#the bastet archive
altokel · 7 months
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Gonna post this again on the new blog just so I can throw in a bunch of tags for my scp ocs but also feel free to ask about any of these guys
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
Another PuzzleJune prompt ^.^
This time it's for my boys from Double Exposure ❤ Give it a read?
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Yugi wants to treat Atem to a morning of fun...How else was he meant to wake up his boyfriend on his birthday?
Special thanks to my wonderful Angel @vixxxfiction for helping me finish this. Couldn't have done it without you my love <3
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y-lemonster · 1 year
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[OC] Bastet studies from 2020 🦁🏳️‍⚧️
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wyrmmaster · 3 months
Discussing Blue Archive Lore and going progressively insane has been an experience. The Mystics, for example:
Each academy has its thing, right. Abydos is ancient Egyptian pantheon, Trinity is Christianity (+English/Irish/Scottish myth), Gehenna are the 72 demons, Valkyrie and SRT are Norse, Hyakkiyako is Japanese myth, and so on. So it's easy to establish a framework: "They're representative of cultural figures from x place".
You have the ones that are Obvious: Shiroko is Anubis, Hoshino is Horus, Mika is the Archangel Michael, Seia is Gabriel, Hina is Baal, Wakamo is Tamamo no Mae, Niya is Ootakemaru, Kazusa is Cath Palug, Ako is Astaroth, among others
Then you have the ones that are "Obvious" as in "probably": Serika as Bastet, Saori as Lucifer, Nonomi as Nephtys, Nagisa as Uriel, Suzumi as Sariel, Koharu as Metatron, Hasumi as Sandalphon, Hinata as Jegudiel, Kanna as Odin, Miyako as Mimir, and so on.
Now you start getting a little out there, as you have to expand your the concept of "figure from x place" to "the concept from x place".
Shit like "well, Rin's family name is Nanagami, "Seven Gods", she's currently the highest authority at least on paper, so what if she's The Seven Holy Names of God per Jewish faith? If we assume the GSC President was capital G monotheistic God it'd make even more sense" "What if she's the seven heavenly virtues instead?" "Also possible but I think it's the former".
Then you get to fucking Millenium.
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"Yuuka's halo is a simple perfect circle that looks artificial. Her birthday is 3/14. She is insanely good at math. She's pi. Stop laughing. Look at her twintails. π. Come on, keep up."
"Rio is either the Theory of Relativity both as a relation to Himari's potential Quantum Theory of Light and as an important foundation of our concept of physics, which would fit with her being MIllenium's president OR as she's the President of Millenium and created the city of Eridu, she's supposed to be the Sumerian Deity Enki, God of creation, knowledge, and water and patron deity of the ancient city Eridu." "Maybe she's both." "SHE'S PROBABLY BOTH, THANKS."
"Himari could be the Quantum Theory of Light in relation to Rio - being a more modern and complete concept, or she could be Isaac Newton, who had a mild obsession in the paranormal, like her." "What if she's also got a Mesopotamian-" "It'd be Ishtar, both because of her antagonism towards Enki in some myth her interest in the stars and as a riff on her whole conceit about her beauty. Further backed up by Eimi being her assistant that handles all the physical work, making her the Bull of Heaven. Eimi even had horns in her concept art." "Someone just put forth Euler's Identity, because it's considered a representation of mathematical beauty, like a sonnet is for poetry."
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"The Game Development Department are Eroge Company references. Yuzu is Yuzusoft, Aris is Alicesoft, and the Saiba twins are Cyberworks's Wendybell and Tinkerbell. We can maybe assume that's just what they are." "Oh, thank god something stupid to end this post on-" "Aris's whole universally loved hero thing with an almighty weapon integral in saving the world might make her Gilgamesh-" "FINE OUR DAUGHTER IS GILGAMESH."
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aravas-writing · 5 months
I need to write something ffs
A funnyman's recap of Blue Archive
Volume 1 Chapter 1
The archiving system of this game's story can be confusing, but you end up rolling with it at some point.
Anyhow, we begin this first actual storyline of the game by Sensei accepting a plea for help from a smaller school.
Turns out Abydos Academy used to be the largest school before desertification ate most of the land belonging to it, resulting in attempts at disaster relief eating through funds. This got the school in deep shit with loan sharks...
And this is basically why that school only has 5 students remaining.
What the fuck.
But Sensei is undaunted and goes there on his own!
Except the district is still large as hell, so they end up lost and dehydrated after three hours. Considering it's a desert district...
But yeah, Sensei then gets found by a student who winds up taking them piggyback to Abydos Academy, where we meet the Foreclosure Task Force, aka the five last students of Abydos.
Now, I will have the cliffnotes less detailed here BC certain details will be mentioned as I go along this story.
