#the homecoming queen's got a gun
littletroubledgrrrl · 4 months
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4l1c-333 · 2 months
Found this in my old sounds and i instantly got reminded of vriska
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carlsdraws · 10 months
tagged by @drk-et-al
10 songs 10 people
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come up, then tag ten people.
ok well surprisingly enough there aren’t an insane amount of musical songs on here
Sonya Alone - Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812
No Children - The Mountain Goats
Bones in the Ocean - The Longest Johns
Bright - Julie and the Phantoms Cast
SugarCrash! - ElyOtto
Natasha & Anatole - Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812
Bring on the Monsters - The Lightning Thief Musical
overbehind - flor
The Homecoming Queen’s Got a Gun - Julie Brown
Dogsong - Toby Fox
tagging: @anonymousbathtub, @tadpal, @courtjesterart, @vhenad4hl, @longhairsokka, @ammoniteflesh, @cowboysmp3, @wildflowerwi1dfire, @kojottek, @junkoandthediamonds
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d3adonarrival · 3 months
The Homecoming Queens Got a Gun is so cheerard coded omgomg
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shelfwar · 2 years
Maverick X Reader ~Can we try again?~
Warnings:Angst, slight smut, curse words, fluff 18+
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You and Pete were best friends growing up, like y'all did everything together to the point he became part of your family and you became part of his family.  You could even remember the day you two met, it was the first day of kindergarten and you were the new girl at the school. You had stumbled up to the bus stop you were assigned to, and waited for the bus along with some other kids twice your age.
When you spotted the yellow bus everyone lined up, but of course the older kids pushed and shoved you to the back of the line. Once it was your turn to climb up the stairs you nervously asked the bus driver if this was going to Beaver elementary school. The driver nodded yes as you made your way onto the bus, instantly kids moved to the outside of the seats making it harder for you to find one, until one kid didn't.
He had raven black hair with piercing green eyes, he also had on a airforce one shirt and a pair of blue jeans. So you plopped down next to the boy, which he  greeted you with a big toothy smile. "I'm Pete, what's your name?" "I'm uh, y/n." "Well nice to meet you. I'm assuming your new right?" "Yeah." You whispered as you looked down at your backpack. "I can show you to your classroom if you would like y/n?" "Uh okay." "Awesome!" He chuckled as you did to.
By the time high school rolled around it was obvious to everyone that you were a couple, but in reality you weren't you were just good friends. In fact the two of you were crowned homecoming king and queen your senior year. But before the two of you could even graduate bad news had struck you, you'd have to move to California because of your father's job.
So here you both are in the middle of the woods hiking. "Pete?" "Yeah, y/n?" Pete stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at your worried face. "Y/n, what's wrong?" "Me-me and my family are moving." You sobbed as he held you close. "Hey is thats a good thing, right?" "No Pete, I'm moving to California." "What" Pete whispered softly. "I'm sorry, it-it wasn't my idea" "Shh, it's okay." "No it's not Pete! Your my best-" Pete cut you off in with a hard kiss before breaking it.
"Pete" "I know it's not your fault and I just thought that if I kissed you, you'd-" This time it was you who cut him off in a kiss.
That was 5 years ago, when you both confessed your feelings for each other with a kiss. So here you are working on the Top Gun planes that the aviators will be flying here in 2 days. The commanding officer Viper walked onto the hanger letting out a low whistle. "Miss y/l/n are these jets in tip top shape?" Viper said as he touched the jet. "Ah yes sir, just putting on the last nut." "Okay, thank you y/n for all of the overtime." "Your welcome sir!" You saluted to him before he left the hanger.
That afternoon, you sat on your porch and watched as all of the new pilots made there way to there new homes for the next couple of months. As you were watching you noticed a very familer set of black hair in the distance, no it can't be you thought as the man shut the door behind him, as another man did to. "Pete?"
The next morning you had a written letter on your door step from Viper stating that you had to show up to the first day of class. So that morning you arrived at work a tad bit early from everyone else because you wanted the planes to be in tip top shape as Viper said. So you placed your aviators on and you made  your way to the hanger were the class would be held in.
When you arrived Viper and the rest of the commanding officers were standing in front so that the class would  face them. So you took a deep breath and walked down the isle whilst being introduced. "Ah, here she is our head plane mechanic y/f/n.  She will be your go to gal if you notice anything off, I mean anything off with your aircraft, you will report it to her."
When you got up to the group you nodded your head and faced the whole class, while taking off your sunglasses. "Hello, and welcome! I'm y/n your lead mechanic. If you notice anything I mean anything don't be afraid to swing by my area." You smiled as you scanned the room, but someone familiar once again caught your eye. It was Pete Mitchell.
Pete looked your way, as his eyes grew wide with surprise as the man next to him tried to get his attention back. "Alright pilots! I expect you here right away in the morning for our first training! Class dismissed."
"I see someone eyeing you up." Charlotte the other flight instructor said as the pilots got up and left the hanger.
"What's his name?" You asked not taking your eyes off of him."Pete "Maverick Mitchell, why?" "Oh just wondering." You said as you walked away from Charlotte so you could work on your personal plane. Once you arrived you shed off your jumpsuit and was left with a army green shirt with bleach washed jeans. You walked over to your radio and turned it to country. After that you walked over to your piper cub and started it up, just to hear if it needed some well needed tuning to the engine.
Once you were satisfied with the way it sounded you killed the engine and checked the tire pressure, instantly you heard a low hiss coming from one of the front tires. So you walked over to your work bench and got out the supplies that you needed to repair the flat tire. "So your our head mechanic I saw this morning!" You look up to see 2 two men still dressed in there flight suits. One had frosted blonde tips as for the other man he was oddly tall.
"Uh, yeah I'm your mechanic. What can I do for you fellas?" "We just wanted to get to know the base, you know?" The blonde one said. "Uh, okay. I'm y/n aka Leaf." "You fly?" "Of course, why would I be fixing up the Piper huh?" "Explains enough. I'm Ron "Slider" Kerner." "Howdy." "And I'm Tom "Iceman" Kazansky." "Noice, now if you don't mind I'm going to be tinkering around." "Ok, then. We will get going." "Bye Leaf" "Bye Iceman, Bye Slider."
You waved goodbye to the pilots as you went back to work. After a while you went over to your work bench and placed all your tools in the right spot before heading back home.
Once you got home you hopped into the shower, and got changed so you could go to the local bar. Once satisfied with your look, you wandered down to the beach bar. In the distance you could smell burgers, booze and cigarettes as you got closer to the bar.
Once there you opened the doors and found a empty stool at the bar. "Hey, Leaf what can I get you?" "You know the usual." You sighed as you dug out a 20 from your pocket. "Alright one rum and coke coming up." "Thanks, Garrett." "Anytime my dear." Garrett handed you your drink beneath a coaster with the bars logo on it.
You started to look around as you saw many pilots with there whites on, then you saw Iceman and Slider with Pete and his friend. So you picked up your drink and made it there way. "Hey, Ice and Slider." "Hey, if it isn't Leaf!" "Hi guys" "Oh, this is Goose or Nick Bradshaw." Slider said as he pointed to a man next to Pete. "And this is Pete "Maverick"-" "Mitchell" You finished Sliders sentence. "Holy shit." You heard Goose say as he stared at you.
"Wait, your the girl Mav keeps on explaining to me. How did you to-" "We grew up together." Maverick said as he stared at you. As he stared at you another memory came flooding back to you.
