#the og already had 3 out of the 4 colours so i thought why not?
vaporame · 1 year
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made an ace version of this vash for myself <3
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beegswaz · 8 months
how would you retell fnaf attis i want to know:3
im most likely Going to colour the ideas i Havent cleared with tony, beclaws hes my co-writer and i Want the funny fnaf movie fanscripters help on The story beats
this is AAAALLLL gonna be fnaf redux, or At least how i envision redux? a Lot of this is subject to change etc etc etc
OK ON TO THE FUN STUFF!!! most* of the story is Staying the same, and anything that isnt is Either already discussed or i dont Care enough about it to figure it out Juuuust yet ^_^ so this is really Just locations, Designs, and the Rough timeline!
fnaf 4/fazbears family diner-- YAY FREDBEARS!!!!!!!! this is the Very start of redux, just to Keep it in line with og fnafs timeline. the Story here is basically the Same :)
what ISNT. is the.. un-nightmares...? basically, outside of fredbear And spring bonnie, the main 4 exist (not really, fredbear And spring bonnie fill the role of freddy And bonnie, so only chica and Foxy exist here)! but in A very simple super-late-addition-Thats-meant-to-gauge-interest form! Theyre mostly here so i Can reason easier WHY cc would have nightmares of characters that Dont even exist outside of the cartoon. they Also set up charlies death (a Puppet version is here!!!) and are the Base for the main gang in-universe :D
its Also an idea that there is One (1) springlock suit, beclaws not Only is a real one INCREDIBLY impractical, its also... Stupid expensive. itd Be cheaper for them to have a Stage animatronic and then a Separate mascot suit instead. But also beclaws i Dont think henry would approve of a robot Faulty enough to kill people. WILLIAM DOES HOWEVER!!! so hes The guy that makes a stupid springlock suit for himself!! wow i Hope that has no unintended consequences :D!!!!!
after the deaths Of charlie and cc, william And henry both split the business up (henry remaining As faz ent and william making Afton robotics) WHICH LEADS US TOOOOOOO!!!!
fnaf 2/freddy and friends arcade-- FNAF 2 WOOO!!! AND ITS A FUCKING ARCAAAAADE!!!!! relatively the Exactly same story-wise and Also... kind of design-wise? aside from All of the animatronics here being reused from The fredbears cast, which explains Why theres a spring bonnie suit (iirc As mentioned in the phone calls). not Much changes really :3
fnaf sl/babys circus world-- gods Biggest mistake. without henry to go Hey. Maybe Dont Make The Torment Nexus. william makes The torment nexus. the story is Also the same kinda, partially minus All of the weird lore fuckshit With the fnaf 4 house. Michael doesnt get scooped until Later Later, so this is really just Here to say "While Henry Was Being A Guy, William Accidentally Killed His Daughter!!!!" and then the Basic he-breaks-into-fnaf-2 shit, minus The facial recognition he just Lies beclaws henry Has him blacklisted 😭 fun fact babys was Literally the only place he opened before william went Fuck It. Lets Frame Henry For Murder Maybe. and then he Dies. L
fnaf 1/freddy fazbears pizza-- YEAAAAHH OG FNAF WE WIIIINNNN nothing changes, its just og fnaf yk. michael is The nightguard beclaws he Thinks theres some weird fuckshit etc etc
fnaf 3/fazbears fright roadside horror attraction-- OH YEAH I HAVE SOOOO MANY THOUGHTS. ME AND TONY WENT HAM ON THIS. so basically you Know those like halloween walk-through Attractions that randomly crop up? this is That but in the early 2000s and fazent is Unreasonably stingy so their props Are old shit they Had in storage. the Location premise is a walk-through of each location And they all fuck with you in Weird ways (starting At fredbears, i Dont actually remember what we did for that, then Fnaf 2 which is. iirc we Had it set to be all audio based, so the room Was mostly dark minus the arcade glows but it was Silent As Hell. then fnaf 1 which we Set in the backstage area and the mascot head eyes Would follow you. and then fnaf 3 which is kind of Optical illusion based?)
the Premise of how a Game version would go is you Use the attractions sounds and lights And animatronics to Keep springtrap from Getting out etc etc
the Hallucinations are like. literal Hallucinations (kinda Think popgoes panic function?) me And tony thought it Would be hilarious to negate the Hallucinations by booting up like. Solitaire.
anyways At the end of fnaf 3 the place gets Closed down and, beclaws michael is Working the last week of it being open, he just Kinda. shoves springtrap into A shipping box.
and then Between the end of fnaf 3 And the start of sim, michael investigates babys AND THEEEENNNN he gets scooped
ok id write more But im so sleepy and its 1 am. gn ❤❤❤❤
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Shadow and Bone
This will contain spoilers (duh) some names being forgotten and its going to get long and some context less chaos
I hope i got the image ids right
Episode one (23rd April)
- ahh so the Fold= Dark Island form VoDT but with less summoning of monsters?
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ID: Ben Barnes holding onto the wheel of a boat
- Many smol beans
Brief interlude with Nausicaa Valley of the Wind
Episode 1 cont. up to midway episode 7 (24th)
- magical brown trouser time my good sir
- buddies!!
- they’re not going to leave Alina alone to her existential crisis are they?
That tent looks like a circus tent to me and I have no idea why
- hmm hello completely innocent fallen branch
me: turns to sis and asks if we can we take brief intermission for this headbanger (which we did)
Turns out our brief intermission for the song was useless because after pressing play again it started buffering
we were talking about it and Dad misheard it as shaggy bone
Imagine the darkling but in pastels and black lace
- how the flipping heck can you fake bleeding light
- do you want to get lost Alina?
On Ben Barnes beard: 50% hot damn and 50% fight me (the way he tilts his head in this makes us want to hit him in the jugular)
Episode 3
- ooh look at the stag
- i love the bathroom
- damn Nina
- I wish Alina had time to get some magic tips but oh well
- replays Ben Barnes saying Moya Tsarieta twice
- how?! (Look I told you there was going to be bits where the context is tricky to pin point)
- i love the goat
- oh Jesper
- blue and gold is a great colour combination
- about the dinner scene: if this were me it would be the very rare time I stand up for myself
+ I want to add a small thing about the food taster... one is dream job/ i like him/ and imagine a taster eating something and it goes down the wrong way
- yes Jesper hug the goat- and
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ID: a man with his thumb up gif from The Hunger Games; with him saying “nice shooting sweetheart” but I couldn’t find a gif of him saying it
- true north? I am never going to be free of bellarke am I?
- oh that hurts
Episode 4
- “our saint has arrived to late” 🤧
- ohh the stag is so pretty
- horses!!!
- time for a heist- i love this goat
- aww wishing fountain bonding
- the darking is growing on me
- i love Mikhail and Dubrov
- I love what we get to see of Nadia and Marie and Kaz and Inej and Jesper and basically everyone
- i love a heist (this isnwhat the hobbit should of been but you know with more dragons
- Mal is baby
- poor Nina
- ah ha a vicious cycle against the Grisha and Fjerdan
- I thought Arkens reaction was a bit odd
- oh Alina sweet heart- flashback time
- the map room is a aesthetic- using Aleksanders own words against him
That shot of the two of them is great
- poor Alina
- yas queen
- oh the stag!
- oh the machine gun; Mal poor buddy and of course flashback time
- i knew she was going to get the scar removed
Episode 5
- poor Mal
- Nadia is me
- Genya is amazing
- hi David and great minds think alike Alina (i had the same expression on my face when they were flirting)
- oh the creepy masks had a purpose
- “you’re not Ivan” you don’t say
- aand height difference... this first kiss is kind of weird to me
- oh Jesper you flirt
- I’m sorry firey people you’re going to be outshined
- Inej is so beautiful
- Dima?!?!
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ID: two people from a scene in the Anastasia Musical the song My Petersburg
- what is the librarians dudes problem?
- Genya you badass... poor Marie (does Alina learn about this?? It would probably be forgotten just like her causing the death of her fellow mapmakers)
- I love the costumes
- Tofin (Idk his name) we don’t know you sorry you’re dead
- oh the kissing
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ID: a gif showing two people kissing
- and him giving her the flowers is kind of cute but where did they come from?
- *pinched nose* I hate cryptic messages Baghra... holy shit... i mean I kinda knew he was immortal but still holy shit
- oh Kaz... Inej! Collect your bloody knives
- *snorting* The crows being sent to kidnap Alina and Jesper just watching her climb into the getaway carriage will always be hysterical (i personally would be laughing and thats why anything involving stealth is off the cards for me)
Episode 6
- rest in pieces Arken
- Alina broke Inej
- I love Ivan (remember the thing i said about forgetting names/ getting them mixed up? This is it.. I love Feydor a lot more than Ivan but they are both so cute together)
- my heart will go on starts playing?
- i like that horse statue in the background
- i love the beach... look at those waves... the wet look is great
- you done mess up Alina but also cool
- Mal is burly squid
- “burly squid” wheezing nosies
- now hug
- Kaz I love the cane
- “I see you now” aww
- I knew they were going to snuggle... those cute laughs
- the alarm clock though... i knew Inej should have taken the knife... i love Jesper... poor Inej... clever boy Kaz
- does it hurt? Mal? Does it hurt?
I have a habit at picking at things that hurt and well fictional characters aren’t safe from me wanting to poke something painful
- ride OR die bitches
- aand more height differences... getting very close there guys... Matthias please don’t let her fall.... they are kind of cute
- David through a book... 😂 they carriage jacked the Darkling
- David raising his hand is me... but damn it
- Alina is amazing... please remember you’re wearing the ring... Mal is best boy
- “adorable” snorting noises
Episode 7
- horsey!!!
- ahh the return of the VoDT hair (see first gif)
- Luda is familiar...
- yikes
- poor Aleksander being turned into a pincushion is not a great time
- poor Luda
- holy shit
- rock and hard place
- fuck off Baghra
- he wanted to help 😔
- ah so its like the hollow from Charmed
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Image ID: gif from the og Charmed with text saying “ohhh she’s a demon!”
- this shot is beautiful... ah so I guess this could have been what happened if Caspian resurrected the White Witch... i guess
- hi stag.... oh okay 😔 poor Stag poor Mal
Flashbacks to Cinderella and Snow White (the one with Krisien Sterwart) natually it follows along with Snow White
- *squishie noises* poor Jesper... we love you Jesper but please stop talking to Inej just in case she sews her finger to the wound
- i love the crows and i love the chat about the crows
The next day (25th) episode continued
- David looks so sad
- personally I would downsize the fold just as reminder of it
- that looks like that hurt
- I love Milo and Jesper 💖
- don’t look at it Alina... Genya is right that colour is horrible... tell her off Alina... poor Genya
- I think Jesper had fun playing a guard
- I knew the Darkling read the letters
Sister: why does he look like Tom Ellis right now?
- oh Mal
- blow dart... lol Kaz
- Milo!?! Oh the bullet you clever boy Mal
- i like the tent... he’s not wrong... we want to play with that dangly bit... oh the angst
- I thought you looked older (idk context)
- I love the outfit but couldn’t the necklace be anywhere else?
- “no mourners no funerals”
- I love the music
Episode 8
- I don’t trust that opening
- me too Crows, me to... how could you not know who Milo is
- I love Nina and Matthias so much... they are so pretty... I am not a fan of taxidermy... oh his name is Feydor sorry we kept getting you mixed up
- God damnit Kirigan.. a not so sneaky Mal... the honorary Crow... pick a side already darkling... Sun Queen?... did anybody notice her being tied down?... Good Mal and good Inej
- Jesper is amazing... so much death... bad bitch Zoya... I love Inej kissing the knife and nailing the Darkling with it... head shot... hello buddy??... this music though... badass Alina... fucking Ivan... holy shit and of course music is amazing
+ brave Kaz
- Inej and Alina bonding time... hugs? No hugs ☹️
- he offered her his hand 😞... Inej wants to hug... finally some hugs... Zoya has grown on me... i love Kanej (is that the ship name)
- Matthias oh no buddy... hill house flashbacks
- i love Jesper so much... Nina going “someone say heartrender??”
