#the world spins madly on
veeisms · 1 year
[Thought of You - by Ryan Woodward]
[The Weepies - The World Spins Madly On]
It's Music Monday! I've never met an animator who didn't love this video. But I realized it probably doesn't extend far beyond us, so I hope someone not in animation clicks this today and has three minutes of feeling like your body exhaled peacefully. I will add this is not the official music video for this song--come to think of it I've never seen the official video. This is just one man's passion project of a video, and it's lovely.
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fueltoabsence · 2 months
Are you saying it to be helpful, or to be correct?
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sure-thing-casey · 1 year
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🌏 Contemplative as all get-out. 🌍
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A Friend of Mine (2006) Daniel Brühl as Karl
I let the day go by I always say goodbye I watch the stars from my window sill The whole world is moving and I'm standing still
~World Spins Madly On, The Weepies
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(cloning-blus) ...are you real?
I should hope I am.
AH! Wait there! You! Herr Soldier, how have you been? It's nice to see another friendly face after so long. I have been wondering after you. You look tired, friend.
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sunnnfish · 1 year
Hanzawa masato’s life is not sad. He has perfect grades, a put together family, close loving friends, a great track record and resume. He’s not too poor nor too rich, not too reserved nor too out there, and he’s in perfect of health as he can be. Compared to his friends and family he’s normal. No detrimental mental illness no unusual circumstances. Eccentricities aside, he’s the normal one, and hanzawa masato’s life is not sad.
Hanzawa masato knows everyone else’s problems. Why not add being a therapist on top of his many duties. Giver of advice, taker of none, no one knows Masato’s problems. He doesn’t have any—he’s normal of course. He doesn’t complain because there’s nothing to complain about. The pressure he feels from his mother isn’t a problem. His worries about his brothers isn’t a problem. His worries about his friends isn’t a problem. His constant duties and obligations isn’t a problem. That twisting feeling in his gut isn’t a problem. His inability to say no isn’t a problem. His uncertainty in the future isn’t a problem. His lack of anyone to confide in isn’t a problem. He’s a therapist now, he can counsel himself just fine. Not that he needs counseling.
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optiwashere · 7 months
DROP the playlists for Shadowheart x Asheera E X P O N E N T I A L Y
I need these women in my EARS aswell as my EYES!!!!
Just like Shadowheart herself in the early game, a couple songs on here are angsty and/or heavy gatekeepers to sweeter things. It's mostly what fits the arc from pre-canon thru post-canon, usually musically as well as lyrically.
Some of the songs are straight up tied to a few of my fics as well.
There's nothing extreme here, but if you're sensitive to anything remotely heavy, there's the My Dying Bride, Theatre of Tragedy, and Spiritbox songs to take note of.
I remade this on a dummy account, so ignore the date added lmao.
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Team Fortress 2, Emesis Blue - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Demoman/Soldier (Team Fortress 2) Characters: Jane Doe Additional Tags: Emesis Blue (Team Fortress 2), Survivor Guilt, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Jane Doe Is Really Miserable, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Mild Boots N' Bombs if you squint, Nightmares, Spoiler Warning for Emesis Blue, Seriously watch Emesis Blue before reading this Summary:
One year after the events at the Conagher Slaughterhouse, the lone survivor tries to go on with his life. Whatever that means.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
The Weepies's Say I Am You held my hand all of last summer while I was wandering around aimlessly with a somewhat broken heart....... I owe much to that album
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vanillacorpse · 4 months
on principle i refuse to engage with any of the braindead proship/anti fandom warfare constantly going on but i genuinely Honestly desperately don’t understand what is truly so bad about being “proship” as people define it, ie that you’re “for” people shipping whatever they want even if it’s incest/rape/weirder shit that I don’t really want to get into. like yeah those subjects are definitely heavy…. of course everyone doesn’t want to engage with those themes. i personally don’t enjoy it. but to act as if anyone who does this is some serial murderer is so fucking crazy. saw someone’s comment beneath their post that was like “proship DONT interact. of course i’ll engage with darker themes (in this context, incest) but i’m NOT WEIRD ABOUT IT!” like if we want to be so unbelievably transparent about it, why not just proudly tell everyone that you think it’s justifiable to make fun of anything you don’t like? but whatever
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morfinwen · 1 year
7 for World Spins Madly On, 14 for Eric's Song, 20 for Photograph, and 28 for If My Heart was a House, please?
More asks answered!
7. Who is more sentimental?
Y’know, i was going to say York, but then i remembered Carolina holds onto a cheap lighter from the night club where they met for literal years, just because it used to belong to York, and now i’m not sure.
14. Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
There’s some shift over the years -- a lot of the events and parties they go to have nobles and politicians, who love to play mind games and politeness judo that Katara quickly learns to hate, and over time Zuko both becomes more comfortable (or at least less uncomfortable) with constantly being the center of attention, and has enough positive experiences that he no longer associates parties/events with sheer torture. Still, while there are some occasions both are pleased to attend, and some that both would prefer to skip, if there’s a difference of opinion, Zuko’s pretty much always the one wanting to stay home, and Katara is the one wanting to go out (she usually wins).
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Depends on if you consider Sara loathing Neal for a. stealing a painting that she was tracked with finding (and was never able to), b. getting off for stealing said painting, and c. giving her a wink and a “better luck next time” when he got off for stealing said painting as “holding a grudge” or “the natural consequences of being a smarmy jerk”. Neither of them are the type to hold onto petty grievances, but if you seriously wrong them, they’re not going to just forgive you, either.
28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
For the most part, yes. They don’t have many friends that they didn’t make together, and Sarah gets along great with Chuck’s sister and brother-in-law. I have no idea how well Chuck gets along with Sarah’s mom -- she shows up in like one episode i never saw -- but based on what i know of her, i imagine they’re good. I think (her friend) Carina always makes Chuck a little uncomfortable, though.
Things are a bit rockier with Sarah’s dad and Chuck’s mom. They meant well, for the most part, and Chuck’s mom at least has some excuse for what happened, but they both hurt their kids pretty badly. Both Sarah and Chuck still love their parents, so neither one wants to make things more awkward with the other’s parent by not getting along, but it’s a relationship that will take a lot of time and effort to become anything resembling “get along well”.
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la-zu-li · 1 year
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ariesbilly · 2 years
Max and billy
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lord-radish · 1 year
I might go through and list all the songs I first heard on Scrubs as a kid, forgot all about, found again independently of Scrubs and really enjoyed, and then heard on Scrubs a second time as an adult
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mellaithwen · 1 year
Just got back from the dentist and I got a good grade in teeth!! Something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve 🥲☺️
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koelnpoetry · 2 years
I woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
I thought of you and where you'd gone
And let the world spin madly on
The Weepies, Deb Talan, Steve Tannen - World Spins Madly On (Say I Am You, 2006)
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