"Pete" "Hm." Pete hummed as he held your naked body close to his, under the covers. "I'm gonna miss you Pete." He sighed before he leaned on his elbow looking down at your tired face. "I know I'm gonna miss you to baby." "I'm sorry Pete this whole moving had to happen." "Hey it isn't your fault love, your dad found a better job to keep a roof over your heads." "I know, Pete." "I love you." "He whispered as he cradled your face with his hand. "Pete I love you to." Pete leaned down and gently placed a kiss on your lips before getting up to help you put on some clothes before he did to.
After that he crawled back into the bed with you and cuddled you from behind. "Pete?" "Yeah, love" "I'm scared for this next chapter in my life in California. A country girl going to the big city. It doesn’t have a ring to it." "I'm sure you'll be fine baby, remember I'm a call away." "I know." You said as you kissed his knuckles.
Once you moved away Pete and you would talk almost every day but then he stopped calling. During that time you thought he broke up with you, but later it did confirm in a letter from him stating that the navy owns his ass now and he needed to brake up with you. You still remember that letter and how it was crinkled into your fist as you cried and cried, that the fact you lost your best friend to the navy. In fact you framed that letter and hung in your room as a daily reminder to keep on moving through the break up.
"So wait, a second Mav and you were friends!" "We were!" You snarked at Goose. "Listen it's been a long day/night I can't deal with this shit right now." You said as you tried to hide your sadness. "I'm sorry" Was all you heard from Pete as you walked away from the trio.
You walked up to Iceman and his RIO and just stood there. "Leaf, you good?" Slider asked as he hit the pool stick. "Yeah, just. It's Maverick." "What the hell did that punk do?" Iceman said very protectively as you jumped a bit. "We had a past." You whispered loud enough so only those two could hear. "You two had a past together?" "Yeah. We were best friends until he broke up with me 3 years ago." "Aw Leaf, it's okay!" "I know, I'm being a baby." "No, your fine I've had some relationships like that. Trust us your not the only one."
"Awe thanks Ice!" You said playfully. After an hour of getting to know the trio you decided it was time to head back home although you only had one drink. "See ya later guys!" "By Leaf." You started your way our of the bar when you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Y/n, can I talk to you?" You turned around on your heels and saw Pete standing there. "Go away Maverick, I don't wanna hear your excuses of me and you. I know it was all my fault so just drop it."
You hissed at him as you continued your way out of the bar and to the outside. Once you got out there you let out a sigh and started your way home. That night you didn't sleep for shit, all you could think of was Pete's face and how he really cared for you when you two were dating. Hell you remember when you had your first panic attack in front of him. At first he was ever loving confused but as you started to studder profanities about how you looked or why should he be dating you. He instantly took you into his arms as you shuddered in his embrace. "Hey, hey it's okay. You are human and a wonderful one to be exact. I love everything about you y/n. And screw the rest of them questioning my decision to be with you."
The next morning you grabbed the coffee grounds and put it into the coffee maker and waited for the best caffeine in the world. Whille waiting you made breakfast and got dressed for the day. Once your coffee was done you just grabbed the whole coffee jug from the maker and made your way down to work.
When you arrived you placed your backpack on your chair as you drank big gulps of the hot liquid, before opening up the big hanger doors to let the breeze fill the room. "Y/n?" You looked in the direction of the voice to see Pete in his flight suit along with his helmet in one of his hands. "Maverick, what do you want?" You scoffed as you picked up the coffee jug and drank from it. "You still do that?" He questioned as he moved closer to me. "Yeah, I do. Why are you here?" "What do you mean?" "What I mean, is why are you here in my hanger?"
He let out a sigh before speaking. "Because I want to explain everything." "Oh you already did Maverick." You said as you moved over to your desk. "No- no I didn't y/n. Jesus it hurt for me to write that fucking letter, it torn me to pieces because you were thousands of miles from me! I wanted you right there to say goodbye to me, tell me to come home to besides my parents. I missed you, I missed us."
You felt a tear roll down your cheek as you looked at your wall of pictures, there hung a picture of you and Pete at graduation. "Mav-" "I know your upset with me, but you were the one who technically left me." "Left you?!? Maverick I had no choice!" "I know, and and." "And what Pete." You said as you swiveled in your chair, as you did that his eyes widen.
"What did the fucking Navy steal my boyfriends heart cause I think it did Pete." "It wasn't the navy's fault!" "Then who's fault is it Pete?" "Ours because we went on our separate ways in life " "mine wasn't controlled Pete! Yours was!" By now you were angry crying. "Listen, I knew were I was gonna be stationed at, it was near March air force base and damn well I was gonna try to find you."
"I was so desperate to find you y/n, but after a while I gave up." Pete got down on his knees so he could face you, as he took your hands in his. "I'm sorry that we broke up and I'm sorry this all happened but I wanna give us a second chance, what do you say Leaf?" You looked up at him with a grin before you pulled him into a much needed hug.
When you broke the hug Pete leaned in as both of your lips clashed together in a very passionate kiss. You felt him grab your hips before placing you safely in his lap as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "MAV WERE ARE YOU, WE'RE GONNA- oh." You both broke the kiss as you heard Goose walk into the hanger. "Oh thats right, sorry Leaf." Maverick helped you back up on your feet as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
"You two can explain later. Come on Mav!" By now Goose was dragging Maverick out of the hanger. "Bye Mav bye Goose." You waved as your boyfriend and Goose walked or you should say run to class
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what if you let them all in on the lie? (lt. bradley “rooster” bradshaw)
a/n: i am not lying to you when i say storm warning is the only series i’ve ever finished in a timely manner. it’s the power of cowboys. i kind of fucked up the ages a teensy bit so just.. ignore that. author oversight
summary: Rooster learns the truth. 
title comes from kelsea ballerinas “homecoming queen”
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist | storm warning masterlist | forget what you’ve been told | but i’ve found that time can heal most anything
folks who wanted to be tagged: @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​ @shanimallina87 @abaker74​ 
warnings: swearing, death of both parents, mentions of cancer, kissing, a handful of allusions to sex if you squint, gross overuse of italics
word count: 4,108
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He sighed, moving the coffee cup up to his lips as he listened to his friends chatter. They’re discussing their plans for their last day, leaving the small town early tomorrow morning. 
He can feel Hangman’s eyes on him, their relationship back to being tense ever since whatever he had going on with Hangman’s girl ended. He hasn’t seen them together since he ended it with her but he assumed they were just trying to keep it on the down low, not hurt his feelings any more than they already did. 
He hears footsteps on the stairs, eyes drifting to the figure of Hangman’s girl. She’s in a pair of pajama pants, Navy blue with shooting stars, and a black t-shirt with her high school’s name on it. She rubs the sleep out of her eyes, yawning as she turns the corner and her eyes lock with his own. Swallowing, he looks away, not wanting to talk to her. He can sense Jake standing up but is greeted with the sound of the front door shutting just a few moments later. 
Looking back over, he watches Hangman sit back down, sighing and rubbing a hand over his eyes. He takes a sip of his coffee once more. 
“The two of y’all still fighting?” 
“Yes, of course we are, Em.” Hangman snaps. He almost raises an eyebrow at this, sure they were back together.
