#the grail cape
dolls-and-crafts · 11 months
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This is my grail garment. A 1930s cape that I stumbled upon on Pinterest and fell in love with. The original image is from wondertrading over on Flickr (check them out! They have oodles pictures of gorgeous vintage pattern).
Unfortunately, I cannot find the pattern itself anywhere.
Solution? Make my own!
I have lots of courage and little skill. Started sewing clothes this summer and I still haven't finished a single one (though to be fair, I only need to hem the two skirts and modify the blouse slightly to be done. Unfortunately I don't want to, so we're doing this instead!)
Step 1: How It's Made:
I have made Barbie clothes from drawings before, so I have a method. Is it the most efficient method? No, but it works for me.
The first step is always to get the best possible picture of the garment and figure out how it's made.
Since this is the only image I could find of this pattern, I need to improve it on my own.
I'm using Paint Tool SAI's linework layer to draw on top of the image with my mouse. The result is this:
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The point here is not realism, but simply to make it clear how each layer of ribbon is formed into the cape. The white lines are drawn on top of the more subtle highlights of the original drawing, to help me figure out where I need to ruffle the three bottom layers.
Clearing up the image and removing the original, I end up with this:
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(The numbers were added in Paint, since SAI don't have a writing tool.)
We have five layers of ribbon-
Ok, let's stop there. The cape is clearly named "McCall Ladies' and Misses' Ribbon Cape", and while I have absolutely no clue about 1930s fashion, that doesn't look like ribbon to me. 
That looks like strips of fabric. Velvet fabric, to be specific.
I will have a different blog post on what material I think this is made from (tl;dr: silk velvet) and what I will use instead (I am poor and not skilled enough to sew silks). Stay tuned for that later.
But let's get back to the "how it's made". At the middle back (where the numbers are on the drawing) the strips of fabric seem to be equally wide, possibly narrowing somewhat where layers 2-5 meet layer 1. I will assume that the layers are equally wide all the way around, since that's easy to do, and it will be obvious in the finished product if I was wrong. It will also be easier to figure out where I should narrow the strips of fabric down, and how much, once I've made the first mock-up. So this is a "mañana" problem, aka. "make a note, but ignore for now".
Also, my method leads to the need for multiple mock-ups. That is because I would rather make it twice than spend days figuring out each step and still be wrong. Cheap cotton fabric is absolutely worth investing in if you follow my "fuck it, good enough" method of sewing.
From the original drawing I can see that the cape goes from the neck and down to about the shoulders, so I measure this area to figure out how wide each ribbon should be.
On me (a short woman with no shoulders) this is about 46 cm.
46 / 5 =  9.2 cm = 9.5 cm
(I'm rounding up to 9.5, because I am not fiddling about with millimetres when I'm making clothes for myself. Half a centimetre is close enough!)
But I can't just add on some seam allowance and start sewing. From the image, it looks like the top layer envelops all the other layers. Doing that will make it a lot easier to sew, and make the finished garment look better.
Therefore layer 1 will be width + width + seam allowance.
Layer 1: 9.5 + 9.5 + 2 = 21 cm
I set the seam allowance to a centimetre at each end, therefore 2, since one centimetre is clearly marked on my sewing machine. You can change this number to whatever you prefer. Main rule: if the fabric is thick or unravels easilly, make it wider, if it's thin or tightly woven you can make it smaller. For clothes to myself, I never go beneath 1 cm, but I am also a beginner.
Layer 2 - 4 are quite simple. Width / 5 + seam allowance.
Layer 2 - 4: 9.5 + 2 = 11.5 cm
Layer 5 is slightly different, since you need to hem the bastard. Hemming with a single centimetre seam allowance is possible (and can make a nice finish), but it's a pain so I won't.
Doubling the seam allowance on the hem makes the total seam allowance 3 cm, and the calculations:
Layer 5: 9.5 + 3 = 12.5 cm.
So now I have the width of each layer. Next step is how long each layer is. Unfortunately, this is something I will have to try on my body to figure out. The top layer will need to be tied in a bow at the back, so cutting that out and finding the right length should be easy-ish.
But I also need to keep an eye on how each layer is sewn.
Because layer 1 and 2 are both given shoulder seams on the drawing, while layer 3, 4 and 5 are all ruffled around the shoulders, but with unruffled backs and sides. That means that layer 3 will be quite a bit longer than the second layer, but how much is impossible to know until I've made the mock-up.
