#the fun thing abt this is that it can apply to 'stop making everyone else's lives harder you sleaze' AND 'oh no. what have i done to my boy
keepbirdieweird · 6 months
are you really writing a gov-heavy fic if you're not somehow making yourself upset
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girlreblogger · 3 months
also to add to my previous post, when i say blk yn go through crazy situations im exaggerating but i mean (“cause me personally!!!!!!!!!!!”) allowing the character to be treated in certain manner and be put in “awkward” positions. i also want to say that the “situations” seem unfulfilling like i wanted to say in the first place.
because of the unsavory situations she is put in she legit has to have characteristics that are straight up unnecessary if the wellbeing of her character was prevalent. and i have to say that because of blk yn stories that it applies to. (and no ian talking abt how ppl be complaining abt yn being “ghetto” 😒)
drama, comfort, or for fun, is cool and dandy but it’s the same type of thing and i’m not tryna come for the plug stories like don’t nbgaf like omg i’m so tired of hearing bout them freaking stories.
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to the ppl who still decide to ignore how damaging fr CERTAIN! blk yn fics y’all remind me of the ppl who support tyler perry movies simply because it’s for entertainment and “he’s telling a story” (that not everyone has)
yep. those things are true but an impact worse than good is being produced. like bffr.
and i feel conflicted by even saying that because some ppl obviously genuinely relate or find comfort in those stories but at what cost. like is comfort worth change and progression?
me rn:
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some ppl just really don’t gaf and don’t care to want better. please don’t let the ppl who don’t gaf sway you. for the ppl who do, reblog nice fics or write. blow them up so other blk girls can find them. we deserve it.
there are so many blk fics where yn is not going through those things and if there is “drama” is solved or there’s a healthy resolve. (there’s so many blk writers who need to be publishing books fuck tumblr or ao3 and tryna get reblogs. with all that talent girl MAKE SOME MONEYYYY! YALL STUFF BE GOOD.)
i’m dead serious. why haven’t you thought abt it.
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but yeah. it is what it is we have to put more work in to change as people in general. but i really just want my ppl to grow. ppl find comfort in fics for a reason. i really think a good balance of what everyone is looking for and needs should be found. i know ppl gonna feel like ppl telling them what to do but they prolly the ones who don’t want the change for wtv.. reason… ahem..
ppl feeling hit by what i said:
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there’s obviously a problem and as a ppl! why can’t we just fix it. like at least try.
side note:
there’s so many ways to get drama. also the smut after arguing piss me off this is off topic cause it applies to a lot of ppl who make fics but like damn. y’all ain’t gon talk it out. and it be the most weird arguments and stuff and you wanna squeeze lemons after that???
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idk that annoys me like everyyyy time? and i think smut after arguments can be well written but ….
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anyways the blk ff community to damn big for us to be sitting here starving acting like we don’t have food in the refrigerator to make something.
get it together yall. youn want what’s in the refrigerator go get your keys and buy something.
i’m tired of this shit that’s why so many blk writers stop writing or ppl stop reading because it’s too much going on all for some damn fake characters we wanna imagine ourselves with.
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and i know for some ppl it’s abt the followers and all that which i mean to each is own i mean
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sigh i was tryna be proper and cordial but i really want better for us but it’s so many ppl who go too far or do too little. and some are so sheep that they go with someone else’s opinion too. you know you tired of all the toxic fics say sumn. you know you tired of ppl constantly bringing up yn being ghetto for no reason (that shit piss me off so bad i can’t. they be so close but so farr) say sumn.
me after thinking someone finna bring up how unnecessary struggle love/toxic/extra smutty blk fics are but they end up just complaining abt yn using aave:
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anyways i’m ranting. i wanted to say what i felt.
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glassamphibians · 2 years
Op PLs babble about drew and nico fav hcs I'd love to hear them
i dont really have any uhhhhh i think their relationship mirrors percy & clarisse bc i enjoy the idea that nico accidentally becomes the New Percy kinda? like no one realizes it but time is a circle and he ends up doing similar things just bc. paralles r fun idk sorry none of that involved drew lmao
ANYWAY drew is really only mean to people when they make her feel insecure or threatened and i can’t think of any reason that would apply to nico bc he just minds his business so like. she doesn’t bully him and honestly could not care less abt him
nico tho?? the kid who hates bullies and injustice and has anger issues? yeah he has issues w/ drew lol he cannot imagine treating his sisters the way she does and he tells her so!!! he’ll see her being a dick at dinner and be like “lacy don’t listen to her you can come sit at MY table 😤😤”
so at first their only interactions are nico calling her out but at some point they have an argument abt how she treats her siblings and they end up having a bit of a bonding moment? bc she starts talking about Selina and nico knows exactly what its like to feel betrayed by your sister while mourning her at the same time, and after that their relationship starts to get a little less hostile.
i do think as drew gets older she stops being a bully but she’s still kinda mean bc i like mean characters <3 she absolutely loves when nico does his “um actually thats wrong 🙄🙄🙄” thing she thinks its sooo funny. everyone else will be like nico u cant say that its rude and she’s like GO NICO GO anyway thats all i have hope u enjoyed this xoxox
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cube-cumb3r · 3 years
The Means Reflect On The Ends Actually, (c!Dream & the conditioning of Exile)
What was the point of exile, storywise? What does it say about c!Dream? Sure, it’s showcasing how far he’s willing to go to achieve his own ends, but I don't think all discussion about what exile tells us about c!Dream should start and end there.
Dream is not cruel for cruelty’s sake. Dream’s end goal is not to hurt as many people as possible. He views his cruelty are “necessary evils”, and he doesn’t dwell much on whether the things he does are “good” or “bad”. He’s fully aware he’s hurting people and he ultimately thinks that hurting people, to the extent that he does, is worth it. That being said, while Dream has an ends justify the means mindset, but the truth is, the means absolutely reflect on the ends. His true intentions aren’t a mystery, it’s very clear in the text that his ultimate goal is unity, but why does he want unity? And what would said unity entail?
(Before this essay starts I have to do an ad break to promo @daggryet's very helpful [transcriptions from the exile streams], which I'll be using a lot of. Thanks for the very helpful resource.)
TW: Relatively extensive discussion abt the abuse in exile arc & the effects of said abuse.
Firstly, I don't think you should deny his relationship to control. A through-line of his character is achieving harmony through control, and more specifically, obedience. There’s a reason why he tends to single out Tommy the most. It’s not actually because Tommy is remarkably more troublesome than anyone else on the server, but rather, because his disruptive nature is at Dream’s expense. Tommy is the only character who’s consistently over and over again refused to respect Dream’s authority, and though he isn’t particularly threatening on his own, it’s the sentiment itself that’s dangerous. Similarly, this is why he has consistently targeted L’manburg, moreso than any other faction on the server such as, say, Badlands, El Rapids. It’s almost as if they represented the sentiment, “Hey, why are we listening to you anyway? Why can’t we be listening to anyone else?”, which is why he crushed them, over, and over again. What if everyone figures out they can just stop listening to him? What then?
We talk a lot about the effects exile had on Tommy, and rightfully so, but we don’t talk enough about what Dream was actually doing. What was the purpose of exile? Was it just a way to get closer to the discs? Just a means to an end? What was the end?
TOMMY: What, what could you possibly want more from me? You’ve tortured me.
DREAM: I’m just keeping an eye on you, Tommy.
TOMMY: What does that mean?!
DREAM: I’m just, I’m making sure that you’re not up to no good.
TOMMY: But, how, you’ve exiled me, you fucking stupid, manipulative fucking green bastard!
DREAM: I know! And you know why I did that?
TOMMY: Yes? 
DREAM: No, you know why?
DREAM: Because you don’t listen to me ever, you’re the only person who doesn’t ever listen to me. If I tell you to do something, you’re like “no, fuck you!”, and you go and like do like the exact opposite.
[full transcription]
As much as I have to preface this with that this is speculative and we may not have any irrefutable confirmation, I think it's very likely that it's literally just what Dream is saying he's doing. Tommy is the one person who refuses to listen to him, and he wants him to listen. Exile was not only conditioning Tommy to believe that nobody other than Dream cares about him, not only conditioning Tommy to be entirely reliant on him, but also conditioning Tommy to listen to him, without question, without disobeying. And that is such a significant and reoccurring motif for it to arguably just be the intended reading of exile.
Abuse is a vague term that encompasses a lot of abusive practices. There are a good handful that apply to exile, I'm sure if you ask someone qualified they'll be able to provide you a nice handy list, but ultimately, all of them target Tommy's own sense of agency and autonomy, and it all revolves around power and control. Dream creates rituals purely to disarm him, threatens him and punishes him when he doesn't listen, and rewards him when he complies (or rather, conditions Tommy into thinking that not being punished is a reward).
TOMMY: [begins throwing his armor and axe down for DREAM to explode.]
DREAM: No, no, it’s fine.
TOMMY: Re-really?
DREAM: Yeah. Today’s the party, right?
TOMMY: So when can I- no, I wanna go back. I… hey, thanks for letting me keep my armour today.
DREAM: You’re welcome.
TOMMY: Kinda nice of you.
[full transcription]
Dream isn’t only hurting Tommy for the sake of hurting him. People tend to frame it as if Dream Just Hates Tommy, but that’s not true. He finds Tommy fun, in a twisted way. There are a lot of moments in exile where they’re both on very good terms and Dream is friendly with Tommy. But, it's also all part of horror of exile, making Tommy reliant on him and his company, getting him to doubt his sense of reality, making him question whether his friends back in L’manburg ever cared about him at all, and possibly questioning whether he’s imagining the abuse as well, Dream is so kind to him after all, why would he ever want to hurt him?
Over the course of exile Tommy agency and sense of self start to deteriorate as well as his mental health, he starts worrying about what Dream would think, starts asking Dream for permission, going out of his way to avoid upsetting him, his only friend, his only reliable caring companion.
TOMMY: Yeah, so I’m thinking we- and then I can- but the thing is; so recently my buddy, Dream, has been doing this thing where he, uhm… it makes sense, though, because I’m not in his land anymore, but he takes my shit from me, so I need to make sure- […]
RANBOO: Yeah, so what do you say- does Dream like take your armor? Is that what you said?
TOMMY: I don’t know, he just- hey man, I just follow the boss.
[full transcription]
TOMMY: “Visit Techno” no, no, what would Dream think? […]
TOMMY: I’ve had a little idea, by the way, and I wanna know what you think, and also if I’m allowed
DREAM: Okay?
[full transcription]
TOMMY: Yeah, I know he’s actually - he’s sort of my- he’s borderline my owner, Big Q, so I’m not really sure.
MEXICAN DREAM: He’s your dad?
TOMMY: No, no-
MEXICAN DREAM: Ey! Ey, Papa Thomas!
TOMMY: No, no, we’re- as in labor.
MEXICAN DREAM: You gotta teach your child some manners.
[full transcription]
Dream’s outburst in exile after finding Tommy’s chests, is arguably one of Dream's most emotionally honest (and reckless) moments in exile considering it was what made Tommy realize he needed to save himself and escape. And it's punishing Tommy for going behind his back and planning to revolt.
TOMMY: I’m really, no, I’m really sorry, though. Why don’t we just pretend this never- yeah, let’s, shall we just pretend this-?
DREAM: Sorry doesn’t cut it, Tommy. Listen, I’ll leave you here to think about what you did-
TOMMY: What about the nether? What about the nether, my friends, what-?
DREAM: No! You can’t go to the nether, no one can come here, you are alone, okay? As soon as I think that you have changed, have become somebody who isn’t going to hide and lie and try and revolt; then people can visit you again. You can go to the nether again. But for now - no, no one can. You- I was being very lenient. Yesterday I let you go into the Dream SMP on a temporary pass, and then what do I find out the next day?
