#thank u people at shows for posting videos I will continue to crop you out as much as possible
sexynetra · 4 months
I forgot how annoying cropping videos for tumblr is but have you guys seen this
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cristallsnoww · 4 years
i saw dear evan hansen livee (review)
i meant to post this sooner but school was busy so here i am
this was the national tour in sac
i went w/ my sisters and my friend plus her siblings
i had upper balcony seats, i wish i got to see it closer, but i’m grateful they even came to my city uwu
let’s get to it~
*the stage was same as the og
* the projection of the social media posts were a good touch for the bg
* the lights were good too, the bg would change color (orange in sincerely me, pink in only us)
* the sound effects sounded real
* the lights were glowing the same as the the beat in good for you
* the way all of them kept walking around looking at “social media posts” on the projection bgs in some songs
* showing evan’s speech on the bg and the videos for the connor project too
* we can see the musicians bc they had a balcony where you can see a few of them
* the sound and instrumental were sounded real (guitar and piano)
* props to the musicians
* sam primack played evan
* he was super good !
* he portrayed evan well, the anxiety and all
* he gave a young fresh vibe of evan
* the panic in his voice, the sobbing and sniffing were so well acted
* evan looking lost in waving through a window
* the “WOOOOOOAAAHHHH” at the end of waving through a window
* them high notes in for forever and words fail tho 👌🏼
* “i’M NOT hYpERVenTILaNG!!” and then “Dear Connor Murphy..”
* when he dropped the note cards in you will be found
* he kept apologizing and picked them up w/ a small voice
* he sat on the ground for a while and starts to have a breakdown
* he tugs his knees and sobs there 😢
* when he walked up and KNEELED DOWN in only us, zoe was sitting on the bed, it was at evan’s verse, he went up to her and kneeled w/ both knees while singing + staring into her eyes singing “so it can be us~ it can be us and oooonly us~ and what came before won’t count anymore or matter we can try that~”
* that was unexpected by me since the only version i saw was the og broadway performance and it didn’t have that which rlly knocked my socks off
* the sloppy kissing tho 😔👌🏼✨
* he’s so LoUD in act 2, like damn he went all out
* his voice was squeaky/cracked from broken sobs at some points
* the way he looked so StResSed & shouting when talking to jared and alana before good for you
* his begging when connor took his letter and when alana posted the “suicide note” so painful but good
* also the way evan always wiped his hands on his pants when zoe would stick her hand out
* how panicky he was when he freaked out that zoe was gonna “break up” w/ him
* their chemistry honestly 😭💙
* he also said a lot “what do you means” throughout the show i noticed
* his lines in good for you w/ heidi, jared, and alana singing in bg were so overwhelming but in a good way
* just an overall fresh, awkward, anxious vibe to him 😔💙
* noah kieserman played connor
* his voice reminded me of the og broadway
* the face connor gave at cynthia when larry and zoe said he was high
* the way he play punches evan in sincerely me
* the choreo in sincerely me is so iconic
* “if i stop smoking POT then everything might be alright”
* he was snapping when he sang that which i thought was new lol
* that dance they did for “our friendship goes beyond..” between connor and evan
* “..your average kind of bond” they had their arms around their shoulders and stared into their eyes before evan said “BUt not Bc we’Re gAY-“
* living for treebros moments y’know
* his high notes in disappear tho
* “when you’re falling in a forest, and there’s nobody around, all you need is for somebody to find you..”
* evan was crouching down and connor crouched next to him when he sang
* “when you’re falling in a forest, aND WhEN YoU hIT THe GrOUNd,,ALL YOU NEED IS FOR SOMEBODY TO FIND YOUUUU~”
* he stands up and reaches his hand before leaving the stage
* one of my fave lines in deh honestly
* “did you fall? or did you let go?” will always hit
* “you can’t even tell yourself the truth” also
* when evan told the truth and the murphys left the living room, they showed connor too and he also left walking away w/ disappointment/pity
* zoe was played by stephanie la rochelle
* she was good and sounded nearly the same as the og broadway/laura
* the way how zoe was nice in the beginning to evan, distant to him at first in her house about connor, then slowly opens up to him and accepts him for who he is is just 🤧
* in for forever, “there’s nothing that we can’t discuss, like girls we wish would notice us but never do” evan looks at zoe and dramatically clears his throat and continues singing
* in if i could tell her, when evan said “he thought you looked rlly pretty ER-you looked pretty COOL when you had indigo streaks in your hair” she says “he did!” and evan says really fast “he dID AHAHAHAHAH”
* it made the theatre laugh and same
* the intro to only us “i need something for me”
* “i want...you”
* 🤧🤧🤧😭😫💙💙💙
* just;;;;;; i cry
* the way zoe would hold evan’s hands and the way evan would hold zoe’s hands—
* how she and evan would copy each other’s tone of voice
* “ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ” “ᵈᵒⁿ’ᵗ ᵐᵉⁿᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᶦᵗ”
* “you’re so weeeeeird.” “i knooooww.”
