#that thing needs some liquid graphite
mabelsguidetolife · 9 months
me, solving problems irl by improvising with certain objects: tee-hee inventory puzzle :3
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mysticstronomy · 8 months
Saturday, October 7th, 2023
Welcome back,
Is it possible to stand on the surface of Jupiter??. We know Jupiter has lots of clouds and a thick atmosphere. But if you went deep enough, and assuming you were not crushed by atmospheric pressure or the planet’s gravity, would you find land that you could stand on? To answer that question, we first need to peek under the clouds to get a feel for what these planets are like.
Floating in the clouds of the Solar System’s giants are oceans.
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As you descend into the atmosphere of the outer planets, two things happen: It gets hotter, and the pressure rises. Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants made of mostly hydrogen and helium. At a certain depth, the hydrogen, along with perhaps some liquid helium, compresses into an ocean. Jupiter’s ocean might be the largest in the Solar System, and it is so pressurized that the hydrogen loses its electrons, turning it into liquid metal.
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As it moves, this ocean creates an electrical current that gives Jupiter a magnetic field 15 times the size of the Sun. It is the largest magnetic field of any planet in the Solar System.
Uranus and Neptune might also have oceans, this time of liquid water. In addition to hydrogen and helium, these icy giants have high percentages of water and ice. While the idea is still controversial, some scientists believe that at a certain depth this water becomes liquid, and it might be mixed at the molecular level with minerals.
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This liquid might be super-heated above water’s boiling point, but high pressures in the clouds above keep it from boiling away.
For 200 years, we have known about a storm on Jupiter called the Great Red Spot. The Earth could fit inside the Spot, and the storm extends about 350 kilometers down into the planet. (The tallest recorded thunderstorms on Earth are about 20 km tall.) At these depths, the temperature is too high for water to condense, meaning that storms on Jupiter operate very differently than those on Earth.
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The fastest winds in the Solar System, meanwhile, belong to Neptune, and they rage at 2,000 km per hour. This speed can be explained in part by the atmosphere’s great shear, which is created by different latitude bands rotating at their own speeds. In addition, the cloud tops of Neptune are colder than -200°C, but the interior of the planet blazes at 5,100°C. This temperature difference contributes to the high winds.
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Then there is Saturn’s weird hexagon, a six-sided cloud band over its north pole made by a polar jet stream. The shape is unique in the Solar System, and it might be formed by different layers rotating at different speeds.
Uranus and Neptune might have some other remarkable attributes. For example, there might be oceans and rainstorms of liquid diamonds on Uranus and Neptune. Here on Earth, scientists found that with enough heat and pressure, diamonds can liquefy without becoming graphite.
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While we have not observed liquid diamonds directly on Uranus and Neptune, the pressure and temperature have created the right conditions. Diamond rains may also happen on Saturn and Jupiter. There might be another peculiar kind of rain on Saturn. One of its rings rains material back down to the planet, and it contains a mixture of carbon dioxide, butane, propane, ammonia, and water.
Now, we finally can circle back to the original question: Can you stand on the surface of Jupiter or any of these giants? Probably not.
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Saturn’s clouds move at different speeds depending on latitude. Clouds near the poles move slower than those at the equator. This differential rotation is seen to a depth of 10,000 km, or one-sixth of the way into the planet. At Saturn’s core, which is about 12 to 20 times the size of Earth, there is a concentration of heavy elements.
In between Saturn’s core and its clouds, we can imagine a couple of scenarios.
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One consists of layers, and it comes with a clear definition between land and atmosphere. Many previous models of Saturn’s interior imagined such distinct layers, but there is another possibility: The core of Saturn becomes rocky only gradually, as hydrogen and helium slowly mix with the heavier elements in the core. Such a model is often referred to as a “fuzzy core.”
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Six years ago, the Cassini space probe ended its mission and dropped through the clouds of Saturn. As it crashed into the planet, it sent out gravitational data that has been analyzed by scientists to determine the properties of the planet’s interior, and the observations favor a fuzzy core model. A similar core is suspected on Jupiter, while Uranus and Neptune may or may not have them. It is difficult to know for sure until we have more detailed observations of these planets.
Originally published on bigthink.com
(Wednesday, October 11th, 2023)
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leonscape · 3 months
ikepri as school supplies
jin- ruler/straight edge
some girls just really love using a ruler because their notes won’t be “aesthetic” without them. but most people could care less about how their notes look, so not the most popular of the school supplies but he’s really special to some.
chevalier- wooden pencil
everyone needs one, nothing can beat the good old-fashioned graphite tip. a really popular tool, actually probably the most necessary. you see them everywhere and it’s in high demand.
clavis- mechanical pencil
also in high demand but you’re significantly more cool if you have a fancy mechanical pencil. you’ve upgraded, but still, a lot of tests recommend or sometimes require only regular wooden pencils.
leon- glue
not everyone gets glue. even if it’s on the school supply list or syllabus, you don’t actually need to buy a new bottle of school glue every year. but when you need glue for projects, you’re screwed without it. overlooked and underrated of the school supplies.
yves- crayons/color pencils
very colorful, used in art projects, or if you teacher believes that using colors help you learn. everyone gets a new box (the cheap ones if that’s all you can afford) every year. somehow, after a few years of buying new ones each year, they all get collected in this huge box and it’s an impressive collection.
licht- index cards
not really necessary to buy, but it does help if you’re studying something.
nokto- sticky notes
again, not really necessary but some people just adore the sticky notes. can be very entertaining if you have the ones that alternate and it looks like a slinky
luke- white out
related to the eraser. covers up certain mistakes. not a lot of people have white out and if you do, it can either get messy (liquid white out) or it just doesn’t work (tape white out)
gilbert- eraser
erase your mistakes, a counterattack to the wooden pencil. sometimes you accidentally erase too hard and you erase the pencil you didn’t mean to. a very popular tool that you’ll find in everyone’s school supplies.
keith- scissors
an innocent tool but it can also be dangerous. it’s called a pair of scissors for some reason? you might not use it all the time, but it sure is nice to have one of your own.
silvio- markers (possibly the scented ones)
really annoying as they can accidentally get all over your skin. no one uses them to color things, but if you do you’re probably a chaotic evil? markers are usually used to make things more bold
rio- highlighter
really bright and comes in different colors. not everyone understands how highlighting works and some people just don’t use highlighters at all. a bit related to markers as they are usually used to make things more bold.
sariel- pen
more permanent and not really used as much but it still is good to have. teachers use it more than pencils too. if you do your homework in pen you either are really confident, or you just don’t care about what writing utensil you use.
bonus: cyran- mechanical pencil refills
the mechanical pencil is useless without the refills so you kinda need those extra cartridges of graphite.
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littlewalken · 1 year
Feb 16
~insert eldest daughter helping mom with her next phone thing somehow mixed with that Lois Griffin thing about winning and being happy~
~another thing about fuck coupons and discounts and free phone plans you're getting a flat rate and using my old phone with the same company it had up until less than a year ago until I upgraded just take the goddamn thing~
I turned the gift certificate for that one batch of ponies into some good watercolor paper and fluid graphite, kind of like a graphite "ink", so I can make myself some big art.
I have bigger watercolor paper, and possibly nicer more cotton in it or just about the same can't remember, but it's a brand and type I have a smaller size of and like it well enough.
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A big version of the Grease 2 lighter scene is on tap and probably some Cure, some Depeche or at least Martin, maybe a Dave Vanian, and a pic I have of Simon Gallop.
Having looked up the fluid graphite they say when it's dry it's dry, like that Australian liquid pencil was supposed to do and hopefully does now but the batch I bought was for shite, kind of like Inktense does.
For fuck's sake if you do watercolors and have not tried Inktense it's on you because you can use it to do parts you don't want to lift or smudge or rewet and paint the watercolor right on over them.
I am looking to do that with some of the water soluble graphite. Parts like the helmet need to be one and done where the highlights on the jacket are done with lifting and a lot of the lighter tones are washes.
For fuck's sake don't overwork your water soluble graphite picture in the drawing process because you can do a lot of the tones by just pushing the graphite around. I rarely if ever draw anything darker than 40%
And self, practicing the pictures you might want to do with some Inktense and watercolor probably won't hurt.
And for that one person-yes, I do have Artgraph earthtones and white but the black is too black when compared to regular graphite, not that I couldn't use gust that but it's in tailor's chalk shape not a pencil, and the white is opaque like a Chinese white in watercolors.
See, kids, if you fuck around and find out with your art supplies you get to know these things, like which shitty supplies aren't worth fucking around with and finding out decent ones are worth the investment.
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villageandcottage · 2 years
Cleaning a Wood Burner with WD40
As with any other appliance in your home, it’s necessary to clean and maintain your wood burner. Some jobs (such as hoovering) need to be done almost daily, but you only need to do a full clean every few weeks or so.
Below, we’ll look at how you can use WD40 to clean a wood burner, along with some tips for doing it safely.
Can I Use WD-40 on My Wood Burning Stove?
You can use WD40 on your wood burning stove, provided you take a few precautions. It’ll probably come as no surprise, but WD40 is highly flammable. Its main ingredients are oil and aerosol propellant, meaning it’s flammable both as a spray and as a liquid.
However, it’s also highly evaporative and, once it’s settled, leaves very little residue. You can avoid any issues by simply waiting 30 minutes or so before lighting a fire in your wood burner. If you’re really concerned, leave it overnight.
Another tip is to make sure you use it as sparingly as possible. Most WD40 cans come with a small straw to direct the aerosol, so be sure to use this during application because it prevents you from spraying WD40 everywhere.
Why Does WD40 Work?
WD40 is useful for cleaning and lubrication because it’s oil dissolved in a solvent. As mentioned above, it’s also highly evaporative, making it ideal for quick use on things like hinges where you don’t want any lubricant hanging around. WD40 is seen by many as a universal lubricant for all kinds of jobs, hence why most of us have a can lying around!
What Can I Use WD40 for on My Wood Burner?
The most obvious use of WD40 is as a lubricant. Therefore, you could use it on:
·  Door hinges
·  Fan blades
·  Ash pan
·  Seized joints or bolts
But because WD40 is a lubricant dissolved in a solvent, it can also be used as a degreaser. Of course, it’ll mean replacing grease with oil, but it’s useful if it’s all you’ve got to hand. You can use it for cutting through the soot build-up on your stove’s glass.
Finally, WD40 can also be used to polish cast iron stoves, at least to a certain extent. Unsurprisingly, this is because it’s oil, which will leave a light sheen on the iron. It’ll work on other metal stoves, too, but be careful if your stove has some kind of coating. The solvent in the WD40 could cause damage to enamel or paint, for example.
It’s worth noting, though, that there are better products for pretty much all these jobs. Even WD40’s main job – lubrication – is more effectively done by graphite powder. This is because it doesn’t degrade or evaporate at high temperatures, meaning it’ll provide greater long-term benefits than an oil-based lubricant. Note that graphite powder is combustible when in the air but not as a bulk product.
How to Use WD40 to Clean a Wood Burner
The process of cleaning a wood burner using WD40 is pretty simple. Here are the steps:
1. Make sure your wood burner is cold to the touch.
2. Remove the ash pan and empty it. Leave it out of the stove for now.
3. Clean inside the stove using an ash vacuum cleaner.
4. If you plan to use WD40 as a degreaser, spray some on the glass to work while you continue cleaning.
5. Spray WD40 on the door hinges and ash pan door. If your stove has a fan, spray a bit on the spindle if you can reach it.
6. Clean the glass with a cloth and some warm soapy water, rinsing it between wipes to help remove soot. If it’s really stuck on there, use a glass scraper or box cutter blade.
7. Wipe down the outside of the stove with a damp cloth to remove any grime.
8. If you’re using WD40 to restore shine, spray a small amount on a cloth and wipe it over the stove’s surface.
9. Leave the stove for at least 30 minutes.
10. Finally, put everything back together.
How regularly you clean your stove depends on how often you use it. During the winter, you should do this at least once a week if you’re using it daily.
