#that moment when you word vomit a character essay accidentally
averygayplant · 1 year
You ever think about how, like,
themes of abandonment and found family and breaking cycles and loss and grief and realizing that having emotions is okay and that bettering yourself as a person upon realizing than you're more than your generational trauma and just overall that learning and growing from past mistakes is normal just...
Run rampant, in Ninjago?
Cuz like,
I sure fucking do-
Lloyd is the obvious example, right? He tried to continue Garmadon's legacy as an evil and deeply feared dark prince of pure evil and it just didn't work out. Instead, he broke that cycle. He created a place for himself in a dysfunctional family of other runaways and orphans and ambitious children who set out to be more than they were told they could be, found a strange team of people who all cared in their own unique ways, and ended up being exactly the opposite of everything he thought he was destined to be
Which comes with it's own problems. Cut to later, closer to the end of the series, and by then you've gotten to a point where most, if not all of Lloyd's traumas are from misdirected anger and violence, actions based in blind rage and seeking vengeance as closure. Lloyd's worst fear is being just like his dad, but... that's not quite it, is it? He's afraid of anger and how it consumes people, afraid of how easily it blinds others. He's afraid of allowing himself to feel anger because he doesn't want to be like everyone he's ever been forced to deal with on that level, and it ties into how seasons 9 and 16 both resolved.
But that.
That's just Lloyd briefly summarized.
It continues.
Zane is another good example. He had no idea who he was for a good long time, and yet he too found a new home for himself among others who seemed just as aimless, had Wu not come along and offered them his training. Even when he did find out, the others just suddenly had a lot of context to the weird things he would do and moved the fuck on, like, that fast. So fucking fast. It wasn't an issue.
But let me stop you right there.
It was usually used in gags, but it's emphasis repeatedly that Zane's primary objective is and always has been to protect others.
Translation: He was built and programmed to have a savoir complex UNRIVALED, and that makes itself PRETTY DAMN APPARENT, PRETTY DAMN FAST. Like, do I even need to give you examples? Zane actively puts himself in harms way SO OFTEN that he literally, no shit, HAS A REOCCURRING THEME THAT SIGNALS GREAT HARM HAS BEFALLEN HIM.
It's never said directly, but Zane puts himself into a lot of dangerous situations under the logic that it's better him than anyone else, his skin is made of metal and thus he's harmed the least. Which is. So bad. Like, I really hope I don't have to explain how bad that is, because wow.
This never really goes away, but he does get a lot better at thinking about the risk certain actions pose to himself. Just based on his actions during early crystallized, he now prioritizes the well being of his family above all else- even with his emotions turned so low that he's effectively only capable of taking the most logical of approaches. Breaking into the high security cell to release one of the highest priority villains of the city? That has no rhyme or reason, nor does it ensure the safety of the city- it actively endangers it.
And yet.
He does it anyway. Because of Nya.
Zane is fucking built different bro. Literally.
Oh, I'm sorry, did you think I was done?
...I mean, I am done, I'm tired and it's late and I have shit to do in the morning, but I could go on. I could. Cole and Harumi and Kai and pretty much everyone are sweating in their fucking boots right now.
I probably will.
...Later, when I have more time.
Basically, Ninjago is a fucking masterpiece and should really sacrifice their PG rating to explore some of these topics a touch better because DAMN THERE'S POTENTIAL HERE
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notnctu · 3 years
happenstance | n.yt
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━ in part of beginnings collaboration
❀ nakamoto yuta x fem!reader ❀ genre - fluff ❀ details - slight soulmate!au, strangers to lovers!au ❀ wc - 3.6k ❀ warnings - suggestive language ❀ synopsis - nakamoto yuta has appeared in your life on multiple separate occasions, is this a sign of fate or simple happenstance? you were never one to believe in soulmates or happy endings, but you may have stumbled upon your own fairytale with several happy beginnings.
“do you believe in fate?”
❀ a/n - here is my last fic for whoever knows how long. i will be closing this blog tonight at 11:59pm and it will be officially closed once i post my closing post. please look forward to author xuxi’s story tonight as well! it was truly a pleasure for me to write for you all and im so entirely happy that this piece made it part of our masterlist. this is my ode to writing. like i have been saying, along with the theme of beginnings, i hope we begin another chapter in our lives happily and excitedly. thank you loves! ♡ joyce
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Was it a complete coincidence or fate? The silver haired boy peeks between the tall shelves of the school library. His sharp, yet docile eyes peer over at you with no true interest. His lean stature leans against the coffee shop counter comfortably. Nevertheless, seeing his familiar face so often is grounds for curiosity, right?
The first encounter with him was rather ominous. You had been working on a project during the late hours of the night, struggling to figure out how to word vomit the last three pages of your essay. It was autumn, where the evenings come quicker and the orange leaves scatter the campus like artwork. It was also one of the hardest seasons to adjust during school, where assignments seem absolutely endless before the winter holidays.
It was just you there in the corridors, your table being messy from all your notes and empty cups of coffee. You had been alone for hours, or so you had thought. Throughout all your concentration, the sound of falling books broke you from your blinding screen. Slowly, you turned around to examine the empty library, not a single human in sight. 
When you had settled back in your seat, an object rolled and hit the leg of your table. A can of coffee with a post it note patiently waited for you to pick it up. 
Goodluck Nakamoto
It was unclear if the message was addressed to Nakamoto or if it was signed by him. Nonetheless, you placed it on your desk and hoped the owner would stop by to retrieve it soon. If not, it was going to be your source of good luck for the night. And it did, whoever it belonged to never showed up that night to reclaim it. 
However, that name stuck around for longer than you were aware. Although you didn’t give the mysterious coffee another thought, it wasn’t the last time you’d hear that name. Coffee became a big part of your mid-years in college, to the point where you’d get up early just to get your regular dose of delicious caffeine. 
