#the pizzaman exists
thatonepizzaman · 4 months
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I was talking to my friend about our favorite lethal company monsters and @tea-lol-here said she liked the spider and how it reminded her of this image
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So I decided to be silly
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dragolosse · 2 months
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happy birthday @thatonepizzaman @pizzascreativitybox
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ghanashowbizonline · 6 months
News Flash - Woman Cries As Pizzaman Scammers Take Her 95 Million & Get Exp0sed
Watch full video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3xLHklJVos 🚨 Editor’s Pick – Top 5 Spotlight 5 Proven Strategies to Generate Income Online In this digital age, the internet has opened up numerous opportunities for individuals to earn money from the comfort of their own homes. Whether you are looking to supplement your existing income or achieve financial independence, the online world…
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found--family · 4 years
Previously on Supernatural 15.13: 🍕PIZZA🍕 aka. gratuitous Destiel content 😜 
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jellicle-beans · 4 years
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finaledenialist · 3 years
A counterpoint to consider about bottom!cas: he's still impatient & pushy and a strategist and has been alive too long to not have seen humans fuck even with no practical experience beyond ep 9x03 so as soon he and dean get together he'd top the shit out of him. 12 years of pining? He's done with it lol (Hfjdksjd this is crack I love all variations, I just love cas not putting up with dean's shit even more)
See this is what I am not sure about. Did he? Did he see people in that moments? I know it is implied that he observed humanity and all but idk. I can’t find a reason why would he randomly lurk on people in their most private and intimate moments. I know he was someone completely different before he met Dean but. idk 
On the other hand him never seeing it in all the time he existed seems rather impossible, too? So what is the truth huh? But once again if he saw people fucking then why his reactions at the ‘pizzaman and babysitter’ porn? He seemed genuinely confused? Uhhhh I demand to know we deserve the answers
But yeah I know, the idea of Cas just finally snapping and getting rid of the sexual tension with Dean in the best way possible is definitely something to think about haha <3
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paskvilnet · 3 years
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Goldfrapp - Felt Mountain
Klip ke skladbě Utopia jsme už pouštěli.
Alison Goldfrapp sice vydává své debutové album, na kterém jako autorka a zpěvačka spolupracovala s Willem Gregorym, ale její křehký vokál už možná znáte s desek Maxinquaye od Trickyho nebo Snivilisation od Orbital. Felt Mountain se ovšem ani jedné z těchto desek ani trochu nepodobá, je daleko svéráznější. Jít vlastní cestou a nehledět na vyzkoušené postupy a trendy, které utočí ze všech stran, si Alison vyzkoušela během studia výtvarných umění a k muzice se dostala díky nápadu hudebně doprovázet své obrazy a instalace. Album Felt Mountain je podivuhodnou směsí filmové hudby, easy listening 60. let, kabaretu a analogové elektroniky. Má surrealistickou atmosféru, plyne v pomalých rytmech a způsob, jakým Alison zpívá, budete milovat. Prvním, nápadně amatérsky natočeným videoklipem ke skladbě Lovely Head se Goldfrapp vysmáli celé klipové kultuře, ten druhý - s názvem Utopia je vlastně rozpohybovanou variací na obal desky Felt Mountain.
