#the real reason why he didn’t want to take off his helmet is because he was anxious about showing his bare face
inkkat · 2 months
forever irritated at the amount of makeup they put on female characters in the Mandalorian, let them be bare faced please <3
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can you imagine either of these space warriors meticulously plucking their eyebrows and applying lipgloss and mascara before they go into battle? it’s incredibly silly
anyway, I got so annoyed at this I decided to draw makeup on Din Djarin
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not-neverland06 · 25 days
How About a Nuke?
Part I / Part II
Cooper Howard x fem!reader A/N: This is really a prelude to the real story. It’s who they were before the bombs dropped and not as fleshed out as it could be. Summary: Hollywood doesn’t agree with you, as much as you wished it would. Until you meet Cooper Howard and he flips your world upside down. (Image below does not represent reader, I mean I don’t even look like that)
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“Quench your thirst and a little bit more,” you winked and held up the dripping bottle of Nuka-Cola. You shot your best smile at the camera in front of you, holding it until the director let out a loud “Cut!” The smile dropped instantly and you dumped the bottle back in its cooler. 
Tom walked behind the camera, a frown on his face as he replayed the clip. You’d been here two hours already for a thirty second promo, there’s no reason it should have been taking this long.
You shifted, the leather on your legs creaking uncomfortably. They had you in some odd little space suit, more sexy than functional. The backdrop behind you was of painted stars and an out of scale moon. You weren’t sure how space and Nuka-Cola connected but a check was a check. 
“Is that who I think it is?”
You turned around at the sound of gasping. Your eyes widened and your stomach dropped when you watched the Cooper Howard walk through the entrance of the studio. Your biggest celebrity crush and idol just walked through the door and you were dressed like a sexy astronaut. This is beyond embarrassing. 
You had begged your agent to let you take some more serious roles, or at least a few fun ones. You’d been stuck in the same role of sexy bombshell for too long. You couldn’t even escape it doing a few advertisements. You wanted someone like Cooper to think you were classy or distinguished at least. Not some sellout with over lined red lips. 
You whipped your head around, hoping he wouldn’t notice you, and pretended to be fascinated by the cheap set you were on. “Mr. Howard, a pleasure,” you briefly glanced over your shoulder to watch your director shakehis hand. Cooper looked up, his eyes briefly catching yours. You winced and turned back around. 
“What are you doing here?”
”Filming a new advertisement for Nuka, would you like to see?”
”Why, yes I would.”
Oh, this was wonderful. Just great. You reached up to pinch the bridge of your nose but your hands just jammed painfully against the plastic of your helmet. You listened to them replaying your clip, hating the sultry tone of your voice. You hated being typecast like this. 
You didn’t work so hard to earn your spot in Hollywood just to be forced into the role of a sex symbol. You could be more, you knew it. You just needed a chance. “You did wonderful.”
You jumped in shock at the voice near your ear, your helmet hitting something hard. You heard a groan of pain and turned around mortified to see Cooper holding his nose. “Oh, Mr. Howard, I am so, so sorry.”
He shook his head and held up a hand, smiling amicably at you. “My fault, sweetheart, shouldn’t have snuck up on ya.”
You let out an annoyed huff and finally pulled the damn thing off. “Honestly, I should pay more attention, this damn thing’s a safety hazard.” He chuckled and it made you smile without even realizing it. You could feel the heat already blooming under your skin, just barely resisting the urge to fan yourself. But you couldn’t help but be flustered. It was Cooper Howard!
He finally let go of his nose and you sighed in relief when you saw that it wasn’t too badly damaged. He seemed to understand your relief because he laughed again. You heard whispers behind the two of you and finally realized just how close you both were. A couple PA’s stood huddled together, pointing at you with accusing fingers and harsh glares. 
Probably not smart to be a sex symbol and stand so close to a married man. 
You dropped the smile and took a step back from him. As much as you disliked typecasting, you would hate losing jobs more. You didn’t need any rumors to spread because you smiled too widely at Cooper. Lord knows your career barely survived the last round of gossip, that you’d been sleeping your way into roles. Which you hadn’t. You don’t need anything more like that bothering you now. 
Cooper glanced over your shoulder and seemed to notice the same thing as you, but he didn’t seem bothered by it like you were. Of course, he was a man and he was very happily married, he didn’t have to worry about the same things as you. He was secure in both his relationship and place in the world. You’d just barely gotten a foothold on everything. 
“I thought you seemed just sweet as peaches in that clip.”
You gave him a brief smile, “Thank you.”
”Though,” he frowned and glanced over at the director. You rolled your eyes when you saw Tom point over at you and then gesture to his stomach. If they sinched your waist one more damn time your ribs were going to crack. “I don’t quite understand why you had to be seductive.” He seemed genuinely perplexed but it didn’t take a genius to understand the underlying message of his words. 
You shrugged, “Just seems to be the way my career is going right now.”
”Is that what you want?”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. You haven't been asked that before. Of course you’d spoken up about being unhappy with your roles, though you still took them. But no one had ever asked you what you wanted. An odd feeling bloomed in your chest and you took another precautionary step back. “Um,” you frowned and shook your head, “no. It’s not what I want.”
He smiled, seemingly pleased by the answer. “Look, sweetheart, I didn’t come here to drink cola or chat,” he held up his hands in apology, “as wonderful a conversationalist as you are. I’m filming a movie right now. We're looking for a lady with a strong presence to be my companion in the film. I’ve seen your movies, you’re capable of a lot more than they’re giving you to work with. I think you’d be perfect for the role.”
Your ears started to ring as you stared at him in shock. It was hard to keep your jaw closed the longer he spoke. There’s no way that everything you’ve been wanting was just being offered to you on a silver platter. Stuff like that only happened in…
Well, it only happened in movies. 
“That is if you want the role? You’re not looking particularly enthused,” he gave you a charming grin and you finally remembered you actually had to respond to him to get what you wanted. 
You didn’t care how loud you were or how dirty the looks you were getting from others were. There was nothing on your mind other than the man in front of you and what he was offering you. 
Everything you wanted. 
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You stared up at the poster on Cooper’s wall. “I always thought I looked ridiculous in this one.”
“Well,” Barb came up behind you and handed you a martini. You took it from her with a grateful smile and took a sip. You tried to stop your face from screwing up but alcohol had never really sat well with you. “I think you look amazing.” She smiled at you and walked back towards the living room. 
You stayed where you were at the end of the stairs, staring up at the too-large poster. You and Cooper were standing back-to-back, your gun raised to your lips and a smirk on your red lips as your hat laid tilted over your eyes. The bright red cursive title sat under your spurred boots, The Outlaw and The Sheriff. 
Well, they certainly hadn’t been creative with the name. You couldn’t really bring yourself to care, though, it had been your first real role. You had played someone of substance, someone whose entire life didn’t revolve around the man she wanted to have an affair with. Cooper had opened up more doors for you then he would ever understand. 
You turned from the poster and back to the party. For once you weren’t being surrounded by a group of groping producers or Hollywood execs. Being a part of Cooper’s family, someone he was mentoring, it carried a certain power within the den of vipers. You weren’t untouchable, but you weren’t someone to be so easily ruined. 
You flashed kind smiles and coy waves at the people who called out your name and made your quick escape to the backyard. 
Cooper’s new movie had been released and he was having a sort of celebration party. Though, you think it’s just Barb trying to integrate Vault-Tec into the movie industry. From the disgusted looks on some of your co-star’s faces you could tell it wasn’t going very well. 
You sighed in relief at the fresh air and slowly made your way over to the pool chairs. Your feet ached in your heels and you could already feel blisters starting to form. You undid the straps and slipped them off. You lowered yourself onto the edge of the pool and dipped your toes in, the relief instantaneous.
You weren’t out very long before you heard steps approaching. You let out a deep sigh, mentally preparing yourself for your peace to be ruined by whoever wanted to bother you. “You’re not skipping my party, are you?” 
You opened your eyes to find Cooper smiling down at you. You always wondered how his smiles could be so genuine when he spoke to you. You hadn’t felt like you’d given anyone a real smile in a long time. This industry had taken a lot from you and lately you’d been wondering if it had stolen your happiness too. 
You shrugged, “It was getting a little boring.”
He grinned and slipped his shoes off. You watched him roll his pants up and groan as he dipped his legs in the pool with you. His smile slipped and his eyes widened when his legs landed in the water, “Damn, it’s fucking cold!”
You barked out a laugh, rough and very unladylike while he squirmed like a girl at a little cold water. “Didn’t you fight in a war?” You teased. 
He nudged his shoulder into yours, “Watch it,” you shook your head, dismissing his faux warning. You knew he didn’t really mind when you bugged him. It’s how you two had been acting around each other since day one. Tabloids labeled you two as close as kin, brother and sister. 
As much as it bugged you every time you read a headline like that while standing in line at the grocery store, you supposed it was better than everyone thinking you were some two-timing slut. But it bothered you how much your relationship being labeled siblings in nature irritated you. He had a wife and child, you couldn’t let some pathetic crush cloud your judgment like this. 
It was real hard to remember that, though, when he looked at you the way he did. Sitting by his side, under the moonlight, his eyes warm and earnest as he sent you an easygoing smile. You’ll never figure out if it’s in your head, but you swear he doesn’t smile at anyone the way he does at you. 
You feel like the only woman in the world sitting there with him. Like there wasn’t a party going on a few yards away in his house. And you hadn’t just accepted a martini from his wife who had graciously invited you into their home. It was just you and him. 
You didn’t realize you were leaning in until your lips were brushing his. He should have pulled back. You shouldn’t have leaned in. But his hand was on your waist and the other was buried in your hair, desperately pulling you closer. 
It wasn’t gentle or slow like you’d always imagined it. His mouth was moving hungrily over yours, practically devouring you in his desperation to get as close to you as possible. His hand tugged at the roots of your styled hair, a pained moan slipped through your lips. That wasn’t enough to snap you out of your trance, but his tongue licking into your mouth was. He groaned, tasting and savoring you like you would be his last meal. Like he had wanted you just as much as you had wanted him and he wasn’t going to let this chance slip away. 
You jumped back but he didn’t let you go far with his hands on you. His eyes slowly opened while the reality of the situation dawned on you both. You let out a horrified gasp at the sight of your lipstick smeared over his lips. “Oh, god, Coop.” You whispered, voice strained as you stared at him, “What did we do?”
His eyes darted between yours, the realization coming slower to him. When it did, you could pinpoint the exact moment it hit him. His mouth drew up in disgust and he ripped his hands off you. He leapt up, water splashing your dress as he did, but you were too hurt to really care. He clamped a hand over his mouth, looking very much like he was about to throw up on you. “Fuck,” he hissed, jaw clenched and eyes squeezing shut. 
You grabbed your bag and shoes and rushed to your feet. You dug around in your purse, hands shaking so much you could barely undo its clasp. When you finally found your handkerchief you dipped it in the pool and held it out to him. 
He glanced towards your outstretched hand and then to your ashamed face in confusion. “You have my lipstick on your lips,” you whispered. He snatched it out of your hand and scrubbed at his face so hard you wouldn’t even be able to make out the lipstick with how red his skin was. 
Slowly, and without a word, you both made your way back into the house. The tension was thick, neither of you able to look at each other. You kept an unusual amount of space between you for two people who were always so close. If anyone looked out the door at you right now, well, even Bud Askins would be able to tell something was wrong. 
You made it to the glass door and Barb intercepted you. Your heart leapt to your throat. You’d never been more disgusted with yourself. Not only did you kiss this woman’s husband, you had fucking enjoyed it. 
In fact, you wished you were out there still. As small a taste you’d gotten of him, you craved more. Your body was on fire with desire, core throbbing when you thought about the way he’d kissed you. You forced yourself to stop imagining what it would be like if he had kissed somewhere else. God, the thought made you burn. 
She laughed and gave you an odd look, “You look like you saw a ghost.”
Cooper chuckled and you whipped your head towards him in shock. Not only did he look completely unaffected, but he was smiling at you. You couldn’t look at him long, afraid your face would further give you away. You were a good actress, but not nearly as good as him. 
“This one almost accidentally took a dip in our pool,” he and Barb both laughed and you forced yourself to join in. 
“Yeah, and I think that might have been enough excitement for me.” You smiled at Barb and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, the taste of her husband still on your lips. “I’m gonna head home. Enjoy the rest of the party.”
Cooper stopped you before you could completely slip away, “I’ll walk you out to your car, honey.” You nodded, not willing to argue in the middle of his crowded home. Still, you didn’t make it easy for him to keep up with you. You were at the door before he could blink, practically flying out of the house. 
You probably would have made it all the way to your car without another word if it weren’t for him clasping a hand around your elbow. “We need to talk.”
You shook your head and he let out a disappointed sigh. You already knew what he was going to say, and you agreed wholeheartedly. What had happened tonight was a mistake. Not only were you risking your career but you could ruin his whole life if you continued down this path. As much as you wanted him, as much as you had yearned for him, you couldn’t be so selfish. 
But you also couldn’t handle hearing him say that to you. It would break your heart to have to listen to him explain all the reasons you could never be with the man you were so desperately in love with. “I know, Coop, I know.” 
His grip tightened on you when you tried to slip away. You set pleading eyes on him, praying he couldn’t see the tears already starting to build. You knew he could, though, when his gaze softened and he eased his grip on you. After another whispered “please” he finally nodded and stepped back from you. 
You slipped your arm from his hold and ran to your car. You leapt inside and peeled out of the driveway like the devil was on your tail. And maybe he was, maybe you deserved it. Because you still couldn’t help yourself, glancing in the rear view mirror to see Cooper standing at the end of his driveway, watching you go with a distraught look on his face. 
You wiped the tears off your face and turned back towards the road. You could never be with him. You could never love him the way you wanted. You’d have to be satisfied for the rest of your life with the taste you’d gotten tonight. That would be all you would ever allow yourself. 
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“A fallen star, Cooper Howard has become a reject within Hollywood. Fellow actors and actresses have been refusing to work with him, making it difficult for the former celebrity to find work. Recent reports say he’s been seen at birthday parties more than on set.”
The female reporter shook her head, “Such a shame. We’ve been hearing that this is all due to his former ties with Vault-Tec. Ties which were recently severed in a grisly divorce with ex-wife and Vault-Tec employee, Barb-”
You clicked the TV off, shutting the ridiculous news report up and ran a hand down your face. You hadn’t seen Coop in a few months. After that night at his house, you’d dropped the movies you’d been doing with him and put as much distance between the two of you as you could. 
That thought made you feel like the worst piece of shit. You couldn’t have known that Hollywood was going to turn its back on him. You couldn’t have known that nearly two weeks after you cut ties his entire life would go up in flames. You should have been there for him. How you feel about him shouldn’t matter when your friend needs you. 
He’d given you everything he could and you couldn’t even be there for him when he needed you. Of course, once you’d heard about the divorce, you’d called up Sebastian. But he had warned you not to try and reach out to Cooper. He seemed to think it would only make things worse. The more you heard, however, the more guilty you felt about not being there for him. Tabloids and gossip columns certaintly hadn’t been kind when the news of his divorce had come out. 
They pounced on the opportunity to further rip into his wounds and present them to the world. You glanced down at your couch cushion, the magazine you’d picked up in the store staring back at you. The front was a picture of him walking out of a house, donned in cowboy gear and clearly performing for a children’s party. 
You sighed and decided you should finally push aside your pride. You snatched your keys from the hook and headed out the door. 
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Cooper didn’t seem to believe it was you when he opened the door. His eyes, cloudy and red, narrowed before he frowned and took a step back. “That really you?”
You offered a weak smile and a, “Hi, Coop.”
He scoffed and you could tell he was getting angry. His accent always got a little rougher when he was pissed off. “‘Hi, Coop’,” he mocked, a sneer on his face. “Four months without contact and that’s all you have to say. Fuck off,” he went to close the door but you blocked him with your foot. 
It stung, honestly, the cruel way in which he spoke to you. But you knew he could be a lot meaner if he wanted to and it wasn’t as if you didn’t deserve it. You had been a shitty, selfish friend. “I’m sorry, I was just nervous. I just,” you paused, struggling to find the right words to make this any better. He crossed his arms, still refusing to let you into his house. “I called the second I heard, but Sebastian had told me it would be better if I didn’t come.”