It was slightly odd; there were two coffee shops you bounced between depending on your mood that specific day. One was on campus and usually much more crowded with impatient college students and a louder buzz. The other was a short walk away around a quiet corner, with much more trendy decor and comfortable seating to bask in your main character coffee shop moments. 
Both shops you have accidentally grabbed someone else’s drink, but both times you never realized until after you finished and tossed the cup. The name written Nakamoto or initials Y.N scribbled on the side in permanent black ink didn’t ever phase you. 
Though you have never questioned the name, you did always seem to see a young man waiting for coffee around the same time as you or wandering the halls in the library. His silver hair was eye-catchingly significant, he wasn’t ever hard to miss. You’d recognize those striking locks anywhere, right?
Wrong. A night out on Halloween was enough proof that you weren’t able to pinpoint the silver hair boy from anywhere. Whichever one of your friends believed that a masquerade party was a fantastic idea was clearly too drunk to care at the end of it all. You don’t meet strangers faceless and you weren’t going to find your love at first sight here.
It was a rough night; while your friends paraded around the crowded living room with large amounts of alcohol swishing in their stomachs, you found a place away from the center crowd chaos. However, this made you vulnerable as you stood alone with no friends, no one else by your side. Oddly enough, you being alone seemed like an invitation for unwanted strangers to come with bad intentions. 
Your friends were nowhere to be found, lost in a heavy crowd of masked individuals. You really thought you were screwed as a hunky man approached with a wicked smile on his face. He asked you if you wanted company --- you didn’t. He asked if you wanted a drink --- you didn’t. You wished for him to leave you alone --- he didn’t. 
All until someone came to your rescue. A brown-haired boy with a full face mask and piercings that lined his ears swooped in front of you, creating a barrier between you and the unwanted stranger. 
“Is this man bothering you?” The sudden boy questioned, his eyes were fierce and friendly all at the same time. His mask stood out amongst all the generic ones, the black dazzling gems lined along the outer perimeter and the decorative black ink drew dancing swirls in the white space. 
Your small nod confirmed your uneasiness, the boy to the rescue sized up the other man. “It’s funny how you think you have a chance with someone as beautiful as her.” His shift in attitude felt so natural, as his sharp eyes turned threatening and the tone in his voice lowered several octaves.
“And who the hell are you?” 
The strange hero stands with his chest puffed out, though he may be an average height. His aura colored him in the strongest colors and a feeling that was secure, confident, safe. His fingers found yours in the heat of the moment, index finger wrapped around your own and then completely. Your hands held each other in the darkness, the energy that surged through your veins was electrifying. Incredibly enthralling. 
It’s as if his hand was made to fit your own. Nonetheless, you blinked down at your intertwined hands and wondered why it felt so beautiful to be holding this random stranger’s hand. 
“Not important. What is important is the fact that she is my girlfriend, and we’d both like for you to leave us the fuck alone.” His words were so polite, yet scary all at once. You can’t fathom ever knowing a person with such an ambiance.
Girlfriend. The way the word rolled from his lips shocked you, how was it so easy? 
Without another word or protest, the bulky man walked off with eyes rolled to the ceiling. The brown haired boy turned to face you, hand dropped from yours immediately. You were brought back to reality as you stared back at the masked man. You couldn’t see it, but something inside of you knew that he was smiling back at you. And you didn’t know it yet, but it was the most beautiful smile shining back at you. 
“Thank you.” These two words were not enough to display how sincere you felt for his help.
“No need for that. Let me introduce myself.” He cleared his throat, “I’m--”
“Hey!” Another stranger interrupted, a hand placed on the boy’s shoulder. “We were looking all over for you. Come on, we’re going to head to another party. Too many creeps.” 
He laughed, “tell me about it. Stay safe out here.” He patted your shoulder and just like that, the masked boy walked out of your life without an identity. 
But you dreamed about that masked boy for the rest of your days. You dreamed about him so much that he suddenly felt so familiar to you and your biggest regret was not stopping him for a name.
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Yuta never thought twice about the disappearances of his coffees, mistaken orders happen more often than not. Passing strangers come and go through people’s lives until they are no longer strangers. And, if he didn’t pay close enough attention, he probably wouldn’t have even thought twice about how there was a familiar face around him. 
However, he couldn’t ignore your presence. It’s something about how you enter the room, the coffee shop bell rings at the sound of an entrance and despite all the times he doesn't look up, the one time he does, you enter through the glass door. Every time. 
Or how he’d walk in different aisles of the library, and there you are sitting at a table on the same side. 
The night of the masquerade party, he swore, holding that stranger’s hand felt like something unreal. In his head, he even wondered what the chances were that it was you. Although this man was never one to believe in soulmates, the mysterious occurrences did have him questioning the thought of it. 
“I don’t understand, you are such a catch. Nakamoto Yuta, the soccer star.” His friend lightly elbows him in the ribs. They pass the ball between their legs across the large green field. If there was one place on campus where Yuta could be found, it would be this place. His serenity.
“Just because you got into a relationship, doesn’t give you the right to start discussing mine.” Yuta chuckles, kicking the ball into the net goal with his strength.
“It has me just wondering. Dude, you’re actually cool and good looking.” His friend huffs, catching his breath from running around.
“I haven’t met anyone that I want to potentially get into something with.” Yuta falls to the ground, the sky above him and the sun shining so bright. The clouds float gently, such a nice day today. 
“You know what, my girlfriend has a friend that I think you’d get along with.” His friend joins by his side on the grass, “I only met her once, but she seems nice.” 
“What else is she like?” Slightly intrigued, Yuta props up on his elbows.
“It’s hard to explain, but it could be some potential soulmate shit.” They both burst into laughter, completely clueless at the implications of that sentence. “I can set you two up.” 
“I mean, it’s not the worst idea.” Yuta jokes, but his friend is already dialing his girlfriend’s number. She picks up almost immediately, cooing with a cringey nickname before abruptly stopping upon hearing Yuta’s company.