“Wasn’t asking you Seresin.” His gaze flickers up to catch Emma’s, realizing she’s talking to him. He doesn’t respond, just stretches out his arms as he moves to cross them. “Shame. Dating one of Jake’s friends severely decreased his chances of being stabbed by his little sister.”
Payback lets out a laugh. “What does Hangman’s little sister have to do with Rooster?”
Hangman- Hangman has a sister?
Tyler threw his friend a confused look. “That... that is Jake’s little sister.”
“Rooster’s been running around with Jake’s little sister.” Madison confirms as he feels his stomach begin to sink.
He’s fucked up. 
“You have a little sister?” Fanboy asks, sitting a little straighter from where he’s sprawled out on the floor. “I didn’t know that.” 
“I did.” Coyote says, leaning back against the couch. The group collectively turns to their attention to him.“You mentioned her once in passing a few years ago, when your Mom...” He trails off, looking around the room. “You know.” 
He very much did not know. 
Coyote clears his throat. “Anyways, she looks a lot like you, actually now that I think about it.”
Phoenix eyes grow wide as she turns to look at him. “Oh, you’re stupider than I thought you were Bradshaw.”
Now that’s not fair.
“Okay, no- hang on for a minute Phe, up until two minutes ago I wasn’t even aware Hangman had a sister. I thought she was his ex-girlfriend for Christ’s sake!”
Hangman makes a noise in the back of his throat. “That’s disgusting Bradshaw, this isn’t sweet home Alabama.” 
“Do you blame me Seresin? The two of you haven’t gotten along since we got here!”
“I wonder why.” Emma scoffs, rolling her eyes.
“Shut up and mind your business Em.” Hangman shoots, eyes narrowing at the girl. 
“You made it my business.” 
“Actually, Ty made it our business when he convinced us all this was a good idea.” Lucas says, appearing in the doorway, the sound of the front door shutting following his words.  
Tyler startles. “Don’t put the responsibility all on me, Madi agreed to having them here.” 
She shoots her boyfriend a glare. “You were the one who came to me Ty and had I known this is how it was going to go, I would’ve told you to tell Jake to keep his ass back in San Diego.” 
“Et tu, Madi?” Hangman asks, huffing out a dry laugh. She turns to him. 
“Your little sister is hurting Jake, and somehow, you fail to see that.” 
“No, I see it, but I don’t know why.”
“Oh that’s bullshit Jake.” Riley says, moving off the couch. 
“What is going on?” He mouths to Coyote, watching the ranch hands fight. Coyote gives a half shrug, looking every bit bewildered as he feels. 
“The reality is Jake, that you know exactly how you’ve fucked up. But instead of taking responsibility for it, like a man, you’re cowering your way out, pretending like you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“I’m not- Ty, back me up here.” 
“I don’t disagree with them, Jake. I just thought... I thought that if the two of you were in a room together, after ten years, maybe you could sort your shit out.” 
“Ten years?” Coyote exclaims, eyes widening as his head swings towards his best friend. 
“Been longer than that at this point.” Emma mumbles. 
“Maybe she’d forgive me if she didn’t have Em in her ear, talking her out of it.” Hangman shoots, words dripping with venom. It’s one of the only time he’s seen Hangman’s attacks not be carefully crafted, precise, meant to needle their exact target. It’s messy and angry and all too personal. 
“You know what, fuck you Seresin. When you take off again, and you will, because that’s exactly the kind of person you’ve proven yourself to be, it will be me picking you sister back up again. You leaving shattered your sister once, Jake. I don’t think she’ll survive a second time.” 
A silence settles over the room as Emma leans back against the back of the couch, tongue pressed in her cheek. “Em-” Hangman tries, voice much softer this time. 
“And you know what, no one wants to say it, but it’s time someone addresses it. Your Mom is dead. Your Dad is dead. Your sister was here. And where were you?” 
“Emma, you can’t-” Tyler says, but she turns to him.
“Can’t what? Say the truth? It’s about time someone did. Because I mean, fuck his sister right, if he gets to be out, traveling the world for the Navy, right? Fuck her, if it means he gets what he wants.” Emma sighs, standing up from the couch. “Go the fuck back to San Diego, Jake. Do what you do best and leave. But do me a favor this time and stay there.” He watches as Emma moves out of the room, pushing past Madison and Tyler to disappear into the kitchen. 
He looks over to Hangman, who is looking down at the floor, eyes glassed over. “Jake, she’s just looking out for your sister, she doesn’t-” Lucas says as Hangman stands up, setting his hat back on his head. 
“Yeah, I know.” He says, voice gruff as he slips past Riley, heavy boots sounding against the wood as he walks upstairs. He flinches as a door slams shut and he looks back to Phoenix. 
“Phoenix, I am so sorry your engagement trip has been bogged down by all this petty sibling drama. I should’ve- should’ve expected this.” Tyler says, catching his team’s attention. Phoenix shakes her head. 
“It’s okay.” She says softly. 
“I just thought- I thought maybe they could change things. But I was wrong and I’m sorry because I know y’all came out here to celebrate the two of you.” 
“No, it’s okay. Bob and I- we get it. It’s fine, please don’t worry about it.” Tyler nods absentmindedly, like he doesn’t quite believe her. Phoenix swings her head to look at him. “And how are you going to fix this Bradshaw?” 
He shakes his head. “I’ll admit that I fucked up, but it’s not worth it. It was never realistic anyways.” She stares at him as he pointedly avoids her look, taking another sip of his coffee. There’s a long pause between the two of them as he continues to count the chips in the peeling paint of the ceiling. 
“You’re not letting this go, are you?” Halo asks, a hint of laughter in her voice. 
“Absolutely not.”
“Phoenix, how would I even begin to fix it?” 
“Groveling would help.” 
She grabs his arm, pulling him to his feet. “C’mon Bradshaw, you’re gonna go grovel and explain to your girl that you’re a moron, and patch this right up.” 
“Can I at least finish my coffee first?” 
“No.” She says, grabbing the cup from him and setting it down on the table with a little more force than necessary. She all but drags him out of the house as he can do little but follow her, walking towards the stables. 
He briefly catches the sight of her talking to Bob, still in her pajamas, as she paces barefoot. She catches sight of him and Phoenix and pauses, chest heaving. 
He shoves his hands into his pockets, suddenly feeling a little silly. “Hi Cowgirl.” 
You cross your arms. “You have an eavesdropping problem.” 
Bob locks the stall door they had been at and moves to Phoenix, slipping his hand into hers. “We’re gonna go back inside. We’ll see the two of you in there, yeah?” 
“Remember what I said Bradshaw! Don’t want to see you again till you’ve groveled!” Phoenix shouts over her shoulder as she leaves with Bob. He looks up at the roof of the stables, wishing the ground would swallow him whole. 
“Can’t believe I’m a grown adult being lectured by my friends.” 
“Kind of think you deserve it.”
He doesn’t disagree.
“We should talk.” 
You nod. “Yeah, let’s talk.” The two of you walk out of the stables, settling at a picnic table not too far from them. It’s old, the paint peeling, and he takes it as a good sign when you settle next to him instead of across from him. 
“I- I should start by saying I’m sorry. I, kind of stupidly, thought you were Hangman’s ex.”
“So I’ve been told.” You murmur quietly, picking at the skin on your fingernails. 
“He’s just- he’s never told us about a sister so I didn’t even- and well, I- I liked you a lot.” 
It’s the first time he’s said the words out loud, really contemplated the fact that he liked Hangman’s sister quite a bit more than he originally anticipated. 