* i love me so bandtrees ok, my crops have been watered and is flourishing
* jared was played by alessandro costantini
* his portrayal was accurate to the og
* “i have skills son”
* his laughs were A++, especially in sincerely me
* his evil maniac laugh in the sincerely me reprise
* he was so smol compared to evan and connor, especially during sincerely me
* vocals were gr8 in sincerely me and you will be found
* the dance w/ connor when he tried to put himself into the story
* he runs so fast to the stage when his parts came, tiny lil quick feet uwu
* he tilts his head a lot when giving evan the ‘duh’ face
* we all live for his sarcasm and jokes
* “do you need a paper bag? you’re having a considerable trouble time breathing—“
* the bitterness/sad look when evan says he doesn’t have any other friends/when zoe comes up and kisses evan
* my kleinsen heart 🤧💔
* alana was played by ciara alyse harris
* she was more lively than the og but sounded exactly similar
* she acted well, her vocals and the way she exaggerated words
* vocals in good for you 👏🏼
* alana singing “on the outside always looking in will i ever be more than i’ve always been cuz i’m tap tap tapping on the glass, i’m waving through a windoww”
* “very close acquaintances”
* all the titles + positions she gives herself in the connor project video
* while evan said he was just co-president
* murphys were played by claire rankin and john menphill
* cynthia had some light raspy voice? it was interesting
* larry sounded the same as the og
* the way they hugged each other so tight in you will be found and the lights were all on them T-T
* high vocals in requiem
* cynthia’s thank yous to evan
* break in a glove had some good vocals too
* when connor’s “suicide note” was posted around and “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” kept singing while the murphys were looking lost and afraid
* opposite to the other soft “you are not alone” while the murphy parent were hugging
* heidi was played by jessica e. sherman
* she was good, close to the og
* her gestures and little dances to evan to cheer him up
* she SNAPPED after going to the murphys house
* her good for you performance was great
* during the bridge, “i’ll shut my mouth and i’ll let you go..”
* she STRUTTED that walk ok ✨ w/ all the lights on her
* so big/small was calming w/ the guitar
* the way they hugged u~u
* “when it all feels so big!” teasing evan saying he’s growing after they hugged
* he laughs 🥺 w/ a cracked voice from crying
* all the family fighting were so real, the shouting, the raising of voices
im so grateful i got to see it, such an emotional ride 😔💙
i hope people who wants to see it gets to see it, you’ll be blessed
or should i say you will be found
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lesbiansirius · 7 years
mutual(s) pining
a work brought to you by bunfox productions, aka yours truly and @lesbianremus! you can also read it on ao3, right here. big thanks to the lovely @nachodiablo who looked it over for us!
this is a prompt fill for the weekly prompt at @introvert-club. this week it was “internet crush”. anyone is welcome to participate, and use the tag #wolfstar introvert prompt for us to see! enjoy :) 
Some days, scrolling Tumblr is pretty boring. A flower, a transparent backpack, a dejected joke about depression, a dead Soundcloud link, nothing to inspire. Sirius is hunched over their laptop, watching the screen with their chin resting on their hand. A long discourse post they can’t be arsed to read, gifs from a show they don’t watch, and then.
Inspiration strikes.
It strikes in the form of two selfies. The person in them is standing in a sunny garden, curls spilling out from under a snapback, and smiling with their eyes closed. You can see lilacs blooming in the background. The person has freckles and a t-shirt with a whale on it, featuring the text “I’m a little overWHALEmed”. Same, Sirius thinks.
They click follow without even looking at the blog.
Remus squints at the tiny, seemingly innocuous, line of text on her dashboard. It’s sandwiched between a masterpost of transfeminine resources Lily’s reblogged (tagged #dead useful tbh #remus i told u joining tumblr wld be worth it) and a post from one of Lily’s friends about how Glinda the Good Witch is trans agenda (shows up at the beginning of Act 2 with a new name).
padfoot has started following you
Who the fuck is padfoot?
Remus quickly opens a new chat, typing in Lily’s url. She had made Lily show her how to do this chat business first, after changing the aesthetically horrifying default blog layout.
do u kno a padfoot
Lily, eternally both awake and online, replies immediately.
wtf is a padfoot
oooh hang on actually i think i do
ya they’re one of my mutuals. mostly posts vids of them singing and reblogs pics of animals, iirc
why are they following me??? i don't want to be followed!!
remus chill ffs. it’s not like stalking. they just see ur posts
i dont even have any posts! well except those pics marlene took that u INSISTED i put up here
ur welcome. i bet they think ur hot ;) ;)
remus when will u accept ur cute n give the people what they want!! (more selfies)
im unfollowing u
my dash would be more appealing w just the staff blog posts
im ignoring ur paltry attempts at threats. also, i just went and looked and ya i had the right person. u should check out their vids
its polite 2 at least LOOK at someone's blog if they follow u!! honestly remus my 86 yr old grandma is more social media savvy than u
Remus chooses not to reply to that. She does click on padfoot’s blog, though. Not because Lily suggested it, just because she’s curious. What about some boring pictures of her in a garden screamed ‘good content’ to this stranger? Maybe they’re really fond of lilacs, or something.