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Image ID: someone turning around and raising eyebrows at camera
- Kaz saying “she’s a saint” made my heart happy
- I doubt the Darkling is dead...... i was right
- well shit/ coolness of making shadow monsters follow you (please let there be a flashback for this)
+ imagine of Matthias and Nina decide to sleep rather than get food and were caught cuddling by the Grisha... I thought of this as I was getting into bed that night and i got up ran to my sister told her my thought she found the idea funny then went back to bed
+ people who own trains are evil?? Looks at snowpiercer
Bonus: the soundtrack is on spotify and itunes
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Image id: someone bobbing along with headphones on
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barnesbabee · 3 years
NO im GLAD you brought up the winx situation because im so upset at what they did to my baby flora her character design is GORGEOUS all the character designs are but the live action... 😭 im very clearly distraught lol
I watched the trailer last night and I was like???? is this another death note situation???? there’s so many things wrong I will make a list
1. I think something that is really bothering everyone with the winx, is the colours and outfits. Why does it look like fucking Riverdale????????? it’s a fairy school and they look like sad highschool teenagers. Also their outfits are sooo catastrophic, they look so basic?? Winx have really flashy colorful clothes and they look like freshman in highschool that learned how to dress ‘well’ from their big sister because they have to look cool now that they’re in highschool. I’m not even mentioning the hair it’s a disaster and they should be ashamed 
2. apparently Layla/Aisha is now a waterbender. That’s right, her powers are now related to water. No more pink stuff cause that was too much trouble Ig. Must’ve been too colourful for their Riverdale colour palette.
3. Flora is fat (fat ins’t an insult there’s fat people and there’s skinny people if you see fat as an insult the problem is you moving on). Idk why, Idk what happened, but she is. Like, thanks for the representation I appreciate it, we really don’t see many chubby characters, but I HATE it when people change characters. They’re all very thin, stick to the characters for fucks sake. Don’t change something we grew up to love that way. I don’t want representation like that. Don’t just turn a character into something they’re not because you want to be inclusive now, create characters that have those body features, don’t change.
4. Musa is fucking nowhere to be seen. Listen, the original winx were 5: bloom, stella, flora, tecna and MUSA. They still added Layla very early on but those 5 were the og. Now, why the fuck isn’t musa there??? what happened??? did they brainfart??? 
5. What happened to tecna’s hair. Why is it tragic like that. When you think of tecna usually you think of purple and her iconic hairstyle bc she was the only one that had short hair for all of the show. And suddenly she has black hair and a ponytail??? helloo?? they thought throwing some purple clothes would do it but it’s a mess I actually thought she was Musa until a friend pointed it out to me.
6. Alfea (their school) looks like shit.
7. Suddenly Bloom has this weird romance thing going on, and I know they all had boyfriends in Alfea, but although they did show up from time to time it was never about them, it was always about their friendship and defeating evil or whatever. And now there’s a kiss scene in the trailer??? If its in the trailer it’s bc its a highlight/important and I’m just so confused what are they going for
8. Where are trix. Where are my queens Icy, Darcy and Stormy??? They were the biggest villains, they were the #1 antagonist and they weren’t even in the trailer, they had to be in the trailer, they were a super important part in the winx show.
9. I can’t stress enough about the hair and the colours and the outfits it just looks like a huge mess and I hate it. Don’t try to turn winx into something it isn’t. Winx isn’t one of your fucking depressed shitty shows like 13 reasons why or Riverdale, it’s a show about FAIRIES and FRIENDSHIP put some fucking colour in there it’s really not that deep-
10. this one is petty but why did they take away winx’s iconic platform shoes  :((((( I wear platforms every day, it’s doable, I swear. 
Sorry for the long rant, Netflix has already ruined Death Note which I love dearly and now they’re trying to ruin this one I’m hella disappointed
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amegatronfan · 6 years
Jame Roberts’ Instagram Q&A -November ‘18
- Back in MTMTE #15, when the original Rewind got locked in the Slow Cell with Overlord, he suddenly learned how to shrink while he transformed. This was not an ability he previously had, as shown in, for example, MTMTE #2, when Tailgate sees Rewind for the first time (before Swerve introduces him to CDRW) and remarks that he can see a “giant memory stick” in the distance. However, the fear that Rewind felt in that moment triggered his ability to shrink to the size we see him in, like, LL #25, for example. This helps him survive both Overlord and the shots fired off by Chromedome, and so he, along with Overlord, is recovered by the Galatic Council. Overlord is seen as too dangerous, so Rewind is chosen as the guinea pig for an experiment the Galatic Council are trialling; an experiment that would allow them to “punch holes” into alternate universes. Since they want to use Rewind as a weapon against the Black Block Consortia (and other enemies of the council, such as other Cybertronians), the technology is built into a suit of armour meant to resemble Primus (this suit of armour was built in the same vein as the Magnus armour, in that it made so that a small robo could pretend to be this big, famous robo and not, like, the sentai suit dealio I had originally envisioned when JRo was describing this. this was done because they rightly assumed that seeing Primus land in the middle of a battlefield would scare the royal shit out of everybody, most especially other Cybertronians, who have the cultural context to know who the fuck he is.) 
So, then, it worked, and Rewind made it into the past?? of another dimension (that wasn’t the Functionist universe), but then it malfunctioned and he got trapped there. He had fight his way back to the original universe by travelling through a bunch of other alternative universes (there would have been an interlude during the Mutineers Trilogy where we saw Rewind 1 travelling through the Marvel 2006 universe). At first, he was travelling back to the OG universe was so he could be reunited with his conjux (he met other Chromedome's along the way, but he wanted to find his Chromedome), but as he was travelling, he discovered Chromedome’s secret; that he had helped in the cover-up of Dominus’ murder, and so it became more complicated (he kinda wanted to avenge Dominus.) This would’ve all culminated in an issue where Rewind 1 finally made it back the original universe. As has been previously established, only one Rewind can exist at the one time, so Chromedome would've had to decide which Rewind would be cancelled out, all while Rewind 2 (and by extension, the audience) would’ve learned from Rewind 1 what Chromedome did to Dominus, which would’ve complicated things even further.
JRo came up with this idea before he began writing MTMTE, but by the end of season one, he was starting to become uncertain about this particular storyline, as Rewind, Chromedome and their relationship began to develop. Having Chromedome do this to Rewind started to feel wrong. After talking to his editor at the time (Carlos, I believe?), he decided to leave in the scene with Chromedome and Prowl, where Prowl threatened blackmail and Chromedome used Shadowplay to erase the blackmail from his memory, just in case he still wanted to go through with it. However, by the time it came to the final stretch of issues, he already so many other plot points to introduce, explain and tie up, he didn’t have time to do all three for Rewind 2 and his ultra-complicated, high concept adventures, and deal with the complications it brought with it to the cast, so he was forced to drop it.
So, with that out of the way, here are the more breezy answers:
- Megatron didn’t have a mentor who taught him medicine in the Warren, he taught himself everything he knows about treating people because he’s “the most ferocious autodidact.” (i stan a legend)
- Ratchet would still be the better medic though
- Megatron specialised in neurology
- Flame survived the events of LL #24
- The only reason Functionist Universe! Orion and Terminus were killed was because of time restraints 
- Making Drift and Ratchet’s relationship a romantic one started feeling right around their return in the Remain in the Light arc, but JRo didn’t really decide that they were definitely conjux endura until he began writing LL #25 
- Rewind’s colour changing pants are now (dubiously) canon (”Chromedome is fascinated; he might be an outlier.”)
- Admitted a couple of times, once again, that he wished he hadn’t killed Trailcutter 
- If a Cybertronian is gifted a vial of innermost energon and survives whatever near-fatal injury or illness they had, they have the option to either keep it, as a reminder of the love they and the donor share, or they can regift the donor’s innermost energon to them. If they do indeed die, the most common practice is to donate the innermost energon (as Ratchet did posthumously in #25)
- “Sorry, I’ve seen ‘Chromedome is a bottom’ on the screen and that’s thrown me.”
- When asked if he’d change anything if given the opportunity to rewrite the series, he admitted that there were “a bunch of things”, which included:
    * Spacing out events more, most especially near the beginning of MTMTE,            where so much was happening that it all felt “a bit busy”, and the Crucible           arc
    * Writing more stories about the tertiary cast (eg. Spotlight: Hoist) to really            sell the fact that this was a ship with 200 mechs on board (the main cast            would still have had their own quirky adventures going on in the                          background)
                * An example of such a story would’ve been having an issue focusing                    on the writer behind the Lost Light Insider
    * More stories with the Mutineer’s
    * Give the Scavengers an entire tradeback to themselves in Season 3,                  encompassing an entire arc he’d had planned for them
     * He wouldn’t have “decapitated Red Alert like that” 
     * Having the charisma parasites being followed up by Swearth “didn’t do              him any favours as they were three very high concept issues one after the          other”
      * Would’ve seeded more mentions of the Guiding Hand in MTMTE (though             not in Lost Light, which had enough, he felt)
      * More Star Saber (longer fights with different characters)
      * Way more Roller!
      * Show Cyclonus’ recovery from his injuries in #47 more as more of a slow,          arduous process instead of an “Oh, he’s fine now” dealio
      * Would’ve liked to pull off the Troja Major two-parter better
When asked who’s death Megatron would be most cut-up about, Optimus, Soundwave or Starscream, JRo said he’d take Stasrcream’s the worst, as the two had “unfinished business” (the new Pacifist Megatron wanted to reconcile with Starscream). Though Soundwave was listed last on the “who'd Megatron would mourn the most” list, he also said that he’d be “proud of what Soundwave did”
- On a more lighthearted note, he said that Stan Bushs’ Dare was playing in Rodimus’ head during his “Til All Are One!” montage in the 2012 annual
- Cyclonus is, unfortunately, no longer rich, because much of his wealth came from Tetrahexian real estate (as stated in the prose story Signal to Noise, packaged in Volume 4 of MTMTE), and the value kinda dropped after Unicron, you know, destroyed the whole planet (though he also said it’s more than likely he and Tailgate invested in real estate on New Cybertron)
- Said that if Rodimus and Drift had been amica endura “no one would’ve batted an eye,” (and that they would’ve completed the ceremony off-screen)
- Rodimus was originally going to sacrifice himself in Crucible to stop the Omega Guardians from using the Warren to enter our universe and take it over. (”Even saying that is making me yawn”) Everyone would’ve thought Rodimus was already dead, and as such, another, unnamed character would’ve gotten credit for his sacrifice. Rodimus would’ve known this, and sacrificed himself anyway.
- “You’re all [unapologetic] shippers and I salute you.”
- As he stated on Twitter before, he’d have liked to include a scene between Cyclonus and Drift, where Drift proclaims his new respect for Cyc after seeing his Great Sword. This scene would’ve happened around the Remain in the Light arc. 
- “Are you guys still talking about Chromedome being a bottom? Oh my god.”
- In a fight between Drift and Cyclonus, Cyclonus would win.
- When asked who he’d ship Rodimus with, he said that Rodimus was an interesting case, as he’d actually be quite well-versed in the area of romance, unlike the rest of the cast, and that he “wouldn’t pine for people.” In the end, he ended up choosing Roller.
- Getaway didn’t make up the Conjux rites; they’re real 
- Rodimus’ flame abilities are not an outlier ability, but an upgrade he got along the way (he compared it to getting a really excessive tattoo). The ability is really painful and uses up a lot of Roddy’s energy.
- When asked what he hoped from the next continuity, he said that he wanted it to continue to be inclusive “in every sense of the word”, specifically pointing out the LGBTQIA+ representation as something he wanted to see continued. 
- “Yeah, Springer’s pretty hot.”
- First Aid has a crush on crush on Springer (as does JRo)
- Cyclonus is legitimately a great singer. It’s that his abilities are more of the operatic kind, meaning “he is not always appreciated by the uncultured”
- “[A fan] says that Lost Light is a love letter to fan fiction, which it absolutely is”
- When a fan asked why (to paraphrase) Roller was just so dang hot, JRo said that “Roller just has that effect on people thanks to Jack’s lascivious designs” (and before you go off and google it, lascivious is defined as “feeling or revealing an overt sexual interest or desire”)
- Drift’s wealth was made through bounty hunting
- Brainstorm and Chromedome might have been amica endura, but that Chromedome felt “burnt out” from his various failed relationships, both platonic and romantic. 
- No one even has a “Rung-shaped gap” in their memory after LL #24. They honestly can’t remember where the various matrixes came from, as is the case with all the things Rung was responsible for. They all blame it on memory creep and have each come up with their own contradictory explanations as to how and why these things happened. 
- When asked if Swerve liked The Big Bang Theory, JRo replied with a swift “No, he has a brain”
- Instead, he said Community was Swerve’s favourite show
- Cybertronian weddings are “very long”
- There was a lot singing at Cyclonus and Tailgate’s wedding
- Brainstorm and Perceptor’s wedding, meanwhile, “would be very complicated” because “they’d be trying to outdo each other in subtle ways”. It would “make for a good sitcom episode.”
