#the united misfits
vitamin-sea-mia · 1 year
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staydandy · 11 months
Misfits (2009) - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : A group of young offenders sentenced to work in a community service programme, where they obtain supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm. (Wiki)
Whumpee : Nathan Young played by Robert Sheehan (2nd from left)
Country : 🇬🇧 UK Genres : Action, Black Comedy, Drama, Sci-fi, Fantasy
Notes : This is a Partial List - I didn't list every bit of whump, just what caught my attention the most • After Season 3 the cast was changed to a new group of "misfits" • In 2016 America attempted to create a remake of the show. It got as far as filming a pilot, but the platform that picked up the program was Freeform, a rather "family friendly" type of channel, which did not fit Misfit's original, dark humor. In the end the pilot was never aired and the project never went any further. • The episode list is formatted season-episode : 00-00 • TW : dark humor, aka gallows humor : jokes, discussion, & scenes of death, sex, & crimes abound
Episodes on List : 2 Total Episodes : 37 Total Seasons : 5
*Spoilers below*
01-06 : Nathan falls off a roof onto a fence, dies, but this is how they discover he’s immortal
02-01 : Skewered on a pipe while fighting a shapeshifter
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leviabeat · 7 months
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anarchic-miscellany · 9 months
Terrible Screenplay Idea: "Rollerblade Runner"
Hotshot slick city investor Maxim Carter has been on a winning streak recently for his firm, but a string of PR nightmares have brewed around his last few investments and the firms need to launder their reputation. So this cold, calculating machine decides to back tiny town Brentonville's roller hockey team "The Brentonville Bandits". His investment saves them from being disbanded and the stadium from being bought out by rival team owner Rembrandt Kane, who is furious at this stifling of his plans...
Carter arrives at his investment to find only local girl Angela as the equipment manager, and the only person on site to boot
Carter makes her the manager of the whole team, and this hyperactive ball of energy and DEVOTED lover of the game is both surprised and elated: she has seemingly endless funds and the ability to do what she wants! And she wants to rebuild the team and bring roller hockey to Brentonville!
But Rembrandt Kane pulls some strings and essentially has the team blacklisted, so no legitimate player will join...
Thinking outside of the box, Angela and Carter find a ragtag bunch of misfits:
Celestia Sinclair "Public Enby Number One" is a non-binary ice hockey legend fuelled by rage and energy drinks, recruited to be given the chance to unleash fury upon the pitch. A never ending pain train.
Olivia Kang is a Korean-American ballet legend, with a massive rage problem. Known as "The Bad Girl of Ballet", she recently got into trouble by punching another dancer on stage. Graceful, elegant and furious.
Douglas Boyd is The Roller Disco King of Texas, and he is a slick-talking gambler who has fallen on hard times because people don't like roller discos anymore.
"Miss United Skates" is a roller derby champion suspended for drug use. Lightning fast and a terror on the rink, she will be their star player
Angela's brother Doug, a burnout, will be the goalie.
These ragtag misfits bond over their newfound love of the sport, and Carter begins to see more than success and money when this small town adores the sport. But when his firm demands he flip the team and profit and move on, he must choose...
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kung-fu-cutbug · 2 years
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make sure to respect your elders
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or else they might become an archangel of plague & disease and kill you
#oops i dropped a pencil ~art~#ocs#dr. veit von brandt#pestilence horseman of the apocalypse#cw blood#you ever just lose your lover to a terminal illness and feel a shitton of survivor's guilt because you're a doctor#and then you pray to god on the night of the full moon and he turns you into a horseman of the apocalypse#and you kill everyone in your hometown before turning back to normal and fleeing because what the fuck you just killed like dozens of people#and when you're in the United States you meet a bunch of other people who accidentally gave themselves superpowers like you#and for some reason even when they realize you're a horseman of the apocalypse they don't run away in terror#and you become their dad friend and start dating one of them#and this is the first time in at least a decade you've had any semblance of friends or family because of your fear and paranoia#and you haven't felt this happy and loved since before your first lover died#because this ragtag group of misfits didn't leave your side after you laid your worst sins bare to them all#and now after grappling with denial and self-esteem issues for who knows how long#you're ready to accept that they never will leave your side and you will never leave theirs either#...yeah he's been through a lot but he's mostly okay now#in Pestilence form he's actually a really nice guy once you get to know him#(oh and by the way no they're not a plural system or anything)#(Veit and Pestilence are the exact same entity but Pestilence has absolutely zero inhibition)#(hence why he's so willing to immediately resort to violence in that form)#(his friends have reigned him in at this point though so he won't kill you probably)#(unless you're explicitly trying to kill him or the friends in question but you wouldn't do that would you)
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vampiressmoney · 2 years
"I'm always feeling like I don't belong, no matter where I am. So I'm just searching for a family nonstop, and sometimes I find it in the mosh pit, sometimes I find it when I'm doing some French TV show with the president's wife." — Time Out, 2012
-James Hetfield
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macaron-n-cheese · 1 month
The first special interest I can remember having is Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. It started at least when I was 4 and kept up for a few years around Christmas time. I was known in my family for being awesome and wearing fake antlers and light-up red nose.
