#thank you for the ask!🩷
hiddencarpet · 3 months
ur ozlice art w them both wearing the b-rabbit coat is SO perfect im so in love with it i wanted to ask if i could use it as my header art (w credit listed in my bio, ofc!) if not understandable!!!
Ahhh, thank you!! I'm delighted to hear my artwork is appreciated!🩷
You may use it with the credit listed! Thank you for asking! :)
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Monty's excitement when Vanessa said she'd golf with him was so freaking cute 😭
(Sorry this is a little late)
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Vanessa affect on all the Glamrocks,,
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jesuistrestriste · 2 days
art is the MESSIEST kisser ever like if u make out his spit is literally everywhere. like he'll kiss u on the mouth then keep on kissing ur neck but w the wettest kisses ever. and i JUST KNOW he def drools. like when u give him head and his head is resting against a pillow, he's so lost in it that he can't even think. like the only thing he can do anymore is whimper and moan like a little bitch. and when u look at him u see him drooling all over the pillow😭
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art donaldson has a messy mouth. he drools when it feels too good, he kisses with almost too much tongue when he's desperate, and his warm, eager lips are always on your skin whenever he gets a chance to touch you properly.
he practically salivates like a thirsty puppy on a hot day. it pools under his tongue whenever he catches a glimpse of the more intimate areas of your soft skin; the nape of your neck, your stomach, your inner thighs. and he has to try desperately to swallow it down when you two are in public and he can't get his lips on you.
the first time you and art made out, it was very sloppy. you thought this mightve been a result of minor inexperience on his part, or nervousness, or excitement, so you let it happen. you let him moan into your open mouth and grab at your shirt while he slid his pink tongue over yours. you let his sticky saliva mix with yours as your mouths mashed together. you let him kiss you and kiss you and kiss you until he came in his pants.
the whole ordeal lasted about 7 minutes.
after that, you had assumed that—in time—he'd get more reserved with his mouth as you two continued to be intimate.
but this didn't happen.
if anything, he only got more comfortable with you, and thus only became more orally-fixated and messy with his mouth.
he liked to suck on your fingers during sex.
he liked to slather your arousal with his spit when he went down on you.
he liked to kiss you wetly all over your body before bed.
he liked yearned for it all.
when you'd give him head, your slick lips bobbing over his tip and swallowing salty dribbles of precome, he'd drool all over whatever was near his mouth. it was just too hard to focus on not drooling when the warmth of your tongue got him close so fast. his eyes would get lidded and his knees would grow weak and his mind would turn to mush the second you started to blow him. sometimes you'd have to hold his hips to keep him steady. he was very predictable.
one thing you two like to do together is have art get on all fours on the bed, knees spread apart with his cock hard and hanging between his thighs. his hands will go up and squeeze onto the pillows as he lowers his head and lets you jerk him off.
it’s kinda demeaning, in a way; being milked like a cow.
but you like doing it to him, and he likes whatever you like, so he loves this.
when your hand starts to stroke his cock, strings of pre leaking from his slit, his arms will usually start to shake. it'll start at his shoulders, and then go down to his elbows, and then end when his wrists can't hold him up anymore. he'll let himself collapse down onto the cushions without more than a whine of protest and a renewed tint of pink across the bridge of his nose. his head will lay on one side of his face, his lips parted to let out whimpers and whines as his hips jolt, and then it’ll start.
he’ll drool.
all over.
down the side of his face, over his bottom lip, down his chin. it all happens depending on how his head is positioned. but he always, always, always slobbers on the pillow a little.
just as his eyes start to roll back, and his pelvis starts to shallowly move to thrust his cock into your moving grasp, his sweet and sticky saliva will dribble down his face someway and soak into the pillowcase.
he can't help it.
because, again, you make it hard to pay attention to anything other than how good you make his dick feel. it throbs in your hand.
when you catch a glimpse of his drooling, you usually smile and speed up your touch.
"Art, baby-" you'll coo to him, "drooling."
and he'll know right away what you mean.
