#thank you so much for the ask! ❤️ I'm glad you like (...hate?) the drawing!
shuploc · 10 months
You dont have the right to make Miguel so fucking HOT every time 😷💦
Girl how can I get over him if every single time I see your art I became more and more delulu
Haha, sorry about that! 😅
I think the attractiveness kinda comes natural when it's Miguel we're talking about, I really just need to draw him accurately. And since I tend to lean mostly towards realism with my art, adding all the extra details to him means there's a lot more room for some additional attractiveness to happen, y'know lmao
But honestly, I just think it's fun to see if I can even draw him like that, or just in general, and I of course also know you guys like these kinds of pieces 🤭 I do apologize for keeping the obsession going though, that's all on me!
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neo-kid-funk · 7 days
can i just say I love your versatility when it comes to ships ❤️
percabeth? "yeah cool here's a drawing of them" percico? "i love it here's a drawing of percico"
etc etc
you are truly amazing for that, keep rocking.
also your art style is the cutest ever and i fawn over the drawings even if it's a ship I don't ship.
Okay I've actually been really excited to answer this ask,, I'm glad you noticed that;; I try to be really open minded when it comes to ships and stuff,, and I just think that ship wars are really outdated and just like super negative in general,, and I want people enjoy the Fandom however they want! I'm totally cool w people not shipping what I ship as long as we're all cool about it,, like sending people hate and rude comments over ships is so yuck to me,, so far I've only gotten a few hate comments but I'm pretty unbothered by it,, my hope is that people will just be nice to each other even if they disagree on a ship..I'm just trying to treat it like everyone can be chill no matter what they ship,, we all like the same series just in different ways,, your ask is a good example of like positive interaction, like "we dont ship the same stuff but I like your art" like thats what I mean about being chill,, anyway I'm rambling but thank you so much for the ask, and thanks for being so kind and positive! You're awesome sauce!! 💖💖
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Some Annabeth for you! 🦉
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Soooo first of all The mermaid story was fucking fire. Like, wow. I love the longing and desire for her on Simons part. Absolutely amazing. I have two questions tho, I hope that's ok. After everything, can she still turn into her mermaid form? And what exactly is Simons realm? Is it like our world but like an alternative universe kinda stuff or like completely different than our world? Again this was stunning and so beautifully written. You never disappoint❤️👍
Hi! Thank you SO much, I'm so glad you liked it! 🩵 I was a little nervous about it because it's a bit dark thematically with the heart eating and magical dub con but I had so much fun with it, I hoped others would too. I've been working on it since Florence dropped Mermaids in April so it was definitely a labor of love.
In regards to your questions: 1. You can still turn into your mermaid form. It has been your primary form for centuries, and how you lived most of you existence, so I don't think Simon would want to take that from you completely. You do have to live on land in Faerie, and this exact conundrum is why he agonized about taking you for so long. Fusing his magic with yours is how he solves it, it gives you the ability to choose your form as you please, by drawing on different sides of the power. I imagine he builds the two of you a new home, a castle by the sea where you can visit the ocean as much as you choose. Your children inherit this ability too, cute little babes with pointed ears and the power to switch between legs and a tail. They play hide and seek in the shallow pools and sandbars by your home.
2. Simon is from Faerie. It's a completely different realm from ours, but still in the same universe. When you smell him in the bar, and envision the forests and the oceans, with the aquamarine sea and shallow pools, that's his realm. It's different from the mortal world, but you find some surprising similarities like gravity (which you hate, because legs are difficult to operate and balance/coordination is not your strong suit) and food, with both mortals and Fae eating things that grow from the ground and livestock animals. There are also vast differences, like Faerie has it's own magical council (who is pissed at Simon, by the way. He technically snatched another magical being from a completely different realm without asking them…) and the wine there is strong enough to sedate an ox. There are new laws, new customs, and you have this new, wildly powerful magic living inside of you that makes everything very overwhelming in the beginning and Simon is wracked with guilt, but you eventually begin to adjust.
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sciderman · 10 months
hi sci! i think at least once a day i am taken aback by how much of an incredible artist you are. your ability to create and your passion for it is just astounding to me, over the course of a few years your work has become such a pillar of inspiration for me 💘
i've asked you before for drawing tips and i value those so much but i've found myself actually wanting more and more to get into writing fanfiction but i have about a million worries and i'm not entirely sure to start. i definitely smashed out a few so-bad-its-bad obscure anime fanfictions as a kid but i really haven't touched creative writing in eons. I know you've been writing for a good while, but do you have any writing tips you tend to refer to or any advice for begginners? ... and any advice on getting over my internalised cringe culture when i can't open a word document and type out "peter parker" without shrivelling into myself...
anyway! have a great day! i love you very much and i am so excited for the spidercablepool fic to ruin my train of thoughts for the forseeable future :] ❤️
immediate cringe upon the mention of "peter parker" is par for the course, i'm afraid
bless you so much @saeram!! bless you for all your kind words, i... houugh... thank you so, so much. thank you so much for reading the goofy things i put out into the world - i'm so, so glad you're enjoying it!
i don't know if i have a lot in the way of writing advice - i think the only way to overcome the shame of it is just to whisper "i am cringe and i am free" and do it. i think anything you enjoy doing is worth doing - and, you know, if it's not enjoyable you just wouldn't do it. you post your first fanfiction - you get feedback, you find out people hate it when you write in first person. you learn, you come back stronger than ever. (not from personal experience. okay. yes. it's from personal experience.)
