#the living blog: fe engage
heroictoonz · 3 months
Fire Emblem Engage? More like these guys are engaging in some homosexual behaviors
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felikatze · 18 days
Hi, this is your ticket to infodump about isat/fe aus.
whehe. wheh. wawawawa. (i start vibrating)
i dont know how much i've posted abt my thoughts vs how much i just monologued to various people on discord (hello and thank you to pix, alice, and lozy (i think i also monologued to riu once? hi riu)) but you can find all (most?) of the stuff tagged under "isat emblem" on my art blog
ANYWAY. SO. I'M NOW TALKING ABOUT THE UHH. fourth. isat/fe crossover i have, which is the "what if isat ran on FE lore" one, instead of any roleswap or isekai shenanigans.
i'm looking you straight in the eye. look at me. listen to me. the forgotten island is Valla. It's literally just Valla.
FULL GAME SPOILERSSSS riu don't look at this.
ok. listen
you cannot say its name. if you say its name, you fucking die
people from valla cannot share that they are from valla, making them simply foreigners from "somewhere else"
the disappearance of valla seems to be recent, yet nobody besides people from it have any memories of it
it still physically exists, but is generally impossible to access
associated with water-based enemies that attack anybody yet also represent the regrets of its people
so. you may have already seen my Manakete Siffrin, but it is needless to say, i took a FUCKTON of cues from corrin for this. this entire AU is generally very fates adjacent. with some engage in it, for flavor.
Manakete Siffrin is so tasty. Please also look at Pix's dragon sif AU because this is VERY MUCH the exact same flavor because me and Pix were just on the same brainwave i guess.
In this Au, Siffrin is a dragon (silent dragon or divine dragon, either works). And the dragons lived on the island, but the island disappeared. Because dragons were so deeply associated with this place, knowledge of dragons disappeared, as well, outside of perhaps the occasional myth. (Imagine Sif being told "Dragons aren't real, silly!" man.)
Siffrin is a dragon, and fucking forgot about it. All they know is that they are Different. But not how. Or why. Imagine.
Imagine, as the loops progress, Siffrin grows stronger not through training, but through learning how strong they already were. That there are claws beneath the gloves, that they can see in the dark, that if they focus just right, they can breathe fire.
Imagine, for me, Siffrin learning they are not human. They are Other. They are a Myth. And how this plays perfectly into Siffrin's increased alianation from the party, and Siffrin's growing belief that they are a monster, and that if this is ever discovered, his friends will leave him.
If you want to bring my wolfskin Isabeau into this. I already mentioned it briefly but. Isabeau is also not human but he is In Control of it. He makes it palatable. People know what beastfolk are, they're documented in Vaugarde, I'd imagine that there's one or two frozen around the House. They are a Known Quantity. Even compared to the nonhuman, Siffrin is Other, is a Beast, and he can feel his control slipping. Compared to Isabeau, he is a feral animal. (Or, at least, they believe they are.)
Augrh. Okay.
Also. Lizard Loop. Ok.
UM. SO. I mentioned Engage, so. EMBLEMS!! This Au actually has Emblems in it. See, on the island where the dragons lived, the Emblems lived as well. And people prayed to the Emblems, to the heroes from the countless stars, to the heroes sent by the universe to guide them. Only the dragons could summon Emblems, but they could grant favor to anyone. And if all Emblems came together, they could rewrite the Universe itself.
The Emblems knew this.
And thus, when the Emblems came togehter, they wished to be forgotten. The place where they dwelled, and the people that worshipped them... were casualties of an ill-fated wish, to seal away this catastrophic power.
Yup, I made Wish Craft emblem flavored!! Because man. It's literally "prayer incantation". Divine Dragons draw power from Emblems through Prayer, through belief, and Fell Dragons draw power from Emblems through Incantation, through ritual. And the most powerful of all is combining the two. IT'S WISH CRAFT RULES, YALL.
So so, the concept of Emblems also got forgotten, but the main wish just erased the Emblems as people. That's why Sif and Co could find out about Emblems as the story progresses, same way in canon they can find out about Wish Craft.
Because I love suffering, I'd say. Instead of a Silver Coin, Siffrin has a silver ring, instead. It's just a plain band that's been around their finger for forever. It's not special at all.
....or is it?
...sometimes, Siffrin manages to rememeber a friend. Only for brief moments. When Siffrin does Mirabelle's hair, he wonders how he knows to work with kinky hair. When they eat the fish head, they reminisce that someone else liked it..... and then they forget again.
In this AU, that friend was an Emblem. That was Siffrin's Marth. But they're gone. That ring is empty.
....or is it?
About Loop.
I think this was Lozy's suggestion, but. Loop is an Emblem. Loop wasnt always an Emblem, but Engage shows how people can become Emblems, yeah. So, Loop is a spirit from another world, sent by the Universe to guide this one. Loop is bound to their own ring, though neither of them realize. When an Emblem is asked for power through incantation, they cannot refuse. Siffrin's wish causes the timeloop by calling upon the power of the dormant Emblem they carry, which is Loop.
(How did Loop cause their own loops? Well, it was still an Emblem, even before Loop was in it. Who was it? Well, I don't know, and that's the pain, isn't it?)
Also I think it'd be really cool if Big Sif isn't just, Sif fully transforms into a dragon (which is already cool as hell) but also like. Siffrin manages to Engage with their Emblem. And after that, the Emblem is well and truly gone, for good. It just said goodbye for the last time.
And ofc Act 6 when Loop disappears, Siffrin picks up the ring that houses them in the hopes Loop will awaken one day. Yeah.
I've mentioned this in my FE6/ISAT parallels posting but Mirabelle is so lord-coded. Specifically the Roy-flavor of "just some guy" lord. She wasn't chosen for this she just happened to be here. SHE EVEN HAS A RAPIER!!! AND AN UNAVAILABLE MENTOR!!!
Listen to me she's so so so Roy-coded MIRABELLE IS A FIRE EMBLEM LORD.
Ok. Ok.
I think it'd be really funny if Odile was just straight up from Hoshido. It would work. I don't want to change Vaugarde to a FE country because the culture is just too unique for any straight equivalent, but the other countries with less detail work. (Puts Odile in Onmyoji because she's a magic class 100%)
Bonnie's class is actually Transporter. Lozy suggested "Aptitude Villager" but i feel we need to keep the spirit of "Do not Attack The Child". So Bonnie is the Elibe-exclusive Cannot Die Items Holder class. It even works with Bonnie's potshots that Merlinus (the only transporter in the whole entire FE series) gets daggers in Heroes, which is the debuff support weapon.
Bonnie chucking holy water from the back of a horse. Thank u. That is all.
Um yeah. So that's all (most?) of the FE-flavored ISAT thoughts I have. yeah. Um.
Thank u very much for asking this. I love talking.
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mbti-notes · 1 year
Anon wrote: INFJ. I experienced childhood trauma (verbal, emotional, physical, sexual) and have a lot of difficulty with learning due to issues with concentration and memory. I also have issues with emotional dysregulation and poor sleep. I've received C-PTSD as a diagnosis, with BPD traits (I think something in the ballpark of BPD may run in my family).
During conversations I'm often only really attending to 10-50% of what is said but can usually interpolate due to redundancy. However, during technical lectures or other situations with much lower redundancy, I'm totally lost. I believe this is one factor preventing me from achieving my full potential. In my current state I'm still capable of making a good living and living a comfortable life, but I know there is far more I can achieve.
In the near term I plan to focus on Fe/Ti - emotional intelligence, social skills, and also developing Ti expertise in a specific topic aligned with my Ni vision via the right set of Fe commitments and collaborations - while sidestepping the poor concentration issue for now. I can see that sufficient prior expertise (Ti) on a conversation/lecture topic also helps to compensate for the concentration issues. You gave me similar advice (let Ti do the heavy lifting) a couple years ago.