TOMMY: I’m so sorry.
DREAM: I have been nothing but gracious to you. Tommy. Think about what you did.
Exile wasn’t only a means to getting closer to the discs or getting Tommy out of the way. Exile was a means to conditioning Tommy into listening and respecting Dream as his superior. Dreams solution to Tommy being disruptive and troublesome was to [physically beat], emotionally abuse, and psychologically condition him into obedience. Only seeing exile as a testament to how far how willing he was go to meet his ends is reductive, and not acknowledging what Dream considers to be a “problem” and what he considers to be “solutions” is to not engage with his worldview. You have to take exile into account and what it actually says about his ideals of harmony and unity.
TOMMY: I can’t go back… I can’t go back, and see my friends and see Tubbo. This is a shithole! He wasn’t- he wasn’t here ‘cause he was my friend. He was here to- what did he say on the first day? Got a little bug that he can’t flig off? I’m the only person who never does exactly what he says?
TOMMY: I’m the only person who never does what he says. Me! He said that to me, didn’t he?
TOMMY: He was here to watch me.
[full transcription]
Dream’s relationship to Tommy can (and honestly should) be compared to his relationship to the entire server at large. Not to imply that He Literally Wants To Abuse The Server, but rather the he views the server revolting as a problem, and the solution? Well. The [prison]. The hall of attachments. It’s no surprise that the disc war, a conflict that was initially only primarily between Dream and Tommy*, is suddenly about everyone. Bargaining and blackmailing using attachments, something Dream initially only subjected Tommy to, to keep him under his control, is now a means to control everyone.
Is Dream's goal of unity for the sake of the overall happiness and quality of life of the people living within said unity? I don’t doubt that this at some point in time was true. But, the fact that he’s willing to ruin lives and long-term psychologically destroy people over it, means that his goal isn’t unity for the sake of the people living in his ideal version of the server, but at their expense. Him believing he needs to control people to maintain unity and harmony means that he believes himself to know what's best for people moreso than the people themselves, and therefore he's the only one responsible enough to make decisions for them. And it also means that his motives has warped and twisted overtime, it’s likely that he’s become so fixated on the goal of unity itself that he’s lost track of why he wanted it in the first place.
Anyway. Stop buying into Dream's own self-justification of "ends justify the means" and put his deeply flawed and broken worldview and view of people under a little bit of goddam scrutiny.
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maybemountains · 2 years
Nova & Thalia Headcanons
hello everyone and welcome back to a new episode of “Buttercup is a Yearning Sapphic with far too many thoughts about One (1) sapphic ship in a D&D Show and they’ve decided to make it everyone else’s problem!”, this time with Nova & Thalia from Aerois! (no cut bc i dont understand how tumblr works (sorry) and everything is being pasted straight from our dms bc i cba to rewrite or reformat this)
(special thanks to aestivalor from the HR discord for getting just absolutely spammed with all of my thoughts in DMs & the occasional very good additions)
a modern setting AU but it's specifically for the sake of like. nova and thalia lying next to each other on the roof of a car, and you have nova pointing out different stars in the night sky they see and like, thalia knows all of this already, but she loves her beloved nerd so she's content to just listen to nova ramble
ALTERNATIVELY, au where they're watching the stars together and you get the trope of "arent they just beautiful" (nova, abt the stars), "yeah," (thalia, lovingly, looking at Nova) [or vice versa, i could imagine either of them in either position]
now, please also consider, nova and thalia slow dancing together, again under the stars bc im gay and love the stars but frankly it could be anywhere bc i think the importance is mostly on the way they're look at each other, how close they are
but specifically, i like the concept of thalia, being a princess, knowing how to slow dance really well and nova not really knowing and being worried abt stepping on thalia's toes but maybe they're in the grass, maybe it's a late night and they were watching the stars and maybe it's just a peaceful summer day, regardless, thalia asks nova if she wants to dance and nova's willing to say less and they're just quietly slow dancing together, barefoot in the grass. there may not be music playing but that's okay bc their laughter is all they really need and thalia's softly guiding nova as they go and maybe nova steps on her toes occasionally but thats okay bc she's learning and eventually they're just dancing and twirling together to no music but the sound of their laughter and their soft contentment
 ALTERNATIVELY, bc i am a sapphic and its my biggest fuckin dream, au where nova and thalia are dancing together at a masquerade ball and they're both dressed to the nines and have the nicest fuckin masks and maybe they play up the fact that they're "not supposed to know each other's identities" and its a little bit for show but it's just fun and they're having fun and lbr they're both being gay as shit beneath those masks
it is personally very important to me when queer people do the little pinkie hook hand hold thing bc its just. its such a small and lowkey thing but like. it's so important to me. and i just like to imagine nova and thalia on their own in a moment and just kind of like. hooking pinkies. maybe they wanna hold hands but its too hot to do that comfortably or maybe they just wish to anchor themselves onto one another without it being too much contact and they're just hooking pinkies but it's also that thing of like. when someone strays too far to the side when your holding hands and you kinda pull them back on course or its like, lifting your hands over slight obstacles so you don't have to stop holding hands and stuff like that but with them and their linked pinkies
okay so i dunno if this all applies in canon so if it doesn't just imagine some slight canon divergent settings BUT
nova and thalia having the gay moments of tucking a flower into the other's hair/behind their ear 
the tenderness of brushing someone's hair away from their face for them 
sharing music. yes this probably only works in a modern AU BUT, please imagine nova or thalia offering the other an earbud as they're shading a phone from sunlight so they can watch a video/listen to music/smth along those lines 
i offer as well, the gay panic of before your dating someone but accidentally brushing your hands together and not knowing if you can hold their hand or not 
this one's extremely self indulgent and modern AU-y as well but like, the experience of like being in a cafe or out with someone during like the day and maybe it's golden hour, maybe it's just the sun setting, but it's the way the sun hits their eyes or maybe it's golden hour light and that mixed in with everything and the way they're smiling/laughing in that moment and you're just fucking gone bc in that moment they're brighter than the sun itself
Now this next one requires some more context. But, my lockscreen right now on my phone is franmaya (from ace attorney) fanart of Maya holding Franziska’s hand and pulling her along through a park very excitedly pointing at something. Now, please imagine this with Nova & Thalia
specifically, in an aquarium or some shit and nova's dragging thalia around and pointing at all the neat things
aestivalor: or like a natural history museum or science museum dragging her around to look at the cool rocks or meteorites or explain the exhibit to her instead of reading the info things,,,,,,,,,,,,
aestivalor: Thalia getting her own personal expert guided tour courtesy of Big Fucking Nerd
but also i think it would be really funny if there's this like, thing of thalia both trying to take in all the information bc thalia is a nerd too, lbr, but also bc it's where nova's from and it's important to nova so it's important to thalia VS the fact that thalia is. deeply gay and in love with nova and she keeps getting distracted by just how cute nova is when she's excited
aestivalor: YES omg the constant internal battle of “shes so cute when she’s all excited like this she’s so pretty and smart I love her so much wAIT LISTEN TO HER THEN DUMBASS SHES TALKING TO YOU”
(also in my heart of hearts, nova when she's excited talks a lot with her hands / she bounces and paces around and is very like hand flappy or generally has like these little happy stims and it's the cutest thing and thalia loves it sm)
other soft nova & thalia thoughts but not necessarily just ship thoughts include little things like
nova fiddles with the ends of her scarf when she's nervous (i suppose, now, it's aila's tartan bc i think she added it to the end of her scarf?), but i like the concept that if she ever ended up with smth from thalia that's like, a ring or a bracelet or a necklace, that that would also end up in the rotation as like. smth she messes with. like if it's like a pendant on a chain type necklace she'll move the pendant up and down the chain or if its a ring/bracelet it's just her twisting it where it is but i just like the idea of nova being nervous and using like, these things that were given to her by her family as a way to ground / calm herself
(I was then reminded that nova has a charm bracelet with thalia’s family crest on it so Imagine That for this specifically)
(also please imagine thalia doing the same with anything she'd be given from nova or her other loved ones)
nova and thalia being nervous/afraid and doing that thing where you squeeze your partner's hand in reassurance
SIMILARLY, nova &/or thalia listening to music while they're out an abt and maybe they're holding hands and maybe thalia's tapping along to the music on nova's hand and it's such a small thing and maybe thalia doesn't fully realize it but nova doesn't mind it and thinks its kinda charming so she lets it happen
ALSO. going back to the dancing thing real quick. personally bc im someone who loves street performers like so fuckin much, i like the concept of like, that being a thing on aerois right, and perhaps its the party's day off or smth and so you have nova and thalia walking around town or smth and they pause to listen to like. some performer who's playing violin or smth right, and consider, perhaps, thalia asking nova then and there if she could have that dance and the two of them dancing along to this random performer's music bc maybe it's silly but it's fun (bonus points if the song that’s being played is kingdom dance bc god those are the perfect vibes)
okay that’s all i’ve got for yall tonight, but tldr: nova & thalia my Beloveds!
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juchumice · 4 years
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ive been thinking abt this avatar au for SO LONG!! i know some other exists but i still really wanted to put my spin on it and make them younger so it could be a bit more contextually different, so they’re roughly 14 during the au!
AIZAWA: aizawa’s a waterbender from the northern water tribe. initially, many believed he was a nonbender as it took quite awhile longer for his bending to reveal itself than the other children. he has zero talent concerning waterbending, none at all. in fact, he was absolutely terrible at it initially. but, if there was one thing he was certain about in youth, it was being an excellent waterbender. when first applying to waterbending classes, he was considered far too inexperienced to join. the instructor was a stern type. he told aizawa that he had, “no potential,” and should focus less on waterbending and more on hand to hand combat to waste less time. instead of listening, aizawa practiced terribly. everyday, every moment, he would be waterbending from dusk to dawn till he stumbled from lack of sleep. he even founded his own method, drenching his scarf of spongey material in water and bending it as a weapon. after further practice, he finally got accepted into the course with pure hard work. the issue was that everyone in his class was younger than him, talented and brilliant. none of them worked as hard as he did. they all were children just playing around. as the bending moves increased in difficulty, aizawa began to fall behind again, so his whole day would be absolutely swallowed in practice, practice, and practice. he would be beaten constantly by his peers: during spars, general displays of moves, and learning, so he couldn’t rely on his own power, instead focusing on strength in addition to strategy and observation. it was this adjustment of tactics that led him higher in his studies. he was able to graduate the minor classes, but his instructor thought it was best to get more experience in bending rather than continually relying on his other strengths, so he was sent away from home to study abroad among the other kingdoms and view their bending techniques.
YAMADA: yamada is an air nomad, but he is one of the very few who does not appear to be capable of bending. due to the spiritual nature of the air nomads, there are very few who are unable to airbend, and yamada is one of them. but, everyone else was very supportive even without his bending. he was able to have many friends, however couldn’t join in their air bending games. that’s where he learned his talent for announcing. as the other kids would play their games of air ball and pie toss, he’ll be there on the sidelines, narrating every single thing with his peculiar flare that led to his popularity among the northern air temple. though, even with everyone’s supportive nature, yamada was unhappy with his position. ever since he was but a toddler, he really wanted to be an airbender, streaking across the sky on a glider and riding on air scooters, only to be sorely disappointed. sure, he was able to ‘fly’ with his flying bison’s, baito’s, help but it just wasn’t the same. after a bit, he ran from the northern air temple, sick and tired of living in such a small space. with far too many fantasies on his mind, yamada wished to explore the other nations. it was then he stumbled across the fire nation. they were fascinating. their own fierce power, their sense of fashion, their culture, everything drew yamada closer. he would watch their shows with undisguised excitement, even announcing for a couple of them. while announcing for one of the firebender shows, yamada was required to choose a volunteer from the crowd, which just happened to be aizawa. this led to the beginning of their interactions.
so that’s it i guess! my main ideas for the avatar au! yamada has a glider, but he uh... stole it. just carries it around a lot to ‘feel like an airbender’-- and it’s a great umbrella when it rains!
the au itself takes place before the 100 year war so no worries abt any firebenders just yet!! i might develop it more but this is where its at so farrr
also i wrote a lil small thing while i was playin with the idea: 
“You know… I always wanted to bend,” Yamada said. He kicked up the dust with a shoe, frowning at the cloud that billowed around his feet as if it could disappear with a simple scrutinizing look. But, it didn’t. Merely floated to and fro without a care of his whims. 