(i still like my first person pov fics. shut up.)
maybe my first advice is don't write in first person (people hate that.) (but actually i love it, when it's done well. but i'm freaky kinky.)
i'd say reading definitely helps when it comes to writing, but again, that's me giving good advice that i don't follow (i'm jared, 19.) - i mostly read comics. and i mostly read comics that i don't enjoy. don't be like me. read things that you enjoy - even if you've read it a hundred times before, odds are, it'll inspire.
i did say when people asked me advice on writing dialogue (which is my absolute FAVOURITE thing to write) - watching movies and television with dialogue / characters that you really like honestly really helps - more so than reading, I think, for me. performance is so, so important when i'm writing dialogue. it's not just words, i have to have such a clear picture of how it's being said, ya feel. how the characters are performing it. and so, in that way, it plays out a little bit like a movie in my head, even though there's still a lot of internal monologue in there (the internal monologue i write is often very reliant on visual metaphor too - i'm just - i'm a really visual person, i think.)
all in all i don't think there's any better advice than just DO it. just DO it! and once you've done it once, the second time is easier. and then the next, and then the next. it might help to discuss it with others - do some back-and-forth, or even have proof-readers - (i rarely do, but i also love to overshare all my wips, because i'm a giddy little schoolgirl when i'm knee-deep in my writing.)
if you'd like to spitball ideas or share your writing (particularly in regards to peter parker, my beloved) i'd be happy to help! god speed and good luck, and i hope you'll be putting your beautiful fanfic babies out into the universe for us starving folk to enjoy
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munsonownsmyass · 1 year
Lily my love!
How about Dipping in a natural hot spring with Matthias Helvar?
Can be spicy, soft, or both! Dealer's choice!
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Matthias Helvar x reader
Summary: Taken prisoner by the Drüskelle, you find yourself in the cold, unforgiving land of Fjerda. Freezing and fearing for your life, an unlikely savior comes to your rescue.
Author's notes: Thank you so much for this ask, Pheebs! I'm glad I've made you simp as much as I do for this man ❤️
Also... Lava in Fjerda works different. That's all I'll say about that.
Warnings: Enemies to lovers big time. Angst, mentioning of killing someone, pining? Maybe? SMUT! 18+. Grinding, handjob, unprotected sex, cream pie (you know me by now), kissing, fluff.
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The weather had turned colder faster than you expected. Even with the many layers, you could feel the cold seeps though your flesh, freezing you to the bone. You weren’t used to the cold, far from it, but as a prisoner of the Drüskelle, you had been taken far into the icy lands of Fjerda.
The last few days have been on the move with barely any sleep or food and especially without much warmth. The Fjerdan men in front of you keeps pushing on, used to this harsh weather, born from the cold. You could hear the men snickering around you, having a laugh on your expense. They know you’re freezing, but they don’t care. Your life means little to them.
Except for maybe the youngest of the Drüskelle. Matthias. He’s barely said a word to you, yet he is the one of them you trust the most. The other men had eyed you in ways that made you uncomfortable, but not Matthias. He seemed protective over you, even though he didn’t hide the fact that he hated what you are.
Being a Grisha was never good in Fjerdan territory, let alone in the hands of the Drüskelle. They had orders not to harm you, but the only one who seemed to heed those words were Matthias. Still now, you hear them mutter silently between each other, words like drüsje and mörd spoken with clenched teeth. You don’t speak Fjerdan, but you do know those words. Witch and death.
As the winds pick up, the men make camp in a small forest, the trees providing some cover from the storm. Used to the harsh environment, the men settle down and doesn’t seem faced by anything, making you feel worse as your teeth clatter so hard you fear they will take permanent damage. One of the oldest, the leader, yells at you harshly in Fjerdan.
“I already told you, I don’t understand what you’re saying!” you bite back, no longer caring if they kill you. Then at least you’d no longer be freezing. He stands up, walking over to you as he draws his knife from its sheath.
“Scön der top.” He mutters under his breath, stopping a mere inch from your face. “I said; If you don’t stop the clattering, I’ll remove your teeth to keep you quiet.”
Matthias cuts in between, putting a hand to the leaders chest. Their discussion sounds heated, the leader’s eyes darting to you more than once. For the first time you really fear for your life. Matthias gets to his feet and pulls you with him.
“Go then! And take the drüsje whore with you!” The old man spits out, before turning away from you and Matthias. He pulls you away from the group quickly and leads you further into the woods. Trembling, you fear what he’s gonna do. Is this it? Was he ordered to take you into the woods and dispose of you?
“Are you gonna kill me?” You try, voice weak and barely above a whisper. He stops, his grip on your arm loosening as he turns to you, eyes softer than you expected.
“No. I was saving you.” He looks at you for a moment, before walking again, but this time the grip on your arm is softer. “He was ready to kill you, but we need you alive to get our money.”
For some reasons, your heart sinks in your chest, making you feel hollow. Did you expect him to save you because he cared? Stupid girl. No, of course you’re merely a way for him to earn some coin.
“If you’re not gonna kill me, where are you taking me?”
He doesn’t answer, he just drags you through the trees. The woods slowly gets darker as the day comes to an end, but suddenly up ahead, you see a faint light. Following close behind Matthias, you see the light grow stronger until you realize what it is. Lava. Heard about it, but never seen it with your own eyes, you’re intrigued by the warm colors.
“Why did you bring me here?” You ask confused, hoping he was telling the truth earlier and isn’t planning on throwing you in the lava.
“You were cold. Lava is hot.” He shrugs, sitting you down near a tree. He squats down in front of you, starring into your eyes. “If I go find food, will you promise to stay? Or will I have to tie you down?”
He watches you intently, his blue eyes boring into your soul, making you shiver. You hate the way your body reacts to him. He is Drüskelle, trained to capture or kill you. You’re Grisha, his enemy from before either of you were born, so why do you long to reach out and touch him? Why do you feel yourself blush when his eyes linger a little too long?
“I promise.” You whisper softly, but as Matthias turns to walk away, you can’t help but bite back. “Besides, where would I go on my own? Die of the cold or die by the hands of the Drüskelle, what’s the difference?”
You see Matthias stop for a second, shoulders tense, before he walks off into the darkness. For a second you want to run after him, fearing what would happen if he doesn’t come back. But at least he left you someplace warm. You can already feel your body relaxing as it warms up, the tremble slowly subsiding.
After a while you get bored and start exploring. If you’re still near where he left you, it would still count as staying put, right? Always been curious by nature, you walk closer to the lava.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice an opening in the rocks. Intrigued, you walk closer only to find a small tunnel. Walking in, your hand brush over an old torch on the wall. Quickly taking it and running back to the lava, you get it lit before you run back into the tunnel. Along the way there are more torches you can light, illuminating your path. At the end, it opens into a cave. No, not just a cave. Someone lived there once. A makeshift bed with furs in one corner, small shelves with trinkets and old books. All covered in layers of dust, abandoned for years.
