#the album red is literally about falling toxically in love with someone and realizing it wasn’t right after it ends
jewishbarbies · 1 year
COERCE ☠️☠️☠️
what the actual fuck. what about red makes them think she was RAPED?? falling so in love with someone that you do things with them you later regret is not and never will be rape. I’m so fucking sick of swifties WANTING the worst for her simply because it makes the music sadder. literally fuck OFF.
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joheunsaram · 3 years
To Make A Power Couple - 06 (knj)
Chapter 6: Garlic Pasta and I Miss You-s
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Summary- Namjoon visits his parents and Yoongi and Y/N bond over their past.
word count- 4.5k
pairing- idol!namjoon x ceo!reader
rating- R
genre- series, fluff, angst, action, slightly smutty, strangers2lovers
warnings- drinking, talk of mental health and panic attacks, violence, blood, stalker
a.n- sorry for this chapter being late! i had major burn out this last few weeks but I finally got it out. Tell me what you think!
taglist - @beach-bitch-bitch-beach, @sscheherazadee, @rjsmochii , @jinjccns​ , @joyful-jimin @sideblogger @agustdpeach @diamonddia-mond
“I hate you Kim Namjoon! Get out!”
Namjoon looks at you with an amused smile as he drops his bags at the door of your bedroom. You’re sitting in your bed, your comforter fully around you, even on top of your head, as you loudly blow your nose, some show blaring on the television. Even though he feels bad about passing on his cold to you, he can’t help but find your red nose and whining adorable. The past few months since Namjoon returned from tour had been few of the best you’d had in Korea. Although you both still had remarkably busy schedules, you had found a routine of spending time together at least once a week, usually ending your Saturdays together to spend as much of the Sunday together as possible. It didn’t matter how you spent your time, whether it was spent going out on dates or sitting silently reading or cuddling, all that mattered was that you were together.
“Aw baby, I’m sorry!” He sat on the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms around your burittoed body. He kissed all over your face obnoxiously, much to your chagrin as you groaned and tried to get him off you, worried to get your snot on him. “Okay. Tell you what. I’ll cancel going to my parents and stay here to take care of you!” He punctuated that with another kiss on your lips. Hey, he’d already suffered through this cold, might as well take advantage of being able to be near you now.
“No! Shut up! You’re not cancelling.” Since things were slower at work, the company had decided to give Namjoon and the boys the week off. He had spent the first day with you, going to the most recent Ji Hye Yeom exhibit yesterday, and was going to go visit his family for the next four days. When Namjoon told you he was planning to spend the majority of his vacation with his parents, he was bracing himself for a negative reaction, a learned response from his previous relationship. His ex would always hate that he would visit his family for extended periods when he got time off and wouldn’t prioritize his relationship with her. He was surprised and relieved to hear you not only excited that he was visiting family but encouraging him to spend more time, upping his initial ask of two days to four. He liked that you always encouraged him to call his mom when he was on tour, as did his mom, so much so that she had started to say ‘my beautiful daughter’ whenever she referred to you in front of him.
Namjoon stood up as he watched you rant about the importance of visiting family, one arm out from your duvet heaven as you waved it about to emphasize your points. He almost giggled at how endearing you looked sniffling through your tirade, hair a mess and voice a little hoarse. Taking off his jeans to get comfortable, he chuckled at your wide eyes and dramatic gasp.
“No! We’re not having sex right now you maniac!” You whine as you lie down with the covers over your head. Namjoon gets into bed, pulling the comforter from over you to sneak inside, his arms snaking around your grumbling form to pull him to his chest. Although you complained, you snuggled into him, feeling the safe comfort that only Namjoon provided you.
“I just wanna nap with you before I leave.” He kissed the top of your head as he tangled your legs with his. You poked your head up from where it was hiding in his chest to look up at his smiling face as he cupped your cheek to place a chaste kiss on your lips. Caressing the skin once he leans away, he looks at you adoringly.  “Sorry for getting you sick, baby.”
“Your boyfriend is a tyrant. Please never get sick again.” Yoongi took off his beanie and mask and shook his head to fluff his hair as you went through your phone to finish placing the order for takeout. After talking to Namjoon about how you had spent all of yesterday recovering, and even facetiming to ensure him that you were fit enough to be working again, he still didn’t believe you, forcing the only member of his band that was in Seoul during his vacation to make sure you were truly alright. You would be annoyed if your heart didn’t skip a beat at his overt concern. You were glad to spend time with Yoongi - he was pretty similar to you and you both had been slacking on hanging out lately. A few months ago you had decided to host a whiskey exchange where you would share bottles of your favourite liquor together, only for it to fall apart after two hangouts due to your busy schedules and Yoongi’s new relationship. It was nice to be in his company again, his mellow energy a great contrast to your usually loud friends.
“What did he say?” You question, laughing. Yoongi had called Namjoon many funny nicknames before but hearing him call him a tyrant made you laugh, picturing your boyfriend getting stern and demanding someone pay you a visit.
“You wanna see?” Yoongi chuckled as he pulled his phone out, navigating to the group chat and handing it to you. You couldn’t help but smile as you read Namjoon pleading to the group to check in on you, asking if anyone was around. Yoongi said he was around but refused only to relent once the other boys pressured him and Namjoon pulled in a favour Yoongi owed him from 2015.
“Ooof. Honestly, it’s not that bad. Good to know Jungkook would literally kill for me though, and that you hate to hang out with me.” You threw an ice cube at him from where you were putting them in your glasses.
“He wouldn’t. He’s just a suck up.” He dodged your attack, sticking his tongue out in triumph. “And you know I had to make Namjoon suffer a bit.”
Rolling your eyes at him as he smirked, you watched him pull out his bottle from his backpack. Your Craigellachie 16 no match for his Glenfiddich 30, you chastised him for buying such an expensive bottle for just the exchange. However, you were not going to say no to a glass of that and the two of you sat in a comfortable silence as you enjoyed your drinks. You were the first to break the silence.
“How’s your bae?”
“Oh haven’t you heard? Bae is no more! Broke my heart and left me to suffer.” Yoongi scowled as he dramatically grabbed his chest, before downing his drink. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought he was joking but his usual deadpan was missing.
“Shit… I’m sorry Yoongs.” You looked at him softly, making him scoff.
“It’s fine. Going to get a sick album out of this.” Yoongi waved you off, as he reached in his backpack again to bring out three bottles of soju. “Let’s get drunk!”
“That’s… one way of looking at things. You want to talk about it?” You knew he didn’t want to talk about it, it was probably still fresh and you didn’t want to impose but you wanted to give him the opportunity to share if he wanted to.
“Nah it’s fine. It was the usual anyways. ‘You’re always busy.’ ‘Why won’t you share your feelings with me?’ ‘Do you love me more or your career?’ I say good riddance.” He scoffed once again as he poured himself some more whiskey, sipping it blissfully.
“Well good to know you’re not hiding your pain.” You narrowed your eyes at him, but decided to get drunk with him anyways, taking up his offer to refill your glass. You had an extremely light day at work tomorrow with it being Friday and all, plus you knew that once Yoongi got drunk he would tell you how he was feeling. He was a very talkative drunk.
“Oh you know it. I’m nothing if not in touch with my feelings!”
Soon you and Yoongi were wasted, sitting on opposite ends of your couch as the television played the ‘important videos’ playlist on Youtube, laughing maniacally at each random short video that popped up. The food you had ordered was sitting on the coffee table, half eaten and getting cold. Having not heard Yoongi’s giggle in a while you looked away from the screen to see him staring into space, a slight frown on his lips.
“Dude. You good?” You poked him with your foot to break him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah. Sorry just realized I’m single again. Fuck.” He looked at you with wide eyes, as if he had just had an epiphany. You frowned at him, sad that he was feeling this way. In the past six months, you had come to learn that although Yoongi often talked about how much he loved being alone, in reality he put a lot of pressure on himself to find someone to be with.
“You know you’re worth more than a relationship, right?” You placed your hand on his, smiling reassuringly.
“Don’t go all Dr. Phil on me. I’m not that sad. It was like two months but it felt nice to call someone mine, you know?” He rolled his eyes at your concern, but held your hand tighter as he finished his sentence, averting his gaze with a melancholic look. He looked at you again sighing. “How did you get over your last breakup?”
“Um… not healthily. I almost sold my company.”