However, in the long run, if I really want to achieve my full potential, I can see that I'll need to directly address my concentration difficulties and other ways in which I believe trauma has stalled Se development.
Do you have any thoughts on how to restore my ability to be present and learn more effectively? As of now, as part of my general healing process, I'm focusing on building healthy interpersonal relationships (likely just platonic in the near future, in part because I'm not sure if I'm currently capable of having sex), emotional regulation, learning how to drive (which I've avoided due to my poor concentration, but maybe I'll be forced to improve out of necessity), and martial arts.
I may also undergo physical therapy to be able to get a Pap smear done (as of now it's seemingly not possible due to anxiety). I also believe that the memories of the worst trauma are repressed, and am considering psychedelics and EMDR to uncover and process these memories, which perhaps could be necessary to fully heal and address my concentration and memory issues.
I've had very poor experiences with psychiatry and clinical psychology (misdiagnosis, gaslighting, fraud, and shocking levels of incompetence) so am not super eager to engage with that system again, though I'm reading the DBT manual currently and also deriving my own personal principles for emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness (the latter I find to be easier, likely due to my Se issues).
I know you're likely going to say that I should consult a mental health professional, but I respect your judgment way more than any of the ones I've worked with. Also, an implicit assumption I'm making here is essentially equating focus/concentration/memory with Se, which may be inaccurate. Finally, I can't thank you enough for this blog. It's been lifechanging, to say the least.
Also, another assumption here is that trauma is the cause of the concentration and memory issues - that's my current hypothesis but I could certainly be wrong. My mom (who I think also has BPD traits) frequently complains about her difficulty concentrating. It's possible she also experienced trauma, or maybe it's genetic. No one has been willing to diagnose me with ADHD due to no evidence of learning issues in childhood. BPD dissociation could ultimately be the best explanation.
Poor concentration is a lot like a sore throat, in that it can be a symptom of a great many things. By itself, it doesn't tell you a lot. The underlying cause could be relatively simple like poor physical health, or it could be a psychological issue like C-PTSD, or it could be a very complicated combination of factors working together, each needing their own solution. Let's unpack:
1) Physical Health: Brain functioning is heavily dependent upon physical health. Without a healthy body to support the brain, you won't possess enough energy and will to perform the executive function tasks you need for self-management and self-improvement. You mentioned poor sleep. A well-rested mind is essential for good concentration and quality sleep is essential for efficient memory consolidation.
Your brain is a physical object that requires physical care and maintenance. Without a nutritious diet, quality sleep, adequate exercise and blood flow, and proper stress/illness management, brain operation suffers. Therefore, improving mental health should always begin with improving your physical habits, establishing healthy physical routines, and maintaining work-life balance. Improving physical health also goes a long way to improving emotional regulation.
2) Mental Health: Yes, trauma can interfere with focus and memory operations, but this doesn't mean it's the cause, so I wouldn't be so quick to jump to that conclusion. Focus and memory issues aside, it is generally important to your well-being to be mentally healthy, so you need to address your mental health issues in a timely manner.
You mention three issues: C-PTSD due to a history of abuse, BPD traits, and emotional dysregulation. It's often the case that these three things are interrelated, but it's important to know for sure by getting properly checked out by a mental health professional.
There is a good chance that DBT will be an effective treatment for these three issues because it teaches you how to manage emotions better. But I suggest that you work with a DBT specialist rather than go it alone. The presence of BPD traits makes it likely that you have difficulty being objective about yourself, so going it alone could inadvertently lead you straight into Ti loop if you're not careful (assuming you're not already there). Due to the necessity of Fe development, it is vital that you have an objective person to reflect important truths back to you.
Every profession has its fair share of duds and bad apples. Not everyone graduates with honors, after all. I understand that you've had negative experiences with professionals and I can only reiterate that it's important to keep shopping around until you find the right fit. Being much more specific about the problem/issue you want to address can help you narrow down the search.
3) Learning and Improvement: You are drawn to my blog and its ideas about type development. While lack of presence may be an indication of Se misuse, the solution isn't as simple as developing Se. You're not anywhere near ready to develop the inferior function, and fixating on it is likely to be harmful.
In INFJs, lack of presence isn't directly caused by Se. It's more likely to be related to maladaptive Fe. When INFJs aren't able to handle the intense feelings and emotions that Fe opens them up to, they tend to develop a habit of detaching from the world and retreating into their own self-created world through Ni-Ti loop. Detachment means you separate yourself from reality, and lack of presence is one common symptom of that.
You can't be fully present and learn well when you're not learning for the sake of learning but rather treat learning merely as a means to some other, more unconscious end. When there's a lot happening in the unconscious, especially if you have a long running habit of repressing feelings and emotions, you're being driven by dark forces. If this is true for you, your real potential isn't to be found in learning or "intelligence" but rather in honesty and becoming more self-aware, i.e., facing up to the things that haunt you, which goes back to point #2 about getting proper therapy to address your trauma.
You seem very motivated to improve yourself and your life, which is generally a good thing. However, this motivation should be closely examined in INFJs because they often suffer from perfectionism and use "self-improvement" to feed unhealthy control issues. In other words, their motives can be suspect. You say you're not living up to your "full" potential, e.g., you should be able to focus better, be more present, remember more, perform better, etc, but is this really true? Says who? Who is the one defining this notion of "potential"? What are you really aiming for and why? What does "full" mean, i.e., at what point does it end?
At some point, if you ever hope to be at peace, you have to accept the reality of your limitations and be content in who you are, as is. Are you happy with yourself and who you are? Is your quest for self-improvement motivated by love of yourself, love of life, and love of others? Or is it fueled by ego, illusion, insecurity, guilt, shame, or self-loathing? It is very important to answer these questions honestly. Attempting self-improvement with unconscious intentions can lead to undesirable consequences. It sounds like you're trying to do way too much at once, which is usually a warning sign. Biting off more than you can chew is a very good way to choke.
Your thinking is messy and confused. You've taken the above three points and mashed them together. Despite what you believe about them being related, they are distinct issues that each need proper attention. I've separated them out for you and numbered them in order of importance. Slow down, prioritize the issues in the right order, and take things one SMALL step at a time.
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Hey! I'm the one from Reddit I unfortunately couldn't get your book but your blog has been of great help
I'm pretty sure I'm istj however I never seem to understand fe
Especially when it comes to it's positions
1)It's more "known " that tert fe is manipulative while true because it's users use it to scrape by why is it the default? Because as far as I know fe doms and aux aren't saints either as a matter of fact they have the capability to be more in grasp with manipulation techniques...
Because especially in my experience my estp friend is friendly when she's with others as opposed to when she's with me and she teases only those in her group friend she also uses her fe in an I'mml do you a favour if you do this to me
While fe doms/aux in my life use teasing/friendlier techniques to get others to like them instanly and for longer periods of times
2)From my understanding fe aux /dom want a connection with others and seeks it
Fe tert/fe inf doubt that connection between people or would make it later on in life (or don't understand fe as it is but through a ti lens )
Fe/Ti sees the world through the lens of human connections -- how we all impact each other, what we share in common, what could unify us, how our lives intersect -- and this trains them to have a humanitarian perspective (we should look after each other and adapt to each other for our own survival as a society). A component of this is being attentive to and respectful of emotional dynamics -- my feelings, your feelings, our feelings, where we stand, how to make you like me or be appropriate to this situation and show the acceptable emotions. Fe/Ti will put aside its own feelings and desires to accommodate their loved ones ("I am tired tonight, but this ballet recital means a lot to my daughter, so I will put on a smile").
