#that won't come home to me for some reason
heavyhitterheaux · 2 days
Best Friend's Boyfriend (NSFW)
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Synopsis: You and Jack run in the same circle of friends, and you both have feelings for each other but are scared to admit them. Your best friend knows how much you like him and swears that he doesn't like you back. Instead of helping you to ask Jack out on a date, she starts to date him all in a plan to make you jealous. But you get the last laugh in the end.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Best Friend!Reader
Requested by: an amazing anon 💕
Do not engage if you are underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
A sigh escaped your lips as you took another swig of your drink and looked over to your left and rolled your eyes.
She was all over him.
Her being your “friend” Skylar.
Him being one of your close friends, Jack.
You and Jack had been friends since you met in middle school at the age of eleven and you didn't meet Skylar until you moved to Atlanta with Jack.
Your entire group of friends decided to spend a week in Denver staying at an expensive top of the line cabin since it had been awhile since you all had seen one another.
Well since they had seen you.
In the back of your mind, you were debating on if you were going to leave and cut your trip short because you weren't quite sure how much more you could take.
Recently, you and Skylar had spent some time together when you confessed to her in confidence that you saw Jack more than a friend, but you weren't quite sure if he felt the same way towards you.
So what did she do?
Go out on a date with him despite your feelings and they had been together for the past two months.
After that occurred, you distanced yourself from the both of them and when Jack would try to invite you somewhere, you steadily declined. He had been missing you and was very excited when you said yes when he asked you to come to Denver.
However, the only reason that you agreed was because you had been told Skylar would not be in attendance. So when you arrived, you immediately wanted to walk back out the door and go home.
Even though she was all over him, Jack looked uninterested, but your thoughts were interrupted by Urban coming to sit next to you. Besides Skylar, he was the only one who knew how you felt about Jack.
Urban had told you time and time again to tell him, but being as shy as you were, you decided against it.
“You okay? If I would’ve known…”
“It's fine, Urby. Don't worry about it. Just have to make the best of it I guess.” You replied while shrugging.
“If it makes you feel any better, Jack is not as interested in her as she thinks he is. Probably won't last too much longer.”
“But it’s the fact that she calls herself my friend and then goes behind my back and….”
Urban immediately cut you off.
“She's not your friend. Friends don't do what she did.”
“I have a feeling that she used me to get to him. Urban, you know I’m quiet and wouldn't harm a fly. She took advantage of that.” You confessed as you poured yourself another glass of some wine that Jack had bought for you since he knew red was your favorite. It was a new brand that you had never tried before.
“I know, but karma's a bitch. She’ll get hers.”
“And it seems as if she doesn't care. She acts like nothing happened between us. How? How can she do that? I told her how I felt and…”
“Tell him how you feel. That's who matters in all this anyway.” Your eyes went wide at Urban's suggestion and you quickly shook your head no.
“I guarantee you that it will go better than you think. He really misses you.”
Before you could have a chance to respond, Jack made his way over to the both of you and picked you up and brought you into a hug.
Urban simply smirked as he looked behind you and Jack to see Skylar rolling her eyes at the scene in front of her.
The one thing that Urban didn't tell you was the fact that Jack liked you as well. Jack thought the feelings weren't reciprocated and when Skylar approached him to ask him out on a date, he figured why not?
Even though he had been around her for a few years because of you two being friends, he didn't notice that something was off until he had spent more time with her when it was just the two of them. He often talked about you, but all Skylar would do is talk down about you and that was one thing he put a stop to immediately.
He didn't know why he kept her around for so long, but quickly made a decision that when this trip was over, he was done with her. He had a feeling that was why you would decline when he asked you to hang out with him. He also noticed how the two of you seemed to have drifted apart within the last year, and not just recently.
However, Urban didn't like her from the moment you introduced her to them.
“I missed you.” Jack said as he whispered in your ear before hugging you tighter and you immediately melted into his arms.
“I missed you too, bubs.”
“I have you for an entire week and I'm definitely taking advantage of it. Did you like the wine I got for you? I know red is your favorite and my mom said that you might like it.”
“It's really good and I'm definitely getting a few bottles when we get back home. Thanks for thinking of me.”
“Always.” Jack said as his hands rested on your waist and he quickly reached up and poked your nose making you laugh.
A minute later Sunni and Cope came through the front door with bags of food since no one had wanted to cook when you all had gotten there and set them on the counter in the kitchen. All of you decided to simply relax the first night and then do different things around Denver for the remainder of the time that you were there.
“Finally! I'm starving!” Exclaimed Urban who was hot on their trail.
You and Jack laughed and it looked like he wanted to tell you something before Skylar had called his name.
One thing you did notice was him sighing when she did it, wondering what that was about.
“Babe! Can you fix my plate and bring it to me!?”
“Sure.” Jack said quietly, but he still had his eyes on you.
“We’ll continue this later.” He said as he leaned down to whisper it and you immediately nodded.
“What movie are we watching?” You asked as everyone had gotten their food and made their way back into the living room.
“Y/N! Come and sit by me.” Skylar piped up and said and you looked at her confused. Jack was hoping that you would say yes while Urban stifled a laugh once he saw the look on your face.
“Sorry, Urban already asked me.” You answered without missing a beat and going to sit next to him.
“The Nun!” Cope suggested and you knew for a fact that you would probably have to sleep in Urban's room if everyone agreed on that.
“I’m not watching any scary shit. Next.” Sunni said and Cope rolled his eyes.
“Bad Boys 3! The next one is coming out in a few months.” Jack said as he was scrolling through his phone.
“I still can't believe he slapped Chris Rock.”
“I don't see how anyone finds him funny anyway.” You said remembering all the movies that you had seen him in.
You had fallen asleep during every single one.
“I second that. When it first happened, I thought it was a joke.”