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Sunaookami Shiroko
Very sporty
The one to take Sensei all the way to Abydos on her back
Wears a Sig SSG 556 "White Fang 465"
Rarely emotes
Has a fucking combat drone
Very attached to the FTF
Anubis, judge of the dead
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Kuromi Serika
Tsundere catgirl
AR70/223 "Sincerity" (lmao)
Extremely stubborn
Very hardworking
Bastet, goddess of cats
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Izayoi Nonomi
The curves on this girl wtf
Head of provisions (snack provider)
Wields her "Mini No.5", a GE M134
Rich as fuck, does not act like it at all
Will offer lap pillows to people she likes
Nephthys, a goddess of death alongside her sister Isis
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Okusora Ayane
Idk why, but that one was the full body pic I got for her in search
Treasurer of FTF
The one holding the Braincell
Flips the table when she reaches her limit
Compared to her, everyone acts like a nutcase (slight exaggeration)
SIG p229 "Common Sense"
Heals by drone strike
Either Isis, goddess of birth, rebirth and magic or Thoth, god of scribes and scholars
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Takanashi Hoshino
Perma eepy
Talks like an old man
Has a foldable riot shield
Seeming bing chilling, actually worrywart
Loves marine life, like whales
Head of the FTF and acting student council prez
Beretta 1301 Tactical "Eye of Horus" (guess what god she is)
These are the last members of their school, and they are up shits creek without a paddle. Under siege by delinquents and over 900 Million Yen (about 9 Million Dollars) in debt and with almost no way to earn money, plus the interest rate, things are dire.
At least the siege can be solved by Sensei ordering some ammo for all and coordinating a counteroffensive. The debt, not so much.
Turns out Abydos went ignored by the GSC for some reason (politics, probs) and Sensei is their first ray of hope in a while.
Sorta. We later learn that Nonomi is so motherfucking rich that she has a credit card with no known upper limit and could wipe the debt out in a swipe. However, principle of the thing, so no do that.
Bit dumb, considering, but they get by... barely.
So their next course of action to get some money is to find out about jobs in their area. Serika winds up falling for a pyramid scheme, so we all band together to fuck these fraudsters up.
Next suggestion: rob a bank!
Shiroko seems to be a big fan of Payday, enough so that her hobby is planning bank heists. Of course they need masks and a plan and new identities of this.
The name "Masked Swimsuit Gang" ends up sticking. (They don't even wear swimsuits here)
However, before then, a new threat arises! The loan sharks are a subsidy of Kaiser Corporation, the biggest corp in Kivotos and all-around assholes. The head twat hires a certain agency to ensure Abydos' demise and securing what remains of the land the last Prez sold off for loans.
They are Problem Solver 68 and they are....
A bunch of misfits
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Onikata Kayoko
Listens to death metal
Loves cats
The one with the brain
H&K P30L with Silencer "Demon's Roar"
Very level headed
Actual sweetheart
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Asagi Mutsuki
Nicknamed "The Imp"
Kind of kusogaki
Mischievous, likes pranking people
Will kill for the people she likes
Pranks the people she likes a lot
Her and her new year's alt has some of the most questionable Live2Ds
MG5 "Trick or Trick"
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Igusa Haruka
The kind of girl you just want to swaddle in a blanket and protect her from all harm
Went through horrible bullying in middle school
Nonexistent self esteem
Described to have a dangerous mind
Grows weeds because she associates with them
FABARM SDASS Tactical "Blow Away"
Who did this to her I just wanna talk-
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Rikuhachima Aru
That one Blue Archive song, "Unwelcome School", is heavily associated with her
You see her and think "badass"
Haruka thinks so; Aru put a stop to the bullying
She does not recognise the Abydos students when they're wearing just a mask
Loves to act cool, panicking inside
She founded her part timer agency because she wanted to be a outlaw
Her schemes fly by the seat of her pants
She is a complete lovable idiot
PSG-1 "Wine Red Admire"
Naturally, problem solver 68 ends up befriending their apparent targets (they didn't know at the time) while out eating at a ramen shop Serika works at. All of that before they go and attack the school and fail to defeat the FTF because Sensei magic.
Aru panics and regroups and then meets the girls again! While they're in masks and on their way to rob a black market bank because if has the money they paid as interest to fuck shit loans.
Everyone but Aru recognises them, who thinks they're so god damn cool for robbing a bank.
It's unfortunate that PS69- sorry, 68 gets outta dodge because asshole McGee is assmad they failed to put the screws on Abydos.
Sensei offers help, but has to be kindly refused. Don't worry, this lovable moron and her unstoppable crew of one punk chick, one imp and one High-powered depression-run bomb builder of a school girl terrorist will be back
And, yes, that one is Haruka, who winds up blowing up the Ramen store because she thought it would help Aru.
Help this girl.
Back to story: FTF can't take the money home because it wouldn't be okay, so they leave the bag with blown-up ramen shop owner (he's okay, just a little singed).
Suddenly, invasion! Not by Kaiser Corp, but by Gehenna Academy, one of the big three! They wanna learn what the fuck is up for reasons. This time, I'll write what happens with each of the featured characters in the bullet notes because that is their only appearance in the story.
