#the makhae
stoshasaurus · 3 months
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after much deliberation, we have decided to name the dog...
V1 found it with a damaged gyroscope; considering there's no other way to access its internals, it probably came from the factory that way and somehow managed to bypass the maintenance checks. the malfunction causes the drone to have poor balance, making it unsteady in the air. heavily damaged and likely dying, V1 didn't find it to be a worthy adversary (they felt bad for it) and knowing that Ramattra likes having projects to work on in his workshop, it figured that the drone would be a fun project for him to keep himself busy with, so it brought it back for him.
obviously, the drones aren't from the world of Overwatch, so Ramattra had none of the parts to repair it, so any missing parts he had to remake from scratch. he wasn't able to repair the gyroscope, but he did manage to largely repair any other detrimental internal damage and save the drone's life.
(he never found the mechanism that makes it explode, though, so realistically it could explode at any time)
Ramattra worked on the drone for so long that he became attached to it, and was content keeping it as a pet with V1. he figured since they found it, they should be the one to name it. V1's internal systems prefer efficiency over everything else; all entities are categorized with a simple shorthand so that information about them can be stored for later use, so that they take up as little space in their storage unit as possible. V1 simply called the drone Dog. Ramattra engraved a different name onto its chassis: Makhamali, a local name in Nepal for the globe amaranth, Ramattra's favorite flower. when asked, he'll tell people that its name is Makhamali. but both machines refer to the drone affectionately as Dog.
Makha loves its owners and very loyally fulfills its original purpose by patrolling the house and keeping it safe from intruders. it still retains its original weaponry (though Ramattra installed a little off-switch so that he can disable its guns if it starts shooting their guests). it's been remarkably easy to train; it seems eager to learn and receive orders, and learns very quickly. Makha is very vocal; it barks at intruders and sings little tunes as it goes about its day, washing machine style. despite its faulty gyroscope, it is still very fast and enjoys going on runs and playing in the backyard. there are a few scratches on their walls from Makha bumping into them. it is also a very clingy pet; it will often follow V1 and Ramattra around the house, wherever they go, receiving pets and scratches all the while, and singing very chipperly. Ramattra has lovingly constructed many things for Makha; feeding bowls, beds in nearly every part of the house, and various harnesses and leashes that they can walk it with. he's even picked up knitting so that he can make little sweaters for it. V1 has taken it on various hellbound expeditions and it has returned completely untouched each time. Makha is also a very good lapdog, purring contentedly whenever they take the time to relax. Makhamali is a very beloved pet among both its owners and houseguests alike.
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thecutiecollective · 2 years
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Makha Goryacheva
IG: Mahavsekruto
📷 Nastya Fed
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apotatomashedbybts · 1 year
BTS er sheddho kora aloo 🥔 😂
Why you jxjzkzkznzjs শক্তিশালী গন্ধ যুক্ত কমলালেবু
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beachmere303 · 4 months
Discover the Sacred Traditions and Spiritual Significance of Makha Bucha...
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promptyper · 10 months
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FARAS : Leaked MakHa Archived Images
Date: 29th July 1948
 The species is identified as 'MakHa', a name arising from the unique sound they produce during communication.
 The MakHa are humanoid in form with tall, slender bodies and elongated limbs. They possess a distinctive elongated cranium, earning them the nickname "horse-head" among initial contact teams. Skin color varies from pale white to a more muted grey hue.
 Unlike the Roswell aliens, they did not speak English. But one of them was able to use English, and the other learned quickly, so communication was soon possible.
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 MakHa society appears to treat all individuals equally, irrespective of their apparent age. Our observations suggest that this may not stem from moral or ideological concepts, but from the lack of significant functional and experiential differences between younger and older individuals.
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 The MakHa show clear signs of hostility towards the Roswell aliens, despite their likely shared origin. Our inquiries indicate that this antagonism is primarily due to pronounced ideological differences. The MakHa lean towards a more totalitarian and collectivist system compared to the Roswell one.
