#thank you for the ask!! i love ashton sooo much
piratespencil · 11 months
Ashton Greymoore for the character ask meme
First impression: I was obsessed with them from the start tbh. When the first ep of c3 dropped I hadn't started watching cr yet but I had enough cr mutuals that I saw all the new characters and when I saw that two of them were a nb rock guy and their nb robot friend?? I was obsessed. Instant favourites.
Impression now: I was correct lol. Ashton and FCG are still tied for my c3 faves.
Favorite moment: There are sooo many moments but the bit where Ludinus casts feeblemind (or something?) on Kadija, and Ashton comes in and is just... so gentle with her... That bit hit me sooo hard and is still my favourite Ashton moment. I think it's such a good representation of who Ashton is, the way he cares so fiercely for people who've been hurt by the world, and the way you can tell that he understands what it's like when your mind is working against you... ohhhh boy.
Idea for a story: I want to write a Fearne/Ashton/Chetney ot3 fic so bad lol. I think there is soooo much potential with those three.
Unpopular opinion: I actually really like Ashton's character design? I've seen a lot of people redesign Ashton bc they don't like the red clothes with the purple and green skin, or they don't like drawing the crystal hair... But I never found their look to be clashy? I also think it's fun that in a world where people have unnatural hair and skin colours, they won't necessarily be matching their clothes to their hair and skin lol...
(But also I have no problem with people who do redesign them! Redesigns are fun!)
Favorite relationship: Ooh that's tough... Ashton and Orym have sooo much potential and sooo many great scenes together and I can't wait to see how their relationship evolves, platonic or romantic... But also special shoutout to Ashton's relationships with FCG and Chetney and Fearne because I love those ones a lot too.
Favorite headcanon: Literally anything that @masterqwertster has written in their Rockin' It series has been adopted into my genasi biology headcanons... That series is great.
(Feel free to send me more characters for this ask meme!)
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Drive // Damiano David // Playlist fics
words // 1016
warnings // kind of angsty feelings but mostly caring!damiano sooo yeah
pairing // Damiano David x GN!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. song is drive by ashton irwin. Also I changed the plot that I originally thought of because 1. i forgot my original plot lol and 2. i read the lyrics to the song and apparently I had heard some words wrong so it sparked a new, fluffier scenario
for some reason i only realized i didn't put any tags on it over a week later
request // nope
summary // Reader's partner breaks up with them letting some harsh words before leaving. Damiano is there to hear where it hurts most and pick his friend back up. Only thing is he is in love with them.
Y/N was still hurting. The tears were still fresh and the thoughts never wondering from the leaving man. They still heard the voicemails he left in the past, the same ones that he’s say how much he loved them, how amazing and important they were. They were all but a painful lullaby now, one that would put Y/N to sleep but not before sobbing their eyes out in attempt to heal the pain.
Damiano could sense his best friend’s pain, but even if he had a hard time deciphering people’s emotions, Y/N’s state was a tell all of their inner world. They were hurting, excessively, words still ringing in their head like a bell. Maybe I never loved you. Damiano would not waste any time comforting his friend, drying their tears, holding them close, letting them know that he understood how unfair it was, never forgetting to remind them of their worth. Y/N never spoke, though. They kept everything in, simply taking in Damiano’s care, afraid to speak to him about it.
It had been days in that never changing state. A constant cycle of wake up, cry, sleep and all over again the next day. They refused to eat, refuse to get out the room unless it was utterly necessary… Damiano could not take it anymore. He did not want to push them but they had to break that pattern they found themselves in. “Get up, we’re going out,” he said walking into their room, placing a sweatshirt of his along with some of their shorts on the bed - noting how although it was summer the breeze would make them feel cold, and he couldn’t have that happening.
“Go take a shower, get dressed and I’ll be waiting for you,” he said already starting to work on de-cluttering their little depression room.
The clock read 22.32, it was late, all too late to even attempt to get up. “What’s gotten into you, Dami? What are you doing - hey leave that where it was! What are you doing?”
The man took a deep breath, sitting himself on the crumbled up bedsheets, hand on his friend’s leg. “Listen, amore. I know how much he hurt you, I know, but you can’t stay like this forever,” he paused taking in their state. Eyes red from crying and puffy, their lips swollen from the frequent naps - oh how he wanted to kiss them right now - no no no, Damiano, you can’t be thinking that.
“Let’s go get some take out, drive around downtown… We don’t even have to talk, we can just play music. But please, get up.” He was pleading, just like his heart. He could not bare the person he so dearly loved, even if they did not know it, to hurt like that, to close off and hide away from him. It should have never been an option in his mind.
Y/N whispered a soft ok before vacating the bed. Damiano was already on his feet, placing the clothes on the bathroom counter, helping his love with anything they needed before their shower, and then walking back into the room, making it look less overwhelming and more ‘secure’, sitting on the bed after he finished waiting patiently.
It did not take long for Y/N to be done with getting ready, already feeling slightly better. “Thank you,” they breathed out, hugging Damiano close. He plainly chuckled, hands rubbing their back and lips on their temple, leaving small kisses. I love you, “You’re welcome.”
Getting into the car and getting their food was the easiest task out of everything so far, but the man needed to know what was troubling the person in front of him, so he asked. “Amore,” it came out as almost a whisper, a soft breath of words, “do you maybe want to tell me what happened that night? I know you said he left, but I know you! It’s not that, that is eating you inside out. What did he say?”
The hesitation in Y/N’s face was evident, a long breath being taken in before any words had the chance to. “He -uhm- he said he never loved me,” they let out, without thinking about it too much, knowing that if they did, they’d never say it.
His face fell, and so did his heart. How could someone say those words to anyone, but especially to someone like them. They were literally the light of his life and it seemed like such a paradox for someone to not love them. The man had become livid, ready to break the ex’s face, but when he saw the tears in Y/N’s face, he calmed down.
“He never loved me, Dami, never. Oh, god, no one ever will! What if he’s the representation of everyone’s thoughts about me?! Oh my-”
“Hey stop that! Stop trusting the words or a piece of shit like him,” he spat out as if venom. “He is crazy to feel like that and he is crazy to say it. Y/N, you are the most amazing person I’ve ever met.” He could not believe he was doing it in that moment. Maybe it was wrong, maybe he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t keep himself back.
“You don’t understand Damiano… Maybe he was put into my life so i can learn that I’m unlovable. It feels like I am, and man does it hurt,” they quieted down, looking out the car window for a second before being unable to control the upcoming sob, “it hurts, Dami, it really hurts.”
These words pierced through his chest like a dagger dipped in his anger. Not much was able to be done until the man simply pulled his friend in his arms. “That’s bullshit!”
A sharp silence followed these words, both friends unsure of what to do.
“Listen, Y/N, I don’t want to act like saint - hell I’m far from that - but… I can help, ok? I can show you how wrong those horrible thoughts and that horrible man are. Just,, put some faith in me.”
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
playlist tag list: @cheese-toastie-11
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i-like-5sos · 3 years
Hi hi! For the writing prompt you posted can you do 2, and 35?? Hope you’re having a good day!! 💗
Hi Grace ! <3 Thank you so much for the prompt! 
Something about these two lines made me think of Muke, sooo I hope you enjoy a little domestic Muke :)
I'll Make This Feel Like Home
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PAIRING: Luke Hemmings x Michael Clifford
WARNINGS: Minor panic attack
SUMMARY: Michael and Luke are exploring the construction site of their soon-to-be dream home when Michael decides to get adventurous with the unfinished framing of the house. 
A/N: This was created based off of two dialogue prompts from this list:
2. “Please don’t scare me like that ever again.” 
35. “Whoa. Easy, easy. I’ve got you.”
Michael couldn’t help but admire the undeniable joy that was radiating off of Luke as he was dragged along into room after room of their unfinished dream home. Each one seemed to excite Luke more than the last, though to Michael they all looked the same: wooden beams and plastic sheets.
Today was the day they had finally be granted permission to enter the constitution site, and to Michael’s disappointment (moreover Luke’s enjoyment), they had to wear construction hats while exploring the property. Michael felt ridiculous in his hard hat, jealous that Luke could still unsurprisingly pull it off. The two of them had been there for over an hour exploring every room in the house in excruciating detail, and as the rooms began to blur together, the only thing keeping him going was the constant smile on Luke’s face.
As the two of them entered the final room in the house, Luke let go of Michael’s hand and gestured to the open space.
“And this! You’re going to love this room, Mike. I was thinking we could put the bed here, and the ensuite will be right here,” Luke was giddy, running around the empty room, “and of course the balcony will be here!” He says, trotting over to a larger opening in one of the walls.
“You know… that all sounds great. But why are we putting a bed in my gaming room?” Michael asked, worried he may already know the answer.
He watched as Luke quickly spun around and stared at him in dismay.
Raising his eyebrows in anticipation, Michael waited for Luke’s reply.
“I uh- You said you didn’t care about the upstairs floor. I planned for this to be another guest bedroom.” He finally replied sheepishly, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
Michael cocked his head to the side and scoffed. He couldn’t believe that in a house with this many rooms, Luke had neglected to leave one aside for Michael to set up his computer and desk in.
“Seriously Luke? Another guest bedroom? Why do we need three guest bedrooms?” He folded his arms and stared at the curly haired boy.
“What if we have a party? Or if Calum and Ashton come over and need a place for their stuff? Or if-” He rambled off softly before turning around and heading back over to the gap in the wall. “You really want to waste this view on a gaming room?”
