#thank you so much ❤❤❤
drawthething · 10 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your three best and/or favorite fanarts/fanfics/moodboards/whatever that you've made, then pass on to others. No self-deprecation allowed! Let's get this self-love going ON!
This is such a sweet ask thank you so much 😭😭😭 (shout out to @https-hunter for sending it to me too ❤) and sorry for taking forever to remember to answer this ahahahaha-
I wasn't sure if I should link the art posts or put them back on here tbh, but I'll do both, I guess :D? (aiming KPI for that comic to get 1000+ notes anyway~) Honestly these babies underneath aren't necessarily my best works imo, BUT they're absolutely my favourites:
#1. Wannabe hypothetical poster for The Oeder Games
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This has to be the best layout I've managed to pull out so far 😭 And I'm still super proud of the artstyle's energy and colours. The chaotic vibe isn't the level I expected to create with this one but it looks fun enough :D The only thing I regret is finally getting to draw Louise making an L sign but then used the wrong hand so we only got a mirrored L, dammit
#2. This reimagined movie comic that my brain came up with at 3 am
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My first stab at comics!! This one forced me to go out of my comfort zone to try out slightly darker themes and test out shading techniques and BACKGROUNDS drawing which was horrifying 😭 I'm really proud of the atmostphere and flow and whatever alien force that possessed my body to make me able to finish this one in like, 2 days?? (I believe it's called post-exams syndrome)
#3 Jimmy Jr. That's it. That's the art. LOOK AT HIM
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No really this is still one of my favourite works ever and not just because of the ginger rascal! Something about the colours and energy make me so so happy 😭
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originalartblog · 3 months
Tiny skk Thunderstorm Megacomic part 1 - part 2 ↓
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Continued under the cut ↓
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Chuuya had managed to hide that (very embarrassing) fear of lightning for all those years through careful movement planning, dubious self-control and luck. Today is probably not the day he'll talk about it, but lucky for him, he wasn't the only one here who would have liked to keep more stuff to himself.
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vg-k · 1 month
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Español: No tengo mas que agradecer a cada uno de ustedes por todo el carinho que mi blog a recibido a lo largo del tiempo, apesar de mis "desapariciones" un poco recurrentes y algunos hiatus no previstos, mi blog continúa creciendo lo cual pienso que es algo um poco impresionante. Cada vez estoy más serca de cumplir mi meta de llegar a los 10k, pero mentiría si dijera que esta todo bien. Tengo miedo de que la poca motivación que me queda para seguir publicando, se vaya una vez allá alcanzado mi objetivo. Dejando de lado todas esas palabras tristes, mas una vez agradezco a todas las personitas que me apoyan. Les mando un fuerte abrazo, cuídense mucho ♡
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Português: Só tenho a agradecer a cada um de vocês por todo o carinho que meu blog tem recebido ao longo do tempo, apesar dos meus “desaparecimentos” um tanto recorrentes e de alguns hiatus imprevistos, meu blog continua crescendo o que me deixa um pouco surpresa. Estou cada vez mais perto de atingir minha meta de chegar aos 10k, mas estaria mentindo se dissesse que está tudo bem. Receio que a pouca motivação que me resta para continuar postandi desapareça quando eu atingir meu objetivo. Deixando de lado todas essas palavras tristes, mais uma vez agradeço a todas essas pessoas que me apoiam. Sintam-se abraçados por mim, e por favor cuidem-se ♡
English: I only have to thank each of you for all the love that my blog has received over time, despite my somewhat recurrent "disappearances" and some unforeseen hiatus, my blog continues to grow which I think is something um unimpressive. I'm getting closer to meeting my goal of reaching 10k, but I'd be lying if I said everything was fine. I'm afraid that the little motivation I have left to continue publishing will go away once I reach my goal. Leaving aside all those sad words, but once again I thank all the little people who support me. I send you a big hug, take care of yourselves ♡
(Sorry for any spelling errors)
I've been here for a long time, but I still believe that you all know very little about me, so I decided to make a small post with some things about me, so if anyone wants to know something specific, they can feel free to ask questions.
