#that was otome’s plan lol not his
akkivee · 10 months
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fr tho how much of rei’s exposition was the truth if he’s still willing to let ichiro believe his mom is dead 😞
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galaxietm · 6 months
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uhhh it's a big ol wip, but here's what the car.rd for the blog is looking like! i'm making sure i have all current muses listed (yes, including muses i haven't added to the muse page on the blog itself yet, mcrip me i guess)
any thoughts / critiques are welcome! (esp because it's been so long that i'm?? not sure how it looks and would appreciate literally any feedback lol) but it's getting close to finished!
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avionvadion · 2 years
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Designs/Backstories not final. Just some doodles. Cynthia belongs to my absolute bestie and is very strongly based off of Pkmn Cynthia because she’s an absolute queen and icon.
The idea at this point is that Cynthia is the daughter of a Viscount from the Alliance, so she starts out in the Golden Deer, and Iliana is the daughter of a baron from the Empire, so she starts out in Black Eagles. They eventually move to Blue Lions, taking their friends with them.
Cynthia’s parents have her focus on her studies more than on finding a husband, so she’s rather shy and becomes an awkward socializing mess- especially around pretty girls. Her studies in magic lets her become close to Lysithea, and after reaching the academy becomes friends with Ashe and Petra. Due to a social gathering between regions when she was young, Cynthia met Iliana and they’ve been exchanging letters since- and the academy is the first time they’ve seen each other in about seven years???
Due to being the only one in the family having a Major Crest, Iliana’s parents view her as no more than a tool and put her in an arranged engagement with Ferdinand- his father being greedy as ever, and having gone through a failed engagement with the Varley family because poor Ferdie was too scared of Bernadetta from the rumors. *Ferdie and Bernie’s A Support*
Ferdie and Ilia become besties over the years, the former becoming quite protective as Iliana’s crest leaves her quite sickly, and Ferdinand eventually promises that they won’t have to follow through with the wedding after graduation if Iliana does not wish to, because once he unseats his father the arrangement between their parents will be invalid.
Long story short, Iliana falls head over heels for the resident tsundere Felix who absolutely will not give her the time of day, and Ferdinand falls for sweet anxious baby Bernadetta. Meanwhile, Cynthia is absolutely infatuated with Dorothea.
And then the war happens.
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yuikomorii · 5 months
// Ok I didn’t want to go this far but at this point, you guys are hating on Ayato just for clout and it shows. It’s okay not to like a character but straight up spreading misinformation about him is not okay. If you lack reading comprehension, just admit it.
What makes Ayato’s past so sad isn’t only the fact that Cordelia was mean towards him. She mentally and physically abused him, yet what genuinely hurt Ayato the most was the way Cordelia treated ALL the triplets. A part of him didn’t even want to kill her, given that he CRIED in the MB flashbacks because, despite being a huge abuser, he STILL felt sympathy even for someone like her. No matter how horrible Cordelia was, Ayato still wished for Karlheinz to reciprocate her feelings only to finally see her happy.
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Don't even get me started on the Adam curse. He was practically used as bait and abandoned to death by his own brothers, but he still hoped for their safety after escaping. That curse literally destroyed his entire life because its purpose was to make the person who ate the fig drown in despair and go insane. That's why he was sooo obsessed with Yui's blood. Heck, he's cursed in routes other than his own, as he goes insane in Ruki's MB one, to the point that his brothers had to lock him inside the dungeon. In addition, in his MB Vampire Ending, he falls into a coma because he refuses to hurt Yui and keep drinking her blood.
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Other than that, Laito was the one who made him believe that he wasn’t special, hence he adopted the “I will never make someone special again” mentality. He also wanted to kill him when he was younger (no hate towards any of his brothers though). Kanato was the only one who never did something bad to him, considering that when Ayato was a child, Reiji called him the disappointment of the family after failing a test.
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Ayato did twisted stuff too; no character is a saint, but he always tries his best to fix things. Even when not dating Yui, he’s capable of showing compassion, support and a desire to improve his relationship with his brothers BY HIMSELF. Check this analysis for example.
Other than that, despite every time being hurt when trying to show kindness, he still became a very selfless guy who’d sacrifice himself for anyone at any given time. What makes this even more admirable is that according to Karlheinz, he’s literally the only one who actually VALUES his life. This guy who loves life would risk it all for Yui, even when not dating, or for any of his brothers.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations and tournesolia on Tumblr
On top of that, he's incredibly empathic?? He forgives everybody, no matter what they do to him, and seeks to maintain good relations with them. In Kino's LE route, for example, he tortures and burns Ayato, but Ayato is the first person to recognize him as his brother because he wanted Kino to feel that he, too, belonged to a family.
Last but not least, nobody silences Karlheinz as good as him. He was also the only one who connected the dots by himself about his dad being the root of all evil (Laito too but that was after the letter), including being the only one who didn’t want to kill him only because he didn’t want to fall into his plan. Check this post.
Oh and, Ayato is actually really big; it’s not that only his fans make him that way! This post basically proves that he’s the IT boy of otome games and I should also mention that he’s the character that sells the most in Japan and China! Just look what Japanese fans think of him. ;)
You can dislike him as much as you want but nobody can deny how brave and pure-hearted he is. He’s the definition of from zero to hero.
As I mentioned earlier, it's fine to dislike him, but don't become obsessed with it, lol. At the end of the day, he's merely a fictional character with endearing characteristics and the male lead. It's really not that deep. Besides, it's embarrassing when the hate comes from Yui stans because she definitely wouldn't be happy of any of you talking about her man in that way.
