#the owl house owlbert
sepublic · 1 year
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The vocals at this part, and the music in general, really just hammer into me this sense of melancholy. That bittersweet nostalgia for the past, the pain and grief of change, everything you’ve lost and the hurt that is even more permanent... But also the bright hope for the future, that feeling of belonging that creates this homesickness. Seeing Luz grown up, part of it does feel like a return to form for her, a recovery from her trauma and the attempts to bury who she was.
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But then seeing Willow start off our montage of how the Boiling Isles changed, seeing her and Hunter together and be so radically different and apart when they started... It really hits me then that it’s been years and my kids have all grown up. It’s been so much longer than the actual events of the show prior to the timeskip, multiple ‘Owl House’ stories just as dynamic could’ve happened since, several times over. And with Willow especially, she’s such a drastic step up from the meek wallflower and nerd she started as, it... It’s making me miss the old her, while also being so proud at who she’s become. Her, Hunter, Lilith, Amity, Gus... All of them.
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And it all begins again with Owlbert, like we’re going through the show all over again, but reborn anew with another potential adventure ahead of us! God, Owlbert really ties it together and seeing him soar freely alongside Willow, while the light lullaby creates a sense of hopeful wonder and flight, creates an indescribable feeling...! The direction, the soundtrack, the cinematography and animation flow so well together, kudos to the team for that. It really does feel magical.
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slowthypiglordblr · 1 year
Man, I’m gonna miss King’s “Squeak of Rage”
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thermitetermite · 2 years
No one asked but I want to throw my two cents into the debate of what Luz's palisman will be. I think it will be a Blue jay for the following reasons.
1. The Clawthornes are a bird family. Eda has Owlbert, Lilith has her Raven, their mom has an eagle, their dad has a little yellow bird (that looks like Flapjack), and Hunter who might have distant ties to the Clawthornes has our wonderful Cardinal Flapjack. This convinces me that Luz will likely have a bird.
2. Why a Blue jay of all birds? For starters, Luz wears a certain shirt for most of the series. The signature one with blue/purple at the top and white on the bottom. It reminds me of the color of a Blue jay.
3. Blue jays have a lot of symbolism about them. They're known to be intelligent and crafty but can be tricksters. They can symbolize loyalty, self-reliance, fearless nature, curiosity, and resourcefulness. These traits are pretty defining characteristics of Luz herself. Additionally I've read somewhere that Blue jays can symbolize the bridging of worlds (don't quote me on that).
In the end this is all speculation but it's fun to guess! If Luz did get a Blue Jay for a palisman I would guess it's name would be Azura (in reference to her favorite book) or maybe even Azula (both a reference and a play on words because Azul means blue in Spanish)
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that-ari-blogger · 6 months
Actions Have Conciquences
The Owl House is a story about growing up and the dichotomy between youthful imagination and the pragmatism that is ascribed to adulthood. It's a coming of age story.
But The Owl House is also a master of trope subversion, so how does it twist this story archetype? Well, Escape Of The Palisman serves as a fantastic benchmark for how the series will tackle this subject later on.
Let me explain.
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The term Bildungsroman is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as the following:
A novel that has as its main theme the formative years or spiritual education of one person (a type of novel traditional in German literature).
Obviously, the Owl House isn't a novel, but this is definitely a story archetype that can cross between forms.
TKC Publishing claims that there are four stages to a bildungsroman, loss, journey, conflict and personal growth, and maturity. I will be using these stages as a framework for my analysis.
In essence, the Bildungsroman is a coming of age story, it delves into a part of a person's life in which they emotionally reach adulthood. And The Owl House fits this for Luz to a tea. But this episode also functions as a miniaturised version of the format, and it is this that I would like to dwell upon.
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First up, loss. This is what characterises the rest of the novel. The loss is the setback that the protagonist must overcome. Most stories use this as an inciting incident, and this isn't entirely correct, for reasons I will go into later.
In Escape Of The Palisman, the loss is the breaking of Owlbert. What is interesting here, is that it is directly caused by Luz's recklessness, setting up the lesson that will be learned in the episode. Actions have consequences.
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The journey is the bulk of the adventure. Physically or emotionally, it is the transformation into a better person, but it doesn't directly solve the problem, just prepares them to confront that part of themself.
In this episode, this is rather obvious, Luz has to do chores for the Bat Queen. These don't solve the problem with Owlbert, but they do go a long way to proving Luz's loyalty to him. Trials don't change a person, they test them.