- Roddy’s favourite meme is “the butterfly one”
- Rung’s favourite meme is “the woman looking confused with algebra in front of her face”
- Swerve is over memes
- “[Drift’s thighs] are certainly impressive”
- Swerve is “destined to have many friends”
- Whirl and Cyclonus most certainly became amica endura after LL #25
- Swerve got Misfire’s number in the end
- Though he said many times in the lead up the end of this continuity that this was his last time writing for Transformers, he said he would like to write a 12 issue series centred around a character he didn’t name, and then later admitted that he wanted to try to convince IDW to let him write another series. He also said that is there was ever a Grand Collecter’s edition of the series (that collected all the issues, prose stories, additional stories from other series etc into one or two hardback editions, for example), he’d write an additional prose story to make it worth people’s money
- Hoist confirmed the Lost Light’s resident furry
- “Tailgate is the cutest? Yes, he’s a little marshmallow.”
-  In his final days, before his execution, Minimus would’ve taken his poetry to Megatron so that he could read it (he would’ve also read Minimus’ poetry on the Alt! Lost Light, though assumedly under far less tragic circumstances)
- Getaway was considered the hottest mech on all of the Lost Light, with Skids as a close second. Together, they were “a hot duo.”
- Functionist Universe! Anode was a brilliant war general 
- Nickel had a girlfriend before her homeworld was destroyed 
- Rung can’t dance (we been knew)
- Crankcase and Con4Eva did hook up in the original universe
- “Does Rung know we love him? No - he’s very lonely” 
- No one in the cast likes all of the Shrek movies, but all of them like the first one.
- Chromedome and Brainstorm met each other the New Institute (which was my question answered :D) 
- Roddy would eat Doritos if he could 
- Not a single Transformer (in the IDW-verse) would like Trump
- The worst film that Roddy likes is Caddy Shack 
- Terminus would’ve never admitted that he was lying to Megatron
- Unfortunately, the song Boogie Wonderland by Earth, Wind & Fire never made it to the Lost Light
- “Who would make the best romantic partner? Depends on your taste.”
- JRo’s favourite superhero is Spiderman, his favourite TF toys as a kid were Hot Rod & Sandstorm and Nautica is his favourite character (from MTMTE/LL)
- Megatron, does indeed, both give the best hugs and deserves hugs! 
- “You’re a tactile, compassionate, thirsty bunch, aren’t you?”
- Tailgate, Swerve and Rewind would all play Fortnite
- Drift and Ratchet would’ve opened a “clinic” together (the question asker was unintentionally vague, so JRo was intentionally vague with his answer)
- Drift thinks that Ratchet was the one who made the first move, while Ratchet thinks Drift was 
- Ratchet and Drift would’ve been together for “decades and decades” before Ratchet died
- While Nautica/Skids still isn’t canon, he did confirm that Skids’ feelings for Nautica were romantic in nature 
- While Jack Lawrence bases many of the characters’ mannerisms on his own, he bases Rung’s mannerisms off of JRo’s, which doesn’t help his “anti-mary-sue argument.”
- I can’t remember the exact quote, but when asked what it’d be like to have Whirl as a roommate, he said something along the lines of “you’d have a crush on him even though you’d hate him.”
- In case it wasn’t clear enough in the text itself, Whirl rejected Ratchet’s hands because of a shift in how he saw his own disability. He no longer saw it, and by extension, himself, as a “deficiency” that needed to be “fixed”
- JRo pronounces “Omega” as “Oh-me-gah”. This is important information to include. 
And then the livestream ended with JRo saying we all “need a cold shower” after all this “fervent shipping” and went off to finish his half a pint of Corona. (what a legend)
Feel free to add in any answers or details I missed.
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kenkamishiro · 5 years
zakki:re translations Part 1 (pg. 10-29, Vol. 1-2 illustrations)
Hello and welcome to the zakki:re translations post! It took a bit of time to think about how I’d have to structure these translations, but I’ve figured it out for the most part.
What this series of posts will be is a text translation of Ishida’s comments accompanied by the art he’s referring to (the actual art itself that’s been available online, not a picture taken from zakki:re. It’ll make more sense once you start going through the post, I promise). It will also include some commentary from me for some additional context, which will be marked as “T/N” for “translator notes”.
What this will NOT include are photographs of the book. If I take pictures of the book, they will be contained in a different post since I don’t want the translations posts to be more cluttered than they already are. I also won’t include any illustrations that don’t have commentary attached to them unless they’re somehow relevant to it.
They will be posted every 1-2 days depending on my schedule, and have roughly 10 pieces of commentary each which I found was a good length.
And lastly, some terminology before I begin. TG = Tokyo Ghoul (overall, like the fandom tag), OG = the first Tokyo Ghoul series, :re = Tokyo Ghoul:re.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoy!
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[T/N: This illustration was a magazine cover that included the blurb, "Justice has now been commenced." Presented this way since this is how it appears in zakki:re.]
zakki:re has now begun. Just like zakki, the comments on the paintings and such will be referred to as accordingly. I hope you enjoy.
This is the first cover on which :re began.
It gives off a certain vibe, hence the "Justice, commence!" blurb. At least that's probably what my editor thought.
I thought at the time that I was seriously going to fail to hand in my manuscript in time. It almost became, “Justice, commence (starting next week)!”
Weekly Young Jump 2014, Issue no. 46, Cover illustration
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Volumes 1-4 of :re were prefaced with colour pages. Hinami was a member of Aogiri Tree, and Kanae was distressed over Tsukiyama.
Shirazu’s character looks kinda dangerous here for some reason, doesn’t he?
Weekly Young Jump 2014, Issue no. 46, Opening colour page
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An image of a sky, as if it’s connected to the sky from the last chapter of OG. A certain three people from the final chapter are also standing here.
Weekly Young Jump 2014, Issue no. 46, Opening colour page
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The cover illustration for volume 1 of :re. I used up all my energy drawing Haise. But he turned out quite well, don’t you think? He’s holding a Kitahara Hakushuu book in his hand.
I thought I should draw the story from the CCG perspective, so I introduced the character known as Sasaki Haise, an investigator who is a half-ghoul.
Before :re began I also created the Qs characters all at once for the shock factor. I took a break in between OG and :re, but it was only 3 weeks if I recall. I remember at the time I was working on the setting and drawing, so I ended up busier than usual during that writing period.
When OG ended, one of the staff asked, “Is it really over?” in confusion, and I answered, “Yeah, it’s really over.” It wasn’t really a lie since it was OG that had ended.
2014, Volume 1, Cover illustration
[T/N: The quality of this illustration isn’t good since I took it from the table of contents in Volume 1. But the neat thing is in zakki:re, the quality is so good that you can clearly read the words in the book that Haise is reading. Right now he’s reading Hakushuu’s poem “Blue Dragonfly.”]
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Ui-kun has risen the ranks. Looks like he’s gone through a lot.
2014, Volume 1, Frontispiece
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The exterior of the pinup, I think. From the series of mysterious outfits. Seems it’s based off a military uniform?
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Joint issue no. 6~7, Special long pinup
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This is an illustration I drew using CLIP STUDIO. I’ve always used Sai for drawing, but when I was drawing the ending cards for the 2nd season of the OG anime (the ones that moved along with amazarashi’s “Seasons Die One After Another”), I decided to try drawing using CLIP STUDIO on a whim, and I kept using it for a while. Later I also drew the Trump card illustrations using CLIP STUDIO. I don’t use it anymore but looking back, the end product has a really distinct look to it, which makes me wonder if I should try using this program again...
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Issue no. 12, Cover illustration
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[T/N: Couldn’t find the raw version of this illustration. This page was scanned by Imperial Scans (RIP).]
At the time it seems I pressed my editor, “What’s ‘On Christmas Eve the Qs bell is ringing’ supposed to mean?” for answers. But hey, doesn’t “Qs bell” sound kinda cool?
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Joint issue no. 4~5, Center colour illustration
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[T/N: Not completely raw, but close enough. Scan for this illustration done by Twisted Hel Scans (also RIP).]
You’ve probably realized it by now, but the opening pages and the center colour illustrations from the YJ magazines were printed as they originally were back then.
Since the magazine design would be lost for those who didn’t buy the magazine back then, it would’ve been a shame since L.S.D. (the design company) worked extremely hard to make it look good. I also think the blurbs that my editor came up can be considered a work of their own (such as ‘Qs bell’).
Of course, I’m sure there are people who want to see the paintings in their original state. I felt the same way which was why I was conflicted about it, but I’ve accepted it in this form for this time.
The volume illustrations and the magazine illustrations have been arranged in chronological order as much as possible. I hope you can enjoy it together with the circumstances of my editor’s work.
If I ever get another opportunity, I’d like to have an art book with just illustrations only.
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Joint issue no. 6~7, Opening colour page
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[T/N: The version of this illustration in zakki:re doesn’t include any text.]
Colour pinup from the appendix of YJ magazine. I added in Scarecrow who hadn’t appeared in the story yet (I didn’t know when I would add him in). I had fun drawing the 4 people above. I really like Nutcracker in particular.
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Joint issue no. 6~7, Special long pinup
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The character popularity poll illustration contest (I think it was with Nico Nico Seiga). I drew some shikishi and gave them as gifts to those who submitted illustrations. This illustration itself feels nostalgic.
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Issue no. 12, Opening colour page
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[T/N: Updated with HQ scans from TG_Hub. Thank you!]
The cover of :re volume 2 featuring Touka.
I chose something relaxing for the off-centre composition while still following the general flow of the OG volume, conveying that she has become more cunning. A reference to "zakki", so it'd be great if you could compare between the two.
Haise looks good in shades of brown.
This is the interior of the Chateau where the Qs resided, and it was designed by a good friend who I’ll call J-chan. A luxury home with the Qs’ bedrooms, common room, kitchen, Haise’s room, and the training room, fully furnished. I got the data from him so that I could preview it and look around in 3-D, so I included it in the instructions for drawing the backdrop as a reference. Thanks!
[T/N: If you want to see the comparison to OG zakki, click here. Also, the Qs chateau that Ishida’s friend designed...is ripped from The Sims 4. No, I’m not kidding.]
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Volume 2 cover
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I took a bunch of my scribbles and reused them for the colour pages in the volume.
At the very beginning I drew Mucchan (Mutsuki Tooru), and moved on to other characters from there. As Saiko hadn't appeared in the story yet, her face isn't shown here. "Saiko absolutely won't show up for an entire volume," was my iron will.
2015, Volume 2, Frontispiece
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satchaccuss · 5 years
SWJFO sure FEELS short at least.
This, like much of everything else I spew, is a rant. Sry.
Oh and there will be spoilers ahead for the game, so: sry.
Finished Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order yesterday (2019-12-01) and am now in the regular post-playthrough depression that always hits when finishing a game with no replay-value. Ooooh! Yeah I know some are gonna be mad at that, but it’s MY truth! The fact that the game doesn’t even have a new game or new game plus mode really drags. I bought it 2019-11-18, but because I was busy it wasn’t fully downloaded until 2019-11-22 and then I didn’t start playing until the next day and let’s say I then played maybe 3 hrs per day, let’s say everyday...then the game is around the 25 hrs mark, however: did I feel like it was time well spent? No. Did I feel satisfied with the ending? No.
Did I want to keep playing? For no reason? F*ck No! I mean I already got every secret and collectible before the final mission, so there is literally no reason to keep playing! This is the reason why dark souls has new game and new game plus modes, there is nothing to explore and do if you have already done it all! But if you get to play the game again, while keeping all outfits and weapons: you get some damn fine looking shots of your character looking awesome during boring-ass scenes you’ve already seen before! Honestly, the story was kind of meh in the end and the outfits were too few and the ponchos didn’t make any sense and the fact you don’t get to customize the colour of “you know what” until basically the end of the game just sucked all in all! Why wouldn’t you implement a “new game” mode in a game like this?! (I’m pretty sure the first one is just called “new game” and then the one after that is called “new game plus”, I think that was how dark souls did it at least, I can’t speak for the other games in the series tho it could have changed).
Seeing Cal wearing the outfit I chose and using the lightsaber I customized throughout the entire games cutscenes would be a much needed alleviation of a moderately boring story honestly... (But why can’t I change Cere’s saber piece on the other side?! I had to pick her piece for the other side too to make it look cohesive, and I didn’t like that, I didn’t want that, but it looks dumb otherwise!)