“What the fuck?” Remus says, glaring at the still shots of the youtube videos embedded on the page in front of her. Whoever padfoot is, they’re apparently unfairly attractive. Remus clicks play on the first video, half-hoping they’re an appalling singer to make up for the ridiculously good looks.
Two hours later, Remus’ phone buzzes, jolting her out of her Tumblr coma and back into reality.
did u die? Lily wants to know. Remus calls her.
“Why would you assume I’m dead?”
“I’ve been knocking on your door for the past ten minutes, asshole.”
“Oh,” Remus looks guiltily down at the headphones she’d put on three videos in.
“Well come open the door,” Lily gripes. “We’re late.”
“Can we be late for a thing that we scheduled between the two of us?” Remus points out, as Lily tugs her down the stairs. “You barely even gave me time to put on proper clothes,” she complains.
“We said pub at five. It’s not my fault you weren’t ready.”
“Actually,” Remus says with a self-righteous sniff, “it was. You’re the one who told me to check out padfoot’s blog.”
Lily pauses, looking over at Remus.
“Yeah, three hours ago.”
“Two and a half,” Remus mutters.
“Wow,” Lily smirks. “I knew they’d be your type.”
“Shut up,” Remus grumbles. “We’re going to be late for Weekly Lion’s Den Bitch & Moan.”
“I thought it was impossible to be late for something we scheduled between the two of us,” Lily says mockingly.
Remus walks off without her, ignoring the sound of Lily’s cackles following her down the street.
Sirius straightens up from the computer and looks for James. He’s in downward dog position in the kitchen area, because of course.
“Hey,” they say, “quick question.”
“I’ve told you a million times not to interrupt me while my arse is reaching for the sky.” James sounds a little strained, but he still manages to get in a sigh.
Sirius groans. “This is important!”
“More important than my spiritual health?” But James walks slowly into a forward fold, and Sirius waits for him to get upright, one vertebrae at a time. They tap their fingers against their laptop.
James reaches his hands up towards the sun – or in this case, the orange plastic lamp in their kitchen – then finally gives Sirius attention.
“Okay, what’s the quick question?”
“How long should you be mutuals with someone before casually striking up a friendship?” It’s probably not causal to even ask that literally two minutes after the person follows you back, but whatever.
James rolls up his mat and chuckles. “You’re talking to me, literally the least casual person this side of the equator.”
Sirius frowns. They’re used to James always giving advice. Admittedly, sometimes it’s bad advice, but nonetheless.
“You mean I have to use my own judgment? Eh.”
“When I’m your manager you’ll never have to do that,” James jokes.
Sirius doesn’t reply; they’re actually checking out the pretty stranger’s blog now. The title is ‘why are they forcing me to have a title’ and the bio just says ‘she/her’. The pictures are the only thing on the blog. Well, that didn’t exactly help. Tumblr friendships are usually based on mutual interest. Maybe they could strike up a conversation about lilacs?
“Okay, well, thanks for nothing,” they tell James. “I have nothing to go on, my crops are dying, and I haven’t even posted a video in a week.”
“But your crop tops are fine.” James winks and slumps down next to Sirius, looking over their shoulder at the mysterious whale person. “Wow, pretty.”
“I know! The only good thing on Tumblr today. I need more!”
“You need chill,” James says firmly. “Wanna go to the pub?”
Sirius closes the laptop decisively. “Always.”
“Let me change, I’ll be ready in a few.” James gets up, giving Sirius an unnecessarily detailed view of his ass in yoga pants. “And you should put on one of those crop tops.”
“But remember the last time you went out in yoga pants.” Sirius grins. “Worked out well, didn’t it?”
James shakes his head. “Not tonight, honey, I’m tired.”
“It’s hard work being popular.” Sirius shrugs.
They do take James’ advice to change into a crop top, because even if James isn’t up to being hit on, Sirius could use the validation. And they look fucking awesome in a crop top and fishnets.
It’s just a few days after payday, and the time of day when people are off work, so they only barely manage to get the last free booth. Sirius sits down on the edge of the sofa, strategically placing one leg over the other so they’re visible to the people who pass by. It might not be a whale pun or lilacs, but Sirius’ legs rarely fail them.
James returns with an ale for Sirius and his own awful lager with cordial in it. The pink makes it look pretty, but that’s its only redeeming feature in Sirius’ opinion. James sighs happily when he takes the first sip, though.
“Did I tell you about that movie I found the other day? It’s like a comedy about vampires and werewolves, it’s amazing.”
Sirius listens to James try to explain it, and they then spend a considerable amount of time discussing various vampire questions. Do they get boners, and how? Can vampires be vegan? Are there vampires working night jobs that no one knows about?
Their stomach is hurting from laughing by the time Sirius gets up to get a second round. When they get back, James isn’t alone.