And so for the next hour, you told Yoongi of how messed up your previous relationship had made you. You don’t think you had talked about it in depth about your breakup with Beomseok for years now, but somehow drunk off extremely expensive whiskey and extremely cheap soju it felt natural to share the details about your most toxic relationship with Yoongi. Beomseok and you met when you were initially still in Canada, visiting Seoul in hopes of expanding. You were busy and he tried to help you as you adjusted to a new country, but as your relationship grew so did his tendency to ensure you relied on him. As hard as it was to admit to Yoongi, Beomseok had made you dependent on him, so much so that when he left you after two years of you accommodating him, you broke down. You started having terrible anxiety, using alcohol and cigarettes to take the edge off. Panic attacks became the norm so much so that you had contemplated leaving your position. You couldn’t see your friends, worked from home, and just buried yourself away. It took half a year of self destructive behaviour and for you to wake up in a bed with someone you didn’t remember to knock some sense into you and get yourself into therapy. Yoongi then talked about his own relationship issues, the two of you bonding over your struggles with mental health and shitty coping mechanisms. It was weird to think that Yoongi hadn’t been one of your close friends before this night.
It was around two in the morning by the time Yoongi left and you felt the emotions of the night catch up to you. You hadn’t thought about Beomseok in years, and thinking about him made you feel extremely sad for past you. You didn’t deserve how he treated you and you wished you could go back in time and shake some sense into yourself, and save the heartbreak. Lying in bed, drunk and emotional, you mourned for your old self and her faith in the world. However, looking at your phone you saw the photo of you and Namjoon - him standing behind you with his arm on your shoulder as he pretends to take a bite off your cheek as you grimace - and you were reminded that you were in a much better place now with a much better man. To say you looked forward to Namjoon returning tomorrow would be an understatement.
Namjoon: I’m back!!! Namjoon: I miss you!!! Namjoon: Come over!!! Namjoon: I’m cooking for you!!! Y/N: Um… should I call poison control now or later? Namjoon: I’m back after almost a week and this is the welcome I get? Y/N: Babeeeee you know I love you! Namjoon: Prove it. Eat the pasta I’m making Y/N: Did anyone at least help you cook it? Namjoon: IT’S GOING TO BE GOOD. COME OVER. Y/N: Ok ok. No need to yell… Namjoon: Good. See you in an hour? Namjoon: I’m at the dorms btw Y/N: See you soon jooooooonie Y/N: I miss you too btw Namjoon: I love you too btw
You punched the code to the dorm and were greeted by a very excited Moni as you entered. The white dog jumping up at your legs, his tail wagging wildly behind him. You bent down in the entryway to give him a few scratches behind his ears, cooing and calling him a good boy.
“All this love for Moni, what about Joonie? I’m a good boy too!” You heard Namjoon shout out as you made your way through the large living room towards the kitchen, Moni playfully following.
“Aww is my good boy jealous?” You set your eyes on your boyfriend huddled over a cutting board, concentrating hard on cutting what seemed to be garlic, his jaw set. Namjoon was dressed in a blue overalls under which he wore a black sweater, the hood atop his head, the hair of which was now back to his natural dark brown, his nose scrunched as he attempted to keep his glasses from slipping. You don’t know if it was not seeing him for a while or the fact that he looked so cuddly, but you felt butterflies, your stomach somersaulting. You hadn’t felt them since the beginning of your relationship, and you were a bit unnerved that he still had that effect on you six months later.
“Holy shit. You look like a hot minion!” You almost yelled as you walked towards him, startling him enough to look at you with wide eyes under his black rimmed glasses and yelp.
“Don’t scare me like that! I almost cut my hand off!” He tried to glare at you but was soon smiling widely as you ducked under his arm to stand directly in front of him between the counter, putting your arms around his neck as you pulled him into a kiss. It felt amazing to have his plush lips against yours again, his familiar scent enveloping your senses till it felt like you were drunk off of him.
“I missed you,” you whispered against his lips. Your hands found your elbows as you pulled him in closer and deepened the kiss, making him moan, his tongue massaging yours as his hands went to your hips, pulling you to him. Before you could lose all your senses you felt a sharp poke on your lower back, and you reluctantly pulled away to look behind you.
“Joonie! You’re still holding the knife!” You said in alarm as his eyes widened again and he dropped it on the counter immediately before looking at you sheepishly and apologizing. “Control yourself. I don’t want to spend the night in the hospital!”
“Then stop distracting me! Go sit there and watch me make you the best pasta of your life.” He smirked and his eyes followed as you moved around the island to sit at the stool, bending down to pet Moni as he settled at your feet. Namjoon knew he was a terrible cook, but he had spent the time at home perfecting this recipe, subjecting his mom to the first few horrible tries, till he figured it out. It was a simple five ingredient dish but it was the first he’d learn and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to impress you. You always cooked for him, from experimental recipes you had found online to traditional Korean food that was second best only to his mom’s, and though he was always happy to do the dishes, he wanted your reunion to be special. He cooked almost quietly, blushing slightly at your words and looks of encouragement, plating it like restaurants would before placing it on the dining table and sitting next to you with a bottle of wine, anticipating your reaction.
“What the fuck? You can cook!” you exclaim as you dig in for another bite. Namjoon lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he grinned at his success, finally digging into his meal. “I love the garlic. But damn, is this your way of telling me you don’t wanna kiss tonight?”
“Baby, I find even your gross morning breath irresistible, a little garlic’s not gonna stop me.” he laughed and you scowled at him, nudging him with your shoulder, as he leaned over to peck your lips. You weren’t trying to placate Namjoon, this pasta was absolutely delicious, the right amount of seasoning and everything. It warmed your heart that despite his firestarter tendencies he went through the effort to make you a home cooked meal.
As you ate, you talked about your days apart. You recovered from your cold within a day and had been back at work, and even though he scolded you for going back too fast Namjoon loved the way your eyes lit up when you talked about how you had managed to renew a contract with a client today, switching the period from their usual 1 year to 5 years. You had been working on this for a whole month, taking it upon yourself to attend meetings with not only the directors of this company but even the interns. He squealed with you at your success, high-fiving you and finding your excitement extremely adorable. You also talked about how after two bottles of soju Yoongi had finally admitted you were now his closest female friend and he agreed that you both should now tease him about it relentlessly.
Namjoon told you about how excited everyone was to have him home for that extended period of time, and how healing it was to be around them after the cacophony of tour. Apparently his sister had recently started learning how to make loom bracelets and he showed off the purple one on his wrist, telling you about how he had a matching one for you in his bag. Namjoon looked refreshed and you were glad you convinced him to spend the extra time home. He had also managed to bring back another bonsai tree to add to his collection, taking the time to explain how in a few years he could potentially tap the mini maple for some syrup. The image of your clumsy boyfriend trying to tap a tiny tree made you laugh. As the conversation continued and you both finished your food, you saw his mood dip a little. You silently lean forward cupping his face, as he nuzzles into your touch.
“My beautiful, hardworking boy. What’s wrong?” You coo with a soft smile on your face as your thumbs stroked his cheekbones and he pouts exaggeratedly before his hands go around your waist pulling you into his lap.
“I missed you.” He whispers as he nuzzles his face in your chest, his arms tightening around you. Namjoon felt cocooned in your sweet floral vanilla scent, and even though he’d been home just this morning, this felt like home too - just being in your embrace. He felt his heart swell with adoration as you stroked his hair slowly, whispering affirmations into his ear, slowly forgetting his worries about not spending enough time with you.
Usually when you both met after being apart, it was all desperation to get naked, but for the first time this felt much more intimate. He could hear your heartbeat and it soothed him. He suddenly envisioned both of you old and weathered in each other’s arms and he couldn’t fight the grin that made it on his face. He showered you in kisses, moving from your chest to your neck to your jaw and finally to your lips, where he stayed, kissing you firmly as his arms wind tighter around your waist. You lost yourself in his touch, wanting nothing more to be consumed by him as you tugged lightly at his hair, swallowing his moans. Before things could escalate you get startled by a loud thud.
“Wow! Right where we eat!” Jimin clicked his tongue in disapproval, as you both sheepishly stared at him.
“Noona!” Jungkook exclaimed as he came over to Namjoon and you, dragging you into a hug as he kissed the top of both of your heads. The two men seemed overly excited, and as Namjoon explained to you how he thought he was alone in the dorms tonight since no one has been around in weeks, the two interrupted to say that they had come to start a movie marathon, hoping to stay up all night since they had the day off tomorrow to marathon the Batman franchise as they had a bet going on as which one was the best.
“Do you guys want to join us?” Jimin asked politely as he munched on leftover pasta on the table. You excitedly opened your mouth to speak but before you could get a word out, Namjoon looked at you sternly.
“Nope.” He refused the boys as he looked at you, leaning in close to whisper in your ear before he nipped at it. “Baby, ignore your obsession with Batman. I want my dessert.” His voice was a few octaves lower than usual and his words made you shiver, a blush creeping up your face as a nervous giggle escaped your lips. Maybe you could skip rewatching these old movies, just once.
Bidding a quick goodbye to the boys and ignoring their smirks, you both made your way to Namjoon’s room. As soon as you were out of sight, Namjoon pulled you into another kiss, slotting your lower lip between his, making your heart race as he walked you down the hallway towards his room. You almost tripped over his bags haphazardly strewn in front of his door.