Yeah yeah, it isn’t as short as a usual indie-title, but it isn’t a Fallout game for sure, I mean I am still playing Fallout 4 every now and then because of all the shit you can do and all the different perks that can change your playstyle too... and because you can customize your character to look how you want and say kind of what you want and have it kind of matter and... *sigh*. 
Why is this Star Wars game so good but so bad at the same time?
I liked that you could change the buttons... I didn’t like that you couldn’t re-bind all things to new buttons. I mean having the shoulder button be block/parry only works in dark souls where the shield actually felt like it was there and oh it’s hard to explain, but it didn’t work for me in this game, so I re-bound it to the B-button and made dodge the Y-button. However, I didn’t know that the game f*cked itself and took away the “drop ledge”-button as well when I changed B. Luckily I, through my massive brain’s incredible problem-solving skills, managed to figure out I could manually re-bind the drop-button to my dodge-button (Y). I did google it first tho and got no useful information: instead I got a f*ck-ton of same-y sounding whining about pc-keybindings, which, for a console-user like myself: is f*cking useless! Apparently not a single other soul had had my issue! In the end, like I said, I figured it out, but still: The fact that the game didn’t warn me that I had consequently un-bound another command as well when changing the dodge-button was really shitty. Oh well. ...the game making X and B (because of my changed buttons no doubt, but still), the way to do double saber attacks was f*cking hilariously dumb tho and the fact that I couldn’t change that attack to other buttons really irked me let me tell you! I had to release the camera and steer sticks both during the fight that the game wants you to do it to push both X and B at the same time to perform the stupid attack! I literally could never do it again after because it was a hassle to let go of the left stick to awkwardly hold the controller somehow and push X and B down at the same time, my word! A useless attack since I could never do it smoothly. Not really the games fault, but still. Anyway...
...why was Cal a ginger?! You can’t have a ginger wear a red or pink outfit! It clashes! Couldn’t they at least have made his hair more of a brow-ish shade to ensure it would go with most colour-schemes. Ginger doesn’t go with red or orange because it is red-ish or orange! Then again: colour-wise most of the ponchos didn’t work with the under-outfits either so, gah! Who designed the cosmetics in this game!? It never quite looked right to me. 
...why was Anakin in it? I fail to imagine Anakin letting the empire murder children for no reason, yeah yeah: he murdered the kids in the temple that one time, but... he came back to his senses to rescue his son in the end tho right, so... Yeah ok, maybe not, but... I just don’t understand how torturing the kids make them inquisitors either, wouldn’t they just kill themselves right when they had the chance instead of actually doing the empires bidding after all they’d been through because of it? If Trilla was so angry at Cere for letting her get captured at all by giving up her potential location, why did she join and why did she stay? She could’ve killed her at practically any point, but didn’t and then she ended up dying in the end while kind of maybe kind of “forgiving” Cere anyway... I am confused as to how murdering force-users and kidnapping them and torturing them is even a viable plan at all, but then again I ain’t evil so... Sure sure, less potential jedi and all, but if one can turn to “the dark side” at any point then you can get off of it too at any point can’t ya? and if the kid was tortured to join you and stay, wouldn’t they be more likely to just f*ck off your “dark side”-shenanigans the moment you are out of earshot? Yeah, they make it sound hard, but I have no idea how this shit is supposed to work in the first place so what the heck do I know! Why is the “dark side” a thing in the first place? I thought the force was an all powerful omnipresent-kind-of-thing that moves through everyone and everything, why/how does it have a “dark side” if it is everywhere at all times? Technically, wouldn’t the ppl NOT force-sensitive and the ppl NOT using the force be the ones on the “dark side” of the force? They are the ones that don’t affiliate with it and can’t “feel” it after all... Technically the ppl on the “dark side” aren’t actually on a “side” of anything, they are just happening to use the force for evil. I can perhaps understand why the idiots in charge want something to blame, like our religious ppl inventing the devil, but the ppl that actually feel the force would know that there’s no such thing as a “dark side” of the force, right? And yet everyone, even Luke in that second new movie was all like “Oh my gawd Ray, you went immediately to the dark side, whine whine whine!” But the whole thing with you Luke was that you embraced balance, right? I mean you were all: green lightsaber but all black outfit and was so badass when ya rescued Han! It wasn’t Anakin that brought balance to the force like the prophecy Obi had had said: it was his son that managed it, right? Or was that retconned? ...anyway.
I feel like swjfo was so short and for the amount I paid for it, it sure as shit doesn’t feel worth it in the end. I mean, I was so shocked when I started up the game and was gonna load my save and saw that we were 54% or something through the game and the main story had barely picked up any pace!
This definitely felt more like a prequel to another, better, more story-rich and exploratory game. 
I hope that they are making the next installment where we as Cal explore balancing the force and get to use force-lightning! (I was so disappointed you never got to learn that in this game, it would have been cool... if the game was longer and there was more to do and more things to fight and such!) The fact that Merrin joined so late in the story was dumb, but a hope that they will make the next installment where we together with her and the other crew get a bigger cooler ship and get to explore the world to get rid of the empire together and learn about the force and such too together and maybe romance her or something too I guess, but a male option for the rest of us that don’t want to see that straight shit would be nice too of course. But if their story progresses nicely and their chemistry grows naturally, I wouldn’t necessarily mind in the end if they go steady with each other. 
Seriously tho, a warning from the game that there would be no more perks to be unlocked when I’d unlocked all of them would’ve been nice! At least an option to sink the extra points you could still get into health or force-meter or lightsaber attack strength, (kind of like in Asscreed Ori where ya could add points into increased arrow-damage or melee-damage of a small percentage indefinitely almost. I was literally expecting that to be the case with this game but nope!). Anyway, the second game should focus on us and the crew expanding our operation of defeating the empire by: gathering allies and tools and experience too I suppose and it should also focus on Cal beginning to research mastering all aspects of the force, maybe together with Merrin. Merrin herself should learn about the world and also learn it really wasn’t the jedi that were the cause of her loss and pain and grow as a person and grow closer to the og crew too. Not sure how to end that game tho.
The third and last installment should be one where we actually get to eradicate the empire and actually rebuild the world and potentially the order too. One where we get to actually find balance and get to use a red lightsaber and use force-lightning too without being evil! (That might be more of an end-game goal for the second game tho: Cal masters some of the many aspects of the force and gets to use force-lightning, but not enough to satisfy us maybe, so there’ll be a reason to play the third one or something lol). So: use a red lighsaber and more cool force powers including force-lightning and “master the force”, all the while also working to finish eradicate the empire. Maybe some world-building choices where we decide if or how the new jedi order should be and we become a council member and do council business and such. It could end with the entire world open too us, with little quests of minor significance but it’s something to do scattered around the planets and places on the planets, we get to “build bridges” with the ppl were are to protect as part of the new jedi order and heck, let me decide what should happen and then you just make the game for me yeah Respawn?
...anyway, final thoughts:
I am done with the game and have no reason to keep playing it. This makes me kind of sad, but in the end: the story was unsatisfyingly short and uninteresting and the ending left much to be desired. But! There is very minimal hope (knowing EA) that there will be more to come. Let us hope.
End of rant.
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littlegreenogre · 5 years
Skam Ranking
1. Skam (Norway)
 - started it all, absolutely unique and refreshing, great playlist, I love all of it’s characters, this show was made so no one would be hated - like literally no one
2. Skam NL
- awesome chemistry, it feels raw and quiet, reality, own flavour and twist, great gang, the things you did not feel on the original version can be felt here, the changes whether subtle or big is good, it did not feel suffocating, it never felt like you are watching something the you already know about, it is new yet familiar, it feels real, great aesthetics, awesome playlist
3. Skam Italia
- movie value, good chemistry, awesome characters, great acting, intense, you understand that this is a play / movie / film, portrayal of reality
4. Druck
- different, German, changes are good, twists made it different, changed to it’s culture, has annoying characters
5.  wtFOCK
- character based casts, vulnerable, changed with the time, good chemistry, too close to the original, the story needs more character - it needs a life of it’s own, some characters I can never get in touch with, needs more depth, strong characters are strong
6. Skam France
- has it’s moments, I love French, needs more character, the mirror of the original, I love the dramatic parts, great looking men, chemistry in some parts - not at all in others
7. Skam Austin
- the only Noora-William relationship wherein I did not feel chemistry, too Hollywood, it has it’s moments of reality, awesome side characters, I need a connection, too cold and distant (maybe that is the reality of America?)
To be determined... Skam España
Maybe my certain views gets better.
Skam Italia - Ele needs to stop closing her damn eyes, where is the Ele I can connect to. She is a good actress, she needs to act less, naturality suits her.
wtFOCK - finally! I am connecting to you. You are turning out to be one of my favorites. Skam Austin - great reaction from Grace - great change from the OG plot, still feels a bit off, natural friend reaction
I NEED A “WILLIAM” THAT WILL REACT DIFFERENTLY - I need a change, just curious. Noah? Senne? My hopes?
Skam NL - Liv...that fade away shot. Aesthetics is great. Amazing. The best Skam so far. I may need to change the rankings now. If Noah ends up fulfilling my wish, well. End of.
wtFOCK - Senne is so vulnerable, he is the only “William” that I have found so far that makes me feel like we have to shield him from all the crap that is coming because he has had enough of that already - like a puppy. When Zoe whispered - heart is melting. Zoe also feels so vulnerable, the way they changed the scene when Senne / William asked if she was done ranting - magic.
Little things always make the remakes so much more than the same storyline, they are telling their own story.
Skam NL gives me all the colours and wtFOCK is giving me the solitude I look for.
So... I have been rewatching that scene a couple of times now and Skam NL, I just realised, is not going with the same timeline as the other versions. It’s usually “Noora” confused --> tries to figure out what happened --> thinks everything is okay --> tries to get back with “William” --> receives the message --> completely goes into solitude
Druck also changed it but it was mainly because they changed who did what to who -- old friend instead of brother.
I really think (hope) that Noah would be the change I am looking for. OR... they could totally shit me and send Liv away to disappear somewhere else.
Skam France - yes, I said create your own story arc but I never said to ruin what is working for the show. The thing that worked best for Skam is the relationship of the bus girls, that no matter how annoying each individual person gets - they stick up for each other - they got each other’s back. This is why I was not very happy when Kiki was demanding Mia to break up with Alexander - THAT IS NOT HOW THIS STORY WORKS! Tweak everything you can but you should never have a conflict between those girls, you are not supposed to. That is how friendship works, you question every decision the other person makes but you ALWAYS hold their hands. DUH.
Skam NL - killing me now, just give me Noah’s reaction already, song was on point, I thought that I would not be able to forgive you for my Monday with no video but you have proven me wrong - at this point I think I can forgive almost everything that you do.
Skam Austin - .
Skam France - get over it laready, what I absolutely liked about Skam was that it did not dwell too much on the negativity - this is just DRAMA! Also, Yousef and Sana’s relationship was not confusing, they like each other. End of. There was that conflict with Noora maybe but that only lasted for less than an episode. GET OVER IT NOW please...it also was not this annoying.
Skam NL - why torture me this way? Hoping that all these days (one day) without even a chat or something means I get a really good reaction from Noah, you got me at the edge of my seat here.
wtFOCK - please do not fuck this up. Hah. Pun intended. Love the chemistry between Senne and Zoe, they are the most real teenage William and Noora so far, I love that Zoe is still the strong character that she is but remains a girl on the inside, hopefully she reacts differently when Senne fucks up - maybe that’s what I need from this version... not a different William but a different Noora. Love it!
Skam Austin - I just don’t know how to connect with you.
Skam NL - that was a great change to the storyline, that part kind of never made sense to me - when that happens to you, it isn’t something that you can talk about. I should know. Knowing how Noora’s character is so independent and strong, she would definitely pretend as if nothing has happened and just move on. Accidentally finding it that way is way more believable. I then love how Isa, after seeing the video, immediately looks to Liv. She immediately has that pull to see how her friend is doing, that look just said a lot of things to me. And that ending, it’s a band of strong independent women.
wtFOCk - Senne is turning out to be the best bad boy William so far.The way he kisses Zoe is amazing, these two have a great chemistry together. I just need a bit more change on how they approach the storyline, they need to create a story of their own because I can totally see Senne to be the William that looses it and beats up his brother when he finds out what he did.
Skam Italia - Ele needs to get back to the natural acting part but Edo’s cry. Wow. Just when I think that I am movng away, they do something that draws me right back in. I love how she tells him what happened instead of him hearing it from someone else that leaves any normal person to have questioning loyalty. Good job.