His brows furrowed before he glared at you. “So you don’t even fucking call?”
“I was wrong and selfish. Cooper,” you reached out, laying a gentle hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, I’m not asking for you to forgive me. I am genuinely so sorry I wasn’t here for you. But I’m here now, if you’ll let me be.”
The next minute was unbearable. You felt too awkward to take your hand off his arm and he refused to speak. He didn’t even blink, just glared at you, the longer the silence went on the more you could feel yourself losing your nerve. Maybe this had been a mistake. 
Finally, he sighed and your heart leapt to your throat. “Come in,” he stepped to the side and opened his door up further. You kept your mouth shut and slipped into the house. It seemed to be the only thing he’d been able to hold onto since the divorce. 
The door slammed shut behind you and he pushed past you to slip into the living room and throw himself down on the couch. You followed slowly behind him, taking oddly tentative steps, like if you made a noise he would kick you out. 
He had his arm thrown over his face, his eyes clenched like he was in pain. You perched yourself on the edge of the chair you usually sat in, feeling oddly uncomfortable. You fidgeted restlessly on the cushion, crossing and uncrossing your legs, tapping your toes against the floor. 
It had seemed like such an easy decision to come here half an hour ago. But you hadn’t had a plan and that was really biting you in the ass now. Desperate for anything other than the sound of the fabric underneath you, you blurted out the question that had bothered you for months. 
“What happened?”
He sighed, like he’d been expecting it. He sat up slowly, grabbing a glass of brown liquor off the coffee table and taking a swig. He leaned forward on his knees, glaring over at you. “What are you talking about? You’re gonna have to be specific, sweetheart, everything in my life has fallen apart.”
You winced, hating the callous way you’d asked the question. You’d meant to approach the subject more gently, but it wasn’t easy to keep your curiosity contained. “Everything, I guess. Last time I saw you, you were on top of the world. What happened?” You tried to ask your questions as gently as possible, but there really was no use sugarcoating anything. 
“Flew too close to the sun and I fell,” he shrugged and sent you a sarcastic smirk. “But I see you’ve been doing great, huh?”
“Not really, I’ve stepped back from taking on any contracts. I would have dropped Nuka-Cola too if their lawyers weren’t so damn good.”
He shrugged, like he didn’t really give a shit about your life or how it was going. This hurt, how he was acting, you’d never seen him like this. He was acting so mean and despondent. “Found out Barb was advocating for nuclear war and Vault-Tec was backing her. Finding out your wife is orchestrating war crimes really puts a wrench in your marriage.”
You wished you could be surprised, but Barb’s odd behavior since joining the company had been obvious to everyone but Cooper. He laughed when he saw the look on your face, “You say ‘I told you so’ and I’ll throw something at you.” You shook your head and sank back in the chair. “Anyway, Vault-Tec dropped me and since everyone in Hollywood hates me that was the last paying job I had. Now, I’m working kid’s parties.” He scoffed and smiled mirthfully, but the hatred in this look was directed at himself. “How the mighty have fallen, right?”
He threw back the rest of his whiskey and slammed the glass back on the table. 
“I really am sorry, Coop. I should have been here.”
He didn’t look at you, just shook his head, “No point. If you had been, I would have dragged you down with me. Probably the smartest thing you could have done.” You hated this, it made your heart hurt to see him so down on himself. 
This wasn’t the Cooper you knew. This was a man completely broken by what life had thrown at him. You hated this. You hated yourself for not helping him. Hated his wife for abandoning him. You hated the world for so easily turning their back on him like he was nothing to them. 
You slipped from the chair and kneeled in front of him. You grabbed his hands in yours, holding on tight when he tried to slip away. “I’m sorry, Coop, truly. I wasn’t here for you. But I am now, I swear. Let me help you, please.”
He glanced down at you and stared quietly, trying to decide whether he should be an asshole and tell you to fuck off or just accept the help. He had been lonely for a long while now. He needed someone to tell him he was doing okay. That he had done the right thing in getting Barb out of his life. So, he nodded and squeezed your hands back. 
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You laughed and sat up in bed, glancing over at Cooper while he got dressed. “Is that all you know how to make?” He smiled and crawled back onto bed to plant a hard kiss against your lips. 
“You want food or not, smartass?”
You laughed and pressed another quick kiss to his lips, “Please.” He shook his head and walked out of his bedroom and towards the kitchen. You sank back against the pillows and stared blankly up at his ceiling. 
You wished there was a title to describe what you were to each other, but you weren’t completely sure yourself. A few weeks after you’d stopped by his house you’d slept together for the first time. And then again and again, and you’d taken to staying at his house more than your own apartment. 
You’d worried that you were letting yourself be a rebound after his divorce. Afraid that he was simply going to sleep with you and move on once he’d found something better. But he didn’t treat you like you were something to throw away. 
But that doesn’t mean anything when he’s never explicitly stated that he wants something serious with you. You sit up when you hear him padding back down the hall, a tray in his hands. You smile at him and help him settle back in bed. 
When you’re done eating you both lay back in bed and you figure you don’t need something definitive for now. You’ll just enjoy what you have while you have him. The shrill ring of the phone jolts you both out of your comfortable state. 
He sighs and reaches over to grab it from its place on the nightstand. The cord stretches over you while he leans back and talks to whoever is on the other line. “Hello?” His brow furrows in confusion when the other person began to speak. You can make out their muffled voice but not what they’re saying. You give him a questioning look but he just shrugs and hands you the phone. “It’s for you, sweetheart.”
Cooper watches you with growing confusion as your face lights up and you shoot out of bed. He sighs, knowing his morning is probably over. He figures he should go ahead and get dressed while you finish up the call. 
When he comes out of the bathroom you’re still talking. Your finger is coiled through the cord and you’re pacing a track into his rug. You’ve got a serious expression on your face, listening intently, before you light up once more and let out an eager, “Oh, thank you so much!” You slam the phone back down on the dial and turn to him with an eager smile. 
“That was Tom, he’s got a role for me.” Cooper shoots you a happy smile but he can’t help the twinge of jealously in his gut. A few weeks ago some pictures of you two together had been leaked. While your career and offered had considerably slowed, you hadn’t been completely stonewalled by all of Hollywood like he had. 
He couldn’t help but resent that at moments, that you still got to live your dream while he was punished for doing what he thought had been right. He wouldn’t let that ruin your mood right now, though. “That’s great, what is it?”
You shrugged, going through the room and quickly changing into a long skirt and blouse. “He couldn’t give me many details over the phone. He wants me to head over to his house to pick up the script real quick.” You ran up to him, planted a quick kiss on his cheek and darted towards the hall. “I’ll be back for lunch,” you called over your shoulder. 
Cooper sighed, overwhelmed slightly by your whirlwind of energy. He called out a quick goodbye he wasn’t sure you heard and tried to ignore the nauseating feeling settling in his stomach. 
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You stared up at Tom’s door, knocking quickly. You were the perfect picture of naïveté, wide-eyed and eager as you waited for him to open the door. When Tom wasn’t directing Nuka-Cola ads he directed only serious movies. The type that only critics liked. 
Getting another serious role could really help in getting you back on track. Maybe you could even start helping Coop out, he was going to have to sell the house soon if he didn’t make real money. 
The smile on your lips was hard to dismiss as you impatiently waited for the door to open. It didn’t take much longer, you could hear Tom approaching through it and then it was swinging open. He had a wide smile and seemed oddly breathless as he stared at you. “There you are! Come on in, I’ll grab the script.”
Not thinking much of the odd invitation you took a step inside and glanced around. You heard voices in the next room and your smile dropped just a little. “Come on,” he waved you forward when he noticed you had stopped, “I’ll get you something to drink.”
“Oh,” you took a hesitant step forward. “I’m fine, really, I need to get back home pretty quick.” Tom stopped in his tracks and turned around. The look on his face had your hairs standing on end, both of your smiles completely gone now. 
“I said come in.” You tried to back up but your back hit something soft. Jumping forward, you turned to find one of the tallest men you’d ever seen towering over you. He pushed forward and you stumbled back, starting to feel real panic settle in. 
He kept pushing until you found yourself standing in the middle of a crowded living room. Execs you recognized from meetings with your agent and premieres circled around you like a pack of hyenas. Each of them tittering and laughing, pointing at you with a dangerous gleam in their eyes. 
You felt tears pricking your eyes, your gaze darting up to Tom. But he refused to look at you, accepting a large wad of cash from one man and shaking his hand. He spared you one brief glance, a distant regret in his eyes as he walked out the room. 
You spun in a quick circle, breaths coming short and fast when the men started to close in on you. One of them grabbed you and you threw your elbow back into his face, it didn’t matter. They were all reaching for you now. Hands snagged on your blouse and the buttons popped open. 
You opened your mouth, to scream or bite one of them, you don’t know, it didn’t matter. A large hand clamped around your mouth, forcing you to breathe in the cloth on their palm. You sucked in a sharp breath, something sweet tickling your nose before your eyes were rolling back in your head. 
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game/show Fallout, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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mokulule · 8 months
Take Out for Dummies - part 1
Ship: Dead on Main
“Excuse me?” Jason asked in disbelief.
“How would you describe your ideal date?” the man repeated the question calmly as if he hadn’t snuck up on Red Hood on a rooftop in the middle of the night and didn’t have two guns pointed at him by said surprised vigilante.
Jason had no idea what to think, it was absurd. Only one thing made the smallest bit of sense. After all some reporters would do anything for a story.
“Is this an interview for a gossip magazine?”
The man blinked. “No, this is for personal use only.”
Okay. That was even weirder. With that thought he holstered his guns, grabbed his grapple instead and jumped off the building. He could move his patrol elsewhere for tonight.
Oo o oO
It had been a few days, the strange encounter forgotten about as he’d quickly come across a shipment of unsanctioned drugs entering his territory; Black Mask was making moves towards Crime Alley again. Red Hood had to nip that bullshit in the bud. Just because he was more vigilante than crime lord these days didn’t mean he’d gone soft.
So, Jason had forgotten about the strange man on the rooftop and was wholly unprepared when once again he was standing on a rooftop taking a small break in his patrol and someone spoke:
“So I assume dinner is out what with the whole helmet deal, but what about chocolate?”Jason spun around heart in this throat, guns pointing towards the direction of the voice. It took a moment for him to even find him. This time he was sitting on top on the slanted roof of the stairwell.
“What the-“
“A box of chocolate could be enjoyed later, would that be a suitable gift?”
“What is wrong with you?”
“Too many things to remember off the top of my head.” The man jumped down and walked towards Jason, once more showing his absolute disregard for the guns pointing at him.
“Do you have a death wish?”
That for some reason brought a smile to his face.
Somehow, Jason was the one taking a step back despite being the one holding the guns. That at least stopped the man’s advance and he raised his hands in surrender.
“Sorry man, I guess this whole showing up on a rooftop in the dark is kinda creepy.” He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “It’s just with you being you, I don’t know where else to catch you.”
Jason felt an incoming headache, and he was feeling increasingly silly pointing his guns at the man when he didn’t react to them at all.
“How about you explain who you are and what you want?”
“Oh!” He slapped his forehead as if he couldn’t believe he’d forgotten. “I’m Danny, and I’ve been hired to take you out.” He smiled brightly.
Jason stared in disbelief. Who in their right mind just announced they’d been hired to kill someone, to the person they intended to-
It couldn’t be…
He’d been asking about dates and chocolate. He couldn’t possibly have misunderstood take out Red Hood as take out Red Hood on a date. Nobody would be that stupid…
“Why would someone hire you to take me out on a date?”
Danny, if that was his real name, shrugged. “Maybe they thought you were stressed and needed a nice evening? I don’t know. I don’t ask questions. I just do odd jobs for money, keeps the lights on, you know?”
Jason didn’t respond. He couldn’t believe this.
“And like this job pays extremely well for some reason, so like I’d like to do a good job of it hence the questions?”
Of course it payed extremely well, it was meant to be a freaking hit! Still could be of course, but then it was the oddest way to go about it that Jason had ever experienced and he’d taken out quite a few would-be assassins in his time.
Danny’s face fell at Jason’s continued non-responsiveness. He sighed. Then brought out a notepad and scribbled something down, before ripping off the paper and holding it out to Jason.
“Look,” he said, when Jason made no move to take the paper and still just kept his guns trained on him, “here’s my number if you change your mind. If you haven’t called back in three days, I’ll return my advance and tell them I can’t do it - no matter how sad I’ll be to see that money go.” He looked pained at the admission, but then looked back up at Red Hood with determination.
“Still please reconsider, Mr Hood, I promise I’ll show you a good time if you agree to a date.”He looked expectantly from his hand with the paper to Jason’s helmet. Jason sighed. Holstering his right hand gun he took the paper. It was indeed a phone number, above the number it said Danny with a little smiley face drawn after the name.
Danny’s face brightened into a smile.
“Have a good night then Mr. Hood, I hope to hear from you.” Danny walked backwards with a wave and promptly tripped on an empty bottle someone had left.
“Woah!” His arms windmilled and he only just saved himself from falling back and hitting his head by sheer luck as he caught himself in the sort of gravity defying pose that would win him most limbo games. He laughed sheepishly as he put a hand down and turned around to push himself back up.
“So that was embarrassing. Should look where I go, huh? Never know when you’ll be assaulted by littering…” his voice trailed off as he walked away. He threw a last wave over his shoulder before jumping onto the fire escape and beginning his climb down.
Jason was left standing on the rooftop, paper clutched in one hand, trying to comprehend the whole baffling conversation. Also there was a distinct curl of embarrassment that he’d actually felt threatened by the guy at one point.
Yeah, he wasn’t gonna unpack that. He put the paper in a pocket of his utility belt and took a running leap to the next rooftop.
Oo o oO
Jason could not believe he was actually doing this.
It was three days later. In the mean time he’d asked around his old enforcers if they heard about a guy named Danny who did “odd jobs” as he’d called it.
As it turned out, there was indeed an odd-job-Danny, sometimes just called odd-Danny, with an increasing reputation on the streets of Gotham for doing all sorts of jobs - everything from helping old ladies carry groceries home for pennies and a pat on the cheek to heavier lifting by the docks. When he asked one of the street kids about him, he was told he also helped look for lost pets for pretty rocks or whatever the kids had in their pockets at the time, and he could fix just about anything - which had to be an exaggeration, but then again the street kids weren’t prone to overly positive opinions about adults, so he’d certainly made quite an impression on them.
Yet despite a lot of people knowing about him, apparently nobody knew a last name or where he lived. It was a mystery.
All that to say that Jason was curious… and apparently doing this.
He looked down at his phone, where he’d already put in the number. His thumb hovered over the call button. He still could not believe he was doing this. If this was a trap he was apparently walking in.
With a sigh he pushed the button.
It rang three times before it connected.
“Hello?” A hesitant voice asked.
“Is this Danny?” “Who’s asking?”
“You ask me on a date and you already forgot, I’m hurt,” Jason deadpanned hoping he would catch on to it not being wise to mention Red Hood’s name on an unencrypted line.
“Oh! So is that a yes?” He piped up excitedly.
Urgh, why was it charming that that he sounded so genuinely excited?
“Sweet. Did you consider my questions?”
“Nope,” Jason popped the p and found himself smirking, “gonna have to impress me all on your own.”
Danny huffed. “Have it your way. I’ll show you a good time, you’ll see. How does… Sunday afternoon work for you?”
“’s fine.”
“Meet you in front of the building we last met, at 2 pm? Also unless you wanna take the bus, maybe bring your bike? I don’t drive.”
Jason scoffed. Letting some stranger hired to kill him close to him on his bike was a recipe for disaster. Still he found himself answering:
“Great! I’ll see you Sunday then.”
With those words the call ended.
Jason looked down at his phone. He couldn’t believe it. Jason, no, Red Hood had a date for this Sunday. A giddy feeling bubbled up in his chest and he couldn’t help laughing. Red Hood going on a date. It was fucking ridiculous.