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FAVS ! : @gigittamic @cupcek @jenfaery @fairytopea @fairymiese @iluvrei @fuckici @jnthri @astroke @yrminji @7hyein @kurcmia @yoonitos @soulari @i06gyu @ojiito @hyelita @nekitos @archivodefresa @kisrui @seulzitos @aegsll @cott3ge @chaeneuu @poeticore @stelares @poemale @bambicito @jkghost @alfaire @dollries @yeossemble @v6que @littlobuni @flwzai @jaexiyu @obrigados @conejlito @v6mpcat @muruffin @tzulipss @nayeist @lilaquette @besosdefresiita @mimiszz @yeritos @p-oisn @tookio @gaecoo @y-vna and moreeee <3
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gazkamurocho · 13 days
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Kiryu-chan is so dreamy… ❤❤❤ New page of 80s Goromi doujinshi is up on my Patreon now!
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spaceratprodigy · 4 months
@oldworldwidgets — [ palette prompts ]
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adhdprincess · 2 months
Remember that crazy AU where Tess died? Fuckin brutal. Glad that didn't really happen.
Here's a multi-chapter fic where Tess lives, written in Ellie's snarky POV.
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Summary: Ellie, Joel, and Tess learn to live on the road together without wringing each other's necks in the process. Ellie is feral, Joel is savage, and Tess is trying to get everyone to Wyoming in one piece.
Set during the 3-month timeskip before winter. There are wonderful character arcs and nice campfire scenes, but it gets dramatic as hell—buckle up.
20k words, 3 chapters (I worked on this for 3 months)
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gigittamic · 4 months
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Here gigittamic! It makes me very happy to announce who the winners of my event "gigittamic ribbon event" are, but before doing so I want to thank you for the support and love towards my event and towards me, thank you very much.
I don't want you to feel bad or hate me if you didn't win, I will do many more events in the future.
Everyone did a great job and it really hurt me to choose the winners because they were all so beautiful. (ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
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୨┈ 🎀 . ♡ㅤ ° 。ㅤㅤWINNERS ! ˚ ㅤ ୨ৎ
♡ first place: @y-vna ( entry )
Your moodboard is very nice, the way you edited and tried to match all the images is really good.
Thank you very much for participating and congratulations!
♡ second place: @p-oisn ( entry )
I really liked the combination and aesthetics; It's really beautiful.
Thank you very much for participating and congratulations!
♡ third place: @7hyein ( entry )
The color is very pretty, it fits perfectly! The bows and the edition are very nice.
Thank you very much for participating and congratulations!
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Here are moodboards that didn't win but I really like them ( personally ).
♡ @jnthri : entry ♡ @yeossemble : entry
♡ @haenxn : entry ♡ @minslune : entry
♡ @agsthv : entry ♡ @i4tkoo : entry
♡ @jenfaery : entry ♡ @koosuvi : entry
Don't feel bad about not winning, you did a great job. Thank you so much.
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@vg-k @tookio @iluvrei @yeritos @giraisol @yoonitos @si-eunnis @alfaire @petitae @y-vna @fyidor @jeonzio @p-oisn @sugarino @bambicito @jazzitos @yeossemble @y-onb @jenfaery @7o2317 @fairytopea @jnthri @poeticore @7hyein @lilac-dreamxxz @j-vlies @minslune @vivrhan @markirlse @haewrin @munequitta @chuwuah @wonysela @mnzanitia @luvreiy @intoxicao @jaes1lvr @dollijongs @pjsblr-s @i03won @i5hyuk @haenxn @yyerios ♡ sorry if anyone was missing, there are so many people...
Thank you very much for participating, supporting me and believing that my event was nice and fun, Thank you very much.
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🎀 1st place: 100 reblogs on my second account @/dllttagi + I will follow you on your blog + 4 moodboards of the idol you want with the aesthetics you want + 4 dividers with the png's you want + users of whatever you want + a pack of symbols + and bios.