Also? Different fabrics ruffle differently. So if you sew this from a stiffer material, you might need fewer ruffles, while a more drapey fabric will look better with more. Since I'm making my mock-up from woven cotton and my garment from velvet, this will be something I have to keep an eye on when making the actual garment, since velvet and woven cotton drapes and ruffles differently.
So now all I have to do is cut meters upon meters of strips of fabric.
Start a podcast, put on the TV or phone a friend to keep you company, this will take a while to do.
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aerachnaodnagren · 2 months
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Grail cape Made of living Percussigant
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi Mr. Gaiman, your Smoke and Mirrors collection is one of the weirdest, most batshit crazy collection of miscellaneous stories I have read yet, and it is absolutely one of my favourite books ever. I heard LeVar Burton read “The Holy Grail” on his podcast, then I bought the book as soon as I could find it. Everything I have read/watched of yours has been more than worth it (Good Omens has an equally honoured place in my bookshelf, the Sandman show has consumed my brain) , but Smoke and Mirrors in particular felt like picking up a narrative kaleidoscope where instead of just watching the colours shift, feet in the metaphorical ground, I went with it. Thank you very much for that, and high five to your brain because your stories left a profound impression on mine. A guardian angel of a cat, getting the shit beat out of it every night by the evil it keeps away. The newly weds who receive the story of what might have been. The man dangerously obsessed with discounts. The elusive erotic magazine model. How to describe it? I feel over that book the way corvids behave when they find something interesting. I will be fascinated turning that kaleidoscope over and over for a long time
Also…I found you contributing to wizard-core in my Pinterest. May we all have a cape as nice as yours someday. Peak aestethic serve, sir
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I'm so proud of Smoke and Mirrors. I'm glad you like it.
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tgrailwar · 1 year
Tumblr Holy Grail War, Another End: Night 3 (Team Avenger/Team Ruler)
Two Servants created to oversee the Simulated Holy Grail War stood side by side, surrounded by burning mana. Positioned next to each other, beginning to channel the magical energy from the remaining command spells, they chanted.
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'Avenger': "Heed my words! My will creates your bodies, and your swords create my destiny! If you heed the Grail's call, and obey my will and reason, then answer my summoning!"
'Ruler': "So I hereby swear: That I shall be all the good in the world, and that I shall defeat all evil in the world! Seventh heaven clad, and the great words of power…"
Terminals of the Holy Grail: "--Come forth from the circle of bindings, Guardians of the Scales!"
Several figures appeared in the shining light. Some Servants who had lost their True Names in the vestiges of a former Holy Grail War, now operating at full power. Others who had fallen in the previous war, either to the hands of Van Gogh, or their other competitors.
Heavy armor and glistening blades. Swirling capes and burning bowstrings. Mystic staves and shimmering spellbooks. The air was dense with the presence of three sets of Heroic Spirits, Servants summoned from beyond.
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Mordred: "Heh. Figures you'd be able to pull off some shit like this. Well, no time to get sentimental. You ready to kick ass?"
Musashi: "Masters! I knew you'd pull through! Remember what I said? Viva la Grail Force! Let's finish this, together!"
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Oda Nobunaga: "Uhahaha! Now this is amusing! After everything you've learned, and you summoned me regardless? Or perhaps I was just a package deal for your current Archer? Either way, it is what it is! Let's march on!"
Arjuna: "I failed you all before, and won't make that mistake again. Witness me, Masters, as I act not just as an Archer, but as your Archer."
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Medea: "Well, would you look at that. Perhaps a miracle wasn't out of the cards after all."
Dante: "...With these Masters? I'm surprised they didn't do something ludicrous like this earlier. I never doubted them, not even for a moment. It's good to see you again. Truly. Let's give this story a proper ending, shall we?"
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'Avenger': "Great! Looks like we've got some Servants. I'll go rush Foreigner with the Archers and Casters- you head with the Sabers to break apart that Grail!"
'Ruler': "Understood! Good luck, Masters!"
[ The final combat polls will be up soon! Keep an eye out! ]
( Musashi and Mordred's skills, due to their unique opponent and situation, will be revealed during their poll! )
( Noble Phantasm effects are AUTOMATICALLY active, without any usage of a poll! Your Servants are going at full power! )
Servant Skills:
Dante (Caster)
Protection of the Faith (Triune) (A) - When fighting offensively, reduce opponent scores by 5%. Additionally, when fighting a Servant with Divinity, reduce their score by -3%.