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 These MakHa were presumed to be artificially created creatures. They learned everything, but they felt mechanical, not by curiosity. Some officers taught them to play hide-and-seek, which they performed very well, but did not appear to have any pleasure or curiosity.
 They didn't show much emotional change even after they understood that there was nothing they could change here. It's supposed to be because, in addition to their senses and nerves being different from modern humans, their view of time already has a good understanding of how these deterministic events work.
 They just seemed content to understand and remember things around them. If they could have changed something, they would have acted as best they could, but they had already figured things out, so they didn't show much agitation or take any particular action in contact with some of the surviving Roswell aliens. Their behavior seemed very strange, but it wasn't that officers couldn't find their human side. They were fully communicative beings, and they wished their ancestors good luck.
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divinum-pacis · 3 months
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February 2024: Buddhist monks pray at the Wat Phra Dhammakaya temple during a ceremony commemorating Makha Bucha Day in Pathum Thani province outside Bangkok, Thailand. [Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters]
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luckydiorxoxo · 7 months
Oh yeah, people are being fired left and right because of Palestine. A Hollywood agent named Makha Dakhil was made to resign from her roles, but only got to remain an agent because Tom Cruise stuck up for her. Tom “crazy Scientologist that’s the prince of Hollywood” Cruise. If Tom fucking Cruise has to intervene, that should show the companies that this shit ain’t it, but no.
Also, the director of Scream just came out and said that Melissa’s firing wasn’t his decision on Twitter. So this was 100% Paramount.
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jaydraw209 · 9 months
I had some concept designs for the 3 the Earthrealm Gods on my mind.
Yeah, it's mainly for AU purposes.
1st Designs(though I still imagine that's what their heights like):
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2nd Designs:
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Names I've considered:
Earth God: Makha
Water God: Triton
Fire God: Ogun
I'm open to suggestion for names
I was actually inspired by creatorofstarrealm's take on the Gods, I liked the idea that the 3 could take more influence from different cultures.
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sarchakra · 9 months
Dal Makha (Mashed Red Lentils)
Dal Makha is a flavorful lentil dish hailing from the rich culinary heritage of Bengal, a region in the eastern part of India. It is a staple in Bengali households and is often prepared to complement a variety of main courses. This traditional Bengali dish is a testament to the exquisite art of combining simple ingredients to create a dish that is both wholesome and bursting with flavors. This…
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skiplo-wave · 7 months
Susan Sarandon, a fucking acting veteran, was dropped from her talent agency for supporting Gazans.
It’s crazy that the company that fired her backpedaled because of him. He’s just that powerful.
New wave of blacklisting celebrities is upon them. Saying genocide is bad and getting fired for it is wild. Yall buckle up cause this will get worst ( and fuck studios and Hollywood black listing people for speaking the right thing)
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amazing-thailand · 4 months
🙏 This year, Makha Bucha, which falls on the full moon day of the third lunar month, is taking place on February 24. And if you are heading northeast, you will witness a one-of-a-kind celebration of ‘Makha Phuranami Bucha’ that features the sea of colourful Isan flags, or ‘Thung,’ along with the nighttime candle-lit procession at the sacred Phra That Yakhu at the Fa Daet Song Yang Ancient Town in Kalasin.
Make sure you do not miss this unique, once-in-a-year experience.
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priglnwza · 4 months
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My friend challenged me to draw Okada in every festival but i'm don't know
So he tell me to draw him in "Makha Bucha Day"
(he Japanese and i don't want to draw him dress like thai monk☠️)
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The Pantheon of Slavic Pagan Gods part 1
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DISCLAIMER (Not my photos, credits go to original artist)
While it’s not certain if the Slavic religion had an organized pantheon of gods comparable to other Indo-European peoples like the Greeks, Romans or Scandinavians, Slavs surely had their deities. While many of them can reflect a more ancient shared Indo-European past, it remains disputable whether these gods were worshipped on the whole vast expanses of Slavic Europe (which ranged from the Baltic to the Black Sea) or rather varied depending on the locale and specific Slavic tribe.
