#that Gil remembers all these little things she said
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hey so I saw this article somewhere it went viral years ago and I think it still is. It is about a girl that lost her memories and fell in love with the same boyfriend she had before she lost her memories, so basically she fell in love with her boyfriend twice.
It's giving Thena and Gilgamesh maybe you could write something about it ><
Thena smiles as she arrives at the familiar street corner with the familiar bakery and its familiar comfort. She just moved to the apartment complex down the street from it, and yet as soon as she saw it, she had a feeling she knew this place.
And she would give anything for that feeling, these days.
Memory loss, they told her. Real, actual amnesia; she thought that was just in the movies and stuff. But apparently it's possible, and she has a gap in her memories seeming to go back as far as last year. She didn't know where she worked, where she lived.
She knows she's Thena, that she works at a museum, that she doesn't have any family for them to call. And...that's about it. It was later on that she learned that she had moved to town less than a year ago. She has a few friends at work who were happy to help her relearn such important things.
The doctors recommended letting things come naturally to her--to not go looking too deliberately for things. Something about putting strain on her mind. Sersi and Kingo were quick to agree with that.
"Gil," she smiles as soon as she steps into the shop. It's really become a highlight of her day to come in here.
He steps out of the back, looking the same as he always does. He has dark hair, thick and full and almost fluffy at the top of his head. He has a lovely fullness to his cheeks and some traces of facial hair around his lips. He looks more like he could be a boxer or a body builder as opposed to the mild tempered baker he is.
And the way he smiles at her; Thena toys with the strap of her purse as he comes over to lean on the counter closest to her.
"What brings you in today?" he asks, as if she doesn't come in at least once a week for a taste of his pastries. Usually she just has whatever he's put out as a daily special, but she's open to his recommendations.
"I got off work a little early," she answers with a smile of her own, already sitting herself down at one of the few tables in the place. "Thought I'd treat myself to one of your wonderful confections."
"Hm, I think I could help with that," he chuckles, already moving to the door of the pastry case. "How was work today?"
"Mm, the usual," Thena muses, happy watch as Gil plates whatever it is he has for her, laughing as she hears a can of whipped cream. "I'm really getting the special treatment today."
"Well, you don't always get off work early, right?" Gil chuckles as he brings over the plate, and two forks. He sits across from her. "My very special Mont Blanc."
Thena eyes the confection, all fine strings wound together into a mountain peak with cream at the top. She's sure she's smiling like an idiot, but she doesn't much care as she takes just some of the cream at first. "And what's so special about it?"
"Find out," Gil nods his head at it, holding the other fork for himself but waiting for her to get her first taste of it.
"Hm," Thena sighs, digging into the dessert. She isn't sure how, but she knows what mont blanc is. The chestnut paste is familiar and soft on her tongue. She licks her lips. "Vanilla?"
"Good taste," Gil winks at her as he finally takes a bite for himself. "I've been trying to find ways to work vanilla into a lot of my stuff, recently."
"Oh?" Thena asks before taking another eager bite. She looks at him, but he has this expression on his face that makes butterflies spring to life in her. She rushes her eyes away again.
"Guess I was just," Gil pauses, letting his eyes tear themselves away from her slowly, "inspired."
"You know," Thena murmurs, having debated whether or not to bring this up at all. But she's come this far (and left work early to do it, too). "Today is actually my birthday."
"You don't say."
He doesn't sound all that surprised. Thena looks at Gil again, whose expression has gone unreadable. She tilts her head at him, "have I ever told you this before?"
"You must've," he shrugs, putting on his usual bright smile for her. "Well, you've had some dessert already. What else are you going to do for your special day?"
Coming here is the only treat she had thought to get for herself, really. Truly, she hadn't been able to think of anything else she wanted to do than come and have some of Gil's pastries, see Gil, talk to Gil...think about how to ask Gil out without feeling weird about it.
"I suppose I haven't thought about it," Thena mumbles, dragging her fork through the powdered sugar on the plate.
Gil sets his fork down, leaning his elbows onto the edge of the table. He raises an eyebrow at her, and she briefly wonders if anyone has ever told him he looks kind of sexy like that. "Well, you did mention something about your birthday being around now. And you also mentioned...that you were thinking about trying out that new Italian place."
She did? "Which place?"
"I guess it's not that new anymore," Gil muses, his head turned to look out the window as he says it. "Opened a little less than a year ago now. But still--would you like to try it out?"
How did this turn into him asking her out? Not that she's complaining, but she went to all the trouble of working up her nerve. Thena swipes some powdered sugar onto her finger and pops it between her lips. "Do you...like Italian?"
He grins at her, his eyes so much more expressive than his secretive little smiles. "Love it."
"Okay," Thena nods. The butterflies are back. "Well, um, I-"
"How about you go home and get ready, I'll close this place up," he pats the table, looking so sure of himself, "meet you here at 7?"
Thena tilts her head at him again. Sometimes Gil feels so familiar to her it's painful, and then times like this, he still manages to surprise her. "How did you know?"
"Know what?" he asks, picking up her plate and walking back to the counter with it.
"How did you know it was my birthday? And that I wanted Italian?"
Gil sets the plate down, leaning on the counter to look back at her. She could swear she's seen him do that before--look at her like that before. "Just...call it a feeling."
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bigasswritingmagnet · 3 months
Stop. Talking.
Fandom: Girl Genius Pairing: Gil/Tarvek/Agatha Summary: Tarvek and Gil are perfectly happy sharing Agatha. They're getting along really well these days. Except...for some reason, all of a sudden, Gil just can't seem to stop insulting Tarvek. He's not even trying to do it! It's just like when he was trying to propose to Agatha-
Uh oh.
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‘The consorts are fighting again.’
Agatha didn’t look up from the clockwork spread out on the workbench in front of her.
“They do that,” she said, distractedly.
‘In my experience, such restlessness is usually caused by particular needs going unfullfi-’
Without looking up, Agatha picked up a small death ray from a nearby stool and pointed it at a particularly pretty mosaic on the wall.
“What is my rule?” she asked, using her free to hand to rearrange the cogs.
‘My presence and opinion are unwelcome in the bedroom,’ the castle said, quickly.
“Correct,” Agatha said, and set the death ray back down.  “Don’t worry about it. Bantering is how they communicate.”
‘It seems a little one-sided for bantering…’ the castle said, uncertainly.
Gil’s plaintive calls fell on deaf ears as Tarvek stormed down the hallway.
“It was a compliment,” Gil insisted, hurrying after him.
“It was not,” Tarvek snapped, white-faced. “My family practically invented the art of devious, backhanded fake compliments so believe me, Holtzfӓller, when I say that that was an insult.”
Gil winced. Tarvek only made that particular nominal slip-up when he was really, really mad.
“Well, it was supposed to be a compliment!”
Travek entered his study and slammed the door shut so abruptly Gil nearly walked right into it. Gil opened the door and immediately ducked as a letter opener sliced by, directly where his ear would have been.
Gil stared in shock at the letter opener—apparently having been sharpened more than Gil felt was necessary for merely cutting paper—vibrating half-buried in the wood of the far wall.
“Were you trying to—”
Stars burst in his eyes as something heavy slammed into the back of his head.
Rubbing the back of his head, Gil turned around and had just enough time to dodge volume 2 of the Encyclopedia Horrifica (which covered chanting, ominous through corn)
“Get! Out!”
“I’m trying to apologize!” Gil protested.
“No, you’re not!” Tarvek shot back. “You’re explaining to me why I shouldn’t be angry! That is not the same thing!”
“I—! Okay, fine! I’m sorry that you thought my compliment came across like an insult!”
He managed to avoid volume 3 (cosh through dzyzxs) but not volume 4, 5, or 6 (all of the letter E), which knocked him straight off his feet. Before Gil could rise, Tarvek slammed the door shut again. This time, Gil heard him lock it.
Agatha’s tongue stuck out in concentration as she picked up the fragile blown-glass bulb with the tips of her gloved fingers. Slowly, she lifted it up and set it in the gap between two pipes, holding it in place with one hand. With the other, she turned a dial, fraction by fraction, slowly increasing the pressure on the seal that would lock the whisper-thin—but extremely necessary—bulb into place.
Gil burst into the room with a crash of the door.
“You have to talk to Tarvek!”
Agatha didn’t even flinch.
“What did you do now?” she asked, keeping her eyes fixed on the task at hand.
“Wh-! Why do you think I did anything?” he demanded, indignantly.
“Because when he starts it, you have no problem finishing it. You only ever come to me when it’s your fault.”
“Wh-! You-! That-!” Gil sputtered.
“There!” Agatha said, as the pressure gauge clicked green. She locked the mechanism in place and stepped back, tugging off her gloves and looking at Gil.
“So. What did you do?”
“I gave him a compliment!” Gil said. “And he got mad at me!”  
Agatha gave him an I do not believe you look.
“We were talking about that big conference with the neighboring city states, and he made a couple of suggestions that were, y’know, Tarvek level sneaky.”
“And I said…I don’t remember exactly what I said, but he asked me what I meant and I said we all know you’re a devious underhanded weasel, but this is the best double-crossing you’ve done since Sturmhalten’. And he—” Gil paused at the look on Agatha’s face. “What? It was a compliment! He managed to outplay the Other! That’s impressive!”
“He was also outplaying me!" 
Gil scoffed.
“Well, yeah, but I wasn’t talking about that.”
“You didn’t specify!”
“Why should I? We forgave him for that, he knows that!”
Agatha shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“He’s sensitive about it.”
Gil snorted.
“Yeah, no kidding.”
Agatha pointed back at the door.
“Go apologize.”
“But I didn’t do anything—!”
“You know what he’s like! He expects double meanings and power plays everywhere, all the time! You gave a compliment; he heard you trying to dig in the knife by reminding him of what he considers one of the worst things he’s ever done.”
Gil opened his mouth, outraged. Gil considered what Agatha had said. Gil closed his mouth.
“What is with you lately?” Agatha demanded. “It’s like every time I turn around you’ve said something stupid enough to make him go storming off—Gil?"
Gil had gone pale.
“Oh no,” he whispered.
“What? Gil, what is it? What’s wrong?”
Gil did not answer. He was staring into space, gazing at some unseen horror. Agatha took him by the shoulders and shook him.
“It’s pathological,” he said, hoarsely. “It has to be. I thought it was just you, but no, this is, this is just what I’m like—”
“What are you talking about?” Agatha exclaimed. He lowered his head slowly to look at her, his eyes haunted and hollow.
“I’m in love with Tarvek.”
Agatha stared at him for a moment...then she put her hand to her mouth and let out a soft gasp. “Oh, it is pathological.”
“This is all my father’s fault,” he snarled, fists clenching. “All that work he put into protecting me and making me physically stronger and faster and he didn’t do anything that could save me from my own big fat mouth!” He collapsed forward, head on the workbench, arms flung over his head.
Agatha put her hands on his shoulders, patting reassuringly.
“I’m doomed,” Gil wailed.
“No, no, you’re not. Come on, Gil, you weren’t thinking about it before, but now that you know—”
“No!” Gil said, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. “Don't you understand? Tarvek and I hated each other for years! It took dying to get us to have a civil conversation, and now—!”
He clutched at his face, his imagination dancing nightmare scenarios before his eyes.
“I’m going to ruin everything,” he moaned. “I’m going to destroy everything we’ve built. You’re going to have to choose between us. When we have dinner he’s going to ask you to ask me to pass the salt because he won’t even want to talk to me enough to–Ack!”
