#thank you for this YBO
Wang YiBo X The Night Sky
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accio-victuuri · 2 days
yibo-official weibo update
The green is getting deeper, and the summer is long.I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival, and good luck will come with "zongzi" ~ [I love you the most] @UNIQ-王一博
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yibo-wang · 8 months
Yibo Official Weibo Update: Walk in Paris
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goldrosh · 5 months
in the last sugar rush post from 2023, @accio-victuuri asked us to list our top 5 cpns from last year but since I'm late I thought on doing a post. thank you for those recopilatory monthly posts, btw! they're very helpful and when you read them you also relive those beautiful moments. and overall for always keeping us updated about everything going on with our boys.
so here's my top 5 cpns from 2023
the inner mongolia saga: I decided to call it like that for everthing that happened from the moment xz went to film there. it started with yb's first selfie of 2023 and all the clowning about him perhaps visiting the loch set, the infamous black cloth, all the speculation about him owning a leica camera, the confirmation of him owning a leica camera, xz's birthday post that also had him posing with a leica camera, the camping pic, and everything culminating with yb's own pics taken in inner mongolia. honestly, september and october were such busy months to being a clown, I love how everything just developed little by little and fell like pieces of a puzzle.
the suspicious change on xz's filming schedule: when ybo reported that yb won't be able to participate in the star of the one and only promo period, everyone got worried, since when yb takes days off while sick? the next day tho, some reports came in; after days of going to film at a certain early time, xz was going a little bit late. "interesting" said every turtle in the world, "let's see how this continues". and boy, it did continue, casually until yb's recovery. a happy coincidence.
anniversary?: when we all thought nothing was toping the inner mongolia saga, november 19 happened. and to think everything started very innocently with yb updating his douyin and then everything scalating into the possibility of them sorting out the seriousness of their relationship one november 19... I honestly loved how everyone started to bring up years of clues and how it just made sense.
wedding outfit: this one is very self explanatory, their weinbo night outfits that strangely looked like wedding outfit. I would have loved to see them both walking out the red carpet but we all know how weinbo loves to self sabotage I mean I enjoy when they do that but not that night! I like to think that the reason why they chose those outfits is because their first weinbo night is also called "divorce night" and, after years of not attending the same event, they wanted to give us a wedding night. yes, I am that much of a clown, thank you.
ybo's birthday post: this one hit me so hard that I still tear up whenever I read "yb, the sunset is very beautiful". to most, that post it's just a very well written birthday wish, but if you're like me and believe xz wrote it then knowing that these two boys love each other so deeply is reason enough to warm your heart. "time does not have a pause button, yet you seem to hold the password for the occasional pauses in the world". cry with me 🥲
honorific mention to: THE hat (yb made it hard to ignore lmao), everything is lovely and its promo (at first I wasn't trying to read too much into the colors that were used to promote the ep but then the bone necklace appeared and changed my mind), mysterious driver (just so you all know I'm totally sold on this) and overall this year that seemed to have them together for longer periods of time.
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rainbowsky · 1 year
just thought of warning you, I stumbled upon your post about ybo and all on twitter so I think you might have a lot of toxicity coming your way. stay strong 💪🏼 and as always you are the most sane turtle imo.
Thanks for the heads up. 💛.
I've already been getting a fair amount of that, but it's to be expected. Toxic fan culture people are what they are. They'll behave in a predictable way. My inbox always fills up with hate whenever solos think they smell sadness/fear among turtles (or when solos have something to be salty about), regardless of whether I've posted about the issue or not.
They're wasting their time because I don't even read that shit, let alone respond to it. At times like this I always get someone to screen my inbox for me. I've been at this for a while, I know how to keep my life peaceful during times of controversy. 😅
A good reminder to people to be friendly in my inbox during times like this, because I give them full rein to block anyone who takes a negative tone or comes across as acting in bad faith (and if you think you are going to get away with sending anti messages in a friendly tone, I've warned them about that too).