He watched as Luke leaned against a wooden beam, staring out into the distant skyline of the city and shook his head before joining him, accepting his defeat.
“So, how high up do you think we are?” Michael asks nonchalantly as he taps his toes against the exposed wooden beams of the unfinished balcony.
“Maybe like fifteen feet?” Luke replies, looking down at the ground.
“So if I were to fall, I’d probably break something?” He continues, adding pressure onto the wooden beam. “Dare me to walk on this? I bet it’ll hold me.”
“Michael! No! Don’t you dare. They said not to enter the unfinished areas. I don’t want to get kicked out of our own house.” Luke barked quietly, hoping to not attract any attention while grabbing onto Michael’s bicep.
“If you won’t dare me, I’ll dare myself.”
With his free arm, Michael took hold of the beam next to him and applied his full weight to the board below his foot.
“Michael.” Luke warned.
“Luke.” He teased back as he lifted his other foot and set it next to the one on the board.
Feeling more confident, his gaze slowly left his feet and he flashed his boyfriend a cocky smile over the shoulder.
“Are you insane? Get back here!” Luke warned, tightening his grip on Michael’s arm.
“I’m fine.” He then removed his hand from the beam and steadied himself before taking a step forward. “See?”
He chuckled to himself before slowly beginning to make his way back, figuring he’d scared Luke enough for the day. As his weight shifted a loud crack echoed from below his feet. His eyes widened as Luke’s grip tightened and yanked him backward to the secure floor. Michael’s heart raced and his chest felt tight as he buried his face into the crook of Luke’s neck whispering an array of feared curses against him, his hard hat falling to the floor, bouncing loudly. He felt like all the air had escaped the room as he hyperventilated against the taller man’s collarbone, gripping tightly to the fabric of his shirt.
“Whoa. Easy, easy. I’ve got you.” Luke whispered softly against the top of Michael’s head, rubbing his back. “You’re safe. It was just the wood settling. Nothing is broken, everything is okay, I’ve got you Michael.”
Luke’s soft words echoed again and again until Michael was able to breathe properly. His grip loosened and his arms wrapped around Luke, holding his boyfriend until he felt safe again.
After a few minutes he finally released his hold on Luke and stepped back, avoiding eye contact and embarrassed by his own stupid actions. Bending down, he reached for the hardhat and placed it back onto his head, no longer caring about how foolish he may look. He would rather be safe.
“Can we go now?” He asked quietly, beginning to walk out of the room.
Michael felt a hand grab onto his wrist pulling him back slightly. He turned around to see Luke’s face was a soft pale, as if the colour had been drained from it and was only just returning.
“Yeah we can go… but first promise me one thing?”
He nodded in agreement, waiting for Luke to continue.
“Please don’t scare me like that ever again.” His thumb rubbed softly against the pale skin of Michael’s wrist as his eyes met the older boy’s.
Michael smiled at him softly and nodded once more, “I promise.”
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
“Hi! I LOVE your stuff sooo much<3 for your 13 nights could I request 4- Michael, 5- Calum, 6- Luke, and 12- Ashton ? <3 <3 Can't wait to read them :)”
Since this request has all 4 boys I’m going to do each prompt as a separate text post! There is another request for 12 with Ashton so I will do a blurb with that ask but right now this is the blurb prompt for Michael! Thank you for sending it in and I hope you enjoy it :)
4. “I think I’ve become addicted to you.”
• • • •
Michael’s cool fingertips ghost beneath your shirt while you’re laid out underneath him. You’re surrounded by his delicious smell while his touch leaves goosebumps on your flesh and his lips suckling on your neck leave you needing more. 
He’d come over while you were working on a book that had a deadline by Monday. He promised he’d behave and even read over your shoulder of the book but it wasn’t long until he started skimming his lips over the lobe of your ear. 
You tried to resist him, insisting that you only had a couple more chapters but he’s insistent as well and you’re willpower is much less fragile than his. What he was doing wasn’t even that extreme, he was simply tracing your veins with his lips and inhaling the aroma that rose from your increased blood flow. 
And now here you are, beneath him with his fingers inching your shirt higher and higher while his lips continued to suck on your skin. 
“You’re not normally like this,” you giggle as his touch tickles you pleasantly. 
“We haven’t been alone like this in a while,” he hums teasing his tongue inside your collarbone. “I miss my kitty.”
In the amount of time it took you to gasp, he’d removed your clothes and showed you just how much he missed you. 
The next morning while you’re making tea, Michael’s cool arms embrace you in a hug. His lips nuzzling into your neck as he kisses over the bruises he gave you the night before. 
“Good morning,” you smile pressing back into him and feel something very hard against your ass. “Mm, very good morning to you.”
“Shh,” he hushes slipping your sleep shorts down. You hear him adjust himself and then you feel his tip nudge against your hole. 
With careful concentration and deliberate persistence, he enters you. His groan and your moan fill the kitchen in a chorus of pleasure as he fucks into you. You crane your neck to meet his lips in a rushed kiss as you came around him. 
Your sexual endeavors continued into the living room where you just made it to the foot of the couch. After you both were spent you’re cuddled against him leaning against the couch, fingers lacing and unlacing. You feel the smooth groove of his knuckles and kiss the tips of his fingers. 
His own lips stamp kisses against your temple then he sighs breathing you in. 
“I think I’ve become addicted to you,” he whispers, his words and scratch of his voice makes goosebumps spike. 
“What does that mean?” you smile, dazed and in pure bliss. 
“It means,” he chuckles, lips brushing your cheek, “I love you.” 
• • • •
Taglist: @calpalirwin  @thecurlsofgod @myloverboyash @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings @cxddlyash @princesslrh  @katiaw2 @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass @gosh-im-short @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby @spicycal @mysticalhood @notinthesameguey @wastedheartcth @atlcalm @itjustkindahappenedreally @calumance @babylon-corgis @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @lanternlover2 @istaywithmyjonas @calteahood @sarcastically-defensive17 @another-lonely-heart @devilatmydoor @frontmanash @philthepegacorn @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings @addietagglikesbands @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke @mayve-hems @morguelth @haikucal @thatscooibaby @meghanrose05​ @idontneedanyone​ @dinosaursandsocks​ @haveufoundwhaturlooking4​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @burstintocolor​ @zhangyixingxing1​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @stardust-galaxies​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @lovelybonesetc​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​ @calpops
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stardusttrashed · 3 years
🤍summer blossoms - 700 follower event🤍
A huge thanks to all of y'all for getting me to 700 followers (well a little past it now). I can't explain how thankful I am to every single one of y'all. I love you guys sooo much!! 🤍🤍🤍
✨ Send in a prompt and character(s) for a short drabble or blurb (wanna try something different :D)
✨Requests can be for one or multiple characters
✨Each prompt can only be used Once
✨If you want 'y/n' to be gn or male, please lmk
✨Can be canon or AU
✨You don't have to be following me to participate, but it'd be nice
✨Only kinks off the table (as far as I can think of) are pedophilia and necrophilia
✨End date is June 30th
Prompts and characters are under the cut🤍
“Who’re you texting? Oh, I thought I saw a heart emoji.”
“Oh, you and ___ went there?... That’s where we had our first date.”
How they react to someone asking if it’s okay if they ask you out
“Am I not good enough?”
“Touch my girl again, and I’ll break every bone in your body!”
“We’re more than just friends, and you know it!”
“I can’t lose you.”
“So… what was I then? Did I mean nothing too?”
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“Can’t you see that I’m trying?”
“I thought you’d be different. Thought you’d be the one who stays.”
“Please, I can’t do this alone.”
“I’m in love with you, and I was too stupid to realize it sooner.”
“Just promise you won’t forget about me.”
“Why won’t you just let me in?!”
“How drunk was I?”
“I’ve had a really bad day, and I’d appreciate it if you just shut up and cuddle me.”
“Are you… are you wearing my clothes?”
“I would’ve made you breakfast in bed, but your head was on my chest, and I didn’t want to wake you.”
“How am I supposed to spoil you if you won’t accept my gifts?”
“I just… I feel safe with you.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“What if I kissed you right now?”
“When are you gonna go home? You’ve been here all day.” “I am home.”
“Stop doing that! You keep messing me up, and I can’t think straight.” “All I did was look at you!” “Exactly!”
“You’re a virgin?! How?”
“I can’t think around you.”
“I love when you make that sound.”
“So, am I supposed to forget that you drunk called me and told me you wanted to fuck me, or?”
“Take another step, and I can’t be held responsible for what happens next.”
“I’m not moving. Your lap is comfy.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“I just wanted to hear you laugh.”
“It’s not the end of the world, dummy. I’m still here.”
“I need a fake date, and you’re… well, you’re the only one I trust with the job.”
“Are you crying?”
“It’s easier to keep you as my best friend than risk losing you as something more.”
“What? You never thought about us before?.... Relax, I’m just messing with you.”
“Don’t move a muscle! I’m comfortable like this.”
“ Can I come over? I can’t sleep.”
✨note: I'm okay writing other characters; these are just the ones I'm more familiar with
Class 1-A: Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Izuku
just about anyone except Mineta lol
Eren, Armin, Jean, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie, Levi, Hange, Erwin, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt
Tanaka, Daichi, Sugawara, Ashai, Hinata, Nishinoya
Peter Parker, Loki
✨Ashton Irwin
✨Calum Hood
✨Dolan twins
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zairapvrker · 4 years
I absolutely adore your work and wondered whether I could request something? What about being friends with 5sos since the first album and all of their families love you and then you and Ash start dating and his sister really doesn't like the idea of you together and is really harsh or something? You get upset or something but don't tell ash cus you don't want to make it worse? If you don't like it then no worries :)
thanks so much hun! i’m so so sorry this is sooo late but i hope you’ll like it! 
