#thanks for the interest anon lmaoo
phoneybeatlemania · 1 year
why is your life like a soap opera my god
Omg i didnt know people were even reading my life updates 😭😭😭 but yeah my lifes on mad manoeuvre here
If you want the latest tea: basically, was seeing the guy called Ewan. He’s a third year, but we had a lot in common, and one time he said “i think it’s really attractive when you talk about the beatles” and i was like “😮”. Really liked him, but now he’s kind of ghosting me (which i dont understand but Okay :/). Or he might not be? We were gonna hang out on Wednesday but his ex-gf, whose been following him around for about 2 months now, just showed up at his house, so he cancelled.
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hootiee · 6 months
how different are the anime and manga? are there certain things you like about one more than the other?
very different, like night and day. i'll leave season 2 (kyoto saga) aside and just talk about season 1, since the movie is a side/non-canon story (i really love it tho) and season 2 is like 90% canon (minus the last episode with that scene where rin & yukio talked. in the manga it was a whole mini arc with them talking to eachother amidst a fight with high tension, rather than them just chilling by a river lmao)
the most apparent scene that was different from the anime & manga was the first chapter/episode 1-2, where shiro died. the anime made it into a pretty fascinating & exciting intro to the series, with rin getting hired as a grocery store clerk, and ending with a battle against demons coming after him. where the manga, while still at its core having the same important moments (rin looking for a job, having delinquents jump him, and shiro getting possessed), it was really just a sad scene with no one except himself, shiro & satan bearing witness to the events of that night. out of fear he caused his father's possession/death, he never speaks about it to anyone. so no one really knows how that night unfolded. unlike the anime having the priests see everything (kinda awkwardly) and then later yukio showing up.
the manga really expands upon & fleshes out the characters, whereas the anime (s1) really.. flanderizes them. i think yukio is the most painful example, he is very much not the irrational "all demons are evil" kinda guy, hes truly just a kid indoctrinated into the exorcists mindset since he was 7, but the anime never really showed how nuanced and deep he is, so he became a punching bag for people to easily/mindlessly hate. also, he is NOT a half demon like rin. he's fully human just with some..Peculiarities lol (iykyk)
anyways, blue exorcist truly shines as a slow burn story, we are 145 chapters in (with the next chapter being just a few days away) and have only just now touched upon the aspects that the final parts of season 1 showed. but it is completely different, in almost every aspect. yet you can still see the resemblances to the anime, i wont get too into it for spoilers, but yk the scene with rin's sword breaks? in the anime they repaired it & everything was fine again. but in the manga, rin permanently changes from it abruptly being broken. for better and worse. afterwards, it becomes a whole underlying character arc.
season 1 was like the story's blueprint, its building blocks in a sense. the manga is truly where it shines, letting the characters grow and each have their own moments & developments before things get really heated within it's world.
it also divulges into the lore in almost a philosophical level: what really are demons & humans, are they truly so different from eachother? with rin being the focus of this question as people say he is Both human and demon and yet simultaneously being Neither at the same time.
the world building becomes expanded upon, by leaps and bounds. we see how the order/exorcists really operate. we find out What demons truly are, and their real reasons to be against humans. we find out what really happened during the blue night and what lead up to that. the world feels more open & wide, and everything feels so intertwined.
it also touches upon some VERY dark and heavy subjects, becoming more and more dark as it progresses. from mental illness, trauma & generational trauma to war, suicide, human experiments & corrupt organizations. and yet despite this darkness it still sends a good message that despite things being bad, its still worth it to keep living. and the author just knows the perfect moments to grab people by their heartstrings with it.
s1 is not Bad per-se, sometimes im harsh on it due to me personally being obsessed with the manga's canon. it does have its cute filler scenes (i actually love that rin got a grocery job in episode 1) and its pretty enjoyable as a cute fluffy feel-good anime. i first watched the anime+movie as a kid in 2015 and loved it, but it felt like it had far more potential. which is where the manga DELIVERED, by leaps and bounds.
however, now that the anime is focused on adapting it faithfully, this will change within the future. especially once get more canon episodes compared to the vast amount of manga content lol. but until then, i suggest to check out the manga 🫡
TL;DR: this is the anime vs the manga (in a good way LOL)
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imblocking-you · 1 year
I'm not even halfway through the episode but like what do people think of Oshi no Ko, my classmate recommended it to me and they aren't aware of my very judgemental thoughts and this blog and they appear to really like it but I kinda think the anime is weird. Am I just chronically online or is there really a better storyline going on in here that I haven't uncovered yet?