Remus pushes the door open to The Drunk Carnation, holding it politely for Lily, in spite of what a pain she’s being today. It is Lily’s turn to buy the drinks, which cheers Remus up slightly. At least if she’s going to be mocked she can do it over some semi-expensive alcohol.
Once they’re seated, Remus quickly changes the subject away from Tumblr.
“So how’s your acting class going?”
“Pretty well,” Lily says, sipping at her Seven and Seven. “That creep still won’t stop asking me out.”
“I thought you were going to ask the cute clumsy one to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
Lily shrugs.
“I still might. It’s sort of hilarious watching him work up the nerve to talk to me, though. I’m not sure if I want to put him out of his misery yet.”
“You’re a cruel woman, Lily Evans.”
“Anyway,” Lily says, shrugging off what she probably considers a compliment, “you aren’t getting off that easy. What did you think of padfoot?”
Remus groans, dropping her forehead onto the table and nearly tipping over her can of PBR.
“They’re fine,” she grumbles.
“Someone’s got a crush,” Lily sing-songs. “Hang on.” Her tone of voice changes slightly, and Remus looks up, following her line of sight. She recognizes when Lily’s ‘cute person’ radar is going off. “Weirdly,” Lily continues, looking back at Remus, “that’s him. They guy from acting class.”
“Oh,” Remus frowns. “The creepy one or the one you’ve set your cap for?”
Lily snorts.
“The latter, Jane Austen.” Remus smiles over the top of her beer, but doesn’t reply. Lily looks oddly hesitant for a moment, before her expression clears. “We’re going to go say hi,” she says firmly. Remus groans, but let’s Lily tug her to her feet. “Oh stop moaning,” Lily says.
“I thought this was a dedicated romance-free evening,” Remus says self-righteously.
“It’s just a hello.” Lily strikes a pose as soon as they’re alongside the table, cocking one hip and tilting her head flirtatiously. “James. Fancy seeing you here.”
The man at the table starts slightly, looking up from his phone. He widens his eyes and nearly drops the poor phone into his drink.
“Lily? Oh. Wow, hi. Hello.” Remus stifles a smile as James glances over at her. “Erm,” he says, getting awkwardly to his feet and holding out a hand. “I’m James.”
“Nice to meet you,” James says politely, before his eyes drift inevitably back over to Lily. “Would you two like to sit?”
Lily looks over at Remus, raising an eyebrow. Remus sighs inwardly, resigning herself to a dull evening of playing third wheel. She knows Lily will go back to their table without protest if Remus asks her to, but she can also see that Lily is more interested in James than her conversation about him had let on.
“Sure,” Remus says, sliding into one side of the booth. She sits on the end, so Lily and James are forced to sit next to each other. Lily grins at her from across the table, and James looks to be a strange combination of thrilled and alarmed.
Remus is just trying to think of a way to excuse herself to give the two of them some time to talk, when someone else approaches the booth.
“I leave for two minutes and you’ve already replaced me,” the person says, heaving a dramatic sigh. Remus just barely manages not to jerk up her head, but she’s staring so intently at her beer that it’s possible she looks like some sort of deranged beer label design student.
Oh no, Remus thinks. I recognize that voice. James is babbling out some kind of protest and Remus’ stomach clenches up. Have we interrupted some kind of date?
Fortunately, Lily quickly takes charge.
“You’re too late. He’s mine now,” she says with a grin. James looks like he’s struggling not to combust on the spot, and Remus stifles a laugh. She’s grateful Lily’s given her a moment to get her equilibrium back. The stranger, padfoot, Remus’ brain helpfully supplies, slides into the booth next to Remus. She turns, friendly expression carefully propped up on her face, and smiles.
“Hello. I’m Remus. The extremely rude one across the way is Lily.”
“Cheers,” Lily says, sipping her drink.
“Sirius,” padfoot says with a grin, holding out a hand. Remus shakes it, trying not to look terribly star-struck.
I can be chill about this, she tells herself firmly. A tiny voice in the back of her mind is screaming that’s a GIANT lie, Lupin. Sirius is even cuter in person and they’re right there, nearly touching her and they smell really nice and it’s horribly distracting. She can’t even escape to the bar to get her head together because Sirius has just brought new drinks and Remus is now trapped against the wall.
“So,” she says a bit desperately, “how do you two know each other?”
Lily, who has apparently decided she’s fulfilled her helpfulness quotient for the year, just smirks at Remus over her drink and lets her flounder.
“How don’t we know each other?” Sirius waggles their eyebrows and grins. They then want to punch their own face.
James laughs nervously and glances at Lily. She is pretty, but he’s pathetic. Unlike Sirius, who’s the epitome of coolness right about now.
Remus looks a little pink. It’s adorable. “Oh, were you on a–”
“I beg you not to finish that sentence,” James cuts in. “Sirius is just being a dick. We know each other from school, way back.”