“Sorry, didn’t have time to go to my room yet.” He chuckled against your lips as his grip on your hips stabilized you. You giggled as you turned around to open his door, his lips on your neck instantaneously as he rubbed his growing bulge against your butt. His touch had you breathless as you moved in his room, Moni following closely behind you. Removing himself from you he picked up his dog and moved him outside murmuring an apology to the whining canine as he shut the door.
Without wasting any time, he pinned you against the door, your makeout session getting heavy. Your eyes were screwed shut as you mewled, his lips along your neck igniting a fire in you. Your hands moved from his hair to the buckles of his overalls, snapping them off as they fell to the ground unceremoniously. “Oh look! Easy access!” you exclaimed as he smiled against your skin.
His lips met yours again, his hands kneading the flesh of your sides under your shirt. You could kiss him like this forever, the way his tongue explores your mouth as if he doesn’t already know every crevice of your body, as if he’s worshipping you. His kiss slows down, turning from a sloppy fiery heat to intentional moves made to make you moan as he moves you towards the bed, dropping you to the middle as soon as your knees hit the back of the bed. He stands above you removing his shirt with one hand as you move backwards and soon he’s slotting himself between you.
“Fuck I love you.” He whispers as he kisses your cheek, moving towards your ear. You moan loudly as he grinds against you. Your hands run over his back, feeling the muscles as he continues to kiss your neck, biting it before soothing it with wide licks of his tongue. You used to be embarrassed by the marks he left behind but somehow as time passed you craved them. Jiyoung had even nicknamed him your vampire, and you’d be lying if that didn’t make you giddy.
Realizing you were still fully dressed you pushed at his chest, making him lie next to you as you straddled him, one of your knees almost slipping off the edge of the bed. You giggle at your clumsiness as he holds your hips to steady you and you slowly unbutton your shirt. As your skin becomes visible he runs his hands up your stomach to your chest, squeezing each breast as he reaches your neck before pulling your face to his.
“Mhmm… my pretty girl.” He almost growls as he pulls you into another heated kiss, his hands cupping your face as you grind on him. Suddenly you feel a tug at your hair, making you moan into his mouth, breaking the kiss. Before you know it you are on the floor, laughing at your clumsiness as you see his confused face, eyes still closed, lips puckered.
However, your laughter dies as you hear a loud screech. That’s when you feel that your hair was still being tugged as you looked up to see a tall, bulky woman, probably in her late thirties calling you a slut. Before you can even register what is happening you feel a sharp pain across your face as you realize you’ve just been punched. You taste the iron before you notice drops of bright red on your chest.
You cup your nose with one hand as you hear chaos ensue. Namjoon yelling your name as Moni barks loudly outside the room. You are aware that you are still lying on the floor but your eyes refuse to open as you hear scuffling before the door being slammed and Jungkook’s voice.
Everything’s a blur and you hear a loud blood curdling scream. Before you can register that that noise came from your mouth you hear your arm snap just as the most pain you have ever felt in your life turns your arm numb. You don’t remember much after, only grunts and shouts of your name. The last thing you hear is Namjoon’s voice calling your name repeatedly as he holds your head.
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joheun-saram · 4 years
To Make A Power Couple (knj) | 6
Chapter 6: Garlic Pasta and I miss you-s
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Summary- Namjoon visits his parents and Yoongi and Y/N bond over their past.
word count- 4.5k
pairing- idol!namjoon x ceo!reader
rating- R
genre- series, fluff, angst, action, slightly smutty, strangers2lovers
warnings- drinking, talk of mental health and panic attacks, violence, blood, stalker
a.n- sorry for this chapter being late! i had major burn out this last few weeks but I finally got it out. Tell me what you think!
taglist - @beach-bitch-bitch-beach, @sscheherazadee, @rjsmochii , @jinjccns​ , @joyful-jimin @sideblogger @agustdpeach @diamonddia-mond
“I hate you Kim Namjoon! Get out!”
Namjoon looks at you with an amused smile as he drops his bags at the door of your bedroom. You’re sitting in your bed, your comforter fully around you, even on top of your head, as you loudly blow your nose, some show blaring on the television. Even though he feels bad about passing on his cold to you, he can’t help but find your red nose and whining adorable. The past few months since Namjoon returned from tour had been few of the best you’d had in Korea. Although you both still had remarkably busy schedules, you had found a routine of spending time together at least once a week, usually ending your Saturdays together to spend as much of the Sunday together as possible. It didn’t matter how you spent your time, whether it was spent going out on dates or sitting silently reading or cuddling, all that mattered was that you were together. 
“Aw baby, I’m sorry!” He sat on the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms around your burittoed body. He kissed all over your face obnoxiously, much to your chagrin as you groaned and tried to get him off you, worried to get your snot on him. “Okay. Tell you what. I’ll cancel going to my parents and stay here to take care of you!” He punctuated that with another kiss on your lips. Hey, he’d already suffered through this cold, might as well take advantage of being able to be near you now.
“No! Shut up! You’re not cancelling.” Since things were slower at work, the company had decided to give Namjoon and the boys the week off. He had spent the first day with you, going to the most recent Ji Hye Yeom exhibit yesterday, and was going to go visit his family for the next four days. When Namjoon told you he was planning to spend the majority of his vacation with his parents, he was bracing himself for a negative reaction, a learned response from his previous relationship. His ex would always hate that he would visit his family for extended periods when he got time off and wouldn’t prioritize his relationship with her. He was surprised and relieved to hear you not only excited that he was visiting family but encouraging him to spend more time, upping his initial ask of two days to four. He liked that you always encouraged him to call his mom when he was on tour, as did his mom, so much so that she had started to say ‘my beautiful daughter’ whenever she referred to you in front of him.
Namjoon stood up as he watched you rant about the importance of visiting family, one arm out from your duvet heaven as you waved it about to emphasize your points. He almost giggled at how endearing you looked sniffling through your tirade, hair a mess and voice a little hoarse. Taking off his jeans to get comfortable, he chuckled at your wide eyes and dramatic gasp.
“No! We’re not having sex right now you maniac!” You whine as you lie down with the covers over your head. Namjoon gets into bed, pulling the comforter from over you to sneak inside, his arms snaking around your grumbling form to pull him to his chest. Although you complained, you snuggled into him, feeling the safe comfort that only Namjoon provided you.
“I just wanna nap with you before I leave.” He kissed the top of your head as he tangled your legs with his. You poked your head up from where it was hiding in his chest to look up at his smiling face as he cupped your cheek to place a chaste kiss on your lips. Caressing the skin once he leans away, he looks at you adoringly.  “Sorry for getting you sick, baby.”
“Your boyfriend is a tyrant. Please never get sick again.” Yoongi took off his beanie and mask and shook his head to fluff his hair as you went through your phone to finish placing the order for takeout. After talking to Namjoon about how you had spent all of yesterday recovering, and even facetiming to ensure him that you were fit enough to be working again, he still didn’t believe you, forcing the only member of his band that was in Seoul during his vacation to make sure you were truly alright. You would be annoyed if your heart didn’t skip a beat at his overt concern. You were glad to spend time with Yoongi - he was pretty similar to you and you both had been slacking on hanging out lately. A few months ago you had decided to host a whiskey exchange where you would share bottles of your favourite liquor together, only for it to fall apart after two hangouts due to your busy schedules and Yoongi’s new relationship. It was nice to be in his company again, his mellow energy a great contrast to your usually loud friends.
“What did he say?” You question, laughing. Yoongi had called Namjoon many funny nicknames before but hearing him call him a tyrant made you laugh, picturing your boyfriend getting stern and demanding someone pay you a visit. 
“You wanna see?” Yoongi chuckled as he pulled his phone out, navigating to the group chat and handing it to you. You couldn’t help but smile as you read Namjoon pleading to the group to check in on you, asking if anyone was around. Yoongi said he was around but refused only to relent once the other boys pressured him and Namjoon pulled in a favour Yoongi owed him from 2015.
“Ooof. Honestly, it’s not that bad. Good to know Jungkook would literally kill for me though, and that you hate to hang out with me.” You threw an ice cube at him from where you were putting them in your glasses. 
“He wouldn’t. He’s just a suck up.” He dodged your attack, sticking his tongue out in triumph. “And you know I had to make Namjoon suffer a bit.”
Rolling your eyes at him as he smirked, you watched him pull out his bottle from his backpack. Your Craigellachie 16 no match for his Glenfiddich 30, you chastised him for buying such an expensive bottle for just the exchange. However, you were not going to say no to a glass of that and the two of you sat in a comfortable silence as you enjoyed your drinks. You were the first to break the silence. 
“How’s your bae?”
“Oh haven’t you heard? Bae is no more! Broke my heart and left me to suffer.” Yoongi scowled as he dramatically grabbed his chest, before downing his drink. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought he was joking but his usual deadpan was missing. 
“Shit… I’m sorry Yoongs.” You looked at him softly, making him scoff.