🎀 2nd place: 60 reblogs on my second account @/dllttagi + I will follow you on your blog + 3 moodboards of the idol you want with the aesthetics you want + 3 dividers with the png's you want + users of whatever you want + a pack of symbols + and bios.
🎀 3rd place: 40 reblogs on my second account @/dllttagi + I will follow you on your blog + 2 moodboards of the idol you want with the aesthetics you want + 2 dividers with the png's you want + users of whatever you want + a pack of symbols + and bios.
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I will contact the winners privately and ask them how and from whom ( idol, images and aesthetics ) they want their things.
I want the winners to keep something in mind: I am a human being and I don't have 4 hands so it will take me a few days but, rest assured, I will give you your prizes.
I also want you to read carefully what you earned according to your position, so as not to have misunderstandings.
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ILYSM (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
Thank you very much for everything, I really appreciate your support and love towards me and my blog.
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le-stappen · 5 months
can you do a lestappen summer moodboard 🥰
Of course lovely anon, here it is ❤
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thesunpersists · 19 days
AU ask - Everlark as penpals AU
thank you @mollywog, you come up with the coolest stuff!🧚🏻
AU game: send me an AU and i'll tell you 5 things that’ll happen in the story
1- this is an alternate universe without the games but there is mandatory military service for boys. they get drafted at the age of 18 and are assigned to service in another district for 2 years.
2- thinking this might be her last chance to thank peeta for the bread, katniss goes to the train station to send him off. but when she opens her mouth, she balks and says, “write to me, all right?”
3- as a baker, peeta initially thinks that he will be assigned to kitchen duty. but one of the commanders notices his art skills, and he is instead tasked to join expeditions and draw maps.
4- he spends the next 2 years telling katniss about the sights he sees over lengthy, vivid letters. In turn, katniss gives him news from home, and has to remind him to write to his parents every once in a while too.
5- when he is back, peeta expects to see his family in the station, and is pleasantly surprised that they are joined by the girl who will soon become his family!
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marclef · 5 months
t- the cats......... they're multiplying.......
they're in the walls.... THEY'RE IN THE FUCKING WALLS!!!!!!!
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(aka I've Added The Newest Gift Eyhms Around My Room Oh God)
don't have enough frames for all of them aaahh sorry!!! i need to stop spending all of my money on cheapass Amazon frames though hggh
BUUUUUT here it's time to shout out every single person who's added an Eyhm here (not counting previous ones). here we go:
*deep breath followed by abrupt choking because my throat hates me*
@kaijubrainsart/@kaijubrains @cutechan555 @gabaobab @snakeinabag @goobergoop08 @azazelangel5 @luigigirl12 @yo-kai123 @notsquid @mrfellsans @annatheavian277 @dingle-dee @lucia-the-mii @whereismyhat5678
ENJOY HANGING OUT BY MY SHRIMP TANK AND POKEMON PLUSHES!!! (god that shelf's been there for years maybe i should move it 😓)
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helinyetille · 2 days
Schnaul girly here :) looks like Schneider is even throwing him a little air kiss in the first gif 😍 that would have been THE opportunity for Paul to sneak a quick smooch (if he's quick enough) 😁 absolutely love this little moment. Schneider radiates so much joy. I would either melt or completely tense up if Paul were to give me a massage like that 🤣 he's just vibing. I love me some Paulchard, but as Schneider is my favourite, this is just a joy to see him get some love ❤️
Dear anon, dearest Schnaul girlie! ✨ Wherefore art thou incognito?
No, seriously, you guys gotta stop spoiling me! How am I supposed to go on with my responsibilities today when you all got me thinking and daydreaming about these two lovely dorks?