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samsspambox · 2 years
greetings, sam! if i may, i’d like to ask a question regarding a possibility you suggested in the tags of @/surely-galena’s post regarding giann not having a sprite
it was suggested that giann’s lack of a sprite may allude to him having lost his memory and you had raised the possibility of giann wanting to lose his memory. i’m curious as to why you had thought so 👀
although it’s perfectly understandable if you do not wish to answer as it has been some time since the theory was posted!
have a pleasant day ahead!
: ⚜️
good morrow fleur-de-lis nonnie!! that's a fancy emoji u got there jksbdcbjks you're always welcome to ask questions here! and i'm not about to pass up a chance to put my theory-approved tinfoil hat on!
you're right, i did suggest that giann could've wanted his memory erased! now, here's the thing: i guess i can say this is a theory within a theory. this is kinda relating to my giann is a filthy mastermind theory in which giann fakes his own kidnapping in order to hide from... someone idk. but his best chance at survival is hiding.
now, we know dr. richter is capable of hypnosis. this practice can suggest the mind to do different things, it's how some people are able to quit smoking, break phobias, or just change their behavior. (consult ur doctor to see if hypnosis is right for u lmaooo that's my legal disclaimer here). in popular media, at least, hypnosis fucks with your memory. if we take the bit in the giann is a mastermind theory, the one where he's hiding in plain sight at the giannovyn mental research center, then it makes sense for him to get his memory wiped. he's out of the playing field, might as well make sure that he stays out until vyn is ready to bring him back into play (as per a mutual agreement. you can't hypnotize someone into doing something they don't wanna do.)
alas, as you've said, it's been a while since this theory was posted. what are my thoughts now? well, it's not looking pretty, people. so: giann is one of the only people without a sprite that is important to the story. take marius' personal story 4: the main perpetrator of the impersonation was someone who's sprite was introduced that same chapter. giann was introduced in a flashback via marius' rrg card. so, following this logic: i don't think giann is going to get a sprite. i feel like he's dead. galena does a really good job as breaking down why she thinks giann is dead in the post you linked (and i shall also link here) and after a good chunk of the year and how i see the story progression going, i stand firmly with galena on this one.
theres also a thing i've been thinking about related to this and ironically, the fic i'm writing. galena, in her post, talks about how memory is an important part of the game, and also links this post by zak about memory. why is this important specifically? because of the effects of the nxx drug/flora x/X03A. i have a running theory on luke being affected by the drug which then leads to his illness, and in his anni card it states that it's neurological. it checks with how the drug itself works: "It affects the brain in many different ways. In children still developing it causes delays in growth. In adults, it makes them unstable, prone to depression or other mental ails." (that's,,, a quote for the fic i'm writing LMAOO) so who's to say the drug doesn't cause memory loss? what if giann is afflicted with the same stuff luke has, only it's worse on him? that the reason he doesn't have a sprite is because he lost himself?
*shrug* there's a lot of things that it could be. the theory holds up if you look at it through that lens, but i'm more inclined to say that they offed giann. after all, that makes for more conflict in the nxx and sometimes conflict drives the story. it all depends on your point of view.
thank you so much for this question fleur nonnie! i hope you stick around!!!
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mxtantrights · 29 days
hii! could you please write a jason todd fic based on that like tiktok trend where reader goes "hey guys can you watch my boyfriend real quick" and leaves the room? thank you ! 💗💐
“Can you guys watch my boyfriend?” You ask.
It makes Jason pick up his head from the book he’s reading. He doesn’t get to ask you what you are doing before you’re pressing a kiss to his cheek and leaving the room.
Jason looks towards your phone, which rests on the back of a water bottle. He sees the video going. His eyebrows scrunch in the middle.
“What the hell is that?” he asked.
In the frame, the book Jason is reading is fairly worn out, but the title can still be read. It’s pride and prejudice and zombies.
Jason looks right back down at his book. He scratches the top of his head a bit confused, but then his eyebrows go relaxed and he gets back into reading.
It takes about 10 seconds before Jason makes another move. He looks at the camera again, and then he fishes his own phone out of his own pocket and holds it up to the camera.
“I can do that too,” he whispers.
He sticks his tongue out. You can hear his phone camera going off. It takes about ten pictures before he turns it around and shows his screen to the camera. It’s just pictures of him taking pictures.
Jason puts his phone down and goes back to his book.