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Shiromi Iori
Sporty, think Track and Field
Member of the Prefect Team
Very much for law and order
Hunts down troublemakers
Hot headed, spearheads the assault to Abydos and gets her cheeks clapped for it
One of the very few students canon Sensei acts lewd towards
We talking licking her feet (????), we talking bothering her with tasks, we talking looking up her skirt
Yeah, I don't know either, but she tends to send mixed signals
During summer event: "I'm not wearing a swimsuit so you can perv on me!" Proceeds to wear the skimpiest swimsuit the age rating can allow
Karabiner 98k (the deleter rifle from back when call of duty was still young). Hers is called "Crack shot"
Aaaa it turns out only 10 pics per post! Will reblog this with continuation
Oh btw, during that fight Serika tanks a grenade from a fucking Flak. We get told she just had to "sleep it off for a day"
What. The. Fuck. Are these students
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trans-jon-rights · 5 days
Time Travel Cat Jon AU trivia :
The Archives team names Cat!Jon 'Ailuros', the Greek name of the Egyptian goddess Bastet, the cat-headed deity of home and family.
Do you see my vision.
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nightingaelic · 4 months
YOOO I didn’t know you had fallout ocs tell me abt them. Who are their companions what’re their roles etc
Ah, what the hell.
My Lone Wanderer is Paladin Elizabeth Titus, who spent her early 20s trying to help the Capital Wasteland by completing her father's dream of Project Purity and bringing the might of the Brotherhood of Steel to those who most need it. She's been romantically connected to Amata Almodovar, Sarah Lyons, and Point Lookout's Nadine, and she's on good terms with Butch DeLoria, Star Paladin Cross, Fawkes, and a liberated Clover. Post-game, she has become estranged from the Brotherhood of Steel, and she's now doing work with the Abolitionists and Reilly's Rangers despite her activities being a topic of much speculation throughout the Capital Wasteland. She is a field medic and a pilot, she wields heavy weaponry with finesse, and she tends to keep everyone at arm's length in the belief that her own reputation will eventually harm them.
My Sole Survivor is Murphy Olson Kelly, thawed pre-war lawyer who made her way through the Railroad and the Brotherhood before finally settling with the Minutemen to find her son, then bring down the Institute. She's been romantically connected to Mayor John Hancock, Elder Arthur Maxson, and Robert Joseph MacCready, and she considers the rest of the companions close friends. She is a darling of the Commonwealth and is on good terms with nearly everyone besides the Institute, fundamentalist Brotherhood members, and skeptical Railroad agents. She relies on her charisma, persuasiveness, and twin plasma pistols to get by, and she is chock-full of survivor's guilt that sometimes manifests as psyker abilities, but more often results in her getting involved in every problem she finds.
My Courier Six is Fox, a desert enigma who seized New Vegas and the Hoover Dam as her own in an attempt to crush the Legion and fend off the New California Republic. She's been romantically connected to Benny Gecko, Rose of Sharon Cassidy, Red Lucy, The King, Ulysses, Beatrix Russell, and Craig Boone, and she is on good-to-mixed terms with the companions not because of her perceived reputation as a heartbreaker, but because of her inability to stand still and commit. She is generally liked, if a little feared, by the Mojave Wasteland, and she is considered a threat by Caesar's Legion and the NCR, albeit one that will eventually move on in the pursuit of something new. Fox follows whatever trail she is inclined to at the moment, and she wards off most dangers with shotgun blasts. It's unknown whether she still has her memories from before Goodsprings.
My Vault 76 Dweller is Dolores, the daughter of a wartime photographer and a veterinarian who took up residence in the Savage Divide in an abandoned train station that she turned into a home and renowned moonshine distillery. She's connected primarily to Foundation, but she's on good terms with the Crater, the Blue Ridge Caravan Company, and the Responders because everyone in Appalachia loves liquor. Her weapon of choice is a railway rifle.
My other Vault 76 Dweller is Rosalyn, whose last act before the bombs fell was making sure her mob-connected husband didn't make it to the vault in time. She spent some time with Rose and the raiders of the Crater, but recently became fascinated with the ill-fated Order of Mysteries and has been trying to restart the group. She primarily uses the Voice of Set and the Blade of Bastet in combat, but she does occasionally bust out the silver submachine gun of the Mistress's paramour.
With the exception of Rosalyn, my OCs have all made it onto my Archive of Our Own account in some form. Murphy and Elizabeth cross paths in my long-running post-game Fallout 4 series; Fox appeared in a one-off prompt fic that explores her relationship with Boone; and Dolores underwent a name change for some explicit encounters in Appalachia.
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druidx · 9 months
Heads Up, Seven Up (7 lines), Nine Lines, & Last Line tag games
As might be obvious, I’m really bad at getting around to doing things. I’ve been saving up all my Seven Lines, Nine lines and Last Line tag games because “I’ll get to it someday. Honest!”
I’ve now got so many, I figured out I could just mash them together to help me finish editing Alexis Dalliance vs the Evil of Titan, and call it good.
