#the terrible writing was too much for me in season two if I'd stuck around through 4 or 6 I would have ruptured something
rubra-wav · 2 months
Vox's death - personal headcanons/rambles
A/N I've been sitting on this for a while HDHDH
A lot of this is building on prior headcanons of mine and shots in the dark based on vibes so yeah - I could be completely wrong in season 2 and thus I will eat my hat if that's the case /lh
Just wanted to throw my thoughts out there on this 🙏
CW: SFW, murder, mentions of suicide/mental breakdown, references to staticmoth, angst
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In my personal opinion Vox didn't die from a TV falling on his head: he died from poisoning.
The first thing that differs from a lotta stuff I keep seeing is that I don't think the red lines that come from Vox's mouth are actually Val's saliva from kissing him.
In some scenes, it probably is (like in the poison music vid) but when he's very obviously done with Val's bs during the off periods in their relationship that they go through? Nah.
It just wouldn't make sense that it's always from Val. Especially when we have examples like the beginning of episode 8. It just starts seeping from his mouth as he's saying the "I can't wait to watch you get fucked" line.
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They show up whenever he's more unstable (like in Stayed Gone) and/or when he's having a sadistic power high (ep 8 ) and is particularly out of his mind.
I think it's symbolic of actually being blood from being poisoned in an instance when he was like that in his life.
Actually getting into it: The leadup to his death
Regardless of how it happened exactly, imo in the end every single one of his relationships while he was alive broke down in the height of his popularity.
He became more and more insufferable to keep around: constantly egotistical and looking down on everyone the more famous and powerful he grew, and became utterly obsessed with maintaining his power. (Also what he's doing in hell - fixated at all times on appearing a certain way and staying at the top)
His mental state declined terribly as he grew paranoid that he would lose his control and have to start from where he was (which wasn't good to say the least), and all of his friends and family left due to how he treated them which only added to his instability due to having no support system.
Not that it would have changed much because yeesh.
The second someone would try to reality check him (if they did) during this time, it only would have made him even more unstable.
He most likely believed that stepping on everyone to maintain his power was more important than anything, and meeting someone who disagreed, he would have just discarded them without a second thought, all the while internalising it deep down to be brought back up whenever he finally crashed.
His actual death
I have two main headcanons of how the poisoning may have gone:
1. The first main one is that he was murdered.
He treated his staff so badly during his gradually worsening mental decline that one (or maybe more) got so fed up by his poor treatment of them that his morning coffee was poisoned, and while on air he started spitting up blood and then died (hence why his head is a TV).
This one makes particular sense to me because the red lines show up when he's being a sadistic asshole - as he would have been leading up to his murder.
2. The second: he poisoned himself on purpose as suicide.
His mental state declined so much, so stuck in his delusions of grandeur that when he was either reality checked and it actually took hold of him or his content started performing badly in comparison to someone else's he experienced the inevitable crash after having a high in that way and had a full on breakdown (or both tbh).
Him taking a stance of 'I'd rather die now while eyes are still on me then when they're all gone again and my existence is unknown once again'.
I think it's far likelier the former, though considering everything.
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I am probably reading too damn much into all this but like... the brainrot is all-consuming.
I want to write a fic about his death at some point but like.. I don't think anyone would gaf enough to read it for one, and I also have a bunch of stuff I'm already working on that my brain is buffering about/lh
I'm thinking about how bad he's probably gonna be done in season 2 and slightly dying inside. I HOPE I'm proved wrong so desperately bc I love him too damn much.
Either way I do NOT think there is enough time to properly explore his chara even if Viv wanted to dip into the interesting asf things under the surface. 🗿
My masterlist
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frumfrumfroo · 5 years
I just saw a puritanical Reylo hating rant by a C/aptainS/wan anti (and Neal stan ofc) from the OUAT fandom, omg. It's like these people run around trying to find ships to hate
Ranting on your own blog is a civil right, anon. (Jk, but just hating a ship is an opinion and that’s fine, if people have terrible opinions but aren’t harassing anyone, shit-stirring, or declaring others persona non grata for disagreeing with them, they may be wrong but they aren’t an asshole.)
