#the dread of difference
ghnosis · 3 months
"Queer even challenges 'the Platonic parameters of Being - the borders of life and death.' Queer suggests death over life by focusing on non-procreative sexual behaviors, making it especially suited to a genre that takes sex and death as central thematic concerns."
from "The Monster and the Homosexual," by Harry M. Benshoff in The Dread of Difference: Gender and the Horror Film ed. Barry Keith Grant 2015
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literarysiren · 2 years
Seven of my favorite books that helped me get through the beginning of COVID and quarantining.
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sunatsubu · 3 months
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Not pictured, Ezra ready to physically cut that UST with his lightsaber just so they can finish the damn mission already
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lineffability · 5 months
my personal taxonomy of "he would not fucking say that" is
1 "he would not fucking say that normally but under these specific circumstances he might and isn't that interesting"
2 "he would not fucking say that but it's fun to imagine actually"
3 "he would not fucking say that and I do not understand where you even got the faintest notion from that he might, but I remain puzzledly neutral"
4 "he would not fucking say that and I am gritting my teeth and seething inwardly but I can ignore this without receiving too much psychic damage"
5 "he would not fucking say that and the only thing stopping me from inviting you to a duel in the town square tomorrow at noon is my working brain, which I have, opposed to you apparently, but I would still like to sacrifice you to the nearest volcano and delete my short term memory just so I don't have to be aware that I live in a world where people have so little grasp on a character and no apparent media literacy whatsoever, excuse me while I go count some flowers and scream from the nearest hilltop"
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weirdozjunkary · 1 year
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@smallpwbbles you say that I can’t keep getting away with this, when YOU are the reason that I make this shit
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moomoorare · 1 month
click for better quality? tumblr loves to compress images worse than dudes repressing gay urges
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Art I made for my second work in the Scales of Fate au (Blood In The Wine) featuring The Ocean Queen and her new knights Dame Gem, Lady Pearl and Earl Cleo 🌊💗
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layla-carstairs · 1 month
it haunts me so much that while everyone knew Livvy wanted to be Parabatai with Ty, nobody but Kit is aware that Ty said yes
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jerswayman · 2 months
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i think we all know it's you who never wants to leave brando
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bonkalore · 2 months
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On the list of relationships that Jayce has fucked up bc of the Dread.🙃
Have a bit in the Bleeding Magic AU where Shak got into a private area he had for a power crystal that was helping him sustain the Dread for as long as he had, but it had already started to become fragile at this point as it drained and her checking it out had part of it crumble off, which only gave him a surge of the Dread's power over him unfortunately...
Being siblings, this kind of stuff is pretty commonplace... but he would normally never react this badly over it to her. She was searching around for clues, trying to find ways she could help his condition, and She ends up running away and he only realizes after he's able to cool down a bit and panics. Contacts everyone he knows to help get a search party together and is desperate and his form is all over the place and he can hardly care to bother hiding it, even when searching on NYC streets. This raises concern from everyone else and what happened in general.
They eventually find Shak and Jayce is full of regret for scaring her off like that and doesn't want to be that kind of person. This is only one of the earlier steps of his descent...
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minty364 · 3 months
DPXDC Prompt #142 Part 1
It had been a few days since his birthday, his parents forgot again but that was how things went in his family. At least his sister, Jazz knew how to throw something together quickly so he at least got to spend it with her and his friends. Speaking of his friends, they were hanging out in the park together. They had gotten close over the summer. Trips to the Nasty Burger, followed by trips to the mall and then late night sleepovers were the normal weekend pattern for the trio especially the later in the summer it got.
They’d talk about all sorts of things while swinging or chilling around the slide. Currently their conversation had drifted towards which superpower would you like if you had the meta gene. Strangely the whole town seemed to be meta free. Not that anyone in the town hated metas just that no one possessed the gene. 
“I think I’d like to be able to control Technology with my mind.” Tucker said, pointing toward his forehead in emphasis, “ I’d never have to set poor Lucy down again!!” He hugged his current PDA tightly. 
Sam and Danny shared a look while Sam rolled her eyes. “I think I’d like to control plants like Poison Ivy. I wonder if she’d be up for a goth side-kick” Sam said, punching the air in front of her with her fist. “What about you Danny?”
Danny took a few minutes to mull over the question before answering, “I think I’d like to fly. Even if I don’t get into the college I want I’d be able to fly up there anyways.”
“Pfft, bring me back a piece of a meteorite when you do,” Sam chuckled. They all knew their dreams of getting powers would never come true. Not without the meta-gene anyways.
