#thank you for asking sophia!!
Marvel Women as The Tortured Poet's Department + Anthology Songs
Valkyrie: Fortnight
Peggy: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
Jane: Down Bad
Simmons: Fresh Out The Slammer
Melina: Florida!!!
Wanda: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
Pepper: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
Gamora: loml
Natasha: I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
Carol: The Alchemy
Kate: Clara Bow
Maria Rambeau: The Black Dog
Dottie: imgonnagetyouback
Bobbi: The Albatross
Daisy: Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
Kamala: I Hate It Here
Angie: I Look In People's Windows
Nakia: Cassandra
MJ: Peter
May: The Bolter
Cassie: Robin
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croziers-compass · 6 months
Would love a rare or perhaps even never seen Terror hc of your own 👁👁
You may have a small selection of Headcanons! Leftenant Hodgson prefers the Dog Watches and other night shifts. He is a night person and not a morning person and does better in the evenings. Leftenant Little quite often sleeps poorly because he is haunted by inappropriate dreams of his fellow shipmates. Some nights his mind are especially cruel and his own dreams torture him with fantasies of Thomas Jopson and his haunting eyes and deft hands. John Irving detests black tea though politely drinks it out of etiquette and expectations. He prefers peppermint or lavender or other herbal blends. Caffeine does nothing for him for he is one of the individuals that it does not impact. (Some people are naturally like that).
Thomas Blanky and Francis Crozier have had a number of flings with one another across their entire naval career. Thomas Blanky's wife is well aware and not displeased in the slightest.
Francis Crozier and James Clark Ross have had a few flings as well as is definitely his "ex". Additionally he wasn't exactly interested in trying to find someone to marry until way later when he saw his old mates all getting married and he felt singled out and tried to conform. Not to say he does not find women attractive. He simply was always around other men for prolonged periods of time. Sophia Cracroft is a lesbian. (I have logic to support this.)
James Fitzjames knows a bit of Arabic from his time in Türkiye and adjacent countries.
Dundy is John Irving's best friend (slightly historically accurate). And they actually do a ton of sketches and art together. (Those hetero watercolours....)
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blakbonnet · 9 months
i decided my other playlists were bad so -
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https://spotify.link/hUIebe6BaDb ❤️
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While I think Sonnett should at the very least being a candidate for US Player of the year. Do you think she actually has a shot? Most likely going to go to Lindsey, Sophia, or maybe Girma?
I’m really hoping with all the positive press she’s getting lately (so deserved and so overdue) that she at least gets a nomination, although I’m not confident she’ll win. If it was up to me, I’d nominate Sonnett, Lindsey, Sophia, Girma, and Naeher. But clearly not up to me lol
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existentialterror · 10 months
Does Dr. Light like Dr. Pepper?
Not particularly, I think. She likes Mountain Dew, both flavor-wise and as a source of caffeine. She will stop listening to you if you try to explain why you think this is funny.
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proustianlesbian · 9 months
Hello, may I ask more about your Jewish Lotte headcanon?
hello !! honestly lotte isn't my most developed monster character jewish headcanon, it mostly holds with "i relate a lot to her and have lots of similarities with her, i'm jewish and i love jewish people so why not headcanon her as jewish ?" haha. although, it doesn't come from nowhere because i knew the last name "frank" and "franck" are very common among jewish european communities, especially german-speaking ones. as an example, before answering, i checked the wikipedia page (in french for me) for these patronyms which have a list of every person with this name who has a wikipedia article and even if a lot of them were either just german or just of german descent, quite a lot of these people, when i clicked on their articles, were jewish (most of them german/of german descent like for example the philosopher Siméon Frank). hope this helped you and thank you a lot for your question 🫶 !!
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Tell me more about Sophie and Sophia, please
You.. you can‘t say “more” to me, Tiger.
But okay.
Sophie and Sophia, also called heir-turned-spare & spare-turned-heir or Sophie and Sophie 2, are the two older daughters of Snow White and Prince Florian, older sisters to princess Flora.
As you might remember, Sophie was sent off to the isle by beast for something that her parents did, you know, because toddlers being punished instead of their parents is something that Auradon can do.
Sophia is born a little while after this goes down and is named heiress instead of her sister.