#I hate CS with the fire of a thousand suns personally#I didn't need to go around looking for reasons the reasons I don't like it were right up front#this person lumping it in with Reylo does suggest a very shallow purity take#where your problem is with enemies-to-lovers or redemption rather than the actual character dynamics#because they're not similiar#CS is more akin to an (imo terrible) attempt at HanLeia than it is like Reylo#the real hypocrites from OUaT fandom are Rumbelle shippers who hate Reylo#THOSE two ships ARE the same energy#the EXACT same#I witnessed some EPIC clownery on that front#absolutely jaw dropping hot takes#but OUaT was probably the worst fandom I've ever been in so who's shocked#I peaced out when it became obvious they were going to do CS#which was an excellent call on my part because that's right around when the entire garbage heap burst into flames#what little direction it had was flushed and the whole thing was completely off the rails within one season#and they eventually ruined all of the characters#A L L of them#the terrible writing was too much for me in season two if I'd stuck around through 4 or 6 I would have ruptured something#back in ouat fandom the anti[thing] tag just meant [thing]critical or [thing]negative#so fans who wanted only positivity could block it#whereas now it means 'I've built my entire identity around hating a fictional character and I think this makes me a crusader for good'#'even though I am actively making the world a worse place and treating real people like shit'#tumblr's stance that indulging in escapism of any kind makes you a bad person is at the root of the hellscape that is this site#it's genuinely a very damaging attitude to have and to enforce on others#where am I going with this shut up
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vulturevanity · 3 years
Thoughts on Yes! Pretty Cure 5 so far?
I do have them, yes. Heads-up though, they're not very positive. TL;DR: While Futari Wa was pretty great and Splash*Star was mostly harmless, Yes! 5 is... frustrating. Not abysmal, but not as good as I'd hoped it would be.
I haven't been able to make a lot of progress into it these last few days for various reasons, but I did just finish the mid-season 2-parter which got me thinking about it in relation to the previous series and what may come after it, or ar least what little I know that will come after it.
The obvious observation is that Yes! 5 falls back into a more classical formula that reminds me of the little I've seen of Tokyo Mew Mew (which I really gotta finish one of these days). The show has a big main cast to allow for more variety in the plots to follow and more flexibility in the fights, with the trade-off being that they don't spend nearly as much time fleshing out the world around them, something I miss greatly from the Futari Wa days. With 5 Cures plus the mascots to focus on, there's barely any room for the minor characters to shine. *longingly looking at Masuko Mika*
But that would be a non-issue, if the writing was at least more solid. If I were to summarize all the issues I have with this season, I'd look no further than Episode 8; it showcases every problem I noticed separately in other episodes, all at once:
Artificial interpersonal conflicts over the most inconsequential things: Karen and Rin, two perfectly functional teenagers, start to bicker over the tiniest disagreements and then immediately decide they're not going to like each other (which, first of all, Rin has been best friends with Nozomi of all people so I really expected more of her, and second, you guys are really gonna fight over flowers? Really? Off the top of my head I can think of at least 4 better reasons for these two to butt heads over)
It has absolutely no impact on the rest of the show: they finish the episode establishing this sort of friendly rivalry between the two, who share the trait of being stubborn and competitive. It hasn't come up again, not even as a gag, in the 18 episodes I've watched since.
The apparent fact that the mascots who also happen to be fully grown adults are supposed to be love interests for the teenage human girls, I'm not even gonna touch that because even as a self-proclaimed furry that weirds me out too much, I'm glad it barely shows up but every time it does I want to scream
But I think this all comes from me not feeling the same heart I saw in Futari Wa/Max Heart and, albeit to a lesser extent, Splash*Star. I'm well aware the OG show is far from perfect (there's like. Barely a skeleton of worldbuilding in there, and the villains are all Like That for some reason), but none of these issues ever got in the way of my enjoyment of the show because the writing cared a great deal about even the minor characters, which was something Splash*Star tried to capture and only managed to do so near the end, and only because it stuck hard to the recipe Futari Wa created but added a bit more garlic to it (Kiriya walked so Michiru and Kaoru could run).
ALL THAT BEING SAID: it's not an all-around terrible show, I still enjoy it more than the critic in me wants to admit. I love the main cast whenever the writers aren't forcing them into needless conflict (Urara especially stole my heart, she's great). I greatly respect that they chose a big corporation as the theme for the villains, and the fact that its goal is to simply spread despair for the benefit of the CEO is *chef's kiss*. I loudly cheered at the end of episode 23, as the angst gremlin that I am, because they FINALLY used despair masks on people (on the Cures, no less!); because no less than 3 different times they had the chance to use Kowaiina on Mika, and picked a random object instead. (Still morbidly curious on what that transformation would look like, though. We saw a mutated Pinkie and that was horrifying, I'd LOVE to see a mutated human)
So yeah. I'm not nearly finished yet so this might change in the second half of the season or in Go Go, but these are my thoughts so far.
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Happy Holidays
Alright! This is my gift for the lovely @aesthetxcimagines (yes, it's me, I'm your secret santa!). Hopefully this doesn't suck too terribly, I don't have any much experience writing for the Queen fandom but I'm getting there. Also, I am way more insecure posting this than I remember being for my first LOTR fic. Fun times. Merry Christmas!
You were seated at the kitchen table in your flat when a knock came at the door. Smiling, you rose and made your way across the room to greet your visitor.
"Y/n!" you heard your boyfriend's excited voice as you turned the handle and opened the door to reveal Roger's smiling face on the other side. "Are you ready?" The two of you had been dating for just over three months, and to celebrate your first holiday season as a couple you had decided to spend an afternoon doing traditional winter activities.