Being their friends was absolutely everything you’d ever expected and more. You’d known them for what felt like forever; since their long nights trapped in the studio, or lounging on the couch basically living on caffeine, to finish their first album. You were there to see them get the acknowledgement they worked so hard for and that filled your heart with immense pride.
You were there for barbecues every time they’d be back, all their families enjoying the food and company in Calum’s backyard. You were there when they needed rides to and from the airport late at night, and asked you because you had a mini van and they could blast your favourites songs since you lot were teenagers, or try and sleep while chaos ensued.
You were there to see lovers come and go, dry their tears, get them drunk for a night to try and forget. You were in front row for every concert, always watching awards show they attended no matter the time difference.
In all those years Ashton had always seen you. God only knows all the teasing from his family and band mates that he had to endure whenever caught staring a little too long, wore a smile a little too bright with you around or you shared a hug goodbye that lasted too long.
It didn’t take a genius to see that he’d always gravitated towards you.
When he finally grew a pair and asked you out nobody was really surprised, not his brothers, not his mom – who he called right after the aforementioned date to gush about you – and certainly not his other friends.
You were on cloud nine when he offered you a simple bouquet of your favourite flowers and then asked you out. Because as easy as it was for everyone else to see that you were clearly meant to be, your own obliviousness caused you to be the last one to hope this would happen. So when it did, you almost couldn’t believe it.
Everything was smooth sailing from then on, your relationship felt as easy as breathing. Except one little thing.
While over the years you and Ashton’s sister had become pretty good friends, she started being cold towards you now that you were with his brother. You tried not to give this too much power over your happiness, but it simply baffled you how things changed without an apparent reason. Obviously, you hadn’t said anything to Ashton, not wanting to disrupt his family’s dynamic. You knew he loved his siblings deeply and you weren’t about to ruin that for him.
But her heavy glances and sneaky remarks whenever you saw her or were at a gathering were getting harder and harder to ignore.
“What’s the matter?” you asked one day, tired of pretending everything was fine and determined to resolve this without involving your boyfriend. You dropped the last sandwich you’d prepared on the plate with the others and turned to face her. She turned around quickly too, eyeing you up and down as you broke the precarious silence that reigned in the empty kitchen, except for you two.
She slammed the fridge door closed, looking at you. “What do you mean?”
Trying your best to keep your cool, you got straight to the point. “I mean, why do you suddenly hate me after years of being friends?”
She scoffed, setting the bottle of water she had retrieved from the fridge on the counter and crossing her arms over her chest.
“I’ve seen my brother get hurt too many times and I’m not about to excuse you from doing the same just because everyone loves you and you’ve known him for long”
Your eyes widened in shock and for a second you were sure you looked like a fish, gaping at her while trying to find the words. “I’m not going to hurt him!” you finally said. “Don’t you think I’ve had enough of seeing him get hurt, as well? Don’t you know how many times I had to stand there and watch, and then pick up the pieces?”
A humourless laugh escaped her as she shook her head. “Then you should’ve done something to prevent it!” she took a step closer, pointing at me with anger in her eyes. “Listen, just because I know  you, it doesn’t mean I won’t still be on the watch. Especially because if it’s you who hurt him, it’s gonna break him that much more”
“Lauren, I-“ but she was quick to stop you from talking by putting her hand up.
“You better be careful what you do” she left the warning hang in the air as she picked up the water bottle and exited the kitchen to head for the backyard.
So you stood there in the empty kitchen, your ears ringing and your head almost spinning, hurt from the words aimed at you. You even almost flinched when Ashton came in with a bright smile on his face, hugging you tight and asking if you were coming outside with everyone. You nodded curtly, face still pressed against his chest as his sister’s words still replayed in your head.
“Bring the tea!” he reminded you cheerfully, stamping a kiss on the top of your head to then pick up the plate with the sandwiches you’d been preparing and heading outside again.  
You barely registered what happened, putting on a fake smile as you nodded absentmindedly after him.
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s-jatpfic · 3 years
Reggies coming out or something like that; a headcanon
so first of all, i had this video stuck in my head and i decided to make it jatp. have fun, or dont, i don’t care
it started as Alex came out to the guys
Luke didn’t really care about it tho, he couldn’t blame him, the boys knew Luke likes everyone, gender isn’t really a matter for him.
and Bobby didn’t care to much either. it just wasn’t his cup of tea. he sure made Alex feel accepted and loved, but why should he judge him tho, for what should he judge him?
Reggie was the one who was the most confused about it. you couldn’t necessarily say he was unsupportive, but he was confused.
liking boys romantically? no that’s weird
he would have never openly address it, but the other boys realized how he sunk away from the boys, especially Alex
not getting support from his best friend broke Alex. sure Bobby and Luke did their best to come up with excuses for Reggies behavior like ‘it’s probably just his family going south’ or 'there’s a lot up in school right now. getting that and the band into one pot is hard’ but Alex didn’t believe just one word they said.
at first loosing his family and now Reggie, that was too much for Alex, so he decided to talk with Reggie. explaining him that this doesn’t effect their relationship at all and that he’s still the same shy and anxious drummer.
but it wasn’t that what Reggie bothered. alctually there wasn’t anything that bothered Reggie.
“I just- I just didn’t knew you could like boys. I think- I think I might like boys as well”
Reggie and Alex agreed on not telling Bobby and Luke for as long as Reggie figurs that out. no need to concern the lads and in the end it’s possible nothing anyway
so Luke and Bobby just enjoyed having their band back, everyone as happy as always and that Alex and Reggie here and there shared some knowing looks or busted out in giggles was just a side effect they didn’t want to question
on their first gig after this whole drama, Luke and Reggie have their usual mic sharing moment, but even tho Luke didn’t do it intentionally, he was totally teasing Reggie with it.
everything about that, starting off with the closeness in general, Lukes smirk, his hot breath and everything mixed together with the adrenaline from playing infront of hundreds of people, Reggie just totally blacked out.
what exactly were the words again? and why is he so hot? it sure is hot on stage but why is he sweating like hell? and Luke and Bobby only make fun about it instead of helping him out
but the best part of all was as Alex threw his drumstick at him
after the show, the boys still couldn’t shut out about it but Alex pulling Reggie aside and whispering so the other boys couldn’t hear him
it wasn’t his part to out Reggie and as someone who was struggling with coming out as well, he knows that he doesn’t have the right to
“Okay but what was the drumstick for?”
“I would have punched you if i had the chance but that was good enough”
“But why?”
“Someone needed to bring you back into reality. Boys am i right?”
this was just a nightly thought please don’t hate me thanks. also i planed it on being the other way around, on reggie forgetting the lyrics and then realizing he might not be too straight so he asks alex about it (and i might write something along those lines whenelse) but i also wanted to include ashtons drumstick thing (that you can’t even see in this video but i love it anyway) sooo, it’s like that now.
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littledrummeraussie · 4 years
1! And then I have to ask about my favorite of yours lol sooo...6 and 9 for craving something sweeter 🥰
Sky ❤ let's see what I can give you this time 🥰
1. Of the fics you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
I absolutely adore summer nights. Maybe because it perfectly goes with getaway, maybe because I was able to make a dynamic between the characters that is so loving and sweet and hot at the same time - there's longing and flirting and then they let themselves feel so much for each other. I love them.
6. Which scenes did you cut, and which were added in craving something sweeter?
I don't remember cutting anything, I think I came up with the whole thing as it was. But I was definitely thinking about adding more to the talk they had in the bathroom about preferences, and I was thinking about maybe making it into a blurb when they get home ans talk some more about it.
The whole Dan line was added during the process, especially the last part where he was being a creep. 😛
9. Which idea came to you first in craving something sweeter?
So basically this is part of a series in which photographer!Ashton meets college!reader at a bar and they spend a night together, after which they slowly start to date. Reader is a bit inexperienced, and some of the story is about how she comes out of her shell thanks to Ashton. So this was basically the idea.
So this part of the story came after thinking about all the options how they could move forward in their relationship, what could be some of the steps they go through until they reach the point where they are most comfortable with each other.
The first idea was the bathroom sex itself. After that came how I could make it a small bit naughty (sex without protection), and then the whole art exhibit thing.
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boyfriend-cal · 5 years
Hello :) your writing makes me super happy, you are so talented! I just wanted to know what's your favourite type of request/thing to write? If it is not too much trouble I would like to request a super summer vacation/secret getaway with Luke? Thank you in advance! Xo
thank you for being so kind!! I’m glad I can make you happy 😊 sorry this took so long! My favorite type of writing is the sad stuff. Angst and heartbreak are what I live for. But I also really like to write fluff! I currently do not have a partner sooo I think I relate to sad things more at the moment.
(friendly reminder: masterlist, taglist, requests)
word count: 1.2k
Luke came home one day with the idea of a vacation. He wanted to go anywhere that the two of you could be with no responsibilities. Of course, you told him that the two of you shared a beautiful house with a large pool and gates that allowed you two to not let anyone in if you chose. Plus, Petunia would be able to join the vacation with you that way.
