#thank you starry!
2 8 14 for otp ask 💜
2. Who wants to hold the hug longer?
Paul definitely and secretly Gene.
8. Who needs/gets more Sleep?
Gene gets a lot of sleep but I think Paul needs it a lot more. looking at the 80s photos of Paul, I feel like he never gotten enough sleep and was always stressed out of his mind. hence the eye bags and the weird little breathing he did during interviews that I kind of noticed.
14. Are they holding any secrets from each other?
no but in some au's there are.
idk what they are yet but I'll figure it out.
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magpiefngrl · 2 years
congratulations on finishing 9 1/2 days! What was the most challenging scene to write and why? What did you learn by writing this story? Do you have a favorite line or lines?
Thank you, Starry! What great questions! You've given me a lot to think about.
So, most challenging scene of 9 ½ Days... It took me such a long time to write this fic that I can't quite remember if I found a specific scene particularly hard. What was hard was the middle of the fic in general, esp when HD are at the cottage. That's when they get to know each other, they become intimate, and also Draco is beginning to let go of his bigotry. There were some dialogues that I really wanted to get right so I spent ages on them. That part had to show the progress of their relationship while moving the plot forward at the same time. Finding that balance wasn't easy. Also, one of the hardest aspects was making sure that Draco's change of beliefs came across as realistic, gradual, and convincing.
All of these things were challenging because they required a lot of attention to detail. They're all about slow, incremental change that happens organically. The dialogue had to be just right, for example. Each drarry scene had to give us a little more: a song, a kiss, a touch, sex. In the middle of the domestic moments, I needed a reminder of the war, a vision, something to keep the plot fresh in the readers' minds. All of that required constant revisions. It's my most heavily edited story to date. I revised incessantly.
I learned... gosh I learned loads. I learned that I can get so dispirited with my writing that I get stuck to the point that I'm unable to get out of the mire. I learned that I can get out of the mire. I learned that making things harder for one's characters makes for great stories. I learned that a reliable plotting technique for me, a pantser, is to think "what else can go wrong now?". I learned that when I pull my punches I regret it. I learned that I can lose my writing confidence but that I can find it again. I learned to ignore some of the pressure that's in my head mostly. I learned to craft better sentences.
I have a few favourite lines. Some of them had come to me very early in the process and waited patiently for years for me to put them in the fic. "Everything hurts but you" is one of them. The "It was night and it was different in the night — their edges disappeared and they became ghosts, echoes of who they were, but also true distillations of themselves: distillations of despair and loneliness and ardent, burning desire." was possibly the first line I wrote and gave me the vibe I was looking for.
Other lines happened in editing; a description or turn of phrase that pleased me, like: "A few freckles spread over his cheekbones; his eyes were a piece of the sky, infinite and impossible, and Harry finally had a name for the swelling in his chest: he was in love."
There are some more but I'll stop here. Thank you for the thoughtful questions!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
HI I've come again to deliver my promised essay but it's 11PM when I'm typing this so I probably wouldn't be able to write as long as I intend it to be but ANYWAY.
So! First of all, I want to say that it's amazing that you're writing a smut fic but the smut actually does feel necessary to the storyline no matter how much of self indulgence is poured into it. Like, no judging to smut fics!! But sometimes it's easy to tell that the smut and the story has little to no correlation and it's just there for the sake of it. So I just wanna say that it's sooooooo cool that you managed to write the smut scenes otherwise.
Second, when I was this fic gets me the most immersed compared to a lot of other fics (and God knows I've read way too much fics jumping from one fandom to another and another and another), I mean it in every possible way. You have NO idea how much I reread some parts just because I wanted to feel the tension over and over again. One of my favorite scene throughout the fic is actually the one where they were talking a walk and OC was so timid about Yoongi looking around so she offered to just... come back? And he was like, fuck it I will kiss her here out in the open if it means it'll erase the doubt on her face and I just 😭😭😭😭
And I think the newest chapter has SO many things I love I can't begin to describe it. But all the tender moments??? The moment they push themselves through the edge because what they're feeling for each other is in the brink of explosion??? Perfection.
Another thing I wanted to tell you is that I love love love how you narrate the fics. Sometimes you describe what OC does, and sometimes it's so personal that I catch myself being nervous too when OC is. That's amazing stuff right there and I want to thank you for that. It's been quite some time since I've got to write a fic that gets me right on OC's shoes. Almost like I'm looking at things exactly from her shoes.
