#the energy. i rest my case
theinfinitedivides · 7 months
i will hear no slander about the Robin Hood train arc that sh*t is everything to me and then some
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mincedpeaches · 7 months
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Commission I got at tfcon Orlando from Sara Pitre-Durocher of another IDW styled Heatwave ❤️
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bypatia · 3 months
The bjp government introduced the ucc bill in Uttarakhand which has made it mandatory for live in couples to register with the government and a copy of the registration will be sent to respective families. It also added the father as a first class legal heir for inheritance of property, encroaching upon the the right of the mother, wife, daughter (the actual victims of patriarchy, who most likely did not have any social right to gain access to financial independence or inheritance from other family members) to accommodate the father, who more than likely than not already has financial freedom and ownership rights over land property. Moving on, they removed the Muslim personal law, which guaranteed the rights of the daughter in a fixed inheritance percentage. Not to mention the whole act is modelled after hindu personal laws and demanding other religions to bend according to it is inherently regressive no matter how progressive the law on paper looks to be. So should I just bang my head against the wall right now and be done with it or watch as the bjp government slowly sets fire to all our lives?
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goldkirk · 5 months
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callaeidae3 · 7 months
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Whumptober2023 Day 30: Bridal carry
"You're free...though I bet that's probably pretty hard to believe right now."
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kenmaiii · 1 year
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do you care about them
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yj-98 · 4 months
hi everyone btw :) life update: did some BIG cleaning today after a long overdue breakdown and now my space is significantly more livable 👍
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beananium · 7 months
oh its all so painfully real
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oldpotatoe · 2 years
little life update! 
i’m poor.
like, went to university to get out of abject poverty, poor.
like, grew up with my family struggling to choose between heating our home and filling our bellies, poor.
but i’ve done it! i’ve gone and gotten myself a stable corporate job that can pay my bills and help me and my family not be poor.
unfortunately, if you’ve been keeping up with the news, my country (the UK) is dealing with a shitshow on the horizon in the form of really super-duper inflated energy bills. our bills are expected to more than quadruple this coming winter, and while i may not be POOR poor anymore, i’m still not rich enough to escape that unscathed.
so i’ve been busting my ass, trying to pay my rent and also save and squirrel away enough money for the winter, which leaves me  e x h a u s t e d  for literally any other activity. like exercising or watching tv or writing. and trust me, the words want to EXPLODE out of my brain and through my fingers... i just don’t have enough energy to even think, some days.
it’s a real shitty situation all around, and i’m sorry. flwogb is on accidental hiatus, but soon as i get some room to breathe, i’ll be back.
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kittlyns · 12 days
Today was absolutely agonizing, but now I just have to get through tomorrow and then I can rest.
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comradecowplant · 27 days
I don't follow blogs ran by people being racist about rap so I'm only witnessing the secondhand responses to the recent "discourse" and sadly 'tumblrinas being racist about their bad taste in music & low lyrical literacy' is exactly what I'd put on my 2024 bingo card for this steadily declining shithole....
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seariii · 4 months
The weird mix of being stressed out, happy and exhausted... Gonna have to organize once more to get all of this sorted
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indi-ice-cube · 9 months
So, like, imagine if Milo and Sam had a great-grand-child.
That's Agent Daniel Sousa from Season 7 of AoS.
(credit to Secrxts; not my video)
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 8 months
would it like. kill my mother to have safe sex or smth. like is she allergic to condoms and birth control
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vvelegrin · 6 months
not sure how many long weekends off it's going to take to fix me, but so far it's more than two. <3
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is it just me or is batman like. significantly more tolerable outside of gotham comics than in
#my laptop's still letting me use tumblr without major issues and i'll make that everyone else's problem#anyway. i'm not saying batman outside of gotham is never insufferable to read bc he absolutely can be#when they write him like a gary sue and pretend that he's the most powerful member of a justice league that includes you know#superman and wonder woman#but also from the admittedly limited justice league comics i've read so far as well as the cameos i've seen of bats in other comics#he's just like. 200% more likeable#this post is about wonder woman issue 293 btw#he's out there doing a group hug without major blackmail and not protesting when clark announces bats and he both love diana#he's also engaging in casual conversation and treating clark and diana as on equal footing with him#and he didn't even have to go through a 12 issue arc or have an emotional breakdown about any of it#it's like. gotham comics are almost 100% guaranteed to work their reality around him and make sure you know he's the bestest ever#and all the energy goes towards making him grim and serious and traumatized while also being cool in an action figure kinda way#meanwhile a lot of comics outside of gotham go more like. hey this is bruce. he's a cool superhero who's really smart and competent#he's also kind of a loser who takes himself way too seriously and like maybe two people in this building like him#and the rest are not afraid to make fun of him either to his face or the moment he turns around#i know this is not the case for all comics and there's still a very very good chunk of them that make him the Coolest Boy Ever#but like. even just. seeing him treat other people as being on equal footing with him or even better than him#just makes him SO much more tolerable#like tower of babel or whatever that arc was called had a bunch of rlly dumb takes on how bruce could 'outplay' the justice league#but like. bruce still treated the rest of the justice league as on his level or better. it's why he bothered to MAKE those plans#you just don't rlly get that in gotham. the closest we get is if nightwing shows up bc then we might get an 'oh he's the best of us'#inner monolgue about how proud bruce is of dick. sometimes we'll get an inner monolgue about the other heroes too#but those monologues are the exception not the rule and they are almost never said out loud to anyone#and if they ARE it's only after an arc of bruce being a fucking ass as an apology and it's. insufferable.#idk maybe it's just bc i read more batman comics than justice league comics but still.#bruce is usually just. SO much more likeable in basically any comic not set in gotham to me#i bet if you made him spend a few weeks in metropolis or something his mental health issues would go away actually#he's just vitamin d deficient and it's making him cranky#my posts#bruce wayne
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