I took 5 random pages from the work and used a nice online tool to work out that I write an average of 9.8 words per line, which means I need to complete 2,166 words of editing.
Thank you to everyone who’s tagged me in one of these games (it's been so long, probably some of you don't even remember, and some of you no longer seem to exist any more):
@aetherwrites, @alexsidereus x2, @alias-levi, @aquadestinyswriting x4, @artdecosupernova-writing x2, @autumnalwalker x3, @blind-the-winds X3, @chauceryfairytales, @corkythewriteblr, @eli-writes-sometimes x3, @faelanvance x2, @lake-arrius-caverns, @laurabwrites, @mariahwritesstuff, @odysseywritings x2, @oh-no-another-idea x2, @rewrit, @ryns-rambling, @shadowlight-inkedthoughts, @sleepyowlwrites, @spacetimewraithwrites-archive, @strosmkai-rum, @toribookworm22, @tracle0 x2, @viawrites-andacts x2, @whimsyqueen, @winglesswriter, @writingamongther0ses x6, @writingmaidenwarrior, @writingonesdreams, @zmwrites x2, @iparisaltanwing
I ended up writing a little over the target; this is 2500 words.
CW war crimes, slaughter of innocents, a falling Paladin, unusual dialogue marks, swearing
"What do you mean?" Alexis asked after she’d overcome her surprise at seeing the gnome, "How is it sick?" "It’s the lizardfolk who live in the center of the swamp," the gnome said. "They used to live in harmony with the swamp, but recently…" He sighed. "I don’t know what’s wrong. Something’s gotten into them, something evil. They’re destroying vast swathes of the swamp, cutting down trees, burning the brush, befowling the waters." Alexis glanced over at the others. "We might know the reason for this change. The lizardfolk have been drawn into a cult which worships a Demon Prince from the Pit. They must be working on the Demon’s orders." The gnome paled. "Yes. I understand now. I have seen great holes carved in the ground, blocks of stone being dragged to a central site." "They must be constructing a new temple to base their portal on," Richard said. "My friend, we aim to stop these bloodthirsty monsters from bringing the Demon Prince through to this world and destroy the cult." "Stopping the cult will mean the swamp is safe again," Alexis added. The gnome lit up. "Then you have my thanks, Paladin!" "Call me Richard," he said. The gnome shook his hand. "And I am Wurzle Moslicker." "We aim to stop the lizardfolk," Alexis continued after introductions had been made, "but we’ve run into a small snag. The boat we were told was here isn’t, and we cannot cross into the swamp." "Oh!" Wurzle said. "Dear tree-child, you should know there are other ways to cross a watery path." Alexis frowned as Wurzle gave a peculiar call. A cluster of cypress nearby began to shake and shift. Bastet and Richard both reached for their weapons. Alexis gasped as she realised what was happening. "It’s alright!" she cried. "Don’t hurt it!" From the thicket, strode a tree. «You called, Wurzle?» it said, its voice a long and creaking thing. Richard leaned down to Alexis, hissing, "What is that?" "It’s a treent!" she squealed, face filled with wonder. "I’ve heard about them, but never met one before! Galana’s blessed hair, this is amazing!" "Mudwood," Wurzle was saying, "These fine folks need to get across the swamp to the lizardfolk settlement. They’re going to stop them from destroying the swamp." The treent grumbled and harrumphed as it gazed over the group, lingering on Alexis. «This I will do,» it said eventually, «For the presence of the tree-child tells me their intent is true.» "What did it say?" Richard asked. Alexis cocked her head. "You don’t speak sylvan?" "I barely speak elvish," he retorted. "It said it’d take us, but only cuz I’m here." Bastet rolled her eyes. "Of course it did." Alexis bounced on the balls of her feet, wide, pleading eyes focused on Richard. Richard sighed fondly. "Go on, then." Alexis gave a squeal of excitement, racing away. Richard watched her scamper off, springing into the branches of the treent, and scurry up the trunk like a squirrel. "My good sir, is there an easy way up for those of us not inclined to tree-climbing?" Victor asked. Wurzle chuckled. "Yes, of course." He gave another of those strange cries, and Mudwood stooped, holding out a limb for the others to climb on.
For the others, the treent crossing was dull or sickness-inducing, but for Alexis it was heaven. In between scurrying through the branches, relishing the feel of the breeze through her hair and bark under her hands, she pestered Wurzle and Mudwood with questions, some asked by Richard, pressing for more details about the lizardfolk, their numbers and armaments. The morning was wearing on by the time Mudwood dropped them off as close to the lizardfolk settlement as Wurzle would let him. Alexis was the last to dismount, dropping from the lowest branches with a happy sigh. «For you, little one,» Mudwood said, handing Alexis a small wooden pipe, a notch taken from just below a craved mouthpiece. «Blow this when your work is done, I shall return for you. The trees name you ‘friend’. We will pass this by root and leaf. Wherever you are, this whistle will call the nearest treent to your aid.» Alexis stared at the whistle, then hugged the treent. «Thank you for this gift.» "Lex, c’mon." With a final bow to the treent, Alexis took off after her friends.