“Clearly this school thing is the way to meet people,” Remus says. Sirius laughs, possibly more than the joke warrants.
But Remus is wearing another t-shirt with whales, and is so beautiful, and Sirius feels like bursting into song. They’re lucky Remus and Lily didn’t turn up after a couple more beers.
“I like your shirt,” they say and nod towards Remus’ chest.
Remus looks down on her beer and giggles. “Whale whale whale,” she says, then looks up. “Get it?”
Lily groans on the other side of the table, but Sirius laughs again. They can’t seem to help it. This person is their kryptonite. “That’s funny. Do you have more of these?”
Remus tells them about the overWHALEmed t-shirt and Sirius pretends not to already know about it. James casts a smug glance at Sirius every now and then, but he looks too nervous himself to be gloating.
“What do you do for fun?” Remus asks, turned to Sirius, her leg almost touching their skin through the fishnets.
“I like singing,” Sirius says. “But it’s not too serious.”
“Ha–” Remus starts, and Sirius groans and buries their head in their arms. “Sorry,” Remus adds quickly. “I’m sure you get that a lot.”
“You have no idea.” Sirius lifts their head again and smiles. “Anyway. What do you like?”
Remus hesitates. “I write,” she says. “But nothing too– er, consequential.”
“Nice save.” Sirius braves nudging her arm with their elbow, and Remus looks at them and smiles.
Sirius doesn’t want to look away. Remus smiles like she’s holding back a much bigger smile, giving the impression that there’s just too much sunshine in her to contain. Sirius spills over.
“I followed you on Tumblr earlier today,” they blurt out. “I liked your selfies.”
Remus goes red. That was the last reaction Sirius had anticipated, but it’s not terrible. “I know,” she admits. “I don’t understand why, though.”
Because you’re beautiful. “They were very aesthetically pleasing pictures,” Sirius improvises. “I was so uninspired and then I saw them and it was good content, what can I say.”
Remus is shaking her head. “Not as good as your singing.”
“You checked out my blog?” At this point, the point where their arms are touching feels like burning, but it’d be weird to move now. Also, Sirius doesn’t want to.
“I don’t have more than ten followers, of course I get curious,” Remus says defensively. She’s not moving her arm, either.
“Really?!” Tumblr really is a hellsite. Remus, no more than ten followers? Atrocious.
“Yes?” Remus looks puzzled.
“You don’t want more?” Sirius is grappling with this concept.
“Not really.” Remus shrugs. “Anyway, I listened to a bunch of your songs, and I really liked them. You should be the one with more followers.”
“Thank you.” Sirius doesn’t know what else to say.
Lily clears her throat. “Excuse me for interrupting what I’m sure would have been an incredibly drawn out flirting process, but I’d like my best friend back, so if you could just exchange numbers now that’d be great.”
Sirius makes a surprised exhale, and Remus moves her arm back at lightning speed. “I will murder you,” she says calmly.
Lily just smiles at her. “Sure, but let’s get drinks first.”
“I’m sorry,” Remus mutters. “May I get out?”
Sirius gets up and gives way, watching with amusement at how James tries not to die when Lily passes him in closer proximity than he could possibly have hoped to have her. They say goodbye, and Lily and Remus start walking away before Sirius finds their bearings.
“Wait!” They take a few long steps to catch up. “Actually, Remus, I’d like that number, if you want to give it to me.”
Remus raises her eyebrows and her mouth opens slightly. How she’s making “flummoxed” look hot, Sirius has no idea.
“Sure, yeah.”
Lily looks extremely smug as they exchange numbers. Sirius is not looking forward to the look on James’ face when they get back to him.
Remus gives them one last barely-contained smile before her and Lily leave, for real this time.
Sirius looks at their phone and starts laughing. Remus saved her number as ‘whale endowed’.
Yes, Sirius has definitely been struck by inspiration.
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wonderfcknwoman · 7 years
Part Deux
After the show: 
“Misty, I’m never gonna get the chance to have my picture taken with her, and NOBODY is going to believe that Queen D just handed out her number to some unsuspecting fan in the ladies’ room. “
“Well, you’re right about that one.” 
Finally, the line dwindles down and I’m mere feet away from Demi herself, when she spots me, and smiles. 
“See, Misty, she saw me.” 
My friend is still in shock about the evening’s events. 
“You’re next,” the husky bodyguard says. 
I’m next. 
“Hey, you’re the one I pulled up on stage, right? Tiffeni, was it?” she asks. 
“Heh, yeah. That’s me.”
“What kind of picture do you want?”
“Surprise me.”
“Can you take one with my phone? So I can Instagram this moment?” I ask, politely.
“Sure!” she says. 
In a moment’s notice, she’s picking me up. 
“Wrap your legs around me,” she says. 
“Ready? 1... 2... say cheese!”
The shutter clicks. 
I feel her lips on my cheek. 
“Here you go, miss. Your phone.” 
“Let me see,” she says, excitedly. 