“Do you remember the friend that you wanted to set up with Yuta?” Yuta narrows his eyes at his friend, this was already premeditated. 
His friend looks sheepishly at him, rubbing the back of his neck out of habit. “Do you think we’d get along well?” Yuta asks into the receiver, picking at the grass. 
“More than well.” His girlfriend replies. And before he knows it, Yuta hears a whole ear full about his potential soulmate. Under the beating afternoon sun, on the fresh cut grass, Yuta lays under the blue skies listening to every attribute about a person he has yet to know and daydreaming scenarios of what could be. 
Yuta knows everything about you --- from your height down to what your comfort shoes are, from what makes you smile to what makes you cry. Given that your friend overshares well more than even needed, Yuta genuinely believes that you sound perfect. It’s almost too good to be true, how well you two would get along. He juggles with the fact that his friend could be overexaggerating or compensating, Yuta doesn’t even have a face or name to connect who you are. 
And it seems rather rash… to be in love with someone you’ve never actually met. 
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If only you didn’t stay up all night trying to help your friend study for her math exam, you wouldn’t be running across the large soccer field to make it to your class on time. Sleeping over may not have been the worst mistake, if anything, her apartment is right around campus. However, the quickest way to the East side of lecture halls is through the massive grassy soccer field. 
Having to take a completely different route than usual, you’re unsure of which diverging path onto campus ground is the best way. The grass is freshly cut, the smell pinching at your nose from the fresh morning dew. There are only a few individuals out on the field, but surely they are watching you and possibly thinking how crazy you look running across the giant course. 
Your bag strap is slipping from your shoulders, and you can barely hold onto your books in your arms. The thought of whether your bag is zipped all the way doesn’t even cross your mind, as you’re out of breath from the urgency.
Yuta enjoys practicing his kicks early in the morning, usually the field is less crowded and there is not much distraction that takes place. The air is nice and cool, morning dew wets his cleats slightly. He drops his bag on the bench, rolling the ball in his hands as he steps onto the grass.
It’s empty for the most part, all he sees is a person running for their life with books slipping from their hands. He doesn’t pay them much mind, knowing that they’re probably trying to make it to their morning class. They are far enough where he can’t be bothered.
He sets the ball on the ground, stretching out his limbs before the rigorous exercise. Suddenly, a voice calls out. “Hey!” Yuta stops to look around.
“Do you know which path leads straight to the social science lecture hall?” You’re panting at this point, but there is no time for you to stop and be shy about asking for directions. You’re still running as fast as you can, but you hope the random boy answers before you pass him too far.
Yuta stares quizzically at your moving figure, barely able to make out anything besides your clothing. “The right one, continue straight through the stop sign and make a left. It should be the front doors.” He yells back, knowing that he takes that route practically every afternoon after his morning kicks. 
“Thank you!” You wave back with your free arm, picking up the pace toward the right side of the opening. But you don’t notice the sudden object that falls from your jacket pocket, landing in the midst of the grass. 
Yuta notes the quick drop of color, “you dropped something!” however, your body moves farther and farther away, growing smaller in the horizon. He takes the initiative to hurry over to grab it, he can just catch up to you and return it. 
As he makes it to the spot, it causes him to blink twice. A coffee can lays in the grass with a post it note stuck right over the label. 
Goodluck Nakamoto
Picking it up, the paper is very tattered at this point and wrinkled up that it barely sticks on the metal. Nonetheless, Yuta recognizes the handwriting and reading his surname causes inexplicable slight panic in his system. Although the coffee is a whole different can, the scribbling of his name is original and familiar. He isn’t fully able to comprehend how a random stranger has the note that his best friend wrote to him before leaving for college.
He holds onto it, unsure if he should return it to the stranger that dropped it as it was originally his. Dropping it into his own bag, he is beyond puzzled by the thought that the lost coffee can and note managed to find its way back to him.
You’re rummaging your bag after finally settling in the back of the lecture hall. Lucky for you, your friend saved you a spot so you didn’t have to fight someone to move their possessions off of a seat.
“Are you free for dinner tomorrow? There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” Your friend whispers, but you’re lost at the bottom of your bag.
“Fuck,” you curse softly. Your hands push items around to see if it may have been there. “I dropped my coffee.”
“Just get a new one.” Your friend rolls her eyes, not understanding the massive defeat in your face when you place your bag on the floor next to your chair. “I’m sure they sell the one you like at the vendors.”
“I can get a new coffee, I’m upset because it had my lucky note on it.” Your shoulders slump forward, already awaiting the complete dread of misfortune coming your way.
“You mean that crumpled up thing you have in your pocket all the time? Who is it even from?”
You wave off your friend, “not important. It just found me on the night I was dying over a half-assed paper that I thought I was going to completely fail, but… I passed it.. With full marks and excellent feedback. Then, I forgot about the note in my bag and found it again stuck onto one of my notebooks as I took it out for a midterm exam.” 
“Don’t say it.” Your friend blinks at you with utter confusion.
“I passed with the highest score in the class.” The reaction from your friend is priceless, but also underwhelming.
“Okay, but how does that piece of paper have magical properties like that?” 
You shrug, not being one to really question how the universe works its own magic in everyone’s lives. “It’s just a good luck charm, now I lost it. I’m going to literally be so unlucky for the rest of my life.”
“Well, I’ll get you something and have it blessed by me.” Your friend pats your back lovingly to comfort you, even though losing that wrinkly post it note brings more devastation than expected. “I want to introduce you to someone and maybe he’ll make you feel more luck than that charm did.”
“Hold on, what? You’re setting me up on a date?” You’re taken aback by the change in conversation.
“I think you two would really get along.” Her wide smile makes your stomach churn. You have been single for the majority of your life for the reason that no one lives up to your standards for a partner. It’s actually not the first time you’ve been on dates set up by friends, but a lot of them don’t seem to know you enough to find someone you’d like.
