#the color grading was so weird in this scene i hope this doesn't look too bad but i can't tell anymore
magicshop · 1 month
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gorgeous and fluffy ♡
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purposelynana · 8 months
What Did I Watch: #35
This week, I thought a lot about the word 'forever' and it did sound scary. Infinite. No stopping. Just go on and on.
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I think I'm going to stop watching Hidden Agenda. Because I never convinced there was a hidden agenda. I genuinely think it's going to pull up a plot twist a la David Fincher. But nope. No surprises either.
Am I hoping too much?
Besides the missing hidden agenda (for now, who knows for the next 2-3 episodes), I have a tiny bit problem with how Dunk recited his dialogue. It wasn't bad acting per se, but it sounded to me like he read a script. The way he uttered words by words, especially during banter with Joong, or when their characters having overlapping sentences, it just didn't come out natural. Dunk particularly slow down his words so that Joong can caught up to him and making it as it seemed that he was interrupting him. And that happened so many times. I was like, in real world, no one ease off their chatter unless they were finishing their speaking or they predicted their listener about to interfere. I mean if you're engaging a very hefty conversation, would you care about your listener that much so that you could predicted that they were about to against you? I don't buy it.
It's like you have a script and yet you chose to let out words as if you read it and not trying to make it as sound as you in your normal fucking life. It was weird. I got agitated just by watching people speaking like they were in first grade's play.
(the gif was there when i was searching by 'hidden agenda thai'. might as well use it.)
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I'm angry for the little things, in particular towards Thai BL. The lack of continuity between the scenes. The illogical choices in set designs (remember there were so many candles during the sex scene in La Pluie? yeah, what's the point?). Plenty of unnecessary characters to make up the episode. The shortage of adult stories where adult themes presented such as paying mortgage, or maybe sucked at your job, instead of having everyone just to making out in order to push the agenda of being adult. It's not adult. Having sex is basic necessities, even in high school they can do that. You know there is a life outside love. Show me.
So when Laws of Attraction came to my life, I was like, finally. Goodness gracious. Yassssss. I want to see people going to work and kick some asses and love is just a bonus. Arggggghhhhh.
It was on the same path as Modu which is great. It wasn't mind blowing-ly fantastic. But it was crazy and full of imperfect characters and not trying to be some pick-me girls. Like it's not "well I'm hot, I do smoke, I'm bad and I'm proud of it" kind of attitude. Charn is questionable and bad in a very messed up way, which is awesome. He doesn't want to be fix even in the name of love. Because if he wanted to be fix I hope he's going to psychiatrist.
My only beef is that it was very lakorn-y. It was so damn lakorn to point I laughed pretty hard at some scenes while watching it. The singing at the market? The cringiest thing I've ever watched. Crap, why did they have to do this?
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At last, I'm about to share you a song and feasibly one of the main reasons I'm looking forward to Friday.
Please DeeHup for the love of god, you cannot mess this up. YOU CANNOT FUCKING THIS UP. Because you already have the base, which is an extraordinary story. The color palette and cinematography are top notch. The music is freaking wonderful. For the first time in my life of watching Thai BL, finally a good sound mixing. One of the fundamentals of visual media is a fucking sensible sound mixing. It is essential thing and can be very annoying if production just set aside that in favor of what, handsome people who cannot act. The hell.
I Feel You Linger in the Air is wet dream for technical maniac like me. Audiophile in me pleased. Cinephile in me satisfied. Acting? Come on, it's starring the great Nonkul.
Furthermore, the first 5 minutes of this show, is a cinema. The sound that comes out of it. The creeks on the stairs. The muffled bedroom voices. The eerily atmosphere created by a haunting score. Darling, sound can do wonder.
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Sometimes I never cared on how story unravel before our eyes. And it's kinda sad for me because everyone having their own interpretation about stories, compositions, and frames. But rarely talking about sound and how critical it is to storytelling. Sound can tell you so many different things before characters uttered their words. Sound is the door between realism and fallacy. Good sound is able to make a visual presentation become such an immersive experience. Bad sound is a joke, a laughable attempt to making me trust to everything you presented.
Bold statements for bold times.
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lavenderblossom74 · 5 years
Things Like
SUMMARY: Sometimes, Dick forgets how much he has to be grateful for and how lucky he is to have Bruce. But sometimes, he also remembers.
Rolling down memory lane yay! This is an old one-shot of mine, hope you all enjoy!
