#the salt remains
stillness-in-green · 1 year
I know it was never gonna happen but I think it would have been cool if instead of Kirishima and Shinsou it should have been Hoseface on Gigantomachia telling AFO that that “we serve the true liberator” before tossing a mountain at him
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You are so right, @plf-advisor-stan.  You have blown my mind with how right you are. Everyone look at this incredible plot we could have had. My god, that would have been so incredibly good.
I wanted—so, so wanted—for Gigantomachia to have an actual character arc about choosing between Old Master and New Master.  He loves AFO so dearly, of course, far more than he does Shigaraki, but AFO transparently doesn’t care about his minions once he’s had his use of them,[1] whereas Shigaraki’s care for his team is repeatedly shown in scenes like him remembering Mr. Compress’s desire for sushi or reflecting out loud that he wants his comrades to get what they want.
There’s obviously a difference in the levels of Shigaraki’s regard for the League and for the rest of his followers, but all the same, I can’t imagine a Shigaraki who’d gotten to spend any significant time with Machia as a follower being willing to leave him in the dust the way AFO does in Jakku—indeed, calling the lonely Machia back to him is one of the first things Shigaraki does after getting out of the tube.  Shigaraki wouldn’t have left Machia alone in the mountains for 15+ years if Machia didn’t want to go, either.
Machia, as he was originally written, was not a mindless Noumu.  He spent the entirety of MVA vehemently not blindly submitting to Shigaraki because it’s what AFO wanted him to do, but rather testing Shigaraki’s worthiness, telling Shigaraki the kind of master he, Gigantomachia, would bow to, and insisting that Shigaraki rise to that level.  Shigaraki did, and Machia accepted him—it’s such a letdown that all of that effort on both their parts has, thus far, come to nothing.  Machia chose Shigaraki as his master once.  He deserves the chance to do so again.
And, of course, the same goes for the erstwhile MLA.  All that bleeding Shigaraki did, all the work the League put in while he was in the tube, and we just get nothing at all about what the PLF think about being repurposed to serve AFO.  Good lord, the higher-ups were so open about their disdain for the League when they thought they were just villains with no larger goal for societal reform, but how does their vision of liberation work at all with AFO at the helm?  As recently as Chapter 363, Skeptic—who’s nominally still giving the PLF remnants their marching orders!—spoke rather dismissively of AFO, instead citing Re-Destro’s desires, Shigaraki Tomura’s interests, and the intent to bring about anarchy that would contain neither heroes nor villains.
AFO is, consciously and intentionally, the ultimate villain.  And even if we’re meant to believe the MLA is all about the quirk supremacy,[2] it’s not like AFO’s even doing a convincing job of being An Strongest, given that All Might has defeated him twice!
The MLA never chose AFO as a leader; they followed Re-Destro in choosing Shigaraki.  It’s maddening that the story seems to want me to view that loyalty as so interchangeable.
Anyway, yes, your scenario is good and you should feel good; A++ thanks for sharing it with me, and it’s my pleasure to share it with my followers.
[1] AFO, you cad, rescue your danged husband from prison!!!
[2] They weren’t all about quirk supremacy, of course, which is what makes their lack of on-panel reflection even more exhausting.  I’ll spare the full rant on that until I eventually get around to that What Does the MLA Believe post, however.
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veinereastath · 1 year
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unromanceable Takemura still holds the title of Cyberpunk’s biggest crime
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sidsinning · 10 months
the movie aint better ya goofs (don't read if you don't wanna hear my slander lol,,,)
"Movie!Gabriel is better than show!Gabriel because he actually cares for his son and gets redeemed"
istg this fandom's obsession with redemption needs to END
Morally better character ≠ better writing
Can I just get a piece of media that tells kids "hey, ur abusive parent was an asshole, and even if they had humanity you do not need to reconcile and forgive them in the end" bc I feel like that's what show!Gabriel leans towards which is great
Gabriel barely talks to Adrien in the movie and suddenly when he sees him under CN's mask his entire reign of terror, his determination to see his dead wife again ends in a tearful hug lmao come on now
("but the ending where Adrien suddenly loves his dad again???"- Astruc has been pretty blunt on Twitter that this perfect society you see in S5's ending is built off of a lie, so Adrien is def not gonna just keep that view)
"Adrien actually stands up to his dad in the movie!"