Aizawa examined him carefully. There was no sound made, just an invitation to continue.
Yamada blew at several pieces of hair that loosened from his bush that he called a hairstyle. “Yeah. Sounds ‘crazy’! But, it made total sense! Look, look, look, I would be an EPIC airbender. You have to admit. I mean, look how cool my poses are!” He proceeded to strike several different ‘airbending poses’ that neither suggested coolness nor airbending. 
“You’ve watched too many firebending shows,” Aizawa replied. 
“But that’s what makes it so cool! The fire just exploding into the sky like Pompeii, but you can only see these red sparkles and nothing goes wrong… Imagine doing that… Imagine…” He chuckled mirthlessly. “Being a bender must be fun, huh…” His staff loosened from his fingers to slide and clatter to the floor. “Don’t even use this DUMB thing! I dunno why I keep it all the time… Maybe, oh! Maybe every time I hold it I get a 1% increase in being an airbender or something! Yeah… tough luck. You know? You know how stupid it is when EVERYONE in the temple’s an airbender and you’re stuck being the only kid around-- believe me they’re all super nice about it-- BUT ME?? THE ONLY ONE!! Don’t feel bad for me or I’ll strangle you or something, but it still freaking sucks. Man, air scooters? I totally would’ve invented those if I was an airbender…”
On and on he jabbered. He could have done this if he was an airbender, or maybe he could have done this!  Aizawa was unsure what to respond with. He never understood. Sure, he understood hardship and running raggedly through the critics and holding one’s goals to heart. A waterbender who couldn’t bend water for crap? That’s what they called him, might as well give up they had said, but he powered through and became skilled with pure hard work. No luck, no cheats, and no talent. Yamada was the opposite case, full of supporting faces and ancient smiles, but just no bending in general. How could someone so hopeful be met with such a grisly fate? Yet, all that Aizawa could offer was a tongue-in-cheek, “Sorry.” 
Yamada stopped talking abruptly. “Huh?”
“I said sorry.”
“Oh. Yeah. Don’t say sorry, man! What’s the fun in that, too gloomy Aizawa, waaaay too gloomy. Y’know, it is what it is! I got a sweet gig going on anyway, I don’t need anything as stupid as airbending. Only saps use airbending, they probably think it’s cool or something, but it isn’t haha. Waterbending, firebending, earthbending, that stuff’s cool! Airbending’s just some playing around with wind or something.”
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
I had a nasty fight with my former bff. This was long ago. She did the whole 'boycotting me' thing at school and afterwards had a mutual friend pass her msg to me, saying "tell her [me] to get it into her skull that she's not the center of the world, who does she think she is? Stop acting like a #" Im simplifying the words, her actual words were nastier
I got thinking today abt this fight, and her comment abt me that is still way too fresh in my mind even tho I hadn't recalled it in 2-3 yrs!, and I actually decided to use the law to revise my friendship to feel better as what happened after the fight was shameful on my part. But before I knew it, I started rmmbring my relationship with her. How I became a total victim. Got so stuck on her validation, begged her to be friends with me (after I got the degrading msg. 🤕 silly me w/o a backbone lol) and stayed her 'bestie' for way too long. Only after it's all over im noticing smth messed up abt out 'feiendship'. It wasnf that normal I think. She would get so pissed if I did anything that went against her thoughts/beliefs/way (which is why she called me a selfish # that major fight). It was so subtle the way she showed her disapproval. To her, if I did anything not aligned with her, or even makih decisions on my own which didn't involve her, it was wrong. And had consequences like her beinf distant for days etc, or getting angry if I didn't mind read her bla bla, I just had to keep her at the top 24/7 and she expected everyone else to do the same... which I thought was normal... It wasnt. And what would be even more crazy is she never realized how that meant she always wanted the attention. That she always wanted it her way! It just makes me feel... Sad.... When I look back. How couldn't I have notived it before? I used to be strong headed, opinionated before I became 'besties' with her.. That all has changed. I wonder why -_-
It may be dumb on my part but with the weak mind and insecurity I had then, I took that fight/her reaction to the heart and internalisef this stupidiy (DENY MYSELF if the other alternative was denying HER. I didn't think it was wrong. For the oldme, it really wasn't wrong smh). Aaah I'm so sorry old me :(
This fight started bcoz she asked me for smth and I refused, instead of relenting like I always would, and I see now that her reaction (to me not being an obedient # to her ig?🤢) was basically her setting rules. It was wrong of me to refuse, yes, but why did she react that way? Why did this pattern continue? That everyone was selfish if they didn't think of her ;_; like how do u deal with this? And the icing is when I too started to defend her and make excuses for her all the time. And ik I'm making her out to be so strong, don't worry... I accept the strong only rule when the weak submit. And I was weak as hell, so its understandable this whole thing. I think 😅
Idk. I seen your posts abt eyipo with other anons so i hope u can tell me figure out what this was. Its clear to me she was projecting smth about me, and mb throughout our whole friendship she was projecting me. And I would think it was her hurting me, that she was right and I was wrong or maybe I did smth wrong. Mb I thought I deserved being punished that way?!
Today I suddenly had an aha moment and I realised... this is how a victim thinks. I didn't know I was a victim when I was living that stoey aka thought I was powerless. When in fact I really wasn't?! Haha still accepting I 555% created ALL that. The law can knock you out haha
Enough old story I just want to ask, what du u think the msg she sent to me was? Did I really deserve such a reaction (did I mention she included other girls in the boycot? 🤢) just for standing up for myself? What about the whole 'fight' aka showcase of power? And the entire yrs of being friends why did I never realize I was only hurting myself so much by putting her before me? And also, with the everyone pushed out thing, how did it fit in? Like why the hell did I give her too much power in validating me by giving in after the fight in the first place?, and while I did have some fun times (saying this so anyone else who reads this doesn't think it was pure torture lol. We had some common interests tyat no one else in the class shared when we first became 'friends'), deep down I was so unhappy so why didn't this reflect on her? I mean why didn't she ever sense just how much she'd hurt me, why didn't she see how much I put on the back burner coz of her?! Was it as she saw it as her right? I'm just so confused
This is still a bitter pill to swallow tbh but I have to face this in order to move on. This person and my life with her has left me wit many scars and I got to understand how I did this so I never attract such a person in my life again. Its not even abt bejnf a victim. As I said, these victimy things were subtle and I only noted them when it was too late and I was a shell, like she getting super pissed and disapproving if I had a differing opinion and me blowijg it out of proportion and tailoring my views or not expressing them so as to not feel the disapproval...thanks boycott conditioning ig? 😭 Aaaah even talking agaunst her rn is making me uncomfortable. Which makes me think I still am scared of her subconsciously even tho she's no longer in my life. Like, what in me made me choose her? I haven't healed, obviously by this ask as u can tell, but idk what is it in my self concept that had this whole thing in my past even happen
My friend, I also want to say I think you're a beautiful soul 🥺. And im sorry for the long ask lol. And I pray you'll always have all your desires. And plz, was it hard for u at first when u learned about u creating everything? The good, the bad, and the repulsive (like this story)? How did u get over old stories? Ty ty ty 😭
To begin with you're being really harsh on yourself. Like, I know it's hard, but it's never that serious. And trust me, this is something I have to remind myself of regularly. Because there have definitely been moments in life where I look back on myself in that moment, and I feel like I was pathetic and would slap myself if I could. But the truth is, there's just no need for any of that. We always did the best we could. We always did, period. We couldn't have done anything differently and this will continue to be true our entire lives. Looking back on the past with such overwhelming feelings, is really not needed. I get looking back to learn from it, but practice coming from a place of love and acceptance instead. It will help you grow, rather than get stuck back in this cycle of self-hate and confusion. Plus, you actually never need to analyze the past to grow but that's beyond the point right now.
To me, by reading your ask, the message she sent to you was clear. You feel you deserve less in life, you feel you're not good enough, you feel like a victim to life and others, you feel like you're not empowered or the operant power of your reality. It's not about her being wrong and you being right, and I get this is one of the hardest pills to swallow. Everyone is you pushed out. Therefore, there's simply no such thing as who is right and who is wrong anymore. It was only ever you.
When it comes to everyone is you pushed out, you have to understand this person isn't this way because that's who they are. They were that way because that's who you were. Inside of you, you brought their character to life. Therefore, the same way you are not stuck to such an undesirable self concept, neither is that person. It's not that you chose her and attracted her in. You were just dealing with yourself. That's what I hope you walk away from this response understanding. Because by thinking she was outside of you, you're missing the mark. And this is such an important concept to understand when it comes to the law of assumption, because it's really at the forefront of everything. People play such a huge role in our lives, whether it's relationships, jobs, opportunities, etc etc. So understanding how everyone is you pushed out actually works is extremely important.
So instead of putting all this blame on her or even putting the blame on yourself, all these memories really do is give you a glimpse into who you were at the time. It shows you the beliefs you held about yourself. It shows you what your self concept was. That's all it's doing. So in that way, there's actually no one to blame at all. I know it feels good to put blame, even when it's on yourself, but the truth is there's no room for blame when you learn about the law. You simply take responsibility and become empowered by the power you have held this entire time. And you practice making it work in your favor.
If you want to see how something was apart of your self concept, all you have to do is pay attention to what you are thinking/feeling. Shame, not being good enough, etc etc is all just stories you once held onto. Now you don't have to hold onto those stories anymore. Now that you know the power you hold, you get to make a new decision for yourself. Rather than ruminating of the painful past, allow it to be and know how that's not your story anymore.
Was it difficult for me to accept how I created everything? Yes and no. It's been a journey. While I could accept it logically, emotionally it was still very painful. Many times I wanted to cry and lash out when I felt alone and felt upset that no one was there for me. Although, I knew deep down it appeared that way because of my own concept of self. So yeah, it's been a journey. And it's honestly not always delightful. But this is the journey we have to take for the rest of our lives, so we might as well get used to practicing and applying these concepts. Instead of continuing to hold ourselves in such painful lights. I got through old stories, and I continue to get through old stories, by feeling all the pain that came up. By allowing myself to cry and feel however I felt like during those times. And in the back of my mind I knew I was getting stronger in my power. I knew how I would keep persisting once the pain subsided. And little by little, old stories fade more and more. That persistence to continue choosing better for yourself, is truly more powerful than it may seem in a difficult moment. Have trust in how it's all working out for you regardless.
Hopefully this is helpful! Thank you for your kind words. 💖
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boltwrites · 4 years
Slow And Easy
Fandom: The Legend of Korra Pairing: Bolin / Reader (AFAB, gender neutral) Rating: E Tags: Pegging, First Time Bottoming, Praise Kink
Anon Requested: currently h word for bolin. if ur comfortable with it PLEASE write abt bolin getting pegged 😌
A/N: Anon I think you dropped this: 👑. This was very fun to write, I went a little crazy with it, since it’s 2.6k of pure smut. Can you tell I love top!reader yet?
A/N 2: Sorry for the repost everyone! This wasn’t showing up in the tags, so I had to post it again. I apologize for any inconvenience!