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
Jack glanced over at Skylar who was now downing another wine cooler and he noticed that she hadn't stopped drinking since they had gotten there earlier in the day.
“Uhh Skylar, do you want me to get you some water?” He asked concerned and she quickly turned up her nose at him.
“For what? If I wanted it, I would have gotten it.”
“I was just asking.” Jack replied as he held his hands up in defense and you quickly rolled your eyes.
One thing Skylar could not do was hold her liquor. It would go one of two ways, her crying and throwing up, or her being knocked out for hours. You were hoping it was the latter so you would be able to have Jack to yourself for a while.
The movie had finally ended and Skylar having gotten drunk off her ass was now passed out on the couch which you weren't surprised by. However, you were caught off guard when Jack asked you to help take her upstairs.
“Um, sure.”
You weren't quite sure exactly what you were helping with since Jack could easily carry her but said yes anyway.
He told you to go first up the steps as he slung Skylar easily over his shoulder. You couldn't wait to go to sleep yourself in the hopes of tomorrow being a better day for you.
All Jack did was lay her on the bed and once you turned around to leave, he caught your hand.
“Yeah? What's wrong?” You asked after growing suddenly concerned.
Jack held your hand for a few minutes before opening his mouth and responding to you.
“I… should have never said yes to going on a date with her when I knew that you were the person that I wanted. I didn't know if you felt the same way so the easiest thing to do was to distract myself.”
Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest before it suddenly felt as if it had dropped down to your stomach.
“It wasn't supposed to be like this and I quickly learned that she only wants me because of what my name is attached to. I don't like her as a person at all. Now I see what Urb was talking about.”
“Let me finish. You know she's a heavy sleeper and the last thing she is about to do is wake up. I've liked you since I met you but was entirely too scared to say anything.”
“I… I told Skylar how I felt about you and instead of helping me figure out a way to approach you about it, she goes and asks you out for herself. She continues to act like nothing happened as if we're still close but that was…. Friends don't do what she did.”
You felt as if a weight had been lifted off your chest once everything was finally out in the open.
“So that's why you've been avoiding me for two months?” Jack asked as he pinched your cheek.
“I didn't want to, but I felt as if distance was best.”
You said as you shrugged.
“Do me a favor?”
“Never do that again.”
“I won’t. Promise.”
You turned to walk away once more when Jack had suddenly stopped you and captured you in a kiss catching you off guard. You eagerly kissed him back and the two of you were in a full blown makeout session when Jack's hand snuck under your shirt. He smiled when he came to the realization that you weren't wearing a bra.
“I need this off of you.” He said as he massaged your left breast and kissed down your neck.
“But… she's right there.”
“So, what's your point babe? I know you want this just as much as I do. But just say the word if you want me to stop.”
Jack was met with silence and he easily got your shirt off in one swift movement as he laughed and kissed the shell of your ear.
“I didn't think so.”
Jack's hand quickly reached into your shorts and began to rub small circles along your clit and he simply smirked noticing how wet you were.
“Mmm, all of that for me, huh?” He asked as he moved his fingers up to his mouth to taste you.
All you could do was eagerly nod as he cupped your face to kiss you once more.
“You taste so good, but I want more. I need you to do something for me, pretty girl.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Go and lay on the bed.”
“Keep quiet and don't make a sound because I’ll stop. Lay on the bed and I'm going to fuck you right next to her.”
Your adrenaline was pumping at the thought of getting caught, but the last thing you were going to tell Jack was no. Slipping off your shorts, you did as you were told as you noticed Skylar had rolled to the other side of the bed and let out a loud snore as Jack quickly undressed and began stroking himself while peering down at you making your mouth water.
Jack then climbed on top of you leaving a trail of kisses down your body until he got to your most prized possession and spread your legs apart and he took one long lick making you gasp.
“Shh, stay quiet for me. Look how pretty this pussy is.”
Your hand instantly went over your mouth in an attempt to keep quiet as Jack pleasured you. He then inserted two of his fingers as he sucked on your clit. A moan escaped your mouth for a quick second, but you quickly recovered in the hopes of not waking Skylar up.
“You taste so good, baby. I can't wait until you cum all over my face.”
Not trusting your voice because you knew the second your mouth opened that a moan would escape, you eagerly nodded your head as you started to roll your nipples in between your fingers as Jack continued to give you his undivided attention.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but Jack had made you release all over his face multiple times before you slowly felt him slide into you. The sensation made you gasp and he quickly kissed you to make sure you stayed quiet.
Your arms instantly went around his neck as he began to increase his pace. Jack had taken one of your nipples in his mouth when you felt Skylar move. You know Jack felt it too, but all he did was bite down which he knew was going to lead to you squirming. Once he lifted his head back up, he smirked at you before continuing to pound into you.
“You’re taking me so well, pretty girl.”
“Jack…” That was the first time you had moaned his name all night which quickly gave him an ego boost as it escaped from your lips.
“Close? Me too. Come on then, baby. Cum for me, cum all over this dick that's rightfully yours.”
That was all it took as you reached your peak with Jack then releasing all over your chest and stomach.
All that could be heard was heavy breathing as both of you were trying to catch your breath. Jack was still hovering over you and leaned down to kiss you as his fingers started to slowly rub small circles along your clit once more. He quickly heard your whimpers and smirked.
“Hmm, didn't take you for a girl who would fuck her best friend's boyfriend.”
“All she did was keep my spot warm until I could rightfully take my place. Now it's my turn. Lay down and let me ride you.” You said as you leaned up to kiss him.
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 days
Darkseid considers adopting space emperor Tim as one of his children and potential heirs, it wouldn't be the first time he's adopted a human after all and this little one is doing such a good job taking over the galaxy...