“Okay book club emergency meeting. I think they’re trying to change the plot of pride and prejudice. And you know what? I’m not against it. This could be someone’s introduction into literature.”
Jason sits in silence for a moment. Nodding his head to himself. Like someone else is actually speaking to him.
“I mean making the zombies a sort of metaphor for the impending class struggle that is happening is a great take. Also I just find zombies kinda interesting. I fought a zombie once.” He says then he stops and folds the book closed with his finger in the middle.
He leans back in the chair. His head up in thought.
“Or maybe it was an actual zombie and just someone with wounds everywhere. I mean zombies do kind of exist but not in the way we think.” He goes on
He taps his chin with the pointer finger of his free hand.
“I wonder if Batman has fought one before. He has contingencies for everything. He’d probably solve the zombie apocalypse…”
Jason sets his book down and reaches for his phone again. He unlocks it and you can hear him typing away on it. Then you hear the message go through.
It takes about five seconds before he gets a reply.
Jason flies out of his seat with a gasp.
The video ends there.

a/n: this was funny as hell to think of. I mean Jason would have tons of reactions based on what he’s doing in the moment. I imagine that he’d probably spill government secrets if you sat him in front of a live audience lmaoo. Thanks anon for sending this in!! <33333
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grvyrd-drms · 9 months
Hii, so i have cipa and im very insecure about it and EJ is my fav character so could you pls write how ej treats toby when he gets hurt or something like that? It always makes me feel better about it
e. jack treating toby's CIPA
A/N: omg of course!!! i hope ur doing well!!! <3 <3 (also this is NOT a ship post lolz)
CW: injury, CIPA
-now, obviously jack knows and understands toby's condition, being an (almost) trained medical student. however it doesn't mean jack doesn't get annoyed at points (when toby comes in for the bazillionth broken bone because he's fucking insane [literally]).
-him and toby are very close. not in a hang out 24/7 best friend way, but more in a silent, deep mutual respect and connection type of way. toby's been in jacks 'infirmary' so many times over the years they've just bonded. over family, hobbies, interests, opinions on other people in the manor. toby is actually a very good person to talk to, you just need to break down some walls first. he has a pretty big vocabulary and a lot of knowledge on all different types of stuff.
- when toby comes barging in covered in blood and bruises, jack doesn't even glance at him. he just gets his gauze ready and tells toby to sit down lmaoo.
-toby's embarrassed by it. he really is. he thinks his CIPA makes him weak and practically gives him a huge target on his back for assholes to hit (jeff).
-but jack makes him feel normal. as normal as he can be, of course. he doesn't make a big deal out of it, doesn't comment on how many times toby's been in that week. just like his own issues, he knows toby can't control it. and thats ok.
-jack will casually and judgement free inspect toby for injury or sickness. at this point they are close friends, and jack has formed some sort of empathy for toby.
-jack tells toby what the weathers gonna be like that day and will write little reminders on sticky notes for him. like remember to ditch the blankets tonight, or drink cold water throughout the day, or to wear layers. very aware of how dangerous the temp ignorance can be.
-jack defends toby with his LIFEEEEEE. like i said earlier, they've got to be pretty good friends at this point, so jack takes no shit from people. he has a very sharp tongue and a quick mind, so arguing with him or defending themselves is practically useless. he'll fucking destroy them lmao.
-toby's too embarrassed/guilty to verbally thank jack, so he just does him favors instead. supply runs, cleaning up, buys him more gauze, stuff like that. acts of service.
-jack tries not to make toby feel guilty about coming to him constantly. he's learned over time to stop sighing or making small comments when toby comes in. jack doesn't mind it at this point. he likes having a good friend to talk to.
keep urself healthy and safe anon 🫡
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nessieartss · 4 months
I absolutely ADORE the siblings au, I just looked through your whole tag for it like that other anon lmao. I've been itching for a sibling au that's interesting and unique and yours is just perfect!! Especially with your outfit designs for sukuna, it's all just so good. I'd love to see some more cute art of Sukuna and Megumi interacting in the future, they're absolutely adorable! And I love that Megumi actually keeps Sukuna's advice and stuff in mind, and that they share music, it's just all so sweet.
omg lmaoo, thank you so much anon! it's so sweet whenever someone told me they read all the jjk sibling au tags, wish i could put them in one big ass poster and print it out for you guys--anyways,
i'm glad you love it! of course i'm gonna draw them! it would take some time though. recently i keep getting distracted to draw other things and i need to look for some ideas for the au and the interaction and whatnot. but again, i'm glad you're enjoying it so far, i had the absolute fun drawing it and not because i'm a big sucker for yuuji and sukuna being brothers haha wdym
thank you once again anon! i really appreciate it 💖💖
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Your platonic Baizhu fic is so heartwarming!!! Got any more thoughts on that fic???