Yet, he was kinda looking forward to it. -
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multireese · 2 years
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Jason Todd x male reader
Jason steals from crime bosses for fun but his plans are thrown off by a beautiful sleeping stranger
In and out. The plan was simple and Jason Todd had done it a thousand times. Walk in, get the jewels and cash and go. It should have been easy but the man didn’t expect someone like you to be in this disgusting city. If your underwear were cut any shorter they might technically be panties, not that Jason didn’t love the view. The hero watched as you stirred in bed. He could see how your underwear was rising on one side giving him a peek at your delicious round ass. Jason drifted into the thought of pulling those pesky briefs off of you. Teasing that hole with his tongue until you awoke then fucking you stupid. Focus. He wasn’t trying to be as stealthy as usual for some strange reason. Jason Todd scolded himself for wanting you to wake up.
Roman Sionis is a psychopathic rich boy crime boss who can have anyone in Gotham. He doesn’t deserve this angel of a man in his bed. You were sleeping on top of the bed sheets as if you had been waiting for that asshole. This revelation angered Jason. Why do men like Sionis get first dibs on any beautiful thing they want? Jason assumed you didn’t know getting on Roman’s bad side or trying to leave him would end with you getting that gorgeous face carved off. There was one more precious gem he had decided to take from Sionis.
“Wake up baby boy.” Jason whispered. He placed his helmet on the opposite side of you then brought his hand to your face. You were more beautiful the closer he got. Jason repeated himself until you let out that most adorable grumbling noise before meeting your eyes. “Shush. Don’t be scared. I’m going to get you away from here.” A look of relief was on your face before you realized this man was a stranger. You were still in danger. Jason Todd could read you like a book. His anger returned. You could not trust him because of whatever Sionis has done to you. There was no time to explain it all or to possibly argue. Jason snatched you out of the bed. He repelled out of the window, holding you tight.
In some moments, you were zooming through the streets of Gotham wearing the Red Hood’s helmet. You held onto the strange man’s jacket for dear life as Jason went through a secret tunnel in an underpass that would lead to the bat cave. Jason only wished he wasn’t fully clothed so he could really feel you. Skin to skin. When the two of you arrived Jason promised to explain everything as soon as he got you to his room without being noticed by his family. You thought that was weird but he first checked to make sure you were feeling alright. “Do you think I can borrow some clothes? Roman had burned everything I owned from before I met him.” Jason would have been angered to hear Roman’s name leave your lips but he was too distracted by your still near naked body.
“My name is Y/n, by the way,” you pulled Jason from a haze of simping hard when you spoke again. Jason quickly responded with his own name which shocked you, “I didn’t expect your real name, Red Hood, but I like Jason better.” You said with a smile. Jason returned the gesture and for one second you thought to kiss the handsome stranger that saved you. Suddenly you heard a voice that scared you.
“I’ll say I did not expect master Todd to be so forthcoming either,” Alfred spoke, “you must be very special mr. Y/n”
Jason cursed to himself, “…just let me explain everything to the big guy in the morning. Please Alfred?”
“As you wish.”
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mvybanks · 1 year
congrats on 2k! you deserve every one babe. for your celebration i'd like 🍟 jj surprising you on your first anniversary pls
thank you so much!!!! MWAH <33
2k celebration CLOSED!!!
╰┈➤ 🍟—> ugh, getting hungry; wanna stop for a snack? : give me a character (jj, pope, sarah or rafe!) and a thought and i’ll write a concept/blurb!
warnings: mostly fluff but a little bit of angst at the beginning!
He forgot. You can’t believe this, your first anniversary together and your boyfriend forgot about it. JJ has always been a sweetheart to you, treating you as if you were his whole world from the moment he met you, so of course no one was surprised when he asked you out on a date the first time, the sweetest and most beautiful date you had ever been on. It’s been a year since that day and he doesn’t remember.
Perhaps it’s silly, but what hurts the most is knowing that you remembered everything about your firsts together while, apparently, he doesn’t.
You ignore his texts the whole day, noticing how none of them even mentions once how important this day is, until you get back home from work to drown in your own misery. Maybe giving him the silent treatment isn’t really the most mature and the smartest thing to do, however you’re too mad to think clearly.
Currently, you’re sitting on your couch, eating ice cream right out of the tub with a small spoon and watching your favorite romcom, realizing that these movies have only made your standards too high for real life.
The sound of your doorbell startles you and you waddle to the entrance of your house to see who it is through the peephole: a well dressed JJ is outside your door, a bouquet of flowers in one hand as he adjusts his hair with the other.
You roll your eyes at the sight, thinking someone has probably reminded him of the occasion, although you can’t help yourself from finding him adorable; his pretty face is the reason why you open the door, knowing full well that beautiful grin of his will always make him win these stupid arguments.
“Why are you dressed like that?” You ask him as soon as he’s in front of you and you lean against the doorframe with your arms crossed on your chest.
He raises one eyebrow, “you haven’t answered to my texts all day. What is going on?”
“Do you know what day it is?”
“No, don’t call me that right now. I know you forgot, let’s just reschedule and-“
He shakes his head, “will you listen to me?” His tone is soft and he sends you that breathtaking smile of his, “I remembered, sunshine; of course I did! I wanted to surprise you, I’ve been planning this day for weeks. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to make sure it was a surprise. Now, I’m thinking it wasn’t such a good idea,” he chuckled at his last words.
He hands you the flowers and you take them, guilt and relief washing over you all at once.
“What did you have planned?” You almost whisper, taken aback by his confession after you’ve just spent the whole day moping around.
“Get dressed, I told you: it’s a surprise.”
You and JJ get back into your apartment and he patiently waits in your kitchen as you try to get ready as fast as you can, a stupid grin on your face the whole time. Once you and him get on his bike and start driving, you begin to notice how your surroundings are filled with trees and green all around. You can’t stop thinking about how it all seems too familiar, but you don’t say anything as you enjoy the ride with your arms safely wrapped around his torso.
When he pulls up to a secluded spot, he helps you take your helmet off and gives you a hand off the bike.
“Close your eyes for me,” he says softly and you smirk at him jokingly.
“Is this how you’re going to kill me, Maybank?”
He rolls his eyes playfully and chuckles before you decide to oblige. He puts an arm on your waist and walks behind you, his free hand covering your eyes for he doesn’t trust your curiosity.
“This isn’t fair,” you laugh.
“A couple of more steps,” he rasps in your ear and a shiver travels up your spine at his voice; damn him and his sexy ass.
He stops you and you don’t feel his warmth around you anymore, “can I open my eyes now?” You ask, raising your voice a bit since you have no idea where he is.
When you take in the sight before you, your jaw goes slack, absolutely in shock at the amazing boyfriend you have. The trees around you are decorated with string lights, your favorite flowers are on a blanket on the ground, which is full of fake petals; on the blanket, a chest sits with a white box next to it, causing you to wonder what might be inside of it. JJ is standing with two glasses in one hand and a very clear expensive bottle of champagne in the other.
“Wanted to recreate our first date,” he says sheepishly when you don’t say anything for words have died in your throat.
You walk up to him and throw your arms around his neck before kissing him, passionately and softly all at once, showing him your appreciation and love for him.
“This is the best thing anyone’s ever done for me, J,” you whisper on his lips.
“Then I guess we better start celebrating, princess.”
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andorerso · 1 year
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Rebelcaptain Trees for @rebelrainfall​: Firefighters AU (with bonus secret relationship and protective Jyn)
“I don’t care,” Jyn’s voice rang out loudly in the room as she tried to wave off Bodhi’s attempts to keep her lying in that goddamn hospital bed, “I want to see him!”
“The doctor told you to stay put — hey.” With lightning-fast reflexes, he caught her just as her legs began to wobble, then gave her a pointed look that said “See?”
“Then get me a goddamn wheelchair,” she growled through gritted teeth but allowed Bodhi to help her back to bed. Normally, she wouldn’t have caved so easily. But maybe he had a point… She hadn’t expected her legs to feel so wobbly or the room to start swimming when she stood up, and she wasn’t sure she could make it to Cassian’s room.
But she needed to see him.
Needed to know he was okay.
Or maybe he wasn’t. Bodhi said he had two surgeries while she was unconscious and he hadn’t woken up yet, but not much else. She was afraid of how much he was holding back in order to spare her while she was still in recovery as well. If anything was seriously wrong, he’d tell her, right?
“Jyn, you really should rest. I know you two are close, but —”
“No, you don’t!” she snapped, forgetting herself for a second. Of course he didn’t know. He couldn’t have, because they never told anybody.
There were reasons for that, once, but she was struggling to recall them now.
It was just so easy at first. They sneaked behind their friends’ backs like teenagers, making out in the alleyway behind the bar on drinking nights or holding hands under the table while everyone was preoccupied. There was some kind of thrill in the secrecy, in catching Cassian’s eyes across the table and seeing them sparkle with the same excitement, in knowing this belonged only to them and no one else. A room full of people, and they were all oblivious to the truth. Their little secret.
But they never committed, not really. They didn’t want to upset the team dynamic, they said. Didn’t want to be serious with someone who risked their lives on a weekly basis just as much as themselves. It was just some good fun. Or it was supposed to be.
But somewhere along the way, she’d fallen. Hard. And she never realized it, not until he pushed her out of the way of that falling beam in that crumbling house eaten by fire and told her to go. It hadn’t fallen on him, thankfully, but it had obstructed the only way downstairs and out of the building, and as Jyn looked at him, she knew they both had the same thought. He wasn’t leaving.
The crying child in her arms was the only thing that gave her strength to turn around and leave him there. Still, she promised him, “I’m coming back.”
But as soon as the little girl was safe outside, her vision went blurry and her knees buckled. She’d inhaled too much smoke. She’d wanted to get up, to go back, but darkness swallowed her instead.
When she woke up in the hospital, she thought he was dead, and for a shamefully long second, she wished she hadn’t woken up at all. But the floorboard on the second floor gave away, and Cassian fell through, landing in the living room and allowing the rest of the team to extract him in time. Bodhi said it fucked up his back, which was why he needed surgery, but it also very likely saved his life.
And she needed to see that with her own two eyes. Living and breathing. She needed to replace the last memory she had of him; standing on the other end of that beam, reserved to his fate but apologetic and his face behind his helmet shining with a thousand things he never said to her. Not aloud.
She needed to hear him say those things, and she needed to say them back.
Realization dawning on Bodhi, his eyes went wide. “You two are…?”
Jyn let out a small groan, taking deep breaths to try and slow her racing heart. There was no point in denying the truth; she wasn’t sure she wanted to anyway. Sneaking around was fun at first, but she wanted more than that now. She wanted the real deal. And the thought of letting Cassian go through his recovery alone while she pretended there was nothing between them made her sick. Nothing was worth abandoning him again.
“Please just…” She raised her gaze to Bodhi, pleading with him. “I need to see him.”
The rest of their team had congregated at Cassian’s bedside when Bodhi wheeled her into the room. Faces immediately turned in her direction, questions and well wishes on everyone’s lips, but Jyn only had eyes for Cassian. He was still unconscious, but his chest rose and fell with steady breaths, and her eyes welled up at the sight. Bodhi parked her next to his bed, close enough that she could reach out and graze her fingers along Cassian’s stubble.
Which she did. So what if everyone was watching? The truth was already out now that Bodhi knew.
Her hand still gently caressing his cheek, Jyn closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath, willing the tears away. That suffocating weight on her chest began to ease a bit.
“Is he going to wake up?” she asked, turning to face the rest of their team watching her in silence. No one commented on the slight quiver in her voice, or the way her hand was now clutching Cassian’s hospital gown like a lifeline, but she could see the realization written on their faces. And she felt nothing but relief to have it out in the open.
“Doctor said he should wake up soon,” Melshi confirmed, his tone reassuring. “He might not be able to stay on the squad with his back but —”
“I don’t care about that,” Jyn cut him off, turning back to stare at Cassian again. None of it mattered as long as he was safe. “I just want him to wake up.”
She curled her hand around his, lacing their fingers together. She’d wait by his side until he did. And then she’d tell him how she felt and kiss him. And make sure he never got into so much trouble again.
Lifting their hands, she pressed her lips to his palm and whispered against his skin, “Come back to me.”
Cassian’s fingers twitched under hers, and her gaze flew up to see his eyelids fluttering with movement. The breath whooshed out of her in a shuddering gasp, and a couple of tears escaped her anyway as she squeezed his hand to let him know she was here.
She wouldn’t be leaving him again.
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rupertsfangirl · 3 months
Motorcyclist in my car Oct 25th
Summary: A semi-journal type text about a sexual encounter with a masked biker. 
Tags & Warnings: Smut, alcohol use, drunk reader (sorta), outdoor sex, mask fetish. Think I missed a tag or warning? Please let me know!
Word count: 1.3k Pairing: Masked man x Fem!Reader
A/N: I think I wanna turn this into a mini series but idk. The journal aspect of it is a bit lost sometimes but I still think what I wanted is in there. Please enjoy :> Also I know I've been gone awhile I was kind of taking a break from writing and stuff to be a consumer for a while (reading fanfictions on my new hyperfixation).
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To start I was pretty drunk and on what one might consider a vacation, but this had been on my bucket list for a while. I guess that last shot sealed the deal and gave me enough, I wanna say confidence but that doesn't seem right. It was wrong and I knew it but that's what made it so exciting. I remember looking up into the reflective visor on the unknown man's biker helmet. His identity, forever a mystery which honestly turns me on now thinking about it. I’m thinking of doing something like this again. The thrill of not knowing was a feeling I’d only fantasized about before. Maybe I’ll write a little series of my endeavors, and I’ll be detailed so don’t worry. Now, I’ll get to what happened. 
The bar's lights were really starting to annoy me which is why I walked out and bumped into him in the first place. My face planted straight into his chest, it was firm. I quickly apologized to him but he stayed silent and just kind of looked at me. I imagine he may have been falling in love at that moment, that's what my big ego says anyway. He gave me a nod of forgiveness and walked inside. As he moved past me I looked him up and down, nothing crazy, some black sweats and a green hoodie but he seemed fit underneath the concealing clothing. I took a seat outside close to where his bike was. I was kind of hoping to catch him leaving, our small interaction piqued my interest; I could only hope it piqued his too. I sat for what felt like ages but I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up to the helmeted man crouched next to me shaking my shoulder. I could hear the sounds of a muffled hey underneath the helmet. I groggily lifted my head from my knees and tried to wipe the bit of drool on my lower lip. 
“Y’know you oughta be more careful where you sleep.” His voice remained muffled. 
“Huh?” I could hear him chuckle, it sounded warm and gentle, a real suave laugh. I thought it was odd he hadn’t taken off the helmet but it only made me more interested. 
“I said you should be more careful where you sleep.” I nodded at him, closing my eyes from the remaining tiredness. He seemed to be rolling his eyes under the visor, “Do you have a friend here or a car? Don’t drive but at least you can sleep in a safer place.” 
“Yea that blue one there.” I pointed towards my car.
“Alright let's go then,” he pulled my arm over his shoulder and started walking me toward the car. 
“Hey, wait I don’t want you to just disappear after this.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“Well talk to me, let me learn a little about you.” At this point we had reached my car and I was leaning on the driver door with him next to me. I felt quite sobered up but in actuality I was still quite out of it. 
“Fine, you’ve intrigued me. Oh hold on lemme take this-”
“NO!” I quickly slapped his hand away from his helmet. He was so surprised he had stepped back a bit and I can only assume he looked either confused or shocked, probably both. 
“What was that for? No?”
“K-keep the helmet on.”
“What, why, you can’t really hear me well can you?”
“Well it adds to your mystery, and my hearing is stronger than most.” It isn’t but he didn’t need to know that besides I could hear him well enough. 
We talked for a while, we laughed and all that good connection stuff, then he asked again about the helmet thing and why I didn’t want him to take it off. I told him the real reason: It turned me on, it was super hot, he seemed both proud and curious. 
I suppose we just spoke all the right words to each other to get into one another's pants. 