Agatha spritzed him with the squirt bottle again.
“Stop that!” she said.
“You stop that!” he said, blinking water out of his eyes. “What is that?”
“It’s von Zinzer’s. He uses it when I start talking about dismantling the town for parts. Now listen to me.” She set the bottle down firmly and put her hands on her hips. “You are not going to ruin everything. You managed it with me, you can manage it with him.”
“Are you joking? We had to be trapped in the castle and almost permanently die about ten different times before you could trust me! And then we had all the–" Gil waved his hands around in a gesture that quite succinctly managed to sum up the overlay, his father freezing the town, two years of Agatha being missing in time, the collapsing empire, Martellus, Paris, England, god queens, inter-dimensional disasters, exorcism engines, and Martellus again. "–everything before we could be together!"  
"You and Tarvek were mad at each other for years, and it took you two days in the castle to get over it."
"By dying!"
'If you think it might help, I could always kill you again,' the castle suggested.
Without looking away from Gil, Agatha picked up the death ray and shot out a light.
"Gil, relax. You're overthinking this. Give Tarvek time to cool off, then go to him, and tell him you love him. No big explanation, just 'I love you'. You can do that, can't you?"
"Yes," Gil said. "I can do that."
He straightened up.
"I can do that," he said, confidently. Then he sagged "No I can't."
"I'll just start babbling! You know me! I'll open my mouth to say it and explanations will come out! Can't you tell him for me? He likes you." 
"He likes you, too!"
"But he doesn't love me!"
Gil swallowed hard, his eyes going overbright.
"I can't tell him," he whispered. "Not when he doesn't...and he doesn't."
Agatha sighed, softly.
"Gil..." She picked up her gloves and began whacking him with them. "Are you joking? After everything you two have been through together? Of course he loves you! That's why he doesn't stab you when you're an idiot!" 
Gil caught the gloves and pulled them out of her hand.
"You don't know that!" he insisted.
"I absolutely do! You, me, and Violetta might be the only people in the world who really know Tarvek, and I hear the way he talks about you when you're not there–" She grabbed the gloves back and punctuated her statement with three solid whacks. "So I am telling you! With confidence! That he loves you!"
She pointed at the door.
"Now go think about what you're doing to say to him. Plan it out. Give him time to cool off. And then go tell him how you feel, or so help me Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, I will tell the Jӓgers you want their help."
Gil waited two days. Not because it took Tarvek two days to stop being mad at Gil, but because Gil was sure his nerves would eat him alive if he waited any longer. Tarvek had stopped leaving the room when Gil walked in, and Gil would just have to hope that that would be enough.
Tarvek was in the library, flipping idly through a book on poisons and occasionally making corrections in red ink. He didn't look up when Gil cleared his throat.
"I'm busy."
"I need to talk to you."
"Write me a note."
"Would you please just—" Gil sighed. "Just hear me out?"
Tarvek, every motion extremely pointed and deliberate, set the pen aside, slid the bookmark between the pages, shut the book, and gave Gil his full attention.
Gil's palms began to sweat.
“And let me actually finish, before you start yelling at me.” Gil said, and winced internally. No, that was much too rude, now Tarvek was narrowing his eyes and bristling. Quick, quick, the speech! You practiced the speech! What was the speech?
“The reason I've been so rude lately is because you—” No, no, no, no, you are NOT starting a love confession with it's your fault I'm insulting you. “I know I’ve been acting like an idiot lately—”
He paused, expecting Tarvek to make a comment, but Tarvek just raised his eyebrows.
“The thing is,” Gil said. “The thing is, I…” He took a deep breath. “I’m—”
“You’re in love with me,” Tarvek finished for him.
Gil’s jaw dropped.
“You knew?”
Tarvek snorted.
“Of course I knew. I knew months ago. It was so obvious.”
“It wasn’t obvious to me!” Gil blustered.
“Really? You didn’t notice that you’ve been acting exactly like you used to act around Agatha?”
“Eventually!” Gil sputtered. “So all of this being mad and throwing things at me, you were just winding me up?”
“No,” Tarvek said, plainly. “You were genuinely insulting and I didn’t see any reason to let you off the hook just because I knew why it was happening.”
Gil stared at him, and Tarvek’s mouth curled up into a smirk, the cat construct that ate the mutant canary.
"And I was winding you up."
Gil stared, speechlessly. Tarvek tossed his book onto the cushion beside him and stood. 
"Actually, I was kind of hoping you'd take longer to put it together—it’s fun watching you flail around.”
“I take it back,” Gil said, flatly. “I hate you. I hate you forever and ever and ever.”
Tarvek put his hand on the back of Gil’s head, and kissed him.
It was a very, very good kiss. Gil was relieved to find he enjoyed it exactly as much as he enjoyed kissing Agatha, which had been a concern, but then Tarvek put his arm around Gil and pressed in close and opened his mouth against Gil’s and that was about it for any sort of higher brain function for Gil for the remainder of the kiss.
“Um,” Gil said, finally. “You’re. Very good at that.”
“I am,” Tarvek said, sweetly.
“I still hate you.”
“Sure you do.”
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Sweet boy. - Harry Hook x reader - ficlet
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She/her* reader, no use of *you
Touch was one of Harry’s main love languages.
A graze of his fingers on the back of Uma’s hand. The clap on Gil’s back when he did something particularly smart or good. Holding CJ’s shoulders and shaking her about as he cackled, his little sister screaming obscenities at him with a matching grin. The push of his cheek on Harriet’s shoulder.
Touch was how Harry said ‘I love you’. On the isle-it was one of the only safe ways to say it. Uma did the same, mostly aimed towards Harry-her fingers through his hair, pinkies interlocking when they were close enough(or wrapped around his hook).
When they moved to Auradon-Harry became more open with his affection. His arms around Uma’s shoulders, holding her close as he laughed. Holding Gil’s hand when they walked. Carrying CJ on his back (usually from her demand but he never minded). Putting his full weight onto Harriet, his arms wrapped around her torso as she ignored him with a fond smile.
Harry never realized how badly he wanted to be touched like he did others, for someone to take that step before he did.
He found that in a friend he met in Auradon.
Harry smiled as he watched (y/n) move through the crowds of students, huffing as she attempted to push through a small pack of friends-all so closely knit together she had to stop and step aside to let them pass. “yall ain't the only ones in the hall ya know!” (y/n) yelled over the noise, barely audible with how loud everyone was. Harry laughed quietly, watching as (y/n) finally broke through the chaos and ran up to him, her arms spread wide as she yelled out his name-the two finally reunited after morning classes separated them.
“HARRY!” (y/n) slammed into his chest-her arms going around his torso and squeezing tightly, his arms doing the same-nuzzling his face into her hair. He loved her hugs, she liked to practically body slam him and squeeze him as tight as she could without hurting him-he didn’t mind, it gave him a sense of peace he never knew he could feel.
“(y/n)” Harry purred, feeling (y/n)’s hands pat his back a bunch of times before pulling back, his hands moving to her waist as she twisted around to look for Uma and Gil-but they were already in the cafeteria-getting a table for the group. “they’re already at lunch, c’mon-before all the good shits gone.” (y/n) cheered and took his hand, trailing behind him as he easily walked through the crowds.
When they finally sat down-(y/n) was already glued to his side, cheek on his shoulder and hand around his arm. She was always touching him somehow-just like he did. Be it Uma, Gil, his sisters, Ben, or Evie, hell even Jay-he always was touching them one way or the other, a hand on their shoulder, his shoulder against their back, his foot touching theirs, he always had to be touching them in one way or the other-unless they didn’t like being touched, like Mal.
Mal didn’t like to be touched unless she initiated it, and even then she was very….cat like. Harry loved it, he liked being touched, his hands held, his hair ruffled, being hugged, hell his new favorite thing was laying down and having Uma or (y/n) just-putting their full weight on them. Just absolutely crushing him.
He loved that.
He tilted his head into (y/n)’s as she curled her arms around his arm and turned, her cheek pressed against his shoulder as someone called her name-her laugh ringing through his ears as she squeezed his arm. Harry couldn’t help but smile, a feeling floating in his chest as he took a bite of his sandwich. A feeling he could only describe as; peace. He was content.
Idk-just kinda smoothing back into writing Harry. Again, the only multipart I’ll be writing will be cstf so-have a lil ficlet?
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @dai-tsukki-desu
@imtryingthisout @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
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shelbgrey · 10 months
Lance Sweets as a Dad headcanons:
Paring: Dad!Lance Sweets x Twins x Wife!Reader
Summary: headcanons about you and Lance being parents to twins.
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It's no secret Lance is an amazing dad, your twins were a bit of a suprise though. You guy had just gotten engaged when you found out.
He was so happy when you told him, he always wanted to be dad and start a family with you.
“I'm gonna be a dad!” he cheered as he picked you up and spung you around.
He'll always make sure your comfortable and happy through out the whole pragency.
He will alway volunteer to go to the store and get whatever food your craving at the time.
you guys were so excited when you found out you were having twins, you grew up with a brother(Hodgins) so you were glad your kids had each other like you had Jack.
Giving birth sucks... As most did, Lance and Angela were there the whole time comforting you and cheering you on while your brother and the rest of your friends family were in the waiting room.
Lance cried a bit while holding them. “they're so tiny” he smiled looking at his daughter
You chuckled sarcastically as you cuddled your son “don't tell that to the person who pushed them out”
Your set of twins was a boy and a girl, Dean Seeley Sweets and Charlotte Jack Sweets. They both have your eyes and Lance's dark curly hair.
Dean is very much like you, he has your smile and is very compassionate like you. He also gets attached to the same interests you have, he loves Elvis just as much as you do and he wants to be a Forensic Entomologist like you and his uncle Jack.
Charlotte is like Lance, very Geeky and has a heart of gold like her dad, she loves animals and wants to be a Vet but she also wants to be a Shrink like Lance, it changes every other month.
They were very easy baby's to take care of, Dean was a cryer though. Lance was always getting up in the middle of the night to comfort him before he woke up you and Charlotte. “please don't wake up mommy” he mumbled as he rocked his son.
Your kids don't get jealous of each other, they love you and Lance both equally but Dean is a mama's boy and Charlotte is a Daddy's girl.
They're spoiled roaten, Lance would give your twins the world if he could. Your more of the protective one, you'll beat someone up if they harm your babbies.
You guys always show interest in the things your kids love, Lance trys to remember all your daughter's stuff animals names and try to learn how to play with pokemon cards with your son.
Your always watching their favorite movies with them with curiosity and your always willing to listen to their rants or what there passionate about.
Your daughter loves Monster High dolls, she has almost every character and she gets Lance to play with her all the time. He's spent so much time watching the cartoons and playing with her he knows all the names.
He knows Gil and Franky are her favorites, there was a couple of months were Charlotte tried to convince her dad Gil was her boyfriend. She carried the call every where and he was her favorite.
“it's kinda werid? I mean I have a daughter too and I get to some level but he's a fish boy” Seeley said one day.
Lance shrugged as he held the doll. “he doesn't talk back, he doesn't check her out, and he won't cheat”
Just as he said that your daughter came running in with her cute little angry face and her arms cross. “he's Jackass, Daddy! He likes Christine's Barbie more than me”
The boys tried not to laugh but that the same time Lance gave Seeley a side eye, knowing Christine taught Charlotte the word Jackass.
“I stand corrected” Lance said, tossing the doll on the couch.
Your son Dean doesn't really like playing with them, he only play dolls with his sister if he has your old Elvis Barbie doll.