By clicking read more you verify that you are at least 18 years old
“Bo, you have to relax for me,” you breathed, nipping gentle at his neck before pressing soft kisses to his jaw. Bolin shook under you, tilting his head to let you at more of his neck, but every time your strap rubbed against his thigh his breath hitched.
“’M trying-“ he assured you, but he voice had the edge of a plead, as his pulse raced under your lips. You smiled against his neck, shifting so that your leg pressed between his own thighs, his cock warm against your hip as he canted into your body.
You knew he was nervous. He had admitted to you when you brought up this idea that he had never bottomed for anyone before. You knew you had to take extra time and care with your precious boyfriend, to make sure he was safe and comfortable. You wanted nothing more than for him to feel perfect and loved in your arms, so you were going to take your time with him.
You rocked against him one last time, just to hear him moan low in your ear, before you were kissing down his neck, sucking a mark into his collarbone before your lips trailed lower, across his broad chest. Your hands followed, tracing along his sides, feeling how strong and firm his body was beneath you, even as his heart raced and his chest heaved with his already labored breathing. You licked a stripe over a nipple and Bolin keened above you, pressing into your touch. He was so pretty, you could hardly stand it, but you had promised yourself not to move too fast.
You kissed lower, over his stomach, leaving open-mouthed kisses as Bolin’s breath caught in his throat, his muscles twitching under your ministrations. Your fingers traced his hips, before settling on his thighs, squeezing light as you took a break, resting your cheek on his hip just to look up at your beautiful boyfriend.
Bolin was red all the way down to his chest, and once you stopped your barrage of kisses, he glanced down at you before quickly looking away with a low moan. His hips rolled, and you knew exactly where he wanted you to touch.
“Please, Y/n-“ he all but whispered, his hands reaching down to tangle in your hair. You leaned into the touch as he tugged lightly, humming at the stimulation, but instead of complying, you sent him a devious smirk back.
“Not yet, baby,” you replied, kissing at his hip. Bolin groaned, his head hitting he pillow with a soft thud. You chuckled against his skin – he could be so dramatic, but you couldn’t complain – he was adorable nonetheless.
You continued your journey down his body, your hands sliding between his thighs, purposefully avoiding his hard dick, instead spreading his legs and kissing over his hip, down his thighs. His breath hitched as you nestled your face between them, sucking a mark high on his leg as he whined, tugging at your hair to will you higher.
You finally gave in to his desires, lifting his legs over your shoulders for a better angle before you licked a long, slow stripe up his dick. Bolin keened above you, arching and trying his best not to crush you as you kissed over his tip. You loved how reactive he was, and took the opportunity to reach for the lube you had tossed on the bed earlier, slicking your fingers as you mouthed along the side of his length, only leading to more needy noises, the fingers in your hair tugging harsher.
“Bo, are you ready for me?” you asked, pressing a single finger against his entrance. Bolin’s eyes snapped wide open, a shaky breath rattling his frame before his jaw set, his head turned to the side. He tugged at your hair gentle, biting his lip and nodding. He was so cute, but you wanted to hear him say it.
“Let me hear you,” you offered, soft and gentle. Bolin nuzzled into the pillow, canting his hips towards you, pressing back against your intrusion despite how deep he was blushing.
“Yes, I’m ready, please-“ he pleaded. You grinned, pressing a kiss to his hip before pressing your finger in, slow and easy, so his body could adjust. To take the edge off the strange sensation, you used your free hand to guide his cock to your mouth, pressing your lips to the tip as you took him slowly. He was thick and heavy in your mouth, and you moaned soft as you slid your lips lower, pushing your finger in further as you went.
Bolin cried out at the twin sensations, his thighs pressed tight against your ears, his nails scratching against your scalp. You hummed against his weight in your mouth, gazing at him through your lashes. He was a wreck already, and you loved it.
“More-“ he groaned, canting his hips again, his whole body shaking with the effort. And who were you to deny him?
You pressed a second finger against him, alongside the first, taking him deep as you pressed in. His dick twitched in your mouth and you sucked upwards, applying pressure that made him keen and relax against the intrusion, until you pressed into him deep, scissoring your fingers to stretch him.
Bolin moaned, almost pained for the amount of sensations you were bombarding him with. You gave him one last bob of your head, more to feel his weight and heat than anything else, then released him with a pop, gasping as you rested your head against his thigh, instead focusing fully on finding his prostate.
He whined in protest, but the noise turned to a moan in an instant as you thrust your fingers out and back in, searching for the spot that would make him keen. You tried again, and again, biting your lip in concentration, until finally-
“Y/n!” Bolin’s body went taunt, his hips twitching involuntarily as his thighs squeezed you, back arched as he gasped out the loudest, most attractive moan you had ever heard. As soon as it left his mouth, he covered his lips with a hand, eyes wide with embarrassment and shock. You shook your head, pressing against the spot again just to see his eyes roll in the back of his head as he bit the meat of his thumb.
“Bo, I want to hear you,” you demanded, rocking your fingers in and out gentle but firm, repeatedly thrusting against his spot as he writhed under you, caught between moaning and trying to stifle his noises.
“You sound so pretty, baby, please-“ you begged, because he was so beautiful like this, laid out under you, and he was especially pretty when he moaned so loud for you, so needy. At the praise, Bolin removed the hand from his face, instead clutching his sheets in a white-knuckle grip.
“Please-ah!” Bolin cried out again as you pressed into him, his hips thrusting, his dick falling heavy against his stomach as he fucked into nothing. “Y/n, please, I’ll be good, I just need-“
“What do you need, baby?” you asked, cool and collected as you pressed a chaste kiss to his thigh, his hip, spreading your fingers more as you thrust out of him, curling them just right as you pressed in, slower now, just to see him shake.
“More! I need more, please, fuck me-“
His voice was gruff, and it cracked as he spoke, probably from the effort of holding in all his moans. You grinned against his skin, offering one last kiss before you pulled back.
“You are being good for me, aren’t you? Can you do one more thing for me, Bo?” you asked, nuzzling against him. He nodded violently, clutching at the sheets.
“Yes, anything, anything for you-“ he promised, his legs shaking with need as your fingers stilled inside of him.
“I want you to ride me.”
His eyes blew wide, his lips parted in shock.
“I-I don’t-“
“I know you can do it, baby. I’ll help you. We’ll go slow, and you’ll look gorgeous in my lap.”
Bolin blushed dark, biting his lip and nodding again. He was so shy, whenever you asked to look at him, or told him he was beautiful. You always wanted him to feel gorgeous, wanted to let him know exactly how much he drove you wild like this.
“O-OK,” he stuttered, pressing his damp curls into the pillow as he hid his face. You kissed his thigh one last time, before sliding your fingers out of him. He groaned, and his body shuddered at the loss, but you knew he wouldn’t be left wanting for long.
It took a moment to switch positions, as Bolin’s arms buckled under him, but you helped him onto your lap, directing his hands to the headboard to give him some stability. You slicked the strap, holding his hips as Bolin hovered over you, shivering from the attention.
“Slow and easy now,” you encouraged. “I’ve got you.”
Bolin’s breath was shaky as you pressed the tip against him, and you felt him tense.
“Relax, baby,” you rubbed gentle circles into his hips, “You’re doing amazing.”
He shuddered under your touch, the praise encouraging him to slowly lower his hips onto you. He gasped as he sank lower, his thighs shaking as the strap pressed deeper, knocking the wind out of him by the time he was fully seated. His strong arms, fully capable of holding him up, gripped weak at the headboard.
“Oh, that’s perfect, baby, just like that. How do you feel?”
“I-“ Bolin’s words caught in his throat as he rocked his hips forward and then back, all but collapsing on top of you. You pressed your hands against his chest, supporting him as a moan was all but ripped from his throat.
“Oh, it’s- it’s a lot,” he admitted, his voice low and shaking with his effort. “In a-a good way.” The blush was still ripe on his cheeks, over his ears and down his chest, but as he canted his hips back against you, the embarrassment fell away, leaving only desire as he met your gaze.
“Good,” you breathed. Oh, he was so pretty, his curls sticking to his forehead, his whole body covered in a light sheen of sweat. As he rolled his hips, grinding against you, his cock bounced against his stomach, and the muscles of his stomach and chest flexed as he ground his hips down. He was so very pretty.
“Ready for more?” you asked, gripping at his hips, sliding your hands a little lower to squeeze at his ass. Bolin nodded, never ceasing his gentle rocking.
“Lift yourself up slow. I want to see you fuck yourself for me,” you breathed. You couldn’t hide how much this was affecting you. It didn’t matter that you weren’t receiving direct physical pleasure from this – the way Bolin was so eager to take you, and the look on his face was more than enough to take your breath away.
Bolin bit his lip, but nodded, straining as he used the headboard to help lift himself up. He whined at the feeling, before letting go and falling back onto your lap. He let his full weight do the work, and he cried out, spearing himself on you far too quickly.
“Bo, easy-“ you leaned forward, worried. You didn’t want him to hurt himself, but when you met his eyes, all you saw in them was lust, his pupils blown.
“I got it-“ he assured you, moving one hand to your stomach to balance himself as he slid up, this time with a steadier drop as he fucked down. After a few more slow, steady strokes, Bolin dropped down and moaned, his whole body shaking. You smirked at him, sliding your hands up and down his thighs.
“Oh yeah, Bo, right there,” you encouraged him, but he didn’t need it. He cried out when he lifted again, dropping down at that same angle. He legs were shaking as he steadied both of his hands on your stomach, bouncing up and down on the strap, shivering and moaning with no filter. You guided him with your hands, wrapping over his hips, and the next time he pressed down, you thrust up to meet him, and he cried out so loud, his thighs collapsing out from under him.
“Y/n, fuck, please-“
You knew he couldn’t keep this up, and he didn’t have to. You took initiative instead, wrapping your arms around his waist and flipping the both of you over. Bolin practically sobbed as you manhandled him, pressing the strap deeper, scrabbling for purchase as his nails raked over your shoulders.
“You ready for me, baby?” you asked, hooking one of his knees over your elbow for a deeper angle. Bolin groaned at the stretch, wrapping his other leg around your hip.
“Oh, Y/n, yes- ah!” he cried out as you pressed in, his back arching as the new angle pressed against him easier, sending him into shivers as he clutched at you, moaning low and loud.
“You look so pretty, baby boy,” you mumbled, pressing close to him as you thrust in and out, picking up speed as you made sure to keep your angle steady, hitting his spot every time. Bolin pulled you closer, moaning your name, arching beautifully into your pace. His strong arms shivered as you gripped at the sheets, using them as leverage to fuck him harder.
“You take it so well, Bo,” you breathed, kissing at his neck, sloppy over his jaw and cheeks. He keened at a particularly hard thrust, rubbing his neglected dick against your stomach. “I love you so much, Bo, so very much,” you kissed him deep, swallowing his moans as his mouth opened for you. He was a wreck, unable to do more than just let you take him, and you did. When you pulled away, he gasped for breath, struggling for words.
“Lo-love you-“ he stuttered, completely lost in it as you speared him again and again. He was so perfect, and you wanted him to feel as good as possible.
You wrapped a hand around his cock, and he almost screamed, throwing his head back into the pillow with surprising force. You had to lean back for a proper angle to get the job done, but it was worth it to watch as Bolin struggled to keep his composure, losing himself on your strap.
You fucked him deep as you worked his dick, slow and even, twisting at the tip, until his breathing was ragged and he was gripping at the sheets, crying your name over and over as the tension built, his hips stuttering as his body warred between thrusting into your fist and grinding down against your strap.
Finally, Bolin arched high and you thrust into him hard once more. He moaned, face pressed into the pillows as he came in thick, hard bursts, painting his chest as you worked him through it, slowing your hips until he was done, sticky, panting, and completely exhausted in your bed.