But one thing led to another and we were inside the back seat of my car tearing each other's clothes off. He’s pulling off my shirt, my bra then my pants and underwear; while I yank down his pants and boxers. There was no way of getting the hoodie off with the helmet on but I didn’t need all that. He pinched my nipples between his rough fingers while his other hand teased over my clit. Honestly I was surprised he found it. I could tell he was hot from all the panting, I could only assume his helmet was like a small ecosystem. I was moaning like we weren’t in a public space and not the fake ones. These were real, I was excited; I was aroused. His fingers made their way down and into my vagina making my back arch. I kept staring into his visor knowing he could see all of me; my erotic faces reflecting back at me, my nude body. In contrast to him; I didn't know what kind of man was behind that visor, what kind of faces he makes during sex. At this point I was soaking and couldn’t wait, impatiently I beg for him to fuck me already. He obliges and lines up his sizable cock before slowly pushing inside. A gasp slips from my mouth and I hear a faint moan from him. My hands move to grip his back sliding underneath his hoodie. It has a soft muscular feel. He starts to move, his quiet grunts and groans escaping through his helmet. At first his movements were a bit awkward but eventually we got into a good 
pace. He had surprisingly good stamina. He sat up more using his rough hands to grip my hips, thrusting at a new angle making me want to scream. He kept hitting my sensitive part as my moans grew louder, suddenly my hand was pushing against his lower abdomen. 
“I think, I hear someone.” His hips slowly came to a halt and I began listening more intently hearing some faint laughing outside, it didn't sound that close so maybe I was just being paranoid. He probably couldn’t hear that well so I was on a higher alert.
Tilting his head and asking, “But, isn’t that part of the fun?” He used his hand to pull my chin to look back at him, before covering my mouth and continuing to move. Definitely one of the top five hottest moments I've had with someone, probably even top 3. I was starting to get close from his thrusting and my fingers relentlessly on my clit. The throbbing and twitching of his dick inside me let me know he was also close. He slid his hand off of my mouth and placed both hands back on my hips, quickening his pace. Our body heat filled the car, steamy windows, moans and grunts, inching ever closer to that sweet release. He kept hitting a spot that made me feel like a glass about to spill over, I could see my face in his visor as I got closer to climax, I had never felt as beautiful as I felt in that moment. Then it all poured out, I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me, he came just moments before myself. He stayed inside but the condom caught it all (I had one in my glove box). He pulled out and we stayed breathing heavily for a while just looking at each other; I assumed he was looking at me but his eyes could have been wandering my body for all I know. 
We tied off the condom, got cleaned, and got dressed. Then we went our separate ways, I walked with him to his bike before watching him disappear into the distance on the road. Overall a steamy encounter, one I’ll never forget. But he may have competition soon, Halloweens coming up and there will be plenty of masked fish to choose from. 
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gunebuggieswriting · 11 months
Good Bad Habits Run In The Family: Chapter Two
DPxDC Crossover, Jason Adopts Danny AU
[AO3] [FF.net] [Wattpad]
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Danny doesn’t know why he let himself get taken by the anti-hero. He knows that the man is technically a bat, and that a lot of them usually don’t welcome people like him, but he was hurt and tired and just wanted to rest. He could’ve slipped as soon as Red Hood turned his back, went intangible and straight through the wall. He had enough energy to do it and escape, even though it would’ve made him more suspicious, but he couldn’t bring himself to. He doesn’t even know why.
He let Red Hood check on his wound, even though it was pointless, as he would heal just fine in around a day. It was the reason he was looking for a place to hide out in the first place, so he could transform and heal a lot faster. His human side healed much slower, still more than the average human, but not nearly as good as his ghost side. But then he got found in that alley after… He didn’t want to think about it. He honestly wanted to forget all of that happened and believe it wasn’t real.
If only it was that easy.
Danny rubbed his forehead a bit, trying to get rid of his headache and the painful thoughts causing it to worsen.
He hadn’t transformed, because he had a feeling there were cameras in the place. He should’ve left, but he didn’t move from under the comfortable blanket he had found laying over a crate. He felt too warm and too safe for the first time in a long while to want to leave, a tired haze taking over most of his time as he laid there switching between a conscious and unconscious state.
Now though, he was much more awake, staring blankly at a wall as he remained on the ground. His bones were somewhat sore from the metal flooring he slept on, but he felt more rested than he did in awhile. He didn’t know what time it was, but he didn’t bother to check by trying to look outside. He felt like the light outside would make his headache worse, even if this city seemed to always be shrouded in darkness.
He subconsciously wondered if Red Hood was actually coming back to check on him like he told him. Should he leave before then? What if he brought his batclan thing with him? He’d probably be fine enough to fight his way to an exit to escape, but he’d most likely suffer more injuries, which wouldn’t be fun. Yet at the same time he wanted to stay, to trust Red Hood. He had an odd aura, obviously touched by too much death, but there was this feeling that he wouldn’t hurt Danny. He probably shouldn’t believe that feeling, trust never got him nowhere.
Sighing, he slowly turned onto his other side and curled up into himself, trying to both comfort and shelter himself from the world to get away from all of the difficult thoughts and feelings plaguing his mind. All of it was making him tired again.
Before he could drift back off once more, he heard almost silent footsteps approaching. His first instinct was to jump straight from the comfortable heap he was in and get into a fighting stance, ignoring the other urge to transform. He would if it was a ghost, but he doubted it, as ghosts don’t normally walk and his ghost sense would’ve gone off already. Another thing he picked up was that it was only one pair of footsteps, which caused him to relax by a fraction, but he was still tense, waiting intensely for the person to appear out of the shadows. He can see in the dark better than normal humans, this shouldn’t be so hard.
Finally, a light switched on and Danny let out a breath he was unnecessarily holding when he saw the familiar red helmet. He stayed standing up, although he let himself ease out of the fighting pose, and waited for the man to walk the rest of the way. Danny had a mini debate in his head if he should dip now or not, but he decided it was practically already too late, and that he would run at the first signs of danger.
Red Hood stopped for a second as he saw Danny, before continuing forward.
“Honestly, I’m a little surprised that you’re still here brat. It’s a good thing I actually remembered to bring you something to eat, because I’m sure you’re hungry by now.” Hood sat down a container that looked like it had spaghetti in it, and Danny heard his stomach growl loudly, causing him to realize that he was in fact hungry. “Knew it.”
Danny scowled at the smugness in the man’s voice that could be detected even with the voice modifier, before picking up the container and opening it up. His eyes widened and his mouth immediately watered as he smelled the delicious food. He didn’t even wait to think about the possibility of it being poisoned as he took the plastic fork Red Hood was holding out and began scarfing down the food. He may not need as much nutrition as other humans anymore, but he realized that he still needed something, and right now he felt like he needed a lot of something. When was the last time he ate?
Danny was already half way done with the food in a minute, not caring how he looked at the moment.
“Jeeze kid, was you starving?” Red Hood asked, and Danny swallowed a bite so that he could look up and give him a quick glare before going back to finish the rest of the amazing food. “You’re probably going to hurt your stomach with how fast you’re eating.”
“I’ll be fine, I have a tough stomach.” Danny said quietly as he wiped his mouth, remembering all the times he ate ectoplasm. “Thank you by the way, it was pretty good.”
“I figured with how fast you were eating it.” The older man said, taking the container and placing it to the side, before crouching down to Danny who was sitting on the floor once more. “Now, let me check that wound of yours.”
Danny didn’t argue or fight him, just moved his arm back and looked away, somewhat uncomfortable. He flinched a little when he felt a gloved hand touch his side, right where the scar of the wound could be seen. He hadn’t even thought about how that might look, forgetting that cuts aren’t supposed to heal that fast.
Red Hood thought the same thing as he stared astonished at the fading scar on the teen’s side. This proved that the kid was truly a meta, though there was also the possibility that he was an alien or something, either way Hood wouldn’t be surprised. After a few more seconds he pulled back, and walked over to the crate with the other stuff he laid there and pulled out a shirt, throwing it over to Danny.
“I brought you that because I know that shirt’s uncomfortable with the huge rip and blood all over it.” Red Hood said, and Danny stared for a second, stunned. He wasn’t used to this, somebody helping him without having to be asked or needing something in return, it was weird. He didn't like the feeling that came with it.
Then he broke from his shock. “Know from experience?” He asked with a small smirk, trying to hide his embarrassment. Red Hood hummed and turned around, and Danny quickly removed his very dirty shirt and changed into the pitch black shirt that was about two sizes too big for him. Danny made a quick note that it was probably Red Hood’s, and he didn’t know how to feel about that, thoroughly confused. Why was the anti-hero being so nice? He knew that regular heroes could sometimes be seen going above and beyond to help people, but vigilantes and anti-heroes didn’t really have the same reputation.
“You done yet?” The anti-hero in question asked, shifting from one foot to another.
“Oh, um, yeah.” Danny stuttered, about to die the rest of the way from embarrassment. “Thank you, again, but why are you helping me?”
Red Hood turned around, and although he was wearing a helmet, he could visibly see one of the eyes lower and the other rise. It was oddly expressive. “Why wouldn’t I? You need help and I’m willing to give some. It’s not that difficult.”
Actually, it was a lot more difficult than that for Red Hood. For one, this teen was clearly not a human, or at least completely human. The fact that the teen didn’t seem bothered to hide it with the sharp teeth and glowing eyes, although they weren’t glowing now, was not safe. There may be laws protecting metas and others like them, but that didn’t stop some Gotham people and rogues from discriminating against them. It was the main reason Batman didn’t like new metas coming into the city, not because he didn’t like them, but because somebody always seemed to get hurt.
The next thing was that Danny appeared homeless, or perhaps even had an abusive home, because he would’ve gone back yesterday after Red Hood checked on him if he didn’t. He didn’t exactly know, but having a possible meta wandering the streets of Gotham with bright green eyes? That seemed like a disaster waiting to happen.
The last thing was, well, complicated. Red Hood felt responsible for the kid’s well being now. Worrying a lot more than he should be. He hoped he wasn’t taking after the old man.
Danny didn’t need to know any of this of course, that would probably freak the teen out and make him run. Which is the last thing that Red Hood needed at the moment. He would try to get the teenager to trust him a little bit, and then he’ll start asking the more important questions like the whole glowing eyes and injury thing.
Danny, who wasn’t able to look into Red’s thoughts, shrugged from the answer. “Whatever.”
Not too long after that, Red Hood left, stating that he had other duties he needed to attend. Danny thought that this would be last of him, but turns out Danny was completely wrong.
Red Hood came back every day, sometimes two or three times. He would check up on him, drop off some food and even some clothing every few days, and then leave again. A few times the man stayed to talk for a bit, and even though Danny wouldn’t ever say much, he stayed and talked anyways. He gave him a few books to keep him from being too bored, which Danny loved, because he was starting to become somewhat stir crazy.
A few days ago he brought him a pillow and a thin mattress to lie on, making Danny have a slight melt down and feel guilty. He didn’t have an explanation on why he felt like that, because he never once asked for the anti-hero’s help. Maybe he really was unused to such kindness.
Danny found himself looking forward to each visit from Red Hood, enjoying the company that he’s been missing. A voice in the back of his mind told him to leave, to not trust the vigilante, but he found out that there was a louder voice telling him to stay. It was obvious which one he decided to listen to. He must’ve really missed comfort in order to stay with a complete stranger, a dangerous one at that.
Danny was reading a book that Red Hood said was his favorite of all time, called Pride and Prejudice, and was actually enjoying it, when the man himself came back.
“Is it good? I don’t know if it’s your taste, but I assume you must like something because you’re reading it.”
Danny didn’t glance away from the book, instead he just shrugged and replied casually. “I never considered this my taste before, but it seems boredom can do stuff to you.”
It’s been about a week now, and over the course of it, they both have gotten a lot more comfortable with each other. Red Hood was surprised the teenager hadn’t left yet, but at the same time he was glad to see him there everyday. He had a growing feeling he was becoming attached, and he couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or not, or if he should let himself. It was weird, really, how much Hood was starting to care about Danny.
“Whatever brat, be glad I let you borrow that at all.” Red Hood said, and Danny sniffed.
“You’re still calling me that? I already gave you my name, unlike somebody.” Danny finally looked away from the book, looking at Red Hood with one eyebrow raised.
“I’m going to keep calling you that because it’s true.” Danny’s eyebrow lowered at that, now glaring at the man, amusement showing through the playful scowl.
“If anybody’s a brat, it’s you old man.” A smirk grew on the teen’s face, watching as Red Hood’s eyes narrowed.
“How the fuck am I the brat when I’m letting you stay here and giving you shit for free? I’ll have you know that you’ll never find a better deal than this in Gotham kid.” Red Hood tried to say it playfully, but with his voice modifier it came out pretty serious sounding, and for once the anti-hero wished he had taken off his helmet.
Danny rolled his eyes, the shit eating grin never leaving his face. “You’re the one who brought me here and then continued to bring stuff, I didn’t ask for anything.”
“Only because I’m the kindest, most cool, and greatest of all vigilantes in Gotham.” Hood waved his hand and stuck out his waist while laying his other hand on it, adding to the dramatic flare he was trying to give off. He may be spending too much time with Nightwing lately, but couldn’t bring himself to care when Danny snorted, amused.
The smile on Danny’s face slowly faded, leaving a more solemn look. Red Hood was confused with the quick mood change, but quickly got serious as well, readying himself for whatever the kid was about to say.
It was a few tense seconds of silence, before Danny awkwardly cleared his throat and glared at the floor. “I- um,” The younger boy began, trying to find the right words. “I want to say thank you. You’ve done a lot for me the last couple days and I don’t know how to repay you, but I just want you to know that I appreciate everything.”
Red Hood’s eyes widened and he could feel himself smile slightly from the teen’s words. “You say thank you a lot, you know that?”
Danny shrugged, looking up at the standing man before looking over at a wall, face turned away. “It just means that I truly am thankful.”
Red Hood didn’t know how to respond to that, his mind going a million miles per minute trying to decipher all of these emotions he was feeling, some of them making him soft and mushy. So much for being tough and unfeeling.
Danny didn’t know what to say either, but he knows that he has grown attached to Red Hood. He’s only known the man for a week and he already feels like he could trust him with his life. Technically half life, but the point is that Danny knew that it was going to hurt when he finally had to leave. When all of his past mistakes caught up to him and ruined everything again. He thought that maybe it was better if he left sooner than later, before he became too familiar with Red Hood and something bad happened to him too.
Before he became something more than a stranger.
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omgiamwish · 11 months
Here in the Dark
Fandom: TMNT 2003
Summary: Being trapped in a nightmare sucks. What sucks even more is realizing just how afraid you are of something. Coda to The Darkness Within
Tags: Raphael & Michelangelo, Episode: s03e14 The Darkness Within, Late Night Conversations, Platonic Bed Sharing
Words: 1550
Read below or on Ao3
The ride back home is quieter than usual. Mikey kind of understands that; they may get into a lot of trouble, but what happened today was definitely going on the ‘top ten freakiest things to ever happen to us’ list. Maybe even top five!
Like, between the unkillable skeletons, the giant tentacle monster, the icky gooey cells that they would have died in if Leo hadn’t somehow freed himself and rescued them, and that old guy turning into dust (that Mikey stepped in, ew ew ew ew!), there’s already more than enough material to keep a turtle up at night.
Nevermind the nightmares they had while they were in the cells.
The nightmare is what Mikey’s mind keeps drifting back to. It felt genuinely real in a way his nightmares usually don’t. The solid ground and clammy, cool air. The weight of his body and the way he felt actual pain when Leo landed a hit. Leo’s voice was off, but Mikey noticed it in the moment and that just made the whole thing more unsettling.
“So, were those nightmares like our greatest fears or something?” Mikey asks into the silence, a split second before his brain catches up with his mouth and realizes that this is not a conversation he wants to have. Shell.
Donny, beside him in the driver’s seat, hums thoughtfully. “I don’t know. In my nightmare… Angel followed us and put herself in danger and… I couldn’t save her.” Mikey watches Donny’s grip on the steering wheel tighten. Nobody says anything for a moment. “But as horrible as that would be if it happened,” Donny continues, “I can think of a few things that would make it worse.”
“Maybe there had to be some level of realism,” Leo offers. Mikey turns in his seat to look at him, but Leo has his face turned away, staring intently at the maps even though Donny said he knows the way home. “I saw Master Splinter die… but I just couldn’t believe it. That’s how I was able to wake up.”
Raph snorts. “Maybe the part about needing to believe it is true, but the realism part sure ain’t.”
