#the more in love a lightwood is the more of a Loser they are (also affectionate)
layla-carstairs · 1 year
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humbled him lmao
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anything with ari?
“You’re saying you would rather go to Bapak?” Alec feigns offence.
“I mean, come on dad. Bapak is just better at this stuff. More experienced,” Rafael tries to explain.
Alec huffs. “Between the two of us, Magnus has gotten his heart broken hundred times while I married the only man I have ever loved,” he adds. 
Bapak puts a hand on his heart, “Alexander? You would throw my past in my face just to win an argument?” 
Max and Ari exchange a look, “You know. Dad’s not wrong. His success rates are higher.” 
Alec lets out a hand in the air in sign of victory, “See?? I told you I’m better at it.” 
“You really sold me out for a little victory?” Magnus rolls his eyes.
“So what if I did?” Alec sticks out his tongue in retaliation.
“You’re a child.”
“Don’t be a sore loser,” Alec grins and kisses his husband’s cheek. He turns towards the kids then, “Okay. What love advice do you need, my little cretins.”
Ari sighs and sits on the couch, her face in her hands. Alec doesn’t like when his baby looks like this. 
“What’s going on, Ari?”
“There’s this girl and she’s so so gorgeous and I’m kind of obsessed with her but she’s also really mean sometimes and I don’t know—“
Alec suddenly realises the fault in his plan and he stands up, “Wait.”
His daughter looks up at him and frowns, “What?”
“This is about a girl?”
“Yeah. You forgot me coming out a few years ago?”
“Nope. But I don’t do girls. This is your Bapak’s department. Especially if there’s an evil girl involved,” Alec grins and barely misses the pillow thrown at him.
“Alexander Gideon Lightwood, you absolute tool—“
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light-wayland · 1 year
There ain't no way you make me give you a ranked list of Circle members and get away with not making your own. C'mon, tell me! Who're your most and least favourite of the circle gang?
naive of you to assume i wasn’t going to send you one anyway. i think i like all circle members, only the top 3 are definitive, everything after depends on the mood so i won't even number
Robert Lightwood. he's only my all time favorite character and i think about him every minute of my existence since i've read The Evil We Love all those years ago. nothing special
Michael Wayland. this adorable little man crawled into the grossest deeps of robert's grumpy cold heart and said "There's nothing wrong with you, Robert." and got his heart broken horribly. in the process turned waywood into my all time favorite ship and changed my life. thanks man
Maryse Lightwood. gaslight gatekeep girlboss? except that she was the gaslighted one i think... anyway, she put up with robert for 24 freaking years, and post-michael robert was so annoying. mother. but also literally badass mom. i wish we understood her better.
Luke Garroway. it's giving father figure and can be shipped with several people. at the same time he's an asshole who doesn’t aknowledge his own assholery and that gives him depth because it's more realistic than let's say robert who thinks everything he does is a unexcusable mistake
Valentine Morgenstern. [redacted] but what he and luke have going is kinda hot not gonna lie
Stephen Herondale. my lightwood loving bias would usually stop me from touching a golden annoying mf even with a ten foot pole but this one can and will be poked with a sharp ten foot pole because like maryse he is somehow nasty enough to put up with robert's grumpy face and he's also a huge loser
Jocelyn Fairchild. luke's female half but with not page time enough to be cool. i think a problem is that her character on page doesn’t live up to what's built around her, even less than luke, and that makes her underwhelming, but i'm her apologist when it comes to her decisions as a mother, i will choose her over her biological son anytime
Hodge Starkweather. deserves better. he was stuck in the same house with robert and maryse for 15 years. that's punishment enough if we're being real
Céline Montclaire. i understand why some readers love her. she's kind but has a selfish side, which makes her human. on practice she's too nice to me, and not nasty enough to put up with robert
Amatis Graymark. i genuinely like her and stephen as a couple i just don't care much about her individually, which is a shame because her story is interesting. i guess she has a similar problem as jocelyn
i think all circle members are interesting characters so in my head they're awesome. i hope this list satisfies you
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drunkonimagination · 1 year
what is your opinion on alastair getting back with Charles?? there's been clips like the one where it's snowing and it's from Thomas and I think he sees Charles and Alastair??? What are your ideas/opinions?? (ps I absolutely love you blog I'm too scared to spam you tho because of all the good ideas you have!!!!)
omg hi!!!
first thank you so much, that's so sweet 🥺💕 and oh please, feel free to spam how much you want, it makes me more than happy jsksjjs <3333
so about charles and alastair's relationship...
let's say that i am 99% sure alastair won't be back with charles at the beginning of chot, despite the feeling we might get from those few snippets.
like. did charles have some sort of realization after his near-death experience and tried to get alastair back when he required his presence at the end of choi? probably.
if that's the case, did alastair actually agree on that? hardly.
i am pretty sure that after all he went through, and how much he suffered from charles's behaviour and manipulation, he won't retrace his steps that easily.
and even if charles had some woke moment and decided to put an end to the hiding and be more open about his future relationships with men, i can't really see alastair accepting either. maybe he would be surprised, sure, and a bit of skeptical too but
1) he wouldn't easily believe every word that escapes from his ex's mouth after all the pain he put him through and most importantly, charles hurt him, really hurt him; and that cannot be ignored. even if charles really changed and alastair still loved him (which he obviously doesn't) he still would need time to simply consider the idea of coming back with him.
2) he has just spent hours kissing thomas f*cking lightwood in the sanctuary. and, yes, he could have told thomas minutes earlier that 'it isn't possible, it won't ever be' but this doesn't mean their connection didn't mean something everything to him. like he could deny it how much he wants but deep down alastair knows that thomas is the one he wants, the one for him.
so alastair and charles getting back together is something i can hardly see happening.
charles trying to get him back instead? that's definitely a higher and kinda predictable possibility.
i also believe this would be his main role in chot akjsjs (even tho i hope we can see some kind of development here, especially in his relationship with matthew/his family).
i mean...he was trying to do it in choi all the time, so who's preventing him from trying even harder in chot? especially after that near-death experience in which he supposedly realized ✨something✨? probably cordelia lol
uh, and about that scene you mentioned (i think you mean the snippet of the two of them outside in the snow where thomas says that alastair visited charles that day?) yes!!! it could be definitely linked to what i was talking about (like charles requiring alastair's presence for whatever excuse he invented to talk to him??) but idk honestly, he could have visited charles for any other reason for all we know 🤷🏻‍♀️ however im quite sure they're not seeing each other (also because wouldn't it be weird that shortly after visiting charles alastair is smiling at tom and caressing his cheek like the pathetic lovesick loser he is? nah, he's not with charles kjkw)
anyway, to make it brief, says the woman who wrote multiple paragraphs to answer this overall i don't really think they will get back together, even though charles will definitely try to get him back at some point (and that will turn into thomas's main problem in chot, making all his insecurities come back to surface all at once <3)
p.s. i hope you meant my opinion on the possibility of charles and alastair getting back together in chot and not about charles and alastair's relationship itself, bc in that case...my answer is just no. jslxkjsskl
and not just bc thomastair is my entire personality lol, but i honestly think that despite charles's manipulation and egocentrism, the way he hurt alastair, their different wants/desires, etcc.... they're just not meant to be?? charles probably just believes he wants alastair when he actually doesn't (i don't even think he knows the real alastair and he probably never tried to, all caught up in his career and politics) and for alastair, well....the fact that after breaking up with charles, the man he's supposed to love and with which he had a long and intense romantic relationship, he seems more relieved than anything else says a lot....and it says even more if you compare it to alastair's reaction after thomas, a friend, got angry and disappointed at him on the same day.
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Spike for the character ask game please, and if that has been done already, Izzy Lightwood
OHOHOHO MY BOY! YES you can ask my boy!! Blorbos are always welcome *^* And I'll take Izzy too ;D Thanks for playing, dear! <3
Favorite romantic ship(s): BUFFY by a mile, but also Drusilla because Spike would not be Spike without Drusilla and these two with their Morticia/Gomez vibe *chef's kiss*, also in a very decided "I do not want to see them date ever but I need the canon that these bitches are exes, it is very important to me, and to them" Angel and Spike
LGBT+ headcanon(s): bisexual, I know he never gets a canon label assigned and they treated it more as a ~joke~ but they gave me "Spike and Angel fucked" and if they thought that I'm not taking that for my bisexual polyamorous Spike (twas an evil polycule <3), also I headcanon him as enby!
Job headcanon (in an AU/or future): this loser is unemployed and meant to be a trophy husband to his girlboss wife <3
Favorite canon thing about them: that he is bisexual, even if they don't label it and treat it as a joke, and that he loves with his whole chest and heart and everything like this man went and got his soul back for love!!
Least favorite canon thing about them: *dissociates as I stare at Seeing Red* I hate you, Joss, for hating Spike (and for many other things)
Favorite romantic ship(s): LYDIA, Raphael, Simon, Aline, Helen, Clary, in an AU I like the idea of her and Sebastian
Favorite platonic dynamic(s): Jace and Alec!, Clary, I still think her and Magnus would have had tremendous potential if the show cared about platonic dynamics (fashion icons with snark who care about Alec? C'mon. How did they never bond)
LGBT+ headcanon(s): mmh I don't think I ever really decided whether I headcanon her as bisexual or pansexual...
Job headcanon (in an AU/or future): either a doctor, or a tattoo artist/jewel designer (that cover story of hers kind of stuck with me and I like to keep the Shadowhunter aesthetic of runes in some kind of way through tattoos)
Animal shifter headcanon: I mean, a snake offers itself to her, but I lean toward birds for the Shadowhunters and there, I like to make her a peacock
Favorite canon thing about them: that she can do basically anything, I mean she is a badass fighter, she is a forensic scientist, a general scientist and kind of doctor?, she can forge weapons, what CAN'T she do!
Least favorite canon thing about them: Ironically, the same as my favorite thing, because while I can use it as "she is very talented", on a writing-level it just always came off as "we need a Shadowhunter to do x uuuh let's use Izzy" and I didn't like that, because it didn't feel like it was about her
Character Ask Game
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Chain of Iron theories: the adopted baby
Here is another hot discussion topic in the fandom. CC has hinted that their will be a special baby, and that they will need to be adopted. So Questions, who is giving a baby up and why? I am assuming that this is a Shadowhunter baby. I cannot see either Hypatia Vex or Kellington who party, operate a secret saloon, and take pleasure in seducing interesting artistic individuals deciding to devote themselves to parenthood. Woosley Scott is set to show up, but their is no way he wants to adopt. Every other downworlder has appeared in the future and never made reference to having raised a baby. So which shadowhunters in this series of so many parents, children, and would be couples are looking to adopt? We know that shadowhunters adoption program isn’t perfect; Ariadne being adopted by an elderly white couple who know nothing about Indian culture and Tatiana somehow being allowed to adopt Grace despite the fact that she is aggressive, clearly insane, and famously unable to care for the one child she gave birth to. But I want to hold on to hope that whoever this little baby is their story will end happily with being given a nice home and family. My Theories
Anna and Ariadne  adopt Eugenia’s baby. (retracted)
  This was my original theory. In COG2 we learnt that Eugenia temporarily left home because of some scandal no one really wants to talk about. It apparently involved her and some guy being caught in a “compromising position” after which said guy could have saved things by asking to marry her but did not? ??? This led many people to believe she and this guy had been immanent and that she might now be pregnant., but unable to raise the baby on her own. So she would give it up for adoption. Eugenia’s older sister Barbara had an understanding with a very nice gentleman named Oliver and kept trying to get Oliver to purpose. I wondered if maybe a reason Barbara was in such a rush to marry is she was hoping for her and Oliver to adopt Eugenia’s baby and pass them off as theirs. Now that both Barbara and Oliver are sadly deceased Eugenia would need to look into finding new  parents to take he unborn child. Well spoilers relating to Eugenia state that despite having different interests and hobbies, she and Anna get along well. She also is set to become friends with Ariadne. Ariadne who really wanted to be a mom. So I thought that if Eugenia was pregnant and looking to give her child up for adoption then maybe she would ask Anna and Ariadne to adopt her baby. That had the potential to be sweet.
  But we have gotten more information now, and surprise surprise, people jumped the gun to quick on what happened with Eugenia. While we still do not know what the scandal was, it is hinted to have been way less extreme/serious than premarital intimacy, and she is very unlikely to be pregnant. I am now hoping that her ex got into a fight with some other guy, she stepped in to hit the other guy with a parasol, and her ex got embarrassed about having to be saved by her and broke up with her. Something that shows the guy was a real loser.
Elias puts Baby Carstairs up for adoption
  In COG2 we got a huge surprise that Sona was pregnant with her third child, unexpected as the family tree only lists her and Elias as having two children. Well actually actually the Carstairs family line is tree has parts of it that “Were lost to time”. So something clearly happened. Jem was clearly hiding something.
   This pregnancy was clearly unplanned and does present some worry’s. For starters Sona is well past the age where it easier/safest for women to give have children. She was already starting to have a difficult time with it during COG2 when she finally confessed to Cordelia that she was about 3 months along. This means that she will be about 7 months along (almost ready to give birth) when we pick up again in COI. Well in the early chapter read Alastair said that his mother has been put on Bed rest with her husband staying by her side and silent brothers monitoring her. This does not sound good. Several people have theorized that even with the brothers help, she will not make it through childbirth. Now lets talk about the babies father Elias Carstairs. Elias Carstairs is even older than his wife. He spent his youth traveling the world (I read a tweet that said he has even gone between dimensions before) leading special expeditions and hunting rare and powerful demons. This sounds grand, but it was a grueling life that left him physically and emotionally scared. Tragically the Clave does not recognize mental health as a need, so they do not provide any kind of therapy or treatment for those who become traumatized. Like many poor soldiers throughout American history Elias was there for the Clave when they needed his help but it that help was not reciprocated at the end. The only comfort he found was at the bottom of the bottle. It took Elias until he was already in his 40′s to start a family, and he has struggled with being able to take care of himself enough to act as a father to the two children he and Sona have already raised. Elias is 63. He is sad and tired, and struggling to keep a handle on his sobriety. This child was unplanned. I have read tweets that show he is at least trying to support Sona, but CC reveals he is questioning if or if not he can really do this a third time. If Sona dies there is no way Elias can raise this child himself. I won’t fault him if he makes that choice, it might be the most loving thing he can do.
   Who would adopt the little guy. Well the most common theory is that Alastair and Thomas would become his new dads. Now the family tree does suggest that both Alastair and Thomas are dads in the future. It also doesn’t list the names of either of their spouses (I am guessing neither had wives) so their is nothing to suggest that they do not live together raising a group of adopted children. Given the way the Cave feels about homosexual parents that could also be why Jem “lost” the records. I will not deny Thomstair becoming adopted parents is plausible, but I am not completely sure that baby Carstaris is who they will adopt. Babies are hard, they are a lot of work, and I am not convinced either Alastair or Thomas will be up to it. Look at Alastair. He is not exactly in a good place at the start of COI, and whenever fans ask CC if Alastair will make any friends she always reply that he won’t until he learns how to speak nicely to people and to be there for them when they need him. Honestly that is a thing he struggles with. He obviously loves Cordelia, but he totally pulled an  Queen Elsa on her where he shut the door and shut her out for roughly 7 years of their lives, leaving her as alone as Anna was. He claims to have loved Charles but the pair spend most of COG arguing because Alastair wants Charles to spend all his time with him and Charles is struggling to balance his promotion, his public reputation, and Alastair (Important I am not saying it was wrong for Alastair to be upset about Charles engagements or to break up with him. I am just saying it seems like Charles did try to see Alastair as much as he could, and Alastair trying to pin all his emotional needs on one person, who already had so much going on, was unfair). On Thomas side well lets just say he has a lot of mixed up and complicated feeling of his own he needs to work out before he will be able to be in a healthy relationship let alone raise a child.
  If Thomstair aren’t able to take care of Baby Carstairs I bet I know a long time married, long time Carstairs loving couple, who would be happy to take the little guy in and have enough resources, experience, and love to give him a great life. Hey in the future Tessa says she has kept watch over three families: the Herondales, the Carstairs, and the Blackthorns. The Herondales and the Blackthorns are her and Will’s grandchildren. If she were watching the Carstairs because they were once her friends wouldn’t she also watch out for the Fairchilds and Lightwoods?