I wonder though why it was my favorite in particular. Of course, it is about cute cartoon reindeer and a lot of fun characters but I wonder if I was empathizing with the message so that it was especially endearing (en-deer-ing haha) to me.
Although the film is outdated, the overall message about acceptance, self-love, and being proud of your strengths and differences holds up. Rudolph's non-standard appearance, Hermey's special interest, Yukon Cornelius' perseverance, Clarice's kind acceptance, abominable snowman's change of heart, and the other toys' eventual self-acceptance of their differences is all very positive and sweet!
Even the very poorly thought out message of "people suck, you don't need them, they will do things only for their own advantage" tells you to not accept others BS. Be vigilant for people who will take advantage of you and defend yourself. You don't need people who will bully and exploit you. You can be independent and forge your own path. Build a life in which you are accepted and if you are forced to take part in an exploitative society, don't bow to others but rather value yourself. This especially applies to mate crimes common in people diagnosed with asd.
In specific, both Rudolph and Hermey rebel against the world they live in. Hermey escapes from an abusive workplace. Rudolph defends himself among his peers and knows that his difference is not his fault, having no reason to be ashamed. These characters' motivation not to be deterred by their differences if very empowering.
It definitely holds a special place in my heart. I identify with the characters y'know, feeling like an outsider. I have no idea if I felt this way when I was little but I can't remember and wouldn't be surprised if I did. I've always been able to love and accept myself despite feeling isolated from peers, and perhaps my obsession with this movie taught me about it :). I take pride in being different and feel that people with differences, including myself, find so much love and confidence when us misfits are united. I feel less alone but also feel like I've found "my people" who I can really connect with on another level I can't with most people.
Like if you're a fellow misfit <3
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cowboybrunch · 7 months
found family but they're always at each others throats. a family that knows they can be the most vile versions of themselves and be loved anyways. we will fight, and i will set your place at the table. i will fold your napkin. i will refill your water.
"you're a moron" / "so you're not going to help me?" / "of course I'm going to help you"
"if you ever think of pulling that self-sacrificial bullshit again, I'll kill you myself"
"a family forged out of desperation, an unbreakable unit, a pact of grief and rage and hope. he would defend it, and they would defend him. loyal to none but each other."
"be as hateful as you want. when you need us, we will come."
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cemeterything · 2 years
i think my favorite thing in tragic narratives is when there's no question that everyone is doomed and there's no going back, but instead of just angsting dramatically about it the characters choose to sing or dance or share a meal together one last time before they go to meet their fates. whether it's a couple swaying together in each other's arms and allowing themselves one last moment where all that matters is each other before it all has to come to an end, or a ragtag group of misfits and rebels united by a single cause despite their differences singing and sharing food and drink around a fire, or whatever scenario you can think of, there's just something so painfully human about it, about that fierce determination to find joy and comfort in the most hopeless situations while you still can. otherwise what are we fighting for. what are we suffering and giving our lives for if not that there will still be singing and dancing, and good food and better company to share it with, when we are gone.