"Just about, let me get my hat and gloves." You beckoned him to come inside and he strode past you, giving you a peck on the cheek before he sat down in your place while you fetched your belongings. After a moment you returned, bundled in a hat, scarf, coat, and gloves. "How do I look?" you asked jokingly, giving Roger a little spin as he chuckled.
"Absolutely smashing, love, as usual," he rolled his eyes, standing up and following you towards the door. "And far too excited to see me make a fool of myself."
When Roger had suggested the idea of going out this afternoon, leaving you to choose what the two of you would do, your immediate thought had been to take him ice skating. After all, you and your family had gone nearly every year since you could remember- it was a tradition. So it had been quite a shock when Roger admitted that he'd never been.
"You've never ice skated?" you asked incredulously. You came to an abrupt halt on the footpath, eyes widening as Roger's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink.
"Well jeez, you make it sound like it's the worst thing-"
"Oh, now we have to go," you said as the two of you starting walking again, a mischievous smirk spreading across your face. "I'll teach you! It'll be fun."
"Are you sure you don't just want to see me fall flat on my face?" Roger asked, catching onto your suspicious excitement.
"Ye of little faith," you chided him, elbowing him playfully as he gave in.
"Fine, fine, but if I break my arm and destroy my musical career, it's all your fault," he joked, wrapping an arm around you and squeezing you into his side. And so it was decided.
"I swear, if I get hurt I'm filing a lawsuit," your boyfriend said, his voice a bit higher than usual as he sat down next to you to put on his ice skates. "You'll also have to answer to the boys, they'll be stuck without a drummer..."
"My goodness, Roger, if I didn't know better I'd say you were nervous," you smirked as the tips of his ears turned red. "Here, just put these on and then we can go out there and give it a try."
"I'm not nervous," Roger countered, "I'm just making sure you know what you're getting into. Wouldn't want you taking me out there without knowing the legal risk of injuring Queen's most valuable member."
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head slightly as you stood up on your skates and offered him your hand. With a burst of confidence, Roger grabbed your hand and pulled himself up a bit too forcefully. Your face collided with his chest as he flew forward, unable to balance himself on the narrow blades. You barely managed to keep the two of you upright, and you were gasping with laughter at Roger's terrified face when he finally straightened up and let go of you.
"You sure you want to do this?" you asked him, giving his hand a little squeeze as you led him towards the rink.
"Of course, love. Don't be silly, I wouldn't back out on our date just because I've never skated before." And with that, the two of you headed out onto the ice.
To say your endeavours to teach Roger how to ice skate were unsuccessful was an understatement. He could barely stay upright when he was staying still- moving was nearly out of the question. The first time you started to ease your way forward he had lost his balance and fallen flat on his face, pulling you down on top of him. From then on, even while pressed against the wall, making your way around the rink was very slow going. Nevertheless, you two had fun,
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Scummy GC
Charlie: hope you two are having a very merry sober holiday 😘 Ronnie: just say f u its shorter like Joe: yeah cheers mate 👍 Bronson: I'm gonna go with Feliz navidad bitches 'cause I'm multicultured and it's a bop 🕺🎵 Bea: Always said that about you, babe, bringing the much needed culture, Charlie bringing the class Charlie: she gets it! nothing but genuine festive feelings here kids Bronson: She's a smart girl, always said that about her 🤓🧠 Ronnie: yeah getting knocked up by freckles is well smart Bronson: Don't be bitter 'cause you're barren Karen Ronnie: 🖕 got enough kids to look after here cheers Bea: Stopped you making the big separate claims per kid so isn't an advisable career move for you, no Bronson: 😂 Joe: alright don't need a headache coming at me from this direction as well Ronnie: trouble in paradise? shocker Bea: Turning up and seeing otherwise would be too 💔 I suppose Bea: no need to act like we don't all know the actual problem Ronnie: that my invitation yeah? speaking for mummy dearest now you're playing at being one, that's proper sweet Bea: Just 'cause you're waiting for it to be written in blood Ronnie: or sweat or tears like Ronnie: I'm easy Charlie: this is exactly what I was after Charlie: creating that family christmas vibe, thanks ladies Ronnie: we all know you've got a boner for my ma and stepdaddy Charles the only thing that's shocking is you ain't there with that lot Charlie: shocking in what world Ronnie: the one where you're a step away from wrapping yourself up and getting on their front step baby Charlie: obviously there'd be no greater gift for you than to sulk all alone 'til dear joseph gets back Charlie: but I'm skint 😘 Bronson: Go on and keep pretending I ain't here, it's cool Charlie: OBVS you'll be coming too because you don't 💘 her as much as you love milfy, right ron? Bronson: I mean... 