It wasn’t that you weren’t up for a vacation, but you honestly thought he was kidding the first time. Then he started mentioning it more and more, and you got so busy with your online business that you kind of blocked that part of your conversations out. Ashton texted you a couple of weeks after and asked when you were going to do something so Luke would shut up about it. That’s when you decided it was time to look for something that worked for your schedules.
Conveniently, the boys were set to finish recording their newest album in the next two weeks. That meant they’d get a pretty good sized break afterward. You wanted to do something that neither of you had done before. That excluded the beach or somewhere snowy.
You were watching TV when a car commercial came on and an idea popped into your head. A road trip. You started to do some research and then realized that Luke is always on the road. It’s his job, so he probably wouldn’t enjoy that as much as you.
Then came the idea of renting a cabin for a few weeks. You’d grown up with a lakehouse that your family visited every summer, so why not do that again? Petunia could come, you’d have no agenda, and all the time in the world to relax.
Before even asking Luke, you started to order groceries and snacks you could take with you. It was save having to go shopping when you got there. You chose the delivery dates and texted Luke that you had a surprise for him when he got home. If he didn’t want to go then that was okay, at least your pantry would be stocked.
Luke was more than excited. He grabbed your face and kissed you all over, not even giving you a second to breathe. Within an hour, you’d found a cabin on a lake in Washington.  The dates were open, so you booked it and started packing. 
Two weeks later you were loading up the car. It was a twenty-hour drive, but flying with Petunia would’ve been stressful so you and Luke decided to just take the two extra days it took to drive. 
Being on the road with Luke was fun. You listening to him sing his favorite songs and occasionally he’d ask Petunia for commentary on the scenery. Then he’d proceed to talk in his “Petunia voice” about what she thought about the pretty trees and mountains. 
Even when you switched spots so you could drive, his hand was permanently placed on your thigh. The windows were down so you’d put your hair up but Luke’s curls were flying free. Occasionally you had to stop to let Petunia out to potty but more often you had to stop so Luke could stretch his long legs. 
The first couple of times, he blamed it on Petunia. He told you that she’d whines or something and he thought she had to go, but when you pulled the car over, Petunia ratted him out by giving you an, “I'm not getting out of this car because I don’t have to pee” look. 
When you finally arrived at the cabin, you were super excited to spend the next three weeks here. It was even prettier in person. The living room was walled with the biggest windows you’d ever seen, giving the perfect view out to the lake and the trees. The bedroom ceiling was half skylight so the trees that towered over the house could be seen swaying side by side in the breeze. It was the perfect place for the two of you. 
Even though the vacation was Luke’s idea and you hadn’t totally been on board to begin with, you were really happy you planned it. The first couple of days were spent in the hammock that sat just off the patio in the grass. Soft music played in the background while you two lazily made out and cuddled, occasionally singing along if you both liked the song. 
Renting jet skis was Luke’s next big idea and you were terrified. You refused to drive you own, so you rode behind him and clung to him like a koala bear. Hearing Luke squeal, scream, and laugh was all worth the terror. He was happy. 
The two of you made a point to walk along the water with Petunia every night as the sun was setting. It was a good time to get pictures, and a lot of the time was spent trying to get your dog to even put one paw in the water. She wouldn’t do it. In fact, one night, she turned herself around and walked all the way back to the cabin. She was waiting on the porch with attitude written all over her face when you got back. Before you started living with Luke, you never believed a dog could have so much personality.
In the almost month you two stayed there, you befriended some locals at a deli and then some more at an ice cream shop. It was a cute little town where everyone knew everyone, and they could’ve made the two of you feel like outsiders but they welcomed you instead.  
Soon, though, it was time to go home. Luke spent every moment of the last few days as close to you as possible. He mentioned maybe living in a place like this when you two are old and gray. You weren’t surprised that this is the kind of place he’d want to retire to, Luke already acted like an old man ninety percent of the time. 
On the way home, Luke had pulled over to let Petunia out but he got out of the car too. He came around to your side and tried to squish himself into your lap while the two of you waited for the dog to come back.
“Lu, you don’t exactly fit there.” You giggle, looking at the way his legs were bent up and his neck was lowered.
“I know, just wanted to come over here and tell you I love you. Also to thank you for planning the best summer getaway. I think we should make it a tradition.” Lukes fingers ghost along your lips. He often let his hands roam while he was talking.
“I love traditions.” You smile and he leans down to peck your lips.
“Good, because I put an offer in on the house we stayed at,” Luke says the words and then before you can process, he’s clambering out of the car to open the back door for Petunia. 
“Wait, you what?” You turn around in your seat as he buckles Petunia into the dog car seat he bought her. 
“The guy who owned the ice cream shop is the one we rented it from, so I asked and he said he’d think about it.” Luke shrugs and then walks back around the car to get back in the driver's seat. 
“You’re crazy.” You laugh, shaking your head. 
“But I love you, and I’ll spend all the summers there with you.” 
I’ve never written anything for luke but I tried!!
reblog/like if you enjoyed it. feedback is always appreciated!💕
taglist: @calumsnatchedmyheart @aulxna @sebastian-sunshine-stan @mikeyglifford @fluffsshawn @lustingfor5sos @bodaciousbonzi1996 @calum-booo
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curly-cal · 5 years
L.H | Playing Innocent
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Premise: greaser!luke au where he gets a special surprise from the Golden Girl
Word Count: 3105
Warnings: swearing, oral (18+)
A/N: hiya, this has been requested, hope ya’ll like! i know its suppose to be greaser!universe type thing and that its technically suppose to be set in the 60′s but i wrote it in the time frame of maybe 1980′s? i felt like it was easier that way for me as its not a series i wanted to do an immense amount of research on.  This is also my first publish on this blog of any of my writing so i hope you like and pleeease give me feedback. Critique. anything. Its sooo helpful to know what ya’ll like and don’t. Also thank u for requesting bc this was fun to write and now im craving greaser!luke to take me for a spin on his bike. enjoy! xx
It wasn’t as if maths was something he struggled with, in fact, Luke considered himself quite clever when it came to the subject. However, when he found out that y/n was offering her spare time to anyone in the class who needed help, he thought it to be the perfect opportunity to get her to speak to him.
To Luke she was the prettiest girl in the school, maybe even the prettiest on the North side of Riverwood. He was enchanted by the way her hair fell in her face, the way her eyes crinkled in concentration, and how she had an answer to every question Mr. Dundell asked in class.
But Luke had a reputation that he was very well aware of, so he found it difficult to get someone like her to give him even the slightest of her time. She was a typical Good Girl in his eyes. She always got straight A’s, her attire was always perfect, she went home to a happy family, performed in the school plays and volunteered at the diner on weekends.
It wasn’t as if he was afraid to talk to her, not at all, Luke just found it much easier to go after the girls that were throwing themselves at him, rather than chase after some preppy little spoilt girl that would be too frigid to do anything with him anyway, so instead, he admired her from afar. He definitely thought about all the things he would do to her, though, all the ways he could put that chatty little smart-ass mouth to use, and when he did think of those candy pink lips wrapped around his cock, he found himself making excuses so he could go rub one off over her in the boys bathrooms.
 He was sitting up in the bleachers when he was caught, she was running laps around the oval for gym and for a split second she let her eyes stray from the path in front of her. They locked with his for only a short moment, but to Luke it felt like a lifetime. When she looked away, however, Luke found himself a little disappointed. A small sigh left his lips, one which didn’t go unnoticed by the hazel eyed greaser to his right.
“You jonesing for that preppy still Hemmings?” Ashton smirked, a tone in his voice that only portrayed mockery.
Luke rolled his eyes at his friend, diverting his attention to him nethertheless. “Shut up.”
Ashton let out a chuckle, but continued on with his teasing. “Isn’t she tutoring? Why don’t you ask dollface to help you out, then you can feel her up, get rejected and move on from this ridiculous crush you can’t seem to piss off.”
And that was how the plan became.
Later on that afternoon, Luke found himself transfixed on the girl who sat 3 seats in front and one across from where he had been sitting. She had a piece of hair curled around her finger as she listened to Mr. Dundell explain the notions of algebra. The school day was coming to an end, and not yet had Luke had the opportunity to speak to her since gym. He had a plan to catch her after class when everyone was cleared out, knowing full well that she’d stick around to speak to the teacher about extra notes, that was when he was going to make his move. He planned on playing the fool. To go over to Mr. Dundell and express how difficult he found the assignment and hoped she’d offer, or at-least the teacher would recommend her assistance, and that would be where the plan would begin.
30 minutes went by before the bell rung, then a sea of students jumped up and headed for the door in a rush, leaving only a few left behind. Luke watched as she packed away her things and headed straight to the teacher, where she did infact stand and ask for extra notes.
He quickly jumped up, grabbing his things and headed over to where they stood, but before he could reach her, she was off. Damn it. He thought to himself. He quickly ran after her, calling out her name in hopes she’d hear him in the pit of noise that filled the halls.
He finally caught up to her once she stopped at her locker, his hand flew flat against the locker beside hers, catching her attention as she looked up at the smirking boy standing before her.
“You’re a difficult girl to catch, darlin’” he grinned and wiped a stray strand of curl out of his face.
 Her frown was deep, but sat alongside confusion. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped to rethink her words for a second. “What do you want?” She eventually spoke, but turned to continue putting her things away.
“Want your help, darlin’ my maths isn’t too good. Heard ya willin’ to help out”
Her ears perked at this, she turned and gave him and amused expression. “You want my help? No way.” She laughed as she closed her locker. Y/n began to walk away but frowned as Luke moved in front of her, stopping her in her tracks.
