#that they are being priced out of
darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
I love that my Apayauq posts are getting traction again! It's always great to see so many of you appreciating transgender people being unapologetically trans in sports.
That being said: Apayauq is on a break from competitive mushing due to the expenses of the sport. I've said this many times, mushing even recreationally is very expensive. You don't make money doing this sport (Apayauq credits her family's polar bear tour business for helping with costs for 2022).
Aside from the average musher's financial struggles, indigenous arctic mushers face inequalities in the very sport that they originated. Lots of this has to do with income and opportunity inequalities that make financing a dog team even more difficult than average. A true shame considering that mushing is a cultural activity. While there are many Alaskan Native organizations fighting for other aspects of equality for their populace, not many focus specifically on dogsledding. Consider supporting the Frank Attla Youth Dog Sled Program (teaching dog care to native children) or if you choose to take a tour in an area where dog sledding is relevant please consider booking that tour with an indigenous musher.
Additionally due to inequalities in medical care it is often more difficult for indigenous transgender people to get the gender affirming care that they need AND transgender Alaskan Natives have been shown to have a startling level of discrimination against them. Consider supporting LGBTQ+ organizations in Alaska such as Choosing our Roots (helps families host LGBTQ+ youth in need), Identity Alaska (youth programs but also has programs about coming out as an elder), and Alaskans Together.
In the meantime I highly suggest supporting Apayauq's other hobbies such as her photography, and polar bear tour business. You can also keep an eye out for her upcoming documentary about Iditarod 2022 in partnership with Zeppelin Zeerip.
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bluegiragi · 2 months
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the lieutenant's arrived.
early access + nsfw on patreon
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nelkcats · 10 months
Fenton Street Food
"You know what's better than being a superhero? A street food vendor! Yes, superheroes can save the day, stop villains and receive hatred or admiration as the case may be, but a street vendor? They are at the heart of the action, fulfilling their dreams! They traveled the world feeding the masses, and even met superheroes, feeding them to keep them doing their duty, food carts are the centerpiece of keeping the heroes alive, they are the heroes..."
Maybe if Danny repeated it enough times he'd start to believe it, though seeing the monstrosity that was the Fenton food cart he highly doubted it. More so because it had fucking guns hidden next to the mutant and very alive Hot dogs (which by the way were not sellable, they were the mascots of the brand).
It all started when Jack Fenton talked about his dream of delivering his favorite food around the world, that fueled Maddie Fenton's idea, and since Jazz was in college and Danny was on vacation no one could stop them.
Soon Danny became a victim of his parents' eccentricities. Although the halfa had to admit that selling in Gotham was a lot of fun, thieves didn't think it was worth mugging him and the Rogues themselves bought his food of dubious origins.
It was almost a shame to have to change cities because Batman was getting too suspicious but Metropolis was waiting for him. And he would be back eventually; some bats who had enjoyed his strange roving food stall had waved him off with handkerchiefs, wiping away fake tears. Danny appreciated it.
Besides, Red Robin affirmed to him that he would recommend him to Superboy, so he wouldn't run out of customers anytime soon. He wondered if he should stop by Central City, the Flash Family ate a lot didn't they?
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meowpupp · 4 months
More of a fluffy/sfw ask—,, puppygirl!reader just wanting to cuddle with everyone. Or being clingy in general. She sees Price sitting idly with his arms spread out on the couch, immediately she jumps on his lap to get a big hug, or it’s night time with pup!Gaz resting on some thick blankets, but on the other hand,,, she wants to make him her pillow! Whether the big mutt likes it or not >:(
To which ends up with Price finding the sweet thing with a content smile, sprawled on top of the other pup who doesn’t mind one bit 🥰🥰🥰
puppygirl!reader who is the most precious, affectionate thing price has ever met. it's almost like you were bred to be adored. big, soft, floppy brown ears, a fluffy tail, thick thighs, and a soft tummy? how could he not spoil you.
ever since he brought you home, you've always craved his touch. he finds it adorable. any moment possible, you're right by his side.
in the morning, when he's making you breakfast, you lean against him. tail rhythmically hitting the back of his leg as you wag it, sleepily nuzzling into his chest. its sweet, melts the vets heart as he soaks up the warmth you always seem to radiate.