Your son likes music and Pokémon. He grew up listening to old rock music with you, he also wants to learn how to play guitar.
Angel's father is kinda like a grandpa to them, you nor Lance have parents alive so your brother's father-in-law was more than happy to be a grandpa to your twins. Dean wants to learn how to play guitar from him.
Lance trys his hardest not to get mad, even if your kids did something uneceptable. After he got on to them he'll immediately feel bad, he doesn't want them to be afraid of him like he was all his foster parents.
“your an amazing dad and they'll always love you”
Like I said before, he'll give the twins the world if he could but they want a dog, so he'll settle on that. He brought home a black lab puppy one day. The twins were so happy and named him Duke.
Jack and Angela are literally the best aunt and uncle out there, just putting it out there and the twins are really close with Michael Vincent.
Christine is also close to the twins too, Dean has a small innocent crush on her but they're both to young to really understand.
Seeley and Temperance are also amazing 'aunt and uncle'. Charlotte loves being around Seeley and playing with monster trucks with him. Dean always has a listing ear to Temperance if she wants to explain something scientific or talk about a new plot for her book.
You and Lance invested in a California king size bed because the twins are always trying to bunk with you...you also have a black lab joing in on the sleep over too. Getting the big bed just helps everyone be comfortable.
Your always taking them to lab and showing them around, Cam loves them too much to really say anything. They don't mind going to Bureau with Lance but is kinda boring to them, they like saying hi to James Aubrey and Caroline though.
They love going to Seely's office, there's so much stuff to play with. Lance made a joke how Dean is allowed to play with Seeley's bobble head and he's not.
Charlotte just likes setting in the comfy chairs in Lance's office and read Dr. Seuss books.
Lightsaber battles between Dean and Lance all the time, and coincidence or not they're always doing to while you and Charlotte are trying to watch Supernatural or Grey's anatomy.
Dean just gets crazier and crazier the older he gets, in a good way of course. Him and Michael Vincent would be out side playing with firecrackers or digging a hole while Christine and Charlotte set quietly in the house coloring and watching cartoons.
The twins are close but they get into fights alot. Sometimes it worrys you, you don't want them hating each other. “they love each other Honey and it's just a phase... Not every sibling is gonna be as close as you and Jack are”
You know he's right and not even a week later the two were glued to the hip again.
You truly believe your family is perfect, your twins are smart and have hearts of gold and they have an amazing dad.
Lance feels like the luckyest man alive and he couldn't be happier. He also couldn't be prouder of his children.
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—gilbert spoilers, be aware—
Emma: Gil, I've noticed there's very little seafood in Obsidian.
Gilbert: (sets his research away) That's correct. What little we have comes from our lakes, and it's still too much of a hassle for us to consider importing. (He pats his lap)
Emma: (sets the giant tray of cookies down on his desk before plopping onto his lap) So people here have never had calamari?
Gilbert: (wraps his arms around her waist) Mmm, I'm sure people in certain circles have. I think they served it once during a ball in my youth. (He opens his mouth as Emma begins feeding him)
Emma: (pauses) Ah. I'm guessing those particular circles are... no longer around?
Gilbert: (smiles meaningfully) You catch on quick. (He pecks the cookie out of her hand and speaks while chewing.) Our aquaculture industry is far better than it was five or six years ago. Actually, I've thought about engineering our own species of squid.
Emma: Uh... what? Engineering? (She uses her fingertip to dab away some crumbs on his lip)
Gilbert: (watches her delightedly knowing that she's expecting him to bite any moment now) Hehe, indeed. I'm sure you've noticed while cooking here that not everything we grow is native to Obsidian.
Emma: (still on guard as she withdraws her finger without incident) Well, breeding and cultivating is one thing, but you said engineering. Like making something from scratch. Making meat, erm, I guess seafood. In a lab. Gil, I've never heard of anyone doing something like that outside of horror novels.
Gilbert: Little Rabbit. (He places a cool hand on her head and gives it a single pat) What's more horrible to you? Creating food or being without it?
Emma: (stares at him because he's clearly oversimplifying things)
Gilbert: (stares back with a pleasant smile, sunny as can be)
Emma: ...
Gilbert: ...
Emma: ......
Gilbert: ......
Emma: (epiphany)
Gilbert: (widens his smile, showing teeth)
Emma: So all the beef, the pork... The meat I've been baking into your cookies... (stares at the cookie in her hand as Gilbert's shadow covers her entire arm)
Gilbert: Hehe, not all of it, of course. But a country like Obsidian could hardly have come back from a famine as quickly as we did without some help.
Emma: (looks at Gilbert with a mixture of fear and awe; tries to only feel the awe)
Gilbert: (bittersweet pout) There's a certain principle that says that anything that can go wrong will go wrong at some point. You could call it the burden of the scientist. Knowing the worst-case scenario is only one mishap away, but also knowing that you can save ten-thousand people today. Oh—but as the evil villain, I've always pushed boundaries to satisfy my own curiosity.
Emma: (remembers what Roderich once said to her)
Gilbert: Ahaha, whaaat?
Emma: (looks him in the eye sincerely) I hate lies, you know.
Gilbert: ...!
Emma: (heaves a long sigh and then suddenly pushes a cookie into Gilbert's mouth) Despite what you say, I don't think you've ever really stopped to appreciate everything you're capable of, and everything, all the good that you've done.
Gilbert: (tries to speak but Emma silences him by partially covering his mouth with hers for a split second)
Emma: (pulls away with half the cookie in her mouth and a sad smile) The meat here in Obsidian is the best I've ever had. What hurts me is that I might have gone on without ever knowing just how thoroughly you've tread over every facet of my day-to-day life. Not just my life, but everyone's.
Emma: (chews cutely as she rests her head on his shoulder) What's horrible to me is not knowing how radiant you are.
a/n: i know jack shit about growing meat in a lab and i was too lazy to google soooo. also i remembered that the meat cookies emma starts making for gil are made using the meat from obsidian military rations, at least initially, ahaha ^^; emma didn't particularly care for the taste of the rations on the occasion(s) when she tried them, sooooo. but let's pretend she made her own jerky from Obsidian Beef to put into the cookies in this fic lol
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meteorshcts · 1 month
plotted starter for @churchflower & @sentmail
It wasn't easy to get into Midgar, especially when you were half starved, sporting a few bullet wounds, and dragging your semi-conscious, mako addicted best friend with you. But with such a big city, there were always people entering and exiting, in ways that were legal and not so legal. It was just a matter of slipping through the cracks.
Zack chose the sewers to wade through, even though it was a terrible idea in the condition he was in. He had tied off all his wounds with the last of the bandages he had stolen somewhere around Junon when they had passed through, but the less than clean environment was certain to be a detriment to his health. Not to mention Cloud's health – the poor kid was barely a slip of a thing to start with, and now he was all skin and bones. This couldn't be good for either of them.
But it allowed him to slip unnoticed into the city. He'd need new boots after this, and maybe new pants. But for now, the smell of sewer clinging to him just made strangers steer their way around him. No one questioned why he was dragging his companion; it was late enough at night that he just pretended they were drunk, and no one said a word.
They made their way through Sector 4's residential area, and then into Sector 5. Zack was bristling with excitement. He hadn't seen Aerith in, what, five years now? The excitement was immediately tinged with nervousness. It had been a long time. Would she even still remember him? Not to mention, he was here to ask for a pretty big favor.
Aerith had always been something of a healer, Zack knew, and he had hoped she'd be able to do something to help Cloud. It was a big ask, especially for a guy who had disappeared for five years.
But he didn't have much of a choice. He didn't have a lot of allies, and all of them that he had were in Midgar. Kunsel had never given up on him, but Zack had seen the danger in contacting him or anyone else in Shinra. Where else could he even go from here?
It was early morning already, the sun just beginning to peak over the edges of the city, when the old church finally came into view. It looked exactly like he remembered it, patched roof and sagging door frame and all. It was such a feeling of relief to find that something had stayed the same that he could have wept. Aerith wouldn't be there this early, but neither would anyone else, probably.
“You see that, Cloud? This here's Sector 5, my old stomping grounds,” he commented, unable to keep the grin off his face.
His arm was numb from dragging Cloud along with him, and his senses were dulled with lack of sleep. But they would be able to rest soon. First they would nap in the relative safety of the church, then they would see Aerith, and Zack would buy them all breakfast with the last of the gil he had earned in the farms outside Junon, working as a farmhand.
The doors opened with a shove, a little harder to shove than they had been before – maybe he could oil the hinges to help out Aerith tomorrow – and the air smelled of the lilies that grew within. It was such a sweet, nostalgic scent that again Zack found tears in his eyes threatening, but he just swallowed them back and glanced around.
Everything looked the same. There were more lilies growing, he thought, and the pews had been pushed back a little bit. The sun was beginning to peak in through the roof, although the patch of light that reached within hadn't hit the flowers yet. The only thing missing, of course, was the pretty gardener who tended the flowers.
“Here we are, Cloud. We can take it easy here for a few hours before Aerith gets here, okay? I don't know about you, but I could sure use a nap!” Zack said cheerfully, dragging Cloud up through the center of the church.
Cloud, of course, didn't reply further than a quiet moan. The noises were new, and, Zack thought, probably a good sign.
He arranged Cloud on the floor near the first pew in the church, and then he lay down next to him, sword easily within reach, just in case it wasn't Aerith who came through that door first. He was fairly certain they hadn't been seen or followed, but you could never be sure.
He tucked his hands behind his head and couldn't contain his smile as he closed his eyes and thought of all the things he was going to say to Aerith.
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In Defense of Gillington "Gil" Webber
This has been a long time coming. For some reason there is this very prevalent and annoying trend in the Monster High fandom that Gil is not only a bad boyfriend to Lagoona but that he is also racist.
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People believe this so much they are willing to die on that hill. But is it TRUE is the question at hand here. let's take a deep dive into the oldest of Monster High lore and see if this claim has a leg to stand on. is Gil racist, a bad boyfriend or a bad character? let's go ghouls.
An Unfortunate part about early Monster High continuity is there there are 2 beginnings. The Web series was around first and they just dove right in, But chronologically A New Ghoul @ School is the proper introduction to Monster High as it follows Frankie during their first week at school.
Now here's where things get tricky, Gil is only in New Ghoul @ School for less than 20 seconds, We see him competing in a swim meet and then at the end he is dancing with Lagoona at the Dawn of the Dance, So in this timeline they are already "a thing"
But our first introduction to Gil is in "Blue Lagoona" where Lagoona is oogling Gil while they are in Cawculus class. Which is the 6th Episode of Volume 1, so pretty early on in the series.
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Lagoona calls him a swimsuit model, day dreams in class about Gil and doodles in her notebook. The bell wakes her up and she has lost the book she was doodling in. whether Lagoona lost the book or if Gil swiped it is unclear, but he has the book and he gives it back to Lagoona, where he has wrote on her doodle to "Meet him at the Fountain at 3" Now we don't know what happens at the Fountain at 3 because the episode ends, but this is important because Lagoona is the one who chased Gil, if she wasn't drawing where people could see or if she was perhaps a little quieter Gil probably would have never known She liked him, But he is cool with this because he likes her too. Lagoona is the instigator but the feeling is mutual, this is important to remember for later.
We don't see much of Gil until Episode 12 where Lagoona is once again, crushing hard on him. She tells the Ghouls and Frankie that Gil is so cute.