They trekked through the dense undergrowth of the swamp, hacking at long vines and lush brush, the humidity mingling with sweat making everything uncomfortably damp. As the sun reached its zenith, the lizardfolk’s newly built ziggurat came into view over the tops of the trees. "We’re nearly there," Bastet said, relieved.
They pushed on and soon found their way blocked by a great wall. "Piss and blood," Bastet cursed. Alexis tilted her head back. "I don’t think even I can climb that." "Maybe we can tunnel under it?" Gorgut said, stepping over and using a dagger to dig at the dirt. "We don’t have the equipment," Richard said. "Victor, what about that muddy spell?" "Rock to Mud?" Victor scratched at his chin. "Could work. It depends on how they’ve structured the wall, and if I can get deep enough to find the unworked foundations." "Right. Alexis, you scale that tree to scout the lay of the land. The rest of us will investigate the foundations of the wall. Then we can make a plan of attack for once we’re inside."
Once at the top of the tree, Alexis surveyed the area. Some ways from the base of the ziggurat was the lizardfolk settlement. It looked like a normal village from this high up – low cottages of local foliage gathered around a central open space, one grander than the rest. Drying linens hung from lines on tall poles. Pens of animals and crops surrounded the village. People came and went, carrying pots or pushing hand carts. It could have been any village on the Pagan Plains. It could have been Toreguard. In the time it had taken them to travel down here, the ziggurat had been completed. Despite its apparent completion, people still worked on it, looking like ants scurrying over stone steps, adding carvings and other refinements to the bare faces of the stone. Under an open-sided pagoda at the top, Alexis could just about make out the workings of magic. A structure of bones stood over arcane markings, fires set at junctures of the markings. A priest, delineated by his golden, feathered headband, threw something into the fires occasionally, making them spark and flare unusual colours.
She slid down, relaying this reconnaissance to the others and Richard laid out the plan.
As Victor chanted out his spell, Richard and the others stood back, readying the weapons. Benevelor was summoned from the celestial realm. As the spell took effect, the wall wobbled and crumbled, the mortar loosening. "It’s now or never!" Victor cried, hurrying back to join the others. "Benevelor," Richard commanded, "kick it down." The holy oxen took up position and lashed out with its hind legs. The crumbling blocks shook and with a thundering crash toppled inwards, landing into the mire below. Richard raced forward, leaping onto his mount’s back. "Charge!" he yelled, as the pair of them vanished over the rubble, Gorgut and Victor following close behind. Alexis looked at Bastet. "Ready?" "Give them a few moments more to really grab the attention," Bastet replied. Alexis grunted in reply, finding the bush at her feet of vast interest. Bastet sniffed, looking up at the broken corner of the wall. After a moment, she said, "We’re both professionals." "That we are." "So are we-?" "Absolutely fucking not." "Right." Distantly the sounds of battle reached them. "Sounds like our cue." "Yep." With that, Alexis led the way over the rubble and toward their objective: the temple.
While the menfolk battled with the temple masons and the warriors who protected them, Alexis and Bastet crept behind enemy lines and up the ziggurat. As they approached, the scent of burning spices grew thicker as perfumed smoke wafted out of the pagoda, followed by an undulating chant. As Alexis and Bastet peeked into the pagoda, they saw the head priest, his headband glinting in the firelight, had been joined by two lesser priests wearing wide golden neckbands embossed with the Eye of Muyrr symbol.
With a signal to Bastet, Alexis fired through the smoke and the portal ring, her bolt driving through the head priest's neck. Bastet leapt from cover, her daggers flashing as she took out one of the lesser priests. As Alexis reloaded, Bastet turned towards the last priest, only to find he had armed himself. He slashed out at Bastet, catching her arm. She cried out, falling back against a pillar. The bolt from Alexis' bow took him between the shoulder blades, and he fell, hitting the steps with a wet crunch. "Thanks," Bastet said as Alexis moved up into the pagoda. "Don't mention it." Alexis glanced around. "You wanna deal with the fires while I deal with the lines? Then we can deal with that," her face scrunched as she waved at the bone structure, "together." With an affirmative grunt, Bastet turned her attention to extinguishing the fires, while Alexis scattered the red and grey powders forming the lines of the summoning circle. On a ceremonial table to one side, she found more of the dust and blocks of perfume on tarnished golden dishes. Collecting the plates together, she took them to the edge of the pagoda. The cloud of powder spread like blood in the air as she tossed the dishes away, down the ziggurat. "Lex," Bastet called, urgency in her voice. Alexis turned back to see Bastet was next to the table she’d found the powders on. "Yes?" Bastet held up parchment scrolls. "Can you read these?" Alexis took one, scanning the strange writing. She shook her head. "This is like no script I’ve ever seen. But these diagrams… they’re the same as the floor markings I destroyed. And this looks like the portal edifice." She held them up for comparison. "This one looks like a map," Bast said, spreading it on the table. It was indeed a map of Titan. Parts of the continents were crosshatched with different patterns, and arrows moved from the south of Allansia up and outward. "I might not know what it says, but this looks alarmingly like troop movements, like the ones Captain Hengar has in his office." She glanced at Bastet. "Whatever it is, it can’t be anything good." "Maybe Vic can read them," Bastet said. She tucked the scrolls away and looked at the mound of bound bones. "Let’s destroy this thing so we can get out of this place." Together they turned to the portal ring, a series of long bones lashed together with twine which stood on a small dais of skulls and pelvises, and began to hack at the binding ropes. When the ring was nothing but a pile, they used the table as a shunt, shoving the bones away to clatter down the sides of the ziggurat. Bastet raised a hand, shielding her eyes. "It looks like the fighting's stopped. They're all clustered near the houses." Alexis listened. A few screams and raised voices carried on the wind, echoing the calling of birds and rush of wind in the trees. "I don't hear any fighting. We should get down there and find out what's happening."