Movie!Adrien is legit a normal human boy, not a sentimonster who is literally physically incapable of fighting back against whoever has his amok
He DOES fight back (even in S1 as CN!), but people like to remember the show only up to S3. Guess what, he learns to fight back and stand up for himself through his growing bonds and relationships with those around him through character development ✨✨✨
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Also, he is an abused kid??? In the show?? How can you knock him down a peg for not fighting back,,, 😭 Adrien's lesson isn't that he needs to learn how to fight back, it's that Nathalie shoulda called cps sooner!!! In the movie they are much more of an estranged father-son pair than anything abusive. So obviously the back talk is much easier too. Movie!Adrien gets to go out alone and with friends unless his dad has specifically planted an enemy where he is. Show!Adrien has been beaten, mind controlled, forced to hurt Marinette, isolated and locked up, etc.- he has been TERRIFIED of his dad multiple times.
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"Marinette isn't an obsessive stalker in this!"
Man I am so sick of this complaint- the show has never rewarded Marinette for her obsessive behavior. BC IT IS A CHARACTER FLAW. One they use for cringe comedic purposes, but a flaw nonetheless. Every time she has done anything that hurts others in pursuit of Adrien she is punished by the writers. And bc the show has an episodic monster-of-the-week format, this plot is recycled a lot (which is its own complaint). And guess what? SHE STOPS BEING OBSESSIVE. YEAH. SHE STOPS DOING THAT SHIT- so what do you want now??? She grew out of it after it costs her the miraculous so why tf are yalls still hurling this at her like its a L,,,,
This Marinette is just a watered down boring version of show!Marinette. She's just a girl who gets insecure at times but grows confident bc she's Ladybug. Ok. So is our Marinette but MORE. Our Marinette is super smart, creative, resourceful, an overthinker, extremely kind and selfless to others, gets jealous and reckless when her emotions get the better of her, etc. She is fully formed even after watching just 3 episodes of S1.
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Like the fact that they didn't even bother to include the oh so important hook of the show- her lucky charm power- shows they didn't care about doing this story justice- its so transparently lazy writing 💀 (miraculous of creation where??? CN gets cataclysm for destruction but what is movie!LB bringing to the yin yang table,,,)
Legitimately all the comparisons I'm hearing from people saying the movie is better are from those who just aren't caught up with the show where Marinette is no longer toxically obsessive with Adrien, where the plot/lore is insane but 10000000x better and more creative than what the movie gave us, the love square was much better developed EVEN FROM JUST THE ORIGINS EPISODES, etc. Istg these people stopped at S3 where the show was at its worst (if I were to pinpoint it)
Everything is so watered down or changed for the worse
Adrienette bonding was 1 conversation and 2 seconds about his mom in a voiceless montage. Marinette didn't fall for him bc of his kindness after a misunderstanding, it was bc he looked handsome in the library's light lol. He called her weird and didn't think twice about putting on his earphones to listen to more alpha podcasts. You really do wonder why she likes this dude over her partner CN bc they have no connection at all.
Movie!Adrien was an asshole don't you dare do show!Adrien dirty by comparing him to this ellen degeneres alien lookin mf
When movie!Adrien is crying after Mari reveals herself as LB, unlike the show, here you're like "yeah no you only like her now bc she's LB lol"
Anyways feel free to enjoy what you enjoy but uuuuuhhhh this movie getting a 3/10 for me would not rewatch
Oh wait the good things
-Some Ladynoir scenes were cute, like them playfully fighting with the accidental wall pin
-I liked Ladybug moving away from CN's kiss- nice hint of angst
-Chloe's coffee stain scene
-Luka cameos were cute
songs were bad or mid
ya das it
I guess feel free to talk to me in my inbox about your own thoughts if you wish (respectfully plz)
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carlyraejepsans · 2 months
ok i was gonna take a pic like look at my sad pathetic noodles boy but i took one bite and inhaled them so fast it completely slipped my mind. this is the best textured thing i have ever tried it's like ricecakes but long and potatoie
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princessanneftw · 2 months
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“I met Princess Anne, & other stories” straight from the Daily MFail comments section.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
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pharawee · 2 months
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Looks like things are so dire with the production company behind My Ride and The Whisperer (K10/Fix Entertainment) that My Ride's author Pat Rangsimant officially distanced himself from any of the company's potential mismanagement and/or contractual breaches. The rights for the My Ride sequel remain with him (I vaguely remember there was talks of filming the sequel).