Tim is not particularly happy at this idea because he is emancipated for a reason! For many reasons! He tried the parent thing (Jack and Janet) it sucked, he's not interested in another round. He's also not interested in B getting his tights in a bunch because B has the idea that he's Tim's father (ha!) and gets grumpy that someone else is trying to take the position of Tim's father (Tim has no father, Tim likes to pretend he just sprung from Gotham like Athena sprung from Zeus) challenge Darkseid, and then B will end up taking another swim in the time stream that Tim will have to fish him out of again
Also at least one or more of the planets that Space Emperor Tim controls is advanced enough in biology and medicine and may have even had enough previous interactions with humans that upon the discovery that their beloved baby emperor is missing a rather important organ (some imperial physician is getting very fired for breaking hippa or they would except Tim discovers that the planet that sourced his imperial physician doesn't have hippa), they develop a way to get Tim a new one. Tim looks over the research and allows this, he does not tell the bats at home that he has a new spleen.
There's so many fun and great ideas for this!
I absolutely love a feral anti-parenting Tim. He should be running or fist-fighting at the first sign of someone trying to parent him (he's been somewhat independent and making up his own rules/parenting for so long [yes, I know the Drakes were better than how fanon portrays them. That doesn't change that his parenting was long distanced and enforced by boarding schools. That doesn't change the whack ass shit he did pre-Robin and during his Robin years despite having parents]. He should be anti-authority. He makes his rules and only takes suggestions). The idea of people trying to parent Tim as he backs away from them is hilarious to me. That should be his attitude to parenting: seeing it as an unwanted restriction and needless micromanaging.
Also, the spleen part is great! If the Bats knew about his spleen being missing (and not being replaced), Tim would try to refuse antibiotics from them. They would probably get very very angry and lecture him on his lack of ability to take care of himself.
On the other hand, here's a situation I think would be more hilarious:
Tim, who had just gotten injured in a really filthy place, and him shrugging at the circumstances. He's also silently thanking his planets for their medical technology.
Someone who knows about Tim's missing spleen (so Pru or Tam) starts freaking out about Tim. They think he's going to die because his poor immune system probably won't be able to handle the definite infection to come.
The Bats, who don't know Tim's spleen was missing at one point, get hella confused why this person is freaking out. Maybe Tim is concussed or drugged or something so his ability to communicate is diminished as well.
This leads to the Bats finding out that Tim's spleen was missing and then replaced at the same time.
I hope Pru or Tam (whoever is chosen) punches Tim for not keeping them updated on the replaced spleen. Tim honestly just forgot about it and didn't mean to keep it a secret
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cbrownjc · 2 days
Some Quick EP 2x05 Predictions
So yes I'm excited as hell about this episode and will be avoiding things online starting at 7 AM my time tomorrow (Saturday) since I know that is when Australia will get to see the episode and I do not want to be spoiled. Because this is the episode I have most been waiting for since I learned about it.
And there honestly isn't much of anything I need from the episode itself. For me, Devil's Minion having happened in the past was fully confirmed back in episode 2x02, and now I just want to see how the show slowly unfolds the story. But there are still some thoughts and predictions I have in my head that I want to note before the episode airs.
Again, this isn't stuff I'm hoping for, just stuff I feel we might see or might happen based on what we know so far:
-- After the fight at the end of 2x04, Armand will be missing/gone during the Dubai scenes for some reason. Because so far, all the little glimpses we've gotten wrt the Dubai scenes have been Louis and Daniel by themselves. For Armand to not be there, even just to keep an eye on things, then something really must be up (or was said during that fight that we just didn't see).
-- We will find out where Armand is/went off to in the present day at the end of the episode. (And if we see Armand talking to Justin Kirk's character, that will confirm he's Marius, even if he's still calling himself Raglan James.)
-- In 1973, Louis and Armand actually weren't living together in the apartment at 503 Disavadiro Street where Louis and Daniel had their interview. Either Armand lives in another, separate apartment in that same building, or he lives in another place altogether. IMO, this is confirmed by the last line we hear at the end of episode 2x04 when Armand says, "I was at home picking --" Which, along with the door we hear opening and then slamming shut when Armand comes in calling Louis' name implies Armand has just arrived at that location. Meaning that where Louis is is not Armand's home.
-- In the 1994 movie, a specific line was added -- that isn't in the book -- when movie!Daniel asks movie!Louis to turn him. And that was movie!Daniel saying that what movie!Louis wanted -- what movie!Louis was looking for -- was a companion. And I think tv!Daniel is going to say the same thing to tv!Louis. The show has very much been emphasizing that two vampires who are chosen companions is a much deeper connection than even just being lovers. And so I think that will be part of what will be included when Daniel asks Louis to turn him in the show -- Daniel offering himself to be Louis' companion.
-- Daniel offering to be Louis' companion will definitely have him thinking about Lestat and I don't think that alone is what will set Louis off into attacking Daniel -- but I don't think it's going to help.
-- As is already quite clear, part of what keeps Daniel alive after Armand gets hold of him is jealousy, as well as curiosity, about why Louis would open up to this seemingly random human boy in such a way, when Louis has not done so with Armand himself. And that is going to be what continues to keep Armand from killing Daniel -- just his own curiosity about him continuing to grow. And, by the end of the episode, I think we'll hear Armand say to Daniel what he said in the book about that in one of the final flashback scenes: "As long as I find you interesting, I won't kill you." This will give a hint as to why Daniel is still alive in the present day, but still will not give the full story as to why just yet either.
-- That is NOT Daniel who Louis and Armand are carrying out of the house in the surveillance photo taken by the Talamasca. That is the man who was wrapped in plastic, with his mustache shaved off. Things are being staged to make it look like that is what is happening, but it is not.
