#thank you komaeda thank you sans
fihas · 1 year
oh yeah btw fun fact new years day is on a sunday this time around. just thought you should all know.
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namonaki-arts · 1 year
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Comes out of my hiatus just to celebrate Sans and Komaeda on their wedding day, nothing else matters to me right now !!! Thank you @sexymanotd for making the dream come true
(i did make these into stickers for the occasion, available in my pinned post if you want 😂)
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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The survivors of the Killing School Trip didn't all wake up immediately. Their minds had to reconnect to their bodies properly and accomodate for the new memories they gained during the program. They all woke up slowly, and each in their own degrees of distress.
The day after the program's shut-down, Sonia woke up. Her eyes were glazed over as Chiaki helped her out of the pod, barely comprehending the world around her. By the time she'd been carried out of the pod room and into the open world, Sonia had finally collected herself enough to speak,
"...Nanami-san... It is you... is it not? The real you... the one I attended classes with, the one who... did everything for us. Our class rep. That is you, correct? I... am so very sorry for everything. I- no, we have caused so much trouble for you, and yet you stay here and assist us, saved us. I do not have the words to express my gratitude in full. ...Thank you so very, very much." Sonia's voice cracked as she could no longer keep her tears from running down her face, feeling the despair and hope all at once.
Chiaki patted her back comfortingly as she let Sonia cry it out. "...It's alright. I'm just happy to see you back to being yourself again. I missed you all so much, I would do anything to bring you back. ...And I did. You're back. And the others will come back too, eventually. I'm sure of it." Chiaki felt tears welling up in her own eyes as well.
Happy tears, for the first time in a long, long while.
Two days after, Fuyuhiko woke up. Unlike Sonia, who woke up as composed as she could be, he woke up screaming. The moment he was out of the pod and had regained the ability to move, he clutched at his lost eye and rushed over to stand by Peko's pod. He immediately leaned over it and cried as he looked at her unconscious face. "Peko... I'm so sorry, I never should've let it go this far. I-I couldn't stop it and I... I almost gave up. You gave your life for me and I almost threw it away like it was some fucking broken toy. I'm sorry, Peko, I'm so, so sorry..."
They weren't able to move him for hours.
It took three more days for anyone else to wake up, but when the day came, Kazuichi and Akane woke up at the same time. Kazuichi broke out into loud cries the moment he was out of the pod, having a hard time dealing with the weight of his actions as a Remnant and the still fresh memories of the Killing School Trip.
Akane on the other hand, woke up completely silent. Chiaki had expected her to start yelling and run around aggressively upon waking up, but instead she calmly walked over to Nekomaru's pod and stared blankly at his sleeping face.
She didn't make so much as a sound until the next day's breakfast.
After five more days, Izuru -or Hajime, whichever it would be- still had yet to wake up.
As much as she hated to admit it, a part of Chiaki was beginning to loose hope. She started to spend more and more time hovering over his pod, each passing day making the helpless feeling in her chest grow stronger.
At this rate, she would start to despair.
"...Nanami-san, Monaca-san. I have brought you some food. As you both skipped breakfast, I believe it would be best for you to eat now. Komaeda-san and... Hinata-san would want to see you in proper health." Sonia, sweet, caring Sonia, had made it a habit of bringing them food whenever they skipped meals to sit in the pod room. Even if Chiaki was hardly in the right mindset to appreciate it fully, she was truly grateful for the kindness.
"...Thank you, Sonia-san. I'll make sure to eat it. ...Sorry for skipping so many meals."
"No no, it is quite alright. I understand what you are feeling. ...Part of me wishes to watch over Tanaka-san as well, but... he would not be happy to see me in such a state. I am sure he would wish for me to take care of myself while he is... absent. ...I believe that Kuzuryu-san and Owari-san are of a similar mindset. They wish for those dear to them to wake up and see them thrive, to see them overcome the grief over losing them." The princess' words were solid, steady. She had absolute confidence in her statements. Chiaki was a bit jealous of that confidence.
Not long after Sonia had left and Chiaki had finished eating did she heard the soft hiss of a pod opening.
Izuru -or Hajime, she still had no idea which it'd be- was finally awake.
She jumped up and immediately rushed to the pod's side, eagerly awaiting the moment the man opened his eyes and looked at her. The man seemed to take a moment to gather himself, as he grumbled and squirmed before finally opening his eyes and revealed a mismatch of red and golden-green.
His eyes immediately glanced over to Chiaki, and a relieved yet tired smile showed on his face. "Nanami, it's you... you're really here. I missed you so, so much." He barely got to sit up before Chiaki launched her upper body at him and hugged him tightly around the neck. "Hinata-kun, you're finally awake...! I've been waiting so, so long for you! I missed you so much, Hinata-kun! I-I was almost beginnign to lose hope of you ever waking up, but here you are...! You're... finally here..."
Her voice trailed off as her eyes welled with overjoyed tears, the heavy feeling in her chest dissipating immediately.
"W-woah, Nanami...! I didn't know you could squeeze that hard! I-I missed you a lot too!" After a while of flailing his arms about, he finally hugged her back and held her so tightly she almost felt like her bones would break.
She didn't mind one bit.
It took a good long while for the tears to stop, but they still held each other close. The newfound silence didn't last long, as Hajime quickly spoke up again, "...Man, I need a haircut. How the hell did I deal with all this hair for so long!? I know Izuru Kamukura doesn't have feelings or whatever, but surely even someone like that would get annoyed by all this damn hair dragging about!"
Chiaki couldn't help but giggle at his frustration, finding the hair the least troublesome change he went through. "It's alright. I'll help you cut it. I'm not a hairdresser though, so I can't promise it'll be perfect. ...Or maybe you can do it yourself? You should still have all those talents... probably. There's probably an Ultimate Hairdresser up there somewhere."
"Yeah, I think so... But I don't really like dealing with my hair myself, so I'd much rather you do it. I don't care if it's perfect, I just want it short again. Ugh, even as Kamukura I hated dealing with my hair myself, it was always you or Komaeda that brushed and washed it. Stupid hair. Brushing it is so-" Hajime suddenly went quiet, not wanting to say the last word.
'Izuru' isn't completely gone it seems. Although the old personality of 'Hajime' was more prominent, traits of 'Izuru's' personality shined through.
Such as the problem with boredom.
It didn't matter, thought. Chiaki loved both 'Izuru' and 'Hajime' all the same, so it made her happy to know that 'Izuru' still lives on as a part of Hajime now.
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nagito-kissmaeda · 4 months
CHAPTER ONE: Rise and Shine CHAPTER TWO: i guess its all up to me now CHAPTER THREE: Predictably, everything gets worse CHAPTER FOUR: good morning CHAPTER FIVE: Something to eat CHAPTER SIX: a start CHAPTER SEVEN: the party don’t start ‘til CHAPTER EIGHT: your full hospitality CHAPTER NINE: visitation rights CHAPTER TEN: gamer girl moments CHAPTER ELEVEN: prank patrol CHAPTER TWELVE: lets go to the beach beach CHAPTER THIRTEEN: gothic sand architecture
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Summary : Like most people visiting this tag. You have always dreamed of meeting Nagito Komaeda for real, what you would do, what you would say? Things don’t go as planned.
AKA: Reader from our universe ends up in danganronpa and is just trying her best to keep everyone alive. and maybe to make komaeda kiss her.
Contains: she/her pronouns, some mild sexual themes
Read on Ao3
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The beach is bustling when the two of you arrive. Pekoyama quickly gives you a farewell nod as she heads off to accompany Kuzuryu where he is sitting in the shallows and trying to make it look like he isn't having a good time. 
You can see Mioda already in the water, chasing Souda around and attempting to throw a handful of seaweed at him. He is screaming. Owari is sitting at the shoreline with her legs in the water, she’s halfway through an ice cream, but still manages to grin widely when she waves in your direction. You return the wave and make plans to head over to her before you notice Tsumiki and Sonia sitting together in the sand. 
Tsumiki’s hands shake as she attempts to round the edges of the sandcastle that the two of them are currently working on. Sonia’s tongue sticks out of her mouth as she, opposite Tsumiki, continues adding a set of perfect flying buttresses to the castle; you are unsure how she has managed this, but have learned not to question these sorts of things.
“You’ve made it!” Sonia says with a wide smile, now beginning to sculpt a collection of tiny gargoyles around the top level of the castle, “I hope you were not too disappointed by my early departure, I just think Mioda-san is often in need of supervision.” You peer up at where she is now trying to toss a starfish onto the top of Souda’s head, “Yeah, you’re probably right. It’s okay, I had a nice conversation with Pekoyama-san.” Tsumiki looks up at you, she’s wearing a wide brimmed hat and a loose fitting white shirt over her bathing suit. It makes sense that a nurse would care about sun safely, the hat suits her, she looks very cute, “I-I’m glad you came. I hope you have a good time” She smiles softly, hands now shakily building a drawbridge, “Just be sure not to get burnt this time, I have more sunscreen if you need it, please take care of yourself.” She huffs, “I’ve already had this discussion with Komaeda-san, but I-I think he’s just going to ig-ignore my advice.”
You hadn't noticed Komaeda, which is very out of character for you. He’s in the water, but far enough away from everyone else that he seems excluded. His own doing, you assume. 
“Would you like to help us?” Sonia asks, abruptly tearing your attention away from Komaeda.
You blink, “Sorry?” She laughs, though not unkindly, “Help to build our sandcastle, of course!” 