“It’s fine. Going to get a sick album out of this.” Yoongi waved you off, as he reached in his backpack again to bring out three bottles of soju. “Let’s get drunk!”
“That’s… one way of looking at things. You want to talk about it?” You knew he didn’t want to talk about it, it was probably still fresh and you didn’t want to impose but you wanted to give him the opportunity to share if he wanted to.
“Nah it’s fine. It was the usual anyways. ‘You’re always busy.’ ‘Why won’t you share your feelings with me?’ ‘Do you love me more or your career?’ I say good riddance.” He scoffed once again as he poured himself some more whiskey, sipping it blissfully.
“Well good to know you’re not hiding your pain.” You narrowed your eyes at him, but decided to get drunk with him anyways, taking up his offer to refill your glass. You had an extremely light day at work tomorrow with it being Friday and all, plus you knew that once Yoongi got drunk he would tell you how he was feeling. He was a very talkative drunk.
“Oh you know it. I’m nothing if not in touch with my feelings!”
Soon you and Yoongi were wasted, sitting on opposite ends of your couch as the television played the ‘important videos’ playlist on Youtube, laughing maniacally at each random short video that popped up. The food you had ordered was sitting on the coffee table, half eaten and getting cold. Having not heard Yoongi’s giggle in a while you looked away from the screen to see him staring into space, a slight frown on his lips.
“Dude. You good?” You poked him with your foot to break him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah. Sorry just realized I’m single again. Fuck.” He looked at you with wide eyes, as if he had just had an epiphany. You frowned at him, sad that he was feeling this way. In the past six months, you had come to learn that although Yoongi often talked about how much he loved being alone, in reality he put a lot of pressure on himself to find someone to be with.
“You know you’re worth more than a relationship, right?” You placed your hand on his, smiling reassuringly.
“Don’t go all Dr. Phil on me. I’m not that sad. It was like two months but it felt nice to call someone mine, you know?” He rolled his eyes at your concern, but held your hand tighter as he finished his sentence, averting his gaze with a melancholic look. He looked at you again sighing. “How did you get over your last breakup?”
“Um… not healthily. I almost sold my company.”
And so for the next hour, you told Yoongi of how messed up your previous relationship had made you. You don’t think you had talked about it in depth about your breakup with Beomseok for years now, but somehow drunk off extremely expensive whiskey and extremely cheap soju it felt natural to share the details about your most toxic relationship with Yoongi. Beomseok and you met when you were initially still in Canada, visiting Seoul in hopes of expanding. You were busy and he tried to help you as you adjusted to a new country, but as your relationship grew so did his tendency to ensure you relied on him. As hard as it was to admit to Yoongi, Beomseok had made you dependent on him, so much so that when he left you after two years of you accommodating him, you broke down. You started having terrible anxiety, using alcohol and cigarettes to take the edge off. Panic attacks became the norm so much so that you had contemplated leaving your position. You couldn’t see your friends, worked from home, and just buried yourself away. It took half a year of self destructive behaviour and for you to wake up in a bed with someone you didn’t remember to knock some sense into you and get yourself into therapy. Yoongi then talked about his own relationship issues, the two of you bonding over your struggles with mental health and shitty coping mechanisms. It was weird to think that Yoongi hadn’t been one of your close friends before this night.
It was around two in the morning by the time Yoongi left and you felt the emotions of the night catch up to you. You hadn’t thought about Beomseok in years, and thinking about him made you feel extremely sad for past you. You didn’t deserve how he treated you and you wished you could go back in time and shake some sense into yourself, and save the heartbreak. Lying in bed, drunk and emotional, you mourned for your old self and her faith in the world. However, looking at your phone you saw the photo of you and Namjoon - him standing behind you with his arm on your shoulder as he pretends to take a bite off your cheek as you grimace - and you were reminded that you were in a much better place now with a much better man. To say you looked forward to Namjoon returning tomorrow would be an understatement.
Namjoon: I’m back!!!
Namjoon: I miss you!!!
Namjoon: Come over!!!
Namjoon: I’m cooking for you!!!
Y/N: Um… should I call poison control now or later?
Namjoon: I’m back after almost a week and this is the welcome I get?
Y/N: Babeeeee you know I love you!
Namjoon: Prove it. Eat the pasta I’m making
Y/N: Did anyone at least help you cook it?
Y/N: Ok ok. No need to yell...
Namjoon: Good. See you in an hour?
Namjoon: I’m at the dorms btw
Y/N: See you soon jooooooonie
Y/N: I miss you too btw
Namjoon: I love you too btw
You punched the code to the dorm and were greeted by a very excited Moni as you entered. The white dog jumping up at your legs, his tail wagging wildly behind him. You bent down in the entryway to give him a few scratches behind his ears, cooing and calling him a good boy. 
“All this love for Moni, what about Joonie? I’m a good boy too!” You heard Namjoon shout out as you made your way through the large living room towards the kitchen, Moni playfully following. 
“Aww is my good boy jealous?” You set your eyes on your boyfriend huddled over a cutting board, concentrating hard on cutting what seemed to be garlic, his jaw set. Namjoon was dressed in a blue overalls under which he wore a black sweater, the hood atop his head, the hair of which was now back to his natural dark brown, his nose scrunched as he attempted to keep his glasses from slipping. You don’t know if it was not seeing him for a while or the fact that he looked so cuddly, but you felt butterflies, your stomach somersaulting. You hadn’t felt them since the beginning of your relationship, and you were a bit unnerved that he still had that effect on you six months later. 
“Holy shit. You look like a hot minion!” You almost yelled as you walked towards him, startling him enough to look at you with wide eyes under his black rimmed glasses and yelp.
“Don’t scare me like that! I almost cut my hand off!” He tried to glare at you but was soon smiling widely as you ducked under his arm to stand directly in front of him between the counter, putting your arms around his neck as you pulled him into a kiss. It felt amazing to have his plush lips against yours again, his familiar scent enveloping your senses till it felt like you were drunk off of him. 
“I missed you,” you whispered against his lips. Your hands found your elbows as you pulled him in closer and deepened the kiss, making him moan, his tongue massaging yours as his hands went to your hips, pulling you to him. Before you could lose all your senses you felt a sharp poke on your lower back, and you reluctantly pulled away to look behind you.
“Joonie! You’re still holding the knife!” You said in alarm as his eyes widened again and he dropped it on the counter immediately before looking at you sheepishly and apologizing. “Control yourself. I don’t want to spend the night in the hospital!”
“Then stop distracting me! Go sit there and watch me make you the best pasta of your life.” He smirked and his eyes followed as you moved around the island to sit at the stool, bending down to pet Moni as he settled at your feet. Namjoon knew he was a terrible cook, but he had spent the time at home perfecting this recipe, subjecting his mom to the first few horrible tries, till he figured it out. It was a simple five ingredient dish but it was the first he’d learn and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to impress you. You always cooked for him, from experimental recipes you had found online to traditional Korean food that was second best only to his mom’s, and though he was always happy to do the dishes, he wanted your reunion to be special. He cooked almost quietly, blushing slightly at your words and looks of encouragement, plating it like restaurants would before placing it on the dining table and sitting next to you with a bottle of wine, anticipating your reaction.
“What the fuck? You can cook!” you exclaim as you dig in for another bite. Namjoon lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he grinned at his success, finally digging into his meal. “I love the garlic. But damn, is this your way of telling me you don’t wanna kiss tonight?”
“Baby, I find even your gross morning breath irresistible, a little garlic’s not gonna stop me.” he laughed and you scowled at him, nudging him with your shoulder, as he leaned over to peck your lips. You weren’t trying to placate Namjoon, this pasta was absolutely delicious, the right amount of seasoning and everything. It warmed your heart that despite his firestarter tendencies he went through the effort to make you a home cooked meal.
As you ate, you talked about your days apart. You recovered from your cold within a day and had been back at work, and even though he scolded you for going back too fast Namjoon loved the way your eyes lit up when you talked about how you had managed to renew a contract with a client today, switching the period from their usual 1 year to 5 years. You had been working on this for a whole month, taking it upon yourself to attend meetings with not only the directors of this company but even the interns. He squealed with you at your success, high-fiving you and finding your excitement extremely adorable. You also talked about how after two bottles of soju Yoongi had finally admitted you were now his closest female friend and he agreed that you both should now tease him about it relentlessly.
Namjoon told you about how excited everyone was to have him home for that extended period of time, and how healing it was to be around them after the cacophony of tour. Apparently his sister had recently started learning how to make loom bracelets and he showed off the purple one on his wrist, telling you about how he had a matching one for you in his bag. Namjoon looked refreshed and you were glad you convinced him to spend the extra time home. He had also managed to bring back another bonsai tree to add to his collection, taking the time to explain how in a few years he could potentially tap the mini maple for some syrup. The image of your clumsy boyfriend trying to tap a tiny tree made you laugh. As the conversation continued and you both finished your food, you saw his mood dip a little. You silently lean forward cupping his face, as he nuzzles into your touch.