“Liked, past tense?” 
“Like, present tense.” He corrects, taking one of your hands. “The thought that you might end back up with him- it scared me and uh, I didn’t want to be the pawn in whatever was going on between you and him.” 
“You were never a pawn. My issues with my brother remain the same but I’m not the type of person to just... use someone in that way.” 
He swallows, nodding as he squeezes your hand. “I believe you. I should’ve asked, but I didn’t, I assumed, and I’m sorry.” 
You shake your head. “It’s okay, I figure I could’ve said something but- when someone hurts you deeply like that, it’s just- it’s hard to explain.” 
“I get it. Trust me, I get it.” 
If anyone understood betrayal, and the anger that came with it, it was him. 
“You know, he wasn’t here. My mom died of cancer when I was a freshman in college and he wasn’t here. He wasn’t here when I graduated from UT. He wasn’t here when Dad died. He left me alone and it’s been years and I just- He got out, got to see the whole goddamn world, and I was here, stuck in this shitty little country town, playing ranch hand until I died.” His grip on her hand tightens as he looks down at you. “I didn’t- I’m so tired of having to be the perfect one, the one to keep it together. To be the one to stay.” 
“Hey, you don’t have to anymore. You’ve got quite a few good friends in there and for what it’s worth, I’m here too.” 
He’s not entirely sure you processed his words as you shake your head. “Well, anyways, I’m sorry you and your friends got caught in the middle of all that.” 
He shakes his head, turning to press a soft kiss to your forehead, choosing to let it go. You let him, leaning into his side. “Don’t worry about any of that. What matters to me is if this between us is still fixable.” 
You look up at him. “I hope it is.” 
He nods as he leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Unlike the other times he’s kissed you, it’s slow, more meaning rather than passion. The feeling he felt that first night he met you is back and he knows he’d be a fool to walk away again. 
You pull away first but don’t go far, leaning your forehead against his own. “I wish we had more time.” You whisper, barely reaching his ears. 
“Me too.” He presses another kiss to your forehead. “We’ll figure something out.” You look up at him. 
He nods, confirming. “Yeah, if you want to put up with my dumbassery, then I’d be a fool to let you out of my sights again.” You let out a light laugh.
“Oh Bradshaw, if you only knew.” 
It’s you who initiates the kiss this time, hands finding the edges of his flannel to pull him against you. He breaks the kiss, ducking his head. 
“We should get inside. Shower. Start the day.” 
You snort, leaning your nose into his cheek. “Yeah, showering. That’s what we’ll be doing.” 
Phoenix grabs your arm as the group makes their way back inside the house, returning from their last night celebration. It was originally meant to be just their team but Bradley had asked you to come along, and Phoenix and Bob had just smiled and said the more the merrier. 
Jake was noticeably absent the whole day and didn’t make an appearance the whole night. 
You watch the kitchen door shut behind Bradley as you turn to face her and Bob, who are both smiling at you. “Hey, so what’re you doing a year from now?” 
You shrug, slipping your hands into your back pockets. “Probably here. Why?” 
Bob and Phoenix exchange a look. “Well, we wanted to formally invite you to our wedding.” Bob says, eyes gleaming with a hint of nerves. 
You raise an eyebrow, suddenly struggling to breathe. “I mean- yeah, if you want me there, of course I’ll be there.” You say, words coming out in a breathless rush. 
Phoenix smiles wide, reaching over to pull you into a hug. “”M so happy to hear that, because we’ve all enjoyed getting to know you.” You smile as you hug her. 
“Thanks for letting me into the group.” 
“Well, Bradley seems to really like you so we’d best be keeping you around.” You laugh as you turn, pushing the kitchen door open. Your friends are there and your brother is leaned up against the stove. You hop on to the counter to sit next to Bradley and smile at him as he hands you a beer from the fridge. There’s a silence as Phoenix and Bob take seats at the table that continues as you all sit there. 
“We should talk before I leave, kid.” Jake says softly. 
“I don’t really think I have anything left to say to you Jake.” 
He sighs. “Kid-” 
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that? That name was reserved for someone who cared about me, something you haven’t done in years.”
“That’s not true.”
Your eyes widen. “It’s not? Okay, did you care when you left with no goodbye? Did you care when your little sister was left all alone with our abusive father? Did you care when you didn’t call when Mom got sick or when you didn’t show up for her funeral? Is it caring, hm, to show up after more than a decade of radio silence? What the fuck about any of that is caring?” He doesn’t say anything and you take that as a cue to continue. “No, the only person you care about and look out for is you, Jake. What you fail to see about all of this, isn’t just the fact that you left. It’s the fact that you didn’t come back.” 
“What would you have me done? You know just as well as I did that I was not welcome back here.” 
“You could’ve called. Picked up the phone. Showed up after Dad died. Not left your 15 year old sister alone in this godforsaken house. God, Jake I know. I grew up here too. I know what it was like, but you have had chance after chance to fix things. To reach out. To say hey, I’m sorry for leaving and letting everything fall to you and carry lifelong burdens starting at the age of 15. But you haven’t done any of that. Instead, you skirted your responsibilities and left me here to carry the weight alone, to be stuck and pigeon-holed in this life I don’t want, just so you could get out. I had to bury our mother alone Jake.” 
He sighs, crossing his arms. Another silence falls over the room as he thinks over your words. His voice is gruff one he does speak. “Okay, kid, I hear you and I’m sorry. I am sorry. I can’t imagine what that was like, what this has been like, for you and I would like to fix it.”
You huff, sliding off the counter. “Too little, too late Jake.” The kitchen door swings shut behind you as you walk through the house to the front door, wanting to escape to the porch swing and night air. 
You all but collapse on the swing as the front door slams shut behind you. It’s not long that you’re out there alone as the screen door creaks open again, revealing Bradley. He wordlessly walk to the porch swing and you move to allow him to sit next to you. He doesn’t say anything as he opens his arms to pull you close and you take the invitation, crawling into his side. 
You aren’t sure how long you sit there with him, the porch swing gently swinging from the force of him rocking it as you sit curled into his side. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” You finally say, unsure what else to say about the exchange you and your brother had had. He squeezes your shoulder. 
“’S okay.” He doesn’t say anything more as he begins to rub soft circles into your shoulder. There’s another pause as you look out over the vast emptiness of the driveway and night sky. “Do you think you’ll ever forgive him?” 
You shrug. “I don’t know if I can.” You whisper, a fear unfurling in your chest that you may not ever be able to forgive him. “I’ve been angry for so long that- I don't know if I know how to not be.” 
He doesn’t stop his movements as he nods. “I understand.” There’s another pause as he moves you to be able to look into your eyes. “He is sorry though. Genuinely.” 
“I- I just- I’m his sister. I deserved more.”
He nods again as he reaches on of his hands out to cup your face. “I agree.” 
“And you know, it’s not like it’s all been shitty. I have great friends, a good job, and I haven’t hated home as much since Dad died. But I’ve always wanted more. I never got to have more because of the choices he made.” 
“What’s stopping you now?”
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, your Dad is dead. You have no more tethers here. You could... get out. Take the chance to explore the world.” 
You’re quick to shake your head. “No, I’m- My time, my chance, to have more has come and gone. These people need me and my place is here.”
He sighs, crossing his arms. “I just think you’d be happier if you stopped being afraid of taking the risk to seek more.” 