Final Thoughts on Cleaning with WD40
Although WD40 isn’t the most effective product for cleaning, it’s something many of us have to hand because of its flexibility. So, if you don’t want to go shopping for specialist products, WD40 will certainly do the job. Just make sure you’re leaving it to evaporate before lighting a fire.
source https://villageandcottage.com/log-burners/cleaning-a-wood-burner-with-wd40/
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bnmechanicalseal · 2 years
One of the important things when picking a Vertical Pump Seal
Silicon Carbide Mechanical Seal Suppliers
A few Important Considerations When Buying a Vertical Pump Closure
If you're looking for a replacement top to bottom pump seal, you've come to the right location. Here are three important considerations when investing in a Vertical Pump Close up:
The seal have to be precise. The gap between the 2 seal faces need to be large enough for any liquid to stream through but small enough to prevent the entrant associated with any contaminants. The gap can be as small as one micron, which is about 75 times smaller than a human hair. So that they can prevent contamination, the seal should prevent excessive leakage and permit the lubricating liquid to get rinsed through some sort of cooler or orifice dish. This mechanical seal cooling can be essential for lessening the fluid heat and minimizing coking.
Another consideration will be the size of this seal blade. A mechanical seal is far more flexible than the equivalent hydraulic close up, but the former can often be more durable. ANY mechanical seal, by way of example, can withstand big shaft movements along with particles without sacrificing suction. This signifies that a hydraulic pump can continue to function effectively despite if excessive wear. The size from the seal blade relies on the flow rate in the fluid, but some sort of mechanical seal will probably resist even increased vapor tensions, plus it will handle loss resistance quickly and completely.
The pump's BEP flow is going 8, 750 m3/h. The rated point flow is about 95 percent with BEP flow. The pump's efficiency on the rated point is approximately 85 percent. The head rise to shutoff is going 26 percent, that makes it suitable for this kind of service. These specifications are just a number of the benefits of with a Vertical Pump Close up. If you're in search of a replacement Directory Pump Seal, consider these benefits:
One of the important things when picking a Vertical Pump Seal is a material. Water that is certainly low in abrasiveness can still work with a ceramic face. As soon as water temperature variations dramatically, the face in the seal will erode or swell on account of heat. If that seal is impregnated along with salts, the seal will degrade sooner rather when compared with later. A carbon/graphite face is superior to nothing, but it is expensive and could possibly be harder to substitute.
A mechanical seal is a good option whenever you prevent leakage throughout high temperatures. In the vertical turbine pump, the two looks are connected by way of shaft that is actually rotating. Typically, the rotating face is definitely protected by bendable "boots. " These boots are made of elastomer, but may be made of metallic bellows or Teflon. Nonetheless, a Teflon seal is hard to install, so if you're purchasing a new vertical pump motor, make sure to do your research 1st.
A vertical generator pump is difficult to spot, specifically because it's listed below the floor. Even so, a Silicon Carbide Mechanical Seal Suppliers damaged base or wear happens to be can significantly lessen the pump's performance. If you're interested in the cost, look at rebowling. If that shaft has essential wear, it's effortless to replace the rebowling. A rebowling may restore performance along with lower operating expenses. You'll love the new performance and lessened operating costs.
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Where There Is Change
Last Name Wayne
First *** Previous *** Next
Okay so I know I diverged from cannon, but I think you’ll all like this.
The moment that Damian agreed, they left.
She immediately placed their phones and electronics into storage, so this game would be a little more fun.
Mari "chose" the first place that they teleported to was Paris. The irony was not lost on her.
The place that kicked her out was the first place that would open up to her. But then again most of the city adored Marinette they loved Lady Scarlet even more, but that wasn't general knowledge.
She and Damian know it is a matter of time before B figures they left the country, but hey. They mostly stuck to going between super cities in the U.S. before. But right now, it mostly was her showing him around the city the museums and then getting really inspired by the scenery.
If she was prepared with several different sketch books and pencils for both of them it was an added bonus.
She knows she subconsciously picked Paris and after a few hours it might be smart to jump again. So, she let Damian decide on a place where he wanted to go. He did warn her that if they were spotted, they need to leave immediately, but she didn’t really see a problem with it.
Because granted they’re both Wayne's, and Wayne's if you know them well enough, they will be able to hand your ass back to you on a silver platter smiling as if it was the greatest thing in the world.
So, they jumped again.
This time it was her turn to be awed by what they saw.
They were in a small alcove completely hidden; in the cave they were in the face of it was covered by bushes. But looking out she saw the mountains in the far distance it appeared to be a lake no it was larger maybe it was the ocean. Right below her was a lush courtyard filled with plant she's only seen and one other place, but the heat here was tremendous, and the sea that she could see was in the wrong direction. Apart from being far, far, far too close to where she originally thought they were.
She was going to lean forward a bit and completely break through the bushes that were covering them when a hand pulled her back. She looks back and sees her little brother holding onto her.
"We have to stay hidden Nettie, are above the League of Assassins." He whispered so quiet she could barely hear him about ten inches away, so she’s not taking this lightly.
She nodded, and they stayed there, silent. The only sound was of graphite on paper.
Then everything changed.
On instinct Marinette shot out her arm, a wooden imperial yo-yo appeared in her hand, with a quick flick of her wrist she stopped the projectile, lodging it within the wood. A quick glance at her brother and she opened up portal behind him and pushed him through without a word, closing it behind him.
She knows that it’s more dangerous if they find him here than her, so she stayed behind.
She removed the projectile and examined it, a blow dart likely with poison, seeing as a liquid was seeping into the wood of the yo-yo. She created a replica of the dart and stored the poisonous one and her yo-yo back in storage.
She took a quick breath and punctured her arm where the dart should have originally landed. And fell to the ground, slumped down.
She kept her face relaxed her body limp and she felt three, four, five separate sickly deathly auras around her. She kept her breathing at minimum, light, almost as if she was asleep. They picked her up and moved her. She realized immediately that she was being taken down the mountain, taken deeper into the League of Assassins.
Five assassins she can take them. But the one thing repeatedly crossing her mind was one phrase.
'How dare these assholes mess with her family! Her little brother! They are going to pay!'
Because she is a Wayne, and Wayne’s protect their own.
She was eventually dropped in a large room, from what she can tell, if the echoes were any indication to what she was thinking the size of the room could be. There were three more auras in this room, aside from the ones she passed to get here. What surprised her was she recognized all three.
Still acting unconscious, she heard a woman’s voice, Talia Al Ghul, speak. "What business do you have to bring this child here?" It was phrased as a question but seemed more like a snarl or demand than anything else.
"She was captured on the grounds. She’s an unknown." Was what was reported by one of the people in who had dragged her down here.
Then she heard a chuckle.
"She’s awake." That voice, she recognizes that voice. Her entire previous plan was now completely out the window. So, she lazily pushes herself up, pulling out the dart once she was on her feet.
"Damn, I thought that would last a little longer." She finally looked up and saw Damian's clone, Heretic, Talia, and Al Ghul. But something was wrong, it was bothering her. Al Ghul, he, he… he wasn’t Demon, he wasn’t her Demon anymore. All she recognized now is his voice, at least that’s what she told herself, nothing else was the same as a person she once knew. The question now is why. "I really shouldn’t have introduced you to the Order, if the result would have been this?" A smirk on her lips and now standing cocky in the middle of a room full of assassins, she is stalling. He is acting like he knows her, but his aura is indecipherable, familiar, but not.
"You should not have, but then I wouldn’t be here today, to thank you, would I? After all you allowed our family to find these pits." ‘Our Family’ she dove into her memories, but now that she needed them, they were far away and fuzzy, God damn it.
"Hmmm, I suppose not. Right now, I really wish I had turned you into a cat permanently. I found the correct spell, so I actually can now." This elicited yet another chuckle from Al Ghul which had everyone else in the room on edge.
"Really now I love to see it, after all I wasn’t able to experience it before you vanished." She quirked an eyebrow at this response, but she didn’t care about his mind games, she was stalling, trying to find out what caused this change. All her mind supplied were the plants outside. Demon wasn’t good with plants, but he was with animals, so how.
"Really you don’t wanna know why am actually here?" She asked, looking so innocent, one might believe that she was there merely an accident or coincidence.
She then turned towards Heretic, death in her blue eyes was all anyone could see, but she didn’t kill him. No, she couldn't bring herself to kill him. He may have killed her baby brother, but he is
Damian’s clone, but that clone was nothing but a poor imitation of her brother. With a snap of her fingers, he transformed into a statue of a panther, mouth opening for a roar. In all accounts looking intimidating, but there’s no way to be scared of a statue.
"That was for killing my little brother." She crossed her arms now glaring daggers towards Talia.
"I wasn’t aware you had a little brother, Lady Cheng." Demon never called her Lady Cheng, no to him she was Malak (Angel), but…
That was when the pieces fell into place. That’s why the older Damian looks like a cross between Demon and Bruce. That’s why Damian turned into a panther cub. Damian is Amir’s reincarnation, the true soul of the black cat. That means, in front of her stood Ra’s, Amir’s older twin brother. That’s why he could read the journal, he is a miraculous soul. And only miraculous souls know the language of miracles, without decades of studying the script. It’s ingrained in them but only accessible after coming in contact with old magic, miraculous magic.
"One, the name is Wayne. Two that’s because at the time that I met the both of you 600 years ago, I didn’t even know I had siblings. So, get this through your head, I don’t care that he is your son or your grandson. He is my little brother. Nothing will stop me from making sure my family is safe." Her voice stayed level, emotion flitted in and out of it, in such a way that it almost seemed inhuman. For more reasons than one, she just sensed one of the Lazarus Pits.
"Scarlet." She heard gasped by the woman next to Ra’s.
"Correct." She glared at them walking closer as she said so. "My name is Marinette Wayne, and you best remember to never mess with creation. I would have thought you would remember that little Lǎohǔ (Tiger)."
By her walk over a sword had appeared in each hand, which she was now holding up to Lǎohǔ‘s neck, while the second was held right at the base of Talia's spine, almost daring her to move. The threat hung in the air, and both knew she was capable of following through.
"Well, I do believe it’s best to catch up over some tea." Lǎohǔ offered, many would have taken his offer. Because if the Demon’s head offers it, it would be your funeral if you refused, but she wasn’t just anyone. "After all we haven’t seen each other, in nearly 600 years, now have we, much must’ve happened to you."
"Hmmm... not really you’d be surprised. By what has become of my life been since meeting you." She decided to put away her blades, for the time being. Seeing as she couldn’t leave without destroying the Pits. The only surviving consequence of the Miraculous wish, cast ages ago. Now time to come up with a plan.
"Are you sure about this Pigtails?" Plagg spoke up.
"Ancient magic like this calls for a price." She sighed.
"We know, Marinette, but your little brother." Tikki voiced.
"I'll do everything I can to keep all of them safe." She spoke resolutely.
"But can you live with this?" Tikki asked.
"I have to be able to. Besides I'm pretty sure he is your true kitten, Plagg." She reassured.
Tikki and Plagg united their powers, and were able to destroy the pit, and every other one on Earth. Then disappeared. She opened a gate knowing what is coming.
Somewhere in the league of Assassins was the Demon's head and his daughter, looking royally pissed as they watch a timer tick down. Seeing as Marinette decided to freeze them with venom, so she could destroy the Lazarus Pits.
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Some are NSFW, you have been warned.
• Big, warm hands. Not too warm, not too cold.
• Impressive muscle mass with a healthy amount of fat around the tummy, hips and legs. Is self conscious about his squishy bits but will never be open about it, not unless you coax it out.
• Really enjoys food, takes you out to eat a often
• Works out every single day, mainly pushups and punching something. Tuff guy over here.
• A switch but will never admit it
• Can trade between being a soft, doting top to a rough and dominant top. Also has a side to him where he is an awed and enthralled bottom
• Very into body worship, giving and receiving. Likes to make you feel loved and feel loved.
• Great at oral, like mind blowing
• Open to most kinks, bondage and blindfolding are favourite to toy around with
• Really, really likes holding hands.
• Little kisses, all the time, here and there. End of conversation? Kiss. Going off to find something in the store? Kiss. Off to do something? Need help? No? Kiss.
• Long, slow, sleepy kisses before bed and when waking up.
• Often kisses shoulders when shirts provide access.
• Really enjoys being doted on, kiss his face gently all over and he melts. Play with his hair, trace imaginary patterns on his skin, massages.
• He's wrapped around your little finger, and often says so.
