#the great stave
fjordfolk · 8 months
I'm confused about how you have far right conspiracy nuts in your ask box (i mean, the only people using "triggered" as a synonym for "annoyed" tend to be the type of people who think any type of social progress is a bad thing, or whatever)
regardless of who says what and ends up where after a post goes more than two degrees out,
sad to inform you that for the crime of Being Norwegian Online, the punishment is regularly having to purge your followers and activity feed of neonazis, nordicists, and white supremacists.
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nakanotamu · 5 months
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relpda · 1 year
We frequently talk about who the worst father figures in rote are, but who do you guys think is the best?
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winniebell · 3 months
lol why am I having an anxiety attack for the first time in like two years today?
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caravanlurker · 3 months
Hi I'm Lauren I'm new to this app, I'm just trying to make some friends. Can i be your friend?
Oh—sure! Cursory glance at your blog shows that we have a few interests in common. Who’re your top 3 Owl House characters?
#talking#I’m gonna be a bit basic and say that it’s the family trio Luz. Eda. King. in that order I love them so much#luz is everything to me. she’s the most I’ve resonated with a cartoon protag & she brings out the best in people but also takes no prisoners#like YEAAAH make that pigeon griffin!#eda would also be so funny to be friends/mentees with#like she’s literally collecting and selling human junk to people at the start of the series#but she’s great to the people she cares about she’s been through so much#also im very happy that in the end her family got bigger#reconciled with her sister and her partner. got a cool battle harpy form. pirate hook hand. love!!!#king is a critical hit for all the character tropes I don’t relate to but LOOOVR#look at his design!#he names that robot JeanFrancoius or something after thinking it was gonna kill him 5 mins ago#he’s also so important the last two ladies so the affection rubs off onto him too#he roleplays Owl House with the collector for months to stave off the end of the world#his dad is the corpse everyone’s been living on and he’s responsible for the new age glyphs for his sister to study LIKE ARE YOU HEARING ME#HE’S SO CUTE AND COOL DOIBLE THREAT#bllaaaaaarrrghhhhh ok that’s enough talking I just got like 10 hrs of sleep yesterday feeling good#i usually have a delay between seeing messages and replying to them so if it takes me like a week to respond it’s not because I I’m annoyed#though at the same time I don’t mind if friends reply to me like months later since I’m never urgent about anything I text#how do I tag you#Lauren!
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iraqueer · 2 years
Ishmael king of seasonal depression
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dndtreasury · 1 year
Great Owl's Staff
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pumpkinscissors · 1 year
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Jeffrey Combs in Spoiler (1998)
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staghunters · 11 months
love making my own soup and having my place smell nice :)
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didsomeonesayventus · 2 years
(vibrating rapidly in WoL Lore)
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pinklocksoflove · 2 years
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Illendra's staff
The orb glows whenever she casts spells. Red for fire spells Blue for frost/water White for electricity/air Green for earth/nature
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thedeadthree · 2 years
it should be noted that after much deliberation… that hati is a triple scorpio. sun and moon and rising..!
#when she said she wanted to have marcus zeroed she mean it! and it’s SO GREAT im yelling that she fell in love with him too 💞🥴#*meant#oc: caitrìona mac cathmhaoil#x: caitrìona x marcus#x: veni vidi cedidi ad vos#leg reads defiled hearts#sometimes flirting with ur nemesis backfires and u fall in love with them instead 💞🥴#her entire big three is just.. scorpio AND I LOVE IT#marcus thinking it’s bc of her blind dislike when she first met him (which a part of that WAS)#but in reality it is just her perpetual ‘i am IRRITATED’ expression jajsjz which! so true bestie!#(we are NOT going to talk about the fact that their meeting was after she walked out of the bathhouse.. and that her initial reaction ->#before realizing who he was and the voice she heard when she turned to see was.. oh no hes hot ✨🥴)#which INFURIATED the loving hell out of her snsjsjjx. but! inner vengeful scorpio she is! was like! yes! we can weaponize this!#so like.. at FIRST she was like oh YEA babes it’s time to use the tried and true good ol’power of seduction to END this man#and then for SOME reason she keep staving the plan off.. she spends more time.. seeks him out but not for manipulating him further!#but actually to.. see? him? WHAT IS THIS?? like?#THE CLOWN SHOES WERE SQUEAKING THE CLOWN MAKEUP WAS APPLIED she was falling in love with the last soul on earth she wanted to..#AND THE THING IS IS THAT NOW..! NOW THEYRE BOUND BY FATE! red string!#toss the nut into the fire and see if it lands next to theirs and if it does! ur in love! all of that to prove it!#which given how starkly she abides by her traditions.. THIS FOOL SHE KNEW#which the triple scorpio in her is like.. vowing vengeance against the gods for doing this to her skjzjxj#like her already planned out vengeance? was PERFECT..! and then! this! what gives!#she was aware of her feelings but pushed them down DEEP.. turned it into a weapon instead! jokes on both of them!#this if..! these two make me CRAZY i tell you skjsxj like i know I’ve said it a million times but! THEY DO!#leg.txt#leg.ocs#the astrology nerd in me uses zodiacs a lot and tarot to determine a lot of who the character is! it helps!#i do need to think about what sort of card she would fit the best.. thinking! seeing!