“Good?” you asked, a twinge of a tease in your voice as you smirked at him. Bolin could barely open his eyes to look at you. He opened his mouth to answer you, but no sound came out. He was toast.
You giggled at him, your gaze full of love. You couldn’t have asked for a more wonderful, adorable, boyfriend.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
The Catboy Valois AU
This one is a little cursed, and inspired by this Totally Spies post.
This AU does contain some nsfw content, which I will place at the end of the post and mark for (it’s right after the dog pics). Once again, this was brainstormed on the GG server, back in October of 2019. Biggest contributor other than myself was @atagotiak​.
So I decided that, at some point, I need to see one of those inexplicable and very horny modern catpeople AUs.
Where a fraction of the population just happens to have cat ears and tails etc. for... minimal reason.
Tarvek def has them. Bc twink. Sticking to the tropes, you know.
All the Valois are catpeople because most of history didn't have the option of interbreeding, just coexisting. Something something sterile hybrids because chromosomes.
Andronicus Valois, Catboy King
Lucrezia was full human and Aaronev never had a chance.
"Most of history" because recently they scienced up ways to get around it, so there are catperson/human hybrids, like Gil and Zeetha (Klaus is human, Zanta is not).
Klaus is kinda glad Gil has cat ears bc this makes people automatically assume he can’t be the dad even if they realize it’s technically possible.
This means Agatha gets her boys.
The human (Lars), the hybrid (Gil), and the cat (Tarvek).
Anevka's initial robot body doesn't have the cat features just due to the fact that Tarvek was aiming for Bare Minimum, and then when he added them in later she decided she liked being able to pick when she had them.
I am morally obligated to reblog the callout art @mercurialvoid​ did for me a few years ago.
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We’re not gonna talk about that, though.
human Othar/catgirl Anevka
It's considered Undignified but everyone still DOES it, just... discreetly.
Agatha thinks nothing of it when Zeetha rubs their cheeks together while training and then someone looks at her funny and asks if that's her girlfriend or something.
And Agatha Realizes that she's currently got Belongs-to-Zeetha scent on her and has to scramble to explain that Zeetha kind of adopted her as a little sister because it's the closest approximation she can come up with that still has Acceptable Connotations.
I think platonic marking is a THING but mostly within families, children, and really close female friends, like holding hands. (Toxic masculinity does apply.)
And kolee-zumil is effectively family relationship.
Agatha can't SMELL the scent markings but she gets used to them.
Also like. There's probably different levels of scent marking depending on the body part. Wrists and cheeks are different.
Jagers that used to be catboys have better senses of smell, and are the ones sent to find a Heterodyne.
Agatha and Lars make out but don't go all the way because Agatha is not ready. (Meanwhile, Zeetha can literally smell how horny these dumb kids are.)
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(Imagine how much more dangerous the baby gilvek airship-exploring shenanigans would be given one is a catboy and the other is half catboy.)
Gil just kinda scent marks on literally everything/everyone. The boy is affection-starved well into adulthood. He probably purrs too. And purring is probably considered kinda undignified.
Tarvek purrs when he’s designing clothes in his head. He’s embarrassed when he realizes. Everyone thinks it’s cute tho.
Also when crafting super-complicated diabolical plans.
Purring isn’t very diabolical. So it’s embarrassing and doesn’t fit with the aesthetic at all.
It’s hard to do an evil scheme while being an image-conscious catboy.
Gil only. Sort of knows how to cat. He's not very good at it. Zulenna helped but...
Is Von Pinn a cat? Gut says yes. Though it makes it less likely she'd be mistaken for Lu as the students did, but hey! She’d appreciate that.
She probably wouldn’t know how to cat.
Or maybe she would, given we’re assuming hereditary and she was made for Andronicus... She probably knows a bit abt how to tell other people how to cat, but she doesn’t know how to cat herself.
The Muses... not designed to look like catpeople. Ruined the minimalist bodies RVR was going for, going by canon's lack of consistent ears or noses
Agatha does not realize at first that Von-Pinn is a cat-lady because her ears match her hair and every time she sees Agatha her ears go back, and the tail is hidden under the hobble dress.
Otilia is very happy to go from catwoman body to Giant Metal Cat body
She's got a faint pattern to her fur that's, on closer inspection, very much indicating she's a PANTHER.
Consider: Tarvek starts working himself up into a frenzied panic and the nearest Trusted Person starts petting him to calm him down and he like. Melts.
TBH tho, a good portion of canon Tarvek’s behaviour can already be described as “cat does something stupid and immediately after attempts to pretend he has dignity even though everyone saw the stupid thing.”
Once Tarvek calms down... Lazy Cat Time.
CH would be ecstatic that Agatha snagged two suitors, then swing around to devastated that they’re both catboys, and maybe delusional enough to attempt to cut the ears/tails off like that’d solve anything then come around to “well there’s always science” once it’s fixed.
All Valois have high necks on their outfits, at least at the back
So nobody tries to Deactivate The Cat
(One less thing for Anevka to worry about.)
Because, you know. Canon decided to cut Agatha in half to acquire an heir, so we can’t exactly say the Castle is all that sensible.
It does calm down once Agatha mentions she has Lars, though.
Per @lyratalus​: Krosp could be... so much more dangerous in this AU. What if he was designed to be emperor of all catpeople?
Cats never do what they're told anyways, and you can’t really control people without wasps, but the attempt was made! Vapnoople was ambitious!
Long story short, there's a spark of Something but then they just bat him off the table.
Imagine Seffie making Martellus Stop by deactivating the cat
Violetta is the cutest lil catgirl...
HE'S NOT A TWINK AND IT'S WEIRD. Not even a twunk???
Martellus is
So fucking ODD for a catboy
Like it HAPPENS but it means that human women are more likely to find him attractive than catgirls (and even that's a bit of a long shot on the basis of personality).
(Gil excused from the catboys-are-twink-to-twunk rule on the basis of being half human, and his dad being Basically A Wall.)
That said, for Andy I’m gonna go with "buff as fuck but sooooooo charismatic that all the catgirls, and human girls, flocked to him anyway."
So that’s at least two Bara catboys in this AU
Tarvek is canonically more or less the same size/shape as Gil, but... in my heart, Tarvek’s a twunk. He’s got muscle but he's not AS big, and he's got intense Twink energy, especially since Tarvek actually is queer.
(And they're both straight so they're not even technically bara, just Buff.)
(Not twinks either but...)
(Twink is a fun word.)
Colette is human and Seffie isn't but they'd need science for babies ANYWAY so who cares? It's a lot of Seffie laying her head in Colette's lap and purring as she falls asleep because Colette just keeps petting her.
Catboy Martellus still makes sparkhound shapeshifters. He's a catperson...  but he's still a Dog Person.
Martellus and his dynamic with the sparkhounds:
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He loves them, they love him. But they’re embarrassing sometimes.
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ANYWAY back to the point, which is that a lot of these catperson AUs are just... really super horny.
Which is valid.
Ears are technically erogenous zones for everyone but for the cat people... it's a Lot. It's also not like. Inherently sexual? But it can be. Like spooning. It feels nice ALWAYS but with the right person it's also HORNY.  Or like brushing someone else's hair. 
Ear rubs and headpats that result in like, intense sensation? Good actually.
Also I’m declaring that catpeople have heats. Or at least like. Heightened mating seasons? Extra horny times.
So you have Agatha and Lars normal, Gil kinda horny and confused, and Tarvek rubbing himself against the nearest spouse in hopes that someone's going to fuck the living daylights out of him.
Valois probably take suppressing things as a matter of course bc it’s hard to stay alert to assassination attempts when overwhelmingly horny. When Tarvek deliberately forgoes them eventually, everyone is touched by how much trust it shows.
Without suppressants, the horny is either something you can cope with or something that is intense but comes in Very brief periods. Either one day a month, or a week twice a year? Something like that.
Honestly though, imagine if Gil tried to hide being a catperson for the sake of the Empire or some nonsense, and had to just suffer when in heat?
Agatha likes to watch the boys go at it because there's something about Fangs On Neck that's super pleasurable for cat people and she can't provide that for Tarvek but Gil certainly can.
Bonding marks aren't a thing but possessive biting is.
(Since birth control is so easily accessed in GG, I feel like Lu’s opinion of catboys would be a super gross objectifying thing.)
(Which. Yeah.)
(Lucrezia basically has that opinion on any man in canon that isn’t immediately useful to her for science reasons.)
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enderspawn · 3 years
♫ techno?
Anti-Hero – Sekai No Owari
Glory and Gore – Lorde
more details down below the read more
okay listen I know a lot of techno cosplayers use the chorus of anti-hero but IT’S THE VERSES THAT MAKE IT A TECHNO SONG!!! So im gonna focus mainly on that
“You know I don't give a damn about what's "right" Or pleasing everyone around me Cause I know this world that brought us life Wasn't made to keep everyone happy”
Techno doesn’t care about what other ppl see as right, he cares about what he does as right. He KNOWS he’s not a hero, he’s fine being the villain bc in his eyes he’s doing the right thing in the end. Not everyone’s gonna be happy w what he does but fuck them, bc theres no ending where EVERYONE is happy.
“The rules and laws that countries come up with In front of me, they're all shit Cause there are people that I've gotta protect And if you get in my way, you're dead”
Okay ppl literally made up rules, laws, AND a country all in front of him and he think’s its shit like. Yep that’s the line! Also…. He would absolutely kill anyone and everyone for those he cares abt and protects. “for you the world, phil” and all that. Part of why I think he went thru w obliterating l’manberg was, as well as being a government and unfairly trying to execute him, they punished phil for his involvement w techno. Fuck that.
“You see I'm tired of trying to justify Every decision that I make If it's to save the people that I stand by You better believe what I say”
He genuinely believes government corrupts. By destroying it, he thinks that he is helping in the end but its hard to JUSTIFY, esp to the ppl he’s killing. He’s doing what he thinks he has to in order to save those he loves (which isn’t limited to phil tbh. Even when allied w tommy he wanted to destroy lmanberg to save HIM too.)
“ "Stay in the lines, don't make a scene" Heroes try to tell us what's right But when push comes to shove, you'll know what I mean I'm ready to start a fight”
He WILL break the law and you CAN NOT stop him fjdklsjfkl
“I'm gonna be the anti-hero Feared and hated by everybody I'm gonna be the anti-hero So I can save you when the time comes”
Again I said it before but it fits, he doesn’t think himself a hero sure but HE DOES WHAT HE DOES BC HE THINKS ITS RIGHT. HE ISNT AN ANARCHIST BC OF SPITE (even if his destruction might be lol) HE IS BC HE BELIEVES IT’S THE BEST POSSIBILITY.
“Righteousness is a thing that I hate Cause it doesn't do any good for anyone And everyone thinks everything is OK If they just obey”
In short: ur not any better for following the government’s laws bc it wont magically fix things! You’re not better for obeying! Anarchy baby!!
“I don't want to think about what they see When they look up and see evil me You see, love isn't what I need As long as I can set you free”
Okay not to be in mourning of the tommy techno dynamic but. He doesn’t care if everyone he loves hates him as long as they’re safe and free from tyranny. He doesn’t CARE (at least he says) if tommy hates him if its for his own good. Techno is very much a ends justify the means kind of guy, why not apply it to his own relationships w others.
Glory and Gore could fit w a lot of characters (particularly I see it as a dream and techno song) bc its about fighting finding fame from it
“But in all chaos, there is calculation”
My man thrives in chaos and rebellion, but he puts weeks of effort into it!! He carefully calculates his battles in order to cause his chaos!!
