#thanks for the q's!
thelastsaiyanprincess · 7 months
1. Lees: What’s your favorite tease, Lers: What’s your favorite way to tease a lee?
12. Name 3 fictional lees you’d love to wreck
13. Name 3 fictional lers you’d like to be wrecked by!
22. A song that’s been stuck in your head recently
😈 @gigglesis
1. fave teases:
"this is one of your weak spots, isn't it?"
"you're fun to play with. you make such cute noises."
not telling which is which 😇
12. three fictional lees:
...gojo...,,... shut up i KNOW
loid forger/agent twilight. he just radiates babyboy energy, idkkk
geto again because skfhskshdkdj he'd be so fucking cute
13. three fictional lers:
i wanna say sukuna but he scares me.... and not in the sexy way 😟
hatori sohma....... he seems like he'd get irritated easily skfhdj
vi from arcane because im Gay and she would destroy me
22. a song that's been stuck in my head:
unconditional by magdalena bay!
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jeeyuns · 9 months
7, 16, 22 for the tattoo asks!
hi my love!!!!!!! <33333!
7 - if you had to remove all your tattoos except for one tell us which one you’re keeping and why
what!!!!!!!!!!! why are we starting off so cruel! uhhhhhhh i guess um. well- uh :( hm. OK! i guess i will keep this one because i just love the idea of a strong serene medusa after all the shit she took in the myths. she is a protector of women and the undermined to me
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16 - least meaningful tattoo?
hmmmm probably my garlic flower one. i just liked the symmetry of it and how it looks on my arm. picked it because it looked cool and no real reason. if i had to stretch it i would say i like garlic in my food lol
22 - are you pro or anti sani-derm?
pro! i've had to grit my teeth and smile through saran wrap and tape sliding down my arm lmfao i am soooo pro sani-derm. just have to take extra care moisturizing after because my skin does sometimes get sensitive
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rosieblogstuff · 11 months
Whump ask game fun time!!
🍏 - How do you get inspiration for whump?
🎀 - Do you know any good songs for whump?
😂😂😂 so it's the tough questions tonight.
🍏 - How do you get inspiration for whump?
UhhhHhhHhhmmmmm it depends I guess?
Like Bad Penny was inspired by a comment someone else made about 2x04.
Airplane + Mountain honestly I just really really loved the Cairo Day prompt photo of the snowy landscape with the iced over stream zigzagging through it so I spent a lot of time trying to come up with interesting ways to whump somebody in the snowy wilderness. The plane crash section was just supposed to be the means to the end. I'm like 3k away from the actual whumpy part I had in mind.
Lake + Stick + Fever was for a "fever" prompt. My original idea was around rate bite fever. Somebody was going to get an animal bite on some op and then come down with a fever while in the middle of another op without medical access. Like in the Amazon jungle maybe. There was going to be a river, maybe some rafts being constructed at some point, maybe snakes or crocodiles or piranhas something. Clearly that is... not how it went. 😂 I did NOT write that story in order, and I kept deciding the parts I had were too boring and changing details. At some point I decided that the worst fever-related thing I could come up with was Mac hallucinating he'd been abandoned. Then I decided I could make it even worse...
🎀 - Do you know any good songs for whump?
Literally no? I honestly rarely listem to music when I write or for writing mood or anything. When I do listen to music when I'm writing or working, I'm mostly using it as background noise, like if I'm at a cafe or my children are just being rowdy or listening to some TV show I don't want to be hearing. I'm a sad sad soul with zero writing-related playlists.
Link to the original ask game
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texasinnersmile · 11 months
Music asks 1, 20, 25
which artist(s) have you listened to the most lately?
no one artist is dominating rn but i have been listening to ocean blvd lots so, lana!
20. a song that reminds you of a fictional character or ship
here's my boris and theo off of the goldfinch playlist - literally any song i hear from this now reminds me of them
25. a music artist you like(d) but don't tell peoeple you do
hmm i'm not shy about sharing what i like but i tend to keep my adoration for grimes on the dl because...you know lol
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monster-shoppe · 7 months
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For your gaze will be met with those of unyielding fury
I kinda just fucked around and found out making this, I didn't really have a plan, just a feeling. The feeling of Bolas Rojas.
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blakbonnet · 3 months
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soracities · 8 months
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Hanif Abdurraqib, on Bruce Springsteen
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crabbng · 1 year
hana 17, 23, 24??
17: Does your OC suffer from any mental health issues?
just answered!
23: Does your OC tend to hide something about their personality/essence when meeting new people? If yes, what?
his excitability and his love of technology. he TRIES to anyways. he really tries to appear so normal, so not a freak who has lived alone in an ancient mountain city for years. its hard to hide. he also tries to hide his teeth cause he thinks they may be scary (he is also not good at this, he loves to smile).