Skam NL - the aesthetics and sound is always on point, the latest clip breaks my heart more than anything else - I admit that I was expecting a different “William” reaction, more like hoping really, but I have to say I was not disappointed. Maybe I am too far out loving the series that I cannot find fault anymore *hearteyes*
wtFOCK - Zoe and Senne, wow - chemistry to the highest level, the girls dynamic here is also like NL which I love, they can not tolerate something from one another but they definitely love each other
Skam France - DRAMA! I actually liked how Imane is trying to explain herself but I also get why the other girls cannot understand her because she is not opening either but all this Manon and Charles drama is too much for me, the OG focused more on Sana and how she becomes an adult and showing her vulnerability through love - this is just DRAMA!
Skam Austin - you do nothing for me
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Skam Fic Love Fest Day 1: Comments
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@evaksbinder arranges this lovely challenge, Skam Fic Love Fest 2018, and I love, love, love the idea. As always, I've planned this badly, and it collides with thousand things I've got going on right now. Still, I'll try to post a thing or two during the week!
Today's prompt is comments. 
I feel like I forget to comment on fics all the time, and lately I’m been too busy, too. So today I have commented on some recent fics and I will give them a shoutout here. Check out  Vivo (estas) Nun by Bewa,  Og opp til hodet by imminentinertia,  Scrim by eiqhties,  What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been by XioNin. I also commented on  The One That Got Away by cami_soul,  Synchronicity by XioNin and once more on  Masters of their own domain by evakuality. The comments got a little short today, because I’m in a hurry with some boring adulting things. However, a little is better than nothing, right?! 
* * *
As a writer I have gotten so many lovely comments, and I really can’t get how I deserve them? At all? But I cherish them all anyway, of course. It makes me so happy to see that others actually want to read the things I write and enjoy them, too! Here are some of the commenters I really appreciate.
One of the first comments I got was this one from Strangetowns / @canonicallyanxious on Don’t leave me (alone):  Aw, this is really lovely! And such an interesting start to what's coming up. I love the histories you've constructed for the two of them, like it's different from canon but also feels totally plausible and realistic with what we know of them as characters? I love the alternating pov, i think you pull it off really well and it helps create a more balanced dynamic between the two of them which is super lovely. I love that even though this fic happens in the course of one day, the development of their relationship feels quite natural. It's very believable why they would be so attracted to each other so quickly, especially considering their shared history! Anyway, I'm really enjoying this so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes <3
I really love this comment from Livet_er_naa on the same fic that actually mentioned something that didn’t quite work and that I could fix. I appreciate to get both positive feedback and concrit. This is the only concrit comment I have gotten from others than my beta readers, so it has a special place in my heart:  Tror du trygt kan utnevnes til master i lange kapitler ;) Bare en ting jeg stusset litt over - på slutten av delen som heter "Even - The gift". Først ser det ut som det er Isak som sier :" – Fy faen, he whispers. – Jeg elsker deg." (eller er det Even som sier det? Ble litt usikker). Bare noen setninger senere sier nemlig Isak "I love you", og av måten de snakker om det på virker det som det er noe han sjelden sier... Og det stemmer jo ikke hvis han nettopp sa det? Ble bare litt forvirret her, håper det er greit at jeg sier det, det er jo egentlig bare en detalj. :) Du skriver at du har strevd mye med kapittelet, men det merkes ikke når man leser i hvertfall. Og du fikk med mye fint fra sesong 4 også. Fint avslutningskapittel dette da! :)
@coolauntskam gave me this enthusiastic comment on The Very Personal Shopper: Ahhhh!!! You already know how much I love this fic. So sweet and funny and hot. It's still hilarious to see my grocery ordering adventures immortalized in fanfic. LOL. I'll never be over it. Thank you for this entertainment, haha!!And you had me laughing out loud with the lightsaber stuff. xD Oh, and OF COURSE Isak prefers Han over Luke. That's my boy! <3 Thank you for writing this, Camilla. It was delightful. :-D
On  Different, but same, I got some surprisingly lovely comments. Surprisingly, because the fic is a little strange and there are some consensual issues with it. Still, @rogueleader1987 , KT, wrote me this fantastic comment:  GIRL YOU KILLED ME!!!!!! that was so fantastic <3333333 i am feeling so many feels! ily. And later,  Flatfootmonster / @becsfannibal  attacked me with this comment when I needed it the most:  You are far, far, far from useless love. Seriously, one of my favortie writers sadi something like "Grammar, spelling, plot, playout, characters... these things can always be improved upon, because they are skills, but you have to have the talent to tell a story; that's the only prerequisite" and thank god he said that, cos lord my grammar is terrible now but it used to be appaulling. But I keep working on it and writing. YOU can tell a story, don't give up <3 I really felt a whole dizzying array of emotions from your words and that was beautiful. Thank you, I know fanfic writing can be a thankless task sometimes but remember the positivity <3
Im_a_bird  left me this amazing comment on Drunk on your colours: Only you can feel what you feel...except when you can also feel what everyone else feels too. This is such an interesting idea that they both have special abilities that set them apart and give them insight into other people. I would think Even's gift could be more painful than Isak's since Even is getting a real-time signal boost of their current feelings. It seems like it would be overwhelming. I want to comment on a thousand things from this chapter but I don't even know where to start. Oh wait! I do! That kiss...ahhh. Isak wanted that for so long and then finding out that Even deepened the kiss because he could feel how much Isak wanted him made it that much better! First year Isak and third year Even fics are especially my favorite! I love that Isak hasn't shrugged on that angry brittle protective shell quite so much at this point. He's just a little more open and innocent than he was by his second year. When he says he will change, I hope those aren't the changes he plans to make. This is so, so good!
arindwell/ @arindwell gave me this amazing comment on the same fic: I think I told you this already but I loved the positive feedback loop they had during sex, where Even felt Isak's emotions and got more turned on, and Isak saw/heard/felt Even get more turned on, and they just fed into each other. It's nice that they can get something fun out of their powers, not just the serious aspects (which are fascinating.) I really liked that when they finally got together it was light and not too angsty, which they deserved after pining over each other for so long. It was sweet (and sad) that Even could still think Isak would want someone other than him! I enjoyed this story so much. You always surprise me with your plots, as it's never what I'm expecting, and I love that. Thank you!
OceanOfInfinity always leave me lovely comments, and here’s one she left on The Cuddle Snuggle App:  I am all in in this one! Based on the premise, it might become my favorite of your app series. It's unique but based in reality. Can't wait for more!
Amfelia wrote me this amazing comment on Trollbundet/Spellbound: Spent the entire train ride to and from work reading this. Can’t begin to tell you how difficult it was not to do some stealth reading at work in between meetings, but I managed. Absolutely loved this, I think it is my favorite soulmate-fic, the way you used the bond as symbolism for how it sometimes can feel falling in love. And the tension, Even pulling back, Isak letting him do that. It was just so clever. You are clever.
On the same fic I got this comment that really picked me up when I was feeling a little down:  Amethystus wrote: Camilla <3 Been saving this gem for when I'd have better time, and which time could possible be better, than my first week of summer vacation! 
Where do I start? I haven't read many soul bond fics, so I don't know what's considered right and wrong, but I love what you're doing with it. Like, they're not forced to stay together, and they still have to work on their relationship, this is just some kind of magical matchmaking, like a nudge in the right direction. So beautiful!
The setting is perfect. I mean, meeting your sweetheart at a music festival, it's so realistic, even if it's literally Enchanting! All the little nods to s3, like "stay here with you forever" and kebabs (albeit moose kebabs) as comfort food, it's just so adorable. And I love the isfolket-ish chapter titles <3 Now I know you like playing around with different types of media, so you've probably thought of a soundtrack for this little darling already, but I thought I'd let you know that I listened to Jennie Abrahamson's "Into Deep" while reading. Check it out if you want to! Kudoskudoskudos and love!!!
* * *
I could have mentioned so many more, but this was what I managed in a hurry. Right before midnight, lol. Thank you, all of you! All these comments and so many more made me forget my worries and keep writing! ❤️ 
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survivenovascotia · 4 years
Episode 9 - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  - Keegan
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So I talked to Coco, and both of us agreed now is not the time to flip. It was a pretty obvious choice, my last confessional was just me over thinking things but what else is new? I don’t feel bad about sticking with my og tribe (which is a strategy I usually hate) because we haven’t really had a crucible? or a split? Like it’s not like I know I’m on the bottom from previous votes, there were none. So there’s no reason for me or anyone to flip.... i hope.
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We voted Darcy out, and now the hard part begins, trying to get Mac to believe I might still work with him. Ideally what I want is a “let’s protect each other until it is time to flip” scenario, but thats a hard sell, and is also very risky
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Darcy was blindsided and voted off. Which is quite upsetting. Darcy was a great person and a close ally of mine. On the plus side Livingston was very much left out of the majority vote which means that he’s fully on our side now. I hate saying that. “Our side” “Their side”. I don’t feel like I entirely fall into a specific side at the moment. Heather and I have had great conversation and a bond of mutual trust. Even though we didn’t vote together we’re watching each other’s backs. And that’s 95% the reason I didn’t panic play my hidden immunity idol. Mac told me he also has an extra vote so that’s incredibly useful to us. Part of me is hoping Heather wins immunity again and sends me off to Oak Island. I’d like the opportunity to pick a third advantage in this game. On an interesting note Kyle is saying that Austin doesn’t feel comfortable and wants to make a move. I’m not sure I trust that so early on in the merge and so soon after immediately voting someone out. It could be a trap. And I’m back to being annoyed at Kyle. He told Livingston and Darcy to message Heather the moment she said things were quiet to Kyle. If she didn’t suspect the three of them of being a tight group she certainly did after that. I’m seriously questioning the gameplay of some of these people. It’s bizarre.
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So this morning Kyle whips out a whiteboard and starts planning shit. Calm down there. Anyways, he made a colour coded chart about “cross tribal relations”. Kyle and Livingston are connected with Coco, Dan is connected with Austin and Eric, and I’m connected with Heather. Mac has no connections apparently. So his brilliant plan is for us to win immunity and send Glo to Oak Island. So far so good, I’m down with that even though I flopped massively in the challenge and won’t be winning at all. And then he hits me with “Are you good to vote Heather?” So instead of voting of Stephen or Evan who we don’t have a relationship with, you want to vote off the one person I do have a relationship with? All this partly hinges on Austin flipping and voting off Heather because apparently Austin told Kyle he wants to make a big move. I don’t buy it but believe what you want to believe. The other big part of this plan is relying on Dan to butter up Austin and make him flip. But really why would Dan even work with us in the first place? The Kevin’s Revenge group was formed entirely to get rid of Dan and the others already out. Why is Dan suddenly with us again? If I was Dan I’d be running for the hills of Musquadibeeboo or whatever that tribe was called. All of this has shown me that it’s really Kyle who has to be voted off. He’s playing really hardcore and he has Livingston in his back pocket. That’s not a relationship I want to power through this game. So my next step is to have a nice conversation with Heather about all of this. Let her know she’s being targeted and figure out how to stop this. Also Mac mentioned he also has an extra vote and wants us to both use it to help us out this tribal but... I don’t want to use mine yet. I don’t think I need to use mine yet. We’ll have to see what happens with immunity but Coco promised me that if he wins, he’ll send me to Oak Island which would actually be great. I’d get to sit out of this messy ass vote and keep both of my advantages intact.
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So tribal last night went pretty as planned for what seemed like it was going to be messy. That morning it seemed like I was going to be the one to get votes, but I guess that I was able to take the target off my back by talking to everyone on the other side and telling Livingston I was aware of the plan for me to receive votes. Evan ended up getting their 5 votes, while the 7 of us that are in an alliance voted Darcy out. I would say that while I didn't call the shot this vote, that I can call it a good move on my part because the actions I took resulted in me not being the target. Now it's time for me to do the challenge and hope I win, because I could use a round of safety. 4
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So... drama happened. Heather called the Chatty Trio, and said apparently Austin through her name out? But Austin had already said that the other alliance was trying to vote her out? Idk that convo didnt go anywhere cause we were interrupted by Krackd Kyle leaping gracefully into the cool waters of wtf territory and giving his immunity to heather. What??? That is not smart! The only two ways that would work in his favour is if he is trying seperate himself from his alliance and form a bond with heather (bit late). OR he already has immunity from an advantage and is trying to cause drama. Thats more likely, and it does worry me, cause if Austin is trying to flip on us, he might aim for me now that heathers immune. Now i’m not as threatening as heather, I like to think I’ve played a solid sorta utr game so far in that i haven’t been overly social or strategic, but who knows. Right now I think Livingston or Keegan is the best vote, but I am looking for future flipping opportunities and Keegan has been social with me. God, this is a tough game.