( Also I think your fic links arent working because they send me to different fic and on chrome instead of the app. Though that might be me ahahaha)
Your amazing and don't let anyone tell you other wise! Bye bye
thoughts on chronically ill!reader.
summary. a collection of random thoughts about baizhu's junior herbalist.
trigger & content warnings. no applicable warnings.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. baizhu & reader, qiqi & reader. 0.3k words. they/them pronouns for reader. i believe the fic that this anon is talking about is invisible disability? it's rather visible to me.
author's thoughts. hello darling! thank you sm, that fic is one of my personal favorites <3 i have SO many thoughts regarding that fic. here are a few of them. feel free to ask me to expand upon anything if you find something interesting!
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the implication about baizhu is that he's seeking immortality, right? yeah. i like to think that his sweet lil junior herbalist knows about that and does what little they can to help him—e.g., discreetly seeking information, whether that be through the suspiciously well-informed mr. zhongli or through foreign sources. their morals become somewhat skewed after working with baizhu for a while, but it doesn't really bother them. why would it? baizhu is soft and gentle and kind with them. they aren't afraid of him. they never will be. it's because of his attention and care that they can manage their life. this is how they're returning the favor.
changsheng and [name] ABSOLUTELY, 100% fight for his attention. they have a weird ass family dynamic going on with that snake LMAOO..... baizhu knows about this. he finds it funny.
qiqi and [name] like to wander liyue together. once they develop enough strength and endurance, they'll carry her on their hip and go wherever she directs them. sometimes, baizhu will trail after them (like a father!) and leave the pharmacy in gui's hands. bro is a single dad with two kids and all of liyue knows it.
"baizhu is a coward" not when someone threatens his kid! it's verbal assault ON SIGHT if someone does something to hurt [name]. he hasn't had any need to physically defend them yet thankfully, but he has definitely had a few choice words for certain impatient people.
sometimes baizhu lets them braid his hair after seeing them do it for qiqi a few times. it ends up becoming very normal for them to braid both his and qiqi's hair on slower days.
i hc that there's a room in the pharmacy with low sensory input (dim lighting, limited scents & sound, etc) in the case that anyone needs to rest for whatever reason; migraines, body aches, sensory overload... it's available for any reason at any time of the day. sometimes baizhu and [name] end up in there at the same time and just sit in the silence. it's a bonding ritual of sorts.
thank you for letting me know about the links. i use the tumblr website and it tends to be kind of difficult sometimes; i'll work on fixing the links shortly! in the meantime, if there's any particular fic you'd like easy access to, just send me another ask and i'll direct you to it <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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sushisocks · 7 months
OOOHHHHH ANON, WE ARE IN IT NOW!!!! Good question, good question indeed!! I shall answer to the best of my ability!!!!!
I'll be frank, I had a harder time thinking of my happiest HC than my saddest one, and IDK what that says about me lmaoo but here we are!!
I have a lot of happy HCs for Sean!! The trouble was picking out my happiest among them, bcz some are more silly/funny - like a happy memory or experience I think he would have! - while others are more like. this is something about him which I think is a good/happy thing and that makes me happy. So I'm gonna go with the latter one here, just bcz the red thread of this post will be more cohesive that way njhbjnnbh
So, the HC which makes me the happiest, is supported by a lot of canon, and an aspect of Sean which initially drew me towards him. And it's his genuine interest in people, and his appreciation of them!! I think, despite absolutely having been somewhat disillusioned by the world at large and the oppressive systemic powers which rule it, Sean meets the individual human with incredible good faith!! By that I mean, I think he does believe he has common ground with most people, just by virtue of being alive and surviving in the world, and that is just his approach to everyone he meets in life. There is a sincere sense of empathy and good will in him, and he's not above being proven wrong or staying stuck in a bad opinion of someone. Not that he's above disliking people (we see this clearly with Micah lol), it's just that he's the type to be willing to sit down and have a drink and conversation with almost everyone and anyone.