“And why not?” He was a little confused, but refused to show her anything but arrogance as he smirked down at her. “Where ya going, Darlin’?”
“Firstly, my names y/n, and secondly, I know you’re not struggling, Luke, you have one of the highest grades in the class. Besides, do you know how it’ll look if I’m seen with you? Already there’s a million eyes watching us.” She spoke as she scanned the hall.
Luke couldn’t help but let out a laugh at this. “You scared to be seen with me, Darlin’? You didn’t strike me as someone who cared about her reputation.”
“I don’t.” She huffed, her back straightening as she tried to stand tall, as if it would help her deceive him.
“Then help me.” He smirked, stepping closer, letting his face inch closer to hers in an attempt to seduce her. “I’ll come by the diner tomorrow, you can help me after you finish.” He winked at her and before she had an opportunity to interject, he was gone, leaving y/n standing in front of her locker in a state of confusion.
“What the heck”
It was Saturday afternoon and y/n was just finishing up the last of her duties at work. Luke hadn’t come by yet, much to her relief. She was hoping he’d just forget and she could go straight home and work on her assignment, not that she had much left, considering she had already finished most of the work yesterday after her class. Y/n wasn’t sure how the hell she had even managed to get as much done as she did, considering most of what she could think about was the blonde, curly-haired boy who was forcing her to help him.
It wasn’t as if she didn’t know of Luke, because she did. She knew of his reputation, and how he was considered trouble, he and the rest of his pals. The town called them the misfortunates of Riverwood. Notorious for getting into fights, graffiting the back of public toilets and getting caught and arrested by the police for public indecency, which was usually because they were screwing girls in their cars at the drive-in movies.
Being seen with him would definitely make her the talk of the town, and that’s what she was afraid of. Not because she cared of what the people thought, but because her parents had dressed her up as the towns ‘Golden Girl’. She loved her parents and wouldn’t ever want to do anything to displease them, which was why she was nervous. She knew that the reputation her parents tried so hard to maintain, for her benefit and theirs, would be demolished within seconds if people started to think she was in cahoots with the town's biggest trouble maker.
Her thoughts were abrupted by the sound of the diner doorbell, her eyes flicking to the man that had just been taking up her thoughtspace.
She wasn’t going to deny the fact that he was attractive, especially with him standing there in his leather jacket, his curls styled perfectly atop his head, jeans clinging tightly to his legs with what seemed to be a match stick rested between his lips. He gave her a wink as he began to stride over to her. “Darlin’” he nodded in an attempt to greet her. “Ya finished?”
She let out a small sigh, her hands going to the back of her body to untie the apron that adorned her. “Find a booth, I’ll be out in a second.” She turned on her heel and walked out the back, Luke doing as she said and finding a seat somewhere in the back of the diner.
When she came back out, she noticed his books out on the table, but caught a glimpse of him at the dukebox instead. She walked over to where he stood and cleared her throat. “We need to start so I’m home before 6 o’clock.” She sat down and began to flick through her notes.
“Early.” He hummed. “Ya parents strict, Darlin’?” He questioned as he chose a song and then returned to the booth, finally accompanying her.
She rolled her eyes, wishing she could lie without him knowing, but she knew he’d see right through it so she decided to not answer.
Luke let out a small chuckle, removing the stick between his teeth and let it slip between his fingers before speaking again. “Ya do everything they tell ya, Darlin’? They got ya on a leash or something?” He questioned.
“We’re here because you can’t do simple math, Luke, so how about we focus on that.” She bit back, clearly becoming agitated with his questioning.
His hands flew up, but he didn’t bother to hide the smirk that couldn’t help but permanently stick to his face. “Don’t get ya panties in a twist, just tryna see if you’re really as innocent as ya perceive, Darlin’.. clearly ya are.”
The book in her hands thudded against the table, causing a loud bang to fill the diner. Her eyes narrowed at him, a small huff leaving her lips. “Am not.”
“Pretty girls got anger. Don’t let daddy see.” He winked. “Cmon, you’re not fooling anyone, sweets. Everyone knows ya wouldn’t do anything a respected lady wouldn’t do. Would ya, darlin’?”
At this she rolled her eyes. She knew what he was doing. He was testing her, trying to get her to do something that would convince him she wasn’t who she pretended to be. He wanted to see how the real y/n behaved. Which was exactly what he was about to get.
“Fine. You want to see me be naughty? Because I can be naughty.” She hummed. When Luke only laughed at her words, a small ‘yeah right darlin’ left his lips she grinned back at him, a devilishly grin that he wasn’t ready for.
Her eyes grew bright, but filled with a strange colour. “I’ll prove it.” She stood, grabbing her things and quickly packing them away. She began to walk off, and when he didn’t follow, she turned on her heel and looked at him. “Are you coming or what?”
Luke jumped out of his seat and quickly ran after her, tossing everything he had brought into his own bag in the midst of motion. They walked out the front of the store and she turned to him. “Where’s your bike?” She smirked.
Luke’s brows raised but he didn’t speak a word, mainly because he was slightly in shock and confused about what was happening. He wasn’t sure how she was going to show him, but a thrill of excitement washed over him as they both walked to his bike. He helped her on and climbed on afterwards. He didn’t have a helmet to give, but she didn’t seem to mind.
As they drove off, her arms wrapped tightly around his stomach. Luke was sure he even felt her hand slip a few times against his member, but he wasn’t convinced it was on purpose, so he stayed quiet, and instead focused on the feeling of her breath on the back of his neck. “Where are we going?” He yelled out.
She grinned and pointed south. “Parklands, Hemmings.”
Luke pulled up at the reserve along the water. Trees surrounded them both as he put down the bike stand and waited for her to climb off before following suits. “What’re we doin’ her, darlin’?”
She smirked, her eyes glued to the boy before her as he leaned against his bike. “You wanted to know how innocent I was. I want to show you.” She spoke, seductive-like as she let her pointer finger run down his chest.
Luke’s eyes widened as he finally realised what she meant, but smirked as he began to play along. “Ya gonna show me how naughty you are, darlin’? Nah ya ain’t got it in ya.”
Her lips turned into a slight pout at his teasing. “You don’t know the half of it, Hemmings.” She hummed as she moved closer. She let her eyes stay glued to his as she began to slowly peel off his jacket. “You don’t know how good my mouth feels, how sweet my lips taste. How hot your body would feel up against mine.” She smirked, watching as Luke swallowed a lump in his throat. “You don’t know how well I can make you cum inside my innocent little mouth.”  
He let out a small moan, his eyes filling with lust as he watched the girl before him inch closer to him. All of the things he could only imagine doing with her was about to happen and he couldn’t wait to see how good that dirty mouth of hers felt. His dick grew harder and harder at her words, and all he needed was some sense of touch, so when she refused to give him what he wanted, and continued to tease him with her words, he began to grow agitated. “Darlin’, ya gonna prove ya ain’t all talk or am I gonna have to bend you over and get it out of ya?” He growled.
She smirked at this, her tongue clicking in disapproval. Her hands moved back against his chest, her nails scratching down the material against his chest, eliciting small moans from his lips. Once she had reached the bottom of his shirt, her fingers gently wrapped around the material and began to tug the white t-shirt that clung heavenly to his chest, up over his head and let it fall over his bike where his jacket hung.
Y/n moved quickly, pressing her lips to the exposed skin above his collarbone as she then began to let her lips make their way down his body, stopping a few times to nip and suck on his skin, making sure to leave love bites. Heck, she thought, if I’m going do this, might as well make it memorable. As she slowly reached the bottom of his torso, she found herself falling to her knees. Luke’s hands instantly tangled in her hair as she began to undo his jeans and slide them down his legs. She could see his hard on showing through his briefs, the sight of his large cock making her stomach turn in excitement. She slowly pressed her lips to Luke’s v-line while her fingers began the work of pulling off his boxers.
Once his cock was free, she let her kisses trail to the underside of his shaft, then slowly began to let her tongue trail over his prominent vein.
Even just her breath fanning him had Luke seeing stars, he tried so hard to watch her, but with every small, teasing action, Luke found his eyes drifting shut and his head rolling back in euphoria.
Once her tongue reached the tip of his cock, she hummed slightly, waiting for his eyes to reconnect with hers, and when they did, she gave him a cheeky grin before wrapping her lips around his head completely. A small moan left her lips as she tasted the pre-cum against her tastebuds. Y/n made sure her eyes never once left Luke’s as she began to the bob her head up and down against his cock, small moans escaping her lips and filling the quiet void that surrounded them, her tongue made work on running along his shaft as she continued to blow him.
Luke’s eyes were squinted, his lips in the shape of an ‘o’ as he let loud moans dance with hers. His hands worked her hair, fingers tangling and then releasing as he forced her down on his dick further. The moans and occasional gags began to feel all too much, the familiar feeling in his stomach forming as he looked down at the beautiful sight before him. “Darlin’ ya so good. Darlin’ ‘m gonna cum, ya gotta stop.”
When she refused to stop, Luke’s hands attempted to pull her off, but were met with her own, swatting them away. She continued to run her tongue as she bobbed her head, purposely moaning against his cock until she could feel liquid fill her mouth.
A loud grunt left his lips alongside a loud “fuck Darlin’ ‘m cumin’” as he released his load inside her. She continued to work him through his high, both of them now releasing quiet, short moans as she milked him of his orgasm.