They are featured in the Episode 24 Hatch me if you Can where Mr. Hack gives them an assignment that is very much like that "baby think me over" program where students are given an object to treat like a baby to give them a little taste of parenthood. Mr. Hack gives everyone a Gargoyle Egg to take care of for a week, the partners seem based off whoever you're sitting next to in the class. When he gets to Gil & Lagoona he tells them "Maybe you should switch partners" when Lagoona asks why he says "everyone knows Sea Monsters are bad parents" and WOW! I forgot this show made me watch Lagoona and Gil experience a microaggression but there it is. I'm not really surprised it came from Mr. Hack either, after all he IS based off slashers from the 70's. Lagoona is hurt by this and Gil immediately jumps to her aid telling Mr. Hack that what he said isn't true and it's "an old fisherman's tale"
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Look at Gil's face. That is anger, real anger at the implication that him and Lagoona would make bad parents. This egg thing is the very first conflict they face together and Gil's first instinct is to tell Mr. Hack off. I don't think they are even officially dating by this point. I think they are just kinda hanging out and enjoying each others company. Remember that when a teacher said something racially insensitive to Lagoona, Gil got mad and defended her.
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Lagoona and Gil work together to take care of their egg, they treat it as if it was their own little sea monster. Lagoona puts lotion (?) on it, Gil builds it a nest and Lagoona keeps it warm- inside of a frog? - Look, I don't know sea monster husbandry so I'm assuming they're doing a good job. And they did! after the week is over everyone in class has screwed up their project except for Lagoona and Gil who took such good care of their egg that it hatches & bites off Mr. Hacks face. Their egg was the only one to hatch and Lagoona tells Gil "I knew we'd make great parents"
This is the end of Volume 1, Volume 2 is A LOT more structured than Volume 1 it also introduces a ton of new Characters like Clawd, Jackson, Toralei and the twins it also shows the disbanding of the Fearleading team from Volume 1 however this creates a continuity error, In Volume 1 Clawdeen, Draculaura and Lagoona were all on the Fearleading team already (Ghoulia was going to try out for the team too but she bailed after Cleo said she didn't want "Dead Weight" on her team.. and Ghoulia is a zombie- ha! funny joke) But in Volume 2 Clawdeen & Draculaura re-join the team as if they never were on it before & Lagoona is now Captain of the Swim Team. I'm also pretty sure that Volume 2 is where they aim for more serialized content instead of just a bunch of one off episodes that are vaguely linked together and I love this! Volume 2 is my favorite for this reason! I love the long form story! I'd like to add that during this volume Clawdeen actively tries to sabotage Draculaura dating Clawd from showing Draculaura a steak knowing she will faint (that's her friend), Closing Draculaura into a locker after telling her they better just be friends and stealing Clawds mail while they are at fearleading camp. (which is a feral offense BTW) and telling Clawd that he can't date Draculaura because "she's not one of us" but NO ONE gives Clawdeen shit for being toxic and/or racist. She shouldn't get a pass just because she's cute and a girl. I love Clawdeen too but what she did was screwed up and she never got reprimanded for it, Draculaura just stopped talking to her for a few days/a week and then we forget about it.
But Back to the case at hand, Gil.
In Episode 32 "Varsity Boos" Frankie asks Lagoona if she is going to go dance with Gil and Lagoona says "it's complicated" This is our first indicator that there is trouble in Paradise, Frankie says "it's okay for friends to dance together" but then they bail on that thought and say "I guess it is weird" So I don't know if this is Lagoona freaking out about them being "different" OR if she just has the jitters because it's not clear if Gil & her are dating yet. High school romances are fickle and defining them can be challenging for anyone, Racist parents or not.
In Episode 36 "Screech to the Beach" The fearleading team is going to Gloom Beach fearleading academy, Lagoona is also going because her parents go to Gloom Beach every Spring Break for "underwater camping" Why is she on the bus with the fearleading team even though shes not on it and should be driving up with her parents?... Don't... think about it too much. BUT while the ghouls and Frankie are packing Draculaura comments that Lagoona will be "back in your natural elements huh?" and Lagoona explains that Gloom Beach is not her natural habitat, She is from the Ocean and is a Salt Water creature and Gloom Beach is a fresh water lake like Gil who is a river monster, this is the very first time we hear it spelled out that Lagoona and Gil are "different" but Lagoona assures Draculaura that she can still hold her own in the fresh water. this is important. Most of the gang is napping on the bus and Lagoona has yet another dream of her and Gil smooching, only this time she's saving him from a water tank malfunction and she inhales bottled water to be able to give Gil Mouth to Mouth with fresh water before we cut away from her dream, I mention this because it's important we know that Lagoona is thirsty for this boy. (pun definitely intended)
In Episode 37 "Witch Trials" we see that lots of students from Monster High just go to Gloom Beach for the camping on the North Beach while Fearleading academy is on the South Beach. So while the gang is taking a break from fearleading chores we see Gil also came to Gloom Beach for Spring Break and him and Lagoona immediately hit it off playing "Monster Polo" with other monsters. Lagoona scores a goal and celebrates, Gil comments that shes "Not bad for a sea water gal" then Gil scores a goal and Lagoona comments "thanks Mate! you're not bad yourself for a fresh water bloke" This is them at play! some gentle ribbing of each other, they high five and hold hands, good feels all around. This is them acknowledging their differences but still being into each other regardless. So no one can use the excuse "Well maybe Gil didn't know she was salt water!" when they both spell it out for us, they know what the other one is and accept them anyways. This is important because If Gil was actually racist wouldn't he have bailed on Lagoona the moment she said she was from the sea? But he doesn't. He likes her exactly as she is.
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In episode 38 "Don't cheer the Reaper" it's the next day and Lagoona goes to get Gil to play more of their game but suddenly Gil is hesitant. His entire body language has changed, He laughs nervously and can't make eye contact with Lagoona, he seems upset, So when she asks him to play he says "I can't, now's not a good time" And Lagoona asks when IS a good time and Gil says "I don't know, I don't want to talk about it"
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Lagoona reassures Gil that he can tell her anything but Gil stands firm "I can't tell you this, I don't want to hurt your feelings" it is safe to assume the reason for this sudden change in Gil's demeanor is because last night he probably told his parents about this cute girl from the sea that he has been getting along with so well, Based on Gil's expressions and avoidance it's safe to say they did not take this news well and probably chewed him out because Gil's parents are racist against Salt Water Monsters. So even while Gil is hurting his first instinct is to protect Lagoona’s feelings and spare her from his parents prejudice.
man, what a toxic racist asshole, being concerned about the girl he likes feelings.
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A couple of days go by and in Episode 39 "Road to Monster Mashionals" Lagoona confronts Gil who has been avoiding her. He reluctantly tells her the truth that his Parent's don't want to him hanging out with her because her people are from the sea, he's fresh water and it's forbidden. She asks him if he believes in that and he says no, but his parents do and they won't allow Gil to be around her. He says he's sorry and swims away, leaving Lagoona devastated.
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Some people may view this as cowardice on Gil's part and I supposed to some degree it is, But sometimes being a coward is the right call to make. Gil is 16 and his parents still have a lot of control over him, They feed him, house him are responsible for him. This puts Gil is an unfortunate situation. He likes Lagoona but his parents don't, I don't know what y'all expect Gil to do about this, being a minor and all. but he's playing the hand he has been dealt and is choosing to walk away from Lagoona before they get too involved and it hurts even more. I do not believe this is cowardice, this is mercy.
Gil is trying to make it hurt less.
In Episode 40 "Queen of the Scammed" Gil tries to talk to Lagoona once school is back in session and Lagoona is not having it.
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She is pissed and rightfully so, She has every right to be mad- but she shouldn't be mad at Gil. Gil tries to explain to her that what's happening between them isn't his will, but the will of his parents and Lagoona tells him that he needs to stand up for himself. And maybe he does, but how exactly does she see this panning out for Gil? Does she think he'll plead his case in the name of love and his parents will magically throw out all of their prejudices? That's... not how curing racism works, it's never that easy. Maybe Lagoona doesn't understand this because her own family is so supportive of her that she can't imagine why a family wouldn't be on their sons side. But this isn't her family, it's Gil's and we don't know what his home life is like, he seems to fear his parents so I'm assuming they have given him a reason to be afraid.
In Episode 42 "Hoodoo you like" The ghouls & Frankie are talking about boys & their relationships. Clawdeen asks Lagoona how things are with Gil and she says "Better Now, but things are so complicated you know" Most of this episode is spent on Frankie and them making a boyfriend to fit in (and creating Hoodude) but this statement from Lagona shows that something went down off screen that we do not know.
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Gil confides in Deuce that he lied to Lagoona about his parents being okay with them seeing each other, I am assuming this means Lagoona and him are officially going out. Deuce tells Gil that if Lagoona finds out she will be upset and Gil knows this.
This is probably the first time Gil is in the wrong, Lying to someone you love is never a good idea. This is the first time we see Gil actually be selfish. He thinks if his Parents don't know and Lagoona doesn't know then no one gets hurt, right? Gil is trying to have his cake and eat it too. but this is a temporary solution to a long term problem. However, I'm going to give him a pass because I know what it's like to be young and in love and stupid. His situation is shitty and I would have lied too... as a matter of fact, I did. You might be wondering why I'm putting so much work into defending Gil well the truth is, I've been in Gil's shoes. I fell in love with someone who was not the same ethnicity as me and my horribly racist father would have not approved, I didn't tell him who I was dating for over a year, once he did find but he disowned me and hasn't spoken to me in like 8 years. but the difference between Gil and I is I'm an adult and I can survive without my parents, Gil is a minor and he probably can't.
SO while what he is doing is wrong, it's understandable.
In Episode 43 "Fear Pressure" we see Lagoona and Gil competing in a swim meet. They win and get a trophy for Monster High.
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But Toralei, who's been a little shirt stirrer all season takes a picture of them holding hands and she says it will be a good spread in the Fearbook.
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I'm not sure how she knows about Lagoona and Gils relationship or that Gil has racist parents, but she knows and she is willing to blow up Gil's secret just to get back at Lagoona who doesn't put up with her nonsense.
In Episode 44 "Fear the Book" the fearbook is finished and has been released to the school! Toralei kept her word and made an entire spread about Lagoona and Gil.
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Lagoona loves this, Gil is not as thrilled because now there is photographic proof he has disobeyed his parents.
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Cornered, Gil tells Lagoona that he didn't tell his parents about their relationship. Lagoona is hurt that he lied to her about this.
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Gil then tells Lagoona that his parents threatened to send him to an "Underwater Boarding School" if he keeps seeing her & that he had no choice. This is the first time Gil's parents threaten him directly. Lagoona, wounded, Walks away from Gil to "study for a test" But she is once again, rightfully upset with him. But this time it's actually his fault. I never claimed Gil was perfect but he's not the villain the fandom has made him out to be either.
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Gil waits for Lagoona to get out of her exam to speak with her again. He says they will be safe together as long as his parents don't see the fearbook and he tells Lagoona that his parents don't need to know about them... Lagoona does not take this well.
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She tells Gil "ether you agree with them or you don't and if you don't ? you need to do something about it instead of acting like a frightened dingo! I don't even know who you are anymore" before walking away.
