#the other characters also did him dirty and were hypocrites about it
badbookkeeping · 7 months
barely getting my thoughts in order here, but boston was always going to end up alone. even before we see him in the show he was planning on leaving, so he stirred shit up and acted impulsively and without fearing the consequences because he was going to new york soon anyways and wouldnt have to deal with it. the tragedy for him is that when things started catching up to him, he learnt that he very much did care. he thought he could simply cut ties and leave and not feel anything, but having those ties cut for him shows him how wrong he was about that
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
um i read through all of this and realised this was quite lengthy so cw: long request haha
hello! first of all, i love all your works and i've been binge reading them the last few days- they give me so much serotonin, i can't- and secondly, i have a request! no pressure or anything, but how do you think the diffeent archons (or anyone else you want e.g. diluc, kaeya, jean for mondstadt) would be like fighting for Creator!reader's affection because they want to be the only one to spoil them? venti would definitely be more clingy (literally grabbing-onto-your-legs-so-you- won't-leave kind of clingy) whilst zhongli and ei might be more possessive in a subtler way, like taking them out on long trips in their own respective regions! maybe zhongli somehow remembers that he can literally create mora and somehow remembers to finally bring his wallet with him (only when he's with you though? childe is not happy about this.) zhongli also probably takes up most of your day just talking about osmanthus wine ngl- ei would probably get teased by miko quite a lot for worshipping you so grandly but still doesn't stop because like... obviously you're the creator, how could she stop worshiping you (for eternity you may say *wink wink*) she would definitely not hesitate closing off inazuma's borders just for you to stay there with her, only. ahaha anyways sorry this wasn't so venti focused and that this request was so long, be as liberal as you want with it :)) remember to take care of yourself and drink water! :DDDDD
Archons fighting for the readers affection:
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I can't believe I have officially been branded as the Venti writer— 💀 /j
I swear I write for other characters anon, you gotta believe me, no need to apologize for requesting non-Venti stuff, I promise
And here I am about to contradict myself by putting Venti first-
Warnings: general sagau, yandere shenanigans, vague descriptions of violence, manipulation, codependency, the works
• So I have to start by saying all the Archons are going to play incredibly dirty
• Venti in particular isn't the type to try and keep you somewhere, unlike the other two—
• He's the God of Freedom of course, it would simply be hypocritical to keep you locked away in his domain
• He makes up for it by going everywhere with you, though
• He's simply desperate for your attention, enough so that he will deal with being away from his precious city if you would prefer to spend your time in somewhere like Liyue
• Might question you on why you would prefer to spend your time there though, is Mondstadt not good enough? Is there anything he could do to make it better??
• Hates hates hates you talking to other people, he gets such an unpleasant feeling in his chest when your eyes aren't on him
• Not above cutting other people off and making a bit of a scene when you're not at least conscious of him being in the room
• Might let you talk to people if he gets to touch you in some way while you're doing it
• Will make a show of nuzzling into you and holding you as close as possible to show the other person they're not nearly as important to you as him
• Will complain to you as soon as the other person is no longer visible, whether they're out of earshot or not
• "It's no fair, you shouldn't need to talk to anyone but me you know. Anything you need done I can do, and they can fix their own problems without you like they did before."
• You can practically hear the bitterness in his voice
• He might actually start hiding offerings you received from others, it's not like you need worship from other people when you have him
• Would never pass other people's offerings off as his own though, believes that he's above doing that and he can provide for you himself
• He's absolutely not above slandering others though
• "You were talking with Ei for a pretty long time earlier you know... I'm surprised you still regard her so highly when she was directly responsible for so many deaths of her own people. Is that something you admire?"
• You better say a very clear and concise "no" to that statement, otherwise you might just find a certain Archon following in her footsteps
• Of course he is willing to change how he acts based on your preferences, what kind of follower would he be if he couldn't do that much for you?
• You seem to like Zhongli a lot, would you like him to be more serious?
• You and Childe we're laughing together the other day right? So is chaotic violence more to your taste? Maybe a sacrifice or two is an order—
• You always seem to smile at the mention of Thoma, he can act like a spouse too you know, you only need to ask and he would gladly cook and clean and praise you with that sweet tone of his
• Venti has quite a bit of experience pretending to be other people, so feel free to tell him exactly who you want him to be and he'll be more than happy to oblige~
• Polite and formal as always, he would certainly never resort to such an undignified display as his fellow Archon
• Prefers to simply just consume your time instead
• Oh you're free? Well, if it's not too much of a bother, maybe you could help him with some of his responsibilities, they just never seem to stop piling up
• Of course, that would keep you in Liyue for awhile, but it's not as if you would prefer to be anywhere else, right?
• His is one of the few nations that doesn't have a ruling Archon, perhaps you could fill that spot for awhile? His people would be forever grateful
• Liyue is always so busy, so much to do, so many problems that just happened to pop up unexpectedly, really it needs you
• And who knows Liyue better than its very own former Archon?
• He's more than happy to help, he wouldn't dream of letting you tackle this stuff alone
• And if some of these many problems require a more hands on approach, maybe stopping by a particularly fancy restaurant to grab something to eat on the way isn't a horrible idea
• He promises to pay, of course he could never force you to take up such a responsibility when you're already helping him so much as it is
• Oh, look, someone needs assistance down near the docks, and the sunset is just so beautiful from there, it would simply be a shame not to stay and watch, wouldn't it?
• And you're always so tired at the end of the day, running around helping people out, the oh so merciful God you are
• You certainly wouldn't decline him picking up the slack in that department, right?
• Of course you're staying with him, no question about it, and he's just so grateful at the opportunity to take care of you like this, away from prying eyes
• You're needed in Inazuma? Well that can't be right, surely Ei can take care of it herself, you can't just abandon these people that have grown so dependent on you here
• "I strongly urge you to rethink your decision. I understand its been a while, but you're needed here much more than anywhere else. Are you not enjoying your stay? Have I not provided enough for you to want to stay?"
• It doesn't matter if you say yes or no, the idea that you're having these thoughts in the first place is concerning enough
• So Zhongli will simply double down, you wouldn't dream of leaving if there happened to be slightly more dangerous and important crises going on, right?
• Maybe certain monsters are starting to get a bit too close to town, there's a stirring in the water that could mean trouble for the future, it seems as if the integrity of some of these old buildings is waning as you now have to deal with the result of more than a few unexpected collapses
• You've got your work cut out for you, there's no way you could even dream of going anywhere with the amount of trouble Liyue is being put through
• And Zhongli is always there at the end of the day, praising and providing, helping you relax from your incredibly stressful day in all ways possible
• What would you do without him?
• Now she's certainly the type to be a bit more forceful about everything
• Inazuma is more beautiful than Liyue and Mondstadt combined, it's vast and different depending on where you are, what could you hope to get anywhere else?
• She's perfectly capable of providing anything you could desire you know, from food to clothing to scenery
• And if you really want something else it can easily be imported
• Ei is the only one out of the three that's still actually recognized as an Archon, she has more authority than both of them put together, she is obviously the most capable of providing for you
• So gtting in and out of Inazuma can still be considered difficult, and it's going to stay that way
• I mean, you're are already here, no reason to make you leaving any easier
• She takes pride in making it so that you don't have to lift a finger
• Now, she wouldnt go as far as to actually lock the room you're staying in, but she does want to know where you are at pretty much every given moment
• "Your grace? Why didn't you alert me that you were going for a walk? I went to your room and you weren't there. Honestly you gave me quite a scare, tell me next time and I'll accompany you ok?"
• You're kind of like her comfort place
• She has a reputation to keep up of course, so acting even the slightest bit soft in public isn't an option
• But around you she can strip that persona for a bit, slip into the role of the one who is cared for and not the one who has to care for so many others
• As such, Ei constantly tries to come up with excuses to see you, to pull herself away from work for at least some time
• The reason she ends up defaulting to about 95℅ of the time is gifts
• There were beautiful flowers outside that she just had to give to you, a specific dish was made exactly to your liking and it was going to get cold otherwise, perhaps the things you requested from way out in Mondstadt came in recently and she felt the need to hand deliver it to you
• No matter what the current excuse is, you're going to end up seeing her more than your fair share before the day is over
• She's a bit too stubborn, or maybe just too embarrassed, to out right ask for affection, but it's not difficult to pick up on the way her touches linger, how she looks at you in a way that can barely cover the heavy desire to lay some claim to you
• It annoys her immensely whenever others decide to act clingy towards you right in front of her
• You are a guest in her domain, it's incredibly unbefitting and disrespectful for them to lay a single finger on you here
• If her looks were as sharp as her sword, their hand would be cut off rather quickly, but she does manage to restrain herself in your presence
• That person is just rather lucky they aren't alone, or it would be a different story entirely
• As much as she hates you leaving, there is no way for her to outright forbid you from doing so, and suffocating you here would only cause you to hate this place, and, by extension, her, all that much more
• Doesn't stop her from keeping tabs on you whenever you aren't in Inazuma though, she has a large network of informants
• And if it looks as if you are in even the smallest amount of danger, she won't hesitate to bring you back here herself
• Back to safety, back to a place where she can keep a closer eye on you, a place where she can personally protect you
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Shut Me Up
Billy Butcher Masterlist
Summary: Butcher needs information on a supe. He hates that he has to go to her to get them, especially because of how it ended last time. Fortunately, she’s easy to find. It’s not everyday that you see a woman amongst other bikers.
Pairing: Billy butcher x F!Biker!reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 1854
Warning: Smut, unprotected sex, rough sex, angry sex, p in v, facial
Square: @anyfandomgoesbingo​​ The Boys Custom card: enemies with sexual tension
A/N: Hey people! So this fic is for @fictional-affairs​​ 500 readers challenge! I had Biker!Reader as the AU character. Also, remember this is an AU, so some things don't follow the tv show!
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He hated that he needed her help.
There was a big, endless list of people he could go to to ask for that favor. People he had by the balls, scared of what he knew about them, frightened of how much he could destroy their life with proof of their dirty little secrets.
Butcher could go anywhere, threaten some people, force them to spill out the beans, but yet, he ended up choosing to go to her. 