Exploring the rest of the cave, you light every torch you find, when suddenly you see the flames reflected in some water. Walking closer, you realize it’s not a puddle as you first expected, but a whole pool of water. Deep enough to submerge in, the sides processed so they’re smooth. Whoever lived here before, made sure the edges weren’t sharp. Dipping your hand into the water, you find it warm. Probably kept that way by the lava surrounding the cave.
It’s been weeks since your last bath, always used to long relaxing and scented baths back in Ravka, so you wonder if you could bathe quickly before Matthias returns. Quickly, before you can change your mind, you discard your clothes and climb into the pool. Once submerged in the hot waters, you instantly feel better, the warmth spreading through you. After cleaning off weeks of dirt, you lean against the edge of the pool, allowing yourself to close your eyes just for a bit.
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“What are you doing?!”
You jerk awake, looking up to find Matthias a few feet from you. He is clearly angry, and you can’t really blame him. You turn to face him, making sure to keep your body stays hidden under the surface.
“I’m sorry. I got curious and found this place.” You gesture to the cave with a nervous smile. “And when I saw the water, I didn’t think. I just really needed a bath.”
He just huff, annoyance painted on his features as he settles down on a stool to prepare the bird in his hand. Unsure what to do now, you linger in the water, looking at him. After a while, he throws the bird down, looking at you.
“I was just thinking…” You start softly, not even sure you should tease him when he’s already angry. “You could use a bath, too, you know. I’m not the only one who smells.”
“So, I should go into the water and then what? You could use your powers to kill me?” He bites back, never taking his eyes of the bird as he picks it up and start plucking of it’s feathers again.
“I would never-”
“Yes you would! I’ve seen what Tidemakers can do.” He stand up, closing the distance to you, anger burning like a rapid fire in his eyes. “You Grishas are all the same. Drüsje.”
At the last word, you feel a tightening in your chest. It never stops hurting, no matter how many times they call you a witch.
“We are not evil. I have only used my powers for good. It’s not my fault you were taught to hate me. You don’t even know me!”
Matthias avoids your gaze, but you see his eyes soften. He sighs before looking back into your eyes. “I do not hate you. I hate what you are.”
He sits down at the edge of the pool, his eyes looking anywhere but your naked flesh, which you find quite endearing. “When I was little, my family was killed by people like you. So tell me how I should not hate your kind?”
“I wasn’t even born. Why should I pay for the sins of those who came before me?”
“And why should I? Don’t tell me you haven’t heard that all Drüskelle are bad?”
At that you laugh, leaning onto your arms on the edge. “Says the man who holds me prisoner.”
Matthias laughs when it all dawns on him. Running his fingers through his hair, he looks into your eyes again, his softer than before. “I guess we are both bad.”
“Or we were both taught wrong?”
He nods, smiling softly at you. For a second his eyes travel down, but instantly he looks away, the blush creeping up his neck and cheeks. Interesting. You shift your stance, the top of your chest breaking the surface of the waters. Matthias blushes even more, muttering a Fjerdan curse under his breath.
“So… If I promise not to drown you, will you come in? You do really stink.” You ask, feeling bolder than before. Pushing away from the edge, your lean back as you swim backwards, the soft flesh of your breasts peeking above the surface. “I promise not to look as you get in.”
With a smile, you turn your back to Matthias, waiting in silence. After what seems like hours, you hear the sound of his thick coat hit the floor of the cave. The rest of his clothes soon follow and as you hear his footsteps nearing the edge, you sneak a peak at his reflection in the water. You knew he was big, the tallest of all the Fjerdan men, but now you see that everything about him is big. Biting your lip, you try your best to hold back the gasp that was threatening to leave you.
Once he’s in the water, you turn around to face him. He looks uncomfortable, vulnerable, as he sits there in the water, shed of his armor. He is right. It would be easy for you to manipulate the water, drown him. But you won’t. Like it or not, you’ve come to care for the big brute. And you believe he cares about you too.
Looking into his beautiful blue eyes, you swim closer, holding his gaze. He shifts in his seat, bottom lip quivering as you get closer. You shouldn’t do this, but every rational thought is gone. Left is only him and those eyes so deep, you could swim in them forever.
You straddle him, causing him to gasp when he feels you close. You feel him grow harder against you, his breath hitching in his throat. Scooting closer, you feel his hard length against your slick lips. You grind against him, eliciting a whimper from him.
“You’ve been so kind to me. Protecting me. You put all my thoughts about the Drüskelle to shame.” You purr, hands running over his chest, coming to a halt on his shoulders.
“They brought us up to hate each other, but I was so wrong to listen.” He pauses, his hand cupping your cheek, his touch gentler than any you’ve ever felt. “We are more alike than I could ever have imagined.”
“So you don’t want to kill me?” You ask, the words you really want to say left unspoken.
“No, that’s the last thing I want to do.” He whispers, leaning in to claim your lips in a soft kiss. As he deepens the kiss, your hand wanders down to his hard cock. Matthias moan when your fingers wrap around the base, slowly dragging your grip up and down his length. He whimpers, rolling his hips in response as you continue stroking him. Picking up the pace, you grin to yourself when you see Matthias’ flustered face, mouth open in a gasp as he throws his head back against the edge. The moaning turns to a deep growl, his hands coming to a rest on your hips in a bruising grip.
He opens his eyes, the blue replaced by black lust blown orbs as he takes you in. His lips find your again in a long, hungry kiss. “Please.” He whimpers, knowing you will know the meaning of his plea.
You let go of his cock, pushing off his lap until you’re hovering above his throbbing length. You tease him, letting the head slide through you wet folds before you cave in, lowering yourself onto him with a gasp.
“Fuck, min hjerte.” He hisses out through gritted teeth, his grip on your hips tightening. When he slides home, his whines echo in the cave. You bury your head in his neck, shivering by the feeling of him filling you up.
“Move, Matthias.”
And he does. Rocking his hips up and into you, while you hold onto his shoulders, one hand entangling in his soft dark blonde hair. With each snap of his hips, you gasp, loosing yourself in the feeling of him. You kiss him, desperate for release as you clench around him.