You swallow, unsure about how to respond. Your chest ached at the thought of leaving this place you had so long called home, with these people who you’d known all your life. But what made your chest ache even more was the thought of never getting out. Of staying here, because he wasn’t wrong, that you were afraid. Of not seeing the world, of never knowing more than this. 
“I’m terrified.” You finally admit softly, hoping the words will be lost to the night. “I’m terrified that I’m not as bright as I think I am, that I won't be as good out there as I am here, that I’ll walk way like he did, and not have a home to come back to, just like he did.” 
Bradley pulls you close once more. “Don’t worry honey, I’ve got you. I’ll be right here in case you fall.”
The morning chill sweeps through you as you hug Bradley, not wanting to let go. 
“This isn’t goodbye.” He whispers into your ear, as the pilots stand around you, getting their bags loaded in the cars and saying their final goodbyes. “It’s just see you later.”
You nod. “I know.” You swallow, not wanting to cry again in front of this boy you met just a handful of days ago. “Just gonna miss you.” 
He pulls back to cup your face. “Hey, I’ll still be here, just a phone call away. I’ll see you before you know it.” 
Last night, long after your conversation about Jake had passed, you and Bradley discussed the two of you. Where you went from here. While not ready to label things quite yet, you both agreed that you weren’t planning to date any one else moving forward. You guys had time to figure the rest out. 
You had all the time in the world. 
“I know.” You whisper softly as he leans down to kiss you. 
Kissing never seems to stop taking your breath away. It’s full of words neither of you know how to say just yet. You cling to his UVA sweatshirt as he pulls away. His eyes flicker over your shoulder and he straightens up. 
“Sorry, it’s your brother.” You glance over your shoulder to see Jake standing off to the side, eyeing the two of you with a hard look on his face. “You gonna say goodbye?” 
You sigh. “Probably should, shouldn’t I?” He nods. 
“Think that’d be best.” 
You take a step back, Bradley letting you go. You turn, walking towards your brother, who raises his eyebrows at the sight of you. You stick out your hand, offering him a small smile. “Don’t be a stranger, Jake.” He eyes your hand as he sighs, taking it and pulling you into a hug. You blink, feeling tears sting your eyes at being this close to him after so many years. “You stay safe out there, okay?”
“Same goes for you kid. No more horse-related injuries.” 
“No promises.” You whisper, squeezing his shoulders as he laughs, pulling away.
“Alright pilots, let’s hit the road. Y’all gonna miss your flight if we don’t head out.” Tyler says, shutting the trunk of one of the two cars, Riley and Lucas taking the other. Jake squeezes your shoulder as he walks towards the car, pulling Tyler into a hug. Emma and Madison come to stand behind you as Bradley jogs over, pulling you into one last kiss. 
“For the road.” He whispers. You smile into his lips. 
“Stay safe, Cowboy.” 
He presses a kiss to your cheek as Phoenix calls out for him and he turns, heading towards the car. Emma wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you into her side as the cars pull out of the driveway. The three of you wave goodbye, watching them pull down the path. Madison wraps an arm around your waist as you stand there, even after they’ve driven away. 
“You gonna be okay?” She asks. You shrug.
“Just hope it’s not the end.” Emma squeezes your shoulder. 
“Even if it is, we’ll be here. And if not, if this is the door to the rest of your life, then we’ll still be here.” You smile, wrapping your arms around the two girls to pull them into a group hug. 
“Y’all want pancakes? ‘M starving.” Madison says after a moment, stepping back from the hug, and you nod as the three of you turn towards the house. Emma keeps her arm around slung around your shoulder as you walk through the creaky screen door. 
“Hey, for the record, I’m expecting my invitation to the Seresin-Bradshaw wedding.” She says and the three of you burst out into laughter, your soul feeling a little lighter. 
Maybe this was it. 
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
Sal Fisher 💌🔪[Yandere, AUs and xOCs]
Sal X yandere!y/n
A sex demon has taken a liking to Sal... Kidnapping Sally Listening to Sal have some 'me time' through the wall Sally teaching [y/n] to play guitar (not knowing they didn't actually intend to learn it) Some stuff to do while Stalking Sally Yandere!Darling kidnapping Sal (and he doesn't exactly mind) Yan!Darling pulling a 'The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun' for Sally Yan!y/n killing Ash to be with Sal Yan!Y/N and exchange student!Sally Yandere Sal x reader (#Love Sick Sally) Having a bath with (Lovesick)househusband!Sal Jock!Darling finding Yan!Cheerleader!Sallys secret picture of them Knitting Love-Sick Sally a sweater Laundry Day (A full-length collaborative fic with @apartment-403) Love-Sick Sally and Yan! Kewk comforting you after a breakup (with sketch) Love-Sick Sally being like a big brother to his darling (at least at first) Love-Sick Sally catches you in a Helga Pataki-esque monologue about him Love-Sick Sally comforts his darling when they're feeling bad about themselves (with sketch) Love-Sick Sally fantasizing about his darling, y/n (with sketch) Love-Sick Sally getting Broken Up With Love-Sick Sally listening to his darling through the wall Love-sick Sallys Neighbor being a willing Darling Love-Sick Sally with a Nurse Darling ✨NEW✨ Sals kinks Sal as your Yandere Best Friend (forever and ever) Some general NSFW(ish) headcanons for Love-Sick Sally The gang helping Love-Sick Sally control himself around his darling Yan!Cheerleader!Sal and his Jock!Darling Yan!Darling getting yan!Sally alone Yan!Sal as his darlings channel moderator Yan!Sal and his chocoholic darling Yan!Sal and his DTF darling Yan!Sal and his S/Os arranged marriage Yan!Sal and his soulmate darling Yan!Sal and his soulmate can't (and don't) wait until they get home Yan!Sal letting his darling use his shower- Yan!Sal in the workplace Yan!Sal Snapping (with sketch) Yan!Sals soulmate dating Larry instead Yan!Sals soulmate makes the first move Yan!Sals soulmate makes the first move (spice addition) Yan!Sal with a Sugar Mommy Yan!Sal working at his darlings favorite coffee shop Yandere Sal and his darling sleeptalking Yandere Sal taking care of his sick s/o
AUs and X OCs
All about demon!Sal About Demon Sals tail and spit Demon Sal and his forcibly-baptized master Demon Sal and his masters cat Demon Sal and his reincarnated darling Demon Sal and his s/o getting into a teasing contest Demon Sal and physical affection Demon Sal being summoned by a nun Demon Sal being yandere for his master Demon Sal finding out that his s/o is now immortal Demon Sal following his master to class Demon Sal getting his shy s/o to dom him Demon Sal spending quarantine with his darling (with sketch) Demon Sal teasing his s/o with his tail in public Demon Sal with an aging s/o Demon Sal with a master whos in an unsatisfying relationship Demon!Sal with a master who likes camping Demon Sal with a master whos upset about their own mortality Demon Sals mask gets knocked off Demon Sals master needs a moment to themselves Demon Sals personality before and after he was cast out Demon Sal with a master who teases him Demon Sal with a darling who returned his feelings Demon Sals s/o in demon-themed lingere Has demon Sal truly loved a human? Is Demon Sal yandere? Small!Demon!Sal sucking off his AFAB transmasc master What does Demon Sally think of modern inventions? When Demon Sallys master dies ~Misc. Bunny!Sally Headcanons IceBreath!Sal Sal and his Psychic Eldritch Monster s/o (OC Bliss) Sal and his Psychic Eldritch Monster s/o: Can the monster take a human form? (OC Bliss) Sex with Mer!Sal Some Mer!Sal NSFW HCs Some More Mer!Sal NSFW HCs Werewolf Sal teaching his s/o how to howl
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richincolor · 1 year
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New Releases
A great mix of new releases this week that make it hard to choose which exactly one I will buy for myself to celebrate making it to spring break. What would you choose?