“Sure,” Danny shrugged, “Oh, by the way since my parents are out of town I’m going to check out the portal to see if I can get it running for them. Want to see it?”
“Dude, that’s sick! Unfortunately my parent’s cousin is flying in tomorrow and I’ll need to help prep stuff” Tucker said sadly. 
“I don’t know about that Danny, your parents are great but I don’t know if I trust this portal” Sam said, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I wouldn’t worry it’s not likely to actually work or anything,” Danny shrugged. 
Soon the trio had to get back to their respective homes. Well Sam and Tucker did. Danny’s parents were out of town at some convention. 
They had left Danny and Jazz home alone and they gave instructions for Danny and Jazz to take turns cleaning the lab and making sure the portal didn’t suddenly turn on while they were gone. They had tried before heading out for their trip but unfortunately nothing happened when they turned it on. 
Danny wanted to check it out for them when he was done cleaning. He also figured if he could help his parents with their science it would be easier for him to get into the college he wanted to achieve his dreams. 
He quickly finished cleaning, and then put on his hazmat suit. Sam had once made fun of the Jack Fenton sticker placed on the front and fortunately it was easy enough for Danny to remove. Then he took a calming breath and stood in front of the portal. As it stood at the moment, it was a dark hole in the wall that seemed to suck all the light out of the room. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he suddenly got the urge to run out, maybe he could come back with Sam and Tucker? Unfortunately he knew his parents were back tomorrow so if he wanted to help he needed to do it now.
Stealing his nerves he took a step forward and then another. Into the tunnel he went. It was then he realized he made an error when he found something caught on his foot. He flailed as he tried to catch himself and his hand pushed some kind of button on the wall.
A flash of white light and he felt an eternity of agony. It felt unbearably hot as Danny could feel himself being melted and then put back together. Soon he lost consciousness as everything went dark.
He wasn’t sure how long he was out but he definitely wasn’t at home anymore. He seemed to be in the hospital, the usual medical supplies seemed to be all around as well as a few things he couldn’t identify. He didn’t seem to be attached to any monitoring equipment which seemed a little off but the fact he weirdly didn’t seem to have any burn marks on him. He was sure the portal should have killed him and the fact that he was somehow completely unscathed made him a little worried. Maybe he did die?
His thoughts were interrupted as someone walked into the room. They had messy blond hair, blue eyes, and wore a trench coat. He looked relieved when he saw Danny was awake.
“Took you long enough, kid you were out for a whole week!” The newcomer exclaimed. 
A week. 
The thought swirled around in Danny’s head. That meant his Family thought he was missing. Sam and Tucker knew he was missing. That also meant he missed the first week of school. That probably wouldn’t look well on an application. 
He could tell his thoughts were spiraling a little but he couldn’t help it. He didn’t even know what exactly caused him to be out for that long. 
He thought about what could’ve happened to end him up in a hospital and then the thought occurred to him. 
The portal. 
“What about my parents' portal?” Danny asked the guy.
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ieropilled · 2 years
frank. i quite literally cannot do this right now
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verflares · 2 months
i miss her so bad (botw/totk zelda)
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normalbrothers · 3 months
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TOMMY: The stag is to remember him. We eat and then we forget him.
No need to forgive him. Agreed?
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bicheetopuff · 11 days
Why do I feel like this new final arc is gonna end up being like 50 chapters…?
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couple of mello + near doodles
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fennelrabbit · 8 months
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Simon, what the hell are you talking about?
You didn't mean to find the crown, neither did you know what was gonna happen when you put in on 😨😑 this isn't some weird karmic punishment from the universe, it was completely out of your control. Do you tell someone who got into a car crash that if they were "just a little less selfish" they wouldn't have gotten into that car and have that RANDOM TRUCK CRASH INTO THEM because somebody else was drink driving????? Why talk about pointless what-ifs when you're talking about unalterable life events?
This is just so bizarre. Ignoring the fact that 'selfishness' is not a flaw Simon Petrikov has, why not choose to demonstrate "selfishness" with like, Simon actually making a selfish choice? Maybe Betty becomes sad from a heavy life event, and Simon experiences a smaller sadness like being laughed at by his coworkers, and Simon asks Betty to comfort him, and then Simon forgets to ask Betty about her day?
I mean, I wouldn't write this anyway because "selfishness" is not a flaw Simon needs to overcome, but anything would've been better than "Simon only had two choices, ask Betty to stay with him, or forget about her so she could go on the bus trip". There's options???? They can stay in touch and write to each other? Besides, it would only be inconvenient to Betty if Simon just invited himself on her trip with no tickets and no luggage.
Geezalou... 🙈
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