it's like you're starved, an addict. any opportunity possible you'll take. price peacefully relaxing on the couch? you're on his lap, nuzzling into his neck, ears twitching and tail wagging as you seek his praise. he almost laughs, amused by how just soft pets and a few small words of praise make you melt.
even when he's away, doing errands or whatever else, you still seek him. he comes home to find you bundled up in his bed. seeking out his scent, his warmth. it's moments like that where he scoops you up, presses a kiss to your forehead, and lays you ontop him.
and if he thought you were clingy with him? well, it's a whole nother world when kyle comes. you're just so excited. price knows you were sheltered practically your whole life. youre already clingy enough with johnny when he visits. but kyle? who lives with you? you can barely contain yourself.
he can see the way you crave kyle affection, following him around the house, seeking him out every half hour. it's funny, one of those moments when he can see how similar to a puppy you really are, trailing after him as if youre lost.
if you're not by prices side, you're cuddled into kyle's. his arm around you, your head on the mutts chest while he watches TV, absentmindedly stroking your soft ears. or even forcing kyle into prices big bed, using his tummy as a pillow. surrounded by the soft warmth of kyle and the comforting scent of your owner.
kyle is always more than happy to indulge. he's not quite as clingy as you, but he thoroughly enjoys the warmth. it's hard being your guard dog, chasing off the other mean mutts that prey on your little self. or snapping at johnny when he holds you a little too rough.
he likes the feeling of being rewarded, the little soft kisses you place all around his face, the way you chrip and giggle happily. it reminds him that you're just a puppy, a cute little thing that needs him. that adores him. and that he adores tenfold.
but your favourite by far is when you get both of them. leaning back against prices chest as he sits, kyle snuggled between your legs on your soft tummy. the whole thing is calm, peaceful. it fills you with warmth, your tail wagging a mile-a-minute, only speeding up when price kisses the back of your head.
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theoriginalsapphic · 1 year
If Mike had the same focus on his mental health as part of his character arc in season 4 like Max did, he wouldn’t be as a disliked character by the general audience as he currently is.
I’m being serious.
Their behaviors throughout season 4 are similar enough to draw parallels between them.
They both treat Lucas like crap in less than ideal terms.
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They both get their declining academic performance pointed out by another character.
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They are both hiding things from people, and being open and honest about it could help them but they won’t do it.
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They both mistreat and push away someone they love.
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They both lack self-preservation, which leads them to have suicidal tendencies and put their lives at risk.
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The show even makes a point of putting Mike next to Max in two of the symptoms mentioned in the Vecna’s curse.
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The only difference is that Max’s character has a huge focus this season, and most of it is centers on her deteriorating mental state. On the other hand, the only time Mike gets a chance to explicitly and verbally acknowledge that he is struggling with something, he admonishes himself for caring about something so irrelevant considering the ongoing situation, and the scene shifts to be about Will and his disguised confession through the painting.
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So, with all being said... what could this possibly mean for Mike in season 5? Well, Ms. Kelly said it best:
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polisena-art · 5 months
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@houseboatisland requested a passionate Panjosé kiss! Thank you so much for tipping! ✨Ko-fi✨
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seagull-scribbles · 10 months
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You're out of touch
<prev [4/7] next >
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mikichko · 29 days
it’s gaz who gives you the nickname wisp. and it sticks. you’re not exactly sure where it came from or what it means but it could’ve been much worse.
but the 141 know exactly why.
gaz notices first, of course. how different versions of you rotate throughout the day depending on who you're talking to. there are moments where he notices pieces of the real you coming out. telltale sign is your shoulders dropping back, not in the rigid stance usually saved for attention but in relief. like someone's snapped the string that was holding you up. those moments don't last and it's not long before your shoulder's are rigid and pinched the way someone on high alert keeps them.
in his head ghost calls you cam. short for chameleon. just like gaz he notices how you shape and mold yourself to appeal to others. you're not blending in, he realizes, you're mirroring them. reading them and reacting just how they'd like. a quip here, a smile there, a joke about some one-off thing that you'd noticed made their eyes light up. he wonders what it's like to see the real you, what you'd be like if you were in front of your own mirror. he doesn't get to ponder too long, he can see you fading as you morph
you escape out of soap's grasp so many times he thinks his nickname should be yours instead. he thinks to himself one day that it must be natural for the two of you to miss each other. to be lucky enough some days to occupy some square footage of space before you disappear through a doorway, leaving him wanting. even when you're on the same base, hell same missions sometimes, you're never close enough to him. just out of his reach.