Maybe it was because he wanted to see her again, but then, no, it couldn't be the reason. She was everything he hated in someone, someone that wasn't a supe, that is.
Maybe he enjoyed being an ass, and it was so easy to piss her off.
Or maybe… the anger, the rage, even, she had to feel after what happened last night would be enough for her to say yes.
Finding her was easy. Already, a woman driving that kind of bike was not something he saw often. But a member of a biker gang? 
One of the chiefs, even?
Y/n was the only one.
"Bunch of cunts," was what Butcher thought as he approached the place. The thought was so loud, he could almost feel the words leave his lips.
"Hello lovely people. I'm here to see Y/n. I don't believe I have an appointment, though," he said instead.
The headquarters of the Bad Moon Rising gang was hidden in the far end of the state. At first glance, it looked exactly like a place where homeless people were living, well, if it wasn't for all the bikes resting at the entrance.
The moment Butcher pronounced the name of the woman, he was now circled by men, all ready to beat the shit out of him. It didn't matter what he wanted from Y/n. The simple fact he was there and said her name was enough to be sent to the hospital.
"Easy," Butcher sighed, lifting both hands in the air to show he meant no harm. "Here to talk, is all," he muttered next, but it didn't seem to calm down any of them.
"Everyone, put your dicks away," a feminine voice finally made from behind him. A shit eating cocky grin stretched Butcher's lips at only hearing her voice. "You're not welcome here, Butcher," she ended saying once all the other bikers were gone.
Butcher turned to her.
Not at all hiding his interest, he let his gaze wander up and down her body without any shame. Enemy or not, she was bloody sexy. 
"I'm not here to feel welcomed, luv," Butcher grinned as finally his eyes settled in hers. "I need infos. A favor."
"You always fucking need something," she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest. "I got nothing for you, get the fuck out."
She turned on her heels to leave but his voice made her stop immediately. What he said then immediately froze her.
"One of your guys got killed last night," he grinned, knowing he got her. As he spoke, Butcher walked closer to her and she didn't make any move to stop him. "I know who did it and why. What I want to know is… What you and your lovely gang or bikers know about him. And if you're finally ready to accept the deal I made to you 6 months ago. And then maybe, I would finally be able to catch the fucker."
Y/n was still frozen on the spot. The mention of the person they lost last night was still fresh, so fresh and painful, it was like Butcher was stabbing her in the back again and again. 
God, she hated him so fucking much. If she wanted to know who killed Zach, she had to make a deal with Butcher. Fucking hypocrite.
"Come in," she ended up saying. Without waiting for his answer, she headed towards her room, knowing he would follow.
"So," she said once they were in her room. The door was closed, locked, so if one of them wanted to kill the other, it would be too late for anyone to intervene. But right now, she didn't really want to kill him… Well, not unless all he said was bullshit. "Who."
"Soldier Boy," Butcher said, simply. His lips curved downwards, grimacing his clear disgust and anger just at saying the name of the supe. Y/n's body tightened with rage. "Cams took pics of what happened. I can send them to you if you don't believe me-"
"I believe you," she said. With the anger that was building inside of her, it was impossible for her to say more than those two words.
"He was bored, if you wanna know the reason," Butcher continued, staring at her, hoping to force a reaction out of her. Make that anger explode somehow. He knew it was boiling inside of her. Ready to explode at any time. "See, luv, that's why I wanted you so bad to join us." Taking a step forward the woman, he tapped his finger on her shoulder. "Those cunts kill because they are fucking bored. If your guys only agree to keep their eyes open when they drive around, with a little camera on their bike, we could have more evidence of what they're fucking doing. And this wouldn't happen again."
Until now, Y/n was staring out the window. Outside, bikers were walking around, pushing each other playfully, others were washing their bikes, it was peaceful here. Okay, sometimes they caused some chaos and drama here and there, did some not really legal stuff… but they never hurt or bother anyone. 
It was so fucking unfair.
And then, there was Butcher.
Butcher that came here, 6 months ago the first time, with a proposition. His group and him would defend and protect her gang if her guys would accept to add cams to their bikes and film everywhere they went.
She answered they could take care of themselves alone and he could go fuck himself.
The second time he came around, it was to ask for help. The latest guy in his group was in deep shit, and he knew for a fact one of the bikers had evidence that could get him out of trouble. She accepted to give it to him, and to thank her, he fucked her hard, right here in this room, pinned against the wall.
The third time, it was her time to ask for help. There was a war between gangs, and she needed more arms to fight and get back her territory. It wasn't something Butcher did usually, but because he owned her, he accepted. With two men and a woman, he arrived to the fight, and Y/n was about to beat him for showing up with only 3 people when she witnessed them fight.
They won.
Between Butcher and her, it was more hate than love. He worked for the CIA, fought supes, and her, well, she was against the law in a way. 
But in the end, they were even. Until today.
The day after a fucking supe, the cunts Butcher were hunting, killed one of hers.
"Okay," she said.
Butcher blinked multiple times, clearly not expecting her to accept so easily. "That is an unexpected answer, luv, and here I was with more to offer to you," he muttered, walking even closer to her now.
What could she do? She was pissed. Angry. So fucking angry, at the supes, at that supe that killed Zach, at Butcher for always getting what he wanted…
She pinned him to the wall of her place, and it was so sudden and brutal, she could hear his breath getting cut at the impact.
"Shut the hell up," she ordered. But her mouth could say one thing, her eyes were telling a different story. And as her hands tightened around Butcher's stupid Hawaiian shirt, hey gaze shifted down to stare at his lips.
"Shut me up yourself, dove." His lips curved up when he said that, grining. Clearly, he knew what he was doing to her, what power he had on her. Anger mixed with arousal and the simple and primal need…
Her lips crashed on his, effectively shutting him up. No more words left his mouth, well nothing else that grunts as he kissed back with as much anger.
His hands were already on her waist and lowered down to her hips, squeezing. An almost quiet moan left her lips, and he swallowed it as his hands went more to the South to grab her ass firmly. This time, her moan was louder. Just like he wanted.
Their clothes didn't stay on for long. Buttons and tissue got ripped apart until there was only flesh on flesh. Once again, neither of them could make it to the bed, there was no time for that. They needed it now.
Butcher grabbed her ass once more and incited her to jump in his arms, pinned her back to the wall, and in one swift motion, entered her wet channel.
Usually, during sex, Butcher would talk dirty quite a lot. But with Y/n, there was no time to talk. No time to say cocky things or pet names. She was tight, so fucking tight around him, and wet, and needy for his cock that was stretching her so good, but he didn't say any of that. Instead, he grunted, groaned and cursed as he fucked her hard and fast against the wall.
She was a mess of moans and whimpers, and the whole leader facade she had was completely gone as he drove his cock in and out of her. It was barely if she could breathe, that was how rough it was, the need to feel something else than what life brought them. Feel the other, fucked the other, hard, fast, and cum an impossible amount of times.
It wasn't long before her first climax, and then Butcher forced a second out of her immediately after the first one. She cried out, her body shaking and then going softer under his grip. In a breathtaking kiss, he thrust deeper into her, and when he felt like his climax was close, he pulled out and forced her on her knees in front of him.
She took the cue, opened her mouth and accepted his release like it was the only source of water in the whole world. Butcher jerked his cock until he reached his own end and painted her tongue and lips white with his seed.
"Fucking whore," he panted, his whole body covered in sweat, muscles bulging, cock twitching in his hand.
"I hate you," she said, licking her lips slowly.
"Shut the fuck up," Butcher groaned, lifting a brow when he saw her remove his hand from his cock to replace it with her own.
"Shut me up yourself."
It was her turn to grin, her plump lips parting to swallow his sensitive cock between them.
Butcher gasped, fingers tangling between her soft, messy hair.
"Oh, luv, you didn't see anything yet."
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Forever taglist: @nitnat6245​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @eevvvaa​ @fictional-affairs​ @wickedinspirations​ @awkward-and-indecisive​ @cryptichobbit​​
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everlastlady · 1 year
I'm absolutely in love with how Sarcastic Chorus analyzes Helluva Boss episodes. And in this video I agreed with everything he has said and made really good points. I don't think they really ruined Striker like yeah the big dick joke did give off Chaz vibes but we also have to remember that Striker was kinda of a narcissistic hypocrite jackass. But I still love him as a character. Do I prefer him to be more intimidating? Yeah because having intimidating villains are good and could open us up to villains who don't just make sexual jokes or clown around.
I think people also need to keep in mind this is a show on YouTube. That the creators are having fun with because again it's an adult cartoon with violence, dirty jokes, and some serious moments. While Hazbin Hotel will actually be on TV and we aren't sure what that will bring and what will change other than character designs. Striker is a character I would like to see again because his presences can be intimidating sometimes. But Sarcastic Chorus made some good points about Striker as a character, his motives, and how he is presented to us.
Overall rewatching Western Energy. I don't think it was that bad that people made it out to be there was just some inconsistencies, the way things were delivered, and drawn out jokes. But other than that I did enjoy the episode and is Striker ruined as a character? Kinda and kinda not because he's always been a narcissistic hypocrite jackass but with an intimidating presences and he's one of my favorite antagonist next to Ozzie & Verosika. It's like the same with Stella, they didn't ruin Stella, she has always been like this especially we don't really know much about her. We just know she wants to kill Stolas for cheating on her and probably ruining her reputation.
Because come on the people she hangouts with are probably gossiping about what Stolas did and the divcore. She doesn't care about his money or what he has. Bitch just wants petty revenge, because we know Stella is rich herself so she'll be fine financially because of her family but reputation wise not so much. So when it comes to some of these characters that we haven't really seen much I wouldn't say they are ruined or destroyed.
I'm sitting awaiting the new episode which I'm excited to see Ozzie again and see why he's the king of hypocrites which I already have a wild guess and especially be introduced to Barbie because maybe we'll find out what happened to her and Blitz's mom, I know some people don't care about Blitz's lore, he ain't my favorite character but I'm a lore whore. Helluva Boss does have some good moments in the show and bad shows. Because I wouldn't say Vivzize Pop is a horrible writer. She is a decent writer at best not professional because us here on tumbler who write fan fiction especially me aren't professional but we try our best to entertain people.