“What do you mean?” Leo asks.
“Well, I uh…” Raph glances nervously between Leo and Mikey who are now both staring at Raph intently. Probably the only reason Donny isn’t doing the same is because he’s driving.
“C’mon, Raph,” Donnie teases. “Leo and I shared.”
“Mikey didn’t,” Raph argues. “And it was his question that started this talk.”
“Leo got turned into a tentacle monster. It was super gross,” Mikey complies, careful to keep his tone upbeat. This time, even Donny turns to give him a weird look. “What?”
“See?” Raph gestures at Mikey. “No realism needed.”
“Oh, no it was totally realistic,” Mikey argues because it was, but also because he’s really interested in what Raph saw now. “There was context and everything.”
“What kinda context makes Leo turning into a tentacle monster realistic?”
“Well it made sense to me. I guess you had to be there.”
Raph growls and raises his fist, and Mikey yelps even though Raph’s too far away to smack him without taking off his seatbelt.
“Calm down, Raph,” Leo says, laying a hand on Raph’s fist. “You don’t have to tell us about what you saw if you don’t want to.”
Raph crosses his arms and grumbles for a bit before relenting. “You know what? Fine. It’s not that big a deal. It was just ol’ Shredhead, except when I knocked that stupid helmet offa him, it was someone else underneath. Someone impossible. That’s why I said it wasn’t realistic.”
“Who?” Mikey asks, though something between dread and validation makes him wonder if he already knows.
“None a your business, Mike.”
The rest of the ride home is silent.
Mikey tries to sleep, and he tries even harder to stop thinking about what Raph said. He can’t. If he’s right about who Raph saw in Shredder’s place, it makes Mikey’s fear more valid. He doesn’t even know if that should be comforting or terrifying.
He’s out of his bed and halfway out of his room before he catches himself.
“Ooh, Michelangelo, you’re really asking for trouble this time,” he scolds himself, but continues walking anyway.
He tiptoes through the lair, into Raph’s room, and up to Raph’s hammock. Raph looks like he’s sleeping, which is unfortunate; Raph’s not exactly a cuddly teddy bear when you wake him up.
“Hey Raphie, you awake?” Mikey whispers.
“If ya poke me, I’ll break your finger,” Raph mutters without opening his eyes. Mikey quickly retracts his hand, a nervous giggle breaking free. “What the shell do ya want, Mikey.”
“Oh, I was just wondering who was dressed up as Shredder in your nightmare.”
“Mikey, I swear to- I told ya ta drop it!”
“Come on! I promise I won’t judge. I just wanna know!”
“It’s none of your business. Go away.”
“Was it Leo?”
For a moment, there’s silence. Then Raph pushes himself up to look Mikey in the face. “What?”
“Was it Leo in the Shredder armor attacking you?”
Raph stares at Mikey with such an incredulous look on his face that Mikey is now certain he was wrong.
“I guess that’s a ‘no’ then! Night night, Raphie!” Mikey turns to leave, but Raph grabs his wrist and tugs him back. “Ha ha, sorry for bugging you, you can let me go, I’ll leave you alone now.”
“Why. The shell. Did you think it was Leo?”
“Uhhh… no reason?” Mikey tries. Raph clearly isn’t buying it. “Aww man. Promise you won’t tell anyone? Especially Leo.”
Raph nods and releases him. Mikey sighs and sits on the floor next to Raph’s hammock, pulling his legs up to his chest.
“Remember how my nightmare was about Leo turning into a tentacle monster?”
“Yeah. You gonna tell me the ‘context’ now?”
Mikey fiddles with his fingers, wondering why he could never leave well enough alone. “Well, I didn’t know he was a monster at first. He said something about the monster capturing us, but- but being merciful or something. That the monster offered us the choice of joining it. And. And Leo took it. And then he attacked me.”
“That’s messed up, bro.”
“It’s super messed up!” Mikey agrees. “Leo would never hurt us!”
“He’d never betray us, either,” Raph points out.
“Yeah,” Mikey agrees, more hesitant than he would’ve been even a day ago.
“Hey, listen.” Raph leans out of his hammock to smack Mikey’s head. The awkward stretched out position makes it more of a tap. “We’ve knocked sense into the idiot before, we’ll do it again if we have to. As many times as it takes.”
“Yeah, I know. It just sucks how real the nightmare seemed. I didn’t even think to question it.”
“Hey, at least you didn’t-”
Mikey looks up to see a pinched expression overtaking Raph’s face.
“If I tell you, it doesn’t leave this room, okay?”
Mikey spreads his hands in a calming gesture. “Dude, I literally just gave you blackmail of the century. My lips are sealed.” He mimes the motion.
Raph sighs and adjusts his position in his hammock. “When I knocked Shredder’s helmet off, it was my own face staring back at me.”
“Woah… trippy.”
Raph’s pillow hits Mikey in the face. “It’s not funny, bonehead.”
“I didn’t say it was!” Mikey tosses the pillow back. “I just don’t get why that would be scary.”
“Well, ya don’t need to.” Raph shifts to lying on his shell with his arms crossed. “Point is, I saw that and didn’t question it either. Like I don’t question any of my dreams until I wake up. Don’t know how the shell Fearless managed to do it.”
Mikey shrugs. “Maybe he just has a lot of practice.”
“The shell is that supposed ta mean?”
“You don’t really believe Leo never gets any nightmares?” Mikey asks, though he doesn’t wait for an answer. “But he probably thinks he’s too dignified to have them or something, so he started training himself to recognize he’s dreaming and wake up.”
Raph seems to contemplate that for a minute before he tilts his head in acknowledgement. “Seems like the kinda thing he’d do.” Raph scoffs. “Training, even in his sleep.”
“Dude’s seriously gotta take a chill pill, even if it was useful this one specific time.”
“Since it was useful, he’s probably gonna practice harder. Might even try and teach us how to do it.”
“Aw man.”
“Now, if we’re done with this little heart ta heart, I’d like ta get back to trying to sleep. If that’s alright with you.”
The last part is clearly sarcasm, but Mikey ignores that he knows that. “Sure!”
“That means ‘leave’, Mikey.”
“Nah, I think I’m gonna stay here.” Mikey gets up and throws one leg into the hammock.
“No,” Raph protests, trying to push him back out as Mikey climbs in. “Nuh-uh. Mikey, get out. You little piece of-”
“So cozy,” Mikey says, pretending to be unbothered as he uses all his strength to hold on to Raph and stay in the hammock.
“I hate this,” Raph grumbles as he finally relents.
“You love me.”
“You’re a pain in my shell.”
Sleep comes a lot easier than it did before.
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tngrace · 2 years
Baby Goose is an Aviator
Read on A03; Tumblr TG Masterlist.
So I tried my best with Chipper’s helmet. Thanks to a nice anon on here I was pointed to the 1st locker room scene which then led me to notice two helmets on the counter in the background. They were both a pain to see & since we have no idea which one is Chipper’s - or if it’s even his to begin with- I just went with what I could see/what would work. I hope you enjoy this. It was supposed to be all fluff, but there’s some angsty/tug on your heart moments in this. And there’s one spot where Bradley goes on a ramble to Slider and it’s one long run-on sentence because the kid doesn’t take a breath during it. Honestly it drives me crazy being a run-on sentence but I got tired of looking at it, so it is what it is. Anyways overlook that and enjoy the story & Happy Halloween!
Also thanks to my bestie for reading over this for me! Love you Em! @toews-a-peek
The first Halloween after Goose, all the flyboys were still stuck on deployment. Bradley was still too little to understand why mama wasn't feeling up to going all out like normal, but he was happy he still got to go trick or treating even if he didn't get to dress up like Dad and Uncle Mav.
The next year Uncle Mav was the only one in town, but Carole had been sick and stuck in the hospital. The nurses and doctors gave Bradley all the candy he could want, and they even had Mav take him around the different floors, but it just wasn't the same. Uncle Mav and Uncle Ice moved back home permanently, which Bradley loved, even if he missed his mama and daddy. Uncle Ice came over a lot, and Bradley loved when that happened. Uncle Mav was the best but Uncle Ice made everything better. The holidays snuck up on them faster than expected and by some miracle all the flyboys were home to celebrate Halloween.
The weather had been nice for the middle of October when everyone got home on shore leave so they'd taken Bradley to the beach. Ice and Mav were currently sitting under a canopy because Mav still refused to go into the water two and half years later. All the flyboys understood even if Bradley didn't. Slider and Merlin were grilling while Sunny and Chip were arguing over something. Bradley was in the water with Wolfe and Wood having a blast. He was currently perched on Wood's shoulders catching his breath from all the wave jumping they'd been doing.
"Uncle Wood?"
"Yea Baby Goose?" Bradley still giggled a little when any of them called him that, but he was more than used to it after two and half years.
"Why won't Uncle Mav come swim with us?" Mav and Ice neither one were able to explain it to the kid well enough for him to understand, and luckily Bradley missed the look passed between the pilot and RIO since he was perched on said pilot's shoulders.
"Well kiddo sometimes things happen that make things scary to one person that aren't scary to another."
"Yea so it's like how monsters might be scary to you but not to us," Wolfe smiled, but Bradley just gave him a puzzled look.
"Monsters aren't real Uncle Wolfe. Besides, it's just water," he sighs.
Hollywood snorts before sharing another meaningful look with Wolfe. He pulls Bradley off his shoulders and puts him on his hip. He knows the kid is starting to think he's too big to be carried around since he's six now, but they also promised Mav to keep him close in the water. "Kiddo, sometimes things that seem ok to us are scary to someone else. So with Uncle Mav it's water and while we could tell you why, you wouldn't understand right now, and it's something Mav needs to tell you when he's ready."
Bradley sighs but nods. "Ok. Just wish he could have fun like us," he pouts, tugging at Wolfe and Wood's heartstrings. They turn to look at Mav and Ice lounging on towels watching everybody else. They know Ice is the only reason Mav's not panicking about Bradley in the water, but he also looks relaxed for a change.
"I think he is having fun," Wolfe promises, ruffling Bradley's hair. "Now let's talk Halloween costumes," he grins, getting Bradley's mind off Mav for the moment. They all already know that Bradley wants to be an aviator and they're all wearing their flight suits to take him trick-or-treating but they want to hear what all Bradley has to say about it.
Bradley gives them the biggest grin. "I wanna be a-a-aviators like all of you. Uncle Ice already got me a flight suit and helmet. Mav says we can decorate it however I want. But I don't know who's the best at art."
"Slider," Wolfe and Wood say at the same time, making Bradley giggle.
"What have you decided on putting on your helmet?"
Bradley screws his face up like he's thinking extra hard. "I dunno. I wanna be like all of you. Not just one."
"Well let's go see what Uncle Slider thinks. Maybe between the eight of us we can come up with something." Bradley giggles and nods before they toss him back and forth between them as they head up the beach. He wiggles down when they're close to Mav and Ice and he takes off running, collapsing on top of Mav who pretends to be offended that Bradley's getting him all wet. Ice wraps him up in a towel as Bradley talks a mile a minute making sure they saw everything he did.
Slider calls out that the burgers are ready so they all scramble to fix their plates at once. Ice makes Bradley’s for him as Bradley gets chips out for everybody, dropping bags on their towels. “Thanks,” Bradley grins at Ice as he takes his plate. His towel is between Ice and Mav and once everyone is settled Wood brings up the helmet dilemma.
“Baby Goose needs help decorating his helmet for Halloween, Sli.”
“Yea Ice mentioned something about that. Whatcha thinking of putting on it kiddo?”
Bradley swallows his bite before looking between all of them and shrugging. “I dunno. Ice and Mav says we can get patches from Top Gun to put on my suit. But I can’t pick between all of you.” He’s pouting a little because he’s thought about this so much, and he still doesn't know who’s helmet he wants to replicate. He’d do all of them if he could. It tugs on all their hearts because they hate seeing him sad or upset.
Ice ruffles Bradley's hair to get the sad look off his face. "We've told him no one would be mad if he picked just one," Mav says with a shrug since it was obvious Bradley didn't believe them. The flyboys all reaffirm that, but Bradley still doesn't like the idea.
"Alright I'll come over tomorrow and take a look at the helmet, and we'll figure this out. Ok Baby Goose?"
Bradley gives Slider a nod and they finish eating before packing up to head home. Hollywood gives Ice a heads up about their conversation with Bradley in the ocean, and then they all head home for the night.
As promised Slider is at the house at lunch the next day with Ice in tow since it was a night Ice didn't stay over. While none of the flyboys cared what the two got up to, they still played it safe with work rules. Bradley was sitting on the couch waiting on them, helmet and flight suit on the coffee table.
"You took forever," he groaned, throwing himself at Ice first for a hug and then Slider, cracking them both up as Mav came out of the kitchen. He'd made sandwiches for lunch and passed them out while Bradley passed Slider his helmet.
"First things first," Slider grins, holding the helmet up. "What base color are we doing?"
Bradley looked between them looking stressed, which Ice just hates. He pulls Bradley into his lap which seems to help him relax some. "I think we decided red like Goose's," Ice finally says when Mav and Bradley neither speak up. He feels Mav push his shoulder into his own and knows that Slider won't say anything, so he throws his arm around Mav's shoulder to help ground him as well.
"Good choice," Slider grins, around his sandwich. Bradley seems to relax even more at that.
"D'ya think you can make it like everybody's Uncle Sli?"
Slider spins the helmet around in thought. "I think it'll be possible Baby Goose. I think we paint it red and then pick one thing from everybody's helmet and paint it on here. Was thinking about it on the way over and I think I got it."
"Really?" Bradley grins, lighting up and scrambling off Ice's lap to Slider’s. They love seeing Bradley’s enthusiasm now that Slider has told him he won’t have to pick just one helmet to replicate.
"Yea. So I think we take and paint stripes just like your dad and Mav's have right through here," he says, showing Bradley where he'll put them on the front of the helmet. He points to the left side of the helmet next; "We put Sunny's sun back here.” He spins it pointing to the back next; “Then we'll take the lightning bolt from mine and Ice's and put it here coming off the stripes from the front. We can put Chip's blue circle and red lines here with it making it look like the lighting strike is hitting it. Then on this side," he points to the right side now, "we put Wood and Wolf's stars with Merlin's moon. This way the sun and night sky are on opposite sides."
Bradley was staring at him in wonder, making Slider grin and ruffle his hair. "What d'ya think kiddo?" Mav asks from his place on the couch beside Ice. Honestly he’s just as astonished as Bradley after listening to Slider’s ideas.
"I think it'll be cool!" All three chuckle quietly at Bradley's enthusiasm. "Go get Sli the paint and brushes we bought then," Ice tells him. Bradley shoots off like a rocket to get the supplies they'd bought last week.
"Thank god you picked the stars from Wood and Wolf. I was gonna kill you otherwise," Ice deadpans.
Mav and Slider crack up knowing the options on those two helmets were slim. "Such little faith in me," Slider says mock-offended.
"I just know you dickhead," Ice deadpans, drawing laughs from his wingman & RIO. They settle back down before Mav softly thanks Slider.
"You know we all love the kid too. Besides ain't much."
"Still. Appreciate it," Mav says, squeezing Slider’s shoulder as he cleans up their lunch.
"He good?" Slider mouths to Ice once Mav's in the kitchen.
Ice gives him a nod as Bradley runs back in. "Here ya go Uncle Sli," Bradley grins, flopping back in his lap after handing him the bag. "Am I gonna be in the way?"
"Not at all Baby Goose. You can help me paint it red." Ice gets some old newspapers to throw down so they don't get paint everywhere and then he and Mav relax on the couch watching Slider teach Bradley how to paint.
Bradley chatters all about school and his friends while he and Slider paint the helmet red. Mav ends up wandering off to the garage once most of the red is done and when Ice inclines his head that way Slider gives him a nod. Once Ice and Mav are gone, Bradley seems to get really quiet while they let the red paint dry.
"What's wrong, Gosling?" Slider asks as Bradley curls up in his lap.
Bradley bites his lip as he shakes his head reminding Slider so much of Mav in that moment. "Come on kiddo you know you can tell me anything."