😉 Ronnie: only your backstory is a match for the princess' if we're going for the pity adoption though babe Ronnie: unlucky B boy Ronnie: we're in the cold this year and every Bea: and here's me thinking I'd missed this year's obligatory sob-story film Bea: tah for the recap Ronnie: gotta give you everything you want 💋 Bronson: 🤶💉 Bronson: You're alright, she had a dose of the clap last year Bea: I'm set, oddly enough Bea: and thanks, Bronson Bronson: Have I earned MY seat at the table? 🤞 Joe: crack that joke to my brother and you'd find out, like 😏 Bronson: Reckon I could take him, no offense Charlie: hot Bea: 🙄 Bronson: 🤢 Charlie: 😂 Bea: That all then? Bea: Merry Christmas etc Bronson: 😂 Bronson: Sounds like a Ma, doesn't she? Bronson: Busy busy 🐝 Ronnie: love you too 👑❤🖕 Bea: Obviously Bronson: It's been fun lads! 🙌🍾 Bea: Have to see you some time in the new year, yeah? Bronson: Text me and just me, like Bea: Will do ❤ Charlie: Bit rude when I've not seen you for longer but okay Ronnie: he means leave me out your text chain, yeah? Ronnie: can do Ronnie: don't fuck with stepford wives Charlie: you can dream, babe Charlie: 'tis the season Bea: If I thought I could trust you around pool chemicals Bea: still wouldn't hire you as my poolboy 💔 Ronnie: is it christmas without some casual racism? nah Bea: If I was being racist, I'd have gone with Bron Bronson: Always the bridesmaid Bronson: Thanks though Bea: Exactly, you're welcome Bronson: 🎁🎁🎄🎁🎁 Bea: actual gifts to come Bronson: I posted yours meaning you'll have it by July maybe Bea: 😂 Bea: hopefully they post it right back then Bronson: 🤞 Joe: have a good one 🎄 Joe: back asap Ronnie: be more of a walking greeting card mckenna Joe: think they're usually a lot more flowery than that Joe: but sweet of you to say anyway Ronnie: not how I write 'em but only got so much blood, yeah? Joe: I won't watch the post then Joe: noted Ronnie: don't Ronnie: disappointing you is 🎅s job like Joe: you'd never Ronnie: you wish Ronnie: there's enough loved up couples at your table baby Joe: don't I know it Bea: Could you do this privately Bea: don't need the notifications Ronnie: not coming for your incest 👑 relax Ronnie: you can still be the people's princess Bea: not taking your 🩸ties Bea: deal with it Ronnie: 💔 Bea: you cry more than my kids, honestly Ronnie: give 'em time Ronnie: don't know they're born yet Ronnie: plenty left to fuck 'em up and over Charlie: This is why you aren't being asked to be godmother Charlie: terrible speech, come on now Ronnie: nah it's 'cause you're the biggest fairy she knows Charlie: babe 💘 Charlie: that's more like it Ronnie: 💋 Joe: please don't put the idea of a christening out there Ronnie: gotta save 'em from hell somehow mckenna Ronnie: they'll already be living it Joe: don't start Ronnie: don't tell me what to fucking do like I'm your missus Bronson: Come and get your medicine, Grandma, maybe you'll calm down Ronnie: you either Ronnie: ain't too big to get sorted out Bea: Bless Bronson: NOW it feels like Christmas Bea: and all before the Queen's speech Bea: which obviously, we don't have to endure Bronson: Could be a record Bronson: The festive feels are definitely higher than last year Bea: don't act like you remember 😏 Bronson: Shhh Charlie: You ungrateful brat Charlie: I always do the best christmas Bronson: Calm down, dear, I'm trying to make Bea feel like she's missing out so she'll rush back to save Christmas Charlie: 💡🤓 Charlie: I'll 🤫 Bronson: I'm a smart boy, you should all be saying it about me, like Bronson: I'll pretend to leave so you can have a practice Bea: You're both idiots Bea: but you're both sweet too Bronson: We love you 💞 Charlie: yeah, thanks for letting me hit that before you got wifed, babe Charlie: remember it always 😘 Ronnie: and you pussies want me to shut the fuck up Ronnie: fitz you're the gayest it's hardly a 5 star review Ronnie: bet she wishes she could forget, like Charlie: how dare you erase me Charlie: RUDE Ronnie: you're still here and queer babe Ronnie: can't get rid Charlie: unlucky Ronnie: that's me Ronnie: stuck with yous Charlie: Yeah, yeah and our hearts bleed Charlie: seriously, get some more 🍾 in your glass immediately Ronnie: can be arranged twat 🖕👊💔🩸 Charlie: don't threaten me with a good time Charlie: already having so much fun Ronnie: it's not a threat baby it's a guarantee Ronnie: sit on the 🍾 and shut the fuck up, yeah? Charlie: I'm sorry, shoulda complimented you too Charlie: I remember you were there, don't worry Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: always was, hand and dick holding for you Ronnie: you ain't got enough sweet talk Bronson: 🤢 Bea: I agree Joe: same Bronson: You two are the real married couple Bronson: You're making the kids uncomfortable mum and dad Joe: get a room and a 💍 charles Ronnie: ain't getting one of you, Joseph Joe: not asking to be your third Ronnie: gutted like Charlie: Spring wedding? Charlie: 🌷 🌹 🥀 🌺 🌸 🌼 🌻 Bronson: Bagsie Best Man Bea: Just don't clash with my christening Bronson: I won't let that happen, I've got you Bea: 💕 Bea: worry about them, no one would show Bea: 👑 Charlie: 😱😱😱 Bronson: 😂 Charlie: 👜🌄 Charlie: you ain't pregnant now, sweetheart Bea: don't all rush to defend my honour at once Bronson: I've just decked him IRL Bronson: keeping it Christmassy Joe: fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la Ronnie: you two wanna get a room after that love tap Bea: 💚👹
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1-800-444-tune · 5 years