After five years of living with the man, Dick sometimes forgets how truly lucky he is to have Bruce.
It isn't that there are times when he stops being appreciative, because Dick will always—always—remember the man who had been there for him when no one else had.
It's just that sometimes, Dick forgets the little things. The little things that so often become so normal that eventually they’re easy to take for granted.
Things like Bruce helping with a school project.
The scene: One of the many living rooms in the manor, the floor is littered with paper, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, puffy balls and of course, glitter.
Beside Dick, paint containers are spread out before him. Bruce in all his artistic vision holds a paintbrush (he’s the only person Dick has ever met who can make a paintbrush look intimidating)
“So I’m painting the words “Kinetic Motion” in blue, right?” Bruce asks.
12 year old Dick nods enthusiastically “Yes! Aaand…” There's a theatrical dramatic pause “I’LL SPRINKLE THE GLITTER!”
Bruce gives him an exasperated look before muttering something under his breath. Catching something about “glitter” and “death wish” Dick just grins as Bruce begins to paint.
“You have a very steady hand you know” Dick observes.
“Mhm” Bruce answers automatically, most of his attention focused on the poster board in front of him.
As he finishes up, Dick—as promised—happily sprinkles glitter with more joy than even a fascinated two year old would have.
Bruce is just glad Alfred put covered the entire wooden floor with layers upon layers of plastic.
After writing down the definition of Kinetic Energy in a sparkly green pen, Dick begins the fun of the party.
His assignment is to make a model that represents Kinetic Energy. So he decides it's a good excuse as any to make a roller coaster.
A roller coaster made out of an assortment of pipe cleaners, colorful popsicle sticks, fluffy puffy balls, and a whole lot of glue.
The rest of the night goes something like this:
*Amused look from source of great panic* “You done?”
*Dick stares at panic source incredulously* “Am I done? AM I DONE! I WILL SHOW YOU DONE—”
Bruce cuts him off by calmly unsticking Dick’s fingers.
*gape* “You couldn't have done that before I went ballistic?!”
“Pipe cleaners hate me. This is a fact.” This is what Dick says as he stubbornly gives an innocent pipe cleaner the death glare.
“Really?” Bruce wryly asks.
“YES!” His charge exclaims. “I mean, is it my fault the stupid first hill has to be high so that the ball we send down can gain energy from it so it can continue the rest of the way? Is it my fault roller coasters are biased against poor 8th graders? IS IT MY FAULT KINETIC ENERGY EXISTS AND I HAVE TO DO A PROJECT FOR IT?!” By the end of his rant, Dick is standing up.
As Bruce sticks a puffy ball onto a pipe cleaner, he retorts, “Yes. You chose the model, didn't you?”
Dick opens his mouth to retort, then he closes it. “Whatever” he grumbles but sits back down and continues working in his roller coaster.
Bruce just smirks.
“Long was the haggard night. One blue eyed pre-teen (cough official teen cough) works hard to finish the project assigned by his torturer—teacher—that is due tomorrow. He is ready to drop dead from exhaustion and his stomach clenches in painful hunger but he valiantly continues his work. He will not back down, he will not give up, he—”
“—would not be here if he hadn’t decided to leave everything to the last minute.”
Dick glares at Bruce who shrugs innocently, “It’s true”
“Don’t intrude upon my enthralling narrations!” Dick whines.
Enthralling … ?
At Bruce’s look, Dick pouts. “Don't Judge!!” In a quieter voice he mumbles, “You’re just jealous I can use bigger words than you”
*Another look* I heard that
Dick pouts again. “Whatever”
After what feels like eons, the adrenaline starts to fade. Dick knows his previous excitement and absolute optimism are on their deathbed.
And it’s because this stupid roller-coaster-project-thing was so annoying! And frustrating. And mean. And a bully. And uncooperative. And generally insufferable.
He’s done all the calculations and the model should be working—the ball they are rolling should be able to continue the entire way depending only on the initial push… But it isn't!
Every time he tries to make it work with the pipe cleaners, is only another time he fails and becomes even more frustrated.
The solution is simple—it has to be—But Dick’s brain has become a slushy and is so mushy that he can't see the answer.
He’s ready to throw in the towel, crash on his bed, and forget about this dumb project.
But then his grade suffers.
And so does Robin.
Even after knowing Dick left school work to the last minute, Bruce hasn't said anything about grounding Robin but if Dick doesn't pull this project off and proves he can handle both his duties, Dick knows he will say something then.