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horrorshow · 11 months
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Sam and Dean both have their stories. But I always say that it’s about them coming together, because the story is really not about one or the other; it’s about the bond between them. The two of them being one unit is for us really what the story is about. - Eric Kripke
We’re all a bunch of misfits. The relationship between Sam and Dean, we connect with it. Everyone wants a Dean to their Sam. - Jared Padalecki
It was the love story of two brothers, to be honest. - Jensen Ackles
for @wincestwednesdays prompt: reputation
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infamous-if · 1 year
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Latest update -> 12/01/2023
You're going to be a superstar, no matter what it takes.
You and your friends have been in a band since high school, when all you were was a lead singer to a band that played out of someone's garage and did occasional birthday party gigs for the neighborhood kids. after years of grinding, your band has yet to make it big, but has managed a small and dedicated cult following. All you and your bandmates want is to see your names in glittery lights, traveling the world to perform for millions of fans.
Your chance comes in Misfit Alley's Battle of the Bands. After auditioning every year with no success, your band has finally gotten the opportunity to tour across the United States and open for the biggest band in the world, performing against other bands in the hopes that you win and get signed.
As you perform, your fame rises and you can see the dream coming to fruition. But with fame comes problems of its own, some that might just ruin you and the band you swore to take to the top.
Infamous is rated 18+ for explicit language, explicit sexual themes, drug and alcohol use, violence, morally questionable behavior, and more.
Customize your MC (the lead singer of your band)'s appearance and personality, as well as their public image and persona. Are they loved or hated by the public? Controversial or appeasing? Humble or arrogant? Fame and money-hungry or simply there for the music?
Following that, work on your band's public image and whether they're mainstream or underground, depending on the choice of music you release and what kind of promo you do. Is your band hated by parents due to its explicit content or is your band squeaky clean, perfect for a mainstream label?
Engage in fiery romance with an array of wild characters, including some that may just get you into hot water with the rumor mill.
Create your own lyrics and decide whether you want to be a genuine artist or the face of a brand.
Get rich and famous ! Isn't that what you're here for?
The Band Manager: Orion/Oriana Quinn ✮ he/him or she/her, 35 ✮ [RO] -- strict and reserved, O is the antithesis of what a rockstar is. Some call their cold and uptight demeanor having 'a stick up their ass' but they call it being business focused. O is all about bringing the band to the top, which includes being professional at all times.
Special romance route: you can choose to have been chasing O for years, to no success (until now?)
The New Addition: August Pierce ✮ they/them, 26 ✮ [RO] -- With the exit of your bandmate, August has taken her place as the band's drummer. Usually shy and reserved, that all goes out the window once they start playing. You wonder if their isolation is less a personality trait and more the fact that they're in a band with longtime friends. Doesn't matter--seems like it'll take a while for you to get close to them regardless.
The Idol: Griffin/Gina 'Gigi' Reign ✮ he/him or she/her, 28 ✮ [RO] -- the spunky, charming and controversial lead singer of Misfit Alley and now your mentor, G Reign is currently the most famous person on Earth. Everyone either hates them, wants to be them, or wants to fuck them. Of course, this means a slew of trouble if one gets close to them...that is if they even allow it.
Special romance route: engage in an affair / engage in a strictly physical relationship (that can lead to a romantic one) // poly route with Victoria Valentine
The Rival: Seven Lawless ✮ he/him or she/her, 27 ✮ [RO] -- once your best friend or ex, they are now your rival and the lead singer of Soft Violence, another band competing for Battle of the Bands. They hate you. Still, the line between love and hate is a whole lot of passion.
Special romance route: can either be an ex or a former best friend, enemies to lovers.
The Girl Dad: Sebastian Holland ✮ he/him, 33 ✮ [RO] -- a normal and friendly data analyst, Sebastian isn't about the music scene....but his daughter is and she's a superfan of your band. Sebastian is your typical 'nice guy' almost too nice, sometimes, and has been dragged along by his daughter to follow the Battle of the Bands for her birthday. He's just a normal civilian. The last thing you should do is get to know him, right?
The Eye Candy: Victoria Valentine ✮ she/her, 27 ✮ [RO] -- G Reign's wife, she's an upcoming actress and model. Victoria has been G's eye candy since they came up on the scene, but you can almost sense the tension between them. And the way Victoria seeks shelter in someone else...that could be you.