Ti/Fe is an analytical mind, like a human computer seeking to comprehend and deconstruct everything into individual components, which means it sees humans as yet another thing that can be broken down, analyzed, understood, and "hacked." Thus emotional dynamics are seen as part of that emerging pattern -- there is less emotional engagement and true understanding of feelings, and less awareness of one's deeper emotional impact, and more a tendency to adapt to survive and to get others to like them by tapping into communal values, beliefs, opinions, etc. The lower the Fe, the more awkward this is within them and the less they care.
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yanderefairyangel · 6 months
Monster in Fire Emblem Engage
What is a monster ? We read about them ever since the youngest age, those weird creatures that haunt our nightmares. However, did we ever questioned what they represent ?
A monster is a individual or a creature whose shape, behaviour, surprise by how far it is from what is considered to be "normal". It creates fear, disgust, hatred, disdain, loathing.
If we go back to the original meaning, it comes from the latin word monstrum, which comes from the latin verb monere "avert, indicate, enlight" and originally used to refer to miracle and any extraordinary event, without any negative connotation. Another etymology is that it is derivated from the latin verb monstare meaning "to show, to point out" because the monster is what is pointed out as extraordinary, out of the ordinary. In japanese, the common word for monster is 化け物/bakemono which is formed from the verb  化ける meaning "to transform, to disguise, to take a different form/appearance". If in our western conception a monster is what is different, in the japanese mind, it's what has the ability to become different and change it's shape.
In the traditional story of heroism, the hero always have to fight a monster, usually portrayed as an hideous creature with either zoomorphoic attributes or anthromorphic one. There is actually a much deeper level : the hero must fight and defeat a monster in this journey in order to defeat his own demons. See, monster's traditional representation are always linked to how in the human mind they are supposed to represent a part of the human monstruosity. We aren't pure and clean being, we human can commit absolutely awful acts, therefore the opposition to a monster is supposed to show how we manage to overcome the monstrusosity lying within us. This is also present in the traditional representation of the Devil. It's not accurate, it's meant to represent how human perceives it : as something worth fear. Monster in general are all based on the feelings and sensation they create. Their ugliness is motivated by the fear and hatred they create.
Therefore, whether an author is aware of that or not, this symbolic is bond to that scenario meaning that simply adapting it will recreate this symbolic.
Fire Emblem in general is no exception. It's all about the hero's journey to defeat the evil dragon that represent the worst, the one thing the hero must overcome. I link you to that thread :archie | currently playing sacred echoes! on X: "Like it's like we joked too much about recurring dragon final boss and forgot that they're...more than just a big dragon. Medeus represents lasting hate/war. Duma the tunnelvisioned pursuit of strength. Idunn is a walking war crime. Fomortiis works as the devil-on-the-shoulder." / X (twitter.com)
While this apply to a FE as a whole, I will focus on how Engage deals with the topic of monstruosity because of how it doesn't embarass itself with more then one plot line and focus on this one : on Alear defeating Sombron. And also because Engage is the perfect summing up of what FE is.
We already discussed this in my blog, but Sombron is the perfect embodiment for hatred. His serpentine form is actually unique to him. The snake is the symbol of Dvesha, one of the 3 poison of existence : it represent hatred, aversion, anger. Sombron is also an arrogant and egoistic person, the complete opposite of Alear. Sombron isn't only representing everything that Alear isn't, but what they must overcome, as well as their great fear. Sombron's monstruous appareance is based on how he lives in Alear's mind as the representation of their trauma. Sombron is the one person Alear hates the most, defeating him is the final trial for Alear to liberate themselves from hatred and to overcome their fear and trauma.
Likewise, Rafal turning into a monster/dragon in the Xenologue is showing how he is falling into his monstrous side. Here however, defeating Rafal is to help him gain freedom, overcome his own monstruous side. His dragon forms share a similarity with Sombron's however, it's still distinct enough for them to be very different when you take the time to compare them side by side. And this actually make sense. Sombron is a being consummed by hatred, Rafale by regret. This is visible in how he behaves when alone with Nel. And Rafal's form isn't so much about how people perceive him then how he sees himself. A monster. Knowing how he yearned for nothing but the approval of others and was considered to be worth "pointed out" by his other sibling for being a failure, it's no wonder. His skeleton design gives him a grim reaper looks, which makes sense with how he was the one to doom this world.
This monstruous aspect is also worth pointing out when discussing otherness. From a xenophobic point of view, and by that I mean "fear of the stranger/other" human have always tried to deem those they hated and feared as being non humans, in other words, monstruous in a way or another. They are deemed as "savages", "monsters" by judging "barbaric" some of their own customs, practices, belief etc. In Engage's case, this is represented by the hatred of Fell dragon that Veyle experienced. Veyle saw her mother tortured to death and almost experienced the same fate, all of this because she was a dragon, thus deemed a "monster". This made her relationship with other even harder. This made her hate her self with this self loathe being animated from the scar of being a dragon, making her wish to be human sometimes envying them, hating anything that reminds her that she is a dragon, because she interiorized the idea that she was indeed a monster. Hence, when she committed those awful deed, Veyle felt as if she became a monster as well, hence her will to make ammends for the sin she committed.
We can also view this on how Brodia and the believer of the Divine dragon antagonize those who believes in the Fell one and Fell dragon.
Veyle rejecting her dragon side is showing of how much this scarred her. She is rejecting her "monstruous side". Hence she get rid of her dragon stone, hence she tries to lessen her dragonic impulse wearing chains. Hence she tries to hide her identity and the fact she doesn't age. She tries to appear as close as human as possible as to not scare them, which result in her reject her "monstruous nature". In fact, I think the reason why dragons on the positive side have so few fature to distinguish them from human is to lessen the difference between them and human physically and how they are so similar to us, bare the transformation.
This however, is not the case of Zephia and Sombron. Their role as a monster gave them appearance that are more distinct from human then the other dragons, Sombron in particular whose form can be called humanoid at best. Zelestia's appearance being similar to Zephia is therefore her being in the same situation as Veyle, in which she is treated as a monster for something she can't be held responsible for : her appearance as she looks like a monster, but not because of the horns or the pointy ears, but because of her being Zephia's alter ego, someone who behave monstruosly. And Zephia herself used to view herself as monstruous for having destroyed her own home and killed her family, but while those action where something she did out of control, her action in the game are all done out of her own agency, making that Zephia ended up turning into the monster she though she was long ago... the irony
And also, the drastic difference between the Fell twins and the Fell sibbies is how they can turn into a dragon whereas the Fell sibbies cannot. I already pointed it out but the Fell twins still have a dragonic form that stands out as being different from Sombron as being less snake like and more alike to asiatic dragon as they retain a lof of lizard features. I already share my thoughs on how I think that it is because of how in their world, they have like a quater of divine blood (ok maybe less) but that's not the point here. Rafal and Nel have their own self loathe, but unlike Veyle and Alear it's not linked in a way or another to be a Fell dragon. And that's mainly cause of the positive influence Alear (isekai) was to them and helped them being accepted. Veyle however ? If her dragonic form looked even remotely close to Sombron's, that's no wonder she doesn't want to turn into a dragon as she doesn't want to be like him. It's her not wanting to be a "monster" once again, because it is her father's shadow that weighten on her.
In Alear's case, their lack of dragonic form steams from having forgotten about it however, Alear seems to have a post traumatic amnesia so once again, the fact they can't turn into a dragon is also indicating of Alear wanting to forget about the "monstruous" part in them. They hate Sombron and want nothing to do with him so sharing a form that looks even remotely close to his might break them as well. They can accept others, but not that from themselves. But most importantly, the comparison with the Corrupted.