Blackthorn Babies with Mundane and Shadowhunter mommies and daddies
  (Okay this is one will involve some hopping around and several references to the family tree, so stay with me people, stay with me.) We aleady know Jem made some changes to this line. Lucie is not 12, she is 16. Tatiana is probably not going to live another 15 years. Also the tree said that Jesse dies 59, yet he actually died at 17. But future wife Lucie wants to resurrect him... which is highly illegal and should she be successful she will probably face terrible repercussions. Jesse also might not be able to live as a shadowhunter after being brought back. So even if we don’t want it, for the sake of this theory lets assume that upon Jesse’s resurrection both he and Lucie are banished and become a mundane pianist and writer. Let’s assume they also get married and have children. In order for the TDA Blackthorns to be shadowhunters at least one of Jucie’s kids would have to become a shadowhunter and move to the shadow world. I feel like Luce and Jesse would be willing to let their kids go in that case. That was all Jesse wanted growing up and Lucie is Will’s daughter. The children would just need someone they could stay with.
  Now lets hop to the Lightwood family line. According to the tree Christopher and Grace get married (Grace is also listed as a Cartwright so was her adoption overturned and she rejoined her bio family?) and continue the Lightwood line down to TMI. Grace and Christopher are set up to bond  (over science) and many fans are willing to believe that they are an endgame ship. But fans are also doubting that they are the ancestors of the TMI lightwoods.  For one thing Christopher is heavily coded to be asexual; and Grace herself seems to have a very.... twisted and warped view of physical acts. So now lets say Grace is somehow saved from punishment over Jesse’s resurrection or because of her past trauma is given a lighter sentence. Lets say Gracetopher really do get married. if they got married they probably will apt out of having children; at least biological children.
   Christopher has a younger brother , Alexander Lightwood, who seems like a much more likely candidate to continue his family line. Alex has been noted to have those dark blue eyes that while once a Herondale trait later become a Lightwood trait. He shares a first name one of TMI’s most prominent characters, and that is just about the only way baby Alex could have relevance to the story given that he is way to young to help out in the war. If Alexander Lightwood the first is one who carried on the Lightwood line why are his descendants listed under his brother and sister in laws names?
   Well way back before the CC launched TLH I remember her posting a tweet that said Grace could become an ancestor of either the Herondale or the Blackthorn line. This upset a lot of people who thought that it meant that Grace may have a baby with either James or Jesse. (No, just NO!!!) But what if instead of Grace having a baby with Jesse, She and Christopher adopt one of Jesse and Lucie’s babies so that that baby could be raised as a shadowhunter? I could see Grace and Christopher doing do: they each love one of the respective parents and are set get to know the other. The only good thing about Tatiana adopting Grace was she got Jesse as a brother. Should she ever recover from having Tatiana as an adoptive mother I could see her becoming very critical of other adoptions and refusing to allow Jesse’s children to potentially end up like she did. I am in love with a head cannon I have that Christopher will become a science professor at the academy. If Lucie and Jesse have to leave the shadow world, and they have to give up their children then I want to imagine that child living in Malec’s future academy suit with Shadowhunter mommy and daddy Gracetopher while they secretly get gifts and send letters to their mundane mommy and daddy Juice. (It is the least CC can do for the pain reading about that potential exile would cause me.)
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julieandthefandoms · 4 years
More Fanfiction Links
So, apparently I hit a link limit on my previous post about fanfic links, and in order to remedy that, I’ll be creating this separate list in order to link more fanfics. I’ll also be continuing to add to this current list until I hit the 100 link limit again (because clearly I don’t learn), so it’ll change relatively often. 
If you haven’t seen it already, the first post is here, and has a little under 100 fanfics, and I apologize if there are any repeats. I will be relinking my own fics and the ongoing ones for any of you are interested, so yeah.
I will also be marking AUs by putting the AU they’re set in parenthesis, and marking one-shots or chaptered fics by placing an asterisk (*) by the chaptered ones. In unspecified sections, the ships/characters involved in the tory will be listed in italic. Side note, all of the following fics besides the ones in the Pine With Me section are completed, so there’s no need to worry about the completion status of the fics. Now, I have read all of these, so if anyone wants to scream about any of these with me, I got you ;)
(Fair warning, the majority of these are TDA/TLH fics... mostly because I’m rereading TDA and drowning in feelings.) 
Matthew Angst
Entreat me not to leave thee by thelandunderthehilll
Runaway by themostawesomehuman/chris-top-her-lightwood
Untitled Matthew Fanfic by lily-chen-deserves-better
The Boy and the Door by themostawesomehuman Math and Owen
Blackdale/Thorndale/Jesse x Lucie/Whatever You Call Them
Untitled Blackdale by zzoyalantsov
“Don’t Ask Me How I’ve Been” by lily-chen-deserves-better
Explorations in cooking and kissing by UpsideDownCats
Untitled Blackdale by sparow
Platonic Family Shenanigans/Fluff
“Let me guess, there’s a dead body in the closet” by lily-chen-deserves-better Thomas and Lucie
Parental Differences by affectionatelyyy Jessa family
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25431358 or here 
Max and Rafe QSA Fic by ti-bae-rius Max and Rafe
Paralleled by immortal-enemies Ash and Kit
Untitled Heronchild by lucieblckthorn Matthew and James
Be Wise Enough to Wonder. Be brave and let it go. By Ineedadrinkorsleep Mark and Helen 
“You Smell Nice” by lucieblckthorn
The Worst Things in Life Come Free to Us by zzoyalantsov
Untitled Math/Cordelia by thelandunderthehilll
Untitled Math/Cordelia by emablckthorn
Wait before you go by immyownghostwriter
Untitled Thomastair by ti-bae-rius
Untitled Thomastair by cordeliacarstairs1989writesstuff (Linking chapter 2; chapter 1 is linked in the post)
Braver by mysilverwords/thomaslightwood
Untitled Arianna by shadowhuntersshadow-world
Poets by ashesandhoney
Untitled Gabrily Fic by Inej-in-the-shadows
”Imagine Muse B of your OTP buying Grand Theft Auto 5 and playing it every single day. Muse A doesn’t like all the violence and swearing, but after playing online with a couple of other friends, gets hooked too” by ti-bae-rius 
As Long As I’m With You by fieryfantasybooklover Haline, Kitty, and Jemma
To Love by lily-chen-deserves-better Assorted TDA Ships (Fun Story: This Was Made To Piss Off a Homophobe) 
Not Unlike a Fairy Tale by fieryfantasybooklover Thomastair, Cordelia, Arianna
*Untitled Kierartina by thelandunderthehilll (chapters 1-4 listed at the bottom of the post)
Untitled Kierartina by thelandunderthehilll
The Lucky Ones by Ineedadrinkorsleep 
Sweet Dreams by thelandunderthehilll
Untitled Kierartina (Mark’s POV of why he left to save Kieran) by thelandunderthehilll
Hold Me Tight While You Wait by heronthxrns
*all my broken heartbeats by laylacarstairs
Kitty and Vine References by tsc-living
I loved you before you even came into this world by lihtwood
Thinkin’ about you by lihtwood
I don’t miss you at all by lihtwood
Begin Again by bobmcjoe
Kit Herondale: Medium Extraordinarie by rosesareredvioletsareblue
Wherever I go, you bring me home by booksandbeanbags
There’s nothing to be afraid of by Ineedadrinkorsleep
Ty’s letter to Kit during TWP by Ineedadrinkorsleep
The one thing you can never do by Ineedadrinkorsleep 
When No one’s watching by Ineedadrinkorsleep
Blanket Forts and Bad Days by ti-bae-rius
*Chance Encounter by ti-bae-rius
*I’m In Love Without You by bluesxrgent 
you make it easy by thankyouforexisting
The Bet (or: Team Rosales-Blackthorn are losers) (or: Disregard the previous statement; Team Carstairs-Blackthorn is the worst) by KallistoGray
Follow my Lead by HPfanonezillion
aut inveniam viam aut faciam by helenblqckthorn
Challenge the Default by elliptical
Helpless by RoseHerondale
Fire and Flood by fairchild-squad
(A Kitty AU Subsection because this is getting too long)
I wonder if you look both ways before you cross my mind by lihtwood (Kit Never Left AU)
Listen To Your Heart by tyherondaletrash (Quarantine AU)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23986390 or here 
Wayward Presence by Adoravel_Fenomeno (High School AU)
“I told my sister I have a boyfriend so she’d stop trying to set me up with people but now she’s coming to visit and I’m in too deep and I need a fake boyf ASAP” by ti-bae-rius (Modern AU)
*Soulmate AU by ti-bae-rius (Soulmate AU)
Part 1: https://ti-bae-rius.tumblr.com/post/179216171251/soulmate-au-kitty-part-1-of-2-based-on-the
Part 2: https://ti-bae-rius.tumblr.com/post/179216179081/soulmate-au-kitty-part-2-of-2
Highschool Kitty AU by ti-bae-rius (High School AU)
Living out a life of royalty by Adoravel_Fenomeno (Kitty Faerie AU)
Eyes are the Windows to the Soul by orphan_account (Soulmate AU)
Summertime by Adoravel_Fenomeno (Childhood Friends AU)
On the wheel that winds on forever by Adoravel_Fenomeno (Fallen Angel AU)
The art of letting go by Adoravel_Fenomeno (Artist/Muse Fake Dating AU)
Like I’m Gonna Lose You by lily-chen-deserves-better
“It’s 3 in the morning” by Thomastair
Don’t let those basterds get you down by Ineedadrinkorsleep
“I tried to rescue you from being mugged but instead I got knocked out and you had to take me to the hospital after having your wallet stolen” by ti-bae-rius (Modern AU)
Dance with me? by ti-bae-rius
Pine With Me (Ongoing Fics)
*You’re my rock, my colorado by lihtwood (Brooklyn 99 Kitty AU)
*Popsicle Stick Homes and Construction Paper Hearts by GinnyRose (Thomastair Modern AU)
*A Last Chance by CrimzieLightwood (Thomastair)
*time to dance on sorrows by fairchild-squad (Time Travel AU)
*new blooms by fairchild-squad (Blackdale Flower Shop AU)
*The Sibling Matchmakers Club by affectionatelyyy (A Herongraystairs Parent Trap AU)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25601440 or here
Extremely Well Written Pieces That Make My Heart Hurt
For better or for worse, I am alive by Ineedadrinkorsleep Kit Herondale
I used to say there’s no such thing as we by Ineedadrinkorsleep Ty Blackthorn
Some Of My Own Work 
If Crazy=Genius, The Herondales, Fairchilds, Blackthorns, and Carstairs Would Have 162 IQ by TimeToTravel Jordelia, Thomastair, Jessa, and Blackdale
What Is And What Should Never Be by TimeToTravel Jordelia and Thomastair
Maybe There’s Something There That Wasn’t There Before by TimeToTravel Jordelia and Thomastair
Days Past: Paris 1902 by TimeToTravel Thomastair
Either: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24015850 or here
Bring Back What Once Was Mine by TimeToTravel Blackdale
Heaven and Hell by TimeToTravel Grace and Christopher
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24192601 or here
Free To Be You And Me by TimeToTravel Arianna
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24466879 or here
We’ll Meet Again by TimeToTravel (Herongraystairs Supernatural and TSC epic crossover) 
Breeding Cannibal Ducks by TimeToTravel Platonic Heronstairs
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24761302 or here
Idris Weekly: The Millionaire Murder by TimeToTravel and LivingInTheNever (Blackdale Detective AU) 
A Perfect Day by TimeToTravel Blackdale
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24919912 or here
Best Day of Our Lives by TimeToTravel Kitty, Heline, Kierartine, and Jemma
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25737559 or here
This was quite long, so I’m just going to leave the key here again:
* = multi-chaptered fics 
(Parenthesis) = AU
If in a non ship subsection: 
Italics = ships/characters in story
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malecsecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas, skylar102!
For @skylar102. I was overjoyed to see your likes included crack fic - which is exactly what I bring you this Christmas. You may recognise the concept and some of the scenes chosen for this fic. What can I say? You’re a very inspiring person!I hope I did the idea justice and that you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! <3 Much love,Your Secret Santa <3
Read On AO3
Alec Lightwood: The Musical
Rolling drums accompanied him as he ran down the corridor, the sounds of woodwind and strings building as he drew closer to the doorway where he’d heard the commotion. The music drew him in and honed his focus, preparing him for the fight ahead. He strode through the doorway to find an unknown Warlock fending off a Circle member.
The Warlock was tall, almost as tall as Alec. Slender, with figure hugging clothing that hinted at the strong physique beneath. His hair was styled tall and striking, his outfit designed to draw attention. Clearly it was working, as Alec sucked in a shuddering breath. He couldn’t quite explain what he was feeling, but now wasn’t the time to let emotions cloud his judgement.
At that moment, the music broke, a scratching interlude cutting through the air and causing him to wince slightly before giving way to a new song. Alec narrowed his eyes, focussing his stare up at the corner of the room as if he could glare the speakers into submission. As if there were actual speakers there. He sighed and tried to block out the beeping and clapping, focussing instead on the Circle member in front of him.
He scoffed slightly, the arrogant Shadowhunter forgetting all his training in favour of taunting a warlock and not even noticing Alec was there. His limp grip on his seraph blade designed to look intimidating rather than actually being deadly as he waved it mockingly in front of his foe. Holding back an eye roll, Alec raised his bow, taking careful aim and loosing an arrow straight at the man’s heart.
Or he would have had the insipid voice echoing in the room not started moaning in a frankly inappropriate way, distracting him.
You got me trippin', stumblin', flippin', fumblin'
Clumsy 'cause I'm fallin' in love (in love)
This wasn’t a song he knew. Usually, in moments like this, whatever higher power decided to curse him with a personal playlist at least chose swelling instrumentals, epic and strong in their crescendos, that helped him focus on the fight - like the song that had been rudely interrupted by… Well, this. Today, apparently someone wanted to taunt him with the kind of music Izzy liked to dance around her room to.
He snapped back to attention as the Circle member yelled in pain, Alec’s arrow piercing his thigh instead. It wasn’t a lethal shot but at least it was enough to drop him to his knees, clutching the wound in agony and cutting off his frankly tedious monologue.
The warlock conjured a ball of electric blue energy, circling his hands to shape it before pushing it forwards into the rogue Shadowhunter, his shoulders flexing elegantly under the patterned material of his jacket. The circle member collapsed backwards, completely incapacitated or possibly even dead.
“Well done.” Alec almost immediately chastised himself internally for the dumb statement. As if a powerful warlock couldn’t take down a wounded Shadowhunter with ease.
Can't breathe, when you touch my sleeve
Butterflies so crazy, ummm, ummm
Whoa now? Think I'm goin' down
Friends don't know what's with me, mmm, mmm
“More like medium rare,” the Warlock responded, turning to face Alec. “I’m Magnus, I don’t think we've been formally introduced?”
The way Magnus’ body swayed as he made his way over to Alec could only be described as a saunter. Every part of his body moving in sync, like each step forward was part of a carefully choreographed, sensual dance. His warm brown eyes scanning Alec up and down, making Alec’s blood feel like lava coursing through his veins.
“Alec,” he stuttered out, cursing his own ineloquence. “Uh, we, should, uh, really, uh, probably, get, uh, you know.” He knew his face would be plastered with a dopey smile. He tried to focus on the mission, remembering all his Shadowhunter training and not let himself be distracted by how handsome Magnus was.
“We should join the party,” Magnus replied kindly, taking sympathy on Alec’s inarticulate stumbling.
You got me slippin', tumblin', sinkin', fumblin'
Clumsy 'cause I'm fallin' in love (in love)
Moscow Symphony Orchestra - The Charge of the Light Brigade
Fergie - Clumsy
Alec fought to steady his breathing, schooling his features into as close to a smile as he could manage. This was supposed to be a happy occasion after all, he was marrying a good match. A woman of strong standing with the Clave, a woman who would help him restore his family’s name and lead the New York Institute to greatness.
The delicate instrumental that flowed around him was more sombre than your average wedding choice, but the music that had followed him for as long as he could remember was always in tune to his feelings as well as the wider situation. No one could ever explain where the sounds came from, no one else could hear them but he had his own radio station that followed him everywhere he went.