You look briefly at the perfect replication of gothic architecture somehow sculpted out of sand alone, “Thanks but uh, I might work on expanding the royal empire and build my own castle, if it’s all the same.” Sonia claps her hands together in glee, “Expansionism! How delightful!”
“I-I might swim now, actually.” Tsumiki starts, “I-If that’s okay, Sonia-san?” “You don’t need my permission.” Sonia replies, waving a dismissive hand, “You’ve done a brilliant job, Tsumiki-san, and all castle architects are owed at least one day of allocated time off per castle built, so by all means! You are free to go.” Tsumiki nods gratefully, and rises a little shakily from the sand before heading to the water. 
You turn to Sonia, “Only one day of leave per castle?” She nods seriously, “Oh yes, my father always said ‘any less than that and they start getting rambunctious’. We tried only half a day some years ago, the riots were very bloody.” “Uh-huh…” 
“Anyway! I might go ask Tanaka-san if I can hold one of his Dark Devas.” She stands with utter grace and poise, giving you a brief curtsey before walking away. You are briefly stunned by the utterly dismal working conditions in Novoselic, but shake your head and sit in the sand before you start thinking about it too much. 
You start building the only kind of sandcastle you have experience with, a big pile of sand that is vaguely pyramid shaped. It’s nice to have something to do with your hands, a monotonous task to keep you occupied while the ever turning cogs in your head crunch and grind. You have to assume that Monokuma will bring out a new motive soon, and at this point you can only assume that it will be the despair disease. It’s hard to tell if access to the third island will make everything better or worse, Tsumiki having access to the hospital is a net good, only so long as she doesn’t catch the disease itself, and boy is that disease catching. 
Peering out at the ocean you see that Tsumiki is swimming with Mioda now, more accurately, Tsumiki is treading water while Mioda quite literally swims circles around her. Tsumiki deserves better than she got in the game, so does Mioda. 
You turn back to your castle, attempting to make it any sort of shape other than a vague lump. It feels weird to just be hanging around like this when so much is at stake, but there isnt much that you can do other than socialise and socialising is more useful than doing nothing. Trust is valuable, especially here, even if it’s something you aren’t all that used to garnering.
“Nice pile of sand.” 
You look up to see Komaeda standing above you, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. He’s still wet from the ocean, his hair clings flat to his head and it makes him look much less intimidating.
“Thanks.” You say, gesturing to your attempt at a sandcastle, “It’s my magnum opus.”
He peers down at it appraisingly and then says, “Could use a moat.”
You laugh, “You’re right.” feeling mischievous, you add, “Your hair looks nice, very drowned rat-esque.”
Komaeda bursts out laughing, hiding his face in his hands. When he looks back up at you again, his smile is so warm, and genuine that it feels like a shard of the sun has lodged in your chest.
“You’re funny.” He says
His expression is too intensely bright, you have to avert your eyes, “Thanks. I try.” you return to working on your sandcastle, anything to keep yourself from staring at him.
“Why aren't you swimming?” Komaeda asks. You peer back up at him, you were honestly expecting him to walk away when he was done mocking you, “Oh um, I just don't really want to?” He gives you a sly grin, “You can swim, can’t you?” That bristles you a little, “I’m a great swimmer actually! I love swimming!” you gesture halfheartedly to where the waves turn to foam against the sand, “I just don’t like the ocean. It’s spooky. There’s stuff in there, and the salt really hurts my eyes.”
His expression turns uncharacteristically soft and he drops to a crouch beside you. You shuffle back from him instinctively, not expecting him to get so close so quickly. For a moment, Komaeda just blinks at you slowly but then his brow creases with contemplation before he finally says, “Swim with me.”
Your heart feels like it come to a stop in your chest, “Uh- I, um-“
He laughs a little, cocking his head to the side, “That would help, wouldn’t it?”
“Um.” You wring your hands together, “I would feel better with company, but that doesn’t mean that you-”
He stands back up and holds his hand out to you, it stuns you into silence mid-sentence, you just stare up at him, utterly dumbfounded. “Come on.” Komaeda says, reaching further forward with his hand, asking you to take it. 
You barely manage to swallow around the lump in your throat as you tentatively take his hand in your own. If the contact is anywhere near as momentous, electric and world shattering for him as it is for you, it doesn't show on his face, but you do catch a near imperceptible bob in his throat that you try not to read too hard into.
His hand is cold, even in the heat of the sun and you can feel just how fragile his fingers are, like if you clenched your hand too hard they would all break. He doesn’t really pull you up from the ground, but holding onto him like this does make it easier to regain your balance on the uneven sand.
The water is warm when you take your first step in, more pleasant than you ever remember the ocean actually being. Neo World Program benefits, you suppose. Komaeda walks in front of you, still tugging on your hand. The back of his head eclipses the sun, its light catching in the white strands of his hair and causing them to shimmer like folded glass. 
“H-How deep are you planning to go?” You ask once the water reaches your shoulders, voice tinged with growing anxiety.
Komaeda looks back at you over his shoulder, “Not much further.”
You notice that the two of you are much deeper out than the rest of the class, barring only Nidai who is off in the distance swimming laps. There is an intimacy to it, the separation from everyone else on the beach. The second you can’t touch the ground with your toes anymore you can feel a nervous churning in your stomach. Komaeda is still walking, head and shoulders well above the water. When an admittedly small wave knocks you off balance, you panic and lurch forward to grab onto his arm. 
Komaeda laughs, but it’s good natured and warm “Aha, it’s okay. I’ve got you.”
You want to kiss him. 
That thought is not so alarming. You have grown quite familiar with it these past few days, but the panicked and aching desperation of it is completely new. You begin to fear that you no longer have feelings for Nagito Komaeda the videogame character, but instead for Nagito Komaeda the real person. Which is somehow much more complicated and insurmountably harder to reconcile. Now that the water is deep enough, only Komaeda’s head bobs up above the water, and since you are floating in the water yourself, you actually meet his eye line for once instead of staring up at him. He watches you intently, staring so hard that it feels like he can see right through you. “Is there…something on my face?” You say quickly, trying desperately to diffuse some of the tension. He smirks, “Nope.”
Your eyes follow a droplet of water sliding down the length of his nose. Komaeda chuckles, “have I got something on my face?”
You quickly avert your gaze, “No! It’s just, uh-“ you suck in a breath, “Why are you even spending time with me? I’m not exactly working towards ending the killing game right at this moment, so there’s really no reason for you to be talking to me.” Komaeda’s brow furrows, “There’s something about you,” he says, “Ah, I'm not sure what it is, but it interests me.”
You close your eyes, feeling the cold dread filling your chest cavity, “What if I’m not interesting?” You say desperately, “What if it only seems like I am?”
“Hm, I don’t understand what you mean.” He smiles, “Whether or not I find you interesting is entirely up to me.”
“But I’m not . I'm not worth your time, or your effort, I need your help so I’m trying desperately to keep you around but the second you realise who I really am, what I really am, you’re going to hate me. I just know it.”
Komaeda hums aloud, “I suppose, the others are right.”
He laughs, “it is uncomfortable being on the receiving end of this kind of talk. I suppose I owe everyone an apology.”
You are suddenly forced to wrestle with the fact that Nagito Komaeda thinks you are laying on the self depreciation a little too thick, “Sorry.” You say quickly, shaking your head “I didn’t mean to just say all of that at you.” 
Komaeda goes quiet for a moment, staring at you intimidatingly, “You would do anything to help the Ultimates defeat this despair, wouldn't you?”
“I uh-” You swallow thickly, “I think the both of us have a very different definition of help , but I will do all that I can to make sure everyone gets out alive, yes.”
“You promised to die for my cause, if your own method fails.” He cocks his head to the side, “Why?”
Your breath grows uneven, and you can hear your own heartbeat in your ears, “Because I won’t fail.” Komaeda chuckles, “Ha. You're confident.” You shake your head, “I’m really not, but I’m the only one who can do it, so I have to.” you sigh to yourself, remembering that even if you manage to keep everyone alive, they will still need to grapple with their identities as the Remnants and the destruction of the world they once knew, “What I do isn’t what’s important though, the hard part comes after and how that resolves is entirely up to you and the other Ultimates. I’m just doing what I can to make sure everyone survives until then.” “How can you say things like that and expect me not to find you interesting.” His eyes are half lidded, and his grin is loose, “We aren’t so different, you and I. We are both working towards bringing the Ultimates to their next exuberant victory, over a despair even greater than the last.” He sighs, “But I have to admit, I’m still just a little curious about how you know all of this, and what comes after.”
You frown, “I can’t tell you. I can hardly expect you to behave yourself if I did.” Komaeda barks a laugh, “Behave myself?”
“Yes. You’ve promised to help me, and if you’re going to, then I need you to behave . So no spoilers.”
“You have a lot of nerve speaking to your superiors that way.” He says, but his expression holds none of the malice that his words convey.
Feeling brave, you reply, “Good thing it’s just you here, then, isn't it?” If anything, his eyes grow brighter at your answer. He floats a little closer to you, and you suck a breath in through your teeth, "If the talentless nobody promises to give me her due reverence, maybe I can promise to behave myself.”
“What, do you want me to get on my knees and beg?”
A visible shiver runs through him, and his smile turns wide and syrupy, “Maybe.” "O-oh.” You reply, swallowing thickly as you rub your thighs together. You had been joking, but the deep heat in your belly makes it clear that neither of you is joking anymore, "As long as you can make time for me in your busy schedule, I’m sure that I can manage something.” The next exhale of his breath is dangerously close to being a moan, “Aha…I’ll make sure to pencil you in.”