“A little more…” he begs, snapping his hips again, causing the water to ripple around you. “So… close…”
It’s only a few more thrusts of his hips before you come, moaning his name. it’s too much for him and he spills inside you, filling you with his cum. You fall against his chest, breathing hard as you come down from your high. Wrapping his arms around you, Matthias holds you close, placing soft kisses on your hair.
There in the cave, wrapped in his embrace, you feel the world fade away. None of you knows what the future will bring, your love a forbidden one, but none of it matters now. Right now, he’s yours and you’re his, however short a time it may be.
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TFC girls: @phoebe-danvers @mindidjarin @e-dubbc11 @itwasthereaminuteago @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @mattmurdocksscars @pedrito-friskito @a-bang-for-your-bucky
Tagging: @our-chaos
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leftwiththeriverr · 6 months
i'm appalled by how rude people are in your askbox. and it's not just you, either; i've seen so many other marauders artists get asks with shit along the lines of "your ___ design is ugly and terrible and i hate you and you don't deserve the attention you get" and it's like man. when did people start to feel entitled to voice their opinion on other peoples' art. when did we forget that art is a craft. when did we forget that artists aren't just content creators and they are human beings with thoughts and feelings and fears and lives.
i just want to let you know that what you create is gorgeous and beautiful and i appreciate it so so much. your style is the kind that makes me want to just stop drawing forever because i could literally never achieve what you do /pos. thank you for sharing your art with us ❤️
I think i got used to these comments. I try not to judge those who criticize me in this way; there must be some reason in their personal lives that leads them to send these kinds of things to me. And another thing, if what I create is beautiful, it's because I had the privilege of being able to set aside time in my life to practice. If you practice enough, you can develop any skill. Thank you so much for the comment! I'm glad you like what I post here. <3
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kafus · 11 months
this might sound weird, but i like how you actually take your old art seriously. people say that everything you make between the ages of 10-15 is meaningless and serves no purpose other than making your future self cringe to death, and then think, "wow, i'm so glad my work is better than that garbage now!"... and then tell the actual 10-15 year olds to embrace that and continue making said "cringe garbage". as if what they make doesn't have any emotions behind it at all. all it does is make those kids, me included, feel awful about everything they make and not want to create anymore. because all it is is just trash for their future self to hate and laugh at. and so you actually taking your old art seriously and continuing to draw and love your old "cringe" characters even after so long is just. it makes me actually have hope that hey, maybe everything i make and all my characters i love DO mean something more! and its just. its great. tldr sparklecat stuff good ❤️
(btw yes this is the same anon as the old web ask lol)
I SAW THIS EARLIER BUT COULDN'T RESPOND TILL NOW this brought me so much joy to read thank you for sending me this! i'm glad i can make you feel like your art is worth making because it absolutely is. don't listen to sarcasm poisoned adults who have been taught to hate the art they made as children, be yourself go crazy and make whatever and be proud of it hell yeah
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jinxthejubilee · 1 year
Hey there!! I’m come here as soon as i saw that you write nd draw for Villain recruiters bc there is not enough writes of the babies,,so, i remember seeing on a post (don’t really remember if it was yours or if it was other person) a headcanon that said “Malfie has a soft spot for children” and that make me think about how would the other recruiters be with children (platonic ofc), could you write some headcanons abt it? Whatever makes you feel comfortable!
First of all, thank you so much! I'm also glad that you've enjoyed my work so far! Second, I'm not quite sure if I headcanoned that or not, BUT! It sounds too cute to not write about.
So, in honor of your ask, let's get into the cuteness!
The Villain Recruiters with Children
Apple Poison 🍎
Before his inevitable character development, Apple kept his distance from children whilst on the job.
He didn't hate children, but his aloof nature definitely gave an ominous vibe towards guests. Though his politeness and bluntness were, somehow, what drove kids to Apple.
As his icy exterior melts away, Apple begins to indulge in the children's games, silly requests, or just them asking for company.
This was made possible thanks to his crazy, vibrant coworkers who became a family. Especially Pretty Scar, who, in all her annoyance, helped train Apple to adjust to children's behavior. He's dealt with the hyena girl's shenanigans on a regular basis, dealing with normal children is a cakewalk compared to her.
Jack Heart ❤️
Oh, Jack loves these little buggers!
Entertaining the kids during the stage shows is the highlight of his day. The laughter, the cheers, the excitement! It practically fuels him with joy and the strength to keep performing.
Jack adores children! He'll play tricks and pranks to make them laugh. He doesn't mind babies either! If they start crying, he'll make goofy faces or dance to help them smile again.
Just a warning, though, chaos always follows Jack wherever he goes, being from Wonderland and all, so if he somehow ends up babysitting, know that your house will end up burning down.
Malfi (Malfie) 🪞
Malfi's not super into kids, but he enjoys their company more than Apple.
He's more than willing to show himself in all of his handsome glory off anytime for them, but he's not used to all of affection they tend to give him. They ruin his hair!
He does have a soft spot for them, though. They may ruffle his feathers from time to time, but he can't bring himself to dislike them at all.
Malfi had a difficult childhood, on account of his parents following nature's guidelines in throwing him out of the nest because they deemed him as "weak." He never had anyone to look up to, other than Maleficent, and his days before her were quite lonely.
Beauty and childhood innocence are sacred to Malfi, so if he can brighten up a kids' day with his gorgeous self, whatever happens is worth it.
Eight Foot Joe 🐙
Joe's not the biggest fan of kids, nor does he have the energy to deal with them.
Before he became more socialible, he would do everything he possibly could to get away from the kids.
If someone, particularly a little girl, is wearing an Ariel costume, Joe will scream at them to try and get them to go away. It's not the kid's fault, he just has trauma surrounding the royal family and Ursula back at home.
Eventually, Joe will realize that making a decent impression on the public is part of his job, so he'll get used to it. Again, he's very socially awkward, so interacting with anyone, let alone children, will take some getting used to.
That "I have no idea what to do" phase will fade soon enough. He'll accept children in a very "tired uncle" way.