THAT, to me, says an incredible amount about what Sean thinks of humanity at large, and is why I have this HC of him. And I, personally, as someone who also likes to believe in the good in people and meet them with good faith, have always found this quality of Sean's very appealing!! So it makes me happy to think about, that his exuberance around others actually runs that deep!!!
My SADDEST HC is pretty easy to pick out, as the core of a lot of my sad Sean HC's & thoughts come from the idea that he has self-esteem through the damn floor, similar to Arthur, which he deals with differently - desperately seeking to disprove those thoughts and ideas in what ways he can. It's about him putting out so much affection into the world in the hopes of receiving just a little bit back (and still never expecting it; accepting rejections and unkind comments easily and with a smile because that is what he expects), it's about his need to be friendly & on speaking terms with everyone in camp (save those whose regard he deems unneeded; Micah, and Kieran before realizing he's a victim to circumstance, remedying his approach to him accordingly) and how QUICK he is to step back and try to fix the situation when he realizes he's offended someone in camp.
I think Sean has always read to me as someone who struggles to not only sit still, but to sit with himself, with his own thoughts. Because, how long do you think it takes for him to start spiraling? How long does it take before he starts wondering if there's something he could've done to save his father - starts blaming himself for Darragh's death? How long before the things he was told in reform school - about his intelligence, his worth, starts rearing its head again? It all comes down to a low sense of self esteem, I think, which he seeks to not let himself get stuck on. And that drives a lot of my other sad/angsty Sean HCs, lol!
Thank you for this ask, anon!! It was a lot of fun to think about, though it def took me a lil while to settle on either!! I hope you enjoy my answers ;;w;;
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lambtotheslaughterr · 3 months
literally tried sooo hard to postpone reading both rise and burn so id have more to read as more chapters rolled out but i got too excited and knocked them both out tonight LMAOO
you’re so talented, i genuinely think you’re the best rafe writer out there. every story of yours has me on the edge of my seat!!! 🖤
rise gives me the same feels the shows “the last of us” and “the society” gave me. it’s so incredibly well written and I KID U NOT has left me with such an accelerated heart rate at the end of every chapter it’s insane 😭
also, the whole avoidance thing going on in burn has me giggling and kicking my feet i am living for the chase!! can’t wait to see the way u develop their dynamic moving forward
I KID YOU NOT that i’m a triple scorpio & legit shed a tear reading this😭😭
writing brings me so much joy, it’s the only interest of mine that has been consistent since i was a kiddo so thank you for your kind words💛💛
(also, ‘best rafe writer’?! don’t inflate my ego🥹)
thank you for the love & support anon, you have my heart
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
Hello, may I get headcanons for how an elf with a strict or serious attitude would react to being chosen by the valar, to act as a mentor to raise and teach a young human child, in their early teen years? Like how would they react to the child being very hyper and excited all the time and just wants to play, like how young kids usually do. Elves being very serious most of the time and wise, how would they react to having to deal with a complete opposite of themselves. Would they get mad and frustrated, or have patience? Would they try a different method of teaching to get them to pay attention? Etc? And how would they react to other humans or elves belittling the child for being raised by another race? You can choose the elf or elves if you want that would best fit this ask. One that is pretty much serious or is not used to being around kids.
Caranthir with a Hyperactive Human Child
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featuring caranthir and adopted child (gender neutral)
fandom tolkien — the silmarillion
warnings mortality vs immortality
a/n i mean the 1st person that came to mind was Cara - who else but Cara lmaoo. I hope you enjoy this anon <;/3 thanks again@theladyvanya I owe you my life
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Carnistir let out another sigh - witnessing your attention had yet again diverted elsewhere. He pinched the bridge of his nose as you blabbered on about whatever else that was not important as of this moment.
He really could not understand why the Valar had chosen him of all people - to mentor this hyperactive human child.
He still remembered standing before the Queen of the Stars herself - in shock and disbelief as she handed over you to him.
You were in fits of laughs and giggles - eagerly wrapping your arms around his legs.
Carnistir had asked Queen Varda as to why - but she chose not to reply him and only encouraged him to take care of you.
It was havoc at first - he has 6 brothers, 3 younger ones too, kids weren’t exactly a new concept to him but mentoring and raising you had been a completely different concept.
Not even the Ambarussa was this hard.
Carnistir had found himself in the aid of his mother multiple times.
His mother, being the ever wiser, had tried to advise both himself and you - you were simply a child craving his constant attention in whatever little thing that fascinated you.
He couldn’t understand why you couldn’t sit in one less and listen to him - however Nerdanel had explained to him children did not have the same attention span as adults.