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Blue Lock in Edo period
Wrote these with otomes in mind LOL
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Sae Itoshi The daimyō with wonderful red kimono and golden embroidery visit your family restaurant and wants you to cook for him for the rest of your life, or until he gets tired of you. Sae takes you to his castle and you are so excited to work for such an important daimyō; maybe your family will have a wealthy but modest life from now on. Too bad Sae also wants you as a concubine. He really can't understand your surprise when after giving him his tea he pushed you toward the futon, wasn't his intention clear from the start? Maybe not, the headbutt you just gave him still stings; "arrogant bastard, I'll never fall for you". But is it real? Or you'll fall for that dastardly guy, grown a little too fast, that wants to travel the world, but still has many insecurities?  And will you be just one of his many concubines or something more will develop?
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Rin Itoshi: The brother of the daimyō Sae Itoshi. Planning to get his revenge and take his brother's place. Can't suffer you from second one, just one of many concubines of his brother and another loss of time, he's sure of it. Then why he can't get you out of his mind? Why instead of warming his brother's bed you spend so much time with him? Your sweet words warm his body and make his heart beat faster and Rin can’t stand it; he has big plans, and he doesn’t have time for a silly crush. Not even when he notices you talking more with Sae and a green monster has his heart in a vice, dark emotions piling up. Will you be able to end his hatred and conquer Rin’s heart? Or you’ll be just one of his pawns?
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Shidou Ryusei: The skilled ninja working under Sae, you meet because instead of using you as a cook the young daimyō found you clever enough to learn medicine and assist his best men in battle. Obviously, Shidou finds you so boring, that’s why he rather tease you endlessly to see your flustered expression while you patch him up.
“Wow you are so elastic Ryusei-sama! I suppose that years of training were really useful!”
“Yeah! That and breaking all my bones since I was a little child”
“W-What!? Are you kidding me, right?”
“Ryusei-sama! Don’t play with me!”
You are Shidou favorite toy and he can’t really let you go, meanwhile, your growing feelings for him make his teasing work even more! Will you be able to see behind the ever-smiling persona and discover his dark past? Or yours will remain just a playful banter?
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Yoichi Isagi: Your childhood friend going down the path of the samurais. He always protected you and promised you he’ll always do. He works hard ‘till he becomes one of the best warriors under his lord Sae Itoshi, the same lord that now wants you all for himself. The last time you saw Yoichi he was just a small kid and now he is a young man, with brave eyes and a proud smile and Yoichi is smitten with you as much as you are with him. Too bad his lord doesn’t have nice intention and Yoichi knows he should be happy for his friend to go with such an honorable man like Sae, but Yoichi really can’t let you go with him, his crush of years ago resurfacing as strong as a waterfall. Will he always protect you from afar, or Yoichi will finally have you all for himself? Will he finally be able to pull you into his arms and kiss you silly with the sunset framing your faces like he always dreamt of?
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Michael Kaiser: The eccentric merchant from an unknown land. You never know if he is trying to sell his merch or directly himself to you. You don’t know how his sellings can go that well, when he loses half of his time wooing you, but you have to admit that he must have some talent. Anyway, he talks too much
“Are all men from your land like you?”
“Do you mean handsome? Talented? Wonderful in the art of lovemak-“
“I meant annoying.”
“Oh. Well. No at any of those.”
Michael comes to your family restaurant as much as he can, flirting with you the entire time, always gifting you (and your relatives too! Damn buttlicker) fascinating objects from the various lands he visits. Will you fall for one of his many attempts? And will Michael be able to demonstrate that he is in fact as skilled as a merchant as he is in lovemaking?
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Alexis Ness: The right-hand of his boss Michael Kaiser. His cute face attracts a lot of clients, both men and women and you fell for him like many others. Too bad he only has eyes for his boss and he thinks you have too. That’s how your rivalry starts, a rivalry that lives only in Alexis’ brain since you have zero to none interest in Michael. How can he not see that the sweets you made are exactly his favorite ones? Or that your eyes sparkle in that beautiful way only when you look at him? But what’s worse in Alexis’ mind is that he can’t think of his Michael as much as he used to, his mind is always full of ways to defeat you, and finally shout that he won and maybe kiss you, then pulling away the obi that tie your kimono and bed you and oh no; his mind is only filled with you after all. Will Alexis understand that it is not hatred the emotion that is eating him, but love? Or the impending war will destroy any chance you have?
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rad-roche · 10 months
do you have any mod recommendations? other than romanceable nick lol
exposing my mod list is a real 'please don't tell anyone how i live' moment because it, top to bottom, is all just pretty little outfits for gloria, furniture, or very small changes to nick that i like. gameplay? story additions? those sound interesting, i wonder what those are like. my toxic video game trait, consistent across absolutely everything, is i can play a 5fps mess if it means i get to snap pretty pictures
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now of those categories...
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies: you know it you love it, and there's a nevernude option should you desire. i always forget what i have installed, so i made sure to get the nude one so i could nod appreciatively when a modded outfit failed to load. it's my present to me. got rained on? had an argument? never fear. glussy is here.
Apocalypse Attire
Commonwealth Cuts
Dave's Poses
Mirrored Vanilla Scars
Eyes of Beauty
Photo Mode (even if you have absolutely no interest in the cc stuff, this thing is a godsend if you ever want to take screenshots)
Cigarette In Mouth
Handmaiden - the outfit in that picture. comes in other colours, too!
Concealed Armors
Creative Family mods. you can't install these like you would the rest, so pay close attention to the instructions, but the quality on these is unmatched. creative clutter, do it yourshelf, modular kitchen, they're all really, really good if you like decorating player homes.
Building Budget Extender
Dino's Decorations
Global Stash
Just Some Rugs
MadKea (this thing adds 500+ items so if your computer has a hard time with fo4, give this one a skip unless you don't mind waiting an age for menus to load)
Reversed Workshop Highlight (gets rid of that annoying green glow! godsend!)