“Are you sure?” Hesitation in your face and tone of voice does not phase your friend.
She nods, “I already know he’s the one for you.”
There is some faith in her, you have known her since the summer before college. However, you’re not so keen about how attentive she is to others as she is sometimes absent minded. A part of you believes that she is trying to set you up because she recently entered a new relationship herself, hoping to share the joy and happiness with her good friend.
“I’ll do it just for you, but I’m not expecting anything out of it.” Slumping back into your seat, you realized that half of the lecture slides have already zoomed past. Now, you have no clue what the professor is even talking about.
“Trust me.” She holds your arm, giving it a light squeeze. Although you’re still a bit reluctant, it couldn’t hurt to meet someone new. Now that you longer have your good luck charm, you hope that the date won’t go disastrous. 
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Yuta stands before you, speechless and mouth slightly open.
You stand before the silver haired boy, noting the new brown color in his locks and trying to register this encounter.
Your friend made sure you were not going to miss this dinner date, pushing you out the door early. There was no face or name to look for. She gave you no direction as to whom it may be, looking for a complete stranger among crowds of others. 
When Yuta asked his friend for a name, a picture of who he should be looking for, he refused. Instead, he gave him the most generic and vague response. “You’ll know the moment you lay eyes on her.” It only caused him to groan and rush out the door, hoping that the ridiculous statement held some truth to it.
Nonetheless, you both noticed each other immediately. Yuta stood outside of the restaurant in a loose silky top and hands shoved into his jean pockets. You walked toward him in the same colors you ran out in the day before.
There was no denying that you both could feel the tension in the air. He couldn’t place it, it was not awkward. It was a heavy familiarity, like you two have met before. 
You could feel it in your gut, in the deepest part of your memory. This is not the first time you two have met. It’s almost as if these encounters scattered throughout your life up until this one moment --- where you two finally meet face to face.
Yuta can barely make out any words. The concept of soulmates does not seem too bizarre now. “I heard a lot about you.” You both are not acknowledging the fact that you have seen each other before, have wondered about one another, and have wanted to meet again. 
“Please don’t believe anything my friend told you.” Already, you’re afraid of all the nonsense she could have said to this very attractive stranger. Could it be just coincidences?
“So you’re not a beautiful potential soulmate?” Yuta chuckles a bit, your eyes growing wide at the confession. “I’m Yuta.” He extends his hand to shake.
You introduce yourself, following his handshake with a firm grip. But the moment your hands connected, it felt too familiar for you not to recognize. It fits perfectly, an energy surges through both of your veins and triggers a memory. The boy from the masquerade party.
However, you two do not notice the brief pause in conversation and the lingering grips on each other’s hands. All commotion around you two seem to come to a halt and you’re existing in each others’ presence. Yuta drops his hand first, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness and confusion. “Random question,..”
Blinking up at him, his eyes gleam with a sparkling shine under the yellow fluorescent lights. Your heart is in your throat at what he could ask, confused beyond any mind to process what is happening.
“Do you believe in fate?” 
You gasp slightly at the question. Something inside your soul bursts with excitement, not entirely grasping this feeling that fills your heart. 
But there is something you both could make out in the mess of emotions that present themselves, 
This is a beginning that you’ve both long anticipated.
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afangirlwashere · 6 years
Risk pt.3 (Peter Parker x superhero!reader)
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(gif is not mine all the credit goes to the creator)
Summary: Two months have passed now. Friendships were strengthened by sharing embarrassing photos and spending weekends together. What comes next? What if a mission goes wrong? 
A/N: I am.. Not that happy with this one IDK why.. Just had a hard time translating it from my native language. This is the last part, for now, I might decide to pick it back up later because I have a few more ideas for this series but we’ll see... All of the feedback, reblogs, etc. mean a lot to me so THANK YOU!! Requests are open as always you can check my list of characters I write for here <3
Warnings: Infinity war spoilers!! other than that nothing really. there’s a little swearing.
part 1  part 2  part 4
(you can listen to this song while reading)
“Oh no...” Ned whimpers.
“Yep...” Peter nods and dodges a flying paper ball in the hallway. 
“Dude... If she already saw THAT photo it’s over. Even I contemplated not being friends with you after I saw it!” Ned throws a big pile of books in his locker and closes it “It’s the most embarrassing thing I ever saw. Why does your aunt always has to show it? Why do you let her? And why didn’t you like... ‘accidentally’ burn it or ‘made it disappear’?”
“Because it’s one of the few photos that my dad took of me. She loves all of them but this one especially. I can’t get rid of it. I can’t do that to her.” he explains.
Ned slowly nods “Yeah that would be a dick move.” they just stand next to his locker for a second “But Mr. Stark didn’t see it right?” 
Peter looks horrified “God no! No, no, no, no that’s the first thing I told May after he left our apartment, he can never see that photo! He’d call me panty liner for the rest of my life.” 
“Okay panty liner my locker isn’t waiting for her period to come any time soon so if you could stop protecting it and move away that would be great.” (Y/N) appears out of a sudden. 
Peter steps away from her locker while Ned laughs his ass off. 
“Sorry... I couldn’t pass the opportunity. And I’m kind of getting MJ’s manners, we’ve been hanging out a bit more lately.” (Y/N) pushes her hair to one side and lets her whole profile exposed to the boys.
Peter’s eyes are glued to her the whole time she looks for her textbook and heads to class wawing at the boys without looking at them and muttering something as a temporary goodbye. 
“You’re not very smooth with that puppy-eyed expression Peter. I think if I’ll have to watch your tortured lovesick face for more than two months I’m gonna have to keep a barf bag around.” Michelle creeps up behind.
“You should have seen him last weekend when we watched Stranger Things. (Y/N) fell asleep next to him and was slowly falling on his shoulder. ‘Ned what do I doo?’ the panic in his eyes... It was hilarious.” Ned laughs.