"Anghh— feel s'good, s'good— 'm sorry, 'm sorry," he'll inevitably slur.
he'll try to wipe it with the back of his hand, but he's usually shaking too much for that to do much of anything. it more just smears the transparent fluid across his flushed face.
slurp. wipe. whimper.
a few more strokes of your hand, and a thumb pressed right under his cockhead, is all he needs to let go after that point.
his eyes will roll back as he cries out and bucks into your fist, shooting and coating the bedding underneath with his load. he'll tremble and whine until his hands grasping at the sheets below have the instinct to fly between his legs and stop the overstimulation. you generally let up soon after he makes that known.
after you clean him up and ease him into bed, he'll make sure to kiss you goodnight. and it's messy and needy and a little bit too much, but you let him do it anyways. he's eager to please, and he's eager to show you how much he appreciates the way you take care of him. he’s just eager.
maybe one day you'll get sick of how much tongue he uses when he kisses, but you doubt it. it’s just so perfectly him.
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thepinklink · 15 days
10 h
Cover that man in blood (for enrichment)
(Expression ask game)
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Smutty Kol mikaelson headcanons?
mmm smutty kol… i need to get back into the swing of writing for him!
okay. i have so many WIPs where he's more dominant, but have only posted one smut of him and he's submissive in that one. that being said, i can see him going both ways.
also, in general, idk why i started doing my hcs like this, but i can switch them back to the other format if preferred
tw: cnc / dub / non section; minor noncon mentioned
he's definitely experienced & mostly dominant
he's been alive since the dawn of time
he's an original vampire & whether or not he reveals that status, he will embody it by being the more dominant one in the relationship / situationship
and as charming & flirtatious as he is, it's safe to say he's got a lot of experience under his belt (HA - accidental pun)
that is to say, though, he's probably never been super serious about any of his flings
until, ofc, he meets the one that he absolutely falls for, and none of those hookups matter + he's lost interest in anyone else
1920s - little subsection for if you met him in this decade
okay so i read about this thing that happened in the 1920s called "petting parties," where PDA and sex weren't really acceptable, so people would have these orgy-type things centered around heavy petting and i can see that as SUCH a kol thing
i was actually going to write something based on that idea but need to do more research on it first
but kol would be so engaged with something scandalous (for the time) like that
he'd have girls worshipping him for the way he touches them; for the feel of his fingertips against their skin; the way he undresses them with his eyes, both parties wishing they could strip themselves of the last layer of separating fabric
he'd get into so much trouble in the 20s for this kind of stuff
flirting with other men's women, making crude hand gestures under tables to turn them on
he knows how to lay on the charm and fit in with the 20s, but he has the sexual appetite and style of a modern man
ofc, those words being nothing negative, but instead just him knowing how to be rough and how to please
modern day
likes the vulgarity & speed of modern sex
likes that he can strip a girl of her clothes and pin her to the wall and she welcomes it
likes that there aren't a thousand eyes watching his every move; likes the freedom & lack of rules nowadays
he wasn't around for the sexual revolution of the 80s (thanks, klaus 😞), but he would've relished it
all the young women looking to finally express themselves sexually; him giving them the best first experience he could deliver
despite all that, though, he loves the tender, loving sex of being with someone he knows, once in a while
he appreciates it more once he gets into a stable relationship, but sometimes his menial hook-ups were on the gentle side, too
modern day in an established relationship
rougher by nature, but can certainly be sweet, and often is
slow & passionate, kissing all over - forehead, neck, down your stomach, chest
roughness or gentleness depends on his mood
depends on your mood, too, because he cares & won't ever push you into something
respects boundaries if you say no
he maybe wasn't always like that, but when he started running with witches, he learned a specific respect & appreciation for others, especially women & those he'd sleep with
so, when he wants to have a long-term relationship with you, he really puts in the effort to be the best he can be
he wants you to know he loves you and shows it
so i read a fic about this, and i can see it fitting him 100% - some kind of predator / prey; hunting / hunted type dynamic, where he stalks & hunts you & then when he finally catches you off guard, fucks the daylights outta you up against a tree
very much a kol thing
throw a knife in the mix, too
you're pinned to a tree with a knife at your throat and his fingers are underneath your clothes, pleasuring you out of sight