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Fatboy Slim - Halfway Between the Gutter and the Stars
Klip ke skladbě Sunset (Bird of Prey)
Hudební minulost Normana Cooka, který se už pátým rokem skrývá pod jménem Fatboy Slim, je velmi bohatá. V 80. letech hrál na basu v popové skupině Housemartins, začátkem 90. let podlehl kouzlu jamajské muziky a založil kapelu Beats International a čím více hudebních stylů jej v průběhu 90. let oslovilo, tím více projektů založil: housový Pizzaman, funky jazzový Frakpower a původně big beatový Fatboy Slim. Při nahrávání své třetí desky oslovil Norman Cook několik pozoruhodných zpěváků, je tu funkista Bootsy Collins, jako vždy skvělá Macy Gray a kupodivu i Jim Morrison ze skupiny The Doors, jehož hlas Fatboy Slim vysamploval z nahrávky Morrisonovy recitace vlastní poezie. A právě tento nápaditý výběr vokalistů je bohužel asi jediným skutečným plusem celé desky, která je stylově až příliš rozmanitá a přitom postrádá výrazné nápady. Jako Fatboy Slim předvedl Norman Cook to nejlepší na své první desce Better Living Through Chemistry, ta druhá s názvem You´ve Come A Long Way Baby byla alespoň vtipná a ta třetí skutečně zůstala někde na půl cesty - bohužel má daleko jak k pouliční opravdovosti, tak hvězdné kvalitě. A to neměl nikdo lepší nápad, než natočit klip o pilotovi, když se tu zpívá o létání vysoko?
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Therapy? - So Much for the Ten Year Plan: A Retrospective 1990–2000
Klip ke skladbě Bad karma follows you around
Tímto albem rekapituluje irská skupina Therapy? deset let své existence, během které vydala 7 alb a ačkoliv měla za tu dobu několik šancí chytit se módní vlny, nikdy se nezapojila ani do šílenství jménem grunge, ani do lukrativní verze současného postpunku, který reprezentují The Offspring nebo Green Day. Therapy? zůstali sami sebou, sice s lahví tvrdého alkoholu v ruce a se sarkastickým úsměvem na tváři, ale jejich umělecký kredit je neposkvrněn, jejich živá vystoupení jsou jako smršť a jejich best of album je rock´n´rollová lahůdka. Skupina kolem zpěváka a kytaristy Andyho Cairnse zde nabízí 14 nezapomenutelných skladeb a navíc přidává dvě zbrusu nové. Je tu Teethgrinder (1992) s příjemně tanečním rytmem, srdceryvná Diane (1995), Stories (1995) s existenciálním sloganem "Happy People Have No Stories", popíkové skladby Die Laughing a Nowhere (obě 1994) i literárně vlastenecká Potato Junkie (1992) s hláškou "James Joyce Is F***ing My Sister". Jednou ze dvou nových nahrávek Therapy? je Bad Karma Follows You Around, videoklip je poskládán ze starších klipů a ukázek z koncertů.
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Wu-Tang Clan - The W
Klip ke skladbě Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off)
Poprvé se svět o devítičlenném klanu Wu-Tang dozvěděl v roce 1993, kdy tato newyorská hiphopová parta vydala debutové album Enter The Wu Tang: 36 Chambers. Místo toho, aby chrlili jedno album za druhým a vesele bohatli, se Wu Tang Clan stali respektovanou institucí, která zásadně promlouvá do vývoje hip hopu. Hudební podklad, o který se stará geniální RZA, je minimalisticky jednoduchý (ostré rytmy, piano a několik repetitivních samplů) a dává dostatek prostoru slangovému rapu. Každý z 9 členů tohoto klanu, jehož název připomíná mystické sdružení bojovníků kung fu, zároveň vydává sólové desky a vystupuje pod různými pseudonymy. Doposud uzavřená společnost se až na svém třetím albu rozhodla k širší spolupráci, a tak na albu The W uslyšíte soulovou legendu Isaaca Heyese, rastamana Junior Reida a rappery Busta Rhymese a Nase, s každým hostem se samosebou mění i nálada skladby. Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off) je novou verzí úplně prvního singlu Wu-Tang Clan, možná i proto se v klipu přesouvají do roku 1988, kdy byl hip hop hnutím, nikoli byznisem…
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cunninglinguist618 · 3 years
Grammar Shaming Is Not Only Rude, It’s Just Straight-Up Outdated
By: Dara Katz
| Mar. 5, 2021
There’s a reason that those who know a bit about grammar become its enforcers: Nobody else really seems to care about it. Like a lonesome fine arts restorer in the basement of The Met, grammarheads typically work independently, but with the steel-driven purpose to remove debris that’s collected on the face of language. Is there any first responder quicker on their feet than a grammar fanatic? (“Jambalaya and I <3,” reads the first comment on your post about putting your beloved dog down. Thanks, Aunt Hilda.) They are the watchmen of language, the last guard of dangling modifiers, Strunk and White and Oxford commas…and before you open a new email to blast me, we do not use serial commas at PureWow.