• Is actually really good at singing, refuses to admit it
• Thinks it's fun to annoy you, just a little bit, he knows when to cease and desist.
• Enjoys cooking, is surprisingly good at it!
• Hugs it out when you get frustrated with something
• Likes watching cooking shows and YouTube videos, purely because they are soothing
• Skateboards. Not everywhere, or all the time, but knows how and it's a hobby.
• A pretty good artist too. Mainly graffiti style stuff. Can't use graphite pencil for peanuts but is great with paint and spray paint.
• Doesn't know how washing machines work, just knows to put a liquid in and press a button. If anything else is accidentally pressed, he asks you or Plumeria for help.
• Is absolutely enthralled by watching you do your makeup
• Has 100% let you do his and been super into it
• Plumeria joined in, it was a lot of fun
• Golisopod is a big puppy and loves you almost as much as Guzma does
• Cheek kisses will always make him blush
• Doesn't like blueberries
• What do you mean there are different kinds of fruits other than apples, oranges, berries and bananas????
• Is a pro at pirating games and movies
• This lad is an absolute unit. 190cm tall, muscle thicc, big bones, big diCk
• PHAT ass
• If you spank his booty he will either laugh, turn around and attack you with tickles and kisses or try to get you back
• Wants nothing more than for you to see yourself as perfectly as he sees you
• Always offers to help with housework or straight up does it himself, likes taking care of you
• 👏Wants👏you👏to👏feel👏appreciated👏
• Buys you things that made him think of you
• Guys really weird, obscure mugs from thrift shops and dollar stores
• Always laughs at anything genital themed
• Uses "bruh" unironically
• Crazy supporter of BLM and LGBT+
• Plumeria is a lesbian and they are absolute bros what do you expect
• He will kiss every part of you that you find unattractive and tell you how wrong you are, if you do the same for him he might cry??
• Very sensitive nipples, use them in the bedroom for some entertaining reactions
• Open to but stuff, vibrators drive him sky high
• Will never, ever cheat. Fucking hates that shit, he's had his heart broken and he never wants to break yours.
• Faithful mans, theoretically married to you from day one
• Loves to make you laugh
• Sometimes just... stares at you... because of how beautiful you are. Or your ass or yiddies because he's a simple man.
• L o v e s ya yiddies
• Weed. Definitely uses weed.
• Will not hesitate to kick a parent for hitting their kid, 100% marches over and gives them a piece of his mind
• Knows how to steal cars flawlessly
• Knows a guy for just about everything
• Fancy underwear? He's speechless and honoured. After all he doesn't feel like he deserves nice things, but here you are, a nice thing dressed in nice things.
• Loves seeing you wear his clothes, especially if you're not wearing pants
• Likes video games a lot, gets unnecessarily competitive and rages on an Arin Hanson level, but is easily calmed down. Won't break things.
• Grabs his hair, runs his hands through his hair and pulls his hair when he feels a rangof emotions.
• Doesn't like seeing you in pain, will always do everything he can to help.
• Cake is godsent
• Will grab your butt often, loves it when you grab his
• Can and will win eating competitions
• Randomly goes for walks at night, will invite you along but if you wanna stay in he'll give you a big kiss and promise to be back soon. It's think time, sometimes snack-buying time.
• Wants you to eat. Constantly asks if you've been eating good. Needs to know you're healthy.
• Always comes to the doctors with you. Holds your hand and is always way more worried than you are.
• Really bad at putting furniture together, electronics however are a piece of cake.
• Always slouching. Knows he shouldn't.
• Is a great heat source in cold weather, warm but not too warm.
• Surprisingly soft skin, follows the same skincare routine as you do because you and Plumeria are the only way he learns this stuff.
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roanniom · 3 years
Paterson’s Favorite Things
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Paterson x Reader
Word Count: 1,311
Summary: You and Paterson enjoy a quiet Wednesday night.
Warnings: N S F W, M/F sex but mainly fluffy, sappy poeticism 
Paterson lives a simple life. He loves nothing more than his routine, his poetry, and his woman. The former two, in his mind, exist to center and celebrate the latter. He wakes to you in his arms in your shared bed, goes about his day to contribute to your shared life, and returns to your shared home in the late afternoon. To watch as the failing sun dances across your smiling face while you tell him about your day and work on your latest culinary endeavor.
You shuffle towards him with a wooden spoon full of spicy goodness, offered up to his lips with a hand held below his chin to catch any rogue, saucy drips before they can stain the bright white shirt he wears around the house. Paterson swallows down the flavorful liquid – a recipe that is one third your grandma’s Bolognese, one third Thai curry from a recipe card found tucked in a book about ducks you’d borrowed from the library, and one third pure imagination. Pure you. The spices tingle on his tongue and in his throat as they go down and he can’t help but think that they even taste like you. That essence you exude with abandon –
A zing, a zest, something that burns or stings if you hold it on your tongue too long, like a lemon.
Oh but also like a lemon, if you hold it to your tongue long enough, it almost becomes sweet. Your mouth adapts, allowing saliva to pool and neutralize the harshness till the citrus takes on a honeyed quality.
“What do you think, Pat?” you ask, licking delicately at the remnants of sauce still coating the spoon after his taste. “Do you think it needs some salt?”
Paterson blinks, the poetry of spices and lemons disappearing from the air where it had begun to swirl around him. In its wake he sees your sweet smile, waiting for his feedback.
“I don’t think that needs a thing, honey.” Pat licks his lips and offers a small smile. “It’s perfect.”
This, too, is part of the routine. Sitting on a kitchen chair. Tasting the concoction of the day. Seeing the colors and the feelings and the images swirl through the air as his mind whizzes in response to your energy. Your laugh. Your attention.
Soon he will go downstairs while you finish preparing the meal. It’s another part of the routine. You inspire him, and he tries his best to put those thoughts into words, patiently pushed against notebook paper in sturdy, dependable graphite. He doesn’t worry too much about getting them just right. If the words are borne of the way he feels about you, that’s about as right as it can get, after all.
At night when he falls into bed with you, so begins the part of his day which blends his favorite things together into one – routine, poetry, and you.
Like clockwork, you grab lavender oil from the nightstand and dab a little on your wrists, temple, and neck. Then, in a habit that came about without discussion but which both of you wordlessly enjoy, you turn and dab a little on his chest, following the line of his sternum. His old habit of wearing his comfy white shirts to bed had long been discarded when met with your preference for sleeping skin to skin.
You put the small bottle away and move on to, in his opinion, the best part of this routine. Gracefully throwing a leg over his wide hips, you straddle Paterson’s strong body, leaning down to breathe in the fragrance now emanating from his freckled skin. His large hands encircle your wrists, your palms flat against his broad pectorals to steady yourself in your nightly mission. You kiss in an upside down T shape up his body – kissing your way right from center to lick his left nipple, kissing your way left to lick at his right nipple (usually prematurely taut from your ministrations on its twin) and then back to center before traveling upward to the base of his throat.
And Paterson is Paterson. Always so sweet and patient. It is at this point that you roll your hips against his, a silent signal of permission. He grabs your face on either side, pulling it down so your mouths can meet. Paterson’s tongue is needy as he tastes you. Tastes your zing till saliva pools and the kiss is wet and sloppy but oh do you taste like honey.
This is the one time he allows himself to be selfish. And you crave it. You encourage it, spurring him on with breathy little moans and words of praise, both of which he feasts on. One hand slides up your body to encompass your left breast, feeling the weight of it and kneading it with splayed fingers. His other hand snakes around your hip, over your lower stomach and between your folds. Seeking your wetness. Seeking your warmth.
“Pat, you feel so good when you touch me like this.” Your words are direct. You are not the poet. But the clarity of your feelings, expressed simply, makes his head swim. Makes his cock harden even more between you. You reach down to join his hand between your legs, managing to gather some of your own wetness which he’d greedily claimed. You bring your hand back up to slide your slick over his cock, your hand barely large enough to span the circumference. That doesn’t keep him from moaning however, a sound that vibrates right to your clit.
You grind your hips down harder now, riding his hand as he slips one, then two, then three fingers into your wet heat. You writhe and pant above him and it happens again, but this time the vibrance is almost blinding. Colors and feelings and images swirl through the air as his mind whizzes. Full of you.
But unlike before he does not go downstairs to put words to feelings and pencil to paper. No. Instead, he translates the feeling directly into your body. Your back hits the mattress and he is above you, hands touching squeezing caressing every inch of skin he can reach. His lips meet your nipple, your neck, your stomach, teeth and tongue spelling out words on the canvas of you.
When he plunges inside of you, you cling to him for a few seconds as your body adjusts to his size. Your panting in his ear provides rhythm. A cadence. When he begins to move, steadily in and out, this is the beat he snaps his hips to, dragging his cock through your sensitive walls. Your sharp gasps of pleasure punctuate his thoughts, your breathy moans little flourishes that make his mind go blank and his hips stutter against you arrhythmically.
When his hand reaches between you both and massages your clit, he is tracing out words that belong to no language known to man but which anyone with a heart and a lover would immediately recognize. You writhe beneath him and bite your lip with eyes squeezed tightly shut. Paterson, however, never takes his eyes off your face.
When you cum, you scream his name.
Paterson, however, cums quietly, instead pouring poetry into you, wringing poetry out of you, and surrounding you engulfing you smothering you with the weight of it all. You are no poet yourself, but as the heaviness of Paterson’s body sinks you deeper into the mattress, you feel the way you imagine Renaissance women of old must have felt, great patronesses of the arts who inspired and admired.
And you know this is silly. Because this is just sex on a Wednesday night.
And this is just you and Paterson.
But Paterson kisses you then on the forehead, as he does every night as the breath calms in his chest.
Paterson loves a simple life.  
Tagging some lovely people (please let me know if you’d like to be tagged or untagged in future work!): @mariesackler​ @direnightshade​ @safarigirlsp​ @sacklerscumrag @paper-in-ashes-fanfiction​
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Pairings: Poppy x MC (Bea Hughes)
Warnings: None
Word count: 1900
Bea Hughes was not a spoiled brat like most of the young people of Belvoire and with the successful completion of her schooling she went straight into police work. Ever since she was a child, she had fought for her own, without any tariffs and faced human envy and selfishness. That's why when she got the job as an officer, she was determined to make this town perfect.
Perfection is a relative term. She knew she couldn't bring Belvoire to that state on her own, but she still hoped that her hard work would bear fruit. She was used to failure, but she did not allow herself to be broken. Just once. God, only once had she bowed to the pressure of her own demons and failed. So shamefully that nothing but a stone mask had graced her face ever since.
Unaccustomed to balls and parties, Bea was faced with a difficult choice: whether to follow society's acceptance and wear a frighteningly beautiful and sweet dress that completely did not suit her, or a simple, elegant suit whose graphite color matched her feelings. With a touch of distrust, she ran her fingers over the delicate material of the dress and held her breath in her chest. The coolness of the material irritated her fingertips, which were warm compared to the silky material, scratching her every now and then with the sewn-on sequins. This was not what she wanted. Not the sweetness and extravagance, but the passion and simplicity the suit would provide.
She had never needed society's approval so much, so with a sigh of relief she reached for the graphite material and nimbly threw it on. With a simple and careful movement, she tied the tie around her neck, which tightened like a noose against her pale rosy skin. Later today, people would hang her with words for this outfit, just as they had done in the past.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the gun holster that rested lazily on the elegant white bedside table. Taking that object in her hand, a shiver ran through her body, one that she always felt when touching the cool metal of a gun. Pure adrenaline, it was a feeling she so needed, and at the same time, didn't want to have. Tonight was all about perfection.
In front of her house stood a perfectly polished Ford Crown, its black and white hues exuding a sleek look. Tonight, however, because of the required elegance of the show, Bea brought along her beloved Ford Mustang that she inherited from her parents. It was the last thing they had left that would always have an important place in her heart and life. Slipping into the driver's seat, she let out a shaky breath. She was getting closer and closer to disaster. A sea of piranhas that were ready to tear her apart on the spot and, as usual, with stoic, even irritating, calmness, she would let them.
Keep calm. Be perfect.
Entering the monster's liege, she adjusted the tie one last time to make the noose let go, at least for a moment. She knew it was worth trying, even with poor results. Complete failure was never an option.