bonus points if it's at night. or, if he hunted you all day and finally caught you at night. by now, he's extremely hungry
speaking of hunger, let's not forget about feeding
he definitely fed on most of the girls he railed in one night stands, but if it were a person he loved, he wouldn't feed until he knew he had enough control to not hurt them
the most intimate situation he can imagine is slow, passionate sex with blood sharing at the end
him drinking from you, then healing you back with his blood, or a mutual feeding if you're a vampire, too
first time with him with someone who just turned, he'd be very gentle, knowing how difficult the transition is
giving into every single need, including offering his own vein when the blackness starts to form under your eyes
i'm not sure kol would be into exhibitionism, but pda and public flirting, certainly
flirting across the bar at the grill, beckoning you closer with his eyes, then (mostly tasteful) jokes once you sit next to him
even when you're dating, flirts like you're strangers and he's still trying for your attention, just for the thrill
though places that are kinda hidden but kinda public, he loves to take you into those for a quick time ;)
bathroom stalls, dressing rooms, janitor closets, the whole lot
also... shower sex
he'd think it'd be a great idea even if you're skeptical
but you agree & it's ofc, a disaster, bc it never actually works out like it does in tv
but you make it fun anyway & he has a very strong hand on you to keep you from slipping
now, klaus' room, i think, he'd love to take you in there as a "fuck you" to his brother after a fight
an orgy type of guy, i think, as long as you're consenting of it
and then gives you all his love & attention afterwards when you get jealous of one person in particular
makes up with gifts & a very long night in the bedroom, with lots of aftercare
witch!kol would 100% tease you in public
it's over for you once he discovers vibrating panties
sometimes gets turned on by you at the worst possible times
you stand up to him against one of his brothers? yes
you fight off an enemy all by yourself? yes
even if you're joking around and fit a whole doughnut in your mouth or something, he's dtf
and his response to your shock is always along the lines of, "i can't control it!"
if he's in a submissive mood
is submissive at times, and some times, needs you to be more dominant
especially when esther is around
i can see kol having mommy issues & needing that reassurance
but it would take a certain level of trust for him to be comfortable telling you that
at first, you were surprised at how submissive he got, but then you were happy to provide what he needed
he's very appreciative of your comfort & lack of judgement when he gets in that type of headspace & makes sure to shower you in thanks & kisses when he "wakes up" from it
tw: cnc / dub / non
can't see him being into this, especially in a relationship
except for the desire to hunt you, i don't think he'd be into it straight up
as previously mentioned, pre-witch hanging-out, he might've had a few incidents that were a little questionable, but he's straightened out & learns that those incidents were wrong & does not repeat them
his biggest offense in one of those situations was probably nonconsensual blood drinking that turned him on
was still kind of a baby, psycho vampire when it happened, & he probably still regrets it to this day
dubcon, though, where you're both drunk after a night of bar flirting, he's into
like, if you were used as a distraction for him when caroline was used to distract klaus
you're both drinking way too much and one thing leads to another and then you find yourself in the mikaelson mansion in the morning like 🤷‍♂️
he makes sure you don't regret it, though, and you don't
calms his worried little not-beating heart
somnophilia, given explicit consent beforehand, he would like
the prospect of you waking up full of him, or with him delivering pleasure via tongue or fingers
you wake up and the first thing you feel is pleasure brought on by him - he loves that concept
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honeysuckle-teaa · 1 month
Panties of the day?
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Here are my panties today! And a little sneak peek at my new (wip) tattoo 🥰🩷
My links
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lilbeanz · 1 month
I'm a 90's kid and the original Harry Potter books were being released while I was growing up. For me, waiting for your next installment of jdot evokes the same nostalgic feelings of fervent anticipation and excitement. Of course it takes time to produce a masterpiece - which is what you're doing!! And I don't think we talk enough about the beauty of having things to look forward to. I literally have a list of upcoming things I'm excited about that I lean on when times are hard and I'm struggling with my mental health (and jdot is on it). Just wanted you to know you've got people out here who are enjoying the suspense of the wait, and wouldn't have it any other way 💚
Ahhh!!! You have no idea how much that means to me!!! 🥺🩷
It definitely makes me feel much calmer about taking my time, so thank you!