price happens to find you when you think you're alone. just like gaz he's privy to the relaxed state of your body, rigid lines becoming softer against the worn material of the couch. he watches the way your hand strokes the skin along your clavicle, thumb pressing down into the dip of your jugular notch. there's a cloudy look to your eyes as you continue to absentmindedly soothe yourself from whatever you're dissecting in your head. he watches for a while, trying to piece together what it is you're reliving. he knows it's time for him to take his leave when your shoulders straighten, even before your eyes blink away the clouds.
you're there for a moment, before you disappear, evading their grasp.
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a/n: i got crazy writers block and was trying to force myself to write my wips but instead my brain cooked this up. everyone say thank you to @buttdumplin for making me brave enough to post <3
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itsdefinitely · 4 months
the way you draw ted makes me want to make out with him sloppy style
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i doubt he'd be opposed
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bluegiragi · 6 months
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early access + nsfw on patreon
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verflares · 8 days
wow..... lego zelink :]
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cod-dump · 8 months
Gaz, walking up to Soap and Ghost cuddling on the couch in the rec room: Oh? What’s this? Cuddling Soap, are you?
Ghost: Yes-
Gaz, standing in front of them: Snuggling your man?
Soap: … yea-
Gaz, climbing onto the couch and getting in between them: Sounds good. I’m in
Price, watching from the lazyboy: God… he’s Nik made over
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ghouljams · 10 months
I’m in a mood for cowboy! Ghost. How would Goose react if Ghost is super sick but is trying to still do his work? Would she go Mama Bear on him and force him to stay in bed while she took care of him? How would he react to someone being this attentive and caring to him while he is sick?
The problem is that Ghost is so used to toughing it out or taking care of himself that he will not tell Goose if he's sick. I think she'd know pretty quick though when he won't touch her because he doesn't wanna get her sick. No doctor Goose necessary, Momma Duck is one with the medical degree.
Simon is in the barn when you finally find him, he's been avoiding you since he left the house this morning and you're not really sure why. He's leaned against the wall, head tipped back and eyes closed, you can see the movement of his chest with each breath he takes. That's probably not good. You run through your options and settle on not being mad until he explains what's wrong. You grab his dog tags, because you know he won't risk breaking them. He sighs hard.
"Not in the mood sweetheart," He tells you, his voice is thicker than usual, too rough and deep for this late in the day.
"What's wrong with you?" You cut straight to the point. Simon doesn't even flinch, just pushes off the wall to stare you down.
"Nothing is wrong with me," It's too defensive, you narrow your eyes at him. He's not wearing his mask, it must've been real fucking uncomfortable for him to take it off. His cheeks are flushed, but not in a sunburn kind of way. You tug his tags and he resists your pull. Doesn't matter you can reach from here.
You raise a hand and press it against his forehead. Simon flinches away. Stupid bastard.
"Does daddy know you're sick?" You ask, not feeling particularly kind for asking in the first place. He should've told you.
"Doesn't need to, it won't affect my work."
"Bullshit it's not," You don't bother letting go of his chain, leading Simon out of the barn and back across the grass to his little house, "It's 100 degrees out and you're runnin' a fever, you plannin' on faintin'? You get any redder and I'll enter you in a tomato contest, swear to God I'm gonna kill ya' for this."
"You get more Texan when you're mad," Simon helpfully supplies. You don't bother turning to glare at him, you think he can feel it. He holds the screen door for you while you angrily push the house door open, more cooperative than you thought he'd be. Probably fixing to run back to work as soon as you leave. As if you would.
You don't let go of Simon until you see him sit on the bed. Even then you stand and tap your foot until he sighs and lays down like it's the hardest thing in the world. You give him a short nod and go to the bathroom for a thermometer and some cold meds. He's sat up and yanking his boots off when you come back. At least that's something. You hold out the thermometer and he takes it, but doesn't move past that.