God's Resolution (A) - When fighting alongside a Servant with Divinity, gain +10%. (+11% because of 'Item Construction')
Territory Creation (Holy) (C) - When 'playing defensively' and attacked, nullify the attacking Servant's bonuses, and Dante gains +8% to his final combat poll results rather than +3%. (+9% because of 'Item Construction')
Noble Phantasm:
La Divina Commedia (A) - Does not inflict wounds, but instead provides a 30% debuff to those caught within it for that current round, and the following combat round. Costs 2 Command Spells to use, rather than 3.
Medea (Remembered Caster)
High-Speed Divine Words (A) - When engaged in a Free-for-All, grant all allies a +5% boost. This is not counted as an 'ally ability'. (+6% because of 'Item Construction')
Argon Coin (EX) - Grants party immunity to enemy demerits.
Item Construction (A) - Raises effectiveness of each individual buff for allied Servants by 1%.
Noble Phantasm:
Rule Breaker (C) - Reduces the enemy's final poll results by 10% (bypasses immunities).
Arjuna (Archer)
Hero of the Endowed (A) - If fighting an enemy Servant, and the difference between scores is within 3%, take the win.
Mana Burst (Flame) (A) - Gain a +8% boost to combat poll results when attacked during 'playing defensively', rather than +3%. When not ‘playing defensively’, gains a 5% boost to final combat poll results instead. (+6% because of 'Item Construction')
Independent Action (A) - After receiving his third 'wound', he has one more round to attempt to attack before fading away.
Noble Phantasm:
Pashupata (A+) - Inflicts 2 'wounds' rather than just one. If the gap between scores is greater than 45%, then inflicts 3 'wounds' instead. Due to ‘Independent Action’, the cost to use his Noble Phantasm is 2 Command Spells, rather than 3. Standard 20% boost from Command Spells. (+21% because of 'Item Construction')
Oda Nobunaga (Remembered Archer/Avenger)
It's Inevitable (A-) - Grants allies a +10% to their poll results, at the expense of also giving the enemy +4%. (+11% and +5% because of 'Item Construction')
Unifying the Nation by Force - Innovation (A) - When fighting against a Servant with 'Divinity', gain +12% against them. (+13% because of 'Item Construction')
Demon King (A) - Grant immunity to demerits if it exceeds 25%.
Noble Phantasm:
Pāpīyas Reborn, Demon King of the Myriad Heavens (A-) - When fighting against a Servant with Divinity, grant self a +15% boost and reduce the enemy's final score by -10%. (+16% because of 'Item Construction')
Zarich: Right Fang Grinder (C) - Reduce enemy Servant boosts by -5%.
Tawrich: Left Fang Grinder (C) - Gain a +5% attack boost.
Annihilation Wish (A) - When fully healed, gain a -20% demerit to his final score. With one wound, the demerit is reduced to -10%. With two wounds, the demerit is changed to a +20% boost.
Grail Simulacrum, All The World's Evils (EX) - When part of a battle that results in a Servant dying, absorb a part of their essence. Take a random one of their combat skills for Avenger's own use and recover one Command Spell. When victorious, inflict wounds equal to the amount of Servants consumed.
[Grail Simulacrum, SABER] Heavenly Demonic Thundering Eye (EX) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain +10% to your final score, and reduce their scores by -5%. If fighting a Servant one-on-one, if the gap between scores is above 20%, inflict 2 wounds. (+11% because of 'Item Construction')
[Grail Simulacrum, RIDER] Armor of the Nine Worthies (A) - When attacked, reduces the amount of the Servant's final combat poll result by 10%.
[Grail Simulacrum, ASSASSIN] Man-Slayer (A) - When fighting a Servant that possesses a wound, gain a +3% boost. When fighting a Servant that possesses 2 wounds, gain +5% instead. (+6% because of 'Item Construction')
[Grail Simulacrum, LANCER] Rune Magecraft (B) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain a +5% to combat score results. Additionally, any skills that reduce scores against Avenger will have their effectiveness reduced by 1%. (+6% because of 'Item Construction')
[Grail Simulacrum, ARCHER] Hero of the Endowed (A) - If fighting an enemy Servant, and the difference between scores is within 3%, take the win.
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
Probably weird of me to focus on this, but...
The Worm fandom (especially the part still reading and writing fanfic a decade later) has an intimate understanding of the ins and outs of its power system. They know the difference between a Changer and a Breaker; they know all powers are designed for conflict; they know how trigger events work.
But most people within the setting don't know any of this. Power categories (and especially ratings) are technical jargon, only important to PRT officers and nerds; powers being intentionally conflict-oriented is a fringe theory, usually dismissed with a brief consideration of human ingenuity and violence; Taylor didn't even know trigger events existed when she joined the Undersiders, despite being months into her superhero prep and research. (And, you know, having a trigger event herself.)