Workshop Plus (completely reworks workshop; lets you clone items, save layouts to layers, float around buildable spaces, undo/redo. it's hard to overemphasise the usefulness of this if you plan to build)
Companion Accuracy Boost
Companions Go Home
Alternative Synth Eyes
Nick Valentine Robot Voice (it makes nick sound as if he's talking through a speaker. it's subtle, but i really dig it)
Valentine's Revolver
Valentine Jaw Sync
Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul (makes npcs seem more 'aware' and much less likely to make repetitive comments)
Delay Nick's Quest (only allows Long Time Coming to trigger after you complete Gilded Grasshopper; a lot of his location-based dialogue remains open instead of him defaulting to brooding about the tapes and that long, hard quest)
I'll respect your wishes and not mentioned critically acclaimed Fallout 4 mod Romancable Nick Valentine, which can be found here. I will, instead, mention this adorable one where you can marry him, which I assume is keeping in the spirit of you specifically asking me not to mention them. Now go forth and play your wildly overambitious otome game
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another-lost-mc · 18 days
I'll be real with you, I kinda hate how in the game the MC's trauma is kinda "overlook". Like wdym we literally just got brutally murdered by Belphie then suddenly we're one big happy family?? I personally would stay the fuck away from Belphie 😟 And I'm really excited to see Belial's reaction (def not having favourite rn)
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No, that's valid. My issue with Lesson 16 isn't Belphie or what he did (I mean, it sucks but I can see his perspective too). My issue is MC's reaction to it, or lack of reaction.
I get that it's an otome game and MC is supposed to be focusing on the other characters so they don't want to spend the a lot of time going on about MC's potential trauma/feelings, because those are complicated things to explore and take a lot of screen time away from the *romance*. For me, the Night Dagger situation in S2 is similar - my MC would be a mess after what happened, and while there are more appropriate responses from the characters after (Lucifer getting angry, concern for MC who passes out), it's still glossed over a bit too quickly for my liking.
I think that's why I like reading season re-writes, because authors spend time exploring issues that the game didn't, or they find different ways of resolving the conflict with Belphie that doesn't require time travel shenanigans.
Writing/changing Lesson 16 is probably the biggest hurdle for me when it comes to writing the S1/exchange program stories with the OCs. MC's motivations for creating pacts is different, and I think MC having friendships/relationships with Devildom citizens other than the brothers means that Belphie's plan and his whole locked in the attic thing probably won't hold up for long. Don't get me wrong, I like the potential for drama and hurt/comfort if Lesson 16 happens, but it's a pain to make it function in AU stories that don't focus on the demon brothers monopolizing MC's company and attention. lol
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ad-hawkeye · 30 days
tot is definitely trying harder because they have more competition in the mobile cn otome scene (esp deepspace lol)but i will not complain it as long as they don’t force us to relive the artem midfest
about the high school au card general thoughts from weibo are holy shit artem why are you making everyone hard pity or almost hard pity smh. the card is good and it does a good job at giving you a cute innocent school romance/crush some posts giving praise to both artem and rosa’s lines + writer/writing team as well
joining the war on love and deepspace on the side of love and deepspace solely to ensure that tot feels pressured to actually write a decent story and to also care about character consistency again
it's interesting from a market perspective. love and deepspace has a really strong grip on those who like "spicy" content, especially because of its 3d models. that's what it's marketed as, and that's what it really excels at. i know of several other cn otome games with better borderline nsfw content too, ones that lean into it fully and a lot more openly than tot. i also know of several other cn otome games that are completely outdoing tot in terms of writing and art - lovebrush chronicles for example.
tot is fascinating bc it originally found a niche as a whodunit mystery game with otome elements and interesting characters. it also had a boost being a mihoyo made game.
but then they noticed people liked the steamier content, so they abandoned their original niche to chase after fanservice at the expense of their storytelling and characters. and now that other games out there are doing the whole borderline nsfw thing much better than they are (because let's be real, tot sacrificed their writing in the name of extremely mediocre softcore porn foreplay and tropes that other games do better), it feels like they're trying to bring back the original writing and are trying to think outside of the box in terms of art and new official art styles.
i wonder where tot will go from here, or if this will work?
god okay, additional side rant incoming. but before i do - that's fantastic news about the high school au cards.. thank you!!
did you know lovebrush had the mls have their first kisses with mc at different times? ayn's happened on white day, cael's happened in an ssr card story following white day, and the remaining boys had theirs happen during their azure island routes. and you know what? it made sense for their characters!
ayn is very blunt and straight forward. cael had several other card stories dedicated to building up their relationship. alkaid is too afraid of upsetting mc and would not make the first move. clarence is still getting used to being in a romantic relationship. lars is a hopeless romantic who seems preoccupied with waiting for the "right moment".
and it just. keeps reminding me of tot's second anniversary. where the writers planned to have luke propose to rosa because of his whole "i'm dying in three years" thing which... makes sense! that makes sense! but why on earth would you make the other three guys propose when it doesn't make sense for them?? i just. ugh.
sometimes i wonder if it's too late for tot to fix their writing.
and the funny thing! lbc has a wedding event in the cn server! but you want to know something even funnier?? it's not an actual wedding! it's a photoshoot event! none of them are engaged!
tot could have gone so many routes and they took the ones with the worst writing and it's mind boggling. you CAN do fanservice with good writing!
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arataka-reigen · 8 months
hello!! i saw the tags on your pinned post abt how shoujo wasn't just romance and it got me curious bc i've read some nice shoujo but really dislike romance-heavy plots. are there any shoujos you like that don't have much or any romance in them? ty and i hope you have a good day! 💛
Oh, there are lots of mangas that are classified as shoujo and don't have romance!!
I am just now beginning my journey through shoujo as well, so I don't have a lot of recommendations for stuff I actually read, but the ones I did read or watch so far are:
Natsume Yuujinchou and basically anything else by its author, Yuki Midorikawa. Sometimes, her works do include romance, but the focus is almost always in the interpersonal relationships and the difficulties her characters go through in life. NatsuYuu is about an orphan boy who can see yokai, and for that reason he acts in "weird" ways and his foster families dislike him, so he keeps going from family to family. The story is about how he finds a good family who accepts and loves him, makes friends, and learns to make friends even with yokais.
