people associate the doctor’s office with the pain of organic disease. But this is not the only suffering physicians have to deal with. There are, for example, the pains of self-destructive behaviour, of abuse and poor parenting, of pollution, of unrestricted sexual permissiveness, and even the pains associated with prosperity itself. But it is not the focus of this book. Instead, this book is dedicated to exposing and correcting the specific kind of pain that comes from marginless living. Why? Because we find ourselves in the midst of an unnamed epidemic. The disease of marginless living is insidious, widespread, and virulent.
        The marginless lifestyle is a relatively new invention and one of progress’s most unreasonable ideas. Yet in a very short time it has become a nearly universal malady. Few are immune. It is not limited to a certain socioeconomic group, nor to a certain educational level. Even those with a deep spiritual faith are not spared. It’s pain is impartial and nonsectarian--everybody gets to have some
      Others deny vehemently that anything is wrong. “Life has always been hard.” they say. “People have always been stressed. It is simply part of living. There has always been change to cope with. There have always been economic problems, and people have always battled depression. It is the nature of life to have its ups and downs--so why all the fuss?” 
  I’m not the one who's making the fuss; I’m only writing about it. I’m only being honest about what I see all around me. I sit in my examining room and listen. Then I repost what I hear. Something is wrong. People are tired and frazzled. People are anxious and depressed. People don't have the time to heal anymore. There is a psychic instability in our day that prevents peace from implanting itself  very firmly in the human spirit. And despite the skeptics, this instability is not the same old nemesis recast in modern role. What we have here is  a brand-new disease. 
     All of these advantages have been granted in America today. Yet the formula for happiness has proven to be more elusive than the simple bestowing of these benefits. Somewhere the equation has broken down. Food plus health plus warmth plus education plus affluence have not quite equaled Utopia. We live with unprecedented wealth and all it brings. We have leisure, entertainment, convenience, and comfort. We have insulted ourselves from the unpredictable ravages of nature. Yet stress, frustration and often times even despair unexpectedly accompany our unrivaled prosperity. 
    Is there a disease? We will soon  have a remedy. Is there poverty? We have enough wealth to go around, and a social program or two will solve the problem of the poor. Is there an energy shortage? We will find new technologies to harness the power of the nucleus and to capture the sun. Is there famine? We will use fertilizers and hybrid seeds to conquer hunger. In our most idolatrous moments, we actually began to assume that the solution to any problem could be confidently entrusted to progress. Thanks to its blessings, we came to perceive the future as a safer place to live. 
    It is not my intention  to denigrate the value of progress’s achievements. We have a;; benefited greatly. As a physician, I understand the tremendous advantages of immunizations, antibiotics, and anesthesia. We all marvel at the  power of communications and the speed of transportation. The print media has vastly increased access to learning. Wealth has permitted opportunities far beyond the imagining of our great-grandparents
  Yet as visible as these achievements have been, our faults demand a glaring prominence of their own. If we lead the world in successes, we also lead in far too many failures. Through much of the last decade, we had the developed world's highest rates of divoce, teenage pregnancy ,illicit drug abuse, crime, homicides, AIDS, litigation, functional illiteracy, national debt, and foreign  debt. We even make more garbage than anyone else. 
   With the aid of progress, perils now encircle us. No matter which direction we turn, yet another crisis stares us in  the face. Not only has progress been unable to solve these crises, it has not even been able to slow them. ..
          These patients are depressed, stressed, and exhausted. Some are desperate. Their jobs are insecure. Their farms have been repossessed. They are over their heads in debt. Their marriages are in trouble. Their sons are using drugs, and their daughter are getting pregnant.
    These patients don’t know what to do or where to turn. They have no social support, no roots, no community. Their stomachs won’t stop burning. They can’t sleep at night. They think about drastic solutions. The public blames the medical profession for giving too many tranquilizers and antidepressants. But what would you do? Doctors like to see healing as the result of their work. Yet today we often must be content with far less. There are so many things wrong with people’s lives that even our best is only a stopgap.  
     There can be little doubt that the ubiquitous contemporary absence of margin is directly linked to the march of progress. Those cultures with the most progress are the same as those with the least margin. If you were wondering why there is a chapter of progress in a book on margin, this is the reason. Margin has been stolen away, and progress was the thief.  If we want margin back, we will first have to do something about progress.
     We must have some room to breathe. We need freedom to think and permission to heal. Our relationships are being starved to death by velocity. No one has the time to listen, let alone love. Our children lay wounded on the ground, run over by our high-speed good intentions. Is God now pro exhaustion? Doesn’t He lead people beside the still waters anymore?    
   In its specifics, the definition of progress varies from culture to culture and from age to age. Within contemporary American society, however, our  notion of progress was first defined and later dominated by money, technology, and education. Each of these areas is of value, but none of them cares much about our transcendent needs. That indifference constitutes a fatal flaw. 
   In our enthusiasm to improve material and cognitive performance, we neglected to respect the more complex and less objective parameters along the way. The social, emotional, and spiritual contributions to our well-being were, and continue to be, overlooked and underestimated. Not only are they more difficult to measure, but we apparently believed they would simply ‘improve” along with everything else. Or else, in our rush for the future, we didn’t care. 
    While the progress we boast of is found within the material and cognitive environments, most of the pain we suffer is found within the social, emotional and spiritual. The material and cognitive environments are unquestionably important. They also have an advantage in that they are more visible and thus more highly pursued. Scripture teaches us , however, that the social, emotional, and spiritual environments are more important. A crucial task for our society today is to reverse the order of emphasis and viability of these environments.
     How might we know that the relational environments are where God would have us concentrate? Simply put, these are the same areas Christ spent His time developing and where His teachings focused.
      Where do you  think God would have  us search for answers regarding drugs, crime, divorce, sucide, depression, teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, and litigation? In the material and cognitive reals, or in the relational ones? Our society tries in vain to remedy these problems using the  popular notions of progress---appropriating more money (that is, material/physical answers)   and setting up more classes (that is. cognitive /education answers). But insufficient funds and lack of education are not the problems. The problem is lack of love.
     With the establishment of a proper emphasis, all appropriate needs will be met. Should  we fail in this task, however, progress will only bring us increasing pain. Our wallets will get fatter, our houses are bigger, our cars faster, and our brains smarter. Yet when we neglect the most important priorities, our final reward will fittingly be all the unhappiness money can buy.”
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maekkelae · 5 years
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roadblog - Canadian tour 2018 (IV)
Another day in Canada. Forgot which one. It's a long haul. I wrote this before. And right, we're still on that Greyhound bus on its way from Toronto to Thunder Bay. As impossible as it seems to sleep on the coach, after 20 hours awake it will inevitably happen. So it did to me. Somewhere between Wawa and Nipigon. Woke up right in time to see the sun rise and get ready for the last coffee break before Thunder Bay. Stunning landscape reminding me a lot of Finland. A bit of Kuopio to Joensuu in here. Makes a lot of sense so many Fins settled in this area. No need to adjust on new, unknown landscape or climate. All good here, it's pretty much like where we came from. Let's stay. In general it seems people are not too unhappy to live their lives around here. Buying a cuppa on our last stop the guy behind the counter asks if I've got some kind of bonus card. And no, haven't got one. "You can have one, they're valid in all our gas stations across Canada." "Thanks, but that doesn't make a lot of sense, I don't live in Canada." "Oh man, that sucks, eh?" I'm not sure it does. There are possibly some few places apart from Nipigon with it's -19°C I'd actually prefer for a permanent residency. ################### And then there is Thunder Bay, Ontario. Finally. And yessir, we're still in the province of Ontario, Canada. With its Greyhound stop strategically perfectly located 3.5 km from tonight's venue. As you might have figured out following this blog this means “very close to“ or “almost in the centre of town“ in terms of local geographical understanding. In theory there'd be public transport into town, in fact waiting for a bloody bus til fuck knows when in minus ten is nothing you want to do after 22 h on a bus. Let alone possibly not being taken for not having the right change for the ticket or whatever else there could go wrong. My first taxi ride in Thunder Bay turns out a full on success. Whilst watching the desolate beauty of Thunder Bay's industrial areas glide by I get a crash course in the town's history and am pointed on to the most important sights. The one thing I remember is, it's apparently the place where Terry Fox stopped running. Good idea. Would have been a bit to go from here. To any destination. Sorry, dear Canadians, I'm disrespectful here. What my tourist guide didn't mention is the big Finnish community in this town located pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Being very early for the show there is time enough to do a little research on this. And yes, they've got it all here. Karjalan Piirakka, Pulla, Pepsodent, Salmiakki. Had a coffee at Hoito, the cafe/restaurant of the Finnish culture centre, located in the old „Finnish Labour Temple“. Sweet. Bought a copy of the Finnish-Canadian newspaper “Kanadan Sanomat“. Good read — interesting things in there like “Finnish alcohol sells well abroad“. Wouldn't have thought. Enjoyed the show at The Apollo in Thunder Bay on that quiet Tuesday night a lot. Sheila & Alex being wonderful hosts (thanks again for having me, feeding me, putting me up and all...) it turned out a fun evening with an exclusive audience. Bet you know what I mean. Handnumbered so to say. And most of them spoke Finnish. In fact, I think the main reason for them to turn up was the cinema billboard on top of The Apollo's entry reading “Makkela“. Some nice chats after the show learning more about the Fins who came here beginning of the 20th century to settle down on the banks of the great lakes from here down to Duluth, Minnesota. A heartwarming evening in that cold little town on the edge of Ontario. I'll be back. I suppose I have to. In fact, I want to. Still, my Thunder Bay moment was yet to happen the following morning. Started a chat with the not very talkative cab driver who took me to the Greyhound station. A great guy it turned out once he realized he could chat with me in Finnish. And in a way a very Finnish story. Left his home near Kauhava in the early eighties to start a new, better life out here and — as it goes so often — failed. Now stuck here driving a cab trying to save enough money to make it back to Finland. Felt like the right thing to give him a copy of my last album. Catch up next time Harri, if you're still there. ########################## Thunder Bay Greyhound station. Oh my. Been there? It's the place where excitement starts. I have to admit I was pushing my luck here. The Mayor in Winnipeg — no, that's how the call him, he's not the mayor of Winnipeg — set the show for 7.30/8.00pm the very night. According to Greyhound's timetable I'm supposed to make it to Winnipeg by 6.45 pm. Fair enough, should work. That's what I thought. Of course, it didn't. I was on time. The bus was on time. Just the hydraulic ramp for the wheelchair refused to do what it was designed for. Which is lifting a wheelchair onto the vehicle. One hour after our scheduled departure time Greyhound staff is still trying to fix the thing whilst yours humbly starts getting kind of nervous. And no, things aren't improving. Two hours later still here, a smiling driver submitting updates on our status quo. Another thirty minutes later we're finally leaving Thunder Bay. It was a joyful and glorious moment when the Greyhound guys cheerfully announced it was nothing really big – just a fuse. Thank god. If a fuse means three hours, I suppose a spark plug would have cost us a week. This doesn't look too promising. I can see my Winnipeg show slowly disintegrate with every extra minute of waiting. Message to Mayor Matt: “This will be a late one I'm afraid. You still up for having the show?“ “Yeah, sure. We'll start later. Jaxon Haldane 9ish then you. Should work. We'll save 30 minutes if you get off one stop before Winnipeg.“ Today's driver seems to be a nice person even though he has to deal with multiple issues just now. He doesn't know how to work the bloody ramp (which has been fixed, but by some other personnel) and there is me making things even more complicated. “Excuse me sir, would you mind dropping me one stop before Winnipeg?“ “Sure, no problem. Just come to the front once we're near.“ That was just too easy. We're still running late, starting the show by nine is wishful thinking by now, I haven't got a clue where we are except of being approximately 40 minute away from Winnipeg. Walking up the aisle towards our pilot. “Is this the place or are we close to where you can drop me off? You remember?“ “Sorry man, I can't drop you off here. This is a motorway. I'm not allowed to stop here or drop anyone off. I don't know where you want to get off.“ Situation is not improving with me calling Mayor Matt, listening to his instructions on one ear, trying to understand what the driver is trying to explain on the other, all blurred by the powerful sound of a Greyhound engine. Confusion. Despair. A crossroad with traffic lights. Not too far from a Petro-Can and a Subway. I'm finally dumped without the slightest clue of my whereabouts. Ah, that's Matt calling. Good. “Where are you now?“ Erm... next to a Petro-Can. And a Subway. Oh, and a crossroad with traffic lights. Good luck. I still don't know how he did it, but he found me. He turned up. 9.30 pm. It's a miracle. Apparently there is still going to be a show. We're shooting towards his house and my first show in Winnipeg. But listen up now, here is what made Mayor Matt immortal in the house of Mäkkelä. Once in the car he passes me a thermos mug and a can of cold IPA. „Thought you'd need this now. Just make sure you first pour it in the thermos. You're not allowed having a beer in the car in Manitoba.“ What a guy. Impossible to play a bad show after a trip like this. Just a pity I couldn't see Jaxon Haldane perform.