I can admire that the team is trying though because Moxxie has had some development, Blitzo realizes that Stolas can get hurt and isn't untouchable, Stolas now realizes that his wife is trying to kill him, and there is a lot of other things to note in the episode. Anyway I'm done rambling and need an ice coffee. Please remember to be respectful, responsible, mature, and kind in and out of the Helluva Boss fandom and Hazbin Hotel fandom whether you are enjoying the show or giving criticism or both. Just remember to be respectful and if you don't like something maybe just block or don't engage, love yall and peace out. 🤍
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stanheightsimp · 2 months
I wrote this quickly to distract myself from my burnout. Sorry, it's badly written and sloppy, a bit. There will surely be corrections in the future, when my mental health is better !
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Group Therapy | Adam Stanheight x /Leon Kennedy
Adam must take part in group therapy. He meets a survivor of Raccoon City. Since Amanda and Leon are both in DBD, I'm obsessed with the idea of a Saw and Resident Evil crossover (and also because Leon and Adam are comfort characters). | 2478 words
Adam Stanheight stepped hesitantly into the overheated room, nervously fidgeting with the excessively long sleeves of his flannel shirt. He didn't want to do this. Fuck, he hated this kind of thing. Group therapy. For people suffering from PTSD. Great.
It was his therapist who'd sent him there "an indispensable step in his healing process". Supposedly, Adam was too self-focused on his suffering. Supposedly, it would do him good to find other people who had it as bad as he did. Blah, blah, blah. Fucking idiot therapist. As if he could understand what Adam was going through. As if anyone could understand what it felt like to wake up in a tub of dirty, cold water, seeing a person saw off his foot, , get shot by this person, and be left to die for seven days in the dark, without food or water. Adam decided he'd do the bare minimum, even put all the ill will in the world into it, so they'd leave him alone, or even, oh fuck, that was what he wanted, kick him out of group therapy for being unbearable.
He sat down grudgingly on one of the folding chairs arranged in a circle in the center of the room, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest, reluctant to cooperate. A few people were already there, people in his age bracket. At least, that was something. Adam didn't really like people from his parents' generation.
His gaze met that of a blond boy with hair like the lead singer of the Backstreet Boys (Adam hated the Backstreet Boys). Blue shirt open over a white T-shirt, sky-blue jeans, big clear eyes, and eyes rimmed as if he hadn't slept in days.
Leon Kennedy met Adam's gaze and wasn't sure whether he liked him or hated him. His old self of a few years ago would have liked him, probably. Leon liked people, trusted them without restraint. He believed in many things, was unfailingly optimistic, and managed to find beauty in everyone. Even when people were capable of the worst, he could find the best in them.
Well, that was then. Leon clung desperately to the ghost of the carefree, optimistic kid he'd been before Raccoon City.
"We have a new member," declared the group therapy organizer, and Adam rolled his eyes. "Adam, stand up, would you like to introduce yourself?"
No, fuck no, I don't want to introduce myself, I don't want to be there, I want to disappear.
Adam stood up with a sigh.
"My name's Adam. I'm twenty-five years old. And four months ago, I was a victim of Jigsaw. He locked me in the bathroom, and I almost died in there. And… that's it."
The assembly said a unanimous "hello Adam" which Adam felt was forced and hypocritical. Fuck, he hated group therapy. Everyone came not to support or listen to others, but to be supported and listened to by someone, to have someone sympathize. Basically, this kind of therapy was the most singularly selfish thing Adam had ever seen.
"Was there any particular reason he captured you?" asked a girl, older than Adam but not by much.
Are you fucking kidding me? You really think this asshole needs a reason? You're such an idiot! Adam tried to reply, but just shook his head.
"Actually, maybe there was a reason. I was suicidal, in a way."
"What do you mean, in a way? You either are or you aren't, there's no in-between." commented a teenager laconically.
"Shut the fuck up, I didn't fuckin' ask for your opinion." Adam replied, sitting back down.
The therapy organizer intervened, asking with forced enthusiasm and empathy, someone else to talk about him. At first, Adam couldn't help rolling his eyes as he listened to the other people's testimonials, and especially as he saw the sympathetic nods.
Leon didn't say much either. But he did listen. He listened a lot. He seemed to really listen to what others were saying. He didn't necessarily propose solutions, but offered a listening ear, a real listening ear.
Then Adam decided to speak up:
"Before the trap, I was… I was convinced I was nothing. I was alive, but I was nothing. I didn't even want to live. Today, I want to live, and I've realized it, but I'm just… too broken to live. I have nightmares every night. Horrible nightmares. I can't get into a bathtub without thinking about the trap. Everything brings me back to it."
He took a deep breath, holding back the rising tears. And it was Leon who came to his rescue by speaking up, diverting attention from the dozen or so curious faces scanning Adam, probably waiting for him to burst into tears.
"I was in Raccoon City when it happened. September 30, 1998… It's a day I'll never forget. Somehow, I made it out. But too many others...weren't so lucky. But deep down, I know that the cop inside me died that day. If I could just forget what happened that night, the pain—even for a second."
Leon swallowed his saliva with difficulty, his eyes moist and his fingers clutching the fabric of his jeans.
"Thank you for your testimony, Leon" said the organizer. With a wave of his arms, he invited the participants to repeat what he had just said, and there was a brouhaha of more or less sincere "thank you for your testimony, Leon".
The rest of the session passed laboriously, and when it was over and Adam had put on his jacket, Leon approached him. The room had already all but emptied.
"Hi. My name's Leon." "Adam" he replied in a formal, wary tone. "First session, huh?" "Yeah, and probably the last." Adam replied with a deeply jaded look.
Leon could see through Adam's game. He knew that Adam's cynical, sarcastic attitude was just a mask. Just as Leon had closed in on himself like a shell, Adam was trying to repel others.
They stared at each other for a long, long time. Soon, the room was completely empty.
"Shall I walk you back to the parking lot?" offered Leon to Adam. "Why not" the dark-haired man conceded.
Five minutes later, they were in the men's bathroom, Leon pinning Adam against the wall, pressing his body against his and greedily exploring his mouth, Adam's arms around Leon's neck and Leon's hands on Adam's hips.
"Is this how you welcome newcomers?" sneered Adam against the blond's lips, as he slid his knee between his legs. "Just you. Only you." moaned Leon in his ear, before disengaging himself from the brunet's embrace and wiping his lips. "See you at the next session, Stanheight?" "Wait, all this so I can continue your bullshit therapy?"
Leon gave him a mischievous smile, placed a tender kiss on his cheek, and exited the restroom. Just before, he turned back to Adam and whispered in a soft voice:
"It's a date, yes." "Shit."
And so it was that Adam Stanheight didn't miss a single session of group therapy.
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hezuart · 1 year
What do you think of people who call you ableist? I have seen that many HB fans have called you that because you minimize the character of stolas and his "Trauma" and how horrible his marriage was. what do you think about that?
So I actually explained this to someone before privately. Someone came into my ask box and said "Hey so I relate to Stolas and because you criticized his relationships and trauma, you are therefore invalidating every abused person out there including me" Which was wild to receive but
It's not about invalidating Stolas's trauma
It's about bad writing
Stella and Stolas are flat, inconsistent characters that have literally no reason to stay married to each other, let alone bully or abuse each other.
Reasons why someone stays in an abusive relationship: 1. Fear (of being hurt or killed) 2. Political Power & Status 3. Reputation within the Family 4. Love (Because you need to love the person to be in a relationship that turned sour in the first place) 5. Kid 6. Money 7. Self-confidence / Ignorance of what a healthy relationship is
Let's debunk all of this. 1. Stolas no reason to fear Stella. He has a book of powerful spells and is an important Prince of Hell. She doesn't have power like he does. He does not fear for his life in Loo Loo Land or at the Harvest Moon Festival, he can freeze an imp by merely looking at them. Even Stella herself hired someone else to do her dirty work for her for potentially one of three reasons: A, she knows she can't beat Stolas in a fight so she has to be sneaky about it through a hired assassin with an Angel weapon, B, she doesn't want the family to know it was her because she could get in trouble for killing a Goetia family member (scandalous?), C, she cares about Octavia(???) and doesn't want her to know Stella is trying to kill her beloved father so she'll get custody. Otherwise, if things were simple, there's nothing stopping her from destroying him. Stolas is annoyed with her and tries to calm her down when she's angry, but he's never been afraid of her. At least, not as an adult.
2. For reputation's sake, I don't think the populace cares about whether or not the royal family is married or not. The imps at the Harvest Moon festival looked at Stolas with contempt. It might be scandalous amongst the elite, but what are the elite gonna do outside of gossip? Marriage is more of a God and Heaven kind of thing. It seems weird for Hell to hold it in such high regard???? It doesn't make sense to me. Also, everyone already knows Stolas had an affair with Blitzo now ever since Ozzies. Both he and Blitz didn't care about being seen in public, they didn't disguise themselves or hide until Oz made fun of them for it (though he himself is hypocritical, for he loves Fizzarolli.) So Stella might think it's embarrassing, but Stolas doesn't care.
3. Both Stolas and Stella are Goetia family by default. Stella acts like divorce is scandalous to the family, but Stolas says the only thing the family wanted from their marriage was Octavia, which they'd provided. They met the requirements of their arrangement, so why would the Goetia care if they divorce? Stella literally throws a "Not Divorced" party as though it's a special occasion. Stella has a lot of connections and friends in the Goetia family. She's complained about Stolas, shouting at the top of her lungs how unhappy she is and how pathetic Stolas is. The Goetia family knows their marriage sucks. Divorcing should be a common thing in Hell. Why would the family care about them divorcing if they did what they were asked to? Produce a child? The family shouldn't give them shit for it. In fact, in political relationships, it's usually the woman who would get in trouble. Stolas is a valuable asset to the Goetias as a star studier, spell weaver, and prophet. Stella? Her purpose? She's a broodmare! She's forced to breed. Her purpose is to produce a child. That's it. Now that she's done that, she's got nothing left to give to the family. If Stolas abandons her, she's basically screwed! She's purposeless to the family now. Killing Stolas might save her the embarrassment, but she's never done what she was supposed to do: raise Octavia. She's just been screwing around throwing parties instead of doing her job. If someone is going to get into trouble with the family, it would be Stella. Not Stolas. She'd be blamed for the failed marriage. (and rightfully so, she sucks)
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4. Love is why I thought Stolas and Stella were staying together. Otherwise, why would Stella go with Stolas and Octavia to Loo Loo Land? Stella would hate it there. But she went for them. But any "love" Stella and Stolas might have had was retconned in season 2. Stolas and Stella never loved each other. They were an arranged marriage forced together for the sake of a kid.
