#the other part of me is like DO IT. FUCKING DO IT YOU WONT..!!!!!!
poppy-metal · 21 hours
it's hot where i live and it has me thinking about beach days with young! art and patrick. specifically annoying friend! patrick. imagine going to the beach with them. them picking you up and their reactions to your bikini. barley covered up by the crocheted top you had on. peaking through is your white bikini top that shows off your chest more than they've seen before. patrick unashamedly checking out your ass as you bend over to throw your bag in. i just know art would be so flustered. his face flushed and nervously laughing as he tries not to check you out too obviously. annoying friend! patrick on the other does little to hide it. probably asks where you've "been hiding those". squirts sunscreen on you while making crude jokes - and, of course, you let art rub sunscreen on your back instead of patrick which leads to a very embarrassing boner on his part - and patrick will 100% try to untie your swimsuit. 
stop because friends with art and patrick where they're just starting to realize how fucking hot you are. maybe you've covered up more before, maybe you're in a girly phase you weren't in previously, maybe you're purposely trying to gain their attention in that way - either way they're both slackjawed at the sight of you. their eyes piercing your skin when you tug off your top and wriggle out of your shorts, the thin straps of your bikini hugging your curves. your tits nearly spilling out - your ass eating up your bottoms. arts face is a comical shade of red, blotchy and patricks flushed too but at least art is polite where patrick just flat out ribs you about it, "the fuck were you hiding those knockers?"
you're secretly pleased, though you roll your eyes and admonish him for being a pervert. in fact, you do alot of that for the rest of the day, deliberately flaunting your body but acting like its not a big deal. steadily driving them insane, even art starts to get twitchy about it.
when you undo your bikini straps and ask him to rub in sunscreen, with just your palms daintily cupping your tits to cover them - he bawks at you. his hands are trembling and nervous as they feather across your back and you moan, arching back into his touch with a sigh, "harder, art." he lasts all of about five minutes before he's scrambling up, like, "uh. gotta piss." bolting from you like a scared deer to find the nearest bathroom and lock himself in a stall, furiously shoving his hand down his trunks to pump his hard cock. moans sounding tortured as he beats himself raw replaying the way you'd said "harder." in his head on a loop.
with patrick you really push it, knowing he wont spook like art. when you're in the water, you lose your top - on purpose - squealing and pressing yourself against patricks broad back, feeling him freeze when his brain computes the bare skin on skin contact - your hard nipples pushed against him. you can feel his breath expand through his chest as he inhales and exhales and chokes out - "what - what, um. you're, uh -" you suppress a giggle at having made him flounder, "just walk back to shore. i need to cover up." keeping your bare tits pressed firmly against him the whole time.
you torture them more when you find a popsicle stand and buy one - moaning and drooling around the icy concoction as it drips down your wrist. they stare at you with their lips parted, almost looking miserable in their abject longing as you slurp loudly - pushing the icy dessert in and out of your mouth - bobbing your head. it gets all over your chest, your chin, and you giggle when you finish it off, "im so sticky." licking the stick clean after. somethings sticky, alright, both of them think.
its a long day - and when they're driving you home the ride is starkly quiet. you hum to fill the silence, wondering what they're thinking about to have them looking so broody.
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anameistoohard · 1 day
If you had asked me even just a year ago, I'd of never said this... but I kinda like, really want a collar
Ember and I found a website where you can design custom ones. We were messing around with the settings for a while, but it wasn't quite what we were imagining. Looking at their gallery, you can make things a lot more customized than the settings allow, so we edited the picture in Paint and...
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Like??? That looks so good?? I want that. Even if it's not that exact design, I still think a collar would look good on us.
But I know others in the system would be worried about drawing too much attention to ourself. We still almost exclusively wear plain clothes and no jewelry. They need baby steps and a collar isn't that. I can't really justify spending ~$50 on something we'd only wear in our room for the foreseeable future.
Anyway, the real reason I'm making this post. I've noticed we've been opening up about our desires a lot more.
We were very reserved and passive for most of our life. Constantly feeling like we weren't allowed to want or need anything. Doing as much as possible to appear as small and unnoticeable as possible.