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Open for Tarot Readings and Astrology/Numerology Reports
If you still care about my little Tarotscopes Shop you can show your support by donating any amount larger than 4$ CDN today and during this week as appreciation for my daily, weekly, and monthly Tarotscape's Visions of Fortune and Fate Readings I post for free every day. I will also consider doing my super scary-accurate astrology reports for the zodiacs, I will write weekly and daily horoscopes for every sign if I get my goal marker by the middle of the week!;🔔So Please Donate! 🔮 I am starting to get back into my old style Readings of runes and I CHING Readings, and also the infamous Chakra Readings! I am providing my full time 24hrs a day full services for the rest of this week , starting right after this post. So if you want in on this action and want an actual personal reading of any type, I offer....
3 Card Tarot Readings of the general : past/present/future predictions
Other 3 card Readings that I choose to do will be discussed between us
2 card Readings for yes/no choices you want or need to make in your life
There are other 2 Card Readings that I do, however I will not list them here, well talk about it beforehand in the booking of the appointment conversation
Full Access Reading- gives you a full disclosure on your situation at hand
Truth Spread - to gain some insight as to the truth of what's happening right now
Celtic Cross Reading - gives more clarity to an idea or situation you bring to me
4 Cards Of Depth Read - is the greatest for really tough or tricky events this reading will tell you exactly what is going on, these cards are designed to help you understand the difficult situation at hand, and .advise you to overcome the challenge.
4 Cards Of A Very Bad Day Spread- this is for those days you just feel terrible and nothing is going your way, the cards are designed to give you comfort and simple clarity on this real tough rough patch. The best advice comes from here!
The next best advice is one of the many many Oracle Decks to give the very best top notch healing advice that you might need to hear.
The Angelic Guidance Spreads come in a variety of forms, you can get angel messages straight from the Divine through me in a 1 basic card reading, but it's not going to be very good, often you'll need some follow up to that , it comes in 2 card spreads for awesome amazing messages, then 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 card
Goddess Wisdom Guides - tells you your goddesses that represent you or your partner or possibly the situation, it really all depends on the kind of questions you ask me, and all I can say is , wow, ever Insightful, and beautiful truly, these messages are often just the motivation or inspiring words of wisdom we needed to hear from the goddess guides that are by our side in this time of need.
There's so so so many more decks that offer such to great wisdom and great wealths of real true knowledge about our lives but I am not going to ramble on about them all here today, this is enough I explained the best most important ones, in my opinion. So, give me a chance to share this wonderful news of guidance that you will truly find so useful in your life. There's no way you will be let down, there's just no way. I am too good at my craft, what I do is just, k, people cannot thank me enough and you'll, be shocked!
Galaxy Spiral Spread is six cards that's 6cards at $3.00 a card, or if you get this reading plus the angelic guidance I'll put them together for just $11.00
I have a few spreads that I use for Realationships , but the standard one is a 7card reading that tells you just how your partner feels, and what they think , and their intentions too!
Bonus feature for the next two months only/I started doing the Valentine Spread it's a featured reading that will tell you the ins and outs of your relationship, it carefully lists your roles and your participation as a partner and then it says something else I think it's will this relationship work out or something, like the outcome, and it does the same for your lover it lists his roles and advice for him to fix things and what he does in the relationship, It's bugging me cause I forget the other details currently and do not have my book, sorry .
Then for Relationships I also read their energy their spiritual realm guides and read the advice from yoyr partners, also spirit guides, that's another thing I can do that's just so great!!
I can tell you your Spirit Animal Guides and the message they being to you, everybody has over 50 Animal Guides but I will likely pick up just on the most potent ones spiritually apparent to me. I give usually 3 Guide Animal Cards and you do not have to stop there because there's so many more that the oracle will tell me about and alert my attention to, my intuition is key, I trust it like family, yo
Spiritual Realm Messenger Advice Reading- and Spirit Guide Wisdom- this is for your usually, loved ones who have passed on and they're always always trying so very hard to reach out to you, so this is a chance fir you to actually communicate with the deceaxsed for once and finally get a chance to see what they're saying and thinking about your life choices, this reading can also be done for just simple spirits that have chosen to be your guides or to communicate with your actual Guardian Angels, yes I am for real!