5. Staying together for Octavia doesn't make sense. Might have in the beginning, but quickly became not the case. Stolas does more of the work as a father to her, while Stella has been shown to do next to nothing for her. Octavia clearly loves her father more and would choose him in a heartbeat in a divorce. They're stuck in Hell so it's not like Octavia is going to have to travel several hours for shared visitation. Stolas was apparently retconned to be in love with Blitzo; Stella literally screams on a daily basis how much she hates being married to Stolas, and Octavia is upset her parents hate each other. Why are they staying together? They're all miserable. If Stolas and Stella never married, or if they just produced Octavia then divorced early on, there wouldn't be any need to play this dumb facade. It was Stolas's idea to try and be a "normal" family, but Stella never agreed to this, considering all the shit she'd say about him during parties. They were never a normal family. How does Stolas even have a right to lie to Octavia about her purpose? How has Octavia never come in contact with another Goetia who let slip that she's an unwanted child that her grandfather forced on her parents? Stolas was told his purpose on his birthday when he was young. Did Octavia not have her purpose and responsibility explained to her? How can Octavia live in a house with a mother who screams her head off about her awful marriage and not get a clue? If Stolas would just divorce Stella, it would solve a lot of problems. Octavia's life was never normal. It was never meant to be normal. Pretending otherwise has only caused more problems and misunderstandings in the long run for her. Sure, Captain Hind-sight here, but I'm kind of tired of the incorrect phrase of "Stay together for the kids". Kids don't want you to stay together if you guys are unhappy and making them miserable.
6. Money? Again, Stella and Stolas are Goetia by default. Stolas has his own money and palace. Theoretically, Stella should too. If she doesn't, she can just shack up with her brother Andrealphus then?? (Weird though if she doesn't have her own money. But if this were a typical political marriage, again, it's usually the woman who gets the shorter end of the stick. She at least has family and friends to fall back on, regardless of how embarrassing it may be for her.)
7. For Stolas and Stella to be ignorant of a healthy relationship is something else entirely. Usually, this means Stolas would blame himself for failing the marriage. He'd think he did something wrong, or Stella would gaslight him into feeling weak or powerless so he'd need her. But that's not the case. Stolas knows he's mistreated. He wanted to pretend to be a healthy family, so he know what a "family" should have been from day one. Which is ironic, because Stolas is in love with Blitz, but Blitz doesn't really treat him any better than Stella does. Regardless, Stolas knows Stella mistreats him, and he's never blamed himself for their bad marriage, so this isn't a contender.
Stella has no reason to abuse Stolas because neither of them wanted this. Sure, she could take out her anger on him, but Stolas has no reason to stay married to Stella as explained above. Stella is the only one who should be afraid of this, and therefore, she shouldn't abuse Stolas because she should know she can be dropped and shunned with a snap of his fingers. (but the show treats Stolas as if he'll be the one who gets in trouble as if he's gonna get the short end of the stick? As though Stella holds more power over him??? As though she's more important??? Why the fuck are they treating Stolas like he's replaceable and not Stella? She's a useless Goetia) I just can't find any logic here.
It's just not ablest. It's about criticizing a show for not making any sense.
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thelazyhermits · 7 months
As I mentioned in this post, I haven't completely decided what all I wanna do for my version of Glorious Masquerade since I keep coming up with new ideas, but I do know for certain that I want Yuu to be more involved, so she won't end up in the same position her game counterpart was like I had said in a past post a while back.
I definitely want Yuu to face Rollo, but after giving it more thought, I don't see my Yuu getting as violent with Rollo as I had first thought, although she will be really exasperated with this turn of events.
The reason I say this is because Rollo's actions are so much like Idia's actions in Book 6, which, in my timeline, would've happened not long before the events of GM, meaning they're still fresh on Yuu's mind.
While Rollo isn't Yuu's friend, like Idia was, I think Yuu would still be sympathetic toward Rollo cause he really isn't that different from the OB boys who have all endangered plenty of people, although Idia was definitely the worst of the bunch lol
Plus, in Yuu's eyes, Rollo is still just a kid, and it's her policy to give kids second chances, no matter what they do, because she believes there's always room for change and growth when you're young. She's like this because she wants to believe there's hope for her as well, as was mentioned in the Jamil focused one shot I wrote a while back.
Ergo, Yuu can't bring herself to be too critical of guys like Rollo and the OB boys since it just makes her feel like a hypocrite when she sees her hands as being as dirty or even dirtier than theirs.
Another reason Yuu would be sympathetic is cause, like Rollo, she knows what it's like to be completely helpless to save someone. While she hasn't lost a sibling, there were plenty of poor innocent children in the underworld she was unable to save after they lost their cage matches and as a result got discarded by their managers for being useless.
Now, that's not to say Yuu will go easy on Rollo. She's just gonna give him the same treatment as the OB boys, so if it's necessary, she will get physical with him like she did her friends lol
(In case y'all are wondering, I'm neutral when it comes to Rollo's character, because I see him as being separate from the Disney villain he was inspired from, just as I do all the other Twst boys. That's why I can still like the Twst boys despite not liking any of the Disney villains they're based on.
In my eyes, Rollo really isn't that much different from the OB guys. That's why I'll be treating Rollo just as I do every other Twst character.)
I just wanted to share this for everyone who might be curious about my version of GM. While I still can't decide just how I want this event to go, this is something I for sure wanna do since I think it just makes sense considering what kind of character Yuu is.
Also, for the record, Yuu definitely won't be a merciful toward Fellow in the Playful Land event cause she never goes easy on adults, and that'll especially be the case for Fellow considering what he has been up to in the event as of the latest update, so between Fellow and Rollo, it's Fellow who's gonna have the bad time lol 😂
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queen-of-boops · 11 months
so copied this from my ask to mrsbsmooth as she let me know you're an ozzy girlie too 😭
I'm so happy for all the Lewie/Roberto girlie's rn with the MN clip (my playthrough was R but know that L girlie's will have got the same one 🥰)
Personally I'm an Ozzy girlie and I'm ngl the casa stuff doesn't phase me, I'm gonna give clown emoji energy rn and paint my clown face on to tell you my thoughts 🤡
So obviously casa comes, we as mc get dumped, if you're on an ozzy route Oz leaves us the letter (wish it would've been a bit more sweet but that's fusebox for you), upon them recieving the postcard we still haven't been told WHAT they were shown of us on the postcard and as to why he felt the way he felt about the situation and was worried that not only would grace twist but also MC and I do think he's genuine about that, we know from previous challenges Ozzy isn't the type of guy for one night stands etc, he's into meaningful relationships, I don't for one believe a single thing Marshall has said about Oz, I think Marshall has an ulterior motive and honestly his reaction to Amelia defending him has just kinda said it all really, she was the only one to bite and he used her to get into the main villa.
I do think from ozzys storyline he's genuinely there to find a connection, and as nearly all the characters have said if you follow the ozzy route and choose him for questions that they answer before leaving, it's been bubbling to the surface with him.
Dont get me wrong, he could have treated Grace better BUT, but now hear me out, in my playthrough grace has asked about Ozzy having feelings elsewhere and I said yeh he does, this girl has not believed it even though I haven't hidden it at all, like I've told you I like him and he likes me WHY ARE YOU PRESSED? and I'm not gonna lie I do feel her reaction was uncalled for during movie night as sis also been cracking on aswell, she cracked on w elliot (or tried too atleast) and hamish so really she's been no better than Oz. I think Grace's character is quite insecure and she's afraid she won't find another connection, instead of accepting that Ozzy isn't the one for her she's holding onto something that is doomed to fail honestly and has been since day 1.
I will defend ozzy until the day I die even if I'm the biggest clown doing so I adore his character honestly
Oh, anon, you're speaking my language.
Honestly, while I was playing, I was fuming that FB did us so dirty, but the longer I think about it, the more I can excuse his actions (hey, my name on the ff discord is literally Ozzy Apologist, I have to live up to that somehow).
We all know Ozzy can be a bit of a mess. He's had feelings for MC since the start and he's really struggled with how to handle that and stay respectful. Then we get to casa: MC's gone, he and Grace are rocky, and he can't even talk to either of them. Add in the postcards where he sees Grace and Hamish all over eachother and something to make him doubt MC and it's no wonder he was upset.
Honestly, the person I'm the most angry with is Jamal (or whoever is with Flo). Ozzy was in a really vunerable place and they just took advange of that and encouraged him to do something he regrets.
Now Grace.... I honestly don't even know what to say any more. I really want her to be happy, but with every week it becomes harder and harder to defend her. Babe, even if MC didn't return Ozzy's feelings, it's been obvious for a while that you two don't belong together. And don't even get me started on how hypocritical she was in today's episodes.
And I'm not even going to waste my breath on Marshall, his opinions are so irrelevant to me.
Every week that goes by I go through a cycle: I get giddy when he says anything sweet, then annoyed when he and Grace try to play perfect couple, then upset when I have to tweak the outline for my Ozzy villa fic, and then I end up running right back into his arms.
So you're not alone, anon. We'll get through this together and come out the other side with our man by our side.
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louvay · 9 months
Finished Fjorming Bonds and I gotta say, it was quite disappointing.
Let’s start off with Febail’s: It starts off pretty strong during the C and B scenes with Febail helping out an orphanage with Peony. But then he decides to act all melodramatic and begin to self loathe himself for being a mercenary who helped the Empire with the child hunts and likely killed someone’s parents too with Peony telling him that this isn’t a burden he has to carry. He tells her what would she as a light fairy know about being parentless which Peony elaborates on her past. Febail then suddenly does a 180 and says “you know you’re right I should use my bow to bring hope to children”
The whole melodrama and self hate is something they took from Febail’s convo with Seliph in Fe4 Chp 8 where he apologizes profusely to Seliph for fighting him and that he realized he was a hypocrite for working with the Empire despite wanting to provide for the children who lost their parents because of said Empire. Otherwise, there is no implications in-game that Febail did any actual atrocities or helped with the child hunts especially since he outright tells Bloom, his employer, that he isn’t going to do his dirty work.