To his side, Brother Zachariah finished the traditional introduction. ‘No turning back now,’ he thought grimly, dragging in a deep breath. Lydia gripped her stele, reaching out to touch the tip to the ceremonial adamas block with a small smile tracing her lips. A smile that actually managed to reach her eyes. Alec supposed this was less of a compromise for her at least - she wasn’t hiding herself for the sake of a marriage. Objectively, he could see that she was beautiful. The dress hugged her lithe figure perfectly, her hair elegantly braided into an intricate style. But his observation was purely theoretical, based on appearances only with no deeper meaning behind them. It was like observing an exhibition in an art gallery or appreciating the orchestral chords currently filling his ears. He could recognise the grace and the skill, he could appreciate how other people would form a deep emotional connection, but for him it went no deeper than that.
Taking his hand, Lydia brought the glowing tip of the stele to his wrist to trace the wedded union rune when Alec’s head jerked up. At that moment the door slammed open in the distance, causing everyone else to look up in unison. A fraction of a second later, Magnus Bane appeared in the archway, halting in the middle of the aisle that Alec’s bride had not long since walked down.
Simultaneously, the instrumental had come to a stuttering halt only to be replaced by jarring guitar riffs and sirens.
And I'm glad I crashed the wedding
It's better than regretting
I could have been a loser kid
Who ran away and hid
But it's the best thing that I ever did
If Alec jumped in response, it was at least masked by the distraction Magnus Bane had caused.
Magnus held his head high, focussing his gaze on Alec. Alec felt his heart pound in his chest. In his periphery, he heard his mother speak out but her words were lost to the beat of the song filling the room for only his ears. His siblings were having a hushed conversation behind him, but all Alec could focus on was the warlock standing before him. Dressed impeccably as always, his hair swept high with just a hint of magenta glinting in the tips, his eyes lined with his customary makeup. This. This was what Alec was meant to feel when he looked at Lydia. The steady beat of his pulse, sure and certain. The thrum of electricity that vibrated across every inch of his skin. The way his breath caught in his throat. The sheer force of attraction.
His mom was stalking up the aisle towards the warlock, the set of her shoulders displaying just how angry the intrusion had made her. Magnus merely raised his hand, halting her in her lecture and moving further towards Alec. The display of determination and power frayed at the last of Alec’s resolve. Both Jace and Lydia were reaching out to him with words of support and encouragement. Lydia’s smile was wide but no longer touching her eyes as she tried to capture his attention.
“Alec, hey, Alec,” she leaned towards him, trying to angle herself into his eye line causing him to finally look away from Magnus.
“I- I can’t breathe.” He admitted. The bowtie knotted at his throat suddenly felt suffocating to him.
“I know, it’s ok,” she reassured, her voice soft but certain even over the crashing pop-punk that still assaulted his senses.
'Cause true love lasts forever
And now we're back together
As if he never met her
So looking back
I'm glad I crashed the wedding
“I can’t do this,” he admitted. “I thought we were doing the right thing but this isn’t it.” His words came out rushed, his breath constricting in his throat. He tried to keep his panic at bay but he felt trapped, surrounded by his family, his colleagues and clave delegates a like. There were too many people here expecting too much of him but he couldn’t go through with this.
“You don’t have to explain,” Lydia pursed her lips together.
“Lydia I’m sorry.”
“Hey, you deserve to be happy.” She reached out to cup his cheek, reassuring him with a soft smile. “OK? I’ll be fine.”
He could feel guilty about this later, find a way to make it up to her. Even though he knew deep down that he wasn’t just freeing himself from a future that wouldn’t make him happy, he was also freeing her.
He turned and scanned the room before his eyes settled on the one person that truly mattered in this situation, the one person who made whatever battles he was about to face feel manageable. It might be ridiculous, he might barely know Magnus but still, something told him this was a risk worth taking. He stepped down from the altar, putting a physical distance between himself and the ceremony he’d almost gone through with.
Magnus made no move, no indication of his intentions. Alec gulped, realising this was his move to make. He’d pushed the Warlock away so many times, ignoring their obvious chemistry. Now he had to be the one to make the next move.
Resolved, he pushed forward, long strides carrying him swiftly up the aisle. He saw his mom making her way towards him but he brushed past her, focussed only on the man in front of him.
He grabbed Magnus by the lapels of his jacket, pulling him in close and pressed their lips together. Ignoring everyone around him he focussed on this moment, their first kiss. The first of many he hoped. He felt the tension leave his body as Magnus’ lips moved against his. Around him the lyrics continued to echo, cementing in his mind that he’d made the right choice.
'Cause true love lasts forever (true love lasts forever)
Chopin - Piano Sonata No. 2 in B Flat Minor
Busted - Crashed the Wedding
Alec knew that Max wasn’t the only person he loved who he could lose that day but the relief that his baby brother was alive, talking and already focussed on catching the bad guy was overwhelming. The moment was accentuated by a hum of soft piano music, hopeful notes filled with joy and family and love - a delicate yet mellow melody.
As Magnus made his excuses and turned to leave, the notes of the piano seemed to follow him, an air of yearning filling the room, a cloud threatening to overshadow Alec’s momentary relief. Izzy made eye contact with him, her pointed stare spurring Alec into action. With a sigh, he gave Max one last reassuring pat on the shoulder and followed Magnus from the room.
Magnus was still in the corridor, shoulders slumped and back to Alec. As had happened so often since meeting Magnus, the piano instrumental that had been moving through the day with him stuttered to a stop, almost as if someone had slammed down on the keys. Alec fought back the surprise, knowing that his relationship with Magnus needed to be the priority now. Knowing that he needed to reinforce to Magnus just how much he loved him, how serious he was about their relationship and building a better future for the entire Shadow World.
Magnus knew about his ‘condition’. He’d had no choice but to explain after a particularly ill timed joke from whatever decided his private torture for him. What should have been an intimate and emotional step in their relationship had been interrupted by Alec’s scowl as a crooning voice sang out “let’s get it on,” distracting him from his mission to divest Magnus of his clothes. It had coincided with the reveal of Magnus’ Warlock mark which had obviously not helped the tension in the room at all. Once Alec had explained rather awkwardly, Magnus had been understanding, if a little confused and they had managed to get things back on track. Magnus had even summoned a record player into the bedroom so they could share their first time together, in every way.
But even despite Magnus understanding, Alec was determined to focus on this conversation, determined to right the wrongs. They’d stumbled over communication and he wasn’t going to allow that to continue. He clasped his hands tightly behind his back, standing tall in parade rest trying to focus only on the man in front of him.
Please, tell me everything
That you think that I should know
“Thank you, so much, for being here,” Alec stumbled out. It wasn’t what he had meant to say. But it was still sincere. He still was grateful that despite all the drama surrounding their lives, Magnus was still kind enough to be here, to try to help in whatever way he could.
Magnus’s response was equally sincere, even if it felt like a brush off as he couldn’t meet Alec’s eyes as he wished Max well. As Magnus turned to leave, Alec realised this was his only chance to try to recover whatever they had.
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out. Blunt and to the point, but again, his tone (he hoped) conveyed the sincerity he felt in every bone in his body. Magnus paused but didn’t turn. Fists clenching by his side, Alec continued “I should have told you about the soul sword.”
It's just for show, isn't it?
It's my fault that it fell apart
The catchy guitar riffs really weren’t helping him concentrate. And the lyrics, the lyrics needled at his every insecurity. By the Angel, if he ever worked out who was responsible for this ‘gift’ as the Silent Brothers put it, he would personally run them through with a seraph blade. Even Raziel himself would feel Alec’s wrath if that’s what it took. He needed the music to shut the hell up. He needed Magnus to turn around and tell him it was OK. He just needed this to be OK. Maybe if he admitted to his mistake, maybe they would have a shot at working it out.
Magnus turned to him though with such hatred in his eyes. He had finally made eye contact at least. Something which felt like it should have been an achievement but there was not even a hint of the love they had shared in those eyes.
Alec reached out, desperate and voice low, “You and me, we always seem to find our way back to each other.” He reached out and gripped at Magnus’ wrist as if hoping that he could push every single ounce of love he felt for Magnus, every bit of his apology, through that single point of contact.
“Magnus, I love you.”
Well, maybe you need this
And I didn't mean to lead you on
The nasally, pre-pubescent voice continued to grate at him even as he desperately declared his love for the man in front of him. Magnus’ expression softened. It was only a slight shift but it brought Alec a brief glint of hope that maybe this could be OK. Magnus reached up and rested his hand on Alec’s cheek, normally a sign of affection. Alec leaned into the touch as Magnus responded in kind, “I love you too.”
You were everything I wanted
But I just can't finish what I've started
There's no room left here on my back
It was damaged long ago
“But…” Magnus continued, grimacing slightly and sucking in a deep breath, “as a leader, there are difficult decisions I must make to ensure the survival of my people.”
Alec shuffled from foot to foot, searching Magnus’ eyes for any sign that he had completely misheard this. Surely the incessant guitar riffs had addled his brain, this couldn’t be happening? Could it?
Though you swear that you are true
I'd still pick my friends over you
“The only thing holding me back from doing that…” Magnus continued, looking down at the floor, “is you.”
“No.” Alec begged, fighting his stoic Shadowhunter nature. This couldn’t be happening. They could make this right. They could make this work. “We can figure this out.” He had complete conviction in that at least.
“You once asked me what I was afraid of,” tears had formed in the corners of Magnus’ eyes as he looked up at Alec. “It’s this.”
Magnus turned sharply and walked towards the elevator leaving Alec alone once more, the lyrics still echoing mockingly through the corridor, for Alec at least.
Though you swear that you are true
I'd still pick my friends over you
Jordan Rudess - The Answer Lies Within
Marvin Gaye - Let’s Get It On
New Found Glory - My Friends Over You
Alec paced the ops center, grateful for Izzy and Magnus’ presence even if he still felt entirely helpless. It didn’t help that the demons that had been previously swarming the city had vanished without a trace giving him nothing in New York to distract him.
Sending Jace to Lake Lyn with only Clary for back up had been a truly terrible idea. The distance made the emotions and understanding he could normally get through the parabatai bond fuzzy at best. He knew Jace was feeling unusually stressed, that much at least was evident.
This was slightly concerning for Alec. His parabatai was normally reasonably cool under pressure, thriving on the adrenaline that usually translated to excitement pulsing through the bond. When they went on missions together, Jace’s high energy would counteract Alec’s over-cautious nature, the two of them cancelling out each other’s extreme emotions to neutralise into a collected state of deadly precision.
Whatever was happening at Lake Lyn, clearly it was enough to even rattle Jace. He pushed through the bond further, trying to glean anything more concrete than the tension that currently nudged gently at him. In the background, ominous string music drifted through the room, juddering and foreboding. It was distant enough that it didn’t distract Alec from staring at the comms screen in front of him but it was just alarming enough to have him hovering on the edge of breaking down.
As time progressed his anxiety only grew. He’d ‘opened’ the parabatai bond further than he ever had before, allowing as much reassurance to flow through, but also allowing himself to tug at his parabatai for anything Jace could offer, be it a call for help or reassuring emotions. The more he opened it, the more intense the strings got, increasing in both tempo and volume, like an approaching army ready for battle.
He gripped tight on the edge of the table, the comms room long since empty of anyone but his sister and his ex-boyfriend. He’d snapped at enough of the Shadowhunters on duty that everyone realised it was better to give him a wide berth this evening. There was still no sign of demonic activity in the city and worse, no word from Jace and Clary.
Mmm, what'd you say?
His knees buckled as the voice rang out from nowhere, pain coursing through his body. A white-hot, searing heat emanating from his heart and being pumped through his veins. His parabatai rune pulsed under his flesh, the light graze of his cotton t-shirt feeling like the drag of sandpaper against the sensitive flesh. He pulled his shirt up, watching as the black rune faded to an angry red, then a barely there pink.
Mmm, that you only meant well?
An ethereal voice, distorted and haunting filled the room chilling him to the bone as image after image of his life with Jace flashed in front of his eyes.
The first day they’d met, Alec firing an arrow that just barely missed teenage Jace. The wide eyed stare the blonde boy had given him across the training room was as piercing now as it was when he had first been on the receiving end of it.
Well, of course you did
His arms barely held him up as he scrunched his face up trying to escape both the pain ravaging his body and the onslaught of memories.
Blue flames circled round them, as they gripped each other’s arms, reciting the ceremonial words. Back then Jace had been it for Alec, his entire life wrapped up in what he thought was unrequited love. At the time, Alec had pushed through with the ceremony, despite his doubts, because he thought it was the only way he could ever be close to Jace, the best way to keep Jace by his side. Now he realised, parabatai bond or no, Jace was his brother in all but blood. His teenage crush was just that, a crush. His own confusion around his sexuality manifesting itself against the closest friend he had.
Mmm, what'd you say?
His world was crumbling around him, he felt something solid against his head before his body hit the cool, hard floor.
Jace pulling him tight to him. The soft glow of Magnus’ loft surrounding them. The palpable relief that they’d found his brother, his parabatai, his best friend.
Mmm, that it's all for the best?
Arms cradled him in the present day, against the overwhelming swell of fear and anguish he felt he could almost pretend that this was Jace’s embrace. But he knew the truth. Deep down he knew, Jace was gone.
His breath came in dry, heaving sobs. It took him a few moments to realise that the physical sensations were gone. The pain that he had felt faded to nothing, not even a dull ache that normally followed an iratze. His body felt completely fine. His heart… That was another story.
Lifting his shirt once more, he saw nothing but clear skin where once his parabatai rune had been.
Of course it is
Jeff Wayne - War of the Worlds (Instrumental)
Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek
Alec fumbled at the buttons of his grey shirt, checking his reflection in the mirror. Normally he wouldn't care about his appearance but today was an important day. He needed to make sure he looked his best for this evening and he had no guarantees that he’d have time after his meetings to come back and change. His movements were accompanied by that annoyingly catchy, synth heavy pop song again. He had to fight not to hum along.
We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
Behind him, Magnus sat propped up in their bed at the Institute. Hair soft and falling gently against his forehead in the morning light. He held the New York Times in front of him, scanning the property listings and reading out anything that could be exciting for them. Planning for their future.
Realistically this should be reassuring to hear, that he wasn’t the only one who was in this for the long haul. But Alec’s insecurities were deep-seated and hard to budge. Yes, Magnus might want to live with him, but to commit to a lifetime together? That was harder to believe.
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
He tried his best to hide his nerves and focus on the information his boyfriend was giving him but Magnus knew him too well.
“Alexander?” Magnus asked, voice tinged with concern.
“Yeah, yeah that sounds great.” Truth be told, Alec had no idea what the apartment Magnus had described was like. Or it could have been a townhouse? Possibly an open plan loft come to think of it?
“Is something wrong?”
Only that I want to marry you and there’s this damn song playing on a loop every time I think about it...
At the simple question panic swelled in Alec. Spinning to face Magnus, “What, no. On the contrary, everything is perfect. Now that you’re back to your old self,” he gestured at Magnus. His smile felt anything but genuine and his tone falsely cheery. He bit back a grimace at his terrible acting skills.
“Well, let’s not get carried away,” Magnus murmured, stretching to reach the coffee mug by his side, eyes downcast.
“I just mean now that you're healthy,” Alec clarified, not missing the slight derogatory quirk of Magnus’ eyebrow over the rim of his mug.
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching but
You're too shy to say it
Inside we both know what's been going on
We know the game, and we're gonna play it
“So I was thinking we could have dinner tonight, on the balcony?” He changed the subject rapidly. Spilling out the details of his date night plan before he lost his nerve entirely. “The view of the city, the head chef can prepare something special.” He tugged at the cuff of his shirt, tweaking the folds where it was rolled up against his forearm.
“How romantic,” Magnus looked up at him, a barely there smile on his face but his eyes warm as they met Alec’s, “May I ask as to the occasion?”
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
“There’s no occasion, I just thought it would be nice,” Alec bluffed.
Magnus merely smiled and looked down at his hands, only a slight quirk to his eyebrow betraying his opinion on the matter.
“What? I can’t do something nice with my boyfriend?” Alec probed.
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
“I am one lucky man,” Magnus looked up at him with wide, brown eyes warm with affection.
“Not as lucky as I am,” Alec replied, fighting back the instinctual blush that still threatened to creep up his cheeks whenever he broached conversations of feelings.
“OK, I’ll see you tonight at 8 o’clock,” he confirmed, pressing a kiss to Magnus’ cheek before heading for the door.
“I’ll be there with bells on,” Magnus’ answer was almost lost to the pop beats still bouncing around the room and assaulting Alec’s ears as he closed the door behind him.
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
The couple moved slowly together drifting in gentle circles, Magnus’ chin resting gently on Alec’s shoulder, a hand warm on his lower back. Around them, their family and friends watched on as they celebrated the love they shared.