You know what? It totally does look like Schneider is making a kissy face at Paul! I have noticed it only after reblogging the gifs and it made me giggle and kick my feet like an idiot 🥹 And oh my god, yes, the way Schneider is just vibing, enjoying the attention from Paul while being so obviously comfortable with it and probably so used to it, is just precious. To me, they definitely look like an old married couple there (full delulu mode, sorry not sorry). It's like when one of the partners is doing their thing and the other is casually seeking out physical affection without really distracting them. Non-sexual intimacy my beloved 💔 Holy shit, Paul is such a touchy person. And the fact that Schneider basks in his affection is enough to make me feel like my heart is about to burst out of my chest.
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Oh, and the boat riding. They should do it together so Paul could kick out everyone who tries to climb into their boat because Schneider seems to be too sweet to do that himself (◡‿◡✿) Let the smol chaotic one protect the big sunshine 🌈✨
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lilfriezatyrant · 4 months
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Either he is pleased too or thinking:
"Only you may grab me like this."
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lxnarphase · 27 days
picnic date ;
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lego date ;
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dinner date ;
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
Ya know how Deku-kun has an embarrassing amount of All Might merch? I'm trying to picture in my head how Shouta would react to you having generally any merch of him in your room. Surely he would notice the little action figure on your dresser. Or the little plushie of him you cuddle on your bed. Or maybe that you named your lazy black cat "Eraser." Would he feel proud that you admire him as much as you do? Would he feel embarrassed to see his merch hidden in plain sight? In your room?
- 🐺
Oh this is interesting 🤭
Shouta isn't the kind of person who would easily be embarrassed no matter the situation, so in my head, he would find it simply endearing.
So let's say that every once in a while you come home hugging a small shopping bag that you refuse to put down until he's giving you his full attention.
Now let's say you've got him exactly where you needed, sitting down while solely focused on you.
You're jumping in excitement as you pull out yet another small Eraser figurine that you successfully tracked down on your way home, carrying it proudly in your palms and showing it to him with a bright smile adorning your features.
You start babbling about your new collectible and how hard it was for you to find, only to stop for a moment and wonder if you still have a free corner in your full Eraser merch shelf for your new figurine, before shrugging your shoulders and decide to install an extension to your existing shelf, or buy a new one all together.
And now you're once again raving about your new finding.
All this time, he's gazing at your enthusiastic self with a loving smile that refuses to leave his lips, all the while torn between kissing the life out of you, or carrying you to bed and having his way with you all night long. You don't get it, but these small instances make him fall a little deeper in love with you each time without fail.
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sowhat17live · 2 months
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Happy birthday Mingyu💕
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originalartblog · 1 year
Tumblr Year in Review
I posted 110 times in 2022
That's 100 more posts than 2021!
I tagged 110 of my posts in 2022
#bsd - 69 posts (nice)
#bsd fanart - 64 posts
#bungou stray dogs - 61 posts
#bungo stray dogs - 56 posts
#bsd dazai - 55 posts
#bsd dazai osamu - 50 posts
#dazai goosamu - 49 posts
#ask answered - 44 posts
#nawy's doodles - 40 posts
#bsd chuuya - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#'rimbaud adopts chuuya'/'verlaine adopts chuuya' murase was already trying to take chuuya under his wing and have you seen the stage play???
My Top Posts in 2022:
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"what if Chuuya joined the Armed Detective Agency with Dazai?"
My version of an AU where Chuuya left the mafia "with" Dazai and joined the ADA "with" Dazai and Taneda thinks he's hilarious (he's right)
1,915 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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I’ve had this picture saved on my phone for literal months and I cannot for the life of me remember when and why I saw it but it needed to be made into Double Black so I did it
(if it’s blurry on mobile just tap it you know the drill by now)
2,370 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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Dazai trying to pretend to be a nobody who knows nothing so his new colleague won't be too suspicious of him during his entrance exam is hilarious
2,573 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
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Little thing I did for @videogamelover99's Chuuya leaving the PM with Dazai AU!
Enjoy the boys during their 2 years in hiding, driving around Russia (and missing their stupid exit)
2,807 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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2,953 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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