Patty: She wants to impress Shannan and gain his love and attention but Larcei tells her to piss off because she’s being clingy to him. She thinks Larcei is looking down at her skills so Patty, Fjorm and Reginn all go to fight in a skirmish to see if Patty can gain funds. It turns out Patty can’t steal any money from her enemies, making her worthless as a thief in Askr, and that Larcei was actually talking about her living up to her fame as being an honorable thief. Patty still fawns over Shannan in the end with no character change or growth.
It’s a meta joke regarding gameplay with how army funds are different in Fe4 compared to the other games where it’s on individual units rather than for the whole army. Funny FB but Patty never acts serious throughout the whole thing. Not even to the mention of her being a thief to provide for the orphanage which is something she somewhat took pride in Fe4. Also they keep hyping up Patty x Shannan despite Shannan never once appearing in the FB and it looking very one sided.
Ced: He fawns over Leif so much that you’d think he’s in love with the little guy. Ced goes around doing noble things and securing the future for Askr like a noble guy. Pretty boring but the ending where Leif explains that Ced is also a crusader in his own right because he never once abuses his powers and always is planning ahead for the people is actually pretty nice characterization for Ced. He is the second coming of the Crusader Ced and it makes for a nice contrast to Ishtar/Reinhardt’s titles and pride in their power.
The biggest problem with this one is that it implies Ced didn’t stay in Manster to help the ailing people out just like what his mother would’ve done according to Fee. He pities himself and says that his actions in Manster were done out of a mere whim which is blatantly false. All this just to hype up Leif which wasn’t even the point of Ced’s speech to Leif in Fe5. It was supposed to reassure Leif that he has every right to stand amongst him (Ced) and Seliph because of his efforts in waging an uphill war like that.
Fee: Best one of them but the bar was already low. Fee gets happy yet embarrassed now that she knows her aunt is alive in Askr and how she named her pegasus Annand in memory of her which would make things awkward between the pegasus and the aunt. Karin tries to explain to her how it’s just based on customs but Fee tells her it’s different now that said hero is still alive with them. It ends with Lilith coming in to read Fee’s pegasus’ mind and tells Fee that Annand is proud of being called that. Then Fee gets a heartwarming meeting with her aunt where she tears up and Annand tells her that she reminds her of Erinys back when she was also a cadet.
Great FB and all but where’s Arthur? He was the one who initially poked fun at Fee in Fe4 for naming her pegasus like that and it would’ve been a perfect time to show the two as partners. They could’ve switched Lilith out and had Arthur be the one to tell Fee that her pegasus wants to be named Annand.
Oh and no Erinys and Brigid/Eyvel here. They don’t meet their kids in this FB. Fantastic IS
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
thoughts on the new scream movie
absolutely shocking???? from the first 13 minutes it managed to crawl its way up top over every other movie in the franchise to match the brilliance of the original. i think with the new cast, scream 2022 was a little awkward re: acting and execution (although i very much liked it anyway) and it was nice to see the actors come into their roles and be more comfortable. the ghostface killers for this instalment were a lot more brutal and gory and intense and i mean that about the actual characters and the acting, as opposed to the presence of better props and a higher budget (which they evidently had). in the other movies, despite being a staple, ghostface as an idea was almost separate from the people who used him as a mask. there was no particular characterisation of ghostface himself, no significant emotion besides a general form of anger and delusion when the killer posed as ghostface. not until they were unmasked. but this ghostface had a clear goal and a different, deeper motive to target the people he did, and it was encompassed by both the unmasked and masked killer. ghostface 6′s precedents were focused on the fame and popularity that they would get from the killings and they were obsessive teens/young adults with shrines to murderers -- the kills in the beginning were supposed to signify the end of that narrative and in a way avenge the victims of the previous ghostface killers. it also makes ghostface 6 a hypocrite, and his own justification of murder goes over his head entirely because he basically believes that it is okay for him to avenge his loved one’s death without considering that the reason he was murdered in the first place is because somebody else was trying to do the same thing. it’s also a brilliant form of social commentary re: the cycle of violence and murder . you avenge a death, someone kills you to avenge another, someone else kills them to avenge someone else’s, so on and so forth. and it never ends. not to mention, thematically, there was a lot regarding survival and victimhood and police presence and internet/the media. i thought it was very well-executed, to see sam as an obvious victim, be branded the villain because she is strong, a survivor, didn’t hide away and fought for her life and the life of her loved ones, despite the amount of evidence and witnesses there were to disprove that, the internet still made her life a conspiracy theory and had her relive her trauma. to the point where not even her therapist would help her and rather opted to report her to the cops because he thought she would murder ‘again’ because she killed her abuser and didn’t feel sorry for doing it. also notable to consider the therapist is the first to say she ‘alluded to an abusive boyfriend’, but when she confesses she killed him because of said abuse, he’s branding her a dangerous murderer. by contrast in the earlier movies when the internet wasn’t a thing or wasn’t utilised in the narrative, sidney was very much not a victim of conspiracy and rather was supported and helped where possible, wherewas people actively worked against sam, especially the press and (NOTABLY) other young women that should have been building her up rather than purposefully continuing her abuse. and the reveal of the cop’s intentions; the fact that he was the one who orchestrated everything, a direct involvement of the ‘acab’ political slogan. of course the cop pushes the narrative that the victim is actually the villain in order to protect somebody else, somebody close to him, and of course he successfully manipulates others to do the actual dirty work for him (both the act of murder and the subsequent framing), and acts as a guide/mentor to ensure they get it right. of coures he brags about being a cop and being able to get away with anything, of coure he brags about the fact that he, as a cop, would be believed over a young girl with a troubled family background and a bucketload of abuse trauma, whose own mother disowns her rather than supports her. it’s just such an insanely relevant movie that doesn’t sacrifice its status as a horror comedy nor does it sacrifice the nostalgic staple details of the scream franchise as a whole in order to delve into social issues that are to some degree taboo to depict in the way that they did, let alone talk about them at all
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Word- Laundry
Letter- O
Osvald Chane Valnicii Friis
Nora Synnove Säde Väyrynen Friis
Hugo Kip Valnicii Friis
Nala Mystique Valniciala Friis
Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis
Lucy Itiunnr Leiashrala Rosenqvist-Tähtinen
Uriel Perachia Berunsarii Fevold
Bïsvěr = Bitch
Lívánø = Little shit
Vïz ná tůlvï gïrłïvát máhïté = Mother fucking cock gargling cunt faced bitch
Laundry day
Osvald groaned as he looked at the chore calendar that his mother made for him and the other souls chained to the Átøsálian Provence known as Shådøwy Isles. Today it was his turn to do the last week's worth of laundry, which ment not only did he have to scour his room for every piece of dirt clothes he had to make sure no pair of briefs were hidden under anything, but he had to make sure his little siblings did the same.
Though that was not because His, Hugo, and Nala's mother would have a fit about a few dirty clothes not making it into the wash, but their fathers military ass coming in today to do a his bi-weekly check in on his four eldest children's house to see if anything needs to be fixed and stock up on.
Sure Ulfric was fine with some dirty clothing being on the floor, though he might make a bit of a fuss due to Nora having a weaker immune system then Osvald, Hugo, and Nala due to her being... what did that four eyed doctor prick say? 'Equally as human as she is immortal genetics wise.' Yeah that was it, that's what his mother's cousin said.
"That bïsvěr should just mind his own fucking business." Osvald thought, fishing out a pair of boxers from behind his dresser. Why were they back there exactly? Well they happen to be crusty with dried blood from challenging his last potential mate to a duel three nights ago, she didn't pass so he killed her. Though that was evident from the other garments in his piled high laundry basket that were also caked with crusty dried blood.
Once all his dirty linens were acounted for he did a quick sweep of the room just in case, there was nothing. But he did have a who lot of blood smears to wash off of the walls later. Picking up the overflowing basket he carries it to the laundry room, cussing a storm whenever he had to pick up a piece of clothing trying to flee it's soapy fate.
Once getting there he stuffs the two weeks worth of clothes into one of the four washers, puts a ton of detergent into the dispenser along with tossing a pod or two in with the clothes, and puts everything to the appropriate settings before turning the washer on and going to his siblings rooms to collect their clothes for the same fate.
Heading to Nora's den he didn't even have knock on the door as she already had her basket outside her door. It contained a lot less clothing than his did but that was due to her doing her laundry three days ago. Picking it up he went back to the laundry room and repeated the process but with way less detergent.
He made an internal note that both Nora and Nala were in there and by the sounds of it they were chatting about some boys from the school they went to. Though that was none of his concern and he knew that if he were to confront them about it they would just berate him and call him a hypocrite since he stalks the girls he's interested in before challenging them to a death fight which ultimately ends with the girl dieing.
Now it was Hugo and Nala's turn. Like Nora, Nala has her clothing neatly in the hamper which currently resided outside the twins den. Hugo's however... was not. Though the sounds of the younger dire wolf tinkering with some machines could be heard inside. As such, Osvald knocked on the door to announce his presence before entering the twins den.
"Oi, it's laundry day ya lívánø." Osvald says as he walls into his younger siblings den. The contrast of cleanliness between the twins was obvious as Nala's half of the room was neat with very little mess on the floor and tops of her dressers and such, only her bed was unmade.
However, Hugo's half was utterly chaotic. Dirty clothes scattered about with various stains ranging from blood to oil. Tools and weapons littered every surfaces alongside the various projects Hugo was working on and his bed was partially clawed up for gods know what reason. Yet there the dire wolf was, tinkering away on what looked to be a car engine. His face covered in smears of grease and grime, unaware of his elder brothers presence and not even hearing him enter as he was listening to music.
Eye twitching at the mess, Osvald grabbed one of the magazines that was sitting on the shelf next to door and rolled it up. He walked over to Hugo and smacked the younger wolfs head with the rolled up magazine.