Which brings me to this point that I can actually give specific guidance that's from the real #Archangel Michael, if you're really having a hard time or ever thought about what if the angels forgot about me type thing, then this is a reading just for you to lift up your spirits and give you that much needed appreciation and love that you alot of you anyways so often craves, I suggest this reading strongly!
Chakra Readings, these are simply great examinations for your heart mind body and soul , I pick up on your total vibe of yoyr energy centres and points on you and this reading can reveal some major insights as to where you could have blockages and also too gives the remedy, just what you need to do to fix it. This is so intense if you're into the healing arts yourself and are ready to finally level up, or maybe you're someone who's into spirituality or trying to astral project or maybe open your third eye? This Readings for you most definitely if you answered yes to any of those , please seek my help.
Shooting Arrow Spreads, these are just for special dates like New Years, Birthdays, Marriages, Starting a job, Anniversary events of any kind, Traditional or Seasonal Celebrations, I use this one for the Moon Phases, I do one for New Moon and one for Full Moon, you might also be wanting this in general for actually I just thought of this but the 1st of the month, to predict the motivational energies surrounding the coming months like, or at any other important marking dates you associate with movement forward .
6 card Week Spread, to predict your future fir the week ahead, this is a wonderful tool to use to plan your week around these pointers and also to just remember the times that a certain something is going to occur, so you can dodge it or embrace it depending on the event or situation!
Horseshoe Spread - will depict the themes of a signifior and their motives and how their belief systems affect their future at least help to shape the outcome
What Should I Do ? Spread. 3 cards. Tells exactly the situation you are dealing with in the top card then the two on the bottom are your What Not To Do and What to Do cards in the spread, the actual best best for making tough decisions or if your in a position and you just feel like you're really stuck at the moment this spread will absolutely clarify the issue and give you peace of mind n knowing that you have finally got the correct answer now all you have to do is apply your advice you ever been given right? Not so bad after all, see.
This decision/That Decision, when you're at a fork in the road, you know your two options but aren't sure which one is the correct one😇have no fear, my dears, because this is the spread right here! It tells exactly the outcome if you pick say option A. And the outcome if you pick then option B, or I can say #1 option or #2option, and gives you yoyr results and then based on that you can then choose which path you feel you'd like to see your life head in, if you still aren't sure which isn't likely, then we could possibly do it either again or do another spread I'd say to clarify and boost your confidence in one of the options, I have ever got so many more spreads that are not listed here and I just do them if we need to, I just giving you all something genre to choose from , the basics to my self healing art and just my ways of tarotcraft okay, so check these out carefully and try decide what in your life you really need most , and you just don't worry about my end I'm all covered always, and truly won't be a disappointment to you, if anything you'll become a weekly of daily customer I think, after u see what I can provide.
The Big Story Spread- tells you of many different areas in your life, it's by far the largest spread that I really do most often, and it's the most comprehensive.
Houses of Astrology Spread, tells you some insight into some different areas of your life using the 12 houses of astrology. This is one of my faves!
Then I have a few other love and relationship spreads of which, one is for a Broken Heart, one for the Compatibility of a Couple, General Relationships Spread, Readiness for Love, and the Torn Between Lovers Spread, alot more but I'd have to talk about the issue with you first to a session whether they're what you need, so hit me up for love advice and just look into the future of love
There are a few specialty spreads desixgned to tell you about your Financial situation and how to improve it, also my Career Spread to tell you advice of where to head in that regard , all the time money matters eh!
And of course I do dream interpretations , I have a 3 card spread that I love doing that directs your entire dream it tells you what it truly means in your waking life
Then we can discuss if you want some other specialty spreads that I offer we can chat about this one okay I'm stopping the list shortly right after I explain, that everyone abopsolutely must get
A Chakra Reading! Tells you your strengths n weaknesses and what blockages
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sophygurl · 6 years
Here it goes my meta request. I felt really disconnected from AoS this year. I do love the characters and I still enjoyed some moments but I was like generally not interested in it. Weirdly enough the episode that made me go" YAS THIS IS MY SHOW" was the finale that very much everyone hated lmao. So I'd like to know your thoughts on the season and also your thought on the whole "Fitz has always been capable of being a Nazi" which I disagree with but I'd like to see your take on that too :)
(CONT) Or not only Fitz I guess also May and Coulson. The show overlooked the responsibility of those two in all of it because they were basically enablers of an evil empire and like I know we all are capable of doing bad things but they were playing in another level. All you want to write about the subject I'd love to hear :)
Thank you so much for giving me a meta request! And I apologize about how long it’s taken me to get to it. 