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idyllcy · 1 year
blue irises
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Word count: 2.3k
Summary: Komaeda falls for the tattoo artist down the street
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Flowers are delicate plants.
With the wrong soil or nutrient, a flower's growth can change drastically. Komaeda is the town's florist. He yields from money, allowing him the freedom to pick whatever occupation he wanted. To him, the pretty pinks of the carnations and brilliant yellows of roses were gorgeous. He loved them. He had picked up on flowers when Hinata had offhandedly mentioned liking lilacs. The crush had died down, but the love for flowers hadn't. 
Flowers can say things that people don't.
That's why every morning before he opens, he sends a round of flowers around to the neighboring shops. He makes sure each flowers say what he can't. 
When Komaeda does his round in the morning, he takes note of the new store across the streets. Yamazaki-san had moved out because he was old, and he had sold the tattoo parlor to a youngster. Komaeda wonders what they look like. He doesn't care, carrying the lotus flowers. A symbol of a new beginning and resilience. He knocks on the door, not sure what to expect.
You, however, are definitely not the answer.
"Hey!" You open the door, pen in hand. "Oh, you must be the florist! Komaeda-kun, was it?"
"Yes," He trails, glancing at the inside of the parlor. "Forgive me, but where can I put these?"
"I'll take them," You grin. "Thank you for the flowers. Drop by for a visit whenever you want!"
Komaeda nods, leaving. 
The old building had been restored to life, the neon and black all over the walls. They pull him in, a perfect combination. A pile of stuffed animals rest in the corner of the room, presumably for people who were scared. With overalls stained by paint, he wondered if you were still remodeling. Well, he could worry about it later.
Komaeda stars on his garden, tending to the flowers. 
The store runs simply, only a few people walking in to buy flowers. Bouquets are sent out with payments, and Komaeda spends the rest of the day spraying down the flowers and checking the compost. 
Dazzling oranges swirl into warming reds, signalling the end of the day. The flowers shake themselves dry, drinking the rest of the water as Komaeda closes the lights in front of the store. The sky dims, the stars coming out. The clouds hide the moon, the stars gossiping amongst themselves. Komaeda pauses to breathe the evening air. It's peaceful. The breeze tickles his hair, and he starts his way back inside to his apartment.
"Ah, wait a moment, please!" A voice calls for him, and he turns around.
"Thank you for the lotuses," You grin at him. "I'm not exactly the best with words, but I wanted to give you this."
Komaeda glances at the small canvas in your hand, and his eyes widen at the sight. In the center are the two blue irises on his logo, and he exhales. It's gorgeous. The lavender of the blue is dazzling. He stares at the canvas for a little too long without word, causing you to worry. You tilt your head.
"Do you not like it? If you don't I can always draw something else as a thank you-"
"No!" Komaeda turns you down a little too loudly. "I.. really like them. Thank you...?"
You grin. "Y/n. Y/n L/n."
"Thank you, L/n-san," He smiles. "I send flowers out every morning, just to let you know."
"I know," You smile. "I look forward to it."
You find that the coffee shop opens at the same time each morning. 
You close six hours later than Komaeda does, and he opens two hours earlier than you do. You grab your coffee in the morning at the same time Komaeda delivers flowers. 
The two of you meet eyes for a moment, and Komaeda grins.
"Fancy seeing you here, Y/n," He hums. 
"Carnations... yellow roses..." You purse your lips. "What's the last flower?"
"Zinnia flowers," Komaeda hums. "They mean everlasting friendship."
"That's nice," You grin.
"Y/n-san! Coffee's ready!"
"Thank you!" You grin.
Komaeda waves at you as you leave the coffee shop.
The smell of ground coffee and foamed milk float around the shop. The only owner is a kind woman. Her mother ran the shop before her, and she was settling down after the entire tragedy. Towa city was chaotic, yet the small confines of a dazzling town halfway across the world was much prettier. She makes better coffee than everyone else.
"Ah, Komaeda-kun," She smiles. "Thank you for the flowers. Your regular order?"
"Y-yes!" Komaeda's pulled out of his gaze on you. "If possible... what's Y/n-san's coffee order?"
"Oh? Finally deciding to settle down?" She laughs. 
Komaeda's flushed face tells her more than he'll ever have to.
Flowers bloom by season. The winter snow that drifts from the sky digs snow up to everyone's waist, yet they still go on with life. Komaeda tends to his flowers, sending them to each neighbor through a set of wires that another villager had been kind enough to set up for him during fall. 
No one is expected to send anyone formalities, yet as Komaeda hears a knock at his door, he's surprised to find you there.
"Hey!" You grin, beanie snug on your head. Komaeda notices the lack of snow behind you. 
"Well," You shrug. "The lack of buildings made it a lot colder when I was staying in Tokyo, so I started shoveling snow! Ah, I asked Mi-chan for your coffee order. Here."
You grin at him, handing him the coffee. Komaeda's eyes trail to your arm, glancing at the muscle. You could probably crush his hea- oh, what is he even talking about. That's such an awful thought to have; what the hell? Yet, he can't seem to stop the red crawling up his neck.
"Are you alright? You're awfully red..." You pull off a glove and slide your hand onto his forehead. He steps back, sliding a hand to hide his face. 
"It's alright. It's just from the air."
"Sorry for bothering then," You smile, stepping out. "Thank you for the Camellias, by the way. They smell super sweet."
"Of course," Komaeda smiles sheepishly. "I'll start bringing you coffee once the cold settles down. Is that... alright?"
"More than alright," You smile. "I'll see you around!"
Winter thaws to make way for spring. During the last months of winter, Komaeda cultivates each flower slowly and carefully, making sure to send the town only his best. A couple of children drop by during the last days of february, buying flowers to celebrate valentines day with their classmates. The town built a school after a couple villagers came in with kids. Komaeda adores them. They remind him of the warriors of hope, even if they were no longer with him.
"Komaeda-sensei," A girl slides twelve coins onto the storefront. "Are you dating anyone? I want Daffodils."
"Huh?" The male pauses. "I'm not..? I'll grab them for you."
"Then can we date?" She peers at him curiously. 
"My mommy says that as long as two people love eachother enough, they can date! Komaeda-sensei you love me, right?"
Komaeda pauses, malfunctioning for a moment. "A-ah, you see... I'm too old for you, darling."
The child tears up, mouth opening as a loud shriek erupts from it. She sobs, crying and shaking violently. It almost looks like Komaeda had said something rude. Komaeda panics, ignoring the daffodil he was about to hand her, slipping out of the store to crouch to her level. This isn't good. He's going to be kicked out and known for bullying kids at this rate! His future! Well, he supposes that trash like him does deserve one, but still!!
"Oh wowwww," You stop the motorcycle, glancing at Komaeda. "Bullying a child? Not cool, Komaeda."
Komaeda opens his mouth to refute you, and you open your arms for the child. "What's wrong, baby?"
"Komaeda-sensei," She sniffs, you wiping her nose with a tissue. "HE WON'T MARRY ME!!!!"
You're visibly taken aback, and you comfort the child in your arms. Komaeda tries to explain himself, and you wave him off. The child's crying eventually calms, and Komaeda crouches back to the child's level, holding an alstroemeria in his hand. The child hides on your shoulder, and Komaeda coos at her.
"Come on, darling, look up," He smiles.
The child turns her head, blinking at Komaeda.
"There you go," He tucks a flower into her hair. 
"You still won't marry me?"
"No, darling," Komaeda chuckles. "You're too young for marriage, and I have someone I like already."
The girl pouts. "Who?"
Komaeda turns pink. "Ah... that's a secret."
"Is she pretty?" The child pouts.
"Very," Komaeda chuckles.
"Are you feeling better, baby?" You tilt your head at the child. She nods, and you hum. "Good. What did you need the daffodil for?"
"It was supposed to be for my friend," She sniffs. "Can I still have it?"
"Of course," Komaeda holds it to her. "Darling."
"Thank you," She sniffs. 
Your hand reaches for her nose with a tissue in hand, and she blows. Wiping her nose gently, you watch her shake her head as you reach for her nose again.
"That's all," She sniffs. "Thank you, Y/n-nee-chan."
"Of course," You smile.
"How come I'm sensei?" Komaeda grumbles quietly as the child runs off with the flowers.
"Because you're old? Who knows," You pause. "White hair."
"You're so mean!"
You laugh, and Komaeda pauses. "Right. I have your coffee for you."
"Thank you," You stab the straw into the cup, instantly relaxing. "Happy Valentines."
"Happy Valentine," Komaeda chuckles. "I have flowers to send out, wanna help?"
"My first appointment is in four hours," You hum. "Sure."
The two of you rush around, making sure to get flowers to where they need to be and to the right people. You meet the other neighbors, bows of thanks and cookies as thank you's for saving them from embarrassment. You stay and chat with a couple, and you send out the final bouquet of flowers before heading back to the studio. You had a couple coming in for matching tattoos today.
The rings on their fingers are replaced with tattoo ones, and you smile as the woman recalls how they met. It was sweet. To be able to find love after the end of the world... it was incredible. How inspiring.
You have a fond look on your face as you tattoo their rings, and they pay you handsomely. You try and push the money away, but they insist. It was strange. You have no need for money in the apocalypse. People make money, but without someone to collect taxes or fees, there was really no need for currency. The economy did not run on something like paper and metal. It ran on whatever the villagers were willing to barter.
You suppose the bar hasn't closed yet. 