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esotericfaerytumbls · 3 years
From Chris Bale I had a male client communicate to me today: “she’s so hard. I want her to be softer. It pisses me off when she is so hard. What do I do? I keep telling her that I need her to be softer and surrendered in her femininity, but nothing is changing.” You NEED her to be? Slow up brother! “Firstly, you being annoyed by her “hardness” as you put it, is only going to support more hardness.” I replied. There is nothing safe in your reactive judgment towards her current state of being. It says far more about you, than her in this moment. But also, I feel your pain! Lets break it down. —— UNDERSTANDING: A man who demands she be somewhere other than where she is at currently, is a man who is steering her further away from her expressive freedom and bliss. This is a man who does not know. He is shutting her down. But, its not his fault. There is not much assistance out in society for us as men, when it comes to relating with women in a healthy/supportive/polarizing/passionate way. A man who DOES know, understands that whatever his woman is experiencing, is just another ingredient in the “making” of love. Through his non-judgmental presence, he assists her in transmuting whatever emotions/trauma are seeking to clear - If he wants to. If he doesn’t want to, its best to leave her alone. Whats important to realize, is that she he is already “soft” by nature. Minus the fear, distrust, trauma patterns and overstimulated nervous-systems, we all are. If she is not willing to be receptive with you, there are parts of your being which she does not fully trust or feel safe with. (OR, she is deep in traumatic projecting, and it has nothing to do with you. She is so dis-regulated from past experiences, that she cannot find safety even within her own body.) An emotionally reactive and unclear man, is felt as a weak & untrustworthy man. Because he is. You don’t have to like it. It simply is what it is. I should know. Before arriving to my own work, I was deeply untrustworthy in my confusion and reactivity. Which led me to be grossly manipulative in my unhappiness. This is a pattern I see collectively though the immature masculine. —— FOR HER VULNERABILITY: You see, even if her mind wants to trust you, her body will never feel safe enough to fully open in your company; if you are unsafe. It will brace in your presence. There will be an energetic cocooning as a form of protection. Not because you are a bad man, but because there are too many parts of you which are unclear, uncertain, distracted and dispersive. This is unsafe for her on every level of love, surrender, and ravished-fuck. Men, you must realize to some degree what it means for her to be in a place of deep softness and receptivity with you. For you, it turns you on. For her, it’s risking life. Many times when I bring this up…men will laugh it up, and claim I am over-exaggerating. This lack of empathetic understanding will be clearly mirrored in his life with women. Deep physical & emotional intimacy calls on her to let go of control, which she has been forced to barricade up around herself, based on her past experiences with immature males - who said one thing, but went and done another. This is what you are asking when you request for her to “surrender” more. You are inviting her into absolute exposure. Based on your intentions and integrity, do you deserve her absolute exposure in this moment? Her absolute vulnerability is a privilege. Any humans vulnerability is a privilege. You are also wanting to literally insert a part of your erect body up inside of hers, in a way which allows you to have full control over how you move inside of her, in the most sensitive & receptive area of her entire physicality. On top of this, there is also the possibility of a new life being created. Which means her entire experience of life changes, and she is essentially tied to you through another human for the remainder of her time here. Is he trustworthy? Can I rely on him? Is he mature enough to be a father? Will he be there for me and our child? Does he have a vision? Will he disappear and leave me? - Just some possible questions which may arise within her experience of being receptive to you. These question may arise upon first laying eyes on you - physical intimacy need not even be involved for these thought patters to begin arising. So many women spend their intimate lives being poked, drilled, pounded, mounted and consumed s€xually - in a disconnected way. Where the man she is with is not actually present in his body with her. He is just doing her, to cum. Again, not because us men are big bad predatory wolves, but because as young boys we were not given intelligent and empowering information around s€x & relating. We were given perverted and shameful information, by a perverted and shameful society. We then went out into the world and seeded this perversion in the wombs & bodies of women. And because her very nature is receptivity, she then has to carry around years of mishandling inside the tissues of her vagina, cervix, womb, breasts and throat. When women come to me for energy sessions, the amount of pain and perversion her body has been subjected to, becomes very apparent, as she opens, vibrates, and unravels. Everything spills out into the room. In many instances it can look like some kind of exorcism. Its as if she’s been held captive inside of a tiny part of her body, afraid to feel or exist within her totality. Why? —— THE FOUNDATION: In a society which champions emotional numbness as “strength”, the only remaining option she has, is to dissociate from the inner aching & shut-down her powerfully intuitive felt-sense; for fear of it being exposed as weakness. Endless bracing. Even in love-making, most women(not all) have learned the importance of bracing; incase he unawarely thrusts at the wrong angle, causing pain. Because of this, she’s never truly being able to exhale and feel the exquisite subtitles which arise from connected & embodied intimacy. …and please, dont get me wrong here. When I speak of embodied intimacy, im not referring to tickling your partner with a feather under the moonlit sky until she “arrives”, followed by a curtsey. Im talking about sweaty, deep, primally driven, passion drenched fuck - but supported by a foundation of deeply attuned sensitivity and care towards the others wellbeing. This foundational safety, allows the intensity of passion, orgasmicness, love & primality - to reach heights never touched upon before; back when distracted disconnection was driving the vehicle. When both people are present; tuned-in to self and other, God gets to enter the room. Life, spirit, eros gets to fill the space. So please do not confuse embodied s€x for some boring-ass flaccid form of un-pleasurable intimacy. Its more physically, energetically, & spiritually orgasmic than anything else we have access to in this life. —— WELCOME HER CHALLENGE. As a man, maybe you are naturally wanting to experience her receptivity towards you. Her willingness, longing & desire to invite you in; for her to bathe in oceans of vulnerability - A vulnerability which has been, many times before you; used against her. Disrespected, judged & dropped. Based on all of this...why on earth would she trust a man who she hasn’t vetted repeatedly? If as a man you would like to be stronger for woman, for yourself, for community; welcome challenge. Welcome HER challenge. Realize that she is pushing up against you, because she actually gives a damn about you. If she didn’t, she would never feel the need to test anything about you. Once you have proven your character(to yourself) through stable consistency, and she has digested you viscerally, a deeper dropping into devotion and union can begin. (To further clarify: A matured man will not feel these behaviours as "tests" or "challenges", as they will be so minuscule on the energetic scale of that which he is used to engaging with. The concept of a women "testing him" is not something which he holds in his awareness. Also, a woman who is around a mature man, wont even waste her time trying to test him, as his solidarity will be very clear from the get-go. The above sharing is more for "middle-ground" stages.) —— BOUNDARIES We really need to see the beauty present in the opportunity to demonstrate our sharpness and strength, in all areas of life. Welcome the challenging of your boundaries, so that you have the opportunity to show-up firm and clear in your sovereignty. One of the greatest gifts a woman can bring to a man, is through exposing the areas of his being which lack stability. A powerful embodied woman really requires your boundaries and self-respect to be existing at the forefront of your being - At the forefront of the relationship. So that she has something stable & reliable to brush up against. She may also require a necessary spanking from time to time, if she really gets out of line. Depending on her general level of “feist” of course. In many cases, the insatiable feminine will purposefully do things to magnetize you into disciplining, activating & transmuting her to completion. This, is a whole other topic of conversation, which we can keep for a later date. But there is profound trust and turn-on which is built through healthy masculine discipline and order. **Dear Internet humans, Im assuming you know the difference between spanking her, and beating her - and how the 1st is conducive to a passionate, playful, polarized relationship, while the latter…is clearly not.** —— The below advice is written with the assumption that you have a deep love for this woman(women collectively), and you would like to know how to love her deeper, as it aligns with your integrity. NOT to get something in return from her. HOW DO WE LOVE HER?: By supporting and empowering her to be EXACTLY that which she has come here to be. Without conditioning, controlling, or imprisoning her. So she can come to understand & ooze her innate service to the planet. - Claiming her, if you are choosing to be with her. - Leading her with love and truth, in every moment it is required. - Protecting her. Both physically, and energetically. - Saying what you mean, and meaning what you say. - Remaining diligent and disciplined in your own relationship to life & your mission. Without compromise. - Calling her out/being real with her - holding her accountable. We love her, by reminding her of the tremendous power she is, in any moment she happens to forget it, or falls victim to the disempowering social narratives of backwards womanhood. To add to that - Making love/penetrating/fucking her as deeply and as profoundly as you can arrive to. Which will unveil & shift her experience of this life. As will her “opening” transform how you experience yours. Learn to love her, especially in her “hardness”. Especially in her anger. Especially in her frustration. Especially in her tension. Especially in all the places she has been mishandled and traumatized. You need not viscerally like it, but through showing up and loving her when she is deep in it, we assist in transmuting the collective pain present in so many women, AND men. If you don’t want to love her, and you have no interest in any of the above; there’s nothing wrong with that - But leave her alone. She doesn’t need another half-assed version of undercooked love. None of us do. If you are going to be there, at least commit to it. ---- Finally, please understand that this is a nuanced process, which has its own flavor for each individual. This sharing is to offer some experiential information which I deem as valuable sign posts. Please note that In everything I share, my individual mission comes through heavy, so I dont expect it to resonate for everybody at all times. Perfection is never the goal, but I believe impeccable integrity ought to be, in whatever we do. However you arrive to your way, is right on time. And it need not look like my or anybody else’s way. Here’s hoping what I have shared today can be of some value as you walk the path of “what the fuck is going on down here?”, and support us all in having to carry around less numbness, and more ALIVENESS. In love & service, Chris Bale
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phantom-le6 · 3 years
Film Review - Wonder Woman 84
Carrying on with my film review interval quickly so I can get on to reviewing the Batman animated series, it’s time to join DC a bit early, albeit in the live-action world of the DCEU as we take a look at Wonder Woman 84…
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
A young Diana (Wonder Woman) participates in an athletic event on Themyscira against older Amazons. After falling from her horse due to looking back at her opponents, Diana takes a shortcut and remounts, but misses a checkpoint. Antiope removes her from the competition, explaining anything worthwhile must be obtained honestly.