Mr. Dalmatia 🐾
Dalma is surprisingly good with kids despite his slight prissiness.
Dalmatians themselves are a very energetic and active breed, so most kids enjoy having the dog recruiter around.
He may get scolded for running around like a dog in his human form, but no one can or really cares to stop him. By playing with the kids, he's technically still doing his job, so why bother?
On some days he will be more irritated than usual, like if the babies are too loud, his coat gets ruined, or is just having an off day, but other than that, bring them over!
Pretty Scar (Mzuri) ✨️
Children are adorable, and so is Mzuri, so of course, she loves kids to pieces!
Being a hyena and all, she's used to interacting with dozens of kids at the same time. Playtime is funtime, so long as her hair, dress, or makeup don't get ruined.
While her colleagues might find her obnoxious, she finds solace in the fact that the kids like her, so that's more than enough!
Ms. Hades 🔥
As the designated mom of the group, Ms. Hades is quite the expert at dealing with children responsibly.
She may not understand everything, given that she's spent all of her immortal life in the Underworld and heard all kinds of stories about betrayal, family murder, and massive family drama from Olympus, but upon realizing that their world is massively different than hers, she understands soon enough.
Sometimes, she'll spot children and their parents having fun and doing family things, and eventually, she gets a better understanding of human life and culture.
She becomes more friendly and hospitable towards the kids, and while she's still fairly strict with rough housing, she won't get too heated over it.
Veil 🔔
Veil was once incredibly uncomfortable towards children while she was still in France. Her childhood was full of abuse and neglect, and she found refuge in the church with the infamous Claude Frollo. All of this put together made her socially inept outside of her normal duties.
Despite that, however, working with the recruiters and talking to staff and customers has improved her social skills. She's even found that children are far easier to talk to once she grew to understand them.
Her singing voice often puts fussy babies or rambunctious youngsters to sleep, much to the parent's delight. The praise she earns for it sends her over the moon with joy.
Lady Hock (Hook) 🪝
Ah, the suave and adventurous pirate lady! A lover of the seas and of boisterous little tykes!
Similarly to Malfi, Hock wishes to protect the innocence and wonder of children. As such, she will grant the desires of any child who asks of her, whether their requests be sword fighting on the roof or singing sea shanties on stage.
Faja (Farja) 🌹
As much as Faja likes kids and their enjoyment of her magic tricks, she's still the hothead of the group. Patience is most definitely not her virtue.
Babies crying can get on her nerves real fast, and she doesn't have Ms. Hades' calm and collected nature, or Jack's funnyman persona, to help her out. But since she's around kids a lot (again, this is Disneyland), she gets more used to it. It still annoys her, though.
Faja will make the kids laugh, unintentionally, when her spells backfire, and she'll either be furious with them seemingly making fun of her for it, or she'll droop down like her flower in defeat.
But! If the spell, by some miracle, actually works and the kids applaud or demand an encore, Faja will be more than happy to oblige.
She may be more of a"spunky aunt" type than a "mom" type, but that doesn't mean she won't get all sappy when the kids say that they love or that she's their favorite out of all the recruiters. She'll just start bawling.
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femmespoiled · 1 year
Actually, thank you so much for that last post on butch/femme identity... I've known I was a lesbian for like the past decade and I've always felt a draw to the femme identity (especially once I came into my own after leaving high school), but I've always felt like I wasn't enough, yknow?
I'm fat, I'm hairy, my pcos gives me so much extra testosterone and it makes me struggle to be comfortable with any of that, as well as a struggle with depression that makes it hard for me to dress in that stereotypical femme way people think of. I always told myself I wasn't enough
But lately I've been trying to open myself up more to the idea. I love femininity- even just the thought of it is like some kinda pink lightning in my veins. I love the looks, the very concept of it, the idea that someone looking at me could see me as a beacon of such a thing leaves me on cloud nine. All the little rituals, doing my lipstick as the opening act to the main show of kissing a woman I love- God help me.
And knowing that I can be femme in spite of my insecurities, in spite of the things society made me hate about myself and told me wasn't very womanly, beyond the visuals which I struggle with sometimes.
Well, it's some kind of euphoric 🧡💛🤍🩷❤️
So thank you! (And sorry for the long ass ask)
reading this made me so happy, I'm glad this can be a good place for you ♥️ you're more than enough, thank you for being part of my little community here
My job as a femme is never just to protect/defend, give support and love butches, it's to uplift my fellow femmes as well, always, all of you are so important and the diversity in femme is beautiful, we need more of that. I'm so proud of the different femmes I get to interact with here every day
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tamelee · 1 year
Your last art pieces are so beautiful! 😍 I absolutely love when you paint Sasuke and Naruto, but when you draw them in this more manga-like style, there’s just something in it ❤️
I’m glad you put anon asks on again, I hope the reason for why it was down wasn’t because of rude haters 😒 (I get it if it was, I’m just mad at them)
Anyway, thank you for sharing your talent with us! ❤️
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I'm so glad you like them thankyou so much!! (/▽\*)。o○🧡 I'm practicing sketching more in Manga-styles because I'm in the final stages of a story that I'm planning to draw. I've never done that before so I better keep on practicing.. Hmm, sometimes. I mean.. I'm in control of what I show. I don't want that on my blog (negative fandom stuff/call-outs etc etc) so a hate-ask is an instant block and delete anyway 😁 Other times it is because life can be a bit overwhelming and there is a lot to focus on so for now anon-option is only on during the weekend! 💕 Thank you again for this wonderful ask nonee 😭 I hope you're having a great day~!