Bradley sighs softly but gives a nod. He turns so his face is buried in Slider's chest before mumbling out "I think I'm making Uncle Mav sad."
Slider feels his heart clench tight as he rubs Bradley's back to comfort him. "Oh Baby Goose," he sighs. Ice had already given him a heads up about what Wood said yesterday as they were leaving the beach and this just added to it. Their Baby Goose was growing up and they were going to have to tell him some truths before too much longer.
"Mav might be a little sad, yea. But that is in no way your fault." He gently pulled Bradley's face up to loom at him. "It's not your fault Bradley. He just misses your dad and mom, just like all of us. And he's always going to be a little sad, but he loves you kiddo and you make him happy. That I can promise you."
Bradley sniffles a little but gives Slider a nod. "I miss mommy and daddy too. But I love all of you."
Slider smiles as he ruffles his hair. "We know Gosling. We love you too. Very much."
Bradley hugs Slider tight. "Uncle Sli?"
"Yea buddy?"
"Can I ask you somethin' before I ask Ice and Mav?"
"Always." Slider had no clue what he was fixing to be asked, but he would always be honest with the kid and Bradley knew it.  
Bradley was biting his lip again and fiddling with the hem of his shirt as he thought about what he wanted to ask. "Last week at school we were working on family projects and I made this drawing - it's really cool!" His face broke into a grin at that making Slider smile too before the kid broke into the longest ramble Slider had ever heard from him.
"And I wanna give it to Uncle Mav and Ice but I don't wanna make Uncle Mav any sadder. Because… 'Cause…. When I drawed my family, I drawed him and Ice and me and it says my dad and my pops and me on it. And then I drawed all my uncles off to the side 'cause I didn't know where else to put everybody and Mav and Ice are like my dad and pops 'cause they're always here and do everything mommy and daddy used to do for me even though Ice can't stay every night which is dumb 'cause everything is better when Ice is here and Uncle Mav sleeps better and doesn't wake up screaming. And I didn't know how else to s'plain it to everybody so i just did it but I don't want Uncle Mav to be sad or upset and…"
"Bradley…. Buddy breathe," Slider said softly, pulling the kid into his chest. Bradley took a deep shuddering breath as Slider rubbed his back holding him tight to him. He let Bradley take a few deep breaths as he just held him before he pulled him back and cradled his cheeks. "Uncle Mav and Uncle Ice are going to be so honored you think of them like that buddy. And I know things have been hard since losing your dad and mom, and things are confusing to explain at your age. And I know it's not fair that Uncle Ice can't stay here every night and that it's hard to understand right now, but we're all so proud of you kiddo and how you've handled it."
"Are they gonna cry?" Bradley asks, biting his lip.
Slider chuckles softly before hugging Bradley tight. "Yea probably Gosling. But it'll be happy tears. I know that doesn't make sense right now but one day you'll understand. Would you feel better giving it to them while I'm still here?"
Bradley nods against Slider's chest.
"Alright why don't you go get it, and I'll go get Ice and Mav. Once we're done it should be time to finish your helmet."
Bradley nods again before wrapping his arms around Slider’s neck and hugging tight. "Thanks Uncle Sli," he whispers.
"Anytime Baby Goose. It's what I'm here for." Bradley gives him a grin before he scampers off to his room.
"Well fuck," Slider sighs, running a hand down his face. He pushes up off the floor and wanders off to the garage. Ice is sitting on the hood of his jeep while Mav tinkers on the bike. They both look up when they hear the door open.
"Alright listen and listen close," Slider starts grabbing both of their full attention. "Bradley has something he wants to give you both, and he's afraid it's going to make you even sadder - yes he's picked up on it," he says, answering the question on the tips of their tongues as if he's a mind reader. "But I did my best to explain that there's always going to be a hint of sadness because we all miss Goose and Carole. And because I'm the best friend either of you dumbasses are ever going to have, I'm going to go ahead and tell you what he's giving you so you're not blindsided. They did a family project thing at school last week and the kid drew a picture of his family labeling it uncles, dad, pops, and Bradley. He didn't know how else to explain it, and he thinks of you both that way. Now you're going to act surprised and when you both cry, yes you'll cry too Iceman, he'll understand it's happy tears because again I'm the best."
Mav and Ice are both like statues just staring at Slider. "Hell no wonder the kid was scared," he mutters under his breath. "Would you two pull it together," Slider groans.
Ice is the first to snap out of it, his eyes meeting Mav's. He's not the least bit surprised that Bradley thinks of Mav as dad, but to know the kid thinks of him the same way is flooring. "Mav?" He whispers, pulling his wingman into his arms and holding him tight.
Mav barely chokes back a sob as Ice holds him. Slider gives them a moment before trying to break the mood. "He also thinks it's dumb that Ice can't stay here every night, and quite frankly I'm starting to agree with the kid." He gives them the biggest grin and a shrug when Ice turns his icy glare on him. "No reason two young officers can't share a three bedroom house to save on rent. Happens all the time," he smirks before he turns and heads back into the house leaving the door open for them to follow.
Ice holds Mav a moment longer before he softly cradles his face. "You ok?" He whispers.
Mav gives him a shaky nod before burying his face back in Ice's neck. He breathes for another minute before he pulls back. "Yea…. Yea I'm ok. Just not sure how I got so lucky with you or Bradley. I miss them…. God do I miss them," he whispers. "But I feel so lucky to have the family I never thought I'd get."
Ice rubs under his eyes wiping the tears. "I know the feeling," he whispers. He gives Mav a quick peck on the lips; "Come on. Let's not keep our kid waiting," he grins. He laces fingers with Mav as they head into the house.
Bradley is curled up in Slider's lap clutching a piece of paper to his chest. "Hey Baby Goose. Sli says you have something for us," Mav smiles.
Bradley gives him a nod before looking up at Slider. Slider too gives him a nod and then Bradley is scrambling onto the couch between Ice and Mav. He's biting his lip and clutching the paper against his chest where they can't see it.
"Whatcha got there B?" Ice asks, gently pulling Bradley's lip from his teeth. He knows it's a habit the kid's picked up from Mav, and he's determined to break it in them both one way or another.
"A picture." Bradley is quiet for another minute before he meets both their eyes. "Last week at school we were working on family projects and I made this picture. I…. I didn't know how else to s'plain it to everybody that… that my family isn't like there's 'cause mommy and daddy are gone. But I tried…. And I…. I wanted to give this to you." He quickly shoves the picture between them and his lip goes back between his teeth.
Ice gently takes it as Mav settles Bradley in his lap. He wraps his arms around the little boy and he feels Bradley relax against his chest. Mav squeezes him tight as Ice turns the paper so Mav can see it too. Bradley feels Mav's sharp inhale, and he bites his lip harder until Uncle Mav buries his head in Bradley's hair and just breathes.
Uncle Ice has tears in his eyes and Bradley feels tears well up in his too. "I don't like making either of you sad," he starts before Mav hugs him tighter.
"We're not sad B," Ice murmurs, leaning over to wrap his arms around Bradley with Mav. "We're not sad at all."
"But you're crying," he whispers. Ice pulls back when he feels Mav trying to move and then Mav spins Bradley to face him. Mav softly brushes Bradley's bangs back before kissing his forehead.
"We're not sad Baby Goose. Knowing you think of us as dad and pops is an honor." He pulls Bradley in and hugs him close. "I know things are confusing and hard to explain, but we love you and you love us and we're a family. That's all that matters. No matter what you want to call us."
Bradley clings to Mav as he feels Ice rub his back. Bradley shudders some breaths into Mav's chest before he sits back up. "I know…." He bites his lip until both his uncles give him reassuring nods. "I know you're not my dad, but you both are always here and you do stuff mommy and daddy always did and…"
Ice leans over and ruffles Bradley's hair when he seems unable to finish voicing his thoughts. "We know B." He shares a look with Mav and when he gets a subtle nod he continues. "We would be honored to be your dad and pops."
Bradley gives them the biggest smile before trying to hug them both. Ice gives a soft chuckle before spinning and squishing Bradley between them in a hug. Bradley giggles into Mav's chest as he's squished between his two favorite people. "I love you both," he giggles, making all three men melt.
"We love you too Bradley," Mav murmurs, kissing his head.
"Alright Gosling ready for me to finish this helmet?"
Bradley turns in Mav's arms and gives Slider a grin. "Yea. I'll let you do it 'cause it'll be too hard for me." He turns to Ice next. "Can we put my patches on now?"
"Go get them Baby Goose."
Bradley squeals and launches off the couch to go get the patches and velcro they'd bought to put on the flight suit so they can reuse the patches if Bradley wants them on something else. Slider's sketching away on the helmet not paying Ice or Mav any attention as Mav buries his face in Ice's neck just breathing.
"You ok?" Ice murmurs, and Mav just nods. Ice gently rubs his back before kissing the top of his head. "We'll talk more later tonight," he promises, as they hear Bradley running back into the living room.
Bradley stops and peers over Slider's shoulder before climbing back on the couch with his flight suit and patches. Mav curls into the corner and watches Ice patiently help Bradley arrange patches all over his flight suit while Slider starts painting his designs on the helmet. He quietly gets up and grabs his Polaroid camera and snaps a picture of B and Ice with their heads bent together in concentration. He gives them a smirk when they both look up at him before he goes to put the picture on the fridge.
It's a productive afternoon and Slider gets the helmet done. Bradley is extremely ecstatic with how it turned out. He begs them to call the other flyboys to come over and see it, so Mav relents, unable to tell Bradley no. He orders pizza and they take Bradley out to throw baseball in the yard while they wait on the food, flyboys and helmet to dry.
The flyboys arrive at the same time as the pizza, and Bradley is so excited throwing himself at each of them for hugs even though he'd just seen them all at the beach yesterday. "Food first," Ice declares when Bradley tries to go for his costume.
He's slightly dejected but the idea of his favorite pizza is appealing, so he doesn't protest too much. They eat and talk about anything and everything, Bradley showing off his drawing now that he'd shown Ice and Mav. All the flyboys are honored and speechless and Bradley gets several tight hugs which make him giggle.
Once everyone is done and everything is cleaned up, Slider goes to help Bradley into his costume. Bradley wants it to be a surprise for Mav and Ice too, so he picks Slider to help him.  They get him zipped into his flight suit and Sli double checks that the helmet is dry before settling it on Bradley's head.
"You're a mini aviator Baby Goose," Slider grins as he tries to hold back his tears. The kid looks so grown up.
"I need dog tags Uncle Sli. Mav's 'posed to be getting me some made but they're not here yet."
Slider chuckles as he slips his tags off and over Bradley's head. "There ya go. I'll get them back later."
"Thanks," Bradley grins. He holds his arms up for a hug and Slider picks him up hugging him tight. "Alright Gosling let's go show you off," he smiles.  He sets Bradley down, and Bradley takes off into the living room.
"Surprise!" He yells, causing Slider to chuckle behind him. The living room goes quiet as the flyboys take it all in. "Uncle Sli gave me his tags til mine come in Mav," he grins. He slowly spins so they can see how Slider did his helmet before he jumps into Mav's lap.
He turns his eyes to Slider when no one has said anything yet. "Uncle Sli," he says, his little lip trembling.
"It's alright Bradley. Just a lot for them to take in," Slider reassures as he shoots them all looks.
Ice is the first to recover of course. "Slider’s right baby." He pulls Bradley into his lap giving him a hug as Mav tries to hide his tears from the kid.  "You look like a true aviator, and so grown up. You're not going to be our Baby Goose much longer."
"I'll always be your baby goose," he declares which seems to break the rest of them out of their shock. They pass him around, each one of them taking time to inspect the helmet and his patches. Bradley is so proud of it, and they all love how wonderful it turned out. By eight that night Bradley is fading quick, so the flyboys all head out after goodbye hugs. Slider leaves with them, giving Ice and Mav reassuring hugs, knowing they have a lot to talk about after this weekend. "If you need me to get him from school tomorrow just say the word," he tells them and then he's gone.
Ice creeps down the hall to Bradley's room where Mav is helping him store his costume and get ready for bed. "You're not still sad are you Uncle Mav."
"Not in the least buddy." He tucks Bradley in and kisses his forehead. "I'm really proud of you kiddo. You're growing up too fast on me."
Bradley untucks and crawls into Mav's lap as Ice props up in the doorway to watch. "I'm really glad I can be an a-a-aviator this year," he says around a yawn.
"I know you are B. Your daddy would've loved to seen you as one too."
"I know. I know you miss him and mommy… I do too." He snuggles against Mav's chest. "But I love you and pops and the flyboys and our family."
"Oh kiddo… we love you too, so much." Mav softly kisses Bradley's head as he rocks him side to side. "Sweet dreams baby goose," he whispers, tucking Bradley back in. Ice quietly walks over seeing Bradley's eyes close. He helps Mav tuck him in and then kisses his forehead before following Mav back out the door.
The next week flies by, and before they know it Halloween is upon them, and their house is chaos with all the flyboys waiting on Bradley to get in his costume to go trick or treating. Since they're all on shore leave besides Mav and Ice, they all got into their flight suits at the house while Ice helped Bradley into his. "I'm ready," he shouted once in the living room.
"Picture first," Slider declared. He grabbed Mav's Polaroid and snapped a few before he made all the flyboys bunch up, Bradley in Ice's arms to get a picture of them all. Bradley giggled watching Slider try to bunch them together and use his long arm to snap a picture, and it turned out precious.
They take Bradley around the neighborhood that Mav's off-base house was in, before they went on base. Bradley's costume was a big hit on base, and the flyboys even saw Viper wiping a tear even though no one would call him on it. By the end of the night Bradley was tuckered out and fast asleep on Hollywood's shoulder. They got back to the house and Mav carefully took him while Ice took the candy to the kitchen. They let the guys get anything they wanted knowing there was no way Bradley would eat it all.
Mav carefully changes B out of his flight suit, thanking Ice for thinking ahead and putting his pajamas underneath it, and tucking him in. Bradley murmurs a quiet "love you dad," before he turns over grabbing his stuffed plane and falling right back asleep. It was definitely a successful holiday this year with many more to come.
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twicethetrouble · 9 months
Late night realization:
Didn’t Simmons work with Tex at MOI? He was clean up with her. Have they ever talked? There’s so much potential there!
Ref: Runaway freelancer Simmons AU
Also how much better does Simmons thinks Sarge is as a father figure? Leaps and Bounds better?
How vague was Carolina when she gave Grif the shovel talk?
Oh god, Wash stumbling across the helmet Simmons wore at MOI and yeeting it at his head and demanding where got it (fearfully).
Something like that. Omg Simmons, Wash, and Carolina teaming up or doing some secretive shady skulking around when they aren’t actually up to anything.
Or wash gets a random nightmare about the demolition expert one night after seeing Simmons face.
Him getting fatherly for some reason because of Epsilon’s memories. Like a pat on the shoulder and the urge to threaten Grif. That’d probably be too silly to be real though.
….Grif getting jealous Simmons is hanging out with Wash and Carolina and not telling him what they’re doing or talking about.
Well they are married so there’s no way it’s anything that’d take his husband a way from him. He’s not even into Simmons like that so it doesn’t matter either way. Why does Simmons laughing and smiling with other people make him angry? Nah, can’t be him. Can’t be….. He needs a cigarette.
“Where did you even get that? I thought you ran out of cigarettes?”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me what you’re doing with those blues?”
“They’re not blues, Grif! They’re freelancers, empathize on free.”
“Just like I’m free not to tell you where I got these.”
“So there’s more than one?”
“What does that matter?”
Simmons and Grif then wrestled for the cigarette pack he’s hidden on his body. Carolina walks in. They stop.
“It’s not what it looks like!”
“Protect me lamp!”
-Yeah! Simmons did work with Tex on occasion, mostly for, as you said, clean up/demolition work. I don't think they talked much while he was on the MOI, at least not outside the mission. I think they both recognized each other in Blood Gulch, but kinda pretended they didn't. Simmons b/c he didn't want to bring attention to himself, while Tex was like "oh, That's South Carolina. Is he trying to be covert?... I'll let him think he's being covert. I have bigger issues than a run away demolition tech."
-As for sarge, Simmons probably thinks he's like the best father figure ever lol. (then again, the only thing he has to compare to is the Director, who was very much a dick to him, so even a half-crazy old man obsessed with war is loads better than that.)