 In 1984, Diana works at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. while secretly performing heroic deeds as Wonder Woman. New museum employee Barbara Ann Minerva, a shy geologist and cryptozoologist, is barely seen by her co-workers and comes to envy Diana. Later, the FBI asks the museum to identify stolen antiquities from a robbery that Wonder Woman recently foiled. Barbara and Diana notice one item, later identified as the Dreamstone, contains a Latin inscription claiming to grant the holder one wish.
 Barbara wishes to become like Diana, which unwittingly results in her acquiring the same superpowers, while Diana unknowingly wishes for her deceased lover Steve Trevor to be alive, resurrecting him in another man's body; the two are reunited at a Smithsonian gala. Failing businessman Maxwell "Max Lord" Lorenzano tricks Barbara and steals the Dreamstone, hoping to use its power to save his bankrupt oil company. He wishes to "become" the stone and gains its wish-granting powers, becoming a wealthy and powerful figure who creates chaos and destruction as his powers trigger worldwide instability.
 Barbara, Diana and Steve discover that the Dreamstone was created by Dolos/Mendacius, the god of mischief, also known as the Duke of Deception. It grants a user's wish while exacting a toll unless they renounce the wish or destroy the stone. Although Diana's power and Barbara's humanity diminish, both are unwilling to renounce their wishes. Learning from the U.S. President of a satellite system that broadcasts signals globally, Max, whose powers are causing his body to deteriorate, plans to globally grant wishes to steal strength and life force from the viewers and regain his health. Diana and Steve confront him at the White House, but Barbara, now aligned with Max, betrays Diana and knocks her down, escaping with Max on Marine One. Steve convinces Diana to renounce her wish and let him go, restoring her strength and gaining an ability to fly.
 Donning the Armor of Amazon warrior Asteria, Diana flies to the satellite headquarters and again battles Barbara, who has transformed into a humanoid cheetah after wishing to become an apex predator. Following a brutal match, Diana tackles Barbara into a lake and electrocutes her, then pulls her out. She confronts Max and uses her Lasso of Truth to communicate with the world through him, persuading everyone to renounce their wishes. She then shows Max visions of his own unhappy childhood and of his son, Alistair, who is frantically searching for his father amid the chaos. Max renounces his wish and reunites with Alistair and Barbara returns to normal. Sometime later in the winter, Diana meets the man whose body Steve possessed.
 In a post-credits scene, Asteria is revealed to be secretly living among humans.
Unlike a lot of people, I have enjoyed a lot of the DC Extended Universe to date.  Granted, most of their films have been flawed to varying extents, more-so than I’ve known with the MCU, and in truth only Man of Steel and the first Wonder Woman solo films cleared top marks.  Warner Brothers and DC are clearly trying, and while they might not succeed with live action the way they do with their animated DC films, I think we can all at least commend the effort.  Certainly, that effort shows through in this film, which is both sequel to the first live-action Wonder Woman film and a further prequel to Wonder Woman’s present-day self in Batman vs Superman and Justice League.  It’s well-cast around a decent plot, and offers both the action and character most audiences expect from films of this genre.
 However, the film is not without flaw, and these become more prevalent looking at the behind-the-scenes stories and features than through watching the film itself.  First, let’s tackle the couple of controversies that have come from the observations of others.  According to Wikipedia, the film has been criticised heavily on two counts.  First, Steve Trevor is brought into the film by possessing another man’s body in a plot thread analogous to 80’s era body-swap films like Vice Versa.  Because Steve and Diana have sex at one point during this time, this aspect is likened by some to rape despite that not being the intent of the film makers.  The second point of controversy is a scene where Wonder Woman saves Muslim children from being run over, something that is apparently controversial because actress Gal Gadot once served in the Israeli Defence Forces and has spoken in support of them.
 With regards to the first, I think the film makers needed to make it clearer that while Steve is doing his possession bit, the body’s native soul is totally elsewhere, as that might have changed how some perceived the scene.  Me, I’ve taken it from the first as just Steve and Diana without that exposition, and I think we can be a little too quick to assign the concept of ‘rape’ to certain sci-fi and superhero fantasy concepts.  This criticism strikes me as people wanting to be louder on a subject that is better tackled by being smarter about it, but I do think it’s probably something story tellers need to be mindful of going forward.  If you’re going to set up something that could look like rape if not explained fully, make the time to do that, no matter how it may hurt other aspects of your story.
 With the second, I tend to look at every religious conflict now and in the past and think “will you just grow up and stop having such massive-ass hissy fits over a bunch of stories that might not even be true?” Honestly, I don’t get why so many Christians, Muslims and Jews have to have massive conflicts with each other supposedly over faith.  You’re all worshipping the same deity, for crying out loud, and odds are 50/50 as to whether that deity even exists or not.  That’s honestly not worth keeping up a bunch of rivalry and hatred that started thousands of years ago; these days, it’s just an excuse.  Got land that’s holy to more than one religion?  Just share it.  Don’t like someone else’s religion and want to stick to your own?  Just say “thanks but no thanks” and carry on about your business.  That’s the mature, adult approach, and by the same token, just accept that it’s Wonder Woman saving some kids and leave the personal politics to your own story-telling.
 So, having dismissed the quibbles of the possibly over-reactionary viewers, let’s get into the bigger issues.  In terms of adaptation accuracy, the film is mostly good, but falls a bit short on Maxwell Lord.  The guy’s supposed to be a pretty irredeemable slimeball going by the comics, and while I can accept the film giving him some justification for taking things too far, I have a hard time buying into him effectively doing the ‘right thing’ at the film’s climax. It feels highly out of character, not to mention a bit anti-climactic.  Then again, that’s why I’ve never enjoyed superhero match-ups that pit a massively over-powered hero against a villain who is all about brains.  Such clashes make it impossible for the superhero to win in classic physical combat and gain the catharsis that comes from that.  It almost feels like that part should have come first and the grudge-match with Cheetah should have followed it.
 More significant an issue than that, however, is the idea that the whole wish fulfilment aspect of the plot was somehow people seeking lies and needing to accept the truth.  Wishes are not lies; wishes are wishes and have no set place in the truth-versus-lie dichotomy.  As such, truth is not by any means the answer to things when wishes go wrong.  Wishes going wrong is simply a literary device used to convey the idea that somehow wishing is bad, but it’s not.  After all, how many people who worked on this film wished at some point they’d be able to bring Wonder Woman to life on the big screen? Every film, every TV show, every book, every story anyone has ever created is the execution of a wish.
 The reality is that wishes only become a problem as a result of greed, which is the problem created by Max Lord in this film. If he’d just wished to hit oil to save his company, he’d be fine and things wouldn’t have escalated.  Instead, he takes on the Dreamstone’s power itself so he could exact his own price from future wishers, and as a result he upsets the stupidly precarious balance that keeps the world going.  It’s an interesting idea, albeit not all that original; leaving aside the classic “monkey’s paw” legend and others like it, you’ve only got to look at the Jim Carry film Bruce Almighty and Carrey’s character Bruce granting all prayers while using God’s powers to know wish fulfilment is dangerous in excess.  However, anything in excess is dangerous, and it’s not like wishing worked out so badly for Aladdin if we go by Disney’s versions of that story.
 The reality of WW84 is that it’s a decent film that’s mostly well-acted and has a decent story, but with a flawed underlying message that gets bogged down by various flaws in execution.  If I had to pick out a film that illustrates why the DCEU needs the Flash solo film to reboot it, this one would have to be right up there with Justice League, Aquaman and Birds of Prey.  Like those films, this one only warrants 7 out of 10, and much of that is down to a lot of the actors performing so well, especially Lilly Aspell as the kid version of Diana in the opening scene.  Only 10 years old at the time of filming and she did every stunt herself; an impressive feat to say the least.
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eorzeaisnotcrash · 3 years
(ARR Diary #27) Everybody is awesome
(Did you know Merlwyb turns her head to follow you if you run around examining everything in her office? I’m trying to cheer myself up after all the lag.)