There are currently 6 anime seasons out, and a 7th season is on its way, so you can either read the manga or watch the anime.
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Akatsuki no Yona - i mean, this one does include romance, but i'll still put it on the list because as far as the anime went the focus is heavy on Yona's actual journey to gather the dragons of legend to be able to recover the kingdom that was stolen from her. It shows how Yona goes from a sheltered spoiled girl to a person befitting the title of dragon king.
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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom - this one is the og villainess isekai and it truly deserves the hype. It is about a girl who wakes up in the child body of the villainess of her favorite otome game. She remembers that the villainess' fate in the game was always either death or exile, so she tries her hardest to change her fate. This one is classified as a reverse harem, but the main character is pretty oblivious and worries more about farming and eating sweets and generally being the best girl ever than actually worrying about romance. Aro ace queen tbh. And her harem is just happy to be with her and be dragged along for her stupid adventures. Plus, the female members of her harem are taken seriously as well, Mary is a raging lesbian and it is not subtext. I mean, it is a shoujo, so of course the female characters would be important lol.
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Usagi Drop - listen to me. You will absolutely not look for anything related to this manga. If you like the premise you can watch the anime. But, please, do not look for the manga. You will only be extremely disappointed by it. That being said, I recommend the anime. It is about a man who returns home for his grandfather's funeral and then finds out his grandfather had an illegitimate daughter who has now become an orphan. He ends up having to take care of her because the rest of the family considers her a shame to the family.
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Now, for the stuff I havent seen yet, I'll just write some that are on my "plan to read" list and put their genres next to their names so you can check it out if you think the genre's sound interesting:
7 Seeds (drama, horror, psychological, sci fi, survival)
Requiem of the Rose King (drama, historical, supernatural, gender identity)
Basara (drama, fantasy, adventure) (i think this one has romance, but from what i've heard, the main character's story is a lot deeper as she takes her brother's identity in order to fight against the king who killed her brother, it is pretty famous and considered a classic)
Ghost Hunt (horror, mystery, psychological, supernatural)
Helter Skelter (horror, psychological)
My Stepmother and Stepsisters aren't Wicked (comedy, historical, slice of life)
Ikoku Nikki (drama) (this one is the one i'm currently most interested on, i hear it's about a distant woman who's never had a good relationship with her sister and now has to take care of her teenage niece because her sister died)
Itsuwari no Freya (crossdressing, historical)
Limit (drama, psychological, school) (this one sounds incredible tbh, on a field trip their bus gets into an accident and only 5 girls remain, having to learn to survive and trying to assert themselves over one another because they hate each other.)
Machida-kun no sekai (school)
Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru (drama) (the main character wants to infiltrate the household of the family who blamed her mother for a fire, in order to prove her mother's innocence)
Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You (comedy)
Uramichi Oniisan (comedy, showbiz, workplace)
Usotoki Rhetoric (mystery, historical)
Don't Call It Mystery (mystery)
If anyone has more things to recommend I would also love to hear about it!!
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Hi Slug! If you've listened to the full songs in the new EP, have your opinions of the trailers changed? Also, the new dramas are HEAVY, so if you've listened to them, I'm curious to know what you thought of them. As always, thanks for the translations!
I like listening to Hypmic music on shuffle during workouts, so I've most of the new songs in full by now. I don't think my opinions have changed majorly. I really enjoy Black and White, and Move Your Body Till You Die is a phenomenal work of art.
As for the drama tracks... truth be told, I haven't even listened to the one that came out in April, so I'll read through some TLs now and record thoughts below the cut:
No One Lives Forever, translation courtesy of shinseimcd on Twitter
"Anti-Party of Words faction" Huh, like a government faction? I'm surprised the PoW allows other political parties or at the very least open dissenters. There was talk in some chapters of the manga of them punishing protesters, not to mention the way they crushed the TDD rebellion in its primacy. Either way, interesting, and I hope we learn more about this as time goes on.
Ichijiku and Nemu baking together is really cute lol
I love the way Ichijiku's whole personality shifts around Otome. Gap moe (????)
It's a cool tidbit that Nemu tends to prefer plainer outfits, as that tracks with how she dresses in TDD. Also, Nemu and Ichijiku shopping together is kind of bittersweet, since Ichijiku is clearly using Nemu as a replacement figure for her deceased sister...
Ichijiku secretly wanting to fall on the cute side of the cute/elegant spectrum is a pretty classic trope but a fun detail that's been hinted at already, since we've seen that she keeps a bow collection.
??? Rei's lab is on Battleship Island? Ohhhhhhhhh this is why Twitter was blowing up with controversy right after this track released... The IRL Battleship Island was home to forced labor of Korean and Chinese citizens during the twentieth-century push of Japanese imperialism which was later, iirc, denied in part or totally by the Japanese government to immense international backlash. Using this as a setpiece for Hypmic is oddly provocative, and I can't think why the writers would want to do that. On a much lighter note, this is also a headscratcher to me because isn't this a UNESCO World Heritage Site? The whole point of that is conservation, and I don't think building a clone lab counts as conservation... Unless they're implying the clone lab was built prior to the 1950s? Hm. Let's not go down this rabbit hole.
"I would like all of the True Hypnosis Mics. As well as all the Amemura clones." Oh? Are there more still alive? I thought Honobono ordered the death of the last remaining three... Well, that scraps a piece of writing I was working on LOL
"Your biometric data is required to access the mic storage facility" So how did the PoW get in?
Her? Heart stop beating? Oh for fuck's sake, is Rei's wife also in a coma? How many fucking characters are in a coma in this series... Whichever mfer invents a device that restores people from comas with no significant brain damage will make a fortune in this universe
"And I won't try anything funny." I do not believe this for one instant
Hmm, the framing of Otome planning this and the way she brushed past talk of countermeasures for the anti-PoW faction implies that Rei is heading this faction.