Lagoona is being unreasonable here. He doesn't agree with his parents, Lagoona knows this because he explicitly told her this while at Gloom Beach. What she said sounds good in theory and in a perfect world? Gil should be able to be honest with his parents... but we don't live in a perfect world now do we? Everyone keeps telling Gil he needs to "do something about it" it being his parents racism, but WHAT do y'all expect him to DO!? Tell them their racist ways are wrong? - because parents love being told they're wrong by their teenage son - sounds like Gil is getting his ass whooped tonight. Tell them that he's going to see Lagoona anyways? He's getting sent to an underwater boarding school. Not tell them but then they find out he's dating Lagoona anyways because of the fearbook? someone is sleeping under a bridge that night and it won't be Lagoona. And who would take him in if his parents throw him out? Lagoona? I'm sure Wade would love to have a teenage boy under their roof that has the hots for his daughter. Deuce? is he even good friends with Deuce by this point? they've only talked like twice. His 5 eyed friend that he crushed at the swim meet? I doubt it.
Everyone wants Gil to "do something" but no one is thinking about the consequences of doing something, No one but Gil because he's the one who'd be directly effected.
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Lagoona and Gil meet up after school to have another talk and Gil brings up the point that if he tells his parents, he gets sent to Boarding school and he loses Lagoona anyways. Lagoona says "Don't do it for me! Do it for you! You can't let their prejudice run your life!" And here's the shitty part- Lagoona is right, Gil's parents prejudice SHOULDN'T run his life, but they currently do. That sounds all good on paper Lagoona but notice how what you said doesn't address him being sent to another school against his will.
Frankie, whom bless their heart has the worst timing, they jump into their convo and asks for Lagoona to sign their fearbook, Lagoona agrees and Frankie informs both of them that this is the first year the fearbook is going to be digitized and sent to every parent. Lagoona thinks it's great, Gil...does not feel the same.
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Look at Gil as Frankie tells him this.
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Look at his face! that expression? is pure terror. That is the face of someone whose entire world is collapsing around them in real time. No child should be this afraid of their parents, but Gil is. We don't know what kind of home life Gil has but this is a very bad sign. If Gil is this afraid of his parents that means they have done something before to make him this afraid and I'm sure it's a lot more severe than being grounded.
In Episode 45 "Desperate Hours" Heath is talking to Gil and reminding him how screwed he is. while Lagoona is eavesdropping.
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Heath bails and Gil notices Lagoona as he calls his parents, he tells her wait because he thinks she needs to hear this too.
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Gil says "you always taught me that salt water people weren't as good as us fresh water people. That they are untrustworthy, uneducated and smell terrible"
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Lagoona with the pit check is way funnier than it has any business being during this serious moment.
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"But above all that they were dishonest but now I know that you were wrong." pause for effect. "I have this...uh... friend and she's the most honest, decent, amazing monster I know. She's from the sea"
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Gil's racist parents scream at him, to the surprise of no one. then hang up on him.
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Gil tells Lagoona that his parents don't feel the way he does, but that he has never felt better! a weight has been lifted! Gil, as terrified as he was still told his parents the truth. He confronted his parents and he did it for Lagoona.
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They should have kissed here, but because Mattel is run by a bunch of prudes, they joke and then Lagoona accidentally walks into the pool.
In Episode 46 "Miss Infearmation" We see Gil and Lagoona are happy! Lagoona asks him if they will see each other over the summer & Gil says his parents are mad now but they will come around.
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This is what you writer types call "Foreshadowing"
From here on out we get introduced to a bunch of new characters after the school year ends, it's kind of weird that while everyone is cleaning out their lockers to get ready to leave school for the summer Jackson is formerly introduced to Frankie and we meet Spectra & Nefera. But that is just a pet peeve.
In Episode 47 "Hyde and Shriek" Clawdeen asks Lagoona how things are going with Gil. They are officially on Summer Vacation.
Lagoona is distressed and says he hasn't returned any of her texts or e-mails and that his parents seemed very angry, Clawdeen trying to be positive tells Lagoona not to sweat it because it's their first day of summer vacation, Gil is probably just busy.
But we all know, that is not true.
In Episode 49 "Nefera Again" The summer is over and the ghouls & Frankie are doing their back to school shopping!
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Lagoona got a summer job at the Coffin Bean, which is odd Because she's never got a doll with any of the Coffin Bean play sets, Draculaura, Clawdeen and now Deuce have. Interesting since she seems to be the only one who actually worked there.
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But she is down in the dumps because by this point the entire summer has passed and she has heard nothing from Gil.
Who would have thought that forcing Gil to confront his racist parents would have had a negative outcome.
In Episode 50 "Back to Ghoul" The new school year has begun and we are introduced to Abbey! one of my fav ghouls, but this isn't about her so onward! Lagoona meets up with the gang when she comes out of the bathroom, she had been crying, She tells them that Gil's parents were so mad they sent him away to another school.
Whaaaaat? Gil's racist parents did exactly what they said they were going to do if their son disobeyed them!? Actions have consequences!? Well, I for one am fuckin' shocked.
Lagoona is the one who pressured him to confront his parents, Gil warned her about what would happen if he did and then she is surprised that it didn't go well for him. I don't know why Gil gets all the hate, Lagoona was clearly the aggressor here. Her idealistic world view got Gil punished and he's the bad guy for that??? I realize y'all love Lagoona, I love her too. but this screw up is on her webbed hands.
Well I'm out of space for pictures and I need them to better illustrate my points so I'm going to cut this analysis into parts. This subject is more complex than I had originally thought. But I am determined to clear Gil's good name!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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forgedroyalseal · 10 months
I’ve got a lot to live without
Will stood in a shadowed corner of the room, grateful for the support the walls provided. He wasn’t sure he’d manage standing upright on his own for very long. He felt Gilan’s presence before he saw him.
“Something is wrong.” It wasn’t a question, but Will still tried to play it off.
“Everything is fine Gil. I’m just not I’m the mood to social right now.”
“Bull. You love socializing. What’s wrong Will?” Gilan asked again, pressing for an honest response.
The worried look on his friends face finally did him in and Will let out a shaky sigh, “Alyss isn’t away on an assignment.”
“I figured as much. Is she alright?”
Will pressed his fist the his mouth, trying to hold back a sob and shook his head.
“Is she ill?”
“She- she miscarried earlier this week. I tried to convince her to let me stay home with her, but she refused. She wanted at least one of us to be here for Horace and Cassandra.”
Gilan’s face fell. “Will, I, I don’t know what to say. Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
“Today is about Horace and Cassandra. It’s about introducing their daughter to the kingdom. How could I take any of that joy away from them?” Will nodded to the center of the room where family and friends were crowded around the happy family.
“How far along was she?”
“Nearly half way.”
Gilan swore. “I didn’t even know you two were expecting.”
“We kept it quiet. We um, we weren’t sure it was going to happen. And now I’m grateful I don’t have to tell everyone.”
“Why did you think it wouldn’t-“
“Because none of the others did.” Will cut him off with a whisper.
The words sent an icy chill down Gilan’s spine. “How many?”
“This was the fourth.”
“Will.” Gilan’s voice broke on the name and he felt as though all of the air had been sucked out of his lungs. Four. His baby brother had gone through this four times, and had never once said a thing about it to him.
“Alyss didn’t even know she was pregnant with the first one until it was too late. This one was the farthest we ever got. We actually started to imagine that-“ Will swallowed hard and cleared his throat, “Well. It doesn’t matter. We were wrong.”
“You should have told us.” Gilan says gently.
“And what could you have done that the physicians couldn’t?”
“We would have been there for you.” Gilan paused then said, “I know this is a stupid question, but I still have to ask, how are you holding up?”
Will ran his hands over his face and through his hair. “I’ve wanted a child for as long as I can remember. I wanted family of my own. To have the chance to be there for my children. But now, I just want this to stop. I can’t go through this again, I don’t think Alyss can either. But she is already talking about when we are going to start trying again. I’ve tried to tell her that we don’t need to, that I am happy with just her, that she is all the family I need. But she can’t let this dream go. And I’m so terrified that if we keep trying, eventually I’ll lose her too. And that’s not something I’ll survive.”
“I wish I had the words to make everything ok again for you. But I don’t, and I doubt those words even exist. But need to know that I’m here for you. And if you tell the others, they’d all feel the same. You two can’t keep all this hurt bottled up.” Gilan wrapped his arms around him. Will turned into Gilan and pressed his face into his shoulder, muffling sobs that had started. “It’s ok. I’m here. It’s alright.”
“Can you come back to Redmont with me? I know how busy you must be but-“
“Of course I’m coming back with you Will. The king himself couldn’t stop me. You and Alyss will get through this. And you won’t be alone.”
“Thank you.” Will whispered.
“You never need to thank me for being there for you Will. You’re like the little brother I never knew I needed, and it’s my job to take care of you.”
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tiktokonaclock · 5 months
The Siren and The Demon Chapter 6
“On behalf of the Royal Gundalian Academy of Sciences, I wish to convey to you our warmest congratulations. May I now ask you to step Forward and recieve your Minerva Award From the hands of his majesty, the emperor?
Kazarina looked ravishing. He would give her that.
She lifted her skirts up slightly and took a few graceful steps, walk of a confident scientist who knew she deserved to win. It was the quite constrast of the vulnerable state she was in between his arms last night.
He looked at her with a bright Smile. Had she really gathered herself back that quickly? Or was she Just good at acting? His eyes wandered towards the other end of the stage. The emperor was standing with her plaque in his hands, smiling politely.
He looked perfect, he acted perfect. As if he had put on the proud friend mask along with his classic tuxedo. Even the smile he had on his face was micro-calculated, he Knew.
And both he and his date were dumb enough to forget that it was the monarch who would troditionailly hand out the Minerva Awards each year.
Barodius and Kazarina met in the middle. She put her hands on the other side of the plaque as they both Posed for the flashing cameras. They looked like they were were introducing their baby to the public. Gill wanted to Chuckle, but held himself. Only he could sense the tension and nervousness between the two, after all, only he knew what Happened between them Just last night.
Barodius took a step back to let Kazarina have the stage for her speech. She leaned down for her towards the microphone.
Her eyes met with Gill's to ease her fright of stage. He Smiled to reassure her. She smiled bock.
“Hi everyone. I'm honored to be given the Minerva Award for Biology this year. I would like to thank the Royal Academy for seeing me worthy of this. I also would like to thank his majesty the emperor and his partner in battle, because it was them who... served as an inspiration For the project that won me this award tonight. " She had turned to Barodius while saying the last sentence. Barodius smiled politely upon hearing his title mentioned. Gill realized that she deliberately chose not to Use his name.
Then she turned her head to the audience. Her eyes found his once again.
“And lastly, I would like to thank my colleagues, for impassionating me and being there for me when I need it. Thank you”
The round of applause brought Gil back to his senses as Barodius Offered her his hand his hand to help her get down from the rostrum. Once she got dawn, he pulled her to himself slowly and placed a kiss on her cheek. She smiled brightly.
Their facade looked perfect. Almost. But he knew better than to believe them.
"So.” Kazarina said when she sat down on her seat next to his. "Are my classmates treating you well?”
They were sharing a table with Kaxarina's Friends from collage. "Yes." Gill said. "They try their best to include me to their conversations.”
“Good good. ." She said and turned her attention to her friends. “I am so glad we Could finally get together!"
“Me too!" The woman with warm brown eyes shrugged. "It's not as easy to make plans anymore. I miss Thursday nights!"
The whole table laughed at this statement. Gill turned to Kazarina with a little smile on. “Thursday nights?"
“At the last semester there was a class Thursday afternoon. There was only one section so we were all taking it at the same tme. We used to go out after that class, with the whole crew. " She laughed. “And we had another class on friday at 9 am, so we would leave the bar and Come to that class directly.”