Alec felt elated - just a few short months ago he wouldn’t have believed it was possible to feel this light, to feel this free. In that time he’d met (and now married) the most incredible, magical man; they’d defeated Valentine; brought down the Circle; taken down Asmodeus; defeated Jonathon and Lillith; and somehow made it through it all stronger and happier than ever.
Magnus’ hand tightened slightly at his back, causing him to check in with the Warlock in his arms, “I’m not stepping on your feet am I?”
“How could you be? I’m walking on air.” Alec could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke. They’d got so used to the undercurrent of stress that punctuated their lives and somehow managed to bleed into even the most private moments of their relationship at times, the ability to just live in the moment was liberating.
“I’m confused though,” Magnus continued. “I thought we settled on ‘What a wonderful world’ for our first dance. Did you change the music?”
Alec stepped back, not breaking their hold but just positioning himself so he could see Magnus’ face. “You hear it too?”
I want to see that sweet smile
All of the time
And if I get you a drink, oh
You know I'll squeeze your lime
“I don’t even know what this is?” Magnus asked in confusion, tilting his head to listen closer to the strumming of the ukulele and the high pitched lilt of the woman’s voice.
“Neither do I,” Alec said, grinning in spite of the confusion. This had never happened before, not even Jace had ever heard what he heard and they, for all intents and purposes, shared a soul through their parabatai bond. “If you listen carefully, you can still hear our actual wedding song in the background. It just takes some practice to filter through to it,” he explained.
I wanna buy you things
I wanna make you laugh
When there's nowhere to sit
I'll let you sit on my lap
“Is this what it’s like all the time for you?” Magnus murmured as he pulled Alec back close to him.
“Not all the time. Only when you’re around. The rest of the time it tends to be more like elevator music or classical pieces.” The dainty, sweet sounds of the ukulele washed over him as they continued to dance to the song that only they could hear.
Like a cool breeze after a summer day
I see that smile and drift away
Little Mango
Mango my love
“Little Mango?” Magnus repeated, mischief colouring his voice.
Alec groaned and buried his head in the crook of his husband’s neck. “No. Just, no.”
“But surely this is fate’s way of telling me the perfect nickname for you?” Magnus teased back.
“This could actually be worse than pup,” Alec complained, silently cursing the whimsical lyrics for inspiring this. He prayed to Raziel that it wouldn’t stick.
When you take my hand and dance with me
There's nowhere else I'd rather be
Little Mango
Mango my love
In the end though, he wasn’t sure if he could deny his husband anything that brought such a beautiful smile to his face. After everything they’d been through together, Alec would do anything to keep the man by his side happy. Even if that meant succumbing to the nickname ‘Little Mango’.
Catey Shaw - Mango
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benkouji726 · 4 years
Five times Alex surprised Forrest and one time he didn’t
Final two Chapters! 
Not gonna lie. I literally cried when I finished this. And I vowed to myself that I’d NEVER write a multi chapter ever again.
But anyway, I FINISHED IT. I feel so proud of myself. Also, I now realize that I’m not a writer, like at all. To quote Mr Alec Lightwood-Bane, “I dabble”.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2 
Chapter 3  Chapter 4
Forrest’s lease was up in two weeks, and he hadn’t even tried to look for a new apartment yet.
Thing was, he and Alex were practically living together, they just spent their nights alternatively in his apartment or Alex’s house, depending on their work schedule or the mood.
Besides, Buffy OWNED that couch in Alex’s house at this point. No lie, anyone who wanted to sit on that couch needed to ask for her permission, Alex included.
But Alex hadn’t asked him yet. And he knew about the lease thing, Forrest made sure of it.
So here he was, blew off Alex’s dinner request and sat in wild pony, alone and miserable, just because he didn’t know if his boyfriend, who he had dated almost seven months now, wanted to take the next step with him or not. It was a little pathetic to be honest.
“Maybe I should just ask him”, he murmured to himself, needing the outspoken words to give himself courage.
“Ask him about what?” Isobel suddenly appeared to his left.
“Jesus”, he was startled, and a little bit embarrassed. He and Isobel were sort of friends now, but talking about boy problems with each other? They were so not there yet. So he deflected. “What are you doing here? I thought you and Greg were going out tonight.”
Isobel considered him for a moment, eyes insightful. Forrest sometimes felt like she could see right through him, it was unsettling to say the least. But she played along, dropping the topic.
“Gee, what are you and Alex? Teenage besties? You tell each other every little thing in your life now? Including who one’s brother goes out with on any given day?”
“Pretty much, yeah.” Forrest replied, deadpan, “What else would we talk about when we go to the bathroom together, hand in hand?”
Isobel snorted. “Well, Greg had to bail on me because his brother was feeling alone and insecure tonight because he said, and I quote, ‘it’s our six months anniversary and I planned the whole thing but he chose today of all days to blow off our date. Is he gonna dump me oh my dear brother?’”
Forrest frowned. “What are you talking about? Our six months anniversary was almost three weeks ago. We had a nice dinner, we exchanged gifts. Well, I gave him a gift, he gave some toy to Buffy, but you know, PRESENTS were involved.”
“Don’t look at me. All I know is that I’m here and Greg is there. When we could’ve been having a MUCH enjoyable time right now if not for your issues, no matter what they are.”
Forrest couldn’t help himself at that point.
“If he cared so much about me, why didn’t he want me to move in with him?”
Isobel froze at that. But she recovered quickly. “Are you sure you want to talk to me about this, Long? I’m sure our friendship is so not there yet.”
He KNEW this. He just didn’t care anymore. “Why not? It’s not everyday I can talk about my boyfriend issues to said boyfriend’s ex’s sister, is it?”
Isobel sighed. “When you put it that way, it’s almost like we’re family. So go ahead. But I gotta say, I don’t know why you’re so upset, it’s only been six months. It’s within reason that he didn’t ask you to move in, no?”
Forrest shook his head. “Normally I’d agree. But for the last month or so, we haven’t spent a single night apart. We’re either in my apartment or in his house. And the lease of my apartment is up in 2 weeks. He knew this, because I TOLD him last week, but instead of asking what my plans are, he changed the subject, rather smoothly I might add, but it was still a very abrupt move.”
He went quieter. “I haven’t gathered the courage to bring up the topic ever since. And it’s not only been six months, it’s six months and three weeks.”
“Well”, Isobel also went quieter. “I don’t know much about your relationship status. But I want to quote the thing you just said, you should ask him. And maybe sort out the whole different dates on the anniversary mess?”
Forrest stared. “You are absolutely no help.”
She drank his drink, patted him on the back, and left.
Really. No help at all.
When he parked in Alex’s driveway, Greg was already gone. Perhaps went to the ENJOYABLE TIME with Isobel. Which, eww.
He went in, using the key Alex gave him. (He had a key for god’s sake, didn’t that say something?) Buffy was lying on HER couch, not even spared a glance his way. So she took Alex’s side. Great.
Then he was met with candles and roses and wine and cold homemade meal, and a visibly upset and a little sad Alex.
OK if he was Buffy he would probably take Alex’s side too.
He felt guilty but also angry because he had done nothing he should feel guilty about, so he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.
“It’s not our six months anniversary.”
Alex looked confused. “What? It’s definitely six months since I kissed you and we went on our first date that night.”
Forrest was cold all of a sudden.
“Wait. I thought our first date was the paint ball date?”
Now Alex was the one looked guilty. “I don’t consider it the beginning of our relationship, because at that time, I hadn’t moved on from Guerin yet. But the night when I sang that song...”
“You mean that song you wrote for him, sang it in front of him, hoping he would take you back, but got rejected, that song? So what, you think our relationship only began after you knew he was no longer a possibility?”
Forrest never hated himself more in his whole life. He was being petty, he knew. And he was hurting the love of his life for being petty. But whatever’s said, couldn’t be unsaid.
Alex’s knuckles turned white from gripping the kitchen table. He said in a controlled voice. “I think our relationship began after I was sure I wanna move on. Yes, the reason I wanted to move on was because I thought there was no chance between me and Guerin anymore. And yes, if he had not walked out of that song, you and I might not have entered our relationship. But he did walk out, and I decided to try it with you. I’m glad I made that decision.”
He took a calming breath. But his voice shook a little at the end of his words. “You know all this. I’ve been nothing but honest with you. I told you my history with Guerin, you said you wanted to fight for us. What changed?”
His greedy heart was what changed, Forrest could at least admit this to himself. He had this constant fear, always looming somewhere deep in his heart, that if Guerin ever wanted to fight for Alex back, he would WIN.
He didn’t want to acknowledge that fear to Alex though, so he asked instead: “Why haven’t you asked me to move in with you? You knew my lease status.”
Something flicked through Alex’s eyes then, something like panic and afraid. But he was never one to avoid confrontation so he braced himself and said, “Because it’s a big step and I don’t think we’re there yet.”
Well if Forrest had ever thought he’d experienced the worst pain, he’d be wrong.
His voice was broken alongside his heart. “We’ve been living together for a month now, Alex, just in two places. I don’t understand, what more do we need to take the step? Where is this THERE?”
“I don’t know!” Alex seemed heartbroken too. Damn him. “Moving in together means we’re going steady. But I’m not steady and I can not offer steady at the moment!”
“What the fuck does that even mean?” Forrest was angry now, because what Alex said was just total bullshit. “You are the steadiest person I know! And I don’t know if you noticed, but we’ve been going steady for at least four months now!”
“Not that kind of steady!” Alex continued to not making any sense, “the kind of steady that I can share everything with you, that I know where I’d end up, that we’re having the safe and happy future we both want!”
“Wait, back up, what?” He was utterly lost. “What do you mean, end up? You told me you are very unlikely to get relocated. And after this term of your enlistment, you’ll get out and find a job here. And more importantly, what the fuck do you mean, safe? Why shouldn’t we be safe?” He didn’t want to touch the “share everything” part, not just yet.
Alex shut his eyes. “I can’t tell you that.”
So literally “can’t share everything” huh, well it hurt like a bitch.
To add salt to the wound, because he was apparently asking for pain at this point, he asked, “Is it about Guerin?”
Alex didn’t answer that. He just stood there, eyes teary and pleading.
“So let me get this straight. You can’t move in with me because you can’t promise that we’d have a future together because you may end up dead or something, and the reason you might be in trouble even danger some day is because you are doing something for Guerin, which you can’t tell me about.”
Alex still said nothing.
Forrest should just leave, take Buffy and never turn back. But he had been a pathetic loser for Alex since day one, so he asked a last question, he practically begged: “Is there a time frame of this thing you do for him? Because I can be patient.” He even tried a lighthearted smile, he failed spectacularly.
Alex seemed SHATTERED by that. But he still shook his head.
After that, there was nothing left to say.
Turned out, it was really easy to find a new apartment in Roswell, New Mexico.
He was writing a poem in Crashdown when Guerin showed up. He was writing a lot of poems these days since Alex and he had the argument the other day. (He hadn’t seen, talked to or heard from Alex for three weeks now, but he still refused to call it a breakup.)
So he was writing his poem and had every reason to ignore Guerin, even if he sat in the opposite seat of the booth, directly in front of him.
Guerin seemed he didn’t really want to be there either, because he cut to the chase rather quickly.
“Alex re-enlisted because he wanted to protect me and my family from the government agency that is hunting us.” He said in a rush, voice so quiet Forrest thought he must’ve misheard him.
“What?” No, that was not quite enough, “What the fuck?”
Guerin cursed under his breath. “You are not stupid and you are not slow. You understand perfectly what I said. So ask a question that has some meaning instead of just being dense.”
Fuck him. “Why are you hunted?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
Great. Time to leave.
“Wait!” Guerin half shouted, frustration evident in his voice, “Do you care more about this or do you want to know what type of trouble this could bring to Alex?”
He stilled. And sat back down.
Guerin pulled his hair, hard. “Honestly, I don’t know that either. But I know I would do everything in my power to prevent any type of danger heading his way.”
Forrest laughed, humorlessly. “No offense, but that does not assure me, like at all.”
“What do you want me to say?” Guerin was angry now, “The GOVERNMENT is hunting us. Alex was already involved, we couldn’t get him out now even if we tried. And honestly, he wouldn’t want to get out, he is stubborn like that, even if he’s now suffering from it.”
“Because he wants to protect you.”
���Because it’s the right thing to do!”
They glared at each other, both angry and hurt.
Guerin backed down first. “He wants to protect me, and my family, yes, that is a factor why he is doing this. But not the only factor. He also wants to create his own legacy, and really, it IS the right thing to do.”
Somehow, Forrest believed him. He didn’t like him, but he believed him.
“Why are you telling me this?” He needed to know.
Guerin looked like he’d rather die than say the next bit, but he still said it. “Like I said, he’s suffering, because he thought he lost you over this.”
He then stared right into Forrest eyes, as if daring him to look away. “And I could swallow a lot of things if it means he’d be happy, you of all people should understand this, shouldn’t you?”
He left Buffy with his cousin because he wanted to have an uninterrupted conversation with Alex. She wasn’t happy about it.
But when he stood in front of Alex’s door, he suddenly lost all words. He even lost the courage to KNOCK.
The last three weeks had been the most miserable days of his life. He was only keeping himself together (barely) by insisting to himself that it was only an argument, not a definite ending. He didn’t know what he’d do if Alex decided it was in fact done and over.
He didn’t know what he’d do if those three weeks would turn into the rest of his life.
Panic struck him all at once, and he was ready to turn around and flee, when the door opened and Alex stepped out.
And he looked terrible.
He was losing weight, eyes bloodshot, hair a mess. He looked exactly like Forrest when he looked in the mirror these days.
He had so many things to say, to apologize, to blame, to yell, to beg. But no words came out. He stepped forward, as if being pulled by some invisible force, and next thing he knew, he was clutching at Alex, totally engulfed by his embrace.
He vaguely thought about loosing his grip a bit because it was really too desperate, but he was also having a little trouble breathing from Alex’s tight hug, so he let it go.
He didn’t know how long they stood there and hugged the fuck out of each other, but by the time they sat down on Buffy’s couch, he felt like a new man already.
They were sitting side by side, not exactly touching, but Alex’s hand rested beside his, he only had to move a fraction so that their pinkies would touch.
He moved that fraction.
Alex looked down, to their now touching pinkies. He smiled, moved his hand even further to Forrest so all of their fingers entwined.
Then he said, ever so soft, “I missed you. I missed you so damn much.”
Forrest wanted to cry. He wanted to say it didn’t matter anymore. He didn’t want to know anything beyond the fact that he loved Alex and Alex loved him. He would be happy as long as he could have Alex by his side. He didn’t care about moving in or being steady. He just wanted Alex back.
But Alex surprised him by pulling him up and to the bedroom. There, in the corner, was a small bed.
A dog bed.
Forrest was speechless. Fear and hope clogging his throat.
“I purchased it the day you left after our fight”, so he thought of it as a fight, not a breakup either. They were both idiots. “I knew then I wanted you and Buffy to move in, but I thought I couldn’t have that. Like Guerin told you, we’re up against the government, I don’t even know if I can get an honorable discharge, I can’t promise you a bright future.”
He took a deep breath. “But now I want nothing more than to ask you to move in with me.”
He should be happy, he shouldn’t ask any questions anymore. But he just needed to.
“Why? What changed?”
Alex didn’t hesitate. “The last three weeks happened, and they changed how I see things.”
“I realized I couldn’t live without you. I also don’t want to.”
Forrest thought he could burst from all the love and happiness he felt at that moment.
Alex tightened his grip on Forrest’s hand, he was sweating a little, which meant he was nervous as fuck, and said in a tentative voice.
“I still can’t tell you what is it about Guerin and his family, not without his permission, or how long this hunting will continue, and I still can’t promise you I’ll be safe and sound for our future together. But I’m willing to fight teeth and nail so I’d come back to you, to our home.” His voice broke, “So will you move in with me?”
He had no choice but to say yes.
He proposed on a Saturday morning, when they were in bed, tangled up, changing smiles and kisses, after Alex told him the danger was no longer there and Guerin and his siblings were in the clear. He simply took out the ring he had bought three months ago, and asked.
“Marry me?”
And when Alex said yes, he wasn’t surprised at all.
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julemmaes · 4 years
C’mon, lick it // part two
Thomas Lightwood and Alastair Carstairs modern au
Everyone else, enjoy it!:)
Word count: 6,146
“I can’t believe those two are becoming old dudes.” Matthew sighed taped to Christopher’s side. They were in front of the entrance of James and Cordelia’s building ready to go and buy the noodles that the blond craved so much, but they had been there for more than five minutes and Thomas was beginning to suspect that soon they would all be going home.