Also, and this is very important: people should absolutely not be sharing my controversial posts on Twitter. In fact I prefer if they didn't share any of my posts on Twitter. Sharing turtle posts on Twitter makes the blogger a target for harassment, because there are antis there who scour turtle accounts for opportunities to stir up trouble.
There is a reason I am not on Twitter. I'd prefer if Twitter weren't brought to my doorstep here. If I wanted my posts on Twitter I would put them there myself.
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toh-tagteam-au · 1 year
Since you don’t plan on continuing the story via the comic format, have you thought of turning it into a full blown fic instead?
Really love the story btw
Thank you!
And no, I definitely don't have the motivation (nor confidence gfhgjhkj) to do a whole fic of the au. That's what the synopsis posts are for, not to mention a LOT of this AU is just canon but Hunter Flavored – save for the specific moments where the swap AU comes into play (Agony and YBOS are good examples of this). I wouldn't want to bore you guys by just retelling the original story. This way, I get to show you the juicy parts of the AU I've been wanting to get to for more than a year.
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gwarp · 1 year
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Wang Yibo - Lei Yu (Born to Fly)
The movie "Born to Fly" broke through 800 million box office!
Thank you every audience for your recognition and support!
© YBO Weibo
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jowi8597 · 5 months
15/01/2024 Yibo Official Weibo update 💚
Thank you for taking this "Spectator" and spending this wonderful journey with Wang Yibo, harvesting the beautiful scenery along the way, capturing the heartbeats everywhere, #sharing all thing scute in my eyes#, and carefully collecting this response. 💚
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So many cats 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
YBO posted in Yibo's supertopic and used a green heart 💚
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sillyilly10 · 1 year
I’m not ready for TOH to be over oh god
This show has been such a huge part of my life. I was still mourning Steven Universe but finally decided to give another new show a try, it was all over my feed anyway. I still remember the posts/scenes that initially interested me: the Grom dance and Luz coming home without Eda in YBOS.
It was the day after Thanksgiving in 2020 and I binged the entirety of the first season that day, pretty much without stopping lol. I’ve never fallen for a show this hard and fast.
This show made me start writing again and inspired me to draw (that inspiration hasn’t been very consistent but that’s an issue for another time-), I’ve read so so much fanfiction lol and honestly that was the main thing that got me through quarantine.
I’m so thankful for everything that’s happened because of this show. The Streamily livestreams, the cons, the people I’ve met, the stuff I’ve bought, the Post Hoots, one particular fanfic series that healed me so much…the list goes on.
To some this is just a silly little cartoon but it will always be so much more than that and so goddamn important to me. I’m getting choked up already lol. Goodbyes never get easier.
Thank you Dana and the whole crew for this amazing show. There’ll never be another like The Owl House. Stay weird❤️
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animerunner · 1 year
Do you think we'll get to see a flashback of Caleb before the series ends?
(sorry for the wait on reply anon)
Hmmm I'm not sure to be honest.
I don't think we'll get one in For the Future. The summary and poster is setting up for a type of conflict that a Caleb flashback doesn't entirely work for.
And with Belos not with the group and in a race with them....I doubt we'll get any type of monologuing. Or I would be surprised.
As for Watching and Dreaming - on one hand I don’t want to get it if it’s at the repercussion of other characters stories but at the same time this could go two ways I think.
1. I could see them leaving this open ended. A story, a mystery lost to time that we will never know the full truth on because it will always have a twist on it thanks to Belos. So no flashback.
2. I wish we would get something to just get a better idea on Caleb. Because as I’ve said before it feels more than likely he got caught in a Luz in YBOS scenario and didn’t abandon his brother at least by choice
Which is a take I keep seeing.
Because with the abandoned vial it doesn’t seem like he stopped going to Gravesfield intentionally but something happened. And considering the level of parallels Caleb seems to have with Luz
It makes sense that he would be cut off
But that means he still- again there were probably extuniating circumstances.