We see behind the curtain, we have Word of God and conspirators' Interludes and Weaver Dice. We see everything about the power system, from Enity to PRT database, as a complete and pristine whole. That's not how anyone sees it in-universe—not even Cauldron, whose nigh-omniscience has built-in limitations against power gunk.
Everything before the trigger event is unfounded speculation. Trigger events are obscured by people who lie about them (whether to keep their identities secret, hide their Cauldron ties, or because it was a deeply personal trauma that they don't want to talk with random researchers about). The PRT rating system is a collection of multiple smaller organizations' systems cleaned up to a form convenient for Wildbow's purposes that worked well enough, before being frozen so that they didn't have to update their files every six months because someone decided to relitigate the Master/Stranger split again.
All of this is within the original text, no Word of God needed. Some of it is major plot points, some of it sets up chapter-ending-cliffhanger levels of awkwardness, some of it is casually mentioned when the rating system is introduced, but all of it is present. And fanfic writers are inconsistent about remembering any of it.
[insert grumbling about Worm fanfic authors that only read other fanfic]
Now, I haven't seen many fanfics where random people correctly guess half of the big Entity twist with just publicly-available information about powers, and there are some where PRT ratings and stuff are treated as geeky stuff only PRT officials and Victoria Dallon care about. But most seem to forget that most capes don't know much about, say, PRT rating systems, and that civilians know even less.
The big offender, unsurprisingly, is Taylor Hebert. On one hand, we can be 100% certain that she wasn't a cape nerd (unless your definition is loose enough to include owning an Alexandria t-shirt at age 9). On the other hand, fanfic authors often write her with an encyclopedic knowledge of PRT jargon, as though the author forgot people in Earth Bet could describe powers without them.
It's an incredibly petty pet peeve, I realize, but it bothers me, in the same way that some fanfics will have characters look at, like, the Holy Grail and decide it must be tinkertech. It feels like the author is just using jargon from the series without considering that jargon's place in the world or the characters using them. It feels hollow and thoughtless.
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taliesin-the-bored · 5 months
The back of my Siege Perilous
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Going from left to right and down, the symbols stand for Galahad, Percival, Ragnell, Blanchefleur, the Grail Heroine, the Lady of the Lake who gives Arthur Excalibur, Guinier, Gawain, Dinadan, Ector de Maris, Morgan le Fay, Caradoc Briefbras, Griflet, Isolde, Vivian, Taliesin, Tristan, Brunnisend, the Nine Witches, Laudine, the Three Queens or Morgause, Kay, Dagonet, Merlin, Palamedes, Sebile, Guinevere, Igraine, Melora, Yvain, Mordred, and Arthur.
If you’re confused about some or all of them, here’s my rationale/what the symbols are: 
Galahad and Percival have slightly different Grails. I think Ragnell is found sitting under a tree, and another story has Gawain in a relationship with the queen of Avalon, isle of the apples. Blanchefleur means “white flower”. The square with the spiral in it is the Grail Heroine’s box of hair. The sword under the wave is fairly obvious. That is the drinking horn from Guinier’s chastity test. Gawain’s is a SGatGK reference. Dinadan’s is an aro ring. Ector de Maris, Griflet, Kay, and Palamedes all have symbols or patterns from their attributed arms. Morgan le Fay takes Arthur to Avalon on a boat. Caradoc has to be saved from a serpent which is wound around his arm. The torch is a Wagner reference. Nimue traps Merlin, whose symbol is the bird who shares his name, so she is represented by a birdcage. Taliesin got his wisdom from a cauldron, and there’s a cauldron in the Preideu Annwfn. Tristan plays a harp. The formation of the relationship between Brunnisend and her eventual husband is defined by their dire yet mutually exclusive needs for a good night’s sleep. The Nine Witches’ symbol seemed cool and has a threefold element. Laudine has a magic fountain. The evolution of the nature and deeds of Anna/Morcades/Morgause/etc. seemed to sort of go with the Maiden, Matron, Crone archetype and I really couldn’t think of anything else. Dagonet eventually became a jester. Yblis, who has a magic mantle, is Sybil scrambled, and there is a strong modern association between magic and capes. Guinevere is sometimes given authority over the knights of the vergescu. My justification for Igraine’s is particularly weak and would take too long to explain. Melora wields the Lance of Longinus. Yvain befriends a lion. Mordred has a broken table because he helped break the Round Table. Arthur is King.