“My beautiful, hardworking boy. What’s wrong?” You coo with a soft smile on your face as your thumbs stroked his cheekbones and he pouts exaggeratedly before his hands go around your waist pulling you into his lap.
“I missed you.” He whispers as he nuzzles his face in your chest, his arms tightening around you. Namjoon felt cocooned in your sweet floral vanilla scent, and even though he’d been home just this morning, this felt like home too - just being in your embrace. He felt his heart swell with adoration as you stroked his hair slowly, whispering affirmations into his ear, slowly forgetting his worries about not spending enough time with you. 
Usually when you both met after being apart, it was all desperation to get naked, but for the first time this felt much more intimate. He could hear your heartbeat and it soothed him. He suddenly envisioned both of you old and weathered in each other’s arms and he couldn’t fight the grin that made it on his face. He showered you in kisses, moving from your chest to your neck to your jaw and finally to your lips, where he stayed, kissing you firmly as his arms wind tighter around your waist. You lost yourself in his touch, wanting nothing more to be consumed by him as you tugged lightly at his hair, swallowing his moans. Before things could escalate you get startled by a loud thud. 
“Wow! Right where we eat!” Jimin clicked his tongue in disapproval, as you both sheepishly stared at him. 
“Noona!” Jungkook exclaimed as he came over to Namjoon and you, dragging you into a hug as he kissed the top of both of your heads. The two men seemed overly excited, and as Namjoon explained to you how he thought he was alone in the dorms tonight since no one has been around in weeks, the two interrupted to say that they had come to start a movie marathon, hoping to stay up all night since they had the day off tomorrow to marathon the Batman franchise as they had a bet going on as which one was the best.
“Do you guys want to join us?” Jimin asked politely as he munched on leftover pasta on the table. You excitedly opened your mouth to speak but before you could get a word out, Namjoon looked at you sternly.
“Nope.” He refused the boys as he looked at you, leaning in close to whisper in your ear before he nipped at it. “Baby, ignore your obsession with Batman. I want my dessert.” His voice was a few octaves lower than usual and his words made you shiver, a blush creeping up your face as a nervous giggle escaped your lips. Maybe you could skip rewatching these old movies, just once.
Bidding a quick goodbye to the boys and ignoring their smirks, you both made your way to Namjoon’s room. As soon as you were out of sight, Namjoon pulled you into another kiss, slotting your lower lip between his, making your heart race as he walked you down the hallway towards his room. You almost tripped over his bags haphazardly strewn in front of his door.
“Sorry, didn’t have time to go to my room yet.” He chuckled against your lips as his grip on your hips stabilized you. You giggled as you turned around to open his door, his lips on your neck instantaneously as he rubbed his growing bulge against your butt. His touch had you breathless as you moved in his room, Moni following closely behind you. Removing himself from you he picked up his dog and moved him outside murmuring an apology to the whining canine as he shut the door.
Without wasting any time, he pinned you against the door, your makeout session getting heavy. Your eyes were screwed shut as you mewled, his lips along your neck igniting a fire in you. Your hands moved from his hair to the buckles of his overalls, snapping them off as they fell to the ground unceremoniously. “Oh look! Easy access!” you exclaimed as he smiled against your skin.
His lips met yours again, his hands kneading the flesh of your sides under your shirt. You could kiss him like this forever, the way his tongue explores your mouth as if he doesn’t already know every crevice of your body, as if he’s worshipping you. His kiss slows down, turning from a sloppy fiery heat to intentional moves made to make you moan as he moves you towards the bed, dropping you to the middle as soon as your knees hit the back of the bed. He stands above you removing his shirt with one hand as you move backwards and soon he’s slotting himself between you. 
“Fuck I love you.” He whispers as he kisses your cheek, moving towards your ear. You moan loudly as he grinds against you. Your hands run over his back, feeling the muscles as he continues to kiss your neck, biting it before soothing it with wide licks of his tongue. You used to be embarrassed by the marks he left behind but somehow as time passed you craved them. Jiyoung had even nicknamed him your vampire, and you’d be lying if that didn’t make you giddy. 
Realizing you were still fully dressed you pushed at his chest, making him lie next to you as you straddled him, one of your knees almost slipping off the edge of the bed. You giggle at your clumsiness as he holds your hips to steady you and you slowly unbutton your shirt. As your skin becomes visible he runs his hands up your stomach to your chest, squeezing each breast as he reaches your neck before pulling your face to his. 
“Mhmm… my pretty girl.” He almost growls as he pulls you into another heated kiss, his hands cupping your face as you grind on him. Suddenly you feel a tug at your hair, making you moan into his mouth, breaking the kiss. Before you know it you are on the floor, laughing at your clumsiness as you see his confused face, eyes still closed, lips puckered.
However, your laughter dies as you hear a loud screech. That’s when you feel that your hair was still being tugged as you looked up to see a tall, bulky woman, probably in her late thirties calling you a slut. Before you can even register what is happening you feel a sharp pain across your face as you realize you’ve just been punched. You taste the iron before you notice drops of bright red on your chest. 
You cup your nose with one hand as you hear chaos ensue. Namjoon yelling your name as Moni barks loudly outside the room. You are aware that you are still lying on the floor but your eyes refuse to open as you hear scuffling before the door being slammed and Jungkook’s voice. 
Everything’s a blur and you hear a loud blood curdling scream. Before you can register that that noise came from your mouth you hear your arm snap just as the most pain you have ever felt in your life turns your arm numb. You don’t remember much after, only grunts and shouts of your name. The last thing you hear is Namjoon’s voice calling your name repeatedly as he holds your head.
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uwua3 · 4 years
that taichi headcannon for jealousy broke my heart :( could you do one where he finds another person? one that makes him laugh, ruffles his hair, games with him etc~ a happier one!
oh no!!! i’m so sorry here u go *offers u a new, super cool heart that is angst–proof* ♡ yes, i definitely want taichi to find ~ love ~ like he deserves because he’s such a puppy 🥺 i adore him endlessly so him having a happy alternative is Required Immediately!
summary: love came in many forms—including platonic best friends
warnings: heartbreak, unrequited love
author’s note: i actually went a bit more different route with this! i know this prompt typically means a romantic love, but i didn’t really feel like it would fit. this is a best friend! reader x taichi, and i am so happy with the message in this! go best friends!!!
love is love and you shouldn’t have to rush into a relationship to find it. your friends love you, and although it’s not the same, it’s more than enough ♡ love isn’t just what you do for others, so don’t try so hard to be loved. people will love you for you, not whatever romantic movie–based idea you have of them. i hope you know you are loved. i love you ♡
word count: 2,106
music: ily (i love you baby) – surf mesa ft. emilee
a skater gets back up.
🍁🛹 nanao taichi
taichi missed being in love
he missed writing all those heart–shaped love letters made of pink construction paper and his exaggerated, overwhelming feelings with red pen. he’d write their name in pretty cursive that took so many tries, he dotted the i’s with hearts, he color–coded it so well that it was just an explosion of valentine’s day
he missed dedicating his favorite songs to them, hearing it randomly in his shuffled mix and immediately thinking of them. he missed explaining what the songs meant, feeling all types of love when he repeated them over and over again
he missed creating playlists with them in his mind, forming it so it flowed perfectly and it was like he handcrafted the album himself. he missed sending the link and listening to it on repeat like a lovesick fool
he missed sending good morning/night texts, putting all his time aside just to fall head over heels again like he was on his skateboard. taichi knew he was a good boyfriend, that he loved with all of his heart and his feelings were real. but, he missed all of it, he missed love so much. taichi needed love
(it was so fucked up, but taichi sometimes listened to all the music he dedicated to them at night and stared up at his dark bedroom ceiling, crying just wishing he didn’t break it off. that he kept the toxic relationship going for just a bit more, just for the attention. he missed them)
so, taichi knew what he had to do. he actively started looking for love, not caring if he was going to get hurt again or if his heart was weak and broken from his last situation
(taichi’s reliance on love was so unhealthy, that even his friends got tired of his whining and eventually stopped communicating back when he went on a rant again)
(taichi didn’t mind, his dependency and need to be someone’s and be their one & only was too strong for him to even consider any other rational solution)
but you, you came out of no where
taichi was busy scrolling through his instagram following list, trying to find out if anyone cute was single. he could slide into their DMs with a fun message, be as enthusiastic as possible to avoid being left on seen. he was considering if he should start a digital conversation as he rode home from school
(he wasn’t the best multitasker. taichi was skating to the dorms, texting on his phone without looking up. he was casually skating before bam! he hit a curb, tumbling to the pavement as his phone flew a few feet away)
taichi groaned, knowing he was going to get scolded and laughed at by autumn troupe the moment he showed up to the dorms like he lost in a fight. as he moved to lay on his back, taichi rubbed his eyes as the sunlight was suddenly blocked from his vision
taichi opened his eyes and looked up, you were looking over him with wide, concerned eyes as you were saying something about first aid and asking if he was okay. taichi just blinked, not hearing you over the ringing in his ears as he stared at your face
you were cute! this could work, taichi just had to say some clever pick–up line you’d like. you would maybe find it so witty that you’d give him your number, you two would walk, form a momentary bond where he’d fall in love, and then you’d leave. taichi couldn’t believe fate finally recognized he needed a partner so it made him fall for them instead (literally)
taichi was about to open his mouth before you took his hand and pulled him up, helping him stand and he stared at your face, trying to process the situation. why were you helping? were you interested? did you want to go on a date? taichi blushed, never having someone ever be this direct to him
in reality, taichi’s sense of perception and reading between the lines was so warped. taichi romanticized his entire life, the way you touched his arm and made sure a completely random stranger was okay. this had to be the universe’s calling! but really, he just fell in love with everyone he met and pretended like his soulmate was out there
(maybe, this was all just an elaborate game to prove to himself that someone could love him. maybe, taichi just wanted to be worthy of someone’s love)
last time, he purposely fell off his skateboard to get a person’s attention. but this time, you were the one who came over to help. maybe, this could be different
“hey, hey! are you okay?!”