Something he should have known. . .
But he couldn’t even teach more than 3 seconds - before you bounded off to somewhere interesting in whatever was in the other end of the room or happily rattled off about a particular story you read.
He let out a sigh and tried to speak with you - but chose to remember his mother’s advice.
Carnistir supposed it was getting late - he scooped you up in his arms still wondering how had bundles of energy to be fighting against him and refusing to be put to bed.
Sometimes it made him wonder if you were actually a human child.
He had placed Tyelko on a pedestal on being the one to never run out of energy - but somehow even you outturned him.
But he had come to terms on this is just who you were and he could not ever ask you to change - in all honesty he had grown to admire your hyperactive self, even if it made him roll his eyes or made him frustrated.
Some days Queen Varda had come to see how you were doing - and some days she took you away for a few days and Carnistir found those days to be quite lonely or too silent.
Usually he welcomed the peace and quiet with open arms but he found to be rather restless these days now - missing how you bound over to either him or something you found interesting in his study.
Or your endless chatter - he missed it so much.
The day you had returned to him - Carnistir found himself crouching with arms open ready to grasp you into a tight hug as you came running over and he closed his eyes in relief.
It was something he had never done so - but at that moment it felt like a natural reflex like he had been doing it all his life.
He had shocked himself with the gesture and how tightly he held onto you like you were his own. . .
It was at that moment he knew - you definitely made sure to keep yourself as a permanent fixture in his life. He loved hearing whine and cry for his attention in the mornings when you awake tired and hungry.
He loved how giddy how you jumped on his lap as he tried to do this work.
He loved how you babble out complete nonsense in the middle of meetings - making everyone in the room laugh.
He loved how you cuddled into his arms rubbing your sleepy eyes whenever you were tired from your active day.
He loved it all - and he would change any of it for the world.
When Carnistir had announced to adopt you - Queen Varda and Nerdanel was most pleased, it had been Fëanáro, his father that took the most convincing to take you into the family.
In all honesty he was afraid of his Morifinwë facing the mortality of the human child he decided to adopt and raise as his own.
But soon even you managed to melt the crown prince’s heart with hyperactive self and infectious giggles.
So soon - Carnistir had you as his own child, loving you just the way you were.
Though he still receives questionable looks and concerns - he never let any of it stop it from loving and spending every moment with you. . .
Because Eru knew, Carnistir did not have much time with you because of mortality. . .
Good luck with suitors - no one seems to be good enough for his child.
But when you finally find the one - he will be accepting, after being the big scary overprotective dad.
Your passing away would have been the hardest thing he would have to face - and it would have killed him too, but he kept himself alive and watched over your family line, never letting anything happen to your kin and descendants.
It was like seeing you being reborn again. . .
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Taglist form
tara's taglist: @wandererindreams @fizzyxcustard @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @asianbutnotjapanese @floraroselaughter @mismaeve
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
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cinna-bunnie · 19 days
I saw your post about wanting to torture someone with tickles. Hope I'm not stepping over the line to say hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii about it
you're not but i was talking about irl 🫡
also bc i don't really talk about it ig, the secret to whether I'm receptive/flirty/etc with you (generally, not you specifically, this is a turn and talk at the audience moment) is i will leave you little earnest love notes in the tags of your selfies when i reblog them.
don't post face? ❌ not interested
do but i never interact? ❌ not interested
like... a girl just likes to be open about what she's thinking and i love giving compliments just bc and do it all the time both on and offline, so there's def not any expectations w my tags, but they can also be taken as a tiny bow of courtship u can choose to act on or not 🙇🏾‍♀️
i know other ppl are very into anons or just hitting it off with anybody or whatever but i think that like. For Me, the ideal interaction is we both rb each other with some nice tags - showing and reciprocating in a very non-committal/no expectations kinda way, and after seeing that it's mutual then sure go for it 👍🏾
i love sharing audio sometimes and tbh might start moving nudes/lewds back to more private channels bc i forgot How Many People you have to block after posting them lmaoo.