-Carolina probably wasn't very vague about her shovel talk lol. She's not exactly the subtlest when it comes to, well, anything. She probably gave him a very detailed list of what she'd do to him if he so much as thought of hurting her brother. One that would have Grif terrified of even looking the dude's way for the next week lol.
-That would be hilarious! Unfortunately Simmons blew up his old armor as a sort of 'resignation letter' when he left the MOI. So not entirely possible.
-But wash being vaguely reminded of Demolition Tech whenever he's around simmons would be funny. Like he's just sitting there half-panicking like ''Why does this guy remind me of the demoition tech. is it because he knows a lot about explosives and once mocked me for needing to use c4 to blow up a suit of armor? I know he somehow knows how to explode armor with just an alarm clock but that doesn't match Demolition Tech's skillset. Does it???" He finds out later that Simmons and Demolition Tech are the same and he's just like "That's why?! I wasn't going crazy!" lol : )
and lol!! : ) Poor Grif cannot catch a break with Carolina around. He just wants to hang out with his husband and it is not working out at all lol.
Thank you!
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johnathanandrewcade · 27 days
love Written On Ice: Chapter One
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Warnings: there might be mature content I’m not sure yet, cussing, I’m pretty sure that it.
Katie’s Pov
I was walking down the sidewalk when suddenly I seen one of those flyers tapped to a building it said “looking for Hockey players “in big red letters. Under it said where to find the skating rink and how to contact the Coach and all that stuff. I grinned and grabbed the paper from the building and literally ran home.
“ Mom! Dad! You have to see this! “ I said out of breath from running.
“ what is it honey?” My mom asked me.
My Step dad grabbed the paper from my hands, I rolled my eyes my real dad would never just grab something from my hands like that. When I looked up at him he had a frown on his face.
“what is it Dad?”  My heart dropped.
“sweetheart we talked about this already you-“ he got cut off by me.
“ Dad I’m seventeen years old! I can take care of my self! Yo took everything else from me and you will not take hockey from me! My real dad would of let me so I don’t know why you won’t let me! This shit is stupid!” I yelled tears forming in my eyes.
I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut very hurt.why couldn’t he just see that Hockey is everything to me?
“ Paul you know she loves Hockey with out it she would be lost. You know when you told her for the first time that she couldn’t play Hockey anymore sense we were moving she cried in her room for days and didn’t come out not even to eat. It hurt me just to see how hurt she was finding out that you wouldn’t let her do something she was passionate about, do you really want her to hate us anymore then she already is?” I heard my mom ask my step dad.
“Carry I know but I really don’t want her to get hurt “I heard him say.
“Katie is right she is almost an adult she can take care of herself like I said do you really want her to hate us more than she already does “my mom repeated.
I didn’t necessarily hate my mom and step dad, I was just mad that I had to leave hockey and all my friends behind, and my real dad. I usually have to leave on the weekends to meet him and stay there for a bit, it takes like five hours just to get there. A few minutes later I heard a quiet knock on the door and my step dads voice.
“Katie, can I come in please “he asked me.
“ Fine “ I said in a irritated tone.
My dad walked in and sat on my bed. “ okay, okay fine you can play Hockey just don’t get hurt “ My heart leaped with Joy, I sat up on my bed with a huge smile on my face and hugged him tightly.
“ really you mean it?!” I asked.
My stepdad chuckled and hugged me back and nodded his head yes.
“ Hell yeah you better go before your spot us taken, don’t forget your skates” he said.
As soon as he said that, I was already down stairs. I grabbed my skates and ran out to the ice rank where it said to meet. When I walked in I went into the changing room and put my hockey stuff on. The reason why they needed a new player is because there best Hockey player got hurt and can’t play for the rest on the season. At least that’s what I heard what happened. Anyways I opened the door to the skating rink. And suddenly and almost immediately all eyes were on me. And it looked like I was the only girl. No scratch that I was the only girl.
“ hey what’s your name ?” Asked a male voice.
It must have been the coach because he looked much older then the rest of us.
“ Katie, Katie Miller “ I said.
I took off my helmet to revealing myself and smiled.
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renneiscent · 1 year
Two Sides of The Same Coin
Note: I apologise for bad writing and grammar, I hope you enjoy it.
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Chapter 4: Lodging for the Missing
The motorcycle is heading to the alleys and narrow streets, away from the main road, until it is finally slowing up in front of the rickety building with neon light that says “Nobody Inn” decorating on top of it. It cannot be any sketchier, I think.
As the engine is going off, I immediately took off the helmet as I get down from the motorcycle and so does ‘Jake’. He then heads to this run-down building, leaving me nervously watching him with fidgeting my fingers. I guess he notices that I didn’t follow him, that’s why now he stops and turns at me. His hair and shirt are damp because of the rain we are passing through which is I’m not complaining.
“What is it?” he asks as if he could sense my concern.
“Well…” I bite my lip nervously; trying to find my priorities about what should I say first. Are you Jake? Where were you before? This building seems will fall down any seconds. Why did you here? WHY am I here? The name of this motel, is that for real? What will you do to me? Why your voice is so nice to hear? What—
“So?” he snaps me back from my thoughts, he is now crossing his arms over his chest while his index finger tapping to his bicep, beckoning me to speak.
“Who are you?” I finally managed to ask. It’s better rather than just remains silent and stares at him like a pervert. He raises his brows, feeling surprised.
“So that’s the reason you pulled away before?” he chuckles, I’m flustered. Yes, I did hug him because feeling guilty to steal his coat and also, yes I pulled away after realising that he may not Jake that I knew. “I will give you 3 chances to ask some things about only you and Jake know.”
I chew my lips before speaking, “what did Jake do before our first interaction?”
“I let you saw through the conversation between Dan and Jessica,” he takes some steps toward me. The answer is correct. “Well… how did you like it?” so does his response.
“What is the name of this stuff that protected me when Jake was on hiding?” I ask again, feeling more nervous and little ease somehow.
“Nymos,” he takes more steps again. “That little red eye as its symbol… I should design it less suspicious and more pleasant in the eyes, no?”
The answer is correct again and also our gap is decreasing. One last question…
“Who you gonna call?” I’m staring at him who is walking straight at me, closing the gap between us. I can hear his chuckles.
“Ghostbusters,” he leans down so our eyes are meeting. “That was so reckless of you, MC. The questions must require the information that outsiders couldn’t know.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” I smile. The last question is indeed reckless, but his responses already proved me enough.
“Are you still doubting me or are we good?” his eyes are staring at me deeply. “Because someone just stole my coat and I’m soaked by the rain and right now I’m freezing.”
“Good,” I nod my head few times. “We are good, at least for now.”
He furrows his brows, probably wanting to ask me about what did I just mean by that. But before he managed to ask about it, I already walk past by him and get inside to the motel. Inside the building, it’s not crowded as I expected. Only one person I managed to find which is the receptionist and he doesn’t speak much, just focusing on his newspaper that I’m doubting if he really read it despite the lacking of light in his cubicle.
“Which one is your room?” I ask as I intend to turn to the right lobby.
He immediately pulls me by the wrist and beckons with his head, “this way.”
I’m too embarrassed and surprised so I didn’t say anything at all. I’m just letting Jake holding my hand and letting me following him from behind until we reach his room. It is in the very back room in the left corner of this building. He takes out the key from his pocket and unlocks the door. Just after he opens the door, a glimpse of shadow is quickly jumping and attacking him.
“Who do you think you are!?” a woman shout at him, my eyes widen in shocked. Her hands are wrapped on his neck, choking him tight.
“Jake!” I want to help him but Jake hints me to not intervene.
“Athena,” he calls the goddess name, the voice is choked. “We have a guest…” I guess it’s the woman’s name.
The woman named Athena groans as she lets go of her hands from Jake and turns to face me. Her hair is as blonde as the summer beach sand; her eyes are stunning like emerald as if the smoky make-up couldn’t dim the light. Her beauty intimidates me.
“Hi,” I greet her while raising one of my hands awkwardly.
She rolls her eyes then face Jake again, “and you told me to not be worried when we are in the same city as her!? You didn’t follow the target or even find the key!!”
Athena walk pass by me and slam the door until it shut then her hand pointing at me, “and you let her to come here? Are you insane, Rion!?”
Rion? I look at Jake, confused. My head is throbbing in pain with so many questions I have, it doesn’t decrease but it is increasing more and more in every minute. Jake is still in silence, not even looking at me and this Athena girl. He takes off his mask and put in on the drawer near the door. It feels like my heart is falling to my belly.
I finally see his face completely.
“Do you have clean outfit that I can borrow, Athena?” he asks calmly while heading to the room.
“Are you ignoring me?!” Athena follows him from behind, leaving me alone while still being mesmerised with Jake’s face. With the face of his, he deserves to be in jail. It’s not fair to my heart.
“What the fuck, Orion?! Why did you take my outfits?! Not that one, I never wear it yet! Stop, not that one! Fine, just lend her this one.”
I don’t know what’s happening but Jake already comes back and walks toward me with pile of clothes on his hands. “What is that?” I ask even though I can already tell what he is trying to do.
“Go change, you can wear this.” He hands me the clothes, I peek at Athena who is standing with arms crossed in the front of her room. “Don’t mind her, just go change.”
I nod then go to the bathroom, avoiding the eye contact Athena trying to make. Before I’m taking off my clothes, I’m checking the clothes that Jake just gave me. There are white sweater with long wide pants with army green as its colour and there are also… clean underwear and bra. I’m in dilemma if I should be flustered or disgusted with it.
“The underwear are still new, I just bought it. Lucky you, I guess.” Her voice is behind the door. I’m surprised since she managed to answer my question before I couldn’t say it out loud.
“Thank you, Athena.” I say sincerely, and then quickly take off Jake’s coat and my clothes, putting it on the basket there. I wonder if Athena is still there.
“How could you meet with Orion and end up here?”
I guess she is still there.
“Orion?” I ask, unsure even though I realised who is this constellation we are talking about.
“Oh my bad… perhaps you know him more as Jake,” she scoffs. “What a common name, it doesn’t suit him.” I can hear her mutters but I try to not intervene much.
“I was… in the middle of something,” I lie while putting on the underwear and then pants. “And then we just met somehow.”
There is silence between us as I finally put the sweater; I open my mouth to speak, “If I may… what is your relationship with him?”
I’m in the between of curious and afraid to know the answer. Are they, by any chance, partner in crime… looking at how hostile she is toward me, even though I realised that I’m disturbance for their mission, I’m afraid if it’s more than that.
“You don’t need to know everything.”
I can hear her footsteps walking away, I feel so doomed. All of these stuffs happening in only one night. Too much things going on in the blaze of time, it drives me insane. I then choose to wash my face before walk out from the bathroom. I’m looking at my reflection in the mirror, her sweater that I borrow is bit bigger until it sometimes reveal my skin. I fix as taking the deep breath. When I walked out, I didn’t find anyone in the TV room where all the chaos just happened, I take a peek in Athena’s room and she is also not there.
“Are you hungry?” I look to the source of the voice and find Jake is just from outside with hands full. He already changes his clothes with black hoodie and black long pants. As he takes his mask off and put his cap away, he then places the food down on the table. It’s Chinese food.
“Go have some bite. I will drive you home when it is not raining anymore.” Jake is taking off his hoodie, leaving him only wearing black t-shirt. I wonder why all of his outfits are black. Even Athena still has some colours in her wardrobe. But I’m thankful for it since the black outfit just makes him look more fascinating.
“Is it still raining?” my brows are raised as I’m heading to the couch and having a seat. “Where is Athena?” I look at my surroundings as if Jake is sitting beside me not bother me at all. Well, it does bother me! A LOT!
“She said she will go somewhere,” Jake takes one of the food containers and put it in front of me. “It’s not because of you, so you don’t have to think much. Just eat.”
I take my food and the chopsticks, trying to feed myself a small bite. But I cannot focus with my food when Jake is beside me, opening up the food containers and offering me to eat other foods he brought, even preparing my water like the boyfriend take care of his girlfriend. Especially when he has this soft and fluffy hair I want to ruffle, or the eyes as blue as the ocean that I want to swim in, those jawlines which managed to cut everything, and—
“This is not Chinese restaurant that I have in mind when I asked you before,” he turns and looks at me, smiling. “I apologise.”
Oh God, I thought I’m the crazy one for clinging to the memories and cannot move on from it. But he is still in the same page as me, remembering the moment when we discussed about the Chinese food and our thoughts when we met with each other.
“This is already perfect,” I reply sincerely, smiling from ear to ear.
Just as things are getting good, as always it really needs to be interrupted. His flip phone is suddenly buzzing, he immediately take it and stand up from the couch. “One moment,” he says as he walks away from me sitting.
It doesn’t take long for Jake to come back and sit beside me, he put his flip phone back on the table and reaches one of the bottles.
“Was it Athena?” I dare to ask.
“No,” he opens the bottle and drinks the water from it. “It’s from someone else,” he adds while putting the bottle back.
The silence between us is awkward and I’m puzzled about which things that I should bring out first to discuss with Jake. There are so many things I want to ask him and this is now the chance that great God just gave me but nothing comes out from my mouth yet. I put my food and take the water bottle instead, refreshing my mouth before prepare to ask him with everything.
“MC,” how Jake calls my name makes me flinched.
“Yes?” I look at him; he is leaning onto the couch while staring at me seriously.
“After you are at home, I want you to turn a blind eye to what’s happening tonight. Either it’s what happened in the alley or here; I want you not to stick your nose into someone’s business again.”
“What do you mean by that?” I frown, I don’t like where this is going.
“I want you to act that tonight never happens,” his hand reaches my hair and plays with it gently. I’m confused with his action and word which is not in the same direction. He wants me to ignore whatever just happened tonight but he is being affectionate with me. Does he think that I’m the greatest warrior? I’m trying so hard to handle myself here with your doings, Jake.
“Why? Are you going to disappear again?” I bite my lower lip, feeling frustrated and annoyed in the same time.
His hand now is moving from my hair to my lower lip, he pulls it gently for me to not bite it. He escapes long sigh, “where did you pick this bad habit from?”
“Jake,” I say desperately as I hold his wrist. “Answer me.”
“I’m not going to disappear, I never disappear.” He brushes my face gently as his eyes are shifting to my lips then to my eyes, “think of me as the daytime star. Even though you cannot see me, it doesn’t mean I’m not there. I’m always near you.”
“But I don’t want it. I miss you so much, how could you say something like that after finally showing up for years?” I’m furious with his statement; I don’t want to be left out anymore, especially after our real meetings, after our finally interaction from the incident in the mine. I can move on from Richy because he is really gone, but how could I do that with Jake when he is right here in front of me? I can finally see him, finally hear him, and finally touch him.
“I’m also longing for you, but as what I told you before this isn’t right,” he leans closer and tugs my hair behind my ear. “And it’s dangerous.”
“Then, why did you intervene tonight? Why did you jump and save me from them, and even brings me here?” I glare at him, this is so much unfair.
He smiles apologetically and then kisses my forehead, “because you’re all that matters.”
I quickly jump to him and put my arms around his neck, embracing him really tight. I want to hit him for being so stupid but perhaps I’m the fool one here. So instead of hitting him, I will just make myself lose in his arms for tonight.
“How you handle it?” I bite my lower lip to not let myself fall even for one tear. “You are watching me from afar all this time, how did you handle it?”
Jake places his hand on my waist and the other hand to caress my head; I can hear and even feel his breath on my neck. His scent soft and warm like the home where every missing soul is taking rest, he feels warm like he is the embodiment of sun which its ray bathes my skin.
“It’s hard, I’m still not getting used with that,” he kisses my cheek. He tighten his hug, feeling don’t want to let go. But I break the hug and pull away for us to look at each other, he looks at me confused.
“I will be really pissed if you get used with that,” I glare at him, but he chuckles. His laugh eases the pain I’m bearing. I notice his eyes are no longer at my eyes anymore, but those ocean vessels already on my lips; staring it deeply as if it’s something so precious, something so priceless.
“MC,” he calls my name affectionately. I love it every time he calls me by my first name.
“Hm?” I murmur, still astonished with his beauty.