“It was stressful okay? I never had this happen to me! I didn’t know what to do, I still don’t know!” Peter defends himself.
“You should just tell her,” MJ says like it’s obvious.
“I’ve been telling him the whole time!” Ned cheers “She’s intelligent, hard-working, pretty, you have a lot in common,” he winks “she can literally tell you the history of the whole world, loves building legos - I still can’t believe she rebuilt the Millenium Falcon in one day when she accidentally knocked it down and broke it - loves to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender - we have to have another re-watch together sometime - and she’s super funny!” 
“I mean.. I don’t really give much recognition to other’s but... (Y/N) is one of the people in this school that I don’t actually hate. She’s pretty cool. And Ned is right she’s hilarious.” Michelle gives her point of view. 
“Yeah, she had a funny remark just now about that super embarrassing pho-”
“Dude!” Peter interrupts him. 
“What?” Ned shrugs.
MJ frowns “You mean that super embarrassing naked picture when you were three and put a bunch of panty liners all over your body, even covering your small pen-” 
“Did (Y/N) tell you about it?!” Peter’s voice cracks halfway.
“No, she didn’t Kermit.” she uses the old nickname for Peter “Ned did. A while ago actually.” 
“Ned!” Peter angrily grunts. 
“I’m sorry! It slipped and she can be really scary when she needs to be!” Ned backs away a bit. 
“I tried to draw it once because I couldn’t really imagine it.” Michelle blurts out receiving two concerned looks from the boys. 
“You’re really weird y’know?” Ned says. 
“Yeah... I get that a lot from other people.” Michelle squints her eyes at them.
After two months of catching up (Y/N) is at least a decent student. Not the top of the class though. That position is reserved for people like Flash and Peter.
Flash is all rich, privileged and snobby. A modern bully truly.  There were a few times when he provoked Peter so much that it would be understandable for him to throw a punch but he never did. If anything he backed away trying to disappear.
(Y/N) spoke to him about it once.
“Why do you let him do that? A punch in the face would handle it and we’d never hear from Flash again I guarantee you that. You would have the upper hand.” 
“And that’s why I can’t do it even if I wanted to. It wouldn’t be fair. I have these powers not to hurt people but to protect them. I would love to do all sorts of sports but with my strength, it would be unfair to have such an advantage.” Peter explained.
“You’re ripping yourself off of all the high school experiences that way.” (Y/N) argued.
Peter just shrugged “It’s the superhero burden I have to take. I wouldn’t punch Flash even if I was a normal teenager. That’s not me.”
(Y/N) clenched her teeth “But that’s me. I’m breaking his nose next time.” 
“You can’t do that! They would call your parents and they’d have to come in to talk to the principal!” he freaked out.
“The only person that would have to come to the principal’s office would be Mr. Stark. He’s the one responsible for me now. And I’m pretty sure he’s wealthier  than Flash's parents.” 
Peter is the opposite of Flash.  He doesn’t come from a rich family, he’s not arrogant or privileged because of the money on his bank account.  He’s caring and does whatever he can to help anyone even when it’s not in his power. 
(Y/N) noticed that whenever an ambulance or a police car passes the school and its sirens reach to their classroom Peter’s eyes fly to the window and he gets all nervous and starts to wiggle in his chair.  He wants to go out there and be helpful. It surprised her how much he searches for danger. 
But his caring side stretches out even more. They meet up every week at least twice to do some school work. It benefits both of them. Peter can’t jump in his suit and go be Spider-Man since he has to stay and do his work plus help (Y/N). And she has a place without distractions (until Ned comes) and basically gets a tutor.
Peter is a great teacher. He explains everything with so much patience it amazes her. Seven times is his record in explaining one thing. 
They are slowly developing a tradition with aunt May. Every Thursday (Y/N) stays for dinner sometimes joined by Ned too. 
When May found out (Y/N) lived alone in her own apartment without any parental supervision she almost had a heart attack. Let’s say Mr. Stark had to deal with a very long furious phonecall but when he explained how everything works and how he makes sure that she’s got everything she needs it calmed her down at least a bit. 
For a moment she even considered having her move to the Parkers. In the end, they negotiated that she’ll be having dinner with them every Thursday and if she ever needed she can come to their place at any hour of the day. 
“24/7 calling service. If you ever need to talk I’m here for you sunshine.” May’s heartwarming smiles always lightened her mood. 
It’s obvious where Peter got his caring side from. 
It’s currently Wednesday 11PM which sounds like the best time to start writing an essay that’s due tomorrow right?  Thankfully for (Y/N), it was a history essay which shouldn’t be as hard. 
Legs hanging from her bed dangling in the rhythm of the song playing in her earbuds make her stay awake. 
Just ten minutes into vomiting words onto the page she hears a loud thud on her window that couldn’t drown in the beats of the music. 
(Y/N) turns to the window suddenly wide awake. It sounded like a bullet. Thankfully Mr. Stark made sure all the windows are going to be bulletproof so as long as they stay closed she’ll be fine. 
Her lazy ass didn’t close the blinds, therefore, the blood smeared handprint is the first thing she sees. 
She throws her laptop on the bed and runs over to the window. 
There he is. 
Lying on her fire escape stairs. 
“Peter?!” (Y/N) shrieks while tugging at the window to open it as wide as possible “Can you get up? I have to get you inside.” she holds her hand out and he shakily clutches it. 
It takes them a minute before Peter slips through the window into her warm room. 
His suit is torn on so many places it looks more like a weird piece of clothing sewed from rags. There’s dried up blood on all the cuts and fresh on his hands. Whoever he was fighting must have hit some of his suit's systems which were powering the heater since Peter was shivering.
“What the hell happened?!” 
While pulling off the Spider-Man mask he reveals his beaten up face full of bruises. He even managed to cut up his eyebrow. 