(I might or might not read the latest chapter during class bc I was too excited and missed like half of the things my teacher said, but, no regrets.) (Also just to clarify I was born in 199x so don't worry when I say school bc I'm definitely not a minor asjzjeidje)
I was about to talk abt smth else but like I said it's 11pm and I kinda forgot what so... I'll come back once it hits me again. Thank you again for the good read!!! Will be looking forward to anything 3tan 👀
Also, I'm not even an army. Just a very casual fan who stumbled upon your fic and fell in love with the way you write😽
🌌 (yes, you can call me anything)
STARRY😭 what the heck i was notttt expecting this review?? this is damn kind of you, especially since this is your first one! prepare for my response under the cut bc i have things to say.
So! First of all, I want to say that it's amazing that you're writing a smut fic but the smut actually does feel necessary to the storyline no matter how much of self indulgence is poured into it. Like, no judging to smut fics!! But sometimes it's easy to tell that the smut and the story has little to no correlation and it's just there for the sake of it. So I just wanna say that it's sooooooo cool that you managed to write the smut scenes otherwise.
this makes me feel really warm, babe. thank you for pointing this out, because i know that’s my intention with the spice scenes but i don’t know how others perceive them. i want it to mean something and not just throw it in there (even if i really wanna hahaha.) from the very beginning, this has been a comfort fic despite all the smut. 
Second, when I was this fic gets me the most immersed compared to a lot of other fics (and God knows I've read way too much fics jumping from one fandom to another and another and another), I mean it in every possible way. You have NO idea how much I reread some parts just because I wanted to feel the tension over and over again. One of my favorite scene throughout the fic is actually the one where they were talking a walk and OC was so timid about Yoongi looking around so she offered to just... come back? And he was like, fuck it I will kiss her here out in the open if it means it'll erase the doubt on her face and I just 😭😭😭😭
oh my gosh?? wow. this is amazing feedback bc i always wonder how people feel when they read. i work on chapters so intentionally and painstakingly that i kinda become numb-ish to the wording (sometimes i think it’s even boring since i’ve read it so many times.) getting better at not thinking that way, though! i wanna evoke emotions and i hope i’m doing it well, but after reading something over and over from a critical standpoint it just.. yeah. but thank you!! and the scene from sidewalk talk omfg. i honestly love that chapter so much and a big reason why is that.. there’s just something about walking on a sidewalk with someone you like and are just starting to explore something with them. it’s a specific feeling and i wanted that to be the emotion ingrained in that part. hopefully i was able to do that. 
And I think the newest chapter has SO many things I love I can't begin to describe it. But all the tender moments??? The moment they push themselves through the edge because what they're feeling for each other is in the brink of explosion??? Perfection. 
the tender moments in this chapter yes!! they were at the edge. the precipice. and gdi if they weren’t gonna be adults and actually talk it all out. i love them so incredibly much and i really am so proud of how far both of them have come to confide in one another. there were so many things that their past selves would GAWK at if they saw them saying them out loud. to each other. it’s just so dope to see. 
Another thing I wanted to tell you is that I love love love how you narrate the fics. Sometimes you describe what OC does, and sometimes it's so personal that I catch myself being nervous too when OC is. That's amazing stuff right there and I want to thank you for that. It's been quite some time since I've got to write a fic that gets me right on OC's shoes. Almost like I'm looking at things exactly from her shoes.
awhhhh that’s also amazing to hear!! thank you for commenting on the narrative voice. i think i’m breaking countless rules when i write but you know what? i like writing how i think, if that makes sense. like organizing dialogue how normal conversations would flow (at least, in english), that’s how i like writing the narrative, too. if you can see yourself in reader’s shoes, holy heck that is cool?? how wonderful is that i’m so happy that’s the case for you!!😭
(I might or might not read the latest chapter during class bc I was too excited and missed like half of the things my teacher said, but, no regrets.) (Also just to clarify I was born in 199x so don't worry when I say school bc I'm definitely not a minor asjzjeidje)
I was about to talk abt smth else but like I said it's 11pm and I kinda forgot what so... I'll come back once it hits me again. Thank you again for the good read!!! Will be looking forward to anything 3tan 👀
LOLLL it’s totally okay, love! you better pay more attention in class next time HAHAHA or else!!! and whenever you think of something else to say, i am all ears! thank you for reading and here’s to more after and possibly during the break<33 
Also, I'm not even an army. Just a very casual fan who stumbled upon your fic and fell in love with the way you write😽
WAIT REALLY?? WHAT. wow.. that’s.. wow. i am honored as hell that you’re here? damn! i don’t even know what to say to this i’m kinda speechless. thank you again. this was so fun and touching to read!! 