-- "I know where he is." This is either Armand talking to Louis about where Lestat is, or . . . Armand talking to Daniel about where Louis has gone off to -- which would be to go and find Lestat. Either way, I feel that line is connected to something having to do with Lestat.
-- In Dubai, Louis is going to get some type of memory back from some event that we saw in Season 1 -- but this time it will contain extra context that we didn't see then -- that going to have Louis realize that his memories about things are way more faulty than he initially thought -- to the point where it all really shakes him to the core. And he and Daniel will both agree to figure out what and why, as their gaps in memory will seem quite similar to each other.
-- I don't know what it'll be or the context it'll be presented in, but we'll see something of REAL Lestat in this episode IMO. Either in 1940s Paris, or 1973, or . . . in the present day. Just because I'll be incredibly shocked if Sam Reid isn't in the episode at all. Even if it is just for 30 seconds I think Lestat will be seen in some kind of way.
And that's kinda it. Not much longer of a wait now! 😊
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NSFW, s/h mention, smoking mention
AITA for not telling my boyfriend how I felt about something sexual that we did?
So, my (19f) boyfriend (22m) was in town visiting me over the summer. I live with my parents while I'm not at college, so he was staying with me, my parents, and my four younger siblings. The event that I'm talking about was at the end of his visit, the night before he had to head home back to his own place (different state, about a 7 hour drive from me).
Some important context for this before I begin is that I am somewhere on the asexual spectrum (he knows this and we have discussed it) and don't typically derive any sexual pleasure from anything that we do. This isn't to say that I don't enjoy it -- I'm typically very neutral on sexual things, but I like feeling close to him and I like the pleasure that it brings him. This is to say, I find enjoyment in what we do in my own way, and everything we do is with extremely explicit consent. He also has some issues when it comes to sexual acts from a relationship in the past, and while I don't know all the details, it's clear that he is hesitant specifically about making sexual advances towards me. We are both technically virgins in the strict sense. We both have histories of deep body image issues and self-harm (mine ongoing, his (mostly) in the past).
This particular day I was super overstimulated all day for reasons that had absolutely nothing to do with him (hunger, exhaustion, ongoing depressive episode, other unrelated reasons). We started messing around at night and, although I was not terribly in the mood, I was still enjoying being close to him (and wanting to be intimate before he left in the morning). It went further than I think either of us expected it to (again, EXPLICIT consent from both parties). Obviously I won't share details, but at the end of the night there was cum on me and in my bed.
Now, while all this was happening, I was enjoying it. Not sexually but sensually and romantically. But afterward, the overstimulation of being dirty and my bed being dirty hit me like a wave and I sort of internally freaked out. I made sure to reassure him that everything we did was good and that I wanted it all, which I did. He then asked if I wanted to shower together or separately. I said separately and went to shower. I took a longer time in the shower than I intended to and had a minor meltdown. I ended up self-harming (not majorly) to calm myself down and get myself out of the panic. When I came back to the room and he left to wash up, I smoked a little weed and nic while he was gone (he's a nonsmoker but knows that I do) to calm myself down more. When he came back I told him I didn't want to sleep in my bed because it was dirty, and asked if we could sleep on the couch in the living room instead (relatively isolated living room, both fully dressed and literally just sleeping, no chance of anyone stumbling upon us in the morning except MAYBE my 16-year-old sister). The rest of the night was fine.
Here's where I'm almost positive I'm the asshole. He was clearly upset with himself after what happened even though we had both wanted it, and he kept apologizing and telling me he loved me. He asked me to turn away so he could get dressed (which of course I did) which is a major change from usual. I think it was because I asked to shower separately from him and then expressed discomfort at my bed being a mess. Even though I reassured him almost relentlessly the entire evening that everything was good, he was obviously deeply upset with himself. He was also crying when he got out of the shower, but I'm 90% certain that was because he was upset about leaving the next day, since we were going to be apart for the longest we'd ever had to be due to his career.
So I just didn't tell him about the self-harming or the smoking or the meltdown. I knew he wouldn't find out because he was leaving the next day.
Why I am almost certainly the asshole: I wasn't communicating about something he almost certainly would've wanted to know about. The self-harming is particularly shitty on my part. We are both very open about our mental illness and relate in a lot of ways, so he knows I actively s/h and is not upset by it (apart from just like generally not wanting your partner to s/h). But he's so intent on communicating all of our feelings about everything that we do together that I know he would've wanted to know that I was upset, and actively hiding that I was hurting myself is a deeply deeply shitty move on my part. I know that.
Why I might not be the asshole: telling him would've done absolutely NOTHING positive for either of us. Everything we did was consensual and enjoyable, and it was only the mess afterward that overwhelmed me and just happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back after a really long day. There's absolutely nothing he did wrong or nothing he could've done to prevent it. I feel like telling him couldn't have brought about any positive results since he wasn't really responsible for it and it had nothing to do with him. It would've just led to more insane self-flagellation and self-hatred on his part.
I'm almost certain I'm the asshole here. It's been weighing on me like crazy since he left. But I almost feel like telling him would've been MORE of an asshole move on my part.
Feel free to ask any clarifying questions.
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libby-for-life · 1 day
Okay so I've been thinking about it more, I follow way too many fanfic writers with no time to update the ones i've started. (anyway..) For the Just Desserts AU Lucifer is under Adam's control, powerless, back home-to a home that never wanted him in the first place. So he's alone. He can't even explain himself to Adam since the first man hates him so much for ruining his peace. So he doesn't talk, he just takes it-some time he screams, knowing everyone in heaven has much as a blind eye as sinners in Hell. It's just pure torture for him, what the angels would call Just. It would take a while, but i almost can see Adam growing bored. Lilith never returned to Hell, it's not like her daughter will rage against Heaven, she doesn't care for Lucifer either. Adam hates them both, but when he sees how Lucifer looked at their ex. He sees the devil he thought he broke, look just as defeated if not more than he appeared in the golden chains at arrival.