“You've been drinking like the world was gonna end (It didn't) Took a shiner from the fist of your best friend (Go figure)”
Okay so this isn’t rlly abt him, and more general pogtopia (Wilbur w the first line, the world ending being destroying lmanberg) but the second line is abt tommy and techno’s fight in the pit prove me wrong JFKDLJF
“Glory and gore go hand in hand That's why we're making headlines You could try and take us But victory's contagious”
Techno was brought into the pogtopia conflict BECAUSE he’s famous for being a great warrior. He literally makes headlines with his gore. Also, has he ever LOST a single battle/war he’s been in? even when taken prisoner and EXECUTED he managed to escape victorious and alive. His victory IS damn contagious, technoblade never dies baby, we win theseeee
“Delicate in every way but one (The swordplay) God knows we like archaic kinds of fun (The old ways) Chance is the only game I play with, baby We let our battles choose us”
Techno is brutal in his combat and swordplay and, if we consider stuff like mcm and mcc canon, often does so for fun. Despite that tho he still doesn’t really START wars. He was recruited into pogtopia. He went into retirement after new lmanberg was made and only came out after HE was attacked. His battles CHOOSE HIM.
“Tired little laughs, gold-lie promises We'll always win at this, I don't ever think about death It's all right if you do, it's fine”
Hrhrhrnngng tommy techno time. They both made promises to each other to help the other and both ended up going back on their word. Also, you can interpret “I don’t ever think about death, it’s alright if you do” to be about how tommy’s at one life while techno’s at 3, OR abt tommy’s suicidal ideation during exile and aaaaaaAHHHHH
“We gladiate, but I guess we're really fighting ourselves Roughin' up our minds so we're ready when the killtime comes Wide awake in bed, words in my brain "Secretly you love this, do you even wanna go free?" Let me in the ring, I'll show you what that big word means”
HHHOUGH BABY THIS IS THE MONEY LINE!! Techno ENJOYS fighting in the end, and with the voices of chat they demand blood from him. He says he wants to change, to retire and be peaceful, but in the end “secrety you love this, do you even wanna go free?”!!!! hes in conflict with HIMSELF over his war activities and fighting urges. War sucks in the end and you lose people, but its what he’s built his identity over. He IS the blood god, the blade. What is he ALLOWED to be beyond violence? IDK IM JUST HAVING TECHNO THOUGHTS NOW BUT LIKE!!! YO!!! Even you could read into it that when he thinks that his first impact is to “let him in the ring”, violence is the only universal language for him to the point he doesn’t KNOW anything else.
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aroambergris · 4 years
fun chaos things
- I don’t know if it would be cooler for me personally for them to be Helping just Omnious or Actually Just Straight Up Evil
-Travis said that they’re humanoid BUT they’re chaos. my brain immediately jumped to being a figment / concept of chaos but some of u r debating what race they are (which ISNT bad just reminds me I don’t know things)
-so the point here. Do I want chaos messed up and evil designs? Do I want them to be Only taking a human form bc it would scare fitz less? Do I want to draw them messed up and evil? Yes to all of these. Do I also greatly enjoy thinking abt who they could be and a consistent design? Yes. Do I actually have a point? No. Chaos five and a half arms rights.
-back to the evil / not being evil just kinda omnious for what we know currently
-evil ideas. bodysnatched Fitzroy. magic out of control and he can’t do anything fitzroy. chaos just being an Ass. Chaos instilling distrust. having to work together to find out why chaos chose Fitzroy as their weapon and how to stop them. Fitzroy descends into the chaos pit (the gorge) and meets chaos and idk where I was going with this one I think it was like Fitzroy meets g/d and everyone thinks he’s high but no he has to deal with them every time he goes into another half-trance. please someone believe him. he promises hes telling the truth
-evil ideas are SEXY bc. as I have previously stated. messed up and evil chaos designs. this could still apply to a chaos who is not evil except chaos who is evil gains a fraction of an arm every single time fitzroy blinks and he doesn’t want to be impolite and mention it but the room is getting crowded
-but also. Waht If They Were Friends
-I!! Want!! Fitzroy!! To!! Go!! Ham!!
-I want fitzroy to take chaos shopping and everyone else like. Hello Sir? Whos That? And fitzroy is just like oh this is my good friend chaos we met when they gave me my wild and crazy magic :) we are best buds and watch the great British bake-off together. we also talk SHIT about all of you
-I feel like chaos IS kinda trying to do something good which. ok. I mean fitzroy and chaos friends rights
-but also the POSSIBILITY of fitzroy being like AHAHA here’s my messed up brain buddy :) and Argo and the firbolg r like ??? hey dude. do you. do you want help with that and Fitzroy goes NO I WAS AN ALMOST GRADUATE OF CYLDE NITE KNIGHT NIGHT SCHOOL I can handle some MESSED UP MAGIC and then he trips and falls down the stairs
-chaos made him trip btw
-they think it’s funny
-but like .... also we know there is something horribly wrong w the world. with the school. with all of the crashing goals and personal conflicts and everyone out for themselves and their own agendas.
-What If Chaos Could Help With That?
-chaos voice oh fitzroy we are such good friends now.... can you imagine when we first met you were terrified of me!
-Fitzroy: you called me a weapon and told me to go crazy go stupid. also you told me you were disappointed in me and I don’t like hearing that from anyone it makes me feel bad
-chaos: Water Under The Bridge!
-idk I just want a touching scene where chaos wins fitzroy over
-I also want Travis to pull another fun little twist on us that makes me want to run down to where he is a shake him. however I am still in quarantine and I cannot. a shame
-like idk ... Fitzroy and chaos working to save the world .........
-when we finally know everything Travis is plan it’s going to be BRILLIANT ok. absolutely DAZZLING.
that has been chaos thoughts with shiny
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disengaged · 3 years
alright this might be a bit of a weird ask but. seeing all ur posts on hockey teams n whatnot makes me Interested in hockey but i have absolutely no idea about the majority of it like all the positions n shit so. where do i start
not weird at all omg !!! it's probably one of the only sports i enjoy, cuz it's super easy to understand and very active :'-) 💘💘💘
i've written out a basic guide to rules, penalties, and positions below the cut:
ok first off: the object of the game is to score the most goals :-) yayyy! nice n easy. it gets a little more complicated when you start looking at things like points, stats, player rankings, etc in the NHL, but you don't have to worry about that right way.
each team normally has 5 players on the ice at a time (3 forwards, 2 defence, plus a goalie).
there are also referees around! the NHL has 2 refs and 2 linesmen for every game, but community leagues/kid's teams would prob just like.... hire a teenager and pay em $50... yknow...
sometimes we have what's called a powerplay, which means one team is serving a penalty, so one team has more players than the other. (e.g: "a 5 on 4 powerplay", which means there are 5 guys playing against 4 guys. easy stuff.)
(ok now let's talk abt rules, penalties, and positions...)
short version, i promise!! first, you kinda gotta know what the rink looks like (this diagram looks complicated but i swear it's not skdjskndj):
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to kick off the game, (& every time the game stops and starts again), a faceoff has to happen. this means two players get in one of the 5 faceoff circles, the ref drops the puck (aptly called the puck drop lmfao), and they do that little swipe with their sticks. you gotta love it !!
from there on, it's really pretty simple:
the only person who can grab the puck (closing hand on puck) is the goalie
you can't shoot the puck out of the rink or move the goal ("the net") on purpose
you can't raise your stick above shoulder height to smack the puck out of the air (called "high sticking"). if you score a goal that way, it doesn't count
when your skates crosses the blue line (#4 on the diagram) before the puck does, you're offside. (if only one skate is over the line, you're "onside")
icing happens when you're on your side of the center line, but you shoot the puck all the way across the ice and it crosses the goal line (#7 in the diagram) on either side of the net. when that happens, the game stops and another faceoff has to happen in the offending team's zone (#6 on the diagram). HOWEVER, icing won't be called if the goalie is outside of the crease (#10), if the other team just lets it happen on purpose (lmao), or maybe if the ref says it was an attempted pass.
if you were about to score, but another player tripped/yanked/whatevered you (or knocked the net outta the way), you get a penalty shot! this means the other players clear outta the way & you get to take a shot on the other team's goalie >:-)
GOAL HOLES lmaoooooo why r they called that + a fun infographic
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stick side low
glove side low
glove side high
stick side high
five hole! (hardest place to score)
the game goes into sudden-death overtime! this means the timer is set for 5 minutes, and whoever scores first wins
if no one scores in overtime, the game goes into a shootout! this means the teams take turns taking penalty shots (3 each)
if that STILL doesn't end the game, the shootout continues until one team scores and the other team doesn't match it... ta-da !!!
FIGHT RULES (per the NHL):
the ref blows a whistle, everyone else has to stop what they're doing and go to their bench
the players have to drop their gloves
they can't remove their helmets before the fight starts. (if it falls off while they're getting whacked that's fine, but taking it off beforehand is a minor penalty)
the fight is allowed to keep going until one player hits the ice, or the refs decide to stop it
both players automatically get major penalties, plus any other penalties that apply. (this site explains it really well!!)
(in community leagues and kids' leagues, fighting is either not allowed at all, or it's a lot less regulated... it could really go either way lmao. in 2021 we know that concussions = bad, but back in the day... hoo boy!!)
3 types: minor, major, and misconduct
penalties are basically decided on severity/degree of injury, etc
a standard minor penalty is 2 minutes and it's served in the penalty box. if the other team scores during this time (the powerplay), the penalty ends and the player can hop back on the ice.
examples of minor penalties could be high-sticking, tripping, elbowing, hooking, slashing, roughing, boarding etc ... like. if a player is acting shitty but didn't do any real damage, that kind of thing
there's also a thing called matching penalties (aka coincidental penalties), which means both teams have a player in the box at the same time. in that case, they usually just keep playing 4-on-4, and the penalty keeps going even if a goal is scored. (except if the game was already 5-on-4 before the matching penalty was called, in which case both teams would be allowed to make substitutions to keep shit moving lol)
there are also double minors or triple minors, which just means 2-3 minor penalties all at once lmao ... so a player could be stuck sitting in the Shame Cube for 4-6 minutes, and if the other team scored, it would only cancel out one penalty at a time
a standard major penalty is 5 minutes in the box, and the player can't get out early if a goal is scored. (if there are matching major penalties, both teams sub players in)
fighting is always a major penalty!!! other examples could be spearing, boarding, butt-ending, charging, clipping, or cross-checking
there are 3 "subtypes": misconduct, game misconduct, & match penalty
a misconduct penalty means 10 minutes off the ice, & the team can sub a guy in. if the player returns and then get another, they can get ejected from the game lmao
misconduct calls also usually come with a minor penalty (called a 10-and-2), which is served at the same time. so like ... the player with the misconduct has to leave for 10 minutes, the substitute joins the game, and then a separate player is picked to serve a 2-minute minor penalty in the box
if you get a game misconduct penalty the player is ejected from the game. their team replaces them, plus there's usually a major (5min) penalty served by a different guy. (you also still get charged with 10 or 20 penalty minutes, which go "on your record")
you can get a game misconduct penalty by getting 2 misconduct penalties, butting into a fight/joining a fight (called "third man in"), leaving the penalty box early, or if you board someone & they get a head/face injury
a match penalty is serious shit but they're less common, i'm just gonna drop screenshots if you wanna read:
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(also here's a handy chart off wikipedia lmao:)
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ok this is gonna the MOST basic guide lol. here they are on the ice:
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2 types:
FORWARD = center, right wing, or left wing. job is to score. they're usually smaller and faster than the defense players.
DEFENsE = right D or left D. usually physically larger, their goal is to protect their zone.