After he had finished, he carefully helped her off his cock, a loud ‘pop’ noise leaving her lips as she smirked and looked up at him.
His chest was heavy and breathing uneven, but all he could pay attention to was the girl before him, down on her knees, looking up at him with a devilish smirk on her face, alongside a whole heap of saliva, mixed with his cum. “Not so innocent now, hm?” She smirked.
Luke let out a low chucked, his finger moving to wipe at the mess on her face before forcing his finger in her mouth for her to suck clean. “Not so much, darlin’ not so much.” He smirked as he removed his finger. “Should’ve asked for ya help earlier, who knew what I was missin’ out on.”
She grinned at that then stood up. “You never needed my help, did you hemmings?”
“Nah, but now Darlin’, now I might just.”
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ashthatdrmmrgrl · 5 years
Ooh she's getting fiesty 😈😂 here you are, love ❤
1. What is your preferred place to write?
Laptop/computer, but since I dont have either anymore, my phone is my go to
2. When did you start writing?
I think it was 8th grade offically; my english teacher got me into reading and writing so that was the 2013/2014 school year I think
3. Favourite thing to write?
Idk, I like writing gay smut if that counts for something 🤷‍♀️
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4. Fluff or angst?
I'm good at writing fluff but I love reading angsty stuff
6. Where do you usually find inspiration?
Ideas come to me in dreams, otherwise if I'm watching a movie/TV, listening to music, or just seeing something during the day will spark something.
7. Do you listen to music to help you write?
Yes! I would get soooo distracted if I didn't; that way I dont hear anything outside my head and I can focus on my writing (I'm listening to music now as I'm answering these too actually 😂)
8. What's the biggest "challenge" for you as a writer?
Finding time to write at all; I've got so many ideas bopping around in my head but life gets in the way 😭😭
9. Where do you usually go to write?
My room usually; it gives me privacy and a lot less distractions than my living room or outside the house.
10. Can you give us a sneak peek at your current WIP?
Yes!! I love this scene so much so you get to read it again;
My phone buzzed in my hands and I look down to see Sofia's face smiling at me. I pause my music and pull my earbuds out. 
"The Kid's calling," I say aloud before answering. "Hey, Fi!" 
"Hey yourself, is Steve available? I've got history questions that I need help with and he's not answering his phone."
I roll my eyes but put the phone on speaker. "Steve, Fi needs help with her homework."
"What's up, kiddo?" Steve asks, keeping his eyes on the road. 
"Stupid history homework; about the Commandos and I thought, 'what better way to finish this then get it straight from the source, old man," Sofia says. Sam lets out a small laugh and Bucky shifts awkwardly beside me. 
"Alright, shoot," Steve says with a shake of his head. 
"Original 7 members? I only know 3 of them off hand," Sofia starts.
"Easy, Me, Buck, Dum Dum, Morita, Jones, Monty, and Frenchy," Steve says casually. There's a pause before Sofia's sigh echoes through the car. 
"I don't think my teacher would appreciate it if I put their names in as if we were best friends," Sofia says offhandedly.
Steve cleats his throat awkwardly. "Right. Uh, Steve Rogers, James Barnes, Timothy Dugan, Jim Morita, Gabriel Jones, James Montgomery Falsworth, and Jacques Dernier," Steve reiterates after Sofia's let's out little "uh huhs."
"Why were the Howling Commandos formed?" Sofia asks next. 
"To eliminate and wipe HYDRA bases off the map; although it seems we weren't very successful," Steve says with a frown and I see his eyes flash towards the rear view mirror, to look at Bucky, I'm assuming.
"Who did the Commandos capture during a raid in the Alps?" 
"Arnim Zola." 
There was a pause and I couldn't help but look over at Bucky who almost looked startled that he had spoken.
"Who was that?" Sofia asks a moment later. 
"Oh, uh, Sofia, that was Bucky," I say, my voice cracking at his name. Sofia stays quiet. I check my phone and see the phone was still connected. 
"Bucky?" Sofia asks, sounding doubtful.  "As in Stevie's Bucky?" 
I feel Bucky almost stiffen in surprise next to me. "Yeah, that would be him," I confirm. 
Sofia stays quiet for a few beats again before clearing her throat. "Right, well when do you think you guys are gonna be home? I hate all of this cooking I've gotta do now that you guys are gone, not that either of you were chef's," Sofia complains. 
"I'm not sure, kiddo," Steve chirps from in front of me. I lean my elbows onto the front seat and rest my head near his shoulder. "We've got something really important to take care of." 
"Okay, well stay safe, and don't do anything stupid; Sam, keep them in line," Sofia says with a laugh.
"Will do, Half Pint," Sam promises.
"Well, I'll talk to you guys later. And it was nice to meet you Bucky," she says. 
Bucky doesn't respond, but the rest of us say goodbye before I hang up. 
"Thanks, Steve," I say, clapping my hands over Steve's shoulders. 
"Anytime; I don't mind helping the kid out," Steve says. 
I ruffle Steve's hair before leaning back and laughing. Bucky was looking between Steve and I with confusion written all over his face.
"So the kid?" Bucky asks, his eyes resting on Steve for a moment before looking at me.
"Yeah, she's great," Steve says excitedly and flashes Bucky a smile. 
"She's my sister," I say and look down to see Sofia had texted me. 
I forgot to ask while on the phone but could you ask Steve if I can look through some of his stuff that the museum let him have back?
"Hey Steve, can she look through the stuff the Smithsonian gave back to you? She didn't say what for though," I ask. 
"Yeah, no problem, tell her I've got stuff in the chest at the end of the bed."
"Cool cool, thanks," I say and pass the information onto Sofia. 
"Not a problem," Steve says as he takes the off ramp and turns left. "Sharon's just up here," he points out a black car that was pulled over under the bridge. 
Steve pulls over and ducks out of the car and greets Sharon with a smile. 
Bucky sits up and looks out the front window, eyes flickering across the background, scanning the surrounding area. Bucky's knees hit the back of Sam's seat and he glares at the back of Sam's head. 
"Can you move your seat up?" He asks for probably the 100th time this trip, sounding bored.
"No," Sam replies once again. 
I roll my eyes and squish myself against the window. "Scoot over here more," I offer, pointing towards the leg room that I've got behind Steve's seat. 
"Thanks," Bucky mumbles and scoots over so his arm is pressed against mine. It was quiet while we watched Steve and Sharon talk as she popped her trunk. "So," Bucky starts quietly, trying to exclude Sam from the conversation. "How long have you and Steve been together?" 
Sam, of course, hears and snorts out a laugh, having to hold onto the door for support. 
I felt my face flush and I reach over the seat to smack Sam across the side of his head. "Shut up, bird brain. Steve and I aren't together though," I say, turning to look at Bucky who looked embarrassed. 
"Sorry, I just assumed…" Bucky apologizes. 
"Nah, it's okay, everyone apparently thinks the same thing," I say with a shrug. "Steve's like a brother to me. Plus right now he's not swinging this way."
Bucky's eyebrows shoot up as he looks at me with wide eyes. "So like, he's..?"
"Gay? Yeah, basically. He still likes women, but he's actually with my brother, Graham," I say, pulling up a picture of Graham, Steve, Sofia, and I on my phone. Tony insisted on us having more family pictures even though we were the least conventional family on the planet.
"So being… a homosexual," Bucky says, almost sounding like the term was weird coming off his tongue. "That's openly okay now? I don't mind, but the 30s really pressed people down, so I didn't think Steve… at least I think, from what I remember," Bucky trails off and looks out to see Steve giving Sharon a hug before grabbing the gear from the trunk. 
"He was hard on himself at first," I say, remembering how weird Steve would act whenever Graham would say something to try and test the waters. "I think knowing and befriending Graham really helped him a lot, seeing that it's not a mental illness, that you wouldn't be imprisoned or institutionalized for it."
Bucky still looks at Steve, but there was a small smile crooked at the corner of his mouth and his eyes seemed fond. 
"I'm happy for him," is all Bucky says in reply.  
"So am I," I say, patting Bucky's forearm with my hand. "So am I." 
11. How many stories have you written so far?
Well I've only ever completed 1, (excluding oneshots) but I've got... at leave 7 going, a few that I've discontinued, and a shit ton of ideas that haven't been written yet 😂
12. What's your favourite thing that you ever wrote?
Well I'm honestly so proud of my Beauty and the Beast Lashton fanfic that I wrote and the only one I've ever finished. But I'm also sooo proud of 2 WIPs that I'm writing with the lovely asker
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13. How many chapters does your longest series have?
I dont have any series yet, but my longest fic has like 200,000 words and no distinctive chapters yet (writing specific scenes then gluing them together)
14. What's your favourite character/person to write for?
I only really write Lashton or Stucky but I'm my cowritten books I have an OC be with Ashton Irwin and Bucky Barnes because DAMN they are kweens
15. "OCs" or "Reader" inserts?
I personally like writing OCs but I've been getting into readers lately
16. Can you tell us anything about your current WIP?
I suppose, but asker already knows since she's helping me write it 😂 it's a Marvel fic about these two girls and their brother who lose their parents in the Battle of New York in 2012. Brother is working for Stark Industries already when Steve asks my OC to join the Avengers but my OC and her brother keep that a secret from their younger sister (my friends OC). That's enough for now tho 😘
17. How long was the longest fic you ever wrote?
Question 13 kinda answered this question but its 200,000ish and growing
18. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel and 5sos mainly, but I used to do Supernatural back in like 2015/2016. I also dabble in Shadowhunter stuff too
19. What is/are your favourite fandom author/authors?
Well the asker is such an amazing writer I love her work, um, @Larry_Lashton on Wattpad is good, @moonstruckbucky and @sunmoonandbucky are phenomenal
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20. Have you ever written an AU?