Some of that was from masking, some of it from dysphoria, and some of it was thanks to abuse.
I think now though, we're a part of a community that fosters exploration. We have friends that we know wont judge us. Heck, they're far more likely to encourage us. We feel comfortable and safe being ourself.
And I just... think it's really fucking cool to see so many forms of self expression that are being normalized. None of this is particularly ground braking, but it's new for us. It's weird feeling accepted.
This whole post from wanting a piece of jewelry. But when you grow up with any deviation from the norm getting heavily scrutinized and stigmatized, every act of self expression feels like it's putting a target on your back.
So I guess this is a thank you. Thank you all for starting to slowly get us out of our shell. And thank you for being awesome :)
We'll get there someday
-Konnor (he/him)
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chromaji · 10 months
society if the Saurians made it into eo5 as playable characters & not just 4th stratum enemies
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rebellum · 1 year
I feel like... Perhaps... Arguing that transphobia is defined by murder and that anything other than murder doesn't even matter... May NOT be conducive to fighting for trans rights.
Like... people want the right to exist as they are. They want to have access to hrt and surgeries and prosthetics. People want access to clothes that fit them and reflect how they want to be seen. People want access to medical care (eg. Getting screened and treated for sex-based forms of cancer can be impossible if you have the "wrong" sex listed to receive those tests). People want to be respected and treated well. People want to not be sexually assaulted and beaten and abused. People want to have access to housing and jobs, and the protection to not lose those things for being trans. People want access to shelters for homeless people or survivors of domestic abuse. People want name changes.
Acting like all of those things don't matter because at least they weren't murderered by an individual (and instead die of suicide or state violence, or survive and suffer) isn't okay.
#'hey people are forcibly detransitioning you and raping and beating you and you lost your job and are going to be homeless and#probably die of infection from being stabbed for trying to go to the bathroom. but at least you arent part of a demographic that has a#higher murder victim rate! shhh just ignore that we dont actually have data on the murder rate of your group.'#do ppl like. forget state based violence exists. and that thats most violence minorities face.#idk man im just. mad about people on here acting like youre only oppressed if youre a perisex trans woman who was AMAB.#cause i exist at the intersection of multiple minorities and being told hey u experience violence but at least you wont be murdered by an#individual feels like a slap in the face.#like it doesnt matter if i have to mask my neurodivergent behaviour bc if people see they could assume im on drugs and call the police and#i could potentially be really hurt but not die but hey at least i wont die just be horrifically traumatized by police brutality!#there are millions of people with mental illnesses similar to my own around the world who are institutionalized and forcibly medicated or#living on the streets or dependant on horrifically abusive caregivers#but hey at least they arent being murdered!#like. the way the transphobia discussion on tumblr rn discusses (and doesnt discuss) race and ability and class and health makes me#feel very invisible.#like if people had to choose who to believe about my experiences between listening to me a black/mixed mentally ill maybe disabled (used to#be disabled) hella nd trans nonbinary person#or listen to a white middle class trans woman's take on my experiences that theyd choose her. its such a weird weird microcosm.#its like a monkeys paw like people are finally listening to trans fems and finally recognising the violence they experience and finally#actually caring about them but for some reason decide that in order to do that its necessary to throw every other minority under the bus#like fuck man have you seen how 'anti transandrophobia truthers' discuss race? its NOT okay#we all matter we all are so similar and are part of the same groups and same communities we need to stick together#stop using trans fems as a battering ram to hurt other minorities challenge#cause like. yes its some trans fems. but its mostly NOT?#like its non trans fems telling other non trans fems that they arent oppressed#and even when many trans fems are like what the fuck dude of course other trans ppl matter whats wrong with you#the group of like 80% non trans fems 20% trans fems are like 'hmm if you are defending other trans people you must not really be trans fem'#like. denying trans fems their identity bc they disagree with them?? dude someone doesnt stop being a trans fem cause they recognise#people other than trans fems matter and exist#its just all so WEIRD its a weird little tumblr microcosm#i wanna stress. for those of you who dont have access to other lgbtq+ communities. how much it seems to be primarily a tumblr thing. to
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blighted-lights · 2 months
I feel like your approach to criticizing a certain fandom was the wrong way of doing it. Don't get me wrong, you are a hundred percent right about the lack of representation for certain characters. But you had to have known that you would've gotten backlash for insinuating that the only reason that content is being made is because people are... misogynistic? The characters are well-written; that's why they get attention. The women are also well-written, you're right! But instead of getting mad at the people who enjoy specific characters, you could contribute to what you want to see in the fandom. Make fanfiction, make art, talk about your favorite ships, talk about your favorite characters, talk about the head-canons you have for them, connect with other fans of those characters, make AUs with them, make the fandom you want to see! But I don't know what you were expecting when you come out and say in the tags "you must be misogynists for liking these characters and you must be awful people for playing around with AUs" even though every fandom on this website does that. That was hostile and was only going to get a hostile response in return especially when you specifically put it in the tags for fans of those characters to see. Because it reads as you insinuating that fans of these characters existing is why you don't get any representation of your favorite characters. Or, alternatively, that everyone only likes certain characters because they're misogynists who hate women characters. People make content of them because they like them and because they want to make content of them.