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So I didn't win immunity which is annoying, but I wake up and there's a bunch of messy shit that I don't understand, like why Kyle gave immunity to Heather and why theres a rumor about Mac. Honestly I'm tired of these people because they are only extra for the sake of being extra. I don't know about the other players but I'm not voting for someone because they are the loudest player. I'm gonna figure this out and hope I'm not targeted again because I don't know where I'm at with people atm
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Today is the day when we finally blindside Austin. I've been waiting so long for this moment but now I know the time is right. I feel like so far I've been cruising by, but now is the time to put something on my resume, get control of this game, and take a threat out. Now, I just need to convince 6 other people to do the same thing.
Coco is completely on board with the Austin plan, and so is Kyle, Keegan, and Mac. Now it all comes down to Heather. I discussed the plan to her before and she wasn't completely down with it, but after I told her I had an idol she was considering it more. However, the craziness of today's vote took a huge toll on her mental health to the point where she's considering throwing it away! C'mon Heather!
Kyle taking charge of the Austin blindside is something I'll have to deal with. It was 100% my idea since day one, but I have to keep the truth lowkey, because if I don't, I could be next on the chopping block.
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Darcy went home. I’m hurt. I want revenge. I’ll get revenge. FOR NOW, Austin’s going home because me n him are snakes and I’m the Snakiest snake so he gotta go. Me and Glo have a “mutual therapist” bond where I’m the Psychologist and we give each other some intel. I think I can outsmart Glo, I absolutely love Glo with all my heart but I can’t let her get to the end. She’d win easily. I told Keegan about my extra vote then less than 24 hrs later and then Coco said apparently I had a double vote. I obviously lied about having it and make myself seem like I don’t have anything. Oops.
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Fuckkkkkk I feel I'm def the one going home.heather is telling me evan and coco have flipped on me which would be really shitty bc I thought I was close with them . I know for a fact heather is against me so that sucks . I dont know what else I could really do but I'm gonna fight til I'm gone . Atomic survivor gods be with me
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I had a video confession about this round but it wont load and it would be a whole lot to type khjkh
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I think this is my first confessional this episode and all I have to really say is: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Heather comes to me late before tribal starts by asking me, "What if Kyle is just using me you and Coco so that the 5 of them could send home whoever they want in a 5-4-3 vote (assuming Mac plays his double vote advantage)" I thought about it, and it made sense; why would Kyle want to blindside Austin so much? Why would Kyle take orders from someone other than himself? So my backup idea that I proposed to Heather is that she switches her vote to Livingston, so that there's three possible outcomes; a 5-5-2 revote Livingston goes home; a 5-4-2 vote and Livingston goes home (basically Heather is voting for Livingston to counter Mac's advantage), or everyone just sticks to the Austin plan.
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Kyle is desperately trying to get Dan to vote for Austin late, but I really don't want that. I need Dan to vote for Livingston, despite myself voting for Austin. This is because we need Dan in case the 4 OG members from the other tribe minus Dan plus Livingston decide to pick off whoever they want in a 6-4-2 vote. We can't have that; we need it to be 5-5-2. I am desperately trying to sway Dan last minute to make sure I don't get blindsided.
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So..... ugh. I’m voting out austin. I hate to do cause i love the guy and trust him with my game, but coco and evan, the silent shady ones, have flipped for no others reason than a slight change in the wind. Seriously, dumb. This is really annoying cause I wanted to get livingston and kyle out before i flipped. But now I have to work with an alliance that only 1 quarter of have spoken to me about the vote. Not good. Hopefully i can have some sort of honest reputation (me! honest! aint this a turn out for the books) and convince them next round that im a better ally than shady evan. However this just means theyre gonna keep voting us out, so maybe we just piece together our broken alliance next round.
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It's always the people scared about flipping that flip. 9-2. I was the only one voting to keep Austin when it should have been 6-5. Not one person told me to vote Austin or that Austin was the vote. Not even very last second without explanation. I didn't know my loyalty meant jackshit but here we are. All I gotta say is nice eric is gone, and everyone's about to see a new face. Prepare yourselves.
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trendyelle · 6 years
Sephora’s Weekly Wow Has Urban Decay, Tarte& Benefit For Under $15
There’s a little motto I go by when I need to prompt myself that less is almost always better. You know, it becomes something like “one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, more…” Yeah, it’s all fun and games until Jose fucks up your life after like, only a few instants hours. However, the committee is exceptions to this concept when it comes to the finer acts in life: late nighttime pizza MAKEUP. You can never have too much of the stuff that turns you from 2009 Kylie to 2017 Kylie. Never underestimate the supremacy of reconstructive surgery good lipstick and don’t ever give anyone tell you differently. Speaking of poppin’ lipstick, we’ve been through not one, but three weeks of Sephora Weekly Wow sales. If you thought they were good before, you have another thing coming to you this fourth week. Anoint your daddy’s mettle charge card because everything in this week’s Weekly Wow is…..wait for it, drum roll satisfy ….. $ 15 and under. Just fuck me up, Sephora. From Tarte’s lip collection to Benefit Cosmetics mascara and even more Urban Decay goodies, start racking up those glamour insider points with these commodities before they sell out in like, an hour. 1. Benefit Cosmetics They’re Real! Lengthening& Volumizing Mascara I am literally so squeamish with my mascara, it’s actually not okay. I’m talking worse than my disgustingly complicated Starbucks guild. Side greenback: Outcry out to the baristas who put up with inessential bullshit. Irregardless, I was not content with any overpriced mascara until I tried this beauty. This mascara really gives your eyes the dramatic period of questionably imitation flogs after exactly a few hairs. Its customized touch is in order to make even the smallest of lashes look perfectly curled, characterized, thick-witted, and long af. The mascara comes in three colours: pitch-black, brown, and “beyond blue, ” but maybe you should stick with the first two if you don’t want anyone questioning your sanity( more than they already do ). 2. Tarte Tarteist Glossy Lip Paint These stating cheek glosses soften your cheeks for smooth application and extradite super pigmented color so it doesn’t is like an ordinary chapstick you could have bought at Duane Reade. They hydrate fugly chapped cheeks and leave a glossy finish without feeling like your cheeks are stuck together each time you chafe them. There’s a variety of must-have nudes to the sultry twilight violet everyone is wearing nowadays. 3. Tarte Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint Finally, a lightweight matte dehydrating lipstick that doesn’t form your cheeks is like fucking leather after two seconds.* cough** coughing* Kylie. This quick drying cheek cover is a liquid-to-matte lipstick so 1) it doesn’t smear all over and/ or get on your front teeth, and 2) you can have the immunity( and aid) of moving your mouth without your surface cracking. Choose from pinks to browns to bright fuchsia, exploit with the little rod, and have a drunkard makeout sesh without making a clown of yourself. Miracle. 4. Tarte Tarteist Creamy Matte Lip Paint And next, we have the glow-up of the matte lipstick: the velvet lip. This formula feels like your average lipstick but instead dries as a softer, smoother, enhanced matte. The ultra milky cheek cover comes in neutral or v bold options including psychopath black and something announced “Yaasssss”–no, I’m not encouraging this decision, that’s exactly literally the name of their lavender shade. 5. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Original All six of these heaven-sent eyeshadow primers qualify for this week’s Weekly Wow. So I don’t trash my duration typing the same paragraph six seasons sound like a terminate record, I’m simply going to describe this once, as if the identify alone doesn’t present it away. These eyeshadow primers slip on smoothly to keep your eyelids oily- and crease-free and intensify your eyeshadow shadow for a full 24 hours. Because Urban Decay understands we all have like, different seeings and spooky seeing difficulties, there are six primer potions to choose from, each catering to a different require. To start, this OG of the knot dehydrates clear and allows you to blend with ease so no one knows you may have done your makeup while slightly intoxicated. 6. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Eden This primer extradites the same smooth application, but in a simple nude tint. The matte drying primer helps reduce redness around the eyes, secreting the facts of the case that you clearly stood out until 5am( again ). The neutral colouring blends in so well, you can even wear it as an eyeshadow if you’re certainly that fucking lazy( like, same here ). 7. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Caffeine The primer potion comes in a warm brown that works perfectly for deeper skin colours and is a long-lasting primer that bides smudge-proof. It preps your eyelids by smoothing out uneven texture and certainly quickens brown eyeshadow subtleties for a bolder look. 8. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Anti-Aging No one wants to say they had 10 plastic surgeries in a single daylight before they turned 25 (@ HeidiPratt ). I get it, Urban Decay undoubtedly fucking gets it, which is why they created one of their famed primers specific to hide the fact that we age. Developed with special anti-aging parts, this primer eliminates horrifying wrinkles and stiffens the scalp around your eyes so you mostly never look like you’re gradually dying–even if you feel like it. Its unique tints brighten your eyes for an alert illusion and increase swelling to ensure you never look a epoch over 21. 9. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Fix This primer is actually the best one yet. Not merely is it a limited-edition warm beige, but 100 percent of the continues go to selected women’s empowerment nonprofits. So like , now you really have to buy this and no one can say shit about it because you’re honestly facilitating a really good make, damn it. Say it with me( and Bey ), WHO RUN THE WORLD ?! Oh, here’s the primer TAGEND 10. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Sin Yes, a primer infused with glittery shit is also an option. This pallid nude comes with a shimmer finish that remains put all day long and hoists lame matte shades with a pop of sparkle. Glitter is always better, don’t even deny it. You can even wear it alone for a sophisticated champagne examination when you’re certainly extremely hungover to part and already running late for brunch. Read more: www.betches.com http://selfhelpantiagingtips.com/sephoras-weekly-wow-has-urban-decay-tarte-benefit-for-under-15-46/
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kenkamishiro · 5 years
zakki:re translations Part 2, Vol. 3-5
Part 2 took a bit longer than usual because I had to finish the Ishida x TK interview (which you can read here). On to volumes 3-5, and hopefully I can start on Ishida’s Q&A’s simultaneously in the next couple days!
If you would like to start from the beginning, please click here.
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I was happy when I could finally show him like this since I've always wanted him in this form ever since OG. But I fumbled the timing of his entrance, plus I also had the idea of putting Amon first in the auction hall. Next to him are two Dobermans. I hope I’ll be able to draw animals better.
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Issue no. 17, Opening colour page
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Little Kaneki.
I think this colour illustration was drawn well, considering my abilities back then. The thing he's carrying in his arms, is it a birdcage? Or possibly an urn?
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Issue no. 28, Opening colour page
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[T/N: HQ scans provided by TG_Hub, thank you!]
The cover of :re volume 3 features Takizawa and Hinami. I like it because of how disturbing it looks. I drew this Takizawa nibbling on his fingers by underlying the drawing of him from the last page of :re volume 2. (...if I remember right!)
Auction x Audition The various squad members who appeared in the Auction Raid were recruited through a “Recruiting investigators!” type of project that the general public could apply for via collaboration with the part-time job magazine “an”. Originally I wanted to pick one person and have them appear for a bit before killing them off in the end. What ended up happening was that about six thousand-ish applied, though I looked at everyone and picked from there. Hairdressers seemed to have a high acceptance rate, might be because they’re good at styling themselves and taking pictures? Also Numa Jun-kun, who’s aiming to be a comedian, is being called onto T.V. every once in a while. He’s contacted me and asked me to watch his skits, though every time I see it I feel he’ll do just fine...yup, do your best.
Operation status (at the time of magazine publication) ...anyways, every week the squad members would get injured, and with Owl showing up the situation changed, creating a very hectic environment to develop the plot. At any rate I had to somehow make the 20 investigators from “an” appear in the story...now that I think about it I have no clue why I tried to do that. I was asked to write down a status report of the dead, injured, etc. I created a draft of the design every week, thought of what content to include...I thought making something like that would be interesting, so readers could look at it while reading the manga. But when the volume was being edited, rather than being omitted from the page it was relevant to, it appeared halfway through the chapter, and as a result it became even more confusing to follow. (As an aside, I tried to request that it be brought back in the digital version as the original, but I don’t know if it will?)