So I would just like some clarity there for that reason
But I don’t know if we’ll get it
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
Belos' interest in luz back during YBOS takes on another aspect now we know more about Philip's opinions on witches. At the time it made people think he was something other than human himself or had a special fascination with the species.
Turns out, he's just that racist, he can't help but highlight luz's nature as another human after centuries of being the only one in the demon realm
"Oh thank god, another human! Finally! You wouldn't believe what it's been like living amongst these filthy monsters..."
And the ironic thing is, between Luz's ethnicity, bisexuality and problems with authority as a woman, she's pretty much a walking slap in the face to a colonial American from the 1600, but since belos has spent so much time as the only human around he's willing to overlook the 'small' stuff
Ah yes, back in the dark ages when we knew nothing about Belos. I for one thought the ”Angel Realm” theory was kinda cool. Though at the time I figured that Belos’ interest in Luz as a human was because humans in the Demon Realm were very rare, possibly unheard of before. And now we know that it is indeed incredibly rare for human to find their way into the Demon Realm, with only three (to us) known cases over the last four hundred years. That being Philip, his brother and Luz.
But indeed, every interaction between the two take on a different meaning now. I’ve pointed out some of the parallels and differences between them, with both of them being humans lost in another realm, both seeking the power of magic through glyphs and to build a portal home. The main difference between them being that Philip is power hungry maniac with certainly more than a screw loose and Luz is an empathetic and good-hearted hero who made friends with the people of the Demon Realm rather than manipulating and using them for her own gains.
You’re right, of course that Belos, being from the time he’s from (I say as if there aren’t any horribly bigoted people anymore. I wish) maybe, probably, definitely don’t have the most favorable opinion on Luz. Though I imagine that having been separated from the rest of humanity for so long and forced to live among people he considers beneath him, Belos is likely to highlight their similarities rather than any differences.
Once again, I’m mildly entertained by him coming to the realization though…
Belos: ”Ah, finally, another human after all these years. We have a lot in common, you know. We bo- wait… crab maiden?” Luz: ”What?” Belos: ”What?” Luz: ”What was that you said about another human?” Belos: ”Nothing.”
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accio-victuuri · 3 months
yibo-official weibo update
Travel through the city and take a stroll in your free time; 🚶🏻 Come and check out @UNIQ-王一博’s pieces of Paris!
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yibo-wang · 1 year
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novelist-becca · 3 years
TOH Fanfic recs! Part 1
(All of these people are my inspiration I stg)
Found family
Make my heart your home series by @tiredandjaded
First fic: Luz accidentally calls Eda "mom" and they both have a crisis over it. Mostly Luz. Second fic: post-YBOS, Luz tells Eda and Lilith of what happened during the rescue mission, and both Luz and Eda give Lilith a shovel talk. Third fic: Luz and Eda are both taking care of each other in the first seven days after coming home. Includes fun sibling bonding!
(Patiently awaiting the next chapter of the third installment!)
Literally anything by @hereforthehurts
The way they write emotions and hurt/comfort is seriously amazing. Never fails to make me cry, especially when it comes to sickfics and fics of Eda and Luz. (I recommend supporting them on Ko-Fi!)
You Are My Sunshine by @liesminelli
One of the first Owl House fics I ever read, and it's SO good! Luz has a night terror and Eda walks in on her freaking out, and it goes from there. The emotions of both characters are very well-written, and the ending is so sweet! I also recommend checking out their other works too!
It's The Least I Could Do by @witchesbeforewizardss
There aren't enough fics of Luz and Lilith bonding, and this is one of the BEST ones. Lilith needs more healthy relationships, and in my opinion, building an aunt-niece relationship with Luz is a great place to start! (next to making amends with Eda) Basically, Luz is feeling homesick, and before dinner, she allows Lilith to help her feel better.
Luz's Not So Great Luck and
A Friendly Beastly Surprise by @animerunner
The first fic has a large abundance of angsty scenarios, mostly AUs, all of which are wonderful to read. My personal favorite is the one where Luz is an orphan and she has a chronic illness, and well, you'll have to read to find out! The second one is canon compliant, and it's about Eda turning into the Owl Beast and treating Luz like an owlet, and Luz is just like "guess this is my life now". It's so cute!