This is all fairly basic writing, hence why I'm struggling to bring something new. A character causes a problem and wants to atone, but there are obstacles. It's basic, but competently done. This isn't unique to The Owl House.
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This is what makes the Owl House special. The Bat Queen's story is gut wrenching, specifically because of how well it fits with the theme of the episode and series as a whole, but also because of how it interacts with Luz's actions earlier in the episode.
Actions have consequences, if you are reckless, you will break things, or people. The Bat Queen in this story is the embodiment of loss and betrayal, but also with healing.
"I protect them all!"
The thing about scars, is that they never truly leave. They can fade, or be covered up, or sometimes even forgotten, but they are always there. The Bat Queen has healed from her betrayal, but that wound remains present, and it comes back in full force when she sees someone else going through the same thing.
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Finally, we get to the conflict and personal growth. As the difference between Luz and the Bat Queen's previous companion, and it's Luz's defining characteristic once again winning someone over. Luz is kind, to a fault. She encourages people and shines a light on their hidden attributes. She inspires people.
The shot above makes Owlbert look badass as hell. The glowing eyes and scar are cool, and blocking the blow is awesome. But the shot also goes out of its way to show how small Owlbert is, and that's the point here. That's how brave this little owl has been inspired to be.
Actions have conciquences is often said with a negative connotation. If you do something reckless, something bad will happen. And this episode certainly agrees with that premise. But the saying is a double-sided coin. Actions have conciquences. If you are kind enough, persistent enough, reckless enough, people will see that, and maybe, just maybe, they will pay you back.
Case and point, when Eda questions Luz on her actions, Owlbert stands up for her once again, wiping the slate clean. She has redeemed herself, dwelling on the mistake is fruitless, in Owlbert's eyes.
Maturity has been reached, at least in comparison to the episode's opening.
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I mentioned that The Owl House twists this story archetype, and here is what I mean: Luz doesn't change that much. She has a journey, yes, and she overcomes problems, but fundamentally, she doesn't do change much. She wins because she is kind and inspiring, and she starts the story being those things. She ends the series being kind and inspiring.
Character arcs aren't arcs. I mean this in the sense of the visualisation. To picture a character on a graph is a flawed endeavour, because humans are complicated. For example, if you put Luz on a graph, she would end up at the same point at which she started. Luz's character development isn't linear, or quantifiable. She learns to grow up, and she learns to stay the same.
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I said earlier that there is a dichotomy between childhood and adulthood, and the point of the Owl House is: Why? Why are they separate? Being a child is about learning and imagining, and being an adult is about experience and wisdom. None of these things are mutually exclusive, and Luz's journey throughout the series is learning that. She bounces between the four points like a pinball, and it's fascinating to watch.
The last thing to point out is what is going on around Luz. If you were to analyse the Owl House from a top-down perspective, if no character is the main character, each person is given equal screen time. Then, Luz would be a support character. She would probably be the single point that everyone else rotates around. And that's what happens here. She encourages the Bat Queen to see witches differently, and she gets Owlbert to be brave.
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Final Thoughts
This is not my favourite episode. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad by any stretch of the imagination. I said earlier that it is a simple premise done competently, and I stand by that. The unfortunate thing there is that I do not find this episode as interesting as others. The Bat Queen revelation is the best part of the episode and possible one of the best parts of the season, but it's fleeting, and the prelude of chores makes it lose its oomph, if that makes sense.
This is just my opinion, if you enjoyed this, keep doing that. Difference of opinion is part of the fun of media analysis.
Next week I'll be looking at Sense and Insensitivity, an episode that I adore, but find absolutely terrifying. So, stick around if that interests you.
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lara-prime-456-blog · 7 months
This was my last work year. In my last blog (deleted) I upload in color. It was hard still I was a little bit proud of it.
This chanell only animation no more else.
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localbidisaster · 2 years
Owlbert but I put him into a flower crown photo editor
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kaereth · 5 months
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Woo finally able to post the piece I did for @raedazineofficial! :D I'm really happy to have been a part of this project and I adore the end result- thanks so much to the organizers and other creators who made it possible!
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antlerdragon · 1 year
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fandom-queen-13 · 1 year
Not Quite Narnia: Chapter 2
Albert ran into the cabin and immediately tripped over a pile of junk.