The photo is by far one of the cutest pictures I’ve ever taken. Demi, holding me up at my waist, my arms flung around her neck, her lips on my cheek and my toothy grin. 
“Awww, that’s cute, I like it,” she giggles. 
“Me too,” I reply. 
“Thank you, Demi,” I say. 
She pulls me in for another hug before we part ways, and says, “By the way, I like that shade of red on you.” 
“Oh, you mean, my shirt?”
“No, silly. My lipstick.” 
“Now that’s a new one,” I say to myself. I’m actually blushing. 
“Alright ladies, time to go.” 
I wave goodbye and head out with my friend and head to the parking garage.
“She actually kissed me,” I say to my friend. 
“I know. I see her lip imprint on your cheek,” Misty replies. 
“I fear I may never wash this cheek again. Quick, snap a picture of it,” I say. 
Ping. Ping. “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger... I’m not aloneeee!” buzzes my alarm. 
“Unghhh. Five more minutes. Please. 
“@ddlovato just posted a live video. Tune in now.”
“Thank you Orlando for last night’s stellar concert!” 
(Downtown Disney in the background) 
*Remembering I had her number in my pocket* “Misty!!! Where’d I put that piece of paper?!”
“Check your purse.” 
Rifling through my bag, I pull out the crumpled paper that reads, “Hope our paths cross sometime soon xo Demi” 
Phone in hand, I do the only sensible thing I know how to do at this hour. Text. 
“Hey, Demi, it’s Tiffeni.” Nah. Too informal. I erase the message. 
“Hey, stranger.” Sent. 
“And now I wait.” 
“Who’s this?”
“Do you give your number out to every cute girl you meet in a bathroom at your concerts?”
“Ha ha. Hey. What’s up?”, my screen flashes. 
“You’re still in Orlando? I’m just hanging at my friend’s house before she has to work. How long’re you here for?” I ask.
“Til Friday. Then I’m off to Atlanta. And then New York.” she replies. 
“Wow so you don’t get much downtime.” I comment. 
“You know, being famous has its challenges”, she chuckles. 
“Wait how’d you know I was in Orlando?” she replies.
“Your live feed on Insta.” I answer back.
“You’re stalking me, aren’t you?” she remarks. 
“Well you know, when you give a girl your number, you should ask them if they’re following you on Insta first. I mean, I did say I had an instagram.” 
“Can we meet up? I’ll be in that area within the next two hours, if you’d like to hang out or something.” I say.
“Well, I guess. I don’t have anything planned. I was just going to see the sights.” 
“See you soon.” I reply.
A bunch of smiley face emojis and a heart flash across my screen. “Okay!”
Demi looks about as fashionable as ever for a day on the town. Wearing a denim jacket with a white crop top and short shorts, she looks like she’s stepped out of a nineties magazine with Alicia Silverstone on the cover. 
Her top reads, “Reckless”. Yeah sounds about right, Dem. 
“HEY!” I call out to her. She spins around. “Oh, hey. Thank god you’re not the paps.” 
I laugh. 
“Well, you look camera ready, anyway. So smile!” I say. 
Hands on her hips, she poses. 
“Very classy, Lovato.” 
“So, what did you have in mind?” she asks. 
“Bowling, perhaps?” I say, motioning over to Splitsville around the corner. 
“Ooohhh fun, but you should know, I get competitive.” she replies.
“Me too. But if you’re nice, I might let you win.” I smirk. 
She chuckles. “Oh yeah? You’re on! Race you there!” she shouts. 
“Demi, wait!” I shout. 
She won. 
Huffing and panting, I finally catch up to her. How does she move so fast?!
“Hi, how many?” The man at the counter asks. “Two please.” I say. 
“Lane 9.” 
So, we finally sit down, and begin bowling. 
Game 3. 
The score 2-1. Lovato’s got an edge. What is it?
“Hey, I’m going to go get some food. You hungry?” I ask. 
“Nah, not really. But you go ahead. I’ll bowl for you,” she replies. 
I come back with a plate of fries, ketchup on the side. 
“Here. I will share these with you.” I say, offering her something to eat. 
She tentatively reaches out for a fry. 
“They’re not going to bite you, you know.” I say, with a chuckle.
“And I promise, they’re not poisoned. See?” I say as I bite into a fry.
“Hey, I’ll be right back. Gotta go use the ladies,” she says. 
Ten minutes later.
“Okay, did she fall in or-? Where did Demi go?” I muse. 
Ducking around a corner, I find the sign, Restrooms.
Peering into the women’s room, I call out, “Demi?”
“Dem?? You in here?” 
Until I see a pair of white Keds below the stall. 
Knock, knock. 
“Hey, it’s me, Dems. You alright?”
The lock clicks. 
She opens the stall door. 
“Whatcha doing? You okay?”
Looking up in earnest at this girl has me awestruck. 
She eyes me up and down. 
“Dem, what are you thinking about?” I postulate. 
Before I can say another word, a devious smile creeps over her lips.
“Come here,” she says. 
I step inside the stall. 