A Crown So Cursed (The Nightmare–Verse #3) by L.L. McKinney Imprint
In the third book in L.L. McKinney’s Nightmare-Verse trilogy, Alice gets one last chance to save Wonderland from itself.
Alice and the gang are trying to recover from recent events—but members of her crew start having weird dreams. The same dreams. It seems the evil in Wonderland may not be as defeated as they thought—because someone’s building an army of Nightmares to attack the mortal world. But before Alice jumps into battle, she discovers she has a personal connection to Wonderland, and she must face what it means for the fight ahead. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
The Making of Yolanda la Bruja by Lorraine Avila Levine Querido
Yolanda Alvarez is having a good year. She’s starting to feel at home Julia De Burgos High, her school in the Bronx. She has her best friend Victory, and maybe something with Jose, a senior boy she’s getting to know. She’s confident her initiation into her family’s bruja tradition will happen soon.
But then a white boy, the son of a politician, appears at Julia De Burgos High, and his vibes are off. And Yolanda’s initiation begins with a series of troubling visions of the violence this boy threatens. How can Yolanda protect her community, in a world that doesn’t listen? Only with the wisdom and love of her family, friends, and community – and the Brujas Diosas, her ancestors and guides.
The Making of Yolanda La Bruja is the book this country, struggling with the plague of gun violence, so desperately needs, but which few could write. Here Lorraine Avila brings a story born from the intersection of race, justice, education, and spirituality that will capture readers everywhere. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Throwback by Maurene Goo Zando Young Readers
Back to the Future meets The Joy Luck Club in this YA contemporary romance about a Korean American girl sent back to the ’90s to (reluctantly) help her teenage mom win Homecoming Queen.
Being a first-generation Asian American immigrant is hard. You know what’s harder? Being the daughter of one. Samantha Kang has never gotten along with her mother, Priscilla—and has never understood her bougie-nightmare, John Hughes high school expectations. After a huge fight between them, Sam is desperate to move forward—but instead, finds herself thrown back. Way back.
To her shock, Sam finds herself back in high school . . . in the ’90s . . . with a 17-year-old Priscilla. Now this Gen Z girl must try to fit into an analog world. She’s got the fashion down, but everything else is baffling. What is “microfiche”? What’s with the casual racism and misogyny? And why does it feel like Priscilla is someone she could actually be . . . friends with?
Sam’s blast to the past has her finding the right romance in the wrong time while questioning everything she thought she knew about her mom . . . and herself. Will Sam figure out what she needs to do to fix things for her mom so that she can go back to a time she understands? Brimming with heart and humor, Maurene Goo’s time-travel romance asks big questions about what exactly one inherits and loses in the immigrant experience. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Viva Lola Espinoza! by Ella Cerón Kokila
A debut young adult novel that’s BOOKSMART with a dash of magic, about a Mexican American teen who spends the summer in Mexico City, meets two very cute boys, attempts to learn Spanish, and uncovers a family secret that changes her life forever.
Lola Espinoza is cursed in love. Well, maybe not actually cursed — magic isn’t real, is it? When Lola goes to spend the summer with her grandmother in Mexico City and meets handsome, flirtatious Rio, she discovers the unbelievable truth: Magic is very real, and what she’d always written off as bad luck is actually, truly . . . a curse. If Lola ever wants to fall in love without suffering the consequences, she’ll have to break the curse. She finds an unlikely curse-breaking companion in Javi, a seemingly stoic boy she meets while working in her cousin’s restaurant. Javi is willing to help Lola look into this family curse of hers, and Lola needs all the help she can get. Over the course of one summer — filled with food, family, and two very different boys — Lola explores Mexico City while learning about herself, her heritage, and the magic around us all. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Harvest House by Cynthia Leitich Smith Candlewick Press
Deftly leading readers to the literary crossroads of contemporary realism and haunting mystery, Cynthia Leitich Smith revisits the world of her American Indian Youth Literature Award winner Hearts Unbroken. Halloween is near, and Hughie Wolfe is volunteering at a new rural attraction: Harvest House. He’s excited to take part in the fun, spooky show—until he learns that an actor playing the vengeful spirit of an “Indian maiden,” a ghost inspired by local legend, will headline. Folklore aside, unusual things have been happening at night at the crossroads near Harvest House. A creepy man is stalking teenage girls and young women, particularly Indigenous women; dogs are fretful and on edge; and wild animals are behaving strangely. While Hughie weighs how and when to speak up about the bigoted legend, he and his friends begin to investigate the crossroads and whether it might be haunted after all. As Moon rises on All Hallow’s Eve, will they be able to protect themselves and their community? Gripping and evocative, Harvest House showcases a versatile storyteller at her spooky, unsettling best. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Ooops! We missed a book last week. What do you think of this new release?
Forget Me Not by Alyson Derrick Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
A romantic ode to the strength of love and the power of choosing each other, against odds and obstacles, again and again.
What would you do if you forgot the love of your life ever even existed?
Stevie and Nora had a love. A secret, epic, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. They also had a plan: to leave their small, ultra-conservative town and families behind after graduation and move to California, where they could finally stop hiding that love.
But then Stevie has a terrible fall. And when she comes to, she can remember nothing of the last two years—not California, not coming to terms with her sexuality, not even Nora. Suddenly, Stevie finds herself in a life she doesn’t quite understand, one where she’s estranged from her parents, drifting away from her friends, lying about the hours she works, dating a boy she can’t remember crushing on, and headed towards a future that isn’t at all what her fifteen-year-old self would have envisioned.
And Nora finds herself…forgotten. Can the two beat the odds a second time and find their way back together when “together” itself is just a lost memory?
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tenracoonsinacrisis · 6 months
--th song in your playlist this, first ---- in the playlist that, what was your wrapped soundtrack? (the songs playing on each section)
Spotify wrapped soundtrack:
it's long, so I'll put a divider.
- Are we the waiting/St Jimmy - Green Day (american idiot)
- Homecoming - Green Day (american idiot)
- The Chain - Fleetwood Mac (rumours)
- American Idiot - Green Day (american idiot)
- You're gonna go far kid - the offspring (rise and fall, rage and grace)
- Thnks fr th mmrs - Fall out boy (infinity on high)
- Somebody told me - the killers (hot fuss)
- killer queen - queen (sheer heart attack)
- Now I'm here - queen (sheer heart attack)
- You're my best friend - queen (a night at the opera) (twice)
- Wake me up when september ends - green day (american idiot)
- stairway to heaven - led zepplin (led zepplin IV)
- Welcome to the black parade- my chemical romance (the black parade)
- Paradise city - guns n roses (appetite for destruction)
- ten years gone - led zepplin (physical graffiti)
- Somebody to love - Queen (a day at the races)
- Extraordinary girl/letterbomb - green day (american idiot)
- Jesus of suburbia - green day (american idiot)
- Holiday/Boulevard of broken dreams - green day (american idiot)
@justanotherjester @deadpansasser @crumboat @coleywiththemoley @hassen-dilruba011019 @le-petite-ivy @sleepless-crows @s-1-lly-g-00-se @smol-sorrows (i hope i got everyone, i am so sorry if i didn't. anyone else is free to join too!)