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ir-dr · 7 months
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Day 3561 - 29 October 2023
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starryluminary · 4 months
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No pressure. (there's lots of pressure) No planning. (that much is true) No. Pookums. (only call him shnookums)
Masterlist | Bonus
DeaKids watermark and original screenshot!
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eggcromancer · 4 days
hi Eggie, I have a giftie for you :
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Okay have a nice day 🫂💕💥✨‼️
Fish slippers! They're super cool!! Until a certain sea critter mistake it for a tasty snack, that is.... 🍽
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This is a Malaysian Moon Moth!
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This is a Amesia sanguiflua! It is also in Malaysia! <3
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This is a Spanish Moon Moth!
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gorgeous stunning amazing beautiful i am In Love
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aw yeahhh more art time!!! :) these are some OCs that, if i go thru with it, will be featured in a comic that i mentioned in the pinned post. goobers. Say hello to team "Oof! Not Again!"
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dustykneed · 4 months
happy very, very late de day to those who celebrate<33 (jan 20th)
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inspired by @between-stars-and-enterprise's breathtaking work! (i wanted to draw bones knitting a scarf in response to the gorgeous utterly adorable pieces you made for me but obviously this one got away from me a little. whoops)
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airenfolio · 3 months
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Finished this Zer0 comm up the other day!
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enidtendo64 · 9 months
I just finished Wednesday today and I'm full on the wenclair ship!!!! so I'm glad to have seen your art just as I'm done lmao. if you read wenclair fics do you have any recommendations?
OOOOH Okay nice nice!!!
I'm so sorry this is so late but I hope you still want some recs, bc I def got some for you! I tried to keep these pretty succinct and not too many bc a lot of these are pretty long reads but these are some of my fav Wenclair fics to read and reread! I made sure to put different types/genres of fics in here too so there's a diverse list of flavors on here! Most will be complete but I'll throw in some WIPs i've been keeping an eye on!
If We Make It Through December by overnights: If you love FLUFF and Enid interacting with the Addams Fam! A wenclair STAPLE tbh, fake dating, Enid being invited to the Addams Mansion, and CHRISTMAS fic all in one! The dynamics between the Addams and Enid are always sweet, and Wednesday and Enid just teeter on that close friendship to oh, maybe it's love??? thing and it's so sweet to see. It's just very lovely and wholesome! A great execution of that 'fake dating but oops you were in love all along haha' trope!
Magus et Lupus by wigglewyrms: Ok like I had to rep one of my pals in here but in my defense this is genuinely so good and one of my favorite wenclair fics before we even became friends! It's a fun fantasy Wenclair with dialogue that's just so fun and snappy and witty! You're gonna have fun reading their conversations and then you're gonna get caught up into the world and the story! The plot is very fun and the end is a very fun payoff! I think I might have overused the word fun a lot for this fic but like that's just what this fic is--It's entertaining, it's engaging, and it makes you feel like you're having fun reading wanting to know what's next or what's this person gonna say or etc. It's a fic you read and you feel good! 100% Recommend! I even drew art for it if you're interested (which I should honestly repost on here soon)
I'd recommend their other stuff too-- Stubborn, Single Minded, and Obsessive is great if you like the slasher horror genre with a dash of Addams Family Values Lore, and their most recent one that's a WIP, When The Moon Shines Red is a very fun fic focused on Enid's werewolfisms but dangerous, with a very sweet friendship to relationship evolution between Enid and Wednesday!
i know the end by thriftedstars: If you're an angst lover like I am, you're gonna LOOOOVE this! A sort of groundhog's day type of fic, it focuses on the day of the last episode of the first season--Enid, Wednesday, Tyler, Crackstone, all that entails in that night. It's a really fun read just to know what happens next and how Enid gets out of the situation but also to see the girls' relationship grow in this terrible situation. Lots of emotion! Listen sometimes you just need the hurt for the ending to be sweeter! Recommend wholeheartedly!
curtain call by hanjisgirlfriend: on the complete opposite side of the last fic, Curtain Call is an enemies to friends to lovers Wenclair that does an amazing job of capturing that kind of high school love story kind of vibe but like also a dash of youthful nostalgia. It gives me the same vibe of like, if I was listening to the Kids album by Mac Miller--They're kids and they're friends and they're growing up and they're growing up together. I HIGHLY recommend as well, like it genuinely makes my heart lighter thinking about how sweet this is.