Want more content of the things you want to see? Pay or support the artists and writers who make that content or start making it yourself. Its not helpful to complain that some characters get more attention than others but then make no attempt to contribute to it in any meaningful way. You cannot just get mad at people for liking characters and expect the fandom to magically decide its going to give you the content you want.
This is a long-winded way of saying you are correct in that the fandom seems to hyper-focus on some characters over others. But the way you approached that discussion was combative, hostile, and unhelpful, and you're not going to motivate a community into making content by being passive-aggressive to the people making the content they want to make. Be the change you want to see in the fandom, or support the artists and writers who make the content you want to see.
Its like... You can't complain your garden isn't growing if you're not watering it and not adding seeds, and instead are blaming everyone else for having plants in their gardens that you don't like.
anon i dont know how to tell you this but if you felt the need to write a five-paragraph essay talking about how i need to be nicer to other people when i am pointing out misogyny in a fandom space then, well... actually, i dont know what to tell you other than the fact that i was trying to be aggressive and im not going to be civil about misogyny. my post wasn't made in the hopes of getting people to make more content of the women in borderlands because that would never in ten fucking million years work. it was not a constructive post. you are assuming i have some sort of goodwill about this and i don't. i wanted to be an asshole because, surprise, i am an asshole. funny how that works.
you are also pulling so much of this out of nowhere and putting so many words in my mouth that i dont even know where to begin with it?? i mean this in the kindest way possible nonnie but. this is a wild response to make when all i said was essentially "wow it sure is weird that the majority of content made for bl is focused on only three men when there's a full cast of amazing women to look at" and then "its also weird that people are making aus to erase the canon abuse and exploitation of a CHILD in order to make jack a good father". but thanks for the essay, nonnie. i guess.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
if i ever have to play beyond two souls again im going to kill someone someone’s life ends with me
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yappacadaver · 4 months
and it's like despite all the awful shit he's done and continues to do, like, i get it. he's employed like 24/7/365. he never got to live a life, despite spending a childhood clinging to the hope of having one someday. He knew companionship and love but lost it and can't ever get it back. His circumstances are so anomalous and gruesome that it completely isolates him from pretty much every other human being on the planet. he knows hell is real and he is basically guaranteed to go there if he can't break this demon curse thing.
like it doesn't make the kidnapping and spreading the curse around any better, but i do get it.
#like personally i don't blame him for the actual murders#and it's hard to blame him for hiring people without telling them because like lol.#anyone who's like 'oh he should just tell ppl about the demons' like what are you onnnnnn if you went to a job interview with a creepy old#guy and he started talking about demons and hauntings and shit you would think you're being pranked or that he's lost his damn mind#and fuck offffff with the 'ohhh not me im a quirky bean i'd love to take a job if the interview was like that' like sure. ok. maybe YOU wou#but what are the odds that milford in 1998 coming off the satanic panic has a thousand yous running around waiting to be hired#like i honestly dont have any suggestions for how he could have handled the hiring situation any better#now the actual JOB i have plenty of feedback#like yea he should be there to train your ass against the demons lol we got more hands-on guidance for the embalming (the non deadly part)#but like the whole 'raymond is evil cause he kills possessed ppl and hires people without telling them abt demons'#do you think that old man can run the whole mortuary by himself and also have time to teach classes#until he inevitably dies from either stress or the demons and is sent to hell (which he knows is real)?#it's my understanding that by having others around who can help him fight the demons he'll have the spare time to figure out how to#break out of the demon curse or break possession or literally any useful information that could treat the disease and not the symptoms#he is running out of time!!! he is only getting older and the demons are only getting more frequent and someday he won't be fit enough#to properly banish them!!! if you even care!!!!!!!!!#fucking tag essay lmao#mr delver i wont u...