That's basically all I write; I've only got one original piece and not many are real to whatever reality.
21. What is your favourite AU trope?
I have a weakness for Professor Seb/Bucky and I love stucky (and StuckyxReaders) so if you know of any hmu 😉
22. A fanfiction trope you can't help but love?
23. For how long have you been a fandom writer?
Shortly after I started writing, so like 2015?
24. Have you ever had an idea for a story and forgot about it?
Absolutely! I usually loosely plot out the whole thing and try and hit the main points but by like... 1/4 or 1/2 way through depending on how long it is I'm like fuck I totally forgot I was going to add that (and by then it wouldn't make sense to add it in)
25. What do you do to motivate yourself to write?
Listen to music, but I also read what I've got to help myself get back into the flow of the story.
26. How did you find out you like to write?
Like I said it was 8th grade and my english teacher showed me this new side of reading that I didnt know about and then I was like fuck I can do this too!
27. Are there any writers (fanfiction writers or not) that have inspired you to start writing?
Well I used to only read the Twilight series, but then I read Cassandra Clare's books, and the it sorta branched out from there, so Stephanie Meyer and Cassandra Clare are who you should thank for that 😂
28. What's your favourite fandom to write for?
Does Stucky count as it's own fandom? Because that ship sails itself man #ExceptEndgame #FuckingSucked
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29. Describe your style in three words.
Um... smutty... gay.... fluffy?
30. What would you say is the most "famous" fic you've ever written?
Well I've got one on Wattpad with almost 20k but it's a continuation of a story that has like 300k, otherwise most of my other ones on there have 4k actually.
31. Blurbs or drabbles?
Both are great, dudes 🤷‍♀️
32. Have you ever written smut?
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33. How long does it usually take you to write?
Used to be I could get like 20 chapters (decently long ones too) in about 8 months but now I'm not really posting anything and I'm slowly working on a current WIP
34. What's your favourite font to use when writing?
Ariel, size 11, 1.15 line spacing. Veranda is a nice font too though
35. What do you prefer to write: longer or shorter fics?
I like long ones man; but I either write forever long ones or oneshots 😂
36. How do you keep yourself inspired? Seeing new things, listening to new music. Sleeping?
37. Have you ever written something you didn't like but posted it anyway?
I don't think so. I mean I've posted stuff that I wasn't excited about, but I don't think I've ever hated anything I've written
38. What's your "strong suit" as a writer?
My OCD with punctuation and formatting?
39. What's your favourite trope?
Friends who are oblivious to the other persons feelings so they dont ever make a move until they're drunk 🤷‍♀️ *40s Stucky bonus*
40. How many likes does your fics usually get?
300 for 4k reads on Wattpad
41. Have you ever used a prompt?
Absolutely! Sometimes you just need a little help and there ain't nothing wrong with that!
42. What is your weakness as a writer?
I am obsessed with the small details that nobody cares about (especially height comparisons) but I think that comes from my artistical side.
43. Have you ever cried or felt any emotion while reading something you wrote?
Oh absolutely, all the fucking time!
44. Have you ever done a collab with another writer?
Yes! Only 1 other writer who is also the asker 😘😘
45. One thing you love about fanfiction?
I think it's an amazing thing to write because people already have deep connections with the characters so you dont have to waste the first part telling their story (unless it's an AU, but even then it's totally okay to just jump right into it!)
46. What's your favourite emotion to cause your readers?
I definitely enjoy leaving them on the edge of their seats, but I also love writing fluffy scenes that make peoples hearts flutter
47. What's your favourite thing about writing?
The creativity and ability to create a reality! There's endless possibilities and that's so fascinating and amazing to me
48. Do you post your writing on other platforms? I only post on Wattpad, but I have thought about posting things on tumblr too! Thoughts?
49. What app/apps do you use to write?
Either google docs or just in Wattpad itself
50. One thing you don't like about fanfiction?
Some people get the characters totally wrong personality wise and that sorta bugs me when reading because I get confused
51. Least favourite trope?
Coffee shop AUs are a little boring unless somebody brings something new to the table (like one of them is a vampire or witch or single parent instead of just like OH this barista/customer is cute). But if I come across a coffee shop AU I'm not going to NOT read it, you know?
52. Favourite words to use when writing?
No? I mean I know everyone's writing is different and unique to the person but I don't think I have any favourites.
53. Least favourite words?
When writing straight smut I get uncomfortable with certain words people use to describe the female anatomy other then that no 🤷‍♀️
54. Do you usually like what you write?
Yeah! And if I don't, I'll change it until I like it before posting it 😂
thank you @scaryaryanna for the lovely ask and thank you to anybody who stuck around to read everything ❤❤❤❤❤
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irwintry · 5 years
Which fic are you most proud of?
that’s such a tough one, but i really appreciate u asking
i don’t know if i could pick one overall if i’m honest, but i’m gonna pick a few and tell u which ones mean the most to me and why! 
starting with calum, i’m most proud of “darlin’”. it felt vulnerable. i felt like i could fully allow myself to write something so emotionally heavy, and i didn’t care about the attraction it held. i didn’t really care if people were interested in reading something that didn’t have fluff or smut bc it was just pure sadness. i sobbed when i wrote it, and that’s telling as it is–– i don’t feel my stories when i write them, and i feel kind of broken for it. i don’t feel all of the emotions i write, but i felt “darlin’” and i felt it so fucking hard. that’s why i love it so much.
for ashton, i enjoyed writing “sour patch kid” and “wolf-man” a lot. “wolf-man” was fun bc it felt stupid, but it was fun to write. it was fun to explore how someone would be affected by not being human for a good chunk of their life. u don’t see a lot of that. and it was fun to have ashton explore feelings right off the bat. it’s too much for him. i always wanted to write a part two, one where he leaves the reader to find his own life, and then he comes back because he missed them. it never happened though. and i love “tilt-shift” a lot because i could write from experience. i could write about boston and share my knowledge. it felt honest.
i’ll keep luke brief because i write about him a lot. “soy milk” came from an idea in 2015. i love soy milk because i built a little world around it, and then people loved it, too. “salt & vinegar” is one of my all-time favorites, but somehow i always forget it exists. i thought the concept was super cool, and it was interesting to build luke’s character around someone he absolutely wasn’t. it was fun to write. i like “1-800-are you lonely” a lot, too. i wanted to stretch it out, which is why it’s so long. it reassured me that i don’t always need to keep a story brief. i can build it as much as i want. and i did want to write more, but i held back. 
for michael, “golden voice” will always be special to me. a few years ago, i wrote for michael a lot because my good friend loved him. we wrote each other imagines and it was silly but fun. i felt like i understood his voice. i wrote “golden voice” because of the movie sleepless in seattle. i enjoy touching the lonesome part of characters. i enjoy exploring how these characters behave and interact with others. because once they get together, it’s like their worlds finally fall into place. i’m a sucker for a slow burn. 
thank u for this question!!! i’m sorry i answered it so in depth, but these questions are an author’s drug. we live to answer them. thank u sooo much 
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eclipticcal · 6 years
postcards - part 1 (ch)
a/n: hey loves sooo this is gonna be part one to my first series !!! this is based off the song postcard by troye sivan - hope you all enjoy <3
warnings: swearing & slight smut ??? mostly just angsty cal and y/n
requested: no, but requests are open !!
prompt: in which calum sends you an abundance of postcards from each of his tour stops, but you can’t bring yourself to respond after past actions that can’t be made up for
this morning i received yet another postcard from calum. i had gotten one from every tour stop so far. this one was from tokyo. i read over calums messy, yet legible handwriting that once again stated that he loved me and missed me, but i couldn’t reciprocate those feelings anymore.
every single time i got another postcard from another foreign place, i thought of the feelings that i’d hoped to have forgotten by now. the cards always read the same:
dear y/n,
i love you and i miss you so fucking much. i know you read these. please respond
love, cal
those last two words always got me. “love, cal”. he couldn’t love me. not after what he did that night.
and i never know how to handle them. no matter how many letters i receive, i still can’t bring myself to respond to them. but at the same time, every time i hold one in my hand and read over the words again and again my heart starts to race and butterflies form in my stomach and i remember what it’s like to be with calum. and that’s where the pain starts. because calum was my everything, and now i can’t even bear to hear his name without getting an uneasy feeling in my stomach all because of some drunken mistake that i’ve chosen not to forgive.
i walked into the house party that andy decided to host in celebration for the first show of tour being complete.
it was supposed to be a surprise that i was here. i had wanted to congratulate calum on his new tour that had been off to a great start, and what better than to surprise him on tour.
as i entered through the two grand, white doors, i was greeted with the scent of hard liquor, which was to be expected. my eyes scanned the crowd, littered with couples grinding up against each other, the place where i hoped to end up with cal.
that’s when my eyes landed on ashton, leaning against a wall, red solo cup in hand, with his shirt half unbuttoned. as i walked towards him i started to feel increasingly uncomfortable with my surroundings. the loud music pounded against my ear drums, barely allowing myself any space to think. as i approached him, his eyes caught mine and a smile flashed on his face as he closed the distance between us with a hug, making me slightly more comfortable due to the familiarity of his scent.