when the ringing subsided and he could pick up on your voice, taichi kicked his board up and swung it in his open backpack, putting his free hand out as he grinned like he didn’t just embarrass himself in front of you
“nanao taichi, great to meet you!” he exclaimed, smiling like his elbows weren’t scraped or his uniform was in desperate need of an ironing. he had a dull headache and he needed an ice pack for that bruise on his hip, but he looked so happy
you carefully took his hand, shaking it as you warily wondered how could someone be this happy after crashing like that (it was honestly a wreck, he looked like he could’ve died from the way he landed)
you said your name and the rest was history as he picked up his phone, wincing at the cracked screen, as he asked for your number
from there on, it was the start of a healthy friendship. at first, taichi tried to force this image he had onto you, convinced the timeline was basically telling him he had to do everything in his power to fall in love. but you shut him down quickly, emphasizing you guys were only friends and you weren’t about to risk this great friendship for some fling taichi wanted
honestly, it was for the best. taichi respected your boundaries and backed down (especially after you were adamant on not entering a fake relationship for the attention). when taichi took off his rose–tinted glasses and realized not every relationship he had meant pursuing some fantasy of love only he could imagine, your friendship with him became even better
taichi wrote you letters when he genuinely meant them, not because he felt like he was obligated to. sometimes, when he was so appreciative of how much you were there for him, he wrote pages of what you meant to him. they weren’t heart–shaped, but it had even more meaning because you actually read them and ruffled his hair, saying he was the bestest friend ever
you loved it! even though, he didn’t try as hard as he always did. he wrote your name normally, but you still smiled when you read it. he didn’t dot his i’s with hearts, but you still joked about how messy his handwriting was, and it didn’t bother him! it wasn’t perfect nor a representation of his lovey–dovey heart, but you loved it more than anyone else he ever did it for in his past
(his heart swelled with pride, not because he did something romantic, but because it made you happy. taichi was happy you felt loved, and were loved. was that the true purpose of letters? taichi didn’t think he could’ve wrote letters that were just plain without all the love clichés in the world, but you enjoyed them just the same without the flowery language)
taichi even sent you songs he knew you would love. you always listened to them, even sent back feedback about what you liked. but, taichi didn’t think it was romantic in any way. you appreciated that he took his time to send you something he associated with you. you always sent one back, but it wasn’t random, he always had on repeat whatever you chose because it fit him so well
he even remembered the first time he created a playlist for you on your birthday, selecting the same amount of songs as your age with thoughtful consideration. but this time, he didn’t go overboard and nitpicked at every single beat and rhythm. he just picked songs that made him think of you in a random order, and you still loved it. you even sent a video of you listening to it and shooting a thumbs up to the camera
(taichi’s heart doubled in size. you knew him so well! you knew what he liked and always paid attention to his likes & dislikes just like he did with you! you put in just as much effort with him, you really tried in this friendship and it wasn’t for the gifts he’d shower his future significant other with)
taichi always said good morning/night to you, but you didn’t yell at him when he forgot sometimes. you always said it back and even texted him first on occassion
(his heart was truly overwhelmed with all the subtle love you showed him. for once in his life, taichi felt like this was love. but he didn’t have to follow every romance movie’s rules or imitate every protagonist ever to get that love, all he did was be his true, authentic self)
taichi stopped himself from forcing love onto everyone he met. on nights when he felt like texting his ex again, or rekindling old relationships that didn’t work out for a reason, you stayed up with him, reminding him how much pain he went through and he couldn’t just put himself through hell again
taichi had to accept not everyone was his soulmate–to–be, that maybe this wasn’t his time to be in love. it took so much time to know that he’d rather be in love for a very long time than in short bursts
(not because it was more romantic, but he deserved a long–term, stable relationship that wasn’t just him begging for validation)
you taught him he was more than the people who played him in the past. he couldn’t sink to their level and start messing around just for the satisfaction, he would fall in love with someone right and it would be all worth it
(you two even once got into an argument. when taichi was going on and on about wanting a partner, you cut him off angrily, frustrated he wasn’t listening to your pleas for him to stop. you were so confused why he kept doing this to himself on purpose and if he was going to turn into some player. he kept ignoring you, whining about some partner before you gave up, telling him you couldn’t handle it today)
(that’s what it took for him to snap back to reality, taichi apologized immediately and tried his best to avoid ranting so much. at the end, you were always right and wanted the best for him. taichi had to accept that)
you provided taichi with real love that wasn’t because because he did all these romantic things, it was because you liked him for him. he stopped trying to see you as a potential lover and loved you as a friend, and that was more than enough
taichi had skateboarded to your house, rapidly knocking on your door as you came outside to see him with a boquet of flowers and your favorite candy. your heart dropped, oh no, was he about to confess when you made it clear—
“i love you.” taichi said, passing you the gifts as you stood shocked. you couldn’t believe it, you told him numerous times you two would never be in a relationship like this... you were about to object, reprimand him before he burst out laughing, holding his stomach as he hopped off his board
“oh my god! your face!!!” taichi hollered, trying to contain himself as you smacked his head with your boquet. you were genuinely so freaked out but breathed a sigh of relief once you saw he looked at you the same as before. taichi wasn’t in love with you, but—
“i just came to say i love you, as my best friend. i love you, and you taught me real love. i love you.”
your best friend, taichi, smiled just like that day he fell off his skateboard and scraped up his entire body. you hoped he never changed and stayed the same romantic nutcase as before, but for the right person
as you hugged him, taichi realized he didn’t need a relationship. he needed love, and his best friend was more than enough
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almostshadydelusion · 3 years
yaI was tagged by: @inappropriatefangirlneeds thank you very much, hopefully these answers are as detailed as yours, feel free to tag me anytime.
If I were a month, I’d be : I have a soft spot for December cause it’s my birth month but, October also has a place in my heart. I love Halloween. My problem is that I love American weather assigned to months. December is Summer in Australia but I love the idea of Winter December and snow. October in my country is Spring so allergy season and also what we call swooping seasons. I adore the ideas of falling orange leaves, pumpkins and soft greens. I think the slight chill in the air and softer colour palette match the kind of month I’d be. So, in short I’d be American Autmn. 
If I were a flower, I’d be: I’ve always adored blue and purple flowers so I’ve been researching flower meanings and also considering the general look of the flowers themselves. So far I appreciate Forget-Me-Nots for their well fairly obvious meaning (remembering those we love who are lost). Cornflowers are my favoutire minecraft flower but the historical association with Nazi’s have kind of pushed me away from picking this one. I evetually decided that based on the meaning of the flower I’d be a blue rose (not a natural rose colour), meaning  “ mystery, the impossible, or the unattainable”. As for looks I’d be a  midnight plum mini calla lily, which is said to symbolise fertility, faithfulness and the part I like rebirth. Best of all the website I used told me that blue roses and midnight plum calla lillies compliment each other. 
If I were an album, I’d be : I have a wide taste in music but I’d say I’d be a dramatic/depressing album, maybe with some hopeful songs but not many. I’m torn between Your City Gave Me Asthma by Wlbur Soot, which while I’m not completely in love with all the songs on that album the general soft vibe matches what I want to acheive and also any Cavetown album, I’m leaning towards Sleepyhead but literally Aminal Kingdom and Lemonboy also call to me. 
If I were a mineral, I’d be : I was intending to do a lot more research but, one caught my eye almost immedietly with both the meaning, the historical significance as well the meaning amonst those who deal with crystals and the look of the gem itself. Technically it’s not a mineral but a rock but, I’m putting it down anyway. The most common term for them are apache tears, which are rounded pebbles of obsidian. Spiritually they are apparently used for overcoming depression, bringing greif to the forfront to be dealth with and allows people to  reach a “state of self-realization”. Historically they are named for a tribe of Native Americans who rather then be captured ran after losing a battle, rode their horses off a cliff. 