With uncertain and cautious steps, she glided deeper into the darkness. The smell of cigarettes and expensive alcohol irritated her nostrils and her face bent in an unnatural grimace. And although she herself sometimes did not shy away from alcohol, today it seemed extremely irritating. After all, spoiled brats are allowed everything, which disgusted Bea at the very thought.
After making her way through the dark corridor, a bright light flashed across her eyes, like passing through a magical portal, where a completely different world awaited her on the other side. The smell of alcohol intensified as the ballroom appeared to her eyes, bursting at the seams with an overwhelming amount of people. Most of them complete strangers to her, they were carelessly prancing to the beat of simple, primitive music, feeling none of the dangers of adulthood.
"Bea Hughes!" she heard a drunken yell behind her and let the air out of her lungs loudly.
Zoey Wade, her closest and pretty much the only friend she had spoken to in her school days. The complete opposite of her, a complete lack of perfection. Still, Bea felt a strong attraction to her, a need for adrenaline that her friend's behavior always satisfied. In her younger days an unknowable curiosity, today it is familiar and damned by every possible layer of society.
"Zoey Wade," she replied with an undisguised wince. This girl continued to be a harbinger of trouble. The brunette tilted her head gently to the side to carefully examine the silhouette hiding behind her friend.
A young girl with a radiant smile caught her eye. Her hair glinted like gold every now and then, shimmering in waves of colored lights. Bea thrust her hands into her pockets and shamelessly fed off the sight of this beautiful creature. Low and petite in stature, completely vulnerable and innocent.
"Who is this beauty you brought yourself?", she asked nonchalantly, directing her gaze back to her friend's eyes. Zoey cringed, and her eyes popped wide open. The brunette was taken aback by this reaction and shifted nervously from foot to foot.
"Are you talking about my cousin Poppy?", her friend's eyes flashed in semi-darkness as she corrected her posture after that unfavorable reaction.
Bea's lips tightened into a straight line, and soft wrinkles appeared on her face as she became lost in her thoughts. She thought back to the carefree days when she and Zoey would play in the backyard together, paying no attention to the different level of social classes they came from. It was not easy for a simple girl to play with the mayor's daughter. The black-haired girl adored Bea so much that her parents allowed them to hang out, but they made no secret of their disgust with the lower class, reminding her at every turn that she was beneath them.
Finally, one day the cup overflowed and Bea decided to take revenge for all the mental harm done to her. She took away their perfection. After that incident, she was no longer the same carefree person. She closed herself off and put on a stone mask, becoming a merciless jerk.
"If it was your cousin, I would remember. Believe me", she shrugged her shoulders. Her hungry gaze, once again, returned to the blonde, who was dancing with some boy just as she once had, free of her demons. Her movements innocent, made the blood boil in Bea's veins. She licked her parched lips with the tip of her tongue and struggled to swallow the growing lump in her throat.
"She didn't live near us. She's been in New York most of her life because her parents didn't want a simple life for her," she paused for a moment to wet her tongue in the percent golden liquid. "She's a lawyer."
"And everyone's favorite," Bea's throat went dry as she heard the angelic voice of young Sinclair gracelessly slung over her cousin's shoulder. The strong floral scent of her perfume, beat down the bitter stench of sweat and alcohol. The brunette's chest tightened, unable to rise or fall any further.
Get a grip on yourself.
„We don't know each other yet”, she flashed her an overly sweet smile. „Poppy Min Sinclair, lawyer, cousin to that dolt and future Mrs. Jackson.”
Bea lowered her gaze to the small and delicate hand with perfectly filed and painted nails that was extended toward her. She reciprocated the grip and when her thumb wrapped around the top of the blonde's hand, she froze. Her gaze traveled from her tiny, long fingers to the milky white skin of her exposed arms.
She needed it.
She needed her.
And she always got what she wanted.
After several hours of constant talking and faking any interest, Bea stopped for a short break at the snack table. The atmosphere was so artificial that, for a brief moment, she even felt like she fit into this environment. As if no one there was judging her. How naive that trajectory of thinking was.
It was time for the worst part of the show: the dancing. She preferred to dance with men, although even this was not without a few indiscreet whispers. Because how is it possible for a woman and a man to dance both in a suit. It was so imperfect. Moments passed and so did the partners. Bea felt tired of listening to the stories of everyone she danced with. The most she could think of right now was to sit in her favorite chair with a glass of scotch. That was her wish until someone tapped her gently on the shoulder.
"Hey stranger, care to dance?", the wide smile on Poppy's face softened her heart, not even allowing her to refuse. As a police officer she stuck to the rules, but for this girl she was able to break them.
She returned the smile and found them a free spot on the dance floor. She felt soft hands wrap around her neck and the girl's forehead fell against her chest. Surprised by this closeness, she uncertainly placed her hands on her slender waist, but without moving closer so that their bodies were at a relatively safe distance.
"You intrigue me", she whispered innocently, swaying lazily to the beat of the music. Bea's throat became dry and before she could get anything out, the girl continued. "You show up here in the middle, trying to sit in the dark, and you look quite unhappy", boldness in her words earned her some respect from the brunette. "You seem to be completely different from everyone else here. Why?", Poppy lifted her head and found Bea's mysteriously gleaming eyes in the semi-darkness.
If the blonde had only known why Bea didn't belong here, she would have fled in terror like everyone else. Poppy was a lawyer, a fiancée, her life must have been so perfect she surely never experienced a blemish on her porcelain skin. Skin whose emanating warmth she could feel with every scrap of her taut body.
"So it seems", she replied indifferently, shoving all incorrect thoughts to the back of her mind. "Is it appropriate for you, the lawyer and future Mrs. Jackson, to maintain such closeness with a stranger?", she changed the subject turning the attention away from herself
She watched carefully as the girl's face changed expression, and only for a moment did she feel the need to close the distance and seal her lips in a kiss.
"I...", Poppy was about to say something, but she stopped at the beginning of her sentence. Any trace of a smile disappeared from her face. "I have to go now.", she said mysteriously, sounding like a completely different person, which drew interest from the brunette. She stood on her toes and innocently brushed her lips against the other girl's cheek, stopping near her ear. "Come tomorrow with my cousin to the wedding dress salon for my fitting. The more the better."
Bea nodded, watching the blonde's silhouette disappear among the rest of the dancing partygoers. Automatically her hand went to the place where Poppy's mouth had been and she sighed heavily.
This couldn't end well.
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anobscurename · 4 years
ocean eyes – chris evans
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concept: a collection of happenings, the little moments with him. there will be many more parts. this is the first non-date of many.
pairing: chris evans x reader
word count: 1,8k
warnings: none.
author's note: welcome to the third part of like... twenty. i already have a bunch of them written, so now i'm just going through and reading and editing. hope you enjoy :)
He hadn't noticed you yet, and it was becoming almost laughable.
You weren't hidden away, by any means. You were there, in the café, as arranged. Your very first premeditated and arranged meeting with Chris.
You'd be lying if you said that you hadn't rethought your outfit at least twelve times. You had started in simple jeans and a tee, upgraded to a skirt and tank, fucked it all with a summer dress, and now – after several iterations of similar outfits – you were sporting something in between. A tank top with the same jeans and a slouchy cardigan.
Honestly, you didn't know why you were so in your head about it.
Maybe it was because he'd seen you at your best, and then again in your work ensemble which was as close to your best as possible. Looking good meant more tips at the club, and VIPs tipped quite well if you didn't care too much about the degradation of having to flaunt yourself for it.
You knew it wasn't because he was famous – you didn't care much with that sort of thing, given your work leading to so many interactions with these perceived "betters" that the "starstruckness" of it all had long since worn down from a galaxy to merely a scatter of glitter. So what was it then?
Another five minutes passed, and he still hadn't seen you.
You glanced down at the sketchbook propped against your knee. You were seated in one of the unforgivably comfortable armchairs towards the front of the café, surrounded by college students buried in their notes or typing furiously away on laptops. You fit in quite seamlessly with them, you realised, managing to unintentionally chameleon yourself into their aesthetic. You had one leg tucked underneath you, the other curled to your chest, sketchbook close to you so no one could see what you were drawing. It was a very personal thing for you, your art.
Also mildly embarrassing, considering you had been drawing him.
You had no intention of finishing the sketch – you had started it the moment he entered the café and sat down, and continued in hopes that he would see and acknowledge you – effectively halting the process and leaving it alongside the so many other unfinished projects you'd accumulated over the years – so the meeting could begin.
You called it a meeting, because if it wasn't a meeting, it was a date. And you weren't going to be presumptuous enough to assume the latter, so you decidedly chose to believe the former. You were there to discuss the terms of your new and exciting job of looking after Dodger after all. If it was a date, however, it would explain the sudden apprehension you felt, and the numerous outfit changes, and the goddamn butterflies that sought to tear your stomach apart.
You'd met him before, this wasn't some new occurence. Hell, he'd even asked you to move in after just happening to run into eachother twice... Why the sudden nerves?
The longer time drew on in the café, the more it became a little game to you. How long would it be before he saw you? And how far into the sketch would you be when he finally did?
You had already finished most of his face, and were now working on his lips.
His eyes had been the hardest to capture at the time, because you'd spent so long staring into them in the past – during long conversations and across packed and busy bars – and it was as if you knew them too well to put on paper.
With his lips, the situation was almost entirely reversed. You hadn't paid them much attention at all and it was almost as if you'd forgotten what lips looked like in general. You glanced up from your work to see him talking to a waiter, ordering a cup of coffee – and you decided to watch his lips.
His lips were practically highlighted by the shadow of scruff on his strong jaw. How you'd never noticed them as prominently as you did now, you didn't know.
One thing about them, was that they looked soft. They looked soft, like they could kiss the breath out of you, leave you dizzy. And they stretched so easily into a thankful smile when the waiter returned with his order that it was impossible not to smile too.
The pencil moved easily on the parchment paper as you began to get to work, the gentle curve of the cupid's bow, to the small little upturn at the corners of his mouth, even in their natural position. You almost wished you'd brought colours with you, but you knew that no shade of pink would be a perfect match.
Another ten minutes passed, ten minutes of him checking his watch, his phone, sipping his coffee, tapping on the table... Ten minutes of you realizing what a total creep you were being.
But there was something so beautiful about him. Even in the small movements, it was entrancing to watch. You were outright staring, sketch pushed aside and finished, as good as it was going to get. It was one of your best, you admitted reluctantly. The attention to detail was bordering on mirror like, and you didn't know if that made you a stalker or if it made you a romantic. Not that you were considering romance with your future roommate, but you'd be a liar if you didn't admit the thought had briefly crossed your mind. Specifically in the "meeting or date" debate – one which you'd shut down with the agreement to yourself that it was a meeting, nothing more.
You decided then that this had gone on long enough, and if he hadn't noticed you by now, he never was going to. The last thing you wanted him to think was that you'd stood him up. Considering how you'd both met, and the message you'd sent to the person guilty of that particular crime, it wouldn't be the best look for you. Not to mention it was a fucking dick thing to do, in any case.
You unfurled yourself from the position you'd held on the couch, your muscles screaming at you in discomfort.
The foot you'd sat on was dead asleep, and wiggling it brought the onset of pins and needles. Groaning in annoyance, you rose unsteadily, sketchbook in hand.
The idea that struck you just then was a stupid one, but given the fact that all rationality of yours had been poisoned since you'd met Chris – you were still struggling to comprehend how he'd managed to convince you to move in with him so easily – you resolved yourself. It'll be funny, you told yourself.
Pulling your pencil out from where it was tucked behind your ear, you scribbled a quick note on the bottom corner, before tearing the sketch free from the pad. You moved around the café, making sure to keep out of Chris' eyeline. Not a difficult feat by any means, his focus shifted between his coffee and the door at almost perfectly timed intervals. You could feel his impatience growing – his brow furrowed, muscle in his jaw ticking. But also a familiar look you recognized from the other night: concern.
You reached the table at which he sat, but he didn't pay you any mind. His attention was elsewhere. You slid the sketch onto the table – as close to him as you dared – before disappearing to the counter to place an order, perfectly hidden behind a wall of strangers, but able to see his every reaction.
Your order was being made by the time he noticed the paper on his table.