“Leave them alone Math, they are not old.” Christopher replied yawning.
Thomas chuckled when he saw Matthew’s cautionary look, but he felt his eyelids heavy as well and in three seconds his mouth also opened wide and made a noisy sound.
“They just have a job that starts very early, unlike ours.” Lucie defended her brother and her best friend by trying to make it clear to Matthew that ordinary people with office jobs had to wake up at six, unlike people who worked in bars, like her and Math, who could go to sleep at the time the others were getting ready .
“About jobs that start very early.” Thomas intervened by smiling displeased, putting an arm around Alastair’s shoulders, who was rubbing his hands trying to warm up a bit. He found it ridiculous how his boyfriend so stubbornly refused to buy a pair of gloves.
“No. You’re not going anywhere.” Matthew snorted laughing, “And while I have not yet fully accepted your dyed blond there…” he continued nodding to Alastair with his chin, ‘It was just a phase.’ defended the guy, interrupting Math “…I would not want to stay alone with Mr. In Love and Miss. I Still Sleep With My Puppet. I could use real men.”
“The hell Math! It was supposed to be a secret!” Lucie whined, dodging Christopher who tried to stop her and hitting the boy on the shoulder. He snorted again, pushing her back to her place place. The Lightwood between them was holding back a laugh at the ease with which his friend had moved his cousin.
“Shut up, Lulu, everyone knows you’re still a child.” Matthew smirked, calling her with the nickname he knew only her father could use, looking in front of him and waiting for her to answer in kind.
“I’m sorry, but I also have to go in an hour early tomorrow and your mother might kill me if I’m late.” Alastair apologized by speaking quickly so that the bickering didn’t drag on, trying to look really sorry and not show how excited he was to finally go home.
“I’m too tired for a noodles party. Forgive me.” Thomas tried to save his boyfriend by directing Math’s anger toward him, and so it was, because it was as if Alastair hadn’t even spoken when Matthew turned to Thomas and was as disgusted as he had been before when he looked at James said, “No fuck you, I’ll never forgive you, asshole.”
“God, what am I gonna do now?” Thomas cried out in a desperate tone, Lucie slightly jumped at the sound, smiling broadly, “I will never recover from this terrible insult.” Lucie burst into laughter and when Thomas took Alastair’s hand in his starting to walk back to their apartment, Kit greeted them.
“Night night.” Lucie murmured with a half-smile on her lips, as if the fact that they were leaving weighted more on her than Matthew. Well this is really weird, thought Thomas looking at her, before turning and shouting over his shoulder, “Good night, everybody.” Alastair pushed him, as if to remind him what time it was (and that they had already screamed enough) and waved his hand in the direction of the trio, saying with a lower tone of several octaves “Night.”
“I hope you choke in your sleep, traitors.” Matthew cried as he stepped towards them, but staring at the window of James’ apartment. Then he looked at his wrist carelessly, “It’s only three damn, and we’re already so few.” Thomas chuckled interlacing his fingers with Alastair’s.
They walked for a while in silence, as they used to do when they came home after movie night. They lived only ten minutes from their friends’ apartment and driving to cover a so little distance and then not finding any parking was not a thing that tempted either of them.
Thomas was thinking about what he would cook the next day for lunch and was going to ask the other what was better between chicken and a omellette, even though he knew that Alastair would always choose meat over everything.
Alastair gripped his hand tighter, drawing his attention and when he turned around Thomas was grinning from ear to ear, Alastair’s gaze darted away, “Thank you.”
Thomas’ head tilted to the side, “For what?”
“For lying.” he shrugged “I know you don’t work tomorrow.” He kept on looking in front of him, if his cheeks were red only for the cold or even for the embarrassment Thomas couldn’t say. He smiled more widely. Sometimes it was so hard for his boyfriend to say simple things like thank you that he knew that when he did it for such petty things it was only because he was training for when he would really apologize.
“Ah, yes.” Thomas moved a hand in the air, “Of course. And then I’m dead on my feet, too.” he sent another smile his way, hoping to charm him, but Alastair almost seemed to refuse to look at him and Thomas realized that something was wrong because something in his tone seemed completely off when he replied, “Sure.” Alastair face scrunched up.
“What is it?” Thomas asked, curious to understand what was going on in his little head.
“I don’t know. Cordelia seemed distracted tonight.” he answered casually, kicking a bottle that was on the sidewalk, “And Matthew in desperate need of distraction.” he continued by squeezing his eyes when a bus lit up his face.
Thomas was happily surprised, it was not an everyday thing to hear Alastair speaking so friendly of his Matthew. Even when things started to go really well between the two them, Matthew had been hesitant and it had taken a couple of years and a move to convince him that they were made for each other, “Matthew is always in desperate need of distraction.”
“True, but tonight it was notably. Maybe with Christopher in a relationship he feels very lonely.” He hypothesized, finally looking up at Thomas’ face, whose eyebrows shoot up at the sound of his words.
“And since when do you care so much about Math, exactly?” Thomas asked sincerely interested in knowing what had changed in his vision of the blond boy.
“I’m not a heartless being, you know?”
“Still. You’ve never gotten along and it’s strange to see you worried about him.” Thomas said shaking his head still a little unconvinced.
“Oh God, I’m not worried.” Alastair exclaimed like he seemed disgusted just by the idea of it, “I’m just saying that maybe we should do something to distract him.” He said, trying to make it look like it was a normal daily thing he did, plan to cheer up Matthew, failing miserably.
“We?” Thomas asked, trying to get confirmation of what he had just heard, looking like an old man who found out that Santa really exists.
“If you don’t stop being so surprised about this, I’m gonna slap you.” Alastair warned him in a threatening tone as a shiver passed through his body. Thomas left his hand, hugging him, but keeping walking.
“As if you could reach me up here.” Thomas joked with a smirk.
“You’re… you-” the voice came out muffled, hindered by his boyfriend’s jacket, which pressed on his chin. Not that he minded, he was already feeling better than a few minutes before and could feel his fingertips start to regain sensitivity.
“Irresistible? Awesome? Too handsome for this world?” proposed Thomas hopefully, receiving a elbow straight to the ribs.
“Unbelievable.” said Alastair scowling, but still being slightly amused.
If to Alastair the others had seemed to be completely done with life and ready to sleep for eternity, Thomas was the exact opposite. He seemed to be kvelling out of every pore and the way he was jumping around, bouncing him around like a puppet, took a little of his concern away.
“Unbelievably handsome, you mean.”
“No, I meant you’re unbelievably stupid.”
Alastair shook his head, grinning, “Either way, if you don’t want to do something all together, you guys could always bring him out. You four could do a thing, like in the old days.” he proposed, shoving him off and putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket. Shortly after, he felt Thomas’ hand slipping into his own and smiled, holding his fingers hoping to warm up even more.
“A foursome thing you say?” Thomas asked, his eyes sparkling with amusement, “I didn’t know you were into these kind of things.” Thomas looked at him winking, but the smile died on his lips when he saw the grin on Alastair’s face.
“I swear to God, if you don’t stop talking shit, I won’t let you sleep with me for a week.”
Thomas scoffed, “You wouldn’t last that long. You’d miss me too much.”
“Two weeks, then.” returned Alastair, not at all frightened at the idea of actually spending two weeks without being able to sleep in Thomas’ arms.
“Wanna bet?” he asked him laughing, probably still thinking he was joking.
“You know I never back down.”
Thomas got serious, pulling his hand out of Alastair’s pocket and, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, offering it to his boyfriend. “Deal?”
“Deal.” said Alastair without blinking, turning to him and shaking his hand.
“What does the winner get?” Thomas asked without letting go.
“Don’t know.”
“How about…” Thomas pretended to think about it, but the grin on his lips implied that he had kept that particular punishment for a special moment. And it had arrived. It wasn’t strange that they were betting with each other, “The loser does the laundry for a whole month?”
“Yes please. I hate doing laundry.” said Alastair, hinting at nothing more than no intention of losing.
“Oh I know, that’s why it’s gonna be so much better when you drag yourself out of our room to come on the couch because you’re gonna miss me too much.”
“Believe it all you want.” Alastair said, “And don’t think you’re the only one sleeping on the couch. We’ll do a day each.” he added. Thomas was quite gigantic, and he would certainly sleep all curled up on the couch, waking up with an absurd stiff neck, but he also knew that he would never let him sleep on the couch for two weeks. Even because Thomas would lose.
“Maybe we should seal it with a kiss.” Thomas leaned down, taking a step towards him so that now they’re faces were just mere centimeters apart. Alastair felt the hairs of his arms standing up and tried to convince himself that it was the cold, like every time they were out and Thomas insisted on touching him.
“You are insufferable.” he smiled, brushing his lips with Thomas’.
“And you’re irresistible.” Oh my god.
“What’s up with all your flirty little comments tonight?” he shoved him by the shoulder, always keeping him close to his body, not wanting to let him go yet. Their hands still clasped together.
“I studied the adjectives dictionary and thought I should share my new knowledge.” Thomas said, lowering the tone of the voice, looking at him as if his life depended on it.
“Stupid.” breathed Alastair, licking his own lips. Thomas’s gaze snapped down at the movement of his tongue and a guttural sound shook in Alastair’s chest, “I, for example, would have used witless.”
“Kiss me.” Thomas ordered him in a sensual voice and Alastair found himself thinking about what his mother would believe if they arrested him for obscene acts in public, if he had stripped him and taken him right there.
When they got home, the warm air that came from inside invaded Alastair to the bones and he closed his eyes beading of that familiar smell that was a mixture between his and Thomas’s.
He was about to take his shoes off when Tom looked out of the kitchen, handing him a black bag that smelled awful. He wrinkled his nose, slightly turning his head away to escape the smell. And here goes the dream, he thought sighing.
“Would you mind taking the garbage out?” he asked him with a hopeful smile, already wearing slippers. “It’s been there for two days and it’s starting to smell so bad that if a bear came into the house, I wouldn’t be so surprised.” he said seriously.
Alastair raised an eyebrow, taking back the keys he had just laid and the dripping sack. He wrinkled his nose again, “There are no bears in London.”
“Whatever.” he heard the other says as he closed the door behind him.
He started humming, thinking about the closing of the case he and Charlotte were working on right now. He’d been working for a little over a year at a law firm in the City, and this was the first major case she’d ever entrusted to him so far.
He went down the last flight of stairs opening the door to the back of the house, but heard a loud noise coming from the main entrance so, after having arranged the bag so that it could not be moved by the wind, he went to check what was happening.
Once again in the fresh air of a sleeping London, he saw a person trying to get up and stopped at the last step, hesitating, trying to see if it could have been someone dangerous or if they only needed help.
The figure before him grunted, swearing immediately afterwards and with a movement too fast for what seemed his physical condition, he stood, staggering.
Alastair was left breathless, and all he saw was red. A red that had tormented him for years and that occasionally appeared in his worst nightmares, “Charles.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Alastair felt himself die a little.
It had been months since he had last said his name and years since they had seen each other.
He knew that he had moved to a small town near Basingstoke, but he had also explicitly asked Matthew not to tell him anything else and that time the boy had just nodded, without saying any jokes as usual.
He was wearing a suit and tie, and to unknown eyes he might have seemed fine, but (god damn him) Alastair knew him, and saw what was under the abnormal amount of alcohol he ingested. He knew that something serious had happened if he was in London. In front of the apartment he shared with Thomas. And yet, even though he knew it was something bad, he didn’t care.
He’d already given him too much, he didn’t even deserve a minute of his time. At the sound of his voice, Charles’ eyes snapped at him and Alastair felt compelled to step back, resenting him being so close. His hands started shaking and he stared at him with his eyes wide open. He knew he looked ridiculous, but he couldn’t hide the shock of seeing him there.
He was about to go back, inclined not to start a conversation with the boy who stood before him and Charles had such glossy eyes that to Alastair they could only remind him of all the times he had been forced to lock himself in a room with Cordelia, to spare her the sight of an alcoholic father. He nodded his head as a sign of greeting, his lips reduced to a thin line, turning and grabbing the door handle-
He closed his eyes and his breath became ragged. He felt his throat burn and he forced himself to wear the mask he had not touched in recent years and that had made him become someone he was not, made him become a monster.
“Alastair, I…” Charles took a step towards him, putting one foot on the first step, and Alastair’s back slammed into the frozen glass of the door when he tried to walk away. Charles halted, clenching his jaw.
Taking a deep breath, and another, then another, Alastair managed to talk, “What are you doing here?”
Charles seemed to relax, but he still came down the stairs, swinging before he grabbed the railing, “I wanted to see you.”
Alastair almost laughed, but he was able to detach himself from the door, carrying both hands in his pocket, closing them into fists, “How do you know where I live?” He asked in a dry tone, looking him in the eye.
“My mother told me.”
“You’re drunk.” Alastair stated, his gaze never leaving Charles’.
“I wanted to see you.” Charles repeated, as if those five words justified everything. As if he hadn’t made Alastair go through hell the whole time they were together and even after, when he tried to undermine his relationship with Thomas.
“It’s been four years.” his expression hardened.
“Rebecca left me.” one hiccup, and then Charles was holding back the vomit. Alastair turned his attention to the buildings around him, trying not to feel pity for the other.
Did she find out about your secret life and that you were lying to her all this time? , he wanted to ask him, but he just swallowed. He heard Charles sighing with relief and hoping he wouldn’t throw up, he turned to him again, “I didn’t know you were with anyone.” he said instead.
“Yes, because you didn’t bother to ask yourself how I was after you broke my heart.”
Alastair made a choked sound. He couldn’t believe it.
“I didn’t do anything. You built a life in a house of cards without thinking that the wind could blow too strong.” he told him approaching him enough to smell his cologne. The scent threatened to cloud his brain, bringing up too many memories.
Charles stood still, looking up at him, smirking, “How poetic you’ve become.”
“I’ve always been poetic, but you told me to be quiet because you were afraid someone might hear us.” Alastair raised his chin in defiance, and was satisfied when Charles did not answer him. He stood up straight and in a much less confident voice than he would have liked, he turned and pulled the keys out of his pocket, “Now excuse me, but I really have to go.”
“Sure, you’ve always been good at running away when things get tough.” Charles laughed, laughter devoid of all fun.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He whispered looking at the wood and glass in front of him, trying to focus on the brown streaks and not on Charles, “I didn’t run away because things had become difficult. I left you because you didn’t see me.” he took a small break, “You didn’t want to be with me and that… What we had was anything but healthy, Charles.” He ended up holding his fingers around the keys.
“And that-” another hiccup, “Lightwood is good for you, isn’t he? He treats you well. Do you still push him around, like you used to? Do you boss him around?” Charles asked, with a tone that made Alastair realize he knew he had struck a nerve. “That’s why you’re together, right?” something in Alastair’s chest took life and a feeling that had been dormant for years came to the surface. A feeling he chose to ignore completely.
Alastair didn’t even look at him and opened the door, he growled, “Go away. And don’t come back, or I’ll call the police.” When he came into the house for the second time that night, the heat didn’t warm the frost in his bones, and neither did the cheerful tone of his boyfriend when, leaning against the back of the couch, he said, “Finally, I was going to come down and rescue you.” Alastair didn’t answer right away, he was looking for an excuse, whatever was good to justify the fact that he was out for ten minutes.
He couldn’t have started a discussion right now. Not that Thomas would be mad at him, no. He probably would have consoled him, but in that moment he just needed to be alone and think about what Charles had told him. Convince yourself it was bullshit.
Thomas realized that something had changed in his boyfriend’s mood because he asked him, “Hey, everything’s all right?”
Alastair quickly recovered, blinking and starting to undress, “Yes, yes.” he said distractedly. “I’m just tired.” he took off his shoes, entering the kitchen to get a glass of water. His throat was so dry that it was beginning to hurt.
“Are you sure?” he heard Thomas scream in a worried tone from the living room, then that spark in his voice came back, “Are you already considering how bad laundry would be, for a month?”
He drew two glasses before he thought it safe to speak without his throat, now no longer made of sandpaper, being torn. He came out of the kitchen, heading towards their bedroom, “Sure. ‘Night Tom.” Alastair said to him, rubbing his hand on his face.
“Good night, Alas.” he heard him say. A break, then, “I love you!” said loud enough for night bus drivers to hear it.