"Under your tongue genius," You tell him already tipping purple nyquil into the little plastic cap. He eyes the cold medicine suspiciously. You set the full cap and the open bottle on the bedside table, and pull your phone out. "Either I take your temperature or Momma does, and you don't want me callin' the doctor out here."
Simon sticks the thermometer under his tongue. You don't know what it is with military men being so scared of the doctor, but it's damn useful for getting your way. You both wait for the thing to beep, you're quick to snatch it before Simon can. You're pretty sure he'll lie to you about his fever. You suck in a breath staring at the temperature on the little screen. 101, not good, and probably not helped by the heat or working all day.
"Wasn't that bad this morning," Simon grumbles. You don't spare him your glare this time.
"You-" You actually don't have an end to that sentence that doesn't make it sound like you want to strangle him. You point at the nyquil cap instead. He takes it dutifully and downs it like a shot. "I'm callin' the doctor." You tell him, because you can't really punish him for being sick, but you don't have to reward him either.
"Do not call the doctor," He warns you.
"Fine," You relent, Simon relaxes a little, "I'll call daddy." The tension is immediately back.
"Goose," Oh he's serious calling you that, too bad you're serious too, already dialing up your dad, "I'm warning you, do not." You hold the phone to your ear with a hand on your hip and wait for your father to pick up.
You don't even wait for him to ask you why you're calling you start right into it. "Simon's sick and you've been workin' him all-" Simon makes a grab for your phone while you're talking, you give a quick shout and try to hold it out of his way. He may be bigger than you but that doesn't mean he's going to stop you. Simon grabs your arm and pulls it down, you have to put real strength into keeping your phone held aloft.
"I'm fine, you don't need to call," Simon grits out, going for the more effective tactic of simply grabbing you around the waist and bodily hauling you onto the bed.
"How are you still this strong when you've got a fucking fever," You yell, trying to claw away from him. Simon just drags you back and snatches your phone.
"All fine here, sir," He tells Price quickly, keeping you pinned down with a firm hand on your back and your legs between his. He hangs up before Price can say anything and tosses your phone onto the nightstand. "Can you be less of a bloody wife for ten fucking minutes," He growls at you.
"Can you be less of a fucking soldier?" You hook your legs behind his and push up to reverse your positions. You settle angrily on his lap, and flop back on top of him.
"Forgot you could do that," Is the only response you get, half mumbled as Simon drags a hand down his face.
"Could've had a lovely day of me playing housewife, but no, it's always gotta be the hard way with you," You grumble, you hope the nyquil knocks him out before you do. You feel yourself raise with Simon's intake of breath, and lower quickly as he sighs. His hands grab you and flip you onto your stomach, you make yourself comfortable on him. He feels warm even though his clothes, you frown and press your ear to his chest to listen to his heart beat.
"You like the hard way." You can feel the rumble of his voice against your cheek.
"Not for this," you mumble, "you should've told me you weren't feeling good."
"I know," Simon sighs again.
"You'd wanna know if I was sick," Simon hums in response, you think the cold meds might be kicking in. You reach up to pat his face, "Stay awake I'm not done nagging."
"The fuck did you drug me for then?" He settles a hand on your head, the other rubbing your back with slower and slower motions. You suppose that's fair. "I'll tell ya' next time, alright? Lemme sleep."
"Fine," You relent, even though you don't fully believe him. You sort of wish Simon was a big baby about being sick, but you're also sort of glad he isn't. You wait for him to fall asleep before you get up to see if there's any soup in his little kitchenette. You expect he'll be out for a few hours, which is plenty of time for you to worry over him. Plenty of time for you to call your dad and tell him Simon's taking a sick day tomorrow, and plenty of time for you to sit on the bed next to Simon and brush his hair out of his face. He's such a soldier sometimes.
As if you wouldn't want to take care of him in sickness and in health.
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moeblob · 8 months
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Me, too, Blade. Me. Too.
(I am taking donations to buy a gigantic $250 stuffed cheeseburger. It's giant. I want it. I will never obtain it. I saw it in a shop window and..... wow. Big.)
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thebookbutterfly · 6 months
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley who is used to enduring bullet wounds and torture, cooing at you and kissing you better when you accidentally cut your finger while cooking 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥
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tomwambsgans · 8 months
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tom + greg + money + you value most what you've been denied etc
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