He stared at it for the longest time – the sketch of him sitting at that exact table, wearing what he was wearing, frozen in graphite in his most revisited position of being utterly engrossed with all the newcomers slipping into the café, searching for the one face he was expecting. His shoulders stiffened – and then he saw the note hurriedly written at the bottom corner, and all tension dissipated.
The face he gets when he's looking for another cab to steal from some unsuspecting girl
You stifled a laugh when his brow furrowed – that adorable crease forming immediately – and realization the dawned on him that you were there, and had been for a while if you'd managed to get that sketch done and as perfected as it was. Your coffee was handed to you, and as you watched him swivel his head in confusion, you decided to put him out of his misery.
You walked deliberately and confidently into his eyeline, gently blowing on the hot liquid you clutched before giving him a charming – if not teasing – smile.
"Mr Evans, cab thief extraordinaire," you joked, sliding onto the seat in front of him. You placed the sketchpad you had tucked under your arm onto the table, sliding the pencil back out from behind your ear to place it on top in case it fell. You set your coffee down, lacing your fingers together before resting them on the table.
"Miss {your last name}, stalker sketch artist," he retorted, his mouth already forming a lopsided grin. Your attention was immediately drawn to his lips...
Stop it.
"Hey, it's not my fault you didn't see me. I needed something to pass the time while you were sat there being utterly oblivious."
He opened his mouth to respond, but words seemed to fail him. Chuckling, he looked down at the drawing again. When he spoke, his voice had taken on a sincere gentleness, one that stirred something in the pit of your belly. "It's really good."
"I had a lot of time," you shrugged the compliment off, like you did many you received before. You were accused of being too humble at times – if that were even a thing – and it annoyed some of the people around you.
"But you know," he leaned closer to you, almost conspiratorially. "A normal person would've just told me they were here."
There was a joking glint in his eye, and although he had tried to fight it, he found himself grinning again. There was something about being around you – it rendered him practically incapable of doing anything other than smile.
"Mr Evans," you paused to sip your coffee. "I am anything but normal."
"What exactly are you, then?" You tried not to falter at the sight of his tongue darting out to wet those perfect lips as he awaited your response.
"I, Captain, am fun. Something which you look like you need a lot more of."
He laughed, the sound warm and welcoming. "Is that so?"
You shrugged non-chalantly. "It is."
"I can hardly wait."
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alkhale · 4 years
Typetober Day 12: locked here for forever
pls don’t kill me, I wanted to do the whole new chapter but i’m not totally done with changing some things up at the end and I’m on a time crunch because i’ve got crap to finish for school and two more essays to vomit out (hahaha, but good thing i can type a lot, right!?! ;-;) please take these meager offerings of the teaser for the next chapter instead
Story: Locked Here for Forever (Blurb of Chapter 3)
Fandom: One Piece, Modern AU, Memos Modern AU
Pairing: Dark!Sabo/Oc/Dark!Ace (Rated NSFW but this blurb is okay)
(locked here for forever)
Hoku cradled the mug of hot tea in her hands, watching the murky red color swirl as steam wafted up. There was a faintly sweet smell to it, noting something different from just apples. Herbal?
Sabo had told her there was already a pot steeped for her if she wanted it, some nice brand from some place she forgot the name of he was starting to like apparently. 
She thumbed the bits of graphite still staining the curve of her hand. She watched it smear under her thumb, graying her skin. It was a familiar look, the same way Hoku liked to feel the hard, chipped and flaky feel of paint still lingering on her skin. A bit of slow music was coming from the stereo behind her, filling the silence for her comfort. Ace’s taste? It seemed they had remotes to control all sorts of different parts of the apartment. Luxury places like this do it differently. She hadn’t seen a single normal light switch since walking through their door.
Hoku sat alone beside the dining table in Ace and Sabo’s luxurious apartment, the sleek, shiny material she didn’t know the name of showing her unreadable expression right back at her. The high ceilings and sheer size of the nicely decorated, well furnished apartment made the feeling feel much more powerful. Sitting here beside this table, Hoku felt a bit small
But she didn’t really know how to admit that she was glad to have a second to herself either. Do I really need it? I’m fine, right? She felt fine. Ace and Sabo had offered to come out and see her off if she had to leave right away, but she’d ushered them on, telling them they could go… clean up and shower or whatever they might need.
She’d wait.
“Wait in the dining room for us then,” Sabo had said, smiling warmly at her, exactly the same way he smiled at her in the cafe.“Or the living room if you want to make yourself comfortable. We’ll be finished in just a bit, alright?”
It’d been a bit hard to keep her eyes focused on him when Hotaru was still in the room as Sabo adjusted his robe, tying it off at his waist. Hoku remembered the surge of uncertainty rising up in her chest as she gently held the drawing between her fingers, not knowing whether or not she should say something to Hotaru or just keep her mouth shut. If this had been a normal shoot or session, she’d have thanked the models and started up small talk if the mood struck, but this wasn’t exactly… a conventional shoot.
Hotaru had been wrapped up in the thick duvet, sitting on the corner of the bed and looking away from them as she scrolled through her phone. The slender curve of her neck, pointedly turned away from the three of them, had pushed Hoku to decide she probably should just keep her mouth shut. But she’s the one who wants this, right? Maybe she wasn’t expecting… no, no, Sabo said she knew I’d be female… she’s probably more comfortable with that… maybe it’s just awkward?
Hoku could understand that. She tried to rationalize it. Of course it’d be a little awkward. This wasn’t exactly an everyday request for a portrait of a beloved pet or family member. Hoku was just working, after all, there wasn’t any reason for them to talk beyond that.
Still though. Hoku glanced Hotaru’s way, unable to help herself. She doesn’t seem very happy that I’m here.
Hoku jumped, turning quickly back to Sabo. He’d smiled back at her, easy and polite as he gestured for her to move toward the other side of the room—on her way to the door. “I suppose we can talk more in a second. Ace and I won’t take long.”
“Unless you want to join!” Ace had shouted from somewhere down the hall with a chortling snicker. Sabo rolled his eyes and Hoku snorted, carefully rolling up the drawing she’d finished and handing it to Sabo.
“Here,” Hoku had handed Sabo the drawing. “We can talk more after. Let me know if she has any questions.”
Sabo has smiled, eyes crinkled at the corners, full of warmth and appreciation. It’d made Hoku suddenly think there wasn’t any reason for her to think of anything else after all.
(She was just helping out.)
A bit of sweat rolled down the side of her neck now. Hoku reached up and rubbed it away, smoothing out a little crick in her neck while she was at it. Her hair was pulled back into that messy ponytail, a few stray strands sticking out. A small bag of her supplies sat beside her on the table top, drawing her attention.
That hadn’t been so bad. She just needed to not think about it. Yeah, that’s just about it, right? To not put much more thought in the aftermath—it was done with now, and it was nothing more than a commissioned job. This was definitely different from anything Hoku had done before, but it was a good chance to experience something new. Step outside her comfort zone a little to find something new about herself. This is nothing but a good opportunity. 
Hoku glanced back to her pencils.
She imagined her hand sliding across the paper to the sound of breathy moans. To the quiet sound of skin sliding against skin. Of—
“Sabo. Sabo, please—”
“We should give her a hand.”
“Did you like that—”
“Do you like it?”
Hoku jumped, knees smashing into the underside of the table. The very same tea almost sloshed out as well had she not moved her hands to try and scoop it back into the cup. She almost screamed, but only managed a startled, wheezing gasp instead. 
Sabo looked horribly apologetic, pressing fingertips to his lips in a wince at her reaction. 
Tea. Hoku’s mind automatically supplied, maybe for her sake. Tea. He’s talking about the tea.
“Good,” Hoku said intelligently. “Tea. Tea good.”
Ace broke out into a guffaw behind Sabo. The other brother quirked a brow at Hoku, looking hopelessly amused. Water dripped down the ends of their tangled locks, rolling across Sabo’s neck and disappearing into the line of his robe.
Hoku offered them a bit of a constipated smile.
“You ever think about getting laid?”
Law stared at his soup as though the liquid had just parted its lips and asked him the question itself.
He stared at it longer, for good measure, making sure he wasn’t seeing things after running an almost 72-hour shift non-stop dealing with both a nasty, unfortunate pile-up and some crazed stalker lashing out at his victim in a near fatal stab wound.
Law slowly turned his head to look at the young woman beside him. Hoku didn’t even blink, calmly moving her spoon through her own soup—she wasn’t much of a soup person, save for a few different dishes, but Hoku was usually always willing to try anything once, and she was even more willing to cave and eat something if it was for the sake of the other person.
She didn’t even look that tired, despite how late into the night it was beginning to be—and sporadic as Hoku’s schedule was, she always tended to get a little tired around this time before ignoring it in favor of work if she had any.
No, wait, aside from that—Hoku had just asked him a question. Not the soup. Hoku.
Law pinched the bridge of his nose for a second, rubbing the tired lines under his eyes before he refocused on her, brows furrowed and lip curling downwards in—in something.
“Do I what?”
Maybe he’d heard wrong.
“Sex,” Hoku said again, changing the vocabulary up a bit. “You ever think about it sometimes?”
Law stared at her for what might have very well been more than ten minutes to his frying, failing brain. He opened his mouth, closed it, jaw setting to the side as he tried to focus on Hoku’s face and make sure he wasn’t seeing double—make sure he hadn’t actually been gassed by one of the new anesthesiologists.
“What?” Law said, because no, it seemed the 72-hour shift had killed a bit of his cognitive process off after all.
Hoku brought the spicy beef broth to her lips, taking a long slurp.
(more to come soon! ty for your patience!)
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green-ann · 3 years
In a desperate attempt to find at least some mention of Legasov on the website of the Kurchatov Institute, I found this book «Contribution of The Kurchatov Institute to the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP»
Of course, Legasov is mentioned in this book (finally. thanks).
But for me, it is still strange that there are no other mentions of him on the website or in other social networks of the Institute 😒
I haven't read it carefully yet, but among other things, I found a couple of samples of V.A.'s signature and this adorable picture.
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Page 24 – this is a mistake.
This picture is not from Vienna, but from a TV-program Space Bridge with San-Francisco (V.A. is in Novosibirsk)
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Curious document: Notes from the journal of recording the telephone messages of the Government and special communications.
(I translate everything I could decipher)
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From May 10, 1986
Impressions of V. A. Legasov during the flyby (above the destroyed reactor – translator’s note):
"Scheme" E " is rotated almost vertically.
The" floor" of the Central Hall became partially visible
In the depth, you can see (it seems) the «OR» scheme (Scheme “Olga-Roman” – the lower biological shield of the reactor – translator’s note)
Not much of graphite is visible, there are minor light spots, …
It is unclear where the bulk of the fuel core is. Smoke …
The release activity is not registered (?)
According to estimates, the output of activity per day is 13-130 thousand Curie (or several times more)
Constructors from NIKIET were called
There is no need for Adamov's arrival»
The present booklet is a summary of the exhibition at the Museum of the Kurchatov Institute, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the accident at the 4th Unit of the Chernobyl NPP and on the contribution of Kurchatov Institute in the liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl accident. The first part summarizes the main directions and content of the work carried out by the Institute's employees under the leadership of Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov, his deputies and leading specialists of almost all scientific departments from the first day of the accident to the creation and maintenance of a protective shelter over the emergency Unit. These works largely determined the success of the extraordinary efforts of a huge team of people and organizations involved in the elimination of the consequences of the accident, and ensured the effective functioning of the protective structure in the following decades.
The second part presents memories of the defining stages of the Chernobyl epic of the Institute's employees, who organized and led the main research and provided scientific guidance for the work on the emergency Unit. Their essays, written in different styles, allow us to recreate the real situation around this disaster and recall specific research and practical work in support of emergency response measures. They help to form an informed opinion about the enormous work of the Kurchatov Institute, qualified on the scientific level, and truly selfless in the critical circumstances of the accident. An objective view of direct participants will help to avoid a distorted assessment of events and the role of participants in these events.
Probably, I will give a translation of some excerpts from this rather interesting document (Velikhov's memoirs are something to laugh about) some time later.