I was thinking along the same lines. Adam had always wanted a servant. In fact, in this one, I've made a little piece in a discord server with some others of what Lucifer's reaction is to Lilith in Heaven. It won't be for a while until Adam feels any semblance of guilt or boredom.
Lute was seen as a hero for killing the devil and Adam watched as she was showered with praise. Lucifer was taken to Adam's house where he would make the ground rules. Lucifer was incredibly light, but he knew the collar and leash would be more degrading.
He paraded him through Heaven as everyone threw trash, hissed obscenities, and glared at Lucifer.
He ignored Lucifer's hiss when a stray rock scraped his cheek, leaving him bleeding.
He deserves much worse considering what he's done.
But as for hands, none were allowed to touch Lucifer except Adam. When they got to his house, he forced him to the ground at his feet. "Alright, snake. We're going over the rules."
First rule, talk of The Wives was completely Off Limits. Second rule. He can never talk with anyone alone. He has to stay with Adam. Third rule, listen to him. He trumps all others when it comes to instructions.
Adam even took him to see a certain special someone in Heaven knowing the outcome before the conversation even began.
When Lucifer saw Lilith, he tried rushing towards her, but the chain holding him prevented him from going far.
"Lilith!" He tried calling out but when she turned to him, she glared when she saw him.
"What the hell is he doing here?" She spat making him flinch. What was going on?
"Hey, bitch. Decided to bring my lap dog around."
"Don't call me that." She snapped.
"I don't...I don't understand?"
"You still don't get it, do you? You're no longer powerful, I can tell." Why did that matter? "You were useless when we fell and you're even more useless now. At least before, you were the King of Hell. Now? You don't even have that."
Why was she saying this?
"...I love you." Lucifer tried saying.
"And that was your mistake. You have nothing to offer me anymore. You didn't when we Fell, and you don't now." She turned away to look at the ocean. "You're an eyesore." It was a dismissal.
Adam whistled. "Damn, I always forget how cold you are." He dragged a listless and crying Lucifer away.
"How does it feel to be abandoned, hu Lucifer? Hurts doesn't it?" Adam sneered.
Adam did not expect Lucifer to just shut down. It felt good to see him like that. Finally, Lucifer knew how it felt. Knew what it was like to be abandoned by the people you loved and trusted. Knew what it was like to have someone GLOAT about that hurt.
(Lilith never loved Lucifer and only used him for power. Now that he has none, she sees no reason to pretend for his fantasies any longer.)
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optimisticmosquito · 9 hours
Imagine a liujiu AU where LQG returns from the dead to save SJ from the water prison:
SJ has been placed in the water prison to be tortured by LBH. The whole trial had been a disaster, but that wasn't particularly surprising. A deep part within him still stung from how none of his martial siblings had even been there to try and defend him.
No one is coming for him, that was simply a fact. LBH had removed his legs a few day earlier and had him write that cursed blood letter, but the joke is on him. YQY wont come back for him. Not after he told him not to return. He had set the man free, there was no reason for him to associate with trash like SJ any longer.
He hears steps come closer, most likely LBH coming back to gloat at him, and maybe to torture him some more. Perhaps he was going to remove SJs arms next.
Looking up he becomes momentarily stunned. He must be hallucinating, maybe the pain and loneliness of his acid filled cave has finally driven him to insanity.
In front of him is a man that should be long dead, the Bai Zhan war god, Liu Qingge. The man he was unable to save in those caves so many years ago.
But is it really him? SJ doesnt think he's ever seen LQG wear that expression towards him. Or, maybe once, during his last moments.
It's a pained and devastated expression. It is compassionate, something that would have made SJ bristle when the brute was still alive. It was many, many words left unsaid.
"Am I dead?" SJ asks with a hoarse throat.
"No." LQG answers bluntly.
Death hasn't changed the man, it is maddeningly amusing in a way. SJ lets out an huff "Then why are you here?".
"I'm here to take you back home" LQG answers with all the seriousness of his old living self.
Against his will, SJ feels his lip wobble, "I have no home, I brought this on myself." .
"Maybe you did." LQG says, "but you did not kill me. I won't let them use my death to falsely imprison you."
Ah, of course. SJ manages a wry smile "So you are here to defend your honor then?".
"No," comes the immediate answer. LQG bends down and hesitates a moment before he places his hand on the side of SJs head. His thumb hovering uncertainly above the skin under his removed eye, before softly brushing the dried blood from cheek.
He swallowed thickly, voice filled with emotions SJ couldn't even pretend he understood. "You tried to save me, more than once. You were never a lazy young master, despite everything I accused you of. And you never went down to the brothels to.. to do that.".
How could he know all that?
LQG took a deep breath, closing his eyes to gather himself. "It seems like I've always misunderstood you shixiong, let me make it up to you now."
SJ must truly have gone insane, question is, what part of his demented mind wanted LQG of all people to see the truth of him?
"Do whatever you want" he answers with apathy. None of this was real anyways, he'll probably wake up in a moment to an empty cell. The memory of LQG will have left him as easily as everyone else have.
Closing his eyes, he thinks he hears a soft "I'm so sorry" before exhaustion claims him. He should get some rest before that beast shows himself again.
Next that follows is LQG taking SJ out of water prison. LBH tries to stop them but YQY gets in his way him. LBH knows he can't beat him in direct combat, that's why he wanted to lure him into the trap in the first place. Seething with rage, he has to let them leave with his shizun.
At CQM, LQG meets up with the rest of their martial siblings, who are understandably shocked to see him. After extensive testing for possession, even taking out Hong Jing, they finally believe he has returned to the living. He talks with the other peak lords, telling them how SJ never tried to kill him in the lingxi caves.