Special romance route: engage in an affair // poly route with G Reign
Rowan Hart (he/him) -- guitarist
Iris De Luca (she/her) - keyboardist
Devyn Powell -- (they/she) bassist, background vocals
reblogs appreciated! and thank you for your interestttt
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This comes from an idea that most of the kids in Casper High school have parents or close family that are not on the right side of the law, either just regular criminals, high ranking goons that retired or former villains.
Amity Park was first founded by outlaws, criminals and misfits that didn't fit regular society. Because of this the city charter is very lax on laws and what is considered unlawful. Most everyone who lives in town has some tie to criminal activity. It's actually a safe haven and has very strict laws about extraditing anyone out of their county. The school even ties in crime into their regular classes. Like art class is about how to do art and document forgery, Automotive class teaches how to hotwire a car and take it apart, Drivers ed comes with extra hours on how to perform a car chase or be a get away driver, Drama class has a unit on grifting, and Math ties in financial crimes like money laundering. No one is forcing the kids to become criminals they are just given the tools if that is the path they want to take.
Danny as Phantom being called a menace is actually a good thing because Amity Park does not want heroes within their borders. Also Danny's parents know that Phantom is him (how could they not when he first started he didn't do a good job hiding his personality and other traits). They are just acting like those big cats that let their cubs practice sneaking up on them. Using experience as a teaching method. Also they are waiting for him to be comfortable enough to come to them with the truth.
Also the Amity City council don't like the GIW (government) being in there city. So I see them asking the Fentons (because they know how chaotic the pair are) to keep an eye on the GIW and to also keep them busy with ghosts so they won't dig further into the other aspects of the criminal activity going on. Just until they can figure how to throw them out without raising suspicions.
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emeraldspiral · 9 months
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A venn diagram of the queer/neurodiverse content depicted in Invader Zim. I've already talked about the inherent queerness of Zim and mentioned a few times that there’s a big overlap with autism/neurodiversity but I thought this would make a handy reference. Note that “neurodiversity” isn’t just autism/ADD/ADHD but also includes mental illness, personality disorders, mood disorders, learning disabilities, and anything else that isn’t “neurotypical”.
On the queer side there is actual canon queer rep in the show and comics:
Irkens are canonically aroace and intersex.
Groyna from the comics was confirmed by Eric Trueheart to be a lesbian.
Commander Poki from the comics may be trans, as she has eyelashes normally only seen on female Irkens, but lacks the curled antenna every other female Irken is shown to possess.
Recap Kid's gender is deliberately ambiguous.
There are also many instances of queer-coding that can be seen throughout the show such as:
The homoerotic rivalry between Zim and Dib.
Red and Purple basically being Zim's two gay dads.
Zim and several other characters having campy and dramatic mannerisms.
Zim using Keef and Tak as beards.
Zim and GIR wearing make-up/cross-dressing and generally not concerning themselves with or even being aware of gender conformity.
That time Dib's personality was copied into the body of a female ship which became very distressed at being told it wasn't really a boy and changed its physical appearance to match its brain.
Other queer elements featured in the show include:
Female characters who aren't love interests/show no interest in romance.
Most characters showing a general lack of visible interest in the opposite sex or romance.
The Membranes being a non-traditional family (single dad with no mom, later acquiring two more dads in the form of Foodio and Clembrane). Irken society not being structured around family units at all.
Satirical depictions of nuclear family units (Zim’s roboparents).
Kink/Fetish content including tentacles, bondage, domination, tongues, sadism, mind-control, body morphing, gore, food/eating, bodily fluids/fluids in general, Giger-esque designs, etc…
On the Neurodiverse side we have:
Zim’s food sensitivity.
Zim’s germophobia.
Zim’s dislike of being touched or hugged.
Zim seeming to suffer from sensory issues in general.
Zim getting overstimulated on the bus in Walk of Doom.
Zim and Dib infodumping.
Zim’s idiosyncratic speech mannerisms.
Characters having high intellect paired with poor social skills/low emotional intelligence.
Hyperfixations and special interests.
Zim’s struggles with multi-tasking and keeping his priorities straight.
GIR being easily distracted and unable to focus on anything that doesn’t immediately interest him.
Characters having poor volume control.
Characters having mood swings or trouble regulating their emotions.