@elenatria @litttlesilkworm @alyeen1 @the-jewish-marxist @kylos-scarf @owlboxes @borislegasov
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litttlesilkworm · 4 years
Is it true that Gorbachev never supported Valery Legasov? Did he have a "court" as they say, or did he realize that Legasov was an expert one should listen to?
Thank you for a great ask, Comrade! 💜💛💚 And please forgive me for such a belated answer! And the same goes to all the authors of all the other anon asks I received but have yet to answer - I deeply value each and every one of them and promise to respond to them very soon! 
I do think that David Dencik’s Gorbachev, though not without charm, comes across as this kind of annoyed and needy monarch in the show. The real Gorbachev, with all his shortcomings, was a lot warmer - in a folksy kind of way - and much more personable. Look at this photo for example, of a room from which the Politburo meeting room was modeled in the show, and how Gorbachev sits together with the rest of the members, and not at the head table like a king:
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And as to your question more directly - I actually have just the kind of a fascinating text here that I think, will speak for itself as far as the extent to which Gorbachev listened to and trusted Valery Legasov. The text is a transcript of the Politburo meeting that took place in the morning of May 5th in 1986 - merely a week after the accident. It actually is kind of a riveting read - a glimpse into how all those decisions had to be made in real time, with only meager - and constantly changing - information available. 
I wanted everyone to enjoy it, so I translated the discussion section from Russian (please see below).
Legasov really shines in this meeting and one can easily see just how much respect he instills in people around him. There is a rather amazing passage where Legasov voices his disagreement with Velikhov’s plan on how to drain the water from under the reactor. Gorbachev immediately takes Legasov’s side and approves his plan. He then sends Shcherbina out of the room during the meeting to make an immediate phone call to Chernobyl to instruct them to ditch Velikhov’s plan and start implementing Legasov’s. That was my favorite part.
Legasov also consistently sounds like the calmest person in the room. Just calmly and intelligently doing his job, solving what is essentially a scientific problem. Even from the transcript it is easy to extrapolate how much respect he commands around the table. 
I took the liberty to include some of my own notes/comments in the translation as well. And I am happy to answer any questions I can!
@elenatria, @alyeen1, @shark-from-the-park, @drunkardonjunkyard, @green-ann, @valerafan2, @johnlockismyreligion, @attachedtofictionalpeople, @the-jewish-marxist, @potter012
SHCHERBINA: We found ourselves in front of a situation that has not been considered before, which is why there hasn’t been any protocols in place for this type of an occurrence. The very project itself is built upon never allowing such a situation. There was an uncontrollable speeding up of the reactor. Immediately after the accident, there has been a lack of preparedness on-site to evaluate the situation. The Civil Defense did not warn people. Until the evening there were weddings being held in the city. The fire had to be smothered as soon as possible, and the radioactive fallout had to be reduced. 4 thousand tonnes of materials have been dumped at the reactor. We were able to knock the surface temperature down from 500 to 200 degrees. What shall we do beneath the reactor? People have approached the pool. It is possible that there is an opportunity now to release the water.
LIGACHEV: Don’t get ahead of yourself.
RYZHKOV: We’ll need to see about that. The most important thing is to avoid the explosion.
SHCHERBINA: The most difficult thing is deactivation.
(Note: Deactivation refers to the clean-up and burial of contaminated soil and water, etc - LSW)
GORBACHEV: The most important is to deal with the danger that is below.
SHCHERBINA: People are working selflessly.
(Note: It seems like they might all be talking over each other in an agitated manner. Wish we could hear a recording of this - LSW)
LEGASOV: The work is organized the following way: Comrade Shcherbina is in charge of organizing, Comrade Meshkov studies the reasons of the accident and I work on recommendations regarding prevention of the further spread of the fallout. There are also groups in Moscow conducting the analysis.
(Note: Legasov truly shines here, stepping in calmly and intelligently to get the discussion back on track. - LSW)
The considerations regarding prevention of the consequences of the accident that are being voiced in the West should be taken into account. These aren’t just guesswork, but a result of studies, conducted with other past NPP accidents taken into account. We had to do all the calculations on site, because we didn’t have any established protocols in place.
GORBACHEV: Plus in this case, there is water under the reactor.
LEGASOV: This was done to save money, otherwise one would have to build two separate buildings. Minsredmash did not agree with that. If we had 4-5 pipes that would be stretched away from the reactor and into some distance, this would not have been a problem. This is a miscalculation of everyone working in the energy industry.
GORBACHEV: What about the containment structures?
LEGASOV: Considering the force of the explosion that took place, a containment structure would not have saved anything.
GORBACHEV: We need to focus on what comes next.
LEGASOV: 10 hours later, we were able to stop the reactor. But it continues to emit radioactivity, because after a year of being in operation, it has accumulated a lot of isotopes. The heat output of those debris has been 14 megawatt in the first 24 hours, while today it is 8.5 megawatt. This is like burning 60 tons of coal every 24 hours. Besides that, graphite is burning, too. There is 2.5 thousand tons of graphite there in total. One ton burns up every hour. This equals 24 tons per day. The graphite will burn up completely in one-third of a year.
The number one task is to create a way of filtering out the radioactive isotopes. Right now the amount of them that gets emitted into air is 100-fold less than there would be without taking measures to drop sand and other materials on the reactor from the air. The area located in the vicinity of the reactor has been sacrificed, because dumping the materials from the height of 200 meters raised dust, which increased radioactivity near the power plant.
Currently, the mass that has been melted in the reactor is moving downward. This is difficult to control, because there hasn’t been monitoring devices installed that would allow doing that. This is my fault, too. But, not a single NPP in the world has something like that.
(Note: Remarkably, Legasov accepts blame for something he hasn’t even designed. Only that he hasn’t voiced his concern about this highly improbable scenario. Or maybe he did but doesn’t think he did it strongly enough? - LSW)
On the first day after the accident, the temperature of the melted mass was 1100 degrees, while yesterday at 18:00 it was 20 degrees. It goes up by 135 degrees every day.
(Note: “20 degrees” is clearly a typo and should say ~2000 degrees, as a quick calculation can confirm: 1100 + 135 x 7 days = 2045 degrees. - LSW) 
Last night, an experiment was conducted: the melted mass fell into water, and there hasn’t been an explosion. However, if the melted mass from the reactor reaches the water below, there will be powerful formation of steam.
The situation continues to be troubling. The reactor needs to be cooled from below. An underground tunnel needs to be created, and liquid nitrogen needs to be delivered via it. In 2-3 days, we need to allow the circulation of air. Yesterday, there were no air drops to enable the draft.
Regarding the potentially dangerous zone. It cannot be larger than 250 kilometers. Within which the active zone would be 30-50 kilometers. Our institute has previously considered a “Backstop” scenario, concerning this problem. So we have exact calculations on that account.
GORBACHEV: What would happen if the fuel reaches the ground water?
LEGASOV: This is where Velikhov and I could not find common ground. The pool needs to be emptied of water by pumping, not by shooting at it to pour it out.
GORBACHEV (to SHCHERBINA): We should let the site know, so they don’t shoot at it.
(Comrade SHCHERBINA steps out)
LEGASOV: And as for adding the concrete layer, that’s the final operation.
GORBACHEV: What about the remaining three blocks?
LEGASOV: The first two are in working condition. Barring another explosion, they will be fine. As for the third block, it might catch fire if there is another emergency.
GORBACHEV: Should we invite the foreigners? We shouldn’t do it in vain. But if we have to, then don’t be deterred by it.
LEGASOV: We were shown the cipher telegrams regarding this. Only two things were unknown to us: the French foam and the remote controlled robots from West Germany. So there is no need to send a general SOS message, whereas all the ideas originating overseas should be sent to the group for consideration.
RYZHKOV: If the strategy with pumping the water out via a pipe works, can the same pipe be used to pump the liquid nitrogen in?
LEGASOV: Yes. But it doesn’t cancel out the idea of a tunnel.
RYZHKOV: We should do both.
SHCHERBINA: I was just informed that the water pumping has begun.
(Note: looks like Shcherbina returned to the room after calling the site with this information. So, within this brief time span, Velikhov’s plan of shooting at the bubbler pool (with some sort of a projectile?) was rejected and Legasov’s idea was not only approved by Gorbachev, but actually started being implemented in real time. Amazing. - LSW)
(Note: another interesting takeaway is that they were arranging to bring Joker from West Germany way earlier than it was portrayed in the series. - LSW)
ALEXANDROV: Legasov reported everything correctly. Regarding the foreign assistance: it would be good to bring doctors who specialize in bone marrow transplants.
ALIEV: This type of a specialist is already working. 
(Note: this must be Robert Gale. - LSW).
LIGACHEV: Is there a possibility of a chain reaction?
ALEXANDROV: There is. But not an explosion, i.e. a momentary process. But there would be major steam generation.
SLAVSKY: Our Ministry is participating in limiting the consequences of the accident. My first deputy is there on site. One of the reasons for what has happened is that the Atomnadzor (Note: a nuclear watchdog/inspection agency - LSW) has done zero work. What is being done right now is correct. No further suggestions.
BREZHNEV (minister of transport infrastructure): Together with Comrades Shchadov and Usanov we went on site yesterday to survey the situation with approaching the water through drilling. The start of pumping is eased by its location. After the pumping, one must start pumping the clay-concrete mix. The drilling is complicated by the fact that the reactor cannot be approached to a distance closer than 250 meters. We have arranged with the military for them to deactivate the area so we could approach to a closer distance, 50 meters.
GORBACHEV: We should be picking up the pace. We should be working not only as if this was a wartime situation, but a nuclear one - around the clock.
RYZHKOV: Comrade Brezhnev should return on site and organize this work.
GROMYKO: What’s the percentage of the fallout that enters the atmosphere?
LEGASOV: The SO is exceeded 22-fold. There will be zirconium. First, there was iodine coming out, and now it’s the rare earth minerals. The zone in the radius of 30 kilometers is dangerous. Iodine decays halfway in 8 days, and after 80 days there will be nothing left.
SEDUNOV (Deputy Chairman of Goskomgidromet): We are watching the situation with radiation from airplanes and the land sites. The spread of radioactivity depends on wind direction. First, the cloud went north, then west and south. There was a spread of radioactive air into Poland, Scandinavia, then into Romania and Bulgaria, yesterday - into Turkey. In Kiev, its level increased 80-fold above background, this morning it is 45-fold. A norm for the public is considered 10-fold above background over a year. In Minsk and Lithuania it’s 3-fold. In the North Caucasus, 2-fold. We suppose that in Kiev, it will start receding. But if the wind changes, the cloud can head toward Moscow. 
(Note: Goskomgidromet is the weather forecasting agency. - LSW).
SHCHERBITSKY: Someone confused roentgens and milliroentgens.
(Note: not sure what he is referring to? - LSW).
SEDUNOV: It is important to watch the isotope content of the precipitation. Iodine goes into milk. Today that’s where most of the danger is coming from.
GORBACHEV: What to do with the cattle?
SEDUNOV: No need to destroy it. The Kiev water reservoir may become polluted.
LYASHKO: The water probes are being taken every hour. Radioactivity was only found in upper parts of the Pripyat’ river. We banned the public from drinking water from open sources there.
SEDUNOV: In Moscow everything is normal so far.
SHCHADOV (minister of coal industries): It is dangerous to break through the wall. Water should be pumped out and then the mix should be pumped in. If necessary, we’ll dig under the building. 
(Note: Shchadov circles back to talking about the water problem and backs Legasov’s strategy. - LSW)
AKHROMEEV (deputy defense minister): Task number one is controlling the radiological situation. We started the deactivation of roads and other sites. Three thousand people are working on it. Today we will finish preparing the deactivation plan and report to the working group.
SOLOMENCEV: How effective is the cleanup?
AKHROMEEV: It reduces radioactivity by a factor of 3 to 4. We have to create burial sites for topsoil and water. We also have set up medical facilities at 7 thousand person capacity.
LIGACHEV: What does Akhromeev think about approaching the water under the reactor?
AKHROMEEV: My opinion is to break it with a cumulative projectile. 
(Note: I think this means an anti-tank missile. A true military man’s response, and one vote for Velikhov’s plan. - LSW)
RYZHKOV: There are enough people.
AKHROMEEV: If needed, we will bring more.