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cosmicpines · 2 years
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Over the Garden Wall collection update! I've gotten some fun new additions recently :)
Comics showcase:
The Art of Over the Garden Wall (2017)
Hollow Town Trade Paperback (2019)
Soulful Symphonies Trade Paperback (2020)
Distillatoria (2018)
Circus Friends (2019)
The Benevolent Sisters of Charity (2020)
Special (2014)
Mini Series, 1-4 (2015)
Ongoing, 1-20, assorted variants (2016-2018)
Special (2017)
Over the Garden Wall and into the Unknown (Halloween ComicFest sampler for Distillatoria) (2018)
Rock Facts! Cover A (SDCC 2017 exclusive) (337/500)
For Sara Tape (original pressing)
Vinyl Soundtrack (Harvest Yellow)
Read and Listen booklet and record (Press kit)
3 Shirts (Hot Topic)
Cartoon Network Collective screenprint (93/150)
What's next? I'm not sure! The Read and Listen book was the piece I most wanted. My next "holy grail" would probably be the hardcover Tome of the Unknown from SDCC 2016, but a more realistic goal would be the plush keychains or the regular/subscription variants of all the comics.
Known merch I don't have under the cut!
The Art of Over the Garden Wall (Limited Edition)
LOTS of comic variants! Each issue has at least 1 other variant (retail/subscriber), with the first issues having more.
Comic versions of Hollow Town and Soulful Symphonies, with all their assorted variants
Trade paperback versions of the first special + 1-4 series and the ongoing series
SDCC hardcover Tome of the Unknown (first special + 1-4)
Rock Facts! Cover B
For Sara (Backup Master)
Vinyl Soundtrack (Jason Funderberker Green, Retail Black, SDCC Beast colored)
DVD Screener (came in the press kit, episodes 1-2)
Titans Figures (Wirt, Greg, Beatrice, Wirt/Greg NYCC 2017 (snowbound), Greg Hot Topic exclusive (beast), Greg chase (vines))
Titans Mystery Mini Figures (Wirt, Greg, Beatrice)
Domez Mystery Box (Wirt, Greg, Beatrice, Woodsman, Greg w/ Frog, Auntie Whispers, Wirt w/ Beatrice, the Beast)
Plush Clips (Wirt, Wirt w/ Beatrice, Greg, Greg w/ Frog, Beatrice, the Beast)
MONDO enamel pins (tape, frog, pumpkin, scissors, beast)
Gallery Nucleus pins (Wirt, Greg, Beatrice, frog)
Various Hot Topic merch (Shirts, dresses, sweatshirts, hair bows, keychain (which I actually used to have but it fell apart), Wirt cape, Greg jumper, necklace)
Various CN Store merch (Shirts, phone cases, mug)
Other items from the Cartoon Network collective (phone case, t shirt, etc)
The Mystery Shack merch (handmade figures, tarot deck, pins, scissors, button, greeting card, Lorna coin)
And probably more!
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Dior Ski Sunglasses- Grailed
Adorable champagne faux fur cape shrug bolero- Poshmark
White Strapless Tube Top- Amazon
UPF 40 Jersey Fingerless Sun Gloves- Los Angeles Apparel
Vintage Grey Striped Capri Pants- eBay
Black Eva Heels- Ferragamo from the website ssense
Ambush Nejiri Clutch Bag- Ambush from the website cettire
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guinevere by james archer and enide by eleanor fortescue-brickdale, cover of perceval the story of the grail english translation
[ID 1: a painting of a noble-looking woman with a sheer veil, a crown and a cape, a ship behind her. next to is a is an artwork of a woman wearing a heavy robe with a white headdress covering most of her hair. /end ID 1 ID2: a white book cover titled Perceval the Story of the Grail with a medieval artwork of some men on horses. /end ID 2]
enide deserved worlds better than erec and guinevere is that.
clarissant and orgeluse (or the haughty maiden of logres) were both courted by the same man who had questionable romantic tactics (killing orgeluse's boyfriend to take her for himself and trying to kill the brother clarissant adored and looked up to). where orgeluse is jaded to the world, clarissant has been sheltered and so her hope would balance out orgeluse's nihilism, whereas orgeluse's smarts would balance out clarissant's naivety. also it would make gawain the third wheel to his new friend and new sister which is hysterical.
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childofaura · 1 year
Apologies for butting in and is it ok if you can give your thoughts on Resplendent Roy and Resplendent Lyn?
It’s kind of a bit of a tall order so I’m wondering what are your thoughts on those two Brave Resplendents so far.