(Y/N) covers her mouth in shock and stares at him. 
“I-I’m sorry I couldn’t go home because May would have freaked out and I panicked! If she saw me like that-”
“Get that suit off and take a shower.” (Y/N) starts pushing him to the door.
Peter looks surprised at how calm her voice sounds all of a sudden and does as she tells him. 
(Y/N) gives him an old big unisex shirt that she wears at home to change into. She doesn’t have any pants for him here so he has to stay in his boxers. 
After ten minutes he comes back to her room looking ashamed of himself.  (Y/N) sits on her bed bitting her nails and nervously hitting the bed frame with her foot.  She was considering calling Tony or his aunt the whole time he was in the shower. What if he has internal bleeding or something else neither of them can recognize. 
“There was... a lot of blood... But I cleaned it all off! You don’t have to worry about it...” he whispers the last sentence. 
He feels bad for putting her under such pressure.
(Y/N) quickly stands up and walks over to him.
She touches his bicep “Are you hurt here?” 
“No-oww!” Peter whimpers when she punches him with all her strength. 
“What the hell were you thinking?! Who the fuck were you going against?! You should have called me for backup there’s strength in numbers! God, you’re such an idiot Peter what if something worse happened to you? Huh...? Start thinking before you go in!” 
Maybe I should have gone to aunt May, Peter thinks to himself. 
“And now sit down I have to sew up your eyebrow and disinfect all your wounds.” (Y/N) commands him still pissed off and he can’t do anything but listen.
“I’m sorry...” Peter whispers when (Y/N) sprays in his cuts.
“Am I missing any?” she completely ignores his apology which is a sign for him to try harder. 
“There’s one on my back. It bled the most.” he turns around and pushes his shirt up.
“Oh my god Peter...” (Y/N) mumbles lightly touching a giant gash on Peter’s back making him groan in pain “This is going to hurt badly but you have to take it. You should have bled out due to this but I think all your healing powers are concentrating on this big cut because it looks like it’s already sealing. I’m not even gonna sew it, it would have been unnecessary pain.” 
When they finish this painful thing they move on to sewing.  Peter isn’t the biggest fan of needles but he trusts (Y/N). He’s not sure where she learned to do it but when he sees how precisely she threads the eye of the needle he knows he’s in good hands. 
Their faces are inches away from each other now.
Ever since (Y/N) got him out of that...place Thanos put him in he trusted her with his life more than anyone. His first instinct was to go to her when he got hurt. He couldn’t help but feel safe around her.  The need to protect her was there too even though she proved that she’s more than capable of taking care of herself. 
Before he can organize all his thoughts she’s already cutting the thread and checking his eyebrow for the last time. 
“(Y/N) I am really sorry. I didn’t want to scare you like that. Honestly, it’s the last thing I wanted to do. I feel like an absolute idiot now.” Peter tries to apologize again.
“You are an idiot. But you always do the heroic thing, Peter... Always. And that’s one of the things I like about you. You sacrifice yourself for others, you never show off even when you have all the right to do it, whenever there’s a crime you’re there in a second and you don’t care if you have an army behind your back or if you’re all alone against a thousand bad guys. You’d still fight them. And that’s what heroes do. But that’s also what idiots do. And since May isn’t here,” she leans forward and kisses the sewed up cut on his eyebrow “Someone has to do it. It probably doesn’t have the same power as hers would but... At least something.” 
Peter’s heart starts racing. He gently takes her hand before she pulls away from him “Wait.” this is the first time she let him touch her without flinching since he’s been back in the world of the living.
Her skin is soft which makes Peter’s throat feel dry. 
He hears Ned’s, May’s and Michelle’s voices in his head. 
Dude! Kiss her! 
Come on Peter!
You’re brave enough to fight with a bunch of criminals but you don’t have the courage to kiss a girl? Don’t be a loser Parker.
Peter has the same puppy-eyed expression. His big hazel eyes looking right at her make her cheeks feel hot. 
“I-I just wanted to thank you for this. Not just this! But... but everything you do for me not just now but in school too and that you have my back and I can count on you when something happens and...” Peter knows he’s babbling again. There’s nothing he can do about it. This is just how he deals with nervousness. 
“I should be the one thanking you. If you didn't tutor me I would probably fail chemistry. With my skills? I’d be sent back to middle school.” (Y/N) chuckles. 
Peter is still holding her hand and it makes her skin burn with anticipation. 
“That was nothing really. I actually enjoyed it! Going through the basics again with you was fun so it’s not such a big deal! You do a lot more for me! I don’t know where I’d be without you (Y/N) and I just wanted to thank you for all-”
“Come on...” she interrupts him because it’s nerve-racking to listen to his nervous babbling.  
“What?” he’s dumbfoundedly looking at her with his big eyes. 
“Kiss me!” (Y/N) feels like she’s going to explode if she won’t finally feel his lips against hers. 
Peter’s face changes into the one she was slowly falling in love with over those two months. It’s full of deep affection, his torn up eyebrow turning just the right way and the way light glistens in his eyes...
He finally leans in and connects their lips. 
And did the fireworks explode at that moment?
It feels like there are stars exploding inside them. No, galaxies! The whole universe just exploded and they are the only ones left.  Even though they are just two teenagers kissing in a room. That’s how it feels. 
Peter’s hand moves from her forearm to her shoulder. He always thought it would be awkward and he wouldn’t know what to do with his hands but they instinctively move to her neck pulling her even closer to him.
(Y/N) tangles her hand in his hair and cups his face with the other. She doesn’t want the kiss to end. This moment can’t end.
Peter is overflown with pleasure wrapping a hand around her waist drawing her closer. 
Eventually, they have to move away from each other both panting with hungry expressions.  The second their heads stop spinning both of Peter’s hands wrap around (Y/N)’s waist again and she plays with his hair.
He gently places her on the bed enjoying how she looks under him for a moment.  They both examine each other's faces from a new angle for a second and it seems they like the change. 