The sun was dipping lower in the sky, the tall trees casting shadows as they drew lower. There was indeed a group of people gathered close to the village. Alexis frowned. No, there were no sounds of fighting. But there was wailing. Sobbing. The high cry of a child. The sounds of terror. Fear gripped Alexis’ heart. She picked up the pace. The people were kneeling. Their hands raised, supplicant. Richard stood before them, sword unsheathed. Victor stood at his side, leaning close. Her feet pounded at the leaf-strewn path. Metal glinted. Pleas became screams. Alexis’ voice joined them. "No!"
By the time she arrived, there was nothing but corpses and blood.
Alexis dropped to her knees, voice rasping. "Richard… What did you do?" His eyes were hard as he turned to her. "What I had to." "But they- They were harmless. " The scene wavered in her gaze. "They were innocents!" "Ah, but there’s no such thing as an innocent lizardman, is there?" Victor said, grinning wickedly. "No. Alexis, you’ve seen for yourself what they’re capable of," Richard said. "They had to die." "There were children!" "Better to stop them now then," Victor said. "Richard… This is wrong. You must see that?" "All I see," Bastet said, coming to a panting halt, "is a hero doing what’s needed to keep our world safe." She waved the scrolls found in the temple. "We found evidence they were going to bring the whole world under their heel." Alexis gaped. "That’s not- We don’t know-!" Richard spat on the corpses. "That sounds like something these filthy rotten snake cultists would do." "Where’s Goregut? He’ll make you see-" "Goregut’s dead." Richard’s voice was hard with the faintest of tremors, his face turned to the jungle. "Stabbed through the back by one of these putrid cunts." He turned to Alexis and swallowed. "I’m sorry. I know you liked him. But now, do you see? They had to pay. They all have to pay!" Alexis’s mouth moved. She clutched a fist over her heart. Bastet crowded in onto Richard’s other side, her eyes alight. "Yes! Yes, you are so brave taking on this burden." "Such a true paladin!" "What can we do to help?" Richard kicked at one of the bodies. "We should move deeper. Take them all out. Stop them for good! Yes," he looked back at the others, "we must keep our people safe. We’ll keep all of Allansia safe forever from this evil!" Alexis pulled herself to her feet. "We can’t!" Richard turned back. The hate in his gaze took her breath away. She swallowed. "We, um, we need more provisions. We don’t have enough. To carry on. We should go back to Toreguard-" "To Port Blacksands!" Bastet crowed. "An excellent idea! We can find men and supplies!" "No… That’s not-" But Bastet and Victor were already guiding Richard back the way they’d come, already discussing what they’d need for such an excursion. Alexis watched them stride past, mouth agape, hands clenched and tears in her eyes. "Alexis. Come on," Richard called back over his shoulder. Mute and staggering, Alexis followed behind.
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eldritch-transgirl · 1 year
Would pf2e deities be trans-positive?
List and descriptions of deiities from Archives of Nethys
I am right about all of these
In aphabetical order:
Aakriti: Goo god is strongly trans-positive.
Abadar: Capitalist bastard. Will charge exhorbitant prices for medical transition.
Abraxas: Could trans your gender but won’t because he wants to see you suffer.
Achaekek: Couldn’t care less. Although he doesn’t like transphobes, as being transphobic is a waste of time.
Adanye: Supportive, not mcuh more to it really.
Ahriman: Just a dick, doesn’t hate trans people, just hates everyone.
Alglenweis: CG so probably supportive? Cant really find much about her personality.
Alseta: Literally the god of transitions.
Andoletta: Old lady who just wants to “protect the children”.
Angazhan: Doesn’t care just wants you to kill things.
Angradd: Another deity where there isnt a lot to go off. LG could swing either way.
Anubis: Im just going to leave the ones where I don’t have enough to off blank.
Apollyon: You’re just another body.
Arazni: If your coming out goes badly, she’s the one to pray to.
Ardad Lili: If you pass she’s alright, if you don’t then she hates you.
Arqueros: Too busy to care.
Arshea: The perfect ally.
Arundhat: Doesn’t care.