Side story JOKER At the end of volume 3 of :re there is a one-shot about Juuzou, who’s become an associate special class investigator, investigating together with Hanbee. This was published while I was drawing OG volumes 13 and 14, and oh! It was published by Shounen Jump. They asked if I could draw a one-shot for Jump. One Punch Man also did something similar and the survey results turned out well, so they thought it would be good for my series. “Makes sense,” I thought, but at the time I was very busy and had absolutely no interest in it since the one-shot would force me to not include any spoilers. If spoilers were allowed I would’ve agreed to draw it. But when I was talking to my editor a light bulb went off in my head and I came to the revelation: “What if I write about Juuzou in the future?” I was still in the stages of drawing OG, and I thought if Tokyo Ghoul readers read it they would think,” What’s this supposed to mean?” and Juuzou would be able to pique the interest of even first-time readers. I drew more than 30 pages of manuscripts while running a weekly series at the same time, wondering if I should’ve just called it quits even though I was the one who came up with the idea. Though the survey results didn’t turn out well at all.
2015, Volume 3, Cover
[T/N: Numa Jun is based off of Hiranuma Junya, whose Twitter you can visit here. He is also featured on the dust cover slip of volume 3, and funny enough Ishida apologized to Numa on his Twitter after killing him off.]
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The cover of :re volume 4. Tsukiyama and Kanae. I also really like the illustration of these two. I was addicted to putting vivid pink on deathly pale skin. However, the characters’ complexions seem to slowly be getting worse and worse.
2015, Volume 4, Cover
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Kanae vomiting roses. She looks deathly pale, doesn’t she?
Weekly Young Jump 2015, Issue no. 43, Opening colour page
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The colour page found at the end of :re volume 5. There is no clean version of this illustration since it was combined with the text layer.
2015, Volume 5, End frontispiece
[T/N: The translation for the text, which is an excerpt from Takatsuki Sen’s “The Black Goat’s Egg”, can be found here.]
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Kanae as a woman. An image of her ideal appearance.
2015, Volume 5, End frontispiece
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Hairu. She had already been slaughtered at the time of drawing this illustration. And then, my unfulfilled love for Hairu began to simmer and boil over... Is this...the type of girl I like...?
2015, Volume 5, End frontispiece
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The cover of :re volume 5. Haise with Eto by his side. Their complexions are deathly pale here too. I forget what I was trying to do here, but I was so busy those days that I couldn’t finish this illustration. I remember I had a difficult time drawing because I wasn’t in good condition. (Was that when I was working on JAIL by any chance?) Kijima’s death is depicted in this volume. I was eating cheese when I was drawing the “I want to eat cheese” panel. After hearing the amazing “I want to eat cheese” moment in the anime, it makes me glad I drew it. You can tell Furuta was drawn to look like a good person at first before his true character was revealed. There were a lot of panels I liked art-wise, such as the scene where Noro obliterated the investigators, and the two-page spread of Kanae playing the violin.
2015, Volume 5, Cover
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trendyelle · 6 years
Sephora’s Weekly Wow Has Urban Decay, Tarte& Benefit For Under $15
There’s a bit motto I go by when I need to remind myself that less is almost always better. You know, it becomes something like “one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, more…” Yeah, it’s all fun and games until Jose fucks up your life after like, simply a few minutes hours. However, the committee is exclusions to this concept when it comes to the finer concepts in life: belatedly night pizza MAKEUP. You can never have too much of the stuff that turns you from 2009 Kylie to 2017 Kylie. Never underestimate the capability of reconstructive surgery good lipstick and don’t ever tell anyone tell you differently. Speaking of poppin’ lipstick, we’ve “ve been through” not one, but three weeks of Sephora Weekly Wow marketings. If you thought they were good before, you have another thing to access to you this fourth week. Consecrate your daddy’s centre charge card because everything in this week’s Weekly Wow is…..wait for it, drum roll delight ….. $ 15 and under. Just fuck me up, Sephora. From Tarte’s lip collection to Benefit Cosmetics mascara and even more Urban Decay goodies, start racking up those allure insider spots with these makes before they sell out in like, an hour. 1. Benefit Cosmetic They’re Real! Lengthening& Volumizing Mascara I am literally so picky with my mascara, it’s genuinely not okay. I’m talking worse than my disgustingly complicated Starbucks tell. Side mention: Wail out to the baristas who put up with petty bullshit. Irregardless, I was not content with any overpriced mascara until I tried this beauty. This mascara really gives your eyes the spectacular period of questionably phony lashes after exactly a few hairs. Its customized touch is in order to make even the smaller of thongs look perfectly bent, characterized, dense, and long af. The mascara comes in three colors: pitch-black, chocolate-brown, and “beyond blue, ” but maybe you are able to stick with the first two if you don’t want anyone questioning your sanity( more than they already do ). 2. Tarte Tarteist Glossy Lip Paint These situation lip gloss soften your cheeks for smooth application and give super pigmented color so it doesn’t is like an everyday chapstick you could have bought at Duane Reade. They hydrate fugly chapped lips and leave a glistening finish without feeling like your cheeks are stuck together every time you chafe them. There’s a variety of must-have nudes to the sultry twilight violet everyone is wearing nowadays. 3. Tarte Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint Finally, a lightweight matte dehydrating lipstick that doesn’t constitute your lips feel like fucking skin after two seconds.* coughing** cough* Kylie. This quick drying cheek cover is a liquid-to-matte lipstick so 1) it doesn’t smear all over and/ or get on your front teeth, and 2) you can have the immunity( and relief) of moving your opening without your skin cracking. Choose from pinks to browns to bright fuchsia, refer with the little sprig, and have a drunk makeout sesh without making a sucker of yourself. Miracle. 4. Tarte Tarteist Creamy Matte Lip Paint And next, we have the glow-up of the matte lipstick: the velvet lip. The following formula feels like your median lipstick but instead dehydrates as a softer, smoother, intensified matte. The ultra creamy cheek paint be coming back neutral or v bold options including psychopath pitch-black and something called “Yaasssss”–no, I’m not encouraging this decision, that’s merely literally the name of their lavender shade. 5. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Original All six of these heaven-sent eyeshadow primers qualify for this week’s Weekly Wow. So I don’t garbage my period typing the same paragraph six periods sound like a divulge account, I’m merely going to describe this once, as if the call alone doesn’t generate it away. These eyeshadow primers slither on smoothly to keep your eyelids oily- and crease-free and deepen your eyeshadow tint for a full 24 hours. Because Urban Decay understands we all have like, different seeings and bizarre see troubles, there are six primer concoctions make their own choices, each catering to a different require. To start, this OG of the knot dehydrates clear and allows you to blend with ease so no one knows you may have done your makeup while somewhat intoxicated. 6. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Eden This primer delivers the same smooth application, but in a simple nude colour. The matte dehydrating primer is reducing redness around the eyes, hiding the fact that you clearly abode out until 5am( again ). The neutral colouring blends in so well, you can even wear it as an eyeshadow if you’re certainly that fucking lazy( like, same here ). 7. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Caffeine The primer potion comes in a warm brown that works perfectly for deeper surface colours and is a long-lasting primer that stands smudge-proof. It preps your eyelids by smoothing out uneven quality and really deepens brown eyeshadow shadows for a bolder look. 8. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Anti-Aging No one wants to say they had 10 plastic surgeries in a single epoch before they turned 25 (@ HeidiPratt ). I get it, Urban Decay clearly fucking gets it, which is why they created one of their acclaimed primers specifically to hide the fact that we age. Formulated with special anti-aging ingredients, this primer eliminates shocking wrinkles and tightens the scalp around your eyes so you mostly never look like you’re slowly dying–even if you are interested in it. Its unique tints brighten your eyes for the purposes of an alert appearance and reduce swelling to ensure you never appear a era over 21. 9. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Fix This primer is actually the best one yet. Not only is it a limited-edition warm beige, but 100 percentage of the continues go to selected women’s empowerment nonprofits. So like , now “youve been” have to buy this and no one can say shit about it because you’re honestly helping a really good induce, damn it. Say it with me( and Bey ), WHO RUN THE WORLD ?! Oh, here’s the primer TAGEND 10. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Sin Yes, a primer infused with glittery shit is also an option. This pallid nude comes with a shimmer finish that bides given all day long and heightens lame matte shades with a pop of glisten. Glitter is always better, don’t even disavow it. You can even wear it alone for a sophisticated champagne seem when you’re really more hungover to operate and already running late for brunch. Read more: www.betches.com http://selfhelpantiagingtips.com/sephoras-weekly-wow-has-urban-decay-tarte-benefit-for-under-15-44/
0 notes
trendyelle · 6 years
Sephora’s Weekly Wow Has Urban Decay, Tarte& Benefit For Under $15
There’s a bit motto I go by when I need to remind myself that less is almost always better. You know, it becomes something like “one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, more…” Yeah, it’s all fun and games until Jose fucks up your life after like, simply a few minutes hours. However, the committee is exclusions to this concept when it comes to the finer concepts in life: belatedly night pizza MAKEUP. You can never have too much of the stuff that turns you from 2009 Kylie to 2017 Kylie. Never underestimate the capability of reconstructive surgery good lipstick and don’t ever tell anyone tell you differently. Speaking of poppin’ lipstick, we’ve “ve been through” not one, but three weeks of Sephora Weekly Wow marketings. If you thought they were good before, you have another thing to access to you this fourth week. Consecrate your daddy’s centre charge card because everything in this week’s Weekly Wow is…..wait for it, drum roll delight ….. $ 15 and under. Just fuck me up, Sephora. From Tarte’s lip collection to Benefit Cosmetics mascara and even more Urban Decay goodies, start racking up those allure insider spots with these makes before they sell out in like, an hour. 1. Benefit Cosmetic They’re Real! Lengthening& Volumizing Mascara I am literally so picky with my mascara, it’s genuinely not okay. I’m talking worse than my disgustingly complicated Starbucks tell. Side mention: Wail out to the baristas who put up with petty bullshit. Irregardless, I was not content with any overpriced mascara until I tried this beauty. This mascara really gives your eyes the spectacular period of questionably phony lashes after exactly a few hairs. Its customized touch is in order to make even the smaller of thongs look perfectly bent, characterized, dense, and long af. The mascara comes in three colors: pitch-black, chocolate-brown, and “beyond blue, ” but maybe you are able to stick with the first two if you don’t want anyone questioning your sanity( more than they already do ). 2. Tarte Tarteist Glossy Lip Paint These situation lip gloss soften your cheeks for smooth application and give super pigmented color so it doesn’t is like an everyday chapstick you could have bought at Duane Reade. They hydrate fugly chapped lips and leave a glistening finish without feeling like your cheeks are stuck together every time you chafe them. There’s a variety of must-have nudes to the sultry twilight violet everyone is wearing nowadays. 3. Tarte Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint Finally, a lightweight matte dehydrating lipstick that doesn’t constitute your lips feel like fucking skin after two seconds.* coughing** cough* Kylie. This quick drying cheek cover is a liquid-to-matte lipstick so 1) it doesn’t smear all over and/ or get on your front teeth, and 2) you can have the immunity( and relief) of moving your opening without your skin cracking. Choose from pinks to browns to bright fuchsia, refer with the little sprig, and have a drunk makeout sesh without making a sucker of yourself. Miracle. 4. Tarte Tarteist Creamy Matte Lip Paint And next, we have the glow-up of the matte lipstick: the velvet lip. The following formula feels like your median lipstick but instead dehydrates as a softer, smoother, intensified matte. The ultra creamy cheek paint be coming back neutral or v bold options including psychopath pitch-black and something called “Yaasssss”–no, I’m not encouraging this decision, that’s merely literally the name of their lavender shade. 5. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Original All six of these heaven-sent eyeshadow primers qualify for this week’s Weekly Wow. So I don’t garbage my period typing the same paragraph six periods sound like a divulge account, I’m merely going to describe this once, as if the call alone doesn’t generate it away. These eyeshadow primers slither on smoothly to keep your eyelids oily- and crease-free and deepen your eyeshadow tint for a full 24 hours. Because Urban Decay understands we all have like, different seeings and bizarre see troubles, there are six primer concoctions make their own choices, each catering to a different require. To start, this OG of the knot dehydrates clear and allows you to blend with ease so no one knows you may have done your makeup while somewhat intoxicated. 6. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Eden This primer delivers the same smooth application, but in a simple nude colour. The matte dehydrating primer is reducing redness around the eyes, hiding the fact that you clearly abode out until 5am( again ). The neutral colouring blends in so well, you can even wear it as an eyeshadow if you’re certainly that fucking lazy( like, same here ). 7. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Caffeine The primer potion comes in a warm brown that works perfectly for deeper surface colours and is a long-lasting primer that stands smudge-proof. It preps your eyelids by smoothing out uneven quality and really deepens brown eyeshadow shadows for a bolder look. 8. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Anti-Aging No one wants to say they had 10 plastic surgeries in a single epoch before they turned 25 (@ HeidiPratt ). I get it, Urban Decay clearly fucking gets it, which is why they created one of their acclaimed primers specifically to hide the fact that we age. Formulated with special anti-aging ingredients, this primer eliminates shocking wrinkles and tightens the scalp around your eyes so you mostly never look like you’re slowly dying–even if you are interested in it. Its unique tints brighten your eyes for the purposes of an alert appearance and reduce swelling to ensure you never appear a era over 21. 9. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Fix This primer is actually the best one yet. Not only is it a limited-edition warm beige, but 100 percentage of the continues go to selected women’s empowerment nonprofits. So like , now “youve been” have to buy this and no one can say shit about it because you’re honestly helping a really good induce, damn it. Say it with me( and Bey ), WHO RUN THE WORLD ?! Oh, here’s the primer TAGEND 10. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Sin Yes, a primer infused with glittery shit is also an option. This pallid nude comes with a shimmer finish that bides given all day long and heightens lame matte shades with a pop of glisten. Glitter is always better, don’t even disavow it. You can even wear it alone for a sophisticated champagne seem when you’re really more hungover to operate and already running late for brunch. Read more: www.betches.com http://selfhelpantiagingtips.com/sephoras-weekly-wow-has-urban-decay-tarte-benefit-for-under-15-44/