(Y/N) pulls Peter in for another kiss while she ventures with her hand under his shirt sending chills all over his body.  She starts to pull it up as a sign she wants it off and he understands perfectly. 
He puts all his weight on his knees and swiftly throws the shirt somewhere on the ground. Before he can steal another kiss (Y/N) puts her palm on his chest and stops him.
She sees his whole torso for the first time which looks like a minefield of bruises and cuts after tonight.
“You don’t have to worry... It almost doesn’t hurt... promise.” Peter mumbles. 
Seeing her wistful gaze makes him feel a whole new emotion he can’t explain yet.
(Y/N) changes their positions in one brisk movement being the one on top now. Peter looks almost shocked at the sudden change. Maybe even a little scared.
(Y/N) lowers her lips to his arm and gives a long kiss to one of the bigger bruises slowly making her way down his body treating every bruise the same. 
Peter can’t stop himself from letting out a few moans. This is the first time he’s experiencing something like this and it is so much better than he imagined it to be. 
She stops right at his bellybutton viewing a cut that’s just above his V-line. Peter notices she stopped so he opens his eyes and looks at her.  It takes him a second to realize what she’s thinking about. 
“We don’t have to do it. I would never pressure you into it, we don’t have to rush it.” he tries to reassure her. 
“I know.” she nods still buried in her thoughts “Just promise me you won’t endanger yourself like that again so that moment can actually happen.” her eyes lock with his. 
Peter stays silent. He’s not answering because they both know he can’t promise her that and he’s not going to lie to her either.
“I’d kiss your whole back too but I think that would be a weird position to be in..” (Y/N) moves up to his face “But I hope this will make up for it.” her lips slowly travel from his neck to his lips. 
This kiss is slower and they’re both enjoying it as much as possible. 
After a few more exchanges like this (Y/N) rests her head on Peter’s chest listening to his strong stable heartbeat.
He rests his chin on her head and breathes in the scent of her hair which overwhelms his senses. Seems like coconut is his favorite smell now. 
With their feet and hands tangled they both peacefully fall asleep.
Some risks were taken.
But there’s nothing to rush, right? 
Tag list: @adventurousbooknerd  @yafriendlyfangirl @royalestrellas
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aboutthemponies · 7 years
About clop and the sexualizing of ponies
This is not something easy to write about. The subject I’ll be discussing is controversial, and it hits hard on an emotional level. Any attempt to discuss it usually is barred down by every kind of bias and logical fallacy in the book. Yet every time the subject is brought up, my mind screams with unspoken arguments and dialogue, and they haunt me, to the point that I’ve written and scrapped this essay many times. What follows is my best attempt to discuss this, and while it might not be perfect, I will finally be at ease sharing these words, knowing that I tried my best.
The subject is clopping, so if you’re not willing to have a mature, adult conversation at the moment, it’s best to stop reading now. Most of you are probably well familiar with the C word, though there will always be some who aren’t, so to be brief, a long time ago on the forums of 4chan, there was a set of “rules” declared that the internet must follow. While most of these rules are forgotten (you can look them up if you want), one stands out infamously. “Rule 34: There is porn of it; no exceptions.” R34 (as it is frequently abbreviated) is very much more like the law of gravity than a rule; there is no denying it nor its implications. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is not the exception of this rule, but rather the most prominent example of it. Tens of thousands of pornographic images of MLP characters exist, and there’s so much of it that MLP probably has more porn than any other fandom in existence.
Most people’s reaction to this fact is polar. In one camp we have the audience of this porn, which takes delight in its existence, and in the other camp, we have those who don’t view it and think it’s pretty messed up. This isn’t to say there is no middle ground in between; like all dichotomies, the reality is more of a spectrum, but for the most part, people’s opinions lie on the ends of this spectrum. Either you’re glad it exists, or you’re horrified by its existence. The point of discussing clop is not to change your opinion it; after all, the response to this material is an emotional one, and people can’t ignore what their emotions tell them. Instead, we must apply logic and reason to understand the issue, and what it means for the MLP fandom.
If you’re interested in why people seek out this pornography, ShellyD provides an excellent, objective commentary on the subject. While ShellyD does a great job addressing the “why” question, his presentation doesn’t delve deeper into what this means for to the fandom. It does, however, shed light on the complicated nature of human sexuality, which is something that our species has pondered for forever yet surprisingly isn’t openly talked about in nations like the US.
While sexuality is a very large and nuanced topic, in this day and age there are two ‘rules’ that are pretty much universally upheld. Sexual behavior must be consensual among all involved parties, and it also must be safe. In most cases, as long as those two criteria are met, the sexual practice in question is considered to be okay, regardless of how other people view it. It is from this angle that most people in favor of clop justify it. As clopping only involves one individual, it is consensual, and it’s obviously just as safe as normal masturbation, so many cloppers will ask, “What’s the problem? When did clop ever harm anyone else?”
I’d like to point out here that by the above logic, consensual and safe sexual behavior at any time, at anyplace, in front of anyone, is okay, and that’s just too large of a stretch to make. In the real world, there’s a lot more rules at play: laws, morals, social norms, etc. Why such rules exist is an interesting conversation in it of itself, but there’s no denying that here context is king; having sex with your partner in your own home is very different than having sex at work, in a school, or in public. The same applies for masturbation and all other sexual activities.
So when we talk about clop, we’re talking about a very specific context, the MLP universe. As well all know, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a show dedicated to ideas like kindness, generosity, honesty, loyalty, and laughter, all bundled up into an idyllic package. While this show means different things to different people, there’s two obvious things that we can say are true about FiM:
Its primary theme is the idea that “Friendship is Magic”
Its target audience is young girls
These two facts alone ensure that the show never is going to dive into sexuality at all, as it is not age appropriate but also not relevant to its platonic themes. This makes the show itself a bad place for porn, and I don’t think there’s anyone actually hoping for the show to include sex scenes any time soon.