When I made a post about the banditry in Firene, someone remarked that the presence of bandits with dead living in FE was done on purpose, to deshumanize bandits and I agree. But probably not in the same sense as that person. While FE always had instance of nuancing with the reason leading someone to banditry, the most "vile" of them we'll say are portrayed as cruel, merciless, committing awful acts. In that sense, they are acting like beast, monsters. In Engage it's the same, with the difference that we fight bandits only 4 times (not counting the squirmishes) because the threat of the Corrupted is made more important then the human one ever can. The Corrupted are obviously monsters, but their monstruosity ties within their name, how being revived as one of Sombron's pawn deprived people of their true nature, their humanity. And in Alear's mind they are doubly monstruous as they view them as the monster who killed their siblings and that they feared all their life. This also explain why Alear had a negative image of themselves : them looking like a Corrupted makes them a monster as well, therefore they view their past selves as being just as evilish, their past action made them a monster as well.
The only case of dragon whose form is not seen as a negative thing are the twins and Lumera's, which is not a sign or monstruosity there, showing that it is not the shape of the dragon that makes one a monster, but their actions.
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fayesdiary · 7 months
oh you found a really good FE ask list, but since it would be a bit crazy to ask for every question let's go with...13, 24, 25, 31, and 37
Thanks Lore, made it myself😂
13) What do you like most about Fire Emblem?
Oh, that's... suprisingly hard to say because Fire Emblem's one of those series who's more than the sum of its parts.
But then again, I think I'd say the fandom. Or at least the niche circle I found here on Tumblr.
I found a lot of new friends here and really helped me open up at least in this space online wish i'd work irl too, but most of all... this series really opened my creativity in a way that no other piece of media ever did. Something about it feels... really approachable from a transformative standpoint.
Thanks to it I opened this blog, which led me to make lots of new friends (love you Lore btw <3), made some essays and thought pieces and most of all, I wrote fanfiction and art! Two things I always thought I was too talentless to make! And no matter what, Ill always be grateful to this franchise for me, despite how much the mainstream fandom sucks ass. Fuck 'em anyway, ignored them ever since before 3H release.
Speaking of this franchise inspiring creatvity, I always admired from afar the lovely folks at Feuniverse. The amount of hacks and fangames is astounding and I can't believe how many people made straight up fully fledged games from hacks! Maybe one day I will join her if I ever feel motivated enough. Maybe. I want to play more hacks at the very least, especially because FEE3 is one of my favorite fan events.
24) An FE title you wish would be remade?
Geneaology would be the obvious answer and don't get me wrong, I absolutely do want to see it remade and believe it inevitably will one day...
But if I have to be honest I want a rerelease of the Tellius games first because they're the hardest to play even through... illegitimate means if you're say, like me and only have an old laptop to emulate them with. Whether they'd be remakes or simple remasters, I don't really care as long as they play as they should.
25) Any general or specific headcanons you have?
Dragons have a lifespan of 100 times that of the humans.
It's never stated how much longer dragons live compared to humans, but given that Tiki is 1000 years old as a child and 3000 as an adult, i find the 100x multiplier fits really well and helps keep track of dragons' age more clearly, even if Fòdlan and Elyos dragons do seem to live longer than even that.
So by that logic in dragon years, Tiki is 10 in Shadow Dragon and in her thirties in Awakening, Nowi is 12 and Myrrh is 14.
Doesn't completely fit, but it sure helps visualize things more clearly.
31) Some moments of Fire Emblem you keep thinking of?
Speaking of the new things, um, the Twisted Joke, Engage ch11 and 17, most of the Engage endgame really. And Slayde bravely taking on a bunch of children in the Echoes prologue traumatizing the shit out of them and still getting his ass kicked (by Mycen, but still)
37) What's a weird theory or headcanon you have?
Rhea copes with her daily life through recreational drug use given that quest where she gives weed herbs to distressed students
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quakesigma · 1 year
It’s been a while since I posted here?
Kinda thinking of converting this blog into a general FE or just general JRPG sideblog since lets be real. 3H fandom is kinda dead and/or not just fun to be around. I still plan to do a lot of 3H posts since its my main brainrot but don’t be surprised if I one day just start to post my Engage thoughts or to live blog a Final Fantasy game or something
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arkus-rhapsode · 1 year
So Fire Emblem Engage is just around the corner
And as you all remember I was more than hyped for a brand new Fire Emblem after almost three years of waiting. Hell, I even defended it after a lot of the initial backlash for its design and use of legacy characters.
Now I still standby I think a lot of the backlash was overblown and showed more of a trend in theFE development to often pivot vastly after an entry going for a different tone or story element. The reason I am writing this down now is I want to talk about my expectations for it as well as maybe how it can be managed. It’s no secret that the FE community has certain camps of how they’d like the direction of the series to go, weather you have older Kaga era fans wanting to keep it the romantic high fantasy of Genealogy, fans who want FE to be more political and nuanced like Tellius era fans, or just to keep the robust dating sim like character interactions of 3DS era fans.
When it comes to Engage one would think the meter stick that should be used is Three Houses. Afterall, it is the predecessor. But given all the information we have on how Engage is moving away from some of the mechanical beats like the branching paths into separate routes or the handing of every character in a customizable state to the player early on, as well as how it was meant to be an anniversary title, I think the title I am personally using to measure it will be Awakening. And let me just say as FE Awakening has had a look back by some as being a mostly fine entry that’s ultimately just a highly archetypical story with the most supports in a cast, it can not be understated both important it was for the franchise while also homaging and respecting everything that came before it. To put in a streamlined way, Awakening is the greatest hits of Fire Emblem: reminding old fans of the stuff they like about the franchise while creating new fans to see why this is a franchise worth keeping around. I think that context is also why many FE reviewers still are very fond of Awakening even when trying to look critically over it, whereas it’s successor, Fates would try to recapture Awakening but without that same tributary element to it tended to be seen as more bloated and harsher judged entry. But with the context of Engage’s development and what it’s aiming to do for FE’s 30 year history, I believe it should aim to be a Awakening level of experience. Doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel of the franchise, but rather an experience that both older and newer fans can enjoy.
There’s also no doubt that the animation style has changed from the intentionally slower FPS cut scenes from Echoes and 3H, to a more smoother matching the engine style cut scene. And frankly I find it beautiful, this is some of the most fluid 3D animations FE has had and I’m excited for this going forward with other games. I understand some found the older style more… stylized and giving it an identity, but honestly the fact the animations improved this much from the lambasting 3H had for its animations is a real show of improvement in my opinion. Also fully voice acting returns and as well as allowing our avatar characters to speak freely even as we control them is a welcome return.
And lastly for this blog, I know if you’ve been following for awhile you know the FE live blogs and original FE content have been a staple of this blog. I do hope to continue that, though it might not be to the essay level as FE3H provided me with. But for followers who have felt I’ve mostly let this channel be inactive, I will be likely posting here more In the coming weeks.
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nowis-scales · 1 year
FE Liveblog Updates
Hey hey! It’s been a little while since I last did any live blogging — and maybe you care, maybe you don’t — but as I have… a lot of potential live-blogging to do, I wanted to give some updates, notices, and minor thoughts. So if you’ve been following along with any of them, here’s where you’ll get your info. Yay!
‣ Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia:
Hmmm… what is there to say about this one? I need to continue it, first of all. It should hopefully be picking up sooner rather than later, finishing off Act 2 in Celica’s path, and then presumably switching back to Alm. I don’t have too much to worry about here, just making sure that I’m getting a healthy dose of support conversations! If I don’t by the end, I may just play again and see what else I can gather. Otherwise… I’m considering a more stack-em-up style to my posting like the other playthroughs, just so it’s less of a spammy feeling. If you have any opinions, please do let me know!