Rather, it was LQG who almost killled him in a fit of deviation induced madness. LQG tells them how he had momentarily regained his sanity and saw how badly he had hurt SJ, who was begging him to come back to himself. And who didn't look far away from a deviation of his own.
He had known at that moment he'd end up killing the man if he slipped back under. So he did the only thing he could, he stopped himself from doing something unforgivable.
After all, the mountain losing only one peak lord was better than losing two. And even with their complicated history, LQG did not want to hurt SJ.
LQG then explains how he had spent many years as a ghost. Watching how SJ was accused of his murder, and how his little sister had suffered by the loss. Seeing how his death had deepened the cracks between the peak lords.
He saw the trial where SJ was accused of many things, including his death. He saw the demon torture SJ and take his legs.
At that moment of utter helplessness, he had been approached by an entity calling itself the System. It asked him if he had any regrets he wanted to mend, and what he was willing to do to return back to life. He accepted the deal and woke up shortly thereafter.
That was how he arrived at QDP at the same moment YQY went outside, eyes wild with desparation and fear.
YQY told him about SQQ and about the box and the blood letter LBH had sent him. Together they were able to form a plan to get him back.
LMY had been so shocked upon seeing him again, and upon hearing all that she had thought of her shibo was wrong, that she didn't refuse him when he asked her to take him to SQQ.
All the while YQY, instead of rushing in head first, asked for an official meeting between himself and LBH to distract the other man. Something he had barely managed without drawing his sword and killing the demon.
LQG and YQY manages to convince the other peak lords to agree to protect SJ. LQG then helps SJ recover, helps him get prostheses and to train up his strenght again.
He also helps SJ bridge the chasm between himself and the other peak lords. And makes sure they become a (somewhat) united front against the new demon emperor.
He constantly tells SJ he will not allow LBH to get his hands on him again. And slowly the former rivalry grows into something else as they learn to know and trust each other.
LBH on the other hand becomes increasingly desperate in his tries to get SJ back into his claws. But with SQQ, YQY and LQG all protecting the sect, not even LBH can do anything against them.
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wishem · 6 months
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sometimes strategy is to duct tape a baby to the wall to distract your opponent
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Cried on the bus this afternoon <3 Love that for me
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ostwitchsheart · 6 months
Why did my brain randomly dump story lore on me. Do you really want me to make a sad one piece ripoff
#it was basically about this girl who had a little brother and her dad dies in the future and she used a memory she had to manipulate time#or something#to talk to her dad but she was too nervous she started shaking the boat a lot and the enemies came on#her dad was a slow fighter because he was confident about being the strongest#he got killed before he could use a syringe or something and then the enemy kills him#the girl knew the enemy was coming and they only got a split second longer#the enemy didn't want to kill the kids despite the enemies pets wanting to eat them#and left them to die on the ship#they sailed away i guess and went to this world and met a baby who was obsessed with them#and the baby grew up like idk three years. and kept trying to hangout with them#and they are like 'i lost my brother and father once i won't do it again'#basically the ''''one piece'''' is a journey of bringing her dad back#which was just me venting about how i miss my dad a lot#the baby became named Cadence Persistent of the Sea and went back home to see the MCs parents#and Cadence owns a dinosaur my childhood fav BTW#the girl MC is about 30 but she's stuck in her brain or something and she's a kid so her brother doesn't die#bc he does die like the dad but for some reason the enemy didn't kill him too#even tho she was canonically 31 in my dream i might change it bc she generally acts childish#(she IS her child self so i could twist this to be her also '''' regressing '''' back into it)#i would 100% try to put my faith in here somehow. Cadence becomes a nun and her Dinosaur is still her best friend and she's a boss that#never marries#who knew it was that easy to pump out lore i got a huge chunk of it after sleeping this is awesome
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born-to-lose · 2 years
In my depressed era again <3
#for literally no reason ugh i hate it i hate it i hate it#probably a bad mix of overthinking and lovesickness again but what's new#i figured out why i like to do stuff until late at night until i fall asleep lol it's because i don't wanna be left alone with my thoughts#i guess that's why i could go such a long time without you know what... i always had lots of schoolwork to do and didn't have much time to-#-think about this kind of shit and once i don't have anything to do anymore i found myself in bed with a bleeding arm lmao#also let's call this my 'everyone i know hates me and my best friends despise me the most' era#still gonna stay up two more hours because i'm like a damn puppy who waits excitedly for their favorite person to come home from work#at this point i should maybe write all this shit in a diary but like. you know how my rambling posts start so y'all can just ignore#tldr i'm feeling like shit and i can't promise that i won't do something stupid again#i'm just too hung up on things that happened weeks ago but like what if it isn't actually ok now#also i know i'm too clingy and possessive with people i'm really close to but it's just my abandonment issues :(#and i know i fucked things up with other people (friendships and relationships) way too many times so i'm putting all i have into this one#still i feel like it's too much and too little at the same time idk i just Know when i really like someone and then i don't wanna lose them#but at the same time i often drive them away with my excessive love and attention because certain people are like some addiction to me#ok no that's too much already for now sorry#anyways i'm sobbing and shaking and feeling terrible and guilty#oh and unrelated but i nearly got run over by a car today 👍🏻 fucking hate drunk small town students in a mcd's parking lot#mel talks#tw self harm
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seenthisepisode · 2 months
#i feel like i am having some kind of a crisis. first of all i got sick AGAIN so i am at home coughing and not being able to breathe because#my nose is completely useless right now. the good part is i am on a sick leave so at least no work for three days yeah . but then i have#shifts on saturday and sunday which sucks BUT at least they are morning shifts which means i will be at home by 3.30 pm BUT that means#waking up before 6 am which again SUCKS but at least i don't have to be at work till 10 pm. so there is that. also i will have the next wee#off completely :)) which is fantastic news excpt. we were supposed to travel somewhere (me and my mom ) but we didn't manage to plan#anything so i will most likely stay at home and feel like i am wasting my free time which will make me feel guilty as fuck and not enjoy th#free time because this is ow my mind works and the stress i feel because of it? it's eating me from the inside like i literally can't focus#on ANYTHING because i already stress about wasting my next week. literally someone call a psychiatrist#also we didn't plan anything because the money needs to be saved for. my wedding. so there is a good reason why but that reason?#ANOTHER REASON FOR STRESS. i have been avoiding thinking about it seriously because once i start i will obsess over it and won't sleep#anyway. i have a wedding day coming in 2 months and i feel useless and completely out of control. head in hands.#also i won't be able to attend purcon in may which sucks but i need to sell the ticket because i already lost so much money on crossroads#that i also didn't attend only bought tickets impulsively last year so i want to avoid that happening again which means i have to like#sell them which is this whole thing that is also stressing me out. also i need to do the taxes . another stress factor#i was not meant for this life i was meant to live in a tent by the mountain lake i swear to god#personal
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genderqueerdykes · 5 months
i guess it's scary to me when white leftists say that the punk scene is the scene where you wanna go if you're trans or a person of color or a drug addict or someone else who's been kicked down in life. cuz like, if you've lived in this scene, is it really where you wanna send people?