Zim’s issues with memory.
Dib hyperfocusing to the point of neglecting hygiene.
Zim’s “problem with listening”.
And in the middle where they overlap there’s:
Zim and Dib being outcasts, misunderstood by everyone around them, and only able to connect with other misfits like Gaz, GIR, Keef, each other, and random hobos.
Zim masking his otherness and putting on performative displays of “normalcy” and having a well-founded fear of the consequences of being discovered.
Dib being open about his otherness and looking for respect and acceptance in the face of overwhelming ridicule and contempt.
Dib being pressured by his father to conform in order to please him.
Dib finding that the social benefits of conformity aren’t enough to outweigh the pain of not being his authentic self in Mopiness of Doom.
Dib’s experiences and perspectives being trivialized, dismissed and medicalized as indicators of mental illness.
Dib actually being mentally ill, but only as a result of not being accepted or supported for being different.
The eugenicist dystopia of the Irken Empire, where Zim is labeled “defective” and sentenced to death rather than treated for the mental health issues caused by the society that created him.
Daddy issues/familial rejection/non-acceptance.
Zim and Dib’s struggles with depression.
Zim and Dib’s need to prove themselves to gain validation and acceptance.
Zim and Dib being victims of bullying and in turn bullying others to feel a sense of power.
Dib’s self-loathing.
Zim’s default state being paranoia and anxiety.
Zim and Dib’s self-image issues.
And of course the one thing that binds us all: alternative fashion.
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leviabeat · 7 months
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🎫 Volbeat | 📸 Britt Bowman
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marshmallow-bg3 · 6 months
I don’t see enough mentions that it was Gortash who sent the Emperor to retrieve the Prism from the nautiloid probably thinking a rogue illithid would make an easy infiltration unit and thus ended up creating this entire bunch of Absolute-repellent misfits who brought about the destruction of his magnum opus. Twice as tragic if it’s Durge. Which also makes it hardly believable to me that the Emperor didn’t know who Durge was. Oh he knew, he knew all too well and it made this wretched damaged brain even sweeter.
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sorchathered · 3 months
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Sacred New Beginnings- Chapter 7
A/N- we have a new header photo! Since the story has progressed into mainly Jake and Stormy’s relationship it seemed like it was time. This one is a little short and super angsty, don’t kill me!
Y’all send me some feedback after this chapter. I want to know what you’d like to see happen next!
Pairing- Jake Seresin x reader (OC Stormy)
Song inspo- “never let me go”- Florence and the Machine, “ if you need to, keep time on me”- Fleet Foxes
Summary-Stormy is on her first deployment with her new squad, missing their 6 month anniversary and gearing up for a hell of a mission.
Warnings- language, violence, injuries (it’s an angsty one guys)
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The lumpy twin bed on the aircraft carrier didn’t do much in the way of comfort, but damnit you’d been having the best dream. You and Jake at some seaside restaurant, slow dancing and toasting to your anniversary. It had felt so real, when you’d startled awake by your alarm you could almost feel his warm embrace, tears welling up in your eyes as you came back to reality. You were in the middle of the Atlantic, nowhere near San Diego, and today you and Jake had been together 6 months.
You’d gotten your deployment papers and shipped out almost a month ago, infrequent emails and the occasional phone call all you had to hold on to, along with a handful of letters and photos Jake had printed for you to decorate your bunk to spruce up the empty space you’d call home for the next 2 months. Long distance had been hard, but being deployed without him was a whole other level of pain. For years you’d worked together as pilot and WSO, enduring the shitty conditions and battling the homesickness as a team, doing this alone with a brand new team was a choice you’d make all over again but the loneliness stung no matter how you sliced it. Startled by a sharp knock to the cabin door you threw the covers back and called out for them to wait. It was Viper, your front seater who had become a damn good friend the past few months of integrating with your new team. He and his husband had welcomed you with open arms, game nights at their home and family dinners on Sundays were infamous in your squad, you truly did love this group of misfits despite missing the Daggers something fierce.
Flinging the door open to his smiling face you felt a little lighter, “Come on kid, let’s get some breakfast in you, we’ve got a hell of a day ahead of us! You can dream about your golden boy later!” He let out a cackle as your cheeks tinged in embarrassment and patted you on the head, ushering you both towards the mess hall in preparation for another long and tedious day of maneuvers.