0 notes
trendyelle · 6 years
Sephora’s Weekly Wow Has Urban Decay, Tarte& Benefit For Under $15
There’s a little motto I go by when I need to remind myself that less is almost always better. You know, it disappears something like “one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, more…” Yeah, it’s all fun and games until Jose fucks up your life after like, merely a few hours hours. Nonetheless, there are objections to this concept when it comes to the finer stuffs in life: belatedly night pizza MAKEUP. You can never have too much of the stuff that turns you from 2009 Kylie to 2017 Kylie. Never underestimate the strength of reconstructive surgery good lipstick and don’t ever give anyone tell you differently. Speaking of poppin’ lipstick, we’ve been through not one, but three weeks of Sephora Weekly Wow marketings. If you thought they were good before, you have another thing to access to you this fourth week. Anoint your daddy’s nature credit card because everything in this week’s Weekly Wow is…..wait for it, drum roll delight ….. $ 15 and under. Just fuck me up, Sephora. From Tarte’s lip collection to Benefit Cosmetics mascara and even more Urban Decay goodies, start racking up those charm insider details with these makes before they sell out in like, an hour. 1. Benefit Cosmetic They’re Real! Lengthening& Volumizing Mascara I am literally so picky with my mascara, it’s actually not okay. I’m talking worse than my disgustingly complicated Starbucks guild. Side note: Call out to the baristas who put up with inessential bullshit. Irregardless, I was not content with any overpriced mascara until I tried this beauty. This mascara really gives your eyes the stunning span of questionably fake flogs after exactly a few hairs. Its customized brushing is in order to make even the smaller of flogs look perfectly curled, characterized, thick-skulled, and long af. The mascara be coming back three shades: pitch-black, chocolate-brown, and “beyond blue, ” but perhaps you are able to stick with the first two if you don’t want anyone questioning your sanity( more than they already do ). 2. Tarte Tarteist Glossy Lip Paint These mode lip glosses soften your lips for smooth its implementation and give super pigmented color so it doesn’t feel like an everyday chapstick you could have bought at Duane Reade. They hydrate fugly chapped lips and leave a glossy finish without feeling like your lips are stuck together every time you rub them. There’s a variety of must-have nudes to the sultry light purple everyone is wearing nowadays. 3. Tarte Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint Finally, a lightweight matte drying lipstick that doesn’t realize your lips is like fucking leather after two seconds.* cough** cough* Kylie. This speedy drying lip coat is a liquid-to-matte lipstick so 1) it doesn’t smear all over and/ or get on your front teeth, and 2) you can have the sovereignty( and succor) of moving your opening without your skin cracking. Choose from pinks to browns to shining fuchsia, exert with the little sprig, and have a wino makeout sesh without making a buffoon of yourself. Miracle. 4. Tarte Tarteist Creamy Matte Lip Paint And next, we have the glow-up of the matte lipstick: the velvet lip. The following formula feels like your median lipstick but instead dries as a softer, smoother, enhanced matte. The ultra peaches-and-cream cheek decorate comes in neutral or v bold options including psychopath black and something announced “Yaasssss”–no, I’m not encouraging the present decision, that’s only literally the name of their lavender shade. 5. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Original All six of these heaven-sent eyeshadow primers qualify for this week’s Weekly Wow. So I don’t consume my epoch typing the same paragraph six occasions sound like a shatter account, I’m merely going to describe this once, as if the figure alone doesn’t open it away. These eyeshadow primers slip on smoothly to keep your eyelids oily- and crease-free and deepen your eyeshadow color for a full 24 hours. Because Urban Decay understands we all have like, different sees and spooky attention questions, there are six primer tonics to choose from, each cater to a different need. To start, this OG of the knot dries clear and allows you to blend with ease so no one knows you may have done your makeup while somewhat intoxicated. 6. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Eden This primer extradites the same smooth application, but in a simple nude shade. The matte dehydrating primer is reducing redness around the eyes, hiding the facts of the case that you clearly stayed out until 5am( again ). The neutral dye blends in so well, you can even wear it as an eyeshadow if you’re really that fucking lazy( like, same here ). 7. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Caffeine The primer potion comes in a warm brown that the project works perfectly for deeper skin colours and is a long-lasting primer that stays smudge-proof. It preps your eyelids by smoothing out uneven composition and truly redoubles brown eyeshadow colours for a bolder look. 8. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Anti-Aging No one wants to say they had 10 plastic surgeries in a single era before they turned 25 (@ HeidiPratt ). I get it, Urban Decay patently fucking gets it, which is why they created one of their acclaimed primers specifically to hide the fact that we age. Devised with special anti-aging ingredients, this primer eliminates horrifying wrinkles and stiffens the surface around your eyes so you mostly never look like you’re gradually dying–even if you feel like it. Its unique tints brighten your eyes for an alert appearing and shorten swelling to ensure you never look a period over 21. 9. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Fix This primer is actually the best one yet. Not exclusively is it a limited-edition heated beige, but 100 percentage of the proceeds go to selected women’s empowerment nonprofits. So like , now you really have to buy this and no one can say shit about it because you’re candidly helping a really good generate, damn it. Say it with me( and Bey ), WHO RUN THE WORLD ?! Oh, here’s the primer TAGEND 10. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Sin Yes, a primer infused with glittery shit is also an option. This pale nude comes with a shimmer finish that stands set all day long and elevates lame matte tints with a pop of glitter. Glitter is always better, don’t even deny it. You can even wear it alone for a sophisticated champagne search when you’re actually extremely hungover to office and already running late for brunch. Read more: www.betches.com http://selfhelpantiagingtips.com/sephoras-weekly-wow-has-urban-decay-tarte-benefit-for-under-15-43/
0 notes
trendyelle · 6 years
Sephora’s Weekly Wow Has Urban Decay, Tarte& Benefit For Under $15
There’s a bit motto I go by when I need to remind myself that less is almost always better. You know, it departs something like “one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, more…” Yeah, it’s all fun and games until Jose fucks up their own lives after like, only a few hours hours. Nonetheless, “theres” objections to this concept when it comes to the finer occasions in life: late nighttime pizza MAKEUP. You can never have too much of the stuff that grows you from 2009 Kylie to 2017 Kylie. Never underestimate the ability of reconstructive surgery good lipstick and don’t ever let anyone tell you differently. Speaking of poppin’ lipstick, we’ve “ve been through” not one, but three weeks of Sephora Weekly Wow auctions. If you thought they were good before, you have another thing coming to you this fourth week. Bless your daddy’s soul credit card because everything in this week’s Weekly Wow is…..wait for it, drum roll satisfy ….. $ 15 and under. Just fuck me up, Sephora. From Tarte’s lip collection to Benefit Cosmetics mascara and even more Urban Decay goodies, start racking up those charm insider items with these commodities before they sell out in like, an hour. 1. Benefit Cosmetics They’re Real! Lengthening& Volumizing Mascara I am literally so picky with my mascara, it’s actually not okay. I’m talking worse than my disgustingly complicated Starbucks prescribe. Side tone: Scream out to the baristas who put up with inessential bullshit. Irregardless, I was not content with any overpriced mascara until I tried this beauty. This mascara really gives your eyes the dramatic duration of questionably bogus flogs after just a few coats. Its customized brushing is designed to make even the smaller of thongs look perfectly bent, characterized, thick-witted, and long af. The mascara comes in three colorings: pitch-black, chocolate-brown, and “beyond blue, ” but perhaps you should stick with the first two if you don’t want anyone questioning your sanity( more than they already do ). 2. Tarte Tarteist Glossy Lip Paint These stating lip glosses soften your lips for smooth application and deliver super pigmented color so it doesn’t feel like an everyday chapstick you could have bought at Duane Reade. They hydrate fugly chapped lips and leave a glistening finish without feeling like your cheeks are stuck together every time you scratch them. There’s a variety of must-have nudes to the sultry nighttime violet everyone is wearing nowadays. 3. Tarte Tarteist Quick Dry Matte Lip Paint Finally, a lightweight matte dehydrating lipstick that doesn’t make your lips feel like fucking leather after two seconds.* coughing** coughing* Kylie. This speedy drying lip coat is a liquid-to-matte lipstick so 1) it doesn’t smear all over and/ or get on your front teeth, and 2) they are able to have the immunity( and succour) of moving your opening without your skin break. Choose from pinks to browns to shining fuchsia, utilize with the little sprig, and have a drink makeout sesh without making a moron of yourself. Miracle. 4. Tarte Tarteist Creamy Matte Lip Paint And next, we have the glow-up of the matte lipstick: the velvet lip. This formula feels like your median lipstick but instead dries as a softer, smoother, intensified matte. The ultra milky lip cover be coming back neutral or v daring selections including psychopath black and something announced “Yaasssss”–no, I’m not encouraging this decision, that’s simply literally the name of their lavender shade. 5. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Original All six of these heaven-sent eyeshadow primers qualify for this week’s Weekly Wow. So I don’t trash my meter typing the same paragraph six durations sound like a separated enter, I’m merely going to describe this once, as if the identify alone doesn’t leave it away. These eyeshadow primers glide on smoothly to keep your eyelids oily- and crease-free and intensify your eyeshadow color for a full 24 hours. Because Urban Decay understands we all have like, different attentions and funny eye problems, there are six primer potions make their own choices, each cater to a different involve. To start, this OG of the knot dries clear and allows you to blend with ease so no one knows you may have done your makeup while slightly intoxicated. 6. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Eden This primer extradites the same smooth application, but in a simple nude subtlety. The matte dehydrating primer helps reduce redness around the eyes, disguising the fact that you clearly stood out until 5am( again ). The neutral shade blends in so well, you can even wear it as an eyeshadow if you’re actually that fucking lazy( like, same here ). 7. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Caffeine The primer potion comes in a warm brown that works perfectly for deeper skin tints and is a long-lasting primer that abides smudge-proof. It preps your eyelids by smoothing out uneven composition and really intensifies brown eyeshadow colors for a bolder look. 8. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Anti-Aging No one wants to say they had 10 plastic surgeries in a single era before they altered 25 (@ HeidiPratt ). I get it, Urban Decay clearly fucking gets it, which is why they created one of their acclaimed primers specific to hide the fact that we age. Devised with special anti-aging ingredients, this primer annihilates terrifying wrinkles and stiffens the surface around your eyes so you basically never look like you’re slowly dying–even if you feel like it. Its unique colors brighten your eyes for the purposes of an alert illusion and reduce swelling to ensure you never ogle a era over 21. 9. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Fix This primer is actually the best one yet. Not merely is it a limited-edition heated beige, but 100 percent of the follows go to selected women’s empowerment nonprofits. So like , now you really have to buy this and no one can say shit about it because you’re candidly helping a really good cause, damn it. Speak it with me( and Bey ), WHO RUN THE WORLD ?! Oh, here’s the primer TAGEND 10. Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Sin Yes, a primer infused with glittery shit is also an option. This pale nude comes with a shimmer finish that abides introduced the working day long and hoists lame matte colours with a pop of shine. Glitter is always better, don’t even deny it. You can even wear it alone for a sophisticated champagne sound when you’re certainly more hungover to part and already running late for brunch. Read more: www.betches.com http://selfhelpantiagingtips.com/sephoras-weekly-wow-has-urban-decay-tarte-benefit-for-under-15-28/
0 notes