#the episode was a masterpiece!
watchfuldeer · 1 year
the thing about tom and greg is that yes, the nero and sporus scene in 3.04 for instance is homoerotic, tragic and heartbreaking, yes it says a lot about tom’s neuroticism/his unhappiness in his marriage/queerness, and greg’s ability to fend for himself/ability to see tom for who he really is etc but it is also one of the funniest and strangest scenes in the entire show.
tom and greg’s subplots have always been a vital component of succession - their dramatic function being primarily comedic does not make them inessential. this is after all a show that was developed by a comedic writer, who is also the showrunner, and is written by a core group of people who have long careers in comedy and satire. some of their finest work across the seasons has been with tom and greg, who are an incredibly popular aspect of the show for that reason.
i really love kendall, roman and shiv but while they quip and squabble and lie to each other and grieve, they don’t have the comedic truth of a dynamic like tom and greg. comic relief does not mean some inconsequential sidebar on succession (i would argue that it rarely does in anything, but that’s a different post), it’s necessary to the plot. it’s where the big dramatic themes are played with and mirrored, made absurd, even whimsical, and above all honest.
having to stuff so much plot into season 4 now logan has gone has absolutely decimated the show’s internal structure. not because they haven’t written subplots, we know they exist, but because they simply don’t have space to include them. succession used to be many things, and for three episodes now has been mostly one thing, because there is no time for B plot - it’s all A plot, all the time. it feels weighed down, as opposed to mercurial - like, i was just getting bored last episode. i was bored during a succession episode! we the audience need relief: it enhances the A plot significantly and always has done. now, it’s getting cut for time and without it the show is suffering. the shift in editing has made the drama mawkish, and the comedy insubstantial, neither of which are particularly enjoyable effects.
i’m really, really hoping they can find that equilibrium for these last four episodes. this post might sound overly critical, but i am still enjoying succession. i’m more frustrated by post production decisions, as it just feels like a different show in ways that seem to be a product of foiled writing ambition and time constraints rather than actual creative intent.
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shigayokagayama · 3 months
god every time i watch black vinegar arc im struck again by how good of an adaptation of the source material this is. like. their proportions look so much more childlike than they do in pretty much every other episode
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like this doesnt look like an epic anime battle this is just a child having a breakdown and taking it out on another kid who refuses to fight back until he cant anymore. theyre just kids. god.
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uglygirlstatus · 10 months
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at least we’ll always have Archie: The Musical
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machonnes · 3 months
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THE WALKING DEAD: THE ONES WHO LIVE (2024) 1.01 "Years" | 1.04 "What We"
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moonkhao · 5 months
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So you've seen everything you want to see? Not yet. There's still one last image. [...] Are you smiling? Mhm. Don't lie to me.
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don-dake · 2 months
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Bluey: Why do stories always have happy endings?
Calypso: Well…I guess it's because life will give us enough sad ones.
Bluey ~ The Sign (S3E49)
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blackthornluce · 3 months
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F.R.I.E.N.D.S (1994-2004) S08E18 - The One In Massapequa
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eurydia · 2 months
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Loving you makes broken men whole so that even as you deny us, our heartache is not in vain.
based on couple art by Leyendecker
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liam-summers · 1 year
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer 
I Only Have Eyes For You | 2.19 | First Broadcast on April 28, 1998
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911: Lone Star S4 E14 | The Case of the Stolen Pudding Cup -> The Culprit Revealed
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"the percy jackson show is bringing a whole new meaning to what it means to be a faithful adaptation" YOU FUCKING BET IT IS OH MYG OD ARE YOU KIDDING???? UPDATING THE BOOKS IN A WAY THAT PORTRAYS THE SERIES'S OVERALL MESSAGE BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL????? AND KEEPS THE VOICE???????? AND THE EPICNESS????? BUT ADDS COMPLEXITY?????????
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baifengxis · 3 months
danai gurira you're my favorite writer in the whole damn world, please write every tv show ever from now on, YOU CAN WRITE MY LIFE TOO I TRUST YOU I LOVE YOU PLEASE
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nyxi-pixie · 3 months
if your ship has never said anything unbelievably suggestive to each other that the mainstream audience somehow can ignore like it didnt happen or sound like that then are they even your ship?
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hadeshouse · 5 months
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shhhhh, guys, they're flirting...
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puniflash · 3 months
I am unwell.
I feel like this episode tore my heart into pieces and fixed it up again all in a time span of round about 45 minutes.
This was a true masterpiece. It felt like a Fanfiction coming to life. And watching it had me in a whirlwind of emotions throughout the whole episode.
It's almost 4 am and I am unable to fall asleep because I feel just as broken as Rick looked the moment Michonne gave him the phone with Carl's portrait on it.
Today's top three dialogue moments that broke my entire existence:
3. “You're the love of my life. i couldn't just let you go. It felt like my heart ripped itself out of my chest and walked out the door"
2. "Carl. They took Carl. I lost him again."
1. "I can't live without you. Without you, I die."
Anyways, I'm gonna go rewatch and cry again. What else am I supposed to do?
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un-pearable · 2 years
ninjago is everything. it’s anime. it’s a comic book. it’s star wars. it’s fantasy. it’s atla. it’s a superhero story. it’s a ghost story haunted by a morality system so deterministic it can’t be escaped even in death. it’s also got literal ghosts. it’s got enough worldbuilding to fill entire books but also a timeline so broken it’s retconned its own most important scenes out of existence. gravity is a manipulatable element. so is the concept of shape. sentient androids exist alongside sapient snakes and skeletons and genies and dragons and everything. it’s got a multiverse that carries the corpses of the shows it’s outlasted. it’s terrible. it’s beautiful. it’s been in continuous production for over a decade. it’s the most frustrating experience of my life. it’s so, so much fun.
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