“hey y/n, how’ve you been?” ashton giggled as the words spilled out of his mouth. it was apparent that he was very drunk, as he stumbled away from the hug, as was everyone around us.
“i’m good ash, do you know where cal is?” i asked, uncertain he’d be able to form a coherent answer due to his current state. but i was proven wrong as ashton lazily pointed his finger towards the sliding glass doors at the back of the room.
“he just went outside with a few people for a smoke” ashton shouted over the music, his smile slightly fading as he turned himself towards the table filled with cups and drinks next to him. he poured some indistinguishable alcohol into the cup, handing it to me, “but before you go, take this”
i took the cup from his hand and took a small sip before setting off towards the backdoors, it was vodka. i hated vodka. before i reached the back door, i set the cup down on the nearest table, wanting to rid myself of the substance immediately.
as i slid open the glass doors, i was met with the cool, fresh air hitting my face. i had only been in the house for a few minutes but i found myself enjoying the much needed break from the scent of alcohol. i stepped onto the wooden porch and scanned the back for calum. and that’s when i saw him, grasping another girls waist to bring it close to his own. i watched as his lips grazed hers, the taste of alcohol dancing on their lips. his lips moved from hers down to her neck, as she let out a soft moan, letting her head fall back and her hands slide down his chest. a wave of jealousy came over my body, that should be me. my skin turned pale and suddenly, i couldn’t see straight. my dizziness brought me to my hands and knees as i crawled to the side of the patio to try and regain my composure. all i could think is that should be me.
a man standing near calum took in my appearance and became familiar with my state of panic before yelling over to me, “hey are you okay?” causing everyone in the area to look up from their activities and towards me — including calum.
he paused his rendezvous with the mystery girl and looked up, revealing numerous bruises covering his neck. when his eyes met mine, his entire demeanor took a turn. his hands left the girls waist as he moved her hands to push her off of himself. he went into panic. whenever he was panicking he would make frantic movements, and that’s exactly what he was doing. his hands flew up to his hair to run his fingers through it nervously. even in his drunken state, he’d known he fucked up.
he stumbled towards me, and as his hands landed in mine to help me sit up, his eyes met my teary ones. he opened his mouth as if to talk but closed it again. he collected his thoughts before saying the five fatal words you were expecting to fall from his mouth, “it’s not what you think.”
and then i got up, and without saying a word i turned towards the half open sliding glass doors. i knew once i went through those doors it was all over. no matter how much i wanted to let him explain himself i know it would just hurt more. so without turning back, i walked through the doors. and it was over.
*end flashback*
the memories of the night flooded over me as i prepared myself for a decision that would change it all.
“you okay?” i heard from behind me as i turned around to be greeted by my roommate, addie.
“yeah” i dryly responded as i explained to her that i’d received another postcard. she understood the pain i’d been enduring since she’d been there for time the entire time i was dealing with this situation.
“why don’t you just text him,” she offered, “at this point i don’t think he’s gonna stop if you keep ignoring him. i mean he’s kept going for almost 20 shows.”
“i know, i just don’t want to fall back in love with him and have to deal with the pain all over again,” i lowly muttered.
“i think you should try. just tell him you want him to stop and you want to move on,” she suggested.
“but i don’t want to move on. something has me stuck on him,” i retorted.
addie searched my eyes for any sense of anger towards him, but she found none. all she saw was a broken girl looking for answers, “then tell him that.”
and with that she gave me a pat on the back and returned to her activities. i thought about her advice and decided that maybe i should let him explain himself. so i sat down with my phone and clicked on his contact. all of my old text messages with him resurfaced, reminding me of how much i really did miss him. so i started typing.
y/n: hey cal, i know it’s been awhile since we’ve talked but i’ve been getting your postcards and i think we should talk. call me when you can.
i put my phone back into my pocket and opened my laptop as i started to type a report for one of my college courses. my phone was burning a hole in my pocket, and as every minute passed, i would periodically check my phone for a response. thirty minutes had passed before i had finally received what i’d been waiting for.
calum: hey love
love. he always used to call me love. it made my heart melt every time he said it and it still does. why does he have this effect on me? a second text.
calum: i’ll call you in a few
now i was freaking out. it’d been months since i’d heard his voice, since we’d talked, and i didn’t know how to prepare myself. my phone started vibrating, as i looked down at the called id and saw a familiar picture of calum and i kissing pop up, the butterflies rushed to my stomach. i never changed the picture. after a few rings i hesitantly picked up, “hello?”
“hey love,” calum breathed out. love. there it was again.
“calum-“ i had just barely started my sentence, but he knew me too well to know i’d start rambling if he didn’t stop me while i was ahead.
“i know i have a lot of explaining to do, but listen. the asian wing of tour ends tomorrow and i’m flying back to la the next day and we have a few days off. i’d much rather speak to you in person. i’m so sorry i did this to you, but i need to explain this face to face, please.” i could hear the desperation in his voice. i knew all he wanted was a chance to explain himself these past few months and this was his one chance. i can’t believe i’m giving in to him.
“okay. i guess that’s fine, but calum you really fucked me up. i cant believe i’m giving you a second chance right now, please don’t fuck it up again.” i begged him. i couldn’t help but feel the need to hold his hand in mine.
“i promise i won’t, y/n. i’ve hurt you enough. i’ll meet you at the cafe on the corner by my house on monday. i’ll text you when i’m going. is that okay?” he was being so soft with me. i could tell that he knew he messed up, but he sounded so sincere with his words that i didn’t know what to believe.
i took a deep breath and reluctantly agreed, “okay,”
“okay,” he responded as he let out a shaky breath, and i could hear the smile on his face as he repeated, “okay”
a/n: soooo that was part 1 !! ik it’s probably really poorly edited cuz i did it all myself but i hope you enjoyed reading !! feel free to request suggestions for where u want this story to go - ily all & thank u sm for reading
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dailyjeons · 5 years
Ohh I love makeup too, that’s why I asked hshshsh I’m latina and most of us a yellow skin sub-tone so I also stick to warm colors. Peachy blushes look way better on me than pink ones, same for lipstick. If I wear pink, it’s mostly for the eyeshadow. That’s why I wanna thank you for the nude lipstick recs, I was actually looking for one that suited me cuz I usually go for red (my fav btw) or other dark colors. It feels like pink and nudes overall makes me look more bland you know? ++
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Ahhh yeah i know exactly what you mean!!! Tbh I prefer dark lips on me cause it makes my makeup pop, while nude colors make me look bland too indeed :(!! I really recommend the Ashton one!! It’s literally every tan/brown girls holy grail in terms of nude lips LOL!! And I like to wear Taupe/Persistence from mac as regular make up look. The colors are like alright?? They’re not like wow in your face, but they do their jobs!! I have Taupe on here. I think it did a great job in makin my whole look feel balanced instead of my usual dark lip jksdfh
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And omg I looove highlighters too but its so hard to find one that isn’t either like yellow or WHITE on me!! I’ve been using the same one forever but it’s really sooo goood!! If you haven’t tried it yet Huda Beauty’s 3D Highlight palette Bronze Sands is literally the shit holy fuck the highlight stays on FOREVER and its a perefect kind of golden on my skintone!! And i use the bottom colors as blush/contour and it POPS my face SO PRETTILY i dont think im ever gonna be able to find anything better than it sjkdhf
Omg i wanna try lip glosses more too.. do u have any good browner/reds recommendations.. I think i’ll try nyx’s butter gloss to start with but.. fjkghfk And what peachy blush do you go for!! I’ve been using this bronzer forever but i broke it.. and it isnt sold in my country (apparently its like turkish, i got it from my friend) so rip me.. i looove peachy colors so much but most peachy colors i find are more catered towards lighter people :-((((((
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cashtonsangel · 6 years
5SOS asks: 3, 5, 10, 15 !!! x (
omg hi allegra!!! thank you for sending!!!! ilysm
3. Favorite keek?
i literally cannot choose one so im gonna do my top three lmao
“it’s my microwave” 
teenage queen
“hair styles with calum”
5. Favorite dog?
this is literally sooo hard, like i love petunia, duke, and south soooo much like you dont understand!!! but as of this moment its duke! but i love piggy and southy with my whole heart!!
10. Long or short hair Luke?
short!!! i loved the way he used to style it. but the long curls are super adorable too!!
15. Wyr live with Mashton or live with Cake?
mashton!!! partly because ashton is my baby but also because i feel like there would never be a dull moment in the house. between michael and ashton, there will always be something happening.
send me some???
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daydadahlias · 2 years
do not worry about taking some time to answer my asks!! as I said I was waiting patiently for your answer (also I live in a different timezone so I sended the ask and then was like alright bed time now :) so I didn't have to wait too long) and thank you for answering! I was mostly trying to figure out why Mike was angling his body so weird, but yeah he could just be vibing and trying not to step on his toes. It's just so different than the malum hug, you know? It's sooo interesting how they hug, especially cause Michael knows Ashton wants the hug, open arms and all. Mike not closing his fists made my heart melt a little tbh. I just love those guys ♡
I just think Michael is angling his body in such an awkward way because Ashton's bare toes are out lol, especially when he's dancing around and is more likely to accidentally step on them.
It is very interesting how they hug!! I find it very sweet too. Ashton's relationship with hugs in general and the way the guys deal with his aversion to physical touch I just find very very sweet, especially considering I, myself, am very similar in that regard and know how much it means to me when people close to me respect that boundary. It's a fantastic display of their friendship.
I absolutely adore them <3
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