‣ Fire Emblem Engage:
Yep yep, I’ve already got a liveblog of this one set up! As I write this post, I have just beaten Chapter 3, so you will soon be able to find the liveblog under #koto plays engage , and avoid spoilers with #Fire Emblem Engage Spoilers. I’m very excited to share my thoughts so far, so it should be super fun to share! I don’t know when exactly I’ll get that set up, but probably towards the tail end of the next liveblog I’ll be talking about…
‣ Fire Emblem Three Houses: Crimson Flower: I think, with my desire to introduce an Engage liveblog, continue the Echoes one, and someday continue this one… I might get back to this one sooner than I anticipated? I’m still somewhat iffy on this one, just because… well, in the event that you’re new here, let’s just say that CF as a route is just very much not for me. That’s not to say that I look down on or would chide anyone who enjoys it — my rule is, forever and always, as long as you’re kind I don’t mind — but it’s just not the most positive playthrough. So while I’m leaning more towards yes to going back to it, I want to make sure that it’ll be an okay experience for everyone involved.
The good news is, I have newly set up some measures to keep all of the critical stuff contained where you want it. Firstly, I have a new tag I’ll be using to tag posts with the super critical stuff (#Fódlan Fault Finding) and of course I still have the tag meant for criticism in relation to EdeIgard’s character writing in the route (#Shut up about Del). I also have a series of emblems I’m going to be using, to mark each section of the post based on how critical it is. So for example, if you only want to read the positive stuff, you’ll look for a flower with both black and white on each petal, like this: ❃ There’s about four total, ranging from positive, neutral, joking criticism, and hard criticism. That way, you can pick what you like, and go from there!
Otherwise, I think I have about 12 posts already (some of them are leftovers I missed before I stopped before) built in a Google Doc just so I had time to organize my thoughts and review them for sharpness. I’m considering posting them twice a week just to get things moving along so I don’t have a gazillion playthroughs ongoing, but let me know if you have any good ideas! I could even intersperse the posts with live blogs of the other games just to keep things cheery, if that’s preferable.
‣ Fire Emblem Three Houses: Azure Moon & Silver Snow:
These ones, I am… stumped on. I’d like to chronicle them as well, I find live-blogging a super fun endeavour (even if I realize the live-blogs mostly entertain me instead of all of you), but again that’s something to run at the same time as all the other liveblogs. I could wait until Echoes concludes, I could just pick Azure Moon up once CF concludes, or I could intersperse playthroughs with CF and AM to balance out negativity like I just mentioned. It’s hard to know exactly what to do, and even in posting AM, I’m wondering if I should just post SS at the same time… I think probably not, as that would get really confusing, but it’s also the nature of just not having so many on the go. So… yeah, I dunno! Just like for the others, thoughts are welcome.
As you can see, at the moment, it’s all just a matter of figuring out where to put what!
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midnightmeteora · 3 months
Heyyy, I going to make monthly posts about the media I see throughout the year, just for the fun of it. I want to just vibe around here and blog my opinions on the things I like. Most of the entries are written in the moment. So they may not accurately reflect my thoughts later on. I'm doing this outta fun so don't take me too seriously if you decide to engage :P
#1.-Horimiya: Piece
I watched the og show with my GF and WE LOVED IT. It's not a complicated romance anime. But that simplicity is so effective. It was a really cozy anime with good chapters dedicated to just teenage love and it's soo good at it. It excels in character so it makes sense to make a companion piece for it dedicated to just the characters… Sadly it didn't grabbed quite the same until the end :/ I think my main issue is just the kinds of stories they chose, many are funny and enjoyable, but the weakest ones are the ones that have little payoff. EP10 for example was kinda dissapointing for me because the payoff didn't resolved the main conflict. Also I really disliked the teacher character, He gets a ton of screentime on the later half and is such a bore. Overall, is fine if you watch it along side the og or after the og but the main show is WAY better.
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#2.-ORAS' national dex
Not really a piece of media per se, but it was a big project that I started last year around february/march and that I left for a while. This is my first National dex completion and I'm honestly quite proud of it. Will admit, I used PKHex and PKSM to transfer mons from my ds and gba save files to fill the entries I needed. But I grabbed them from my own save files + I had help from my Bestie (I also inserted event mons like the mythicals but like, how else was I supposed to get them gdfñsglk). This was quite straightfoward to do since blissey bases streamline grinding SO MUCH. I love ORAS so much and i'm glad this was the game where I got the full nat dex (not a living one but I ain't doing that yet hell nahhh).
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#3.-Given (TV Anime)
Damn great! It was a really short and sweet show. I'm queer myself. But I haven't gotten too deep into queer media yet, so I'm really glad that this was a really nice anime showing MLM in a rather good light. It's very simple but the characters are so loveable and fun to watch. The music side of it takes a while to fully go nuts, but it has a really warm focus and as someone who also loves music. This was inspiring even dslgkj. I'd love to see a second season sometime.
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#4.-Kung Fu Sion (rewatch)
Still one of my favorite movies, I managed to catch up more details and jokes this time so it was a nice chill rewatch lol. I kinda wanna get into more Kung Fu movies after watching Ip-Man last year.
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#5.-Given Movie (2020)
It was really soft and a great followup of the show. I will admit, I'd like it more if it wasn't for the apartment scene being a bit too creepy. It's not the worst but it was very uncomfortable for me. Regardless it was a nice conclusion to one of the unresolved plot threads from the anime. The last part of the movie was so damn sweet man ngl.
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#6.-Persona 3: Spring of birth
Last stop before Reload comes out, I'm quite excited for P3R since the leaked proof of concept. I've already replayed the main game with FES (minus the answer but whatevs). And the movies are going to be my last P3 recap. So for the first one I gotta say, I'm let down. It wasn't horrible. But it felt like an average anime recap movie to me. Its pacing was too fast and I'm quite let down by this decision. Akihiko and Junpei get very shafted in terms of screentime which is sad, because their character flaws are stablished in this part of the story. For this quarter of the main game (which is easily the weakest of the game imo), it would've benefited a ton from a more character focused story. Fuuka got a pretty nice arc compared to the game, but everyone else lacked screentime. The animation and overall style is sick, but I do wished it wasn't so "on model" for most of the runtime and action scenes, it feels a bit rigid at times. Overall, is just a fairly standard recap of the first quarter of P3. 1 down, 3 more to go.
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#7.-Persona 3: Midsummer Knight's dream
WAY BETTER THAN THE FIRST MOVIE. It feels less like a recap, and more like an actual adaptation. It still has a fast pacing, but it isn't as distracting now that the plot always moves foward, with substancial scenes and character moments for almost everyone. I really like how Ken and Shinji were done here, it has a way more personal focus imo. Ken shines way more here than in the og game, his backstory is so well adapted in this film. Shinji is excellent too, they really use every moment he's on screen to show you more of his character and I love it. This whole movie has excellent storytelling and it's a great adaptation of the Ken/Shinji storyline. The only sour spot that distracts me is Makoto, I kinda get what they are trying to do with him. But it doesn't land for me, I wish we saw more of his inner thoughts and monologue, instead of relying so much on his dialogue. Because he lowkey stands with strega on not ending the dark hour (WHICH IS A VERY BOLD MOVE AND I LIKE IT). But he doesn't express said feelings in a compelling or interesting way. I don't mind quiet MC's. But I'm not digging this Makoto thus far tbh. Maybe movie 3 and 4 will change my mind. Also, the animation is a bit better now! It breaks model more often and it feels way more dynamic and fun to look at in action scenes. It isn't perfect, but it's a great improvement!