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 10 months
hi tumblr dot com im freaking out rn i forgot how fun it is to have a stupid silly little crush
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broke-on-books · 10 months
I think the universe just hates me personally (can't find my scooby doo comics)
#WHERE ARE THEY#i own like 5 individual issues split between SD WAY and SD & batman adventures and i cant find like 4 of them#this is important bc i just got this new app where you track which comics youve read and i need to be accurate bc yay lists and just aaaggh#also sidenote i think ive found my soulmate this one person leaves a review on each and every WAY comic and they EVEN AGREE WITH ME#literally they said they hated over the boardwalk and i was literally like 'i think im in love'#also i know you guys almost certainly dont know what that is. i have an insanely unporportional hatred of that story especially compared to#its relevancy to scooby comics much less scooby doo as a whole#however i hate it so fucking much its unreal. like pure rage. its worse than scooby apocalypse to me <<<<absolutely nonsensical opinion#anyways feel free to ask me about it (i dare you. i dare you to do it) because i WILL fume with rage and i think that must be heard#but i will not go into a scooby comics rant unprompted. because before i subject you to that i need to know that at least 1 person is#remotely interested lol#also to properly form my rant id have to make myself read over the boardwalk again 🤢🤢🤢 <<<again nonsensical response#and i wont do that for me but id do it for any of you in an instant#ANYWAYS WHERE ARE MY COMICS. LITERALLY ONLY MY SCOOBY ONES (minus one sd & batman issue) ARE MISSING#my far sector tpb? got it! the historical civil war comic i think my grandfather gave me in 5th grade? have that! the scooby doo comics?#gone. vanished from this plane of existence#actually i do know where they are. i have too many books to fit in my bookcase so theres a huge stack that takes up like part of a wall of#books and notebooks and folders and old school binders and other junk#................#goddamn it im going to go through that aren't i#this is gonna be a total mess dear lord#if i die know that i got crushed by a huge tower of books btw#anyways now time to go thru a bunch of trouble to track down like 3 single issues i KNOW i own#blah
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healingheartdogs · 2 months
People who don't know dog body language who have pushy sketchy dogs are so awful to be around. I told our housemates that their dog Klaus doesn't like me when we went out to watch the eclipse earlier today because I didn't want to go in the fenced yard with him out and they were like "oh no he's fine don't worry." When he saw me he charged up to the fence, high flagged tail, snorting and barking and jumping at the fence and they still were like "oh he's friendly, he just wants to smell you, see his tail is wagging". Like my dude... tail wagging does not mean friendly, and what about the noises he's making rn sounds friendly to you?
Selene's sister grabbed him and I thought she was going to take him inside because she acted like she was going to, but instead she stopped halfway and just held him back while I came into the yard and then let him go to run up and sniff me, which he had very stiff body language the entire time he did so. For a while after that he ignored me because of the kids calling him away and was chill, but still kept coming over and sniffing me occasionally and was very tense each time so I just tried to stay calm and sweet talk him and didn't try to touch him to help defuse the situation.
Then I walked a little away from the group to point out a plant in the yard to Selene's mom which was a mistake because once I was out of the little circle we were standing in he started body blocking me, tense face, stiff body, whale eyeing, and then jumping at me and barking. They tried to call him away and were like "oh he's just trying to get you to play, sorry he's so demanding of attention." I started trying to walk toward the gate to leave because he very much was NOT trying to get me to play and I did not feel confident in their ability to control him, and he immediately did it again. And again they tried to call him away. And I got maybe another two steps before he turned right back around and did it again. And they called him away again saying he was just trying to play. Rinse and repeat for a total of like six times of him body blocking me, tense and whale eyeing, and then jumping at me and barking. All while they're just laughing like "Sorry, Klaus just really loves playing". Dudes your dog is actually behaving aggressively toward me right now, please get control over him so I can leave he is NOT TRYING TO PLAY WITH ME.
