#the void answers back
silver-ace-of-spades · 6 months
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i-am-thevoid · 5 months
hello!! we don't talk like at all but as a fellow horror loving metal head transexual
a horror movie you want to recommend to people
a horror movie that stuck with you for weeks after you watched it (give a reason if youd like to)
a horror movie you like that a lot of people dislike
the best/your favorite horror movie plot twist
favorite horror movie of all time <3
Hi!!! i fuckin love that horror loving metalhead transexual!!
sorry for this being so late im busy as fuck rn
1. Blood Quantum (2019) its soo good and shout out to indigenous horror movies please make more its awesome
2. The Remake of Candyman (2021), its so good for a remake and i love how it includes the original, and also touches on the modern injustices that black people face. also the special effects look amazing and theyre practical! the visuals and shadow puppet segments are AMAZING and the THEMES.
3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) i fuckin love it its so silly and fun and i know a lot of people hate on it, you can pull choptop shenanigans out of my cold dead hands i love him also its so cool visually like everything looks so awesome, also like chainsaw fight <3
4. Saw (2004) i know this is basic but i just think its so fuckin funny how he just lays there the whole time and tbh i wasnt expecting it the first watch through.
5. Psycho (1960) will always be close to my heart, i dont know what it is about it but its always my favourite
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not-that-dillinger · 10 months
3 - nostalgia-inducing possession?
23 - part of being alive?
26 - person you know?
3: A complete set of the Classic Traveller rule books. It used to belong to his mother, but she left it when she divourced his father and moved out. Ed discovered it in the back of a closet in middle school and he and his friends played it through high school and college.
23: Discovering new things. There's always something new to see or do or learn, and every time he finds something new it brings him a little joy.
26: People are... difficult. There aren't many he would choose to associate with. He's a bit isolated. He does respect Alan Bradley, though... But, Beowulf, probably. (The child of a friend from college that he adopted after she died. Beowulf now lives with his exes in Juneau.) He misses the kid.
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karimimi · 7 months
most known as the yellow triangle creature mutual to me
oh ny god... THANK YOI
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froms8nsashes · 8 months
at this point just make urself a yhs blog i mean, you write a lot ab it
no cuz ur onto smth likeeeee
this should be a dedicated yhs blog lmao but im not deleting my earlier posts cuz duhhh
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zarla-s · 4 months
Are you ever going to make a character reference for handplates gaster
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My first thought was like "of course I've done a ref sheet" and then I thought wait... have I? SO HERE IT IS AFTER THE COMIC HAS ALREADY BEEN FINISHED my timing is impeccable. I THINK this should cover everything... I guess if I forgot something I can add it later, haha.
Edit: People seem startled that he's shorter than Undyne! I just headcanon her as very tall lol.
(the illustration mentioned)
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siriusly-the-best-bi · 10 months
Ya know what’s curious to me? In Episode 2 when Crowley asks Aziraphale in the cellar whose side he’s on, Aziraphale responds “God’s, of course!”
Ya know why this is curious?
Well, for one, they’re talking about sides. Heaven and Hell. Their respective bosses. Crowley’s response of going along with Hell as far as he can makes sense, it’s what we expect to hear, but when he turns the question on Aziraphale, he doesn’t exclaim ‘heaven’s obviously!’ He immediately associates himself and his values with God directly.
Second of all, In episode 6, when talking about accepting the Metatron’s job offer as the new supreme archangel with Crowley, Aziraphale says “but heaven! Well, it’s the side of truth, of light, of good.”
For the entirety of Good Omens season 1, Aziraphale had always talked about following God’s ineffable plan, which was a noticeably different turn of phrase than those such as Gabriel used in heaven, always referring to it as the Great Plan. This is even the very thing that lead them to wiggling their way around Armageddon in the first place when confronted by Gabriel and Beelzebub.
Aziraphale has always made the distinction that he is an angel and does good because he believes that God is good and he trusts in their design.
Now I might just be loosing it, it is nearly 3am, but this sudden distinction and the choice of Aziraphale to not only discuss heaven in such a manner, but to refer to it as an entire Side, and use the adjectives he uses to describe heaven when we’ve only ever seen or heard him talk about God this way… it just all plays very intentional to me. It feel’s weird.
Especially once you take into consideration the flashbacks we’re shown of Beelzebub and Gabriel discussing the failed Armageddon in their little pub rendezvous. They never once mention their respect ‘boss’. Gabriel says “we are ready for round two.” And Beelzebub’s response is “as are we.” This we that they’re referring to isn’t God. It’s not Satan. They’re talking about the beings who reside in these respective places. The Angels and the Demons. And the conversation then continues with Gabriel admitting, “everyone in Heaven is all like, ‘Well, you’re the commander-in-chief, can’t you just make the war happen anyway?’ Like, I make the rules.” And whats Beelzebub’s response? “That’s exactly what my lot said.”
The pressure isn’t coming from God anymore. In the past, like seen in the Job episode, when there were divine tasks at hand they were dealt with by the angels for God, and God was directly involved in finding the outcome. There was no going through management or filing paperwork or monitoring miracles. And hey, I get it. As time evolves along with the humans, so does everything else.