As an English major and now professional writer and editor, I too have felt that electric tinge when spotting and correcting a grammatical error. Is there anything more cathartic than slashing a red pen through a completely misguided capitalized letter like Zoro through a white sheet on a clothing line? But as much as I can appreciate the adrenaline rush of diagramming a sentence, I also, admittedly, have my own shortcomings: My idiom recall is wonky—for instance, the post office is the mail station—I’m a slow reader and a mediocre speller at best. Every syntactical and semantical choice I send out into the universe feels ripe with trip wires. One wrong step and the grammarheads have me in their crosshairs ready to shame me.
And while there’s nothing new about grammar shaming—the act of pointing out an “incorrect” usage of language—there is something stale about it. Yes, grammar is important. Its purpose is to help us communicate more clearly. A single comma can change everything: “Call me Daddy!” vs. “Call me, Daddy!” is the difference between a line of dialogue in a porno and a line of dialogue in a Taken film.
Copy editors, style guides, etc.—these are important for consistency of the written word in certain circumstances. Publications should employ a set of rules for the words that live on their pages. Teachers teaching grammar should be able to require students to execute it correctly. Screenplays should be punctuated clearly so we know if the scene should be delivered in more of a sexy-pizzaman tone or a Liam-Neeson’s-daughter-being-kidnapped tone.
But grammar is not physics. It does not exist without us in the natural world. It is something we, collectively—from the macro societal scale to the linguistic politics of our nuclear families—make up as we go along. As fast as the folks at AP, MLA and Chicago work to enforce their style guides, the nature of how language evolves means that those creating the rules around language will always be ten steps behind.
And let’s be honest, most of the time, despite grammatical missteps, we can understand what a person is trying to communicate. Watching a recent episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas, Tiffany, a highly educated anesthesiologist, laughs and corrects Kameron, an archetypal blonde bimbo (a costume that she strategically chooses to step in and of at her own liking), for a series of grammatical errors—conflating the adjectives “two-faced” and “contradictory” and also not knowing the meaning of “cathartic.” Kameron responds by asking Tiffany if she likes making people feel stupid, and while we can get into the Tiffany v. Kameron feud another time (#teamTiffany: I believe Kameron’s chicken feet comments are actually far more harmful), Kameron raises a fair point. (Here’s an actual clip of the conversation.)
Tiffany thinks she’s helping Kameron by teaching her to speak correctly, but Kameron feels belittled. Even without Tiffany’s correction, everyone got what Kameron was saying. So what’s the point of calling her out? Is it just to humiliate her? And, not to get philosophical, but if we know what Kameron’s saying, even if she is saying it “incorrectly,” then she’s still saying it. Sure, Kameron Westcott is rich as hell and probably had one fine education, but who are we to monitor how her brain works? Or how anyone’s brain works?
Which brings me to one of the most important reasons we should stop the shaming: dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning disability characterized by difficulty reading. And while dyslexia takes many shapes and forms, it often extends to grammar learning. According to The Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity, “Dyslexia affects 20 percent of the population and represents 80 to 90 percent of all those with learning disabilities.” Twenty percent of the population? That means that every one out of five times you correct a person’s misuse of something as stupidly complicated as a homophone (words that sound exactly like each other but are spelled differently), you are potentially telling this to someone who’s already been told something like this every damn day of their life. There are brilliant minds who can’t for the life of them figure out which witch or which their, they’re or there to use. It is not a reflection of someone’s intelligence. It is not a blatant disregard for the rules. It’s literally the way 20 percent of the population’s brains work.