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wine4thewin · 7 months
Oh dear lord 🥺
Finally I was able to find some strength to come here 😫 first I would like to say thank you very much for everything you have done for the sukuita community. Seriously you are one of the best writers I have ever read stories from I can even say that you The best of them all 🥹❤️
You wrote the most beautiful stories I have ever read in my life , Seriously you are the best ever. You never changed their character in your stories especially sukuna's and that is what made the stories so special (i can't imagine him with good personality he is an evil jerk so to see him acting softly in other stories made me feel wired sometimes 😞) So I will say it again. Thank you very much for the most beautiful stories 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Even though I am very sad now because I just finished the fourth chapter of no eviction notice and I feel like screaming because I knew in advance that the ending would be very sad 😭 but I fell in love with it as is the case with the rest of your stories, especially the Ten Years and a Day series because God it was the most beautiful story I have ever read and I still re-read it whenever I can 😫
Their feelings in this story made me want to... I go in it and hug Yuji and hit Sukuna and then hug him as well because well I felt sad for him in the end and how he still tries so hard to make Yuji happy but he will never be able to do that and this is what broke my heart, he can't make Yuji happy and even though I know this was his doing but I wished for a moment that he would make Yuji happy and that the story would have a happy ending but not all wishes come true so I 💔💔💔 So I decided to read no eviction notice and oh it broke my heart again And I have a strong feeling that chapter 5 is going to be a heartbreaker 😭😭😭
so I'll ask and you can ignore me you never have to answer these kind of questions at all so umm the question is when are you going to update it? Look you don't have to answer this question just ignore it if you want to I'm just very curious to know what will happen between them in the next chapter 😞
Well, I feel like I talked too much, so thank you very much. I hope you are well and I wish you the best 🤍🤍🤍😘
Goodness, thank you for the lovely compliment! It's always nice to hear that my stories are enjoyed by readers! ❤️
I'm glad the characters feel true to themselves in my fics. I'm someone who simply cannot read out-of-character works and I take it seriously when I spend a lot of time working with a character. As you mentioned, I never sugar coat villains; if they are immoral, they will remain immoral, but I will draw out the aspects that people hate to love them for. A great villain is one that people like to see on screen, after all.
LOL! I do update No Eviction Notice a bit slow, but that's mainly because I've been traveling for work quite a bit and it's the end of the quarter, which means everything gets nutty. As I am likely going to split the next chapter into two due to size, the next update should probably be coming sometime in the next week!
This also means that chapter 5 IS NOT going to be a heartbreaker...but by the end of chapter 6, oh yes. Yuuji's love and sorrow resides on the same coin.
Have a lovely week, dear!
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Wow, 8k?? Congratulations!! 🎉 If you don't mind, I'd appreciate a LOTR and The Hobbit ship ☺️ And possibly a drabble for LOTR with the 'first kiss' prompt if that's okay!
I'd probably prefer a male ship. I'm really short, like 4' 10" and chronically ill with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Autism, Dyspraxia and a bunch of other stuff. I love writing and drawing. I'm a people person but I definitely need my alone time, I can only handle so much social interaction in a day. I love cryptozoology and science too. I really hate possessiveness and I'll need someone who doesn't mind accomodating me. I'm pretty excitable and funny but can have a hard time because of my chronic illnesses. I can infodump about nearly any topic since most of my time is spent researching things that interest me. I get nervous in relationships and am easily flustered too
Thanks so so much, I hope you have an amazing end to your week! Take care of yourself and drink lots of water hun ❤️
Thank you!~
I hope you like them~ Since you asked for a drabble for only the Lotr ship, I gave you headcanons for The Hobbit ship :)
I ship you with Legolas.
I think Legolas is very caring, and understanding and would never push you. He also enjoys his alone time, and would not mind when you needed your.
Runner Up: Samwise
'First Kiss'
As Legolas spotted you in the distance, a smile spread across his face. His whole journey back, he had been excited to see you. Your relationship had been growing, but before Legolas could truly tell you how he felt, he was sent off by his father.
But now he had returned, and he was more than ready to tell you and show you how he truly felt.
As you sat underneath your favorite tree, reading your favorite book, you heard the sound of soft footsteps approaching.
Looking up, your eyes landed on the smiling face of Legolas. Your heart jolted in your chest as a wide smile appeared on your face.
"Legolas!" You said with excitement as you began to rise.
Quickly approaching you, Legolas did not let you rise entirely before he pulled you into a hug.
You let out a soft laugh as he gripped you in his arms. You hugged him back, excitement filling your body. Pulling away from him a few moments later, you looked up into his eyes.
"I'm so glad you're back"
He smiled adoringly down at you "I'm glad I am returned."
Reaching up, he gently caressed your cheek as he stared at you, you felt your ears burning hot and your heart beating heavier in your chest.
"I cannot tell you how much I've wanted to see your smile since I left. And how much I wish I had not left before I told you truly how I felt."
You were uncertain of what to say. You knew how he felt, as you felt it too. And you wished you had said something yourself before he left, but you were too afriad.
Finally finding your words, you smiled softly. "I know how you feel Legolas."
He smiled as he moved a bit closer to you "Then let me show you."
Slowly leaning down, he cupped your chin in his hand as he pressed a soft and gently kiss to your lips. Your face burned hot, but you felt happiness jolt through you as you returned the kiss.
Mutual affection and love radiated through both of you as you held each other, glad to finally be together again, and fully open to how both of you felt.
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The Hobbit:
I ship you with Kili!
Kili adores your kindness, and fun sense of humor. He is drawn to those who are intelligent and kind, so he would be very attracted to you quickly after you met.
Runner Up: Besides Legolas; also Bilbo.
Kili is always there when you need him, at the drop of a hat. He holds you comfort and happiness in high esteem and will do whatever he needs to make you feel cherished and loved.
Any time Kili goes off on a short adventure (often with his brother), he writes you letters. Even if he cannot deliver them. He will give them to you once he returns so you can read them, knowing he was thinking of you along his journey.
Kili finds it fascinating and impressive how much information you can retain, and you are always the first person he comes to with a question because he knows you will always know something about it.
He is protective, but not possessive.
Kili likes that you are easily flustered, in the sense that you always react when he flirts with you. He thinks it is cute.
Anytime your pain is flaring up, Kili will help you however you wish. A hot bad, a cold press, leave you alone? Sure he'll do it, as long as it helps.