You slip in, and you hand the bartender a couple of coins. He nods, and he hands you the usual drink. The cocktail is sweet on your lips, the burn of the vodka scratching your throat. Your eyes grow weary, and you hum mindlessly as the door to the bar jingles. "Can I nap here?"
"Go ahead," the bartender nods, and you fall asleep on the wood.
Komaeda steps into the bar with the barista. 
"You still haven't confessed?"
"No," Komaeda mumbles. "Give me your hardest drink."
"Are you sure you can take that, Komaeda-san?"
"Positive," Komaeda mumbles, sliding him a box of dried flowers. "I hope that's enough."
"More than enough," He hums, tossing it into the rest of the boxes. "Here you go."
Komaeda downs the shot, and the barista panics. "Wait— no— you can't—"
He knocks out, and you jolt awake. 
"Komaeda knocked out," The bartender hums. "Do you mind taking him home? His housekey is in his under the blue iris at his door."
You sigh, hooking an arm around Komaeda's waist and leave the pub. 
The night breeze forces your hair back as you step into the moonlight. It's peaceful. The breeze from passing bikes and flying winds causes you to stop, and Komaeda mumbles drunken words under his breath. He's in love with someone. You wonder who it is, but you also don't care. His love life was his to worry, not yours.
You help him to the door, and Komaeda blinks, brows furrowed. 
"Y/n-san is sooo coool," He slurs, mumbling mainly to himself. "They're so good at drawing tattoos... and they're so pretty... I really want... I hope they like me too..." You save his head from hitting the brick and kick the door open. Like? You? Komaeda likes you? You hadn't even thought of that. Sure, you want to kiss him and hold him. Maybe you want to press kisses to his skin when the sun kisses him, and sure you want to wake up next to him, but you hadn't— Wait.
A familiar warmth curls up your cheeks and you pause. You're in love with Nagito Komaeda. Shit.
You help him to bed, and you stare at yourself in the mirror at the foot of his bed. You're in love with Nagito Komaeda.
You have a crush on Nagito Komaeda.
You tuck him in, and you stand there, staring at Komaeda.
"Maybe I do like you."
You lock the door behind you, and Komaeda's ears burn with embarrassment.
You like him.
You like him back.
Ah. He has a chance.
As his lashes close and he falls asleep, he wonders if somehow you could accept him how he is.
The blue iris flutters against the wind.
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kittykat-pikachu · 11 months
OMGGGGG YESSSS thank you thank you. im assuming this is the one you meant lmao <3
1. Who would be first to to bite down anc consume the flesh of the other, euphoric in the taste and the heft and the slide of the blood?
i would say Nagito 100% but... Sans doesn't have any flesh to consume TwT. he'd try his best tho
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3. who is the dog and who is the master?
there are situation wherein both would be appropriate, but i feel the majority of the time Komaeda would be the dog as he is prone to impulsive actions and being manically devoted to the things he loves
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5. Cocaine or Heroin?
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20. Who buys the other flowers?
Sans isn't a acts of service-type guy, and Komaeda has more than enough spare cash to spend on his love <3 Sans would instead show affection though quality time and words of affirmation
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thank you so much for the ask !!! <3 <3 <3 i really like question like this lmao, that ask game is real fun u are very epic B)
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ultfan · 2 months
@despairs-memorial gave komaeda a flower: Basil(good wishes), from Mukuro
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                     ‶  you're actually giving this to me?  ″ eyes widen slightly — shocked by the sudden kindness. he hadn't expected to receive such a kind message from the ultimate soldier. the people at this school just continue to surprise him. it fills his chest with warmth — the warmth of his admiration. no, not admiration. the warmth of his love for each and every student at this academy. selfless and unwavering.
                     to think someone so talented would give good wishes to a mere stepping stone like himself... it was an amazing feeling.
                     ‶  thank you, ikusaba-san. no one has ever given me flowers before!  ″ even if basil wasn't the prettiest flower in his eyes, it was still nice to look at. if a little small... — to be honest he isn't sure what to do with it. but he'll just figure that part out later.
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a-student-out-of-time · 3 months
How are your friends doing Sayuri? Any news from Miho and Mizuki?
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Oh yeah, they're doing good! Mizuki-chan is putting together her own army and Miho-chan's on medical duty.
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Those two are ready for anything, I swear.
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I...tried talking to Komaeda Miho before. I think I made her really nervous.
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Oh...I'll talk to her about it.
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It's fine. I make everyone nervous, I know. I'm from a yakuza family, and I'm a big guy...
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It's not my intention, but it can't be helped.
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*Sayuri reaches out and places her hand on his*
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I don't think you're scary. I actually feel really safe with you here. And having dinner with you, hanging out, talking about whatever, it's really fun.
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Even if you're a whole head taller than me, that just means you're really strong.
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I always tell my friends and family about how cool you are, but I guess I'll have to do that even more now!
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...Thank you, Sayuri-san.
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You're welcome. Thank you for being here.
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
As an unironic Komaeda enjoyer, the fact that he just exists in this hellscape of sexymen and their children freaks me out. He and Sans exist in the same place. He and Sans' DAUGHTER exist in the same place. Plus Hope's Peak is still a thing that exists if he transferred, so that means all of his classmates also exist in this. What the fuck. I cannot compute any of this thank you so much.
As someone who is familiar enough with the plot Danganronpa to do this on purpose. You're SO welcome.
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trio-of-all-time · 1 year
this bracket will consist of groups of three fictional characters battling it out to claim the collective title of TRIO OF ALL TIME. the qualifications and criteria for this award are up to you
all trios submitted must consist of FICTIONAL characters. characters that are a real life creator's sona/very closely tied to a creator's identity such as many vtubers or mcyt characters are a too much of a gray area so i have chosen to disqualify them
character groups must all be from the same source and interact enough during the story to be widely considered a "trio" and cannot just be randomly chosen characters from the same world. you can't submit reigen sans and komaeda it's not gonna happen. i'm sorry.
the full poll length/timeline will be released with the full bracket!
submissions will be open until april 28th at 11:59pm est!
(inspired by @character-of-all-time, @number-two-tournament, @ultimate-villain-showdown, @ultimate-divorce-tournament, @girlbosswar, and @adhd-icon-showdown among others — thank you all!)
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 9 months
Hello!! First of all, I hope you have been doing well! Second of all, I’ve been meaning to tell this to you for so long but I really like that one art you made for komanami week. The one where HPA Komaeda and Nanami kiss (But honestly I’m obsessed with each piece you’ve made for the week glhlh). It inspired me to have this headcanon: I like to think that they had something close to relationship back in Hope’s Peak but neither were good at the whole romance thing and human interaction in general so they never realized and thought that that’s just how friendships work. Probably had a sleepover once where they slept in the same bed and they always hug a lot and hold hands. So their classmates are just left confused whether they’re dating or not lol
That your art also gave me this idea: maybe Nanami would try to do something about it and make the first move so she tries to kiss Komaeda once while they’re doing homework together in the library, but she gets too embarrassed and scared of losing the friendship they have right now and just runs away after, while Komaeda is left embarrassed and confused too. But due to his self esteem the idea that someone, esp someone like Nanami-san, would be into him seems impossible so he decides that maybe she just wanted to use him as a practice for kissing someone else. So in the end neither of them ever bring it up again xD
And for the last: I’ve been very busy lately but I still would love to host a komanami week until the year ends. I can’t promise anything, but so far late October/early November seem like the most likely dates. Would you like to participate if I manage to host it and would this date be comfortable enough for you? :0 I wanted to ask all artists that might be interested so yeah, hope this is okay ^^
Awwwws you’re always so sweet 🥰
That headcanon of yours reminds me of this one komanami fic I read where Nagi and Chiaki are technically dating but Nagito is too lost in the self-depreciating sauce that he doesn’t want to acknowledge it lol. These two can be so prone to miscommunication due to their awkward social skills and that’s part of their appeal honestly. As far as another Komanami Week goes I would adore to do it again but my schedule this year has left me with not as much time to do as much art as I did last year 😭 I would most likely have the best time to actually get prompts done during late November, and December since that’s when things get a little slower at work—which means for me the ideal time for a Komanami week to happen would be probs like the beginning of next year so I can have the slow period at work to work on it. Though, if ya go ahead and make it sometime in late October or November I’ll see if I can manage to get a prompt or two in! I probably won’t be able to do the whole week like last time but I’d still like to make em a lil somethin’ somethin’ ^-^. Thanks for asking me again!
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feh-alt-battle · 2 days
nagito being on a poll reminds me that he was a very big part of why i submitted and asked for edelgard vs sans to be a poll awhile back so i will now lore dump how edelgard vs sans became a matchup in my mind
so i am a very big fan of nintendo and i always have nintendo on the mind, when viewing other series i kinda think about what it has in common with nintendo games or just generally how i can connect nintendo characters to it
ive always found the "sans and nagito komaeda" meme very funny. the ones where these two are best friends or lovers. its so random and just really funny and great to me i love it
so i wanted to nintendo-ify it. i wanted to go on a small adventure to discover who the nintendo equivelants of sans and komaeda are
for komaeda, there is this meme i saw of a checklist of "what makes a komaeda archetype" and someone actually filled it out for edelgard and pointed out she basically fits that archetype perfectly and is extremely comparable to nagito komaeda.
for mr. undertale, i was replaying pokemon legends: arceus and kinda realized volo is a lot like sans. he seems to know everything about this world for some reason, he seems to be aware he is in a video game and the protagonist is actually a human playing this game, beloved by tumblr, and he's a secret extremely hard superboss that shocks everyone.
and there it was. i had found nintendo's sans and komaeda archetypes
i saw a post of yours that i believed mentioned not wanting 3h discourse. and thus i wanted to share some of this random connection and thought "wouldnt it be funny to submit edelgard and sans since they are now connected via nagito komaeda in this strange pointless loop in my brain and be a complete distraction from 3h discourse" (im not a danganronpa fan but i am an undertale fan, so i figured this would be more fun to submit than edelgard vs komaeda)
and i thank you for submitting the poll. edelgard vs sans will always be a fond memory.