No need to apologize, you’re not interrupting anything at all. The only thing I’ll say is PLEASE, IS. STOP GIVING RESPLENDENTS TO BRAVE UNITS I BEG OF YOU. Roy and Lyn already have Resplendents as their base, we need singular units who haven’t even gotten an alt yet to get a Resplendent. Like Arthur. Or Silas. Or the Morgans. Or maybe one of the grail units.
So let’s start with Roy. Apologies because I’m on my phone so screenshots are all I got:
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First off, I think this is amazing incorporation. Roy’s outfit actually reminds me of Laevatein, with those armored hip guards. Roy here is very armored up, appropriate of a Muspell outfit, and the cape is very eye-catching without being obnoxious like Ike’s Muspell cape. Though they missed an opportunity to put the Muspell badge as his cape fastener. Still a banger outfit.
The art itself is very nice, gorgeous color work and I think this piece is the art that closest shows how young Roy is. Not that he doesn’t look young in the other pieces, but he doesn’t quite look like a kid. Here he does though. And those POSES, man. That attack pose is so strong, it invokes Smash Bros feelings.
I actually think Muspell was a better pick for Roy than Nifl was. I know Nifl is because of his mom Ninian (yes I know that’s not REALLY confirmed but everything leans heavily towards that being so), but Muspell really compliments his color scheme more, and he IS the Blazing Lion in his Legendary costume. So I feel like this Resplendent is the superior one. 10/10 for him, honestly everything was executed perfectly.
Now onto Lyn:
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Uh… The incorporation in this one is not vibin’ with me. Too much fabric, not enough armor, and too much of “they just slapped vague Muspell aesthetic onto her existing outfit without doing any real incorporation”. That chainmail is really awkwardly placed right underneath her tits, too. If they wanted to keep her chest, they could have gone the Laegjarn/Laevatein route of thinner armor with gold embellishments. This is NOT ideal Muspell archer, Niles clearly succeeds here where Lyn fails.
Art is still gorgeous, though. Use of the fabric to add flow was great, color is great. Only criticism is, uhhh… I know she had a big chest, but her tits are not THAT big. Even on her Ninja alt with the armor corset, her chest doesn’t stand out that much. Reminds me of the artist who weirdly made Fallen M!Morgan’s torso super ripped.
Does Muspell fit? I’d actually say no, the Sacaen way of life really perpetuates the spirit of freedom and nature, Muspell’s conquering tendencies and visuals of dead, burnt landscapes doesn’t fit. We should have gotten Ymir Lyn.
Overall, 6/10 for Lyn and it’s really strange that we got TWO Muspell Resplendents in a row.
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sorakazeno · 8 months
Nakayoshi Media Book Season 3 Volume 1
I love how the first cover already as Sailor Moon with the grail. This isn't a spoiler at all.
Sailor Moon S was actually the last season I saw of Sailor Moon. After the rest of R was released in English, I started searching for fansubs. I was able to find SuperS first so I watched that. Then moved on to Stars. By the time I found S, I was already halfway through Stars so I opted to finish it first and go back to S. Sailor Moon S is my second favorite season.
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Back cover.
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New opening and theme performed by Moon Lips. This is my favorite version.
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New season, new characters, same green jacket!
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Episode 90: "Premonition of the Apocalypse: The Mysterious New Guardians Appear".
Watched this episode to help prep for my Japan trip to determine which park they went to for the water fountain. It was Amishiro Park. It still looks the same.
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Usagi freaks out when Mamoru happens to show up and see her test score. So instead offering to help her study, he tells her they should go out on fewer dates. Dude. Help the girl out!
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Episode 91: "The Rod of Love is Born: Usagi's New Transformation".
Tuxedo Kamen's cape has seen better days. I always liked scene with the Silver Millennium in the background.
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LOVELY! And Sailor Moon's excitement to having a new attack.
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Episode 92: "A Handsome Boy? Haruka Tenou's Secret".
I love Minako's reaction to losing to Haruka in a game. Drew a picture now over twenty years based on the image below.
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First proper introduction of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune.
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cynthiaandsamus · 1 year
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(This story was kind of sentimental for me, over a year ago when I started Space Ishtar was the first SSR I pulled but I’d only gotten up to around America so I couldn’t play the event and find out her whole deal, now getting to see her whole story and get her costume it’s pretty cool, out of nostalgia I even dipped into my gem savings a bit more than I would’ve wanted and got her NP2, letting her join the NP2 SSR Trinity I now have with Raikou and Tamamo, I just really like all the Ishtars, I haven’t grailed anyone in-game yet but she’s definitely a candidate
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I REALLY wish her sprite looked like this in-game, this looks so much cooler than the whole cape/robe version)
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batfam-big-bang · 1 year
Meet the Mods!