GOALIE: ok everyone knows what the goalie does lmao
they all have different jobs and skills specific to their positions, which you can find on this site in really great detail!!
ok, we're done !!
i think this should cover all the basic areas of ice hockey... there's definitely a lot more to it if you feel like doing more research (like how the NHL draft works, the different players and teams, the different divisions etc), but i hope this will be enough to get you started ..... it's also fun to watch even if you don't understand all the rules imo, i could probably sum all of this ^^ up by saying "ten players, two goalies, put on skates, chase puck, put puck in net" LMAO.
i genuinely love ice hockey so much, it's such a huge part of my personal sense of culture & community :'-) if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask em and i'll do my best to answer !!!
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lockawayknight · 4 years
whatever i was talking abt this in the gc but it’s hyperfocus o’clock so here’s yr cr8 headcanons for the day (rosaria’s fingers edition)
heysel is literally the only one of rosaria’s fingers that creighton like. actually respects lmfao. he’s a really social person on the inside (on the outside? ha) and he like. honestly sees the fingers like A Social Club with people who share a common interest (casual murder) more than a covenant that ~serves a goddess~ and all that. he doesn’t care about pale tongues. he doesn’t care about the whole “finger” thing. he’s just here for sunday brunch and bingo night.
but that’s a big part of why he like. does Not™ like leonhard and does Not® see him as any sort of leader or in any real position of power in the group. will NOT lisen to him. who let this killjoy in the club. leonhard is all doom and gloom and solitude and has his own agenda going on. that isn’t fun at buffalo wild wings. get this loser out of here.
meanwhile heysel? heysel fucking gets it. YES we believe in cameraderie in this mother fucking chili’s. don’t force that on the rest of you?? why y’all in the club then? shut up about tongues, we’re gonna go look at crabs. maybe kill a few people afterwards, maybe play some animal crossing, idk it’s still up in the air, but that’s what friends are for. you still on about rosaria? dude she’s really not into you. why don’t you look at this very small poison horn beetle and maybe you’ll calm down.
but literally heysel like. if there’s anyone he would consider the face of the fingers, the person he respects and will actually listen to, it’s her. she’s the perfect mix of chaos and friendship. she has good(?) ideas and boy that morality teeters perfectly into the realm of fun. she actually LISTENS, and politely, despite him being a horrid conversation partner half the time. she doesn’t mind him being Grouch. wow, nice people sure are nice. having friends is neat. (not to mention, she likes crabs. crabs are small and grouchy and well ain’t that just the bees knees. they can talk about small animals, and that immediately makes her cooler than anyone else.)
but that’s also why he’s like. absolutey a snappy guard dog around other people when she comes up (let alone when he’s WITH HER). that’s his FRIEND you are talking about, and he WILL bite. she’s the cute girl you try to hit on outside starbucks and he’s the big dog you didn’t realise she had until it’s at the end of its chain snapping in your face. you’re pretty sure she’s interested in you, but god that mutt won’t stop growling?? she keeps saying he’s nice and won’t bite but you gotta Doubt that. she’s her own person and her dog isn’t gonna change her date plans ofc but boy you better watch your hands under the table.
also the opposite applies for leonhard. passive-aggressive-ass bitch. NOT friends, NO fucks to give. catch leonhard getting swarmed by an ashen one and two white phantoms in rosaria’s chamber and creighton just, “oh, you want help? you want assistance? is big boy leonhard getting his ass kicked? i’m sorry, i thought you didn’t WANT my friendship. that sword in your ribs sure looks painful! too bad you don’t have a FRIEND to help you out huh!! cameraderie ain’t for everyone bitch!!”
then kirk is just a cryptid idk he doesn’t know what to think abt him that guy’s weird as hell (but he’s still invited to hooters for wingsday cus he’s in the cool kids club and what are friends FOR) okay bye the end
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thewebcomicsreview · 5 years
hussie said a thing abt the epilogues reddit. com/r/homestuck/comments/cuywff/the_homestuck_epilogues_bridges_and_offramps_new/
I also think many of the negative feelings the story creates isn’t just an urgent prompt for the reader to imagine different ideas, or ways to resolve the new narrative dilemmas. It’s also an opportunity for people to discuss any of the difficult content critically, and for fandom in general to continue developing the tools for processing the negative emotions art can generate. Sorting that out has to be a communal experience, and it’s an important part of the cycle between creating and criticizing art. I think not only can creators develop their skills to create better things by practicing and taking certain risks, fandom is something which can develop better skills as well. Skills like critical discussion, dealing constructively with negative feelings resulting from the media they consume, interacting with each other in more meaningful ways, and trying to understand different points of view outside of the factions within fandom that can become very hardened over time. Fandoms everywhere tend to get bad reputations for various reasons, maybe justifiably. But I don’t see why it can’t be an objective to try to improve fandom, just as creators can improve their work. And I think this can only happen if now and then fandoms are seriously challenged, by being encouraged to think about complex ideas, and made to feel difficult emotions. I believe when art creates certain kinds of negative feelings in people, it can lead to some of the most transformative experiences art has to offer. But it helps to be receptive to this idea for these experiences to have a positive net effect on your life, and your relationship with art.
Christ, he’s gone full Lennon. Imagine a good ending. I wonder if you can.
So, I’ve mentioned this a few times, but the most transformative art has ever been for me was a comic that actually started on the Homestuck forums
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Prequel - Or - Making The Cat Cry: The Adventure - is a comic written by Kazared loosely based on the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It’s about a Khajiit girl named Katia who moves to OblivionLand to make a new life for herself, and the comic spent years building Katia up to bigger and bigger heights so that every time she crashed she crashed harder than ever before. The second time she relapses into alcoholism is where a lot of readers give up on the comic for being misery porn.
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There’s a point where she she’s solved all her problems and even gets to join the mages guild - her lifelong dream - only for the woman running the Kvatch mage guild to mild control her into giving up all her stuff, including the stuff important to Katia’s only friend.  Katia is left naked on the streets literally digging through trash in the vain hope of trying to find a solution to at least one of her problems. And what she finds is a bottle of beer.
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Twice already in this comic Katia hit a really bad patch and started drinking again. The comic has twice made us root for Katia to succeed, only to jump cut to her waking up in a stranger’s bed with no memory of what happened. 
She wanders into an empty church (OBVIOUS SYMBOLISM ALERT), and alternates between trying to find some supplies and fantasizing about everything magically getting fixed, which slowly morphs into fantasizing about drinking while getting increasingly furious at barrels for not having clothes in them.
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One thing. You wanted one thing and you were too much of a fucking idiot to realize it was hopeless and pointless and bound to ruin everything. Stuck on some childish idea that you could be anything, do anything, and just be some selfish bitch that’s never happy with what she has. Fuck, you don’t even know what you’re mad at anymore, you just hate yourself and everything you ever ruined for yourself and everyone and want to stop thinking about what a worthless mindless thoughtless imbecile you are. You just want to stop fucking thinking about it.
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You drop onto the chapel floor and just cry. You cry and cry because you’re stupid and easy and can’t fix anything no matter how hard you try. You cry because your best is worse than everyone else’s average. You cry because your parents never loved you and you’re a disappointment to everyone, even yourself. You cry because all you wanted was to be someone and that’s never going to happen. And when that’s done, you cry a little more because you’re ashamed of being such a crybaby.
You try to get all the emotions out, try to clear your mind and maybe, just maybe feel ready to tackle the night ahead of you, feel as though this is the time you finally turn things around. But no matter how hard you try, how hard you weep and bawl and try to get it all out, you’re still just a fuckup. No matter what you try, that knowledge is still there, gripping onto your every thought and reminding you that things are never going to change.
You’re not strong. You’re not a hero. You’re not even worthy of the name Katia Managan. You’re sad and angry and nothing makes sense, but you know this is probably the clearest your head is going to get.
Someday, things are going to get better. Someday, you are going to fight and persevere and everything will feel great. You think.But for now, you know what you have to do.
And at the very least, there is no way you could possibly make yourself feel any worse.
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Katia, for the first time, manages to avoid drowning drinking. She overcomes her issues. And you know what happens next?
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She accidentally sets the church on fire, because this is still Prequel. She passes out from smoke inhalation, and then there’s….
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this, and then she wakes up and reflects on her managing to stay on the wagon.
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Honestly, you just feel… kind of numb.
You fucked up. You lost everything you earned, were discarded by the people you looked up to most, gave away the package you were supposed to be delivering to pay your friend back, completely lost control of your powers, and after passing out naked in a church have probably ruined any chance you might have had at a good reputation in Kvatch. You were a wreck last night when this was all happening, but now… you guess it just feels like you’ve run out of sad. You’re just confused.
Personally, I think this stuff is way darker than anything that happens in the Homestuck Epilogues, which is mostly just over-the-top Warhammer 40k grimderp. This shit got to me, man. And around the time this is happening in the comic, I lost my job. And as the storyline continued past this point, I kept applying for jobs and getting turned down, and it started to really wear on me, I felt I had no useful skills, since my old job was supporting software that only that company used because they made it. Much like Katia got into great positions only to fail, I walked out of interviews thinking I’d aced it only to get turned down, while Katia kept making two-steps-forward-one-step-back advances and not really getting any closer to solving any of her issues. And one day, about six weeks into joblessless and starting to get into serious depression over it, I got two “Thanks but no thanks” calls from places I was feeling good about back to back, and I was just done. 10am and I was going to go into my room and lie down on the floor all day but first Prequel updated so I guess I’ll check it real quick oh hey a flash
This puzzle took me like 20 tries, I’m no good at them. Aggy ran out of inspiring dialogue and started looping. And if you’re not in the right mindset, in the right place, this probably doesn’t seem like much. But right there, a month and a half into unemployment, doing that stupid fucking jumping jumpy peg thing while a ghost cheered me on was life-changing. I was so fucking jazzed when I got it, I was fired up! I was so fired up I tabled my “lie on the floor all day in despair” plan, and started applying for a bunch of jobs. A few of those jobs called me back. One hired me. I still work there now. I always liked webcomics but Aggy Extrapolate is the reason I make them. Because good art is powerful. Good art changes lives, maybe even saves them. And it doesn’t need to be happy to do it, Katia still hasn’t succeeded at her goals (in part because Prequel updates at a rate Dresden Codak would make fun of).
What the hell did the Homestuck Epilogues do, by comparison? What’s the positive net effect on my life, or my interaction with art? “Sometimes things you like are bad”? Shit, man, I already knew that, I’m into wrestling. How is “John recognizes Terezi’s jizz on his dad’s car” supposed to make me a better person, exactly? Do you really think the problem with fandoms is that they’re not angry enough? Are you high, Andrew Hussie? 
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queenofthefaces · 5 years
kyle for the character thing!!!!