But it doesn’t end there. What seems like a minor correction or “trying to help” can actually just make someone who’s already vulnerable within society feel even more exposed—essentially punishing someone for a disability, for their socio-economic upbringing or culture. The more we understand about dyslexia, the less we should care about whether someone used the wrong “their.” The more we understand that the system is broken, that while one class of sixth graders is learning about the past participle while another is reading at a third-grade level, the less we should care if a candidate’s resume has a spelling error. The more we understand about the power of language and identity, the less we should care about trying to make those we deem “other” sound more like us.
At its best, grammar policing enforces rules that help us communicate more clearly. At its worst, it’s a set of arbitrary rules that allows some people to climb the ladder while holding others back. And isn’t the whole point of language to set us free?
Either way, if we needed Liam Neeson to come rescue us, we have a feeling he’d get the gist, with or without the comma.
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♥ The Pizzaman Anthology Silent Auction! ♥
A few copies of the physically bound Pizzaman Anthology: A Collection of Destiel Erotica are now available to buy!
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I would like to raise as much as possible with these limited edition books (only 100 in existence!) so please join this silent auction to get a copy!
The Pizzaman Anthology will not be reprinted!
Please fill out this form and be sure to read the instructions.
If you are the winner, I will then contact you for shipping details, etc.
(ALL proceeds to go to either RA or CDP: see website for details.)
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thatonepizzaman · 6 months
Lizber wablede,,,
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theheartchoice · 5 years
dean/cas  |  teen  |  2k  |  canonverse s6  |  ao3 
for @profoundnet's bi-weekly Bot Stat challenge. prompt issued: July 9th 2019 
dedicated to @saltnhalo ~ crack-free! 😘
Dean is cleaning his gun. Cas is the pizzaman. Sam is on the demon blood again.
Dean doesn't miss the apple-pie life, not really. He's a Hunter and this is what they do, this is the life for him. Doesn't mean he can't do with some small comforts, now and then. Or some hope - even if it's just a clue to find a way to stop the stuff of nightmares from wreaking havoc on the world. Pizza helps, too.
So, she broke things off.
..Unclip the mag.. 
So what?
..Clear the chamber.. 
Not like Dean really expected it to last, right?
..This cloth probably needs to be thrown.. 
Guess it was nice while it lasted.
..Where's the pipe cleaner?.. 
Maybe it would've been nice to last a while longer.
..Need more oil.. 
Had a whole year, though. And it was a pretty good year, as Hunter standards go.
..Should grab some rock salt, too. Runnin' low.. 
Sure as hell wasn't perfect. Dean was no model boyfriend or parental figure. Not with all his baggage, his demons.
..Need to make a list. Probably need a bunch of stuff. Wonder if Soulless Sammy's hacked any more cards yet.. 
That life isn't the thing to miss, though. That's not the life for him. He misses them. Her smile, her strength, her warmth. Little Ben growing up so fast, Dean pained he'll miss the rest. But he's not that guy - Mr. Family Man. They deserve better.
..They can hit the store before they leave town. Baby needs fuel. Grab some Johnny to replace the backup. Get outta dodge before the rains come. Sam can find 'em a case once they hit the interstate. They need snacks for the road, too. With any luck they'll find some monster to gank by nightfall.. 
Dean's only halfway through with their arsenal when his stomach reminds him he's past due for supper. Dinner had been a bust; Soulless Sam needs a lesson in acceptable menu classics, asap. Forget beheading a vamp with a baseball bat he could've sworn wasn't on the pitch a moment earlier - Dean'll be lucky not to get salmonella poisoning from that so-called food!
The mini fridge is bare, the cooler barer - unless you count half a dozen syringes of Dead-Man's blood. Dean doesn't. But considering Sam's choice for dinner, maybe he does? Never again. Sam is off food-duty until further notice.
What Dean could really go for, right now, is some pizza. Extra Large and all to himself. There's gotta be takeout menus around here somewhere.