Here's the full tweet (auto-)translated into English:
Announcement Repeated Once Again As the author of the novel "My Ride", I, Pat, would like to clarify that I have no involvement and no knowledge regarding the case where K10 Global Content company did not fulfill the hiring contract, merchandise sales contract, and any other contracts. My latest encounter with K10 Global was during the closing ceremony of the "My Ride" show at Show DC, and it was only on stage. After that, there was no further communication. Furthermore, the issue of the rights to produce the series "My Ride" Season 2 has never been discussed before. Therefore, if there are sponsors, investors, or any production houses who have discussed this matter with the aforementioned company, please be informed that the production company has never negotiated this matter with me, and the rights to the novel remain with me. This is to inform everyone. Rangsimant
So basically what he's saying is that he has no involvement or even awareness of any of the company's potential mismanagement but there must be some pretty serious rumours floating around for him to address things so directly.
Do I even want to watch The Whisperer finale at this point? 🤨
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trainingdummyrabbit · 5 months
thinks really hard abt the lobcorp pre-suppression cutscene choices and their repetition, how it represents how this decision was never yours to make (this is an action picked out by someone who isnt and can never be you; your decision does not matter) yet the decision was Always yours to make (there is no other option because this is What Happened, and Would Always Be what happened; you would never make another choice. your decision is the only one that mattered.)
the line between ayin and x is so blurred. much like the rest of the sephirah, ayin too creates a split in himself not terribly different from the split between elijah and malkuth, gabriel and yesod, michelle and hod, and on, and on. and yet, despite how differently each iteration of x is described or implied to be, after the memory sync, it is always implied to still be Ayin. to be Ayin once more. and yet, each of the sephirah seem to feel as though they are entirely different people. where is the line drawn? and who is it drawn by?
if x is not ayin, what becomes of him when ayins memories return? the sephirah made their own choices of who they decide to be-- but did ayin make that choice for himself too? was he simply too stubborn to allow himself to disappear under the weight of that many resets, that many retries, that many reshuffles of the mind? how much of x remains afterwards? how much say does he have in the right to exist, as someone who defines himself out of existence on the sole account of Being? intrinsically temporary. but i suppose, since when did ayin care of the voices that were not his own?
but if x Is ayin, what does that make of how we see him from the start? how does this redefine his character, who he Is, what he Searches for? what he Prioritizes? an open ended question becomes a well trodden trail, always destined to return to the same point, over and over. the implication that no matter what he does, what becomes of him, any choice he makes will inevitably be the same. he too has a part to play, and he too must see it to fruition, just like everyone else. and so he marches forward, and so he marches forward.
of course, nothing is ever really so black and white, but its not like we will ever really get to know. we dont get to see much of the man behind the curtain, only the hand that directs. no matter what path, what circumstance, what action, it will always end the same way. the hill must be climbed, the wheel must be ran, and the sun always rises at the end.
it was never his choice to make. it was Always his choice to make.
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aoitakumi8148 · 5 months
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...𝓘𝓯 𝓘𝓽 𝓘𝓼 𝓦𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓦𝓮 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓓𝓲𝓮, 𝓦𝓮 𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓐𝓽 𝓛𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓓𝓲𝓮 𝓣𝓸𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻.