YUGDFGOYADFGYUIODAFGUIADFUIG THAT'S BEAUTIFUL!! I'm a danganronpa fan myself (tho it has fizzled in recent years) and I think Nagito and Edelgard would get along perfectly should they have the necessary conditions!!
I remember that as well! I despise discourse. Sometimes we all dabble into discourse whether intentionally or unintentionally, and it's not good for our mental healths. The further from discourse we are, all the better for us!!
Volo from pokemon huh? So he's a tumblr sexyman-
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Oh. Oh no my lesbianism!
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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Monaca hasn't left the pod room since Monokuma appeared in the simulation. She refuses to talk to anyone and only eats when Chiaki is the one to deliver the food. Otherwise, she spends her time hovering over Nagito's pod.
After months of being left to her own devices, Chiaki finally decided to do something and forced Monaca to get some proper rest, and dragged her over to the hotel. She resisted the entire way there, but once her back hit the bed she was out like a light.
She slept for a long time. The next day, she kept laying in bed, far too tired and sore from bending her back leaning over the pod for days on end. She still refused to talk to anyone, but she accepted food more easily and actually played on the 3DS Chiaki had given her.
Even though Monaca had been moved to her own cottage, the pod room was rarely empty. Hajime spent a considerable amount of time doing everything in his power to make Nagito wake up, barely sparing a minute for breaks or meals.
Hajime was the only one on the room when a hiss came from the only used pod still in the room. He rushed over and stood close by, prepared to greet the last of the group to wake. The hatch opened and Nagito slowly opened his eyes. His gaze was hazy for a few seconds, before recognition sparked and he focused entirely on Hajime.
"Hey, can you hear me?" Hajime wanted to make sure he was fully aware before saying anything else. "Ahh, Izuru Kamukura... No, you're... Hajime Hinata... right?" Nagito's voice was rough from misuse, but still held the same soft and breathy feel it always did. He raised his left hand up, silently asking Hajime for help getting up. Without hesitation, Hajime grabbed it and dragged Nagito up until he was sitting up. "They're both me."
"I suppose I should thank you for waking me up? I knew you'd make it to the lowest stratum- I believed in you." Nagito slowly looked up as he talked. "How are the others?" Seeing that he was the same as usual, Hajime smiled. "You're the last one out." At having the others well-being confirmed, Nagito smiled gently. "I'm glad."
"Ah, speaking off... I need to tell them you're awake. Monaca has been worried sick over you, you know. She's been hovering over your pod constantly, Nanami only managed to drag her out a few days ago." At the mention of Monaca, Nagito's face shifted to surprise. "...Monaca-san has been worried...? For... me?"
"Yeah. I'm sure she'll want to see you as soon as possible. I'll send a text to Nanami and she'll bring Monaca here, how does that sound? I doubt you want to be alone right now." Hajime had already brought out his phone and started typing as he spoke. "They'll be here soon."
Just as he finished speaking, the door was slammed open and Monaca wheeled herself over to Nagito as fast as she could. "...B-big Bro...? You're awake? Really, really awake? You... you..." Her voice wavered as tears gathered in her eyes. "You... big... MEANIE!!! You left Monaca all alone! You were supposed to be with Monaca all the time, but you didn't! You liar! Liar liar liar! Don't ever scare Monaca like that again! You're not allowed! Not allowed not allowed not allowed!!!!"
Monaca launched herself into Nagito's arms as she continued to cry out all her frustrations. From a short distance, Hajime and Chiaki stood and watched the tear-filled reunion, happy to finally have everyone back. "...It's a relief to have Komaeda-kun finally back. He was alseep for so long... I had almost began to lose hope." Hajime put his arm on her shoulder. "...Yeah, I get that. I knew he'd wake up eventually, though. It's Komaeda, you know? Things are never easy with this guy, but they tend to work out. One way or another."
Chiaki focused her attention back to Nagito and Monaca, noting that the crying had quieted down to small sobs. The little girl looked tired, but refused to fall asleep just yet. "...Hey hey, Komaeda-kun. We should probably get you moved into one of the cottages now. The pod can't be very comfortable, and we need to do a proper check-up, too."
"And we need to figure out what to do about the hand. You can't keep it, but removing it will be difficult. ...Souda and I will have to prepare a prosthetic replacement too." While Monaca kept her face buried in Nagito's stomach, the man in question turned his attention back to Hajime and Chiaki, smiling at them. "...I don't understand why you'd go so far from someone like me but... I... appreciate it."
"Don't talk like that. You're our friend too, of course we'd do all of this for you." Hajime had an expression that implied something beyond just 'friends', but maybe he was just too embarassed to say it.
Chiaki looked forward to the peaceful times to come.
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nagito-kissmaeda · 4 months
if it isn't real, why does the sun still burn?
CHAPTER ONE: Rise and Shine CHAPTER TWO: i guess its all up to me now CHAPTER THREE: Predictably, everything gets worse CHAPTER FOUR: good morning CHAPTER FIVE: Something to eat CHAPTER SIX: a start CHAPTER SEVEN: the party don’t start ‘til CHAPTER EIGHT: your full hospitality CHAPTER NINE: visitation rights CHAPTER TEN: gamer girl moments CHAPTER ELEVEN: prank patrol CHAPTER TWELVE: lets go to the beach beach
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Summary : Like most people visiting this tag. You have always dreamed of meeting Nagito Komaeda for real, what you would do, what you would say? Things don’t go as planned.
AKA: Reader from our universe ends up in danganronpa and is just trying her best to keep everyone alive. and maybe to make komaeda kiss her.
Contains: she/her pronouns
Read on Ao3
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Your legs ache like hell when you walk over to the restaurant for breakfast. You almost forgot that you even needed to go, it’s been almost a week since you last ate with everyone and you had half expected Komaeda to drop by with a plate of food like he used to. It is nice to finally have your freedom again, but it does also make you feel even more nervous than usual. Luckily you don’t bump into anyone on the way over, the prospect of having to make small talk after the day you just had is daunting, you just hope that everyone is going to be nice at breakfast.
Heading up past the pool, you take a quick moment to look up at the sky, shielding your eyes from the sun with a hand. The weather is perfect as always, with just enough clouds to keep the heat from being unbearable, but otherwise, the sky is nearly unsettlingly blue. It seems brighter, more vibrant than you are used to. You can’t help musing, are these oddities a byproduct of the Neo World Program? Or of whatever universe the Danganronpa series exists within? You sigh, letting your hand fall back to your side and walking to the front door of the lobby. It’s cool inside, and you realise that you probably can't put off going up to the restaurant anymore, even though you are kind of dreading it. Chewing on your lower lip, your fingers subconsciously move to the sticker on your chest. Still there, though you suppose if it wasn’t you’d be dead. 
Putting those unhelpful thoughts aside, you square your shoulders and start heading up the stairs. As you get closer to the top, you can hear the sounds of people chattering, it sounds like the class of 77-B is still in good spirits. You like to think that you have had at least a hand in that, even if they don’t realise it. No one turns to look at first when you reach the top of the stairs, so you hope to sneak in quietly and maybe sit down next to Koizumi or Sonia, but the second he catches sight of you, Togami stands up from his chair and clears his throat. Everyone’s eyes immediately turn to you, and you freeze in panic.
“Welcome back.” Togami says loudly, so loudly it booms through the room, “As prefaced yesterday, we are no longer harbouring any undue suspicion for you, especially given the overwhelming evidence in your favour.” he crosses his arms before turning to look at the rest of his classmates, “I expect that we all treat them as we would anyone else on this island. Teamwork is our greatest asset at this time, and if anyone should have any grievances, I ask that they come directly to me.”
He stares at you for a moment, and you are so overwhelmed by his impromptu speech that it takes you a few seconds to even realise what is happening. “Oh!” You exclaim, quickly dropping into a low bow, “Thank you, Togami-san! I am glad to be back!” In the corner of the room, you hear Saionji scoff and mutter, “Kiss-ass…”
You ignore her, instead walking over to one of the empty tables. Koizumi gives you an apologetic look before returning to her conversation with Saionji, and you’re grateful for that. You don’t even know what you should be planning for next. The next motive is despair disease, but you aren’t even sure if Monokuma will release it when the hospital is still inaccessible. 
Oh fuck, what if he does? If Komaeda gets seriously sick, there won’t be much Tsumiki can do without proper medical equipment. If he dies of despair disease…what does that even mean for the killing game? You clutch your head in your hands and squeeze your eyes shut, this is the absolute worst , all you can do is wait around and just hope that everything turns out okay.
Just as you start spiralling, two people take up the seats across from you. Causing you to slowly peer up from behind your hands.
“Oh, Hi!” You say (a little too loudly) trying to seem like you are totally cool and normal.
It’s Hinata and Tsumiki, the latter looking even more despondent than usual. 
Hinata raises his hand in greeting and gives you a lopsided smile, “Monokuma got to you, huh?” He asks, gesturing to your new accessory.