And it is SO important to have things to look forward to! I have several things on my list, including the new Doctor Who, Bridgerton, and Helluva Boss!!!
It's just important to have that rush of excitement and anticipation!
And the fact that my silly lil fic makes YOUR list???
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I'm so flattered!!🩷
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dingledraw · 1 month
Hey just wanted to say I got "But It's Pretty" in the mail today and I adore it! And thaaaank you for the fabulous card as well!
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Ahh! Thank you so so much for getting one and supporting me! It means a lot🩷🩷🩷
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I have been so nervous about shipping internationally, so it’s so great to see that they are starting to arrive 🤩 I made doodles for each order as a little bonus and it’s been fun to draw traditional again 🎨🥰
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crystallizsch · 20 days
Okay obviously Yuusha is shipped with Jamil because baby idiots /aff
But I can’t remember… is Yuuna shipped with anyone?
Does our favorite floofy-haired silly have a ship or are they just focused on their platonic soulmates Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, and Tweedle Dumber (Ace, Deuce, and Grim - who is who? You decide! 🤣)?
HI HI YES yuusha and jamil, my baby idiots, i cant separate them ever 😔💖
also,,, i finally have an excuse to share this silly shitpost i had from a while ago that i didn't know when to post ---
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(this is a joke) (and im pretty sure this joke has been said and done before LMAO)
okay so to actually answer your question: as of now, the main "ship" yuuna has is with tweedle dee (ace), tweedle dum (deuce), and tweedle dumber (grim) as their platonic soulmates 😤💖
when yuuna was my only yuu oc, i used to ship them with riddle (unrequited -> platonic) and leona (platonic)
and jamil (romantic) but shhhh that's some old and forbidden lore (lowkey i was insane for all that)
although i'm kinda thinking about bringing back that unrequited-crush-from-riddle plotline ---
(im going to have a short-ish ramble about it below if anyone is interested hfjdsajfklds)
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i'm so mean to riddle aaagh bc i thought it’d be interesting if i had riddle have an unrequited crush on yuuna :,D
bc i like the idea of riddle being like "hey i insulted you and was Not A Good Person and Almost Killed You, but for some reason you're still willing to be kind to me and be friends with me" to yuuna
cue attempts at "courting" yuuna -- with riddle reading books, looking up stuff, asking for advice, etc.
he invites yuuna on a "date" without it being explicitly stated that it's a date; yuuna just thinks they're hanging out
come the confession and yuuna is just like "oh :D?" "i'm sorry i only see you as a friend"
but it’s okay they both get over it and they see each other as genuine friends now :]
anyways have some old art of them :3
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also also i’m still debating on whether or not i want ace be another unfortunate unrequited crush
bc there's like a scenario i imagined where riddle sees ace making the same look he was making towards yuuna when he had a crush on them and then ace denying it
(this thought process is all inspired by the ghost bride event bc ACE IN THAT EVENT OMGGG)
i dont talk about ace much either but honestly i have a soft spot for him too 🥺
like the way he cares So Much (in his own being-a-little-shit way) and is just overall really genuine and protective of his friends
alright i'll end it here --
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anxious-lee · 4 months
Just wanted to bless you with this information, it is cannon that Husk is ticklish. 😱
oh satan
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sunny-and-the-flowers · 2 months
hey, remember that conversation we have about what boomer listened to. Do you think he listens to man at work because i saw a lot of edits of him with that song and i think it suits him.
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jesuistrestriste · 6 days
Tying subby Art down to the bed with ribbons, edging him over and over because he was being a fuckin brat. He'd look so damn pretty with tears staining his cheeks, just begging, "Please, mommy, please! I promise ill be good!" Crying harder when you slap him, telling him to shut the fuck up and stop whining (i KNOW this man whimpers)
Art Donaldson had known this was coming. Or, he really should have. He’d gotten mouthy with you. If he had corrected his behavior, he wouldn't currently have his arms tied up to the bed while you straddled his thighs and made his life a living hell. Sigh, if only he had just thought ahead.
His little quips of mumbled attitude throughout the day had made you grow increasingly frustrated. And they were so incessant that you had started to wonder if he was doing it on purpose. The last straw came when he had said something along the lines of "can you please just fucking touch me? you're being so rigid right now.."