Oh, so they couldn't get past the biometric locks after all, I see.
I strongly dislike the idea of thirty clones for thirty mics and the nonchalance in which Rei goes, "Yeah, I'll ship them off to Chuuouku" like they're a parcel and not human beings, but that's my personal bone to pick w/ this character and setting.
I was intrigued by the notion of the PoW holding caucuses, implying there's some sort of democratic process in terms of choosing their own party members or positions, but the JPN audio doesn't specify that exactly.
"We no longer require the cooperation of Jakurai Jinguji." I know that this took like four years in real time, but in terms of the Hypmic universe... I mean, Jakurai didn't even do anything for them, did he? He went through all that moral dilemma for nothing, as far as I can tell. (I get that it sets up the reconciliation with Ramuda, but that's it? Seriously?) That's disappointing to roll it back so quickly.
"During the Division Rap Battle, the people of our nation will be focused on the tournament, giving us the opportunity to use the True Hypnosis Mics to mind hack the Anti-Party of Words faction who stand in our way, ultimately pulling them over to our side." Otome always has the most batshit plans. God bless. A consequence of her needing to drive the plot forward is that she'll say some of the truly silliest things I've ever heard. What a complete misappropriation of government funds lol. Also... is this stating there are only 30 dissidents (????), or can the True Hypmics brainwash more than one person at a time?
"Once that is complete, we will move on to other countries. And when we have taken over the world, then, in the true sense of the word, peace through the power of words will be achieved." LMAO? I'm sorry, this isn't very considerate of me, but in my initial impressions of this, I am well and truly gobsmacked. What in the actual fuck. How many clones will die for this? How much money will it cost? How does she think she stands any chance at governing so many people across such an area, even with a downsized population after WWIII? Homie... Never change, Hypmic, you are the wildest.
I can't believe Ichijiku is so whipped she's willing to go along with an absolutely nonsensical plan for world domination. Ma'am, Otome is not going to fuck you, and even if she is, it's not worth it! Ma'am!!! I'm sorry, I'm being petty and not giving this a lot of in-depth thought but LORD this is a trip on first read.
"World domination, huh, what a joke." Man after my own heart.
I'm actually quite interested in how this "mics are disabled forever" thing works. I guess the mics have a kill switch in them? I vaguely recall someone saying that in the manga years and years ago... Oh yeah, it was Ramuda in TDD 12. Huh, interesting if that was intentional foreshadowing (I'm not sure if I want to be that charitable). At any rate, can't everyone in the room just get new mics? Or does it affect their speakers and such too? I'm curious how that works, like if you build an affinity with a certain mic or some nonsense.
"looks like we won't be having any Division Rap Battles from here on out." Ah, and this is why the other half of Twitter was up in arms like "No more DRB??? End of Hypmic??" I guess.
The Block Party tracks are quite long, and since it's getting rather late for me, I'm going to leave off here for the moment. I'd like to continue this at my next available opportunity... WHAT a ride. Not sure when that will be, but I will add to this with a reblog when I can. And I know it's been months since this track came out, but I would love to hear other people's thoughts. I wasn't around much when it first launched, so I missed most of the commentary on it.
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gifti3 · 1 month
Arranged marriage au with asmo
I need asmo to be in some type of royal otome slowburn manhwa
ramblings ramblings
the drama guys....the DRAMA! dont tell me a bunch of nonsense wouldnt happen
remember the post where i was like indifferent/passive aggressive asmo becoming curious about the MC fics are peak
similar thing is happening here! honestly i think theres some resentment coming from asmos side at first but mc is like ay....you do ur thing and i do mine
im not gonna make u do anything u dont want, i dont have any expectations from this arrangement. lets just try not to make each of our lives hell u know
lol i bet when asmo first meets MC after finding out that hes supposed to marry them he's like thinking "......ig theyre not that bad looking"😒 (he literally would have been flirting with them in any other circumstance)
hmmm mc needs to be apart of a pretty influential family i think since this is gonna be a political type marriage
and asmo,,,,i feel like he doesnt really engage in the specifics when it comes to politics or anything. it's just not something thats important to him. he has his side hobbies and business endeavors that cares about. But topics outside of those things are left up to his family
so perhaps one day, the head of the family (i wanna say lucifer but since i want the person in this role to give off more a mysterious vibe, where his word is final michael might be a better choice) is like... this specific family...theyre kinda important and we want them on our side so get married to their eldest who has rejected every other person ever but has agreed to marry and since u dont do much when it comes to political affairs im gonna have you do this whether you want to or not
and asmo is just like....HUH he tries to get lucifer to help him out here but lucifers like...yea dads not budging sorry lil bro (he doesnt say it like that but similar sentiment lmao)
now mc never really wanted to get married cause they didnt wanna have to go through the motions against their will and they like their life as is but their parents have been breathing down their neck about marriage for years now. And now that this BIG opportunity has present itself to their parents, it feels like the pressure is really on now! at first mc is like shit...idk if i can weasel my way outta this one
and then......they realized that maybe this could probably work out in their favor actually.....
mc agreed to married him cause asmo has a bit of a reputation as a partier and a playboy
with asmo they feel like things can stay as they are for the most part if they let him continue to do as he pleases (not like they could have stopped him if they wanted to lol)
everything can be the same, they can still live their own separate lives, just now they have the title of spouses!