Ashava: Will be there for you your entire journey.
Asmodeus: Could trans your gender, but you probably shouldn’t sign that contract.
Atreia: A little too obsessed with purity for me to trust him.
Ayrzul: If you aren’t Ymeri he does not care about you.
Azathoth: The embodiment of the uncaring, unfeeling universe.
Baalzebub: Doesn’t care.
Balumbdar: Entire personality is that he likes big things. You are too small.
Baphomet: Doesn’t care.
Barbatos: Doesnt care.
Barzahk: Doesn’t care.
Belial: This guy fucks nasty and as long as you do too he’s chill.
Bergelmir: I want her to be chill, but she’s just too attached to tradition for me think so.
Besmara: If you’re on her crew, full support. If not, she will be a bigot to get under your skin.
Black Butterfly: All about introspection, totally chill.
Brigh: Totally cool.
Calistra: Doesn’t care.
Casandalee: Chill.
Cayden Cailean: Will fight anyone who misgenders you.
Chaldira: Will also fight anyone who misgenders you.
Chamidu: Chill.
Charon: Doesn’t care.
Chohar: Chill.
Count Ranalc: Doesn’t care.
Cyth-V’sug: Doesn’t care.
Dagon: Doesn’t care.
Dajermube: Goddess of self-realisation.
Desna: Chill.
Diomazul: Doesn’t care.
Dispater: Doesn’t care.
Doloras: Doesn’t care.
Droskar: Doesn’t care.
Eiseth: Chill.
Erastil. Values the community over the individual. If your community doesn’t accept you, he doesn’t either.
Eritrice: Chill.
Falayna: Terf.
Fandarra: Terf.
Findeladlara: CG but her edicts are all about tradition and shit. idk probably a terf.
Gendowyn: Terf.
General Susumu:
Geryon: Chill.
Ghlaunder: Doesn’t care.
Gogunta: Doesn’t care.
Gorum: Doesn’t care.
Gozreh: Doesn’t care.
Grandmother Spider: Chill.
Groetus: Doesn’t care.
Gruhastha: Chill.
Haagenti: Chill.
Hastur: Chill.
Hei Feng: Depends on the day.
Hshurha: Chill, but would like you more if you didn’t have a solid form.
Imbrex: Doesn’t care.
Immonhiel: Terf.
Iomedae: Doesn’t care.
Irez: Doesn’t care.
Irori: Chill.
Jin Li: Chill.
Kabriri: Doesn’t care.
Kalekot: Chill.
Kazutal: Chill.
Kelizandri: Doesn’t care.
Kerkamoth: Chill.
Kitumu: Doesn’t care.
Kofusachi: Chill.
Korada: Chill, but wants you to keep in touch with transphobic family members.
Kurgess: Doesn’t care.
Lady Jingxi:
Lady Nanbyo:
Lamashtu: The m-preg goddess. If you want to give birth but can’t, and don’t mind if it’s to a monster, pray to her.
Lao Sho Po:
Likha: Chill.
Lorthact: Too desperate to be transphobic to you, if you pray to him.
Lubaiko: Chill.
Luhar: Doesn’t care.
Lymnieris: Chill.
Lysianassa: Doesn’t care.
Magdh: Know’s that you’re trans before you do, and will bring it up multiple times. Other than that chill.
Mahathallah: Doesn’t care.
Mammon: Doesn’t care.
Marishi: Chill.
Mazludeh: Chill.
Mephistopheles: Can trans your gender, but it’s a bad idea.
Milani: Chill.
Moloch: Doesn’t care.
Monad: Chill.
Mother Vulture: Chill.
Nalinivati: Terf.
Narakaas: Chill, if you die before you are happy with your transition, they will help.
Narriseminek: Will trans your gender, no strings attached.
Nethys: Either chill or wildly transphobic depending on the day.
Ng: Chill.
Nhimbaloth: Doesn’t care.
Nivi Rhombodazzle: Chill.
Nocticula: Chill.
Norgorber: Doesn’t care.
Nurgal: Doesn’t care.
Nyarlathotep: Doesn’t care.
Orcus: Doesn’t care.
Otolmens: Chill.
Pazuzu: Doesn’t care.
Pharasma: Chill.
Picoperi: Chill.
Pulura: Chill.
Qi Zhong:
Ragadahn: Doesn’t care.
Ragathiel: Chill.
Ragdya: Chill.
Ranginori: Chill.
Ravithra: Doesn’t care.
Rovagug: Doesn’t care.
Rowdrosh: Chill.
Sairazul: Doesn’t care.
Saloc: Chill.
Sarenrae: Chill.
Set: Doesn’t care.
Shax: Doesn’t care, just hates everyone.
Shelyn: Terf.
Shizuru: Chill.
Shyka: Chill.
Sivanah: Chill.
Skode: Chill.
Soralyon: Doesn’t care.
Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones:
Sun Wukong:
Suyuddha: Doesn’t care.
Szuriel: Doesn’t care.
The Green Mother: Doesn’t care.
The Lantern King: Chill.