He's barely scuffed one boot over the worn carpet when there's a rap at the door. At midnight. Sam wouldn't knock. Soulless Sam even less likely. 
Grabbing one from the newly-cleaned stash, Dean silently draws up into the crook of wall between door and curtained window, gun cocked. Swift to pull it open and hard to throw himself against it, on the other side of that door is the last person Dean expected to see. "Cas?" Standing in a fuzzy halo of sickly yellow halogen, holding a goddamned miracle in his arms. "Is that pizza?"
"I thought you might be hungry."
"For me?" Cas nods. Dean yanks him - and the pizza - inside. "I'm starved, actually. That's some good timin'."
And so much for the brief trip into Bizarro World where a certain Angel actually respects personal space; Cas' hands are on Dean - shoulder and forehead as he tries to lean over the table, flipping the lid to inspect the toppings. Meatlovers and extra BBQ sauce. Awesome. But those hands are turning him away from pizza, now. "What's up with you?"
"You're not in any stage of starvation, Dean. You're in perfect health.. Aside from you-.. your wrist." He takes Dean's arm from bicep to sprain without hesitation. "What happened?"
It's kinda hard to shrug outta the grip of a guy who could literally throw you as far as the eye can see. "Vamp nest. But we got 'em, no biggy." No more deaths once they arrived in town, too, which was a nice change. "Can we eat? Sam bought, like, raw fish for dinner, man - I think it's still swimmin' around in there." Dean eyes the garbage where he tossed his takeout container, forcing back bile at the memory: one hasty bite before he'd realised his mistake. It had been.. slimy. 
One of Cas' hands slips from his bicep to palm over Dean's stomach. The other leaves his wrist, at least, so Dean seizes the moment and steals the nearest slice from the box; chase away a bad memory with something good. OH, yeah - screw clouds - this is heaven. 
"Nihon unagi." 
"Huh―?" Dean tries not to let the precious pizza tumble from his mouth. 
"Freshwater eel, and they're not swimming. Not consciously, anyway."
Dean's jaw stills. He stares at Cas. 
"Digestive enzymes."
Oh, of course. 
Cas' eyes refocus on Dean's pizza. No - his hand. His injury. "May I..?" 
Mid-chew, Dean figures it can't hurt. He switches his pizza from right to left and holds out the sprain he'd forgot he had. 
Cas' hand closes careful around it, a slip of warmed ice flowing quick through Dean's veins - and then his minor injury is minor no more.
"Thanks," Dean murmurs, and follows it with another mouthful of beef and pepperoni.
Cas leaves him to his second slice to survey the room. "Where is Sam?"
"Li'b'ary.." This is food. This is what every meal should taste like. All the meat, rich with smokey goodness. "R'se'rch."
"I thought you said the case was over?" Cas regains some proximity to the little round table where Dean stands with hips hugging the large pizza box. He takes a few moments to chew, swallow - rushing the savour-part, but Angels don't really understand the pleasure of a good pizza-pie, now do they?
"Not that. Purgatory." With slice #3 in hand, he realises he's got nothing to wash it down with. Slightly annoyed, he leads Cas past the bed laden with guns to the one neatly made with a duffel bag open on top. He pulls out a book, hands it over. "Officially, it's a work of fiction, and we still don't really know what we're dealin' with exactly, but.." He takes another bite. "..There may be a way to counteract the spell Crowley plans on usin'. Last line of defense, sorta thing."
Cas goes pensive and Dean goes back to his pizza, leading Cas over to their Wall of Crazy. They're still trying to track Crowley's whereabouts; It's ongoing. Vamps get beheaded on slow progress days.
"It's almost midnight."
"The library would be closed."
Dean gawks. "You know what time libraries close in small-town America?" Cas nods, clearly not seeing the issue. Whatever. "Not a library, a church. Secret archive in the foundations. The pastor, Father Roberto, let him in, a favour for takin' care of the vamps." The fact that one of them had been a colleague of his must've hit close enough to home to warrant unlocking the storm shelter: a small basement room stocked with hunter-esque reads. The guy had only been in their once - twice, including when he caught his former colleague breaking the rules with B&E (and reading). 