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littletroubledgrrrl · 4 months
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hcartachesx · 1 year
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if you’re hearing RUNNER UP by BAILEY SPINN playing, you have to know KENDRA CRANE (SHE/HER; FEMALE) is near by! the 31 year old 911 OPERATOR has been in denver for, like, 1 YEAR. they’re known to be quite PESSIMISTIC, but being HARDWORKING seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble KAT GRAHAM. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those RAINBOW BOOKSHELVES, HALF DRAWN SKETCHES CRUMBLED IN THE TRASH, AND STAYING UP ALL NIGHT MAKING SOMETHING FOR OTHERS vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the CHERRY CREEK long enough!
This is probably going to be really long I am sorry. There are some wanted connections at the bottom as well as on my page!
Basic Info
Full Name: Kendra Anne Crane
Nicknames: Ken, Kenny
Age: 31
Birthday: January 18th, 1992
Zodiac: Aquarius
Occupation: 911 Operator
Schooling: Parsons School for Design
Hometown: New York City, New York
Ethnicity: Americo-Liberian, Ashkenazi Jewish
Languages Spoken: English, ASL, Hebrew, French
Gender: Cisfemale
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Living in: Cherry Creek District (Owen’s Crescent)
Family Info
Maternal Grandparents: Alan and Bertie Cohen lived in Denver most of their lives. Alan was a business owner and mayor for ten years before retiring while Bertie was a teacher. They left their home in Cherry Creek to their granddaughter Kendra.
Parents: Neil and Amelia Crane are well known Manhattanites who participate in many charitable functions within New York. Neil is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and Amelia is a former fashion editor and socialite, sitting on the board of many charity groups.
Siblings: Mitchell Crane, the oldest of the Crane children, is a Yale School of Law graduate and a district attorney, on his way to becoming a judge and beginning his political career. Alana Crane, the youngest of the Crane children, is a socialite and social media influencer, having a hand in everything from modeling, travel, and small acting parts.
Pets: Mushu (ball python), Magnus Bane (cat), Oz (pitbull), Rowan and Aelin (lovebirds), Pax (horse)
Physical Info
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green 
Height: 5’2”
Tattoos: ‘Love’ in Hebrew along her back below her shoulder blade, ‘Hic Sunt Leones’ on her left wrist
Piercings: Two in each lobe
Character Inspo: Monica Gellar (Friends), Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill), Jen Lindley (Dawson’s Creek), Feyre Archeron (ACOTAR), Grace Ryder (911: Lone Star), May Grant (911), Amanda Rollins (Law & Order SVU), Olive Smith (The Love Hypothesis)
Kendra was the middle child of the Crane family, an upper class family from old money and history. The Cranes have been in politics, the stock market, car manufacturing… You name it, someone from their family was probably involved in it. While her mother came from a more simple background, she was still pretty well off as well. She has an older brother, Mitchell, who is following in their grandfather’s footsteps and getting into politics, gunning for Congress eventually, while her younger sister is more of a free spirit. 
Kendra was always the middle child, the scapegoat of the family. She was either ignored or being blamed for her sister’s problems, like somehow she was the reason her sister got super drunk at a party Kendra didn’t even attend. Alana had a lot of medical issues when she was born and almost didn’t make it, so she could do no wrong in her parent’s eyes. She got everything she ever wanted and the slightest accomplishment was ten times better than anything Kendra worked hard for. Sure, Kendra got straight As and an award in science, but Alana got homecoming queen.
Needless to say, there was always a bit of a competition between the two. Alana got all the praise, love, and attention, but she couldn’t match Kendra’s brilliance and talent. Kendra was super smart and talented in art. She got into Parsons School of Design easily while Alana decided to put college off and travel the world and finding herself (note: ten years later and she’s still ‘finding herself’).
Despite not getting much attention from her parents, she had the support of friends, grandparents, and professors who saw her talent and encouraged it. After graduating from Parsons, she started her own line of wedding dresses and became a huge hit very quickly. Her parents weren’t that impressed but at least other people saw her potential. 
Kendra met Daniel Trent at a party, which she was attending to meet people who may fund her next collection. He was charming, sweet, and made her feel like the only girl in the room. He was a hedge fund manager, making a stupid amount of money for stuff she didn’t quite understand, but he was supportive of her own passions and job and it was a great love story. They dated for years before getting engaged. But things all crashed weeks before the wedding.
That was when she walked in on her fiance sleeping with her sister. Turns out, they had been sneaking around behind her back for two years of their four year relationship. He admitted that he was in love with Alana and wanted to end their engagement. 
This wasn’t exactly new to Kendra. Alana had a history of stealing her friends, crushes, and boyfriends before. But she had thought that Daniel wouldn’t do that to her, that he only wanted her. She had seen her sister try to flirt with him when she first introduced him to her family, but he had ignored her. Apparently not as much as she had thought.
She had enough of her sister and yelled at her, really telling her what she thought of her. And wouldn’t you know it, her parents took her sister’s side, saying that there was nothing they could do and they should just let the lovebirds be. And Kendra had enough. She blew up at her parents as well, telling them they always took Alana’s side and didn’t care about her. Even her older brother was taking their side. So that was the last straw of being ignored by her family. She left.
The one family member that had always been on her side was her Bubbe Bertie. Spending time in Denver with her mother’s mother was a time when she didn’t have to compete for attention, it was just given freely as well as love. And a few years ago when her bubbe died, she had left Kendra her house in Denver, Colorado. Her maternal grandparents Alan and Bertie Cohen had lived in Denver most of their lives and Alan was even the mayor for several years. She had always been happy at their house, so she decided to go and live in the inherited house. She hadn’t been to Denver much in the few years, but it was far away from her family and that is what was important. 
Kendra couldn’t stand her own job though. Designing wedding dresses was just breaking her already fractured heart even more. She had worked months on designing and making her own wedding dress for the wedding that didn’t happen. She had plenty of money so she didn’t have to work, but she needed something to do to get her mind off things. Back in high school, she had done a volunteer program at a mental health crisis hotline, which then led her to helping out at a 911 call center later on. She had enjoyed being able to help people and was good at it, even though it was stressful. So she decided to do that again. 
Kendra has been settled in Denver for 6 months now, trying to rebuild her life and forget about her heartbreak from both her fiance and her family. She is focusing on her job, her books, and her pets. 
She is very dedicated to her pets and puts in a lot of effort researching all they need before adopting them. She also extensively trains them when needed. Kendra is a huge fan of books and has a huge library in her new home. She also enjoys cooking, especially sweets, and crafts like crocheting, knitting, and the like.
Kendra is stubborn through and through. When she made up her mind to cut off her family, she refuses to change it. She can hold a grudge when she feels it is justified. She is hard working and dedicated to whatever she decides to do. She is loyal where no one has ever been loyal to her. She is intelligent and loves puzzles and anything that makes her think. She is a huge animal lover and will gladly donate her money to animals in need. She is the type to sacrifice herself for others. She is very artistic but hasn’t drawn or sewn anything since the breakup. She is more guarded with her heart, not trusting that people will stay with her.