LYASHKO: The Dnieper system provides water for 32 million people. The water samples are taken every hour. Yesterday there was no alarm until the evening. But today, there is. On smaller rivers, radiation levels have increased and are now 10^-4, with 10^-8 being the norm. (Note: Units? - LSW). These areas were instructed to switch to water from closed sources.
Luckily, there are artesian wells here. If need be, we will bring water tanks. What would be more difficult is if we would have to dump the water out of Kiev Reservoir. There is already a water shortage in the South. We need Gosomgidromet’s recommendations on how long we should hold the water in Kiev Reservoir.
GORBACHEV: How are the evacuated people?
LYASHKO: Evacuation was carried out in 3 hours in place of planned 6. One bad thing was that we had no protocol in place for this kind of scenario, no training has ever been conducted. The food for the evacuated has been organized. There turned out to be a disconnect between the services of the 3-rd Minzdrav group and the regional medical services. (Note: Minzdrav is the Ministry of Health Services - LSW). They were kept too secret. I spoke to Comrade Burenkov about it. The situation is getting better now.
The census of the evacuated has been complicated by the fact that there were many who have left on personal transport for the holidays to other towns, to visit family, etc.
Construction workers were sent to other objects. 3.5 thousand people were assigned to the “Mayak” factory. Many went to work at agriculture jobs. They will receive medium wages. Because of property loss, people will have to be paid a compensation out of Gosstrakh (Note: a state insurance agency - LSW). The people from the countryside should be given a one-time amount of 100 rubles for the head of the household, and 50 rubles for each family member. The public insists on being provided more information and guidance: what to do in the situation they are in.
SHCHERBITSKY: It is very important right now.
GORBACHEV: I thought we have already decided to provide such information locally.
LYASHKO: We need the minister of health and the scientists to speak and broadcast these regionally. Water from under the reactor should not be let out into soil, even if it goes into a pit. A pool should be built. We can build this type of vessel. We also need vessels for the deactivated soil. But places like that should be guarded.
VLASOV: We will do that.
LYASHKO: The school year continues. The primary school needs to be let out in a week, the tenth graders should finish as usual. All the children, evacuated ones, should be taken into summer camps. I am requesting openings for them. The milk gets doubly checked. If there is contamination, it is being sent for butter and cheese production.
GORBACHEV: We have got the project of the resolution. What should we add? We should take into consideration that the situation is very difficult in all aspects: radiation, an enormous territory. There will be no definitive answers from scientists as far as the future goes. That’s why we need to work by the worst-case scenario. The top priority should be the reactor with all the options considered. The working group must consolidate all the necessary resources and mechanisms.
At the same time, the work with the public needs to be underscored: living conditions, jobs, healthcare, etc. Water is a special question. What should we do? We should carry out all the calculations, all the forecasts. Especially planning all that needs to be done in the danger zone.
Separately, we must decide how to be with the outside world. Information must be provided in a calm and balanced manner, without overconfidence but firmly. Panic is the luxury of the subordinates, and not of the Politburo or the government.
The local channels in Ukraine should broadcast more expanded information. Across the Soviet Union, primarily the facts should be broadcast. Maybe the informational frame can be expanded to the outer world, as well. Our adversaries are asking us questions that would on one hand, allow them to judge us as a whole, and on the other hand - smear us with mud. If we add more information now, it will be natural, because the time passes, and with that the amount of facts. But we should not create a picture of overconfidence. We are facing the fact that this situation is a signal to everyone. The public’s opinion should be turned toward the steps we are taking towards nuclear disarmament. This accident, on a nuclear object, tells us that a nuclear war should never be allowed to happen. We should talk about this at a press conference. So, the information needs to be added to, but responsibly.
As for bringing the foreign specialists? As I understood from Legasov, there is no need for it. If there will be a need, then we’ll decide. 
DOLGIKH: This is written in the next to last section.
GROMYKO: I agree with what Mikhail Sergeevich had said. It is correct that the situation remains serious. In the second section of the project it says: to consider.
GORBACHEV: It should say: approve the proposed measures and intensify the work.
GROMYKO: Section 10. We raised this question at the United Nations. We should use what we’ve already talked about previously.
SHCHERBITSKY: Section 9 needs to be expanded, to mention informing the populace regarding the situation.
GORBACHEV: Add this.
MEDVEDEV: Perhaps we should make a mention of periodically informing our friends.
GORBACHEV: It is already in the project. I suggest incorporating these suggestions and approving it.
GORBACHEV: Boris Evdokimovich, you said that the analysis of the causes of the accident has been completed.
SHCHERBINA: Yes. On 25th of April, the power plant started conducting an experiment to test the reliability of its functioning, which has been approved by the Chief Engineer. It has been a crudest mistake to conduct such a test without taking the reactor functioning into account.
GORBACHEV: What kind of experimenting was it? This is a nuclear power plant.
SHCHERBINA: These kinds of experiments are conducted at power plants. But the nuclear watchdog agency should have been informed of that. The first scientific deputy hasn’t been there.
GORBACHEV: What about the version with hydrogen?
SHCHERBINA: No. There were two explosions inside the reactor.
GORBACHEV: What about the automated systems?
SHCHERBINA: None of the three systems worked.
GORBACHEV: There has already been resolutions regarding the improper operating procedures at Chernobyl NPP.
SHCHERBINA: The personnel have not been properly chosen.
CHEBRIKOV: We have two reactor systems - two-line (the more reliable ones) and the single-line ones. This is a single-line reactor. It doesn’t tolerate fluctuations in the operating procedure. Unplanned things lead to adverse circumstances. There are three systems in place to stop the reactor everywhere, but this one only had two. Capturing the extra heat output - that’s what the experiment was for. Its planning was done without involving the reactor designers.
SHCHERBINA: The hydrogen version was discarded right away. The problem was with the reactor vibrating and speeding up.
DOLGIKH: We should wait for the results of the final analysis.
GROMYKO: We should start discussing this in Central Planning. A big misfortune had struck us. Someone made an oversight, committed a crime and must be punished. What sort of thing they decided to experiment with. The decision should be such that many generations would not forget about this fact.
GORBACHEV: I suggest approving the resolutions regarding the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at Chernobyl and inviting Hans Blix to the USSR.
The resolutions are approved.
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 310
The biological structure of living beings is based on chemical compounds formed by carbon elements bounding to other elements or to themselves. These compounds are named as biological molecules, macromolecules or biopolymers. The elements in these compounds and the three dimensional structure in space that is formed is important information in a living system. Based on this information these molecules have the ability to recognize, like or dislike each other. In this perspective we can say that atoms and molecules act as if they have personalities and these personalities play an important role in forming various compounds with other atoms and molecules based on the conditions.
The widely accepted argument today is that the elements used as building blocks of life were first backed in the nuclear furnaces of stars under extra ordinary heat and pressure, undergoing a series of transformations and took their forms as we realize them on our earth. Among all the elements on our planet earth, the unique properties given to carbon and hydrogen elements has made the existence of carbon-based life forms possible.
Carbon combined with different elements in many different quantities and geometric arrangements, results in a vast assortment of materials with vastly different properties.
The molecules that are found in live organisms are created from different quantities, geometric arrangements and assortments of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur. The base properties of carbon are playing an important role in creating these compounds.
Each carbon atom makes four bonds. Carbon may make bonds with other carbon atoms forming chains, branching chains or rings of linked carbon atoms. These properties given to carbon are important factors in the miracle called life.
When a carbon atom makes bounds with four hydrogen atoms methane gas is obtained (CH4). If we exchange the hydrogen atoms with oxygen atoms in methane we obtain carbon dioxide (CO2). If we exchange the hydrogen atoms with sulfur atoms in methane we obtain carbon disulfur (CS2), which is a combustible and poisonous liquid.
If we exchange the hydrogen atoms with chlorine atoms in methane we obtain carbon tetrachloride CCl4. If we exchange the hydrogen atoms with fluoride atoms we obtain fluorocarbon compounds. The Teflon used in our kitchenware is a fluorocarbon resin.
When two carbon atoms each having three hydrogen atoms attached come together, the ethane molecule is formed. As mentioned before chains, branching chains and rings of linked carbon atoms can be formed this way. Some carbon compound's molecules consist of just a few atoms; others contain thousands or even millions. This is one of the main reasons of organic versatility that is behind the scene. Attaching other functional groups to the carbon atoms in the chain increases the versatility of compounds. Some examples of these functional groups that are built up with carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur coming to mind at first would be the hydroxyl functional group (OH), the carboxyl functional group (COOH), the methyl functional group (CH3), the amino functional group (NH2), the phosphate functional group (PO4), the carbonyl functional group (CO) and the sulfhydryl functional group (SH).
If we exchange one hydrogen atom in methane with a hydroxyl group we obtain methanol, which is an alcohol that damages the optic nerves. To turn methanol into ethanol, which is found in alcoholic beverages we need to add a methyl group to methanol. If we add one oxygen atom or a carboxyl group to ethyl alcohol we will obtain acetic acid (vinegar acid). Adding a nitrogen atom or an amino functional group to acetic acid we obtain amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Looking to these examples we understand that a slight difference in the structure or order of the atoms within a compound can change the whole functionality of that compound. We realize that live systems are fragile and that very sensitive adjustments are made to create the right conditions for the existence of life and that delicate balances are kept to maintain the order of life, which we enjoy so much. Another important fact these examples can prove is that building everything from one thing or building one thing from everything is one of the aspects of creation. This aspect provides us valuable knowledge about creation.
We can explain this matter further with an analogy. To construct a building we need various materials like bricks, cement, wood and iron. Buildings with different architectures and functionalities are constructed with the same materials in different quantities and arrangements. Similarly, this amazing variety of life forms and the order of life on earth are brought to existence with only a few element types (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur) which are brought together in different arrangements, representing infinite numbers of different shapes in space.
Life is protected from extinction with buildup and breakdown mechanisms, which change and convert these molecules from one to another.
The popular child game called LEGO is another example that can be used to explain how this infinite variety of life forms is created by a few types of elements. Children can build different objects according to their imagination by using the limited number of plastic pieces in different quantities and arrangements. Just like this, the most merciful has created the amazing nature and every living creature in it by using the limited number of elements in different arrangements and quantities.
Natural forms of pure carbon include graphite, one of the softest minerals known, and diamond, the hardest substance known. The only difference between the two is the structure of the bonds between carbon atoms. Diamond and Graphite, being the same chemical composition, but different crystal structures, are two polymorphs of pure carbon. Another example is aspirin, gasoline and vanillin oil. All three compounds are composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms but their properties and usage are completely different. All these examples point to the attribute of creation stating that many things are made from one thing.
Another related topic is isomers. Hydrocarbon variations that differ only in the arrangement of atoms are called isomers. Isomers are very important in biology. The preference for some isomers of molecules that are used in the base metabolism of living beings and biological systems shows us that the existence of life is not without certain intentions and willpower. For example, only the D form isomer of glucose can be used by biological systems. Similarly when the C vitamins are produced synthetically in the lab environment, 50% of those are isomers. Because only one of the isomers is biologically active, our body can use only %50 of the C vitamins we buy from the drug stores.
To stay alive, the human body needs water, air and nutrition from the outside world. It is very important that the nutrition we take has enough elements like iron, zinc ant iodine in it. These elements take place in certain enzymes and molecules, which are important for some proteins and hormones to work properly. For example not having enough iodine in our nutrition can cause an enlargement of the thyroid, which shows up as an abnormal swelling in the neck called a goiter. This illness can be seen more often in mountainous regions where the soil has less iodine because the rainwater washes it away. This reflects on the vegetation and fruits grown in the region and causes the body to not produce enough thyroid hormones. When iodine in nutrition is less than a certain amount it can even slow down the brain development. Similarly iron deficiency causes anemia and zinc deficiency causes growth retardation.
In summary, the magical order and amazing complexity in nature is based on a few molecules, which are arranged in different shapes, orders and in different quantities.