The Lost Prince: Chill.
Thisamet: Chill.
Torag: Has no idea what your talking about, but is supportive of whatever you want.
Treerazer: Doesn’t care.
Trelmarixian: Doesn’t care.
Tsukiyo: Chill.
Urgathoa: Chill.
Uvuko: Chill.
Valmallos: Loves making things difficult for others, won’t misgender you but will make medical transition a process.
Vildeis: Doesn’t care.
Vineshvakhi: Doesn’t care.
Walkena: Doesn’t care.
Xhamen-Dor: Doesn’t care.
Ydajisk: Chill.
Ydersius: Doesn’t know what that means.
Yelayne: Doesn’t care.
Ylimancha: Doesn’t care.
Ymeri: Doesn’t care.
Yog-Sothoth: Chill.
Zevgavizeb: Doesn’t care.
Zohls: Chill.
Zon-Cuthon: Wants you to mutilate your body, not be happy in it.
Zura: Chill.
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dreblr-fic-recs · 11 months
bastet's favoured (the tale of a man, from the eyes of a cat)
Writer's Summary
She is a cat and this is her server— she watches, she listens, she waits. Her human may be an idiot, but that’s part of his charm. Still, it hurts to watch him spiral.
The story of the DreamSMP, told from the eyes of Dream’s cranky, judgmental cat.
Word Count: 3k
Status: Completed
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
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primroseprime2019 · 1 year
7 Snippets 7 People Tag
Thanks for the tag, @talesofsorrowandofruin
I’ll be doing this from… Transcendants: Skyfall. I’ll be doing chapters so there may be spoilers ahead. (I have not started on the second book yet but I will!)
Chapter Three: The Forgotten Archives- The Heroes, the Constellation Squad and the Novae Warriors walked through the hallway before they all wandered into a much larger room. “Whoa… is this a library?” Archer said, shocked. “Yep,” Natalia replied simply, “let’s start searching for answers!”
Chapter Seventeen: Shiloh gets Heat Vision- “My head hurts,” Damien groaned as he rubbed his now aching head. Saphira looked at him with a frown, “well that stunt you pulled was not a good idea.” He pouted at her and looked over at Shiloh who was curled up on the couch, clutching his arms. His breaths were labored and he seemed to be shivering.
Chapter Twenty-One: Adam Tames a Scorpion- The Warriors ran down the sandy slope, breathing hard. “Who the hell made scorpions so freaking big?!” Luther shouted at the air. They could hear the screeches of the two ginormous scorpions that were chasing after them.
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Monkey See, Monkey Do-Magnus stared up at the wall. There were old drawings that he didn’t know about. He tilted his head and flicked his tail as he reached out and placed his hand on the drawing of a golden Mocirus Transcendant. He had golden eyes and was wearing red and golden armor.
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Paige becomes Bastet’s Pet- Paige slowly opened her eyes and she looked around. Why did everything look so big? She was laying on a red pillow before she widened her eyes and she jumped into the air with a yowl. She was a cat! An Egyptian Mau!
Chapter Forty-Four: A Lion’s Kiss- Gregory stood before Ahmanet, breathing hard. He couldn’t believe this. This had to be real. But the Egyptian princess was standing before him. She looked pale but still… beautiful. He shook his head frantically.
Chapter Fifty: The Island in the Sun- “Whoa!” Angelo yelped as he tumbled down the hill. “Angelo!” Damien and Val said worriedly. The Bolnorth Transcendant yelped in pain as he landed on something metal. The creature he landed on lifted it’s head and looked at him.
Tagging: @toribookworm22 @ss-hawthorne @blind-the-winds @kaiusvnoir @tzipor-feather-blog @movieexpert1978 @musicmoviestv
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
Hey look, a shiny new Monarch fic
Rating- Explicit
Yami has it bad for his friend Atem, but he has no idea how to tell him, so it would be really bad for him to accidentally send a semi-nude photo meant for a paying subscriber on his Only Fans to said friend... right?
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Bastet by Reiya Wakayama
Hitoshi has met quite a few vigilantes over the years as both a student training to be a hero and now a hero for real. He's fought beside them, talked with them, even taken a few down that fell off the straight and narrow. But there's something about this new one that has him intrigued. Bastet has certainly caught his eye.
Words: 4680, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Izuku's Nine Lives
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Cat Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero Shinsou Hitoshi, Cat Cafés
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47805073
0 notes
Power of the Gods
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6wl7ocr
by chu1luc
Izumiko Midoriya becomes an Egyptian, and eventually a hero.
More in the story.
Words: 2947, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Hathor (Ancient Egyptian), Ra (Ancient Egyptian), Bastet (Ancient Egyptian)
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Monoma Neito
Additional Tags: Female Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Pining Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6wl7ocr
0 notes
creeping-prowess · 5 years
Every piece of new lore we've gotten lately (bastet, storm rising) implies something bad happened to reinhardt that put him out of commission
Who hurt my actual grandfather * cocks gun * look I just wanna talk I promise
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