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#8.-Persona 3: Falling down
MAN THIS WAS SOO GOOOD, So far this is my favorite P3 movie, it was so thematically rich and substancial. Everyone had their moment to shine and the overarching theme of letting go and the fear of attachment was CHEF KISS. Makoto is great in this movie, while I still hold the opinion that he was very flawed in the last two movies, in this one he steals the spotlight. We now see his inner thoughts and feelings. Tying most of the cast resolves to his own struggles is soo good. He essentially becomes THE antithesis of P3, and it's a great way to develop him, we get a good a idea of him as a character while still keeping his quiet and reserved personality. Junpei gets the love he deserves, and just like the game, he has one of the best arcs in this story. I still feel that he was robbed of more because of the first two movies, but in this one he gets the entire spotlight and it's great. My only complain is that Akihiko and Ken do get sidelined a bit, and their resolve isn't as satisfactory as everyone else, since they start the movie already moving on from the aftermath of the last movie. Which can take you out of it because there's no real payoff for their feelings other than that one pawlonia mall scene but I still find it quite underwhelming. One more to go!
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#9.-Lupin the third: The bloodspray of Goemon Ishikawa
I really want to get into more adaptations of Arsene Lupin. And Lupin the Third sounds really promising. I've already seen Castle of Cagliostro a good amount over the past 3 years and I really like the vibes of this franchise. I saw this movie bc one of my friends really liked the animation in one scene and as a Standalone story is neat. But I did felt that I lacked some kind of context and apparently I did. Since this is a whole series apparently. Will return to this one eventually once I have the proper context, regardless it was a fun 50 minute watch.
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#10.-Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Ok so I played this game mostly because I want to get a Ribbon master Scizor. It was either getting thru this game once so I can get the Scyther, or playing Colosseum in japanese so I can get Scizor with the E-reader functionality. So not much of a choice but anyways. I mention this because admitedtly, I kinda speedran the game so I was able to transfer my pokemon to my Emerald save file. So I skipped a ton of extra content. Hell most of the time I fainted the Shadow Pokemon because it was easier and I barely change my team. Regardless, I'm still rather dissapointed with this game. I played a bit of colosseum last year and it was ok. It had a neat premise and concepts that I wanted to see more if. I didn't finished it mostly because my emulator config was garbo, but I didn't hated it. It was a very slow paced game with tons of issues like the long battle animations and clunky purification mechanics. But it was an interesting game that I would've completed if I had the means to do so at the time. XD however left me dissapointed because of the premise and story. It was quite dull for me and nothing grabbed my interest. Colosseum wasn't peak fiction or anything. But its premise felt more interesting to me. A rogue pokemon trainer that captures shadow pokemon from evil trainers? Quite the sick concept ngl. XD has a child protag that is sent to do the work of everyone else. It's such a silly thing to critize the narrative of this game solely on the premise. But at the very least colosseum had a better narrative premise that made me interested in watching how the story unfolds. XD feels like your usual Pokemon narrrative, but if it was only focused on the "evil team" Subplot and nothing else, it just doesn't work for me. And because it was so centered on battling dull grunts over and over again, I was very bored throughout the whole game. I could probably have a better opinion after a replay, but as of now I'm dissapointed.
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#11.-Black Rock Shooter OVA (rewatch)
Small rewatch with my gf. I still really live the cozy vibes and the simple, yet effective story. I vastly prefer the 2012 anime (may rewatch soon who knows), but I respect this little OVA a lot. I lovee the animation and I relate a ton with the story. Let's go lesbians.
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12.-Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Disney)
My GF LOVES Percy Jackson, so this was a must watch for both. As an introduction to this series. Is pretty good imo, I might not get everything yet (since it's a slightly abridged retelling of the books according to my GF). But this was a pretty good first season. I really like the main conflict and drama of this first part and I hope it delivers a banger season 2.
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#13.-Persona 3: Winter of Rebirth
F u c k The best P3 movie by far. I literally have no complaints, that was a perfect adaptation of the last story arc of the game. I'm amazed tbh, it was so damn good. These movies got better as they went along. And i'm so glad they didn't stuck with just re-telling the original game like the first movie did. This movie is P3 as a whole, and it embodies the game perfectly. Not much to say dude, it's peak. As of writing Reload has just came out, and sadly I won't be able to get the game on release, but damn am I reallyy looking foward to that first playthrough. Hopefully I will be able to blog it in this year's thread >:3
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If you reached this far thanks, hope u have a good day :]
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heroictoonz · 2 months
Oh no I feel in love with the silly thief girl character
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mba-in-germany · 4 months
Study Abroad: Government scholarships for Indian students in Germany
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For Indian students aspiring to study abroad, Germany has emerged as a coveted destination, offering not only world-class education but also numerous financial support options. In this blog, we will explore the various government scholarships in germany for Indian students looking to pursue their academic dreams in Germany.
For More Info Visit: MBA in Germany for Indian students
DAAD Scholarships:
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is a prominent organization offering scholarships to international students. Indian students can apply for a range of scholarships, including the DAAD Study Scholarships and Research Grants, which cover tuition fees, living expenses, and health insurance.
Erasmus+ Scholarships:
The Erasmus+ program, funded by the European Union, supports international students seeking higher education across European countries, including Germany. This initiative promotes cultural exchange and academic collaboration, providing financial assistance to eligible Indian students.
For More Info Visit: MS in industrial engineering in Germany
Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships:
Dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability, democracy, and human rights, the Heinrich Böll Foundation offers scholarships for international students in Germany. Indian students with a passion for social and environmental issues can benefit from this funding.
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarships:
The KAS scholarship program focuses on supporting students who demonstrate a commitment to societal and political values. Indian students pursuing postgraduate studies in Germany can apply for this scholarship, which covers tuition fees and offers a monthly stipend.
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Scholarships:
FES scholarships are geared towards students with a strong social or political engagement. Indian students interested in contributing to social justice, democracy, and international understanding can avail themselves of this support during their studies in Germany.
For More Info Visit: ms in management in germany
Hanns Seidel Foundation Scholarships:
The Hanns Seidel Foundation offers scholarships to international students, including Indians, who wish to pursue higher education in Germany. These scholarships are often available for master's programs and encompass a variety of fields.
For More Info Visit: Study Abroad Consultant in Gurgaon
Government scholarships provide invaluable financial assistance to Indian students aspiring to study in Germany, making the dream of international education more achievable. Whether through the DAAD, Erasmus+, or foundations like Heinrich Böll, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, and Hanns Seidel, there are ample opportunities for motivated and talented students.
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propertygroupelan · 7 months
Exploring Elan Group's Vision for Sustainable Communities
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In today's world, where cities are bustling with people and buildings are reaching for the sky, it's crucial to think about how we can create a sustainable future. One company that's taking this challenge head-on is the Elan Group. With their innovative approach to real estate development, Elan Group is not just building structures; they are crafting sustainable communities that offer a better way of living. In this blog, we'll delve into Elan Group's vision for sustainable communities, focusing on their Elan projects in Gurgaon, and understand how they are making a positive impact in the region.
Understanding Elan Group
Elan Group is a renowned real estate developer based in Gurgaon, India. They are committed to creating developments that go beyond brick and mortar, with a vision to provide holistic, sustainable living spaces. Their projects span various sectors, including commercial, residential, and hospitality.
Sustainable Development
Elan Group's primary goal is to develop sustainable communities that meet the needs of today without compromising the future. They believe in balance - balancing modernity and tradition, luxury and sustainability, and urban life with nature.
Elan Projects in Gurgaon
Gurgaon, also known as Gurugram, is a rapidly growing city in the National Capital Region (NCR) of India. It's become a hub for businesses and residents alike. Elan Group's presence in Gurgaon is significant, and their projects in this region reflect their commitment to sustainable living.
1. Elan Miracle
One of their standout projects in Gurgaon is "Elan Miracle." This mixed-use development combines high-end retail spaces, luxurious residences, and a stunning hospitality section. What sets it apart is its focus on eco-friendliness and energy efficiency. Elan Group has incorporated green building practices to reduce the environmental impact of the project.