and thats the plan, like i said before asmo comes in being a bit rude at first but it kinda changes to indifference and a little passive aggressiveness once MC is like...yo chill im not gonna shit on ur parade. i just wanna be left to my own things. you do you sir
yes thats the plan...thats supposed to be the plan and it was going as mc expected for a good while
but as we know if u put something or someone in front of asmo enough times hes gonna get curious
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akkivee · 1 year
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i’m thinking whatever drove ichiro and rei apart in the first place was different from whatever caused rei to reach back out to ichiro in this instance
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girlymatsu · 1 month
is there any more lore surrounding villainess!erina? because i'm obsessed with villainess comics ( and erina tbh ) so i'd love to know more about her in that au. 👀✨️
AHH yes!! Nothing concrete or super fleshed out but I’ve thought of a few things… apologies for ramblings it may not make sense or sounds cringe/cliche/too edgy eep 😭
Villainess Erina is a lady in waiting for a female lead character (either totoko or just a generic y/n character)
She used to not be a noble but a peasant and used to play with Osomatsu when he and his brothers snuck off to play with commoners as kids… so she has memories of being with Osomatsu back in the day
Erina made a deal with cursed magic artifact to replace a noble girl and take her position and links with royalty. The family she ended up being with has plans with infltrating royal families and stealing their magical crests because I like the fun magical medieval world where villainess novels take place in lol, and use Erina to do so.
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She is hoping to be in a better life and feel beautiful… have a fantasy happy ever after. She falls in love with Osomatsu through being with the mc princess who is supposed to marry one of the brothers etc it’s like an otome story… Osomatsu doesn’t recognize her ofc, and is amicable to her… but his focus is always on other people and shenanigans and is oblivious to her feelings… Ends up unknowingly being inconsiderate to the her who wants to be closer to him. She goes back to the cursed magic artifact to make things go her way secretly but ends up causing havoc and make her go a little crazier each time. It goes from accidentally cursing people with bad luck and memory loss in her favor, to her anger making her blow up and set a festival on fire.
She even uses corrupt magic to force an arranged marriage to happen between Osomatsu and her… but even then she feels unfufilled and not really loved because she forced it to happen… and feels no one really know her to ever love her.. and when Osomatsu find out how she’s like he will hate her…. Assigned unlovable at birth
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Erina had always thought her life would be better living like a princess but is not the one chosen to be loved, she is still longing, and miserable. She thinks no matter how much she tries to slither her way into this world, she is still insignificant with fake beauty and fake jewels.
And yadda yadda she causes a lot of bad ends , one being that she kills Osomatsu and kisses him to see if true loves kiss would bring him back to life (it doesn’t) and as a result kills the rest of the brothers in a crazed state of mistaking them all for him.
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And these bad ends timelines keep replaying and start blending together and erina will wake up remembering how much pain she has been in and harm she cause.. feeling no hope for herself </3 and she would call off her arranged marriage and give up completely until Osomatsu is like so thrown off by her change in demeanor and start to chase after her 🥺 like wait don’t u like me why r u leaving .. changed the narrative the story forced her to be in.. and that’s when love story happen.. but it must happen after all that tragedy
Anyways that’s it ok bye
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hi, lately I have been thinking how long MLQC is gonna be on air, like, will I feel empty if suddenly my time, money and effort goes into nothing? makes me feels like I'm in nonstop running. what are your thoughts about it, the game will still last some years?
hello! you and i both know i don’t have an absolute/ definite answer to your question haha, so whatever i say in response, please do take it with a grain of salt :>
firstly, the answer will vary depending on which server you’re playing on. regarding the CN i.e., the og server, looking at all the events that are already on the calendar, it’s safe to say lovepro will definitely keep updating for a long time. even if papergames decides to end the main story at some point, they can still continue with the dating verse content, given that there’s been more than enough elements and foundations put in place in the past six years + paper has the money to keep the game running for as long as there’s demand in their market (just look at their crazy marketing for Love and Deepspace, the game’s not even been out for a month yet LOL). and the demand for lovepro will surely run for a couple more years down the road. after all, it’s no small feat being in the market for 6+ years and still having a secured spot in the CN big 4 otome games despite all the shiny new contenders that are constantly being released.
as for the global server aka MLQC, i won’t sugar-coat things. and honestly, the continuous revenue drop does worry me sometimes (coming from someone who logs into her global account only during events due to completionist complex lmao). it’s absolutely crazy to think how the global server lost its players almost overnight due to that fiasco. it’s really a shame, though, b/c despite as much grudge as i have against Elex, i must admit they seem to be trying pretty hard recently and unfortunately the efforts do go unnoticed. also that’s why i encourage people to spend on the game within their comfort limit, however little it may be.
and as for if you’d feel empty if it all suddenly goes into nothing — of course, i can’t tell you how to feel/ react. as for my personal feelings on the matter, while i do plan out my spending habits since i’m still a student and i’m not gonna gacha all my hard-earned money away LOL, but i don’t consider spending (or investing time for that matter) on something that’s made me happy or something i enjoyed a waste. think of it as something similar to buying movie tickets (which only have one time usage) or guilty midnight snack takeouts (a spur of the moment thing) – as long as you know your limits and have made peace with yourself, it’s easier to have the load off of your mind haha~ (⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠*⁠)💕
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astridthevalkyrie · 3 months
U want lds thoughts? I gotchu 🫡
I really like all 3 boys, but I'm leaning Zayne bc he's just so husband coded. He's the only one I could see a long-term relationship w. I love Xavier and Rafayel, but I just can't picture them as husbands or dads (at least w my MC/myself). I also desperately need them to interact in game and in the main story, there's just sm potential for chaos and funnies.
I honestly dk what will happen next. Obviously, MC is gonna want to investigate Onichynus and her heart, but idk how that story will unfold or how they'll tie in the stories w each li and their separate myths/reincarnation bit. (Also, the fact that the myths happen in the future doesn't make sense to me yet, so I hope they plan to really flesh that out and not give us questionable writing like most mobile otomes do). Idk how I feel abt Sylus (and possibly Caleb) becoming lis, ig I'll have to see what they're like and if they appeal to me at all, bc so far we haven't had enough Caleb content for me to actually get attached (I was also convinced he was MCs brother so idt I'll ever be able to see him romantically 😭).