If I were a sound, I’d be :  the gasping breath before a sob
If I were a colour, I’d be :   #7f1734 ‘Claret’ A deep shade of red that pairs well with darker colours or greys. Interestingly enough my shade and colours I associate with my friends don’t quite fit but neither do any of their colours with the others and yet I love that. 
If I were a drink, I’d be : Something cherry flavoured that’s an acquired taste. If I were an alchohol I’d be, not by choice but if I just were one, I’d be sambuca (a strong flavour that only certain people like). 
If I were a fruit, I’d be : I was stuck reading into fruit appearing in myths but I’ll settle for plum. 
If I were a quote, I’d be :  I don’t remember a lot of quotes particularly long ones.   have a bad memory. I’d like to say I’d be a Pride and Prejudice quote but I don’t think I’m worthy of Austin. I was trying to think of a suitable fandom quote maybe “It was never meant to be” from the Dream smp or “I don’t want to go” from Doctor Who but I think I’ll pick a song lyric. Of course I went straight to Cavetown. “ I wanna make a colour that no one else has seen before. I wanna be so much more.” This is the one that I picked. Though there are so many. He just makes me feel things, sometimes I am so calm listening to him but then sometimes I’m balling my eyes out. 
If I were a television series, I’d be : I want to pick a good one but I don’t think I’m worthy. Maybe a non problematic Gotham but that’s just me projecting. Actually maybe I’d be ‘I Am Not Okay With This’, a beautiful show cancelled for budget cuts after covid but has beautiful representations of mental health, non toxic masculinity and lgbt teens. I think I’d be something that has brillaint gay characters at the very least because that’s very important to me. 
If I were a movie, I’d be : Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It’s brilliant and just my niche. 
If I were a fashion brand, I’d be : Probably a really cheap one that makes sizes for bigger people cause I know the pain of nothing pretty ever fitting.
If I were a mythological creature, I’d be :  I love Medusa but creature wise I’d be Bastet from Merlin. I’ve been obsessed with the winged panther creature for years. here’s what Gaius says about the species  “ The writers of old called this creature a Bastet. A monster of nightmare that inhabits the twilight world between the living and the dead”. 
If I were a taste, I’d be : An acquired one
If I were a scent, I’d be :  Sweet and floral, just enough to entice someone into asking about it but not overly sickly sweet
If I were a fabric, I’d be :  I want to say silk but I think I’d be leather or velvet. Like the pretty leather that one can make pants out of. 
If I were a body part, I’d be :  Back cause I carry a lot of stress
If I were a song: This is difficult. I might pick a Cavetown song but I lean towards She by Dodie Clark. I do like many Cavetown songs but I’ll put down Fool (I am currently listening to it and I just adore it both lyric wise and music wise). Idk either I’d be song about anxiety or being closeted.
If I were a god/goddess, my four attributes would be :  Comfort (I’d want to be Goddess who is there for the vunerable and able to both provide and inspire comfort in self), Attachments (I’d like people to pray for strong platonic attachments to people and animals), Anxiety (I’m a firm believer in the devine having positive and negative traits, I feel like this is a defining traits and the opposite of comfort but that doesn’t mean that people can’t take aspects like overanalysing.) and my final trait would be loss (the other foil to my trait. When to let go of attachments and dealing with loss whether death or other causes).
So, that’s me. 
I’d like to tag (feel free not to do it): @marcceh , @leafenclaw , @yanderebeat
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Here’s the next part of what I like to call “The Taylor Swift song analysis series”! In which I, a German girl majoring in English, attempt to analyse or interpret Taylor’s songs to shed more light on a) her incredible song writing skills and b) songs that are generally very underrated and deserve more attention. (here’s the link to all my song analysis)
Today’s analysis is for State Of Grace. I have actually decided that for now I will be going through the songs on RED chronologically because I have found it to be quite interesting how Taylor tells a story line from basically going from a toxic relationship to trying to get over it to finding something good and right again and I really really want to share my thoughts on it. (also, as always, a short psa that this interpretation is extremely subjective meaning that’s just how I see the song! also that I’m no native speaker so I probably will not be able to get any cultural references in any of Taylor’s songs - but feel free to add them in a reblog :) )
“I’m walking fast through the traffic lights, busy streets and busy lives. And all we know is touch and go” The first verse to me is Taylor’s observation to how everyone deals with love. Here she says everyone is busy and no one has time to really get to know someone, so instead it’s just a process of “touch and go” meaning you physically take what you can from someone for a limited amount of time and when you get bored, you set out to find someone new. Also really interesting because this talks about the issue generally but when we go one with the album tracks, we will also see that it’s really reflexive of what she experienced as well. So although she’s talking about a more general observation, she also recognizes that she belongs to the “we” experiencing these things, too.
“We are alone with our changing minds” People feel lonely, and they freak out if they have to spend too much time inside their minds which are constantly changing and evolving. So to escape that, they search for someone to distract them.
“We fall in love ‘til it hurts, or bleeds, or fades in time” People then fall in love with their entire being, their entire soul and pour everything they’ve got into the other person and stay until it’s way beyond being a good relationship just for the sake of their initial feelings. They stay until they’re hurt, which is something you might more easily recover from then when you stay until you bleed, when the other person has given you a semi-permanent damage to deal with. Or they stay until they feel the love for the other person slowly fade away over time. It also seems to me as if the latter is pointed as something inevitable? But I’m just rambling here.
“And I never saw you coming. And I’ll never be the same.” That’s the thing about falling in love, you can plan for it as much as you want to, but in the end it always hits you at the most unexpected times (which reminds me Of Everything Has Changed but I’ll probably come back to that when I do that song’s analysis). And when you fall in love, when you take that step and decide to be with someone, they will inevitably change you, no matter what, for good or for worse.
“You come around and the armor falls, pierce the room like a cannon ball. Now all we know is don’t let go” This is the moment when the relationship reaches a new depth. Now it’s gone beyond the initial spark, Taylor lets her armor, her walls, fall for this person and opens up to them. “Pierce the room like a cannon ball” makes me feel like it felt like a spark she felt, like that feeling you sometimes get when you suddenly realize how important a person is to you and how much more than you thought before you like them. Now, because they have reached this new depth, she actually really cares about losing this person and really, desperately, wants to stay with them for as long as possible, maybe even forever? (and this later in the album is going to be very problematic)
“We are alone, just you and me, up in your room and our slates are clean: Just twin fire signs, four blue eyes.” The first part kind of gives me the vibe of “me and you against the world no matter what other people say”. They have also accepted their respective roles within the relationship and to me it kind of feels really focused on physical appearance? but that might be reading too much into it. Anyways, we all know that the fire signs refers to their zodiac signs and the eye color is also quite obvious.
“So you were never a saint and I loved in shades of wrongs.” So she knew right from the get-go that this person was probably not good for her (see also: IKYWT) but she tried to justify it by saying that she hasn’t been perfect either so that doesn’t have to mean anything, maybe he could or would do everything right with *her*.
“We learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts, but this love is brave and wild.” This could either refer to their past relationships, how both have been irrevocably hurt by ex-partners but Taylor feels like this love is different. But since it’s written in present tense, I feel like it could also refer to their current relationship? Like already she is getting used to the other person hurting her but, again, justifies staying to herself by telling herself that this love feels different and that has to be a good thing.
“This is a state of grace” Actually had to look up the meaning of that phrase because I’m no native speaker and google told me it’s a “condition of being free from sin” so perhaps she feels like this relationship is perfect, and that it will last forever. But because it’s only a “state” (to go by the literal meaning now) it is already implied that it won’t last forever, despite what she might wish for.
“This is the worthwhile fight” I couldn’t help but notice how often this song draws on fighting imagery. It almost gives me the feeling as if she feels like she has to fight to earn the love of her partner, but she thinks it’ll be worth it since he might be the one.
“Love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right” Basically saying there are no rules when it comes to love but you have to be honest and give it your best, otherwise love is doomed to fail. This sentence, which is repeated at the end of the song again, for me sets the mood for the entire album and kind of “spoils” that as the relationship is playing out, it is not “good and right” and that’s why it was doomed to fail.
“These are the hands of fate” She feels as if falling in love and being with this person is out of her control, it’s inevitable. (a theme which is touched upon in many of her songs, e.g. Gorgeous)
“You’re my achilles heel” Back to something which ties to the fighting theme. So we are still at the beginning of the relationship, but she already knows that this person will be the reason for her eventual downfall, her achilles heel.
“This is the golden age of something good and right and real.” This lyric seems kind of off to me, since she has admitted in the previous line that she knows this person will not be good for her. This contradicts this. However, I think it ties into this torn state of one the one hand knowing that a person is so so wrong for you but at the same time being so in love that you just ignore that initial gut feeling and keep going.