raven in the den, wolf in the nest by Barbara_Lazuli: So you might be familiar with the author's name--Artist, Comic maker, Writer, literally what CAN'T she do!!! This fic is another fake dating fic but a different flavor from the first one! This one really dives into both Enid and Wednesday's relationships with their mothers, as well as the building feelings they already have for each other. Their bond in this fic is nothing short of sweet and heartwarming, and I genuinely think this is one of the best fics in the tag! Just got so much substance! Also all the Addams family media references and the Loona refs-- like Barb if you read this you're a champ for making Wednesday play Sonatine and also listen to Hula Hoop and just for making this in general????? Seriously how are you so talented bro
queen of the night by heyfools: Look, a flower shop AU hits okay? And this? THIS HITS. Wednesday is an owner of a flower shop, Enid needs a job, and we know where this is going. But man the way you get to know both characters a little more--their histories, traumas, likes and dislikes and their personalities beyond "appropriately polite cowoke" (well, polite for Enid, not so much Wednesday at first) it's soooooo good! You have a journey along with the characters and you really get invested in their relationship! A great read, especially if you wanna read something like in the afternoon light with a nice lemonade maybe, or like just a very relaxing fun read!
Forged in Blood by RiseAboveTheAshes_203: Okay so this one is a HEAVY HITTER! We're getting into the big bois! It's a 100k fic about Wednesday and Enid basically dealing with the consequences of Enid becoming a blood wolf-- and bro you are seated, belted, strapped into the ride every step because PHEWWWW what a RIDE! It has really interesting lore building upon werewolf society in the show and also witchery and magic from the Addams family. And all of that is great and amazing but the real star of this is just Wednesday and Enid being Wednesday and Enid--they are DEVOTED to each other! Even if they don't quite understand the full means of it yet, and if it gets them in trouble sometimes. It's amazing to see their relationship grow and them understand what they truly mean to one another and it's a captivating love story that also happens to have fun world building for the show and amazing moments that just leave you so tense to know what happens next! I was so tuned in when this was still a WIP I remember refreshing the tag every lunch time for a while for a chapter I was HOOKED, and I'm sure you will be too!
A Kidnapping By Any Other Name by Ravenmoon33: So bear with me this is gonna be a long one; Ok! So this is the other WIP I've put in here (aside from When The Moon Shines Red) and let me tell you--this fic changed my life fr. Some TLDR lore about it tho--the version I linked above there is a revised version! They have an old version they still have up on their account and honestly I also HIGHLY recommend that version too bc it had me in bed giggling kicking my feet like ROMANCE. ROMANCE WAS MADE in these ao3 walls!!! (The flower scene???? No spoilers if you know you know but OOOOOOOOGGHHHH I would not shut up about it for WEEKS Im so sorry to my friends and my poor gf) but I also highly recommend the new version as well! If you've read the first version and are keeping up with the new version, the new things are also so good and you can tell the author is so locked in and excited with what they've added and what they've changed, I honestly recommend both;
So onto what it's actually about-- Enid is "kidnapped" by Wednesday and is "forced" to stay at her best friend's mansion for the summer. And you know what happens? LORE. So much worldbuilding on Addams family lore like it's AMAZING!!! You read about new characters the family past and what it means for Wednesday and Enid, and if that's not enough, there's also the MYSTERY aspect too because Weds and Enid will have to deep dive into that lore to figure out a problem in the present and it's so much FUN to like try to figure out how things go together! I love that aspect of both the versions so much that it's only rivaled by my immense love of how everyone's relationships are written! Enid's relationships with the other members of the Addams fam, especially Morticia, is so healing and heartwarming, and we see Wednesday's different dynamics with her family and how Enid affects her and helps her grow and you see those relationships with her family members grow because of it! And of course, the obvious, Wednesday and Enid basically having a love story for the ages cause JESUS, this is ROMANCE. Wednesday BIG FUCKING ROMANTIC Addams!!! It's amazing omg I wanna say more but I also don't bc I don't wanna spoil but I absolutely cannot rec it enough, even if it stays unfinished it will still be genuinely one of the best wenclair fics for me.
Tumultuous Waters: Wednesday Season Two by KrackenoftheDeep: So we're here at the last one. I didn't really list these fics out in specific order but I did save this specific one for last bc I genuinely think this is my favorite Wednesday fic. This is like a full ass season 2! It's a telling of how season 2 could happen, continuing from season 1 and picking up the ball the first season threw with stuff about the Morning Song cult, a deeper dive of Crackstone and Goody, more worldbuilding about the outcasts and the school, and best of all-- THE Wednesday and Enid dynamic that to me would be so fucking ideal for season 2 if Timothy Burton wasn't a COWARRD!!! /j /maybe
The growth Enid and Wednesday have in this fic, along with the exploration of the other characters, more investigations not just by Wednesday but also the other nightshade members helping and getting involved as well! You really get to feel so many things for these characters, and all of that pays off in one of the most satisfying endings for me in a fic like the author really fucking knocked this out of the park I felt like giving a standing ovation!