What’s more controversial is whether the MLP universe is an acceptable place for porn and sexual activity. To be more definitive, the MLP universe consists not just what we see in the show, but also what we don’t see, and this is why it’s much harder to judge whether the universe is the right context. We simply don’t know everything. However, one can take context clues from the show to discern whether sexuality does exist within the universe.
The base assumption is that the show is representative of the universe like any smaller sample of a larger data set. So if sexual behavior (arousal, intercourse, etc) exists in the universe, we’d expect to see hints of it in the show. However (and perhaps strangely), there aren’t any hints of this in the show: the characters are never horny, they are never suggestive, and most don’t even experience romantic attraction with the exception of a few crushes. Even among pairings like Shining Armor and Cadence, and Mr. and Ms. Cake, their relationships aren’t different than that of close friends. The only hint towards any sexual experience like what humans have is that the opposite gendered couples have offspring. In other words, reproduction is possible, but its mechanism is unknown. We do, however, know of one canon mechanism of reproduction: parasprites reproduce asexually by vomiting their children.
Any further explanation starts making assumptions, but from what we’ve seen, it’s fair to conclude that the characters are asexual and only act in platonic ways (with an occasional burst of romance). This also aligns with Lauren Faust’s intention “to give girls a respectful interpretation of the thing they like.” Because young girls aren’t sexually aware, any world they would imagine would be platonic (perhaps with some romance) like Equestria. This all leads to the conclusion that the MLP universe isn’t the appropriate place for porn, due to the show’s design.
Rule 34 of course, states that there’s going to be porn, no matter what, so what happens when you take a platonic universe and make porn of it? The result is an act of transformation; in the original work all the characters were strictly platonic, and in the derivative work the characters all turned sexual (or hyper sexual, as pornographic works try to be as arousing as possible). As this transformation is from one extreme to the other, it’s not surprising that some fans dislike it. After all, if an individual likes a work because of its specific characteristics, removing those characteristics is a sure way to get them to dislike it.
But to look beyond the individual and their preference, what does this transformation, from platonic to sexual, mean to the fandom at large? The fandom (by definition I’d say) is a place to celebrate the show with others online and in real life, so the fandom’s goal should always be to do just that: celebrate MLP:FiM. This includes the creation of fanworks like art, music, and stories because these works typically reflect the same things we love about the show, whatever it may be. But because clop is transformative, it does not reflect the established characters and their platonic relationships.
This puts clop into a category I call non-appreciative fan works, and in it falls anything that celebrates ideas opposite to ones in the show, like blood and gore as another example. This doesn’t mean that these works are bad, evil, or shouldn’t exist, it’s just that they don’t celebrate the show like other fan works, and by using the same franchise to push the opposite message, these works can disrespect the show. How much they disrespect the show depends on the fan work itself; a long fanfiction with a well explained sexual relationship wouldn’t be disrespectful at all (it also wouldn’t be pornography), but an image showing the entire Mane6 being raped would be incredibly so. Typically, the more sexually explicit a work, and the less context provided, the more depreciative the work is, though this scale is different for every person.
The best way to handle non-appreciative fan works is the tried and true method of tagging. Works that are particularly sexual or particularly bloody probably aren’t what fans of the show are looking for because FiM isn’t either of those things. It’s also better if the tagging systems are nuanced; there’s a big difference between a work that’s sexual, and a work that’s pornographic (in case I haven’t made the distinction clear, pornographic works are sexually explicit works with the intention or effect of being as arousing as possible). The same nuance holds true for the “saucy” works; is the pony’s butt there to be arousing, or is it there because that’s just where butts anatomically go? If done properly, this ensures that no one accidentally views works that contrast what’s explored in FiM.
Part of this is also not pushing the clop agenda in the rest of the fandom. As stated earlier, the fandom’s goals should be to celebrate the show for what it is, and clop deviates from that, so promoting it beyond acknowledging that it exists is unfair to people who wish to avoid it. The same holds true for people who intentionally attack cloppers; cloppers are also allowed to celebrate MLP:FiM, and seeking them out to yell at them is worse. Discussion with the intention to understand one another is always fine, but sadly it often turns toxic (for the brave souls who wish to understand, I applaud you and hope that you don’t receive nasty comments like I have).
The other issue that should be resolved is the misunderstanding between the two most opposite sides. It’s always okay if someone judges MLP:FiM as a bad place for sex because of the context, and it’s always okay if someone likes the porn. But when a member of the fandom discovers the clop (or a clopper), and they find the sexual transformation disrespectful, how do they know the artist/person isn’t trying to be disrespectful? Short answer is that they cannot know, unless cloppers/artists try to make that clear. For example, when someone states, “I love clop,” what do they mean? Is it the image of consensual sex between two of their favorite characters that they like, or is it the image of all the show’s cast being raped that they enjoy? These are two very different things, so if cloppers don’t want people to assume the worst, they should be more specific. The statement “I love clop because I like sexual fantasies between my favorite ships” is much more descriptive of what the person actually enjoys, and it also explains their motivation. Really, any short explanation should be enough to rid people of doubt that one is trying to be disrespectful.
Now to quickly summarize everything I’ve stated above: Clop is a hard thing to discuss. The subject tends to polarize people, which likely due to how complicated sexuality is. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with clop, though the judgement is ultimately based on whether one thinks it’s appropriate given the context of My Little Pony: Freindship is magic. Because it’s a show about friendship, and because it depicts its characters platonically, many will reach the conclusion that porn of the show is not appropriate. Anyhow, clop is a transformative work, which means that it should be tagged and available, but not promoted and not hated. Misunderstanding can hopefully be cleared up by having cloppers explain to non-cloppers that they mean no offense when the two worlds do collide.
At the end of the day we still can all celebrate pony together, and diversity within the fandom can help make it a great place.
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