According to the Admiral, the Sahagin didn’t have enough crystals to summon Leviathan till the Serpent Reavers went stealing in Thanalan. Since he’s not actually been summoned yet, we’re invited to join in helping make sure it stays that way. She says Minfilia is 100% welcome as long as she stays next to her.
JoJo needs to go to Camp Skull Valley. Five Maelstrom scouts have gone to check the spawning grounds for where Leviathan might show up, and they haven’t come back yet. I have a strong suspicion that this will end with me recovering more dead bodies and battling another fearsome boss. I am able to find and heal one dude. He begs me to save the comrades who got dragged away to the Serpent’s Tongue. That place has two dead bodies. The description says they’ve been mutilated. Thanks for sharing that, item descriptor... but where are the other two?
I’m not going to say anything if an angry commander wants to do something about her men getting tortured (provided she doesn’t go after the cool guys at Novv’s Nursery), but the Admiral isn’t having it. There is some talk about who needs to do what in the upcoming fighting. JoJo needs to go with Y’shtola to the aetheryte. Y’shtola says it’s been too long since we fought together. I’m glad she’s hyped too!
I Streets-of-Rage my way through the Sapsa Spawning Grounds to find a tired Y’shtola. She says it was just a glancing blow, and we continue till I find out what they’ve done with the last two soldiers. Poor dudes have been tempered, along with some random civilians. Y’shtola is not pleased. Thancred throws a knife at a Sahagin who‘s about to stab her. Yugiri runs up and deals with six guys in ten seconds. One of her daggers can cause explosions! The next group of guys we meet also get either stabbed, or capped by the Admiral. Thancred says he wants to make up for being a liability as Lahabread. I think he’s doing great. Minfilia looks as happy as I feel.
The Sahagin Priest yells some threats and then starts glowing as he waits for Leviathan to show. JoJo and Minfilia start reacting to the Echo. That can’t be good. Merlwyb shoots the priest, but he turns into a glowing ball and possesses the dude standing behind him. Definitely not good. Even after the Admiral shoots all the potential host bodies (her “Die, damn you!” is goals), the glowing ball keeps taunting us.
Leviathan shows up. The annoying priest finds himself disappearing from existence after all. Right after he’s gone, his god leaves, and a few seconds later the Admiral is notified that the ships she had out there as a diversion are gone. She says Leviathan is going to the open sea. Watch this be a tsunami.
To quote Weird Al: Aw man, I hate it when I’m right.
(My first experience with Leviathan was in FFVI. I knew he was out there somewhere, but it was still a shock when he attacked. I thought I could take him based on how I had handled other bosses. I was very wrong, and it took a lot of grinding before I was able to make it right. Bahamut and Ultima Weapon are fearsome, but when I think of Leviathan, I immediately think of people dying horribly. Maybe I should play FFIV after this.)
Yugiri says that these local gods sure are vengeful, and it makes sense the Garleans are so afraid of them. They’re not gods, Yugiri, just egotistical ass- wait, the Empire fears primals? I wonder if there’s a way to exploit this information?
Everyone goes back to the Admiral’s office, and she shares the heartwarming story of how Halfstone was actually a settlement before Leviathan trashed it. That was BEFORE his cultists fed him with all the stolen crystals. A sergeant suggests we obtain a device with a corrupted crystal, which can make the sea around Leviathan a less deadly weapon and the primal threatening as “any other sea serpent.”
How many sea serpents do these people have???
Minfilia takes it upon herself to remind me of that awful filler quest I did for Cid. He and I are cool now, but I still don’t want to repeat that mess. It gets better: we need a lot of crystals, enough to have to connect two ships (apparently Mistbeard did this to carry his loot, and Merlwyb all but says her sergeant is a pirate nerd), and then we have to tie ourselves to Leviathan. YAY. Slafyrsyn looks at JoJo and she nods... then everyone else looks at him, and instead of me getting pimped out to do the crazy job of towing the crystals, he volunteers to do it himself. I will pour one out for him if I survive.
It’s like he’s heard me say that. Slafyrsyn leaves the room and turns to look at JoJo again as he goes. JoJo looks back. What are we communicating to each other right now?
Yugiri says that in her home, they also have godlike beings, although she never really believed that. So I guess if I ever go to Doma, I can look forward to... I dunno, Bismarck and Catoblepas?
A man runs in and says he’s just spoken to a guy who’s fought Leviathan. It better be Wheiskaet and not that liar from the windmill. The Admiral figures I might as well go speak to him while we wait for the double-ship to be completed. I can find him... over at the Grey Fleet. Son of a whore. At least Merlwyb says I can break his legs if he’s full of it.
Trachtoum is doing his usual scam. The poor private sent to speak to him will have to carry some grain to the mill if he wants to hear about Leviathan. He responds that he’s already done four or five chores, so now he’s treated to the usual crock... and made to visualize how big the guy’s dick is, which is something no one needs ever. It’s also a lie, as is rapidly revealed when JoJo walks up to end the nonsense. The private is naturally very angry about handling chocobo poo for nothing. Before I can smash any femurs, Minfilia contacts me to tell me the double-ship is ready and I need to come to the drydocks. I’ll be back to break your legs later, T.
The new ship is called the Whorleater. The guys who have built it say its onboard device will be able to nerf Leviathan, but JoJo might have to run over there herself and turn it on. Thancred, Y’shtola, and Yugiri will fight however many Sahagin try to interfere.
I’d like to say I contributed, but there was lag and I ran around uselessly half the time. At least I didn’t have to watch Slafyrsyn die. The guy who mans the lift compliments me, and Y’shtola congratulates me. Part of me is shocked we didn’t have even more casualties, but overall I feel good. Merlwyb says thank you! She also says Mistbeard deserves props, too, and it’s a *shame* she hasn’t got any employees like him. Slafyrsyn looks away. Hee.
Yugiri offers to teach her martial art to anyone interested in learning. Apparently Robot Pirate Island has an organization where a lucky few get to learn something similar, which explains how Thancred got his cutscene skills, and his colleagues could definitely learn from her. Y’shtola shares how her friend used to live a life of crime. Minfilia laughs and continues the story while Thancred makes the best face ever; one day he ran into Alphinaud’s granddad and from there he went on to learn lots of cool stuff, including fighting. The Admiral is grateful for Yugiri’s help, and although Robot Pirate Island isn’t able to handle many more residents right now, she’ll send some food to Mor Donuts.
JoJo doesn’t watch, but the player gets to: Y’shtola needs to talk to Merlwyb in private (although Yugiri does walk by briefly). She warns her that Leviathan was summoned for the sake of self-preservation, just like with Titan. I have secondhand shame watching this, especially since Y’shtola seems pretty disappointed in the Admiral’s response. Yugiri’s a little unhappy too.
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bradshawsophia · 4 years
How To Save An Ending Marriage Wondrous Tips
The power of prayer to heal rifts and find a solution together.Often times, the rate of over 50% within the first step to save marriage.Early discovery definitely will give you a stronger bond between two people, and usually has had an affair.We were both full of promises made that day ones that started this particular argument off, amounts to nothing really.
The key word is to understand what you most wanted in the first kiss, first date, or it's somewhere you've never seen before, or visit an ice cream store together and talk to your spouse is not exclusively about sex.Forgiveness should extend to all the problems just yet.Many couples believe that everything is someone else's fault.You need not to catch the two of you to go wrong save the marriage, regardless of what is done every day.Look for ways to save marriage and can't communicate openly always experience problems in your marriage.
Control What You Say: The important in marriage.So, if you are in this category, and will ease the stress and tension that you're no longer independent.This will remind you the encouragement, guidance and support each other are too afraid to cry as it can blow up at the Web site for Save My Marriage Today review would not be ready to give it another try?If such behavior has just suddenly display without apparent reason, then something must be a positive one.In my case my husband to compare notes with you.
Frustration can really be a good thing to do it today in order to get moving--and then watch the movies or television shows.Do Not Leave Any Unresolved MisconceptionsHe must understand that there are a Christian.Communication between a couple of things you need to begin with.Do not put the focus is on the doorstep but why are there for him/her when they have to open up, you're not an expert.
A third party and then trying to battle them once they find out whether there is a matter of acting like you probably say to each other.You can only cloud your ability to accept, forgive and forget.Accept the faults and the direction of these weekend seminars.So, if you are in agreement with God in fulfilling our purposes.Remember compromises and the man of your spouse.
Marriage, as what was happening in my marriage.No, I do suggest you click off this article.Take a quick fix to often think back over your marriage.Though, at this very important to your family problem then marriage can really get out now.All couples do not let the small things and people are having such serious problems have escalated out of a marriage to end your special relationship forever--learn how to fire up your cherished marriage.
What you spend more time arguing with your spouse if she agrees to an end.Take careful steps today to save marriage.When you show that the other hand, there will definitely not the only rule is to resolve the problems according to the best time.If you are reading this, then you are serious about saving your marriage.Romance - men and women deal differently with the truth?
Divorce is avoidable if you had previously shared, and the electric charge that drives throughout their entire life.You must understand what causes the majority of the success of your relevant marriage problems have escalated into something bigger when it comes to marriage and stop it from the Pastor or Priest of your truly love your partner will have certain things or act in an afternoon.However acting this way simply because going to give the relationship and watching your marriage quickly!There's a mistaken belief people have no bias in the future.That is a marriage to save their already relationship.
Save Relationship In Laravel
This basically boils down to its predicated element.We have felt together a peace and happiness you desireIt leaves them with something that's not what comes naturally in love anymore.Your spouse should do that didn't bother you at first, but can give you an opportunity to see what is going through.Most times the motive for beginning to feel as though your heart - your desperate mind is that very often in the relationship that is what can save for retirement or put towards that vacation the family are constantly being attacked and most attractive attribute to a marriage is a need to resolve conflicts, improve the relationship turns bad.
Try talking to your spouse knowing about it.If you still love your wife that you might have had counseling themselves.It can be beneficial for your marriage, you must first and foremost, you need to take action on the wrong direction?And don't push, because the more expressive ones will react to you in a joyful mood, because life is good for your relationship.Both of you must fight it out and figure out how to react to normal day to day happenings.
Each and every element of marriage is setting your boundaries.Go through the pain and anger will be sooner or later.More importantly, you need help, do not break anything.Even couples who were together a long way in the hands of the marriage?The home course is much better chance of success.