They may not find anything ther, but since Sam doesn't need sleep nowadays he agreed to pull the all-nighter and check for certain before they skip town. 
Gaze flitting from Dean and his pizza, to the leatherback book in his hands and up to the Crazy Wall, Cas keeps his thoughts to himself. He looks concerned, wary almost.
"You okay?"
Cas turns the book over, gently. "Where did you get this?" he says to the back cover.
"St. Bruno's. Got quite the collection of lore stashed away in the basement, but Roberto confiscated that one from one of the vamps, before.." Dean trails off, leaving out the details of his bloody foul ball at the local park. "Demonic possession's a big feature, no surprises there. Some monster stuff and gods stuff scattered through - most of it we know already from Bobby's. Also a bunch of balony text. But there was a couple dozen copies of that," he points at Cas' hands with his pizza tip, "so we figured we should see what else was down there that might be useful."
He joins Cas by the map printouts, newspaper clippings, highlighted notes and online article stubs. He watches as Cas traces delicate fingers over the black leather and gold-embossed spine. There's something about the way he handles it - with such care, and hesitation. It's a little odd, but then again he did kinda the same thing with Chuck's books, too. Only this time he hasn't even opened it. 
"It's a graphic novel," Dean explains, "Words and images in a badass, super freaky, pretty damn cool comic strip setup." He'd been more impressed by it than Sam. Apparently his brother's passion for all things Geek was another thing that'd been left behind. It's one thing Dean never thought he'd miss.
Cas is still regarding the ripples in the leather when Dean's pocket vibrates. "You find somethin'?" The last thing he expects to hear are the words Demon and Blood, but measured against the bar of strangeness and crappy circumstance that is their lives, Dean's not as freaked out as he probably should be.
Soulless Sam, Heaven at war with itself, Purgatory existing, Angelic pizza-men.. Anything's possible these days. 
"What about Demon Blood?" Cas must feel Dean's eyes on him because he looks up to pay attention. Dean nods along, shakes his head, wishes he had that spare Johnny to wash down the news. "Yeah, okay. Grab what you can. Forget finding a new case, we'll head to Bobby's in the morning." Hanging up, Dean can feel Cas' eyes on him. "Apparently, St. Bruno's has a book on demons we haven't seen before. Says somethin' about Demon blood relating to Purgatory, but he can't read much of it. Says it's in 'some kind of code'," and Dean shakes his head away from the shadowy thought of just how much of 'Sam' is really left. 
Code-breaking? He used to do that shit for fun, at breakfast, before Dean had even poured his first cup of coffee. Now he.. can't? Or he's just not interested? Dean's not sure which is worse. 
Cas' face steals back to Angelness, all signs of wariness painted over with a blank canvas. He glances at the clock, oddly, and places the book gently down on the nightstand. "I have to go." 
And it's not like Dean expected him to stay, but it would've been nice. Least he brought pizza. "Yeah, okay. We'll keep in touch, let you know what we find." 
Cas nods, and Dean can tell he's about to I Dream of Jeannie it outta there, so he quickly adds, "―You too, you hear me? Don't be a stranger." They lock eyes for a moment, and it feels like old times. "Thanks for the pizza." 
With a tilted trace of a smile, Cas nods again, softer. "Be careful, Dean." 
The fridge kicks on as invisible wings take flight. An owl hoots somewhere outside, waiting for an answer. It's suddenly quiet and the room feels empty in a way it hadn't before. Lonely. 
He flicks on the old box set, turns some late night movie low, and snags the pizza box along with the little black book to settle down in the neatly made bed, tossing his duffel aside.
HP Lovecraft may have some relevance to what they're dealing with, but for now he just reads for the hell of it. To get lost in it; someplace else, somehow familiar. It's a clue, a step in the right direction, hopefully. And though it's not exactly a comfort, there's something grounding in knowing the answers are out there, somewhere. They just gotta keep looking. 