Hugo yelped in surprise, dropping the engine mechanism that he had in his hands onto the workbench in front of him causing it to break apart as his hands darted to the back of his head to prevent any oncoming strikes.
"Vïz ná tůlvï gïrłïvát máhïté!" Hugo cussed as he rubbed the back of his head with one hand and turning the sound systems volume before turning around to face his assailant.
"Damit Osvald, you know I've been working on that for almost a month no-!" Hugo begun to say before getting smacked again.
"Today's laundry day ya lívánø and you damn well know it." Osvald scolded, his ice blue eyes staring straight into Hugo's emerald green ones once the latter recovered from the his latest attack.
"Ai, you know me well enough to know that I loose track of time easily." Hugo says while glaring at his older brother.
"Well you could have at least put your clothes in your basket instead of all over your room so I could put them in the wash!" The raven haired wolf snaped, pissed off by his little brother as this wasn't the first time he's done this.
"Like your one to talk Ozzy, your den was a damn pigstye the last time I saw it." Hugo growled, "No different then this half of mone and Nala's den."
"I'm cleaning it today and your going to clean yours right now." Osvald says after turning around and walking to the door. "You have fifteen minutes to get your clothes gathered up so I can put them in a wash. If that's not done when I get back I'm going to give ya a beat down."
"YoU hAvE fIfTeEn MiNuTeS..." Hugo mocked under his breath as he gathered up his dirty clothes. Getting hit by the magazine that Osvald was once holding.
Fifteen minutes later, Osvald went back to Hugo and Nala's den to collect Hugo's clothes. They weren't outside the door like Osvald was hoping they'd be. Eye twitching once more Osvald busts into the den, only to be met by a butt naked Hugo tossing what he was wearing into the now full laundry basket.
"Hugahh!!" Osvald exlaimed at the sight of his brother, turning around and rubbing his eyes trying to remove the image he'd just seen. "By the gods Hugo, why are you fucking naked when you should be cleaning! Never mind I don't want to know just push you basket outside." He says now exiting the room.
Hugo burst out laughing at his brothers reaction before opening the door wide enough to push the basket into the hallway. "You're just jealous because I'm bigger then you~" He teases before getting knocked onto his ass via Osvald shoving the door closed. Still snickering he got up and went for his shower.
Once all the laundry was done and switched over to dry, Osvald had cleaned up his room. When that was done her delivered the clean yet unfolded clothing to there respective dens. Nala's basket of clean laundry was placed on her bed while Hugo's on the other hand... Osvald dumped the clean clothing onto his little brother who was now napping with nothing but a towel over his nether regions.
Ozvald knocked on Nora's door before putting her basket down and telling her and Nala that the laundry done via yelling through the door.
"Laundrys done." He yells, "Just a warning Nala, Hugo's napping naked right now."
"That's nothing new Oz but thanks for the heads up." The she wolf yells back.
Now back in his room, he placed the basket on the dresser and plopped down on his bed. Doing laundry was tiring when one had to do nit only their own garments but the garments of three others as well.
At least the clothes and his room were clean, he could care less about the state of his siblings dens now.
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ekebolou · 2 years
Having a bit of a thought about Kostas stuff
So, I think I’ve spent a lot of time trying to oppose traits for Nika and Cole - like make them in some way opposites that attract, but I just saw this post about like, what state characters’ phones are in and whether their car is dirty on the inside - super key traits for characters in the modern day, actually, now that someone pointed it out, good job them - and I think I’ve been thinking about it wrong.
I think Nika and Cole are actually largely the same sort of person, at their core. I mean, I knew that in the sense that the traits they share are what make them quite so vehemently competitive, but I think the way in which they are different or ‘opposed’ is not in the types of people they are, but how they choose to express that/ control that. The admiration they have for each other in part comes from this recognition - it’s not just that they see in each other talents they themselves lack, but they see someone every bit as capable as them handling it totally differently.
They don’t necessarily think that’s the RIGHT way to handle things, but they have to admit it’s effective.
So, in truth, they’re both hugely emotional people - very passionate, very into the deep feels, even as they mellow out when they grow older.  Nika has an outlet for that emotion in his religion, which prizes expressions of emotions by channeling them through ritual and recognition and sort of spiritual expression. So he can’t ever truly be into hiding it or quashing it, because, y’know, he actually, uh, believes in his religion. But he has a lot of difficulty with it, because he’s also shaped by sort of inter-generational trauma? He mimics his father’s calm happiness, his apparent level-headedness, the way he doesn’t dwell on things and so easily seems to handle his emotions (but Nika is still so, so like his mother...), but he doesn’t really get the way in which this is father’s coping mechanism, the way he keeps going despite really, really deep trauma - kind of like, not that he’ll never be happy again, but he’ll never have a happiness that isn’t just a little bit haunted by death.
Cole, of course, has the world’s biggest chip on his shoulder, and his own pile of traumas to deal with, but is kind of used to his feelings not really mattering. He’s an angry dude, absolutely desperate to be seen, but far too aware that there are bad ways of being seen, and if he’s going to get what he wants he needs to play a very long game. So for him, stuffing down his emotions is second nature, because they don’t matter except in that they tell him what he wants. But pretending not to have emotions, or dismissing them (especially in others) is despicable. His father just receding into blank nothingness after his mother died was hypocritical at best, and deeply, wrongly cold at worst (because him doing so hurt Cole so much). But if you reveal what you want, what you like, what you need - like he did at Prep - you get manipulated, used, played for a fool. In ways I think he doesn’t realize he spent so much time with the sex workers at the Houses of the Families because they were offering a masterclass in allowing feelings to happen without being controlled by them, and managing and manipulating the feelings of others (most of the time, he wasn’t having sex there - for one he couldn’t afford it that often - but was just kind of ‘part of the scene’). 
So Nika tries to stay calm, but ultimately reacts to how he’s feeling by controlling it, channeling it, which means that sometimes, he can be in a lot of pain, do things that cause him a lot of pain, but appear outwardly calm.  Cole buries his feelings so deep that sometimes he’s not aware he’s feeling them at all, and expresses whatever emotion will get him ahead, regardless of what he’s feeling.
So, to go back to the original prompt of all this:
In a modern setting, Nika’s car is well cared for and washed and the floors are absolutely covered in old french fries and wrappers and all kinds of shit and sometimes important things like his diploma and the hookups for his (and all of his sister’s) electronics (but he knows where those are) and his little sister put excruciatingly cute stickers all over one side of the back doors and it runs like an absolute dream and has the full set of emergency gear for any situation.
Cole’s car is a nice model that is a little muddy on the outside, and has a scratch or two, but inside is perfectly maintained except it only has like, one parking receipt crumpled up in one of the cup holders from eight years ago and gum wrapper on the floor and he looks at them every time he gets in and desperately wants to throw them away but doesn’t because something tells him it would be ‘too much’ and the back seat seatbelts are all super stiff from not being used and it’s hard to find the little things they clip into and sometimes he’s totally out of gas and it’s like he forgot he had a car at all and didn’t he, like, convince you all to take a taxi last time because he was ‘too tired’ to walk to the parking lot?
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Ikemen sé request
the warlords realizing that Mc is very popular with their soldiers. Sending love letters and stuff.
IkeSen Boys + Popular!MC
This was so cute ahhh although I'm sorry if it's a little short, there's a lot of Ikemen to get through. Thank you and I hope you like this work!
Nobunaga Oda
Nobunaga thought it was quite odd that there were a lot of presents delivered to you... Which he didn't gift...
After some digging, he found out that you had garnered some popularity after a campaign
He was dumbfounded at the idea that other men could be attracted to you
He didn't quite like that, but being the person he is he did tell you his thoughts
You insisted that you wanted to keep some gifts to distribute to your maids. He agreed, but he just buys better gifts for you anyway
He's not as jealous as you'd expect, since the man is also a bit egotistical when it comes to himself and your feelings for him
"Oh... Nobunaga..." You wanted to laugh at how childish he was but it wouldn't be in the right taste.
You stopped your giggling when Nobunaga muttered, "I could transfer whoever sent those gifts to you away..."
"At least let me keep some!"
He silenced you with a quick kiss. "Whatever you like from the pile, I'll purchase better ones from the merchants."
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
He doesn't want to admit that he's jealous, but he is. He unknowingly calls out the soldier that was about to gift you a present in an oh so convenient timing…
He doesn't take it to such extremes, he still respects the other soldiers. Although, he found it quite tempting from time to time to not bring you along for some campaigns
In this case, he wished that Nobunaga hadn't demanded such things of you. He really does appreciate your skills on the field, but he doesn't like that he can't control how much attention you're getting
He only realises it once someone points it out to him, or when someone sends you a letter. Letters are an absolute no from him
"Lord Hideyoshi, what should I do with these letters for YN?"
"Burn them."
"Lord Hideyoshi, what should I do with these letters from the townswomen?"
"Oh, send them to my office-"
YN smacked Hideyoshi up in the head. "You hypocrite."
Mitsunari Ishida
Mitsunari did notice that you gained a lot of attention, but he knew that it was only from your good merits and character
In no way did he ever thought it was romantic, until Mitsuhide pointed it out
He wasn't sure how to feel about it. Sure, he was happy that a lot of people thought you were a wonderful person
However a small inkling of him wanted to keep it to himself
Seeing the multitude of gifts for you, the guilt hit him hard. What if you wanted gifts all along?
"YN, do you like it when those soldiers give you gifts?" He asked, as you opened another gift that consisted of a bunch of fabrics.
"I do appreciate it," You admitted. "But I don't plan to keep them for long. I share any snacks with the maids and fabrics with the seamstresses. Why?"
He didn't reply, except for the blush that bloomed on his cheeks.
You pecked his cheek, understanding what he meant. "You have no reason to be jealous, my sweet angel."