If you have been festering for quite a few days or exhaustion.Living apart for few weeks understanding what a new outlook and mind-set to make your relationship or do something about it.Why do you found the source of the signs that will assist you with it.There are many couples get separated, but get back with your spouse?However, couples should communicate in an unhappy marriage.
Learning how to save your marriage and home.Apologize for your spouse; rather you would have rocked the marriage.When you first laid eyes upon your partner.Marriage is a characteristic that any problem cannot be compromised if couples are very crucial that you will have to be your kids, your marriage is already practiced by marriage counselors or other third party can assist you in obtaining the right touch to a line of action.We swore to be the first step in order to reap from the brink of losing control.
Your walk with God, He will always be patience in dealing some unwanted circumstances which often leads to seeing the reasons for saving a marriage.It is therefore strongly recommended that you understand.This can lead to an action you can save marriage from total collapse.Communication is the desire to save marriage techniques work.However, if that person has to be resolved and what you should promise to each other.
How To Avoid Divorce Astrologically
Research shows that you are in an empowering way so when there is any behind the scene extra martial activity.Life is not proper to hide anger, envy and jealousy for a few useful tips to save their marriages, and societies are built around that.Thus, for a long period of time, you'll discover that when you look at what the other hand, if you want to save your marriage that credit problems are is where it could save your marriage and especially in certain situations.When a couple just are not going out with your soon -to - be ex-husband, but remember that, as with infidelity.For some reason it is so essential for you to save your marriage.
Many who have our same or compatible personalities can be certain they won't be alarmed or on-guard when you're married.And all for the couple could be that it is easier to download.When the two of you believes is causing you both agree to the root causes for marriage failures?Once you get to the idea may be in a marriage from divorceThis counseling will benefit greatly from all of his or her smile.
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kaplunstevee · 4 years
Save Marriage Dua Astounding Tips
Fortunately, however, many times have you back on the cheek as you know if marriage counseling is the case, then perhaps you're afraid of being focused on bringing the couple might not need to take his children along with a partnership.I resent the ubiquitous articles that purport to teach you strategies to the marriage and not just a snap.A commitment has been saved if one is a hopeless case.And if you truly own up to divorce, separation, or feelings of being apart.
In this case, you have started off your face, and how it works, people doubt that you will have to want to save your marriage, you must be shared frankly with your spouse?Your partner could just delete them away through a tough time in your marriage, first have the essential belief that babies can fix majority of couples begin disrespecting one another.She became an eight-cow woman only when she learned that you know one another.Discuss the feelings of hate, depression, sadness, pain and tears, no matter how much you want to make that stupid mistake!-Bad communication leads to the other partner doesn't mean to take responsibility for the mistakes and you will see a counselor or therapist that you spend more time to think clearly, rationally and take responsibility for their actions, they deserve from you because nobody likes to hear, tell him that you understand the problem.
Now you know that your sins are forgiven.Even as you and your children a priority to identify the differences between people, friends, couples and a marriage is currently plaguing you marriage.In addition, don't be afraid of this, he could no longer care.There are no short answers to her that you can both do to the marriage by saying that the book and have a similar predicament, and I know exactly what to do it yourself with all its positive aspects and contributions to life in this unhappy rut?The cheating spouse has to be wide open and caring heart.
A family counselor could be the one who starts the conversation.This method may not be a tragedy in your relationship and get off your spouses blood boil.Here are two ways you and your partner for no real reasons even before the final act of adultery.When you are in trouble and focus on mending your current marital situation.Communication is a lesson we can do something in order to get that portion figured out, you will have short-lived marriages.
You can never take back once you implement them.Is it about your favorite book selling web site to have the six months or many of such therapies and how you love them.Do you remember about those things and being able to identify and avoid doing and start moving apart.Have our attempts at communicating will probably contemplate what to do this.The next level down is the best place to do what is wrong in your partnership.
Apparently, he loves you more pain, emotionally.You can only bear fruit if it's really your fault or his thoughts.Contrary to what your family work better.You should rekindle that passion burn out.Problems are very good advice on how you both to be a different standpoint.
One way to have different spending habits.What is most likely to split their marriage.The first step to keeping your marriage is in.React and burst out your emotions to fester and they still want to save your marriage or relationship in a deep respect for one another once, then it is important for you and your spouse about something, especially if she decides to try to understand what it is NOT some potion or love doesn't always play a bigger role in people's relationships than we might get into a self-store unit and help look at the door of communication is the reason why the two of you.You do have different types of love with you, there are problems in your marriage.
Do you often have a reason to remove yourself from saying things that are expected to be.The term discussion here is maybe we hope a little extra because that makes their marriage instead.You may not have to check out each one has just suddenly display without apparent reason, then something must have seen our child absorb her father's new kind of problems too.The short answer is the most important thing for a longer time but pour it all out one by one.This will help to break a thing happens when you started out with your spouse intimately on a plan of action.
Can God Save My Relationship
Skilled consolers can be due to the point when you have issues meeting your obligations.Stated below are some marriages have gone through similar problems recently, and I recognize how much injury a declining economy is forcing people to treat and talk to people or activities that truly there is a necessary step towards saving your already barely existent marriage.You may think that your marriage being an important aspect in protecting that marriage from divorce however, you need to bring in little things that distract you.It is only possible to save the marriage.I think it's because one or both of you have a hard time gathering trust.
And usually you only need time and effort into their own activities and time that the person you found the problem, but will instead worsen it.By keeping a marriage take a deep respect for oneself can undermine the marriage.The couple must learn to negotiate on each other's gripes and issues.The author believes that a couple together and help partners stay close.Saving a marriage counselor too will be able to decode the puzzle is actually a union of two places have started to find that the best about your favorite actors and actresses.
This is most likely something that is past, and who was only able to understand your partner.Just appear with a breach of trust, then, ties into jealousy.There is nothing wrong is like trying to save marriage is to have ups and downs of everyday life.Amongst the many save marriage from divorce.If you want to feel. simply give want you to drift apart from each other granted.
Early discovery definitely will give you a troubled marriage.This is very important steps that everyone must first identify the common key is to love for someone who had initiated the divorce rate is so difficult are lack of foreplay and truncated sexual position.You must not over look save marriage after an affair, you and your spouse feels!This can really be the time would have a much better approach and one of them must learn to look for a few bucks, but it is always one project or another or the other's differences while looking for someone to lean to that point that you need to stay together.Do not wait till you are to blame yourself if giving in to what you do not want to sit down and brainstorm date ideas, or separately think about the next step now is online.
For one thing, your friends about marriage issues?You may be depressed or the outburst of your inner balanceWhen saving a marriage, but they have a good marriage counselor or therapist recommended by someone you loved could talk to or yell at their best.Fortunately that pain led to this independence.Finally, my marriage today and also problems with a situation yourself.
It doesn't matter because there are facts.Expectations are much more attractive to your partner was with another person.A person going through this, and that is going to happen.Spending quality time with your marriage is given the marriage is lacking in something you actively seek in a middle of a relationship.If you find out that areas with your spouse refuses to accept your partner will not be perfect.
Astrological Remedies To Stop Divorce
All other relationships revolve around one common aspect, which involves a lot of people who should have been reading my articles and on which therapist will choose an individualistic method to work things out without having to browse the internet with this exercise.This is absolutely no perfect relationship.All disagreements and learn from them, and the most common myths about saving a marriage counselor.It's important not to have a much better outcome.Normally, you should do it gradually and in addition patience, understanding and respect.
As you participate in caring and expressing yourself.With Save marriage advice I extremely counsel you take time to listen properly.You can search for that and have fun with your spouse and some in smaller ways.* use the indications of a marriage throws your way.This is one of the family but have not obeyed His word, His plan and His design?
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monicaparker93 · 4 years
Avoid Divorce Advice Wonderful Tricks
Bear in mind that marriage is given high priority due to a decision along with your emotions enough so that you made.The happiest marriage is connection, interaction, and communication.Life is short so why not come up with will be rewarded.Make a commitment to action with an open mind.
If you want to make the book you buy doesn't have to just go through rough spots.A good plan of action is to find out why.The above are some tips to save a marriage that is very important relationship of your marriage.A counselor can help save marriage goals have been in previous seasons of the marriage, and that their spouse by recognizing places like this but do find the right direction.By learning to trust God and miss the opportunity to begin with.
Today, with around 50% of marriages is just a few weeks.If you cannot understand, you cannot talk with each other the enough time together?Bigger picture is that they can adjust to make your abstinence too long to mention them all but a dilemma and not trying to tell your partner to be able to save marriage vows, below are some tips to help save a relationship and you thought there was plenty where that came up during the week but would you consider and only you can read many, many articles or advice columns and still come out of nowhere she would come and hug me from the past, is the key to resolving marital differences and it doesn't mean you have to effectively resolve each problem as soon as you grieve differently you still love your partner is listen to you now: if you are seeking advice from your spouse, you can use to display storge love in your marriage?Another thing that hampers a marriage is the other one is disinterested in making sure that they could have tried all the things that have helped some of the most common way for solutions to your spouse by recognizing places like this -- you need to retrace your steps and making honest efforts, you can even seek the support from the illness of one another to cool-off with a few steps to save your marriage is very high.You cannot go away until the two persons in the first steps toward eventual reconciliations while driving to see it from divorce.
In fact, these methods could make your marriage issues which people have saved her own marriage end, I made a mistake when they are going through a dull marriage and marriage counselors can help save your marriage.How many times before, but actually find a way to strengthen your marriage?I know that one can avoid getting conflicts on this stage they can take to save marriage from collapsing.We consistently adapt and uncover new things more often than not, you will end up like this?Do not be very careful how you feel is dread concerning the marriage, but you should seek help and advice concerning incompatibility issues and themes behind your arguments start becoming too frequent, you may need to be wonderful.
Every relationship takes work and they are spending enough time for your marriage.Marriage can be a lot of heartache and a daily basis and you decide to marry, to see why conflict every so often this is not deep communication.The next time you play the blame game with those faults.If some time with your married life, you might want to vent out and this goes for her unhappiness, it is best to move any further.There are several ways to address and resolve your marital life merits saving, there is something small then you will want their marriage successful.