Rainy Day Makeovers by @fallenflowersfromgrace
To summarize, There's boiling rain, and Luz convinces Eda to spend time with her giving each other makeovers. It's very cute, and I love it!
Some Honesty Before Breakfast by @pizzaboat
Eda notices Luz is acting unusual, and gets her to open up. It's in-character, and wonderfully executed.
Thank you for being in my life by @peridot-garcia
Episodes of The Owl House from Eda's perspective, and as of now, also Luz and Lilith's perspective. It's got wonderful found family scenarios, and so far the plot is pretty great!
Lighting up the Dark by The_Quoter
This is a very recent one, and I love it! It's post-Young Blood Old Souls, and Eda comes to terms with how much Luz means to her, while also helping her come out of a nightmare.
The Light Behind Your Eyes by ABirdinFlight
Post-Young Blood. Eda gives Lilith a shovel-talk (harsh but well-deserved) and has a heart-to-heart talk with Luz in her room.
Moonlit Masquerade: Replacement by Rohad
Similar to make my heart your home, Luz accidentally calls Eda "mom" and both of them have a crisis over it. (As expected!)
Bad Days by @drabbles-of-writing
Part of their Four Years AU, Luz has an episode, and Eda takes her home to help her calm down. It's very bittersweet and heartfelt.
Gratuitous Embellishments of Chicken Noodle Soup by Rulerofthecosmosandsnails
Luz almost drowns at the Knee, but her Owl Mom is there to help her get better, including making her soup! (Yeah, my fic Snow Day was inspired by this)
A Line Crossed by Clevinger
AU in which Luz dies by the spikes at the bridge, in front of Eda, who thankfully resurrects her, and as expected, Luz is having a hard time handling it. There's another work inspired by it called Too Much, Too Late by TheHonestyBird.
A nightmare and a hug by moreteaplease
Reeaaally hard to find since it doesn't have the relationship tag for Luz and Eda, but still, it's very good! Post-YBOS, Luz has a nightmare and goes to Eda for comfort, confessing that she misses her mom.
Sleepless Nights by @snail-watch
Similar to the one before this, Luz has a nightmare and goes to Eda for comfort. I loved the way the author wrote Eda's thoughts about Luz!
Mending Trust by @electricwalkman
Similar to The Light Behind Your Eyes. Eda puts Luz to bed, and Luz tells her about the portal being destroyed, and gives her the mask piece. Eda comforts her, as well.
Night Owl and
The Bad Dream Club by @thedrunkenwerewolf / @wolfiethewriter
Eda has trouble sleeping, Luz notices, and Eda confessed that she's scared of hurting Luz as the beast. Luz of course, reassures her by telling her it won't happen. The second fic is the other way around, sorta. Luz has a nightmare and gets herself a drink to calm down, and Eda finds her.
Dreams of a Witch by TheDinosaurNerd
Eda talks to her younger self in her mindscape about her life as a wild witch. (In the end it turns out to be Luz in her lap.)
Griffon Flu by @serendipitouslyss
Another great sickfic! Luz gets the flu, or Griffon Flu as it's called in the Boiling Isles, but Eda and King are more than willing to help her get better.
Owlet by spotty8bee
Ah, the cursed AU that started it all. Only 2 chapters, but it's wonderfully heartbreaking and you really feel for Eda in the second half of chapter 1.
Observations of the Witchy Kind by JoLau
If you like platonic cuddling, you'll love this fic! Luz wants to learn about witch biology, but unfortunately Boscha burns the notebook that had her research, so she tries to rewrite her observations, and ends up catching Eda's attention.
I Need You, Please Don't Leave Me by rainbowpotato12
Luz is having bad thoughts, and worries that something bad could happen to Eda again, but Eda reassures her it won't.