This is the second time I've been invited into the yard while Klaus was out and the first time they kept telling me the same thing but he was actually following me around growling at me then and they were still like "oh it's just cuz he doesn't know you yet, he'll warm up to you, he's friendly". YOUR DOG IS SKETCHY. I DONT WANT TO INTERACT WITH HIM. HE DOESN'T LIKE ME. PLEASE JUST PUT HIM INSIDE WHEN I'M IN THE YARD WITH Y'ALL. And PLEASE learn some dog body language because nothing about his right now says "friendly" at all!!!!! Not even a little!!!! TAIL WAGGING DOES NOT MEAN FRIENDLY, ESPECIALLY A HIGH FLAGGED TAIL.
#i will not be going back into the yard while he is out#i only did this time because they made it seem like they were going to put him inside#but then didn't#i do not trust that dog#and they are oblivious and just laughing while he is actively menacing me#cant tell them shit about it though because they act like we're criticizing their parenting if we do and get offended#and then be like 'well your dogs are out of control so what do you know' because my dogs bark at strangers#like... okay your dog growls at and menaces strangers???? mine just bark at strangers who talk to them and try to rile them up#and i dont correct them for that because its not worth correcting and also not their fault#your dog is actually dangerous and you dont have control over him#my dogs are not dangerous and when i tell them to be quiet and get inside they do#so who doesnt have control huh????#theyre just mad because theyre the strangers my dogs bark at sometimes and since i dont like how they interact with my dogs i allow it#because they are rude as fuck and do not respect my dogs' boundaries at all#and think that dogs shouldnt be allowed to have boundaries because they should be 'kid safe“ which really means shut down from punishment#thats how they are with klaus which is a big part of why i dont trust him too#because they have created a dog who gets punished for setting boundaries so that the kids can 'safely' climb all over him and annoy him#and to me that is a recipe for a dog that doesnt give a lot of warning before becoming aggressive because hes been punished for it#i do not trust dogs who have been punished for having boundaries#and i dont trust their owners either#also them doing that means their kids think they can do whatever they want to dogs and interact very rudely with them#so i dont let their kids interact with my dogs at all now because even with me constantly correcting them they ignore me and are rude#and that definitely is something theyre also salty about because their kids want to play with my dogs#and they also want my dogs to play with Klaus and there is mo way in hell I'd allow that which they also dont like#hes an intact bully who they have admitted can be 'really fiesty' with other dogs#and Hermes is an intact male who seems to have a 'kick me“ sign on him for other dogs and i just wont risk it#and it drives them crazy that i dont trust their strange dog not to be aggressive to my dogs and wont let them all be 'friends'#DOGS DONT NEED TO BE FRIENDS WITH STRANGE DOGS THEY DONT KNOW OR LIVE WITH#I hate ignorant pet owners that make their ignorance my problem#rant
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piplupod · 3 months
head in my hands. i promise i am not a scary unhinged person fdsgjkl, and none of my silly happy posting is fake, i am just very good at repressing and partitioning things. i can be having the worst day of my life and still enjoy jokes and be genuinely having a good time with my silly little characters and stories i come up with. this brain LOVES to section off shit that is genuinely unbearable (because how else do you live with that? if not putting it in a place where you cannot feel it?) so that i can cope and find joy in life still fsdjkl i simply love having a good time too much to ever make it up
#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#i want to make friends and be a pleasant person to be around so badly but fhdsjkl then . this household hurts me as it is wont to do#and i have a small breakdown here bc it all feels so awful and i feel like if i keep it locked inside and hidden i will actually CrackTM#and then i feel like that is . well. understandably! a lot! for other ppl to see#and it is very upsetting and scary and awful to read. i know. im so well aware fjdskl#but also augh. augh augh augh. i try very hard to not post abt things as much as i humanly can avoid doing so#but i am very silly and fuck up my own rules for myself when i have a particularly bad experience w mother o' mine#i am worried that if i say anything to the effect of ''life is terrible and i am straight up not having a good time''#then it makes all my other posting look disingenuous or smth. i am literally just posting what is on my brain currently when i post stuff#and oftentimes my brain is like... a silly little swirl-patterned rubber bouncy ball with a happy face on it HDSGJKL#that is like... a lot of my whole deal as a part of the brain fsdfjkl#even with all the grief and upset i can still have a good time bc we stay silly !!!! by god we stay silly through it all !!!#i will shrug my shoulders and say ''ah well what can ya do!'' after getting screamed at or told i'm a disappointment to the family lmfao#because honestly... what can you do dsfkl it is what it is and theres rly nothing i can do about this all#anyways i am talking toooooo much sorry fdsjgkl once again i will delete all this later so i dont upset ppl too much dsjkl augh augh sorry
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polaraffect · 7 months
sometimes I truly genuinely forget nuance is dead on the internet and then I have to read people who should be on the same side argue about politics on the internet and I start wanting to bash my head into a wall.