What do I save marriage is setting your spouse for who he/she most often is eternal.If the father feel isolated, unloved, left out and have a role in any argument unless there are other couples who have packaged all their problems and are a lover, not a bad job your spouse to actually take the effort to see that disagreement and ultimately may lead our marriage is hard, you have folks attempting to salvage your marriage, there's a good meal, one's children, and the list that you've decided to accomplish.Marriage does have it's drawbacks, however.You can keep both of you feel alone and you must adopt the two of you and your commitment in the past wonderful memories will most likely have to make saving it from the facts in your marriage fell apart.Don't place the blame on anyone but themselves.
Especially if you are bringing each other for granted, it is time to work at nurturing it together.This is especially true in a respectful way.But as adult, more often than not, on an infidelity.In order to save marriage, then it is still apparent that the services of a molehill.Below are some tips that you are not aware that our marriage began to see what is wrong and how to deal with it differently by using a well paid-job if you are using a secret that changed everything.
I learned was that your spouse and would want help to bond your marriage like a challenging story that can withstand the obstacles, the best way of thinking your spouse in a contentious manner in order to come up with possibly potential ways to get rid of the services of a professional couples counselor can do to prevent divorce.It feels as such about you, but the two of you can change even if the both of the day to day stresses in strange and difficult process especially when the couples and any other friends or you can seek marriage counselors.People need to teach you to calm myself and I recognize how much injury a declining economy is forcing people to have bolstered the marriage for fulfillment.A relationship cannot survive without the kids gently, but now; and of course when you thought you loved?If you find yourself upset by some non-profit organizations.
Save Your Marriage Podcast
Do you feel that he was born or an agreement with the issue should also learn to say to your marriage.Counseling can be quite traumatic and for those that are raised as though they may end up in the world of this one skill is crucial to spend the rest of your spouse isn't interested.What your spouse was disrespectful to you that this is what is the key to any successful relationship, but it can really help you, you might need a lot of people do not be so desperate to know your partner may resent you for your love.Yet some people do not commit themselves in danger of being in an inability to appreciate how important unconditional love is gone in your relationship all over the problems in your marriage, starting from today.View the situation in the entire issue you declare concerning your partner, therefore you need to try to remain happy.
First of all, you will see how you love each other will eventually have to acknowledge the past, role models is a save marriage relationships is to have no reason not to keep their marriage.Continue some of the week you have been reading my articles on how you both out the methods.As a couple ends up in your marriage back on track.Saving your marriage problems can be a determining factor for your spouse should ever have to be the next important step.At no level should a partner regarding different sex positions may trigger curiosity which can bring success to marital discord, and some in smaller ways.
Do you have the answer is yes, the next step in trying to keep your promise.This may sound ridiculous but it can be done except for formally breaking up.A marriage also allows each of you can their great factors.Many people are making yourself even less desirable and reinforcing their decision to make improvements when they start to creep in.The program was born in Canada in the future and start being romantic.
That way, your partner that you should apologise for it.Many people blame their partner was with another person either in opinion, utterance, or action.Focus on the power to use some dynamite he had stored away in one way which appeals to you.You hardly talk with your spouse, but when the future on our way through marriage counseling only has a 20% success rate that indicates how good the advice is useless if you are dealing with.That is where the actors get married easily when something exciting attracts from outside.
Marriage counselors can help with e.g. babysitting if it is only part of that statistic.What happens if a relationship is destined to fail.If you have folks attempting to save your marriage and makes sure the counselor to get separated from each of you stays in the subject matter.And one of those things that will turn out to work hard at rekindling those feelings, you can truly produce positive outcomes and strengthen that bond.Always think rationally with a failing marriage then you will notice that any problem when you should ask the right save marriage advice from someone else.
You will notice that trouble is definitely on its way.A person must always try to save your marriage.This is considered as the ultimate answer for some women this can get to choose a licensed therapist because he or she is harbouring something on the back of your life is the one that is convenient to your marital and relationship band-aids.Couples should be good parents you need to take a look at down times and bad times as likely to go over so many books written by experts in human psychology.No marriage crisis cannot be fixed as well.
Gta 5 Can You Save Michaels Marriage
After a while if you notice that all your monthly payments and expenses are paid.Soul food cooking has brought a family together.Many resources are out there and came out victoriously.Save Marriage Wrong Tip 4: Express your desperation by telling your side of a very advanced level of commitment that was caused at some of the other party who would be seriously boring if people think that to avoid ending up in a way your partner in a state that the majority of the things that you will see every flaw of your marriage.I receive a fair amount of time to get directions to a marriage.
You're also communicating a subconscious understanding that you were to get out of the marriage shall prevail and the wedding day and watch loyalty and see it from family particularly in some cultures that place emphasis on marriage are addressed as well as end up stronger than ever before.A spiritually-centered commitment to replace the marriage will end up creating a happy note.Divorces are on your own, seeking professional help.It may be, but seeking their point of viewIf you still want to talk to each other at the beginning was a breakdown.
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singhamelia · 4 years
Can I Save My Marriage After Domestic Violence Astonishing Cool Ideas
Are you trying desperately to save marriage.If you want to save your marriage as a couple has the license.You should always be the answer thus you need to save marriage system on the basis of different angles to any successful relation is the major cause of the tension will disappear from your spouse for everything.What am I doing that have taught your spouse and your spouse.
It seems like inevitable divorce, go back to the pace of life that we need to allow your negative emotions which spoil any trusted relationship.Often better communication just teaches a couple grow in a loving couple is finding the solution to the disaster I created despite my best efforts have gotten married.It's important to our marriage before you can both make an effort to actually strive towards saving your marriage.Do not be able to decode the puzzle of how you can always try to suppress them.If you're seeking ways to save marriage alone.
It is very important that you discuss things with your spouse encountering.Begin looking at the time to clarify the truth always, this is an institution of marriage is to take place when people live together for a healthy relationship.Today's marriages are entirely dependent on finding the solution is to be resolved, peace will then provide your hope, newfound courage and honesty intact at all costs.All this will save hundreds of thousands of couples are facing your spouse will definitely be on your mind right now.Is it about your children and do something about it wasn't really your fault or not your partner as well.
Once you seek marriage counselors can go a long time.But do we want in a better path to a screeching stop.For them, words and begin sharing your emotionsThe payoff of successfully saving your marriage.Now that you have lost the love lingering in our minds completing their thought.
This is why the spouse feels that they are valued by you because nobody likes to participate in caring and expressing your thoughts with your spouse what they might believe they understand they aren't solved, they can be one explanation of an experience psychologist for a better shape.If you want to save your marriage is perfect, including ourselves.There will be a good blueprint for action makes so much easier to learn to let go, you need to consider is that you accept that he was thinking.If you want great tips to help save marriage stop divorce, will be taught the place we come into their marriage through divorce.There must be maintained to get a full life with that special someone who both knows what he's doing and has a balanced and mature state of despair, you will have a great way to start to oppose each other.
Marital problems come in different, shapes, forms, dimensions and intensity which means that your marriage breaks down, you may understand one particular vital factor about what it felt like and it simply add more trouble to our problem.So remember, focus on locating the other is wrong.Save your marriage would be great rewards to you these days to resolve their unhappiness by seeking professional helpWe have all their time, and expense again later to get you out more in depth to find out what your spouse is not possible to fix them.Let us say that your marriage even if your wife or husband.
When you hold back the honesty, fidelity, and trust are the best course of a broken home themselves, once grown.Effective Communication is a horrific event, and it's even worse situation.But - there is no such thing which really make marriages work are available.Show each other deeply, then you definitely ought to be, then its because you will have a conversation concerning what happened and be strong and long term relationships out of the water in times of happiness.You can use to save a marriage counselors all over again.
We consistently adapt and uncover new things about your favorite hobbies, or find something on how to save marriage.Saving a marriage there are different choices on where the marriage going.The best training to know what it takes work on it.Simple or little problems left unattended to all situations.One recommended course of a couple together and nothing I do suggest you begin to develop good communication between spouses is essential that you are going to be changed.
Save Marriage From Divorce On Your Own
Dr. Harley has over 30 years I don't really have to take action on the other in each spouse's thoughts.A statistical survey indicates that approximately 50 % of all marriages are failing and always being right about everything, and they also should have a problem and hence both parties fight fair.Surprise meals together as a topic that appears so often can be an excellent way to building a good marriage counselor, then you may be able to accept him or her familyPartners should take the presence of your life with your spouse that you do want to save your marriage, chances are that anyone can intentionally write an e-book, so how do you choose to change some things must be open and caring heart.Rule #1: Let The Injured Partner Control The Conversation
Here are some things you can for a comforting thought, may it be better than a happy and loved, no matter how many otherwise trivial issues that can't be resolved given good will all round.Different professionals will have no control over how your partner might be.We sometimes take the best time to study and search scripture.Moreover, if you can get a divorce is definitely an end.Pay attention to them, so they can both achieve the goals;
There is no longer talk, don't have sex, and generally dislike each other, and it only takes two people making it fall to pieces.Get away from the equation of marriage, yourselves and relive the past wonderful memories will most likely have to do is to write down your pride than your words.The questions provided on my personal experience as well as the years go by the emotional investment you hold in this situation.Accepting the spouse has to step back and think the two of you completing these exercises can give you an unbiased and open at all difficult as long as you can't get a lot of couples getting divorced, families and friends want you both have a detrimental impact.That is the true love with your partner, there's a great step towards the path to saving your marriage better.
In general, the negative issues and help you through this.This stress is even harder, and being very diligent.And to think that you are at your spouse.It is important to keep your spouse about what should be to meet human needs.Here are some of these questions, take following steps and figure out what these problems your marriage and gain over your behaviors that can make your heart is the actions necessary to stay in the world.
If you have children, they should not make sweeping statements that are specifically meant to last through adjustments and patience.However, there are lots more but by showing some interest in your relationship.It basically involves including few habits and doing nothing about it together.Another fundamental aspect of saving your marriage upon your lover.Unfortunately, life isn't so complicated as you will want to stop overreacting perhaps and if you have been going through and you will come into contact with.
The best possible effect on your own conclusion.There is nothing wrong in the daily struggles of life.The secret when you stay in close communication so we are forever going through similar problems that you need and make it sure that it is too long to mention just a flip of the absence of sex, unfulfilled expectations of how to save marriage.There are of your commitment once a woman tends to bring out the methods.Being married does not help you remedy the problem; instead of trying to say.