You wither, sinking back into your chair, “Yeah. He did.” you look around the room briefly, noticing everyone is staring before they quickly turn back to their meals, “Um. Did…everyone already know, when I got here?” Hinata rubs the back of his neck and averts his eyes, “Yeah our uh, our handbooks alerted us when a new rule was added, and since everyone else was already accounted for apart from you and Togami-san, well-” he smiles awkwardly, “We just assumed, you know?”
Yeah. Out of you and Togami, you are definitely the most likely candidate for idiot status. 
You give him a wobbly smile in return, “Yeah, no worries. A reasonable assumption.” “If-um…” Tsumiki starts, “If you don’t mind. Why did he give you the sticker?” “I fell for a stupid prank.” You say truthfully, “It was really embarrassing, I’d rather not talk about it.” “O-Oh…” Tsumiki says, hanging her head low, “I’m sorry for upsetting you.” “No, it’s okay! I understand why you would be curious, I’m not upset with you.” She tucks some of her long purple hair behind an ear, and sighs, “Thank you. I do have m-more important things I have to say, though.” She takes a moment, picking at her cuticles as she tries to find the right words. Hinata gives her a comforting pat on the shoulder and she smiles up at him before turning back to you. 
“I-I’m so sorry for whatever part I had in g-getting you framed for attempted murder!” She says quickly, bowing her head low enough that she almost slams her forehead into the table, “I w-would like to be your friend, and I d-don’t want this to ruin our friendship!”
You can feel your heart unfurling with warmth inside your chest, and you are unable to stop the smile that tugs at your lips, “Tsumiki-san.” You begin, reaching across the table and taking one of her hands between both of yours, “We’re still friends! Everyone was really scared and confused about what happened that day, I can’t blame you for saying what you did at the time.” 
She sniffles a little, peering up at you from underneath her choppy bangs, “Are you sure? Th-That’s the sort of thing that I’d expect someone to hate me over.” You nod, “I couldn’t hate you! Remember the first day we arrived here? I wouldn’t have made it safely back to my cottage without you, and my sunburn would have been so much worse without you looking after me.” you give her a warm smile, “You’re a very good nurse, you know that, right?” Tsumiki shyly returns your smile, you can see tears beading in her eyes, but she blinks them away, “I’m relieved. Thank you for being so kind to me.” “Don’t mention it.” You reply, giving her hand a firm pat before releasing it, “I’m just happy to be back, I was getting a little lonely.” Hinata grimaces, “Yeah…about that…” he fiddles with his tie a little, “I have some…questions? I guess?” You feel your heart drop like a rock, but still manage to reply, “Oh okay!” “I don’t want to sound like I'm accusing anyone of anything but-” he pinches the bridge of his nose, “What do you think of Komaeda-san?” Oh no.
Oh no oh no oh no. 
The absolute last thing you need is anyone else keying into Komaeda’s whole deal because that means the loss of a valuable ally, growing tensions within the group and the potential for murder or many other even worse possibilities that you haven’t even considered yet. 
You can feel your hands shaking, and keeping your expression neutral is no small feat, but you do it, “Oh, Komaeda-san? Well it was very nice of him to let me stay with him, but he was out talking with everyone else most of the time, so we didn’t chat much.” Your cheeks hurt from the fake smile you are forcing, “Why do you ask?” Hinata shuffles forward in his seat and leans on his elbows. You follow suit, leaning in close. You notice Hinata’s eyes darting around the room, and the nervous bob of his adam’s apple, “He’s…weird, right?” Weird. Yes. You can work with weird. 
“Hm, I suppose he can be a little strange sometimes? He laughs a lot, but I just think he isn't used to socialising.” Hinata’s brow furrows. For a moment his mouth opens like he is considering asking you something else but thinks the better of it. 
“Was that…all?” You ask, praying that he will just stop looking so deep in thought for a moment. Based on his expression, Hinata looks like he is trapped deep in a logic dive right now, “Hinata-san?” You try, hoping to break him out of it. 
He blinks a few times, and then chuckles uncomfortably, “Sorry about that, just thinking some stuff over.” What stuff? You want to ask. It’s not like you think Komaeda is a murderer or anything right? 
Instead, you stay quiet, smiling as Hinata gets up from the table, “Anyway, will I see you at the beach later today?” he asks. “Oh yeah! You will!” You reply, “I almost forgot!” Tsumiki titters politely behind a hand, “I h-hope you don’t forget. I would love to spend some more time with you.” Grateful for a reason to stop stressing re: Hinata, you turn back to Tsumiki, “Then I’ll be sure to see you there!”
A few hours later, you sigh as you frown at yourself in the mirror. Even though it fits surprisingly well, you are still not happy to be wearing a swimsuit, all that really means is so much more skin that you need to try and get sunscreen on. It’s a lot of work, but the idea of repeating those first few days with that terrible sunburn is daunting, so you suffer through the lesser of two evils. Just before getting changed you found that Monokuma had ‘helpfully’ left a stack of idiot stickers on top of your dresser, so that way you will never be without one, not matter what you are wearing, it sticks surprisingly well to the material of your swimsuit, and you sense that Monokuma has taken great care to ensure it won’t fall off, even in the water. 
You are in a bad mood, which is unfortunate given that just after breakfast Mioda quickly announced that she was expecting to see a ‘totally rad turnout’ down at the beach and it wouldn’t do you any good to not make an appearance, especially given everyone's tenuous trust in you at this point. 
You huff and shove one of your sundresses (also affixed with another sticker) over the top of your swimsuit to take off when you get to the beach and tuck a folded towel under your arm. It is unlikely that you will manage to have any fun.
Unfortunately, you can’t stop thinking about your encounter with Hinata at breakfast. Though you are sure that Komaeda isn’t actively trying to make anyone think he planned the attempted murder, especially since that would prevent him from making nice with all the other Ultimates, there is the distinct possibility that Hinata has been thinking over the events of that night. Like Komaeda mentioned so many days ago, even a small thought about just how the power outage was caused puts him right in the firing line. 
This is bad for you. While Komaeda doesn’t necessarily like you, he is at least interested enough in what you are doing to not ask too many questions. Apart from Nanami, there are very few other members of class 77-B that you can trust to just… let you do your weird bullshit without at least asking how you know all this stuff. 
You almost consider bailing on the beach outing altogether, despite how much of a bad look it would be. Before you are able to make a decision one way or the other, you are interrupted by a knock on your door. Sighing aloud, you head over to it, surprised to find three people on the other side when you pull it open.
“Oh wow, um, hi everyone?” 
“WAHOO!” Mioda exclaims, “It’s Ibuki’s BESTIE!” “Wahoo…” You reply back, barely able to match even a tenth of Mioda’s enthusiasm, “I wasn’t um- expecting any of you.” Sonia quickly steps around Mioda, taking one of your hands between both of hers and smiling, “I hope it wasn't too presumptuous, but you’ve been without company for so long and we thought you might like some friendly conversation on your way to the beach.” “Oh…” You breathe, feeling any tension in your shoulder quickly melt away. Sonia has an energy so calming that it's utterly contagious, “Thanks for thinking of me, that sounds nice actually.” Sonia beams, “Stupendous!” “STOOPYENDUS!” Moida cries, pushing Sonia out of the way so she can grab you by the waist and hoist you up in the air. You let out a panicked shriek and the third member of your visitors finally speaks up. “Put her down before one of you gets hurt, Mioda-san.” Pekoyama says quite seriously. 
Mioda huffs, but does as asked. Once back on the ground again, you realise that you haven't seen all that much of Pekoyama so far. You had been expecting to confront her and Kuzuryu after the motive was revealed, but Togami’s quick action negated that issue almost immediately. 
All three of the girls are dressed in their swimsuits, just like in the game, Sonia has opted to wear a full wetsuit, which you can only assume is what she is used to wearing when swimming in the freezing Novoselic waters. 
Pekoyama has an incredibly oppressive stare, the bright red hue of her irises only make it worse. She’s also an absolute beauty, with strong arms and broad muscular shoulders. Her swimsuit leaves little to the imagination and you have to awkwardly swallow and avert your eyes to prevent yourself from getting an eyeful.
“We should go.” She says, crossing her arms over her chest, “We don’t want to be late.” Sonia nods, “Yes, yes, you’re right. At this rate all the boys are going to beat us there.” Mioda tosses her head back in a laugh and yells, “Not if Ibuki can help it!” before entirely forgetting that she was supposed to be keeping you company and sprinting off towards the beach as fast as she can. “Oh! Oh no!” Sonia says quickly, “You’ll have to excuse me, but I think someone needs to supervise Mioda-san.” She starts running, and she somehow even manages to do that with perfect posture, before she gets too far away, she calls back to you over her shoulder, “I’ll see the two of you there! My apologies!” 
“Well.” Pekoyama says, watching Sonia quickly dash away, “It will just be the two of us, then.” 
You laugh nervously, “Looks like it.” Without a word, Pekoyama starts striding towards the beach, and you have to jog a little in order to catch up. To her credit, she does peer down at you and slow her gait once she realises you are having difficulty keeping up. 
“I-” Pekoyama begins, clearing her throat, “-am not a great conversationalist.”
“Oh, um- that’s okay! We don’t have to talk.” Pekoyama hums, fiddling with the end of one of her braids, “I would like to try, if that is alright with you?” Sneaking a glimpse at her face, you see that she is purposely looking away from you with a nervous pink on her cheeks. You’ve always had a soft spot for Pekoyama, she’s one of your favourite characters, so the fact that she even wants to try talking to you means a lot. Especially since you know she doesn't talk all that much. 