I genuinely don't think the Wednesday writers could like, live up to this. At least for me, it's that good. This is everything I've ever wanted for a Wednesday s2 honestly and I honestly, HONESTLY could not recommend this enough.
And after you read this, you can follow along the author's sequel to this fic, The Infinite Black Sea: Wednesday Season 3. Again, also highly recommend! A new mystery afoot!!!
I'm so sorry I didn't expect this to get super long but sometimes you just gotta give tens where tens are deserved!!! There are so many more great wenclair fics out there that deserve a reading and loving, like I know the tag can look a little scary sometimes but seriously there's some great gems there underneath all the scary stuff lol
These are just some of my personal favs, and honestly thank you to all the authors here yall are doing God's work fr!!!
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starredfishing · 11 months
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@9w6 commissioned me to draw claypollier and GAAAAH i love these boys sm....they're out stargazing way way way outside los angeles city limits rn
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god-mouths · 1 year
could you draw riz and sklonda w/ the ace flag .. <33 or just one idm
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son boy's first pride (tears of joy)
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thedrarrylibrarian · 7 months
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I was so excited to ask the wonderful @wolfpants to do the October rec because I knew she'd have the perfect spooky pick for us and they did not disappoint! I love the rec they picked - it's the perfect mix of suspenseful and scary - and I know you will enjoy it just as much!
When the lovely Drarry Librarian asked me to take the Halloween slot for Happy Hour, I was thrilled, honoured, and so very excited, because I had just the fic in mind for a spooky Drarry offering! 
The sexy, spine-tingling, and mysterious…
Saltwater Stain, by @the-starryknight (9,000 words, rated M)
Seven days stuck on a boat investigating a rogue ghost wouldn't be so bad if Harry didn't want Draco so much. Draco has his rules and Harry's content to follow them, but the air feels different away from the shore. Is it possible that the sea could offer Harry something impossible on land?
Merlin. What a banger of a fic. 
From the first sentence (‘The sun burned at the horizon, cresting across the wave-tips as far as Harry could see.’), I was completely enveloped in this seafaring gothic tale of forced proximity and psychological woe, where our heroes are faced not only with the open sea and the ghost that roams the mist, but with each other’s feelings—mental, emotional, and physical. 
This fic is burning with atmosphere and tension. There’s just something so—classic, about how Starry has written this. It feels like folklore, like a piece of oral history; the kind of tale sailors warn each other about in old taverns before they set off to sea.
And then there’s the pitch-perfect pining and romance that underlines it all—how Harry wants to see and be seen by this Draco, how he wants to be loved and wanted by this Draco, who is studious and serious and embroiled in an uncanny twist of his own that ultimately plunges this fic into a deliciously ambiguous ending.
Also! Special shout out to: bed sharing, shaving kink, Draco in glasses, and to this passage in particular, which sent me into a coma:
“You’re so good,” Draco murmured, as he pressed Harry’s head back, the tip of his wand curving along the underside of his jaw. “Look at you,” he breathed into Harry’s ear. “You’d do anything for me.”
I said this to Starry once and I’ll reiterate it here—I return to this fic time and time again, and I think about it often. It is easily one of my favourite fics in the Drarry canon, and a must-read, especially if you’re a fan of mysteries and ghost stories and all things gothic. Go forth! Don’t be scared!
Thank you, @wolfpants for this awesome rec! You definitely picked the perfect weekend read in preparation for Halloween! And speaking of Halloween, stay tuned for some more spooky recs headed your way!
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Friday!
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wigglys-dikrats · 7 months
wait so who are the waylons because I genuinely have no clue
mathias and agatha waylon were two of the first followers of the lords in black in hatchetfield
they founded the church of the starry children, as well as built the town’s most important landmarks, revealed to be black altars where rituals written in the black book could be performed: the starlight theatre; the gazette, which would one day become CCRP; the old mill, now lakeside mall; the old schoolhouse, now hatchetfield high; and waylon hall, their home on which they put a spell so anyone who dies there doesn’t truly die
the waylons had the town in a chokehold for 150 years, until the people of hatchetfield (the hatchetmen, aka the ancestors of the metzgers we meet in perky’s buds) got sick of the waylons and their cult and burst through the doors of waylon hall and hacked them all to bits with hatchets
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starryluminary · 2 months
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It’s your birthday today! It’s your birthday today!
There’s a cat licking your birthday cake, it’s your birthday today!
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