The hybrid creature nimbly hopped over the piles of junk and through a tent flap. A tent flap that shouldn't have existed, since this was a cabin!
"Oh, hi there! You're back!" a decidedly male voice called out from the front.
Curious now, Albert crept towards the tent flap. He could see the back of a man with bright red hair, a red jacket, and aviator goggles strapped to his head. To Albert's amazement, the wolf-bird-hybrid hopped onto the table, ruffled its wings, and froze in place, soft fur and feathers hardening like clay in the sun.
"Okay, let's see what we have here. First aid kit, might be useful, clothes, nah, got enough of those; ooh, human snacks! Oh! Now this!" The man turned to look at the mirror behind him. He had put on a pair of sunglasses, despite still wearing his goggles on his head. "Yeah, this will be a good fashion statement. Everything else, well," He turned back to the table with Albert's backpack on it. "Everything else I should probably sell."
"NOPE NOPE NOpe, nope nope." Albert ran up, snagged his bag off of the table, and ran for it. Vaguely wondering why there wasn't any door anymore, he ducked under the bottom of the tent…and almost fell off a cliff.
This DEFINITELY wasn't the camp anymore.
The skies were tinted pink, there was a large array of buildings and beasts alike, and those sculptures that surrounded him…
Those looked like ribs. He was in a giant ribcage.
"Woah…what is this place? Is this Narnia?"
"I don't know what that place is," the man said, suddenly appearing beside him, "But I'm going to have to say no."
The man’s eyes-eye, his right eye had a scar on it-widened. “Woah, chill out! Why would I want to hurt…”
“A potential customer?” He plopped Albert into the chair across from his little tent and started pulling out random junk. The man obviously didn’t know anything about what he was actually showing, calling a piece of chalk “human energy supplement,��� a sealed bottle of what looked like maple syrup “a test of strength,” and finally a cell phone “a paperweight”.
“You’re not around here, I bet.” the man laughed. It was a good-natured laugh, like a bird’s trill. Albert was told he also laughed like that (which is how he got that annoying nickname in the first place).
“I am, actually, but I get why you might think that. He tucked his hair behind his ears, revealing something Albert never would have expected: very pointy ears. Now, he had seen some pointy ears. Micheal had pointy ears. Even the nice lady at the foster home had sort-of-pointy ears.
But this man’s ears were pointier than anything he had seen before.
"My name is Jack, lord of cardinals, bane of witches and demons alike!"
"SURROUNDED!" a man with a conical mask banged his fist on the table, nearly breaking it in half.
"Woah! What's going on?!" Albert shrieked.
"Oh, I'll tell you what's going on!" The cone-masked man grabbed Albert by the wrist. "Jack Flaps, you're under arrest for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors. And for trying to drag another person into your schemes!” He grabbed Jack by his wrist as well. “You are hereby required to come with me to the Conformatorium!”
“Okay, okay! Jeez,” Jack pulled his arm out of the man’s grip. He snatched up the hybrid creature on the table and ducked under it. “At least let me do…THIS!”
He slammed a staff that hadn’t been there previously into the iron man’s mask. The guard crumpled. Albert only had time to scoop the supplies that had fallen out of his bag back in, but when he turned back around, the entire tent had collapsed into a small bundle at the end of Jack’s staff. Belatedly, he noticed that the wolf figurine was at the end.
“Follow me, human!”
“Wait, so puff you’re puff not a hu-puff-man?”
“Haha, nope!” Jack hooked Albert’s waist with one of his arms, holding his staff with the other. He jumped onto the staff, and they sailed up and away.
“You. You’re not my brother.”
“She’s looking for me. I needed a place to hide, but the door disappeared behind me.”
“How do I know I can trust you?”
“The same way I can trust you, I guess!”
“Alright, you got me there. But he’s taller, and his hair’s more of a brown than a burnt sienna…yeah like that. Oh, and one more thing:”
“Can I call you Owlbert?”
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lovemoroporo · 1 year
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the found family of it all
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sepublic · 1 year
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It starts and ends with Owlbert going through a portal...
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eye-of-the-hawk · 2 years
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mothsshoes · 2 years
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they’re best friends !!!!!!
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raogrhysc · 1 year
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First and last appearances in The Owl House.
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I don’t remembered did I show or not...just in case
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soggy-pumpkin · 1 month
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A cute snuggle pile of the Palismen. I love flapjack and string bean so much.
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