#thank you endlessly
kithtaehyung · 9 months
happy bday ryen🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 i hope your day is filled with lots of love and you receive all of the warmth and joy you share to everyone else tenfold!!!
we’re truly celebrating out here🥳🥳
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ROSEEE thank you for all the support and love, I am so grateful for you fr🥹🍊 it’s wonderful to give warmth and joy but receiving will always take some getting used to for me hahaha. Thank you for being so kind !!
Celebrate to your heart’s content! Have some good food and tell someone something nice today for me🤍
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cyanocoraxx · 10 months
I jus wanna say that I've read thru all yur fics like..a while ago and haven't gotten the chance to say it until now - but I absolutely love how you portray metal and the others. I've read and reread every fic a couple times and auug just...wow is what I have to say
I stumbled upon the fic with Metal like hiding in the dark first about..a few weeks ago? But reading everything afterwards got me through a pretty tough time, the stuff you write is such a pleasant specific in exactly what I want to read about and I thought I'd never find it but I did! And I'm so glad it exists too :] I'll have to read through everything again and give more in depth compliments but I love love love how you show each character dealing with their problems and how some things persist even though they're out of it happening further, even through that all they're managing it the best they can and they're helping eachother with the stuff they struggle with [i.e silvers ear, mechas sight, neo being mute]
I love how they all have their own ways of showing affection towards their siblings too, the way Neo quietly lingers and watches to Silvers jokes its just auaughhg such a breath of fresh air
I DO wanna ask though it was in my head I think in chapter 16?? or so of Damage, where Neo is apologising to the badniks - was one of those responses a reference to Whirl by any chance? It me stop for a second when I read it hshshsh / pos
okay firstly i'm so very sorry for the late reply, you sent this 4 days ago and i was at WORK for 4 days and wanted to take the time to sit down and respond properly <3
thank you. i can't say it enough so just imagine that i'm on my knees sobbing with the biggest eyes right now because the fact that you took time to send such a lovely message is so uplifting and just EPIC..........
in regards to the pleasant specific thing, a lot of the things i covered/cover in my stories are things i see not being addressed in others and i want to try offering something that isn't discussed as often or as in depth as it should be. i often find that, in many stories, a character struggles with a personal issue, disability, or other hardship and then some hero comes along and makes it all just fine or is able to hold their hand through it 24/7. reality doesn't work that way and i wanted to reflect that in a lot of ways.
yes, neo can speak to mecha in their coded language, but not to other beings without sign, which not everyone understands either. being able to speak to mecha is a plus, but it doesn't make neo's life easier. it's frustrating. it's isolating. it means they may need to depend on mecha sometimes. but when it works out and someone can communicate with them freely, it really works out, and there's that spark of hope and community. silver is deaf in one ear and can compensate in some ways, but it trips him up spatially and internally as it should. mecha's ptsd comes up a lot, as it should - yes, mecha has a support system in her family, but nobody can outright "cure" her trauma. it's something she will carry with her, some days are better than others. silver's grief at experiencing loss at a young age isn't fixed by having his brothers come home safe again. it was traumatic and frightening for a young being like him, and that's something that changed his outlook on life and mortality. he was comparatively lucky that neo was able to be repaired, and he knows that. he feels strong empathy for anybody who lost someone who just. can't come back. then we have the other side, which is mecha's lack of empathy and initial emotional flattening. a lack of empathy doesn't mean a lack of compassion and i wanted/needed to explore this. mecha is undeniably one of the kindest characters i created and she can't feel the depth of emotion that others do. wanted to challenge the notion that a lack of empathy means you're inherently a bad person, because by all accounts, mecha wants to do what is right and good and makes sense. neo's psychosis lingers and he worries about coming out of remission. silver's adhd-like mind moves fast and with emotion. MANY THINGS!!!
i love so so much that you picked up on the different kinds of affection as well, it made me VERY happy and i did a little dance to myself!!!!! silver is very physical and verbal, neo is very protective and banters, and mecha tries to understand by speaking and listening closely.
and YES. i fucking love whirl. i don't remember the exact refs i made when writing but there's a couple of transformers bits here and there.