Oh? He wanted to be 'fucking touched'?
He thought you were being 'rigid'?
Fine. You'd give him something to really whine about.
And that you did.
Art's body is shaking furiously under your seat over his legs, his hips jolting and squirming over the bed as his head tips back and he sobs. Big, fat, heavy tears pour down the sides of his face, but they did nothing to convince you to relent.
Your hand had been furiously stroking his aching cock for the past hour and a half. It was brutal. The stiffened, throbbing flesh had gushed more spurts of precome than you could ever count or keep track of, and it was now coated in a slimy film of his own filth mixed with the water-based lube you poured over him every fifteen minutes to keep him slick.
You had denied him ten times so far. The tears had come after the fourth denial. It was all downhill from there.
He's now crying so hard that his chest is heaving, but you opt to rub your free hand over his contracting abdomen as you touch his erection instead of letting him come. Because, after all, he'd been a brat all day. He deserves this. Deep down, under the layers of faint resentment, desperation, anguish, and hopelessness, even he knows he deserves this.
His blonde curls are a mess against the pillow, and his wrists are starting to feel raw from the constant tugging on the thick, satin ribbons holding his hands in place and away from his body (and yours). All that truly keeps him from bucking up into your hand the way he so desperately wants to is your firm seat over his trembling legs. You keep him in place. You keep him grounded. Physically, if not mentally and emotionally.
As your hand moves up to quickly fist his sensitive tip in your grasp, a slurry of precome comes dribbling out and Art's body all but snaps in half as his back arches up from the mattress and he lets out a wail of a moan.
"Please!" he cries, his head thrashing against the plush cushion underneath, his hands once again involuntarily yanking at the bondage, "Ugh—! I can't do any more! No more! N-No more!"
You smile.
He hiccups and tries to swallow down another sob before he chokes on it and it comes tumbling out from his lips anyway.
If he really wanted to stop, he'd say the safeword. Even in the most intense depths of his submissive mindscape, he could say the word to you. Through tears, through thrusts, through anything. So you didn't stop. He could take some more.
You shake your head, your hand on his abdomen rubbing in slow, comforting circles as you look over his flushed body. Your hand on his pulsing length twists around his cockhead as your wrist rolls, and your palm glides over his leaking slit in one long, languid stroke. He immediately keens and his eyes roll back as he tugs at the ties again.
"Be quiet, Art," you say, your hand circling his tip before it goes back to stroking him fully up and down, "you're fine. You were a bad boy today, so do you really think I'm gonna let you off so easy? Be still."
He starts to shake his head as he whimpers, his eyes squeezed shut, before he nods reluctantly and tries to steady his twitching and shuddering.
He wants to grab your thighs, your forearms, or, hell, even the sheets. He'd grab whatever was available at this point if he could, but he can't. So he settles for wrapping his hands around the length of ribbon that connects each knot around his wrist to the appropriate spot near the headboard.
He'd torn his hands up on multiple occasions from playing tennis. The stinging callouses that bled when he carried on without bandaging were more tolerable than this. By far. He'd take a handful of those over any more of this agonizing torture. And he'd say this to you if he could speak instead of bawl. Maybe then you'd believe how badly he needs to finish.
He manages to pull himself together just enough to lift his head up and look to you as he miraculously slurs out some words through his tears. Two fresh ones drip down his pink cheeks as he attempts to barter with you.
"Please— Oh, please—!" he whined, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that made you feel hot all over, "I promise I'll be good now! I swear-!"
You frown and stroke him faster, before your hand over his stomach lifts up and you lean in to swiftly slap him across the the face. It was hard enough to make a sound, but certainly not hard enough to do any actual damage to his pretty cheek.
Just hard enough to hurt and make a point.
His head snaps to the side with the force of the hit, a red tint beginning to creep over his delicate skin, and he lets his head fall back onto the pillow again. A loud, painful whimper erupts from his chest as new waves of tears fall.
Impact-play is something he enjoys, especially during times like this, but he makes that hard to believe when he only goes and cries harder in response.
"You seriously need to learn when to shut your mouth," you snap, "no more whining or I'll just leave you here like this for the rest of the night."