Suddenly, Bruce nudges him. Dick looks up to an unreadable face.
“Go to bed,” Bruce tells him
Dick’s eyes widen in panic. Because he knows what's going to happen next, Bruce is going to say that in the morning, they're going to “talk” about how Dick needs to be more responsible and how he needs to prioritize. Then he’s benching Robin.
Dick opens his mouth to say that No, he can finish his project and sure maybe he was a little irresponsible but he’d done the actual research beforehand and honestly hadn't thought making the roller coaster model would've taken so long. It wasn't like he’d decided to be sleep deprived and frustrated on purpose!
Before he can anything in though, Bruce repeats himself. “Go to bed, chum”
Then he says, “I’m going out for a couple of hours; When I get back, I'll wake you so you can finish up and actually comprehend what you're doing.” Bruce stares at the roller coaster pointedly, “For now, just get some sleep.”
And so Dick sleeps. 3 hours later, Bruce—as promised—wakes him up and helps Dick finish up the roller coaster.
Dick had been right before—the solution had been indeed very simple.
Then, Dick heads to school and turns his project in.
Bruce doesn't mention anything about it afterwards nor does he give any reason to imply Robin is grounded.
Dick makes an effort to be more responsible with his school work from then on though.
It isn't until two months later that he finds out that the day Bruce helped him on his project was also the day he’d been awake for more than 24 hours already.
He also finds out that despite having two important board meetings that morning, Bruce had still kept his promise about waking him up and helping Dick finish the project.
Things like Bruce letting Dick rant about anything and everything.
Age: 10
Rant Topic: Spicy Foods
“It makes no sense! How come that food is so spicy, how come it makes your mouth feel like it's living fire, how come it makes your ears burn and feel hot n’ cold, how come it’s so hot, if it gonna be so good?! With the hint of lemon and the flavor it leaves in your mouth… Mmmm!” *Dick smiles to himself like a sap before snapping out of it* “... Exactly my point!! Why does spicy food enjoy torturing a kid like me?? I mean did I ever do anything against it? Who was the brilliant person who thought it would be an awesome idea to add hot spices to food anyway?!”
Bruce: “Do you need more water?”
Age: 11
Rant topic: The English Language
“In my humble opinion, English is a dumb language.” *as he rakes his fingers down his face* “I mean why are there so many rules?! Silent E, if it's beside a verb you say it's name, i before e except after c, ph makes a fffff sound… So complicated!! And half of them don’t follow their own rules half the time!! Toe-may-toe, Toe-ma-toe… Same thing!!”
Bruce: *shrug* “That’s why you learn other languages”
Age: 13
Rant Topic: Exams
“I’m done… Mark my words Bruce—are you marking them? I. Am. Done. DonedonedonedonedoneDONE!! My brain cells feel non existent right now… I am stressed beyond relief and I'm still nowhere near done with all these exams! It is impossible to retain all this information!! Who cares about random math dudes who found the formulas to life changing equations or the dates of every major event in history?! We aren't gonna need the info in life so why bother? Why does a test have to define you as a person anyway?”
Bruce: *in his most insightful voice* “It doesn't”
Things like sitting at the counter and simply eating along with Dick. An apple, a pear, a banana, a kiwi, baby carrots, a ripe tomato… no matter the fruit, the vegetable—just knowing that he wasn't alone… Sometimes that was enough.
Some of his funniest memories had actually happened at the counter.      
Some of his saddest memories had happened at the counter too.   
Some of the moments that didn't stand out, that weren't spectacular, that were just there—they'd happened at the counter too.
Things like playing a game of basketball with him.
Things like hiding junk food behind Alfred’s back (but at the same time not really since Dick suspected no one—not even the World's Greatest Detective—could hide anything from Alfred).
Things like taking Dick out when it snowed and helping him build a snow fort.
Things like quizzing Dick for his next Mathlete Competition.
Things like hearing about how Dick’s day went practically everyday and never complaining about it.
Things like everyday things.
Things that when Dick stands back and looks at his life—actually really looks at it—he realizes that he should not take for granted.
Things that make him understand how much luck he has in his life. Even after all the tragedy he has gone through, luck somehow found it’s way to stay.
Luck or Hope.
Knowing that there are still people in this world who care for him, knowing that a man he has learned to love and look up to cares for him so much that the care eventually feels normal…
Somehow, that feels like so much more than just luck.
