#thanks withers
bluerose5 · 1 month
End stage Act 3 Erys serving looks with his crew at his side. He was just happy to rescue Gale from Orin, so he's hovering now and dragging him everywhere. ;v;
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housegoblin · 2 months
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Baldur’s Gate 3: But Make it Cats (and 1 dog) 🐱🐶
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skyberia · 4 months
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our... other friends!! (previous set)
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pyramid-heads-knife · 4 months
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11/10 service at the Greenville movie theater. These guys genuinely deserve employee of the month. Or year, even. Went to the movie theater with my duo (the Mikaela) @bacondaddy
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kuuttituutti · 5 months
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Best of BG3 memes i've made to make my friends laugh (Suomi Edition)
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phant0m-l0rd · 3 months
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My pictures of Dir En Grey in Paris, Day 1 (22.03.24)~
Day 2 pics here.
(my quick thoughts on the shows below the line)
I went to both Paris shows (VIP on day 1) and it was hands down the best experience of my life so far. So amazing beyond words. To not only meet my favourite band of all-time in the flesh, but to also watch them perform from the front row on the 1st day (and still very close to the stage on day 2) felt so surreal. Seeing them perform some of my favourite songs of all-time (including dead tree, my number 1 favourite song) was so overwhelmingly amazing I cried multiple times. I got acknowledgments from Die, Toshiya, and Kyo for screaming so loudly every time they came to our side of the stage, and I can't describe how affirming it felt. Since yall follow me on here, you know how much this band means to me, and especially Kyo. This man is my biggest inspiration in regards to both his music and his artistic self-expression. I've never been so inspired by a musician before; I've never been this obsessed with a band before. This was a dream come true, one that I never thought could happen. Thank you so much to this most incredible band. No band will ever come close for me.
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blackkatdraws · 1 year
Things may have gotten a bit... heated.
video format of my response in the Glue Trap Aftermath Chain
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catebeesart · 8 months
Hi, for the sketch suggestions, would you consider drawing Abdirak? Either way, thanks, your art is dope, bye!
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So if he's a priest can we call him Father? Asking for a friend
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slapthebass · 2 months
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Great source video by @nooshpresents!
DIR EN GREY - EUROPE TOUR24 FROM DEPRESSION TO [mode of Withering to death] - OBERHAUSEN 28/03/24
↳ Toshiya during アクロの丘
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poisonouspastels · 3 months
I haven't really gotten to talk about the Ender Dragon yet in the Minecraft AU, and you guys really liked the worldbuilding of oreposting for whatever reason, so we're talking about her now.
To clarify first and foremost: Jean (the dragon) is an intelligent and fully sentient creature. She knows and can speak every spoken language of this world, knows your name, knows every little thing about you, being seemingly omniscient despite having never met prior. That being said, she is not an unfair fighter and is not malicious in nature.
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Dragons existed in much greater numbers long ago, though now the only ones you can find are in Ender. The Endermen are direct evolutionary descendants of these other dragons spread through the infinite realm - but not of Jean specifically. Despite this, historical writings would often (inaccurately) refer to her as "The mother of a thousand children." She is not capable of reproduction and is a fully sexless being.
Her relations to the Endermen are begrudging, serving only to have a brutal mutualistic relationship. The Ender dragons (not just Jean) allow them to eat from the chorus fruit trees within their territory so they may not starve, as well as spawn their own young, and the Ender dragons gets their fair share of food in return... by eating some of the Endermen. The Endermen are rather intelligent creatures in their own way, and they often escape to other dimensions to attempt to live a different life that isn't under the "rule" of the dragons, but quite a few are set in their ways because it's what they know. It's the circle of life they've become familiar with as they subject themselves to it for the sake of survival. Jean is unique in that she is "manufactured" in a way. Not to say that she is artificial, far from it, but that she's not a naturally made dragon. She's to the Universe what Cerberus is to the gates of hell, only existing and serving to guard and provide a challenge if necessary. She knows the rules and is respectful of them, and will never be afraid to die again. Much like a phoenix, with each death she is reborn. Upon being slain, she retreats back to the egg from whence she came many times before, only to re-emerge 10,000 years later.
When Jean finds her way back into the world, the knowledge of the return manages to find its way into the minds of everyone as a call to action. Though slaying the beast right away is not necessary per say, its better not to delay, as the longer one waits, often the more the idea will eat away at them.
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Much like how the Wither represents the concept of inevitability, Jean represents the repeating cycle of the world - whether it be the persistence in humanity to come back time and time again, the cycle of her own return and inevitable death, or the tendency this world has to repeat itself over and over.
The Universe works in mysterious ways, and she is no exception to its design.
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snowberai · 1 year
Hi hi hi just saw your Minecraft boys and my first thought was... Do they have beans? Can we... Touch the beans? Squeeze their paws? They're so cute i love the designs so much! <3
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Bonus under link
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Sorry it took me so long to answer! ive been real busy with stuff and I've never really had a ask like this before so uh- i might've overthinked a lot throughout this.
I would've also drawn Sun but i dont really want to draw that- djsgsghd.
Thanks for askin'!
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squea · 13 hours
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shrimp got a whole makeover and like a whole new deity its ok shes going through a moment
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banicraft · 4 months
Its time for everyone's favorite nether mob!!
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The Wither! You know, the big three-headed construct that reigns death upon all life!! The Wither!! It likes to plant roses!!
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Bonus: The wither but if it had the same resolution of base game wither
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zorlok-if · 8 months
Ok I am excited and need to know, who is your favorite BG3 character? 😆
I mean, Scratch. He is the best boy. But in all seriousness, besides him...
Fuck... it's gotta be Karlach. Followed swiftly by Astarion. That's my instinct. However, I want to say that I genuinely love all* of them.
* or most, I guess, the emperor can get fucked
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rattini · 3 months
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"Greet the bloodless dawn,
Child of None."
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ccircusclwn · 2 months
im watching an mcsm walkthrough okay (4hs in)
n then i said- what if i saw another one that has the jesse i picture in my head (bcs ive seen fanart of him before watching the game n the first walkthru im seeing has a jesse that doesnt look like the one i saw)
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