“I love you too.” he whispered before closing the door behind him.
Thomas kept tossing and turning on the couch. The blanket he had chosen was making his arms itch and he could not find a position where all parts of his body were on the cushions and his neck was not bent in an uncomfortable position. Changing the blanket was not possible because entering their bedroom risking waking Alastair up was not even an option.
In the morning he would have had an important trial and had to be rested. Thomas was going to throw everything on the floor and settle down, there, when the sound of something falling out of the apartment door and a muffled fuck drew his attention.
His eyes moved quickly to the end of the hall, where Alastair slept undisturbed, “What-?” Thomas stood up when he heard another noise and then someone knocking so softly on the door that for a moment he thought he had imagined it.
He walked slowly to the hall, looking for something to defend himself, in case whoever was behind the door tried to harm him. He looked through the peephole and almost sweared.
He only saw the red hair, but it was enough to recognize the figure of Charles Fairchild. He sucked in a breath taking his keys and opened the door glaring once more at the door down the hallway, pushing back every rational thoughts in a box and ready to do everything in his power to prevent Charles to get to Alastair. The blood already boiling in his veins.
As soon as he was outside the apartment, he regretted opening the door. Charles was obviously drunk.
Thomas clenched his jaw, trying to control his tongue, who threatened to spit insults at him every second he spent staring at the brother of one of his best friends.
“What are you doing here?” he asked in an icy tone.
Charles chuckled, closing his eyes with an almost relaxed expression, “Funny.” Thomas raised an eyebrow, “What?” he asked. “No, I don’t care.” he told him by raising a hand in front of him, blocking anything else he had to say.
He closed his hands in fists, carrying his arms behind his back, insisting not to hit him unless absolutely necessary. His eyes widened, shocked by his own thoughts, opening his hands and crossing his arms on the chest.
The others would have been ashamed of him, because he was not violent, he was the gentle one, he repeated himself in the head like a mantra.
Yet kindness was the last thing he could summon as he watched Charles stare at him with a half-open eye and smelled like beer. “You have to leave before Alastair hears you.” he ordered without so many words. Saying his boyfriend’s name in front of him left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“And why would I do that?” Charles asked, ridiculously, staggering forward.
One thought brushed Thomas’ mind, “Does Matthew know what state you’re in?”
“Matthew.” disgust transformed Charles’ face, “He doesn’t even know I’m back.”
Thomas almost flinched away. He could have never spoken of his brothers and sisters with so much hatred in his voice and he knew that the relationship between Charles and Matthew was anything but fraternal, but he did not think that the oldest despised Matthew so much. That’s why he couldn’t control himself when he said to him with a strong tone, almost spitting, “Go away.”
Charles looked him in the eye and with the more serious expression than he had until then, said, “Make me.”
Thomas grabbed him by the shoulder and pulling him he behind began to descend the stairs quickly. Charles was having a hard time keeping up with him, and a couple of times he went and slammed into his back, but Thomas didn’t feel anything, and he didn’t move a half inch. He heard Charles swearing again and thought that he had never heard him say a dirty word until that night, “Okay, okay, calm down. I’m leaving.” Charles said yanking his jacket out of Thomas’ grasp.
“If I see you even a hundred meters from this house, I swear to God, I won’t be so forgiving, and the next place you’ll find yourself is prison.” he warned him without a glance, as he dropped him to the ground just outside the building.
“You’ve become such an asshole Lightwood, you were so kind before.” Charles bit and stood up and rubbed his wrists, “I remember you playing in our garden with Matthew and Christopher.” he chuckled for the thousandth time, “And after a few years, James came along. How cute you were.” he said with a sincerely happy smile.
“I’m serious, either you leave in five minutes, or I call the police.” he warned him one last time.
“Funny.” Charles repeated.
A vein popped out in Thomas’s neck while he yelled, closing the distance between the two of them, “What?!” He asked, “What by God’s grace do you find so amusing in all of this?”
“You spend so much time following his orders, you’ve become just like him.” hissed Charles, a chill ran down Thomas’ spine.
Everything stopped, “What are you talking about?”
Charles puffed, like he was bored with that conversation, like whatever he was talking about, the whole world knew, “Alastair.”
Thomas stood motionless, “I still don’t understand.”
He was ready to hear some bullshit, Charles wasn’t in a position to have such a serious conversation, and he couldn’t think clearly. For that it took a while when the other resumed speaking, it took a few seconds to really understand what he had just said, “I know him. He doesn’t really love you.” he hiccuped and stopped, “That’s always been the case between you two. You going after him like a lost puppy and he putting up with you because having someone around him is convenient.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Thomas draw in a slow and steady breath, shaking his head.
“Oh my God, you’re starting to scare me.” Charles let out a disbelieved laugh.
Thomas couldn’t hold it anymore, “Go away.”
Charles raised his hands as a sign of surrender and began to walk backwards, looking much more sober than he really was. He smiled, “You should be careful. You could get burned.” Thomas didn’t answer.
And he didn’t answer him when Charles turned around and walked towards High Holborn and said, “Goodbye, Thomas.”
When he opened the door for the second time that night he sighed, hoping that Charles would not come back to annoy them because he didn’t think he could handle a mental blow like the one he just suffered.
They had overcome that problem years before, and Alastair absolutely didn’t need certain doubts to resurface, so he let a smile open on his lips when he heard his boyfriend calling him from the room in an alarming tone, “Tom?” sleep laced around his words, “Thomas, is that you?”
He crossed the apartment, opening the door slightly, leaning against the door frame. He forced the corners of his mouth to turn up, “Yes Alas, don’t worry.” he said, leaning his head against the wall, “I just heard a noise and went out to check that everything was okay.” he closed his eyes, tired from everything that had just happened.
“And was everything alright?” Alastair asked, raising on his elbows. His hair was all messed up and a particular tuft was pulled up, he kinda looked like a rooster. Thomas looked at him and chuckled, nodding, “Yes, nothing to worry about. It was just Petunia.” he murmured referring to the one-legged squirrel who always managed to sneak into the stairwell of their building.
They looked at each other for a while in silence. Thomas was deciding whether or not to tell him, maybe he should let it go. Their lives were going great now, they didn’t need to ruin their night because of this. He would have told him about it another day.
Alastair’s eyes narrowed, questioning, “Do you need anything?”
Suddenly, Thomas couldn’t control what came out of his mouth, and before he knew it, he was moving toward the bed, “It wasn’t petunia.” He sat down, never looking away from Alastair, whose eyes were focused on Thomas’s hand, who was holding the blanket between his fingers, “It was Charles.”
Thomas waited for Alastair to realize what he had just said. It gave him time to decide whether or not to talk about it, but the only thing he said was, “You just lost the bet.”
Thomas’s chest tightened in a press, his eyes threatening to water, “Alas.” his hand lingered between them, resting at the end on Alastair’s arm, who slowly escaped his touch, as if not to offend Thomas, “I don’t want to talk about it now.” he whispered finally, his eyes welled up, mirroring Thomas’.
“You met him when you came down to take the garbage down.” Thomas understood with horror, holding his breath. Alastair’s body fell all the way back on the bed, and he brought an arm to cover his face, but Thomas heard it anyway when he said, “I don’t want to talk about it now.” he took a trembling breath, “Please.”
“Alright.” Thomas laid down next to him, taking him in his arms, while Alastair set himself up so that his back was crushed against the other’s chest.
“I love you.” Thomas said in his ear, putting his cheek on his shoulder, “You know that, right?”
“Of course I do.” answered Alastair, staring at the void before him, “I love you too.” he said before closing his eyes.
“I don’t think you should go to work in your condition.”
“And what condition would I be in exactly, Thomas?” telled Alastair, anger flashing in his eyes.
That morning they woke up and very quietly did what they did every other morning. Alastair had gone to take a shower while Thomas was making breakfast, both were so thoughtless that they looked like two walking dead men. This was at least until Thomas had pointed out that he was not well at all and that he could not face hours of trial, even risking compromising the case.
“You’re obviously in shock from meeting Charles and going to court with your ex’s mother doesn’t seem like the best way to deal with it.” Thomas answered him by getting up from the stool and approaching Alastair, who in the meantime was tying his tie in front of the mirror they had arranged at the entrance.
“And let’s hear it, what would be the best way to do it, hmm? Sit on the couch in pajamas all day feeling sorry for myself?” he made a sound of exasperation, bending his tie and clenching his fist, trying to calm down. Thomas went next to him, taking the garment from his hand and placing it back behind his neck, smiling amused, with a raised eyebrow. “I’m not working today, and you know I would stay here with you. We could talk about it.” he told him, focusing on the knot instead of him, knowing full well how much he hated being looked at during these conversations.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” grunted Alastair, minimizing the matter at hand as usual.
“Yes, there is.” Thomas answered, walking away to see the final result. Alastair bit out a thank you.
“No, there isn’t.” huffed Alastair, “It just happened that Charles came back to see how my life was going and to make sure you and I were still together. This is what happened.”
“We need to talk about it because if he told you half the things he said to me, that means you’re gonna let the hate eat you up until it’s too much and you’re gonna convince yourself that what he said is true and you’re gonna walk away from me. And I’m not gonna let that happen,” Thomas said.
Alastair, who was in the middle of pouring himself a glass of water, stopped, laying it all in the sink and drew all his attention to his boyfriend, “What did he tell you?”
Thomas, seeing that he had finally gained ground with that phrase, did not miss the opportunity, “Will you call to get off work today?”
“What did he tell you, Thomas?”
“Will you call?”
“Yes, fuck, yes. I will call.” he answered exasperated, leaning on the table with both hands, staring out the window. “What did he talk about?”
“He thrust high school times in my face.” he saw Alastair lean even more, “He told me that I’m your dog and that you only play along because you need company, in a nutshell.”
“You know it’s all bullshit right?” when Alastair spoke his voice was pained, desperate.
“Do you?” Thomas asked again, “Because I know you, Alas. And I know you know I love you, but I also know that you’re probably wondering how it’s possible after everything you’ve done.”
“I love you too.” rushed to say Alastair completely forgetting what else his boyfriend had said, as if he were afraid that if he didn’t say it, Thomas would leave.
“I know.” Thomas approached him, putting his hand on his forearm, making Alastair turn to him, “I know, and everything that happened at school doesn’t matter. We’ve already had that argument. We’ve already solved everything.” he said with a hopeful look. But he saw in Alastair’s eyes how deep Charles’ words were already planted.
“Yes I know,” Alastair said despite everything, “All that crap about the child with a sad childhood trying to cope with it by taking it out on others. I do remember that one.”
“It’s not crap. It’s the truth.” he said to him as a reprimand, holding his arm slightly, “I chose to be with you. And I choose it every day because every day you give me a chance to see what a great person you are and how much you’re actually worth it. The others may not see you as you really are, but I do.” He touched his cheek, smiling.
Alastair looked at him for a few seconds, and then closed his eyes kissing him. Thomas was right, they had already addressed the subject too many times to return to it now.
“Now why don’t you call Charlotte and tell her you’re not going to work so we can get in bed and do nothing all day?” Thomas reminded him when they broke off, and he was still crushed against him.
“You are insufferable.”
“I made you coffee.” Thomas walked away from Alastair, approaching the stove, “Here.” said turning a teaspoon of sugar in the coffee. He offered him the dripping teaspoon, because he knew how much it bothered Alastair to waste even a drop of that gift of the gods, as he called it, “C’mon, lick it.” Thomas whined when Alastair stood still before him eyeing him with a look of pure love.
Alastair’s smile turned into something else, while with one hand he took the cup and the spoon from Thomas’s hands and with a sensual tone said, “I thought I’d lick something else actually.”
Thomas yelped when Alastair picked him up from the ground, with a bit of difficulty, and brought him into the room laughing. He threw him on the bed before jumping on his boyfriend’s body.
Yeah, fuck Charles.
taglist (if you want to be added just dm me and consider it done, same goes for the ones who want to be deleted)
@tyherondaletrash @clara-sm @cordelia-carstairs-owns-me @tessaherongraystairs @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @jamescordelias @grxceblqckthxrn @thecerridwen @stitch-kiss @alastairlightwxod @ahiretsinging @allofmywonders @tremendousheadachecollector @tlh-tea
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layla-carstairs · 8 months
SOPHIE 🫶🫶 i love her so much it's unreal but nobody else ever talks about her 😔 I'm obsessed with her arc in tid and her relationship with Gideon is just perfection like nobody is doing it like them. they're so cute and I think Sophie especially after everything she went through deserves that. Gideon accidently proposing at like. breakfast. kinda stands out because he would have done the big romantic thing but he just got a little carried away. he just like "oh and then we'll get married!!" and forgot they are not engaged <3 he was just so excited to marry her like Gideon is truly peak pathetic loser lightwood in love. and he loves her so so much. and Sophie doesn't think she deserves that but she does!! and Gideon loves her regardless of her past or her beliefs of her worth and it just so sweet. like their romantic storyline is just so good I wish we saw more of it but what we did get is perfection so I can live with it (manifesting they get one of the short stories tho)
also another underrated aspect of her character is how it's stated that she's a naturally gifted fighter. like Gideon says multiple times she's the best fighter he's seen given her total lack of training. like she's a bad ass! AND WE NEVER SEE HER FIGHT IN TLH IT'S A FUCKING CRIME 😭 like I wanted to see seasoned warrior Sophie run rings around everyone else... she was literally done so dirty it's unforgivable really 💔💔 we get one (1) crumb and it's James saying in chog that Sophie and Henry tutored them after they all got expelled from the academy. and presumably Sophie taught the fighting and weapons side of things while Henry taught them classroom subjects like history and runes and 27 demon languages and science etc etc. unfortunately this is never outright stated or touched upon outside this one conversation :( I never win
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coasttocoastreads · 4 years
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It’s Week 4 and Zoom University™️ is murdering me. But while ignoring my long backlog of lectures to watch, I stayed up until four to finish this book:
Chain of Gold // Cassandra Clare
★★★★ / ★★★★★ 
Summary in one gif:
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Real Summary:
We return to the world of The Infernal Devices, this time focusing on the next generation of Shadowhunters of the London Institute. After years of peace, London’s tranquility is broken by a series of bizarre demon attacks. James Herondale, Cordelia Carstairs, and their friends must figure out who is behind the attacks while navigating their own complex relationships with each other and their families. 
women with swords!
very nuanced characters
mutual Pining
wayyyyy too many characters are introduced at once
slow af in beginning
Plot: 4/5
The overall plot seemed very standard shadowhunters with some new demon orchestrating everything, etc. etc. I was really taken in by the intricacies of the families plot though, like what was happening with each of their different families. The little flashback chapters in between the longer ones were also nice insights into each of the characters. However, I do think this book could have been a lot better if the ending wasn’t already pre-determined due to this being a prequel series? Like Cassis Clare has kind of written herself into a spot where she can only fill in the blanks and not really change the ending, yanno.
Pacing: 3/5
The first half was really slow and I definitely put down the book several times. But by the end, I had to read the rest in one go because lots of things were happening and I had to find out how it ended. 
Worldbuilding: 4/5 I guess???
I mean she mostly built the world up with her other books? It was cool to see the idea of separate universes once again, even though Ragnor Fell’s explanation of them wasn’t super clear. I also. Really want. More Asian Shadowhunters. From the Asian Institutes. 
Characters: 6/5
It was initially really hard to keep track of who’s who since they’re all related and stuff but WOW I LOVE ALL OF THEM. The way they all interact is very precious and like squad goals???? Like I don’t even care that much about like shipping characters I just want them to be happy and do dumb things together 🥺 Literally Alastair and Cordelia are the most precious siblings ever and I want many many books featuring just them and their childhood. 
Also Lucie is a precious bean and I would die for her.
I’d recommend for:
People who loved TID
People who like found family tropes!
People who have big brains and can keep all the names straight
Would I travel here?
Can I? Please? I just want to meet Cordelia and be her friend 🥺🥺
Overall thoughts:
Cassie Clare is killing me with the angst but I like. Need more. Also everyone just needs a hug. 