Wanted Connections
Childhood friends: Kendra spent a lot of summers, winter holidays, and spring breaks in Denver, so maybe your muse and hers were friends during that time
First Kiss/Crush/BF: It would be so cute if during those times she was in Denver, she had a little crush or something and they would send each other letters and emails and everything until it kind of just fizzled into friendship because long distance is hard
Coworkers: If your muse would work within emergency services, maybe they would know each other! They could grab drinks together after particularly bad days
Fan: Kendra was pretty well known and popular in the bridal fashion world, so maybe your muse is a huge fan of hers and doesn’t get why she’s not doing it any more. Maybe they even encourage her to design again
Knew Her Grandparents: Kendra’s grandparents were very involved in the social scene in Denver, so perhaps your muse knew them or heard of them before!
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Share 10 facts about your OC and their pairing
Thank you Kass! You are a saint to this community ❤️ These 10 facts are coming at you live from Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Ronnie Bradshaw. Slapping a read more on this bad boy cause it got out of hand. I just love them so much.
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Ronnie and Jake met while he was going through the TOPGUN program (in my head that's four years before the plot of the movie...I realize that's inaccurate to how it all actually works but it's my universe now boys)
Their relationship four years ago started as a one-night stand, but then neither of them could get enough of each other. They decided not to be anything serious, like acquaintances with benefits - mostly because Jake found out she was Rooster's sister and he knew if Rooster found out he would be a dead man.
Jake shows affection with physical touch (he also has this inherent NEED to let everyone know that Ronnie is his girl. And the best way to do that? Have his hand on or near her butt at all times). But the way he likes to be SHOWN love is through acts of service. He likes to be taken care of, okay?
Ronnie generally shows affection through gift giving though. She just loves buying him random things at the store that made her think of him. Whether it be a candy or a shirt or a weird little figurine. But being SHOWN affection...probably a good mix of quality time and words of affirmation. She needs a lot of reassurance when it comes to close relationships.
Jake is very organized. He likes his spaces clean and he likes to know where everything is. Ronnie literally makes him want to throw up because she is a chaotic mess but he loves her anyway.
One time, at the bar during their previous relationship, a night when Rooster obviously wasn't there. A guy came on to Ronnie really hard. And this shouldn't have bothered Jake, right? They were just having a casual fling, right? WRONG He stepped in and got the guy to leave her alone and they had a HOT make-out sesh in the backroom.
Neither of them really cook. Jake looks like the kinda guy who just cooks like a shit ton of rice and chicken for himself to last like an entire week and he is content with that. And Ronnie...Ronnie can't cook AT ALL and orders take out literally every day. This will have to be rectified in the future if they want to survive....
Jake had a high school sweetheart that he thought he was gonna marry. They were homecoming king and queen and all. But then she couldn't handle the long-distance him being in the Navy brought on and she dumped him. Hard. Over the phone. He's been with many girls since but all of them he's kept at an arm's length or kept super casual cause for a long time he couldn't handle getting his heart broken like that again. (UNTIL HE MET RONNIE BABEY)
Ronnie, on the other hand, has been in a handful of relationships. Each of them long and each of them the breakups were super messy. Like fighting over who gets to keep the cat messy. She always tells herself she won't fall so hard so fast next time...But she's also always been a hopeless romantic. Jake was actually the first casual relationship she was ever in.
Jake and Ronnie....Love each other so much it's kinda insane. They're pretty opposite sometimes, but are also so similar and just think the world of one another.
top gun taglist: @oneirataxia-girl @arrthurpendragon @pasta88love @theforevermorereject @sqrlgrl22 @townley-29 @alittlelostalittlefound @fenderenderender @chaoticassidy @capswife @marrianena @luckyladycreator2 @fulla02 @fangirlofallthings22 @dempy @imagineyneyjr @blue-aconite @commxnderwolffe @darkestbeforethedawn16 @sopheeg @mizzy-pop @loveforaugust @hope-love-equality2
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brodudemanbroski · 1 year
Hello there friend! 19, 27, & 31 for the ask game?
hello hello hello hello hello dude bro!! hope you’re doing alright!!
19. What am I listening to right now.
I’m listening to some spotify, it’s a playlist called “ermmm what the scallop”, and currently it’s an ad. I just finished the song, “The Homecoming Queen’s Got A Gun”. It’s very cool.
27. Meaning behind my URL.
Pretty sure this is just my username so. For this account, I use the words “bro” and “dude” a lot and I had no South Park themed usernames so I thought why not just grab a whole bunch of random things similar to dude and bro so yeah. My main blog has the username buzzing fly which has a odd (aka one part of it) story I dont know if any of yall want that.
31. How I feel right now.
Currently, my throat hurts. I’m pretty sure I’m getting a cold so that sucks, especially when it’s my first day of summer break. But overall, fine, just the throat pain sucks. I’ll get through it. How are you feeling?
Thanks for playing the game, not much of a discussion today but yeah. :)
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bcbliophile · 1 year
@predatorymaniac Nate & Penelope Euphoria
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"Promise me if this is some horribly misguided plan to pull a Carrie that you'll warn me ahead of time. . . This had got to be someone's sick idea of a joke" who the hell nominated her for Homecoming Court, better question, who voted for her? She looked at the bulletin board like it was a loaded gun, she was in the final running for Homecoming Queen and this just felt like a trap. She was well liked, sure, she was nice to people and she had friends who spoke well of her, she even seemed to be on Nate's good side-- but that title belonged to someone like Cassie or Maddy, people who lobbied for it and were tiny, not just in height.
"I guess I have to buy a dress now, and find an escorts for the game" Penelope groaned as she rubbed at her face. She had planned on skipping the dance this year and just going to the game, she was going to enjoy a quiet house while her mom and sisters were out of town, order the Chinses food her mother hated and get some studying in. There went that plan.
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mercurygray · 2 years
Currently Reading - June 2022
Currently reading:
Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls, by TKira Madden - This has to be one of the hardest memoirs I think I've ever read. Deals with a childhood basically spent in freefall as two parents deal with drugs.
Ardennes 1944, by Anthony Beevor - I forgot how dry and decontextualized Beevor is. He just launches right in and assumes you know how the war got where it is.
Currently Watching:
Only Murders in the Building (Hulu) - I loved the first season of this show because the episodes are short, the comedy is on point, and it's just so full of heart.
Becoming Elizabeth (Starz) - This Tudor-era drama, dealing with the period of time directly after HVIII dies, feels like it comes from the same place as Wolf Hall. Everyone's motivations are murky, and there are no clear heroes in this world that's obsessed with succession and power.
Westworld Season 4 (HBO) - I need to go back and rewatch the whole series, but the complexities of this show never fail to make me think about what's happening.
Just Finished:
Top Gun: Maverick - Does it show?
Spiderman: Homecoming - It popped up in one of my streaming apps, so I thought I'd give it a go. Spiderman isn't my favorite superhero, but this was cute!
Outlander Season 6 - I realized I hadn't seen the latest season, which was truncated due to COVID. I'm excited to see what happens with the fellow time traveler, who was an interesting part of that book.
The Spanish Princess - I had to give up on this one. It just felt… too contrived.
The White Queen - I love Rebecca Ferguson, but ditto.
A Call to Spy - I'm glad I didn't pay money to rent this when it first came out. I love Virginia Hall and A Woman of No Importance was a great book, but this was unfocused and lacked drive.
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