2. Elan Town Centre
"Elan Town Centre" is another remarkable project by Elan Group. This commercial development has a vibrant urban design that encourages community engagement. It offers not only office spaces but also a range of amenities that make it a perfect place for businesses to thrive.
3. Elan Mercado
"Elan Mercado" is a project that merges luxury and sustainability seamlessly. It features a combination of high-end retail and premium serviced apartments. The design incorporates energy-efficient technologies, making it not only opulent but also eco-friendly.
Elan Group's Sustainability Initiatives
Elan Group understands that building sustainable communities requires more than just green buildings. It's about creating an environment where residents can live comfortably while minimizing their carbon footprint. Here are some of the sustainability initiatives they have implemented:
Green Building Practices: Elan Group employs eco-friendly construction materials and techniques in their projects, reducing resource consumption and waste generation.
Energy Efficiency: They incorporate energy-efficient lighting, HVAC systems, and appliances to lower energy consumption and reduce utility bills for residents.
Water Conservation: Elan Group designs projects with water-efficient fixtures and landscaping to minimize water wastage.
Waste Management: They have effective waste management systems in place, including recycling facilities, to reduce the environmental impact of their communities.
Community Engagement: Elan Group encourages residents to adopt sustainable practices through awareness campaigns and community programs.
Elan Group's Impact on Gurgaon
Elan Group's commitment to sustainability has a positive impact on Gurgaon and its residents. By creating sustainable communities, they contribute to:
Environmental Preservation: Reduced carbon footprint and resource consumption contribute to a greener and healthier city.
Economic Growth: Their developments create jobs and boost the local economy.
Quality of Life: Sustainable features like green spaces and reduced pollution enhance residents' quality of life.
Inspiration: Elan Group sets an example for other developers to follow, promoting sustainability in the real estate industry.
Elan Group's vision for sustainable communities is not just a dream; it's a reality they are actively building in Gurgaon. Their projects, such as Elan Miracle, Elan Town Centre, and Elan Mercado, exemplify their commitment to sustainable living. Through green building practices, energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management, and community engagement, they are making a positive impact on both the environment and the lives of Gurgaon's residents. As we move towards a more sustainable future, Elan Group gurgaon is leading the way, proving that luxury and eco-consciousness can go hand in hand.
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mbti-notes · 11 months
Anon wrote: INFJ here. I have been feeling emptiness lately. I am surprised that I feel it, because I'm generally doing well in life. I'm not stressed or depressed. I'm also surprised because both my Ni and Fe have been working well. Recently I've found my meaning in life. After years of questioning, I've finally found a perspective that satisfies me fully, and I can envision myself living with this meaning my entire life. It is not narrow, instead, it is both specific and all-encompassing. Even in my work, relationships, self-care, this meaning is omnipresent and that is so fulfilling and peaceful. 
When it comes to my Fe, it is true that it was fairly dysfunctional for a long time, but recently, thanks to your blog, I've been working on developing it. I've got a long way to go, but even the smallest improvements I make with my Fe make me feel fulfilled. I've been reading on communication skills, relationships, learning to make value-based decisions, reaching out to my old friends and going out with new ones. 
Because of the early influence of my ISTJ brother, my Ti developed a bit earlier than my Fe, so I am not really concerned with Ti. After I engaged Fe, my Se was pretty happy too. My meaning of life also makes room for appreciating life as it is. My desire to consume is getting lesser and I am learning to be content with having my needs satisfied. Of course I will need a good deal of practice to make sure I don't repress Se unwillingly.
So in light of all these considerations, I am surprised that I feel emptiness. Firstly, I'm thankful that I don't readily identify with my emptiness. I noticed this feeling, but didn't get all depressed and hopeless. I am thankful for the progress in my emotional intelligence. Secondly, I got curious and tried to think of what this feeling may be pointing at. I thought perhaps this is because I haven't been connecting with people enough, so I am trying to meet people. I thought perhaps I need a more systematic approach to maintaining my relationships and now I want to develop and deepen my relationships. 
I also thought that maybe it is because I am graduating this year. I have been in this university and city for 7 years. I came here right after school, so I didn't have a different life other than this. Now I'd like to move to another city and start working, which changes both my place of living and my role in the society. I know that my Se may be resistant to change and I may feel fear. At the same time, I can envision all the wonderful possibilities this change may bring. I indeed believe that it is a good time for me to make some changes -- I think I've received what I could from this part of my life. My Se demands novelty and I agree. So I wouldn't say that I am particularly stressed about this change -- I would say challenged and hopeful. I want to work as a teacher and be a good influence in the world. Before I start working in the fall, I would like to spend some time teaching children in my village for free.
Finally, I thought that perhaps emptiness is telling me to... speak? When I think of emptiness, the immediate idea is to fill up myself with something, to replace the emptiness. But I thought what if emptiness isn't all that empty actually and I need to express myself to feel full. I also thought that perhaps this is a good time for me to process some negative experiences of the past? Not that I have been repressing them. I am not disturbed by them either, but in a day-to-day life, I normally have other things to attend to, so I didn't purposefully pay attention to these experiences. Maybe I feel empty because my negative feelings want to speak?
I once read something like this on apathy on the internet -- that when a person cannot feel negative emotions, they stop feeling anything. Again, this is strange, because I am generally welcoming to my negative feelings. I used to repress my anger a lot and a few years ago I learnt to accept it. I researched a lot on this topic, so I gained a good perspective not only on anger but negative feelings in general.
The experiences that I am talking about in this case is specifically my family history. My unhealthy dad and mom had a dysfunctional relationship, which also sucked me and my siblings in. There is truly a lot to unpack here. I thought that maybe this emptiness was making room for me to process negative experiences that were unattended before. I understand that we don't have to react to every emotion, but emptiness seems to be a recurring feeling in the past couple weeks, for whatever reason. If you have any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them. Thank you a lot.
I congratulate you on your progress. I've highlighted a few points in what you wrote above that I believe deserve scrutiny:
1) Saying that you've "found your meaning in life" and that you can envision it working for you for the rest of your life sounds like a good thing on the surface, because it seems to promote inner peace and align with what your dominant Ni wants. However, I usually raise a yellow flag whenever I hear someone say something like that.
From my observations of pitfalls in type development, such a belief is not unlike believing in a false idol for the sake of comfort. It's a trick of the mind that is designed to bury unpleasant things. It potentially signals a process of stagnation, death, or decay of the mind, the logical conclusion of which is... emptiness. Whether this is true for you, only you can say.
2) According to the principles of type development as I understand them, a tertiary function cannot develop before an auxiliary function. I don't know where you got the idea. According to my experience doing type assessments, anyone who makes this claim is usually not as aware of the tertiary function's operations as they believe they are. This means you could be much more susceptible to tertiary loop than you realize. If that's the case, the path you're on might not be taking you toward but away from growth.
For example, as I hear you describe your state of mind, there are some hints of intellectualization, a common symptom of Ni-Ti loop. Intellectualization slices up and reduces the whole world into a collection of oversimplified concepts, which leads one to believe that everything is known and under control. Intellectualization is a popular defense mechanism because it allows a person to believe they are being perfectly rational in their thinking, beliefs, and judgments. Intellectualization is designed to mute feelings and emotions in a way that feels much more "legitimate" or "acceptable" or "evolved" than other brute-force methods like denial, repression, or suppression. Of course, the end result of muting feelings and emotions is, yes, you guessed it, emptiness. Whether this is true for you, only you can say.
3) You repeated several times the need to "speak", because you believe it is one potential way of feeling more full, a means to address the emptiness. This might indicate some kind of lack or deficit in your sense of identity.