When Dick silently enters Bruce’s study, the man looks up.
When Dick whispers, “Thank you,” Bruce blinks in confusion.
When Dick says, “Thank you for everything,” Bruce’s eyes slowly comprehend the meaning behind the words. And he smiles.
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the-origin-story · 6 years
Origin Story Text Posts Part 6
Kira: "I'm tired of getting fucked in ways that don't end in an orgasm.", what doesn't kill you fucks you up mentally and affects your ability to have stable relationships with other human beings, do you know how scary it is to acknowledge how strong your feelings are for someone and your brain is like "maybe you love them" and you're like SHUT THE FUCK UP BRAIN YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT, I always wear all black to remind that im always ready for your funeral, im aiming for the "she's a badass and cute as hell but I wouldn't touch her without asking" look, having "feelings" is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch, my emo phase never went away it just aged like fine wine, making people u hate mad is almost erotic, I hate when you're like "fuck it's so hot" and someone's like "well why don't you take your jacket off?" Like bitch no...this is my outfit, tips on talking to me when I'm pissed off: don't, I used to be like "I wonder what would happen if I set this thing on fire" and since then I've learned that more often than not the answer is "it'll be on fire", this season's wardrobe colors:-Black -Off black -Pastel black -Blue black -Light black -Dark black -Very dark grey, im really affectionate person once you get past my five layers of five layers of shyness, awkwardness, fear, vague dislike and loneliness, my body isnt a temple it is a castle with a moat and crocodiles and a dragon that will burn you if you touch me, if you can't beat them dress better than them
Jean: petition for things to stop, i remember too many small details about people so i have to act dumb sometimes so i don't freak them out, [sighs internally] [sighs externally] [sighs externally], i haven't made any really bad decisions lately i'm getting bored, if u ask me what book I'm reading i'll either go into a long winded and enthusiastic summary of the entire thing or just lift up the book to show you the title and keep reading, having a crush makes me burn more calories than exercising, food will never break my heart, I don't need alcohol to make bad decisions
Cypress: I wanna be hot enough to make people question their sexual orientation, I hope my back doesn't break your knife, teach your daughters to be intimidating in a pretty dress, my goal of makeup use is not to look natural like my goal is too look Otherworldly and possibly from the moon, i want to achieve "she's adorable and i will protect her at all costs but also i am slightly frightened by her power", (my body materializes out the darkness) fuck that was sick. did i look cool dont lie
Becket: boys who can pull off facial hair are hot, to quote hamlet act III scene iii line 92, "no", WHY I AM SO ATTRACTED TO BOYS WITH MESSY HAIR WHO LOOK LIKE THEY HAVEN'T SLEPT IN 72 HOURS
Liam: the first step to any murder is to have fun and be yourself, there's always that one weak bitch in the group that isn't down with murder, I have this weird self esteem issue where i hate myself but i still think that im better than everyone else, I think it's hilarious when people tell me i'm laid back because I've pretty much been screaming in my head nonstop since like fifth grade, everyone: are you okay everyone: you look upset everyone: you tired everyone: you look confused everyone: are you mad at me everyone: are you sick me: IT'S MY FACE, if i cut off my foot and like swing it at your head am i kicking or hitting you, its funny because people think im quiet but im just listening to everyones conversations and figuring out your weaknesses and ill use them against you to get further in life because i hate everyone, I SWEAR I AM NOT CUTE/SWEET DON'T CALL ME THAT I AM EVIL I AM SHADOWS IN THE NIGHT FEAR ME, CAN I GET A HELL YEAH IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING WITH YOU'RE LIFE AND YOU DON'T GET ENOUGH SLEEP, now i'm not saying you're an idiot but everyone else is, hey sorry im late i didn't want to come, we hate every single one you, hi im here to ruin everything
Cyra: I'd like to have a word with you. The word is sex., Cypress: we're engaged Kira: IN COMBAT, somewhere between fuck you and I'd fuck you, my favorite color is your eye color and my favorite height is your height and my favorite and my favorite weight is your weight, and my favorite hands are your hands and my favorite knees are your knees, i need a two hour long hug, let's bang, i mean hang, no i don't
Kira to Liam at some point, probably: you might as well wear a condom on your head if you're gonna act like a dick, Want to hear a fairy tale? Once upon a time you weren't such a little bitch
The Squad: my favorite trope is the 'place slowly becomes home', 'people slowly become family' trope
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