24: How would your OC react if they got humiliated by someone in a group of people?
i did answer this one, but i will also share a story of how hana got humiliated by someone in a group of people that i doubt will ever make it in comic, but its been in my head for a while.
okay, so it goes like this. a couple years into the elves settling on hana's mountain, aoife and some other people there are like. late teens early 20's, hana is late teens as well. so they decide it would be really fun to pull an elaborate prank on hana. so, one of the guys (they have sussed out he is into guys) pretends to befriend hana, get really close with him, pretends to pursue a romantic relationship with him. nothing too romantic, just like. maybe holding hands a few times. hana is still icky and uncool so he wouldn't want to like.. kiss him or anything, ew. so hana's pretend bf invites him over, his parents are out at a night market so he's got the house to himself. and the pretend bf is like ;) i think its time we cement our relationship (bone) and hana is so nervous, but he's like, kind of excited. and pretend bf is like (sniffs) you ought to go wash up first though, you stink. so hana hops in the bath. and while he's in there, pretend bf is like 'oh, your clothes are stinky, im going to wash them. you can just come out when youre done in there' and hana is nervous about being nude, but this is his bf! it should be fine. its not fine and when he comes out, the prank squad pops out like its a surprise birthday party and they all laugh at him. they laugh at his body, they laugh at how he's nude, about how they see his peepee, at how stupid he was to think pretend bf would want to be his friend, let alone boyfriend, or that he'd want to bone him. they dont give him his clothes back and he does have to walk all the way home nude. for extra humiliation, people are walking out of the night market and see him walking through town nude and they're like wtf gtfo. hana goes home and cries about it.
so, that's hana's first relationship (if you count prank bfs).
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ohvun · 3 months
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D E V I L C H I L D >:D
I just think it'd be cool if her demonia fleur was a lil more grotesque yk?
Got super inspired seeing this post by rly cool @wigglesdtuff about a year ago and finally finished it!!:D
I ended up using a picture of a figurine to get the wings to work better bc I was s t r u g g e l i n g ;-;
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catastrxblues · 5 months
everything about coriolanus and sejanus is sick. because to sejanus, coryo was his everything. his best and only friend, his only companion, the only person in the academy who cared enough for him that he had even risked his life to bail him out of the arena. in district 12, when sejanus appeared in the brink of snow’s hopelessness and brought hope and familiarity to his life, coryo immediately embraced him, and then practically telling him that sejanus just saved him from committing suicide— which obviously only solidified sejanus’ belief that his best friend treasured him and loved him and cared for him unconditionally. (which i believe snow did, just to some extent).
but most of the times, to coryo, sejanus was just a friend. a friend that he tolerated every once in a while, a friend he resented lots of time because of his background, and a friend he really cared for, but not enough. never enough when the other choice was his country. and sejanus died not knowing that. he died without the knowledge that it was his best friend who betrayed him, and that he was still referred to as a “traitor” by him on an occasion with the dean.
and what’s so fucking sick is that coryo did care and mourn about it yes, but then he moved on and took on the ladder by taking pieces of what was left of his friend’s life with his blood on his hands and used it to his advantage.
he was taken in under the care of his dead friend’s family, loved and cared for, never had to worry about money anymore. ma and strabo plinth would never know that the reason their beloved son wasn’t alive, why their son wasn’t there anymore for his 19th birthday was because of his best friend they had just taken in. and no one would ever ever fucking find out.
and coryo. just. doesn’t. care. about. sejanus. anymore. in a snap. because now he has won, taking over panem one step at the time, and that has always been his biggest motivator. he might’ve cared for sejanus, like he cared for lucy gray, but that has never been enough. not when at the end of it all, the only person he has always been striving to save was himself and the glory of his family name and he ends up getting both. all’s well that ends well
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theerastour · 8 months
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red album photoshoot + folklore album photoshoot parallels (1/3)
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thelastsaiyanprincess · 5 months
8,9 and 20
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
i immediately get into pajamas the moment i walk through the door lol
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
yes! three steps - wash with african black soap, spray with rose water toner, moisturize with a mix of shea butter & jojoba oil ☺️
20. favorite disney princess movie?
disney is an evil corporation that infects the minds of youth with harmful archetypes and historically/culturally inaccurate depictions of their non-yt leading ladies, but if i absolutely HAD to choose, princess & the frog
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markscherz · 20 days
You are everything I aspire to be
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If parenting has taught me anything, it is the importance of getting down on your hands and knees and teaching not just facts, but love and enthusiasm for the natural world.
This is my son Q and me. I have dozens of photos like this by now, even though he is just two years old.
Every chance I get, I will kneel down with him and show him the little creatures all around us. Especially when they are frogs. He loves frogs for some reason. No idea why.
It is important that we all see this together. It is beautiful. It is magnificent. We are here. It is improbable to the highest degree. It is fleeting, but it is everything we get. And we can get so, so much of it. If we just get our faces into it and really absorb it.
So that's what l'm trying to do here, I guess. Get all of you to join me in the reeds. And I am so happy to have so many of you along for the journey.
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glassofpumpkinjuice · 2 months
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when there's too many 8 ball songs the costume changes have to happen onstage
(minneapolis 4/6/24)
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chanrizard · 9 months
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"thank you STAYs, thank you baby STAYs, and i'll see you guys next time. bye!"
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princington · 1 month
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Donation doodle for malky30 on Twitter 🥰
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