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Considered to be a supreme god. Father of all Gods. The protector of the family, who, together with the Rodzanice, assisted every person from birth. In Old Slavic, the name of the deity meant the harvest that the earth brings, so he was also the guardian of prosperity.
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Perun one of the highest gods, a supreme God of the Slavic Pantheon. Worshipped across wide expanses of Slavic Europe and even beyond (as Perkunas he also appears in Baltic mythology), Perun is the reigning lord of the heavens, and the god of lightning and thunder. As a thunder-god, he has been compared to Zeus in Greek or Thor in Norse mythology. It was also commonly associated with oak (a sacred tree) and birds of prey.
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Wife of Perun
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Hades of the Slavs, lord of the underworld, magic and curses. He was nicknamed skotij, as a guardian of the flock. Due to its dark nature, it is often identified with the Viper. In the fight between good and evil, he was the eternal antagonist of the thundering demiurge Perun. The zoomorphic incarnation of Weles was Żmij, a dragon-like reptilian figure from the beliefs of ancient Slavs
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Divine craftsman. blacksmith, which results from the etymology of his name. There are at least three examples of sources: Sanskrit svar – sky; Persian chvar – sun and sъvariti – to forge, to forge. His domain was the day, the sky and the sun. It's easy to see the similarities to other solar deities. The zoomorphic incarnation of Swarog was Raróg - a fire spirit most often manifesting itself in the form of a burning firebird (phoenix)
God of the sun, of fire, and of the hearth. In myth he may have been the son of Svarog and the brother of Dazhbog.
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God of the sun, fire, heat, warmth, light and weather. Brother of Svarohits, son of Svarog
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God of the Western Slavic people, especially the Polabians. Etymology translates his name as holy lord. He served as a deity of war, harvest and fertility. The literary interpretation from the Romantic period saw him, due to the interpretation of the statue with four faces, as Światowid - an all-seeing deity looking at the four directions of the world.
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God of unbridled youthful energy. His coming was celebrated with spring. He was a fertility god with a lot of eroticism. The name, consisting of two elements, meant a young lord, a nobleman
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Mother Earth. An ancient deity of humanity, developing together with Indo-European civilization and cultures from their very beginnings. In Slavic symbolism, the goddess of rain and storm, prosperity and fertility, sexuality. The root mok is still present in the word wet. The ancient Indian makha meant nobility, and meksha - plant juice
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tc-pp-id · 1 year
Reason & History of celebration
New Year’s Day Thailand use both Western year and traditional Thai year, which is 43 years ahead of its Western equivalent
Children’s Day This day is use to recognise the development that children have made and will make to the future of the country. These days it's all about children having fun and parents being grateful for the part they play in bonding families and enriching lives.
Teachers’ Day Thailand hold a belief that teachers are some of society's most valuable contributors to shape the children, who will be the future of the country. Thai people believe teachers deserve to be recognized and appreciated for their dedication
Chinese Lunar New Year 11-14% of Thailand's population are considered ethnic Chinese
Makha Bucha Day ”to mark a significant gathering where Lord Buddha led his teaching upon 1,250 of his first disciples” is an explanation from pattaya.holidayinn.com https://shorturl.at/bpyGZ
National Thai Elephant Day  promotes awareness about protecting and conserving the Thai elephant population and its habitats.
National Muay Thai Day The  fighting style is thought to have been used by soldiers and also by locals protecting their lands. Long before it was a sport, Muay Thai was an important survival tool.
Chakri Day This day is for citizens to honor the royal family and celebrate their contributions to the country
Thai New Year Songkran was the official New Year until 1888, when it was switched to a fixed date of 1 April. Then in 1940, this date was shifted to 1 January. The traditional Thai New Year Songkran was transformed into a national holiday.