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remisava · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️
Hi! Thank you! 🥰
Uhh.. Haha let me think about it
1. I like that I learned to value and love myself despite years of self-deprication
2. I can make others laugh. You could say I'm the clown of any group (in a positive way)
3. I'm a fast learner, many things come to me easily and I can find shortcuts to make work easier and faster. Wish that would also include drawing lol
4. I won't let people walk over me. I can give a few chances, if you fuck them up, then you can go your own way. It's either mutual respect or nothing. It's sad how many times I heard my friends talk about their experience with shitty people and how they would still hang out with them. (Glad this isn't happening anymore)
5. I don't engage with the things I despise. I see so many people just loving on hating something minuscule and telling artists to k*s over some character portrayal or ship art. Labeling almost anything as problematic and witch-hunting anyone who has a different opinion. I think that takes so much time and energy that you could spend on creating content that you yourself like.
And don't get me wrong, I do enjoy healthy discussion with polar opposite opinions. It's just that it's a rare sight on the internet with the people you don't know lol
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hueningshaped · 2 years
no because you definitely do have big brain energy!!!!! tumblr why do you hate seeing us happy and in love. "i only ever thought about replying to you and the joy i feel from communicating with u" literally cannot see through my tears why do you have to be so adorable☹️ a button? i mean you're definitely as cute as one😌 about hobbies,,, i used to draw quite a bit but i haven't done that in YEARSS, i feel like nowadays i don't really have anything i could call a hobby quite depressing tbh😐 what about you!!!! and omg stop i don't even really consume mbti content but whenever i come across something my type always gets dragged i love u😭😭 beffie we're in the same boat about astrology i am very bad at it i should be glad that i can name all signs atp🧎🏻 but i find it so interesting so i just got my chart calculated and read on one of those astrology sites online :D i'm a taurus so we're both earth signs😼 (whatever that signifies😭) ooooo another trip!!!! how long will you be gone for!!! as always i hope you have fun and stay healthy🫶🏻🫶🏻 omg i love both dogs and cats but i think i might like cats just a little bit, although i always feel like i'm at a job interview whenever i meet one because i've never had a pet so i get very nervous around them :/ what about you!! do you have a preference + do you have/have you ever had pets😸 that encore stage☹️☹️ one of the first txt vids i ever saw literally could already feel that i would not be able to let go of them anytime soon😵‍💫 AND THE COMPILATION NOOOO :( he is so very dear and precious to me head in hands here's something for u too!! he is gigantic with tiny behavior😞 you could never ever talk too much whenever i get a post notification from you i'm just 💓💘💗❤️🫶🏻 my entire day brightens up immediately!!!! also YES I SAW how did he change hair colors TWICE since my last ask😭 soobin said he will be bleaching it and i just need to know so bad,, my brain is itching for information😾 thank u for the beoms☹️☹️☹️ i always get so happy that you take the time to add some for me and i'm even happier that i get to do the same for you now since i finally managed to set up my new blog!!! - apple, formerly 🧃<3
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there’s this movie i love and probably for the inside jokes that it gave me and my sibling but one of the lines is “…thank you. i love you. i knew it the minute i met you. sorry it took so long for me to catch up. i just got stuck…” and i think it really works for what i mean for you. sorry ive been so bad lately. you finally made ur blog and it’s so beautiful <3 of course it fits u so well ~ you’re AS CUTE — CUTER THAN A BUTTON!! honestly it’s hard to have time to do anything we all remotely like since life is so busy so i get u!! i don’t have any besides reading and music haha im boring as frick 🫶🏼 i love u ❤️‍🔥 earth signs woahhhhhh me trying to tie it to atla w/ my limited knowledge haha i just got back and i was driving for most of it 😵‍💫😵‍💫 hey i like cats just a bit more also hehe they’re more our temperament i think haha but AWWW that’s so cute (to me) that seeing one means a lot to you (in that sense) but i hope it’s not a bad nervous 🥺 i have 4 cats and 5 dogs but the cats are more mine rather than the dogs haha (we’re like an animal shelter 😭) i love my kitties more than anything !!!! OMG even though it was literaly 3 seconds THAT VIDEO IS SO PRECIOUS hyukaaaaaa ❤️ u know what’s sick i see ur notif (if tumblr actually does notify me) and i just think about it for a while and anxiously try to clear my schedule just to have a clear head when i do respond to you (it’s a habit ive noticed that applies to ppl i love) and it’s so odd so that’s to blame 😥 sorry im like this 🥺 AHHHH !! soobin never bleached haha but maybe he will for jpn and South Asia tour :0000 who knows hehe truthfully im happy and infinitely lucky you still talk to me ik im very frustrating 🥺 so thank you very very much. i sincerely hope you’re doing well and are safe and taking care, my dearest apple. you mean very much to me ~!!! ALSO THE PICS U ADDED ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!! AHHHH some of my fav really 😽🥹 here are beoms and a song you remind me of even though i just cried to it dw 💓
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omg-just-peachy · 3 years
Hi hi! If you want, maybe gratefulness + blanket for stony? I’m just super soft for the thought of one of them being cold and the other bringing them a blanket to warm them up🥰 if this isn’t something you’d write, feel free to ignore this❤️
Also just want to say that I love everything you post and reblog sooo much, I always get so happy when I go to your blog💞
ahhh this is so cute. maybe tony coming home from work to take care of steve who is sick in bed ❤️
“Tony?” Steve’s voice, thick with sleep and congestion, makes Tony look up from his phone, and he pulls his tie loose as he walks over to the bed.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Tony says, dropping down to sit beside Steve on the side of the bed. He’s down with some kind of super soldier super flu, and has had just about every cold symptom known to man over the last few days. Mostly, though, Steve’s just tired, like he needs all the rest he can get for his body and the serum to do the work of putting him back together again.
Tony had been by his side for the better part of two days until this morning. As much as he’d hated to do it, Tony had a company full of people counting on him to speak at a board meeting today, and he’d been forced to leave Steve with all the cold and flu medicine, tissues, and fluids he could fit on their bedside table.
Deep down, Tony knows he’ll be fine. Bruce and Helen had told him as much, but…
But it’s Steve and Tony can’t help but worry when it comes to Steve.
“I swear I tried not to wake you,” Tony says. He lays a hand over Steve’s forehead, and when he’s satisfied he’s sleep-warm rather than fever-warm, moves his hand down his cheek, stroking the smooth line of his cheekbone. He smiles as Steve leans into the touch. “How are you feeling?”