Drawing from point #1 above, if your mind has indeed stagnated, it could also mean your sense of self is stagnated, which isn't conducive to growth. Drawing from point #2 above, if you are engaging in intellectualization, it means you are not granting your voice/identity full freedom to speak/exist. Put these two things together and you now inexplicably feel an impulse to express something, but you don't know what, because you've become too closed off to that aspect of yourself.
You've basically asked me to critically examine your thought process, but I don't like to do anything to poo-poo people's feeling of progress. The journey to knowing oneself is very long and winding. Beware that, sometimes, when you believe wholeheartedly that you understand something, it actually indicates your mind is closed to new learning, which means losing opportunities to grow. If you think you've got yourself or life figured out, especially at a young age, then you're most likely deceiving yourself. However, this is not a bad thing. It is through meeting these hurdles and tripping into these crevices that we realize we're off track, which is an opportunity to course correct. For Ns, it is through getting slapped by reality that they realize the true extent of their fantasy. When you're ready to see the truth, it will reveal itself. Until then, all you can do is live your life the best way you know how, just like everyone else.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
I'm being lazy, listless and lifeless and lost and so irresponsible. Any tangible ways,tips i could take to be more independent, responsible ..
The choice is yours, as to how you spend your day. If you feel you are being lazy -- stop procrastinating and take action. If you feel like you are without passion and "lifeless," go to a therapist to help you work through your depression. If you feel lost, sit down and figure out what you want from life and what you want to bring to it, and write up your own personal manifesto (here is what I want to accomplish; here is how I want to interact with people, this is my mission). If you feel like you are irresponsible, start doing the opposite. What is being responsible? Getting up earlier so you are on time? Finishing a task instead of not doing it? Taking care of chores before pleasure?
Make it real, tangible. Nitty gritty. Get it written down, make a list, and start doing it. Abstractions will get you nowhere. Identify in writing what you don't like about yourself, and then write down what you intend to do about it... and do it.
and how do I find my sense of purpose, vision back as i feel nothing, nothing strong, just sadness.
This suggests a strong depression, for which you should seek professional guidance and help from a qualified therapist trained to help people through depressive episodes. But beyond that, you often need to create your sense of purpose based on what you want, rather than assuming it exists somewhere outside yourself. Who do you want to be? Look around. Look within. Deal with your sadness. What is causing it? A loss? a trauma? the shock of reality? Deal with those feelings. Journal through them. Read books on grief. Watch YouTube videos to see how others deal with it. Educate yourself. Engage with the world.
I'm not obsessed about anyone,just lost idealistic visions, hopes and dreams and came in terms with reality and practical life goals which seem too small and confined and not parallel to really helping the world be a better place, just seeming like a small life, profession.
I can relate to this, it's the bane of being an NF. We assume our lives need to be enormous to have any kind of impact, but in reality... life is cleaning the cat box, and grocery shopping, and monotony. We power through the monotony so we can do what we want, which is to figure out how to inspire people and be creative. So, think about the worth of a small life. Isn't it worth living? Is there beauty to be found in small things? In intimate relationships instead of grand platforms? In being there for your family when wonderful things happen, or when sad things happen?
Why do you feel you need to make a huge impact? Ponder that. Sit with it. Is it pride? A belief that if you don't contribute, you are not worth anything? Can you help the world be better? If so, how are you going to do it? A blog? a video blog? by writing articles? by doing a podcast? writing books? launching a creative space for artists? by standing up for someone? volunteering in an animal shelter? Turn on your sensing function. What can you do here and now that makes a positive difference for someone? Does it have to be huge, or can you just do a random act of kindness for someone, or send them a card in the mail to surprise them? life is often in the minute details.
i read healthy fe use for Infj requires they contribute to the world and feel universally connected in a sense.
Healthy Fe in an INFJ means caring about what other people are thinking or feeling, showing them empathy and sympathy when they open up to you, being aware of what you are doing having an impact on them, and attuning yourself to their needs and feelings. You don't have to have a grand contribution; you can be just as happy and worthwhile being a Star Trek-loving nerd who reads books all the time and just works so she can afford to go to Comic Con, while her real passion is her blog or her cats.
Stop thinking and pondering and spinning your wheels. Start doing.
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yanderefairyangel · 8 months
This is going to sound like gatekeeping and I probably should not say it but here goes: I think Raxy should not play any of the other Fire Emblem. It's clear that he hates the medieval tropes that Fire Emblem entails, not to mention the human and dragon co-existence message which conflicts with his HFY desires. At this point, if he's going to shit on the entire franchise because it's not like his pwecious C//F, he's going to make a total ass of himself.
Sorry for the vent, on another note, Engage has been a lot of fun and I got to ch 22.
Hello Anon. Don't worry about it !
Frankly, Idk too much about the Raxy guy but the main question I ask myself is whether or not he acts like that in every fandom he is in or only in the Fire emblem since you don't necessarily have the same discussion/contribution to a fandom depending on the media cause if he is like that for every fandom he partakes in ... yeah...
I haven't intereacted too much with the guy but the little I saw made it very unengaging for me to see his content. And at the risk of comming off as snobbish, he doesn't seem to understand how media analysis works or to respect fandom etiquette. I mean, I blocked him on tumblr all to find him responding to me on twitter about a post claiming and I quote : "There is a clear wealth disparity problem between the royals and their citizens that should be adressed; perhaps Celine shouldnt be praised for sending death squads after people who steal food when she lives in a giant more luxurious version of Mont Saint-Michel" about Céline and Alear's A support.
When I challenged him to find me any canonical evidence that the theives we fight in chapter 6, paralogue 2 and that the higwaymen in Céline's/Alear support were practicing banditry because they were poor and starving, he didn't gave me a single answer. He claimed that the fact that there was one main story chapter, one paralogue and one support chain was enough to say that Firene has a problem with banditry and therefore is built on a flawed economic that creates wealth disparity problem when Solm has more chapter with banditry and that we are essentially talking about a franchise where there is bandits in EVERY game, and for literaly no reasons. They are just there burning village for fun. Kostas is literaly the only bandit that have a plot relevance lasting past 1 chapter.
And that's not all. When he and some mutuals of him claimed that Eddie's real plan in sending Kostas to kill Dima and Claude was actually to just scare off the new teacher, he and his mutuals never answered my simple request or providing me an explicit quote from in game of Eddie making such a declaration.
Or that one time when he tried to prove that the twist in chapter 10 of Engage failed arguing that the only way for Alear and co to escape the cathedral was to never enter... ignoring that at that time Alear still had the dragonic crystal so they could have rewinded or could have break out the door since they still had the Emblems when this scene was actually to built up Alear falling into the sins of hatred and pride, 2 sins in buddhism.
I also have been hearing tales of him blocking evading or having his friends go to blog that blocked him so that he could sporke it etc.
So yeah, that doesn't give a good look at all. Really.
But since I never went too much from his blog I can't tell if he is a 3H baby, or an Awakening baby or a Fe7 baby or an ancient (there for the first game ever) since I know a lot of people didn't like Engage because it was different from 3H who gave them expectation when 3H is the outlier of the franchise, and as you point out, CF is probably the most Anti-Fe a route can get. That a game not really keen on being accurate about medieval setting or the source of banditry etc. isn't that surprising, heck even 3H isn't that derogatory to that rule when all ending in 3H ends up with different models of monarchy. And I agree, if he sees dragon as evil, better drop Fire Emblem since the humanity and dragon can co-exist thing was already there since Fe1, Naga and Tiki being supporting role for Marth.
Anyway, sorry for the long reply. Also, glad to hear you are having fun with Engage ! I hope you'll stick around with my blog, I still have a bunch of essay to write
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