"Nooo," he sobs in defeat. Your words burn him, but they burn so good. His orgasm is creeping in quickly again, but he knows you'll stop it before he gets there.
If you pay attention, it's easy to observe that Art has tells for when he's about to release. He goes from loud moans to stifled, shaky gasps that increase in pace and frequency. He goes from harsh jolts and convulsions to being stiff as a board. His body's sensitivity lets him be an open book. He's an easy read, that's all. And oh boy, can you read him well.
His bodily reactions and habits—at the very least—make your job easier. If he was less sensitive and less reactive, you would have a much harder time edging him properly. That's for sure.
Eventually, after two more denials, you decide to let him finally finish. He almost doesn't believe it when you keep stroking him after he's already stiffened up and gone quiet. His brows are all pinched up and his eyes are squeezed shut as the ribbon digs into his flesh. His hips can't really buck into your touch with you still sitting over him, but he tries anyway while he tenses up all over. His lips part in a silent, anticipatory moan.
Your hand gives him four solid pumps after his body warns you of the rapidly building pleasure, and then Art is cumming with a sharp cry.
His entire form shudders as his heels dig into the bed, and he nearly bucks you off of him like a startled horse from the force and intensity of his orgasm. Your eyes stay fixed to his sensitive parts in your grasp as his balls empty completely over your hand and his lower abdomen in thick, sticky ropes.
It's a heavy load. It's so much that it almost looks like someone spilled a bunch of translucent, sugary icing all over his body and between your fingers. it's so much that it almost seems inhuman. It just goes on and on and on. And he just moans and moans and moans.
"Yess-ss—! Ohh—! yesyesyesyes—!"
"Ahh! AH! Mmngh—!"
He makes the prettiest sounds.
You pump him faster.
You milk him until he gets oversensitive and starts to whine, squirming and panting and gasping for air, and then you finally (finally) let him go.
He collapses down instantly, twitching with the aftershocks, but laying completely spent like a puppet with cut strings. He's beautiful.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou," is all he can slur out as his eyes remain unfocused and lidded.
"You're welcome," you say.
your voice is tender and helps to bring him down. In a moment or two, you'll untie his wrists and press a kiss to each. You'll bring him a glass of water and grab a towel to clean him up after you wash your hands. You'll hold him and cuddle him and stroke his sore muscles as he buries his face in your neck. You'll tell him you love him, and how good he did until he can fall asleep.
You wear him out like a dog sometimes, but if you asked him to bark.. who's to say he wouldn't?
All that Art knows as he drifts off is one truth:
He's never going to be bratty ever again.
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thepinklink · 5 months
haha kind of sad sketch request, legend getting comforted after a real rough episode of some kind? if thats cool, of course, not obligatory
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This one really fought me so it ended up less as Legend getting comforted after an episode and more like Legend getting comforted during an episode, but the angst is still there so
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spookuzm · 27 days
So I saw someone do this earlier uh
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U made me motivated enough to draw so I drew ur boi, Crust
Thanks for the motivation and for this super cool character
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biteofcherry · 5 months
I'm glad I'm welcome to send you asks. Playing of siris fae king ask today:
Which other fae king (Ari's taken sorry) do you run into and immediately get snatched up as little human wife when you're on a mental health walk? And does he know and like/ despise the concept of clothes? 🤭
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
My dream would be to stumble upon this beautiful Fae king 🫠
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Steve's done what needed to be done for his people to survive (and thrive) in modern times - he adjusted.
And though the nature in the big cities is sparse, people's longing for greenery, as well as the popularity of cottagecore, have powered his realm enough. So he accepts wearing clothes when it's needed, but only amongst humans when he's out for a hunt.
His newest hunt isn't for poor souls to be lost behind the magical veil leading to his kingdom (fueling the magic and strengthening the numbers), but to finally find himself a wife. Who better than a plant-obsessed, pretty morsel? 😏
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whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
Actually I'm here to apologize from vigert and his grandpa. I couldn't think actually it would hurt him. Plz send this message to him John. 💐
To recap (since it’s been a while): These two posts: 1 and 2
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John’s proud, he has your approval 💝💝
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