Buckle up bc I’m extra af and love talking abt characters. Be aware this is like, entirely personal opinion and personal interpretation and also it’s almost 2am so LETS GO
1) sexuality hc: I’ve always really liked bi Kyle ahsjdkfk and tbh I’ve always found the idea of his attraction to other ppl really interesting
The way I characterize him is that he’s someone who’s like, typically very passive with his attraction. He’ll kind of glance at someone and think they’re attractive but he doesn’t necessarily have any strong feelings towards them or desire/drive to want to pursue anything with them. If he does want to pursue them it’s usually out of a sense of obligation or expectation—like a “well I might as well” or “this is what I’m supposed to do” kinda thing
Except Kyle DOES have exceptions—when he finds someone he feels passionately about, someone he’s emotionally and mentally invested in, it’s like 0-100 in terms of difference, bc suddenly he can’t stop thinking abt that person, how much he wants to be with them, etc. and a lot of that characterization, for me, falls in line w the specific ship I have for Kyle (which is obvious if you’ve followed me for a few but I’ll get Into That in the next section)
2) OTP: KYMAN by far my fave Kyle ship and one of my all time fave sp ships overall. I’ve always LOVED rivals/enemies to lovers ships that specifically have 1) characters who are equals 2) characters who are incredibly intimate and close w one another even if (or because of) it’s in the context of the rivalry 3) the characters have either some level of co-dependence or a need for the dynamic or one another in some way bc the relationship is fulfilling to them and bonus if 4) they’re the only ones that really understand each other
And I jus. Love that. Esp w kyman it’s so much fun taking that dynamic, the codependency and obsession, and just. Playing with it, on a storytelling/character analysis level. And then making it healthy, having them work through issues, bc the idea that “we’re both in way too deep with each other, we can either destroy each other or learn to get along” is jus 👌👌👌
And w kyman I love having Eric be Kyle’s exception. Kyle feels basically nothing towards his other s/o’s in contrast to how deeply he feels about Eric, and for Eric to have just as much depth of emotion in return. It’s fascinating and really fun esp when written from a kind of duo-redemptive story—they both start out toxic towards each other, and their relationship is toxic to other people, but they can’t bring themselves to put an end to it so they finally make it to that middle ground and come out as better peoole, together
This applies to a lot of my rivals/enemies to lovers ships but w kyman in particular there’s the added Funkiness of the childhood friends dynamic which is TASTEY like some nice sprinkles to jus add that extra Flavour. I love the concept of Kyle and Eric forming parts of their entire identities around each other from the time they were in diapers and everyone accepts that they’re always gonna he crazy for each other bc no one has the bond they do it’s so much fun
4) brotp: I should think more abt Kyle friendships tbh I don’t give those as much attention ahsjdkfkfk—tho I definitely have a soft spot for the super best friends kyle + Stan, I just have to work some development into it.
I love exploring their friendship as smth that deteriorates bc they grow apart as people, but then they realize they don’t WANT to grow apart and have to work to stay friends bc being friends isn’t as easy as it was when you were 8. It brings this really cool development that confronts Stan’s passivity towards his friends/his nihilism and Kyle’s entitlement and lack of emotional sensitivity and how they both need to make some compromises (but esp Kyle, bc I can see Stan as someone who tries very hard to not get much feedback).
In terms of Kyle being friends w other people I’m thinking it would be pretty situational. I can see Kyle getting some really eye opening perspectives from other ppl if he opens himself up to their views but that requires knocking Kyle down a few pegs lol, it’s fun to have him learn to recognize his own assumptions abt ppl and learning to value them as individuals yanno?
3) notp: honestly? Any other kyle ship. I can personally only see Kyle w Eric ahsjdkfk kyman endgame all the way. For me, a lot of other Kyle ships like, don’t make any sense, a lot in part bc I see Kyle as someone who has a lot of issues w socialization, entitlement, and selfishness along with his UNENDING OBSESSION w Eric Cartman (which also somewhat stems from those issues bc of Kyle’s sense of self identity vis a vis the rivalry)
Like, I can’t see Kyle sitting down and forming a meaningful romantic relationship w anyone else bc like, no one can provide the fulfillment, engagement, drive, and push/pull of Kyle’s relationship w Eric. Kyle would leave at the drop of a hat to confront smth Eric was doing and I don’t think he’d ever compromise with that. And someone who does compromise on that probably isn’t someone Kyle would want to be with in the long run.
I think the only ship I can see would be like, poly m4 bc that draws on pre-existing dynamics and doesn’t break or try to divy up Kyle’s attention. (Even tho like I said I don’t like Kyle w anyone else romantically)
5) 1st hc that pops in my head: my Kyle is autistic as fuck. Characterizing him as autistic gives a lot of insight into how his mind works and why he acts the way he does—a lot of his thought processes are just. What makes the most logical sense to him. It’s just that those trains of thought are on KYLES logic and that’s when he struggles to realize when he’s crossed a line or overstepped a boundary. Or how his brain is usually always “self-centered”—not in a morally negative way, just in that it’s not a natural reflect for him to remember other people.
And a ton of other things as well( including a fun hc of Kyle trying to use his autism as an excuse for being a dick, until Also Autistic Craig steps up like, no dude you’re just an asshole bc you’re not trying to do better). And bc as an autistic person, I really relate hard to Kyle to the point where if he were real I’d probably hate him bc we’d be too similar lmao; I think esp when I was a kid I acted a lot like Kyle—the self righteousness, the bossiness, the belief that my way was the only way that made sense and everyone else was just Wrong, the anger issues, etc.
It’s why I’m tough on Kyle a lot of the time, but it’s also why I love thinking abt his development, bc I know firsthand that he can mellow out, change, become a better, more wellrounded and emotionally aware person, and how he can make an effort into doing so
6) oh shit I didn’t even mean for this but obviously one way I relate to Kyle is the Above autistic hc and how I characterize him. Like I said, I acted a LOT like Kyle when I was a kid, so I know he’s an irritating little shit, but also brilliant and too thoughtful for his own good sometimes.
But another thing: I characterize Kyle as someone who is a natural leader, but hates being in official leadership positions. And this is also smth I’ve kinda written due to personal experience. But also from the way kyles often portrayed in canon—in the games, he’s always a support role, always a healer, ranged fighter, or someone who boosts and buffs allies
I see Kyle as the type of person who can easily take control in, for example, a group project situation, or when he’s hanging out with Stan and they’re only doing what Kyle wants to do bc Kyle comes up with all the ideas and Stan just goes along with them
But I can’t see Kyle as someone who’d want to be, like, student counsel president. (That’s more Wendy’s wheelhouse) Mostly bc there’s too much responsibility that it’s just exhausting, and more than that, those official positions are STIFLING. They run on someone else’s schedule and they’re creatively constructive. You can’t fully do your own thing bc you have to be constantly aware of how the group works and what the group wants. I can’t see Kyle as being happy in that position bc he’d get sick of having to conform his ideas to what other ppl want—he just wants to do his own thing.
So instead, Kyle would be more comfortable in a supporting role. Bc in a position like, for example, secretary or VP, he can still have a lot of influence, power, and knowledge, but he’s free from those restrictions that come from being the face of a group. And he’s also free from the social obligations of being a leader, esp in having to deal w other groups in like a business sort of way. AND if the group falls, Kyle won’t take as much of the blame, bc it’s probably not his fault anyways so why should everyone point fingers at him. It’s much less pressure.
(And it’s also kinda inspired by his role in the CBAA??—Cartman’s perfect in the CEO/face of the company position bc Cartman is comfortable with and relishes in the attention and social aspect of being the face/leader of a company, and Kyle can reap all the benefits of being a part of that company, including being an integral pillar of the company, w/o the deficits. If Eric and Kyle ran a company they’d work together, sure, but Eric would crumble without Kyle’s support, and Kyle would hate the stifling pressure of the head position, which makes them a perfect pair.)
(And again this is based on personal experience—I’m a natural leader. People listen to me, I can organize groups, and I’m a good mediator, but I hate when it becomes Official bc I can’t just. Do my own thing as I want to and it’s far too much to keep track of and most of it doesn’t interest me. It always irritated me when my parents tried to push me into like running for student president bc I just kept thinking abt all the work I’d have to do that I wouldn’t care abt)
7) what gives me secondhand embarrassment about Kyle? Well. Just......how much he reminds me of when I was a stupid kid. He’s such a little shit oh my god Kyle shut the fuck up YOURE NOT GHANDI. When Kyle’s being entitled and stuck up, when he thinks he’s better than other ppl, and when his own big mouth and pride are what fucks him over I’m just oh my god. Oh my GODDDDDD SHUT UPPPPP.
Mostly it’s secondhand embarrassment bc I’m jus oh my god ur an idiot—but again bc I know he has the ability to grow out of that and look back on himself with a grimace at how dumb he was ahsjdkfkfk
8) cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Definitely the latter, I love Kyle and I love when he’s happy and contented but him as a cinnamon roll kinda character feels so flat to me. I love him as a problematic fave he’s so much fun as a disaster. He’s complex—he’s tough and caring and angry and compassionate and an absolute fireball of EMOTIONS but he tries to act like he’s a logical rational person and I jus? He’s so much more fun and dynamic when he’s allowed to be messy
(Of course this is long why wouldn’t it be AHSJDKDKKFKGLGLH)
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coralstudiies · 4 years
sorry if this is rude im just curious '-' what made u choose triple sci and not another subject combi? what did u face aft that and what struggles did u meet? how did u overcome those struggles? did u ever regret ur combi? What did u like most abt it? if u cld go back in time and change it when u were applying for subject combi would u do so? Why or why not? Omg im so sorry this is super long im just inquisitive 😓😓😁 i love ur blog btw!
1. because i didnt wanna limit myself at sec sch level. like because honestly i knew i liked bio and chem more than phy but phy is like,,, u know what the adults say money making. plus i heard that upper sec phy not as hard ie the jump is smaller compared to chem and bio so i just take lor. anyways my strength is always science and english compared to other subjects so triple was the way to go :>
2. honestly the workload is ok. like everyone i struggled w chem at first but slowly i got the hang of it (how to answer) so i didn't face much difficulties in science. my amaths and emaths however is another case because they were damn 爛!爛到不行! ofc i was a busy student so i had to stay up late to do work and study on the go but other than that not much issues
3. for chem it was a matter of getting used to it so only time and practice cld help. for math i just sucked all the way to 2 weeks before Os when i woke up and grinded tys and practice papers. i just barely pass my amath major exams. as for studying at night if i got tired i'll eat fruits or drink smt cold or even just have some ice cubes(wtf right i know) and wash my face, play some nice music and jam out while finishing my work. sometimes it was demoralising la cos u see everyone sleeping and chilling and gg out but u have training then after training u need to mug like hell but its like DAMN i rly love my sports so i just told myself if its something i like then its worth working doubly hard for!!
4. No i never regretted my combi. ppl always say triple is hard. i took like 9 subs (incl ECL for o level during sec3) and i got 9 distinctions and i still managed to train, have fun and enjoy myself and learn a lot and rly challenge myself to step outta my comfort zone. if anything its not as scary as ppl say it is because if u plan ur time well (i didnt rly but still) its definitely manageable and pretty fun imo. for my SS+egeog, i struggled w SS cos of a shitty teacher and honestly i still dislike the subject la but learning geog was so much fun so it didnt hurt much. tbh i think ppl say 3sci is hard cos of pure bio but bio was my strength so it never rly mattered. also memorising isnt painful if u like the subj HAHAHA anyway if u listen in class and watch videos it sinks in pretty fast:>
5. i liked that if u ever got bored about one subj theres always smt else to study lor. like imagine u cant understand circuits, ok move on and do organic chem. tired of your acids and bases then go study DNA lor HAHAHA ppl say its a heavy workload but for students like me with short attention span, its good cus i can keep studying diff things without getting bored.
6. nah i wouldnt change. i think this is the right combi for me. cus ppl like me (ahem indecisive libras) take damn long to decide but when i decide i make sure i've made the best possible choice lor. no huge regrets la. amath was compulsory (bleh). hcl was painful but i stopped hating chinese cus i made a couple of cool friends from china, taiwan and hkg (esp the taiwanese were so supportive and willing to help me with my work and i could help all of them with their english HAHAHA) which made learning more fun (plus since we all played the same sport u can learn sporting terms in chinese HOW COOL HAHAHA) then trisci was def the best part of my combi cus i love science man. for my sch if u take trisci u have to take ss + elective humans and out of elit hist and geog i'd still take geog (altho i fared the worst for geog in lower sec) cus its my interest and i rly love it :> so yeah i wouldnt change anything!!!
okies thats all, dont worry about the length HAHA it was fun sharing all that. this reminds me i prolly need to set up an about me for this blog lol HAHAHAHA i initially didnt do that cos idw to be doxxed or smt but aiya forget it man. all the best in ur studies and 新年快樂!!!
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