Name: Shelby!
Pronouns: they/them
Introduce yourself!
hi! i've been a bbb mod for a few years now and i'm really excited about this year's reverse bb! also getting to see everyone again <3
Your favorite meme from a previous bbb?
bikini ra's
but for a new one (i realize it's not exactly a meme but) bathorse is eternal
Your favorite part of big bangs?
meeting everyone!!!! seeing all the cool art & fics!!!!
Which batfam member would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?
i think cass. combo of she'd be least likely to laugh at my panic (or if she did it'd at least be in a nice way) & best equipped to get us out
if you had a superhero identity, what would your color scheme be? also, cape or no cape?
hm. probably a black & blue or some sort of purple situation. also listen edna made points but capes are so necessary for the dramatics. specifically. i'd go cloak.
What’s your favorite dynamic?
rn i'm feeling that babs&dick platonic. but i think that's what i said last year, so i'm gonna throw in cass&jason
Do you have any favorite fanworks?
gonna shoutout the non-stop icon, fee. also i read this ace-spec dick grayson fic recently, and it was just so good to me!!
Is there anything you’ve done for the batfam fandom that you’re especially proud of?
mel & wrote a fic last year that i'm really proud of!! tbh i'm also really attached to my bbb fic from the year before (which is2g i'll finish soon)
last year: this haunting is hereditary
Tim Drake has always been fascinated with ghosts, and Wayne Manor is his haunted holy grail.
However, the Manor isn’t what he expects—instead, he finds four children who have been turned just sideways, some more house than human.
the year before: bare your teeth (meet divinity)
A Teen Wolf AU/fusion - featuring Wally as a kind of Scott, Dick as a kind of Stiles, and the entire batfam, here to cause problems.
Anything you’d like to add?
im so excited for this year!!!!
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an au where galahad got onscreen character development for the au ask game?
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Most people probably don’t know that, though, because I apparently don’t talk about him nearly as much I think about him 😔
Well, it’s time to fix that!
I’m actually already having this in Emerald Embers, so this is great. 😏
1. Even before his character development actually starts, he wrestles with his feelings about magic. Sometimes, he thinks that maybe it isn’t that bad. Other times, (most of the time), he thinks magic is a terrible thing that needs to be completely eradicated. It makes him like Arthur, in a way.
Now, this might seem like I’m forgetting that he wants to find the Holy Grail, and he’s been looking for it for a long time, but I’m not.
What’s the most known fact about the the Holy Grail? That it has the power to give immortality.
I'm depicting it in Emerald Embers as him wanting to find it because, despite his hatred of magic, he wants to use it to make himself immortal so Merlin wouldn’t have to lose another friend. 🥹
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(This is a headcanon. Please don’t take it as canon unless you think it could be.)
To show some of his relationship with magic, here’s a snippet of his POV from the upcoming Chapter One 😉
Merlin, surprisingly, didn't use his magic that much around Camelot. Or, at least, he didn't use it where people could see. But he'd caught his friend using it several times. The most remembered time was when he was fifteen, shortly after he’d been knighted. Merlin was nowhere to be found, again. His Majesty, King Constantine, sent him out to look for him, saying that as Merlin’s closest friend, he had the best chance of finding him. He started in the village, because perchance, Merlin had come back from wherever he was without anyone nothing. Over the eight years of getting to know him, he’d discovered that his friend was, sometimes unfortunately, very, very, skilled at it. He spent a few minutes searching before asking some villagers if they had seen him. Deciding that Merlin wasn’t there, he began to search elsewhere. He finally found Merlin sitting under a tree, his cape neatly tucked by his legs. For once he didn’t look tired or worried. Well, he still looked tired, but it wasn’t his usual complete exhaustion. An expression of complete calmness was on his face. Magic was alight in his hand, and he looked completely unafraid. He stared. He couldn’t help it. His oldest friend was practicing magic, and… he loathed to think it, but it looked beautiful. But before he could think about why it looked like that, Merlin looked up and noticed him. “Galahad. What are you doing here?” “His Majesty is looking for you. I was sent to find you.” Something akin to disappointment appeared on Merlin's face for a moment before he his usual stoic expression returned, and he wasn't sure if he'd imagined it or not. “Ah. Of course.” He stood up, sighing. Galahad was deep in thought during their journey back, thinking about what he’d seen. Why had Merlin’s magic looked so… beautiful? When he was a young boy, his parents had taught him that magic was terrible, that it was to be feared! It shouldn’t have looked like that. So why had it? Maybe... maybe it had looked like that because it was his friend doing it? Yes. Yes, that was it! It was because his friend -who he loved dearly- was doing it, so that was why it had looked beautiful. How could he have been so blind? It was how magic users lured normal people into their traps: they made their magic look beautiful, and the poor soul was enchanted by it. Then they came back from wherever they’d been taken, saying that magic wasn’t anything to be afraid of, and it depended on the user. He once again felt thankful that Merlin wasn’t like that. That didn’t change anything. Magic, and everything that had it were terrible, cursed things. Merlin was the only one who wasn’t, even if other people couldn’t see that. Why had such an amazing person like him gotten cursed with magic? He hadn’t done anything to deserve it! But he didn’t say it aloud, because he knew Merlin would say otherwise, and he didn’t want to hear what the cursed magic made him say. He didn't want to hear Merlin tell him that magic wasn't bad, and it depended on the user, just like the people every other magic user corrupted.