🫵🏾 but i do appreciate tags being left for me and tbh sometimes i miss that accounts that usually post their body also Do share their face and they're very hot and i feel very silly for missing it ಠ⁠ᴥ⁠ಠ ♡⁠ hi oomfies sorry for being late to the party but it's good to be here.
anyways. i like this more subtle/non-committal kind of acknowledgement first, bc if i get asks or DMs i either have to ignore it or tell people I'm not attracted to them which is always really awkward 😶‍🌫️ especially for people I've never even talked to before, or people who take the tiniest bit of very simple acknowledgement and flood my DMs over everything.
which again, compliments are fine, but like.. a Talk To Me mindset bundled with it is imposing u guys 👉🏾👈🏾 just bc someone is cute doesn't mean they have to talk to u, just bc they say thank u to an unsolicited DM doesn't mean they want u to send a dozen more. without even getting a response to any of them too.... 🥸
I'm just kinda here to have fun and i like sharing myself and my thoughts to different degrees but none of it is rly an open invitation or a request. just keep it in the tags pls. tags r what usually pique my interest anyhow!! i like people who got something to say 🙇🏾‍♀️
i want to reemphasize this is a very general message and not at u specifically, there r other asks in my inbox and other persistent ppl who have been blocked over spamming my DMs, and this feels too nuanced and specific to add to my already long and kind of annoyed sounding (bc it is 💀) pinned. so yeah!!!!! i did get a lot of new followers recently so it's a good time for a periodic reminder
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so, deuxmoi podcast ad popped up for me on spotify today (have no idea why, i never listened before) and i saw louis' name there and was like: what now?!! asked to my friend who usually listens what was about and here's what they said if anyone wants to know:
they talked to backgrid owner, basically reinforcing how all their sights are legit and not planned lol told crazy stories to justify paps being in the strategic places, mentioned holivia, that coincidentally two paps were in sta barbara and got jeff wedding pics LMAOO - nothing about the closed private place or the drones - just talked a bunch of bs that they get these shots cause they're the best and only minor celebs hire them. commented about louis and sofie pics being on twitter before the website and said it was a hacker, probably an overprotective fan, that they reinforced security and were going to take down fan accounts. also that he got upset cause it would be a great exclusive for them 🙄 lastly they talked same bs about the O/E/H 3some, that never happened but somehow everyone and their mother knew, implied emrata was the one spilling this all around. said H and O were talking again constantly and had agreed on a open relationship for a while LMFAOOO but that didn't include make out with her friend so now O is done with H..
that's it, nothing too interesting but just to give a heads up if you start to see people talking or sending asks about it
Thanks anon.
Deuxmoi is so full of shit. All of this, ALL, sounds like absolute bullshit. They’re just lying. It’s not even funny. They fully take us as complete idiots.
And she has some nerve saying somehow everyone knows about this fake 3some, WHEN SHE’S THE ONE WHO SPREAD THE INFO AND LIT THE FIRE ABOUT THIS RUMOR FOR *MONTHS*. And then this week she was like “oh a very reliable source said it’s a lie”. But the week before she was like “a very reliable source told me it happened so I believe it”. 😒😒😒😒 THERE IS NO SOURCE. MUCH LESS A RELIABLE ONE. DEUXMOI IS JUST LYING AND SPREADING STUPID RUMORS BC SHE’S AN ASSHOLE.
Also, she has some nerve spreading Backgrid’s fake ass propaganda. It’s obvious they’re lying thru their teeth. It was scheduled. It was private property. They couldn’t have just accidentally wandered into a closed country club and gotten all of those pictures. Be serious. They take people as absolute idiots. Like????? They really think we’re actually stupid clowns 🤡
Unrelated but I heard the backgrid part and I cannot stand deuxmoi’s voice. She sounds like the most obnoxious person in the world. And she’s so aggressive in her tone and demeanor. She’s just awful
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tamelee · 8 months
thanks for that delicious read tamalee! You ate with that!🤭
No disrespect to that anon, but their entire vibe gives off a Sakura fan in disguise. Cause ain’t no way they truly believe 90% of the fandom dislike her simply because she “rejected” Naruto for sasuke lmaoo. Canonically it was Naruto who rejected her ass ( even if she was fake confessing) like the king he is. Ignoring how shitty she was for that, let’s talk about how her character was written to be unlikeable. How are they shocked that the readers reacted how the author expected/wanted them to react to her? Also, why do people get so obsessively defensive over her? She never had anything good going on for her. One of the first introductions to her character was her hating on a kid for being an orphan to another orphan. And she never truly changed. Ask yourselves if how she reacts and treats Naruto and Sasuke is okay/acceptable why don’t Naruto and sasuke treat each other the same? Why do they literally do opposite of what she does every time? and in the end she gets away with it all without improving and becoming a better character and yet y’all still think she’s a victim. Be so for real!