“What’s u-,” I start to ask. Before I can finish my thought, her lips suddenly crash against mine and I start to feel lightheaded. 
Vanilla. Mmmmm. 
“Demi, what are we doing?” I break the kiss.
She groans. 
“But you’re not gay, Dem!” I exclaim. 
“That’s IT. I’m tired of people telling me what I am and am not!” she yells. 
“Shhhh. Keep it down.” I say, trying to quell her rising fury. 
She pulls me into her again, and whispers, “I can’t take my eyes off of you. Please, just- shut up and kiss me. Please.” 
That’s about all it takes for our lips to connect once more. 
She’s absolutely intoxicating, I think to myself. 
Her hands fly up to my hair, biting my lip as we kiss.
I fight to suppress a low growl in the pit of my stomach, to no avail. 
“MMMmmmm,” I moan. 
I run my tongue along her lower lip, begging for entrance. 
She grants it. 
Suddenly, our tongues are battling for dominance, and the sweet smell of vanilla is thick within our shared airspace. 
“Demiii,” I say. For a brief moment, she stares into my eyes. Her eyes, dark and clouded with lust. I’ve never seen this look on her face before. It’s mesmerizing. 
She palms at my shirt, in an attempt to lift it. 
“Off, now,” she husks. 
“But-”, I stutter. 
“Take your fucking shirt off,” she growls. 
And who am I to disobey a queen, I think. 
In one fell swoop, my shirt is discarded, and tossed in the corner. 
Our kisses deepen, and our hands begin to roam one another’s body, looking for places to grab to stabilize ourselves. 
My hands find their way to her ass, gripping firmly, which elicits a moan from her lips.
I push her jacket off her shoulders, laying kisses to the barren skin beneath.
Her hands find their way to my waist, her nails sinking in to the flesh under them. 
I kneel in front of her, pushing her shirt up as I go, kneading her supple breasts.
I plant kisses along her waistline, before looking up at her to ask if I should continue, 
Her hands fly to the button on her shorts, the only thing that stands between me and a scantily clad Demi. 
Undoing them, she slides them down her bare legs, revealing a black lacy thong. 
In between my thighs, a pool starts to develop. 
I place chaste kisses on the inside of her thighs, working my way to her soaking center. 
“MMMMM,” she croaks out. 
Feeling brave, I lick a straight line up the center of her thong, to which her legs wobble. 
She yanks me back up to kiss her, but this time, her kisses are more aggressive, filled with a hunger to devour the person in front of her. 
“Demi, are you sure?”
“If you ask me one more time, I’ll change my mind. But right now, I want this. I want you,” she replies. 
“What do you want me to do?,” I say, hoping that one of us will have the courage enough to say what it is exactly that we both want. 
“Tell me what you want me to do, Demi.”
“Ughhh” she stammers. 
“What?” I say, eyeing her curiously.
“Shut up and fuck me,” she blurts out. 
She doesn’t have to ask me twice. 
Feeling the need to get closer to her, I remove the intrusive remaining articles of clothing from her body, only to slip my fingers into the wetness below. 
“Ohhh, fuck. You’re so wet,” I husk. 
“Please, Tiff, don’t stop. That feels so good,” she cries out.
Rubbing her clit with my thumb while my two fingers are inside her, is enough to send shockwaves through her entire body. 
“More, please. Oh god.”
She doesn’t even have to touch me, and I’m already on edge, fighting back the urge to hit my peak first. 
A few more thrusts, and I know she’s about to explode. 
“Fuckkk. I’m gonna cum,” she says, amidst heavy breathing. 
It doesn’t take but mere seconds before I’m sliding down the length of her tanned, toned legs to dip my tongue into the sweet nectar. 
“Oh shiiitttt... I’m c- cummingggg!” she exclaims. 
Her eyes roll back, and I am watching her come undone of pure ecstasy. 
I put my hand over her mouth, to stifle her screams of pleasure, as she rides her orgasm out on my tongue. 
Kissing my way back up her body, she pulls me into her, kissing me roughly on the mouth. 
Slowly, she slips her tongue in between my lips to taste herself on my tongue. 
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” I pant out. 
I help her back into her clothes, and we fix ourselves up before exiting the stall. 
“You’re so fucking good,” she whispers in my ear, kissing my cheek. 
“Told you I’d win.” I replied, as she elbowed me. 
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politicalfilth-blog · 7 years
Trumps Pivot That Will Bring On The End Of The U.S. Empire
We Are Change
Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings, here at WeAreChange we often confuse a lot of people. To pinpoint our philosophy, we are here to get you to question your reality so that you can make up your own mind.
We are a fully independent broadcast news organization that is financed by you. I needed to say that before getting into the next subject of this video which is a very light topic which is of course “The diabolical, evil plot by bloodthirsty globalists to start a war, with the help of the mainstream media!”