On the opposite coast Jake is feeling much of the same, he had complete faith the two of you could weather any storm but the longing he felt without you took his breath away sometimes. He’d never loved anyone like this before, and he’d certainly never been the one waiting for his loved one to come back from deployment. How did spouses do this every day? Just sending the ones they love off to far away places for months at a time and praying to whatever deity existed that they’d come home safely, it was a selfless burden he’d never take for granted again. He checked his email as he inhaled his breakfast, seeing an email and photo attachment from you and he nearly tripped over himself to open the message. There you were, half unzipped flight suit with your cleavage on display, blowing a kiss into the camera just for him. But it was the message itself that sent him over the edge, you explaining in graphic detail all the ways you wanted him to take you apart when you were re-united, how much you loved him and couldn’t wait to be back in his arms. He was the luckiest bastard on earth, shaking his head with a soft chuckle. He held his phone up, took a selfie of his shirtless form and messy bed head, sending you kisses from across the world and typing out a quick reply. “Just a little longer Stormy, it’s you and me baby we can do anything, you’re my moon and stars baby girl I love you. Kick ass today, and thank you for the best 6 months of my life. Love, Jake.”
The day which started relatively normal, went to shit almost instantly. The mission had to be moved up, enemies were in the area; pirates hired by a foreign nation to carry out a terrorist attack against the very vessel you were sailing on. Your COC wanted a team in the air within the hour to take them down and it left everyone scrambling to throw together a plan and get to their aircrafts. You’d had a bad feeling gnawing at you from the moment they described the plan of attack; two much could go wrong and there wasn’t enough information about the kind of weaponry the enemy had trained on them. Viper gave you a pointed look to keep it to yourself, he didn’t feel good about it either but time wasn’t on anyone’s side today, better to keep your head down and do whatever was needed to survive.
It was a shitstorm, between the enemy aircraft on everyone’s backs their warship seemed to have a never ending supply of missiles, raining down explosives from every direction. It was a dogfight no one had expected and with what was truly a miracle you all made it out alive, barreling across the sky back to the carrier. As you all made your descent warning lights began to appear on your radar, something was coming in hot and it was headed for the ship. You were calling out coordinates while everyone rallied into a formation to see if they could take it out, but it was too late; it had been a diversion. Heat seeking missles were drawing in from another round of jets, and it was either take out the jets or risk everyone on the carrier. Just as Viper began to howl in victory over his first air to air kill, an explosion landed on your left side, taking out the wing and sending you both plummeting. You could barely hear yourself screaming to eject, heartbeat roaring in your ears, your last thought before being flung from your fa/18 was of Jake.
It had been a boring day filled with lectures and Jake couldn’t be more happy to get the hell out of the school house, a beer and sports highlights were calling his name. He’d made it halfway through the lot before he heard someone calling his name, more like screaming it as they hurdled towards him through the parking lot. It was Cyclone’s assistant, gasping for air as she told him he was needed immediately in the admiral’s office, it was an emergency. He felt his heart sink, the only reason your godfather would need him for an emergency was you, and he took off towards the building as fast as his body would carry him. Flinging the office door open was unprofessional but he couldn’t be bothered to give a shit, he knew something was wrong and when he crossed the threshold Beau Simpson’s normally callous demeanor was gone, tears in his eyes as he looked up at Jake.
“What?!” He gasped, “Don’t sugar coat it Sir, just tell me, where is she?” Jake was shaking uncontrollably now, if you were gone it would be the end of him.
“She’s alive, but her injuries are severe. She’s being transported to Walter Reed as we speak, and you and I are heading there as soon as possible. She’s been placed in a medically induced coma.”
Jake’s knees hit the floor, and the tears began.
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Jake Seresin Masterlist
Tagging- @attapullman @mamamaystbr @mamachasesmayhem @bobgasm @pinkdaisies9285 @djs8891 @jessicab1991 @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @nouis-bum @roosterforme @jostan456 @kmc1989 @dempy @its-the-pilot @86laura11 @mrsevans90 @shanimallina87 @floydsglasses @mygyn @dizzybee03
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