The brunethe leaned towards them. Gill could not remember her name, maybe it was... Denise? Danielle? "And Sometimes we would still be drunk.”
One of the male classmates added: "Good thing Mr. Chapel was too old to See how wasted We were!”
“We grew up to be good scientists though, I take that as a win." Kazarina responded. “Some of us even got the Minerva Award.”
Gill laughed and rased his glass. "I 'll drink to that!”
“So, Gill.” Danielle said afler the hob-nob was over. “Did you go to university ?"
“Yes, I have."
"What was your major ?
“I Studied political sciences.” He showed the stage. “Emperor Barodius and I were classmates as well, actually.”
“Oh so you met in college?”
“No, we have been friends since childhood.” Gill took a sip from his drink. "We Just wanted to study the same major, he was a year ahead at me but we took some of the classes together."
“That's great!" Danielle said and smiled politely. "Could us for a you boys excuse us Second, please ? She asked as she got up from her seat. "Let's go to the bathroom, Kaz.”
“I Think he likes you." Danielle said as soon as they walked into the ladies restroom.
Kazarina walked over to the glass decoration on the wall and leaned on to the alcove there, crossing her legs. "Don't be ridiculous.”
“Kaz, when you were on hat stage, the guy was looking at you the Same way my monkeys look at me when I inject them Oxytocin." She took out two cigarettes and offered her one.
“And why did you do that? Kazarina asked as she lit her cigarette.
“I am working on a drug that can be Used on animals going, extinct."
"Oh." Kazarina said. "Well; you should find a way to make them look at each other You know." She reached up to touch Danielle's hair in a Flirtatious manner. "Unless you are willing to do anything for the experiment to succeed.”
Danielle laughed as her head slowly fell on Kazarina’s shoulder for a second. “On a more serious note. " She lifled her head. "You need to start observing him more. I don' think he hates you as much as you said he does.”
Kazarina looked at the Floor. "Or maybe he changed his mind about me.” She dragged the smoke in. "Because we bully each other like, all the time. We have this constant rivalry between us.
“Maybe it created some sort of tension.”
"Maybe. And he also helped me out when… when I was in a low point.”
"Oh, then he is definitely into you. She smiled. “Men love to play the savior.”
Smiled he put out her cigarette and gave her a lipstick from her hand bag.
Kazarina looked at herself in the mirror as she applied her lipstick: She was looking good tonight, but it took her hours to get ready. She was starting to get old, too old to get so excited about a little crush.
But Gill Wasn’t getting any younger either. And neither was Barodius. Soon, they would be as old as Nurzak ! The thought Frightened her.
She Sighed and tumed to Danielle. "Let's grab drinks on our way back.”
Kazarina's feet stopped her when she realized the purple haired man sitting next to her date. She exhaled as she physically Forced herself to Walk towards the table.
Danielle twalked towards the man first, holding his hand while making a Small Curtsy. “Welcome, your majesty. It is honor to meet you.” She put her hand on her chest. “My name is Danielle."
“Hello Danielle.” Barodius smiled charmingly. Then he turned towards Kazarina. He made a small gesture to the chair next to Gill's. "We gave a fifteen-minute break so I thought I would see my Favorite mad scientist and her date.”
“He laughed and turned to Gill. "How did she convince you anyway?”
“She didn't need to. I offered to be her date.”
“Oh, I see. Barodius put his hand on and drew a little circle. "So you are having a small break from all that rivalry?”
"Apparently.” Kazarina smiled.
“Oh, Kazarina." Danielle said, catching her attention. "Sorry to interrupt your Conversation but I will definetely forget it if I don't tell you this." She clapped her hands on the table and leaned Forward. "So. HillsBrooke wants to form a new y department within the university, and they want you to do it.”
Kazarina couldn’t' dare to check the expression on Barodius' face as Danielle continued to talk up a storm: "They asked for my opinion at the meeting and I told them that you are perfect for the Job. Since you are are such ab expert on the field, and you have experience working with youngsters on your current job.. (Kazarina wanted to wheeze at this) And you are gonna be the founding chairman, so we can be colleges!”
Her eyes turned to Barodius, realizing the awkwardness. "I am not causing you any uneasiness, do I? I mean, I know how happy she is to be a part of the Twelve Orders.”
Barodius laughed smitely. “I mean, it is a bit awkward.” He put his hand up. “But don't Worry, you are not causing any uneasiness.”
He turned his head to Kazarina and continued with a lower voice: "Especially since I know that she is not going to except this generous Offer.”
“And why wouldn’t I?” She asked as she crossed her legs.
“Because it will not satisfy you." Barodlus leaned towards her direction. "You love the power, you crave it. You love everyone to fear you, to be ready serve you like little minions, whenever you want. Being a professor at a university will deprive you of that. The best thing you'll get is a tired "good morning professor." in the morning, if you are lucky, that is.”
Kazarina’s legs were trembling. She could not control it. She hoped the emperor could not feel it. She hid her arms under the table to stop them from doing the same thing.
It was on that moment that she felt Gill's hand reaching up to her knee, holding her leg in a solid, reassuring manner.
It gave her confidence.
“I might decline it with an appropriate manner.” She said, with a small smile on her lips. "But it will be cause I know you will not able to win this war without me and I would not want to let Gundalia down." Her hand went to her chest dramatically For a Second before leaning to hold Barodius’ hand, which was resting on the table. "Thank you so much for always reminding me my worth."
A young girl approched to the emperor shyly. "Your majesty, we need you backstage, we are about to continue." "Sure." Barodius murmured as he got up.
"We will leave as well. " Kazarina Said. Gill Followed her suit and they got up as well. Kazarina laughed. "I got what I came For." She said as she took her award in her hand, and took Gill's arm with the other.
“Get me a drink.”
Barodius ordered the as soon as they put a foot on bockstage. “But, your majesty, You will get back on stage in a few minutes."
The look he gave her was enough to make her change her mind: "I'm on it, your majesty.”
“Let's drop You off at yor house first." Gill said. "And I’ll continue to mine."
“Can you send the driver off? I can call you a taxi." Kazarina responed. "I need to give back your cape, and we can drink something while we are at it. Peacefully.”Gill Smiled. "I wouldn’t say no to that.”
"To our prize winning scientist." Gill raised his glass. "You deserved to win that award."
"Being able to make you say this is the greatest award. "She giggled as she sipped on her drink. "But seriously, thank you for being my date for the award ceremony."
"Well, the Food was great, and the people were better looking than I thought Science nerds would look like"
Her voice went lover as it took an alluring tone. "Oh, trust me, science nerds can be way more promising than you give us credit for." She leaned on his chest slowly. Her right hand went on his knee, her fingers drawing a circle on it. She felt the familiar feeling on her upper legs and groin come back to her once again, now that she was at his presence. "Kazarina, you need to stop doing that. Gill's voice was raucity.
"Because you'll get us in trouble."
She lifted herself up. "Let's get in trouble then," She said, enthusiastically. "I want to live a little, don't you? We've done nothing but working and bickering since the beginning of the war." Her eyes widened, her heart beating at her chest. "This is my night, let me have this."
Gill's eyes wandered on her, up and down.  "But there is no returning back from that."
Kazarina turned around to put her glass on the coffee table, "Okay, you are right. Sorry if I made you uncomfort- "
Her words were cut short as he took her hand and pulled her to himself. Their lips met at the middle. His kiss was fierce, and demanding. She melted into it.
The next thing she knew, they were making out on the couch. She laid on her back, pulling him on top of her. He pulled the hem of her dress up and up, stroking her upper leg. Her legs wrapped around his body, caging him. As his lips made their way her neck, she pressed herself on to him,
Finally, she spoke after kissing his lips two times. Let's gо to the bedroom."
"No." He replied, trying to catch his breath. "I want you now."
But she was already getting on her feet. She held his hands and pulled him closer as she whispered: "But I need a big space for the things I am gonna do to you."
It was an enough motivation for Gill. He got up and picked her up like his bride, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She moaned into his mouth once their lips  met again.
"Kazarina." Gill whispered in the dark. His breath made her long neck tickle as she took in a shivered breath. She could feel the dampness on the pillow.
"Kazarina." He whispered again, this time more harshly. His fingers made their way on her skin, finally being able to touch the curves he had been memorizing for years. His extasy was beyond words. He tried and failed to suppress a moan by biting into her shoulder. "Kazarina." He said to her once again. "Talk to me sweetheart. I'll do anything you want."
She sighed. "Anything?"
"Look at me." She said as she cupped his cheeks. "Look at me in the eyes."
"Will you hypnotize me too?"
"Do I need hypnosis to put a spell on you?"
"No." His sly smirk appeared on his lips. "No you don't."
"If I were a mythologic creature, what do you think I would be?" Asked Kazarina as they cuddled. Gill kept playing with her soft blonde tufts lazily. "Hmm." He thought. He remembered the first time she walked into the room. It was Barodius' birthday and a party was being held. He introduced her as the final member of the Twelve Orders and the new director of the Biological Research Lab. He remembered the black dress she had on that wasn't showing off much skin yet made his mouth water. He remembered thinking to himself that she would be his rival and he needed to stop lusting over her. He remembered being unable to do so. " A Siren." He answered.
"Because you are beautiful and witty, you attract poor men to pull to the sea and eat, or hypnotize in that case."
She curled her lips. "Yeah, that's fair. And you would be a demon."
"No reason. That's just how I feel. And also you are associated with fire, maybe that's why."
"Maybe I should drag you to hell."
"I wouldn't expect anything less from you."
Gill woke up with pain on his waist and back. God, he was old, wasnt he?
He looke around. He had also woken up alone. Where was she? Had she left? Where had she gone? Why did he Feel so gloomy that he couldn't find her next to him?
He pushed the white blanket aside and put his trousers back on. The sheets still had her floral scent on them, when he looked at the bed, he saw now messy it looked.
He opened the bedroom door and the smell of fresh coffee reached up to him instantly. He followed it to the kitchen.
And there she was. She put her hands on the kitchen bench, waiting on the coffee machine. She had a short, white and satin robe on. Her long, blonde hair was down; this was the first time he had seen her hair without the usually ponytail on. He had never realized how long it actually was until now.
Then she tumed around.
"Hey" She smiled. "I was Just brewing us coffee." Her hand got up and showed the machine. "I normally don't eat breakfast but I can prepare something for you if you want."
Gill looked at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face. His eyes were wide and his lips were left slightly open. "Uh, no." He finally said, after realixing that she was waiting for an answer. "I don't eat breakfast either."
"Okay then." She said softly as she showed him the kitchen island. "Take a seat."
As he sat dawn, she reached up to the kitchen cupboards on her toes and took out two mugs. She was so light on her feet that it looked like she was walking on air. Her robe and nightgown were twirling around as she moved. Her cheeks were flushed and she had a slight smile on her face, if he saw it correctly.
This was not the woman he knew. The worman he knew was tough, tense and agressive; especially when she was treated agressively, mostly by him.
On that moment, the woman that he knew would be screaming at him, threatening him to accuse him of rape if he doesn't keep his mouth shut.
She would be crying because of her anger, not towards him, but towards herself. She would hate herself for being so "vulnerable" with him. For presenting her body to him, for allowing him to see it, and fauch it. For giving hin pleasure.
And the man that he knew would prove her point by making fun of her, and degrading her every way Possible.
But that woman and that man were left at the door last night. This woman was offering him breakfast and making him coffee, a treatment he hadn't seen from anyone.