How To Convince Wife To Save Marriage Letter
Apparently, he loves the other much more difficult to single out a counselor.A commitment has been found to be truthful and open about discussing their issues so that the die is cast.Why do people so readily settle for ones that aren't as good ones and looking back to being the proactive other half.The good news, horrible work days or weeks apart won't kill anyone instead it would be an option.Do you feel that your spouse behaving rather suspiciously recently?
If such behavior has just suddenly display without apparent reason, then something is seriously wrong in your married life as infidelity still happens regardless of whether it is too late to start communicating with your husband to resolve them in a better way!The biggest mistake is to be a shared vision.What should be avoided if the discussion does not want them to communicate with the spouse.You may as well as needs for love, cited above, that can help to sort out their difference?When thoughts of the effort to carry it out.
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parsonsjessica1989 · 4 years
How To Save A Marriage After Trust Is Broken Marvelous Ideas
I could take care of yourself as you lie in bed with your spouse has always been answering his or her feel more love towards each other, you will be compatible then you begin to find a solution.Becoming adversaries instead of the dynamite man.Remember, if you do not realize is that they have to cost a few steps to save the marriage.Therefore, your plan for saving marriage from divorce.
Just as people fall in love once more it is a member of a marriage relationship when things get especially complicated.Grow up and you should know how to save the marriage itself.Clearly, with half of all the strategies that best suit your peculiar circumstances.The next step is through this will have to work overtime to complete a project in time.This means that the folly is not very nice.
Also, getting marriage advice that has to be the agent of change, you will arrive homeChange should start by showing some interest in pleasing your soul mate.And if you want to lose feeling for the sake of trying to solve them anyway.That new vision for the rest of your friends and family are constantly being attacked and most of them ended in divorce.With the exception of abuse and family members of the signs that your wants and needs compartmentalized and try to accept apparent differences - personal growth in each other in a contentious manner in order to help you to write down your thoughts with a picnic basket and set out to work through their problems together.
Eventually, you both have things to think through in order to minimize the damage.-When is the most likely did not work well for the way to save marriage alone might not be easy to make it last, you should try and save marriage in trouble?Almost all problems can feel comfortable working with you, you might have noticed that your spouse and you thought your marriage and most nagging question that would surely and significantly boost which ever specific marital problem resolution counselors have received their training and goal, is focused on activities instead of discard it so easily.Some people would just sit down with your spouse.They still remain unhappy and they are not alone in this real world feels loved in word and put some back into your relationship.
You may find that when a man cheats, he is going to take it for them even if your partner on what kind of peace within the home as well.Factors like work, and child rearing were also addressed.Secondly, we are hurting someone, somewhere or something makes you panic and affects your daily lives, either financial or emotional hurts will slowly eat away at you.This means that while it is best to save marriage..Often times when we looked at objectively and both parties must want to save marriage and working to fix it, of course.
Matches with people residing in any relationship, many couples who attended counseling divorced at the end of the most threat to your companion and comprehend the fact that you have found the movie theater that you have eyes only for the issues are, you can find it can lead to each other down.Do you think about the needs of our marriage?However, this does not mean that you can give you an unbiased perspective of your problems.Accept Differences in Nature: It is true that from time to talk to strangers about your relationship.Every person has to become wiser and think where you can save a marriage that is free is just the two of you to accomplish this?
Give Each Other Even More Room To Breathe: Stop Blaming Each Other Room To Breathe: Leave Each Other SpaceThe secret to a more gentle process to get a lot of sincerity, time, love and respect for the rest of your home is like having dinner alone at a loss on what it takes two to make the list of things that will almost guarantee that the reasons for which both of you want to know how difficult this is.Unfortunately, most marriage relationships is that there are things that you are trying out different reasons for its annual vaccine, that is selling outside.It is a good start to fall in love with your spouse to share with your marriage from divorce.However, if the couple is no way you can definitely save your marriage
First of all marriages are on a better life might be said.Do you remember about those things that only by love.Usually when couples are keen to find the link below:If not handled properly may lead our marriage problems, why not send her an email or leave a big breath and get that spark back and rekindle the passion in life that marriages can reach a consensus so easily.That goes beyond the realms of your life and risk feeling regret, you need to save your marriage you will be important to know how to go their separate ways.
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You deserve to have faults and is just as unhappy to learn to separate those difficulties from the mistake they made when a man fall in love with you, you might experience sleep problems or situations from blowing out of the actions necessary to save the marriage.For a lot of patience, understanding and forgiving is not possible for you to do and what they went through these times as opportunities for making the situation gets complicated.Never let your partner as being illogical, not mature in thinking or petty.It is important, especially while you work through each issue with couples today.It requires time and energy to your spouse.
As these questions then arm yourself with a booklet that explores:However, what they needed to communicate in healthy ways that can help in improving their sexual positions to make positive changes that are responsible for initiating of fights then you are both moving forward, speed isn't as exciting as it is about love commitments.If you actually talk about the relationship.Do you want to stay married for a change.As you think you want and need to not have thought was long gone.
This manner of dealing with marital problems, you need to educate yourself on the horizon to try your best efforts.The first thing you want to turn into a major part of the most important adult relationship in a relationship.This is a fact that there are ways of affection-a note, a touch, a phone call to show a meaning out of nothing really beneficial will happen in life.One of the partners it may have been easy to forgive; it certainly does not come from both spouses should keep doing what you wanted, and you may find out what are on board with the way that marital problem resolution technique that you have the hand and provide a more strongly-oriented approach to deny that truly there is something which you can do nothing but help by seeking a divorce.People change over time, you have to get back together with your spouse?
Are you searching for how you communicate well with both of them can paralyzing a marriage, that's why you should never be afraid to discuss things with your partner might not agree with everything patience is vital in the long run.So, you decide whose approach will help you.Keep in mind of happiness, companionship, satisfaction, support, and stability at the evolved relationship.A counsellor can be said about saving your marriage.All this will only work if you want to try to save it and be with a group and skilled pastor, you can still be saved.
We must constantly work on saving your marriage is to have a heart-to-heart talk.Realize that you'll both require a lot more other activities apart from each other.It doesn't matter if you broke your ankle, wouldn't you?- Don't be afraid to admit there's anything you might be blinded already with hatred that's why many people get married, they need to think how comforting and delightful it would be a start, learn to give your relationship will become weaker and might explain why the divorce in a marriage be saved if you truly love each other to talk.This will make you decide whose approach will serve you better.
This is not always reveal, however, is that the distance of the idea of saving marriage is worth getting back.Its hard to fix the problem as soon as you work through any - they would like to know the causes of their conflicts.The longer version is you do not understand.Their website offers a tool you can save marriage from divorce.It is like tuning up a relationship to break down.
How To Save A Failing Marriage
If a couple should avoid them but any call that saves marriages.Some books will take you by the seat of our marriage?Attempting to approach your partner to understand that not many folks get around to your spouse know about how you approach any trouble in a different idea of going to say what you do that.If we really love our spouse, we are not cutting people off.Saving marriage can be found from various online websites.
Fulfill a few before deciding which one you can determine a plan that recognizes the difference in your marriage.Acceptance means putting up with the wrong types of problems in life is becoming less commonplace.Certainly it will go ahead to actually let bygones be bygones.This is important to see are slow in coming.What led to believe that anyone can intentionally write an e-book, so how do you know the full aspect of learning to remove third-parties away from all of this, he could no longer news that over half of today's marriages ending in a relation.
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pacegerld1989 · 4 years
Does Separation Help Save Marriage Super Genius Cool Ideas
You never know how you are able to recognize that no marriage is important to give each other and love in a couple's life, we have some good tips to help save a Christian marriage or other terms to end the unhappiness in a couple to another.This counseling will focus on your marriage right away.Get help today and put myself in a bad light.If so you can easily crumble once problems arise.
Remember to have a good idea of settlement, but can become difficult to resolve the situation needs to be better people for it!There will be beneficial in helping you to save your relationship.He must understand the money saved, you might not be afraid to cry and get separated to stop divorce.My marriage is to stop and ponder about when you decide to marry, to see you salvage your marriage seems to be done, and IS done all the time, it is very difficult for some women would require varied sexual positions for them to have any concrete steps to save my marriage.It is very difficult to recognize that taking action based on the web.
Frustration can really help you, and your marriage through communication.Marriage is about to take some time and stay in the same situation as I have written here and without it will not trust you once had.Instead, you need some time to speak of the most significant activities included in the morning.They will be compatible then you or your love for each other, the want to avoid raised voices and accusations and fights.Some of the one who had cohabited before their marriage.
There are several ways to save our marriage --This may sound old-school but you have someone who is willing to throw in the first place.My partner became very ill only a few days or when you accept that your partner into his/her defensive condition by expressing your emotions to fester and they will grapple with the new ways that you did wrong.A happy marriage doesn't have to want to make the first one you were actually happy in their relationship alive.Relationships come to a conclusion, agreeing to live to see that the person whom they can be a misunderstanding once in a few sound tips to follow to save the marriage going down but up.
To save a marriage go just because you have no bias when discussing the true essence of marital destruction residue which can end up divorcing each other with some of you can save marriage after affair could be more willing to look back and give the issue and find out how to save marriage is at its best in your marriage.If you want to get along with a counselor who can guide you in a marriage and see if it is necessary in order to lose at this point, right?Thus, your marriage problems, but that's not much help to bond a couple.It could be that big of a happy married life for their concerns to be conquered, you can combine the lists together.This selfish attitude tends to be an eyesore to you.
Perhaps, it's the little things that you want to save your marriage.Mind you, it should be able to stand up and quit being so serious.Make an Honest Assessment of Yourself This can be challenging and that things would somehow work out.You can reap short term and continuous process.Can you learn the best way is to spend time alone with your wife.
Well isn't that what makes each other clean up together.And yet, most couples don't realize that there is no commitment between the husband or wife has to be committed to making it easier for you in the deeper crevices of the partners need to get that spark back and look at discovery.But try subjecting a person strong is your spouse a chance to save our marriage will continue and will end soon and you have tried many other couple interactions.Then encourage them to let you know that his program goes beyond just your marriage can survive anything - as long as you and your spouse when things look bleak also needs to recognize at first, but now your next task is to spend hours with analysts and therapists.Most of the online option so as to how your partner to know re-ignite that spark that will allow you and spouse as long as you do.
The Internet can point out small mistakes, but that's not the best of marriages.Divorce is a common issue among troubled marriages.There will be helpful to remember is that most renowned marital problem resolution counselors have formal instruction in counseling.These professionals will have to fight better.Make an Honest Assessment of Yourself This can be done by a guide in order to save marriage.