Labour Day  This holiday has roots in the labour union movement and in the struggle for workers rights internationally
Coronation Day The day is use to demonstrates the stability and unity of the people as the Nation
Bung Ban Fai Rocket Festival Fertility rituals which were held to celebrate the coming of the monsoon season, which rain for the first few month 
Visakha Bucha Day  marking the birth, enlightenment and death of the Lord Buddha
Phi Ta Khon Ghost Festival   This day is believe that dead would come back to life
Khao Phansa  (Start of ‘Buddhist Lent’) Mark the start of the three-month period during the rainy season when monks are required to remain in a particular place such as a monastery or temple grounds. There, they will meditate, pray, study, and teach other young monks.
Asahna Bucha Day traditionally a popular day for young Thai men to enter the monkhood
Mother’s Day Commemorate the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit.
Por Tor Hungry Ghost Festival To pay respect to the dead.
Vegetarian Festival Those who participate would turn vegan for nine days. The local Chinese community believe that abstinence from meat and other negative stimulants will lead to good health and peace of mind.
Thai National Flag Day To commemorate the day the tricolor flag was issued as the current national flag by King Rama VI Fun fact: Thai flag used to be white elephant face the left with red background, but the flag is often place in the wrong direction, so the King Rama VI notice the flaw in the flag change it to tri color representing: national, religion and king as seen today
King Bhumibol Adulyadej Memorial Day King Bhumibol Adulyadej or Rama IX is a beloved king in Thailand and was praised for his handwork to improve the quality of life for every citizen in Thailand. He would personally travel to the rural or country side area to see the quality of peoples’ live in those area.
Awk Phansa (End of ‘Buddhist Lent’)
Chulalongkorn Day Celebrates the life and work of King Chulalongkorn, also known as Rama V, who ruled Thailand for 42 years
Sat Thai Festival Honoring spirits of the season and dead relatives. Rites and ceremonies vary among different communities. The ceremony is sometimes referred to by locals as “sending off grandparents into the next life”, and is an activity that boosts community unity. Context: Thailand are mostly Buddhism, which believe that everything would be rebirth as one form or another such as animal could be rebirth as a human.
Loy Krathong Paid respects to the water spirits 
Yi Peng Lantern Festival   a way to release negative energy and wish for good luck and good fortune in the coming year.
Father’s Day Commemorate the birthday of King Rama IX. 
Constitution Day commemorates Thailand's adoption of a constitutional monarchy in 1932
Christmas Day Over 90% of the Thai population are Buddhist. Buddhism is tolerant of all other religions, including Christianity, and this religious tolerance is part of the reason why a major Christian festival such as Christmas can also be enjoyed by Buddhists in Thailand.
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chronicparagon · 2 years
[So, I haven’t talked much about this, but I have somewhat of a Fate AU. I need to learn more about it and I want to finish my Berserk AU and a couple others first, but I have kind of an idea for Fate.
It started as a generic fantasy verse with Harmony being a survivor of an Indigenous group called the Makha Sa (Red Earth) Nation. Harmony has skill in earth mage craft (but her people called them bloodline powers since the elements were by clan). However, Harmony became somewhat of a cleric capable of healing but also has powers in the shadows after making a pact with the Hitogami, becoming her patron god. This makes her an agent or cleric of shadows. She gained powers in the shadows through rituals and prayers to her god.
Now, this is subject to change since I’m working to transition from the generic fantasy idea to a more specific Fate one. The current idea is based on past interactions without a full background post for this verse. I have part 1 of this verse posted a few months ago. I may need to redo it before doing part 2.
I wanted to share in case there are ideas or suggestions to make it better.]
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divinum-pacis · 3 months
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February 2024: The Makha Bucha lantern lighting ceremony at Wat Phra Dhammakaya temple in Bangkok. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images
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