She put his mug in front of him. Locks of her hair fell on his face, filling his lungs with her fresh, floral scent once again. "Here." She slowly said.
It was just a stupid coffee. But the presence of this woman serving him coffee with ease in her every move was such a relief from his chaotic life that he felt like crying.
But he didn't. Instead, he turned his head up and gazed at her. She realized it and gazed him back.
"You don't regret it" He said slowly.
"I don't." She replied, her tone of voice was so delicate, as if she was afraid of ruining that moment.
He held her hand. "Come" He said as he gently pulled her to his lap. She put her left arm around his neck as she crossed her legs. Her other hand gently rested on his chest. One of his hands grasped her by the waist, while the other went to her hair.
"Your hair is so soft," He said, gliding his fingers between her strands.
"You Seem so... surprised that I'm here.."She said as her fingers drew a small circle on his chest. "Do the girls you sleep with run away the next day?"
"I thought you ran away when I first woke up."
"I wouldn't."
"I'm So glad that you are here, my dear."
A soft smile graced her lips. He started to smile as well, unable to erase the expression off his face. Then the realization hit him like a brick.
He had Fallen in love with her last night.
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swanmaids · 9 months
If we just pretend the context doesn't matter, I wrote this "Glorfindel meets Elrond for the first time" as part of a larger (incidentally, non-Feanorian Erestor) story but you might like this scene:
Glorfindel was roused - not having realized he had drifted off in the chair - by Elrond’s soft voice across from him. A glance out the window told him night had fallen but not how long since he had dozed, though the stiffness in his neck hinted that it must have been hours.
“I remember so little of my father,” Elrond said, not looking at Glorfindel. Not looking, it seemed, at anything at all. He still bore the heaviness of the news he had conveyed to the families of the fallen, wearing them like a shadow over his fair features.
“Most of what I tell myself I remember is what our mother would tell us, stories of him after she had tucked us in.” Elrond’s voice grew softer, his thoughts turning to long ago, to a place now long lost beneath the waves. “Those few years we had… he was so often at sea, always searching…” He dropped his head and sighed. “He believed so strongly.”
“Tuor had remarkable faith,” Glorfindel replied softly. “Moreso than even some Eldar. I wish his message had been heeded sooner.”
Elrond was silent for a moment, then said, “I suppose it would be futile to ask if you know his fate?”
Glorfindel could only offer a sorrowful smile.
Elrond gave a resigned shrug, having long ago accepted it was beyond his ken. “One of the few things that I do remember clearly: my father holding us, one in each arm, at the sea’s edge. He promised that he would find our grandfather some day, telling us stories of Ulmo and how he had guided Tuor to the Hidden City.
“He spoke of you once,” Elrond said, at last looking at Glorfindel. “You know, I always imagined you would be taller.”
Glorfindel gave a good humored huff and smiled. “Oh?”
“I suppose to a seven-year-old boy you would seem to be a giant.” Elrond could not help a small laugh at his own expense. “The statues did not help, either. Not that I expected you to be made of marble, of course. They simply cannot capture the soul of a person, however skilled the sculptor.”
“You never saw Nerdanel’s work,” Glorfindel said softly, nostalgia tugging at his memories. Then he confessed, “You are not what I imagined, either.”
Glorfindel shook his head, then gave a bit more heartfelt smile. “It is of no great importance. I am honored to meet Eärendil’s son. I heard of you, of course. Mostly from Círdan and Gil-galad. But I am glad to know you myself, now.”
Oh, this is lovely, thank you for sharing! I love that image of Earendil looking out to sea holding the twins. And Glorfindel is so kind 🥹
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Hi! If you're for it, Elros and/or Elrond & excitement for the prompt meme pls?
Thank you!! I went with the twins being excited to arrive at the Isle of Balar, and meet Círdan and Gil-galad again :)
I wrote the twins as being 'teenagers' here, about 13-15 ish. Canon is very vague as far as I can tell about what age the twins leave Maglor. But I hc he sent them to Gil-galad pretty close to the beginning of the War of Wrath for both safety and political reasons.
996 words
Elrond stares at the gentle waves hitting the edge of the boat. There is a slight wind today, and the captain of the ship warned them it might be a little rough in the Bay. But Elrond doesn’t care as he closes his eyes and lets the sea overwhelm his senses. Fresh salt air, the harsh cries of gulls, the constant churn of the water that you only realise you are hearing when it is gone.
His chest is very tight, and he tries to believe it is because he has missed the sea so much. Because he has.
He is startled out of his thoughts when his brother nudges him. “Do you remember coming here at all? I think we did, once, when we were about four but all I remember is playing on the ships.”
Elrond thinks. He has a vague recollection of being held on the knee of an elf who had a beard and being absolutely fascinated by it. “I maybe remember Círdan and a few other things, but nothing clearly.”
Elros nods, his expression thoughtful. “It will probably be much changed since then, anyway. And I would imagine some of its people have gone north to the war.”
“Yes,” Elrond says softly. He still cannot quite believe it is true. That the host of the West has come, that they will march on the Enemy. He had thought for many years that they all were just biding their time. Surviving only until the creeping darkness overtook them; and he had minded little where he waited for death. But now…
He looks at the growing smudge on the horizon. He thinks about the last time he heard his mother laugh. It had been at a letter she read that final morning, from Círdan. He hears the echo of it, bright and happy. When he had asked to know the joke, she had chuckled, put it away, and told him she would explain it when he was older.
He looks at his twin and smiles. “I remembered something else: the crabcakes Lord Círdan and King Gil-galad used to send to Naneth.”
Elros begins to laugh loudly. “Oh Eru, I had completely forgotten about those! She loved them so much. Naneth always claimed it had started when she was pregnant, but –”
“– Adar said she had adored them since she was a girl.” Elrond’s grin fades. “Did he like them? I can’t recall.”
“Me neither.” Elros looks at the sky for a brief moment, then says. “I’m excited to taste them again, though.”
Elrond nods, “me too.” After a brief pause, he asks quietly, “what do you think he’ll be like?”
His brother frowns. “Who? Círdan?”
“No, the High King.”  
Elros scrunches up his face as he considers. “I don’t know. He was born here so his eyes won’t be bright, and the songs say he has silver hair.”
Elrond rolls his eyes. “Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. I was wondering what the High King of the Noldor looks like. Fool.”
Elros punches him in the shoulder and Elrond flicks his nose.
Elros moves away from him and scowls. “I can’t see the point in trying to guess his character but fine. He’ll be proud like Fingolfin, brave like Fingon and wise like Turgon. Happy?”
Elrond shakes his head. “I don’t think he will be like any of the others. I think Gil-galad is different.”
His brother lets out a snort that sounds very like ‘you wish’.
Elrond ignores him and continues. “I hope he will let me study with the healers of Balar, I have so many questions I want to ask them.”
“You haven’t learnt everything yet? You spent all of last winter buried in scrolls.”
He shakes his head. “There is so much that has to be taught, one Elf to another. I’ll probably seem terribly behind to them.”  
He looks at Elros and grins mischievously. “There will definitely be Men there, you can demonstrate your Taliska skills!”
His brother groans and stares mournfully at the bottom of the boat. “You know they won’t be able to understand a word I say. I hate how much I’ve forgotten – and that trading party called my accent ‘the strangest they ever heard.”
Elrond begins to regret his words. “Well, we are on our way to the right place to change that!”
“True enough,” his twin replies, brightening a little.
They continue in peaceful quiet for a while. Elrond is watching a black and white bird and trying to remember its name when a thought suddenly occurs to him.
“Elros! You don’t think Gil-galad will want us to become rulers, do you?”
“Hmm?” His brother says, as he examines the hull with interest.
Elrond has another alarming idea. “Perhaps he thinks we want to usurp him. Or turn any remaining Iathrim against him.”
Elros finally looks up and fixes him with a doubtful stare. “Somehow, I doubt Ereinion Gil-galad is worried about that. He is probably wondering if we were even taught to write.”
Elrond goes red. He is being a little dramatic possibly.
His twin continues. “And wouldn’t you want to be a lord and lead people?”
He considers that for a moment then responds. “I would like to do it the way Naneth did, I think. Create a sanctuary of peace, a kind of refuge or haven.”
Elros smiles. “You would be good at that, you know.” Then he laughs. “I’d like a kingdom if I was offered one. But not Gil-galad’s kind, a different sort.”
“You’d be awful.” Elrond grins as Elros shoves him. “I’m only joking!”
After a moment his brother says, “Look we’re nearly there.”
Elrond glances up and notices that they can see the Isle of Balar clearly, green and grey against the deep blue sky. The harbour is full of ships, and they rock in the breeze.
He takes Elros’ hand and squeezes it. His brother squeezes back and asks, “How are you feeling?”
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bakubunny · 5 months
I would straight up ask #1-25 for both Emet and Thancred, cause I'm freaking curious but I won't get greedy- #1-10 for tragic white-haired ffxiv man of your choice (>ᴗ•)
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saved this one for last bc i knew i'd spend a ton of time on it willingly. i'll answer as many as i can for both because why not? gonna start with thancred x wol z’hana because that (self ship) doesn't stray too far outside of canon unlike the soul bond au, and i’ll post emet-selch x wol separately. fair warning tho, i'm not great at writing thancred... hence why there's so little of him in my works... but here we go! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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1. Do you get jealous or protective over your partner?
z'hana: i did get a little jealous in the beginning, but now that i know him well, not really. and i only get protective when he's overworking himself. thancred: me, jealous? never. and perhaps i might be more protective if she hadn't already bested me in combat more than once, but i'll never shy away from a fight to keep her safe. (lies. he gets v. jealous.)
2. What are your pet names for each other?
z'hana: babe, darling, sweetheart, handsome, honey thancred: the ones i can share, or the ones i can’t?… (cue glare from z’hana as he grins.) darling, love/my love, sweetheart.
3. What is your idea of a perfect date?
z'hana: i quite enjoy traveling with him. i still remember the time he whisked me away for an evening on scion gil right under tataru’s nose…. she was not happy, but it was an excellent night nonetheless. thancred: i don’t ask for much…. a home cooked meal and the love of my life.
4. What are your names saved in each other phones?
z'hana: thancred thancred: z’hana
5. Do you like cuddling? Why or why not?
z'hana: i enjoy it a lot, but too much and it’s overbearing. thancred: i would agree, i’m much the same.
6. What do you think the others love language is?
z'hana: physical touch thancred: physical touch
7. What’s the one trait about each other that annoys you the most?
z'hana: he still tries to brush things off with bravado and charm, even after multiple years together. thancred: she’s the most stubborn woman i’ve ever met, right after y’stola…. don’t tell her i said that.
8. Coffee or Tea?
z'hana: coffee thancred: coffee
9. What was your first impressions of each other?
z'hana: he was attractive, perhaps a little over confident. thancred: she was pretty. a competent ally.
10. What attracted you to each other?
z'hana: over time, it was our friendship…. it certainly didn’t hurt that he’s a sight for sore eyes. thancred: i should say her tenacity.
11. When did you know you were in love?
z'hana: probably at some point during our time on the first…. it just sort of happened for me. he went from a friend i used to share a bed with to someone i didn’t want to be without. thancred: my time on the first without her there made me realize i’d been a bit of an idiot. once we were reunited, i made a promise to myself that i’d never leave her again if i could help it… though we all know how that turned out in the final days.
13. What's the most noticeable physical attribute of your s/o to you?
z'hana: his back or his smile, i can’t decide. thancred: will i earn another glare if i say her thighs?