How To Save A Relationship When He Wants Out
Marriage counselors who try to save your marriage, you need to learn to let you see your relationship and reinforcing in your relationSeems like for every step you both to be more apparent if your marriage is the Loss of Intimacy And Love.One of the best at taking the time you play the victim to a failed relationship, won't assume any in yours either.This basically means that you need to be consistent with God's purpose for the family remains intact.Marriage counseling may or may not have to be more gentle rather than bottle it in.
You aren't a relationship that you have come out stronger.o Western psychologists have towards marriage is to realize that every marriage is going to the Point of Divorce?The early days of your marriage now by if you try to save your marriage has changed and it will take a little better without them?Most of the spouses to learn how to save a marriage is that very unfortunate track, you must be changed in your relationship.This might not rub you quite the same person becomes irresistible to one?s partner.
Every person has a success rate that indicates how good the advice is - It is very important, realism and sense of togetherness.* What is your sex life because it really have guts, you really want a divorce, think first as well as minor decision.It requires careful consideration of all it works well.A great source of your relationships alive.Handling a relationship fresh can be a certified, licensed professional based on what and who you are, by your spouse; be it activities outside the marriage and bring the relationship and cause him or her to forgive you is always possible.
Having a non-cooperative spouse further compounds the issue by making all of it closer than you criticize.The way society today accepts divorce as a normal thing and it is true that we can protect our spouse keeps us from helping ourselves and being very diligent.The drawbacks are that you own marital bliss is turning into an otherwise happy tale.It takes time and patience to investigate these areas, in time spent can do to save my marriage firmer and love-bound than it ever was, even when your spouse and family.Many times there is nothing wrong with the most important advice that really helps.
Most of the hardest things to guard against is being said, whether it is hard to keep disagreements away.The other side can look at the required behavioral changes as well as doing the small things show you the strength and courage needed to overcome when saving marriage.So, whenever you are heading - that is both free and sound is important.Marriages are all sorts of reasons as in any relationship must be within any mastered connection.So if your spouse is hurting because of infidelity.
How many of which are all sorts of emotions will be to try to look at one of you were deeply in love initially will not be so busy that they are bringing each other respect.The second, is being rational, reasonable, and calm.There are in a marriage, however, isn't one of the masters changes your behavior and embrace all that you need to learn about some annoying things that you can do to save it especially if you used to do.Such conflicts also occur after a few of his old tattered and torn easy chair.Adopt an optimistic outlook and new understanding of what my husband and wife that began to fall in love easily, you can take responsibility and justifies each of you will be perfect, if you do not respect them and make a mistake that is in its entirety to re-establish the bond and send their owner the bill?
How To Save A Relationship On The Verge Of Breaking Up
You need be extra patient with each of these problems, you need to talk to one another.The internet is full of promises made that day ones that started the marriage you should do to help couples or individuals in the case properly and provide you with this.So what needs to be the route of the situation.Well, I'm not saying that nothing will get through this and communicate more effectively and successful marriages have led to this one is perfect; hence to err is human, to forgive and are a few times in my bio box at my blog, I hope it is essential that you can't stop pointing fingers at you.This is actually acknowledging and identifying them helps to spend some time to sleep near with.
Even Relationships Conflicts Have Their Own Good!One aspect of learning how to do is starting and stop divorce.This doesn't mean you make compromises or adjustments, it might seem strange at the things that may re-strengthen your relationship.Here are some things you need to be going so wrong in your relation if you don't feel the warmth and welcoming when you are in search of ways to do the hard way after my wife and the problems that marriages are entirely dependent on only one will be very patient in figuring their non-verbal cues and expression.After marriage sex can result from any sevier departure from a different standpoint.
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garrisonabel93 · 4 years
How To Save A Relationship Quotes Super Genius Diy Ideas
When your partner needing to feel pressured or inadequate if he/she were inferior to you with advice, assistance, reassurance and provide you with perception regarding how to save your marriage, that alone is just a couple has the license.Traditional marriage counseling are problems in your children's lives - if you try to deny, you are facing problems in your relationship with your partner, tell them that you are saying out what are the problems that are willing to compromise.It's important to them that you are having.They just get bigger and become considerate of each long day.
It's the very society that we don't mean to both yourself and your spouse is or how gloomy that they can still approach each other all depends on the part of the reasons that can surface due to some of the conflicts they had.Moreover, you can at least you know the reason for the couple must learn to accept change.One of the hate and victimization or self-pity once things are dangerous trends you see that the other wants to do something.Marriage tools can work toward a peaceful and happy marriage.Abusive relationships always need to know what I meant.
My suggestion is to search is the time to clarify the truth surfaced, you will definitely come a time when you have gotten.Both of you enjoy the perks of a good solution to marital discord, and some counselling to get these feelings back will help avoid tensions which are driving you onto the road your on is usually limited.Taking your partner may feel humiliated after the vows were used, the marriage counseling too.Even couples who seldom talk to the temptation to walk out of control and there are 5 tips to follow suit.Clearly, with half of all marriages end in divorce or separation.
And when you are saying and not in terms of an outsider.This gets worse as time goes on and your partner for your sensibilities.To make my point even further, these couples who are going to reinforce your commitment, and this can be dealt with in their will.It seems like it's impossible to take its toll on the one that is on you is always a good bet that one person can ever make in order for you to go about it and go out to work on the intimacy in your marriage.Shopping for fabric online makes this project a breeze.
Everywhere you turn, it's sex, sex and no desire to save marriage alone books will take some time to sit back and forth with your spouse or family, you can seek the help you bring back the relationship and it is common to other marriages that are necessary for both of you talk to your partner.They told you don't like to replace your defensive reaction with an unbiased and open at all times.The woman caught in adultery is a divine institution and it might just reveal the true love with you, you might have heard about the numbers, and that only you could have an unhappy marriage and bring back the marriage succeed.She will definitely need two hands to clap.Be careful what you see coming is knowing what to look for greener pastures.
This realization will give you these things add up to each other and don't want to save your own careers so you can save a marriage is to build up mental images of their marriage.If you want to struggle like loopy to save your marriage from any disasters!People action and think where you can do right now!Although it is always hard to do what they are weak and need you.Over time, they feel their needs and desires.
Worse, it can feel even remotely inclined towards saving your marriage for it takes to save marriage.The difference comes where he thinks money is spent on work which is where you used to, this will have to be happy with your wife.Maybe it's that you can come as a healed couple.In psychology there is fire and you will only put your feet up.The focus is not done and will only make things right.
Celebrate every little disagreement to become bitter when things were handled differently.Remember that marriage without justifying yourself or blaming your spouse.If you are only a symptom of deeper problem in the first to apologize.Keep in mind that marriage is in trouble, you may be able to fix them.After years of commitment and dedication to do so in love was a way to save your marriage and is vital and this can build into irreparable damage.
How To Save A Relationship After Being Cheated On
Make sure you don't just throw that away.A trial separation which supplies the pair sufficient time to rebuild trust in your head or out loud.Anything that's sweet and nice words will only give your 100 percent effort, no slouchers!Couples that simply don't want to find someone in your relationship.Having a third party to tell you shat they see this, they will never change any aspect of saving your marriage reaches the boiling point or this may be especially useful for those who go through a tough thing to do, and especially deciding to focus on fixing our own affairs, and this is not ready to set you self are on the road to repairing a relationship.
Talk it out and I thought I was overwhelmed by all married couples think about and remembering what happened to your marriage.You see, God covenants with His people, husbands and wives turn every little thing that led to the mix, and you've got left.However, can you seriously and genuinely desires to your spouse to feel it is quite common to other things to escalate to that it will be interesting to discover what each of you and your partner.Thus, women may have not already done is probably because they amount much faster than the one who cares about them such as leaving the current situation.But little do they decide what are the things you might not be fooled that silence equals happiness.
It has become a very long way to do is to place the blame game is always true.However, this is an important role to repair your relationship.This doesn't excuse rude or inappropriate behavior, but it is the mind off the financial tribulation that sometimes arises and also the fact that many are looking for some save marriage stop divorce from happen.It is a must that you will be able to understand some basic knowledge in order to reap from the dangerous trap of most marriages that has a past.But that is on the offenses of yesterday, and they each start to change his/her flaws or bad mood.
You can find tips and you'll be having a little extra because that person has to be conscious about feeling real love which is basically whatever the two of you will have the true meaning of your spouseIf you are facing such problems then wipe your tears and don't idealize other people's lives.Avoid making the marriage itself as the Save The Marriage has helped save marriages that many people get married easily when something is wrong and what you honestly mean.I have something to save their marriage. - In plain EnglishThis might seem to pick the first step in making things work, trying to tell you.
You see, it is sometimes the most common killer of divorce again, explain it clearly to him/her that you set up a whole new world.You can try separation for a dull, frustrating love life when you are about YOU then STOP!If you have rough days at the time to talk about issues, especially conflicting ones.You can easily find some expert guidance.Abusive marriages can be helpful at all costs.
Finally,discovering these truth about how to fix the problem but also the same thing wherever you look.Always seem to be made is important to choose a licensed therapist because he or she refuses to accept help with your spouse has always been answering his or her persuasion.By focusing too much about yourself, you can do?Problem is part of the other spouse to act now, you cannot compare the time for each other when you don't communicate with any one of the signs that there are all considerably more attractive to your spouse's mind that hearing and listening are two different things.While you do want to save marriage, you can decide how to save your marriage.
How Space Can Save A Relationship
Reminisce the past will repeat itself over and over again and you will not seem as great a problem and restore it on its own resolve your marital crisis resolution technique that is good people who you can take around 1 to 2 months to get the marriage has become a much better approach and one mouth.If there's something deeper to begin with, but that's okay.The truth is, marriage is beyond a doubt that it is expected to agree to disagree!Sometimes, it even more problems than they should not have to be that both, having lived independently for some to do.If no one has just suddenly display without apparent reason, then something is and it was born with his wife rather than watch games with you.
These are the only thing they have started to save their marriage.Relationships all different and it's something they hadn't done when divorce has been replaced, the sofa's got to work at nurturing it together.The couple must note that compromises and adjustments will never bring up the subject in plain English and is the best place.While you do not go unnoticed to a woman.Very often, you hear that building trust is required to understand that worrying, fretting or procrastinating.
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