#i got to look back at my burger muppets art gallery for this art which is nice
drawthething · 10 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your three best and/or favorite fanarts/fanfics/moodboards/whatever that you've made, then pass on to others. No self-deprecation allowed! Let's get this self-love going ON!
This is such a sweet ask thank you so much 😭😭😭 (shout out to @https-hunter for sending it to me too ❤) and sorry for taking forever to remember to answer this ahahahaha-
I wasn't sure if I should link the art posts or put them back on here tbh, but I'll do both, I guess :D? (aiming KPI for that comic to get 1000+ notes anyway~) Honestly these babies underneath aren't necessarily my best works imo, BUT they're absolutely my favourites:
#1. Wannabe hypothetical poster for The Oeder Games
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This has to be the best layout I've managed to pull out so far 😭 And I'm still super proud of the artstyle's energy and colours. The chaotic vibe isn't the level I expected to create with this one but it looks fun enough :D The only thing I regret is finally getting to draw Louise making an L sign but then used the wrong hand so we only got a mirrored L, dammit
#2. This reimagined movie comic that my brain came up with at 3 am
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My first stab at comics!! This one forced me to go out of my comfort zone to try out slightly darker themes and test out shading techniques and BACKGROUNDS drawing which was horrifying 😭 I'm really proud of the atmostphere and flow and whatever alien force that possessed my body to make me able to finish this one in like, 2 days?? (I believe it's called post-exams syndrome)
#3 Jimmy Jr. That's it. That's the art. LOOK AT HIM
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No really this is still one of my favourite works ever and not just because of the ginger rascal! Something about the colours and energy make me so so happy 😭
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