I hope we'll get to see more of the side characters and what MCs life is like outside of just the three guys, but I honestly doubt it lmao (more for me to hc abt ig lol).
I have more but this is already rambly and idk how to be coherent rn. This game is giving me brainworms and I'm def thinking abt it too hard. Oh, well. I don't consume media, media consumes me.
i'm telling you it's xavier boyfriend zayne husband and rafayel sneaky link. that's exactly the look and vibe they give off.
i think as of right now zayne is the most popular, at least on ao3 him/mc is the most popular ship. which is just to be expected when you have a levi ackerman coded character LOL. like you said, he's a husband. he just is. he's a doctor and he's successful and he cares for the mc so deeply it just makes sense. i started the game for him because. i mean he looks like THAT. he acts like THAT. he has ice powers and you get to melt the ice in his heart and make him love you i adore that shit see my pinned post for the kind of romance i write you could make a zayne x reader set in the aot universe and it would be my fic. and dooooooon't get me started on dawnbreaker zayne. DON'T GET ME STARTED i gasped during the anecdote when the truth about the kid comes out. he dreams about his past life what the fuck bro what the fuck.
surprisingly, though, while i do love him, he's probably the one i've had the least amount of thoughts about (that's still clearly a lot of thoughts so that's not saying much). i think it's partly because my gacha favors xavier and rafayel a lot more and right now i pretty much am just heavily thinking about whichever guy i consumed the content for last.
xavier and rafayel have me obsessed. i thought xavier would be completely meh because zen from mysme was meh for me. but um. he was not meh. my levi hawks pattern has told me that i love a man who was forced into fighting because of the stupid goodness in his heart and manipulative outside forces. and even though that's not exactly what's going on with xav, he does have that vibe. his is the only myth i've watched in full and i'm just. they should have been able to go to uluru together. the scene where they're both lying on the ground i have watched it so many times. i love love love the royalty x captain of the guards trope so much. the fact that they both serve in both roles is insane. i've read the anecdote about her first life on philos too there's a fucking part in there that talks about how he shares his EARBUDS with you?????? end me.
and rafayel is beautiful. like he's actually beautiful. his english voice actor makes him sound so fucking bisexual + the bi wife energy whenever you're with him is just. UGH. the game is hilarious whenever he's on screen and obviously with the way the main story has ended for now he's the most intriguing. and while you can feel the pining energy from all three of them, his is just. lowkey the most pathetic. and i eat it up. bro started TEACHING AT HER COLLEGE just for the chance to see her. i like that he's not possessive per se but he is very whiny and attention seeking the sassy man syndrome is real. i need to unlock his myth but i'm not patient so i may very likely just watch it on youtube. i need to see hunter rafayel. i need to see him right now.
the main story is genuinely fascinating. i was a little bit bored up until the explosion happened and it really kicked in. bc suddenly it's not just 3 guys and you doing your best, but you actively investigating and them helping you. like i said i don't have raf's myth and i haven't finished zayne's yet (need more fucking upgrades to his card) so i don't have the full story but at least what i'm getting right now is okay. they're all from the past or future. they all remember?? xavier and rafayel definitely do. zayne knows something about grandma who seems kinda shady to me. i've seen the caleb=sylus or at least caleb lives theories. i saw someone say the man at the end isn't sylus though? and his english va is the same as caleb's but in other languages it's someone else. idk.
idk about the others but xavier's myth being in the future makes sense. i'm pretty sure the timeline goes: in our current timeline, earth is about to go bye-bye and become inhabitable bc of wanderers -> survivors go to philos -> xavier and a new mc are both born -> she dies bc of something in her heart and is reborn bc she's the only one who's truly immortal (everyone else on philos lives forever naturally but can still be killed i think??) -> new lightseeker mc and xavier are meant to become guard and prince respectively but philos is dying -> to save mc from being sacrificed again and again xavier decides to go back in time to find another way where he after at least like 200 years meets current timeline mc
i know what you mean about not being able to see caleb as a love interest. the first time i saw him i genuinely thought they had no need to make my brother this hot what the fuck. and then i realized he was just her childhood friend and i went
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and then he blew up 😭
i neeeeeed to see the love interests interact. i mean mc barely thinks about the others whenever she's with one but i really hope in the next arc we actually see them meeting each other. beefing or working together or whatever, i need to know (i may also have already started a fic about what's gonna happen next bc i'm mentally ill). xavier has a tracker on her so he should be able to find her and zayne kinda disappeared off the face of the earth but i want them all back. i want interaction. i want it so bad.
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the-axe-and-flail · 1 year
I've got some exciting news to share today!
I've officially begun work on my new big project- a series of fics based in a late modern/futuristic setting AU, where the slayers are based out of a nightclub named "The Wisteria Lounge".
Each of the Hashira have a planned fic, and all will be intertwined with each other (think Otome game route style, as that was the inspiration. I am Otomesass after all 🤣). These will all be Y/N fics, with most (if not all) being Y/N×Hashira, though Im still up in the air about Mui, and possibly Genya.
While I don't have anything to post yet, enjoy all these random notes I wrote myself during development to give you an idea of where this is all going! There is a lot below the cut so be prepared lol.
"The Wisteria Lounge" (logo by me, still a wip. Cannot decided on a font lol)
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Wisteria is set in a future where disaster has struck the modern world, making daylight all but nonexistent. As humanity learned to adapt, they had no idea that Demons would soon come to claim the upper echelons of society as government officials, idols, and CEOs. With murder on the rise, missing peoples reports skyrocketing, and whisperings of cannibals being passed around, an order of individuals seeks to find and eliminate the new plague on humanity.
Unlike in the normal Canon, each Hashira is in charge of a "team" of slayers, each specializing in different goals or techniques. So far these are-
Unit overview-
The slayers function in units, with each Hashira running a unit of their own. Not all units are active duty 24/7, and some are more highly specialized than others
•Shinobu- Insect Hashira, team Chō (butterfly)
Runs the clinic, takes care of injured slayers
Tasked with research of new or developing chemicals that can kill demons
Fighters focus on speed of strikes rather than power, utilizing pharmaceuticals in combat.