sorry for the long post. I hate Sakura apologists who love to act like everything we know of her character is just collective delusions, but all their lies and fantasies about her character is who she truly is. Honestly quite impressive how even after almost a decade they’re still fighting tooth and nail for a character whose own creator dislikes. And he is so loud about it too💀
<this?> aaah~ glad you think so Nonee, I have so many posts in my drafts, but I've been typing way too much getting off topic for majority of them because I feel like rambling, but I don't want to spam posts all day.
idk if it was 'fan-in-disguise' tbh, I thought I was good at recognizing them, but maybe not xD I think Sakura has some really great moments. I think in general things would go differently in the fandom if her fans focused on highlighting these few selfless moments. For example, when she showed a genuine interest in Sai's drawings, or when she tried to help him understand the complex relationship with his brother. Or her act of sacrifice for Chiyo a woman she just met. Which raises the question: how do her physical feats, like punching, or arguing whether she's pretty or not even compare to that?
These good moments have little to do with her 'badass strength' or her idealistic 'love' for Sasuke, which are often used as points of argument. The fans you talk about seem preoccupied with defending her character against the widely acknowledged criticisms shaping Sakura into a character she isn't, all the while overlooking her flaws or attributing them solely to the writing. Selective reading we call that and it doesn't help the intention to make her look better one bit.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 8 months
this is related to your post about yoonmin, i'm happy to see a jikooker appreciate yoonmin's bond and not diminish it like most jkkrs do out of insecurity or because they think of yoonmin as a ship and thus a threat(?) to jikook. i appreciate yoongi's presence in jimin's life so much (although sometimes he pushes too far and unnecessarily so) because he's been a constant motivator for Jimin to pursue his dreams and reach his full potential. yoongi believed in jimin's potential from day 1 and he still believes in him today and pushes him to reach bigger things and for this alone i will always hold a dear spot for yoonmin in my heart. jimin looks up to yoongi a lot and i think he sees him as an older reliable brother since jimin doesn't have an older brother of his own. i think yoongi plays that part in jimin's life but also they have fun banter (like an old married couple lol — i'm not a ynmr, i'm a jkkr actually, but i admit yoonmin's banter is hilarious and it does come off like they're 80 and have been married and fed up with each other for 50 years LMAOO) which makes their dynamic interesting, but as i said, some jokes yoongi made should've stayed unsaid, but i won't hold it over his head bc he's not perfect and neither am i, but at least he's there for jimin in ways that i can't be that are far more important.
Hi anon,
Yes, I agree. Yoonmin has interesting dynamics.
I think when it comes to Yoongi, there is the mentor role and the friend role.
The mentor role does the things you mention. Push Jimin to reach his full potential and pursue his goals. He's been doing this say day 1 and still continues. The friend role is where we see their funny interactions but also where things are out of line, at times.
It's the way Yoongi is and I think all of BTS is aware and brushes that off from what we are able to see.
I appreciate mentor Yoongi for sure lol
Thanks for sharing.
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bluelolblue · 5 days
How do you think Santino and his wife was like when they first decided to have a baby? Personally I think Santino didnt really want kids, but he had to have them bcuz he needed heirs. But then he saw his amore with kids and he got instant baby fever. 🫣
“Amore can we have one?😁”
-news anon
Hmm yeah I kinda can see it that he didn't really want kids, but since he's in a fucking crime family, they literally HAVE to have kids, heirs to continue the blood line 😭
So he had to have kids. But at least he wasn't really forced into it, he actually found a woman that was also interested into him, so love between them wasn't forced. Unlike in most crime families it is forced (arranged marriages and stuff).
Omg seeing his wife with kids would give him baby fever lmaoo! Like, maybe one of her friends brought her baby over to like hang out and talk and Santino watched her the whole time, how she held the baby and was really cute with it. How sweet she was. And he couldn't help himself not to imagine that was her with their baby. ^ ^
Even if they were just passing by a park and there were little kids playing, he would notice how she smiles at them if they look at her.
So yeah, at home he is all affectionate and wants to cuddle more and talks about how cute she was with her friends baby and kids overall. She's happy to hear that of course, she also praises him for being patient with them lmaoo. I mean, he's good with kids as long as they aren't super annoying and loud.
And he drops the question, "Can we have one, amore?" So they kinda talk more about it and they agree to have a baby. Ahhh, Santino flirting immediately wanting the action HORNY ASS HEHEUE
Thank you so much news anon! Dad!Santi lives rent free in my head 🤭
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