I have no idea what I’m reading next, but see y’all,
Spoilers under cut
I don’t...actually ship...James and Cordelia...Cordelia and Matthew endgame please
I know the family tree says differently...but I have theories please ask me about them
Do i have to write something for them I might
their characters complement each other so well????? Like I felt so bad when he walked in on James and Cordelia in the Whispering Room
Sad pining boi who won’t tell the girl how he feels so he won’t hurt his friend I’m weak
like the flashback scene where he came home and told Cordelia what he was doing at the Academy made me so sad :((((((
Charles is a loser and that’s the hill I’ll die on
Fake marriage/engagement??? Not my favorite trope but we’ll see where it goes I guess? istg if they actually get married and they really fall in love on the way imma push them into the Thames I don’t like jordelia (?)
honestly i ship anna x cordelia more than jordelia but okay
Sona is an eternal mood 
Also why are all the asian/middle eastern characters half white... there’s Jem, Aline, Cordelia and Alastair... I’m tired of this...
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a-very-gay-spider · 5 years
Congrats on 400 !! Can i have✨ and lightwood bane family plss💖💖
Akjsks i hope you like them!
They love pillow fights. Even if Alec doesn't quite get it. Even if Max cheats so much and says he picked it up from Magnus. Even if Magnus always denies ever cheating. Rafe is the only valid player. (or is he?)
And stargazing! Cloud watching. Picnics in the park. They love those. "Our kids should be environmentally aware Alexander", Magnus says. Alec is pretty sure Magnus is messing with him with that line but he doesn't say anything. Those are few of his favorite times spent with his family after all.
When they go down to the park, Alec insists on jogging for a while. Rafe tries to be faster than his dad. It always ends up as a jogging-race-thing. Rafe always finishes first. "I won! I won! I won!" "Yes you did, Rafe", Magnus would say with a huge smile, "can't help it if the Consul is a Big Loser". And that earns him a jab to his arm by one (1) Alexander Lightwood-Bane.
Max and Rafe made Alec several cards for when he became Consul. They might not understand the full significance of it then, but they knew it was very important. Alec has them hung up in his office.
Remember that whole matching-shirts thing? Yeah that was Alec's idea surprisingly. They were out shopping and a pair of very cute onesies caught his eye. He pointed them out to Magnus. Magnus was surprised he didn't see them earlier. They both loved those. He was even more surprised when Alec asked the shop for their biggest size. "So", said Magnus, when he understood that Alec wanted to get them onesies too, "onesies too huh Mr. Consul?" Alec blushed. "They're cute and,,, soft and,, uh i think the kids will like them" "Oh I love them too Alexander". Alec was super pleased with himself.
Rafe and Max drew a picture of their dads's wedding in crayon. It was beautiful. Magnus has it framed and hung up in their house. Did he use magic to freeze the picture in time so it would never wither? Yes. Did Alec tear up when he saw it? Also yes.
Max takes completely random, hundreds, of pictures from Alec and Magnus's phone. (he was a baby i mean. A smart one too. Smart enough to understand how the camera worked) So their phones are filled with pictures they did not take. Pictures of a blue foot, of crayons, of Chairman Meow, shoes, a poorly attempted selfie of Max standing oh his dads's bed, with them sleeping in the back. Rafe too. Alec loves those. Magnus has every one of those pictures saved.
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x13 Reaction / Commentary
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Yeah I'm aware, stop judging X___X
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I feel the need to point this out. Apparently it's common practice for the Praetor to just, kill off their more troublesome charges. Interesting. But Jordan has a different work ethic which is a) apparently not usual for praetors and b) something at least Nick attributes to his past and not, idk, common decency. Just how savage is the Praetor exactly?? (Also let me add this to the list of things why 3x15 makes no sense at all.)
Okay, so they found another mundane dead by Heidi's hand...... why exactly don't they call the Shadowhunters? Aren't they obliged to? I mean?
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True, but it sure as hell is her responsibility how she handles them. But we established already that she has a serious perception problem and always sees herself as the victim.
I mean, prime example, if she could have made that smooth exit through the vent where the werewolves couldn't follow, why didn't she just do that from the start instead of attacking Nick? Because she wants to cause trouble and not just “live her life in peace” as she's pretending to.
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More like, he didn't have the guts to face Alec like that. Also does that mean he draped Izzy on the couch like that in that cliché sleeping pose with one hand under the head? At least he took off her boots like a sane person.
“I'm just drained.”
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Haha it seems Alec isn't the only Lightwood sibling with a shitty sense of humor.
“I don't have the same preexisting condition.” “You mean my addiction?”
No, Izzy, he obviously means your fashion sense, keep up. Seriously, who wrote that stupid ass line of dialogue.
I found it pretty hilarious that Simon, Clary's literally oldest and bestest friend since kindergarten, feels the need to apologize to Izzy for taking up so much time with his Clary-reunion and blocking the path for her. The Clizzy Energy is Strong.
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“Hmmmm hot hot hot Clary, please show me more.”
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Also, Morningstar.... didn't Val name his dumbass tanker ship in S1/S2 Morningstar? Guy really has it with name repetitions, first Jonathan 1 and 2, now Morningstar Ship and Morningstar Sword... I bet he named all his stuffed teddys Mr Snuffels 1, Mr Snuffels 2, Mr Snuffels 3.....
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The way he delivers this line me might've as well said “Please cut out the emotional disgusting bullshit my skin is crawling already from this I can't take any more mushiness PLEASE GO AWAY.” Gotta love Alec.
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Magnus opening up about missing his magic MY HEART OH MY GOD
(Sidenote though: No wonder he got frustrated with the pretentious Shadowhunter Technology, I mean, look at it. There are only runes. Runes may be called runes, but they don't actually make up an alphabet. Why the heck is there a flexibility rune on the screen? It makes no sense.)
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This whole scene (and Izzy's lipstick lol) is absolutely perfect. I love everything about it, especially Magnus and especially Izzy. I'd be really surprised if Magnus didn't find a way to get her that weird root thingy anyway, because he surely doesn't buy the “feeling a lot better now” line.
(Edit: Now thinking about it I realized two things, a) she probably didn't take him up on his offer to go to another warlock because she felt like that was unnecessarily rubbing in that he can't do it himself anymore* and b) with that line she probably meant she feels lighter already for sharing what happened and just <3<3<3<3<3)
*The only think that would have made this scene more perfect is if Izzy hadn't skimmed over his magic comment without acknowledging it in any way. Though with this thought in mind, that she rejected his offer to spare his feelings, I find myself placated.
Also I love how Magnus pretends he's going to look for pen and paper when really he's running straight to Alec to tell him all about this (and to prevent a repetition of 2x09 form happening.... and now I made myself sad again).
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#effortless (Also reminds me of that post about fire message mechanics that I still owe a certain someone. Where is the time.)
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???????????? How do they know that? More importantly, does Alec know? Will he hear through the Shadow World grapevine??? So many questions.
I mean, I have sympathy for her. But like, she's too smart for me to buy that she genuinely can't see any other course of action. She just does this because it's the least effort for her, not because she's truly clueless what alternatives are there for here (aka not running around, killing mundanes, starting a fight with everyone). She just thrives on chaos.
Also “Wolves don't just attack without cause. Not in New York” ? Seems like all Institute except the NY one do a shit job since supposedly keeping peace between the Downworld factions is part of their responsibility. Yes, I am still salty about 3x15. (Also, if anyone's confused by this weird foreshadowing, I wrote notes for this reaction post while watching 3x13 when it first aired, but only got to finish it now after 3x19 aired and I can't keep my chronology-screwing bitterness to myself while finishing up the post. But mostly these are my thoughts from then.)
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Yeah something tells me she's not gonna be totally uninvolved in that.
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This and the fact that Russel wants to stop Bat from even leaving the Jade Wolf are the final proofs that all the werewolves actually live at the Jade Wolf and pile up in a giant snuggle pile in the kitchen at night. This is further cemented by the fact that Luke and Maia claim to have flats of their own but we never actually see them. Clearly they're both dirty liars that just wanted to mislead.
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*late Jocelyn's late friend Eliot #rude #whatever
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.......why the hell would Elias code that shit in Circle short hand? So other Circle members, who Jocelyn was hiding from, could easily open that super important safe? So smart! Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Luke in the Circle as well? Shouldn't he be able to read that, too?
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1) Eliot is such a loser and a showoff for ostentatiously writing that J in Jocelyn 2) His hint is seriously “Don't open with brute force.” Wtf kind of hint is that man are you even real.
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I'm sorry, okay, but everytime I see / hear Bellicosi I think Maxi-Cosi XD
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*glares at 3x15* Will I ever tire of raging about that episode? Unlikely.
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Why.....? Since he didn't have any problem 100% blaming Raphael for everything Heidi did (not unjustified, but I'm just saying he's suddenly changed his mind). I mean, if he'd said she's dangerous to him and his family that would've been another matter.
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These are all runes that I don't remember seeing on the Shadowhunters' Wiki Rune Page. Please tell me more.
Jace: “Clary, you've been going nonstop since you came back. You need to take a minute.”
lol if only Jace would implement the same advice himself.
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“Wow I suddeny remember I had a life before I was 10.”
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German Dubbing: Yeah, the ones Consul Penhallow categorically ignored. Honestly. Who dubbs this shit. Wtf.
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Listen I love everything about this scene. (Fun Fact: In the German Dubbing she says vampire addiction, not venom addiction lol as if she was addicted to vampires XD)
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Alec Lightwood, best brother of the year. Btw he's been holding that title since birth. I also don't think Alec would ever judge Izzy for her addiction / look at her as if she's weak, so the fact that she thinks that says a lot about how the addiction affected her self-image.
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Too bad Alec forgets this for the next few episodes and acts like a total tool in that Clave Investigation Thing, smh.
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Good to know.
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Haha that was witty.
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Oooooh why don't they ask another warlock then? For example one who's actually always the smartest person in the room?? Who's also willing to work on this??? Just a thought tho, don't let me interrupt the Maruke Bonding. No, you know what? I hate the shipname Maruke, it's shit, so I'm calling it Luryse as it should have been called. Then again, when am I even gonna talk about that pairing? We shall see.
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“Outrageous, just because people around me keep turning up dead! It's ridiculous, really, that they'd think I could have something to do with that. It's as if they're not aware this is a TV show and supporting characters die because *Moriarty Voice* THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE DO!”
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“That what the kids call it these days when they get kicked out on their ass?” She literally says “From one exiled to another” so she clearly realized he's full of shit.
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“And that's why in two episodes Imma get myself arrested by behaving like a dumbass and then chill in prison as if it's my greatest accomplishment.” Honestly Luke, so many No-s. I can't even.
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“Wow I can't believe I have to see this Luryse bs up close.” Hah, now I used the right shipname and can move the f on from bashing that pairing. Sorry about that. I'm sleep deprived. That always makes me extra salty.
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“When you're alpha you need to make the pack your first priority. Your personal life needs to take a back seat. And mine never did.” I applaud Luke for admitting he was a shit alpha because he didn't proritize the pack. Hindsight is 20/20.
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Wow Luke so helpful <3<3<3 Just like I know and love you.
I also love how nobody questions that Heidi bit that mundane and then chilledly made a phone call at the scene of her Accords-violating crime. How frakking convenient.
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But their runes aren't on the same side. Sloppy work. Also, if the illustrator obviouly takes artistic liberties, then the rune missing on the second pic doesn't have to mean anything. Maybe they just forgot to draw it. Then again this isn't even the most flimsy conclusion-making I've wittnessed on this show so I'll let it slide.
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lol Jace and Jonathan are basically playing tug of war with Clary: Jonathan burning himself, Jace activating her healing rune XD
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Ooooh brainless S1 Clary, how I have not missed you. Srsly now? Carve it out? That didn't work for Simon so why should it now? lol she should ask the seelie queen if she has some handy floor mosaic thingy in her courtyard to help with that.
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In his defense, he moved.
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It's not gonna work is what it is. Srsly how dumb are they? Why the hell does she think something so powerful can just be carved out?? Wtf.
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Woooow they're using a rune removing device, color me impressed. I really thought they'd just put a scalpel to it. So, at least points for trying.
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Uuuuh get some morphin, try again. I mean. But anyway.
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*break up
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......didn't she just break up with him because pack reasons? Where is that not a Shadow World Reason? Please explain. (Also choosing an unflattering screen cap of Simon because he annoys me? Absolutely. I am petty like that.) The easy way Simon accepts their break up really makes me wonder. If Maia hadn't said anything, would he have broken up with her? Since apparently things “changed” and they could “both” “feel” it. Honestly. He literally calls her his girlfriend at the start of the scene as if to draw attention to how ridiculous this is.
You know what, I don't even have the energy to rage about this. Their relationship was so great, they were so supportive of each other, they had great chemistry, great communication, they always stood by each other. And just because Sizzy has to be endgame there were suddenly weird-ass tension between them for no real reason – none that 3A Saia wouldn't have worked through like pros anyway – just so this break up wouldn't come out of absolutely nowhere. It's shit treatment of both their characters and their relationship and I'm just so exasperated with it all. (Also not the way to endear me to Sizzy. But at this point I feel like a broken record.)
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Discount? It was free. Which I'm still finding super hard to believe by the way, that a werewolf establishment would just give out free food to vampires who don't even work there. But what do I know, right, I mean it's not like they just mentioned a few minutes ago how werewolves and vampires hate each other? Right?? Hahaha.
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Wow. This actually takes the time to highlight that this break up wasn't as amicable as Simon thought. Maybe he thought that they were breaking up for human reasons, but Maia clearly feels she threw her relationship away for the pack and it's hard for her. And Simon's tirade wasn't really encouraging her to let him know that. I really appreciate that detail.
Other things I want to say: 1) I didn't like that Maia just flat out broke up with him. She should have informed him that she was going to step up for the pack and would have to prioritize that over their relationship and then leave it up to him if he wants to put up with that or not. By breaking up she made the choice for him. Her course of action is ic, I'm not critizising that, but from like, a personal stand point I don't like it. 2) Foreshadowing: Since her whole pack gets slaughtered, if that would have been the only reason to break up with Simon she coulda just gotten back together with him lol. Haha sorry I'm trash. I know.
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Wow he's really dumb. He knows Heidi's brand of crazy and still he doesn't realize this was a trap. He said himself that Heidi must have done something for the Preator to be after her, and when the Praetor tells him she's been leaving copses left and right he...... takes this as his cue to ally himself with Heidi??? Wtf?????? Does he not believe what Jordan said? Again, he suspected something like that himself and since the Praetor are playing at being the Downworlder Police they wouldn't just make something like that up with no proof. The heck. I don't get you, Boss Vampire Guy.
Also, thumbs down for the Praetor, if they'd just told them their source was Heidi herself (on the phone) this could have been prevented. But, ugh. With how things are I can at least kinda buy that no working communication between vampire clan and Praetor exists.
Still, if the Praetor wants to be accepted as some kind of Shadow World Institution they should really work on their manners.
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I I don-- I can't. *sigh* I can't believe I just had to watch this with my own two eyes. Have they not been trained for a case like this? A fellow shadowhunter injured in the field? That activating the healing rune should be the first thing you do? Before lovingly prying information from the dying person?? I mean, if that's not Plot Convenience then I don't know what is. Sure, he needs to give them a snippet of info, but not too much. But please, please, couldn't writers have found a way for this that didn't make them look like the stupidest of idiots in the entire frikkin world?! Wtf. WTF. I can't believe it.
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Uuuuuuh how did she know how to turn those things if all she had to work with was Don't use brute force?? Do I have to understand that?
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“You brought coffee, after all.”
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Look she's so ashamed she even turned away from the screen haha. Also it's so refreshing to see grown ass people approach a relationship like idiotic teens. (Yeah, that was sarcastic.)
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“And right now I wanna do you.” Hahahaha sorry, too good to pass up, you can bet your ass imma turn this into a dumb comic XD
“I love you, Clary. And I'll love you until I die. And if there's a life after this I'll love you then, too.”
Okay, I wanted to roll my eyes at their love confession, but what Jace said was actually really sweet <3
Alec: All our people were accounted for at the time of the murder. Izzy: We think it was a Clave hit.
Oh couldn't have been one of the millions of Shadowhunters from another Institute? No, I'm sure Alec checked that on their neat little Shadowhunter Intranet, that all other Shadowhunters all over the workd were accounted for as well. Honestly.
Also, Maryse says “By the angel,” but in the German Dubbing she says “What the angel” which makes it seem as if Shadowhunters curse by replacing dirty words with “angel” and just... what the angel XD
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Why the hell are they all so obsessed with Latin? Ugh. Exhausting hobby.
Btw lol, please rewatch that scene, the background music is weirdly reminiscent of the Stranger Things Theme hahahaha. (Also omg I'm peeking into the German dubbing and it doesn't even make SENSE hahaha what the shit.)