“I'm okay. I was mostly awake anyway,” Steve says, though he yawns hugely. “Slept all day, pretty much. Don’t know the last time I did that, but I was probably at least a hundred pounds lighter,” he continues. “How was the meeting? I missed you,” he says, voice open and vulnerable in a way Steve rarely allows himself to be.
Tony waves a hand. “Same old,” he says. “I’d rather have been here, watching sleeping beauty do his thing.”
He means it, too, as much to his own surprise as anyone else’s. He really would rather be here with Steve than just about anywhere else. The idea of it would have scared him five years ago, but now… Now it just feels right. It explains why it never worked with anyone before now.
“Is that how that movie goes?” Steve smiles up at him, his eyes crinkling just a little at the corners, and Tony has to stop and wonder how someone could make even the most dreary days feel brighter when they’re feeling as bad as Steve has the last few days.
“Something like that,” Tony shrugs. Before he can say anything else, Steve gives a full body shiver, then shoots Tony an apologetic look.
“Sorry, I’m either freezing or sweating and there’s no in between,” he explains.
“What sorry? No sorry,” Tony says, getting up and pulling a throw blanket out of the closet and stretching it out over Steve, who settles into it.
“Thanks, Tony,” Steve says, giving him a grateful look.
That’s how Tony really knows he’s sick: normally Steve would be far too stubborn to admit he needs something, even something as seemingly inconsequential as this. Now, he sighs, content, and Tony can’t help but smiles at the sight of him, tucked up in their bed like this. He can so easily imagine that small, hundred-pound version of Steve Rogers, stuck in bed with the flu, reading or drawing all winter long surrounded by his mishmash of blankets.
“What?” Steve asks, eyebrows furrowing. “What’s that look?” He already looks worn out, even though he just woke up.
Tony shakes his head, smiling slightly. “Glad to be home, that’s all. You need anything else? I can order that soup you like from the diner if you're hungry.
Steve yawns again, shaking his head. “M’good. Do need one more thing, though,” he says. He holds out a hand for Tony to come closer, then tugs on it until Tony’s sitting next to him again. “Mhm. Almost,” Steve says, shifting over in bed until there’s enough room for Tony to lay with him.
Tony’s half dressed, still in the suit pants and maroon silk shirt he wore to SI, though he slips the loose tie over his head and tosses it to the side. He slides into bed beside Steve, though, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist and curling himself up around his sick boyfriend. He feels Steve relax against him almost immediately, and knows it'll be a matter of minutes before he's out like a light again.
“Warm enough now?” Tony asks as Steve nuzzles into him, breathing already evening out.
“Mm,” Steve sighs. “Good. Warm. Glad you’re home.”
Tony is, too.
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queen-ch3rry · 2 years
Things I Wish Artists Remembered, or Remembering the Place You Once Came From
There seems to be a bit of an "epidemic" going around in the artist community; this I've seen awhile but just kept my mouth shut because I don't like inviting drama as I'm sure most any peaceful-minded person wouldn't Perhaps I'll have some relatable moments here though, and if there is, that's enough for me. Because it shows I'm not being "nitpicky" or "fussy"......
There gets to be a point in many artist's lives (perhaps writers too, though I don't delve much into that field), I've found, where they just... stop being grateful for their fans
A very quick revision: I DO realize not all are like this! None of this is pointed your way in any way or form
But for the others, and no names will be named, I just want to ask why it is the people who elevated them to a certain status stop interacting with their said fans and supporters
Especially when they are not in the success league of icons like Markiplier, for a quick example
No, I'm talking about what I have personally experienced with people who have hit the 100 mark, and over
When I first joined DeviantART, I bounced back and forth quite a bit before finding my fandoms, "my people." I was, sadly, of the erroneous belief that an idol with 250 followers was still going to be open and chat with a new fan
And I don't mean getting personal, gossiping, overly-friendy stuff
I mean just by commenting: "This is so cute, I love your colors!", or "You're my inspiration, I learned x or y from your work," or "thanks for the uploads that make me laugh, grin, etc."
Decent, kind commentary
Yet I cannot tell you how often over the years, from DA to Instagram and other platforms, I have been outright ignored, and neither I nor any of the others saying similar statements get so much as a ❤️ to the comment, which is honestly the simplest, quickest way of acknowledging a fans' time and interest
And, again, to be clear, I am not referring to accounts with 500-1000+ fans. I'm meaning those with maybe 110-150
Short of an app glitch, or me not checking certain platforms (hello DA) on a regular basis, I catch all of my comments and at the least, I will ❤️ it
Because you know something? Those people are the ones who make me feel glad to create
Of course, I can create for my own personal joy! Every art I do is for that; I am no masochist who draws what they hate to torture themselves! But still, knowing what I do makes people feel happy??? That is like some magic trick
I am so grateful to the friends and others who come out and tell me my art or OCs makes them happy, inspire them, ANYTHING
Because it is YOU who have given me any sort of status whatsoever, right?
Seems pretty logical. No followers = no support. No support = no interest in my work.
So why do some people - in the same fandom even - with 100+ fans just shine you on if you talk to them?
Where is their logic?
Does this boil down to jealousy? Example: Person A compliments Person B. A has more fans than B, so B is jealous and doesn't want to acknowledge A's existence. Perhaps A is a perceived "threat" to B
Are we that childish?
If someone is taking the time to compliment you, say your work gives them joy, hell, even makes them feel high or horny or whatever,
Don't be a d*ck, because if you are, that just makes me and potentially others unfollow and cease supporting you
You are forever changing as an artist. I change month to month with styles. Don't act like you've captured the crown for a skill and people complimenting are there because they HAVE to be there. It's a want, not a requirement
Just be a good human being
For lack of wanting to ramble and rant forever, I'm going to wrap up now... so...
Thank you for supporting me because that means the world to me and gives me joy and motivation to share new content with you.
You are important to me and equals and I'm not going to sit here and be like, Yeah, I'm too good to reply to you so just talk into dead air!
If I have ever made any follower/fan feel insignificant... I AM SO SORRY... that is never my intention I am grateful - always - for you and your comments give me joy and a smile to read ❤️❤️❤️
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