#thats humbling i LOVE that
cutemeat · 1 year
ok jesus i didnt know u guys had like a Whole THING last night already sheesh u all move too fast 4 me. i feel like charlie leaving the party at 8pm u guys are up till midnight
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jackshiccup · 1 month
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the greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return
have been perpetually rotating @bignostalgias white winter hymnal hijack inside my mind palace like rotisserie chicken i adore this life-changing au to the core my bones and teeth ache badly from thinking about them <3
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poliodeuces · 6 months
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doppo should go dancing it will be so good for him.
three years ago i thought "i should draw doppo like this" and didn't start until july 2023 💀 and now finished on december...
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crescentfool · 1 year
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graduation day 🌸
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love4hobi · 1 year
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It feels like a dream, to be honest. It’s been two days. Yesterday, I couldn’t believe that it actually happened. It didn’t feel real at all. But when I woke up this morning, my body ached all over. That’s when I realized that I really gave it my all. I finally started eating again after the performance. I can finally eat now. I couldn’t believe it.
j-hope In The Box (2023)
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fanficmaniatic · 9 months
maybe Jay is just the theories we made along the way.....
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silverskye13 · 4 months
hi can i just say that while I haven't been there to read your HK fanfiction, seeing you update nailmaster's folly after so long makes me... hopeful? In the 'I also have wips I haven't touched in years but there might still be space for them one day if I get the gumption' sort of way? so, while I'm not really going to be reading it as I know nothing about HK: thanks for updating nailmaster's folly, so cool to see it.
Hey you're very welcome! I'm very stoked it's giving you hope for your future projects. That's a hope you deserve to have.
Honestly, one of the most important things about art that I wish everyone would, at some point, absorb into their creative process, is that everything is allowed to rest. Sometimes the only thing that will "fix" a problem piece is time and distance, and that time and distance is allowed to be long. You're allowed to drop something for 4 years and randomly decide it's worth your time again, and you should be able to have that process without guilt or judgement.
Not to get on the "internet culture is evil" soapbox, but, the idea of the "grind", that every project must be done at once, from start to finish, in a logical order that others can consume and follow from point A to point Z, is untenable for individual creators, especially creators that are doing it just for fun. You aren't a machine. You aren't a writing board churning out a podcast, movie, tv series, comic book set, etc. You're a person finding joy in making art about something you love. The process can be messy. It can make no sense. It can involve long breaks, or deciding you're done with something entirely. Without guilt or malice, you are allowed to wash your hands of something and then decide to get them dirty with it again when you can stand the texture.
I understand there's sadness in thinking you can't finish something, in not knowing how to fix it immediately, or not being able to conjure the motivation to put to physicality something that makes so much sense in your head. Be disappointed, and grieve it, if you must. But never think it was time wasted. No one has ever walked out of their house in the morning without, at some point or another, looking at the world to see what was there. You're allowed to start a project, walk down the road with it, and realize you'd rather look around.
You can always come back.
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rose-tinted-vision · 5 months
so I'm rewatching ajtl (because I'm a sucker for the "squad of murder bffs who are also talented in their own field" troupe) and I NEED a liudaotang squad prequel please
because apparently
Qian Zhao says he has known Ning Yuanzhou for 20 years
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NYZ is apparently 30, so they met as kids?
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NYZ rescued a five year old Yuan Lu from a warehouse fire in the Hungry Ghost Realm
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YL also mentioned that the Princess (Yang Ying) asked about NYZ, so the both of them were already acquainted before the Quest™
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Ning Yuanzhou was just a scout from the Hell Realm before he became Head of the Six realms. (Sun Lang and Qian Zhao are commanders in their respective realms, YSS and YL were commanders too).
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NYZ was in prison with YSS??? prison buddies prequel???
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Can't remember if Yu Shisan and Sun Lang mentioned anything about how they got to know NYZ
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dayurno · 7 months
what's your favorite aftg ship?? and why do you like it ???
KANDREIL there are i believe many reasons for it but i think ultimately it comes down to the fact that no three people could have been happier together! more than anything i think they are all so committed and loyal and kind (when possible, when it matters) to each other, admirably so, and fit together well too. perhaps not everyone will agree with this and that’s fine, but i love them and their future and their three mugs on the counter and their three toothbrushes on the sink and and and and.
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darabeatha · 2 days
/ I think f.ate moved way too fast on o.dysseus
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k-kaez · 3 months
joel uploaded so i uploaded!
here are my screenshots of this video um,,, just,, just read them,,
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anawkwardlady · 1 year
I was really angry because bus just, skipped my stop and I was walking mad af when I saw a little shop with special flavor snacks. So and angrily bought a bunch of snack like « ggngn 😤😤😤 halzenut kitkat gngng » and power walked to my initial destination : a cookie shop.
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tony-andonuts · 4 months
Just remembered that one of my first phone alarms was an Eridan Ampora VA wake up call 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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jzixuans · 2 years
Who else but jin zixuan :)
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listen. look at me. they can be friends. we can fix this.
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luvbug724 · 4 months
36 days.
i think we as a fandom don't talk about dan and renee enough aftg hitlist anon. i understand that renison and mattdan (?) prevail but we need to look at the sheer potential in that one short story about dan's recruitment alone. the sports rivalry turned hatred. dan only getting recruited because wymack came to watch renee. the strip club. having to unite in the face of misogynists. do you see the vision. do u see the vision aftg hitlist anon.
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hugh-lauries-bald-spot · 11 months
Hii, what's your favourite rendition of the joker?
ok this is basic of me but heath ledger joker reigns supreme.
he's got just enough classic joker and everything cool and engaging about what modern jokers are trying (and failing) to accomplish wrapped up into one
hes got classic props like the playing cards and the purple suit to name a few, but hes also got the grime and grunge and overall edginess new jokers are trying for.
he brought something new and interesting without a total rewrite and reinvention of the character, in a way that kept his basic traits and general essence, motives, character (surprising to think we need to remind people about that)
he kept the important aspects and explored the new ones in a way that was compliant with his roots
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