This is Home by SpaghettieBabie
Luz has doubts about herself, and opens up to Eda about it, confessing that she likes her as her mother figure.
I Love the Found Family Trope! by @l-egionaire
Takes place after The Intruder. Eda thinks that Luz and King might leave her after knowing about the curse, and they tell her they would never do that.
Nightmare by OneandOnlyOllie
Another nightmare fic! Eda comforts Luz after a nightmare. Lilith hears the two, and wants to make things right with Luz.
It was not, in fact, a day out by @pizzaboat
Post-YBOS. Eda turns into the Owl Beast, tries to cuddle Luz, Lilith and King in her nest, and they have to come up with a working scheme to turn her back. Basically The Intruder if Lilith was there.
A broken brain by @pizzaboat
I can relate to this one a lot (except my adhd is diagnosed). Luz has trouble focusing on homework, and doesn't know why, and tells Eda she thinks she's going crazy, but Eda tells her she's not, and that Lilith had a similar problem.
What big claws (to protect you with my dear) by @ito-itonomen
AU where Luz is 10 and Eda takes her in, and both of them have doubts about themselves. Chapter 2 is especially good.
Unexpected Hope by @sepublic
Luz talks to Lilith about how she had (surprisingly) inspired her.
Lilith and Eda
Mistakes Might Have Been Made by @fallenflowersfromgrace
WARNING: you will definitely cry in the second chapter!
An AU in which Lilith split the curse with Eda the first time she transformed. Of course, by the time she reveals that she cursed her, it doesn't go well. (Eda's reaction hurts, but it's in character) and the pain in chapter 2 is just…AGONY AND ITS SO GOOD!
Walk Through the Storm, I Would by @lilithswxfe
Trigger warning for self harm and suicidal thoughts in this fic.
Lilith tries to hurt herself while in a bad state, but Eda catches her and comforts her.
Source Decay series by @tiredandjaded
Trigger warning for underage drinking in the second fic.
Two pre-canon fics about Lilith and Eda, the first fic portraying Eda as trans and how she's feeling about her name, and how Lilith helps her. The second one is sadder, it's after the curse and Eda isn't taking Lilith coming home late very well, leading to some…not-so-great coping mechanisms.
Rabbit Heart by radiantstaber
It has found family Owl Mom moments, but then it is mostly about Lilith and Eda rebuilding their relationship, with Luz trying her best to encourage both of them. (The description is very funny, describing the Owl House as a get along shirt.)
The Cafeteria Incident by @electricwalkman
Remember that page from Eda's record about Eda summoning abominations because somebody stole Lilith's lunch money? This is based on that, and it's SO GOOD!
Runaway Raven by @witchesbeforewizardss
Trigger warning for graphic injuries
In both Lilith thinks she doesn't belong with her family in the Owl House, and tries to "punish" herself. Eda convinces her that it's not worth it and she just wants her sister back.
The Long Night by @serendipitouslyss
Post-YBOS, just like The Light Behind Your Eyes. Eda puts Luz to bed, and she and Lilith have a long talk. (Though she's not as harsh.)
A Midnight Talk by @elizabethemerald
Lilith sees Luz having a nightmare, and calms her down for a little bit (via stroking her hair). Eda sees her, and the two have a talk.
I Need a Moment to Quiet This Pain by @come-unhinged
Moments in Eda's life and how she dealt with her curse.