#damien.txt#ohhh my god. rattling the bars of my cage. lesser of two evils is a real and true concept.#revolution and changing a fucking country and keeping marginalized people alive takes many different forms#and guess what! voting for the 'somewhat lesser right wing' president over the 'extremely right wing' president IS one of those forms!#change is not going to happen because you voted third party or didn't fucking vote. it is actively going to make things worse actually#truly i think half the people making these comments have no idea how the us government works.#revolutions and protests and community projects and other revolutionary activity i wont explicitly name here will change things. and we#should also be doing that. but we can't just sink into the idealism of those things and ignore the actions we can take around us in reality#and in our reality at this moment. truly. voting strategically to keep republicans out of office is critical.#do you know why the government has been particularly shit the past couple years? sure yeah biden is a shit president and that's part of it#but also. thinking back to 2017-2020. when trump appointed all those conservative right wing people#to positions that opened up. like the supreme court justices. and laws and things started to take a downturn?#whoa..... almost like.... we should prevent that from happening again..... like that was Bad or something......#im truly begging you to take a look at project 2025 and see if that's something you're willing to risk#'im still not voting for joe he supports genocide' cool i guess. hope you enjoy your moral superiority complex. let me know how you plan#to actually do anything about the genocide anyways.#politics
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toytulini · 9 months
wish ig wasnt so fucked i do miss posting art on there but itll never be like that again. how zuck managed to make it feel physically bad and gross to use an app is incredible. its like a corpse of the app i used to use. a bad puppet. a shell. parading around, empty and awful. came back wrong. i cant use it the way it is anymore. "reels" and "stories" and the algorithm. im not using those. im not using that. it feels gross. its sliming me. its oozing slime out of my phone. i just wanted to make posts. have all my stupid art in one place and chill with my mutuals. but no. its trying to sell me ads and pretty people. and now i cant view my notifications bc it sold pretty people too hard and broke teenager's brains. itstelling me to watch reels. all the people i follow are posting their posts in their stories that im not watching bc ive refused to evolve the way i use that app past like 2016. why dont ppl just make posts. what the fuck is the point of stories. is that not just snapchat? im not downloading that either
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honeyboyfelix · 1 year
my dm asked me to guest in one of his other groups and im really excited but i only had like a week and its TOMORROW and im either 0planning or 100 percent planned kinda person with no inbetween so im just here like....stressed
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fangparade · 11 months
honestly i rarely refer to myself as lesbian anymore but also i dont refer to myself as anything because well! going off of lived experience i um dont have any. and going off of, idk, like, who i picture myself sharing a life with in the future i dont really do that either! so really who's to say. also it doesnt matter, life is fucking short
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demadogs · 2 years
i never post tiktoks anymore and i have a big following bc i made videos of my cats like talking to each other with the text to speech thing and i hyped up that id be home for summer to post but i havent been creative so ive barely made any and i feel guilty like im depriving 600k people of wholesome cat content but i cant get myself to make one
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