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rinnnyxr · 4 years
Unpopular opinions you agree with
**Pineapple belongs on pizza **
Oreos in milk are overrated
New Disney is better than old Disney
K-pop isn’t good 
Riverdale is overrated
Being childish isn’t a bad thing
Tarantulas are cute
Books are better than movies 
Beards on men are ugly 
Snapchat isn’t that cool 
Taylor Swift’s albums are overrated
Cooked vegetables are better than fruit 
“The Kissing Booth” movie isn’t that good 
“Money can’t buy happiness” isn’t real
Black coffee is better than all other coffee
Converses are uncomfortable 
“The Incredibles 2″ is overhyped
Soccer isn’t fun sport to watch
**Ketchup is nasty **
Donuts are gross
Cats better than dogs  
Beyoncé is overrated 
Android is better than Apple 
Sprite is better than Pepsi or Coke
Trump is a good president
Peanut butter is disgusting 
Soda tastes terrible
Tacos are gross 
**Teens use their phone too much **
Vanilla is better than chocolate
Yeezys are ugly 
Pizza is gross
School is fun
Sardines are delicious
Despacito was not a good song at all 
Croptops are ugly
Honey is disgusting
**Metal music is amazing **
Showering at night is better than showering in the morning 
It’s annoying when people say “bless you” after you sneeze and they should mind their own business
Cake is not that good
Waking up early rules
Staying friends with your exes is fine and healthy 
Concerts are not fun 
Watching a movie at home is better than watching a movie in theaters
Anything fewer than four “ha”s in a “hahahaha” text is rude
Cats just seem more human than dogs
Getting presents is more stressful than it’s worth
Strawberries get more credit than they deserve
Taking a nap is usually a bad idea
**It’s better to be hot than cold **
Vegetables are better than dessert
Christmas is not the best holiday, not by a long shot 
^Thanksgiving is the best holiday 
Karaoke is only fun if you are a good singer and love attention. It’s horrifying for the rest of us 
There’s no reason to send cards in 2020. It’s a waste of trees
**Talking on the phone is easier and better than texting **
** **
** **
Texting Slang I Use
ily | idk | wtf | ttyl | stfu | cuz | rn | kms |** lol | wth** | oml | tmr | brb | lmao | ty | smh | np |** ikr | nvm** | idgaf |** ur | btw | idc** | bc
Parties Hosted before Friends make me go Prom Only eats the food Sings along Doesn’t talk to anyone Family parties Goes at least 1 a year Went with bf/gf Made new friend(s) Never drank Hooked up with someone Sitting the whole time Dances Prefers to stay at home School dances Stayed up all night Goes with friends Invited but does not go Drank mysterious liquid Got drunk Social with everyone DJ-ed a party
My Crush boy glasses older than me stylish long hair brunette short techie smart shy girl braces blue eyes freckles red hair younger than me rich short hair popular tall book worm plays a sport brown eyes blonde
Different Types of Virgo 1, The CEOs sensitive but doesn’t show it rolling their eyes for your drama wears black clothes a lot “my time is precious” lets failures define their self-worth doesn’t give up easily 4/6 2, The Beauty Queen discounted clothes are the absolute best not gonna be anyone’s side hoe insecure with their looks perfectionist mentality congenial, tires to be kind not ashamed of their sexuality 6/6 3, The Motherly Type holds grudges makes sure you eat well underappreciated to the core tries to help you in any way possible patient but easily irritated gets excited when you ask them about something they’re a pro at 5/6 4, The Chill Intellectual thrifts clothing 4/20 friendly watched documentaries about topics has so many conspiracy theories doesn’t give a fuck, just wants to have some peace good grades without trying 2/6
When a Virgo Is Sad “I’ll joke about my pain haha” “Fuck I’m lonely” Stressing out for no reason Tries hard not to cry Still tryna be there for people “Wow, I’ve been made the bad guy again..nice” “No one appreciates me” In need of romance or just comfort?
Inside The Mind of a Virgo
**“Bruh” **| resilience | being smart af | y’all are gonna miss me when I’m gone” | being good at listening | checking up on friends because you care | not realizing how beautiful you are | :( | boss ass bitch that’s goofy | not apologizing for speaking the truth | “fuck you but fuck me” | bravery | empathy | cackling over the fact that their friends ended up hurt after they didn’t take the advice the gave | a whole Pinterest board of cute outfits | cute baby animals | hating group projects with dumb people
You as a Friend Spamming memes Giving your friends life-changing advices You’re witty Trying your best to make time for friends So nice to everyone else but hard on yourself The biggest crackhead Would literally lock friends up if they try to text their exes
Five Things That Annoy You Always feeling like you’re self-inviting yourself to an event Being behind slow walkers in busy areas Deadlines on important tasks Ignorant people who think they’re smart “Just get over it, look on the brighter side”
Things You’ve Google Searched Before What do my dream mean? Pornhub Good sleep tips WebMD am I dying? Heartbreak music People falling over
Random Lush for cash Needing therapy Masking pain Being called the “office bitch” Being the mom friend Comfort food Laughing at who your exes downgraded to Overanalyzing everything people say to you You’re helpful People have called you cute before You can’t tolerate dumb people You can either be really friendly or would put a gun to people’s heads “Existence is pain” Just wanting to get shit done You have great problem-solving skills You’re passionate and hard-working You feel uncomfortable when people are too giving with you You’re anxious You’re friendly but skeptical Expecting the worst Very frequent mood changes You’re romantic lowkey Ghosting toxic people You take good photos You’re open to constructive criticism You’d do anything for family You like to get shit done asap Sad over childhood nostalgia Being a ride or die friend Personality over looks Wanting to be a kid again highkey Wanting to be in control Kinda patient You have to deal with idiots on a regular “Why the fuck aren’t the dishes arranged in alphabetical order?” “I literally did not ask for your opinion” Stressing out over nothing important “Gosh I should’ve stayed home today”
Rate how important you think each of these is in a partner from 1-10 (1= not important/don’t care, 10=very important)
Speaking the same language   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Living in the same city   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Living in the same country   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Not swearing   **1 **| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Good hygiene   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Similar interests as you   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Them not living with their parents   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being employed/having a good job   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The amount of money they have   **1 **| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being good in bed   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | **5 **| 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Being good with kids   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Playfulness   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Height   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |** 8** | 9 | 10
Going to the same school/work   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
How popular they are   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Their body/built   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Having good hair   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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Just kinda wanna have gf time with @taylorswift and talk about all the crazy shit I found out about my ex, and what he’s going around telling people about me. We broke up YEARS ago, he was emotionally abusive and it was a toxic 5 year relationship from the start. Red came out the Fall before we broke up, and I went to see the Red tour a few weeks before we broke up. Red literally helped me through that time, I wound up getting my State Of Grace tattoo which was me coping with the breakup before the actual breakup.. everything about that album literally was me coping with it before it happened. Then it did and I had the worst breakdown of my life. I realized I was no longer myself, I hadn’t been in years, I was depressed, thinking I was blindsided by the breakup even though I wanted it but didn’t realize it. I had gained so much weight, but with all the emotions and stress I lost 20 pounds. I would try and speak to him, because I WAS sad! I missed him! I mean 5 years with someone and then they tell you they don’t want to get married and have kids, you start thinking crazy especially when they are ignoring you. He was being so cruel, telling me he would block me if I continued contacting him. Three months went by, he already had another gf, and he thought I would be “over it by now”. Then I woke up. I was wasting so much time thinking I loved him and forgetting I wanting to breakup with him not too long before that, too. All the while, I hung out with my girls, went out, got drunk, dated, did crazy stuff. I “lost” him, but I found myself.. that was EVERYTHING. Then I met my fiance. 
Flash forward 5 years later, my friend from HS tells me her neighbor is hooking up with my ex. He literally is treating her as he treated me in the beginning. I wasn’t allowed to meet his family, his friends, and then he disappeared. But somehow I managed to get him into a relationship. This poor girl isn’t allowed to be friends with him on social media, it took a year for him to add me on FB we were only friends on MySpace because he always was hiding things and lying. He only comes over at night, he won’t let her meet his friends or family. Better yet, he told her that he doesn’t do relationships and hasn’t had one in YEARS because his ex was crazy... just like he told me his ex was too. Told me she faked a pregnancy to keep him around. He told her that I ruined all relationships for him, and that he’ll never be in one again because of ME. Let’s not forget I found out through Tumblr that he is Polyamorous, he never told me this and obviously hasn’t told her, which means he put me at risk for STD’s if he wasn’t careful throughout our relationship. IDC what you are, but if you don’t disclose that to your partner that’s not right. Frankly, I don’t that I’m the one that ruined relationships for someone who doesn’t believe in having just one relationship. I feel like I fell into his dark web all over again, just even hearing about any of this. 
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