It is one of the miracles of creation that all complex organizations and structures, which even have different specifications, are made from very basic building blocks. The science of complexity (chaos theory, fractal geometries, etc.) has begun to research how God, who is able to make one thing from everything and everything from one thing, has created these astonishing complex beings from very basic and plain molecules. This research to understand how this amazing order and complexity exists will open new doors for the 21'st century science.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Nothing Else Compares
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Atlantis- The Lost Empire
Characters: Milo, Kida
Hi, guys! I wrote this for a Atlantis zine I’m trying to apply for, so I thought I’d share <3 
Milo barely registered the burning of his calves and thighs as he squatted beside the large, lily-covered pond stretching out before him. Throughout his stay in Atlantis, Milo’s physique had considerably improved thanks to frequent hiking, swimming, and climbing. Still, even the stoutest muscles would complain after being stretched for thirty minutes without rest. The dull ache was far from Milo’s mind, for he was far too captivated by the beautiful fish gliding just below the still surface of the pond. His pencil sailed over the notebook pages. He continuously sketched the gorgeous creatures and recorded the aspects of their behavior, not wishing to miss a single detail in his rapt scientific study. 
The creatures much resembled the koi fish of the surface world, but they’d evolved a little differently due to the unique mesocosm of the rich waters of the Atlantean pond. Rather than the gold, black, orange, and white variations of patterning expressed by their overworld counterparts, the fish’s scales were dynamic arrangements of sapphire blue, cerulean, white, lavender, black,  and violet. Nothing in the surface world came close to the elegant beauty of the gorgeous fish serenely circling the pond. Milo wondered if the surrounding underwater vegetation contributed to the adaptation. The seaweed rooted in the muddy bottom of the bond wasn’t any shade of green, but hued with deep purples and blues. That’s only speculation, of course… I’ll have to carefully observe their behavior to see if they utilize the seaweed for camouflage, he thought as he tapped the end of his pencil against his lips. 
As his mind trailed off following the thought, Milo finally became aware of his thigh muscles’ screaming agony. Groaning, the academic slowly eased himself down on his rump, ultimately alleviating the pressure on his lower extremities. He could swear he heard the cells audibly sigh in relief, and the pain eased back into a dull, pounding ache. He set his notebook down to massage the distressed meat of his legs while casting a glance at the surrounding area. Milo had spotted the glittering fish first, so he’d neglected to drink in the environment around their secluded little pool. 
The pond was fed by freshwater from the mountains trickling through the crevices of the smooth, rounded rocks piled on the north end of the area. Multiple streams dribbled through the tightly-packed stones to feed into the large pond, filling the air with the pleasant babbling of the water. The stone face extended out on either side of the fishpond, where thin, twisted, gnarly trees clung to the wet surfaces with a labyrinthine network of roots that bored into the rock face. Spongy, light green moss coated every inch of the rock where the tree roots didn’t permeate. White-gray lichens draped from the spindly tree branches like curtains; they ruffled in the breeze, making the trees resemble ghostly wisterias leaning over the pond. 
Milo took a few minutes to scrawl the habitat across two pages of his notebook, just in case he needed it for future reference. The forest echoed with rustles and snaps and trilling bird calls, as all forests rich with life do. Gradually, a series of small susurrations and snapping twigs peeled Milo’s attention from his observations, making him glance over his shoulder into the underbrush to see who- or what- was approaching. A bright smile alit his face as Kida’s graceful form slipped out from underneath some elephant-ear plants to pad into the clearing. 
“Oh. Here you are, Milo,” she smiled pleasantly. “I see you’ve found something new today.” Milo nodded and eagerly gestured for Kida to approach so he could regale her with his scientific observations. The white-haired woman strolled across the clearing to sink onto her knees beside him, leaning over his shoulder so she could have a clear view of the graphite-covered pages. 
“Look, look! So, this lily system-” he gestated wildly at the collection of green lily pads floated serenely across the pond surface, blooming with lavender-colored flowers. “-is an effective filtration and aeration system for the pond, which only gets limited oxygenation by the addition of the small trickles of water from the streams…” Kida listened attentively as he lectured on all his discoveries and assumptions, her bright eyes scanning the words and diagrams while considering his speech. Kida wasn’t nearly as passionate about science as Milo, but she never berated or ignored him, and often posed some theories or considerations. It was just another small thing in a great list of many that made him hopelessly in love with the Atlantean queen. 
“And, that’s as far as I’ve gotten,” he finished with a huff, snapping the book shut and smiling expectantly at her. 
“Not bad for forty-five minutes,” Kida chuckled appreciatively. With a contented sigh, she leaned back on her hands and stretched her tanned legs out to soak up the relaxed atmosphere of the secluded little ecosystem. Her blue eyes beheld the assortment of lilies floating languidly across the pond surface with untroubled tranquility. Milo drew his knees up to his chest and leaned his cheek against his forearm with an endeared smile, watching Kida survey the area. After several minutes of comfortable silence, her sky-blue eyes flickered to her peripheries, and she grinned playfully. 
“Want to go for a swim?” 
An electric pulse of excitement propagated across every nerve junction of his body. There were no insinuations or innuendos contained within Kida’s simple question; it just reminded him of one of their first times alone, when they’d dived into the lake to swim down into the hidden cavern. Who knew that such a small event would trigger such chaos and drama? Milo reminisced silently in his head, drifting off into space as he so often did. Kida chuckled amiably and snapped her fingers in front of his face to yank him back to reality. “Earth to Milo.” 
“Oh! Yes! Swimming,” he rambled as he climbed quickly to his feet. He shed his clothes between quipped phrases. Sometimes he dressed in Atlantean attire; sometimes, he wore the clothes he’d brought with him from the submarine voyage just for nostalgia. Today was a case of the latter. “In water.” He pulled his cream-colored tank top over his head. “The two of us.” He kicked off his sandals. “Together.” He shimmied out of his cargo pants and likewise flung them carelessly aside. “Great plan.” 
“Milo,” Kida laughed, daintily covering her mouth with her hand as she rose from her position, “You act as if we aren’t engaged.” A pink blush painted Milo’s cheeks, and he flashed Kida a bashful smile while rubbing at the back of his neck. Giggling, she leaned in to pat him cutely on the cheek before unwinding the shawl that covered her upper thighs. They’d been engaged for some time now, so Milo really ought to be used to Kida’s jaw-dropping gorgeousness, but his jaw refused to get the memo. As the soft blue fabric slipped from her shapely tanned legs, his mouth fell open, and his head craned back a little so his eyes could traverse the smooth curves of her body. A polite cough brought his eyes heavenward, finding Kida’s sparkling with amusement while one of her white eyebrows quirked. 
“Uhm, I, uhh… Pretty, you’re very pretty,” Milo stammered dumbly. Kida threw back her head in another bout of delighted laughter, making Milo smile sheepishly and play with the scraggly brown hairs at the base of his neck again. Kida’s arms lunged forward to grab him by the wrists, guiding his body to guide him into the pool. 
“Thank you, Milo,” she chuckled as her ankles dipped into the cold water. The lilies bumped against her calves as she waded back into the pool, coursing across the ripples with much more speed than their previous lazy gaits. The koi scattered as Kida’s feet tracked across the deep brown mud, throwing up clouds of it in the otherwise clear liquid. When Milo’s bare feet kissed the edge of the bool, his spine tingled at the cold sensation that bloomed in his toes. The feeling spread up his legs as he slipped into the pool with his fiancé to feel him with a refreshing chill. 
The deepest region of the pool only reached the height of Kida’s waist, so that is where she dropped his arms to begin running her fingers over the surface of the water, creating dozens of ripples. As her arms moved in slow, gentle arcs, something about the movement of her body made Milo’s heart thump in his chest. He must’ve gotten a strange look on his face because she snickered, “What?” 
“You’re just the most gorgeous woman that I’ve ever met.” A flush deepened her cheeks’ skin tone, making the electric-blue tattoo decorating the area under her eye seem to glow. A shy grin spread over her pretty plump lips; he could visibly see the glee bubbling up inside of her. The water sloshed as Milo closed some distance between them to grip her arms by the elbows lightly. With a playfully considerate look, Kida watched him as he slowly raised them, hand sliding down the length of her forearm to leave dewdrops of water clinging to her gorgeous tawny skin, until he brought her hands to his face. With his eyes locked on hers, Milo kissed each of the tops of her hands and then smiled salaciously. “Definitely the most gorgeous woman that I’ve ever met,” he confirmed with an appreciative nod. Kida snorted, but he could see how flustered she was by his smooth words by the red flush creeping down her neck from her face. 
“You’re in an awfully good mood,” she commented. Milo’s flirtatiousness instantly dissolved as his fragile thread of consciousness snapped. For a second, he wondered if Kida wasn’t in the mood, but that thought evaporated as she slipped forward to press her torso against his. As the soft fabric binding her bust pressed against his pectorals, Milo reflexively began to stammer; Kida silenced them with a seductive “shhhh.” Her hands detached from his to slide over his shoulders, and he shuddered as the cold water kissed his skin. Kida’s arms wound loosely around his neck so that her fingers could play with the curly hairs resting against the nape of his neck. 
“Uhhh,” Milo blinked, compulsively pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “You’re in a pretty good mood, too.” Kida laughed airily; thankfully, his dumb comments always seemed to amuse rather than aggravate her, so he was grateful for that. 
“Well, I am with the love of my life. That will put anyone in a good mood.” Milo’s face blazed crimson, and he began to sputter nonsensically. Kida snickered, gazing in his eyes for a few moments, before her eyes dropped down to the beautiful water around them. Instinctively, he glanced down as well. 
The koi-like fish had acclimated to the lovers’ presence, as they were now freely and undauntedly gliding through the seaweed waving around Milo and Kida’s legs. Occasionally, one of the foot-long fish would bump against one of their calves; the creature would wriggle as if apologizing before swiftly swimming around. Their scales glittered like gems in the crystal-clear water- pearl, amethyst, sapphire, sugilite, onyx, and zircon glinting beneath the peaceful surface. Suddenly gripped by the urge to be even closer to the fish, Milo relaxed his legs, allowing gravity to tip him backward onto his rump. Kida cried out in alarm as her body followed suit, slumping into him on their downward slant. Milo laughed animatedly as the water splashed up around them, slicking them from head to toe. 
“That wasn’t funny,” she pouted as she pushed the water-soaked strands of white hair from her face. Milo tutted apologetically and helped her tuck the large chunks of damp hair behind her ears. The fish were momentarily startled by their sudden movement, but soon grew curious; they swam forward to nip experimentally at the fabric of their clothes and their soft skin. Milo and Kida both laughed at the ticklish sensations. Milo hummed happily and drew Kida in, spreading his legs around her frame to settle her close. Kida reclined against his chest, nestling her head against the crook of his shoulder and began to trace the star-patterned tattoo adorning the other. “Milo?” 
“Hmm?” he grunted. His eyes had resumed tracing the graceful swimming patterns of the koi fish. 
“Do you regret not leaving with your friends?” They’d only been gone for a short time, almost as short as Kida and Milo’s engagement. But what did that have to do with anything? Milo looked at Kida incredulously, unsure of where the spontaneous question had come from. Kida’s face was drawn into a sad frown, and her downcast eyes bored into the groove of his neck. She continued to trace the jagged lines of his tattoos, but the motions even seemed despondent. “I just cannot help but wonder,” she admitted morosely. Milo took a moment to shove his gut reactions aside. He wanted to carefully consider Kida’s feelings to find the best words to say. After a moment of deliberating, he answered. 
“My entire life goal was finding Atlantis,” he said quietly. He craned his head back to the heavens, where he could just barely see the ever-present stone-carved effigies of the former royals floating in the sky and brimming with spiritual energy. “Coming here was the fulfillment of my life purpose. But, more than that,” he smiled and looked down at Kida. He cupped her face, drawing his thumb over her cheekbone in a purely adoring gesture, “I found my new life purpose. You, Kida. I could never, ever regret leaving all that behind, because none of it compares to what I’ve gained with you.” 
Kida’s eyes crinkled up at the corners as she smiled broadly. Her hold around him tightened desperately as she snuggled against him, ensuring every inch of them was touching. Milo inhaled happily, wrapped his arms around her in a similarly bracing embrace, and leaned down to kiss her softly. 
The fish continued to circle them, around and around, as the two young lovers cuddled one another in the crisp, cold water. Peaceful, tranquil, unbothered by the tragedies and atrocities of the surface thousands of miles above the bedrock dome… Why would Milo ever trade blessed days like this, and the beautiful woman in his arms, for anything else? Nothing else compared. 
Nothing else compared.
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