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LOL that's like the soulmate trope but in painful XD basically the creepy incest edition XD But honestly can we appreciate what a nice hand Jonathan has with a knife and with his left hand?? Prodigy.
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This is it, the final proof that they actually all live at the Jade Wolf hahahha.
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...................................? Why the f is she happy to see Jordan? Last time they saw each other she clearly stated she hated him?? Do I need to understand?? Oh right. In the books Maia and Jordan get back together. Right. Stupid, why am I even surprised by this??
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Wtf isn't he the clan leader? Why the hell is he acting so submissively to Heidi all of a sudden? Literally half a day ago he threw her out of his clan, knowing his place. And now he's like a puppet on her strings. Wtf. But I guess that happens when you treat characters as plot devices. They get inconsistent even if they only have two scenes. *sigh*
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Awwww would you look at that, werewolves and vampires fighting with fists like mundanes. (Okay some of them had like, daggers, but where are the fangs and the claws? Honestly.)
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Okay I did her injustice in my trailer reaction since this is a vamp and a legitimate fight situation.
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Wow that actually surprised me. But Jordan also dies in the books so, oops. Just didn't think they'd skip the getting together.
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WOW that really surprised me. I thought Maia would challenge him and they'd have an epic fight to the death or something. (Also wtf Griffin guy, what's with that creeper face.)
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To be honest I find it hard to believe that Maia acts like this. Scared out of her mind, yeah sure. But she acts helpless, and she's never been that. When she got that pipe thing I thought she'd use it as a stake. Using it to block the door is smart, too, but why didn't she get another to have a stake? Her whole posture, uselessly hangig over Jordan screams damsel in distress and I don't like it at all.
Edit: I had certain fears how this plotline would be developed in 3x14 which thankfully didn't come true, but my conflicted opinion on this ending scene remains.
Anyway let’s take a moment and appreciate Maia’s Killer Boots.
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BTW watched the 3x14 trailer and just.... what. Why the f would Magnus ask Lorenzo of all people for help? He can't be trusted. As if he wouldn't use that opportunity to break Magnus even further! WTF! Where's Catarina? Oh, let me guess, another Drunk Doctor Conference *epic eyeroll*
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maureenbrown · 5 years
spy au w/ saphael
war with love
so simon is a spy and everything
he gets sent to be roomies with raphael and befriend him
and then to go to a wedding where valentine will be there and take him out
and at first everything is cute! and domestic and fluffy!
like they meet in chapter one and backgrounds are established
and in chapter two they get a little bit more domestic where simon is a night owl and raphael has these late shifts and falls asleep on simon
and then theres a city tour!! and near the end there is this open mic singing thing and so obviously they go bc simon and raphael sings and simon is just w o w
meeting!! raphaels!! friends!! and learning more about the past. and this wanting to learn spanish for raphael and also a fancyish meal
raphael learns that simon is learning spanish and teases him lke a lil loser but is also really happy. then they find vida mia snow and sim gets sad bc he doesnt wanna leave raphael ever
then theres more opening up (via viddia atta girl) and their first kiss and stuff. or maybe that hapens in the last chapter idk. simon also gets a job at a flowers place NERD
he gets flowers for like. everything
they go out shopping and also they go out clubbing and simon gets drunk and he makes out with someone who isnt raphael and has sex by mistake
bc now they’re exclusive and raphael is sosososo upset and that trust is betrayed
and they fight and simon feels like shit and he almost leaves bc valentine isnt worth this pain
but he stays. raphael is worth it. vidia is worth it.
its super awkward tension bt it slowly defuses down and raphael finally is willing to talk
and he forgives simon bc he will always forgive simon
and they fall into a familier patter and simon finally meets raph’s family
and then its the pre wedding days where again flower everywhere and theres a job loss confession on raphael’s behalf poor bby
they get matching outfits and simon is reminded of his mission and so he does it well and thats good
and wedding day huge slurs are also thrown around a possible fight but its all okay.
and then simon finds out raphael is an assassin and his next mark is simon so he runs with vidia.
end of war with love.
relationships with other characters
magnus bane
magnus knows both parties and will not take sides
he consoles raphael and his heart goes out to simon
when raphael decides to leave the orginzation magnus supports him and gives him lita
raphael spends years looking for simon but he never asks magnus bc he would never pressure his friend like that
he also knows about lita and loves her and is like a father to her
lightwood siblings
alec finds out thru magnus and after a while he listens
and he realizes that yeah raphael is a lil shit but hes alsoa good person
not all monsters do terrible things and so he develops a relationship and in actuality he also uses raphael to make sure simon and his family stay safe
eventually izzy finds out bc alec can never keep anything fro her
and izzy and raphael!! have a great friendship!!
they speak spansh to each other and are so comfortable with each other and are so good in fighting and sparring
and its so awkward when simon finds out that they knew this whole time but never said anything
but neither of them would betray the other bc friendship
they never knew about raph
and are super pissed with simon
but they work with him and as time goes on they get a little bit easier with him
so this is in another universe and like mia and raphael have a pretty damn good relationship
and he tells her and she comforts him when hes at his lowest
she and lydia have a thing and its so secretive no one knows [but raph, and magnus. and simon shh]
and lydia is besties with simon in this universe and kinda found out on accident??
shes a spy ffs she overheard some shit and investigated
it led to a h u g e mydia fight
regardless they made up and they also kinda know the story individually and arent taking sides
they just love both people want want the bet i love them
mia and vidia get along great once the initial shock is over tbqh its awesome
and like mia and lita already besties so its a+
vidia mia rose [backstory]
so saphael fund this poor baby girl all abandoned and obviously took her in
simon wanted to name her after a disney fairy FUCKING NERD but raphael wanted to name her after his sister and so they came to a compromise where her first name would be vidia and her middle name mia after IZZY!! SISTER! OC!!! and her last name snow bc they found her on a bench and she was so delicately wrapped she looked so soft
they took her in and raphael is really good with kids with and simon is so!!
her mother couldnt take care of her she left a note and its so movie-like its almost sounds fake.
since they dont know her birthday they decided it would be on the day they found her.
gay. as. hell.
FANCAST: zendaya
vidia mia rose [personality]
nicknames include: dia, viddie (it was a dumb nickname by jace bye) and mini mia or mm! by raphael and lita calls her snow (no one else)
shes likes a gryffindor - ravenclaw
like a hanna marin x aria montgomery
shes extremely stubborn in her eays and refuses to back down even if she knows that shes in the wrong
and like really reckless and does dangerous things just for the fun of it
she also would die for her friends and family (she hates that raphael is a part of that)
and like really quick witted which is why she and lita clash so much at first
and shes so lazy but knows randm facts about random things
shes so into history and loves analyzing things bye
shes also really gifted musically wise like she can sing and since simon always sang and played guitar she did too
but there s some raphael in her like she ended up playing piano instead. and like i said really protective and quickwitted
she wants to be remembered for something and wants to do great things but also?? nothing is special about her (or so she thinks)
tales of a fairy;; vidia mia snow
lita aubree snow [backstory]
she was in the system and it sucked
so she ran away and tried to pickpocket magnus bane and obviously failed
but he saw the potential in her and didnt wanna turn her into a spy so he gave her to raphael and she became like his right hand man
shes met all of his family and has trained with him and honestly?? there is no one she trusts more
she doesnt see him as a father figure tho. like a teacher yeah mentor would be the better word
and she thinks that she owes him everything
raphael sees her skill set bc obviously she can thieve p well and he hones in the pick pocketing better. and shes also a grifter
she loves raphael, she loves the family that she found on her own
even tho shes hella insecure about who she is and why her parents dont love her
FANCAST: janella salvador
lita aubree snow [personality]
nicknames include: lina, las, or any of her other identities, bree (usually raphael only), and when she and vidia are going at it, mine or reeree [aubREE] bc nERDS
shes like raphael and magnus a huffie slytherin
like sophie deveroux but more sarcastic x alison dilaurentis?
shes really patient and can wait to get what she wants. and can enetrain herself for hours/days
shes really charismatic people are just drawn in, and they /want/ to meet her
and thats where her manipulative side comes out like gets people to trust her and then uses it to her advantage
she teases and knows how to use people. shes so cunning and also doesnt know who she is
shes a grifter and has so many facades but who is she really? is she a good person? lita is so insecure about herself and its the worst she gets really bad
shes hardworking and puts her heart and soul into things and also will defend the people she loves
and thats where she and vidia clash so much
shes also really flirtatious (thanks to magnus) and flirts with everyone bc secrets and she likes to hook up
it takes a lot to get her trust and if you break up you done son.
she wants to be someone people whisper about years from now but. is she a good enough person?
pansexual and hooks up with anyone cute
flowers blooming in winter;; lita aubree snow
fairys and flowers destroy each other
battlescars  young god  anything you can do i can do better  give your heart a break  
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lorenzobane · 7 years
Date Night
“Alec, what are you doing?” 
Alec looked up over the pot he was currently stirring in the Institute kitchen to see Isabelle leaning casually against the door frame. 
“I-” Alec started before cutting off abruptly when the pot began to boil over. Once he turned down the heat he finished, “I invited Magnus for dinner here tonight.” 
“You… Invited Magnus here? Like, for a date?”
“Yeah,” Alec responded grimly. 
Alec sighed, “we are always at his place, or we always do things that he suggests… I just didn’t want him to think I’m ashamed of him or something, and that’s why we never come here.” 
“Um, obviously. You never come here because here sucks,” Izzy responded gesturing to the general area of the Institute.  
Alec rolled his eyes and threw some spices into the pot, “are you going to say anything helpful anytime soon? Because if not, leave me to my meal.” 
“Actually, that’s why I came. It smelled like something was burning, and Alec… I’m pretty sure food isn’t supposed to look like that.” 
“You have absolutely no leg to stand on,” Alec said defensively, “it’ll be fine. I’m sure if I just keep adding things it’ll eventually even out.” 
“By the Angel, what is that awful smell ” 
Alec sighed when Jace walked in. The exact last person he wanted to see right now. Jace would never let him live this down, so Alec resigned himself to humiliation. 
“Alec invited Magnus here for a date and offered to cook for him,” Izzy said with a smarmy grin.  
Jace’s eyes widened, “you invited him here? Are you aware that he owns a beautiful penthouse apartment with the world’s most luxurious showers? Honestly, I’m glad to be home… But I still daydream about that shower. Also, there are way fewer people… Don’t you want privacy?” 
“Considering how often you guys interrupt us anyway,” Alec said ignoring Jace’s sound of protest,” I’m not actually sure it matters where we are. And would you stop! He’ll be here in half an hour, it’s too late to suddenly change plans. So, either help me or leave me to my misery.”
Jace and Izzy shared a look that Alec knew well- it was the ‘Alec is such a loser’ look, but he didn’t call them on it. Especially because, after a moment, they both shifted their shoulders back into soldier positions. They may drive him insane, but they’ll always come through for him. 
“Sure, buddy, why don’t I help you make a dinner that resembles human food?” Jace offered, and Alec sighed with relief. Of the three of them, Jace was by far the most capable in the kitchen. 
“Where were you thinking of setting up?” Izzy asked. 
Alec blushed slightly, but responded, “it’s nice out… So I thought, maybe… We could eat on the balcony of my office?” 
“Wow, look at you, bro,” Izzy said punching his arm playfully, “you are actually a secret romantic.” 
“Shut up,” Alec said turning away. “We don’t have much time, so Jace…”
“Say no more,” Jace responded, taking Alec’s pot and dumping everything out ignoring Alec’s soft sound of disapproval. “We don’t have a lot of time, so I think your best bet is some type of pasta dish, we’ll throw some fish on top because fish cooks faster than meat, make a salad and call it a day.” 
“Do you have wine?” Izzy asked. 
Alec nodded, at least that part he had completed. “Yeah, it’s chilling in the fridge.” 
Izzy nodded in approval, “I’ll go set up your balcony. Alec, why don’t you go shower and get ready?” 
“But what if Jace needs my-”
“No!” Jace said with alarm, “no, it will be less work for me if you’re not here. But don’t forget, you’re going to owe me big time.”
“Duly noted,” Alec responded, “what do you want?”
“I’ll tell you later,” Jace said already focused on his task of chopping vegetables. 
Alec nodded and ran to his room, cursing softly. It was disorganized because he’s been so distracted and busy lately. He hastily shoved a few empty, day old mugs into empty drawers, chucked his clothes into a laundry basket and then put that in the closet. With his room now looking moderately less terrible he rushed to take a shower, shaving his face and using the after-shave he knew Magnus liked so much. Or at least, Alec thinks he likes it based on the way he always seems to nuzzle closer on the days he uses it. 
He knew he couldn’t waste any time, Magnus was religiously punctual (at least, with Alec. Otherwise he was more than content to make people wait. The preferential treatment always made Alec smile.) 
By the time he got back to the kitchen Jace was just about finishing up dinner. 
“Okay,” Jace said upon seeing him, “I plated it and put the extras in your office, so that should be fine. I did place a heating rune on the pot, so no worries.” 
“You are the best parabatai,” Alec said pulling into a hug that surprised both of them. 
“Sap,” Jace said squeezing back just as hard. 
“I’m done with the balcony. I put the wine in an ice bucket out there,” Izzy said as she walked in on them hugging. Alec pulled her into the hug as well, because while his mother may insist that Lightwoods aren’t huggers, that particular family trait did not pass down to her children. 
“Try not to be too tragic, okay, Alec?” Izzy said as they pulled away. Alec made a face. 
“I’m not tragic.” 
Jace and Izzy shared that look again, “okay.” 
Alec opened his mouth to respond but his phone vibrated, with a message from Magnus letting him know he came. 
“I gotta go,” Alec said. 
Jace turned to leave with a wink, “if you end up fucking on the desk in your office I wouldn’t blame you.” 
“Goodbye,” Alec said walking away to let Magnus in through the front door. 
Magnus took his breath away, as usual. He was dressed well, but Alec didn’t expect anything else. There was something special about this, though, about having Magnus on his turf and opening the door for him. It was nice knowing that for once, Magnus really didn’t have to do anything- Alec could take care of him completely. It was a surprisingly heady feeling, Alec thought he might ask Magnus to come here more often after all. 
“I didn’t want to come empty handed,” Magnus said holding out a cake tin. “So I figured I’d bring dessert.” 
Alec took the cake and leaned down slightly to meet Magnus’s lips for a welcoming kiss. “Yes, very sweet.” 
Magnus rolled his eyes at the line but smiled anyway and kissed him again. When Magnus pulled back he immediately nuzzled Alec’s cheek, which made him smirk internally. Looks like he was right about that aftershave.
Alec led Magnus to his office and was hit by the scent of well-cooked pasta covered in a fragrant sauce. Jace really was a life saver. The second thing he noticed was the table on the balcony, with candles placed over a clean white table cloth, beside it was a smaller table with the wine he got chilling in an ice bucket. He even heard soft jazz playing in the background. 
“Wow,” Magnus said his eyes slightly wide, “is this some type of anniversary I forgot?” 
Alec laughed, “no. I just… Wanted tonight to be nice. Jace and Izzy helped a lot.” 
Magnus smiled, “I thought I recognized that smell. I think Jace made this for me once when he was staying with me.” 
Alec was burning up with happiness that bordered on giddy. He walked to the table outside, his hand still holding Magnus’. Letting go briefly, he pulls out Magnus’ chair for him. Magnus, who has been watching him with a soft smile, actually blushes at that. Alec thinks that if he can keep that wide-eyed look of wonderment on Magnus’ face as often as he can, he’ll have lived a good life. 
The place settings already had two plates full of food on them and had a small warming rune burned into the corner of the ceramic. 
He moved to open the bottle of wine when he realized he didn’t have a wine opener. Alec opened his mouth to start stuttering something when the bottle was suddenly uncorked in a haze of blue magic. 
“Thanks,” Alec said, his cheeks still slightly red. 
“It’s the least I can do,” Magnus said gesturing around them. 
Alec rolled his eyes, and reached one hand out to grab Magnus’ and pressed a gentle kiss to his knuckles. “I’m glad you like it.” 
“Of course I do, you didn’t need to go to all this effort but I do appreciate it. I love you,” Magnus said, his eyes warm and gentle as the looked at Alec. He was always struck by how beautiful Magnus’ eyes really are, they express so many emotions, they can be gentle and kind, and icy cold. Right now they radiated love, and Alec’s breath caught in his throat. 
“I love you too,” he responded. “Now, should we eat? This looks delicious.” 
“Sounds like a plan, Alexander.” 
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