I have to say that I also felt disconnected this season. I’m not sure what it was, exactly, but the whole mysteriously being sent into the future and stuck on the space station thing just didn’t work for me, I guess, and being thrown into this whole new world with new characters and situations sort of confused me for a time. Like WTF is going on? And not in the good-fun way of “I can’t wait to figure out what’s going on!” but more in a just lost and disinterested way? 
I feel like they were maybe trying to make some parallels between the Nazi/Hydra conditions of the Framework but with our characters all scrambling together to fight the powers that be instead of being made to work against one another? Maybe? But I feel like that might have worked better if Fitz had been with them in the future since he was the main one they had to fight in the Framework?
Plus, all of the prophecies causing the things that affect the future circularity of it all just got be a bit too much for me. Perhaps if I had binge watched it all once vs. watching week to week it would have flowed better. I wonder if anyone who watched it that way felt differently about it??
Like, I’m reading a recap of the season to remind myself of everything that went down and I’m like - wait who was that character again? And what was the relevancy of this plot point to the overall arc? And whoa - wait - how did that even happen anyway?! It’s confusing. I like a good mystery in my fiction, but not outright confusion. 
I do feel like the way the show has decided it has to become a whole new entity every season or half-season gets to be a bit much. AoS works better, imo, as a character-driven show. We don’t need all of these complex and ever-changing plots to be interested in what our heroes are doing. 
They can have conflict and drama and climaxes and resolutions without these massive shifts where our characters never even get to take a breath before the next big thing happens. Some of the best stuff is what happens during those breaths, those beats, in between the action itself. And we rarely get to see that stuff anymore. We get a rushed confession here and a quickie kiss there and five seconds of emotional discovery and release before running off to do the next insane thing to save the world from something it turns out they caused in the first place and ENOUGH already, yk? 
It just becomes really difficult to relate emotionally to the characters, and to understand the emotional motivations driving their actions, when we only get maybe half a minute per episode per character of actual character development. They want us to understand and connect with our group, but I feel like they are doing more telling than showing these days. 
Quite possibly, a major reason for all of this extra extraness and convoluted plot twisting is due to their need to be linked with the movie franchise. So the writers of the show have these great ideas, but then they’re being controlled somewhat by what the movies are doing, but likely also aren’t getting all of the info on exactly what happens in the movies, so they just kinda slide around trying to fit it all together in ways that feel less than ideal when it all actually plays out on screen. But that’s just a guess. 
I’m trying to recall, now, if I felt differently about the finale than the season as a whole, but I’m not sure. I did like the installation of Mack as the leader. That felt really called for and well deserved. 
As far as the Fitz always having been capable of being a Nazi, or least Nazi-like, there is a shitton of problematicness going on with that whole deal that I don’t feel qualified to touch on. 
But I did actually like the reveal that it was Fitz himself - and not some fictional other!Fitz - that was making the choices he did in the back half of the season. Because while he didn’t literally become the head of a genocidal fascistic regime, he did make some very immoral decisions. And they were decisions we didn’t think our Fitz was capable of. But he experienced that Framework world, and while he was ashamed and horrified by his role in it, it affected him as any experience would. And it led him to making a terrible decision that hurt a lot of people. Yes, he believed it was for the greater good - where greater good means the literal survival of the human race and the planet earth and all life upon it - so there were some heavy stakes attached there. But they were still immoral choices. 
And we saw all of the team making some weird, and sometimes horrific, choices all season. Which, again, I guess, was trying to make some kind of parallel or at least connection to the Framework world. And these are characters who all, in their own way, already carry the burden of the world with them; and who in this past season were literally carrying the burden of the survival of the world with them. And I suppose the crisis of that burden could cause anyone to make some rough choices. 
But I still have a lot of serious problems with the whole Hydra-Framework-Nazi thing. I mean, the agents aren’t Clark Kent - they don’t have to be perfectly decent and good at all times. But they’re still supposed to be our heroes, you know what I mean? 
And heroes make heroic choices. And heroic choices don’t involve taking other people’s freedom or autonomy away from them. Not in any moral universe I want to take part in, anyway. 
So yea, it’s tricky. I feel distanced from the show not just from the standpoint of the plot being overly and unnecessarily convoluted, but also from an emotional view of just not being sure what they’re trying to say about these characters that we’ve grown to love. 
I guess we’ll see what next season brings. If they just continue to beat down and grind down our team until there’s nothing left of them, the show is likely to go from being one of my faves to something I just have on the background. I need a little light, a little grasp of hope and goodness. This past season just wasn’t giving me that. 
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
I just don't feel quite so strongly about the ep as most seem to? I mean, it wasn't a good ep and yeah it was shitty to kill Eileen on top of just being bad writing. But it seems that each season has "that episode." I choose to look at the season as a whole. I'm vastly enjoying the season overall and i'm just not having a hard time shrugging this off as a bad ep by bad writers. I too wish they wouldn't keep doing this, but if i was that tired or focused on the bad i'd quit watching.