There's fiction and there's reality, and sometimes the impossible is what's real. Sometimes it's a nightmare instead of a dream. That's the Hunter life. Figuring out what's dark fantasy and what's really lurking in the shadows. 
No Lisa, no Ben. No Sam, even if he walked through that door right now. Bobby three states away. Cas off at war. 
He's got pizza and Lovecraft's Cosmicism and Mitchum on the grainy tube. It's not everything, but it's enough. With any luck he'll dream of something better, something more. Probably the best he can hope for, really: if he can't have a better life, dreams might be the closest he ever gets. 
But as long as he gets his four hours, he'll manage, dreams (or nightmares) or no. 
The telltale pitter-patter of rain starts in, grows steadily heavier as the pages turn, the black-and-white noir futzing and pizza filling him, making him sleepy. He drifts off to the flicker of blue neon through the tear in the curtain by his bed, distantly wishing he'd removed his boots or at least his belt; it's digging into him, but he knows on the plus side he'll be ready to jump up and fight if something goes bump in the night.
Just another night in the Hunter's life.
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xuccessbwoygh · 2 years
Pizzaman - Chickenman opens 4 branches simultaneously in Accra.
Pizzaman – Chickenman opens 4 branches simultaneously in Accra.
This brings to a total of 10 branches in less than 2years of their existence. Pizzaman chickenman is fully owned by Ghanaians. Kumasi already has 6 branches and locations include; Ahodwo, KNUST campus, Sofoline, Suame Maakro, Airport Roundabout, Dakodwen and a food truck at Tafo. In Accra,Pizzaman chickenman have branches in Dansoman Exhibition Roundabout, Spintex, East Legon and Awoshie all…
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dizzyizzystiddies · 3 years
Ongoing list of AMVs that I don’t know if exist but should
Best Friend-Saweetie: Cas and Charlie
Yup!-Yung Gravy:
Angels (Cas, Lucifer, Gabe, Anna, Balthazar, Michael)
TFW (Cas, Dean, Sam, Jack)
Wassup-bbno$ and Yung Gravy: Cas (must have pizzaman scenes)
Grow As We Go-Ben Platt: Destiel over the years
In Case You Don’t live forever-Ben Platt: Canon destiel moments and the times dean and Cas die
Oops!-Yung Gravy- Cas at all of Dean’s ex’s
Whip a Tesla-Yung Gravy: Milfman Ketch
Friend of the Devil-Grateful Dead: Dean (Include driving, blood freak Sam, Emma, and Lisa)
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rcsefire · 7 years
✤ for briazlie !!
under the cut ! because these get so loNG
who laughs when the other trips?
both tbh ! i feel like ?? there’s always one snickering and the other getting all grumpy abt it?? they both carry themselves so well, , the universe wouldn’t dARE trip them up, so when it actually happens?? when it’s a pavement that defeats them or s/t?? there’s a smartass comment and a ❛ shUT UP ❜ that’s bound to follow.
who pays the bills? 
again, , i say both just because they both like being organised?? briar is particular about things being #done and nazlie has a lil’ journal of everything that’s due. they both hate owing people anything, including money so they’re?? never overdue with bills or ?? anything owed to anyone. Briazlie Always Pays Their Debts.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
nazlie !!! i just imagine she’s 100x more festive than briar, who just hates the holidays tbh. nazlie tries to encourage & include briar when it comes to christmas because?? they’re lowkey family ok and briar will always choose to spend christmas holed up in some dump getting hammered. let nazlie break out the christmas tree and have them both struggle to put the star on top because of that #ShortLife & ?? leT nazlie dress up briar to be lookin’ her goddamn bEST for a christmas party after briar gives her a fight over it, and also ?? make really bad eggnog, because in the end ??? briar really appreciates it :,’) + i just love imagining both nazlie and briar having a Good Time at christmas ok they’re happy, their skin is clear, Life is Great. 