(People that don‘t listen to enough media usually genuenly believe that Sophia is Sophie and that they are messing up her age and the last letter of her name - it‘s an open secret what happened to Sophie, the adults know it, but they don‘t talk about it, because do you want happy little Chad, Audrey, Lonnie, Mór, Elias, whoever else to get the same treatment? No, no you don‘t.)
It‘s on purpose, you know. Naming the kids as similarly as possible. They look alike enough to not think about it.
Sophie and Sophia only see each other during the holidays and it is awkward. Imagine if your parents effectively lost you, their eldest, and went “whelp! Better give our new baby basically the same name and never talk about the other one!”
(They are sixteen and fourteen, two years apart, and their sister is three. Young enough to not think of Sophie as a sister, not even a cousin or aunt.)
Sophie is raised by Yen Sid, and he‘s a good somewhat-replacement-parent. She is homeschooled, but through Gil under Uma‘s protection. (Sophie and Gil may or may not be dating.) (Gil, Harry, and Uma are definitely dating.) (not that they‘d admit it.)
Sophia goes to Auradon Prep, and she‘s a good student. (She may or may not be having a crisis at the moment.) (She‘s 14 years old, give her a break, man.) (anyways, absolutely unrelated, aren’t green, white, gray, and black so pretty?) People are trying to pair her up with Phil Rose rn and if one more person asks if they are dating or gives an “oooooh a study date~” comment when they‘re learning together she is going to lose it.
She vibes with Phil’s sister Audrey, btw. The Rose family is pretty tight with hers.
Okay that‘s it I don‘t wanna type out more.
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elshells · 10 months
Happy STS!
What’s the most self-indulgent element (trope, character, scene, etc.) you’ve written in your Agent Ace? Or in general?
What makes it self-indulgent?
Happy STS! Let's pretend I answered this in the correct month, shall we? 😅
This question is great, but it's also difficult to pin down. I'll do my best to give an adequate answer!
Sophia and Janus are my most self-indulgent characters by far. They're the easiest to write about, and also the most entertaining, both individually and as a pair. They embody two of my favorite character types—Badass Woman With A Gun and Smug Little Bastard Who's Pretty And He Knows It—and their interactions are so, so juicy. I absolutely thrive off of their snark, and honestly, it's likely the reason why I have an easier time writing in Sophia's POV. I love Harley dearly and with all my heart, but these two literally occupy my brain space all hours of the day. Send help, I can't stop them
Additionally, I'm partial to found family and enemies-to-reluctant-allies (see above), but a beloved trope(?) of mine that I would call self-indulgent has to do with the bond between two sisters. Admittedly, this is more applicable to EMBR of the Earth than it is to Agent Ace (Sophia and Harley sadly don't share the page very often, so I haven't yet had the opportunity to shine light on their relationship), but I love reading about close-knit sisters, and it's becoming somewhat of an unintentional, recurring motif in my writing. I'm very close with my sister IRL, so I guess that's what makes it self-indulgent. :)
Lastly... of what I've written (and posted) so far, the most self-indulgent scenes have been all of Chapter 1 and That One Scene with Harley and Jade in Chapter 10. If you know, you know.
Hint, if you haven't read it—it's really gay.
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General 3 and 7, domestic life 8 for Diluc! - @solitaireships
ty!! <3
3. What was their first kiss like?
The first kiss happened on our first date! We ended up watching the sunset together & he thought I looked so pretty under the light of the setting sun that he had to kiss me. He also ended up kissing me goodbye once we made it back to my place in Mondstadt :3
As for the kiss itself, it was so sweet and loving. It was pretty cute how flustered he got since his instincts & desires took over. (You know the kisses where one pulls back and apologizes - it’s like that and i kissed him to cut off his apologies)
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
He does, 100%. Sure, I'm capable in certain situations (especially related to my job as either a bard or an adventurer) but I'm still relatively shy & anxious at times. Whereas he's quiet and stoic, but he'd have no trouble speaking to other people for me if I needed him to.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Depends on the holiday! If it's a drinking holiday, he'd likely be bartending at the tavern (to give Charles a chance to celebrate too) and I'd be there playing music and drinking whatever non-alcoholic drinks he wanted to make me. For the more at-home type of holidays, he'll let all the winery's staff go home early to celebrate and we'd have a quiet night in together, cuddling in front of the fireplace and just enjoying getting some good quality time together. (where neither of us has to worry about our duties <3)
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vonlipvig · 1 year
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of course i had to draw the four horsemen of capitalism of the not for broadcast universe, baby. sorry boys, i only invest in girlbosses.