Okay I guess that was more than a snippet but whatever
2. His character development starts after Merlin’s funeral. The other knights left him alone to grieve, and it gave him a lot of time to think.
He didn’t care that The Heart of Avalon, a magical thing, was keeping him alive. In fact, it was one less thing to worry about.
inspired by Sasha finding and reading Anne's journal in Amphibia.
and oh. How he could have been so blind? He eventually realizes that, oh, it is bad to hate something for just existing.
3. His 180 on magic shocks the other knights that are still in Camelot.
Before his character development, around Camelot, Galahad was known for the irony of being a knight that hated magic but having a wizard, -the most powerful one in the world, at that- be his closest friend.
So when he, to them, abruptly starts acting like other people who had realized hating magic was bad, they don't know what to think.
At first, some of them think he's gone mad from the grief of losing his son and closest friend at the same time.
But then
4. Merlin waking up and coming back… brings complicated feelings, for both him and Galahad.
For Galahad, his return brings both joy and guilt: joy that his closest friend is back, and guilt about how he previously treated magic and creatures who had it.
For Merlin, he has to keep getting used to the fact that his friend no longer hates magic. He hasn’t had anyone in his life who’s been open-minded about magic in a long time, and frankly, it’s strange.
Galahad’s acceptance of magic makes their friendship different, in a good way.
But it still takes time for both of them to adjust. But they do, and it brings them even closer.
Now that Merlin knows Galahad is accepting of magic, he decides to finally tell him he’s a cambion. He’s nervous about it, but it’s something he’s wished he could do the entire time they’ve been friends.
I’m not telling Galahad’s reaction because of spoilers 😉
5. His open-mindedness with magic constantly surprises people who meet him. When he meets Team Trollhunters -which is earlier than canon-, they’re pleasantly surprised to meet a human that’s so immediately accepting of magic and trolls.
Thanks for the ask!
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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I'm sure you would be discouraged if you saw that your security wore the same old cape as before. Besides, a Holy Grail War is all about staying incognito, so I can at least try to dress up like a college student for this occasion.
Me, looking at Hollow Ataraxia Archer:
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greatpoetryfun · 2 months
I almost, almost have all the materials I need to start working on my gambeson + suit of armor for the ren faire. Just waiting on some thread that might not actually be the color I want, but hopefully it's good enough.
The pre-quilted fabric I had wanted to use for the gambeson is no longer available, so I bought some inexpensive quilting cotton and some batting, and I'll just... quilt my own I guess.
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From left to right:
Armor (main fabric)
Armor (contrast for breastplate)
Cape outside (microsuede)
Cape lining
Gambeson (will be quilted over cotton batting)
Gambeson trims (one for decoration, the bias tape is just to bind the edges rather than trying to hem quilted fabric
Faux leather cannibalized from another project that I may or may not use for straps (I already have the large flat hook-and-eye sets that you see on dress pants, so I might just use those instead so that I don't have to buy and fight with a ton of buckles)
Again, I know these are not historically-accurate or necessarily the best materials. I am shooting for a fantasy interpretation of a suit of armor.
Still debating if I want to crochet a collar and a few small pieces of "chain mail," but the metallic yarn I really liked has been discontinued for years. I might take the Monty Python and the Holy Grail approach and just spray paint it silver. I am not crocheting an entire hauberk--that's way too much work for someone who been "working on" a blanket since the start of COVID and still hasn't finished it.
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