“Sure.” You reply, “I can start if you want?” She chuckles, “Please.” You think for a moment, and then gently ask, “Did you go to the beach often? Before all this mess, I mean?” “No.” Pekoyama replies quickly, “Not unless I was there for training, though I did most of my cardio in swimming pools instead of the ocean.”
She does not ask a follow up question, so the conversation hangs awkwardly in the air. There is no sound but the crunch of your feet on the gravel underfoot and the occasional cry of a seagull. It is, admittedly, a nice walk even in silence. Plus, now that you have been far more diligent with sunscreen, you are free to enjoy the warmth of the sun without fear of further burning. It does feel a little awkward though, and you are unsure if the conversation is over, or if you should prompt Pekoyama to keep talking. Luckily, after a few silent minutes, you see her stiffen beside you. 
“I’m sorry.” She says, laughing to herself “I forgot to ask you a question, I told you I’m terrible at this.” she hums a moment, and then asks, “Do you find it easy to make friends?” You blink. That question was much more complex than your silly beach question, “U-Um, I don’t really know? It’s kind of hard to explain.” You wring your hands together, “I’m not very good at approaching people, because I don't want to bother them, but if someone talks to me first, I’m usually okay. If that makes sense?” Pekoyama nods slowly, “I…suppose it does.” “It’s really easy to be friends with Mioda-san, for example. She puts in most of the effort, which means there is less for me to worry about.” You kick a wayward stone with your foot, “Have you made any friends since we’ve been here?” Pekoyama stops walking, “Just the one.”
Oh, Kuzuryu. You think to yourself. It makes sense that she isn't putting too much effort into socialising outside of him, but it’s still sad to think about. When you played the game, you always spent heaps of Free Time Events speaking with Pekoyama, but it looks like the real Hinata has his priorities set elsewhere. 
Your heart races a little, considering that usually, without your intervention, Pekoyama wouldn't even have survived until today. With this extra time she’s been granted, it would be a shame if she spent it all alone, right? Resting a shy hand on her forearm, you say, “Well, I’d like to be your friend, if you’ll have me.” Pekoyama’s eyes widen a moment, and her lips curl up in what is almost a smile, “Despite my awful conversation attempts?” You laugh, “Because of them, actually. I can tell that you’re trying, there are plenty of people out there who wouldn't even do that.” You can’t help breaking into a smile, “I’m sure you’ll get better at it too, and there are lots of people on this island who would be willing to help teach you.”
“Thank you.” She says, looking up at the sky, “That sounds nice.” “You should talk to Tanaka-san.” You offer, continuing on your walk towards the beach, “He’s a bit eccentric, but he’s very good at talking so long as you have nice things to say about his hamsters.” Pekoyama smiles brightly this time, it's a good look on her, her eyes crinkle in the corners, “I…have always wanted a pet.”
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thecrackshipawards · 1 year
Alright, I have counted up all of the submissions and closed the sheet! Thank you so much for submitting! The bracket is going to be 32 ships and I got more than that, so there's going to be some qualifier matches once I figure out how to divide that up.
The following ships are guaranteed to move forward to the tournament because they received multiple submissions: Delia x Jessie, Sans x Komaeda, Lalo x Howard, Kine x Yin Yarn, Pinkie Pie x Dan and Mrs. Puff x Ms. Mayor
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one-way-dream · 1 year
A Lack of Essence (One-Shot)
Rating: General
Words: 3100+
Media: Danganronpa, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Pairing: Aoi Asahina/Sakura Ogami, Minor Hajime Hinata/Nagito Komaeda (Mentioned)
Tags: Post-canon, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Pining, Feelings Realization
Warnings: Descriptions of an anxiety attack.
Chapter: 1/1
Link to the original work
AO3 Summary/Excerpt:
Undoubtedly, it’s one of the best, no— maybe the best she’s ever had in her life. It’s a perfect technique, it’s a perfect balance, it’s… it’s…
…But it’s not the same.
Aoi tries to make donuts like the ones she made in the past, but she feels like there's something missing.
Author's Notes:
i love sakuraoi and i've never written them before so here's a little brain dump before i forget that i ever wrote it and it rots in my computer forever fdjshfksdfsdf asahina aoi my oomfie ❤ as always, this is not beta-read
thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy!
Aoi doesn’t like the taste of the doughnuts being made nowadays.
Sure, the ingredients were much fresher, – at least compared to whatever Junko had arranged for them during their days trapped in the school – but something about the taste was… inadequate.
Whatever it was, it frustrated Aoi to no end.
With every passing year it felt like something was slipping away. That ‘something’ twisted deep in her chest, gnawing away and taking parts and pieces of her until she gave in to tears. Until she felt hollowed out from breaking down time and time again, however far and in between it may happen.
Despite the kind words Makoto shed time and time again, she never really considered herself a strong person. Sometimes Aoi wondered what she would think of her moments of weakness, years after their escape, years after her sacrifice.
A heaviness weighed on her shoulders, bringing her back to the present, where she absentmindedly leaned over a shallow pot of oil gone lukewarm – which subsequently meant that the test batch of doughnuts she’d set to the side had definitely gone cold while she was lost in thought. She blinks, clicking her tongue in irritation as she stares down the pastries, wondering how she was careless enough to even forget setting a timer on her phone.
Well… better off a little cold than burned to a lump of coal.
Aoi takes the plate off the edge of her kitchenette counter and sets it on the breakfast bar. She pulls the curtains apart to let the evening light fill the shadows of her small but tidy studio apartment. A sleepy marmalade sun has yet to rest behind the silhouette of the rebuilt city. Somehow the light begins to fill the shadows in her mind too; not completely, but just enough to pinch her cheeks and huff out a determined breath.
“This is it,” she whispers to herself, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration. “This has to be the one.”
Nimble band-aid covered fingers dart across her phone screen before she even considers taking a bite, sending a text message to Makoto, hoping that he wouldn’t mind Aoi sending her seventh consecutive message of the day.
>[7:08 PM] Heyhey, Naegi! I’m about to try out the new recipe you got from Hanamura-san! Wish me luck. :)
A quick tap on the paperclip icon and then a few more before the image is delivered to him. She smiles down at her phone a little at the picturesque scene of her evening snack neatly plated on her favourite porcelain, the paper towel beneath it splotched with oil and stray bits of cinnamon sugar shimmering in the sunlight. Everything looked perfect.
The arrangement feels awfully nostalgic; memories overtake her of large but gentle hands working side by side with her, the other insisting that ‘food tasted better when presented with care’. It’s nostalgic to the point where familiar feelings begin to rouse in her heart at the memory – but she pushes it down. The grip on her phone gets tighter until her hand starts to tremble. 
Not yet.
Not now.
Aoi quickly sets the phone down and swallows thickly, though she finds her mouth drier than usual despite what was supposedly a perfect rendition of her favourite food lying before her. Even during the killing game, her appetite had never dwindled at the sight of doughnuts. She smiled brightly for herself as encouragement, as if practising in front of a mirror like the many times she’d done on her worst days before stepping out for work.
Why… did she feel this nervous? And why did she feel so afraid of disappointment?
Finally, she reaches out and picks up a doughnut by the edges, where the caramel-esque sugar just barely grazed her fingertips. Surprisingly it’s still a little warm, and truthfully, it's unbelievable that it’s this soft even after cooling down. 
The numb buzzing still clings to Aoi’s mind, and while it usually wouldn’t be an appetite killer, today nothing really feels right. But as soon as the sweet and spicy aroma reaches her nose, her mouth waters instinctively, eager to partake in old indulgences. With a bit of optimism, she leans forward and takes a small and hesitant bite, careful not to let her thoughts sour the experience.
Even though her mind wasn’t quite swayed by the thought of doughnuts, her tastebuds immediately gave into the familiarity. The first thing that she notices is that it’s just as soft and light as it feels, almost unbelievably so, as it melts in her mouth in an array of flavour ranging from a delicate mellow sweetness to a hint of mild spice. The taste coats her tongue without being overwhelming somehow – without a doubt, the recipe is a decadent masterpiece. Simply pure art.  
Aoi reigns herself in and manages to wolf down the last quarter of it without inhaling any topping sugar by accident. Eventually, as she chews, she comes down from the high and her mind wanders again. If she were her younger self, the one before the killing game, she could have died peacefully knowing that this was the best that she’d ever get.
Undoubtedly, it’s one of the best, no— maybe the best she’s ever had in her life. It’s a perfect technique, it’s a perfect balance, it’s… it’s…
…But it’s not the same.
Aoi’s own voice echoes the words she didn’t want to admit in the back of her head, so strongly that it makes her flinch.
It pulls her out of the delight by drowning it in the frustration she’d feared time and time again. It’s disappointment that finally settles in her mind despite everything; as sticky, heavy, and gross as the bitter kuromitsu her mother was so fond of. As she swallows down the last bit of the pastry clean from the side of her cheek, she finds that there is a flaw to it after all: there’s a stale aftertaste.
For something so seemingly perfect, even this had its flaws. It lacked something. Or maybe there was too much of something? 
But… just what was it? Aoi’s brows scrunched together as she mulled it over, wiping the grease and crumbs off her fingertips onto the clean parts of the paper towel. No distinct taste from a lack of ingredients? No, probably not, given that it called for cinnamon and the barest hint of clove and spices she’d never even heard of. Maybe there wasn’t enough sugar? Oh, but the cinnamon sugar dusting should’ve covered that base as well.