My question is, is it possible that with these evolutions in the human world, that Heaven and Hell have perhaps learned a thing or two from humanity as well? Already they’ve mimicked the clothing, the office spaces, the entire design of heaven and hell down to the management hierarchy. Is it possible that these wars and these fights aren’t being started by God anymore, but an act of civil war amongst the Angels and Demons? We already see Michaels urge for power and control paralleled and almost foiled by Shax’s drive for control and power and both were the driving factors between any of the Major problems this season that lead to major conflicts between Heaven and Hell.
That brings us of course, to the Metatron. Who is he and where exactly did he come from? When did his position become necessary and why wasn’t he present as the ‘voice of god’ in the job minisode? Why suddenly are all of God’s plans, only being carried out by him?
Do you want to know why I think Gabriel was being demoted and not sent to Hell as a fallen angel? Because I don’t think they can. I think that’s something only God can do, but what kind of fear and control would that hold over all the busy bee’s? No, no, instead, let’s frame it as a Kindness. Heaven won’t cast you out because it will make them look bad! because it’s happened before, so they have no choice but to play a game of politics to keep everyone in check.
But here’s my question. Has there been a fallen angel since the great war? Why is it that after all this time, Aziraphale hasn’t fallen time and time again? Why is it that instead of an Angel falling from grace to join the armies of hell, the response to an act of rebellion is absolute destruction. The same could be said for hell. If you have demons walking around that are doing good, wouldn’t that simply just re-spark their halo’s? Why is it that they’d be destroyed by Holy Water instead of simply returning to Heaven?
It’s because God plays an ineffable game of their own design. They’re not playing with earth, or humanity. They’re toying with the Angels and the Demons. It’s why they’re placing bets with Satan.
When Crowley’s attempting to convince Aziraphale to run away for the last time, he doesn’t say Fuck God and Fuck whatever game this is, we don’t need to be a part of it. He says Heaven and Hell are toxic we need to get away from them.
It’s just so curious to me how this season has carefully and slowly taken us away from the idea of God and God’s Ineffable Plan and instead led us into this drama between Heaven and Hell, no mention of God whatsoever. No narrator.
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the-three-whumpeteers · 4 months
Do you have mild or severe hypothermia whump? Some ideas? Cause i am cold right now after driving motorcycle in early Feburary and my fingers are slow akd the cold under my skin XD
Cold buddies 🤝 I refuse to wear a jacket or pants unless it’s freezing and I suffer the consequences of my actions 💔
The whumpee can only try to warm themselves up desperately in their cell, stone floors and wall provide nothing if not something that would just make them more miserable with the freezing temperatures the whumper forced them to “live” in. It felt like every time they got a little warm, it would fade quickly, and it often brought the whumpee to the verge of tears.
The cell the whumper kept their captives in was everything but properly insulated, with temperatures becoming unbearable enough that the whumpees that stayed there would behave better just to get a blanket as a reward.
The whumpee could see their blood in the snow, injuries from their escape making a trail that the whumper would be easily able to track. The whumpee didn’t care though, they just cared more about finding somewhere they could stay. It was getting darker, and the forest- which would’ve been a beautiful snowy landscape otherwise- seemed so endless.
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noose-lion · 10 months
how do you feel after ch 109? personally i'm devastated
It's exactly what I hoped to have happened.
*hard spoilers*
It's very rich in conflicting emotions, and the dialogue is delicious. And of course at the center of that is soukoku.
Dazai is still trying even in the end to hide the fact that he is scared. Because he is. He still thinks he can get through to Chuuya, hell most bsd readers thought this as well. He taunts him, knowing that a punch is worth it for the chance to nullify the vampirism. But then Fyodor's there ruining it.
What's fun is that the first bullet his somewhere not vital to life. A wound fairly survivalable. At this point I'd argue Dazai still thinks he has a chance. He goes into his usual dramatics, the ones that show up to piss off Chuuya or to throw off an assailant (probably even as an instinctive defensive mechanism). But once the gun is against his head, his dramatics stops. His eyes change. We get a shot of Chuuya's eyes. Dazai is scared, his trusted partner is no longer there. Fyodor is winning.
To me. This chapter is probably my favorite so far. The potential it has? The raw emotion? It's a delight.
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silver-ace-of-spades · 3 months
should i commit crime
what's the crime?
piracy? depends. don't pirate from small creators
jaywalking? yes
theft? depends. don't steal from a mom and pop store
murder? no
larceny? probably not
drunk driving? hell no
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i-am-thevoid · 2 months
Obligatory "Do it scared" about the art. If you don't like the way it turns out you can always change it and do it again, it's not solid/permanent. Let yourself have the enjoyment of making art from the things you like.
thank you so much, honestly needed to hear this
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hashileio · 1 year
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i am cringe but i am free
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thehecklingmouse · 8 months
au where mehrak is a eldritch horror that took a liking to kaveh and kaveh just rolls with it
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capricioussun · 2 months
Fun harmless tumblr quiz abt icons has caused some bizarre introspection. We know Papyrus thinks Mettaton is sexy but not to what extent. Is it his personality? Does he have a thing for robots specifically? Is he attracted to Mettaton or does he just find him sexy? Basically would Papyrus Undertale think the animatronics from fnaf are hot. That's where this is going
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cindernet-explorer · 23 days
A2 or C1 for the height differences!
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[ask game]
[ft. Flidais from @selnyam]
A few alt angles for A2:
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night-triumphantt · 9 months
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it’s Kiyazan anniversary!! Well, it is an hour before midnight so technically it’s tomorrow BUT that matters not the entire world must know now, immediately, ab the reason @cashweasel and I have moved to the goofy pool
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