Part 2 might have Lumity idk
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rainbowsky · 1 year
1) While avoiding posting kadian makes sense, a bad photoshop like this only brings negative attention. 2) The number 2 is clearly visible on one picture, the number 3 on two pictures. If they don’t want turtles to clown, why not at least remove the number 3 completely? 3) It’s possible that it's just a demand from the brand (the jacket is a very limited edition and is on sale at the moment, and i don't think the one yibo is wearing was gifted to him so the visible serial nb might be a problem)
Sorry, I somehow got this backwards, here's the first part of your ask:
Anonymous asked: Hey rbs, I absolutely love your blog! This is not really an ask but more like something I’d like to share anonymously: I think a lot of turtles are overreacting about the 32/33 thing. Unless it happens multiple times, it’s impossible to know if the editing was made to remove possible kadian. A few things I'd like to point out:
First of all, thanks for your kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! 😊
I don't normally reply to these kinds of asks because they're not asks. My inbox is for questions, not a place where people can anonymously post things on my blog that they don't want to post on their own blogs. Everyone has the ability to post their own opinions on their own blogs, and if they're just wanting to reply to a post I've made, they can do so in the comments. It's not necessary to be anonymous just to share a few ideas like this.
However, in this case I just disagree with this take and feel the need to point out why.
First and foremost, no, turtles are not overreacting. YBO has always felt like an ally up to this point, and this definitely looks conspicuously like an attempt to get rid of candy. Such a thing hasn't happened before, so of course turtles are going to be pissed off/worried.
As for the points you made:
The bad photoshopping did bring negative attention, for sure. Just because it was a controversial move by YBO, doesn't mean their motive for doing it wasn't about candy. And anyway, if turtles are right and DD's team is caving to solo demands, all that negative attention from turtles would only serve to publicize to the solos that YBO is doing what solos have asked.
The fact that they didn't seem to discriminate about which numbers to edit out only proves their intent was to eliminate the candy. The number 2 alone isn't that meaningful. The number 3 alone is a bit more meaningful, but not a big deal. The numbers 2 and 3 together are a candy.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the brand wanting the number hidden. All the video and photos from other representatives at the event clearly show the number. If the brand didn't want to associate the number with DD they wouldn't have let him wear the jacket. And it makes no sense for them to be against DD being seen with the number, because his association with it would only make the jacket more valuable in people's eyes.
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Of course this is just my opinion.
You're entitled to your own opinion and perspective, but I hope you'll be sensitive to the fact that turtles are hurting right now, and not rub salt in their wounds by downplaying the validity of their feelings. There are plenty of times when turtles overreact to things. It's happened a lot in the past. But you might want to read the room a bit, my friend. Given the removal of CQL from his profile and then the editing of these photos, I think it's very fair to say that this situation is unprecedented in the fandom, and fans are right to be concerned.
Having said that - it's not a time to panic. Panic won't help anything. I've got another post coming about that in a minute so I'll link that here once it's posted.
OK, first of all, here's the link to my post about not panicking.
Second, I think people are taking this post about photoshopping as evidence of YBO being nasty or harming DD. Please don't interpret it that way. As I said in the notes for this post, it's probably more of a good cop/bad cop thing, where DD is still being his normal self and choosing his kadian numbers and showing his candies, while YBO is giving him cover and appeasing solos.
It's entirely possible they're providing cover for DD to his solos, while working with him to show that the candy is being hidden. Maybe the crudeness of the photoshopping was intentional, an act of defiance to draw attention to the removal of the kadian while still providing plausible deniability for solos. We just don't know, so let's give them the benefit of the doubt.
It's likely that YBO are in between a rock and a hard place as well. It's possible DD and YBO are trying to work together to thread the needle between keeping turtles happy and keeping solos happy. Let's not demonize his team. That wasn't my intention here.
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toh-tagteam-au · 1 year
I really enjoyed reading your synopsis for the last two episodes! It’s done well!
Thank you! I'm really happy with how Agony and YBOS turned out. There's a lot of payoff to the set-up that happened throughout season 1: the way the siblings have been keeping secrets from each other and generally have been distant, Luz finally being given the chance to go to the human realm after it being one of the main reasons she made the deal with Eda in the first place, and all of Hunter's development in the Owl House.
Belos plays a bigger part in season 2, which I'm really looking forward to. He's more emotional than canon and arguably more caring towards Luz, since she's been "betrayed" by her brother the same way Philip himself was (especially if the clues in canon where Caleb left Philip are legit).
But yeah. Thank you! Yesterday's Lie is going to be silly.
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