who’s more clumsy? 
neither wtf, they’re strong independent grACEFUL women, thank u very much.
who checks their daily horoscope? 
i feel like this one goes to nazlie?? nazlie is more into the horoscope stuff than briar is ( an Actual stick in the mud tbh. ) and you know what?? briar actually doesn’t call it bullshit because she resPECTS nazlie enough to know what she’s talking about, i mean, , ,if briar’s going on a date with a scorpio and nazlie tells her it’s not compatible?? nazlie’s right.
who sings louder in the car?
i don’t imagine them singing tbh? they’d just enjoy the tunes in their own silence or ?? quietly mumble the lyrics. if eiTHER of them were to start singing it would probably be briar that starts it, she’s gonna scream all star and nazlie has to either join in or get out the car.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
i actually don’t really see neither of them leaving the cap off?? i have no reasoning, i just imagining them being neat ppl??
who is more up to date in pop culture?
nazlie ! she just knowS. they could be watching a movie together and nazlie is there pointing out all the actors by nAME and briar is just a small ball of confusion because she knows none of the people nazlie is pointing out :/ they both probably have slightly different tasTES in pop culture too, like…nazlie knows more of the popular pop culture like who’s at the emmy’s or ?? winning oscars, and briar knows famous celebs from the 60′s or something outdated. 
who insists on going to see the newest movies?
again, nazlie, she’s usually the one who makes the suggestion buT briar doesn’t mind and it’s a joint decison on what they usually see. tbh why do i see them going to the cinema but ?? going to see two-three movies in one day?? don’t try and pick between three horror movies playing, don’t be a weakling, just do all thREE.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
like they would cRY in front of someone. no but nazlie does get a little emotional of them, since she has a lil pup and it hits home for her. briar?? has never had a pet in her life, so she has no remoRSE for those advertisements. she’s a black-hearted goblin.
who’s the lighter sleeper?
briar. i mean?? they’re both pretty light sleepers but briar is a night owl and an early bird. her + sleeping = Never Works. it’s why she probably naPS during the day but it’s always that awful mid-sleep type of sleep?? where she’s constantly alert. tbh if nazlie doesn’t haTE when briar stays over because of it, , ,i’m surprisED. 
who believes in ghosts?
ooooooo, i feel like nazlie has more of an appreciation for the spiritual stuff, like they’re BOTH skeptics but ?? nazlie doesn’t knock it back as quickly as briar does. briar doesn’t believe fullstop. what hogwash !! this is different from the astrology stuff !! this is pushing it !! nazlie is more inclined to want to hit up the supernatural hotspots like ?? possible alien crash site ?? count her in ! briar will tag along too but expect her to start some philosophical arguments abt the existence of the paranormal & extraterrestrial life. 
who does the grocery shopping?
BOTH, again. they like things done a set way, so it’s a co-partnership when it comes for grocery shopping, and tbh they’ve got it down packeD. they do the ol’ split-up w/ nazlie going for all the feminine and homely stuff and stuff that is NECESSARY. briar goes off to the health food section but balances it out by sniffing out some alcohol and something smothered in chocolate + probably comes back to nazlie at the end with completely useless stuff like spARKLERS or matching feather boas. 
who updates their facebook status more often?
briar isn’t that into social media, but she posts more than nazlie does. nazlie is mainly Cute photos & selfies with a side of Feminist, but briar?? the Actual Shit-poster, and also?? vague stuff, stuff that hasn’t been elaborated on like ❛ don’t trust men. ❜  why ?? probably because the pizzaman told her when she ordered it was $13 but when the pizza gets there?? it’s $15. nazlie is still immediately in her messages like   ❛ who do we have to kill ❜ 
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thatonepizzaman · 7 months
I’m bored uh
Hand me your ocs to doodle hshajdhdjh
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thatonepizzaman · 3 months
Hello dear shadow milk cookie fans
Today I have cooked up something wildly stupid for you
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