Mitsuhide Akechi
Not a lot of people can read him, and he uses that to his advantage. He sneaks up on those who had planned to give you gifts, and instead direct their attention to another maid or townswoman
In the end, with this strategy, you don't receive much gifts from soldiers. This doesn't work on his fellow warlords however
With you, he doesn't hide his frown when people like Shingen or Masamune send you gifts
He doesn't care for what reason it was for, the gift shall not be touched by you
"Mitsuhide? Have you seen a package from Masamune? He sent some really pretty Oshu fabrics for me…"
He sipped on his bland concoction of tea. "Why my dear, I wonder where it could be…"
You sighed. "You gave it away didn't you? Now I have to write to Masamune- Ah!"
Before you could continue any thoughts, your charming kitsune sweeped you up in his arms, smiling coyly at you. "Write to him? I'm afraid my jealousy won't allow that YN… I'd certainly be interested in writing my thoughts of you on your body…"
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Ieyasu surprisingly doesn't notice any traffic of gifts to you. It might be due to the fact that he publicly ban any gifters from his estate…
You still manage to get some from soldiers passing by or Ieyasu's fellow warlords gifting you as a token of appreciation
Only when you bring the gift home is when he realises how popular you are. He doesn't initially care, but similarly to Hideyoshi, he gets rid of any letters
He doesn't burn them, but he moreso stages it so you'd see adorable Wasabi chewing on the papers
"Hey Ieyasu? Oh-" You dropped to your knees, seeing Wasabi with some paper in its mouth once again. "Wasabi, you should know better than to chew on my letters! Ha… Looks like I have to apologise later on."
"Do you even remember the soldier that gave you the letter?" He looked up from his work to ask you.
You pouted. "No… But I'm sure I can ask around!"
He patted you head. "Don't waste your time on that. The maids should be done with dinner now. Let's go and eat."
Masamune Date
He notices your popularity early on, but he's not too bothered about it. In fact, he shows off that you and him are in a relationship
It might be a 'rubbing salt in wound' move but he doesn't care. He has a thrill of seeing some of his jealous subordinates, which he trusts that it is in all good favour
With the way he approached it, most admired you in a non-romantic way, and for those few that actually do, Masamune opts for a duel as a 'wholesome' way to solve the solution
The duels end up with him winning, and the challenger often with some pointers from Masamune during fighting
You wiped off Masamune's sweat from his brow, wondering why he suddenly went up to that random soldier. "Did something happen?"
"Didn't he give you that gift earlier?" He asked, confused. He put up a good fight, although he'd probably have to answer to Hideyoshi since the boy was under his army…
You shook your head. "It wasn't. He has a twin, and the twin is working under Mitsunari…"
Masamune stood up, groaning. "Looks like I have another duel YN. I'll be back by dinner!"
"H-Hoi! Masamune!"
Kenshin Uesugi
Jealousy plus Uesugi Kenshin equals disaster in Kasugayama Castle
Kenshin was shocked when he saw the servants carrying the presents in, specifically addressed to 'Princess YN'
No one could stop him from drawing his sword and rushing to the training grounds, where every poor soldier who passed by was forced to duel him
Yukimura and Sasuke were already battered from the multiple duels they had to face. You pitied the poor souls, so you sent some of your maids to heal up the soldiers that faced his wrath
Holding one of your many bunny children, you walked up to your soon-to-be husband, smiling at him. "Kenshin my dear, we should be on our way to our stroll…"
He tugged off the upper part of his kimono, his torso and upper body dripping with sweat from the fights. "I'll be with you YN, I just need to cool off. I shouldn't dirty you with my sweat."
For as much as you wanted to be proper, you couldn't help but stare at your perfectly sculpted fiance. "T-Take you time my dear."
Sasuke Sarutobi
For the many things he was dense about, this was not one of them. He saw the way some of the Nokizaru looked at you
He of course told them off, but he still had an inkling that some didn't get the memo
Within whatever wisdom he had left, he somehow consulted Kenshin on how to resolve this, which ended up Sasuke battling about half of the Nokizaru
You had no words on why half the men were injured and why your boyfriend was bruised as well. Initially you thought it was from some dispute, but Yukimura so kindly filled you in
You tightened the bandage around Sasuke's arm, giving a disappointed look to the group of ninja. "What do you have to say for yourselves?"
"We're sorry Princess YN."
"And what do you have to say, Sarutobi Sasuke?" You huffed.
"I won't go to Kenshin for romantic advice."
Shingen Takeda
He is not oblivious to your charms, as well as the way other people were attracted to your charms
He'd be lying if he said he weren't jealous. Of course he was, but he didn't plan to do anything malicious to whoever sent you gifts
They were free to waste their money and/or time, it wasn't his business. He'd however, make it clear that you were taken
He's not above doting you in public, and sneaking kisses in the markets or kissing you as the rain goes by. He's very calm about it, since he sees the way you were attracted to him
"S-Shingen! We're going to a war council!" You patted his face away from your own, as the much taller man held you in his embrace.
"Embarrassed Princess?" He teased, giving you his sweetest smile reserved just for you. "But we've done many affectionate things in public…" "People will see!"
He kissed your cheek. "Let them see how in love we are."
Yukimura Sanada
He is another victim of Kenshin's not-so great love advice, hesitating to pick up his spear at anyone who sent you glances. Well… it was Kenshin's advice… and no way he'd risk getting teased by Shingen by asking him!
He then opted for a silent jealous strategy, keeping you by him and covering you with his body everytime he felt someone looking at you
You wondered why he was acting so odd, after all, you just wanted to go on a nice stroll with Yuki and Muramasa
Luckily, to Yuki's benefit, Muramasa is a good wolf who knows to rip apart any letters that come to you or hound after any men that look at you the wrong way
"Is it just me, or is Muramasa a little more energetic than usual?" You asked your boyfriend as you folded your kimono underneath you to sit on the impromptu picnic blanket.
Yuki shook his head, handing you over the basket of food. "He's probably just excited to see us… I think…" He said, as Muramasa runs off into the bushes with what he could see was a paper in his mouth.
Kennyo doesn't really know what to do with this information. He's quite unsure if you wanted the attention or not
He thought the issue didn't need to be brought to your attention, as most of those around you are most likely his subordinates
He could… simply remind them of the holistic teachings that was preached to them
It does a good effect, as most quickly dispelled any sort of romantic attraction
He doesn't mind his subordinates admiring you out of respect, as he thinks you deserve such respect for your deeds
You clapped your hands after hearing your boyfriend's sermons. "You impress me every time my beloved," You said, pecking him on the cheek. "I'm always in awe when you deliver your preachings."
He shied away from you, "My dear, you praise me so…" He couldn’t stop repeating those praises over and over in his head, wanting to pen down the exact words you said. "Thank you YN."
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Gorya kicks Thyme in his balls which makes him writhe in pain, punches his face so hard it sends him stumbling and flying, and then she throws him on the bed and proceeds to pin him down. It’s disturbing and terrible behaviour and also abysmal writing.
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She is obviously not pulling her punches. Even as an isolated incident this would be horrible in any relationship but this is only another violent episode in a series of Gorya going postal on Thyme. And she is getting more brutal each time. The worst thing about this is that it hasn’t been portrayed as something negative but played out for comic relief instead almost each time, including this. The crew put it even into the BTS video as if it were something worth seeing from different angles and ‘laughing’ about it again. 
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At this point, Gorya beats Thyme in almost every episode at least once that it pretty much has become a tradition. No other HYD adaptation had the female lead beat the male lead on regular (either daily or weekly) basis, not even the manga at its most exaggerated manga-like moments.
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There is literally no outcry about these scenes from the audience compared to when Thyme almost hit Gorya but stopped himself in episode 7. 
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Just imagine their roles were reversed - Thyme would kick Gorya’s breasts (her most vulnerable part), punch her face so hard it send her flying so far that she would knock down a vase and then he would throw her to bed and pin her down to it.
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Would it still be OK? No. It wouldn’t be even if he did one of those things. So no, this is not a funny scene, this is a scene of domestic violence.
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Whenever Thyme became violent in the past it was always shown as negative and uncomfortable, he had been an abusive bully who went on a redemption arc, but he has never laid his hand on Gorya, be it in anger or in any other instance. 
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She was emotionally cruel to him in the past, falsely accused him of wrongdoings and physically attacked him so Thyme had reasons to defend himself but he never has. Even now, he is only taking the punches even though he has superior physical strength and could subdue her any time.
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There are also moments when Thyme seriously expects Gorya to attack him with a knife and when she is ready to attack him with a hanger and all of these occur in his own house. 
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And Gorya never apologises for her mistakes which is in such a stark contrast to when the writers have Thyme apologising to all his victims and to Gorya pretty much on daily basis even for things that aren’t his fault.
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The writing of these moments is awful on so many different levels - it’s illogical, it ruins the entire narrative and Gorya’s character, and showing a character regularly being physically violent to her lover is genuinely terrible behaviour.
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Such writing portrays Gorya as a complete hypocrite who preaches about hating violent people but instead of talking things out or leaving she regularly beats the man she claims to love on regularly basis.
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She accuses him of ‘doing something dirty’ to her and ‘wanting to take advantage of her’ and then she throws him to the bed and pins him down there herself. And Thyme is there lying, using his hands as a cover to protect himself.
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Not only isn’t Gorya’s violent behaviour shown as wrong, it keeps getting worse. How can anyone explain this scene? Even if she felt uncomfortable, despite the fact Thyme never even tried to kiss her, never tried to touch her without her permission and that the only physically abusive person in this relationship is her, the normal thing would be to just leave or ask him and talk it out. 
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And that’s the whole problem - Gorya always throws her fists at Thyme first and goes on a violent rampage instead of trying to understand him and communicate with him, and it’s never portrayed as disturbing or wrong, or her flaw or fault. 
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Over the time, Thyme has literally become Gorya’s punching bag.
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Gorya beat Thyme when he was on his sick bed. Yes, he was not dead or dying but he was badly hurt and she could have hurt him even more.
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Audience can judge a character only by what they see on screen and Gorya clearly has anger management issues and violent tendencies. The writers portray her as mature and loving most of the times but with Thyme she becomes irrational and violent. 
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She doesn’t beat anyone else except for him - be it her family or friends. She always trusts strangers blindly but always assumes the worst of Thyme, the man who has been proving himself to her and never let her down.