•Gyomei- Stone Hashira, Team Ganban (bedrock)
Runs security for the bar and other slayer controlled locations.
Specializing in securing locations, getting civilians out unharmed, and protecting captives during Kizuki raids.
Exceptional strength and force in combat makes them valuable when overtaking enemy locations.
•Tengen- Sound Hashira, Team Uwasa (rumor)
Mostly recon, and explosives experts
In charge of finding leads on demon locations/whereabouts
His team is good at charming info out of people, equally specialized in torturing info out of demons.
•Giyuu- Water Hashira, Team Suiko (Torrent)
Tech savvy, excellent at digital tracking. Investigations experts, tracking irl as well.
On location/job hacking, information recovery, and data collecting.
Team focuses on high perception and deductive reasoning skills.
•Sanemi- Wind Hashira, Team Tenkū (air)
Muscle muscle muscle. Overwhelming force that would burn itself out rather than back down.
Specializing in destroying everything and leaving no traces behind, including buildings and locations.
The "take no prisoners" team. Highly skilled in hand to hand and all are weapons experts. Basically black ops.
•Mitsuri- Love Hashira, Team Gōka (refined)
Undercover experts, highly skilled with changing appearance/disguise
Exceptional in hand to hand combat, especially evasive actions
Exceptional infiltration tactics, combo of tech savvy and charismatic
•Obanai- Serpent Hashira, Team Sotto (Quiet)
Single cell assassination team, most individuals work on their own.
Often accompany Team Gōka and team Uwasa on missions.
Highly prized one on one combatants. They specialize in taking out targets quickly, often immobilizing them with poisons that team Chō provides.
•Muichiro- Mist Hashira, Team Kōrin (nimbus)
Muscle, though much more refined than team Tenkū.
Specializes in tactics that confuse enemies and create battlefield chaos.
Fond of wide spread smokescreen, gasses, and demoralization tactics.
•Kyojuro- Flame Hashira, Team Rekka (wildfire)
More muscle, very powerful fighters with unwavering dedication
Highly skilled Frontline fighters, excellent tacticians, problem solvers. Good at reading opponents and predicting their moves.
Highly versatile. Often used in conjunction with other teams like Tenkū and Ganban, but can fit in just about anywhere.
Each character will get their own story, exploring how they handle the trappings of their backgrounds and what tolls being a savior to humanity take. During the day, each of the Hashira have jobs they hold to appear 'normal' while their evening duties range from official slayer work, to helping keep the Wisteria Lounge up and running as a profitable front for their true business.
Each fic will have a different sub plot, with all coming together to weave in and out of each other to keep the stories cohesive. This is the second big project I've worked on like this, with the first being my Blind Kings project (over on my main).
Some very general/brief fic outlines for each character so far-
Y/N is brought on as a specialist (speciality will change from fic route to route) to aid in the defeat and capture of demons (which demon will depend on which route). In true otome fashion, the first couple chapters will introduce all the characters, the exposition, overarching plot, and MC's introduction to the main cast.
-10-15 chapters a piece, like an otome, with the final chapters being a "resolution". 
-Not all routes will end with the end of Muzan. Most routes will be 1-2 demon specific. 
-Some events will carry from route to route 
-1st "story" will be a 2 chapter introduction, as a standalone. Then readers go to whatever "route" they want. 
Route overviews-
Gyomei- Kaigaku, who Gyomei learns was behind his false imprisonment, has abandoned the slayers and joined the demons. Under the protection of Kokushibo, Kaigaku is untouchable. Gyomei must fight to restore what he once thought lost- his personhood.
Shinobu- Hunting down her sister's killer, Shinobu learns that Douma runs a "church" that operates as a battered women's shelter. She and her protégé manage to infiltrate the cult to take their revenge on the demon.
Kyojuro- After suffering a near fatal attack by Akaza, Kyojuro seeks to put Akaza out of his misery for good after his recovery, but first must confront his broken father and learn the missing artes he needs to do so.
Giyuu- The demon responsible for killing his best friend resurfaces after years of hiding and takes his older sister hostage. Giyuu must track them down in time to save her before the Demon can harm her.
Sanemi- After killing his own father to protect his siblings and mother, Sanemi served time in juvie. Upon his release, he finds out that his mother and all but 1 of his siblings were killed in his absence and seeks vengeance on the Demon who killed them- Muzan himself.
Muichiro- after mysterious dreams "given" to him by his dead brother, Mui finds out he is related to Kokushibo and seeks to put an end to his relative's reign of terror.
Obanai- once thought dead, the snake demon that slaughtered his family reappears, hoping to finish off his bloodline once and for all. It's a race to see who can kill whom first, as Obanai struggles with the PTSD of his past and his scars.
Mitsuri- scorned by society for being "too strong and independent", Mitsuri hopes to prove herself by infiltrating Muzan's ranks and killing Hantengu, a Demon masquerading as a corrupt judge that is continually evading her grasp.
Tengen- seemingly "cursed" to be alone, Tengen is the target of a very persistent pair of demons who keep killing his loved ones. After his 3rd girlfriend's death, he sets out to put the two six feet under for good.
Genya- (this one is another that is up in the air) fresh out of college and ready to put his skills to the test by taking out the very same demon his brother is hunting. Undeterred by Sanemi's threats, Genya uses his superior deductive reasoning and newfound powers to hunt the Demon king himself.
Now that you've made it through the whole entire thing, let me thank you personally! That's a lot of rambling and half baked ideas you just waded in, and I commend your tenacity! At this time I have no exact eta on when chapters will start going up, but I can say that we'll be starting with Gyomei because I love him and he deserves the world! Any and all critique or questions are welcomed, so please lmk if you've got any!
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