It just… wasn’t enough.
It wasn’t enough. It’d never be enough.
She just had to accept the facts – nothing she will ever make from here on out could ever be the same as the ones she and Sakura made together.
But the question was: could she live with that?
Aoi sighs deep and forlorn, leaning back against the barstool as her gaze veers out the window overlooking the growing shadow of the cityscape, eventually trailing back to the remaining three doughnuts.
Old feelings come back with a vengeance at the sight, thrashing in her chest like a small bird trapped in a cage. She clenches her knuckles white and then relents, at long last – she doesn’t want to fight the feeling anymore today. At least for today, even if she knows the cost is that it won’t end well.
She takes a deep breath and smiles, genuinely this time, wondering how Sakura would look like bathed in the light of sundown like she is now, sharing a meal together like they used to every day. She never saw her in the sunlight before - and even if she did during their school years, she wouldn't know anymore. She would never get to know.
And that’s all it takes for the seams of her composure to be suddenly torn to shreds; for that weird mixture between swelling affection that made her heart soar only to be shot down by unbearable, crushing grief. It held her at a deadlock, stasis, as sobs wracked her body. It was so unlike her, ‘sooo unlike’ the world-renowned star athlete and Ultimate Swimmer Aoi Asahina, as she’d chastise herself after a thorough cry.
Aoi had always considered herself lucky that her good days and neutral days far outweighed the bad compared to the others, but it was never like she was ever immune to despair in the first place, not even after all that her friends had done for her. Especially not after all that her friends had done for her. The guilt is a snaking hairline fracture in her favourite and otherwise perfect ceramic mug - the one that reminds her of home and of family and loved ones. 
The guilt is something she finds hard to douse; it’s a constant reminder against calloused palms and one might even say that, despite her go-getter personality, the fissure is reminiscent of her own being. It’s seemingly harmless, and it won’t shatter to pieces, but it’s there. 
Thinking hard on things was never her forte, and neither was sweating the small stuff. Even so, bitterness claws at her throat, constricts her breathing to nothing more than a desperate rhythm.
It was really unlike her.
The muted sound of a ticking wall clock is all that resounds in the living room, in between shaky breaths, in between the unsteady pulses of her heartbeat. Vaguely, she's aware of the pace of it, of how the ticking tries to punctuate all the other sounds, except–
Everything is off. Her heartrate speeds up and it's thrown off even more. it's all lost to a moment's hesitation, and suddenly she's wrenched back into the depths of a swimming pool. Her coach spits out demands; that she needs to pick up the pace. It's off rhythm. It's grating. That she's off rhythm. She's grating. It's all wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. 
Until she catches the single beat where all three align at once. They blend together into a single startling click, folding into one like flour and sugar and yeast. Her head feels heavy, but clear for a moment; just enough to stop thinking. 
A pillow stays close to her chest as she calms down, as she buries her face just enough to muffle the sound. Just enough so that she couldn’t hear her own voice – her own weakness that she so despised. How could she not when the person she cared for was the very definition of the strength she always strove for?
The thing is, Sakura Ogami was never just physically strong.
Sure enough, the others had seen both her physical strength and her strength of character back in those days but… Aoi had seen it all. Sakura is Eden; she’s all the nurturing resilience of sanctum and all the grace of it too, right down to dew-soaked grass blades and tree roots buried in rich soil. 
Aoi had seen it with her own eyes; what it means to be in paradise. It was when she lay side by side with her, peeking a single eye open every now and then to see if the other was awake – if she was okay. She’d be met with a small smile, but her gaze always wavered, as if it was the smallest tell that she, too, might’ve been a little afraid. But instead of a confession, what she’d get in return was a promise that the first person she would turn to if she was ever in trouble would be Aoi – no one else but her. It made her heart soar, so much that she was afraid she’d never be able to sleep again from the way her pulse hammered against her chest. 
But still, she’d force her eyes shut, hoping, praying for it to be one of the nights where her run-of-the-mill luck favoured her. But eventually she realized that she never had to wish so hard to begin with, because each passing night it got easier; Sakura would stroke a gentle, warm hand down the side of her head whenever she figured Aoi was asleep anyway. She’d hum a gentle melody to her anyway, and each time, she fell a little more. Each time, she woke up a little braver and stronger, just like Sakura – like she was lending Aoi her strength. 
She wonders if Sakura ever figured her out. 
She wonders if she ever had herself figured out back then. 
But she doubts it, she’s never been the perceptive type. If she was then she would’ve known to help Sakura sooner. If she’d known then she could’ve saved her from her fate. Aoi knew well enough that ‘what-ifs’ and dwelling on the past never helped matters, but sometimes it felt easier to let it catch up, let it trip you by the ankles – even if only for a reality check. It’s her only companion within the lonely confines of her house, no matter how well she decorated, no matter how homely she made it; nothing would fill the space quite the same. 
The sound of a notification jolts her out of her thoughts, quickly picking up her phone to catch Makoto’s name in the preview. She unlocks the phone, holding her breath as she looks over the three messages.
>[7:39 PM] It looks great, Asahina-san! :) I’ll let Hanamura-kun know the next time I see him. I know you're busy but, if you get the time, maybe we could make some together for everyone?
>[7:40 PM] Sorry, I can’t talk a lot because I’m still working, but Hinata-kun came by and wanted me to pass along that he’d like all of us over for dinner this Saturday.
>[7:40 PM] Is that alright with you?
Her breath escapes through her teeth as she starts to chew on the skin of her bottom lip, clicking the phone off once more. She’d turned off ‘read’ notifications a few months ago when the pressure to respond immediately got too much; stewing in her own thoughts might not have been healthy, but neither were donuts – she could afford to cut loose a little sometimes. 
Now the trouble was those last two messages. 
Aoi loved her friends, she really did. She was always the first to celebrate them, and always the first to push them forward in the right direction if Makoto didn’t beat her to it first. But unfortunately, she was still every bit as human as she was an airheaded cheerleader.
She still distinctly remembers how she would always smile, shove down the sharp and ugly jealousy she felt when Hajime’s gold engagement band glistened under fluorescent lights before the guilt smothered her in its place.
Aoi once nodded along enthusiastically when Hajime fondly spoke of how he loved the fact that Nagito’s ring matched the silver of his eyes – and she wondered faintly, with her chin resting on her hand, whether he knew that she could relate wholeheartedly.
Nothing in the world could compare to the thought of Sakura wearing a wedding ring as silver and bright as her eyes, except maybe seeing her in a kimono that would undoubtedly look elegant on her. The feeling rocked unsteadily inside her chest, making her fond and unbearably lonely all at once.
The plate of doughnuts lay in front of her on the coffee table by the vase of fresh flowers Komaru and Touko had dropped off in the morning. And with the sun dipping into the horizon, she knew that her food would only get colder, and the room would only grow darker.
Frowning, Aoi reached into the drawer of the table, pulling out a box of matches and striking one against the strip as it flared to life. Her cherry blossom scented candles would do; they would keep her company, keep her surroundings bright, keep her warm despite how little wax was left. Something about that last part made her feel sour.
She leaned forward, tearing off a piece of a doughnut and ignoring the stickiness and grease that clings to her skin in favour of living in the moment. Maybe a little indulgence would be just fine, even if it wasn’t the same. 
So maybe Aoi wasn’t the only one to see Sakura in her moments of vulnerability.
And it's a selfish feeling, the hope she felt when Aoi caught a flash of guilt in Sakura’s eyes when she spoke of her boyfriend on the outside, when she caught her staring at her more and more with each passing morning. She wanted it to mean something.
She wanted the gradual transition from ‘my dear Asahina’ to ‘my dearest’ to mean something.
The silence in the room was heavy, but strangely enough, not in an oppressive way. 
What was stopping her from remembering her words? What was stopping her from letting Sakura’s life, her sacrifice, mean more than a push forward towards hope? 
After all, from the casual touches while they made donuts for the first time to her final heartfelt words, wasn’t it all an act of love from start to finish? 
Aoi blinks the mistiness in her eyes away, swallows thickly and leans back on the old couch, tracing the threadbare edges of it with her left hand; a well-loved part of her home that cradles her aching heart after a tiresome day. The remote rests easily in her hand, TV flickering to life with a single button, as the face of her high school swimming idol grins brightly at the camera. It's like she can feel the droplets running down her face, remembering how free she felt doing what she loved. She finally picks up her phone with a small smile, bordering on bittersweet, wondering if there was ever a missing ingredient to begin with. 
> [8:34 PM] Tell him that we're on for that group dinner date. 
Her fingers pause, hovering over the next few keys. With a sharp exhale, she settles on her words. 
> [8:35 PM] And yeah, let's finally make those doughnuts together for everyone. It'll be fun! <3 
Aoi lets out another determined huff, trying not to let her wobbly yet courageous smile fade. She’d just have to find a way to make her own secret ingredient. 
That night, Aoi dreamed.
She dreamed of doughnuts and picnics under a cherry blossom tree in full bloom and a world made for two people.
She dreamed of her beloved wearing the summer dresses Aoi always thought she’d look like a goddess in, even though she was always more than enough in her ripped sailor outfit.
She dreamed of a fond smile and husky voice humming, their bodies close enough that she could feel the rumble of her voice in her chest; large, protective, and warm hands enveloping her own, and the steady rhythm of silver bands clicking against each other as they walked hand in hand.
For once, Aoi dreams and ignores the dull ache in her chest in place of something far stronger, far more wonderful.
Love, and love alone, until the end of her days.
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