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caeca-iustitia · 2 months
I was playing some Ever Crisis on my laptop- because it can run the game pretty well and I have been enjoying it on my phone- when my brain began thinking about Vincent, as it is wont to do, and their relationship with Aerith and Ifalna.
Why can I picture Vincent and Ifalna being friends? Mutual bonding over an intense dislike of Hojo + having to take care of their kiddos.
Vincent steals Sephiroth and flees after they sufficiently recover from the experiments only to run into Aerith and Ifalna who are also on the run. They, initially, don't want to bother them but they realise it would be safer if they stuck together so they agree to travel with Ifalna and Aerith whilst undoing the brainwashing Hojo inflicted upon Sephiroth.
They end up teaching Aerith, much to Ifalna's horror/amusement, how to shoot their smaller guns which only fuels Aerith's natural gremlin-child nature. Vincent doesn't need sleep or much food so they can keep watch for days on end, which is a comfort to Ifalna and Aerith. They also encourage Aerith's more chaos-gremlin side behind her mother's back, hoping to help her and Sephiroth bond. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
They'd go so far as to reveal themself to the Turks to get them to feck off and leave their new friend and her daughter alone.
Galian gets used as a pony/bed for Aerith because she, obviously, isn't scared of the big beastie at all. Galian doesn't mind.
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milktian · 11 months
Hey Google why does a spike of fear go up my spine when I see a group of people around my age?
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“YOUTH SENTENCED,” Hamilton Spectator. March 5, 1931. Page 7. ---- Speedy Justice Overtook Four Men in West ---- Canadian Press Service Stavely, Alta., March 5 - Ten hours after raiding a store in Stavely, and failing to escape from a posse of citizens and police, four Calgary youths were sentenced to two years in Prince Albert penitentiary on robbery charges yesterday. The four were James Kelly. Franck Becker, Earl Flake and Lawrence Braniss.
With the nearest police constable stationed 13 miles away, townsfolk recently installed their own system of burglar alarms. Early yesterday the system worked perfectly.
As the four entered the store, the alarm rang in the proprietor's home. He signaled the telephone operator, who in turn buzzed phones in every dwelling, bringing out about 40 residents.
Kelly and Becker were captured in the store. Flake dodged shots from rifles and revolvers for while, but was cornered at the outskirts of the town. Braniss bowed to police at High River after they had punctured his auto tires and riddled the back of his car with shots.
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sneak-a-cat · 1 year
#ignore this i will be ranting in the tags :)#for like the past year or so i have been really struggling with pms stuff and only once have i gone onto the pill to try and stave it off#needless to say that went utterly shit and for about a month i was a sad hormonal mess properly barely able to get out of bed stuff#and i've been told to try a new one now#which is fucking scary because i didn't like who i was when i was on the last one and i know it changes my mood#on top of all that it was right when my exams were so i was really fucking scared#i tried to talk about this with my mum but she fucking sucked at emotional support so that was great#and now i'm on it and its not made me sad so much as affected me in weird ways#worst part is that since i'm in it rn i can't properly tell whats different about me#i dont like it#i hate being on drugs that change my mood#i don't feel like myself#i know somethign has changed and dont like it i dont i want it to stop#but i cant ebcause once your on the fucking pill you only stop at the end of the month#and my mum would be fucking dissapointed as shit in me for stopping#how the fuck do i tell her "hey yknow how you have been trying to look for a sollution to my crap pms stuff?#yeah well i want you to fuckingg stop trying to get me on different drugs that fuck with my hormones i don't fucking like those#turns out i am massively freaked out when i can't tell if i am not acting like myself due to stress or due to mystery fucking drug#oen time i fucking tried to talk to her all she said was “this worked one me and uh actually i was way worse than you so take them”#fucking wonderful#bloody so glad it worked for you do you not understand how bleedin terrifying this is to me?#i would rather have unpredictable periods where i am a proper dick while on them than not know who i am anymore#but fuck it all she doesn't seem to fucking get that#worst thing abotu this is its making me wonder how i would react to adhd meds that i've been trying to get for years#i have been aware that some people don't like themselves on them#but god fuck it i just want some of my brain to function well#please#christ sorry obviously this is public and you can read what you want#but uh if your reading this dont worry i just find it helps to write and post it
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