i got involved in my local punk scene and the problem is that people aren't actually focused on looking out for each other. punk is heavily white. punk is heavily abled. punk is heavily cis. i know everyone says "real" punk is this and that, but the problem is: i live in a punk house venue. i live in a house where punks throw punk rock shows weekly and invite other punks into our home to throw music and art shows. the DIY scene is a mess. it's full of abusers. it's full of enablers. it's full of queerphobes and tranny chasers. it's full of people who collect vulnerable traumatized people. it's full of people who will hand beers to recovering alcoholics and pass lines to recovering addicts.
this scene is full of people who scribble "this machine kills fascists" on every object they own and turn around and cower and say "I'm scared, can you come pick me up, there's some scary guys outside." because some black dudes listening to some rap posted up outside of the punk show. this scene is full of virtue signaling assholes who put antisemitic symbols on their "battle vests". this scene is full of half-assed "communists" who just want to brag about the big scary words they learned like "praxis" and "proletariat" and "bourgeoisie".
this scene is full of fake socialists who won't lift a finger to help each other, but will drag each other into hell instead.
the problem with punk as we know it is that it's whitewashed to hell and back, and the spaces created by these individuals are not centered around safety, but violence. yeah, you kill fascists, but do you provide meals for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, and harm reduction for the addicted? do you pass out extra blankets and clothes? do you help people get to the hospital? do you pat someone on the back when they turn down that beer? do you remember to not offer a baggie to the person who just got out of recovery?
no? then you aren't a safe person to be around, and you ain't punk. you are the reason this scene is unsafe.
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ex-furry · 8 months
watching my brother's dogs again soon #yay
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bravesaboteur · 3 months
The more I think about it, the more Laios and Falin's different perceptions of their parents are a case of "same parents, different childhood".
Whenever someone asks Laios about his and Falin's family, he comments on how they treated Falin but never comments about how how their childhood affected him - in fact, he kind of glosses over it. It's Falin that everyone is rallying to save, it's Falin that's Marcille's friend, it's Falin that everyone has a positive opinion of - he's just the weirdo brother that gets to share some of her light sometimes. He's the one who's only tolerated when he's useful in a dungeon. Falin's treatment is a large part of the reason that he left, but it's the symptom of a larger issue.
When we see Laios' thoughts of his parents in his nightmares, it's all about the expectations that he's supposed to live up to: the expectation to stop being "childish", the expectation to get married (to who his parents picked) and have children, the expectation to take over from his father as the village chief, the expectation to adapt to something that he isn't able to be in the way that people want him to. And these are all things that he has had to be told in some way: he had to be told that Shuro didn't like him, he had to be told that told that the gold-peelers were taking advantage of him - these aren't thoughts that just appeared on their own, these are all failures that someone has explicitly pointed out to him and they haunt him. Some of the things he considers his biggest failures are his failure to provide for and protect Falin and those have very tangible examples he can point to.
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We get a glimpse of what happens when he fails to live up to his father's expectations when Falin is born. He expects a certain reaction from Laios and when he fails to give that reaction he physically puts him down, dismisses him, and underestimates how much he understands.
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And that's something that's shown to be a bit of a sore point for him - people thinking that he doesn't understand something because he doesn't express himself like people expect. The few times we see him snap at people are because people think he isn't understanding something because he isn't reacting "normally".
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On Falin's side, the expectations seem to be a lot different - she's the younger one, for one, she's a girl, and she was so young when the fallout from her having magic happened. She too had an arranged engagement, but that was broken off when she was sent away to magic school and since then, their parents only seem to be passively involved in her life. She's mostly been freed of the expectations that their parents had for her in her village - she won't be coming back after all. She understands why they sent her away, she wasn't completely oblivious to the villagers treatment of her and it was, arguably, for the best so she is at peace with what their relationship is for now. But she still wants to go to her hometown and see for herself with adult eyes because she has never really had the space to do that.
I don't think their parents are inherently evil people - the truth is probably somewhere between Laios and Falin's version of the story, Laios' side tinged by too much cynicism and Falin's by too much naivete.
It just strikes me that when he tried to provide the "normal" way he failed, but given the space to do something similar to what people expected of him, but in his own way, he succeeded. He isn't perfect but his efforts are ultimately fruitful and he is able to carve out a place for himself, Falin, and others who had been ostracized like them to call home.