writing the original fic was a long process. i originally started back when i lived in a phsyically/emotionally/financially/you name it-abusive home. i had just come out of a months-long psychotic break caused by the stress, discovered i was a system, all that fun stuff. through the course of the fic i escaped, lived with a few different friends in different cities, went thru the whole trans coming out thing, and by the last chapter i was sitting in my own home with my pet rats on my lap and we were all safe and happy - with c-ptsd, scars, and other shit still with us, but we were finally okay. it really was like coming home and it was the perfect time for the story to end. i think, in a way, writing the brothers pulled me through and to hear that it's helped others is so lovely. i'm so glad. i hope you feel better, and if not, stay resilient, be kind to yourself, always. my inbox is always open. <3
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thelioncourts · 1 year
i am soooo unbelievably hooked on your fic!! i was so excited to see the update AND the author reveal today - you're an absolutely phenomenal writer. everything you write is so descriptive it really feels like being immersed in the moment and the setting, and it's so easy to visualize. i LOVED armand and daniel, your characterization is fabulous and i absolutely cannot wait for lestat to show up. also lost my shit at louis being a virgin. good luck to his hole....
as a writer who hasn't written in well over a year and is terrified of fucking up the complexities of these characters, I cannot tell you how much this means to me 🥺😭 seriously, thank you so much for reading, for giving it a chance, and for every kind word. it means so much and I'm !!!!!!! that you like it so far.
on a completely different note, 'good luck to his hole' should be the tagline for this fic, truly because that boy is in for a ride, let me tell you. he's so in over his head and he's met, arguably, worst/best people he could meet.
and lestat will be here so soon! I'm terrified of writing him, but so excited to as well. they're all such messes.
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deancaskiss · 1 year
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honeyymistt · 1 year
!!! 🥹💖 we hit another milestone!!! i know i wasn’t the most active this past year because of work and school but thank you for being here with me. it truly means the world.
this blog is nothing without all of you. i love all of your private messages, your inbox check-ins, and your funny tags in your reblogs. i think tumblr might be my love language 🥹
i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you.
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mercifulbutbroken · 2 years
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alachii · 4 months
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mysterystarz · 1 year
I’m not rly good at comfort :( but seeing u on my dash is always a highlight so all I can really say is that I rly appreciate everything u do and no one can change that
awwww hey i really appreciate this
thank you
small things like this really do help me feel better <3
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tshortik · 9 months
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Just Amnesiac Durge Things
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kitconnor · 8 months
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10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU dir. Gil Junger (1999)
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo — rom-com
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caliphoria17 · 1 year
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After 2 years of being offline from Twitter, she came back to say her thanks & goodbye to us. ALBA, we love you 😭
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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teamfortraven · 3 months
back at it again with the flatlines
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deancaskiss · 1 year
AKDLJSLSKALQK JEN MY LOVE I ADOREEEE YOU AND YOUR ART AND EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!!! Thank you so so so much you’re making me cry this is so sweet!! 💖
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fireintheimpala · 3 months
1979 is now up there with 1968 in my “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED BETWEEN PAUL MCCARTNEY AND JOHN LENNON” years.
You don’t just make something as joyful, teasing, naughty, and romantic as McCartney II out of the blue… You don’t just then come out of retirement out of the blue and starting boogying to Double Fantasy + Milk and Honey tracks COINCIDENTALLY, do you? DO YOU??
This is driving me a little crazy. What is your favorite conspiracy theory here?
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johnslittlespoon · 7 days
hii happy pride month, have a little 'you're a dog (i'm your man)' chapter four snippet as an apology for radio silence <33
“Did I wake you?” Gale asks, glancing at John apologetically, but John looks up from his effort to avoid muddy puddles to shake his head. Gale supposes it’s a silly question; John sleeps like a rock, dead to disturbances made by anything other than his own brain.
“Just my sixth sense,” John says, shrugging and shooting him a small smile. Gale snorts.
“You got a radar for me?” He teases, and John smiles wider, eyes crinkling.
“Built in,” he answers matter–of–factly, raising a hand and making a fist over the center of his chest before dropping it, returning his vigilant gaze to the uneven ground. Gale stares for a moment longer, floored not for the first time by John’s apparent obliviousness to the weight of his sentimentality.
Even knowing John how he does, it’s always unexpected coming from someone who a stranger might assume to be brazen and surface–level; John’s loud mouth and wandering hands do him no favours in that regard.
But Gale does know John, like an extension of himself half the time, and still he manages to render him speechless. The way his heart flutters as the sentiment hangs in the air makes Gale want to reach down his throat and squeeze it until it never beats again.
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