(cont) That probably came across worse than i meant for it too:P I just mean that that's my personal attitude and coping mechanism. If i know realistically nothing's going to make me stop watching the show, I have to process things different and have a certain outlook. Does that make sense? Again, sorry if I sounded rude!
Hey there! And no, that doesn’t sound rude at all. I mean, that’s the attitude I typically take as well...
And I would absolutely NOT have objected to literally anything else in that episode. I would be standing up for every other bit of it... IF THEY HAD NOT KILLED THE BADASS DEAF HUNTER IN THE FREAKING COLD OPEN.
I’d been willing to overlook the grossness of 12.02 and 12.08 (same writers!) with Sam’s sexualized torture and the skeevy noncon of Lucifer impregnating Kelly like that. I’d rolled my eyes at the time travel fuckery in 12.13 (same writers!) and I thought 12.17 was a mostly solid episode aside from Kelly being a two-dimensional character (not the actresses fault, the idiotic writing).
I’d found things to defend in all of those episodes, because the subtextual through-line of the entire season stuck... 
But honestly? Eileen’s death served one narrative purpose: Tearing down two seasons worth of subtextual through-line.
Like, completely negated the entire point of all of it.
It didn’t serve to tell us that Ketch was a Very Bad Man. WE ALREADY KNEW THAT.
It didn’t serve to tell us that the BMoL were terrible people. WE ALREADY KNEW THAT.
There was A LOT of similarity to 10.21, in that it required characters to be idiotic in order for the surface layer plot to work. AND THAT IS SHITTY WRITING ALL AROUND. And I usually find at least ONE thing to defend, because I do try to stay positive, too. I’m sorta notorious for it.
But consider:
Toni let herself in in 11.23 AND SHOT SAM AND BANISHED CAS
Ketch showed up there in 12.14
Mick let himself in in 12.17
And even after Mick told them IN ACTUAL WORDS That every MoL safehouse around the world used the same key, and there were theoretically hundreds of them floating around out there... WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T THEY CHANGE THE LOCKS?!
Like... Why didn’t they take her to some skeevy motel or something? What was the point of bringing her to the bunker?
Then one of the things Ketch did during their quick jaunt to trap Toni was to disable ALL the electric, water, and ventilation systems AND CHANGED THE FUCKING LOCKS.
Good job guys.
Obviously they weren’t expecting Mary to have been brainwashed and that kinda caught them wrong-footed in that respect, but SHEESH.
And Crowley... I mean, good for him jumping into the rat, but WHY THE FUCK DID HE EVER THINK HE COULD KEEP LUCIFER ON A LEASH IN THE FIRST DAMN PLACE?
AND WHY WOULD ANY OF US EVEN CARE?! I was happier when I thought Amara killed Luci back in 11.22. I’ve tolerated his presence in the narrative this season because there did seem to be a point to it, up through 12.07... but really. I just do not care about Lucifer.
Crowley working with the BMoL smacked of the deal he’d attempted to make with Dick Roman back in s7. I figure he’s the source of a lot of the BMoL’s actually GOOD intel, because in every other respect their intel has absolutely sucked.
Toni scored a hit on Mary with her description of John’s parenting of Sam and Dean tonight, and I assume that came from Crowley. He’s probably been slipping them tidbits from the Supernatural books here and there...
I’m having a hard time believing he’d have slipped the info about the Colt at Ramiel’s house to them, because he KNEW it would blow back directly on HIM if anyone bothered any of the princes of Hell... Seems like a risky move to send the BMoL after him and stir up that nest of hornets.
But at least Sam and Dean know the truth now, that the BMoL are wiping out hunters. That they killed Eileen, and all the rest.
Really, all Sam and Dean needed to hear were two things, and that would’ve been enough to convey the same level of upset:
That Ketch killed Magda, as well as the soldiers in 12.09
That Mary’s mission at Ramiel’s wasn’t just to hunt the demon, but TO STEAL THE COLT
That’s it. Just TELLING them both these two things (and honestly Sam already knew point 2, but it would’ve infuriated Dean) would’ve inspired the right level of outrage in each of them.
They showed us Mary brainwash-edly killing Random White Hunter Dude and FINE OKAY, but really Ketch and his hellhound could’ve picked ANY “hunter” to kill in the cold open and it would’ve served the same purpose.
The fact that it was a disabled female character pretty much universally beloved by the fandom who was a successful hunter and a friend to Sam (SERIOUSLY?! SAM MAKES ONE (1) DAMN FRIEND AND YOU HAVE TO KILL HER?!) even leaving out the wild rash of Saileen shipping and excitement that Sam might have something with her in canon someday, it’s just sickening to me.
Anyway, I’ve got a headache and I think I’m losing coherency. I think I’ve run through all my steam. 
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