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seat-safety-switch · 27 days
My neighbour had had one of those roll-away dumpsters on his lawn for awhile. In case you're unfamiliar, people often have a lot of trash generated from home renovation projects. They do not want to drive to the dump constantly to throw this stuff out. Instead, you can call someone who comes and drops a dumpster on your driveway, and then when it's full, you can call them again to get it picked up and taken to the dump. The very icon itself of suburban make-it-someone-else's-problemism.
People get really mad when you throw garbage into a dumpster that you didn't pay for. For instance, the local Tim Hortons has put up threatening signs falsely claiming that they have security cameras pointing at the bins at all times. This might be because I once disposed of an entire Subaru EJ25 engine and slightly dented 4-speed automatic transmission, along with most of its fluid, into their dumpster. If you ask me, this is just whining, because that stuff was all made out of aluminum and shouldn't have counted too far on their weight limit anyway.
And yet, I don't want to drive to the dump. Partially, this is because of the exorbitant dump fees: in an attempt at "greening," or more likely to not have so many dumbasses coming to throw out a single tire, they charge a minimum of thirty bucks to throw out anything under a hundred kilos of crap.
Thirty bucks! I can buy a lot of cool junk for that. And they don't even let you take old bicycles out of the garbage pile for that money to try and recoup your cost. Once, I saw a dirt bike, and they wouldn't let me take it. It became a whole thing, which is the main reason I can't go to the dump anymore: they have my picture posted everywhere. So borrowing my neighbour's dumpster is the next best thing.
Here's the tactic you want to use: watch the bin for a few weeks. Check what days there's a lot of stuff being thrown out. These things naturally ebb and flow. There will be an initial burst of enthusiasm as they rip their kitchen to bits, being replaced with a crushing realization that they have ripped their kitchen to bits. It's during that lull that you throw your shit into the dumpster, and cover it up with construction debris from the previous effort. Demoralized, the homeowner won't look in their bin for at least another week, until they are forced to finish the job or hire someone competent to do so, who will start refilling the bin again.
Or, you can do what I did, which is wait for the truck that picks up the dumpster to show up. While the operator is busy loading it up, you throw your stuff into the bin and drive away as fast as you can. The neighbour can't get mad, because the pickup's already been paid for: you're just extracting some extra value from it. The driver can't chase you, because he has a dumpster full of your old shocks and axles halfway loaded onto his truck. And the cops can't get you for illegal dumping, because it sounds like a whole bunch of paperwork and to be honest they're probably too busy arresting folks who start a fistfight at the dump over a pretty sweet dirt bike.
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the-raindeer-king · 28 days
(A/N: prt 3 of Mama Riley! One use of pronouns but it's nothing too gendered. Ignore any spelling error. I wrote part of this half asleep.)
Silence stretches out between you and Mama Riley. She's dropped an absolute bombshell of information so casually, as if it was like talking about the weather. And she's so confident in her statement, leaving no room for argument.
You're not entirely sure how to respond. But you manage to squeak out, “Is that so?” which is such a bad response. You can't help but cringe at yourself.
It makes Mama Riley laugh though. She really does like you. You're a firecracker, in her opinion, and she thinks you'd be good for Simon. But she promises that if you don't want to date him, that's okay. You two were friends before Simon caught feelings, and she won't let anything change that. She tells you to at least consider it.
You spend the next week considering it. Looking back over your interactions with Simon, knowing how he feels, it feels almost obvious. He's tense around you because he likes you. He keeps bringing you gifts and remembering your favorite drink because he likes you.
But where do your own feelings lie? You hated him in the beginning, and gradually warmed up to the mountain of a man. But do you have feelings for him? The thought process makes your head spin, and there's a weird feeling in your chest. The question is no closer to being answered.
Not until he returns from deployment. He's got a new scar on his ear, and there's a limp in his walk. Caught a knife in the side, just barely missed anything important, he informs you and his mum. And your heart clenches at the thought.
Before you can really think about it, you're scolding him for being so casual about being injured. He's got people who care about him, he can't be so flippant about these things. He has a reason to come home, so he needs to act like it. If not for his own sake, then for you and his mom.
Despite the fact that you're chewing him out, there's this tender look on his face, affection in his eyes. He quietly huffs out a ‘yes ma'am/sir’, and the warmth in his eyes is reflected by the warmth growing on your cheeks.
There's a pause, something heavy in the air. Simon opens his mouth, ready to say something, but the moment is broken when Mama Riley comes bustling into the living room, dinner plates in hand. Her eyes dart between the two of you for a moment, a knowing smile on her face. But she doesn't comment on anything, just passes out dinner and settles down on the loveseat.
Over the next few weeks, you and Simon have a lot of tense moments, ready to finally admit your feelings to each other. But each time is ruined by some interruption. Mama Riley interrupts, your phone rings. Once, the kids down the hall came running past, shrieking about the upcoming snowfall.
Poor Simon is trying not to totally lose it. This is the closest he's gotten to admitting his feelings, to have you finally, and every time something interrupts you. He doesn't want to mess this up. It needs to be perfect because, in his head, that's what you deserve, that's how he's going to win you over. Unbeknownst to Simon, he's already won your heart. He just needs to ask you out.
Once again, it's Mama Riley to the rescue. You three have a tradition: the days leading up to Simon's next deployment, you all spend the night at Mama Riley's flat together. Now, Simon's on leave for the next few weeks, but she can't bear to watch the two of you struggle like this.
So she invites you both over, insisting that it'll be nice to have you both over for something fun instead of sad. And then she conveniently remembers that she's got a book club tonight, and she leaves, telling you two to get comfy, watch a movie. She'll be back.
Now's a better time than never, especially since Mama Riley's practically given you the chance. She's gone all of two seconds, before you whip your attention onto Simon, blurting out, “Your mom told me you're in love with me. Is that true?”
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