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intoafandom · 2 years
Carlo’s so done😂
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persephoneflouwers · 11 months
Saw Flo's ask, and you mean to tell me you aren't actually Sophia Loren?!? Because to me you are one and the same
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I won’t confirm nor deny
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
hi emmy😘 can i get your top five list from the fitf track list😇
hi Sophia! 💕
the way that my top 5 keeps changing every few hours 😭 but for this current hour we’re at;
- Written All Over Your Face (I don’t see her leaving ever)
- Silver Tongues
- All This Time
- Chicago
- Holding on to Heartache
in no particular order! HE PUT CRACK IN THIS ALBUM 😭
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hershey-the-person · 1 year
Love train 🚂💖💖💖! Send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to spread the love! 😊
thanks sophia !<3
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existentialterror · 1 year
hi this is probably SUCH a weird ask to receive but im scrolling your light tag in a fit of autism and saw you refer to lament (thats lament right? ihavent missed some critical light lore where she has a fiance who isn't troy lament?) as butch and its been sending me into a conniption. is lament a butch. is it real. me and my friend have had our own butch lesbian troy lament mindscape for months now.were we right all along. i feel like im going insane.
omg no you are so good, I am incredibly flattered. (Listen, PSA to anyone who's worried about being weird about Light to me: it's no problem, it's really hard to be weirder about Light than I am and I'll be impressed rather than freaked out if you are. It's chill.) That tag actually wasn't about Lament! This is about her late (or, if she was in fact swallowed up by an antimeme and is still kicking, "late") fianceee. I could have sworn that there was a detail about her late fianceee on my author page, but looking now, there definitely isn't and has never been one. What was I thinking of? Maybe an old rp character sheet? ... You know what, I'm putting that on there right now, because fuck it.
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Anyway, this is part of the vast amount of Light lore that mostly only exists in my head and draft files.* The late fiancee's name is Mars. Her other appearance on the site is in Soulless's tale all I ever wanted; all I ever deserved, which is where the Mars-As-Nobody concept came from, and which is quite lovely writing.
Here are some Mars facts for interested audiences:
Very butch
Also a scientist; worked with Light in the regular world. Neither of them had any conception of the anomalous before The Incident.
Light loved and misses her very much.
Dedicated transhumanist
Light attributes her strong moral compass to Mars having one. Unclear if this is actually true given that the other Lights (O5-2, etc) also seem to have a strong utilitarian moral compass and don't have their own Mars - but this would be surprising news to Light herself.
She and Light lived in a ricketty little one-bedroom apartment together and kept pet finches.
So that's who that's about. But none of this contradicts with butch Lament, certainly. Get him in here. Good for him! I love that.
I feel like there's some space you could explore here about new Foundation recruits who have their whole memory erased, and the new identity they put together... could be wildly different from the old one. The Foundation might encourage that as a way of separating them from their past. Like, you don't have to go there with Lament specifically, but you could.
I also think the idea of Light having a type is cute. Lament and Mars have never met each other. But if they were to meet they'd see the other and maybe size each other up a little and be like "...yeah, okay, that checks out."
*... I may be working on something. Watch this space.
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failbaby · 2 years
2, 13, 21, 30? :]
2: answered :)!!
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First Love/Late Spring is sooooo Shiv to me…..I was so young when I behaved 25/yet now I find I’ve grown into a tall child……please hurry leave me I can’t breathe……please don’t say you love me……..
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My favorite personally is water. The idea that water conceals secrets…the idea of treachery and filth and pain being hidden just below the surface……………Logan emerging from the water to reveal the scars from his childhood abuse…….the waiter drowning…..Kendall in the crucification pose in the pool……..the company’s biggest scandal taking place on the ocean……
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Important TO ME but I think Iverson’s middle name is Roman and Sophie’s is Siobhan <3
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