14. Spicy: Favorite sexual position?
z'hana: oh gosh, haha. i don’t know, missionary is nice, i suppose? (lies.) thancred: *eyeroll and a grin* she prefers modified doggy or prone bone, but i quite enjoy when she’s on top.
15. Who’s clingier?
z'hana: i am, hands down. thancred: z’hana.
16. What do you two find to be the most attractive about one another?
z'hana: his loyalty, pragmatism, dedication…. he’s steady, whereas i can be a bit high strung and fickle. thancred: i’m going to sound like i’ve gone soft when i say this, but it’s her kindness and strength.
18. PDA? Yes or No?
z'hana: i prefer it, yes. but subtle things, hand holding, maybe a hand on my back or an arm around my shoulder. thancred: early on, we never did. once the rest of our friends (tataru) found us out, we started to be more open about it.
19. How often do you say I love you?
z'hana: frequently. all the time. thancred: i say it when the moment is right.
21. Out of the two of you, who would be the one to kill / get rid of the spider?
z'hana: he is. i hate them. thancred: i am.
22. Spicy What is your secret to getting the other in the mood?
z'hana: oh, you know. *nervous laughter* now that we’re not preventing a world ending calamity, he’s not difficult to get going. perhaps a certain look or turn of phrase. thancred: a kiss or a gentle touch. i’m sure you can figure it out from there.
23. Would you rather never kiss again or go a year without sex?
z'hana: a year without sex. it would be a challenge, but manageable so long as i can kiss him whenever i like. thancred: my drive for intimacy is quite high…. i’ll make the smart decision and defer to her.
24. Would you consider yourself lucky to have found each other ?
z'hana: yes. how could i not? thancred: unbelievably so. in truth, without her, i’d have succumbed to my desire for liquor… though we don’t speak of those days much anymore.
25. What is something your s/o does that cheers you up instantly?
z'hana: he’s quite charming, i’ll give him that; he never fails to make me smile in that regard. thancred: she’s very silly from time to time. her playfulness always brightens my day.
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saltygilmores · 10 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls: 2/18 (“Back in The Saddle”) Part 5
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 2½ Pt 3 Pt 4 All Episodes
Where we last left off, Lorelai Gilmore had lured Dean Forrester into her gingerbread house (I mean, kitchen) with the promise of a refreshing beverage and sexual favors after she foiled (one of) his attempts to stalk her daughter. She was so incredibly aroused by his crimes that she is currently about one fraction of a second from mounting him right there on the kitchen table, risking her daughter arriving home at any minute where she will be rendered blind after witnessing the traumatic sight. I've swapped out the barf bag I overflowed watching the previous few minutes of this scene, all ready to fill up another one. I've really wanted to use this gif for something...anything.
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I want someone to reply "Take your advice and shove it, bitch" just once. This would happen on my gritty unrated Gilmore Girls reboot titled The Hollow.
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He's so visibly uncomfortable, that this teeny teeny itsy bitsy eenie weenie part of me almost feels bad for him. It lasts about 1 second, before I remember why he's in the kitchen in the first place. Then I start wishing for Rory to come bursting into the kitchen with a flamethrower and ask Dean if he'd prefer to be cooked medium or medium well before she sets him alight. That would be really funny. I'll work that into my Gilmore Girls Horror Movie/Killing Spree triology titled "Rory's Revenge: Blood In The Hollow"
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Would you excuse me for a minute?
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Lorelai ever so gently suggests to Dean that things have been off/whack in his relationship with Rory, then when Dean asks "Rory said that?" She says "No, I'm saying that." Ol Lorelai Gil is off to the races once more, making up imaginary feelings and opinions for Rory then foisting them onto Dean without consulting Rory. L: "Sometimes things are "out of whack, and it freaks us out a little..." so we lay in wait outside our partner's home without notifiying them because they didn't respond to our phone harrassment? She continues, "It makes us feel like we're losing something that's really important, which scares us even more so we try to hold on harder to the thing we're losing and sometimes we hold on a little too hard."
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Only Ten? BZZZT! WRONG! Sorry, thanks for playing.
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Buttzilla got something right AND showed the tiniest morsel of self awareness? His 3 brain cells just exhausted all of their energy for the day. It is highly concering that he knew the exact number of messages he left.
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This goes on for another minute and a half people. I need prayers.
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Cutting this chapter a bit short because I'm working on something special for part 5 ½.
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eafee-drawsstuff · 1 year
My impromptu thoughts on rise of the pink ladies ep 8 bcs I'm obsessed rn
Okay but why did grease rise of the pink ladies decided to make me cry multiple times tonight???
Esp that scene with Cynthia and Shy guy like it took just a second to hit me but when it did it hit hard. Not only did that internalised homophobia strike a nerve but like,, the way all the pieces came together and the ball dropped I genuinely just said "Oh" at my tv.
Also why was Susan mvp of the ep? Why is she becoming my favourite. Like Olivia had a sliver of a point (a sliverrrr) she HS sorta done that 180 hella quick but like she fully did the most to try and make this night not terrible and it fell the fuck apart real quick.
Honestly Nancy was giving me aro vibes until this potato thing came up so I was a little eh about them at first. But I acc really like them together. Their both so dorky. I'm still dying for more from her alone tho like give the girl a proper solo number. Cynthia too.
Acc on that also Lydia, I was surprised we got so many different characters getting attention and it'd be cool to acc get her perspective bcs I felt so bad for her sulking in frosties after her lil spat w cynthia :( girlie's going through it too. That being said there's only 2 episodes left so probably 6 songs? Seems unlikely. On that note those two need to hurry the fuck up as much as i love a slowburn if I don't get Cynthia and Lydia acc getting together before the end of the season my head might just combust, Olivia and Gil too.
On that not me, Olivia pissed me off beyond belief so I'm just not gonna touch that. Like I get it from her perspective but like,, the way all that shit went down was kinda her fault and she went to the creepy teacher guys house (I can't remember his name)??? Which btw I don't get if the show wants me to Like him or not because isn't he a lil creepy? Like omg she's literally a victim 💀 I assume that's the point tho.
Idk I just feel bad for all of them at this point.
On the bright side Hazel seemed to have a fun night this ep. I wasn't expecting her and Wally to get a duet but I acc digged it. It's weird though because i assumed with them having nothing In common eventually Buddy and Hazel were "endgame" but he's kinda off dealing with a lot of his own shit rn and it doesn't seem like either of them have payed eachother much mind the last few episodes so who knows.
All and all tho that just made me very sad,, like we live for the angst but now when we have to wait a week for ep 9 when the angst presumably (hopefully) get resolved.
(Dot was the acc mvp this week btw rip her nose also "tell me about it stud"!!!)
Now I have to wait another week and God knows it's gonna drive me crazy. I started watching this show purely to make use of my paramount subscription outside Yellowjackets I wasn't expecting to get so deeply emotionally invested.
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errantnight · 9 months
Chocobos are friends, not food!
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Thanks! I really liked this one!! Cloud swiped at his face with the back of his sleeve, grimacing at the gritty feeling against his skin that he knew meant he'd just made it worse - sweat still dripping down to sting his eyes but now with dirt clinging unpleasantly to his forehead. He resettled his grip on the broadsword. It still sometimes confused him at how light it felt, expecting the weight to drag his arms down to drop the weapon to the ground. But, no, it seemed as light as the training sword he'd had for such a short time at the end of his willing service to Shinra.
He was glad, sometimes, that he didn't fully remember what they'd done to him in the lab before they'd escaped.
A burst of cold air brushed over him and he half turned to see Aerith grinning at him, giving him a thumbs up before she spun and redirected the full weight of the Blizzard she'd muffled for him to help him cool off. The icy shards of her spell slammed into the side of the hideous monster, it's two tongues lashing at the frozen spears pinning one of its hands to the ground.
The sound of a terrified chocobo grabbed the monster's attention, turning hungrily toward the noise only to give a grunt of dissatisfaction when it only saw Tifa holding up her PHS that was playing the recording that had lured the 'chocobo-eater' out in the first place. It wasn't exactly the brightest monster, but it made up for in ugliness and brutality. Bill was going to owe them a lot more than he'd offered at first, or at least let them rent some chocobos for free on top of the gil they'd more than earned.
Barret peppered the monster's side with another volley of bullets, only a few of them hitting the softer parts that weren't covered in its thick armor.
Cloud had to jump out of the way as the monster swiped at him, its massive double set of jaws snapping inches from his face as he leaped over, his sword gouging a furrow along its back. He landed in a roll and spun around, finding Zack barreling forward with the buster sword raised over his head for a vicious downward slash.
The expression on his friend's face was bordering on manic, his teeth bared in a grin as his limit-break cleaved the monster's head fully in half. He stood over the monster as he slumped to the ground. He spun his blade around his hand, slapping it home against his back as he laughed.
"Chocobos are friends! Not FOOD!"
Cloud doubled over, the adrenaline from the fight leaving him shaky as the danger came to an abrupt end. He couldn't help the laugh that was forced out of his throat - they'd all had little to laugh about lately, and Zack was the best at making sure everyone's spirits were kept high when everyone else tended to wallow a bit. Aerith, who he was certain forced herself to be cheerful, appreciated his efforts more than most.
Zack clapped him on the back, leaning close to quietly ask if he was okay, if he needed a break. Cloud shook his head as he caught his breath, "It's fine, I can rest when we get paid, maybe get back to Kalm and actually sleep in an inn for once."
"Bedtime it is!" he said, taking the sword from Cloud's slightly shaking hands and putting it on his magnet harness, "let's get you some rest bud."
Cloud hated that he needed to rest so often - as if he hadn't spent nearly a year sleepwalking and being dragged around. But he appreciated Zack's determination and care to keep him safe. He felt a weak smile split his cheeks as Zack walked beside him, Aerith coming around to shore up his other side and kindly pretending she wasn't helping him stay standing by looping her arm through his and letting him lean on her. Tifa handed him a canteen with a smile...
Cloud really couldn't believe he made such good friends...
So this is randomly an AU where Zack!Lives and Cloud recovered in the slums while Zack joined Tifa and the others to stick it to Shinra and ended up doing all the thing Cloud would have done. I bet he looked a lot sillier in the dress but was a much better sport about the whole thing!
Prompt List!
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jojo0303 · 2 years
Spoilers for jp event
Ok so in this current event Gilbert mentions having a crush on someone. So here goes my little theory:
Emma is, at least that I can think of, the only MC that doesn't have parents/doesn't mention them, owner of the bookstore aside cuz we know he is not her real father. All the other Mcs as far as I remember have said, "my parents" / "my family". Like when ikesen, ikevamp and ikerev Mcs mention that they will miss their homes and blah blah.
Gil also mentions that he has visited orphanages. Whether this is his love for kids, some kind of foreshadowing that he himself was in one, or something else doesn't matter.
Could Gilbert have met Emma before, through the orphanage? And maybe he had a little crush as a kid and then grew up and nobody cares about him, so he is still holding on to that?
Cuz I feel like this is the only thing that would make sense with another thing that happens in an event.
That goddam room that made Emma love him.
It is the only thing I can think of. I've been overthinking the sh*t out of this for so long, but I just can't find something else that would make sense for Gilbert to hide (because it would be seen as a weak point) and for Emma to have that reaction. (Choking aside, I couldn't quite fit this into it. But he is? a yandere so...)
I have no clue what could be in there, but I imagine it's something connected to Emma that she would recognize on the spot. Hopefully not a picture, cuz that's already been used.
Anyways, thank u for coming to my Ted talk.
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