More concisely we are going to be talking about Trump’s Afghanistan plan, the internal battles between Kushner and Steve Bannon, and how Henry Kissinger’s recent comments support ISIS. A few days ago I tweeted:
Some of the recent actions by the Trump administration show that this is increasingly likely. We’re getting alleged information that it was Ivanka Trunk and Jared Kushner is the reason that Donald Trump’s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon was removed from the White House.
Now Mr. Kushner, Ivanka’s husband has been very instrumental in the White House. He has business ties to George Soros and Goldman Sachs.
He is the one who called Lockheed Martin to get Saudi Arabia a better deal.
A few weeks ago it was this couple that got Trump to launch a military strike on the Syrian Government because “Ivanka watched a video of children suffering inside Syria.”
We hear that Steve Bannon called Jared Kushner a cuck and a globalist.
Even since his recent ouster, many analysts are saying this is a major win for the globalists. Finally, a lot more people are concerned about this globalist influence in Trump’s administration. This is something we have been talking about on this broadcast since the beginning of his presidency.
We are now seeing a more aggressive, more militarized, more war hawkish stance by this administration. Today they just slapped further sanctions on Chinese and Russian companies and individuals, supposedly so they will put pressure on North Korea.
These sanctions are a significant move one that is generally considered a form of economic warfare. The United States is more aggressive, stating that they need a Pre-emptive war on North Korea to stop a war. Which if you think about it doesn’t make any sense.
These latest developments show that the president does not represent the people of this country but a small number of individuals that are pulling the strings.
Donald Trump just made a major announcement about Afghanistan and what was his decision. Back in 2013, he agreed that we should withdraw from Afghanistan.
In 2011, he stated that we are wasting money in Iraq and Afghanistan, that Ron Paul is right.
and then he said
What did the man who said he wanted to be a non-interventionist, that promised to pull back the military troops, what did he do well, he totally flipped-flopped.
He just made the same excuses of his predecessor Barack Obama.
Trump has approved sending 4,000 additional troops to Afghanistan, and imagine my shock when he gave no timeline for withdrawal.
This is extremely frustrating as it makes almost no sense unless you look at what the media and government are not telling you. The United States has already spent over a trillion dollars in Afghanistan. 3600 Americans have been killed, and twenty thousand soldiers have been wounded. This occupation has been the longest conflict in the history of the United States now in its sixteenth year.
There are a number of reasons why we are in Afghanistan.  These include the Taliban who in 2000 managed to almost completely eliminate the worlds largest crop of opium and heroin production in under a year.
Ever since the United States took over the country, it has turned into a Narco State ruled jihadists and drug lords.
According to the United Nations, the war-torn nation provides 90 percent of the world’s supply of opium. You know one of the most addicting drugs in existence.
Afghanistan is also rich in natural resources rare metals that help run your computer and your cell phones.
People like McMaster, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain are celebrating this announcement. Which is ultimately a continuation of the same policies of Bush and Obama. Even the mainstream media is cheering him on, congratulating him on his bold new action plan against Afghanistan. Which is really the same old plan we have had since 2001, and they say I’m the conspiracy theorist.
People need to realize Donald Trump has just shifted toward total Neo-Con, he is now doing the same policies that never change no matter who is president.
We all need to wake up to this and stop being naive. It’s not just drugs and natural resources that the United States is after but also global hegemony. A big part of the new deal to everyone has a lot to do with Iran. Since Israel and the U.S. have aligned themselves with Saudi Arabia. They are the one’s that fund the Wahhabists, the pushers of Islamic terrorists against Iran. Saudi Arabia and Iran control most of the oil in the Middle East.   They have been fighting each other through various proxy wars.
One reason to leave troops in Afganistan is to make sure that Iran doesn’t gain influence over Afghanistan. Iran has been fighting off drug lords on the border with Afghanistan where all that opium and heroin is produced.
Henry Kissinger has come out saying that he would rather have ISIS than risk Iran becoming more influential in the Middle East.
Kissinger is one of the most influential American foreign policy advisors and a major globalist who is tangled up with various secret societies within the establishment. He advises Donald Trump, and Donald says he respects Kissinger dearly and has regular meetings with him. He is recommending to Trump not to destroy ISIS as that could lead to a radical Iranian empire. If we examine American foreign policy, we have seen them weaponize, fund, and support the radical Islamic terrorists known as ISIS to get rid of nation states inside of the middle east. Iran is one of the countries that are fighting against ISIS and these terrorists.
All of this conflicts with the real reason we went into Afghanistan in 2001 which was to fight terrorism. Terrorism is just an excuse since there are greater geopolitical stakes involved. These policies are detrimental to the people of the United States but are beneficial to bankers like Goldman Sachs and the military contractors and generals that surround Donald Trump. These policies are stupid and will not change even though Trump made promises to do so. This will eventually result in the decline of the United States and the destruction of our nation state.
So yeah, that’s what is happening from my perspective. Let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments.
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The post Trumps Pivot That Will Bring On The End Of The U.S. Empire appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change https://wearechange.org/trumps-pivot-that-will-bring-on-the-end-of-the-u-s-empire/
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