#Aoi Takumi#blog#my gifs#NEOWIZ#ROUND8 STUDIO#Lies Of P 2023#Lies Of P#2023#game#NG+#Winter Holiday Edition#license version#v.3#PC#[𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗲] 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝑒 𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀...#the missing crushed organ x its pieces retaining heat...#except for the traces of dried and flowing -salt water- [...] what remains?#...phantom pain -feeding- the empty insides with blood#...you don't need what you ask for... for you already have it...#~#the last inmost LO𝓟 post in 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 x#the first chance to get the -sleeping- anger off my chest /#𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗨𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗘 𝗕𝗨𝗧 𝗕𝗥𝗔𝗭𝗘𝗡𝗟𝗬 𝗨𝗡𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗩𝗜𝗣𝗘𝗥...#who brands it as a -copy of 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕𝔹𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕖- [etc] x caustically calls it -fake- [etc] without proper grounds/consideration x#devalues the game due to the fact it's a soulslike that doesn't belong to the Japanese x influences the rating negatively [etc]...#𝗖𝗔𝗡 𝗚𝗢 𝗧𝗢 𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗟#you've been offered a pure art ~ and yet you've some nerve to discredit all the magnificent work so reprehensibly ~#your business to j--k off to 𝔽𝕊 ad nauseam... but don't you dare...#to minimize the glory [LO𝓟/ℝ𝕆𝕌ℕ𝔻𝟠 𝕊𝕋𝕌𝔻𝕀𝕆] by judging it through the prism of 𝔽𝕊 -placed on your f-g pedestal-#I'm not sorry for being x having been straight honest... Arrivederci
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probablyhuntersmom · 1 year
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Well, I know one's gonna do it wayyyyy better than the other. Though there's gonna be more blood
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aroacehanzawa · 6 days
can't believe every white person i've encountered in the kitchen throws away the broccoli stem.......it's literally the best part of the vegetable
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smalltownfae · 6 months
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TOP 10 BOOKS OF 2023
The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
Swimming in the Dark - Tomasz Jedrowski
The Odyssey - Homer
The Complete Maus - Art Spiegelman
Shadows Return - Lynn Flewelling
Stalking Darkness - Lynn Flewelling
Maurice - E.M. Forster
Small Gods - Terry Pratchett
Momo - Michael Ende
As Meat Loves Salt - Maria McCann
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rupertbbare · 10 months
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celestiall0tus · 7 months
Syren Notes - All That Remained
And here we go with another egregious example of bad writing decisions.
So, this is very much a double edged sword. On one hand, I agree with naturegreen that the secret of Master Fu wasn't hers to tell. She was told basically to keep her piehole shut until he was ready. But this really was just to create unnecessary drama and boy does it hurt.
I do agree that Chat should have been in the loop since the moment Lady learned of Master Fu. He is a hero and should know about the other hero bullshit as Lady does. There really is no benefit to keeping him in the dark other than basic ass fucking drama. And that shit is so surface level that it hurts.
Then there is Adrien. So, I see more of the entitlement here. Feeling that he deserves to know. Which, yes, he does. However, there was no need to push Plagg to reveal such things. He honestly does need to learn that no means no and to deal with it.
And, fuck, I hate to get into this because of what we see in later seasons, but I just need to say it now. Adrien doesn't feel like a victim of abuse with how the writers are portraying him. Yes, he has moments in later seasons where we see moments of that. However, all I'm seeing (in season 2) is a whiny average teen with a mildly average life. And I know that people react to abuse and trauma differently, but fucks sakes. This doesn't feel like that in the slightest. And it's bothering the ever living hell out of me.
I know the writers are inconsistent with their characters and having them act certain ways for the plot, but come on! Abuse is something serious and needs to be written well from the very fucking beginning to be believable. In later seasons, taking out these earlier ones, I could possibly believe it. Here? Fuck no.
Personal notes. Ondine is... a far cry from what I remembered her as. I still think she's too good for Kim. Kim is... well, Kim.
SIGH Getting to the end of these. Well, Kuro Neko will be next. Get ready for that dumpster fire.
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randomnameless · 1 year
🎶 In the fandom, the woeful fandom, the stans are sealioning tonight. 🎶
Seriously, can't some of these stans get the message and use the block button instead of coming in uninvited and trying to harass others for not liking/agreeing with their waifu?
You know what,
I never cared that much about sealions, but in the last 6 months I've learnt a lot about them !
And again, saying you disagree or talking and exchanging headcanons or just making your point is fine, really, hell a mutual and I disagreed on basically everything in a Fandom we both love, and it's alright ! We agree on things, we disagree on others and it's fine, no discourse starting with "it's a you problem", like, my dude, of course I post about my opinions and views on my blog ?
I was thinking about making a photoshop with a whoopee cushion, a pile of salt and a dolphin, but I figured it would be a waste of my time.
Even watching paint dry is a better use of ressources and time than replying to those stans.
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helga-grinduil · 2 years
good night to everyone except 'tenko is the lump of lead in shigaraki's heart' theorists
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death-rebirth-senshi · 2 months
I'm not gonna post that -_- too out of pocket
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