“Do you mind if I kiss you?”
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burnwater13 · 1 year
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The Mandalorian had carried Grogu away after the three other Mandos went soaring off into the sky. Trask was pretty dangerous for a moon that seemed to have nothing to offer but fish and more fish to feed a hungry galactic population. 
Grogu wondered about that. Very few of the planets and moons and places they had visited had seemed even remotely self-sustaining. How did they sustain their populations? Ration packs might be convenient but not every planet had the technology to produce them. 
Sure on Coruscant you could find all manner of protein modification systems and they could make all sorts of almost fresh foods. But they still needed feed stock. That feed stock was made from more than just carbon dioxide  and methane. You needed all sorts of other elements and minerals to make the stuff and be able to create balanced nutrition for so many different species of life forms. 
Grogu often wondered if that’s why he didn’t like rations? They didn’t include some essential nutrient for his species. But critters like frogs, dung worms, yob-shrimp, and gorgs did. That might also explain why he found veggies so disappointing and chicken so delicious. Some of them had essential nutrients for Grogu and others were just awful. 
The Mandalorian found that disappointing. Sure, in a pinch, Din Djarin would some critter that had once been living because there was no choice, but give him a choice and he ate his neatly cut up rations pack every time. They must have been perfectly formulated for Mandalorian physiology. Grogu thought that was a pity. 
It was hard for Grogu to imagine that Din didn’t love the crispy, almost sweet, crackly deliciousness that was roast  Krayt dragon. It was almost as delicious as fresh frog or shrimp. Their texture was very similar. Grogu had never asked the Mandalorian to grill his frogs or shrimp for him because he figured it was just better that he make those things disappear before Din was sad about their little lives ending to sustain Grogu’s life. That Mandalorian was a real softy. 
Grogu had tried to explain to his tall, soft hearted protector that he talked to the critters prior to eating them and asked for their permission. Some critters didn’t mind and others, well, they hopped right out of Grogu’s mouth. That was always disappointing but maybe they hadn’t developed the best flavors yet? What if they had more growing to do? Grogu didn’t want to stop them from achieving their life’s dream just because he was hungry. 
The one time Din Djarin was very good about eating something pretty fresh was when it had to be ended for other reasons. So when they stopped that Krayt dragon from killing more bantha and people, Din had been pretty happy to get that Krayt dragon haunch. But he brought it right back to Peli. Grogu knew that Peli never looked a gift gundark in the mouth (don’t you do it either, that would be a huge mistake), and happily traded ration packs for that big chunk of dragon. And… she still let Din have some broth made from the trimmings of the roast. 
Grogu had determined that Din obtained most of his water from bone and meat broth and the rest from stuff like spotchka and ferment. He wondered if that was a Mandalorian physiology thing as well? It seemed likely. He knew the other Mandos they met liked their ferment and their broths. Of course some of them ate slither worms and stuff like stew and soup. He wondered if they ate a broader  range of foods because they could take off their helmets, while Din stubbornly kept his in place? It made sense. From a certain perspective. 
He wondered if he could train the Mandalorian to take his helmet off for longer periods of time so he could eat other things. Grogu had heard about critters being trained to do things for food rewards that actually helped the critter lead a better life. For example, getting a Nexu to allow it’s keeper to check it’s teeth for cleanliness and good gum health involved offering it chunks of meat from behind a very secure enclosure. 
Grogu was certain that not always wearing that helmet would improve the quality of the Mandalorian’s life. First and foremost he would actually be able to eat something that couldn’t be reduced readily to a tiny bite sized. Then he could learn to relax. Maybe tell a joke. Have some fun. Things like that. Grogu would be sure to have some of Din’s favorite treats handy (cut up bits of rations of course) and reward him for his good behaviors. After all if you could teach a Nexu that way, how much harder could teaching a Mandalorian be?
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lightringstars · 1 year
So gen 9 huh?
(MAJOR SPOILERS, And poor spelling)
After realizing that I would essentially be attending a school called “Grape” in a town that directly translates to “Enjoy Table” I straight up ran with the food theme. I named myself Peach and my team was named after food. It was glorious.
My boyfriend did eventually correct me that Mesas were also a geographical structure but I’m still calling it Enjoy Table town fight me
While I do love this game I’m not going to say it’s perfect. This is a game I want to see a Third Version of the most. There’s a lot that I think could be expanded on with more time and resources. There is a lot of potential here that I do look forward to being realized in the future.
But with that onto the parts I didn’t like.
Yes the game is glitchy. I don’t think there’s anything more I can say on the topic that others already haven’t. I would guess the game runs a tad better on the OLED but I don’t have one so I can’t say. While it’s not my biggest problem with the game it is objectively the worst part of it. I think it’s worth playing but prepare for lag.
My least favorite part of the game might just be a thing with open world games in general (I don't play many so I don’t know) but a lot of the towns just felt kinda lifeless to me. The stark lack of NPC dialogue and not being able to enter houses was jarring. The world was beautiful but it felt so empty at points.
And the clothing options are terrible. For the love of god who is forcing me to wear the bloody uniform when I’m on the other side of the region?
I sorta get why they wouldn’t level scale the bosses but I kinda wish they did. I started from the west and worked my way mostly up and around and the progression was reasonable but when I got to the east part of Paldea my team could basically steamroll anything it came across.
That poor bug leader…
Anyway. Stuff I did like!
Character design! Amazing! Everyone looks so unique and charming
And Rika can step on me
Everyone also gets really good development. They are my friends and I love them.
My favorite is Arven. Yes I got emotional when I saw his backstory. He needs several hugs.
Also how big is the Arven/Julianna fandom and where can I join yall?
Also the world is just fucking beautiful. And I get to glide!
No I do not know how you’re supposed to get to the mountains without climbing and no I will not learn.
The moment I got surf I immediately went mad with power and just swam until I hit land. It’s how I found the water gym, and where I realized there was no level scaling
Spoilers below
(Minor spoilers below)
I spent about half the gym storyline wondering if Nemona was going to be insane or something. Idk if the devs didn’t realize how creepy she could come across or something but that girl was two steps away from being a full yandere.
I had two of the elite 4 self KO their last Pokemon (one with rocky helmet and the other by using brave bird with like 10 hp) I think they just gave up.
Geeta was not a particularly hard fight. Only thing I had issue with was her ace on the grounds I’d never seen it before and couldn’t tell what type it was.
Props to Florgres for basically carrying half the endgame bosses. She was what got Geeta’s ace. You did good Mint.
The end fight with Arven was so satisfying. Yea boy! Show off that development!
I figured out Penny/Cassiopeia/Big Boss were the same person almost immediately. I kinda wish you were given the option to point out you knew it already because a) it’s not a particularly hard thing to figure out and b) I think it would add something to Penny’s development that you knew all this but chose to help her anyway.
At least the game doesn’t take the Clavel/Clive thing too seriously. I briefly thought Clavel would be the villain because he gave off weird vibes in the intro but the moment he stepped in with that fucking wig that thought went straight out the window.
He has a real cool battle theme though. The fucking reveal of him having the unchosen starter was great. Reminded me of the Kukui fight in SuMo
Penny’s theme is also a banger
It’s not SwSh level good but a lot of the songs are bops
I want to live in area zero holy fuck it is beautiful
I wish this game was voice acted because a lot of the end scenes feel less impactful in just silence
I did like the interactions though. Everyone gets to put their character development to use. Penny and Nemona getting their updated trainer classes is neat. Arven and Masbotiff fighting the Paradox Mons that fucked them up last time was sweet.
The fucking cutscene of them jumping into the crater! Arven grabbing your hand and pulling you on to the rideon! My heart! My shipping goggles!
If you had asked me where I thought the story was going “the professor was actually a dead Robot” would not have even remotely crossed my mind.
Like I figured they were gonna be evil fairly quickly. And I kinda wondered if they were a robot at the end but I was still surprised.
I do love the idea of both professors being a divorced couple though.
It was also the coolest fight in the game (and up there with Lusamine as my favorite boss fight period) so I’ll give them that.
Idk if it’s scripted or not but during the final boss my Miradon tanked a move with 1hp left and I saw the “They didn’t want you to be sad” line and my heart melted.
This was what I wanted in a Pokémon story. I don’t think the series needs to have a grand story. The characters are what make the games good and the focus on character based plot lines was very compelling to me. The ending wasn’t just about saving the world. It was you and your friends having an adventure. The fact you save the world (and nobody even knows about it) is more a neat tangent. I hope more games take that kinda story approach.
I really like this game but I’m not going to say it’s perfect or that it’s flaws can be looked past or whatever. I hope that the next games can use what was good here and improve on it. I hope that some of the bugs get patched. I REALLY hope we get a third version because I think you could do a lot here with more time.
Good game. Know what you’re getting into if you play it though.
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ares-ariborn · 1 year
Snowboat AU (Edenverse AU)
Note: This post is from a wiki created by @lord-eden in the Adventure Bay Amino, and is recreated by me (ares-ariborn) with their permission. Unfortunately, the original source was quietly deleted by them. Thus, this Tumblr post is a recreation of said wiki, based on the screenshots and artworks I have managed to save, as well as the details I could recall in the AU.
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Disclaimer: These are all my headcanons of Jake and Cap’n Turbot’s relationship and how it progresses over time. It may be a lil wild 😂
Warning: Contains some homophobia ⚠️
¡Ay Dios Mio! I’ve been these two together since the end of Season 2. I can’t recall why i started paring these two together either (my memory is poor). I guess I wanted to make a funny crackship that I ended up growing attached to? Oops
Being that I made so many headcanons and a specific timeline for their relatonship, think it’s best if I write it all down so I don’t forget. I’m gonna be extra af and spill everything out on this wiki. Before we get into this I’d like to point out that I’ll be referring to Cap’n Turbot as his canon first name, Horatio.
The Beginning
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In Season 1, they had no idea the other existed. Horatio just recently moved to Adventure Bay, on Seal Island. He was finally able to get his own ship and his own life. Far away from his overbearing family. Life as a peaceful fisherman was quite peaceful, but it got lonely real quick. Horatio was a social guy, and he was curious to meet the folks in Adventure Bay. He made a good image on himself very quickly for his positive attitude. He made a lot of friends in a span of a few months.
Meanwhile, Jake was doing his own thing. Around this time, he always stayed in his mountain. He maintained his resort and his chores on his own daily. He was extremely lonely but he didn’t really mind it. Even with years passed, Jake was still going over Timber’s Passing. The young man didn’t like to show his negative emotions at all. He tried so hard to not look so depressed in front of his guess but it was quite obvious considering he always looked tired. He hardly had any friends. Wouldn’t even leave his mountain unless Mr. Porter couldn’t deliver his produce to him or unless Mayor Goodway wanted to speak to him. Also, the paranoia of seeing his father, Al, again was another reason why he avoided town. Again, Jake and Horatio don’t know each other yet. This is their lives before they meet.
In Season 2, their lives only got better. Horatio allowed his cousin, François to live with him on Seal Island. During this time, Jake met and adopted Everest. Everest’s presence helped Jake go through the tough times of his life, even turned his life around. He began socializing with the citizens down in Adventure Bay, while at the same time avoiding his father. Since both were well known in town now, they saw each other as acquaintances only. They never had a full conversation yet.
In Season 3, Francois encouraged Horatio to take snowboarding lessons on Jake’s Mountain. Horatio wasn’t too stoked about it because he’s fine just staying in his comfort zone. That’s when Jake and Horatio finally got to meet each other. Jake was in a good mood that day, and Horatio kept making him laugh the way he worded things. When they were doing the lessons, Horatio ended up crashing into a tree. His helmet wasn’t probably secured on his head, so it fell off before impact. He crashed real hard too so Jake bought Horatio inside his cabin to tend him the ‘gnarly‘ bump on his forehead. Jake reassured him that everything is okay and that his bump wasn’t as bad as it looked. The two ended up just sitting in the living room chatting about each other’s interests. Both had things in common. From then on, the two started a friendship. Horatio started to invite Jake and Everest on his voyages now. Also Horatio would be seen snowboarding more often, hoping he can bump into Jake again sometime.
A year later, Horatio caught feelings first. Then on one voyage out at sea, Jake secretly told Everest that he had feelings for Horatio. Midday, Everest then trie to play Cupid and encourage each other to admit their feelings. At sunset, the two sat down on the stairs of the Flounder together. Everest eavesdropped from behind them, hearing them say to each other “I love you“.
You could now say that the ship has sailed
The Marriage
Years passed, and their relationship is still flourishing. Horatio thought it was the appropriate time to ask Jake to be his husband. Of course Jake accepted the proposal and the two started planning the wedding. The two didn’t speak much about their engagement and only invited close friends and family. The ceremony was on a small budget but at least they got married under the Magical Mer-Moon.
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A year later, Jezebel came into the family. Jake and Horatio compromised and made a few decisions. Horatio sold Seal Island to Francois and moved in with Jake. Jake kept the resort open and they ran in together for awhile. Horatio still has the Flounder. His love for the sea was still present and he still fished and traveled every now and then.
The Future
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Everything seemed fine until Horatio’s mom heard about the wedding. His mom is a very traditional woman and wanted him to find a perfect woman to bare his children. She didn’t like Jake one bit and threatened to force the rest of the family to disown Horatio because of his love life. He tried to reason with his mother and they eventually came to an agreement. She always wanted her son to join the navy, or at least the military just like his father. To satisfy her and to prevent her from controlling his life more than she already has, Horatio decided to join the Navy. He had to tell Jake everything. About his mom, the Navy... Jake couldn’t understand Horatio’s decisions, but he supported him anyway.
Years go by, two other children came into the family. Their names were Benjamin and Francette. Jake and Everest were always taking care of them while Horatio was busy out at sea. Every night, Jake would sit outside his cabin and ponder how his husband is doing. Horatio’s absence made Jake feel depressed again. Jake truly missed him and wished his husband could just stay on this mountain instead of out there. Horatio had to miss some of his children’s birthday and milestones. And when he actually had time off to visit, he would only stay for a month. Then it was back to sea, waiting to be let off another for a month. It was on rare occasions where Horatio would be laid off for a few months. It was only on rare occasions where Horatio would be laid off for a few months. It was usually for family emergencies.
Their love for each other was still there. When they reunited, Horatio always reassured Jake he still loves him dearly. I’d like to point out that Jake is in his 30s and Horatio was in his 40s here.
Another few years went by, the children were growing up. Jezebel was now 18, while Benjamin and Francette were teens. A transport incident occurred while Horatio was on patrol. Unfortunately a lot of damage was done and he didn’t make it. Jake was, of course, heartbroken. His children tried to calm him down that night as he was sobbing and screaming in Jezebel’s arms. Adventure Bay mourned for months. They even had a funeral done for Horatio. Everyone who knew him was there, except for his mother. Jake noticed her absence and scoffed to himself.
Life went on. The Flounder gained new ownership from Francette, who was also interested in Marine Biology. Benjamin left Adventure Bay with friends when he turned 18. No one knows where he is now. Jake and Jezebel worked together to maintain the resort. When Jake retired, Jezebel took over the mountain. Jake will often sit and remember the good ol’ days with Turbot. He would look up in the sky and smile, hoping his lover’s spirit is smiling down at him too.
The End
Additional Info:
Jake was the only person that was kind enough to try squid jerky. He said it tasted like chicken and that made Horatio extremely happy.
I can confirm that the children just popped into existence.
Yumi happily offers to babysit the children when needed.
Jake is homosexual. Horatio is bisexual.
Jake was 25 and Horatio was 30 when they started dating.
Snowboat was originally a crackship that I grew attached to.
Jake is good at singing, and would sing to Horatio when they go on dates.
 Snowboat Playlist
Sweet Sun - Milky Chance
Loveland - Milky Chance
Lessons in Love - Neon Trees
I Would Do Anything For You - Foster The People
Out of My League - Fitz and the Tantrums
The Other Side of Paradise - Glass Animals
Jackie and Wilson - Hozier
Halo - Beyonce
Hold Each Other - A Great Big World
I Found - Amber Run
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
Levitating - Dua Lipa
Something About You - Eyedress
Stay - Milky Chance
Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows
Your Love is My Drug - Ke$ha
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