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The writers must have gotten high on some drugs while writing these scenes because they are written so terribly that at this point the only way to enjoy the show is to selectively forget these scene hampering Gorya’s character exist because the rest of the drama is pretty much awesome. However, it’s impossible to do that because there are so many of them and play quite a substantial role in the story.
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darklesmylove · 3 years
i’m sorry, but the ending to rule of wolves was so wrong in so many ways and i’m frustrated as hell.
to start—
more than anything, nina and hanne’s story makes me so fucking upset. hanne being coded as trans is amazing and i absolutely love it, but having to live under the face of another man for the rest of their life isn’t a good resolution to their dysphoria?? trans ftm individuals aren’t fine with suddenly becoming another person as long as they look male, they still want to be themselves, so that’s kind of bullshit to me and feels very transphobic. and nina having to live a lie as someone else wearing someone else’s face, and having to be stuck in a country that still would likely try and kill her if she was found out?? even worse, she is never going back to live in ravka when every book she’s been in she says how much she misses it and all of her actions are in service of saving her country. she’s never going back to be with the crows, her FRIENDS, and the only person she has is hanne. that’s not a romantic ending, i’m sorry but it’s really not, and they both deserved better.
you guys already know that i would be upset about aleksander’s ending too. his first pov was really promising to me, the banter with yuri was funny and there was so much depth to his thoughts, but afterwards it was just.... nothing. he didn’t add anything to the plot of the story, he sat around with his cult for the rest of his book, didn’t use his power, and then suddenly was fine to kneel to zoya in the middle of battle when the whole point of him waiting around was to make his dramatic return. literally the epitome of out of character considering he’s an immortal villain obsessed with dramatic entrance and being ravka’s savior. then after doing NOTHING the whole book, he essentially gets killed and tortured for all of eternity?? it felt so pointless and disingenuous and his first death scene in ruin and rising was so much more fitting and actually felt right. and the fact that suddenly no one gave a fuck that yuri was still conscious in his body and also would be tortured for all eternity was just gross. yes yuri wasn’t the most amazing person, but he didn’t deserve the same fate as aleksander, being punished for crimes and atrocities he didn’t commit. aleksander should never have been resurrected, and that’s coming from someone who likes his character.
genya was also done so fucking dirty, i absolutely hate that david died and it was completely pointless and had no affect on the plot whatsoever. genya deserves to be happy and i dont know leigh just fucks her over a thousand times for no reason. i feel like sometimes she kills people just for shock value, because harshaw and matthias’ death gave me the same exact feeling as david’s.
and then nikolai. i’m sorry but all of his life he was fighting for the throne and his place, trying to prove he was worthy for his country that he loved so much. suddenly giving that all up felt completely wrong and a terrible end to his character arc. zoya being queen i was ambivalent about, though her being an extremely powerful ruthless immortal on the throne is kind of hypocritical considering that’s the reason why the darkling was unfit to rule, for the literal exact same reasons (which i don’t disagree with by the way). i felt like nikolai was sidelined in his own book and had very little character development other than his relationship with zoya, and that sucks because this was supposed to be his duology.
i’m just upset because the first 3/4 of the book was so promising to me and then it fell apart, as i feel it did with ruin and rising as well. of course there were really amazing high points to this book but the end left a bad taste in my mouth with how wrong it was. all of these characters deserved better and that’s hard to come to terms with knowing this is the one of the last books she’s releasing in the grishaverse.
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arlakos · 3 years
Miraculous Rant
Actually, you know what, while im still mad from the previous post I made, lets go off on a rant. No punches pulled. Lets do this.
The lovesquare is the most terrible ship in this fandom. One girl is a hyper obsessed stalker who tracks her crush with her planner for 3 whole seasons, while the boy couldn’t learn to take a hint and stop flirting for 3 whole seasons until he decided to move on with another girl. Ironically that makes them perfect for eachother, but its in a creepy kind of way, not a loving kind of way.
Adrigami and Lukanette in the S3 Finale were wasted events and never should have occured because they were immediately axed in the first few episodes of the next season. I feel sorry for those that were hoping their ships could be real for at least a short actual while, and it makes me want to curse the writers for their story-boner for the status quo of teases
Despite what I said earlier, none of the girls are good for Adrien. Marinette’s stalkery and a borderline yandere, Kagami’s somewhat controlling and too similar to Adrien help him grow as a person, Chloe is a queen bee beyotch and honestly too much like a sibling to Adrien, and Lila is garbage. Fuck it, have Luka date Adrien and they can play some sweet music together (not like that you pervs, I meant they both play instruments).
Nino needs more love. Not only that, but there needs to be more Adrien/Nino bro moments. If Marinette and Alya can have moments together, why not the bros?
Chloe’s character is a mess, and is neither redeemable, nor notably evil. Her role as a villain in season 1 is very hamfisted, such as in the episodes Mr Pigeon and Kung Food. Not only that, Chloe also lacks any of the qualities that makes a good “bully villain” or rival to Marinette, and her sympathetic moments (which are Written by Sebastien) are mostly overshadowed by the fact that Astruc wants her to be a bully, so it just makes her bipolar and confusing when her character is tugged between two writers.
Chloe should not have joined Hawkmoth in Miracle Queen, see my other post as to why I think so. TLDR, its kinda ooc  for her to go full on 2d villain like Hawkmoth especially after Miraculer, plus Lila was being build up to be the main antagonist of S3
Chloe got kicked from the Team in Miraculer because people know her identity? Fine. Kagami gets to be Ryuko again despite being known to Hawkmoth in Ikari Gozen? Not cool. Ladybug shouldn’t be a hypocrite and be willing to break her own rules just because “Kagami is my friend and Chloe’s not”. Same goes for her breaking the rule with secrect identities with Alya, only for her to go on and on about the rules to Chat when he pries.
Zoe is a bland character who’s only notable trait that she likes Marinette, which automatically makes her worthy of a miraculous after two episodes and no actual development.
Astruc is a petty frick who makes episodes that give the finger to fans of the show that have a different opinion than him. Queen Banana, Miracle Queen, and Reverser are good examples of this (Reverser did Nathaniel dirty).
Master Fu is a shit guardian. Read my post for more.
FRICK THE FEAST EPISODE. Not only did is ruin Fu as character, it ruined all the good theories as to why the order fell, and wasted the idea of a new villain being introduced or even taking over as the main antagonist! Speaking of Feast, despite the sentimonster destroying an order when he wasn’t even big, he still go beat by 2 kids even when he was supersized!
Marinette is not a good Guardian. Her ability to choose heroes does not make her capable, and just because “tradition is stupid” doesnt mean that Marinette shouldn’t be tested like others before her!
Despite the Kwami’s being ancient magical buildings, they seem to act like kids a lot, and that annoys me when in S1 they are supposed to apparently be mentors to their wielders, like how Tikki was before she was mentally de-aged.
Lila is trash and should be removed from the show. The only reasons her lies work is because the writers dumb down every other character in the show and ignore the fact the people have smartphones with google.
The “Miraculous” Ladybug spell should require both Ladybug and Chat Noir to cast, because not only does the power have nothing to do with creation, but it also “destroys” anything created by the akuma, which thematically makes no sense. Also it would place more emphasis on the two heroes being equals and “two halfs of the same coin”
On that note, Ladybug has too many powers. Not only is she the only one who can purify akumas, and can cast a spell that can fix Paris time and time again like its no one’s buisness, but she also now gets a new suit and the ability to nullify Hawkmoth’s akumas. Like COME ON! Give Chat some powers too.
Mayura’s feather’s shouldnt be able to be purified by Ladybug since they have no dark energy, and (thematically speaking) Chat should be given an ability that allows him to “vanquish” the energy in Mayura[’s feathers similar to how Ladybug can purify Hawkmoth’s akumas. At least it would develop a rivalry between Chat and Mayura, and would make Chat necassary against Shadowmoth rather than being replacable with any other hero.
The are too many temporary heroes. They should have just stuck with the 3 heroes from s2 and leave it at that. Sure, new heroes were cool, but the overuse has made the whole hero thing feel less special. It made sense for the first 3 to have them, but now it’s just like Oprah where everyone gets a miraculous. Except Gabe.
Chat Blanc was a stupid reason as to why secret identities cant be revealed, also Chat could have told LB who Hawkmoth once he returned back to normal was and the show would be over.
Hawkmoth should not be Gabriel. Frick the lore about Gabriel’s wife dying and him going evil to get her back, it makes the story feel too much like a star wars/Darth vader reference and leaves Gabriel acting bipolar, flipping from wanting to save his wife and doing this out of necessity to being a power hungry madman wanting to take over the world ( which is said in his canon music video). Having Hawkmoth be his own character means he can be an actual maniac who wants world domination and not just have villanous plot that rely on obtaining magical jewellery (perhaps doing other evil things/taking a more active role), while Gabriel being his own character means he can be a father that has become estranged from his son due to the lose of his S,O, and thus can have a plot about him reuniting with his son (I liked the end seen in Simon says, ok?)
On that same note, I think Mayura shouldn’t have been Nathalie. Considering Hawkmoth’s plans were repetitive as heck for most of the show, when I heard about the Mayura leaks back in Season 2 (when she was called “le Paon”) I was theorising that Mayura would actually being Hawkmoth’s boss, the villain the was responsible for giving him his Miraculous and the one who destroyed the Order of the Miraculous, and would take over as the main villain in season 3 due to Hawkmoth’s failures. However, that turned out not to be the case.
Not only that, but Mayuras power is a copy paste power with some modifications to make it complement Hawkmoth’s power, by basically giving his akuma’s magic pokemon.
Speaking of Hawkmoth’s power, for a miraculous that is supposed to be used for good, how can his power mind control people and make them become evil? More importantly, for a miraculous that is supposedly weaker than the main heroes of the show, having it be able to multiply and posses people to create an army is kinda strong.
Fuck the Maribat ship that the salt fandom came up with. Its trash, it was made to bash most of the Miraculous cast sans Marinette, and anyone thinks it is good are either those same salters or are the same people who think that Rey-lo and the Twilight Saga are masterpieces of romance.
Whew! I needed that vent. Hope you enjoyed it as as much as I did, and Tune in next time on the next episode of:  Arlakos loses his Mind and Rants for 2 pages of writing!
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